P. Codeca - N. Taddia: Abstract. in This Paper We Consider The Problem of L
P. Codeca - N. Taddia: Abstract. in This Paper We Consider The Problem of L
P. Codeca - N. Taddia: Abstract. in This Paper We Consider The Problem of L
Vol. 1, 60 (2002)
P. Codeca - N. Taddia
1. Introduction
Let :
1 X sin(2πmx) x − [x] − 2 if x ∈
(1) P(x) = − =
π m 0 if x ∈ Z
which is obtained by substituting into (2) the expansion of P given in (1) and collecting
together the terms for which the product mn has the same value. Davenport considered
the cases in which α(n) has the values µ(n) λ(n) 3(n)
n , n and n , where, as usual, µ,λ and 3
denote, respectively, the Möbius, Liouville and Von Mangoldt funtions.
In [5] Davenport proved the following results:
PN µ(n) PN λ(n)
i) The functions n=1 n P(nx) and n=1 n P(nx) are uniformly bounded in
N and x.
X λ(n) 1 X sin(2πn 2 x)
P(nx) = −
n π n2
n≥1 n≥1
18 P. Codeca - N. Taddia
In a subsequent paper [6], Davenport, using Vinogradov’s method and the Siegel-
Walfisz theorem, showed that the identities ii) hold everywhere and that the two series
converge uniformly in R. The proof of the weaker properties ii) (the almost everywhere
convergence) depends on L 2 convergence, namely on the estimate [5]:
Z 1 N
X µ(n) 1 log(N)
k R N k2 = | P(nx) + sin(2π x)|2d x = O( )
0 n π N
The aim of the present paper is just to consider the formal identity (2) for general α(n)
and from the point of view of L 2 -convergence. In order to state in a more precise way
the problems studied and the results obtained we give the following definitions.
Le us define:
that is L 20 is the subspace of the functions f ∈ L 2 ([0, 1], R) which are odd with respect
to the point 21 . It is easy to see that L 20 is a closed subspace of L 2 ([0, 1], R) and so it is
a Hilbert space.
Moreover, if n is a nonnegative integer, we denote +
P with M (n) the greatest prime
which divides n and, as usual, we set 9(x, y) = {n≤x,M + (n)≤y} 1.
We shall consider the following problems:
β) Is it possible to give sufficient conditions for expanding (in the L 2 sense) in series
of fractional parts the functions belonging to certain subsets of L 20 ?
Theorem 1 below answers positively to question α), while in Theorem 2 we show that
it is possible to give a positive answer to question β).
On the contrary, the answer to question γ ) is negative. This is proved in Theorem 3,
whose proof depends on the Banach-Steinhaus theorem and on an asymptotic formula
with an estimate of the error term (see Lemma 1) for the difference 9(x, y) − 9( 2x , y)
with y fixed.
L 2 expansions in series 19
has interesting applications. For example, it was used in [4] to prove a result of linear
independence for the fractional parts, namely the fact that the determinant:
md q −1
(4) det(P( )) 6= 0 0≤d ≤m≤
q 2
Actually, for the proof of (4), it is enough to know that (3) holds for rational x and this,
in turn, is equivalent to the result L(1, χ) 6= 0 (here χ is a caracter mod q and L(s, χ)
is the corresponding L function). Moreover it can be shown that also the weaker result
that (3) holds in the L 2 sense can be used to prove results like the following one.
Let h : [0, 1] → R be continuous and of bounded variation. Let us also suppose that
h(x) = h(1 − x), ∀x ∈ [0, 1] and that 0 f (x)d x = 0. Then the following implication
X a
h( ) = 0 ∀ d ≥ 1 ⇒ h(x) = 0, ∀ x ∈ [0, 1]
It is well known (see [3] and [2]) that this property is false if we drop the bounded
variation condition.
If a and b are positive integers (a, b) will denote the greatest common divisor of a and
b, and d|n means that d divides n. With τ (n) we will indicate the number of divisors
of n, as usual.
We have obtained the following results.
iii) Let (ϕn (x)) be the orthonormal system obtained from f n (x) = P(nx) by the
Gram-Schmidt procedure. Then we have
(5) k b(n)ϕn (x) − f (x) k L 2 → 0 when N → +∞
for every f ∈ L 20 , where the (b(n)) are the Fourier coefficients of f (x) with
respect to the system (ϕn (x)).
20 P. Codeca - N. Taddia
Finally, let X
a ∗ (n) = |a(h)|2.
