Public Policy Analysis
Public Policy Analysis
Public Policy Analysis
1. Public Policy Analysis: An Introduction William N. Dunn Associate Dean and Professor University of
PittsburgDr. Dunn is a scholar, educator, and academic administrator. Hismost well-known publication
is Public Policy Analysis, 4thed.,which is one of the most widely cited books on themethodology of
policy research and analysis in print.
2. What is Policy Analysis: Definitions The use of reason and evidence to select the best policy among
a number of alternatives to address a particular policy problem. (MacRae and Wilde). “An applied
social science that utilizes multiple research methods, in argumentation and debate contexts, to
create, estimate critically, and communicate knowledge that is relevant to the policies.” (Dunn) A
process through which one identifies and evaluates “alternative policies or programs that are intended
to lessen or resolve social, economic or physical problems” (Patton & Sawicki)
4. A good analysis or even a gooddecision Does Not Guarantee thatthe optimal solution will be
selectedand / or implemented.
5. What Policy Analysis Can and CannotDo…….Policy analysis can assist decision makers in choosing a
preferred course of action from complex alternatives and under uncertain conditions.Policy analysis
is not a panacea or a substitute for inadequate policymaking processes, defects of public decisions,
bad judgment on the part of analysts or policymakers, an exact science or a tool for advocacy by the
analyst for his/her own views.
6. One way to look at the Analysis The Problem & the Solution “a problem well formulated is a problem
half solved”Defining the Policy Problem is easier said than done…..
7. Not all Public Problems are amenable topolicy analysis, but when they.., theanalysis can support
decision making to:Determine whether a new policy is required to address the problemIf a policy
already exists, determine whether it needs to be modified or terminatedAnalyze one policy
(retrospectively or prospectively)Compare two or more policies that address a similar
problemAssess future implications of current or new policiesExplore stages in the development of
particular policies
8. We want to learn how to look at problems from multipleperspectives to achieve the bestproblem
definition and possible / feasible solutions
9. Example:Increasing rates of lung cancer among certain populationgroups could be framed as:The
failure of individuals to stop smoking, orFailure of the health care providers to provide adequate /
timely information, orFailure of the Government to regulate smoking in public places, orFailure on
the part of Government to take the opportunity to improve research, to raise taxes by increasing the
price of cigarettesAll of the above
10. Increasing obesity among youngsters and amongcertain population groups could be framed as:The
failure of parents or individual will to change their eating behaviors, orThe inability of health care
providers to provide adequate and timely information, orFailure of the government to: Regulate
health care dept. Eliminate harmful substances from the general diet Build more places for people to
exerciseAll of the above
12. Problem Definition in Decision MakingProblem definition depends on: How issues are framed,
portrayed How obvious is the crisis that the problem evokes How it is measuredEndless ways to look
at a particular problem, yet limited time, money and energy.Hence, highly complex issues are
simplified; focus on certain aspects happens at the expense of other aspects / elements
13. Challenges of Public Policy problems(Social problems)May show up in ways that are difficult to
address“Inherently multidimensional”, overlap & contradictAre ill defined, so “wicked
problems”The consensus over social goals may be illusoryDecision-makers have different
preferences and values, often conflictingThe definition of a policy problem is not completely
scientific or systematic: creativity, sagacity, socially constructed
14. Situation that can be perceived as important into a problemIndicators reveal its existence,
magnitude, severityEvents or crisis call attention on a problemThe results of evaluations (or
monitoring/surveillance) show
16. Three Approaches to Policy Analysis Type of Approach Primary Question Information Does it and will
it exist? Descriptive and Empirical (facts) predictive Of what worth is it? Valuative Valuative (values)
Normative What should be done? (value- Prescriptive (action) critical)
17. Five types of Policy relevant information:interrelated and interdependent S. Types Importance No.
Policy Problems Conceptualizing problem from different1 angles-viable solutions Policy Futures
Identifying consequences of future course of2 action Policy Actions Forecasting & evaluating
consequences of3 action based on different alternatives Policy Ensuring an observed consequences of
policy4 Outcomes actions Policy Finding the degree of value contributed by5 Performance policy
outcome (useful in forecasting policy future)
18. Five Info is obtained by the means of - Policy Analysis Process of InquiryS. No. Procedure Information1
Definition (Problem Conditions giving rise to a policy Structuring) problem Prediction Future
consequences of acting on policy2 (Forecasting) alternatives, including doing nothing Prescription3
Future course of action (Recommendation) Present and Past causes and Description4 consequences
of acting on policy (Monitoring) alternatives Value or worth of consequences in5 Evaluation solving
the problem
19. Process of Policy Communication: 4 Stage Process Knowledge: Policy Problems 1 Policy Futures 2 Policy
Policy Actions Materials Analysis Policy Performance Development Stakeholders: Documents: Agenda
Setting Policy MemoPolicy Formulation Policy Issue Policy Adoption Policy Papers Policy Implemen.
