Maniar&Picolli. Tectonic Discrimination of Granitoids

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Geological Society of America Bulletin

Tectonic discrimination of granitoids


Geological Society of America Bulletin 1989;101, no. 5;635-643

doi: 10.1130/0016-7606(1989)101<0635:TDOG>2.3.CO;2

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Geological Society of America

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Tectonic discrimination of granitoids

I Department of Geology and Planetary Science, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15260


Granitoids as categorized by tectonic en- In this paper, we will attempt to show that the The existing literature was surveyed to iden-
vironment are (1) island arc granitoids (IAG), mineralogy and chemistry of granitoids can be tify suites of granitoid rocks with well-docu-
(2) continental arc granitoids (CAG), (3) con- successfully used to characterize the tectonic en- mented tectonic environments. Data for these
tinental collision granitoids (CCG), (4) post- vironment. The terminology used in this paper is granitoid rocks were collected and separated
orogenic granitoids (POG), (5) rift-related described in Appendix 1. We have avoided into three groups: (1) modal data, (2) major-
granitoids (RRG), (6) continental epeirogenic using the I-, S-, A-, M-, or magnetite-, ilmenite- element geochemical data, and (3) trace-element
uplift granitoids (CEUG), and (7) oceanic type classification of granitoid rocks because geochemical data. Because of our focus on granit-
plagiogranites (OP). Of these, the IAG, CAG, there exists considerable confusion in their defi- oid rocks, mafic rocks were excluded from each
CCG, and POG are considered orogenic nition and characteristics. Our classification of of the above groups by using only modal data
granitoids, and the RRG, CEUG, and OP are tectonic environments and the granitoid rocks with greater than 2% modal quartz and major-
considered anorogenic granitoids. selected to represent them is given in Appendix and trace-element geochemical data for samples
The discrimination of granitoids is based 2. The chemical and mineralogical data avail- with greater than 60 wt. % Si0 2 .
on the major-element chemistry. Various dis- able on these suites of rocks form the data base The data collected were adjusted in the fol-
crimination plots are presented which se- for this paper. lowing manner.
quentially discriminate the different tectonic
environments. OP are separated from all TABLE 1. G R A N I T O I D S A N D TECTONIC ENVIRONMENT

other granitoids on the K2O versus SiOj plot.

