Tender Status Report Delhi-Mumbai Expressway 10.01.19

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Construction of Eight Lane divided Carriageway from Delhi-Vadodara

EW/ NH/ Estimate Length Const

Cost per Period
Sl no Client State Name of the Work Mode
SH No (INR Cr) (KM) Km (Cr) (Months)

Construction of Eight Lane divided carriageway starting

at Sohna-Gurugram Road (NH-248A) near Alipur village and ends
at Ch.18+461 before KMP Expressway (Ch.0+000 to Ch. 18+461)
1 NHAI Haryana NH-148 N section of Delhi– Vadodara Greenfield Alignment (NH-148N) on EPC 1,144.00 18.461 61.97 24
EPC Mode under Bharatmala Pariyojana in the State of Haryana

Construction of Eight Lane Expressway starting before KMP

Expressway and ends at Ch. 47+000 near Khanpur Ghati (Km
2 NHAI Haryana NH-148 N 18+500 to Km 47+000) section of Delhi – Vadodara Green field EPC 1017.68 28.50 35.71 24
Alignment (NH-148N) on EPC Mode under Bharatmala pariyojana
in the State of Haryana (Pkg-2)
Construction of Eight Lane Expressway starting at Ch. 47+000 near
Khanpur Ghati and ends at Haryana-Rajasthan Border (Km 47+000
to Km 78+800) section of Delhi –Vadodara Green field Alignment
(NH-148N) on EPC Mode under Bharatmala Pariyojana in the State
of Haryana (Pkg-3)
3 NHAI Haryana NH-148 N EPC 798.55 31.80 25.11 24

Construction of 8-Lane Carriageway starting at Haryana-Rajasthan

NH-148 N border and ends at Junction with SH44 (Km 78.800 to Km 115.700)
4 NHAI Rajasthan EPC 958.82 36.90 25.98 24
section of Delhi-Vadodara Green field Alignment (NH-148N) on
EPC Mode (Pkg-4)

Page 1 of 66
Construction of Eight Lane divided Carriageway from Delhi-Vadodara

EW/ NH/ Estimate Length Const

Cost per Period
Sl no Client State Name of the Work Mode
SH No (INR Cr) (KM) Km (Cr) (Months)

Construction of 8-Lane Carriageway starting at Haryana-Rajasthan

NH-148 N border and ends at Junction with SH44 (Km 115.700 to 151.840)
5 NHAI Rajasthan EPC 925.13 36.14 25.60 24
section of Delhi-Vadodara Green field Alignment (NH-148N) on
EPC Mode (Pkg-5)

Page 2 of 66
Construction of Eight Lane divided Carriageway from Delhi-Vadodara

EW/ NH/ Estimate Length Const

Cost per Period
Sl no Client State Name of the Work Mode
SH No (INR Cr) (KM) Km (Cr) (Months)

Construction of 8-Lane Carriageway starting at Haryana-Rajasthan

NH-148 N border and ends at Junction with SH44 (Km 151.840 to 183.000)
6 NHAI Rajasthan EPC 858.57 31.16 27.55 24
section of Delhi-Vadodara Green field Alignment (NH-148N) on
EPC Mode (Pkg-6)

Construction of Eight Lane access controlled Expressway starting

near Junction with NH-11 (Ch.183.000-214.260) section of Delhi-
7 NHAI Rajasthan 148N Vadodara Green field Alignment on EPC Mode under Bharatmala EPC 955.56 31.26 30.57 24
Pariyojana in the State of Rajasthan (Pkg-7)

Construction of Eight Lane access controlled Expressway starting

near Start of RoB (Ch.214.260-247.310) section of Delhi-Vadodara
8 NHAI Rajasthan 148N Green field Alignment on EPC Mode under Bharatmala Pariyojana EPC 903.42 33.05 27.33 24
in the State of Rajasthan (Pkg-8)

Construction of Eight Lane access controlled Expressway starting

near Junction with MDR-1 (Baonli-Jhalai road) (Ch.247.310-
9 NHAI Rajasthan 148N 279.840) section of Delhi-Vadodara Green field Alignment on EPC EPC 808.11 32.53 24.84 24
Mode under Bharatmala Pariyojana in the State of Rajasthan (Pkg-

Construction of Eight Lane access controlled

Expressway starting near Start of RoB near village
10 NHAI Rajasthan 148N Itawa to Major Bridge on Chakan river (Ch. 279.840 EPC 758.08 29.161 26.00 24
- 309.001) section of Delhi - Vadodara Green field
Alignment (NH-148N) on EPC Mode under
Bharatmala Pariyojana in the State of Rajasthan (Pkg-10)

Construction of Eight Lane access controlled Expressway starting

near Major Bridge on Chakan River to Major Bridge on Mej River
11 NHAI Rajasthan 148N EPC 884.95 22.029 40.17 24
(Ch.309.001-331.030)(NH-148N) on EPC Mode under Bharatmala
Pariyojana in the State of Rajasthan (Pkg-11)

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Construction of Eight Lane divided Carriageway from Delhi-Vadodara

EW/ NH/ Estimate Length Const

Cost per Period
Sl no Client State Name of the Work Mode
SH No (INR Cr) (KM) Km (Cr) (Months)

Construction of Eight Lane access controlled Expressway starting

near Major Bridge on Mej River to Junction with SH-37A
12 NHAI Rajasthan 148N (Ch.331.030-359.170) section of Delhi-Vadodara (NH-148N) on EPC EPC 886.36 28.14 31.50 24
Mode under Bharatmala Pariyojana in the State of Rajasthan (Pkg-

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Construction of Eight Lane divided Carriageway from Delhi-Vadodara

EW/ NH/ Estimate Length Const

Cost per Period
Sl no Client State Name of the Work Mode
SH No (INR Cr) (KM) Km (Cr) (Months)

Construction of Eight Lane access controlled Expressway starting

near Junction with SH-37A to Junction with NH-76 (Ch.359.170-
13 NHAI Rajasthan 148N 388.420) section of Delhi-Vadodara Green field Alignment on EPC EPC 940.95 29.25 32.17 24
Mode under Bharatmala Pariyojana in the State of Rajasthan (Pkg-

Construction of Eight Lane access controlled Expressway starting

near Junction with NH-76 to Junction with NH-12 (Ch.388.420-
14 NHAI Rajasthan 148N 417.000) section of Delhi-Vadodara Green field Alignment on EPC EPC 703.88 28.58 24.63 24
Mode under Bharatmala Pariyojana in the State of Rajasthan (Pkg-

