Government Auditing
Government Auditing
Government Auditing
A Report
Submitted to
In Partial Fulfillment
of the Requirements for the course
Resource Generation and Financial Management in Government Sector
January 2020
2nd trimester, S.Y. 2019-2020
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Title………………………………………………………………………………………………. 1
Table of Contents………………………………………………………………………………. 2
Introduction……………………………………………………………………………………… 4
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Conclusion……………………………………………………………………………………. 19
Reccommendation…………………………………………………………………………… 19
References……………………………………………………………………………………. 19
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Audit was originally confined to ascertaining whether the accounting party had properly accounted
for all receipts and payments on behalf of his principal, and was in fact merely a cash audit.
Modern audit not only examine cash transaction, but also verify the purport to which the cash
transactions relate.
Government performance auditing focuses on improving how governments provide programs
and services. According to Government Auditing Standards, "Performance audits are
defined as audits that provide findings or conclusions based on an evaluation of sufficient,
appropriate evidence against criteria.
Cash is the most liquid asset of an agency. Because of its liquidity, it is so attractive, that it is most
susceptible to theft and misappropriation. To guard against the loss of cash through theft or fraud,
adequate cash management mechanisms and controls must be in place.
Equally important in ensuring effective cash management and protection is the timely exercise of
oversight functions through periodic cash auditing and examination. Indispensable in carrying out
an efficient and methodical audit of the cash accounts of an agency is a handy reference or guide
that charts in simple and sufficient detail the procedures required therefor
Government auditing is the analytical and systematic examination and verification of financial
transactions, operations, accounts, and reports of any government agency for the purpose of
determining their accuracy, integrity, and authenticity, and satisfying the requirements of law,
rules and regulations. The conduct of government audit shall conform with the auditing standards
set forth in the following three sections.
The concept of auditing is now being recognized as an essential tool to improve organizational
performance. By convention, it has been treated as a simple administrative task that is part of
financial management. However, it has come to realize that there is more to audit than the simple
review of documents, counting of assets, checking of account balances and reporting.
A. General Standards
1. The audit shall be performed by a person possessed with adequate technical training and
proficiency as auditor.
2. In all matters relating to the audit work, the auditor shall maintain complete independence,
impartiality and objectivity and shall avoid any possible compromise of his independence
or any act which may create a presumption of lack of independence or the possibility of
undue influence in the performance of his duties.
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3. The auditor shall exercise due professional care and be guided by applicable laws,
regulations and the generally accepted principles of accounting in the performance of the
audit work as well as in the preparation of audit and financial reports.
1. The audit work shall be adequately planned and assistants shall be properly supervised.
3. An evaluation shall be made of the system of internal control and related administrative
practices to determine the extent they can be relied upon to ensure compliance with laws
and regulations and to provide for efficient, economical and effective operations.
4. The auditor shall obtain through inspections, observation, inquiries, confirmation and other
techniques, sufficient competent evidential matter to afford himself a reasonable basis for
his opinions, judgments, conclusions, and recommendations.
C. Reporting Standards
1. Audit reports shall be dated, signed manually and shall be issued and distributed in the
manner provided by regulations of the Commission.
2. Audit reports shall contain basically the transmittal statement, scope and objectives of the
audit and time period examined highlights, financial information, findings,
recommendations, and conclusions as well as other data that may provide the
management of the audited agency with the necessary input for the decision making
process. Tables, charts, graphs and other data to detail the conditions and facts shall be
used in proper cases.
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4. Audit reports shall:
Identify and explain issues and questions needing further study and
consideration by the auditor, the agency, or others.
State whether any significant pertinent information has been omitted because
it is deemed confidential. The nature of such information should be described
and the law or other basis under which it is withheld should be stated.
State whether the audit was made in accordance with generally accepted
auditing standards, and shall disclose the omission of any auditing procedure
generally recognized as normal or deemed necessary by him under the
circumstances of a particular case, as well as the reasons for the omission.
Nothing in this section, however, shall be construed to imply authority for the
omission for any procedure which auditors would ordinarily employ in the
course of audit.
Express the auditor’s opinion with respect to – it whether the financial reports
have been presented fairly in accordance with applicable laws and regulations
and the generally accepted accounting principles applied on a consistent basis
ii) material changes in accounting principles and practices and their effect on
the financial reports.
Identify any matter to which he takes exception and shall specifically and
clearly state his exceptions together with a statement on the effect thereof, to
the extent practicable, on the related financial report.
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Explain violations of legal or other regulatory requirements, including instances
of non-compliance.
