ABB and Vestas

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Power protection solutions

PCS100 STATCOM - ABB helps one of the world’s largest wind
turbine companies connect their wind turbines to the grid

Three 2 MVAr PCS100 STATCOM containers for a 54-megawatt onshore wind farm located in Fakken, in the far north of Norway

Connecting wind turbines to the grid is not as straightfor- At the Fakken onshore wind farm in the far north of Norway,
ward as many people may think. The R&D teams of ABB ABB has installed three PCS100 STATCOMs. These are low
(Power Electronics team in Australia and Poland) and Ves- voltage STATCOMs each with a rating of 2 megavolt-amperes
tas have jointly developed a reliable and cost-effective so- reactive (MVAr), and two ABBACUS metal enclosed mechani-
lution, which has been successfully installed at the Fakken cally switched capacitor banks (MSC), each with a rating of 2.5
wind farm in Norway. MVAr. The wind farm consists of 18 wind turbines with a rating
of 3 megawatt (MW) each. The ABB installation helps Vestas,
While wind power is increasing its share in the energy mix, sev- the world’s leading wind turbine manufacturer, to comply with
eral issues need to be addressed when connecting wind tur- the Norwegian grid code.
bines to the grid. For consumers of electrical power it is im-
portant that the power is available with a stable voltage and The entire project is a joint effort by the R&D teams of ABB and
frequency. To make sure that this is the case, grid operators Vestas. The Fakken wind farm is used as a qualification of the
issue requirements for connecting power generating equipment PCS100 STATCOM. The qualification includes extensive verifi-
to the grid. Collectively these requirements are known as the cation testing and standardizing of interfaces and controls. A
grid code, and equipment that meets these requirements is similar qualification was carried out last year for the PCS 6000
called grid compliant. STATCOM, a medium voltage STATCOM, which means that
ABB has both a low voltage and a medium voltage solution
A typical requirement by the grid operators is that generators depending on the size of the wind park.
should be able to vary their reactive power output dependent on
the grid voltage level. This and other requirements necessitate Once the qualification has been completed the Vestas plant
the deployment of devices that can control reactive power. A control group can do all their system modeling with ABB’s
static var compensator (SVC) is such a device. The term var is STATCOMs, so becoming a preferred solution for Vestas.
derived from the unit of measurement for reactive power, VAr or
volt-ampere reactive. Vestas chose ABB for this project because one of the salient
characteristics of the PCS100 STATCOM is its modular con-
An SVC can be implemented in different ways. The implementa- struction, which makes the platform very reliable: If one of the
tion employed at Fakken is a hybrid solution that makes use of power modules fails, the system will not trip, but will continue to
classical reactive power compensation and of dynamic reactive operate at reduced capacity. Because the granularity is small,
power compensation that is based on voltage source inverter the customer can get full redundancy at very small cost by add-
technology. The latter type of SVC is usually referred to in the in- ing one more module to the system. This level of reliability at
dustry as STATCOM (static compensator). Compared with other such low cost is unique in the industry.
technologies the STATCOM has a number of benefits: a smaller
footprint, a smaller parallel capacitor bank, faster dynamic per- The project also involved the integration of ABB’s control sys-
formance, active filtering of harmonic currents, and more. tem for the PCS100 and Vestas’ Power Plant Controller. Freddie
Fakken wind farm in Norway A crane positioning one of the PCS100 STATCOM containers into place

Andreasen, Vestas Technology R&D Director stated, “For the Fakken wind farm will generate 135 gigawatt-hours (GWh) per
first time VestasOnline™ Power Plant Controller has an ABB year. To make this possible ABB will supply Vestas with a full
STATCOM in the loop via an advanced and standardized com- reactive power plant consisting of medium-voltage (MV) switch-
munication scheme. We have experienced a very successful gear and all related services in addition to the STATCOM con-
and professional cooperation with ABB on this controller in- tainers and MSC.
tegration project.” The result is a fast and dynamic response
where the STATCOM acts as reactive power source controlled
in parallel with the wind turbine generators by the Vestas Power To see further technology information please visit:
Plant Controller.

“This project is an important milestone for ABB. The integration

of wind power into the grid is one of the challenges the wind
industry is facing and its importance is growing as the percent-
age of wind energy increases in the total energy mix. ABB is
well positioned with a wide range of technologies to help the
industry to address this challenge. In addition, this cooperation
with Vestas shows how important it is that relevant component
suppliers and turbine manufacturers are working together to of-
fer solutions that reduce the cost of wind energy,” commented
Alfredo Parres, head of Wind Power in ABB.

ABB’s PCS100 STATCOM technology ranges from 100 kilo-

volt-amperes reactive (kVAr) to 10 MVAr and offers power fac-
tor control, voltage regulation and high- and low-voltage ride
through support. The STATCOM system has overload up to 260
percent for three seconds, and higher overload requirements
can be met by adding extra modules while having advanced
capability of flicker mitigation. The turnkey solution means the
STATCOM is easy to relocate as the container incorporates a
power converter, switchgear and a standard-type transformer
with no special windings or specification for reduced mainte-
nance requirements.

Vestas Wind Systems A/S is a Danish manufacturer, seller, in-

staller, and servicer of wind power plants. The company op-
erates manufacturing plants in Denmark, Germany, India, Italy,
Romania, Britain, Spain, Sweden, Norway, Australia, China, and
the United States, and employs more than 20,000 people glob-

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