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CUP - Mathematics Resources 2018 - Education

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Brighter Thinking


MATHEMATICS RESOURCES cambridge.org/education 2
Welcome: 1
GCSE Mathematics
Inside this catalogue you will find our exciting range of
resources for secondary level mathematics.
GCSE Mathematics Online: 2
Covering a wide range of UK and international curricula, our resources draw
GCSE Mathematics on the best current practices in mathematics education to support teaching
for OCR: 3-4 and learning worldwide.

GCSE Mathematics Our brand new publishing for A Level Mathematics and Further Mathematics
for Edexcel: 5-6 addresses the most recent substantial changes to these specifications in
England. The new series has been developed for the OCR A and AQA
GCSE Mathematics specifications and is written by an experienced author team. These resources
for AQA: 7-8 ensure a strong focus on the development of problem-solving skills,
Teaching Probability: 17 mathematical reasoning and fluency, equipping students and teachers with
exactly what they need to face the challenges of the new A Level curriculum.

Also included is our GCSE Mathematics series specifically written for the AQA,
A Level Mathematics
Edexcel and OCR specifications. This comprehensive suite also includes the
innovative GCSE Mathematics Online - our digital resource that provides an
AS/A Level Mathematics
interactive and flexible enhancement to your class. With a strong focus on the
& Further Mathematics
development of problem-solving skills, mathematical reasoning and fluency,
for OCR A: 9 - 12 our resources support the navigation of the assessment objectives and exams,
AS/A Level Mathematics and prepare students for the new specifications.
& Further Mathematics You can also explore our new Cambridge IGCSE® Mathematics series
for AQA: 13 - 16 which includes IGCSE Mathematics Online, the only digital IGCSE
Mathematics resource endorsed by Cambridge Assessment International
Cambridge Advanced
Education for full syllabus coverage.
Mathematics for OCR: 17
For more information, please contact your local sales consultant, who will be
SMP AS/A2 Mathematics happy to answer your questions or visit cambridge.org/education.
for Edexcel and AQA: 18
Best wishes,
Cambridge Elevate 19
The Mathematics Team
Cambridge Assessment
International Education

Cambridge IGCSE® How to use this catalogue

Mathematics: 20
Print book and
Print book Digital resource digital resource

Order your A Level Mathematics Approval

Copies for OCR A and AQA
Contact your local consultant for more details. Please see the back of this
catalogue for contact information.

GCSE Mathematics Online

The complete online resource for GCSE Mathematics

GCSE Mathematics Online is our interactive teaching and learning subscription service available for the
AQA, Edexcel and OCR 2015 GCSE Mathematics specifications. This tablet-friendly resource supports
both independent learning and whole class teaching through a suite of flexible resources that includes
lesson notes, interactive walkthroughs, explanatory animations, games, worksheets, quick quizzes and
levelled assessments.

Sign up for a
30 DAY
and access to FREE Year 9
Transition Units.
Find out more

• Allows teachers to set tasks, create tests, • Covers both Foundation and Higher, offering
auto-mark and compile reports to review flexibility for moving students betwen tiers.
student performance.
• Resources organised into chapters
• A test generator to compile your own corresponding to the Student Books, with
assessments. explanatory notes for all topics.
• Interactive widgets to visually demonstrate • Contains material for all types of classroom
concepts. set-up, including interactive whiteboards,
projectors and tablets.
• Worksheets offering practical activities,
discussion points, investigations, games • Includes a digital PDF
and further practice. version of both the
Foundation and Higher
• Walkthroughs that take students through a
Student Books. Whole
question step-by-step, with feedback.
school site
• Quick-fire quizzes with leaderboards,
providing an opportunity for question practice.
• Levelled questions that assess understanding AVAILABLE*
of each topic.

*UK Schools only, an unlimited number of teachers and students within the same school.

MATHEMATICS RESOURCES cambridge.org/education 2

GCSE Mathematics for OCR PUBLISHER


A flow chart of concepts covered in the chapter. Each step tests a different skill,
progressing from least to most advanced. Students can assess their most appropriate
starting point in the chapter, encouraging them to take ownership of their learning.