In the determination of auditing procedures and techniques to be followed and the extent of
examination of vouchers and other documents by government auditors, the Commission shall
give due regard to generally accepted principles of auditing and accounting organizations and
systems, including consideration of the effectiveness of internal control and related administrative
practices of the audited agencies.
B. Audit of Assets
The examination and audit of assets shall be performed with a view to ascertaining their existence,
ownership, valuation and encumbrances as well as the propriety of items composing the
respective asset accounts, determining their agreement with records; proving the accuracy of
such records; ascertaining if the assets were utilized economically, efficiently and effectively; and
evaluating the adequacy of controls over the accounts.
C. Audit of Liabilities.
The auditor shall seek to establish that all obligations of the agency have been accurately
recorded; only bonafide obligations of the agency have been included; the obligations incurred
are properly authorized; all provisions of trust indentures or mortgages are complied with; and
mortgages and other encumbrances are fully disclosed.
The examination and audit of revenue accounts shall be performed with a view to ascertaining
that all earned revenues have been duly recorded; and all recorded revenues have been earned
and appropriate classifications of revenues have been consistently followed.
The examination of expense accounts shall be undertaken to ascertain that all expense incurred
have been duly authorized; adequately funded and documented; properly recorded; all recorded
expenses have been actually incurred; and the classifications of expenses are appropriate and
have been consistently followed.
The audit of surplus or networth shall seek to determine the nature of the surplus, whether current
or invested surplus; the amount of current surplus available to cover appropriations for the
operational expenses of the government; the propriety of the ledger accounts and balance sheet
presentation account; and the proper authority and recording of changes in the capital structure
made during the period under audit.
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Except as may otherwise be specifically provided by law or competent authority all moneys and
property officially received by a public officer in any capacity or upon any occasion must be
accounted for as government funds and government property. Government property shall be
taken up in the books of the agency concerned at acquisition cost or an appraised value.
The head of an agency may designate such number of collecting officers or agents as may be
deemed necessary. They shall render reports of their collections, under the regulations of the
Commission, to be submitted promptly to the auditor concerned who shall conduct the necessary
examination and audit within thirty days from receipt thereof.
1. Unless otherwise specifically provided by law, all income accruing to the agencies by
virtue of the provisions of law, orders and regulations shall be deposited in the National
Treasury or in any duly authorized government depository, and shall accrue to the
unappropriated surplus of the General Fund of the Government.
Receipts shall be recorded as income of Special, Fiduciary or Trust Funds or Funds other than
the General Fund only when authorized by law as implemented by rules and regulations issued
by the Permanent Committee created in the preceding section.
1. An officer charged with the collection of revenue or the receiving of moneys payable to
the government shall accept payment for taxes, dues or other indebtedness to the
government in the form of checks and warrants issued in payment of government
obligations, upon proper indorsement and identification of the payee or 20 indorsee.
Checks drawn in favor of the government in payment of any such indebtedness shall
likewise be accepted by the officer concerned.
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2. When a check drawn in favor of the government is not accepted by the drawee bank for
any reason, the drawer shall continue to be liable for the sum due and all penalties
resulting from delayed payment. Where the reason for non-acceptance by the drawee
bank is insufficiency of funds, the drawer shall be criminally liable thereof.
3. At no instance should money in the hands of the collecting officer be utilized for the
purpose of encashing private checks.
2. Where mechanical devices are used to acknowledge cash receipts, the Commission may
approve, upon request, exemption from the use of accountable forms.
1. Public officers authorized to receive and collect moneys arising from taxes, revenues, or
receipts of any kind shall remit or deposit intact the full amounts so received and collected
by them to the treasury of the agency concerned and credited to the particular accounts
to which the said moneys belong. The amount of the collections ultimately payable to other
agencies of the government shall thereafter be remitted to the respective treasuries of
these agencies, under regulations which the Commission and the Department (Ministry)
of Finance shall prescribe.
2. When the exigencies of the service so require, under such rules and regulations as the
Commission and the Department (Ministry) of Finance may prescribe, postmasters may
be authorized to use their collections to pay money orders, telegraphic transfers and
withdrawals from the proper depository bank whenever their cash advance funds for the
purpose have been exhausted. The amount of collections so used shall be restored upon
receipt by the postmaster of the replenishment of his cash advance.
3. Pending remittance to the proper treasury, collecting officers may temporarily deposit
collections received by them with any treasury, subject to regulations of the Commission.