Construction of Eight Lane access-controlled Expressway from

Junction with NH-12 to Start of Bridge near Manoharpur (from Ch.
417.000 to 425.990) section of Delhi - Vadodara Green field
15 NHAI Rajasthan 148N EPC 909.84 8.99 101.21 24
Alignment (NH-148N) including construction of tunnel in
Mukundra Hills (Darrah) on EPC Mode under Bharatmala
Pariyojana in the State of Rajasthan (Pkg-15)

Construction of Eight Lane access-controlled Expressway from

Start of Bridge near Manoharpur to Rajasthan/MP Border (Ch.
16 NHAI Rajasthan 148N 425.990 - 452.420) section of Delhi - Vadodara Green field EPC 709.7 26.43 26.85 24
Alignment (NH-148N) on EPC Mode under Bharatmala Pariyojana
in the State of Rajasthan (Pkg-16)

Construction of Eight Lane access-controlled Expressway from

Rajasthan/MP Border to Jodmi village of Mandsaur district (Ch.
452+420 to 484+420; design Ch. 0+000 to Ch. 32+000) section of
17 NHAI Madhya Pradesh 148N EPC 888.42 32 27.76 24
Delhi – Vadodara Greenfield Alignment (NH-148N) on EPC Mode
under Bharatmala Pariyojana in the State of Madhya Pradesh (Pkg-

Page 5 of 66
Construction of Eight Lane divided Carriageway from Delhi-Vadodara

EW/ NH/ Estimate Length Const

Cost per Period
Sl no Client State Name of the Work Mode
SH No (INR Cr) (KM) Km (Cr) (Months)

Construction of Eight Lane access-controlled Expressway

carriageway from Jodmi village to Bani village of Mandsaur district
(Ch. 484+420 to 517+420; design Ch. 32+000 to Ch.65+000)
18 NHAI Madhya Pradesh 148N section of Delhi – Vadodara Greenfield Alignment (NH-148N) on EPC 973.78 33 29.51 24
EPC Mode under
Bharatmala Pariyojana in the State of Madhya Pradesh (Pkg-18)

Construction of Eight Lane access-controlled Expressway

carriageway from Bani village to Bardawadi village of Mandsaur
district (Ch. 517+420 to 546+920; design Ch. 65+000 to Ch.
19 NHAI Madhya Pradesh 148N EPC 880.62 29.5 29.85 24
94+500) section of Delhi – Vadodara Greenfield Alignment (NH-
148N) on EPC Mode under Bharatmala Pariyojana in the State of
Madhya Pradesh (Pkg-19)

Construction of Eight Lane accesscontrolled Expressway

carriageway from Bardawadi village of Mandsaur district to
Kamliya village of Ratlam district (Ch. 546+920 to 72+220; design
20 NHAI Madhya Pradesh 148N EPC 736.67 25.3 29.12 24
Ch. 94+500 to Ch. 119+800) section of Delhi – Vadodara Greenfield
Alignment (NH-148N) on EPC Mode under Bharatmala Pariyojana
in the State of Madhya Pradesh (Pkg-20)

Construction of Eight Lane access-controlled Expressway

carriageway from Kamliya to Kandarwasa of Ratlam (Ch. 572.220
21 NHAI Madhya Pradesh 148N to 602.420 design Ch.119.800 to Ch.150.000) Delhi-Vadodara on EPC 919.63 30.2 30.45 24
EPC Mode under Bharatmala Pariyojana in the State of Madhya
Pradesh (Pkg-21)

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Construction of Eight Lane divided Carriageway from Delhi-Vadodara

EW/ NH/ Estimate Length Const

Cost per Period
Sl no Client State Name of the Work Mode
SH No (INR Cr) (KM) Km (Cr) (Months)

Construction of Eight Lane access-controlled Expressway

carriageway from Kandarwasa to Bawadi (Ch.602.420 to 627.420
22 NHAI Madhya Pradesh 148N design Ch.150.000 to Ch.175.000) section of Delhi-Vadodara on EPC 1037.3 25 41.49 24
EPC Mode under Bharatmala Pariyojana in the State of Madhya
Pradesh (Pkg-22)

Page 7 of 66
Construction of Eight Lane divided Carriageway from Delhi-Vadodara

EW/ NH/ Estimate Length Const

Cost per Period
Sl no Client State Name of the Work Mode
SH No (INR Cr) (KM) Km (Cr) (Months)

Construction of Eight Lane access-controlled Expressway

carriageway from Bawadi to Ranni (Ch.627.420 to 652.720 design
23 NHAI Madhya Pradesh 148N Ch.175.000 to 200.300) section of Delhi-Vadodara on EPC Mode EPC 1139.89 25.3 45.05 24
under Bharatmala Pariyojana in the State of Madhya Pradesh (Pkg-

Construction of Eight Lane access-controlled Expressway

carriageway from Ranni to Miyati of Jhabua district (Ch.652.720 to
24 NHAI Madhya Pradesh 148N 674.420 design Ch.200.300 to 221.700) section of Delhi-Vadodara EPC 820.55 21.05 38.98 24
on EPC Mode under Bharatmala Pariyojana in the State of Madhya
Pradesh (Pkg-24)

Construction of Eight Lane access-controlled Expressway

carriageway from Miyati to MP-Gujarat Border (Ch.221.700 to
25 NHAI Madhya Pradesh 148N 244.500 design Ch.674.420 to 697.220) section of Delhi-Vadodara EPC 952.33 23.15 41.14 24
on EPC Mode under Bharatmala Pariyojana in the State of Madhya
Pradesh (Pkg-25)

Page 8 of 66
Construction of Eight Lane divided Carriageway from Delhi-Vadodara

EW/ NH/ Estimate Length Const

Cost per Period
Sl no Client State Name of the Work Mode
SH No (INR Cr) (KM) Km (Cr) (Months)

Construction of Eight Lane access-controlled expressway starting

from Bhamaiya village and ends in Baletiya village in Panchmahal
26 NHAI Gujarath 148N district (Ch.780.920 to 803.420-Ch.328.500 to Ch.351.000) Delhi- EPC 783.14 22.5 34.81 24
Vadodara GA on EPC Mode under BP in the State of Gujarat
Package 29

Construction of Eight Lane access-controlled expressway from

Baletiya village of Panchmahal district to Nani Bhadol village
27 NHAI Gujarath 148N Ch.803.420 to 823.420-Ch.351.000 to Ch.371.00 section of Delhi- EPC 926.38 20 46.32 24
Vadodara GA on EPC Mode under BP in the State of Gujarat
Package 30

Page 9 of 66
Construction of Eight Lane divided Carriageway from Delhi-Vadodara

EW/ NH/ Estimate Length Const

Cost per Period
Sl no Client State Name of the Work Mode
SH No (INR Cr) (KM) Km (Cr) (Months)

