Unit 2 2 Mark

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Unit-2 Bipolar Junction Transistor 2 Mark Question and Answers

Unit – II
Bipolar Junction Transistor

1. What is the need for biasing in the transistor? [May/June 2014]

In order to produce distortion free output in amplifier circuits, the supply voltages and
resistance in the circuit must be suitably chosen. These voltages and resistances establish
a set of dc voltage VCEQ and current ICQ to operate the transistor in the active region. This
voltage is called bias voltage.

2. Draw the h parameter model for CE transistor. [May/June 2014]

3. What is the major difference between a bipolar and unipolar device? [Nov/Dec 2014]
In Bipolar device current conduction due to both charge carrier majority and minority
(electron and holes). In Unipolar device current conduction due to only one charge carrier
electron or hole.

4. What do you meant by drift current? [Apr/May 2015]

When a voltage applied to a material, a free electrons move towards the positive of
the battery. While moving the collide with the adjacent atoms and keep changing their
directions randomly. Still they drifting towards the positive of the battery. This is called
drifting of charge carriers and current due to such drifting of charge carriers is called drift

5. Sketch the Ebers Moll Model. [Apr/May 2015]

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Unit-2 Bipolar Junction Transistor 2 Mark Question and Answers

6. What is multiple emitter transistors? Draw the symbol of that. [Nov/Dec 2015]
Merged transistors, that are two or more devices which share one or more common
regions, provide one method of space saving on a chip. The most widely used merged
transistor is the multiple emitter transistors.

7. Define Early effect in BJT. [Nov/Dec 2015, Apr/May 2017,Nov/Dec 2017, May/June
When reverse bias voltage VCB (Collector junction) increases the width of depletion
also increase, which reduces the electrical base width. This effect is called as “Early
effect” or “Base width Modulation”.
8. Draw the common base configuration. [Nov/Dec 2016]

9. What is recovery time? Give its types. [Nov/Dec 2016]

The total time required by a diode to switch from ON to OFF state which is addition
of storage time and transition time is called reverse recovery time of a diode.
trr = ts+tt

10. State the reason behind the popularity of Common Emitter Configuration of BJT.
[Nov/Dec 2017]
The CE configuration is the only configuration which provides both voltage gain as
well as current gain greater than unity. In case of CB configuration, current less than
unity in case of CC configuration, voltage gain is less than unity.

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Unit-2 Bipolar Junction Transistor 2 Mark Question and Answers

11. What is transistor?

Transistor is a three terminal device: Base, Emitter and Collector, can be operated in
three configuration common base, common emitter and common collector. According to
configuration it can be used for voltage as well as current amplification.

12. Describe the basic structure of a BJT.

Bipolar junction transistor (BJT) is the layer semiconductor device consisting of two
PN junctions. If a layer of N type material is sandwiched between two layers of P type,
the transistor is known as PNP transistor. On the other hand if a layer of P type material is
sandwiched between two layers of N type the transistor is known as NPN transistor.

13. What are the three terminals in a BJT?

a. Emitter (E)
b. Collector ( C )
c. Base (B)
14. What are the bias condition of a base emitter and base collector junction for the
transistor to operate as an amplifier?
The transistor operates as an amplifiers when the base emitter junction is in forward
bias condition and base collector junction is in reverse bias condition.

15. Define dc beta.

The dc beta (βdc) is defined as the ratio between the collector current (IC) to the base
current (IB). It is also known as common emitter current gain.

16. Define dc alpha

The dc alpha (αdc) is defined as the ration between the collector current (IC) to the
emitter current (IE). It is also known as common base current gain.

17. Why BJT called current controlled device?

In BJT output current is controlled by input current and hence it is current controlled

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Unit-2 Bipolar Junction Transistor 2 Mark Question and Answers

18. State the basic currents of the transistor.

The basic currents of the transistor are base current, collector current and emitter

19. Describe how amplification and switching are achieved by a BJT.

For amplification BJT must operate in the active region.
For switching, cut-off and saturation region of output characteristics are used. When it
is saturated, it acts as a closed switch. When it is in cut-off, it act as an open switch.

20. What is meant by punch through?

We know that the depletion region increase with increasing reverse bias. Since the
collector is heavily doped depletion region, it penetrates into base and the undepleted part
of the base becomes narrow. If the reverse bias is increased further a stage is reached at
which the depletion region spreads completely across the emitter junction. This
phenomenon known as punch through.

21. State the three operating regions of transistor.

The three operating regions of transistor are: Active, Cut-off, and Saturation.

22. What are the different ways to transistor breakdown?

a. Avalanche Multiplication
b. Punch through (or) reach through

23. State the relation between operating region and biasing of transistor junction.
Region Emitter- Base Junction (JE) Collector Base Junction (JB)
Cut-off Reverse Bias Reverse Bias
Active Forward Bias Reverse Bias
Saturation Forward Bias Forward Bias

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Unit-2 Bipolar Junction Transistor 2 Mark Question and Answers

24.Give relation between αdc and βdc

25. What is high level injection effect?

Increasing the positive mobile charge in the base region (Base emitter junction
applied forward bias). In this case hole concentration increase in the base because of
applied forward bias. This effect is called high level injection effect.
26. What is base Gummel Number?

The Gummel base number is the total majority carrier charge in the base region it
is denoted by QB.

27. What is emitter Gummel Number?

The Gummel Emitter number is the total majority carrier charge in the Emitteer
region it is denoted by QE.

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