41 Transformations of curves and their equations

What you will learn GCSE Mathematics for OCR (Higher) Assess your starting point using the Launchpad Tip
41 Transformations of curves
Short objectives to and their equations 1
General hints
show the content
This is a graph of y 5 x2:
y and reminders

and mathematical In this chapter you will learn how to …

y ⫽ x2
to aid students,
For more resources relating GO TO
s identify translations and reflections of a given graph or equation. to this chapter, visit GCSE 7
skills covered in the s sketch the graphs of these types of transformation. Mathematics Online.
Section 1:
Quadratic functions and

parabolas including
Using mathematics: real-life applications
questions to
Many people study the graphs of curves in the course of their work. Sound
engineers are a good example. They mix and balance sounds by looking at
curves made by sound waves.
Use ICT when studying this chapter.
This allows you to generate graphs
1 prompt students’
⫺9 ⫺8 ⫺7 ⫺6 ⫺5 ⫺4 ⫺3 ⫺2 ⫺1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 x
so you can study them quickly and
experiment with changing values
and comparing results.


Lower Higher
pitch pitch Sketch:
a y 5 x2 1 2 b y 5 x2 2 2
“In today’s music industry, we need to be talented
c Write the equation of the reflection of this graph about the
in both the arts and the sciences.” (Sound engineer) x-axis.
d What happens to the graph when it is reflected about the y-axis? Before you start...
Before you start …
Ch 18,
You need to be able to recognise
the graphs of standard functions:
1 Which of these functions would result in a curved graph and
which would produce a linear graph?  Lists the
Using Mathematics y 5 mx 1 c a y 5 x2 1 9 b 5y 1 x 5 10
y 5 x2
y 5 ax2 1 bx 1 c
c y 5 __
x d y 5 (x 1 7)2 2 2 prerequisite

Shows how the

y 5 __
Sketch each function to show its general shape.

knowledge for the
a What are the values of sin 90° and cos 90°?

content of the
Ch 33 You should be able to sketch the
trigonometric functions:
2 Which trigonometric functions are represented by these graphs?
a y b y
For what values of u does cos u 5 1? chapter. Includes
y 5 sin x 6 b Sketch graphs of y 5 sin x 1 2 and y 5 cos (x 1 90°).

chapter relates to y 5 cos x

y 5 tan x
Section 2:
questions on
the world of work, 0 180° 360° x ⫺180° ⫺90° 0
90° 180° x

Trigonometric functions
each concept to
making maths

⫺6 assess whether
c Sketch and label the third trigonometric function.

relevant beyond Ch 8 You should be able to complete the 3 Rewrite y 5 3x2 1 6x 1 7 in the form a(x 2 h)2 1 k.
Step 3:
students can recall
the classroom.
square on a quadratic equation. The Launchpad continues on the next page …
the necessary
knowledge and
Find answers at: cambridge.org/ukschools/gcsemaths-studentbookanswers
747 skills.

Sample pages from OCR Foundation Student Book.

• Topics and problems are introduced through a wide

Student Books variety of contexts, showing how maths relates to the
real world.
• Written from scratch and approved for the 2015 OCR
• Thousands of questions cover all assessment
(J560) GCSE Mathematics specification.
objectives, offering extensive opportunity to
• A ‘Launchpad’ feature at the beginning of each master key skills.
chapter directs students to their best starting point to
• A ‘Work it out’ feature encourages students to
optimise progress and allows for both independent
explore and discuss common errors, helping to draw
and personalised learning.
out misconceptions.

Problem-solving Books Homework Books

• Approved for the 2015 OCR GCSE Mathematics qualification. • Approved for the 2015 OCR GCSE Mathematics
• Questions with worked solutions draw out the
reasoning, interpreting, estimating and communication • Offer practice questions for students across the full
skills required to effectively solve problems. GCSE Mathematics curriculum.
• Each chapter focuses on a different technique to equip
• Contain exercises that correspond to each section of the
students with a problem-solving toolkit that they can
Student Book, offering hundreds of additional questions
apply to any question, encouraging students to develop
for further practice.
problem-solving ‘muscle memory’.
• All questions have star ratings to show the level of • Questions assess a variety of skills, including recall,
difficulty, allowing students to track their progress. interpretation, problem-solving and mathematical
• Questions are colour-coded to show which strands of
maths they cover, with questions covering multiple topics • Ideally sized for school bags.
to prepare students for the synoptic nature of the exams.

