Pronunciation of Norwegian PDF
Pronunciation of Norwegian PDF
Pronunciation of Norwegian PDF
C a m b r id g e
R . G . P O P P E R W E L L , P h .D.
University Lecturer in Norwegian in the
University o f Cambridge
Cambridge, New York, Melbourne, Madrid, Cape Town, Singapore,
Såo Paulo, Delhi, Dubai, Tokyo, Mexico C ity
Published in the United States o f America by Cambridge University Press, New York
Information on this title:
AcknowledgettutUs xi
Introduction i
1. I n t r o d u c t o r y 9
A. The Organs of Speech, 1-7 9
The roof o f the mouth, 2 ; the tongue, 3 ; the pharynx,
4; the larynx, 5 ; the lips, 6; the teeth, 7
B. The Production of the Sounds of Speech, 8-9 11
G. Vowels and Consonants, 10 -12 11
Vowels, i i ; consonants, 12
D. Glassification o f Vowels, 13 - 16 12
Front vowels, 14 ; back vowels, 15 ; central vowels, 16
E. Cardinal Vowels, 17 - 18 13
F. Classification o f Consonants, 19-21 14
2. N o r w e g i a n V o w e l S ou n d s 16
A. Front Unrounded Vowels, 23-48 16
23~6; I, 2 7 - 3 1; e:, 32-6; e, 3 7 -4 1;
42-6; * , 47-8
B. Back Vowels, 49-73 23
a:« 49- 53 ; a, 54- 5 ; 56-60; э, 6 1-4 ; о:, 65-9;
о» 70-3
C. Central Vowels, 74-84 29
u:> 74- 8 ; u, 7 9 -8 1; a, 82-4
D. Front Rounded Vowels, 85-106 flage 32
y:, 85-9; y, 90-2; comparison o f /(*)’ u( ' 5 a
o(0. 93; и:, 94-8; ø, 99-roo;
ær, юг-4; oc,
3. N o r w e g ia n D iphthongs
el, n i-14 ; æu, 115-18; øy, и 9~2 1 ’ al’ I22~5 ’
Di, 126-8
4. N o r w e g i a n G o n s o n a n t s 44
A. Plosive Consonants, 129-46 44
p, 129 -32; b, 133-4 ; t, 13 5 -6 ; ’ 139-41 ’
k, 142-4; g, 145-6
B. Nasal Consonants, 147-53 50
m, 147-8; n, 149-50; о, I51—3
C. Lateral Consonants, 154-7 52
l, including [, 154-7
D. Rolled Consonants, 158-61 54
r, 158-61
E. Fricative Consonants, 162-80 55
f, 16 2 -3; v, 164-6; s, 167-9; I’ I 70' 3 ’ *74 7 ,
i, 176-9; h> 180
F. Retroflex Sounds, 18 1-7 60
rt, 18 2 -3; rd, 184; Г0, n?) i855 ris fl> l86; l87
5. R u l e s fo r t h e P r o n u n c ia t io n of W r i t t e n
N orwegian 85
A. Vowels, 188-218 85
i, 188; e, 18 9 -9 7 ;» , 198; a, 199; å, 200; o, 2 0 1-
10 ; a , 2 1 1 - 1 6 ; y, 2 17 ; ø , 218
B. Diphthongs, 219-40 77
ei (eg, ek), 219 -24; au (eu, ou), 225 - 8 ;øy (eg),
229-30; ai, 2 3 1- 3 ; oi, 234-6; ou, 237; oa, 238;
ow, 239; «i, 240
G, Cømonants, 241-305 page 80
b , 2 4 1; c, 242; ch, 243; d, 2 44-51; f , 252; g,
25З-63; b , 264-6; j , 267; k , 268-73; 1, 274-5;
m , 276-7; n, 278-82; p, 283; q, 284; r,
285-7; *» 288 -9 1; t, 292-8; v , 299-301; w
(wh), 302; x, 303; y, 304; *, 305
6. Syllables 101
Syllabic l [|, {], 3 10 - 17 ; syllabic n [ri, 9], 318 -2 7 ;
syllabic r [f], 328; syllabic consonants: general con-
siderations, 329-30
7. L e n g t h 107
8. S t r e s s 116
A . Compounds, 358 116
B. Prefixes, 359-74 117
be-, er-, ge-, 3 6 1; for-, 362-7; u-, 368-72; i-, 373;
others, 374
G. Compounded Adverbs, Prepositions and Con-
junctions, 375 129
D. Suffixcs, 376-86 129
E. Sentencc Stress, 387-8 146
9. R h y t h m 147
A. Trochaic Rhythm, 39 1-4 147
B. Dactylic Rhythm, 395 149
C. Sound Changes Caused by Rhythm, 396 150
Bibliography 184
Word-Index 186
12. Norwegian y: 33
13. Norwegian ør, English э: 35
14. Norwegian æ: 36
15. Norwegian diphthongs (general diagram) 38
16. Norwegian ci, English ei, ci 39
17. Norwegian æu, English au 40
18. Norwegian øy 41
19. Norwegian ai, English ai 42
20. Norwegian and English ai 43
The examples in Section I of this book were chosen for their
inherent phonetic interest and to provide material for practising
the sounds o f Norwegian in the many phonetic contexts in
which they occur. In the remaining sections major attention
was given to those features of Norwegian pronunciation which
differ from the norm. Thus the corpus of words which has been
used contains a high proportion of 1 exceptional ’ prommcia-
tions. In general, the pronunciation o f words which contain no
exceptional features can be determined by referring to the rules
which are given in the various sections of the book.
