Use of Cargo Nets For DC

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Dear Crewmembers ,
As a result of a directive handed down by the FAA Cargo Focus Team, all
DC-9-15 freighter aircraft now require cargo nets coupled with your
normal cargo straps as a means of cargo restraint. The company has
been working diligently hand in hand with the FAA to get relief from this
requirement. The company is also working to get approval for an STC
that would also preclude this requirement. In the interim it may be a
requirement to install netting over your current strap requirements. This
PDF will include instructions on installation of these required nets.

This cargo net assembly comes in a three piece configuration; two side nets in an “L” configuration for the side
restraint and a top net to provide vertical restraint and to provide a synching point for the two side nets.
1. The net assembly is used for the restraint of cargo on pallets compatible with
specification document NAS3610-1B6N.

2. The maximum allowable gross weight is based on limits specified in the applicable
aircraft weight and balance manual. Under no circumstances are -1B6N configured nets
to exceed 10,000 lbs capacity.

3. How to install net to cargo and pallet.

a. Place the top net panel over the top of the cargo load.
b. Engage the hook assemblies on the side net panels with the rings on the pallet
edge rail. Hook assemblies should be placed and spaced according to
specification NAS3610-1B6N configuration drawings.
c. Engage the tension hooks on the right side of the side net panel with the rope net
on the mating side net panel.
d. Engage the strap tension hooks into the upper parts of the side net panels
allowing the excess rope material to fold under the tensioned ropes. Remove
excess slack in all net panels by tensioning the straps to conform to the cargo
e. A correctly tensioned net should be taut and not overly tight.

4. How to Net Overhanging Cargo.

a. The load height must be reduced by the combined length of all overhangs on one
or more sides of the pallet.
For example, if the combined overhangs total 24 inches then the effective height
of the net is reduced by 24 inches.
b. Center of Gravity deviation is not to exceed the limits set forth in specification
NAS3610-1B2N configuration drawings.

5. Overhanging Cargo load should be raised minimum 4” above pallet surface to allow
access to engage the side net panel hook assemblies on all four sides of pallet edge

6. Cargo Net Handling and Storage.

a. To minimize the risk of UV exposure or moisture penetration, store nets inside the
warehouse and out of direct sunlight.
b. Wet nets should be spread out to dry in an area that is not exposed to the
c. For nets not in use, bundle the hook assemblies together on each side net panel,
tension hooks on the top net panel and fold the net panels and place inside a
breathable bag.

7. For Additional Net Operating Information Review.

a. IATA Standard Specification 50/2- Aircraft Pallet Net Appendix “A”- Handling
Guide for Pallet Net.
b. SAE AS1492 Interline Air Cargo Pallet Nets.
Inspection Procedures
A. The cargo net assembly should be periodically checked for damage prior to use. Check for
inoperative or missing hardware and net ropes for signs of cuts or severely worn ropes.
Note: Use of cinch ropes is not authorized unless approved by the net component
maintenance manual.

B. Mark for removal unapproved ropes and webbing, incorrect or questionable knots, or ropes
and webbing where the length or shape of diamonds does not meet the requirements of this

C. Mark or identify missing, damaged or inoperative hardware, rope or webbing components of

the net assembly exceeding damage limits.

D. The net assembly is unserviceable if:

1. Three (3) or more severely worn or broken ropes in the body of any one side or top

2. Bottom rope or web has cuts or breaks or signs of excess wear along its length.
(See section 3.F)

3. Hook assemblies attached to the bottom webbing are broken, damaged, corroded,
inoperative or missing.

4. Tension hooks are damaged, inoperative or missing.

5. Retire from service if current date is two years or older than date of manufacture on
net placard (NW only).

F. Damage is allowed without load restrictions if cut or frayed ropes or webbing does not
exceed 25% of the material. Review the below diagram for more exacting details.
Installation Procedure


2. Remove the Cargo Net Assembly for the stowage bin. The top net can be identified by silver attachment
hooks, the side nets by the gold locking hooks

3. Spread the top net out in a full square.

4. Remove the two side nets, these can be identified by the gold locking hooks. The side nets are two 90
degree angle nets.
5. Install the gold locking hooks to the D rings installed on the pallet. Once all locking hooks are installed
drape the netting upwards over the cargo to be restrained.
6. Install the top net over the side nets and use the top net restraining hooks (silver) to either secure to lower
lattice of the side nets and pull tightening strap to achieve maximum tautness on the top net OR if cargo is
at such a height that tautness cannot be achieved, run top net restraining hook (silver) through the bottom
of side net and pull toward top of net assembly and attached to net lattice at a height to achieve maximum
tautness on net assembly using pull straps.
7. Pull down on top net “PULL STRAPS” to achieve maximum tautness
8. Final Product should look like this . With the required strapping underneath.

9. To remove, reverse the process and fold nets and stow back in stowage bin.


2. Remove three piece cargo net from stowage bin
3. Install side nets onto Pallet
4. Drape side nets over cargo
5. Place Top Net over small piece and side nets
6. Use silver hooks to attached to side net base straps (closest to pallet base).

7. Use Tension Straps to achieve required tautness on top cargo net.

8. To remove reverse procedure, fold cargo nets and stow in stowage bin.

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