Construction of Eight Lane access-controlled expressway starting

from Nani Bhadol village and ends in Dodka village of Vadodara
28 NHAI Gujarath 148N District Ch.823-420 to Ch.844.382-Ch.371.000 to Ch.391.962 Delhi- EPC 784.49 20.962 37.42 24
Vadodara GA on EPC Mode under BP in the State of Gujarat
Package 31
25,007 760 999
Maximum Cost per Km 61.97 Cr PKG-1
25.11 Cr PKG-3
Minimum Cost per Km


Maximum Cost per Km 40.17 Cr PKG-11

Minimum Cost per Km 24.63 Cr PKG-14
Madhya Pradesh:
Maximum Cost per Km 45.05 Cr PKG-23
Minimum Cost per Km 27.76 Cr PKG-17

Maximum Cost per Km 46.32 Cr
Minimum Cost per Km 34.81 Cr

Page 10 of 66
ided Carriageway from Delhi-Vadodara

Pre-Bid @ Date of Bid Submitted

12:00 PM Submission Bidders

A)1 ROB of 1.663 km length for proposed

DFCC crossing.
B) 2 nos Viaducts of 810 m length. GR INFRA, GAWAR,
5-Dec-18 31-Dec-18 C) 1 interchange with 3.69 km of loops and AFCONS Infra, APCO,
Ramps. D) SP Singla
Diversion of Irrigation Canal of 297 m with
CC lining.

A) 3 nos interchanges with 9.335 km of GR INFRA, GHG

5-Dec-18 31-Dec-18 loops and Ramps. INFRA, AFCONS
B) 23 nos Underpassess INFRA, APCO


A) 1 interchange with 2.46 km of loops and HG INFRA, NKC-
5-Dec-18 31-Dec-18 Ramps. B) RKD(JV), BSCPIL-
22 nos Underpassess MADHUCON(JV),

A)1 ROB of 93 m
B) 1 interchange with 1.34 km of loops and GR INFRA, AFCONS,
5-Dec-18 1-Jan-18 Ramps. C) IRCON. HG Infra,
31 nos Underpassess D) Sadbhav, ACPO
RCC Retaining wall/Toe wall of 2.68 km

Page 11 of 66
ided Carriageway from Delhi-Vadodara

Pre-Bid @ Date of Bid Submitted

12:00 PM Submission Bidders

A)1 ROB of 90 m
B) 1 interchange of 1.34 km loops and AFCONS, IRCON, HG
5-Dec-18 1-Jan-18 Ramps. INFRA, KCC,
C) 29 nos Underpassess SADBHAV, APCO
D) RCC Retaining wall/Toe wall of 1.79 km

Page 12 of 66
ided Carriageway from Delhi-Vadodara

Pre-Bid @ Date of Bid Submitted

12:00 PM Submission Bidders

A)2 nos Major Bridges of 650 m length

B) 1 interchange with 5.9 km of loops and AFCONS, HG INFRA,
5-Dec-18 1-Jan-18 Ramps. KCC, NKC-RKD,
C) 24 nos Underpassess SADBHAV, APCO, PNC
D) RCC Retaining wall/Toe wall of 2.830 km

A)1 ROB of 330 m

B)2 nos Major Bridges of 500 m length
17-Dec-18 28-Jan-19 C) 1 interchange with 1.21 km of loops and
Ramps. D)
22 nos Underpassess

A)2 nos Major Bridges of 450 m length

14-Feb-19 B) 1 interchange with 1.895 km of loops and
17-Dec-18 Ramps. C)
29 nos Underpassess

A)2 nos Major Bridges of 850 m length B)

17-Dec-18 28-Jan-19 30 nos Underpassess

A)1 ROB of 76 m
B)1 interchange with 1.77 km of loops and
17-Dec-18 14-Feb-19 Ramps. C)
26 nos Underpassess D)
Diversion of Irrigation Canal of 655 m with
CC lining.

A)3 nos Major Bridges of 2180 m length

B)1 ROB of 180 m
17-Dec-18 14-Feb-19 C) 15 nos Underpassess
D) Diversion of Irrigation Canal of 1.765 Km
with CC lining.

Page 13 of 66
ided Carriageway from Delhi-Vadodara

Pre-Bid @ Date of Bid Submitted

12:00 PM Submission Bidders

A) 4 nos Major Bridges of 1215 m length

B)1 interchange with 1.06 km of loops and
17-Dec-18 14-Feb-19 C)1 ROB of 180 m
D) 11 nos Underpassess
E) Diversion of Irrigation Canal of 342 m
with CC lining.

Page 14 of 66
ided Carriageway from Delhi-Vadodara

Pre-Bid @ Date of Bid Submitted

12:00 PM Submission Bidders

A) 4 nos Major Bridges of 535 m length B)

22 nos Minor Bridges C)
1 interchange with 1.26 km of loops and
14-Feb-19 Ramps. D)1
17-Dec-18 ROB of 126.5 m E)
10 nos Underpassess F)
Diversion of Irrigation Canal of 2.025 km
with CC lining.

A)1 interchange without loops and Ramps.

B)1 ROB of
17-Dec-18 14-Feb-19 250 m C) 16 nos

A) 2 nos of Tunnels of length 2.47 km (No

Mandatory experience) B)1
17-Dec-18 14-Feb-19 interchange with 1.2 km of loops and
C) 3 nos Underpassess

A)1 interchange without loops and Ramps.

17-Dec-18 14-Feb-19 B) 21 nos

A)1 interchange with 3.285 km of loops and

17-Dec-18 28-Jan-19 B) 31 nos Underpassess C) 5
nos Major Brides of 480 m length

Page 15 of 66
ided Carriageway from Delhi-Vadodara

Pre-Bid @ Date of Bid Submitted

12:00 PM Submission Bidders

A)1 interchange with 3.076 km of loops and

Ramps. B)
28-Jan-19 23 nos Underpassess C) 7
17-Dec-18 nos Major Brides of 874 m length D) 17
nos Minor Brides E) RCC
Retaining wall/Toe wall of 2.53 km

A)1 interchange with 3.014 km of loops and

Ramps. B)
20 nos Underpassess C) 3
nos Major Brides of 805 m length D) 14
17-Dec-18 28-Jan-19 nos Minor Brides E) RCC
Retaining wall/Toe wall of 2.5 km
Diversion of Irrigation Canal of 545 m with
CC lining.

A) 14 nos Underpassess
B) 5 nos Major Brides of 665 m
C) 16 nos Minor Brides
17-Dec-18 28-Jan-19 D) RCC Retaining wall/Toe wall of 780 m

E) Diversion of Irrigation Canal of 420 m

with CC lining.

