Analysis - The Clash of Capitalisms-The Real Fight For The Global Economy's Future - Stone Center On Socio-Economic Inequality
Analysis - The Clash of Capitalisms-The Real Fight For The Global Economy's Future - Stone Center On Socio-Economic Inequality
Analysis - The Clash of Capitalisms-The Real Fight For The Global Economy's Future - Stone Center On Socio-Economic Inequality
Political capitalism needs to sell itself on the
grounds of providing better societal
management, higher rates of growth, and more
e cient administration (including the
administration of justice). Unlike liberal
capitalism, which can take a more relaxed
attitude toward temporary problems, political
capitalism must be permanently on its toes. This
may, however, be seen as an advantage from a
social Darwinist point of view: because of the
constant pressure to deliver more to its
constituents, political capitalism might hone its
ability to manage the economic sphere and to
keep on delivering, year in, year out, more goods
and services than its liberal counterpart. What
appears at rst as a defect may prove to be an
What does the future hold for Western capitalist
societies? The answer hinges on whether liberal
meritocratic capitalism will be able to move
toward a more advanced stage, what might be
called “people’s capitalism,” in which income
from both factors of production, capital and labor,
would be more equally distributed. This would
require broadening meaningful capital ownership
way beyond the current top ten percent of the
population and making access to the top schools
and the best-paying jobs independent of one’s
family background.