Love Questions

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Love and relationships – 1 minute speaking

What is love at first sight?

What is the best age Do you believe How do you know that
to start dating? in it? you are in love?
Discuss. Symptoms?

Is getting married What is more important -

Have you ever been
giving up freedom? appearance or
on a blind date?
Discuss. character ?

At what age do you want Could you love someone What is a wedding
to get married? who was a lot older ceremony like in your
Why? country?
than you?
Describe it.

Can a single person be as

When do teenagers happy as a married
start going out person? Do you believe in
in your country? Discuss. „2 halves of the same
Discuss. apple”?

What are the pros and Do you fall in love What is your idea of
cons of getting easily? a perfect date?
married? How often...? Describe it.

What would you never

What is your idea of What is the best age
accept in your
an ideal boyfriend/ to get married?
girlfriend? Why? Why ?

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