Teacher’s Resource
Our FREE digital Teacher’s Resource for both the Foundation and Higher tiers contains everything necessary to plan
and deliver the 2015 OCR (J560) GCSE Mathematics qualification.

3 cambridge.org/education MATHEMATICS RESOURCES

GCSE Mathematics for OCR


Course Structure

Student Books

Student Books have a strong focus on the

development of problem-solving skills,
mathematical reasoning and fluency.
Foundation: 9781107448094
Higher: 9781107448056

GCSE Mathematics Online

GCSE Mathematics Online for OCR is packed SCHOOL SITE
with flexible resources that include lesson notes,
walkthroughs, animations, games, worksheets, quick
quizzes and levelled assessments.
Site Licence (1 Year)* 9781316507858; 1 Year 9781107449909
2 Years 9781107449855; 3 Years 9781107569386

Student Book and Online Subscription Bundle

Contains our print Student Book and

GCSE Mathematics Online subscription
service for OCR.
Foundation: 2 Years 9781107447998; 3 Years 9781107569218
Higher: 2 Years 9781107447967; 3 Years 9781107569201

Problem-solving Books

Problem-solving Books contain a variety of

questions to develop students’ problem-solving
and reasoning skills within the context of the new
GCSE curriculum.
Foundation: 9781107450189
Higher: 9781107450165

Homework Books

Homework Books are affordable standalone

resources and ideal companions to the
Student Books.
Foundation: 9781107497009
Higher: 9781107496927

Teacher’s Resource

Our FREE digital Teacher’s Resource for both

Editable GCSE
the Foundation and Higher tiers is full of Mathematics for OCR
1, 2 and 3 year schemes of
teaching ideas and advice. Available from work, available at
cambridge.org/education. cambridge.org/

*UK Schools only, an unlimited number of teachers and students within the same school.

MATHEMATICS RESOURCES cambridge.org/education 4

GCSE Mathematics for Edexcel

A flow chart of concepts covered in the chapter. Each step tests a different skill,
progressing from least to most advanced. Students can assess their most appropriate
starting point in the chapter, encouraging them to take ownership of their learning.

What you will learn

GCSE Mathematics for Edexcel (Higher)

Short objectives to 8 Powers and roots Assess your starting point using the Launchpad Tip
show the content
In this chapter you will learn how to … STEP 1
General hints and
and mathematical • use integers and fractions to represent numbers in index notation.
• calculate with powers and roots. For more resources relating
1 Write each of these numbers in index notation.
reminders to aid
skills covered in the • apply the rules for multiplying and dividing indices. to this chapter, visit GCSE
a 434343434
Mathematics Online. b eight cubed
GO TO students, sometimes
chapter. c five squared
Section 1:

Using mathematics: real-life applications

d nine to the power of seven
e the reciprocal of 3 to the power of 4
Index notation including questions
Financial advisors and investors have to perform calculations involving
Calculator tip

Make sure you know which buttons

f the reciprocal of 2 to the power of 3
to prompt students’
powers and roots to work out the value of investments. They may
use computer technology (apps) to work out different options to help
their clients invest their money wisely.
to use to evaluate different powers
and find different roots of numbers. ✓ knowledge.

“I have to be able to understand, manipulate 2 Evaluate these without a calculator. Give the answer in index form
and evaluate different formulae to find the and then work out the answer.
Section 2:
best investment. Many of these formulae a 33 3 32 b 422 3 44 c The laws of indices
involve fractional powers and different roots.” 65 45
(Personal financial adviser) d 3 e 8 f (23)2
6 4

Before you start ...