A)1 ROB of 210 m

B)2 interchange with 11.977 km of loops
and Ramps.
28-Jan-19 C) 21 nos Underpassess
17-Dec-18 D) 1 nos Major Brides of 70 m length
E) 8 nos Minor Brides
F) RCC Retaining wall/Toe wall of 2.39 Km

Page 16 of 66
ided Carriageway from Delhi-Vadodara

Pre-Bid @ Date of Bid Submitted

12:00 PM Submission Bidders

A)1 ROB of 581 m

B)1 interchange with 9.3 km of loops and
Ramps. C)
14 nos Underpassess D) 4
28-Jan-19 nos Major Brides of 980 m length E) 26
17-Dec-18 nos Minor Brides F)
RCC Retaining wall/Toe wall of 4.85 Km
G)Diversion of Irrigation Canal of 2.305 Km
with CC lining.

Page 17 of 66
ided Carriageway from Delhi-Vadodara

Pre-Bid @ Date of Bid Submitted

12:00 PM Submission Bidders

A) 4 nos of VOPs
B) 9 nos Underpassess
C) 9 nos Major Brides of 2310 m length
28-Jan-19 D) 30 nos Minor Brides
17-Dec-18 E) RCC Retaining wall/Toe wall of 7.99 Km
F)Diversion of Irrigation Canal of 2.3 Km
with CC lining.

A) 5 nos of VOPs
B) 6 nos Underpassess
C) 15 nos Major Brides of 1260 m length
28-Jan-19 D) 14 nos Minor Brides
17-Dec-18 E) RCC Retaining wall/Toe wall of 9.15 Km

F)Diversion of Irrigation Canal of 1 Km with

CC lining.

A)1 interchange with 2.94 km of loops and

Ramps. B)
14 nos Underpassess C)
11 nos Major Brides of 1795 m length D)
17-Dec-18 28-Jan-19 15 nos Minor Brides E)
RCC Retaining wall/Toe wall of 6.34 Km

F)Diversion of Irrigation Canal of 1.53 Km

with CC lining.

Page 18 of 66
ided Carriageway from Delhi-Vadodara

Pre-Bid @ Date of Bid Submitted

12:00 PM Submission Bidders

A) 5 interchange with 9.46 km of loops and

Ramps. B)
15 nos Underpassess C)
3 nos Major Brides and 1 ROB D)
17-Dec-18 18-Feb-19 14 nos Minor Brides E)
RCC Retaining wall/Toe wall of 4.16 Km

F)Diversion of Irrigation Canal of 1.37 Km

with CC lining.

A) Nill interchange.
B) 10 nos Underpassess
C) 6 nos Major Brides
18-Feb-19 E)D)RCC
3 nos Minor Brides
17-Dec-18 Retaining wall/Toe wall of 2.33 Km
F)Diversion of Irrigation Canal of 1.48 Km
with CC lining.

Page 19 of 66
ided Carriageway from Delhi-Vadodara

Pre-Bid @ Date of Bid Submitted

12:00 PM Submission Bidders

17-Dec-18 18-Feb-19 Tech Schedules yet to upload

Near By Tenders Date

Rajasthan PKG's 7,9, 28-Jan-19
Pradesh PKG's 18,19,20,21,22,23,24,and 25 28-Jan-19
odara- PKG's 6,7,8,9, and 10 23-Jan-19

Page 20 of 66
Construction of Eight Lane divided Carriageway from Vadodara-Mumbai

EW/ NH/ Estimate Length Const

Cost per Period
Sl no Client State Name of the Work Mode
SH No (INR Cr) (KM) Km (Cr) (Months)

[Construction of Eight lane access controlled Expressway from Km

217.500 to Km 254.430 (Ena to Kim Section of Vadodara Mumbai
1 NHAI Gujarat Expressway) in the State of Gujarat on EPC Mode under EPC 1,512.66 36.930 40.96 24
Bharatmala Pariyojana (Phase I-Package VI)] [NHAI/BM/ VME
Phase I/2018/Pkg6][2018_NHAI_18521_1]

[Construction of Eight lane access controlled Expressway from Km

190.000 to Km 217.500 (Gandeva to Ena Section of Vadodara
2 NHAI Gujarat Mumbai Expressway) in the State of Gujarat on EPC Mode under EPC 1147.53 27.50 41.73 24
Bharatmala Pariyojana (Phase I-Package VII)] [NHAI/BM/ VME
Phase I/2018/Pkg7][2018_NHAI_18524_1]

[Construction of Eight lane access controlled Expressway from Km

154.600 to Km 190.000 (Jujuwa to Gandeva Section of Vadodara
Mumbai Expressway) in the State of Gujarat on EPC Mode under
3 NHAI Gujarat Bharatmala Pariyojana (Phase I-Package VIII)] [NHAI/BM/ VME EPC 1512.32 35.40 42.72 24
Phase I/2018/Pkg8][2018_NHAI_18526_1]

[Construction of Eight lane access controlled Expressway from Km

128.000 to Km 154.600 ( Karvad to Jujuwa Section of Vadodara
4 NHAI Gujarat Mumbai Expressway) in the State of Gujarat on EPC Mode under EPC 988.48 26.60 37.16 24
Bharatmala Pariyojana (Phase I-Package IX)] [NHAI/BM/ VME
Phase I/2018/Pkg9][2018_NHAI_18530_1]

Page 21 of 66
Construction of Eight Lane divided Carriageway from Vadodara-Mumbai

EW/ NH/ Estimate Length Const

Cost per Period
Sl no Client State Name of the Work Mode
SH No (INR Cr) (KM) Km (Cr) (Months)

[Construction of Eight lane access controlled Expressway from Km

103.400 to Km 128.000(Talasari to Karvad Section of Vadodara
Gujarat, UT of Mumbai Expressway in the State of Gujarat, UT of DNH and
5 NHAI DNH and EPC 1126.8 24.6 45.80 24
Maharashtra on EPC Mode under Bharatmala Pariyojana Phase I-
Maharashtra PKG X] [NHAI/BM/ VME Phase I/2018/Pkg10]

