SAP Enterprise Portal On SAP NetWeaver 7.5
SAP Enterprise Portal On SAP NetWeaver 7.5
SAP Enterprise Portal On SAP NetWeaver 7.5
SAP Portal Product Management
September, 2019
Feature Highlights
Customer Showcase
SAP Enterprise Portal 7.5 is the recommended go-to release for on-premise customers.
Release highlights
▪ Improved user experience for desktop and mobile access
following the SAP Fiori user experience (Fiori Framework
▪ Design of choice: SAP Fiori launchpad, AJAX or custom
framework pages
▪ Content assignment from ABAP front-end server to portal
roles via remote catalogs
▪ Integration of content from SAP Enterprise Portal content
into SAP Cloud Platform Portal (Neo environment)
▪ Deployment of SAP Fiori apps from SAP Web IDE to
portal server
▪ Easy branding with UI Theme Designer
▪ SAP Fiori 2.0 user experience for easy access via desktop
and mobile devices via Fiori framework page
▪ Option for end users to build their own device-specific
home pages
▪ AppFinder to explore and add content to home page
▪ Administrators can configure content for different devices
▪ APIs and plugins that enable you to extend and customize
SAP Fiori launchpad
Integration scenarios
• Integration of single SAP Fiori apps into portal navigation
• Integration of complete SAP Fiori launchpad
*Note: concerning migration of custom themes from SAP Blue Crystal to SAP Belize: custom themes cannot be converted
to SAP Belize automatically, you must create new themes.
Best for:
▪ Customers running only custom-built apps
▪ Customers leveraging portal infrastructure for mobile scenarios
▪ External-facing scenario
… with SAP BUILD … with SAP Web IDE … directly from SAP Web IDE …the app on the portal server
to the Portal
Portal sites combine applications and Users can efficiently gain access to
content across multiple sources and critical information and processes to
provide a centralized experience. fulfill their responsibilities.
1 ✓
Define use cases for
✓ Mapping of technical
✓ Cloud account
connected to your
Create a project plan for the transition
Achieve a full functioning Cloud Portal
✓ Understand ✓ Technical feasibility landscape
✓ Use SAP portal tools and services to
Enterprise Portal and specification ✓ Up-skilling on Cloud support the transition
fulfilled functional & ✓ Redesign according Platform toolset
business needs to current needs
To easily modernize user experience, it is recommended to use standard SAP Fiori applications when available. You
should also consider developing frequently used apps as SAP Fiori/UI5 apps.
Integrate technologies
In such case the runtime remains on the remote system.
Web Dynpro ABAP
If the app uses capabilities not supported in cloud like OBN or dynamic BI Java Reports (BEx)
runtime URLs you should integrate through scenario EP as a content SAP GUI for HTML
provider. SAP Screen Personas
SAPUI5 apps should require low effort to migrate to cloud Migrate technologies
(recompile/redeploy in WEB IDE).
Complex apps should be redeveloped or consumed via EP (EP as a SAPUI5
content provider).
Transitioning other UI technologies to cloud requires rewriting on supported Redevelop / consume from EP as a content
cloud technologies. In order to avoid this effort, you can keep your EP provider technologies
solution as an alternative, and consume this content from EP (EP as a
content provider). Web Dynpro Java > SAPUI5 HTMLB > SAPUI5
Configuration of the connection between SAP Cloud
Platform Subaccount and SAP Enterprise Portal
Can navigate to the on-premise Portal applications in the
App Finder (via user menu) and add apps to the Fiori
▪ SAP NetWeaver 7.5 SPS11* + SAP Gateway NetWeaver
SAP Documentation
© 2019 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. ǀ PUBLIC
*Available only on SAP Cloud Platform, Neo environment
Transition Tool Support: 2. Portal Content Migration Tool*
▪ Prerequisites
SAP NetWeaver 7.30 and higher releases
*Available only on SAP Cloud Platform, Neo environment
SAP Documentation
© 2019 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. ǀ PUBLIC 30
Transition Tool Support: 3. Egnyte Cloud Migration Manager for
Knowledge Management Content *
Migration Tool:
▪ Supports migration of KM content into
SAP Cloud Platform Portal and into the
Egnyte Widget
▪ Migrates KM files, folders, users, groups
and metadata
Recent innovations 2019 – Planned innovations1 2020 – Product direction1 2021 – Product vision1
SAP Fiori framework page SAP Fiori user experience (UX) Further SAP Fiori 3 user experience Further SAP Fiori user experience (UX)
▪ Configuration and personalization of enhancements: (UX) enhancements enhancements
tile size (small and large) ▪ Fiori 3 UI changes (e.g. new shell
▪ Display tiles in AppFinder as regular header bar, click on company logo to Guidelines, services, and tools to Additional guidelines, services, and
square tiles go to home page, click on user avatar support the transition to SAP Cloud tools to support the transition to
to get to user action menu) Platform Portal SAP Cloud Platform Portal
▪ Exporting and importing themes using
SAP UI theme designer ▪ Support of SAP Quartz Light theme
▪ Note: card concept is not supported Additional enhancement based on
Development customer-specific requirements
▪ Support SAPUI5 1.60 Development
▪ Support SAPUI5 1.71
1. This is the current state of planning and may be changed by SAP at any time without notice.
▪ SAP NetWeaver 7.5 is the recommended go-to-release for on-premise customers, leveraging latest
enhancements and improvements of the SAP NetWeaver (Java) stack.
▪ Note that SAP’s portal offering has evolved from a single product to a portfolio of products available via
various deployments options to address the customers’ specific business needs: SAP Enterprise Portal on
SAP NetWeaver (on-premise and managed cloud) and SAP Cloud Platform Portal on SAP Cloud Platform
(public cloud).
▪ SAP Cloud Platform Portal is the recommended solution for building modern business sites (either Fiori
launchpad or freestyle experiences), such as application launchpads or line of business home pages.
▪ SAP Cloud Platform Portal is evolving quickly, most of the capabilities you know from SAP Enterprise Portal
have meanwhile similar counterparts in the cloud (for more information check out the SAP Portal
Deployment Options Guide and the FAQs).
▪ SAP recommends adopting SAP Cloud Platform Portal for new projects, and for existing SAP Enterprise
Portal customers we recommend considering a transition to SAP Cloud Platform Portal.
▪ SAP has defined a clear roadmap for SAP Portal on-premise and cloud, which is published at SAP.COM
roadmap page.
Key Links
SAP Portal Community
SAP Portal Roadmap
Release Notes and Documentation
Central Blog Enterprise Portal on SAP NetWeaver 7.5
SAP Portal Deployment Options
FAQs: Transition SAP Enterprise Portal to the Cloud
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