Using Mathematics Ch 1 You should be able to quickly 1 Choose the correct sign: <, 5 or >. GO TO
Section 3:
Working with powers and
add and subtract pairs of integers
a 23 1 23
c 4 2 (25)
23 1 26
b 627
d 22 1 6
Chapter review
Before you start...
Shows how the
Section 1: Index notation
content of the
Ch 4 You need to be able to find the
squares, cubes, square roots and
cube roots of numbers.
2 Choose the correct answer.
a The area of a square with sides of 3 cm.
Key vocabulary

index: a power or exponent You can use powers to write repeated multiplications in a shorter form.
Lists the prerequisite
chapter relates to b
A 6 cm2
B 9 cm2 C 12 cm2 indicating how many times a
base number is used in a
For example: 6 3 6 5 62 and 5 3 5 3 5 5 53
This is the index.
knowledge for the
multiplication: index 2 means the

the world of work, c

A 9
B 5.2 C 3 number is squared (5 3 5); index
3 means it is cubed (5 3 5 3 5).
53 The index is also called
the power or the exponent.
This is the base.
chapter. Includes
making maths A 9 B 90 C 900
index notation: writing a number as
a base and index, for example 23. The index tells you how many times the base number is used in a multiplication. questions on each
Ch 6 You need to be able to find 3 Find the reciprocal of each number. Choose from the values in
relevant beyond the the reciprocal of a number or
the box.
b 12 c 1 25
When you write a number using an index you are using index notation.
74 is in index notation. concept to assess
12 4 1 7 5
whether students can

classroom. 1 3 12 5 7 Any number to the power of 1

stays the same number so you
When you write the multiplication out in full you are using expanded form.
7 3 7 3 7 3 7 is in expanded form.

recall the necessary

don’t usually write powers of 1.
The plural of index is indices.

Find answers at: cambridge.org/ukschools/gcsemaths-studentbookanswers

109 110
knowledge and skills.

Sample pages from Edexel Foundation Student Book.


• Topics and problems are introduced through a wide

Student Books variety of contexts, showing how maths relates to
the real world.
• Written from scratch and approved for the 2015 • Thousands of questions cover all assessment
Edexcel (1MA1) GCSE Mathematics specification. objectives, offering extensive opportunity to
master key skills.
• A ‘Launchpad’ feature at the beginning of each
chapter directs students to their best starting point to • A ‘Work it out’ feature encourages students to
optimise progress and allows for both independent explore and discuss common errors, helping to draw
and personalised learning. out misconceptions.

Problem-solving Books Homework Books

• Approved for the 2015 Edexcel GCSE Mathematics • Approved for the 2015 Edexcel GCSE Mathematics
specification. specification.

• Questions with worked solutions draw out the • Offer practice questions for students across the full
reasoning, interpreting, estimating and communication GCSE Mathematics curriculum.
skills required to effectively solve problems.
• Contain exercises that correspond to each section of
• Each chapter focuses on a different technique to equip the Student Book, offering hundreds of additional
students with a problem-solving toolkit that they can questions for further practice.
apply to any question, encouraging students to develop
• Questions assess a variety of skills, including recall,
problem-solving ‘muscle memory’.
interpretation, problem-solving and mathematical
• All questions have star ratings to show the level of reasoning.
difficulty, allowing students to track their progress.
• Ideally sized for school bags.
• Questions are colour-coded to show which strands of
maths they cover, with questions covering multiple topics to
prepare students for the synoptic nature of the exams.

Teacher’s Resource
Our FREE digital Teacher’s Resource for both the Foundation and Higher tiers contains everything necessary to plan
and deliver the 2015 Edexcel (1MA1) GCSE Mathematics qualification.

5 cambridge.org/education MATHEMATICS RESOURCES

GCSE Mathematics for Edexcel

GCSE Mathematics for Edexcel FOUNDATION HIGHER

Course Structure

Student Books

Student Books have a strong focus on the

development of problem-solving skills,
mathematical reasoning and fluency.
Foundation: 9781107448025
Higher: 9781107448001

GCSE Mathematics Online

GCSE Mathematics Online for Edexcel is packed SCHOOL SITE
with flexible resources that include lesson notes,
walkthroughs, animations, games, worksheets,
quick quizzes and levelled assessments.
Site Licence (1 Year)* 9781316507834; 1 Year 9781107449718
2 Years 9781107449671; 3 Years 9781107569256

Student Book and Online Subscription Bundle

Contains our print Student Book and

GCSE Mathematics Online subscription
service for Edexcel.
Foundation: 2 Years 9781107447912; 3 Years 9781107569126
Higher: 2 Years 9781107447851; 3 Years 9781107557642