6,287.79 151.03

Page 22 of 66
ded Carriageway from Vadodara-Mumbai

Pre-Bid @ Date of Remarks

11:00 AM Submission

27-Dec-18 23-Jan-19

27-Dec-18 23-Jan-19

27-Dec-18 23-Jan-19

27-Dec-18 23-Jan-19

Page 23 of 66
ded Carriageway from Vadodara-Mumbai

Pre-Bid @ Date of Remarks

11:00 AM Submission

27-Dec-18 23-Jan-19

Page 24 of 66
Construction of Eight Lane divided C

Sl no Client State Name of the Work Mode

Construction of Eight Lane divided carriageway starting

at Sohna-Gurugram Road (NH-248A) near Alipur village and
ends at Ch.18+461 before KMP Expressway (Ch.0+000 to Ch.
1 NHAI Haryana NH-148 N 18+461) section of Delhi– Vadodara Greenfield Alignment EPC
(NH-148N) on EPC Mode under Bharatmala Pariyojana in the
State of Haryana (Pkg-1)

Construction of Eight Lane Expressway starting before KMP

Expressway and ends at Ch. 47+000 near Khanpur Ghati (Km
2 NHAI Haryana NH-148 N 18+500 to Km 47+000) section of Delhi – Vadodara Green EPC
field Alignment (NH-148N) on EPC Mode under Bharatmala
pariyojana in the State of Haryana (Pkg-2)

Page 25 of 66
Construction of Eight Lane divided C

Sl no Client State Name of the Work Mode

Construction of Eight Lane Expressway starting at Ch. 47+000

near Khanpur Ghati and ends at Haryana-Rajasthan Border
(Km 47+000 to Km 78+800) section of Delhi –Vadodara Green
3 NHAI Haryana NH-148 N field Alignment (NH-148N) on EPC Mode under Bharatmala EPC
Pariyojana in the State of Haryana (Pkg-3)

Construction of 8-Lane Carriageway starting at Haryana-

NH-148 N Rajasthan border and ends at Junction with SH44 (Km 78.800
4 NHAI Rajasthan EPC
to Km 115.700) section of Delhi-Vadodara Green field
Alignment (NH-148N) on EPC Mode (Pkg-4)

Construction of 8-Lane Carriageway starting at Haryana-

NH-148 N Rajasthan border and ends at Junction with SH44 (Km
5 NHAI Rajasthan EPC
115.700 to 151.840) section of Delhi-Vadodara Green field
Alignment (NH-148N) on EPC Mode (Pkg-5)

Construction of 8-Lane Carriageway starting at Haryana-

NH-148 N Rajasthan border and ends at Junction with SH44 (Km
6 NHAI Rajasthan EPC
151.840 to 183.000) section of Delhi-Vadodara Green field
Alignment (NH-148N) on EPC Mode (Pkg-6)

Page 26 of 66
Construction of Eight Lane divided C

Sl no Client State Name of the Work Mode

Construction of Eight Lane access controlled Expressway

starting near Junction with NH-11 (Ch.183.000-214.260)
7 NHAI Rajasthan 148N section of Delhi-Vadodara Green field Alignment on EPC EPC
Mode under Bharatmala Pariyojana in the State of Rajasthan

Construction of Eight Lane access controlled Expressway

starting near Start of RoB (Ch.214.260-247.310) section of
8 NHAI Rajasthan 148N Delhi-Vadodara Green field Alignment on EPC Mode under EPC
Bharatmala Pariyojana in the State of Rajasthan (Pkg-8)

Construction of Eight Lane access controlled Expressway

starting near Junction with MDR-1 (Baonli-Jhalai road)
9 NHAI Rajasthan 148N (Ch.247.310-279.840) section of Delhi-Vadodara Green field EPC
Alignment on EPC Mode under Bharatmala Pariyojana in the
State of Rajasthan (Pkg-9)

Page 27 of 66
Construction of Eight Lane divided C

Sl no Client State Name of the Work Mode

Construction of Eight Lane access controlled

Expressway starting near Start of RoB near village
Itawa to Major Bridge on Chakan river (Ch. 279.840
10 NHAI Rajasthan 148N EPC
- 309.001) section of Delhi - Vadodara Green field
Alignment (NH-148N) on EPC Mode under
Bharatmala Pariyojana in the State of Rajasthan (Pkg-10)

Construction of Eight Lane access controlled Expressway

starting near Major Bridge on Chakan River to Major Bridge
11 NHAI Rajasthan 148N on Mej River (Ch.309.001-331.030)(NH-148N) on EPC Mode EPC
under Bharatmala Pariyojana in the State of Rajasthan (Pkg-

Construction of Eight Lane access controlled Expressway

starting near Major Bridge on Mej River to Junction with SH-
12 NHAI Rajasthan 148N 37A (Ch.331.030-359.170) section of Delhi-Vadodara (NH- EPC
148N) on EPC Mode under Bharatmala Pariyojana in the State
of Rajasthan (Pkg-12)

Page 28 of 66
Construction of Eight Lane divided C

Sl no Client State Name of the Work Mode

Construction of Eight Lane access controlled Expressway

starting near Junction with SH-37A to Junction with NH-76
13 NHAI Rajasthan 148N (Ch.359.170-388.420) section of Delhi-Vadodara Green field EPC
Alignment on EPC Mode under Bharatmala Pariyojana in the
State of Rajasthan (Pkg-13)

Construction of Eight Lane access controlled Expressway

starting near Junction with NH-76 to Junction with NH-12
14 NHAI Rajasthan 148N (Ch.388.420-417.000) section of Delhi-Vadodara Green field EPC
Alignment on EPC Mode under Bharatmala Pariyojana in the
State of Rajasthan (Pkg-14)

Construction of Eight Lane access-controlled Expressway from

Junction with NH-12 to Start of Bridge near Manoharpur
(from Ch. 417.000 to 425.990) section of Delhi - Vadodara
15 NHAI Rajasthan 148N EPC
Green field Alignment (NH-148N) including construction of
tunnel in Mukundra Hills (Darrah) on EPC Mode under
Bharatmala Pariyojana in the State of Rajasthan (Pkg-15)

Page 29 of 66
Construction of Eight Lane divided C

Sl no Client State Name of the Work Mode

Construction of Eight Lane access-controlled Expressway from

Start of Bridge near Manoharpur to Rajasthan/MP Border (Ch.
16 NHAI Rajasthan 148N 425.990 - 452.420) section of Delhi - Vadodara Green field EPC
Alignment (NH-148N) on EPC Mode under Bharatmala
Pariyojana in the State of Rajasthan (Pkg-16)

Construction of Eight Lane access-controlled Expressway

from Rajasthan/MP Border to Jodmi village of Mandsaur
district (Ch. 452+420 to 484+420; design Ch. 0+000 to Ch.
17 NHAI Madhya Pradesh 148N EPC
32+000) section of Delhi – Vadodara Greenfield Alignment
(NH-148N) on EPC Mode under Bharatmala Pariyojana in the
State of Madhya Pradesh (Pkg-17)