If the condition
X p 1
(8) τ (n) a ∗ (n) < +∞
holds then
(9) k R N k=k f − α(n)P(nx) k→ 0
(10) sup k R N k= +∞
where R N (x) = n=1 α(n)P(nx) − f (x) and the α(n) are given by (7).
L 2 expansions in series 21
This means that (8) holds in particular for all bounded variation functions, since in this
case we have a(n) = O( n1 ) ([1], vol.I, p. 72).
Another example is given by the class 3β of functions which satisfy a Lipschitz con-
dition of order β > 0: in this case we have ([1], vol.I, p.215)
X 1 1
( |ak |2 ) 2 = O( β )
which gives a ∗ (n) = O( n2β ) and (8) holds again.
It should be noted that under condition (8) we can assert that the formal identity
(2) holds almost everywhere for a subsequence. This is an obvious corollary of (9), (7)
and Möbius inversion formula.
The contrast between (5) of Theorem 1 and (10) of Theorem 3 can be explained as
If f ∈ L 20 , the minimum value of the difference
k f − cn P(nx) k
which appears in (5) of Theorem 1. Generally the α(n) given by (7) of Theorem 2
are not the solution of system (11): for example it is easy to check directly that when
f (x) = − π1 sin(2π x) we have
µ(n) if m = 1
α(n) = , bm = 2π 2
n 0 otherwise
and theP numbers µ(n)/n do not satisfy condition (11), and consequently the difference
k f − n=1 α(n)P(nx) k is not the minimal one.
Usually, if the function
P N is not a very irregular one (see condition (8) of Theorem 2)
the sum SN (x) = n=1 α(n)P(nx) will be a good approximation to σ N (x) and it will
happen that k SN − σ N k→ 0 when N → +∞. But there exist very irregular functions
f ∈ L 20 for which we have
sup k R N k= sup k SN − σ N k= +∞
1 1
If n ≤x< n−1 we have
1 if k = n
[kx] =
0 if k ≤ n − 1
Relations (13) and (14) give cn = 0 and the desidered implication follows by induction.
This gives property i).
Proof of property ii).
Take f ∈ L 20 and set δ(n) = 0 f (x)P(nx)d x. Since
1 X sin(2πkx)
P(x) = −
π k
we have
1X1 1
1 X c(kn)
(15) δ(n) = − sin(2πknx) f (x)d x = −
π k 0 2π k
k≥1 k≥1
where the c(n) are the Fourier coefficients of f . The relation (15) can be inverted and
we have
X δ(nk)
(16) c(n) = −2π µ(k)
is satisfied ([7], Theorem 270). But (17) is certainly true by Schwarz inequality, and so
(16) holds. If we suppose δ(n) = 0 ∀n ≥ 1 from (16) follows c(n) = 0 ∀n ≥ 1, but
this means that f ∈ L 20 has all the Fourier coefficients equal to zero. The completeness
of the trigonometrical system implies f (x) = 0 a.e. and property ii) follows.
and viceversa
X ′
P(nx) = γh,n ϕk (x)
24 P. Codeca - N. Taddia
where the γh,n and γh,n are suitable coefficients. This implies, by property ii), that
the orthonormal system (ϕn (x)) is complete in L 20 and so Parseval identity holds. This
proves (5) and concludes the proof of Theorem 1.
Let us now prove Theorem 2.
Proof of Theorem 2. Formula (6) is simply Parseval identity for R N (x) = n=1
α(n)P(nx) − f (x) in fact we have
√ R1
c N (m) = 2 0R N (x) sin(2πmx)d x =
= − √1 π1 ( n|m α(n) mn ) + a(m)
2 n≤N
when N → ∞, where
′ 1 X X
a N (m) = da(d)( µ(k)).
d|m k|(m/d)
d≤N k≤(N/d)
Let us now prove that (8) implies (9). First we note that
′ X n h
(23) |a N (n)| ≤ |a(h)|τ ( ) ≡ γ (n)
h n
if condition (9) holds. From (24) and (25) follows that the series n≥1 γ 2 (n) is con-
vergent, but this implies that condition (22) is satisfied, since from (23) it follows ob-
viously that
∞ ∞
X ′ X
|a N (n)|2 ≤ γ 2 (n) → 0
n=N+1 n=N+1
26 P. Codeca - N. Taddia
when N → +∞. This proves (10) and concludes the proof of Theorem 2.