Analyst Exe. SummaryPolicy Assessment Appendices News Release 4 Presentations: 3 Knowledge
Conversations Interactive Utilization Conferences Communication Meetings Briefings Hearings
20. Three Elements of Policy System Policy Stakeholders Policy Public Policy EnvironmentCrime Policy
Analysts Law EnforcementInflation Citizens’ Groups EconomicUnemployment Labor Unions
WelfareDiscrimination Parties PersonnelUrban Squalor Agencies Urban Source: Adapted from Thomas
R. Dye, Understanding Public Policy 3rd ed.
21. Six Elements of Policy Arguments: the main vehicle for conducting debates about PP Issues 1. Policy
Relevant (Therefore) 2. Policy 6. Qualifier Claim Information Probably Govt. should invest inNuclear
power is two or three The construction ofTimes more efficient than Nuclear power plantsConventional
Power Sources (Unless) (Since) 5. 3. Warrant Rebuttal Production of Nuclear energy is Solar Energy can
be developed The only way to ensure continuing growth On a large scale Of the economy (Bcoz) (Bcoz)
4. Backing Backing Arab Countires can continue To embargo oil. Other sources This is the conclusion
of panel of experts Are limited
22. Dunn’s Integrated Framework: Problem CenteredPolicy Analysis Policy Performance Evaluation
Forecasting Problem Structuring Policy Structuring Policy Structuring Problem Problem Policy Futures
Outcomes Problems Problem Structuring Monitoring Recommendation Policy Actions
23. The process of policy analysis is a series ofintellectual activities carried out within a processcomprised
of activities that are essentially political
24. Reconstructed Logic Vs. Logic-in-UseReconstructed Logic Logic-in-UseProcess – problem Variation can
occur due to personalcentered policy analysis characteristics of analysts and the institutional
settingDesigned for Factors that Influence variation:methodological purposes •Cognitive Style: diff.
Knowledgeie. For studying the •Analytical Roles: Entrep, Politicians andstrengths and
Techniciansweaknesses of different •Institutional Incentive system: Differentmethods & techniques
orientation – humanistic & scientific; qualityof Policy Analysis control also differs •Institutional time
constraints: expedite • Professional Socialization: varied orientation (traditional/basic & applied)
25. Forms of Policy Analysis Prospective Retrospective Policy Analysis Policy Analsis Integrated Policy
26. Three major forms of Policy Analysis:Prospective Policy Analysis: Involves the production and
transformation of information before policy actions are initiated and implemented. Tends to
Characterize the operating styles of economists, systems analysts, and operations researchers.
Synthesizes information to draw policy alternatives and preferences.
27. Prospective Analysis often creates large gap Efforts of Preferred Govt. to Solutions to resolve the
Problems problem Gaps
28. Retrospective Policy AnalysisConfined to the production and transformation ofinformation after policy
actions have been taken.Operating styles of three major groups of analysts:1.Discipline oriented
analysts2.Problem oriented analysts3.Application oriented analysts
29. Discipline Oriented Problem Oriented Application OrientedAnalysis Analysis AnalysisPolitical Scientists
& Political Scientists & Also persons from socialSociologists – seeks to Sociologists - seeks to work,
publicdevelop and test describe the causes and administration &discipline based theories.
consequences of policies. evaluation research. Seeks to describe causes & consqDescribe the causes
and Less concerned with the Not concerned with dev.consequences of the development and testing
of And testing of disciplinepolicies. theories. Discipline based theories. Oriented Analysis What
affected the policiesSeldom attempts to Seldom provides info about They are concerned withidentity
specific goals and specific goals and the identification of goalsobjectives of policymakers objectives of
policymakers. and objectives of policy(does not distinguish Coz the problem they makers and
other“policy variables”). analyze are usually of stakeholders. Good info for general nature. evaluating
policy outcome.
30. Integrated Policy Analysis Prospective Policy Integrated Policy Analysis Retrospective Policy Analysis
Analysis Builds on the strengths of both Prospective & Retrospective Analysis – multidisciplinary in
Suffers from inadequate & full sense of the world Suffers from its nature i.e.unreliable info. About
changes in values , goals and objectives confined with passive reporting which occur after policies have
Multidisciplinary framework, concerns of information about the been implemented. with the
production & transformation consequences of implemented of information both before and after
policies policy actions have been taken. Provides methodology for policy analysis (rules & procedures)
33. Summary A combination and transformation of the substance and methods of several disciplines,
intends to produce policy relevant information to resolve the problems Knowledge of what is (fact),
what is right (values) and what to do (action) requires / demands the use of multiple methods of
inquiry Policy analysis has 3 main forms: prospective, retrospective & integrated