4. The respective treasuries of these agencies shall in turn deposit with the proper
government depository the full amount of the collections not later than the following
banking day.
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H. Acknowledgement of Receipt for Funds
Under such rules and regulations as the Commission and the Department (Ministry) of
Finance may prescribe, the Treasurer of the Philippines and all authorized depository
banks shall acknowledge receipt of all funds received by them, the acknowledgement
bearing the date of actual remittance or deposit and indicating from whom and on what
account it was received.
2. After remaining unclaimed for a period of ten years, money in this account shall revert
as treasury funds, to the agency that made the deposit, or, in the absence thereof to
the national government.
When government funds or property are transported from one place to another by carrier,
it shall be the duty of the consignee or his representative to make full notation of any
evidence of loss, shortage, or damage, upon the bill of lading or receipt before
accomplishing it.
1. When a loss of government funds or property occurs while they are in transit or the
loss is caused by fire, theft, or other casualty or force majeure, the officer accountable
therefor or having custody thereof shall immediately notify the Commission or the
auditor concerned and, within thirty days or such longer period as the Commission or
auditor may in the particular case allow, shall present his application for relief, with the
available supporting evidence. Whenever warranted by the evidence credit for the loss
shall be allowed. An officer who fails to comply with this requirement shall not be
relieved of liability or allowed credit for any loss in the settlement of his accounts.
2. The Commission shall promulgate rules and regulations to implement the provisions
of this section.
At the close of each month, depositories shall report to the agency head, in such form as
he may direct, the condition of the agency account standing on their books. The head of
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the agency shall see to it that a reconciliation is made between the balance shown in the
reports and the balance found in the books of the agency.
Transfer of government funds from one officer to another shall, except as allowed by law
or regulation, be made only upon prior direction or authorization of the Commission or its
Any government property that is no longer serviceable or needed by the agency to which
it belongs may be transferred without cost, or at an appraised value, to other agencies of
the government upon authority of the respective heads of agencies in the national
government, or of the governing bodies of government-owned or controlled corporations,
other self-governing boards or commissions of the government, or of the local legislative
bodies for local government units concerned.
When government funds or property are transferred from one accountable officer to
another, or from an outgoing officer to his successor, it shall be done upon properly
itemized invoice and receipt which shall invariably support the clearance to be issued to
the relieved or out-going officer, subject to regulations of the Commission.
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3. If the absconding, deceased, incapacitated, or superseded officer is responsible
to another who is accountable, the latter may himself designate the committee or
take other lawful measures for the protection of his interest.
When government property has become unserviceable for any cause, or is no longer
needed, it shall, upon application of the officer accountable therefor, be inspected by the
head of the agency or his duly authorized representative in the presence of the auditor
concerned and, if found to be valueless or unsalable, it may be destroyed in their
presence. If found to be valuable, it may be sold at public auction to the highest bidder
under the supervision of the proper committee on award or similar body in the presence
of the auditor concerned or other duly authorized representative of the Commission, after
advertising by printed notice in the Official Gazette, or for not less than three consecutive
days in any newspaper of general circulation, or where the value of the property does not
warrant the expense of publication, by notices posted for a like period in at least three
public places in the locality where the property is to be sold. In the event that the public
auction fails, the property may be sold at a private sale at such price as may be fixed by
the same committee or body concerned and approved by the Commission.
1. An accountable officer, upon ceasing to act in his official capacity as such, shall submit
to the auditor of the agency concerned a report of his accountability.
2. Any remaining balance of such accountability shall be deposited in the proper treasury
without unnecessary delay.
Auditor’s of all government agencies shall certify the balances arising in the accounts
settled by them to the Commission and to the proper treasurer, collecting officer, or
disbursing officer, in such form as the Commission may prescribe, within sixty days from
the date of receipt of those accounts from the treasurer, collecting officer, or disbursing
officer concerned.
The auditor concerned shall, at convenient intervals, send a written notice under a
certificate of settlement to each officer whose accounts have been audited and settled in
whole or in part by him, stating the balances found due thereon and certified, and the
charges or differences arising from the settlement by reason of disallowances, charges,
or suspensions. The certificate shall be properly itemized and shall state the reasons for
disallowance, charge, or suspension of credit. A charge of suspension which is not
satisfactorily explained within ninety days after receipt of the certificate or notice by the
accountable officer concerned shall become a disallowance, unless the Commission or
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auditor concerned shall, in writing and for good cause shown, extend the time for answer
beyond ninety days.
a. Revenue funds shall not paid out of any public treasury or depository except in
pursuance of an appropriation law or other specific statutory authority.
