Published By:
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
Retrieval Number E7480068519/19©BEIESP 1459 & Sciences Publication
IoT based system for Heart Rate Monitoring and Heart Attack Detection
on Lilypad Arduino and Android application, additionally, Pi is utilized in various aspects these days in many of the
the panic button is provided as part of an alert system in case monitoring systems. ECG analysis is vital in diagnosing the
of heart attack detection. Moreover, a mobile application heart health irrespective of the age group[11]. The signals
called ECG analytics is used for the analysis of the data collected from wearable monitoring node are sent to the cloud.
collected from the sensor[2]. Real-time monitoring of the A wifi module is usually used to achieve this. The IoT cloud is
heartbeat is made possible through the Thing Speak platform. provided with both HTTP and MQTT protocols. This
portrays the data into a graph and also supports real-time
Prototypes are developed for heart rate monitoring as well
as monitoring the interbeat intervals in individuals [12]. This
is realized through Java scripts, using a wearable Smart watch
Samsung gear S3 with library Web Socket. The
communication between Samsung gear S3, server, and the
client is implemented through the algorithm in the Java code.
Continuous heart rate monitoring is an important factor in the
Fig. 1: Block Diagram representation of the prototype
health care of people suffering from cardiovascular diseases
especially in the case of elderly people and private homes for
Heart rate sensor, Wi-Fi Module, and Arduino are used as
patients[13]. The proposed system consists of the
major components in modeling a heart rate monitoring
electric-optical sensor, an embedded system, along with a
system[3]. Combining IoT with this through a heart rate
Bluetooth enabled hands-free module. The heartbeat signals
application is used to obtain the alert message, given, a heart
are collected from the fingertip. The designed system is
attack occurs. The measurement and analysis of heart rate for
enabled with a provision to contact a clinician in a remote
subjects belonging to the age group of 20-80 years are carried
location during an emergency situation.
out[4]. The data is obtained from the sensor by detecting the
Abnormal electro cardio signals can be monitored using a
intensity of light. The output of the sensor is processed into a
remote monitoring system, and the data can be transmitted
hub and sent to the software display unit. This data is further
automatically through mobile phone messages [14]. This is
stored into the SD card to maintain a record of the person’s
accomplished by using a GSM MODEM. Components used
heart rate characteristics.
are heart rate sensor, MCU, interface circuit and MODEM.
The pulse sensor is used along with a temperature sensor
The system uses the AT89C52 MCU. The system
for heart rate monitoring and heart attack detection [5].
requirements for low power consumption and convenient
Arduino board is utilized on the basis of the algorithm. A GPS
operation are met through internal resources integrated with
module is incorporated to locate the specific location of the
AT89C52 MCU. Among the wide variety of applications in
patient. Android application is developed and communication
IoT smart and connected health care is the most important one
is made possible through Bluetooth module. IR sensor is
[15]. IoT facilitates an evolution in the practice of medicine,
incorporated with the hardware system along with Arduino to
enables personalization of the treatment and also helps in
produce a PPG (photoplethysmography) [6]. The signals are
reducing the cost of healthcare. Real-Time Monitoring is one
gained from a fingertip. The software used for graphical
of the most important features of IoT.
representation and analysis is Processing software.