Construction of Eight Lane access-controlled Expressway

carriageway from Jodmi village to Bani village of Mandsaur
district (Ch. 484+420 to 517+420; design Ch. 32+000 to
18 NHAI Madhya Pradesh 148N Ch.65+000) section of Delhi – Vadodara Greenfield Alignment EPC
(NH-148N) on EPC Mode under
Bharatmala Pariyojana in the State of Madhya Pradesh (Pkg-

Page 30 of 66
Construction of Eight Lane divided C

Sl no Client State Name of the Work Mode

Construction of Eight Lane access-controlled Expressway

carriageway from Bani village to Bardawadi village of
19 NHAI Madhya Pradesh 148N Mandsaur district (Ch. 517+420 to 546+920; design Ch. EPC
65+000 to Ch. 94+500) section of Delhi – Vadodara Greenfield
Alignment (NH-148N) on EPC Mode under Bharatmala
Pariyojana in the State of Madhya Pradesh (Pkg-19)

Construction of Eight Lane accesscontrolled Expressway

carriageway from Bardawadi village of Mandsaur district to
Kamliya village of Ratlam district (Ch. 546+920 to 72+220;
20 NHAI Madhya Pradesh 148N design Ch. 94+500 to Ch. 119+800) section of Delhi – EPC
Vadodara Greenfield Alignment (NH-148N) on EPC Mode
under Bharatmala Pariyojana in the State of Madhya Pradesh

Page 31 of 66
Construction of Eight Lane divided C

Sl no Client State Name of the Work Mode

Construction of Eight Lane access-controlled Expressway

carriageway from Kamliya to Kandarwasa of Ratlam (Ch.
21 NHAI Madhya Pradesh 148N 572.220 to 602.420 design Ch.119.800 to Ch.150.000) Delhi- EPC
Vadodara on EPC Mode under Bharatmala Pariyojana in the
State of Madhya Pradesh (Pkg-21)

Page 32 of 66
Construction of Eight Lane divided C

Sl no Client State Name of the Work Mode

Construction of Eight Lane access-controlled Expressway

carriageway from Kandarwasa to Bawadi (Ch.602.420 to
22 NHAI Madhya Pradesh 148N 627.420 design Ch.150.000 to Ch.175.000) section of Delhi- EPC
Vadodara on EPC Mode under Bharatmala Pariyojana in the
State of Madhya Pradesh (Pkg-22)

Construction of Eight Lane access-controlled Expressway

carriageway from Bawadi to Ranni (Ch.627.420 to 652.720
23 NHAI Madhya Pradesh 148N design Ch.175.000 to 200.300) section of Delhi-Vadodara on EPC
EPC Mode under Bharatmala Pariyojana in the State of
Madhya Pradesh (Pkg-23)

Page 33 of 66
Construction of Eight Lane divided C

Sl no Client State Name of the Work Mode

Construction of Eight Lane access-controlled Expressway

carriageway from Ranni to Miyati of Jhabua district
24 NHAI Madhya Pradesh 148N (Ch.652.720 to 674.420 design Ch.200.300 to 221.700) section EPC
of Delhi-Vadodara on EPC Mode under Bharatmala Pariyojana
in the State of Madhya Pradesh (Pkg-24)

Construction of Eight Lane access-controlled Expressway

carriageway from Miyati to MP-Gujarat Border (Ch.221.700 to
25 NHAI Madhya Pradesh 148N 244.500 design Ch.674.420 to 697.220) section of Delhi- EPC
Vadodara on EPC Mode under Bharatmala Pariyojana in the
State of Madhya Pradesh (Pkg-25)

Page 34 of 66
Construction of Eight Lane divided C

Sl no Client State Name of the Work Mode

Construction of Eight Lane access-controlled expressway

starting from Bhamaiya village and ends in Baletiya village in
26 NHAI Gujarath 148N Panchmahal district (Ch.780.920 to 803.420-Ch.328.500 to EPC
Ch.351.000) Delhi-Vadodara GA on EPC Mode under BP in the
State of Gujarat Package 29

Construction of Eight Lane access-controlled expressway from

Baletiya village of Panchmahal district to Nani Bhadol village
27 NHAI Gujarath 148N Ch.803.420 to 823.420-Ch.351.000 to Ch.371.00 section of EPC
Delhi-Vadodara GA on EPC Mode under BP in the State of
Gujarat Package 30

Construction of Eight Lane access-controlled expressway

starting from Nani Bhadol village and ends in Dodka village of
28 NHAI Gujarath 148N Vadodara District Ch.823-420 to Ch.844.382-Ch.371.000 to EPC
Ch.391.962 Delhi-Vadodara GA on EPC Mode under BP in the
State of Gujarat Package 31

Page 35 of 66
Construction of Eight Lane divided C

Sl no Client State Name of the Work Mode

Page 36 of 66
Construction of Eight Lane divided C

Sl no Client State Name of the Work Mode

Construction of Eight Lane divided Ca

[Construction of Eight lane access controlled Expressway from

Km 217.500 to Km 254.430 (Ena to Kim Section of Vadodara
1 NHAI Gujarat Mumbai Expressway) in the State of Gujarat on EPC Mode EPC
under Bharatmala Pariyojana (Phase I-Package VI)]
[NHAI/BM/ VME Phase I/2018/Pkg6][2018_NHAI_18521_1]

[Construction of Eight lane access controlled Expressway from

Km 190.000 to Km 217.500 (Gandeva to Ena Section of
2 NHAI Gujarat Vadodara Mumbai Expressway) in the State of Gujarat on EPC EPC
Mode under Bharatmala Pariyojana (Phase I-Package VII)]
[NHAI/BM/ VME Phase I/2018/Pkg7][2018_NHAI_18524_1]

[Construction of Eight lane access controlled Expressway from

Km 154.600 to Km 190.000 (Jujuwa to Gandeva Section of
Vadodara Mumbai Expressway) in the State of Gujarat on EPC
3 NHAI Gujarat Mode under Bharatmala Pariyojana (Phase I-Package VIII)] EPC
[NHAI/BM/ VME Phase I/2018/Pkg8][2018_NHAI_18526_1]

Page 37 of 66
Construction of Eight Lane divided C

Sl no Client State Name of the Work Mode

[Construction of Eight lane access controlled Expressway from

Km 128.000 to Km 154.600 ( Karvad to Jujuwa Section of
4 NHAI Gujarat Vadodara Mumbai Expressway) in the State of Gujarat on EPC EPC
Mode under Bharatmala Pariyojana (Phase I-Package IX)]
[NHAI/BM/ VME Phase I/2018/Pkg9][2018_NHAI_18530_1]