Tectonic environment Locality
Discrimination between group I (IAG + CAG
+ CCG), group II (RRG + CEUG), and group 1. Island arc Papua New Guinea-Solomon Islands Grillin (1979), Johnson and Jaques (1980), Mason
III (POG) granitoids can be achieved by (21.65)* and Heaslip (1980), Mason and McDonald (1978),
Whalen (1985)
using plots of A1 2 0 3 versus Si0 2 , FeO(T)/ 2. Continental arc Sierra Nevada batholilh Bateman (1983), Bateman and Chappell (1979),
(101, 107) Balcman and Dodge (1970). Bateman and Lockwood
[FeO(T) + MgO] versus SiO z , and AFM and (1970), Bateman and Woncs (1972). Bateman and
ACF ternary diagrams. In the figures, group I others, (1963), Hietanen (1973). Dodge and Moore.
(1968), Miller (1977, 1978), Noyes and others (1983)
and group II plot in individual fields. Identifi- Idaho batholith Hyndman (1983, 1984), Shuster and Bickford (1985),
(54, 57) Taubeneck (1971)
cation of group III is different, in that group 3. Continental collision North and High Himalayas Le Fori (1975a, 1975b, 1981). Cocherie (1976),
III does not have a unique field in which it (59, 15) Ghose and Singh (1977), Ferrara and others, (1983),
Hamet and Allegre (1976), Vidal and others, (1982),
plots. Group III is identified because it con- Honegger and others (1982). Scharer and others
(1986), Blattner and others (1983), DeBon and others
sistently displays characteristics of both (1986)
group I and group II. Further discrimination South Brittany Le Metour (1978), Strong and Hanmer ( 1 9 8 1 )
(24. 0)
within group I can be accomplished on the 4. Post-orogcnic Egypt Greenberg (1981a, 1981b, Hussein and others (1982),
(66, 62) El-Gaby and others (1975), Rogers and others (1978),
basis of Shand's index. Only CCG have Rogers and Greenberg (1981 a, 1981 b)
A/CNK [ A L 2 0 3 / ( C a 0 + N a 2 0 + K z O)] 5. Rilt related Oslo rift Oftedahl (1978), Barth (1944), Neumann (1974, 1976,
(61,31) 1978), Neumann and others (1977), Petersen (1978),
values greater than 1.15. It is not possible to Schonwandt and Petersen (1983), Ramberg and
Spjeldnaes (1978), Khalil and others (1978), NelTand
discriminate between IAG and CAG. Further Khalil (1978), Czamanske (1963), Czamanske and
discrimination within group II is done using Wones (1973), Czamanske and Mihalik (1972), Jensen
(1985), Bockelie (1978)
the T i 0 2 versus S i 0 2 plot. Wichita Mountains Gilbert and Donovan (1982), Johnson and Denison
(49, 34) (1973), Hamilton (1956, 1959), Hanson and Al-Shaieb
The proposed discrimination scheme is (1980), Merritt (1965), Powell and Phelps (1977).
Huang (1958), Myers and others (1981), Gilbert
applied to the Proterozoic granitoids of the (1983)
6. Aborted rift/hotspot related Niger Nigeria Black and Girod (1970), Cahen and others (1984),
midcontinent of the United States. It is shown (43. 60) Bowden and Kinnaird (1984), Bowden and Whitley
that the Arbuckle granitoids are not anoro- (1974), Bowden and Turner (1974), Lameyre and
Bowden (1982), Bonin and Giret (1984), Imeokparia
genic as previously thought. (1984), Aleksiyev (1970), Borley (1963), Greenwood
(1951), Giret and others (1980), Clifford (1970). Harris
7. Plagiogranites Karmoy Ophiolite Pedersen and Malpas (1984)
Canyon Ml., Oregon Gerlach and others (1981)
*Present addresses: (Maniar) Department of Indian Ocean Engel and Fisher (1975)
Geological and Geophysical Sciences, Princeton Uni- General Spulber and Rutherford (1982). Coleman and
(43, 15)t Peterman (1975), Coleman and D o n a t o ( 1 9 7 9 )
versity, Princeton, New Jersey 08540; (Piccoli)
Laboratory for Mineral Deposits Research, Depart-
•Numbers in brackets correspond to the number of analyses (major elements, modal) used in this study after the criterion described in the text has been applied.
ment of Geology, University of Maryland, College tThese numbers represent a total for all of the oceanic plagiogranites considered.
Park, Maryland 20742.

Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 101, p. 635-643, 12 figs., 3 tables, May 1989.

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Finally, the variables controlling magma
generation are pressure, temperature, volatiles,
Orogenic Anorogenic
and source rock. Magma generation is further
complicated by magma dynamics and nature of
Type 2 feldspar; 2 feldspar; 2 feldspar; 2 feldspar; 1 feldspar; 1 feldspar; 1 feldspar;
surrounding crust. The obvious question is, does
perth < plag perth < plag perth - plag perth s plag perth ± A b perth i A b plagioclase the kinematic plate-tectonic classification of geo-
(primary?) (primary?)
Penhiie logic environments uniquely control the varia-
>Or75 >Or75 >Or75 >Or75 -<0r50
bles of magma generation and emplacement?
General observation and common sense dictate
Plagioclase Oligoclase- Oligoclase Oligoclase Oligoclase Albite Albite Oligoclase-
composition andesine andesine that some of the variables may be controlled by
plate dynamics and that others may not be.
Type Biotite Biotite Biotite Biotite ± hbld z. pyx
± hbld ± hbld
muscovite ± hbld or
Hbld = pyx
These variables and their relation to plate dy-
±pyx ± epid ± tour or alkali amph * biotite namics are not fully understood, suggesting that
± cord biotite + hbld ± pyx
±sill ± muse empirical discrimination schemes must be used
with caution.
H+/B+* -<0.20-2.5 -<0.20-2.5 -<0.20-2.5 -<0.20-2.5 ->2.0-2.5 ->2.0-2.5 ->2.0-2.5

