IP Law Bar Questions
IP Law Bar Questions
IP Law Bar Questions
1. What contractual stipulations are required in all technology transfer agreements? (2%)
2. Enumerate three (3) stipulations that are prohibited in technology transfer agreements. (3%)
3. Can an article of commerce serve as a trademark and at the same time enjoy patent and
copyright protection? Explain and give an example. (2%)
A. Section 88 of Republic Act 8293 enumerates four mandatory provisions in voluntary licensing
contracts or technology transfer arrangements, as follows:
(a) That the laws of the Philippines shall govern the interpretation of the same and in the event of
litigation, the venue shall be the proper court in the place where the licensee has its principal
(b) Continued access to improvements in techniques and processes related to the technology shall
be made available during the period of the technology transfer arrangement;
(c) In the event the technology transfer arrangement shall provide for arbitration, the Procedure of
Arbitration of the Arbitration Law of the Philippines or the Arbitration Rules of the United Nations
Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL) or the Rules of Conciliation and Arbitration of
the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) shall apply and the venue of arbitration shall be the
Philippines or any neutral country; and
(d) The Philippine taxes on all payments relating to the technology transfer arrangement shall be
borne by the licensor.
C. Yes. An article of commerce normally bears a trademark to distinguish one's products from
other products. The same article of commerce may contain pictorial illustrations on its label and
the article itself may be the subject of a patent. For example, a beauty soap with is sold bearing
the mark GORGEOUS (trademark protection), has an attractive packaging of artistic photos of a
beautiful lady with unblemished white skin (copyright protection), and the soap itself is composed
of new chemicals from an extract of a plant unheard of in the past that washes away blemishes
2007 Mercantile Law for the Protection of Intellectual Property to which the
Philippines is a member.
Diana and Piolo are famous personalities in
showbusiness who kept their love affair secret. They use Trademark; Test of Dominancy (1996)
a special instant messaging service which allows them to
see one another's typing on their own screen as each N Corporation manufactures rubber shoes under the
letter key is pressed. When Greg, the controller of the trademark “Jordann” which hit the Phil market in 1985,
service facility, found out their identities, he kept a copy and registered its trademark with the Bureau of Patents,
of all the messages Diana and Piolo sent each other and Trademarks and Technology (BPTTT) in 1990. PK
published them. Is Greg liable for copyright Company also manufactures rubber shoes with the
infringement? Reason briefly. trademark “Javorski” which it registered with BPTTT in
Yes, Greg is guilty of copyright infringement. The instant In 1992, PK Co adopted and copied the design of N
messages of Diana and Piolo are deemed to constitute Corporation’s “Jordann” rubber shoes, both as to shape
“letters” (Section 172.1[d], Intellectual Property Code) and color, but retained the trademark “Javorski” on its
which are “protected by the sole fact of their creation products. May PK Company be held liable to N Co?
irrespective of their mode or form of expression, as well Explain.
as their content, quality, and purpose.” (Section
172.2[d], Intellectual Property Code). For copyright to SUGGESTED ANSWER:
exist, it must be found in a tangible medium, usually in
written form, which is fulfilled by theinstant messages. PK Co may be liable for unfairly competing against N Co.
Under the Electronic Commerce Act, whenever the law By copying the design, shape and color of N
requires certain contracts or acts to be in writing to be Corporation’s “Jordann” rubber shoes and using the
valid and enforceable, then such requirement is deemed same in its rubber shoes trademarked “Javorski,” PK is
fulfilled when they are in the form of an electronic obviously trying to pass off its shoes for those of N. It is
document. The instant messages are deemed to be in of no moment that he trademark “Javorski” was
writing under the Electronic Commerce Act for they are registered ahead of the trademark “Jordann.” Priority in
in digital form or constitute electronic documents. registration is not material in an action for unfair
competition as distinguished from an action for
infringement of trademark. The basis of an action for
Tradename: International Affiliation (2005)
unfair competition is confusing and misleading similarity
S Development Corporation sued Shangrila Corporation
in general appearance, not similarity of trademarks
for using the “S” logo and the tradename “Shangrila”.
(Converse Rubber Co v Jacinto Rubber & Plastics Co GR
The former claims that it was the first to register the
27425 and 30505, Apr28,80 97s158)
logo and the tradename in the Philippines and that it had
been using the same in its restaurant business.
Trademark; Infringement (1991)
Shangrila Corporation counters that it is an affiliate of an
international organization which has been using such
Sony is a registered trademark for TV, stereo, radio,
logo and tradename “Shangrila” for over 20 years.
cameras, betamax and other electronic products. A local
However, Shangrila Corporation registered the
company, Best Manufacturing Inc produced electric fans
tradename and logo in the Philippines only after the suit
which it sold under the trademark Sony without the
was filed.
consent of Sony. Sony sued Best Manufacturing for
Which of the two corporations has a better right to use
infringement. Decide the case.
the logo and the tradename? Explain.
There is no infringement. In order that a case for
S Development Corporation has a better right to use the
infringement of trademark can prosper, the products on
logo and the tradename, since the protective benefits of
which the trademark is used must be of the same kind.
the law are conferred by the fact of registration and not
The electric fans produced by Best Manufacturing cannot
by use. Although Shangrila Corporation’s parent had
be said to be similar to such products as TV, stereo and
used the tradename and logo long before, the protection
radio sets or cameras or betamax products of Sony.
of the laws will be for S Development Corporation
because it was the first entity to register the intellectual
How does the international affiliation of Shangrila
There is infringement. If the owner of a trademark which
Corporation affect the outcome of the dispute? Explain.
manufactures certain types of goods could reasonably
be expected to engage in the manufacture of another
product using the same trademark, another party who
uses the trademark for that product can be held liable
for using that trademark. Using this standard,
The international affiliation of Shangrila Corporation may
infringement exists because Sony can be reasonably
be critical in the event that its affiliates or parent
expected to use such trademark on electric fans.
company abroad had registered in a foreign jurisdiction
the tradename and the logo. A well-known mark and
Trademark, Test of Dominancy (1996)
tradename is subject to protection under Treaty of Paris
What is the “test of dominancy?” be said that physicians can be so easily deceived by
such trademark as “Axilon,” it may be hard to expect an
SUGGESTED ANSWER: opposition thereto to succeed.