b. Trust funds shall not be paid out of any public treasury or depository except in
fulfillment of the purpose for which the trust was created or funds received, and
upon authorization of the legislative body or head of any other agency of the
government having control thereof, and subject to pertinent budget law, rules
and regulations.
c. National revenue and trust funds shall not be withdrawn from the National
Treasury except upon warrant or other instruments of withdrawal approved by
the Minister (Secretary) of Finance as recommended by the Treasurer of the
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2. Appropriation Before Entering into Contract.
a. Except in the case of a contract for personal service, for supplies for current
consumption or to be carried in stock not exceeding the estimated consumption
for three months, or banking transactions of government owned or controlled
banks, no contract involving the expenditure of public funds by any government
agency shall be entered into or authorized unless the proper accounting official
of the agency concerned shall have certified to the officer entering into the
obligation that funds have been duly appropriated for that the amount
necessary to cover the proposed contract for the current fiscal year is available
for expenditure on account thereof, subject to verification by the auditor
concerned. The certificate, signed by the proper accounting official and the
auditor who verified it, shall be attached to and become an integral part of the
proposed contract, and the sum so certified shall not thereafter be available for
expenditure for any other purpose until the obligation of the government
agency concerned under the contract is fully extinguished.
Any contract entered into contrary to the requirements of the two immediately
preceding sections shall be void, and the officer or officers entering into the contract
shall be liable to the government or other contracting party for any consequent damage
to the same extent as if the transaction had been wholly between private parties.
1. Except with the prior approval of the President (Prime Minister) the government
shall not be obliged to make an advance payment for services not yet rendered or
for supplies and materials not yet delivered under any contract therefor. No
payment, partial or final, shall be made on any such contract except upon a
certification by the head of the agency concerned to the effect that he services or
supplies and materials have been rendered or delivered in accordance with the
terms of the contract and have been duly inspected and accepted.
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not exceed in any one month ten percent of the value of the services already
rendered, due and unsettled as computed by the agency concerned.
No cash advance shall be given unless for a legally authorized specific purpose. A
cash advance shall be reported on and liquidated as soon as the purpose for which it
was given has been served. No additional cash advance shall be allowed to any official
or employee unless the previous cash advance given to him is first settled or a proper
accounting thereof is made.
7. Payment of Rewards
When a reward becomes payable by authority of law for information given relative to
any offense or for any act done in connection with the apprehension of the offender,
the reward shall, in the absence of special provisions, be paid in such manner as shall
be prescribed by executive order. The final determination by the proper administrative
authority pursuant to law or any such order, as to whether or not the persons
concerned are entitled to any reward and the amount thereof, shall be conclusive upon
the executive agencies concerned as regards the liability of the government.
8. Payments to Creditors
Payments to creditors shall be made only upon the specific approval of the head of
the agency concerned or his duly authorized representative, or if there be no such
officer, upon the approval of the department head endorsed upon the warrant or check
or voucher effecting the payment
1. Warrants upon the National Treasury or checks drawn against duly authorized
bank accounts shall be drawn by the agency head having control of the
appropriation or fund against which the warrants or checks is chargeable, or by
such subordinate officer as shall be designated for that duty by the said agency
head, who shall all be duly deputized for the purpose by the Treasurer of the
Philippines. Copies of the designation shall be furnished the Treasurer of the
Philippines and the representative of the Commission. Notice shall likewise be
given to the Treasurer of the Philippines and the Commission when the designation
is revoked. No member of the accounting unit or the internal control unit of the
agency may be designated to perform the duty.
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10. To Whom Warrants or Checks Payable
No warrant or check shall be paid by the Treasurer of the Philippines, local treasurer,
or any government depository unless it is countersigned by a duly authorized official
of the Commission. When, in the opinion of the Commission, the interest of the service
so requires, the warrant or check may be paid without the countersignature under such
rules and regulations as it may prescribe from time to time.
The Treasurer of the Philippines shall, within three years from the date of payment by
him, be responsible for the indorsements on all warrants and checks and shall retain
them in his custody, after which they shall be disposed of under pertinent regulations;
provided, that they are not needed for pending civil, criminal or administrative
When any check or warrant is lost, stolen or destroyed, the issuing officer may issue
a duplicate check or warrant which shall be paid under regulations of the Commission
in regard to issuance and payment and upon the execution of a bond to indemnify the
issuing agency in such amount and with such security as the Commission may require.
