Your Account Summary: Hno583 Sec 18 B Chandigarh 160018
Your Account Summary: Hno583 Sec 18 B Chandigarh 160018
Your Account Summary: Hno583 Sec 18 B Chandigarh 160018
Service Tax Registration No. : AAACB2894GST036 under Category TELECOMMUNICATION SERVICE Page 1 of 4 E & OE
To make payments, kindly make crossed Cheque/DD/Pay Order in favour of "Airtel Mobile No. - 9876621188"
Date: Signature
Ms Jaspreet Kaur Airtel Number 9876621188
2. Usage Charges
Description Duration Number/Volume Amount Discounts
Call Charges
Outgoing - Local
To Airtel Mobile 03:36:45 31 47.00 -46.00
To Other Mobiles 01:16:08 21 58.50 0.00
Outgoing - STD
To Airtel Mobile 00:01:26 1 3.00 0.00
Total 04:54:19 53 108.50 -46.00
Value Added Service
SMS - Local
To Airtel Mobile 1 1.00 -1.00
To Other Mobiles 4 4.00 -4.00
GPRS 1 0.30 0.00
Total 5.30 -5.00
3. Discount
Description Units Left Amount
Airtel to Airtel 1500 Minutes -46.00
Daily 500 Local & National SMS free -5.00
Total 0 -51.00
1. For further assistance email us at [email protected], or Call us at 121 or 9815012345 or contact us through our Website-
* You can also highlight any matter related to our services to our Nodal Officer at + 91 9878434865, email id - [email protected]. Working Hours 9:30am to 6:30pm, Monday to Friday
* In case you do not get any satisfactory response you can highlight the matter to our appellate authority at + 91 9878444865, email id - [email protected]. Working Hours 9:30am to
6:30pm, Monday to Friday
* To avoid unwanted telemarketing calls, register your telephone number in NDNC Registry - Call 1909 or send SMS "START DND" on 1909.
2. Change of address: To change your address in our records you can send us an email at [email protected] , call us at 121 or visit any of our Airtel Relationship Centers.
3. Late Payment: Paying your bills on time would ensure a good credit rating and uninterrupted services. You are requested to make the payments by the Due Date to ensure that you are not
levied any late fee charges.Late Payment Charges applicable on non payment of Bill on or before Due Date - For outstanding between Rs.100 to Rs.500- Rs 50; For outstanding between
Rs.501 to Rs.1500- Rs 75; For outstanding exceeding Rs.1500 - Rs.100 or 5% of total outstanding (whichever is higher subject to a maximum of Rs. 750 will be charged).
4. Credit limit is the sole discretion of the Bharti Airtel Limited, Your credit limit is just an indicator of your monthly usage and in the event your usage exceeds the given credit limit
you would be required to pay for all calls and services obtained even beyond the stated limit.
5. Please note that a single short message (SMS) contains a maximum of 160 characters including spaces. Any SMS containing more than 160 characters, or multiples thereof, is delivered as
separate SMS and is charged as per the number of SMS delivered
6. No migration fee is chargeable for migration to any Bill Plan. You can use our Tariff Plan Calculator available at to calculate financial implication of migrating to a new tariff plan
7. No increase permissible in any item of the tariff for a period of 6 months from the date of enrolment under a tariff plan.
8. No charge will be levied for any service without your explicit consent
9. In case of permanent disconnection your security deposit will be refunded within 60 days of disconnection, failing which you shall be paid an interest at the rate of 10 percent per annum
10. Airtel has full right to change the terms & conditions applicable to tariff plans from time to time. Please visit for other terms & conditions applicable.
Registered Office: Bharti Airtel Limited, Aravali Crescent,1, Nelson Mandela Road, Vasant Kunj, Phase II,New Delhi–70, India
Circle Office : Bharti Airtel Ltd, Plot No 21, Rajiv Gandhi Chandigarh Technology Park, Chandigarh - 160101
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Ms Jaspreet Kaur Airtel Number 9876621188
4. Tax Details
Description Amount
Service Tax @10% 48.69
Education Cess(On Service Tax) @2% 0.98
Secondary and Higher Education Cess(On Service Tax) @1% 0.48
Total 50.15
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Ms Jaspreet Kaur
Airtel Number 9876621188
S.No Date Time Number Duration/ Amount S.No Date Time Number Duration/ Amount
Volume Volume
Short Codes: SMS Others Short Code Description Short Codes: SMS Others Short Code Description Short Codes: SMS Others Short Code Description
6781 Hello Tunes Monthly Subscription 4540 Voice SMS Charges @ Rs 0.75 per Voice SMS 5646505 Cricket Alerts @ Rs 5 per match day
6782 Hello Tunes Song Change Charges @ Rs 15 per song 54321201 Daily Subscription Alerts @ Rs 1 per day 5432130030 On Demand Services Monthly Subscription
4774 / 150 Missed Call Alert Subscription 5432102 / 3 Daily Subscription Alearts @ Rs 2 / Rs 3 5432140030 Astrology on Demand Monthly Subscription
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