Soil Profile Description
Soil Profile Description
Soil Profile Description
Otto Spaargaren
ISRIC – World Soil
The Netherlands
Why soil profile descriptions ?
1990 – English
1993 – French
Guidelines (2)
Prepared jointly by
Universität Halle – Würtenberg, Germany
Universität Kiel, Germany
Leyte State University, Philippines
ISRIC – World Soil Information, The
Purpose of the FAO
z To enhance standardization and uniformity of
soil profile descriptions, in order to facilitate
cross-references and comparison between soil
z Soil climate
General information (3) :
Landform and topography
z Topography
z Landform
z Land element
z Position
z Slope
z Micro-topography
z Soil-landscape sequential relationships
General information (4) :
Land use and vegetation
z Land use
z Human influence
z Vegetation
General information (5) :
Parent material
z Parent material
– Unconsolidated material
– Rock type
z Rock outcrops
z Surface coarse fragments
z Erosion
z Surface sealing
z Surface cracks
z Drainage class
z Internal drainage
z External drainage
z Flooding
z Groundwater
Organic horizons:
H or O
H = wet
O = dry
Soil horizon description (4) :
Mineral horizons:
A (organic matter)
E (eluviation)
B (illuviation)
C (parent material,
Soil horizon description (5) :
Mineral horizons:
R (parent rock)
Soil horizon description (6) :