1. A treasury warrant or check which remains outstanding after two years from date
of its issue shall not be paid by the Treasurer of the Philippines or by any duly
authorized depository. The issuing agency shall take up in its books of accounts
the amount of this warrant or check as surplus adjustment of the fund against which
it was previously charged. Upon presentation of a stale warrant or check, the
issuing agency shall cancel it and issue to the payee a substitute warrant or check
in lieu thereof.
2. Such sum as may be necessary to meet the obligation arising out of the issuance
of substitute warrants or checks chargeable against the general fund shall be
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charged to the current year’s General Appropriations law, subject to pertinent
budget rules and regulations. Substitute warrants or checks payable from funds
other than the general fund shall be paid from the appropriate funds.
The Commission, upon notice to the head of agency concerned, may revert to the
unappropriated surplus of the general fund of the national government, any
unliquidated balance of accounts payable in the books of the national government,
which has been outstanding for two years or more and against which no actual claim,
administrative or judicial, has been filed or which is not covered by perfected contracts
on record. This section shall not apply to unliquidated balances of accounts payable
in trust funds as long as the purposes for which the funds were created have not been
The Commission may transfer at any time, from moneys appropriated for a specific
purpose, to the unappropriated general fund any surplus balance standing to the credit
of any appropriation or fund when the officer having administrative control thereof
certifies to the Commission that there is a surplus in excess of the requirements, or
that the work or purpose for which the appropriation was made has been completed,
indefinitely postponed or abandoned, and that there is no outstanding obligation to be
paid therefrom.
Disbursing officers in any government agency shall render monthly reports of their
transactions pursuant to regulations of the Commission to be submitted not later than
the fifth day of the ensuing month to the auditor concerned who shall conduct the
necessary examination and audit within thirty days from receipt thereof.
a. Every officer of any government agency whose duties permit or require the possession
or custody of government funds or property shall be accountable therefor and for the
safekeeping thereof in conformity with law.
a. The head of any agency of the government is immediately and primarily responsible
for all government funds and property pertaining to his agency.
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b. Persons entrusted with the possession or custody of the funds or property under the
agency head shall be immediately responsible to him without prejudice to the liability
of either party to the government.
The head of any agency or instrumentality of the national government or any government-
owned or controlled corporation and any other self-governing board or commission of the
government shall exercise the diligence of a good father of a family in supervising
accountable officers under his control to prevent the incurrence of loss of government
funds or property, otherwise he shall be jointly and solidarily liable with the person primarily
accountable therefor. The treasurer of the local government unit shall likewise exercise
the same degree of supervision over accountable officers under his supervision, otherwise
he shall be jointly and solidarily liable with them for the loss of government funds or
property under their control.
a. Every officer accountable for government property shall be liable for its money value
in case of improper or unauthorized use or misapplication thereof, by himself or any
person for whose acts he may be responsible. We shall likewise be liable for all losses,
damages, or deterioration occasioned by negligence in the keeping or use of the
property, whether or not it be at the time in his actual custody.
b. Every officer accountable for government funds shall be liable for all losses resulting
from the unlawful deposit, use, or application thereof and for all losses attributable to
negligence in the keeping of the funds.
No accountable officer shall be relieved from liability by reason of his having acted under
the direction of a superior officer in paying out, applying, or disposing of the funds or
property with which he is chargeable, unless prior to that act, he notified the superior officer
in writing of the illegality of the payment, application, or disposition. The officer directing
any illegal payment or disposition of the funds or property shall be primarily liable for the
loss, while the accountable officer who fails to serve the required notice shall be
secondarily liable.
In the absence of specific provision of law, all accountable officers shall render their
accounts, submit their vouchers, and make deposits of money collected or held by them
at such times and in such manner as shall be prescribed in the regulations of the
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8. Prohibition Against Pecuniary Interest
In Government Auditing System all resources of the government shall be managed, expended or
utilized in accordance with law and regulations, and safeguarded against loss or wastage through
illegal or improper disposition, with a view to ensuring efficiency, economy and effectiveness in
the operations of government.
The Commission on Audit must ensure that the hard – earned taxpayers’ money is spent properly.
Meticulous government auditing in the Philippines shall be led to the exposure of corruption in the
It is also hard to keep track all of the auditors. But the Commission on Audit must ensure that their
employees abide strictly with its rules and regulations. Proper implementation of rules against
receiving any kind of gifts is a must, either monetary or non-monetary to avoid any conflicts within
the audit process.
Leonor Briones, Philippine Public Fiscal Administration. (Mandaluyong, FAFI, Inc. 1196)
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