Presstrssed Concrete Structures Jan 2018 (2010 Scheme)
Presstrssed Concrete Structures Jan 2018 (2010 Scheme)
Presstrssed Concrete Structures Jan 2018 (2010 Scheme)
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<,~\_)v , PART - A 0,\::::/
1 a. Explain the necessitv- pf~sing high strength concrete aliq;~igh tensile steel in prestressed
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c~n~rete .structures. ~'>;..'\~. .. (~\\ i} (08 Marks)
b. Distinguish between pret~l~lomg and port tensionmg. ~ \Y/ (06 Marks)
c. Explain with neat sketches" Freyssinet system of pre-s rt:ssing. (06 Marks)
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2 a. Explain the concept of load baGncjng with differe~t!cable profiles. (06 Marks)
b. A rectangular concrete beam, l'OOmm Iwide by 250mm deep spanning over 8m is prestressed
by a straight cable carrying an effective pre-stressing force of 250kN located at an
eccentricity of 40mm. The beam supports a live load 1.2kN/m.
i) Calculate the resultant stress distribution for the central cross section of the beam.
The density of concrete is 24kN/m3•
ii) Find the magnitude of prestressing force with an eccentricity of 40mm which can
balance the stresses due to dead and live loads at the bottom fibre of the central
section of the beam. (14 Marks)
3 a. List the various types of IPSC beams 'and "write the equations used to determine
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tern. /(-/ "': :<_:,,<.(06 Marks)
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fek = 42N/m(n2 Creep coefficient is 1.6 and total residual shrinkage strain is 3 x ] 04.
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r (14 Marks)
C 50mm at the centre of span and is concentric at the supports. If the span of the beam isItlrn
~o and live load is 2kN/m. estimate short term deflection at the centre of span. Assuming
E E = 38kN/mm2 and creep coefficient q, = 2.0, loss of prestress is 20 percent of the initial
stress after 6 months. Estimate the long terms defection at the centre of span at this stage,
assuming that the dead and live loads are simultaneously applied after the release of pre-
stress. (12 Marks)
~ lOCV74
o \\ f) PART - B
5 a. Explairi wi'th sketches, the different types of flexural failures in PSC beam. (06 Marks)
b. A post tensioned beam with unbounded tendons is of rectangular section 400mm wide with
an effective dept~~of 800mm. The cross sectional area of the pre-stressing steel is 2840mm2.
The effectiv{pf~- 1;;ess in steel after all losses is 900N/mm2. The effective span of the beam
is 16m. If fck ~10~~fPm2, estimate the ultimate moment of\resistance of the section using
IS: 1343. ,,-:,,))') (07 Marks)
c. A post tensioned pre-stressed concrete T -beam with unbounded tendons is made up of a
flange 300mm wide h~)JQm thick and the width of the rib l's' 150mm. The effective depth
of the section is 320m . l.1ie beam is pre-stressed by 24\v,ires of 5mm diameter having a
characteristic strength of 1650N/mm2, The effective stress after all losses is 900N/mm2. If
the cube strength of concrete is-56 /rnrn''. Estimate the flexural strength of the section using
6 a,
Explain the types of shear cracks in structural concrete,
A concrete beam of rectangular section 200mm wide and 650mm deep is prestressed by a
(06 Marks)
parabo lie cable located at an eccentricity of 120mm at midspan and zero at the supports, If
the beam has a span of 12m and carries a uniformly distributed live load of 4.5k 1m, find
the effective force necessary in the cable for Zrf shear stress at the support section. For this
condition, calculate the principal stresses. The density of concrete is 25kN/m3. (14 Marks)
located at constant ecc;ent~ioity of 100mm below the ce~troidal axis. Design the end block
and d~tail the reinfo(c~m~ht. If the ~nchorage plate is 200~.~x200mm 2and dia.m~ter of the
duct IS 100mm, permissible stress In concrete at transfer IS'2D ~/mm , permissible shear
stress in steel is p'4'.~ i'fmm2. Determine the thickness of anchorage pate. (12 Marks)
8 A prestressed beam has an unsymmetrical I-section with an overali depth of 1840mm. The
top and bottom flange withs are 1800 and 820mm respectively. The thickness of the top
flange varies fi'om 180mm at the ends to 430mm at the junction of web, which is I800mm
thick. The thickness of the bottom flange varies from 150mm at the ends to 450mm at the
junction <of,the web. The beam is designed for a simply supported span of 40m. the
permissibl~ compressive stress at the transfer and working load is limited to 16 /rnm ', while
th~~ tensile
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stress at the transfer and working load is limited to zero and 1.4N/mm2,
,t,.e:; pectively. The loss ratio is 0.80 calculate:
a. ('~h~ermissible uniformly distributed imposed load
l:5:---tbe magnitude of the prestressed face if at the mid-span section if is located 130mm from
the soffit and
c. The vertical limits within which the cable must is at midspan and support sections.
(20 Marks)
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