M+/B+t -<1.3 ->1.3 -<1.3 DISCUSSION

Note. H+ - hbld + pyx + ol; B+ = biotite + epid; M+ " muse + cord + gl - tour + sill, as determined by modal analysis. For references, see Table I. For classification
of granitoids, see Appendix 2. Table 1 summarizes the tectonic classification
' W h e n both amph and biotite present.
When both muse and biotite present. of the suites of granitoid rocks used in this study,
including the references utilized in this paper to
obtain information regarding tectonic environ-
ment, mineralogy, and chemistry of the grani-
toids. Detailed descriptions and definitions of
Modal data: (1) Any mineral reported as are representative of the tectonic environment the different tectonic environments are given in
trace quantity was assigned a value of 0.01 vol. and that the available analyses are representative Appendix 2. Also included in Appendix 2 is the
%, (2) modal values of perthite and myrmekite of the suites. Further, all data are from Phaner- information regarding the specific suites of gran-
were included as alkali feldspar and plagioclase, ozoic rocks. itoid rocks chosen for this study.
respectively, and (3) reported free albite was as-
sumed to be plagioclase.
Major-element data: (1) All iron was con-
verted to total iron as FeO(T), (2) the analyses
are used as reported and were not normalized to
100 wt. % or to a 100 wt. % anhydrous basis.
Trace-element data: (1) All analyses are in
parts per million, (2) analyses reported as
"trace" in the literature were assigned a value of
0.01 ppm in this study, and (3) analyses reported
as less than a value "x" ppm were assigned a
value x / 2 ppm. The trace-element data are not
presented in this paper.

An outline of the approach utilized is to select

well-documented suites of granitoid rocks and to
characterize their tectonic environments from
the available literature. The chemistry and min-
eralogy of the granitoid rocks are then presumed
to be representative of granitoid rocks formed in
that environment. Any differences identified be-
tween representative suites become the basis for -RRG
discriminating the tectonic environment.
The limitations of this approach are (1) it is Figure 1. Modal quartz (Q)-alkali feldspar (A)-plagioclase (P) ternary plot. IAG = island arc
an empirical procedure, (2) a change in the defi- granitoids, CAG = continental arc granitoids, CCG = continental collision granitoids, POG =
nitions of the tectonic environment employed post-orogenic granitoids, RRG = rift-related granitoids, CEUG = continental epeirogenic uplift
(see App. 2) or use of a different classification granitoids, OP = oceanic plagiogranites. For references, see Table 1.1 = quartz alkali syenite; II
scheme can change the results, and (3) it is pre- = quartz syenite; III = quartz monzonite; IV = quartz monzodiorite; V = quartz diorite; VI =
sumed that the suites of granitoid rocks chosen tonalité, trondhjemite; VII = granodiorite; VIII = granite, IX = alkali granite.
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Mineralogical Characteristics
Orogenic Anorogenic
In Figure 1, the modes of granitoid rocks
from different tectonic environments are pre-
sented as fields (for clarity) on the QAP diagram Silica range 60-68 62-76 70-76 70-78 72-78 71-77 61-78
(quartz-alkali feldspar plagioclase normalized <WL F ) unimodal unimodal unimodal unimodal 60-63 60-62
to 100%). Streckeisen (1976) nomenclature is
Alkali-lime Calcic to Calc-alkaline Calc-alkaline
strictly followed, and the information of Figure index calc-alkaline to alkali-calcic
1 can be summarized as follows. (1) IAG are Peraluminous Peraluminous
Shand's index Predominantly Metaluminous Peraluminous Peraluminous Peraluminous
quartz diorites, quartz monzodiorites, tonalites, (Fig. 2) metaluminous peraluminous metaluminous (minor) (minor) metaluminous
peralkaline metaluminous metaluminous
and granodiorites; (2) CAG are tonalites, grano- (minor) peralkaline peralkaline
diorites, and granites (with A / P < 2.0);
Na20/CaO -1.0 -2.0-25.0 -1.0-12.0
(3) CCG are granites (with A / P < 2.0); (wt. 1 )

(4) POG are granites; (5) RRG show bimodal Na20/K20 -0.4-3.0 -0.4-2.0 -0.4-1.5
- 0 . 7 1.0 -0.6-1.0 0.0 50.0
(wt. %)
distribution and are alkali granites, quartz alkali
syenites, and quartz monzonites; (6) CEUG are MgO/FeO(T) 0.3-0.85 0.10-0.50 0.05-0.6
0.0-0.20 0.0-0.12 0.0-0.70
(wt. %)
granites (with A / P > 2.0), alkali granites, quartz
MgO/MnO 12.0-28.0 2.0 38.0 2.0-45.0 0.0-7.5 0.0-7.5 0.0-50.0
alkali syenites, and quartz syenites; and (7) OP (wt. * )

are tonalites. Additional mineralogical charac-

Al203/(Na20 + K20) >1.5 >1.1 >1.1 <1.15 <1.15 >1.0
teristics as summarized in Table 2 are (1) in (molar)

