Case Study Hospital PDF
Case Study Hospital PDF
Case Study Hospital PDF
The hospital layout is designed around clinical adjacencies to ensure it is highly
Patient orientated design that promotes health and wellbeing.
Intuitive layout reduces the stresses of wayfinding within the hospital.
MISSION STATEMENT Wherever possible natural daylight is introduced and views to the outside are
The building design and engineering strategy follows the needs of a 21st century healthcare facility provided.
– providing a therapeutic environment that promotes health and well-being, is patient orientated, The facade design follows a modern, simple and efficient statement design.
intuitive and flexible to future needs. The aim is to design a positive impact building that uses fewer Each floor is divided into 3 main fire compartments. Each compartment has
two independent escape routes
resources, generates less waste, curbs CO2 emissions and to save the NHS money over its life-cycle.
25% Green Space.
walls incorporated into lift cores. under-floor heating in atrium. 62 PV panels installed on the roof.
10000L GRP Storage Tank stores sufficient Fibre optic cables draw natural light down
Steel sections have been utilized in the
Narrow plan design reduces energy costs.
atrium to provide long spans of column free water to supply 24 hour requirements. into corridors.
Rainwater harvesting for toilet flushing and irrigation.
space. 460kW gas fired, condensing boiler selected
Locally sourced materials & labour specified.
Inpatient and outpatient departments separated. All wash basins are sensor operated
Clean and dirty corridors provided for operating theatres. All surfaces, floors and walls have an easy clean, durable
High ventilation rates throughout patient areas prevent airborne transmission. hygienic surface coating. Cost per square metre: £1494