Appendix Quality of Work Life - Response Sheet Questionnaire

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Dear Sir / Madam,

I am patel jayshree, a 2nd year student of MLW from a veer Narmad south
Gujarat University.

As a part of our curriculum we are expected to submit a research based project. I

am undertaking a study on the QUALITY OF WORK LIFE In ggcl.

I am undertaking a survey with respect to the same. I would request you to

kindly fill this questionnaire. I assure you that all data collected will be kept
strictly confidential and will be used for academic purposes only.

Thank you for taking time out to fill this questionnaire Your cooperation is

1. Personal Details


AGE : 20 TO 30

: 31 TO 45




<5000 5000-10000
10000-20000 >20000

1. How long have you been working for company?

a) Less than one year

b) One – Two years
c) Two – Five years
d) Five years or more

2.Are you satisfied and happy with your present job and salary benefits?

Yes no

19. Do you feel comfortable and satisfied with your job?

a) Satisfied
b) Neutral
c) Dissatisfied

are you satisfied with the working conditions provided by the company.
a) Strongly agree
b) Agree
c) Disagree
d) Strongly disagree

4. Do the other departments in the ggcl cooperate with each other?

a) Yes
b) No

6. There is a harmonious relationship with our colleagues in the company.

a) Strongly agree
b) Agree
c) Disagree
d) Strongly disagree

3. How motivating is the work environment?

a) Extremely motivating
b) Fairly motivating
c) Neither motivating nor demotivating


3 Do you feel that adequate welfare facilities are provided by your company for
good quality of work life?

Yes no

1. If yes, which facility motivates you the most?

Rank the following motivational insights:

Insights Rank (1-5)

1 Interesting work
2 Recognition
3 Awards & Rewards
4 Compensation
5 Friendly co - workers

1. Are you getting proper facilities for your work?


The organization is providing a high quality tools and techniques to do the job

 Strongly agree

 Agree

 Disagree

 Strongly Disagree


. Please comment on the following infrastructure

Appraisal from Excellent to Poor
a) Classroom/seating arrangement
e) Audio visual arrangement
f) Quality of lunch
g) Traveling facility

Are you getting necessary equipments for your work?

Yes No
Does the infrastructure facilities is good

Yes No

The organization provides enough instruction to get the job done

 Strongly agree

 Agree

 Disagree

 Strongly Disagree

8. How far training programs helps an employee to achieve the required skill for
performing the job efficiently?
a) To great extent
b) To some extent
c) Rarely

9. Do you think the training programs helps in improving relationship among employees?
a) Yes
b) No

10. How would you rate the programs overall?

Very useful 5 4 3 2 1 little use

1. Is good performance leads to be good compensation in

your company?
a) Strongly agree
b) Agree
c) Disagree
d) Strongly disagree

13. My organization will pay salary by considering responsibilities at work

a) Strongly agree
b) Agree
c) Disagree
d) Strongly disagree

14. does The company a good job of linking rewards to job performance
a) Strongly agree
b) Agree
c) Disagree
d) Strongly disagree

16. There is a balance between stated objectives and resources provided by the company.
a) Strongly agree
b) Agree
c) Disagree
d) Strongly disagree

17. Fringe benefits provided to you….

a) Insurance
b) Retirement benefit
c) Health checkup
d) All the above

18. Does the company provide you the social security benefits?
a) Yes
b) No

20. Do you feel secured about your job?

h) Yes
i) No

1. Are you comfortable with your working place?

yes no

3. you are treated with respect in the your work place

 Strongly agree
 Agree
 Disagree
 Strongly Disagree

5. The organization condition provides an opportunity to develop your own abilities and

 Strongly agree

 Agree

 Disagree

 Strongly Disagree

8. The opportunity for promotions are good

 Strongly agree

 Agree

 Disagree

 Strongly Disagree

9. The safety of workers is at high priority

Yes No


If, yes which of the following do you like

First aid Canteen

Lightening arid Ventilation Others

11. Fringe benefits are good in the organization

 Strongly agree

 Agree

 Disagree

 Strongly Disagree

12. The supervisor is concerned about the welfare activities of the employees

 Strongly agree

 Agree

 Disagree

 Strongly Disagree

13. The job is secured
 Strongly agree
 Agree
 Disagree
 Strongly Disagree

14. The supervisor is helpful to me in getting the job done

 Strongly agree

 Agree

 Disagree

 Strongly Disagree

15. The training opportunities has really helped in improving the quality of work.

 Strongly agree

 Agree

 Disagree

 Strongly Disagree

16. How often do you find work stressful?

 Always

 Often

 Sometimes

 Never

19. The suggestions give by me are always accepted and motivated by the superior


Do you have liberty to give your suggestions and opinions in

your company?

 Strongly agree

 Agree

 Disagree

 Strongly Disagree

21. Your valuable suggestion to improve QWL _____________________________

1. Do you have a clear understanding of your company’s

policies and objective?

Yes No

Yes No

2. Are you satisfied with your company’s training?

Yes No

3. If yes, which type of training you given to increase your



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