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Phy Sci Week 4

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Annex 1B of DepEd Order No. 42 s.

2016 (Spacing has been modified for the purpose of ensuring the clarity of its entry and no modification has been made for its content.
GRADES 11 to 12 Teaching Dates and Time: June 25-29, 2018 QUARTER:
Session 1 Session 2 Session 3 Session 4

How the concept of the atom evolved from How the concept of the atom evolved from How the concept of the atom evolved from How the concept of the atom evolved from
A. Content Standards Ancient Greek to the present Ancient Greek to the present Ancient Greek to the present Ancient Greek to the present

B. Performance Standards The learners shall be able to make a creative The learners shall be able to make a The learners shall be able to make a The learners shall be able to make a
representation of the historical creative representation of the historical creative representation of the historical creative representation of the historical
development of the atom or the chemical development of the atom or the chemical development of the atom or the chemical development of the atom or the chemical
element in a timeline. element in a timeline. element in a timeline. element in a timeline.

Explain how the concept of atomic number

C. Learning Competencies /Objectives led to the synthesis of new
Write the LC code for Cite the contributions of J.J. Thomson, elements in the laboratory (S11/12PS-IIIb-
each Ernest Rutherford, Henry Moseley, 11)
Discuss key developments in the concept of Discuss the aspects of the Chemical Atomic and Niels Bohr to the understanding of the 3. Write the nuclear reactions involved in
the atom and element from Theory, and relate its evidence structure of the atom (S11/12PSIIIb- the synthesis of new elements
Robert Boyle to John Dalton. (3 Fundamental Laws) to these aspects. 9) (S11/12PS-IIIb-12)

I. CONTENT Corpuscles to Chemical Atomic Theory Corpuscles to Chemical Atomic Theory Henry Moseley, the Atomic Number, and Henry Moseley, the Atomic Number, and
Synthesis of Elements Synthesis of Elements
1. Teacher's Guide pages PP.48-56 PP.48-56 pp.58-63 pp.58-63
2. Learner's Materials pages

3. Textbook pages
4. Additional materials from
Learning Resource (LR) portal
B.Other Learning Resources
Ask learners to state the What are the key development in the What are the aspects of chemical theory
A. Reviewing previous lesson or
text’s idea on Boyle that while he was a concept of the atom and element from and how it is related to the evidence og
presenting the new lesson practitioner of alchemy Robert Boyle to John Dalton. three fundamental laws

B.Establishing a purpose for the lesson Show picture of Robert Boyle Use the four pic one word Making Your Own Periodic Table( games)
Introduce Henry Moseley who was a
researcher at Rutherford’s laboratory. In
Introduce the Antoine Lavoisier, John 1913 Moseley
C. Presenting examples/instances of Ask the students if they know him,or ask them any
idea of its cotribution to the field of chemisrty.
Dalton,Joseph Proust,Joseph Gay- used Rutherford’s work to advance the
the new lesson Lussac,Amedeo Avogadro,Dmitri Mendeleev understanding of the elements and solve
the problem with
Mendeleev’s periodic table.

Explain that organizing the elements by

D. Discussing new concepts and Discussion on Antoine Lavoisier, John their weight did not always give a periodic
practicing new skill #1 Expound on the highlights of Robert Boyle’s Dalton, Chemical Atomic Theory and its alignment of
ideas: evidence/implications their chemical properties. Moseley

Mention the experimental evidence he

Focus on Boyle’s contribution to the gave to an existing hypothesis: that the
E. Discussing new concepts and scientific method. While explaining the Ask learners to relate the aspects of the elements’ atomic
practicing new skill #2 corpuscular theory, emphasize that Boyle Chemical Atomic Theory to these three number, or place in the periodic table, was
championed the importance of observation fundamental laws. – uniquely tied to their “positive charge”, or
and experimentation in science. This was which law contributes to which aspect of the number
part of his “mechanical philosophy.” the theory, and how? of protons they had.
F.Developing mastery
Cite other scientists who made headway in Write the nuclear reactions involved in the
(Leads to formative Ask the students to make a concept map about the concept of the element thanks to synthesis of each of the following new
Assessment 3) the ideas of Robert Boyle. Dalton’s theory. elements.

Place/draw a blank timeline on the board.

G. Finding practical application of Have learners come up to the board and How would you relate alchemy to
concepts and skills in daily living attach metacards with concepts or names of synthesis of new elements?
In what area of our everyday life can we apply people or
the ideas of Robert Boyle. groups.

What are the key development in the concept What are the aspects of chemical theory Cite the contributions of J.J. Thomson,
H.Making generalizations and Ernest Rutherford, Henry Moseley,
of the atom and element from and how it is related to the evidence og
abstractions about the lesson Robert Boyle to John Dalton. three fundamental laws and Niels Bohr to the understanding of the
structure of the atom (S11/12PSIIIb-

I. Evaluating learning Active participation during discussion and Active participation during discussion and Active participation during discussion and Active participation during discussion and
seatwork seatwork seatwork seatwork

J. Additional activities for application

or remediation

A.No. of learners who earned 80 in the

B. No. of learners who require

additional activities for remediation
who scored below 80
C. Did the remedial lesson work? No.
of learners who have caught up with
the lesson.
D. No. of learners who continue to
require remediation
E. Which of my teaching strategies
worked well? Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter
which my principal or superior can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized
materials did I use/ discover which I
wish to share with other teachers?


Physical Science
Session 5

Long Quiz
Noted by: ANGELO D. UY

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