The sensor collects physiological data from the human
body, a management unit is used to store and show the
real-time data from the monitoring body [7]. The management a.ECG Waveform
unit can be combined with an IoT system that is a local host The electrical impulses of the heart that causes heartbeats are
network. The results are presented via a monitor, mobile measured using a test called ECG(Electrocardiogram). It is
phone or laptop. The hardware system consists of Arduino primarily used as a diagnostic tool to examine the functioning
UNO, pulse sensor, LEDs and Raspberry Pi 3[8]. Thing of the heart. The ECG measures the heart rate as well as the
Speak, an IoT platform is used for real-time monitoring of the rhythm of the heart, it can also give information regarding the
data. IR emitter-detector pair is used for heart rate blood flow to the heart. An ECG is realized by using a
standard system of electrodes. Usually, ten electrodes are
measurement and the output of the sensor is again amplified
required to produce 12 electrical views of the heart. The
by 741 OP amp IC[9]. A low pass filter is used for removing
pulses are recorded by these electrodes. The signals are
the noise from the signal. The ECG waveform can be
transmitted to the electrocardiograph which displays the
visualized on a Personal computer screen. The data is result on a monitor. The results are mainly a sequence of
uploaded in a database cloud through a Wifi module. continuous wavy lines with a series of spikes. The electrode
There are lots of healths monitoring systems available these patches are placed on each arm, each leg and six on the chest
days. Wireless communications, wearables, and portable wall. On the other hand, a heart monitor can obtain the results
remote health monitoring systems are a few among them [10]. by just placing the electrodes one on each- right arm left arm
The health monitoring systems have devised to make health and left chest. There are a series of waves in ECG these waves
care facilities easily available, comfortable to the patients and are a representation of Atrial and Ventricular polarisation and
most important information regarding the health status of the repolarization, the wave can be
patient must be easily accessible to the doctor irrespective of described as the P wave
his location. IoT plays a key role in this scenario. Raspberry
Published By:
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
Retrieval Number E7480068519/19©BEIESP 1460 & Sciences Publication
International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT)
ISSN: 2249-8958, Volume-8 Issue-5, June 2019
followed by which is the QRS complex and then the T wave. exercise, pregnancy, a stimulus, nervous or excited. A slow
The first deflection on ECG is P wave. It is caused by right rate can occur in diseased people due to reasons like heart
and left atrial depolarization. For a normal P wave, the attack, infections, high potassium levels in the blood or an
duration or the width is less than 0.12 seconds. A normal P underactive thyroid gland. A faster heart rate can occur in
wave is less than 2.5 mm tall. In general, the normal P wave diseased people due to reasons like infections, overactive
axis is within a coordinate between 15° and 75°. It is usually thyroid gland, heart problems, etc. Abnormal heart rhythms
in direction of lead II and away from lead aVR.Therefore a P are called arrhythmias. This condition occurs in most of the
wave will be always positive in lead II and negative in aVR people they are mainly harmless but some of them can be due
during sinus rhythm. to serious heart issues or other health problems. Heart
The second wave that occurs in the ECG is QRS complex as diseases can be classified into different categories that are
shown in Fig. 2. It shows the spread of stimulus through the circulatory, electrical and structural.
ventricle. The QRS complex constitutes mainly three There are two types of circulatory disorders, Heart attack, and
deflections, which are caused due to the current associated Stroke. A condition in which the arteries get clogged leading
with the depolarization of the right and left ventricles. It to the reduction in the flow of blood to the heart or even
contains a Q wave, R wave, and an S wave. The first stopping the blood flow is called a heart attack. This leads to
deflection in the QRS complex is called Q wave if it is heart muscle damage or in many cases kill the heart muscle. A
negative. Consecutively R wave is the first positive deflection stroke is caused due to the blockage or reduction in the flow of
and S wave is the next negative deflection. Any positive blood to the brain. Also called as brain attacks, strokes are not
deflection after S wave it is called as an R wave. The normal considered to be true heart disorders. Blood clots formed in
duration or width of a QRS complex is 0.12 seconds.The next the brain can travel to the brain and block the vessel thereby
part of the ECG waveform is the ST segment. It begins after causing a stroke. Some strokes occur when the blood vessels
the QRS complex and ends at the beginning of the T wave. J burst open as well.
joint represents the junction between the end of the QRS Structural disorders are of two types, Heart valve problems,
complex and the starting of the T wave The current flow and heart failure. Heart valve problems occur when the ability
linked with the second phase of ventricular repolarization is of the heart to push blood efficiently from chamber to
depicted by the ST segment. The ST segment is normally chamber as well as to the rest of the body decreases. Heart
isoelectric with baseline.The T wave represents the third valve problems can be inherited or developed on their own.
