Rec Supp
Rec Supp
Rec Supp
Recommender: See below for instructions. Staple this form to the top of your letter.
Graduate School Applicant: Please write your field below.
Field name: _________________________
Building: ___________________________
This recommendation must be Cornell University
received by the Graduate Field Ithaca, NY 14853
by _____________________
field deadline USA
Applicant: Please type or print. Complete this section, enter the field deadline in the space above, and sign below. Give this form and an envelope to the
person whom you have asked to recommend you. When that person returns the sealed envelope to you, include it with your other application materials.
Proposed field and degree program: ____________________________________________ Proposed term and year of admission: _____________
month day year
In accordance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, you can waive your right to inspect this recommendation by signing the
statement below. Should you decide not to waive the right, you will have access to the recommendation only if you enroll in the Graduate School at
Cornell University.
Recommender: Please compare the applicant with one of the following (check one):
� Undergraduates from your institution who have gone on to graduate study
� Current senior undergraduates at your institution
� Other: ___________________________________________________
Top 2% Top 5% Top 10% Top 25% Top 50% Bottom 50%
Please type or print your letter. Write candidly about the applicant. Indicate how long and in what capacity you have known the applicant. Discuss
the applicant’s qualifications and potential to carry on advanced study in the field specified, as well as his or her promise of professional success. In
describing such attributes as motivation, intellect, and maturity, discuss both strong and weak points. Specific examples are more useful than gener-
alizations. Indicate rank in class, if known. If possible, compare the applicant with others you have recommended who have attended or are attend-
ing the Graduate School at Cornell University. If the applicant’s first language is not English, comment on his or her ability to read, write, speak, and
teach in English.
Institution: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________
name address
Mailing the completed recommendation letter: Seal the recommendation letter and this completed form in an envelope and sign
your name across the seal. Return the signed, sealed envelope to the applicant well before the deadline indicated. If you do not want to return the
recommendation to the applicant, you can send it directly to the field of study to which the applicant is applying. The address should be written-in by
the applicant above, or can be found at
This recommendation will remain confidential during the admission process and will be used by the Graduate School in its procedures relative to
admission and fellowships. If the student has not waived the right of access to the recommendation, it will become accessible to the student only if he
or she enrolls in the Graduate School.