Optic Neuritis: Demyelinating Disorders: Multiple Sclerosis (MS)
Optic Neuritis: Demyelinating Disorders: Multiple Sclerosis (MS)
Optic Neuritis: Demyelinating Disorders: Multiple Sclerosis (MS)
Optic neuritis is inflammation of the optic nerve. Symptoms are usually unilateral, with eye pain and partial or
complete vision loss. Diagnosis is primarily clinical. Treatment is directed at the underlying condition; most cases
resolve spontaneously.
Optic neuritis is most common in adults 20 to 40 yr. Most cases result from demyelinating disease, particularly
multiple sclerosis (see Demyelinating Disorders: Multiple Sclerosis (MS)), in which case there may be recurrences.
Optic neuritis is often the presenting manifestation of multiple sclerosis. Other causes include the following:
Infectious diseases (eg, viral encephalitis [particularly in children], sinusitis, meningitis, TB, syphilis, HIV)
Tumor metastasis to the optic nerve
Chemicals and drugs (eg, lead, methanol, quinine, arsenic, antibiotics)
Rare causes include diabetes, pernicious anemia, Graves' disease, bee stings, and trauma. Often, the cause remains
obscure despite thorough evaluation.
The major symptom is vision loss, frequently maximal within 1 or 2 days and varying from a small central or
paracentral scotoma to complete blindness. Most patients have mild eye pain, which often feels worse with eye
If the optic disk is swollen, the condition is called papillitis. Otherwise, it is called retrobulbar neuritis. The most
characteristic findings include reduced visual acuity, a visual field deficit, and disturbed color vision (often out of
proportion to loss of visual acuity). An afferent pupillary defect is usually detectable if the contralateral eye is
unaffected or involved to a lesser degree. Testing of color vision is a useful adjunct. In about 2/3 of patients,
inflammation is entirely retrobulbar, causing no visible changes in the optic fundus. In the rest, disk hyperemia,
edema in or around the disk, vessel engorgement, or a combination is present. A few exudates and hemorrhages may
be present near or on the optic disk.
Clinical evaluation
Optic neuritis is suspected in patients with characteristic pain and vision loss. Neuroimaging, preferably with
gadolinium-enhanced MRI, is usually done and may show an enlarged, enhancing optic nerve. MRI may also help
diagnose multiple sclerosis. Fluid attenuating inversion recovery (FLAIR) MRI sequences may show typical
demyelinating lesions in a periventricular location if optic neuritis is related to demyelination.
Prognosis depends on the underlying cause. Most episodes resolve spontaneously, with return of vision in 2 to 3 mo.
Most patients with a typical history of optic neuritis and no underlying systemic disease, such as a connective tissue
disease, recover vision, but > 25% have a recurrence in the same eye or in the other eye. MRI is used to determine
future risk of demyelinating disease.
Corticosteroids are an option especially if multiple sclerosis is suspected. Treatment with methylprednisolone
(500 mg to 1000 mg IV once/day) for 3 days followed by prednisone
(1 mg/kg po once/day) for 11 days may speed recovery, but ultimate visual results are no different from observation
alone. IV corticosteroids have been reported to delay onset of multiple sclerosis for at least 2 yr. Treatment with oral
prednisone alone does not improve vision outcome and may increase the rate of recurrent episodes. Low-vision aids
(eg, magnifiers, large-print devices, talking watches) may be helpful.
Ischemic optic neuropathy is infarction of the optic disk. The only constant symptom is painless vision loss.
Diagnosis is clinical. Treatment is ineffective.
Two varieties of optic nerve infarction exist, nonarteritic and arteritic. The nonarteritic variant occurs more
frequently, typically affecting people around 50 yr and older. Vision loss tends not to be as severe as in the arteritic
variant, which typically affects an older group, typically around 70 yr and older.
Most ischemic optic neuropathy is unilateral. Bilateral, sequential cases occur in about 20%, but bilateral
simultaneous involvement is uncommon. Atherosclerotic narrowing of the posterior ciliary arteries may predispose
to nonarteritic optic nerve infarction, particularly after a hypotensive episode. Any of the inflammatory arteritides,
especially temporal arteritis (see Vasculitis: Giant Cell Arteritis), can precipitate the arteritic form.
