Physics Question Solving Technique For NEET 2020 PDF

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Physics Question Solving Technique For NEET 2020

Today we’re going to look at the Physics Question Solving

Technique For NEET 2020.
Learning Physics for NEET 2020 is similar to learning swimming – you learn by doing. You
could read a book on swimming and memorize every word in it, but when you jump into
a pool the first time you are going to have problems.

Similarly, you could read a Physics book carefully, memorizing every formula in it, but
when you finish, you still haven’t learnt physics.

To learn Physics for NEET 2020 you have to go beyond passive reading; you have to
interact with Physics and experience it by doing questions.

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Follow this Physics Question Solving Technique For NEET 2020:

STEP – 1 Read The Question Carefully

Before you can solve a question you need to know exactly what information it gives and
what it asks you to determine.

Some information is given explicitly, other information is implicit. Some information is


You should search for missing important links which are “intermediate quantities”
required for solving the questions but are neither given nor asked. These are the links
between known and unknown quantities.

STEP – 2 Sketch The System

A sketch helps you to acquire a physical feeling for the system.

STEP – 3 Visualize The Physical Process

Try to visualize what is happening in the system as if you were watching it in a movie.
Your sketch should help.

STEP – 4 Strategize
This may be the most difficult but at the same time the most creative, part of the solving
process. From your sketch and visualization, try to identify the physical processes at
work in the system.

Then, develop a strategy – a game plan – for solving the question.

STEP – 5 Identify Appropriate Equations

Once a strategy has been developed, find the specific equations that are needed to carry
it out.

STEP – 6 Solve The Equations

Use basic math to solve the equations identified in the previous step.

STEP – 7 Check Your Answer

Once you have an answer, check to see if it makes sense:

(a) Does it have the correct answer?

(b) Is the numerical value reasonable?

STEP – 8 Explore Limits/Special Cases

You can learn a lot of Physics by checking various limits of your answer.


PS. Check out our daily NEET Silver Bullets for NEET 2020.


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