Problem-solving Books

Problem-solving Books contain a variety of

questions to develop students’ problem-solving
and reasoning skills within the context of the new
GCSE curriculum.
Foundation: 9781107450066
Higher: 9781107450059

Homework Books

Homework Books are affordable standalone

resources and ideal companions to the
Student Books.
Foundation: 9781107496859
Higher: 9781107496828

Teacher’s Resource

Our FREE digital Teacher’s Resource for both

Editable GCSE
the Foundation and Higher tiers is full of Mathematics for Edexcel
1, 2 and 3 year schemes of
teaching ideas and advice. Available from work, available at
cambridge.org/education. cambridge.org/

*UK Schools only, an unlimited number of teachers and students within the same school.

MATHEMATICS RESOURCES cambridge.org/education 6

GCSE Mathematics for AQA

A flow chart of concepts covered in the chapter. Each step tests a different skill,
progressing from least to most advanced. Students can assess their most appropriate
starting point in the chapter, encouraging them to take ownership of their learning.

What you will learn

Short objectives to Key vocabulary

show the content
and mathematical Key terms are
skills covered in the highlighted for
chapter. ease of learning,
and gathered in a
glossary at the back
of Student Book for
quick reference.

Using Mathematics

Shows how the Before you start...

content of the
chapter relates to Lists the prerequisite
the world of work, knowledge for the
making maths chapter. Includes
relevant beyond the questions on each
classroom. concept to assess
whether students can
recall the necessary
knowledge and skills.

Sample pages from AQA Foundation Student Book.

• Topics and problems are introduced through a

Student Books wide variety of contexts, showing how maths relates
to the real world.

• Written from scratch and approved for the 2015 AQA • Thousands of questions, including multiple choice
(8300) GCSE Mathematics specification. questions cover all assessment objectives, offering
extensive questions to master key skills.
• A ‘Launchpad’ feature at the beginning of each
chapter directs students to their best starting point to • A ‘Work it out’ feature encourages students to
optimise progress and allows for both independent explore and discuss common errors, helping to draw
and personalised learning. out misconceptions.

Problem-solving Books Homework Books

• Questions with worked solutions draw out the • Offer practice questions for students across the full
reasoning, interpreting, estimating and communication GCSE Mathematics curriculum.
skills required to effectively solve problems.
• Contain exercises that correspond to each section of
• Each chapter focuses on a different technique to equip the Student Book, offering hundreds of additional
students with a problem-solving toolkit that they can questions for further practice.
apply to any question, encouraging students to develop
• Questions assess a variety of skills, including
problem-solving ‘muscle memory’.
recall, interpretation, problem-solving and
• All questions have star ratings to show the level of mathematical reasoning.
difficulty, allowing students to track their progress.
• Questions increase in difficulty throughout each
• Questions are colour-coded to show which strands of exercise and chapter to build confidence and
maths they cover, with questions covering multiple topics allow for progression.
to prepare students for the synoptic nature of the exams. • Ideally sized for school bags.

Teacher’s Resource
Our FREE digital Teacher’s Resource for both the Foundation and Higher tiers contains everything necessary to plan
and deliver the 2015 AQA (8300) GCSE Mathematics qualification.

7 cambridge.org/education MATHEMATICS RESOURCES

GCSE Mathematics for AQA


Course Structure

Student Books

Student Books have a strong focus on the

development of problem-solving skills,
mathematical reasoning and fluency.
Foundation: 9781107448049
Higher: 9781107448032

GCSE Mathematics Online

GCSE Mathematics Online for AQA is packed SCHOOL SITE
with flexible resources that include lesson notes,
walkthroughs, animations, games, worksheets,
quick quizzes and levelled assessments.
Site Licence (1 Year)* 9781316507841; 1 Year 9781107449800;
2 Years 9781107449770; 3 Years 9781107569317

Student Book and Online Subscription Bundle

Contains our print Student Book and

GCSE Mathematics Online subscription
service for AQA.
Foundation: 2 Years 9781107447950; 3 Years 9781107569195
Higher: 2 Years 9781107447943; 3 Years 9781107569140