Acute ischemia causes nerve edema, which further worsens ischemia. A small optic cup to optic disk ratio is a risk
factor for nonarteritic ischemic optic neuropathy but not for the arteritic variety. Usually no medical condition is
apparent to cause the nonarteritic variety, although diabetes and hypertension are present in some patients and are
thought to be risk factors. Vision loss on awakening leads investigators to suspect nocturnal hypotension as a
potential cause of the nonarteritic variety.
Vision loss with both varieties is typically rapid (over minutes, hours, or days) and painless. Some patients notice
the loss on awakening. Symptoms such as general malaise, muscle aches and pains, headaches over the temple, pain
when combing hair, jaw claudication, and tenderness over the temporal artery may be present with temporal
arteritis; however, such symptoms may not occur until after vision is lost. Visual acuity is reduced, and an afferent
pupillary defect is present. The optic disk is swollen with surrounding hemorrhages. Visual field examination often
shows a defect in the inferior and central visual fields.
CT or MRI if progressive vision loss
Diagnosis is mainly based on a clinical evaluation, but ancillary testing may be needed. The most important aspect
of the evaluation is to exclude the arteritic variety, because the other eye is at risk if treatment is not started quickly.
ESR is usually dramatically elevated in the arteritic variety and is normal in the nonarteritic variety. C-reactive
protein is also a useful monitoring test. If temporal arteritis is suspected, temporal artery biopsy should be done. For
isolated cases of progressive vision loss, CT or MRI should be done to rule out compressive lesions.
There is no effective treatment, and most lost vision is not recovered; however, in the nonarteritic variety, up to 40%
of patients spontaneously recover some useful vision.
The arteritic variety is treated with oral corticosteroids ( prednisone 80 mg po once/day and tapered against ESR) to
protect the other eye. Treatment should not be delayed while awaiting biopsy results. Treatment of the nonarteritic
variety with aspirin or corticosteroids has not been helpful. Risk factors are controlled. Low-vision aids (eg,
magnifiers, large-print devices, talking watches) may be helpful in both types.
Papilledema is swelling of the optic disk due to increased intracranial pressure. All other causes of optic disk
swelling, such as that caused by malignant hypertension or thrombosis of the central retinal vein, do not involve
increased intracranial pressure and therefore are not causes of papilledema. Papilledema requires an immediate
search for the cause. There are no early symptoms, although vision may be disturbed for a few seconds. Diagnosis is
by ophthalmoscopy with further tests, usually brain imaging, to determine cause. Treatment is directed at the
underlying condition.
Papilledema is a sign of elevated intracranial pressure and is almost always bilateral. Causes include the following:
Vision is usually not affected initially, but seconds-long graying out of vision, flickering, or blurred or double vision
may occur. Patients may have symptoms of increased intracranial pressure, such as headache or nausea and
Ophthalmoscopic examination reveals engorged and tortuous retinal veins, a hyperemic and swollen optic disk
(optic nerve head), and retinal hemorrhages around the disk but not into the retinal periphery. Isolated disk edema
(eg, caused by optic neuritis, ischemic optic neuropathy) without elevated CSF pressure is not considered
In the early stages, visual acuity and pupillary response to light are usually normal and become abnormal only after
the condition is well advanced. An enlarged blind spot may be detected on visual field testing. Later, nerve fiber
bundle defects may be apparent.
Clinical evaluation
Immediate neuroimaging
The degree of disk swelling can be quantified by comparing the plus lens numbers needed to focus an
ophthalmoscope on the most elevated portion of the disk and on the unaffected portion of the retina.
Differentiating papilledema from other causes of a swollen optic disk, such as optic neuritis, ischemic optic
neuropathy, hypotony, central retinal vein occlusion, uveitis, or pseudo swollen disks (eg, optic nerve drusen),
requires a thorough ophthalmologic evaluation. If papilledema is suspected clinically, MRI with gadolinium contrast
or, alternatively, CTwith contrast is done immediately to exclude causes such as an intracranial mass. Lumbar
puncture and measurement of CSF pressure should be done if a mass lesion has been ruled out. Lumbar puncture in
the setting of intracranial mass lesions can result in brain stem herniation. B-scan ultrasonography is the best
diagnostic tool for pseudo disk edema of optic nerve drusen.
Urgent treatment of the underlying disorder is indicated to decrease intracranial pressure. If intracranial pressure is
not reduced, secondary optic nerve atrophy and vision loss eventually occur, along with other serious neurologic