[Construction of Eight lane access controlled Expressway from

Km 103.400 to Km 128.000(Talasari to Karvad Section of
Gujarat, UT of
5 NHAI DNH and Vadodara Mumbai Expressway in the State of Gujarat, UT of EPC
DNH and Maharashtra on EPC Mode under Bharatmala
Maharashtra Pariyojana Phase I-PKG X] [NHAI/BM/ VME Phase

Page 38 of 66
tion of Eight Lane divided Carriageway from Delhi-Vadodara
Estimate Length Cost per Period Pre-Bid @ Date of
(INR Cr) (KM) Km (Cr) (Months) 12:00 PM Submission

1,144.00 18.461 61.97 24 5-Dec-18 31-Dec-18

1017.68 28.50 35.71 24 5-Dec-18 31-Dec-18

Page 39 of 66
tion of Eight Lane divided Carriageway from Delhi-Vadodara
Estimate Length Cost per Period Pre-Bid @ Date of
(INR Cr) (KM) Km (Cr) (Months) 12:00 PM Submission

798.55 31.80 25.11 24 5-Dec-18 31-Dec-18

958.82 36.90 25.98 24 5-Dec-18 1-Jan-18

925.13 36.14 25.60 24 5-Dec-18 1-Jan-18

858.57 31.16 27.55 24 5-Dec-18 1-Jan-18

Page 40 of 66
tion of Eight Lane divided Carriageway from Delhi-Vadodara
Estimate Length Cost per Period Pre-Bid @ Date of
(INR Cr) (KM) Km (Cr) (Months) 12:00 PM Submission

955.56 31.26 30.57 24 17-Dec-18 28-Jan-19

903.42 33.05 27.33 24 17-Dec-18 14-Feb-19

808.11 32.53 24.84 24 17-Dec-18 28-Jan-19

Page 41 of 66
tion of Eight Lane divided Carriageway from Delhi-Vadodara
Estimate Length Cost per Period Pre-Bid @ Date of
(INR Cr) (KM) Km (Cr) (Months) 12:00 PM Submission

758.08 29.161 26.00 24 17-Dec-18 14-Feb-19

884.95 22.029 40.17 24 17-Dec-18 14-Feb-19

886.36 28.14 31.50 24 17-Dec-18 14-Feb-19

Page 42 of 66
tion of Eight Lane divided Carriageway from Delhi-Vadodara
Estimate Length Cost per Period Pre-Bid @ Date of
(INR Cr) (KM) Km (Cr) (Months) 12:00 PM Submission

940.95 29.25 32.17 24 17-Dec-18 14-Feb-19

703.88 28.58 24.63 24 17-Dec-18 14-Feb-19

909.84 8.99 101.21 24 17-Dec-18 14-Feb-19

Page 43 of 66
tion of Eight Lane divided Carriageway from Delhi-Vadodara
Estimate Length Cost per Period Pre-Bid @ Date of
(INR Cr) (KM) Km (Cr) (Months) 12:00 PM Submission

709.7 26.43 26.85 24 17-Dec-18 14-Feb-19

888.42 32 27.76 24 17-Dec-18 28-Jan-19

973.78 33 29.51 24 17-Dec-18 28-Jan-19

Page 44 of 66
tion of Eight Lane divided Carriageway from Delhi-Vadodara
Estimate Length Cost per Period Pre-Bid @ Date of
(INR Cr) (KM) Km (Cr) (Months) 12:00 PM Submission

880.62 29.5 29.85 24 17-Dec-18 28-Jan-19

736.67 25.3 29.12 24 17-Dec-18 28-Jan-19

Page 45 of 66
tion of Eight Lane divided Carriageway from Delhi-Vadodara
Estimate Length Cost per Period Pre-Bid @ Date of
(INR Cr) (KM) Km (Cr) (Months) 12:00 PM Submission

919.63 30.2 30.45 24 17-Dec-18 28-Jan-19

Page 46 of 66
tion of Eight Lane divided Carriageway from Delhi-Vadodara
Estimate Length Cost per Period Pre-Bid @ Date of
(INR Cr) (KM) Km (Cr) (Months) 12:00 PM Submission

1037.3 25 41.49 24 17-Dec-18 28-Jan-19

1139.89 25.3 45.05 24 17-Dec-18 28-Jan-19

Page 47 of 66
tion of Eight Lane divided Carriageway from Delhi-Vadodara
Estimate Length Cost per Period Pre-Bid @ Date of
(INR Cr) (KM) Km (Cr) (Months) 12:00 PM Submission

820.55 21.05 38.98 24 17-Dec-18 28-Jan-19

952.33 23.15 41.14 24 17-Dec-18 28-Jan-19

Page 48 of 66
tion of Eight Lane divided Carriageway from Delhi-Vadodara
Estimate Length Cost per Period Pre-Bid @ Date of
(INR Cr) (KM) Km (Cr) (Months) 12:00 PM Submission

783.14 22.5 34.81 24 17-Dec-18 18-Feb-19

926.38 20 46.32 24 17-Dec-18 18-Feb-19

784.49 20.962 37.42 24 17-Dec-18 18-Feb-19

Page 49 of 66
tion of Eight Lane divided Carriageway from Delhi-Vadodara
Estimate Length Cost per Period Pre-Bid @ Date of
(INR Cr) (KM) Km (Cr) (Months) 12:00 PM Submission

25,007 760

Page 50 of 66
tion of Eight Lane divided Carriageway from Delhi-Vadodara
Estimate Length Cost per Period Pre-Bid @ Date of
(INR Cr) (KM) Km (Cr) (Months) 12:00 PM Submission

n of Eight Lane divided Carriageway from Vadodara - Mumbai

1,512.66 36.930 40.96 24 27-Dec-18 23-Jan-19

1147.53 27.50 41.73 24 27-Dec-18 23-Jan-19

1512.32 35.40 42.72 24 27-Dec-18 23-Jan-19

Page 51 of 66
tion of Eight Lane divided Carriageway from Delhi-Vadodara
Estimate Length Cost per Period Pre-Bid @ Date of
(INR Cr) (KM) Km (Cr) (Months) 12:00 PM Submission

988.48 26.60 37.16 24 27-Dec-18 23-Jan-19

1126.8 24.6 45.80 24 27-Dec-18 23-Jan-19

6,288 151.03

Page 52 of 66
Remarks Bid Submitted Bidders

A)1 ROB of 1.663 km length for proposed DFCC

B) 2 nos Viaducts of 810 m length. GR INFRA, GAWAR, AFCONS Infra, APCO,
C) 1 interchange with 3.69 km of loops and Ramps. SP Singla
D) Diversion of Irrigation Canal of 297 m with CC