phase of the ventricular repolarization. The T wave usually Heart failure can be defined as a condition in which the heart
has the same polarity as that of the QRS complex. During the muscles become too weak to pump the blood effectively. This
period of repolarisation extending from the peak of the T heart condition is referred to as cardiomyopathy. There are
wave to its initial downslope, the ventricles are electrically several heart diseases caused due to electrical factors. Atrial
unstable. flutter occurs due to a single electrical wave that circulates
The region from the beginning of the P wave to that of the very rapidly in the atrium (about 300 times per minute). A
QRS complex is called the PR interval. This region is a harmless faster rhythm can lead to Sinus Tachycardia, a
measure of the time period from the initial depolarization of normal increase in heart rate that occurs usually due to fever,
the atria to the initial depolarization of the ventricles. The excitement, and exercise. Sick Sinus Syndrome is a group of
normal range of this interval is 120 to 200 ms. The region symptoms that shows that the sinus node is not working
from the beginning of the QRS complex until the end of the T properly, during this condition the heart rate can alternate
wave is called the QT interval. This interval is a measure of between fast and slow heart rate. When the heartbeat is
the time in which ventricles depolarize and repolarize. irregular or rapid due to disorganized signals from the heart’s
electrical system it leads to Atrial fibrillation.
Less 12 M
Fig. 2: QRS Complex than month 2-6 6-12 th
one s to 2 years years 1
b. Heart rates and ranges: s
month years ye
The normal range of heartbeat is 60 to 100 beats per minute. Table-1: Heart Rate Ranges for different age groups
Max 160 140 130 120 110 1
Tachycardia is a heart rate faster than 100 beats per minute
and bradycardia is a heart rate slower than 60 beats per Min 120 80 80 75 75 6
minute. A slow rate in a healthy person can be caused due to
being physically fit, sleep or a health condition such as
propranolol or metoprolol. A faster heart can be caused due to
Published By:
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
Retrieval Number E7480068519/19©BEIESP 1461 & Sciences Publication
IoT based system for Heart Rate Monitoring and Heart Attack Detection
Blynk is an IoT platform. It is a platform with iOS and
Android apps to control Arduino and Raspberry Pi. It can be
stated as a digital dashboard a graphic interface can be built
by simply dragging and dropping widgets. Its functionality is
very simple and it supports the hardware of our choice.
Published By:
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
Retrieval Number E7480068519/19©BEIESP 1462 & Sciences Publication
International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT)
ISSN: 2249-8958, Volume-8 Issue-5, June 2019
Fig. 6: Serial Monitoring Fig 7 (a)and (b) Serial monitoring depicting different heart
If the heartbeat values exceed or go below the heartbeat rate and location.
ranges given in the algorithm, an alert is sent to the doctor’s
mobile through a mobile app.The mobile application is Fig 7 (a) and (b) shows the serial monitoring screen depicting
realized using Blynk. By using the GPS technology the device heart rate 70 and 90 along with the patient location. The
location is monitored this helps the doctor in locating the heartbeat is monitored through real-time monitoring and the
patient. data can be stored for future studies regarding the health of the
patient. The alert message sends through the mobile app helps
the doctor in availing the right medical help to the patient
during emergency situations.
In this system a real time heart rate monitoring and heart
attack detection system is realised by using IoT. The proposed
design is advantageous to patients of different age groups by
providing real time heart health monotoring. It also provides
security and privacy to the datas of the patient. The proposed
design is implemented as the real time monitoring system
which helps in providing immediate health care facilities to
the patient by using MQTT protocol and IFTTT protocol,
alert system and location monitoring are other features of the
design. In addition to this a
local server is used to provide
security, privacy and low
Published By:
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
Retrieval Number E7480068519/19©BEIESP 1463 & Sciences Publication
IoT based system for Heart Rate Monitoring and Heart Attack Detection
Amritha G is perusing her Bachelor’s degree in
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Published By:
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
Retrieval Number E7480068519/19©BEIESP 1464 & Sciences Publication