IAG, CAG, CCG, and POG, the alkali feldspars

Note: for references, see Table 1. For terminology, see Appendix 1.
generally have compositions with Or greater
than 75, whereas in RRG and CEUG, the alkali
feldspars generally have compositions with Or
less than 50; (2) the plagioclases in all granitoids
range from albite to andesine; (3) of the mafic
minerals, biotite is the most common. If calcic
hornblende is present, it is reported to occur
with biotite, except in OP and in some cases in
IAG where calcic hornblende can occur without
biotite. Alkali amphibole is reported only in
RRG and CEUG and can occur with or without
biotite. (4) Muscovite is reported in CCG, CAG,
and POG. Other peraluminous minerals occur
only in CCG.

Chemical Characteristics
The chemical characteristics of granitoid
rocks from different tectonic environments are
reported in Table 3 and can be summarized as
(1) RRG and CEUG have a bimodal distribu-
tion of Si02, whereas the remaining granitoids
have a unimodal distribution; (2) on the average
based on alkali-lime index, IAG, CAG, CCG,
POG, and OP are classified as calc-alkaline,
whereas RRG and CEUG are classified as al- shows the sequential steps one must follow to a very mobile constituent, and it is possible for
kalic; (3) characteristics based on Shand's index discriminate between tectonic environments. In highly altered granitoids from any tectonic en-
are shown in Figure 2. Only the CCG are highly utilizing the flow sheet, it is absolutely essential vironment to have abnormally low K2O values.
peraluminous (A/CNK > 1.15). Similarly, only to discriminate between tectonic environments This alteration can be easily identified petro-
the IAG, CAG, and OP are highly metalumi- in the sequential order presented because once graphically, however. Furthermore, OP have
nous (A/NK > 1.4), and only the RRG and an environment is identified, its representative distinctive mineralogy evidenced by the absence
CEUG are considerably peralkaline. (4) Addi- data are not longer plotted in the subsequent of alkali feldspar.
tional characteristics are given as a range of steps. The steps involved in discriminating be- Step 2: Discrimination between group I
values of various oxide ratios in Table 3. tween various tectonic environments on the (IAG, CAG, CCG), group II (RRG, CEUG),
basis of major-element chemistry of granitoids and group III (POG) granitoid rocks can be
Major-Element Discrimination are as follows. achieved by using Figures 5 through 8. Each of
Step 1: Discriminating between OP and the these figures consists of two plots, a and b, with
Figure 3 is a flow sheet for the tectonic dis- rest of the granitoid rocks is achieved with a plot a presenting group I and group II analyses
crimination of granitoid rocks. The flow sheet comparison of K2O versus Si02 (Fig. 4). K2O is and plot b data for group III. The discussion
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which is an excellent discriminant at lower S i 0 2

S values for groups I and II with minor overlap at
T higher Si0 2 . Figure 7 is the AFM, (A1 2 0 3 -
N a 2 0 - K 2 0 ) - [ F e 0 ( T ) ] - ( M g 0 ) , ternary in
weight percent and is an excellent discriminant
P between group I and group II. Figure 8 is the
ACF, (Al 2 0 3 -Na 2 0-K 2 0)-[Fe0(T) + MgO]-
(CaO), ternary in weight percent, in which
there is very little overlap between group I and
group II.
Step 3A: Discrimination between CCG and
IAG + CAG can be made on the basis of molar
S A l 2 0 3 / ( C a 0 + K 2 0 + N a 2 0 ) (A/CNK) ratio
(Figs. 2 and 3). CCG do not have A/CNK
values less than 1.05, whereas IAG + CAG do
E not have A/CNK values greater than 1.15. If the
P A/CNK ratio is between 1.05 and 1.15, it is not
possible to discriminate between CCG and IAG
+ CAG. Furthermore, it is not possible to dis-
criminate between IAG and CAG, using the
data available from this study.
Step 3B: Discrimination between RRG and
CEUG is possible using the T i 0 2 versus S i 0 2
plot (Fig. 9). RRG have a higher T i 0 2 value
than do the CEUG. There exists some overlap
S between the two fields.