L EMMA 1. Let p1 < p2 < ... < pn be the prime numbers up to pn , with p1 =
2. If M + (k) denotes the greatest prime divisor of the integer k, with the convention
M + (1) = 1, set X
9(x, pn ) = 1
M + (k)≤ pn
Then we have
(26) 9(x, pn ) − 9( , pn ) = c(n) lnn−1 (x) + O(lnn−2 (x)) when x → +∞
1 if n = 1
c(n) = 1 Qn −1
(n−1)! k=2 (ln( pk )) if n ≥ 2
L EMMA 2. Let
X 1
S(x) = .
x <h,k<x
Then we have
(33) S(x) = (ln 2)2 + o(1)
when x → +∞.
Proof. If we set
X 1
σ (x) =
2 <h,k<x
we can write
X 1 x
σ (x) = S( )
n2 n
Since it is 2
X 1 1
σ (x) = = (ln 2)2 + O( )
x h x
2 <h<x
we have
X µ(n) X µ(n)
(34) S(x) = (ln 2)2 + o(1) = (ln 2)2 + o(1)
√ n2 n2
n≤ x n≥1
defined by
0 if 1 ≤ n ≤ N
(35) a (n) = 1 P P
n d|n da(d) k|(n/d) µ(k) if n > N
d≤N k≤(N/d)
′ ′
where we have set a = (a(n)) ∈ ℓ2 and a = (a (n)). The linearity of 3 N is obvious:
let us prove that is also bounded. We have
′ N X N X 2 1 3 k a k
|a (n)| ≤ |a(d)| ≤ |a(d)| ·N2 ≤ N2
n n n
d|n d≤N
from which the conclusion is immediatly obtained by squaring and summing over
n. We will now prove that the family of linear transformation 3 N is not uniformly
bounded. Let p1 < p2 < ... < pn < ... be the sequence of prime numbers and let
M + (n) the greatest prime divisor of the integer n. We define
If 2 < d1 ≤ N and 2 < d2 ≤ N we have d1 d2 (d1 , d2 ) < 4 and it follows
X a N (d1 )a N (d2 )
(37) k 3 N (a N ) k2 ≥ c1 (d1 , d2 )2
d1 d2
2 <d1 ,d2 ≤N
30 P. Codeca - N. Taddia
−2 .
where c1 = m≥4 m From formula (33) of Lemma 2 we have
N X 1
(38) S( )= ≥ c2 > 0
d hk
N <h,k≤ N
2d d
where c2 is an absolute constant, if d is sufficiently large, say d > m. Let
if M + (n) ≤ pr
fr (n) =
0 otherwise
so that X X
9(x, pr ) = 1= fr (n)
n≤x n≤x
M + (n)≤ pr
Consider now formula (37): collecting together the terms with the same greatest com-
mon divisor we obtain, taking pr > m,
X a N (hd)a N (kd)
k 3 N (a N ) k2 ≥ c1 ≥
d=1 N <h,k≤ N
2d d
(39) ≥ c1 fr (d)S( ) ≥ c1 c 2 fr (d)
d N N
pr ≤d≤ m pr ≤d≤ m
if we remember definition (36) and formula (38). From formula (26) of Lemma 1
X [ln prX
/ ln 2]−1 X
fr (d) ≥ fr (d) =
pr ≤d≤ m k=[ln m/ ln 2]+1 <d≤ Nk
2k+1 2
[ln prX
/ ln 2]−1
= 9( k , pr ) − 9( k+1 , pr ) =
2 2
k=[ln m/ ln 2]+1
[ln prX
/ ln 2]−1
r−1 N r−2 N
(40) = c(r ) ln ( k ) + O(ln ( k )) =
2 2
k=[ln m/ ln 2]+1
ln pr ln m
(41) = c(r ) lnr−1 N [ ]−[ ] − 1 + O(lnr−2 N)
ln 2 ln 2
for N → +∞, where c(r ) is the constant specified in (26) of Lemma 1. From (39) and
(40) follows
r−1 ln pr ln m
k 3 N (a N ) k2 c(r ) ln N [ ln 2 ] − [ ln 2 ] − 1 + O(lnr−2 N)
(42) ≥ c c
1 2
k (a N ) k2 c(r ) lnr−1 N + O(lnr−2 N)
L 2 expansions in series 31
1 X ′
k R N k2 = | − a (n) + a(n)|2
X ′
k 3 N (a) k2 = |a (n)|2
if we remember (20), (22) and (35). From (44) and (45) follows (10). This concludes
the proof of Theorem 3.
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32 P. Codeca - N. Taddia