Job Classification

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What is job classification?

Job classification is a method of organizing jobs and levels of responsibility in

a particular order, grouping together similar or comparable jobs according to
the functions to be performed and related skills, knowledge or experience
required to discharge these functions. It thus creates a hierarchy based on the
level of responsibility and tasks assigned and ensures consistency between
the actual duties and responsibilities of a post and the grade allocated. There
are two different approaches to the establishment of a salary hierarchy in an

 Rank-in-job approach: It is tied to the principles of equal pay for work

of equal value, relative worth, significant differences and evaluation of
the work performed, not the competence or contributions of the
 Rank-in-person approach: It is based on personal qualifications, such
as academic credentials or seniority.

Organizations of the United Nations common system opted for the "rank-in-
job" approach mainly because it is less open to subjectivity and discrimination
and better able to adjust to changing organizational demands.

The principal objectives of job classification

 To provide for the fair and equitable remuneration of staff by applying

standards reflecting the internal values of the organizations, uniformly
and consistently over time; and
 To provide for the establishment of links between the objectives of the
organization and the work performed to reach those objectives - in other
words, the relationship between salaries paid and services rendered.

Job evaluation methods

The evaluation methods presented below are based on the "rank-in-job"


 Ranking: This is the simplest method of classification, in which jobs are

described and ranked in order of difficulty, following which grades and
levels can be assigned to jobs. It is a non-quantitative method of listing
jobs according to the demands they are considered to make on those
who perform them.
 Grade description: Through this method. jobs are classified by
comparing them with a predetermined standard and are assigned levels
which best correspond, as a whole, to their duties and responsibilities.
This predetermined standard is basically a set of benchmarks against
which whole jobs are matched to arrive at a grade. It is also a non-
quantitative method of sorting posts of a single type into classes and
grades which have been determined and described.

 Point factor rating: A point rating plan is developed by selecting and

defining factors, by defining a number of degrees for each factor and by
assigning point values to each degree. Jobs are analysed in terms of
the factors in the classification plan and assigned a point value by
reference to the factor and degree definitions. The total number of
points determines the relative value of the job. This method is used for
the evaluation of work in the Professional and higher categories
because of its capacity to evaluate consistently and accurately, the
heterogeneous jobs found in the United Nations common system
organizations. While it is more costly to develop and operate than other
systems, it is more difficult to manipulate and biases become more
readily apparent, thus, it is ultimately more cost effective.

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