Due to scarcity of Precambrian exposures in

the central midcontinent of the United States,
Figure 3. Discrimination scheme for granitoids. the study of the basement samples and the few
key exposures forms the core of our knowledge
regarding the geologic evolution of the region
during the Precambrian. On the basis of the re-
which follows simply refers to Figures 5 through ently has characteristics of both group I and sults of geochronological and petrographic stud-
8, implying discussion of both a and b plots. In group II and, therefore, always plots in both ies of basement samples and the interpretation of
these figures, groups I and II have their individ- fields in Figures 5 through 8. Figure 5, AI2O3 geophysical maps, the Proterozoic tectonic his-
ual fields in which they plot; group III is differ- versus Si0 2 , is discriminant for granitoid rocks tory of the midcontinent of the United States
ent, in that it does not have a unique field. with SiC>2 greater than 70.0 wt. %. Figure 6 is between 1480 and 1340 Ma is interpreted as a
Group III can be identified because it consist- the FeO(T)/[FeO(T) + MgO] versus S i 0 2 plot, period dominated by two short extensional
events (Bickford and others, 1986). The two ex-
tensional events occurred between 1450-1500
7 and 1340-1400 Ma. These events are mani-
fested by two widespread silicic granite-rhyolite
6 terranes of the southern midcontinent which ex-
5 * / tend from Ohio to the Texas Panhandle (Bick-
>x Figure 4. K 2 0 versus Si0 2 . ford and others, 1986). These terranes are
4- x< x X s/x * commonly referred to as the "anorogenic ter-
X X X Distinction between oceanic
ranes" of the midcontinent. Only a few outcrops
plagiogranites (open circles) and
of these large terranes are exposed; most are
granitoids from other environ-
X \ X v buried in the subsurface along with the crucial
2"X ;
X X ments (crosses).
* x * X field relations. In order to extract the maximum
xx Xx amount of information from these outcrops, the
0 0
op 0 |
n 0, Opm on empirical discrimination schemes are needed to
60 64 68 72 76 80 reconstruct the Precambrian evolution in the
S i 0 2 (WT%) region.
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& °x x

R 16-1 X 0 » Y 'XX
3 * x *

ro 14


60 64 68 72 76 80
S i 0 2 (WT%)
S i 0 2 (WT%)

Figure 5. AI2O3 versus Si0 2 . (a) Distinction between group I (IAG + CAG + CCG) (crosses) and group II (RRG + CEUG) (open circles),
(b) Group III (POG) data.

64 68 72 76 64 68 72
S i 0 2 (WT%) S i 0 2 (WT%)

Figure 6. FeO(T)/[FeO(T) + MgO] versus Si0 2 . (a) Distinction between group I (IAG + CAG + CCG) (crosses) and group II (RRG + CEUG)
(open circles), (b) Group III (POG) data.

4 8 12 16 20 24 28 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28
MgO (WT%) MgO (WT%)

Figure 7. ( A I 2 0 r N a 2 0 - K 2 0 ) - [ F e 0 ( T ) ] - ( M g 0 ) ternary, (a) Distinction between group I (IAG + CAG + CCG) (crosses) and group II (RRG +
CEUG) (open circles), (b) Group III (POG) data.

Exposures in the St. Francois Mountains, another key exposure of the older terrane is the Oklahoma and the Arbuckle granitoids of
southeastern Missouri, are considered a part of Wolf River batholith of central Wisconsin (Van southern Oklahoma are considered exposures of
the older 1450-1500 Ma anorogenic terrane Schmus and Bickford, 1981; Anderson and the younger 1340-1400 Ma anorogenic terrane,
(Bickford and others, 1980). Farther north, Cullers, 1978). Spavinaw granite of northeastern although comprehensive studies of these have
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12 16 20 24 28 12 16 20 24
CaO (WT%) CaO (WT%)

Figure 8. (AI 2 03-Na20-K 2 0)-[Fe0(T) + MgO]-(CaO) ternary: (a) Distinction between group I (IAG + CAG + CCG) (crosses) and group II
(RRG + CEUG) (open circles), (b) Group III (POG) data.

