Food Colorant Procedure Proposal
Food Colorant Procedure Proposal
Food Colorant Procedure Proposal
Aaron Mata
Sutton Vargo
Absorption Spectroscopy is used in order to determine the colorants in the name brand
beverage. Different atoms will absorb different wavelengths of light and that will allow for the
comparing absorptions it will be possible to determine the concentrations of the dyes that are
present in the name brand beverage in order to create a brand-new generic beverage with the
Light absorption is created when electrons start from their lowest state and jump to a
higher energy level while absorbing energy from photons of light. This energy can be calculated
using the equation E=hc/λ where h is Planck’s constant (6.626E- 34Js), c is the speed of light
(3.00E8m/s), and λ is the wavelength of the photon absorbed (m). Each atom has different spaces
in between these energy levels therefore resulting in different wavelengths that will then result in
The Beer-Lambert Law help understand the fact that the relationship between
concentration and absorption are directly proportional. Depending on the ions within a solution,
it will determine how much light is absorbed in the solution and will lead to the concentration of
those ions within the solution. The equation of Beer-Lambert Law is A= εbc, where A is the
absorbance, ε is the molar absorptivity, b is the path length, and c is the concentration. Because
the absorbing species and the cuvettes will be the same, both constants b and ε will form one
constant leaving concentration left to solve, given that the absorption of the species is
Deinonized Water
Calculate 4 solution concentrations, M, of every dye as well as the beverage use the
formula M1V1 = M2V2. Begin by coming up with 4 separate concentrations and using the 10mL
Volumetric flask to create each solution with the proper volume, of the given dyes as well as the
Once each solution has been created proceed to record an absorption spectrum from the
solutions. Using the MeasureNet Station and pressing “F2 Absorption” and proceeding to press
“Display” transfer the solutions created into clean and dry cuvette at least ¾ full. Proceed to the
spectrometer and press the given buttons associated with the proper station number. Furthermore,
zero out the spectrometer place the light block cuvette given, after cleaning it with a Kimwipe,
into the sample holder and then press “zero.” Then replace the light block cuvette with once
After creating the reference cuvette run the sample created from the solutions mentioned
above by pressing “sample.” Repeat this step for the rest of the other solutions/samples as well as
the solution with the name brand beverage. Save every data collected by pressing “File Options”,
“F3-Save” and choosing a 3-digit number to save for the proper station number assigned.
Proceed to clear up the station and empty the sample cuvettes into the proper liquid waste
Using the data collected, 8 total absorption lined scatter plots will be created while
properly labeling the titles, axis titles and units. Then the lambda max will be determined along
with the associated absorbance value from each solution in order to create a beer-lambert plot.
Furthermore, a linear regression analysis on the plot will be created including the R^2 value and
the linear equation on the plot. The absorbance value given from the unknown solution and the
linear equation on the beer-lambert plot will allow for the concentration of the solution to be
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