Unit 2 2 Mark
Unit 2 2 Mark
Unit 2 2 Mark
Unit – II
Bipolar Junction Transistor
3. What is the major difference between a bipolar and unipolar device? [Nov/Dec 2014]
In Bipolar device current conduction due to both charge carrier majority and minority
(electron and holes). In Unipolar device current conduction due to only one charge carrier
electron or hole.
6. What is multiple emitter transistors? Draw the symbol of that. [Nov/Dec 2015]
Merged transistors, that are two or more devices which share one or more common
regions, provide one method of space saving on a chip. The most widely used merged
transistor is the multiple emitter transistors.
7. Define Early effect in BJT. [Nov/Dec 2015, Apr/May 2017,Nov/Dec 2017, May/June
When reverse bias voltage VCB (Collector junction) increases the width of depletion
also increase, which reduces the electrical base width. This effect is called as “Early
effect” or “Base width Modulation”.
8. Draw the common base configuration. [Nov/Dec 2016]
10. State the reason behind the popularity of Common Emitter Configuration of BJT.
[Nov/Dec 2017]
The CE configuration is the only configuration which provides both voltage gain as
well as current gain greater than unity. In case of CB configuration, current less than
unity in case of CC configuration, voltage gain is less than unity.
23. State the relation between operating region and biasing of transistor junction.
Region Emitter- Base Junction (JE) Collector Base Junction (JB)
Cut-off Reverse Bias Reverse Bias
Active Forward Bias Reverse Bias
Saturation Forward Bias Forward Bias
The Gummel base number is the total majority carrier charge in the base region it
is denoted by QB.
The Gummel Emitter number is the total majority carrier charge in the Emitteer
region it is denoted by QE.