Problem-solving Books

Problem-solving Books contain a variety of

questions to develop students’ problem-solving
and reasoning skills within the context of the new
GCSE curriculum.
Foundation: 9781107450103
Higher: 9781107450073

Homework Books

Homework Books are affordable standalone

resources and ideal companions to the
Student Books.
Foundation: 9781107496910
Higher: 9781107496866

Teacher’s Resource

Our FREE digital Teacher’s Resource for both

Editable GCSE
the Foundation and Higher tiers is full of Mathematics for AQA
1, 2 and 3 year schemes of
teaching ideas and advice. Available from work, available at
cambridge.org/education. cambridge.org/

*UK Schools only, an unlimited number of teachers and students within the same school.

MATHEMATICS RESOURCES cambridge.org/education 8

AS/A Level Mathematics & Further OCR’S
Mathematics for OCR A PUBLISHER

The Resources
These OCR resources provide detailed coverage of the • A deeper, more synoptic understanding of
linear specifications, supporting teachers and students mathematics that helps students to develop essential
every step of the way by offering a firm foundation skills in problem-solving, modelling and proof to help
for study beyond A Level. In particular, the resources meet the new requirements
• Cambridge Elevate editions which encourage
• A structured pedagogical approach, assisting adaptations of the Student Book, alongside other
teachers in delivering expanded content in a clear useful resources
and effective way

Student Books
Colour-coded exercises Tip

Exercises are colour-coded and designed to Offers useful guidance to students,

provide careful progression, ranging from including ways of calculating or
basic fluency to practice questions. checking and using technology.

Pages from A Level Mathematics for OCR A Student Book 1

Worked examples Fast forward

The left-hand side shows students how to set Links to topics that students
out their working. The right-hand side explains may cover in greater detail
the more difficult steps and helps them to better later on in their studies.
understand why a particular method was chosen.

9 cambridge.org/education MATHEMATICS RESOURCES

AS/A Level Mathematics & Further
Mathematics for OCR A

Student Books
Produced for the OCR A AS & A Level Mathematics
specifications, our Student Books help to promote
learning and a coherent understanding of
mathematics as a whole. They feature:
• A strong pedagogical focus, with an emphasis on
the overarching skills integral to the specifications
including problem-solving, modelling and proof,
plus active tackling of common misconceptions
• Frequent assessment opportunities to track your
students’ progress, including a wealth of levelled
practice and past paper questions
• Emphasis on developing synoptic links between
Pure and Applied areas of maths, helping
students to build a coherent mathematical
understanding with unique ‘Focus On’ sections as
well as cross-topic review exercises.

Student Book 1 (AS/Year 1)


Student Book 2 (Year 2)



Pure Core Student Book 1 (AS/Year 1)


Pure Core Student Book 2 (Year 2)


Statistics Student Book (AS/A Level)


Mechanics Student Book (AS/A Level)


Please note all Student Books on this page

are endorsed by OCR apart from Pure Core
Student Book 2 which has entered an OCR
approval process.

MATHEMATICS RESOURCES cambridge.org/education 10

AS/A Level Mathematics & Further OCR’S
Mathematics for OCR A PUBLISHER

Cambridge Elevate editions

Cambridge Elevate provides an easy-to-use digital • Availability online and on tablet devices through
learning resource designed to help support learning. the Cambridge Elevate app either as part of our
It includes: digital and print bundle, digital licence or school
site licence
• Easy-to-use tools for annotation and customisation,
allowing you to add your own resources • Free downloadable Schemes of Work are
available on our website to assist you with planning
• Gateway to A Level resources to provide bridging
the new specification in the time that you have
from GCSE and support for differentiation, along with
worked solutions to all practice questions


For a free Cambridge Elevate 30-day digital trial and/or a print approval
copy of our new A Level Mathematics resources please visit:

11 cambridge.org/education MATHEMATICS RESOURCES

AS/A Level Mathematics & Further
Mathematics for OCR A

Cambridge Elevate editions Student Book & Online Subscription

Student Book 1 (AS/Year 1) Cambridge Elevate edition (2 Years) A LEVEL MATHEMATICS
9781316644331 Student Book 1 (AS/Year 1) with Cambridge Elevate edition (2 Years)

Student Book 2 (Year 2) Cambridge Elevate edition (2 Years)

