Course Outline CHEM-108
Course Outline CHEM-108
Course Outline CHEM-108
Course Description
Basic Concept Rules of Probability, Binomial Probabilities,
sampling, Probability Sampling and non-Probability Sampling.
Single sample tests involving mean and Proportions, Point
estimation and interval estiation along with confidence
intervals. Hypothesis Testing .and non-parametric test. One
way and two way Analysis of variance
Course Type: Compulsory
Pre-requisites No
Goals This course is intended to provide understanding of basic
statistical theory techniques and the application of these
techniques in different fields.
Text Books 1. Clark, G.M and Cooke, D. (1998).” A Basic Course in
Statistics “4th ed., Arnold, London.
2. Weuss, N.A. (1997),”Introductory Statistics “4th ed.
Addison-Wesly Pub. Company, Inc.
3. Chaudary, S. M & Kamal, S.(1996).” Introduction to
Statistical Theory Part I &II “6th ed.
Additional Readings 1. Spiegel, M.R, Schiller, J. L. and Sirinivasan, R .L. (2000)
”Probability and Statistics”. 2nd ed. Schauns Outline series.
McGraw Hill NY.
2. Walpole, R.E., Myers, R .H and Myers, S.L. (1998),
“Probability & Statistics for Engineers & Scientist “6th ed.,
Prentice Hall, NY.
4. Mclave, J. T., Benson P.G. and Snitch, T. (2005),”Statistics
for Business & Economics “9th ed. Prentice Hall, New
Lectures 32 sessions of 90 minutes each
Attendance Policy A minimum of 70% attendance is required for a student to
be eligible to take the final examination.
The students with less than 70% of the attendance in a course
shall be given the grade SA (Short Attendance) in such a
course and shall not be allowed to take its End Term Exams
and will have to reappear in the course to get the required
attendance to be eligible to sit in the exam when the course is
offered the next time.
Grading The course will be evaluated on the basis of the following
Mid Term 25%
Sessional work 25%
o Presentation/Practical 10%
o Assignment/Practical 10%
o Quizzes 05%
Final term 50%
Quizzes, Assignments and Minimum two quizzes, two assignments and one presentation
Presentation Schedule will be conducted. Every third week one activity will be
(tentative) conducted alternatively from quizzes and assignments. The
presentations will be started after mid-term. After midterm at
least one group/two individual presentations will be conducted
in each lecture. In case of shortage of time special lectures for
presentations can be arranged.
Session Schedule
Week Topic
1 Basic Concepts, Rules of Probability
2 Binomial Probabilities, Properties of Binomial Distribution
3 Sampling, Probability Sampling, Non Probability Sampling.
4 Single Sample Tests involving Means by Using SPSS
5 Single Sample Tests of Proportion by Using SPSS
6 Point Estimation, Interval Estimation, Basic Concepts and Numerical Examples
7 Confidence Intervals of Means and Proportions, Numerical examples
8 Test of Hypotheses, Steps to test a hypothesis
9 Mid Term. Type-I Error, Type-II Error, Level of Confidence
10 Two Sample Tests: Difference of Means by using SPSS
11 Two Sample Test of Proportions by using SPSS
12 Test of Association, Chi Square Test by using SPSS
13 Normality Tests, The Sign Test by using SPSS
14 Wilcoxen Sign Rank Test ,The Mann Whitney Test by using SPSS
15 One Way Analysis of Variance, Numerical examples
16 Two Way Analysis of Variance. , Numerical examples