stage, and on the radio ‘ synger i regelen hver fugl med sitt
nebb’,1 as Professor Selmer has put it. For some people in
Norway a western Norwegian pronuneiation, modified by
residence in the Capital, måkes the greatest aesthetic appeal.
The foreign student, however, has to acquire some particular
norm of pronuneiation, and the present author believes,
for the reasons given above, that the one described in this
book is the best for his purpose. Moreover, the student will
find that such differences of opinion and practice as exist
between educated eastem Norwegian speakers concern matters
of relatively minor importance. The contours of eastern
Norwegian speech may at times be blurred but they remain
distinetive and unmistakable.
1 I.e. ‘ Each bird sings its own tune’ . See Nordisk Lærebog fo r Talepædagoger
(Copenhagen, 1954)» vol. i, p. 354.
V ow els
Symbol Key-word
i: fin, 'fi:n (fine)
1 litt, 'Ilt; (a little)
e: fet, 'fe:t (fat)
e lett, 'let; (light)
æ: lær, 'læ:r (leather)
æ vert, 'vaeft (host)
a: fa r, 'fa:r (father)
a makt, 'makt (power)
d: Ids, 'b:s (lock)
3 lokk, '1эк; (lid)
0: fot, 'fo:t (foot)
0 hoste, vhosta (to cough)
u: ju l, 'ju:l (Christmas)
u munn, 'mun: (mouth)
Э gate, vga:ts (street)
У: lyd, 'ly;d (sound)
У bygg, 'bygt (barley)
ø; ned, 'nø:d (need)
0 møll, 'møl: (moth)
a: før, 'fæ:r (before)
« førti, 'feerti (forty)
D iphthongs
£i bein, 'bein (bone)
xu sau, 'sæu (sheep)
1 Sec The PrincipUs o f the International Phonetic Association (1949). Obtainable from
hc Department of Phonetics, University College, London, W .C . 1.
3 i-a
øy tey, 'tøy (cloth)
al kai, 'kal (quay)
si konvoi, ksn'vsi (convoy)
ul huie, vhuia (to shout)
р pil, 'pi:l (arrow)
b bil, 'blrl (car)
t tid, 'ti:d (time)
d dis, 'dl:s (mist)
к kål, 'to:l (cabbage)
g god, 'go: (good) (g is used instead o f g)
m mot, 'т о л (courage)
n nag, 'na:g (resentment)
0 ring, 'rlrjr (ring)
i liv, 'Ihv (life)
r rep, 're:p (rope)
C Ola, vo:[a
f fot, 'fo:t (foot)
v vår, 'vsxr (Spring)
s sag, 'sa:g (saw)
I ski, 'Jl: (ski)
S kjær, '?*:r (dear)
J ja , 'ja: (yes)
h kul, 'hu:l (hollow)
Г* svart, 'svar? (black) (rt is used instead of t)
rt lørdag, 'læirda- (Saturday) (rt is used instead of 4.)
ro jern, 'jaeirn (iron) (rn is used instead o f q)
rl Karl, 'ka:r| (r| is used instead o f (.)
r? kors, 'кэг? (cross) (r? is used instead of $)
Full length is indicated by r placed after a sound; half length
by \ In the type of Norwegian pronunciation described here all
stressed syllables are long or half-long. This length is expressed
either in the vowel or diphthong, or in the following consonant
S tre ss an d tone
A combined stress and tone symbol is used which is placed
immediately before the stressed syllable, as follows:
' Single Tone, stressed syllable (for a description of the Single
Tone see par. 398).
¥ Double Tone, stressed syllable (for a description o f the
Double Tone see par. 399).