not been completed (see Bickford and others,

1986; Bickford and Lewis, 1979; Thomas and
0 others, 1984; Denison and others, 1984; Deni-
1.2 - son, 1973).
0 o Recently, the petrology of the Arbuckle granit-
1.0 -
X oids was studied in detail (Maniar, 1987; P. D.
0 0u Figure 9. TiO z versus SiO z . Maniar and E. G. Lidiak, unpub. data), and in
0.8 - 0
X Distinction between RRG (open this paper, the chemical characteristics of the
(N 0.6 - circles) and CEUG (crosses). Arbuckle granitoids will be compared to those
o -
1— 0.4 - X x of both the St. Francois Mountain granitoids
x fe 0
and the Wolf River batholith. We shall attempt
0.2 -
° S y
X jjfcij
to establish the tectonic environment of the Ar-
w buckle granitoids and the older anorogenic ter-
o.o- rane, utilizing the proposed tectonic discrimina-
60 64 68 72 76 80
Si02 (WT%) tion scheme. We shall show that the Arbuckle
granitoids display orogenic characteristics and


• • • O ™

"z5*^0 a


64 68 72

S i 0 2 (WT%) S i 0 2 (WT%)


I— 40 j ^ ^ P O G /
Figure 10a-10e. Discrimination of the
Wolf River batholith.
f " /
! r \ /

12 16 20 24 28 12 16 20
MgO (WT%) CoO (WT%)
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2 -
1 •
72 74 76
64 66 72 76
S i 0 2 (WT%)
S i 0 2 (WT%)



Figure l l a - l l e . Discrimination of the St. /

40 -
Francois Mountain granitoids.

• °
/ P O G

10 - O

0 4 8 12 16 20 24 IAG+CAG+CCG
MgO (WT%) 0 4 8 12 16 20
CaO (WT%)

should not be considered anorogenic. The tec- Proterozoic outcrops with no data from the un- diagrams proposed. It is observed that the rocks
tonic discrimination diagrams have been created exposed areas. This incomplete nature of the classify as POG on the AI2O3 versus S i 0 2 plot
utilizing a data base for Phanerozoic granitoids, data must be taken into account in interpreting and the AFM and ACF ternaries but as RRG or
and it is assumed to be applicable to the Proter- the diagrams. CEUG on the FeO(T)/[FeO(T) + MgO] versus
ozoic granitoids. As discussed, the Wolf River In Figure 10, the chemical data for the Wolf Si02 plot. Therefore, we consider the Wolf
batholith and the St. Francois Mountain and the River batholith taken from Anderson and River batholith to have formed during the crust-
Arbuckle Mountain granitoids are isolated Cullers (1978) are plotted on the discrimination stabilizing post-orogenic environment.

i ? 1-0
IAG + C A G + C C G

——^ — ^ 0.8 / P O G
0 • OD
" "P"
CD 0.7 -


72 74 76

64 68 72
S i 0 2 (WT%) 64 68 72 76

S i 0 2 (WT%) S i 0 2 (WT%)



C? , ,
< 2.2

O 1.8

. 1 .4


12 16 20 24 0.2 0.6 1.0 1.4 1.8 2.2 2.6 3.0


Figure 12a-12f. Discrimination of the Arbuckle Mountain granitoids.