9781316644362 Student Book 2 (Year 2) with Cambridge Elevate edition (2 Years)

Student Book 1 (AS/Year 1) Cambridge Elevate edition (1 Year) School
Site Licence
Student Book 2 (Year 2) Cambridge Elevate edition (1 Year) Pure Core Student Book 1 (AS/Year 1) with Cambridge Elevate edition
School Site Licence (2 Years)
9781316644379 9781316644232

Pure Core Student Book 2 (Year 2) with Cambridge Elevate edition

Pure Core Student Book 1 (AS/Year 1) Cambridge Elevate edition (2 years)
9781316644447 Statistics Student Book (AS/A Level) with Cambridge Elevate edition (2
Pure Core Student Book 2 (AS/Year 1) Cambridge Elevate edition (2 years)
Mechanics Student Book (AS/A Level) with Cambridge Elevate edition
Statistics Student Book (AS/A Level) Cambridge Elevate edition (2 Years) (2 Years)
9781316644492 9781316644270

Mechanics Student Book (AS/A Level) Cambridge Elevate edition (2 Years)


Pure Core Student Book 1 (AS / Year 1) Cambridge Elevate edition

(1 Year) School Site Licence

Pure Core Student Book 2 (Year 2) Cambridge Elevate edition

(1 Year) School Site Licence

Statistics Student Book (AS/A Level) Cambridge Elevate edition

(1 Year) School Site Licence

Mechanics Student Book (AS/A Level) Cambridge Elevate edition

(1 Year) School Site Licence

Discrete Student Book Cambridge Elevate edition (1 Year) School

Site Licence

Discrete Student Book Cambridge Elevate edition (2 Years)


Additional Pure Student Book Cambridge Elevate edition (1 Year)

School Site Licence

Additional Pure Student Book Cambridge Elevate edition (2 Years)

9781108431866 Please note Cambridge Elevate editions have not entered an OCR approval process.

MATHEMATICS RESOURCES cambridge.org/education 12

AS/A Level Mathematics & Further
Mathematics for AQA

The Resources
These new AQA resources provide detailed coverage • A deeper, more synoptic understanding of
of the linear specifications, supporting teachers and mathematics that helps students to develop essential
students every step of the way by providing a firm skills in problem-solving, modelling and proof to help
foundation for study beyond A Level. In particular, the meet the new requirements
resources include:
• Cambridge Elevate editions which encourage
• A structured pedagogical approach, assisting adaptations of the Student Book, alongside other
teachers in delivering expanded content in a clear useful resources
and effective way

Student Books
Worked Example Proof Key point

The left-hand side shows students how Provides step-by-step Provides a summary of the most
to set out their working. The right-hand walkthroughs of standard important methods, facts and
side explains the more difficult steps proofs and methods of formulae for students.
and helps them to better understand proof.
why a particular method was chosen.

Pages from A Level Mathematics for AQA Student Book 1

Colour-coded exercises
A support sheet for each chapter Fast forward
Exercises are colour-coded and contains further worked examples and
designed to provide careful exercises on the most common question Links to topics that students
progression, ranging from basic types. Extension sheets provide further may cover in greater detail
fluency to practice questions. challenges for the most ambitious. later on in their studies.

13 cambridge.org/education MATHEMATICS RESOURCES

AS/A Level Mathematics & Further
Mathematics for AQA

Student Books
Produced for the AQA AS & A Level Mathematics
specifications, our Student Books help to promote
learning and a coherent understanding of
mathematics as a whole. They feature:
• A strong pedagogical focus, with an emphasis on
the overarching skills integral to the specifications
including problem-solving, modelling and proof,
plus active tackling of common misconceptions
• Frequent assessment opportunities to track your
students’ progress, including a wealth of levelled
practice and past paper questions
• Emphasis on developing synoptic links between
Pure and Applied areas of maths, helping
students to build a coherent mathematical
understanding with unique ‘Focus On’ sections as
well as cross-topic review exercises.

Student Book (AS/Year 1)


Student Book 2 (Year 2)



Student Book 1 (AS/Year 1)


Student Book 2 (Year 2)


Statistics Student Book (AS/A Level)


Mechanics Student Book (AS/A Level)


Please note Student Books on this page

are approved by AQA, apart from Further
Mathematics Student Book 2 and Statistics
which have entered an AQA approval process.