A) 3 nos interchanges with 9.335 km of loops and GR INFRA, GHG INFRA, AFCONS INFRA,
Ramps. APCO
B) 23 nos Underpassess

Page 53 of 66
Remarks Bid Submitted Bidders


A) 1 interchange with 2.46 km of loops and Ramps. INFRA, NKC-RKD(JV), BSCPIL-
B) 22 nos Underpassess MADHUCON(JV), AFCONS Infra, APCO,

A)1 ROB of 93 m
B) 1 interchange with 1.34 km of loops and Ramps. GR INFRA, AFCONS, IRCON. HG Infra,
C) 31 nos Underpassess Sadbhav, ACPO
D) RCC Retaining wall/Toe wall of 2.68 km

A)1 ROB of 90 m
B) 1 interchange of 1.34 km loops and Ramps. AFCONS, IRCON, HG INFRA, KCC,
D) RCC Retaining wall/Toe wall of 1.79 km

A)2 nos Major Bridges of 650 m length

B) 1 interchange with 5.9 km of loops and Ramps. AFCONS, HG INFRA, KCC, NKC-RKD,
C) 24 nos Underpassess SADBHAV, APCO, PNC
D) RCC Retaining wall/Toe wall of 2.830 km

Page 54 of 66
Remarks Bid Submitted Bidders

A)1 ROB of 330 m

B)2 nos Major Bridges of 500 m length
C) 1 interchange with 1.21 km of loops and Ramps.
D) 22 nos Underpassess

A)2 nos Major Bridges of 450 m length

B) 1 interchange with 1.895 km of loops and Ramps
C) 29 nos Underpassess

A)2 nos Major Bridges of 850 m length

B) 30 nos Underpassess

Page 55 of 66
Remarks Bid Submitted Bidders

A)1 ROB of 76 m
B)1 interchange with 1.77 km of loops and Ramps.
C) 26 nos Underpassess
D) Diversion of Irrigation Canal of 655 m with CC

A)3 nos Major Bridges of 2180 m length

B)1 ROB of 180 m
C) 15 nos Underpassess
D) Diversion of Irrigation Canal of 1.765 Km with CC

A) 4 nos Major Bridges of 1215 m length

B)1 interchange with 1.06 km of loops and Ramps.
C)1 ROB of 180 m
D) 11 nos Underpassess
E) Diversion of Irrigation Canal of 342 m with CC

Page 56 of 66
Remarks Bid Submitted Bidders

A) 4 nos Major Bridges of 535 m length

B) 22 nos Minor Bridges
C) 1 interchange with 1.26 km of loops and Ramps.
D)1 ROB of 126.5 m
E) 10 nos Underpassess
F) Diversion of Irrigation Canal of 2.025 km with CC

A)1 interchange without loops and Ramps.

B)1 ROB of 250 m
C) 16 nos Underpassess

A) 2 nos of Tunnels of length 2.47 km (No

Mandatory experience)
B)1 interchange with 1.2 km of loops and Ramps
C) 3 nos Underpassess

Page 57 of 66
Remarks Bid Submitted Bidders

A)1 interchange without loops and Ramps.

B) 21 nos Underpassess

A)1 interchange with 3.285 km of loops and Ramps.

B) 31 nos Underpassess
C) 5 nos Major Brides of 480 m length

A)1 interchange with 3.076 km of loops and Ramps.

B) 23 nos Underpassess
C) 7 nos Major Brides of 874 m length
D) 17 nos Minor Brides
E) RCC Retaining wall/Toe wall of 2.53 km

Page 58 of 66
Remarks Bid Submitted Bidders

A)1 interchange with 3.014 km of loops and Ramps

B) 20 nos Underpassess
C) 3 nos Major Brides of 805 m length
D) 14 nos Minor Brides
E) RCC Retaining wall/Toe wall of 2.5 km
F) Diversion of
Irrigation Canal of 545 m with CC lining.

A) 14 nos Underpassess
B) 5 nos Major Brides of 665 m
C) 16 nos Minor Brides
D) RCC Retaining wall/Toe wall of 780 m
E) Diversion of
Irrigation Canal of 420 m with CC lining.

Page 59 of 66
Remarks Bid Submitted Bidders

A)1 ROB of 210 m

B)2 interchange with 11.977 km of loops and
C) 21 nos Underpassess
D) 1 nos Major Brides of 70 m length
E) 8 nos Minor Brides
F) RCC Retaining wall/Toe wall of 2.39 Km

Page 60 of 66
Remarks Bid Submitted Bidders

A)1 ROB of 581 m

B)1 interchange with 9.3 km of loops and Ramps
C) 14 nos Underpassess
D) 4 nos Major Brides of 980 m length
E) 26 nos Minor Brides
F) RCC Retaining wall/Toe wall of 4.85 Km
G)Diversion of
Irrigation Canal of 2.305 Km with CC lining.

A) 4 nos of VOPs
B) 9 nos Underpassess
C) 9 nos Major Brides of 2310 m length
D) 30 nos Minor Brides
E) RCC Retaining wall/Toe wall of 7.99 Km
F)Diversion of
Irrigation Canal of 2.3 Km with CC lining.

Page 61 of 66
Remarks Bid Submitted Bidders

A) 5 nos of VOPs
B) 6 nos Underpassess
C) 15 nos Major Brides of 1260 m length
D) 14 nos Minor Brides
E) RCC Retaining wall/Toe wall of 9.15 Km
F)Diversion of
Irrigation Canal of 1 Km with CC lining.

A)1 interchange with 2.94 km of loops and Ramps.

B) 14 nos
C) 11 nos Major Brides of 1795 m length
D) 15 nos Minor Brides
E) RCC Retaining wall/Toe wall of 6.34 Km
F)Diversion of
Irrigation Canal of 1.53 Km with CC lining.

Page 62 of 66
Remarks Bid Submitted Bidders

A) 5 interchange with 9.46 km of loops and Ramps.

B) 15 nos
C) 3 nos Major Brides and 1 ROB
D) 14 nos Minor Brides
E) RCC Retaining wall/Toe wall of 4.16 Km
F)Diversion of
Irrigation Canal of 1.37 Km with CC lining.

A) Nill interchange.
B) 10 nos Underpassess
C) 6 nos Major Brides
D) 3 nos Minor Brides
E) RCC Retaining wall/Toe wall of 2.33 Km
F)Diversion of
Irrigation Canal of 1.48 Km with CC lining.

Tech Schedules yet to upload

Page 63 of 66
Remarks Bid Submitted Bidders

Page 64 of 66
Remarks Bid Submitted Bidders

Page 65 of 66
Remarks Bid Submitted Bidders

Page 66 of 66

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