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In Figure 11, the c h e m i c a l d a t a for t h e St. A P P E N D I X 1. TERMINOLOGY where CCG are exposed (DeBon and others, 1986;
Francois M o u n t a i n granitoids taken f r o m Bick- Strong and Hanmer, 1981; LeFort, 1975a, 1975b,
1981; Le Metour, 1978). For the Himalayan region,
ford a n d others ( 1 9 8 0 ) are plotted on the dis- 1. Streckeisen (1976) classification is strictly
all data are from the Cenozoic granitoid rocks, where-
c r i m i n a t i o n d i a g r a m s . T h e St. Francois M o u n - followed.
as for southern Brittany, all data are from Carbonifer-
tain granitoids classify as R R G or C E U G o n the 2. The term "granitoid rocks" is used to encompass
ous granitoid rocks.
any or all of the following: alkali granite, granite,
A 1 2 0 3 versus S i 0 2 plot but as P O G o n the Post-orogenic Granitoids (POG). The post-
granodiorite, tonalité, trondhjemite, quartz diorite,
F e O ( T ) / [ F e O ( T ) + M g O ] versus S i 0 2 plot a n d orogenic granitoids are rocks intruded during the last
quartz syenite, quartz monzonite, quartz alkali syenite.
phase of an orogeny, generally after the deformation in
the A F M a n d A C F ternaries. T h e r e f o r e , w e 3. Granitoid rocks are described using Shand's
the region has ceased. These granitoid rocks are asso-
consider the St. Francois M o u n t a i n granitoids to index as
ciated with the orogeny in both space and time. It has
have f o r m e d in an e n v i r o n m e n t similar to that of peraluminous: A / C N K > 1.0, been suggested (Rogers and Greenberg, 1981a, 1981b)
metaluminous: A / N K > 1.0 and A / C N K < 1.0, that they represent the transitional phase of the conti-
the W o l f R i v e r batholith. T h e older a n o r o g e n i c
peralkaline: A / N K < 1.0, nental crust undergoing stabilization following the
terrane m a y represent a m a j o r crust-stabilizing
orogeny. The Younger Granites of Egypt are an ex-
tectonic episode following an orogeny. Because with all ratios being molar ratios and A = AI2O3, C = ample where POG are exposed (Cahen and others,
post-orogenic plutons are high-level plutons CaO, N = N a 2 0 , and K = K 2 0 . 1984; Rogers and others, 1978), and data for this
e m p l a c e d at very shallow depths, m u c h of the 4. Granitoid rocks are also characterized according study were specifically taken from these 560-600 Ma
to the alkali-lime index (Peacock's index) as the S i 0 2 granitoid rocks.
evidence for t h e o r o g e n y m a y lie buried u n d e r
value (in weight percent) where (Na z O + K 2 0 ) / C a 0
the post-orogenic plutonism a n d its associated ratio (in weight percent) equals 1.0.
volcanism. Anorogenic Granitoid Rocks