The application for registration by Turbo Corporation I would not exempt the alleged violator from liability for
may be contested. The Trademark Law would not allow the following reasons: 1) A patent once issued by the
the registration of a trademark which, when applied to or Patent Office raises a presumption that the article is
used in connection with his products, is merely patentable; it can, however be shown otherwise (Sec 45
descriptive or deceptively misdescriptive of them. RA 165). A mere statement or allegation is not enough to
Confusion can result from the use of “Axilon” as the destroy that presumption. (Aquas v de Leon 30 Jan 82 L-
generic product itself. 32160)
2) An intention to infringe is not necessary nor an
ALTERNATIVE ANSWER: element in a case for infringement of a patent.
Medical drugs may be procured only upon prescription 3) There is no need of exact duplication of the
made by a duly licensed physician. The possibility of patentee’s existing patent such as when the
deception could be rather remote. Since it cannot really improvement made by another is merely minor (Frank v
Benito, 51p713). To be independently patentable, an however, has within three months from the decision, to
improvement of an existing patented invention must be have it cancelled as the rightful inventor; or within one
a major improvement (Aquas v de Leon L-32160 year from publication, to file an action to prove his
30Jan82) priority to the invention, which has been taken from him
and fraudulently registered by Francis.
Patents: Infringement; Remedies & Defenses 3) Supposing Joab got wind of the inventions of his
(1993) employees and also laid claim to the patents, asserting
that Cezar and Francis were using his materials and
Ferdie is a patent owner of a certain invention. He company time in making the devices, will his claim
discovered that his invention is being infringed by prevail over those of his employees? Explain.
1) What are the remedies available to Ferdie against SUGGESTED ANSWER:
2) If you were the lawyer of Johann in the infringement No, Joab’s claim cannot prevail over those of his
suit, what are the defenses that your client can assert? employees. In the first place, Joab did not commission
any of the two employees to invent the device, and its
SUGGESTED ANSWER: invention did not fall within their regular duties. What
prevails is the provision of the Intellectual Property Code
1) The following remedies are available to Ferdie against that holds that the invention belongs to the employee, if
2) These are the defenses that can be asserted in an the inventive activity is not a part of his regular duties,
infringement suit: even if he uses the time, facilities and materials of the
Patent is invalid (Sec 45 RA 165, as amended) employer.
Patent is not new or patentable
Specification of the invention does not comply with Sec Infringement vs. Unfair Competition (1996)
Patent was issued not to the true and actual inventor, What is the distinction between infringement and unfair
designer or author of the utility model or the plaintiff did competition?
not derive his rights from the true and actual inventor,
designer or author of the utility model (Sec 28 RA 165 as SUGGESTED ANSWER:
The distinction between infringement (presumably
Patents: Gas-Saving Device: First to File Rule trademark) and unfair competition are as follows:
(2005) 1) Infringement of trademark is the unauthorized use of
a trademark, whereas unfair competition is the passing
Cezar works in a car manufacturing company owned by off of one’s goods as those of another;
Joab. Cezar is quite innovative and loves to tinker with 2) Fraudulent intent is unnecessary in infringement of
things. With the materials and parts of the car, he was trademark, whereas fraudulent intent is essential in
able to invent a gas-saving device that will enable cars unfair competition;
to consume less gas. Francis, a co-worker, saw how 3) The prior registration of the trademark is a
Cezar created the device and likewise, came up with a prerequisite to an action for infringement of trademark,
similar gadget, also using scrap materials and spare whereas registration of the trademark is not necessary
parts of the company. Thereafter, Francis filed an in unfair competition. (Del Monte Corp v CA 78325 Jan
application for registration of his device with the Bureau 25,90 181s410)
of Patents. Eighteen months later, Cezar filed his
application for the registration of his device with the Infringement; Jurisdiction (2003)
Bureau of Patents.
1) Is the gas-saving device patentable? Explain. K-9 Corporation, a foreign corporation alleging itself to
be the registered owner of trademark “K-9” and logo
SUGGESTED ANSWER: “K”, filed an Inter Partes case with the Intellectual
Property Office against Kanin Corporation for the
Yes, the gas-saving device is patentable because it cancellation of the latter’s mark “K-9” and logo “K.”
provides a technical solution to a problem in a field of During the pendency of the case before the IPO, Kanin
human activity. It is new and involves an inventive step, Corporation brought suit against K-9 Corporation before
and certainly industrially applicable. It therefore fulfills the RTC for infringement and damages. Could the action
the requisites mandated by the intellectual Property before the RTC prosper? Why?
Code for what is patentable.
2) Assuming that it is patentable, who is entitled to SUGGESTED ANSWER:
the patent? What, if any, is the remedy of the losing
party? Infringement vs. Unfair Competition (2003)
In what way is an infringement of a trademark similar to
SUGGESTED ANSWER: that which pertains to unfair competition?
Copyright (1995)
What intellectual property rights are protected by
copyright? SUGGESTED ANSWER: Sec 5 of PD 49
provides that Copyright shall consist in the exclusive