MATHEMATICS RESOURCES cambridge.org/education 14

AS/A Level Mathematics & Further
Mathematics for AQA

Cambridge Elevate editions

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AS/A Level Mathematics & Further
Mathematics for AQA

Cambridge Elevate editions Student Book & Online Subscription

Student Book 1 (AS/Year 1) Cambridge Elevate edition (2 Years) A LEVEL MATHEMATICS
9781316644591 Student Book 1 (AS/Year 1) with Cambridge Elevate edition (2 Years)

Student Book 2 (Year 2) Cambridge Elevate edition (2 Years)
Student Book 2 (Year 2) with Cambridge Elevate edition (2 Years)
Student Book 1 (AS/Year 1) Cambridge Elevate edition (1 Year) School
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Student Book 2 (Year 2) Cambridge Elevate edition (1 Year) School Student Book 1 (AS/Year 1) with Cambridge Elevate edition (2 Years)
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Student Book 2 (Year 2) with Cambridge Elevate edition (2 Years)


Student Book 1 (AS/Year 1) Cambridge Elevate edition (2 Years) Statistics Student Book (AS/A Level) with Cambridge Elevate edition
(2 Years)
Student Book 2 (Year 2) Cambridge Elevate edition (2 Years)
Mechanics Student Book (AS/A Level) with Cambridge Elevate
edition (2 Years)

Statistics Student Book (AS/A Level) Cambridge Elevate edition 9781316644348

(2 Years)

Mechanics Student Book (AS/A Level) Cambridge Elevate edition

(2 Years)

Student Book 1 (AS/Year 1) Cambridge Elevate edition (1 Year)

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Student Book 2 (Year 2) Cambridge Elevate edition (1 Year) School

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Statistics Student Book (AS/A Level) Cambridge Elevate edition

(1 Year) School Site Licence

Mechanics Student Book (AS/A Level) Cambridge Elevate edition

(1 Year) School Site Licence

Discrete Student Book Cambridge Elevate edition (1 Year) School

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Discrete Student Book Cambridge Elevate edition (2 Years)

9781108445207 Please note Cambridge Elevate editions have not entered an AQA approval process.

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Teaching Probability

David Spiegelhalter and Jenny Gage


Why is probability important? First, it is an intrinsic part of

Mathematics, with attractive methods to solve challenging
abstract problems. But perhaps more important is its
relevance to the real world, as it provides the formal
framework for dealing with chance, randomness, and
uncertainty in general.
• An alternative approach to teaching probability –
focusing on using experimentation to develop skills as
opposed to approaching the subject from a theoretical
• Provides lesson materials that can be adapted according
to the age and ability of pupils
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A Level Mathematics

Cambridge Advanced Mathematics for OCR

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Statistics 3 & 4: 9780521548953
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SMP AS/A2 Mathematics

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Edexcel AQA

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Core 2 for Edexcel: 9780521605342 Core 2 for AQA: 9780521605267
Core 3 for Edexcel: 9780521605373 Core 3 for AQA: 9780521605298
Core 4 for Edexcel: 9780521605380 Core 4 for AQA: 9780521605304
Mechanics 1 for Edexcel: 9780521605366 Mechanics 1 for AQA: 9780521605281
Mechanics 2 for Edexcel: 9780521605403 Mechanics 2 for AQA: 9780521605328
Statistics 1 for Edexcel: 9780521605359 Statistics 1 for AQA: 9780521605274
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Cambridge Assessment International Education

Cambridge IGCSE® Mathematics from

This brand new series promotes a deeper understanding of mathematical concepts, helping
students develop critical thinking skills that go beyond the scope of the examination.

NEW Coursebook Core and Extended: 9781108437189

NEW Coursebook Core and Extended with IGCSE
Mathematics Online (2 years): 9781108525732
NEW Teacher’s Resource: 9781108437271
NEW Core Practice Book: 9781108437226
NEW Extended Practice Book: 9781108437219
NEW Extended Problem-solving Book: 9781316643525
NEW Revision Guide: 9781108437264
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