P.M.R Engineering College: Important Two Marks Question

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Important Two Marks Question

Sub. Code: Staff Name: A. Shankar, M.E, (PhD),

Sub. Name: Fundamentals of computing and Department: Aeronautical

1. Define computers?
2. What are the features of computers?
3. Give the uses of computer?
4. Define personal computers?
5. Differentiate Mainframe & Super computers?
6. Define Mini computers?
7. Mention the basic operation of computer?
8. Define Single user system?
9. Define multi user system?
10. Define fetch phase?
11. Define execution phase?
12. Define system?
13. Define Hardware & give example?
14. What are the functions in the input unit?
15. Define Auxiliary memory?
16. Mention few output units?
1. Define computer. Explain the characteristics briefly?
2. Describe evolution of computer?
3. Diffentiate various generations with features?
4. Explain the fundamental units with a block diagram?
5. Explain the classification of computers?

1. What is meant by operating system?
2. What is a need for operating system?
3. What is software?
4. Define Application software?
5. Define System software?
6. Difference between Software & hardware?
7. Write the functions of operating system?
8. What are the Language Translators?
9. What is compiler?
10. What is interpreter?
11. What is assembler?
12. Give the software development steps?
13. How to test the program?
14. How to document the program?
15. How to maintain the program?
16. What is soft copy?
17. What is meant by software privacy?
18. Define internet?
19. What are the internet services?
20. Write short notes on ARPANET?
1. Describe the software?
2. Describe the software development steps?
3. Write the components of a computer system?

1. What is algorithm?
2. Characteristics of algorithm?
3. What is flowchart?
4. Flowchart symbols?
5. Structure of flowchart?
6. Rules for drawing a flowchart?
7. Pseudo code?
8. What is program?
9. Representation of program?
10. What is application software?
11. What is word processing programs?
12. What is spread sheet program?
13. What is database program?
14. What is graphics?
15. Draw the flowchart symbol with name?
1. Explain the program development cycle?
2. Explain the flowchart and symbols with example?
3. Explain the application software packages?

1. What are the features of C program?
2. What is keywords in C?
3. What is identifier?
4. What are the features of identifiers?
5. What is the major difference between if else and switch case statement?
6. What is the purpose of go to statement?
7. What is an arithmetic operator? Given one example?
8. What are the types of input and output functions?
9. What is the purpose of getchar function?
10. What is the purpose of putchar function?
11. What is the purpose of gets and puts function?
12. What is meant by unary operator?
13. What is meant by relational and logical operator?
14. What is the purpose of assignment operator?
15. What is a conditional operator?
16. What are the C tokens?
17. What are the types of errors?
18. What are the several types of constants?
19. What are the four fundamental data types in C?
20. What are the different types of operators in C?
21. What is mean by bitwise operator? What are they and their meaning?
1. Explain the structure of a C program?
2. Explain the stages involved in a system life cycle?
3. Explain the switch case statement and example?
4. What is the purpose of break statement? Write a program using it?
5. Explain briefly about input and output functions?
6. What are the types of constants? Explain briefly?


1. What is the NULL character and what is its user in the content of strings?
2. Explain with example how a string is declared and initialized?
3. Explain some string junctions?
4. Explain about function declaration, function and function call?
5. What are the two types of parameters and explain it?
6. What is mean by local and global variable?
7. What are the types of prototype?
8. What is meant by call by reference?
9. What is a pointer?
10. What is meant by NULL pointer?
11. What is a character pointer?
12. What is meant by pointer to pointer?
13. What is meant by dynamic memory allocations?
14. Define malloc() functions?
15. Define calloc() functions?
16. What is meant by free() functions?
17. What is a structure?
18. What is a user defined data types?
19. Diffentiate between array and structure?
20. Give any two comparison between structure and union?
21. What is a self-referential structure?

1. Storage classes?
2. Structure & union program?
3. Arrays & pointers program?
4. String functions?
5. Function prototypes?
6. Recursive function?
Write algorithm, Pseudo code, flowchart and program for the following.
1. Sum of two numbers.
2. Sum of n nos
3. Sum of 1+5+… upto 20 terms.
4. Fibonocci series.
5. Factorial
6. prime or not
7. Greatest of three nums.
8. Fahrenheit to celcius.
9. celcius to Fahrenheit
10. Armstrong no
11. pascal’s triangle.


1. Write a C program to find the sum of two numbers.

2. Write a C program to find the average of three float numbers.
3. Write a C program to swap two numbers using third variable.
4. Write a C program to swap two numbers without using temporary variable.
5. Write a C program to find the area and circumference of a circle.
6. Write a C program to find the biggest of two numbers using ternary operator.
7. Write a C program to convert centigrade to Fahrenheit.
8. Write a C program to convert Fahrenheit to centigrade.
9. Write a C program to calculate the simple interest.
10. Write a C program to find the area of a rectangle.

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