In Figure 12, the chemical d a t a for the Ar- S i 0 2 (wt. %) Alkali-lime index
The word "anorogenic" is traditionally defined as
b u c k l e M o u n t a i n granitoids are presented o n the <51.0 Alkalic
that which is not associated with an orogeny; specifi-
51.0-56.0 Alkali-calcic
discrimination diagrams. T h e A r b u c k l e granit- cally, it is the absence of any evidence (such as defor-
56.0-61.0 Calc-alkalic
oids are distinctly different f r o m b o t h the W o l f mation or metamorphism) of an orogeny (of the
>61.0 Calcic
R i v e r batholith a n d t h e St. F r a n c o i s M o u n t a i n appropriate age). For purposes of this paper, we
restrict anorogenic granitoids to those found in
granitoids in that the Arbuckles classify as oro-
(1) rift-related areas, (2) continental areas of epeiro-
genic granitoids. O n the plots of A 1 2 0 3 versus A P P E N D I X 2. GRANITES A N D
genic uplift, and (3) oceanic environments.
Si02 and FeO(T)/[FeO(T) + MgO] versus Rift-Related Granitoids (RRG). The rift-related
S i 0 2 a n d o n t h e A F M a n d A C F ternaries, the granitoids are rocks associated with the rifting of the
A r b u c k l e granitoids classify as I A G or C A G or Granitoid rocks can be broadly classified on the continental crust. The process of rifting involves sev-
basis of their tectonic environment into orogenic and eral stages of development, which on a structural basis,
C C G . F u r t h e r , o n the S h a n d ' s index plot, they
anorogenic classes. Orogenic granitoid rocks can be consist of crustal uplift — formation of a rift graben —
are m e t a l u m i n o u s a n d t h e r e f o r e not collision re- subdivided into island arc granitoids (IAG), continen- formation of an ocean basin. The early phase of crustal
lated. T h e A r b u c k l e granitoids a r e I A G or C A G tal arc granitoids (CAG), continental collision granit- uplift is not unique to rifting, and similarly, once an
orogenic granitoids. This is further substantiated oids (CCG), and post-orogenic granitoids (POG). ocean basin is formed, evidence relating granitoid
The anorogenic granitoid rocks can be subdivided into rocks to rifting may be obscured by later processes.
b y the mineralogy of the A r b u c k l e granitoids
rift-related granitoids (RRG), continental epeirogenic Therefore, in this paper, RRG are defined on a more
( M a n i a r , 1987; P. D . M a n i a r a n d E. G. Lidiak, uplift granitoids (CEUG), and oceanic plagiogranites restrictive basis as granitoid rocks associated with for-
u n p u b . data). W e propose t h a t the A r b u c k l e s n o (OP). We shall briefly define the various tectonic en- mation of a rift graben. The Oslo region of Norway
longer b e considered a p a r t of the y o u n g e r a n - vironments of granitoid rocks and give a short sum- and the Wichita Mountains of southern Oklahoma are
orogenic terrane; rather, the Arbuckles present ev- mary of the suites of rocks chosen to represent these examples where RRG are exposed (Bockelie, 1978;
environments. Gilbert, 1983; Gilbert and Donovan, 1982; Oftedahl,
idence of an o r o g e n i c e v e n t during t h e M i d d l e
1978; Petersen, 1978; Schonwandt and Petersen,
P r o t e r o z o i c in the southern m i d c o n t i n e n t of the 1983). For the Oslo region, all data are from the Per-
Orogenic Granitoid Rocks
United States. mian intrusives exposed in the Oslo graben, whereas
Orogeny is characterized by deformation, pluto- for the Wichita Mountains, the data are from the Mid-
nism, and metamorphism. It may end in collision be- dle Cambrian Wichita Granite Group of the Southern
CONCLUSIONS Oklahoma aulacogen.
tween an island arc and continental masses, or it may
end when plate motions change. Continental Epeirogenic Uplift Granitoids
T h e mineralogy a n d chemistry of granitoid Island Arc Granitoids (IAG). The island arc granit- (CEUG). There are granitoid rocks associated with
r o c k s can b e successfully used to discriminate oids are rocks of magmatic arcs formed by subduction continental areas which have experienced epeirogenic
of one oceanic plate beneath another oceanic plate. crustal uplift with no subsequent development into a
b e t w e e n various tectonic e n v i r o n m e n t s . Even
The Papua New Guinea-Solomon Islands region of rift. This uplift is possibly due to hot-spot activity or an
t h o u g h the d a t a for these discrimination dia- southeast Asia is an example where IAG are exposed aborted rifting event. The Younger Granites of Niger-
g r a m s a r e f r o m well-characterized P h a n e r o z o i c (Griffin, 1979; Mason and McDonald, 1978). Oligo- Nigeria are examples where CEUG are documented
granitoids, it seems applicable t o the Protero- cene or younger (30-4 Ma) granitoid rocks from the (Cahen and others, 1984; Lameyre and Bowden,
zoic. A p p l i c a t i o n s to granitoids f r o m the m i d - region are used to represent this environment. 1982; Black and Girod, 1970). Data for this paper are
Continental Arc Granitoids (CAG). The continen- taken from (1) Air Highlands granitoids (500-440
c o n t i n e n t p r o v i d e valuable i n f o r m a t i o n regard-
tal arc granitoids are rocks of magmatic arcs formed Ma), (2) Northern Nigerian granitoids (350-250 Ma),
ing the possible tectonic e n v i r o n m e n t of these on the continent owing to the subduction of an oce- and (3) Central Nigerian granitoids (200-150 Ma).
rocks. anic plate beneath the continent. The Sierra Nevada No associated orogeny is recognized during this time
and Idaho batholiths of the western United States are period, and the only tectonic disturbance is the epeiro-
examples where CAG are exposed (Bateman, 1983; genic uplift of the crust.
Hyndman, 1983; Noyes and others, 1983; Bateman Oceanic Plagiogranites (OP). There are granitoid
and Chappell, 1979). Data from Cretaceous plutons of rocks found in minor proportions in association with
W e w o u l d like to t h a n k E d w a r d G. Lidiak the Sierra Nevada and Idaho batholiths are used in this abundant mafic rocks. Oceanic plagiogranites are
a n d T h o m a s H. A n d e r s o n for reviewing initial study. commonly observed on oceanic islands and mid-ocean
copies of the m a n u s c r i p t . T h a n k s are also in Continental Collision Granitoids (CCG). The con- ridges. There are occurrences of plagiogranites asso-
tinental collision granitoids are rocks intruded during ciated with layered intrusions on continents, but these
order for the reviewers, J o h n J . W . Rogers a n d
the continent-continent collision phase of an orogeny. are not included in this study. All data used in this
M a r c Loiselle, w h o s e c o m m e n t s greatly im- The North and High Himalayan region of Asia and the paper are from oceanic plagiogranites (Coleman and
p r o v e d this paper. Armorican massif of southern Brittany are examples Donato, 1979; Coleman and Peterman, 1975).
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