, Indicates strong secondary stress. It is placed immediately
before the syllable taking the stress.
[!- 4
A. T H E O R G A N S O F S P E E G H
T he r o o f o f the m outh
з The roof of the mouth is divided, for phonetic purposes, into
three parts:
a-i The teeth-ridge—the convex part immediately behind the
upper teeth.
3-3 The hard palate—the highest, concave, part of the mouth,
stretching from the teeth-ridge to the point where the roof of
the mouth becomes soft.
3'3 The soft palate—the soft, movable part beyond the hard
palate. At its extreme end is the uvula which is capable of inde
pendent movement; it is used in the articulation o f the uvular r.
See par. 20-10.
T he tongue
3 It is also convenient for the present purpose to divide the
tongue into three parts.
3 1 The blade—This includes the tip, and is the part of the
tongue which normally Hes opposite the teeth and the teeth-
3-3 The front—the part opposite the hard palate.
3-3 The back—-the part opposite the soft palate.
T he p h aryn x
4 The pharynx is the space in the throat just behind the
mouth. It plays no special part in the pronunciation of
Norwegian consonants.
5~ 6 ]
Nasal ca vity
Fig. i . The organa o f apeech.
The laryn x
5 The larynx contains the vocal cords. They stretch horizon-
tally across the larynx and can be made to close, open or
vibrate. The glottis is the open space between the vocal cords.
T h elip *
6 The lips may be either spread with the comers of the mouth
drawn back, rounded (close or open rounding), or protruded, or
they may occupy a neutral or intermediate position.
Lip spreading, rounding and protrusion are especially
important in the pronundation o f Norwegian vowel sounds. It
T H E O R G A N S OF S P E E G H [6 -1 1
is also worth noting that in many sounds Norwegian requires
the lips to be vigorously spread where in English they are in a
neutral position; this occurs sufficiently frequently to constitute
a general difference.
T h e teeth
7 The upper teeth are used in the pronundation of dental
sounds, the lower teeth in the pronundation of sibilants.
B. T H E P R O D U C T I O N O F T H E
C. V O W E L S A N D C O N S O N A N T S
и These are voiced sounds produced by a stream of air
passing through the mouth; with nasal vowels, through the nose
as well. The sound is modified by the position of the tongue and
the lips, but the passage o f the air is not obstructed by them so
as to cause audible friction.
i s All other sounds in normal spcech are called consonants.
In Norwegian they are as follows:
i2 -i All voiceless sounds: p, f, t, s, rt, rs, J, k, h.
ia-a Voiced sounds which have an impeded passage through
the mouth: b, v, d, I, r, r<J, C, j. g-
12-3 Sounds in which the air does not pass through the mouth:
m, n, ГО, 0-
D. C L A S S I F I C A T I O N O F V O W E L S
Central vowels
16 For central vowels, the central part of the tongue is raised
towards the junction of the hard and soft palate. Norwegian
central vowek are represented phonetically as follows:
16*x (With unroundcd lips): 9.
i6*2 (With rounded lips): t»(:).
See fig. 3, p. 16.
17 It will be clear that the position of the tongue can be varied
greatly in its relationship to the roof of the mouth, and that
this, together with changes in the position of the lips, makes a
very large number of vowel sounds possible. In any one
language, however, the number of separate vowel sounds used
is comparatively small.
Cardinal vowel 1 the tongue position is the highest possible for
the production of a vowel sound, for Cardinal vowel 5 the lowest
possible. Cardinal vowels 1-5 are selected so that a series of
equal acoustic intervals is produced; they are pronounced with
unrounded lips. Cardinal vowels 5-8 also represent equal
degrees of acoustic separation, but the difference in tongue
position is less; vowels 6-8 are pronounced with rounded lips.
A gramophone record of Cardinal vowels, spoken by Daniel
Jones, is obtainable from the Linguaphone Institute.
F. C L A S S I F l C A T I O N O F C O N S O N A N T S
Fig. 3 . General diagram of the tongue positions o f Norwegian vowel sounds and
of some English vowel sounds. The English sounds are enclosed in brackcts;
the other sounds are Norwegian. Unrounded vowels are represented by a dot,
rounded vowels by a dot in a circle.
A. F R O N T U N R O U N D E D V O W E L S
23 Pronunciation. The front of the tongue is raised as high
as possible for a vowel sound (to the position o f Cardinal vowel 1),
so that any further raising would produce a fncative sound.
(See fig. 4, p. 17.)
The lips are spread, with the comers drawn well back.
As with all other Norwegian vowels, the soft palate is in its
raised position and the vocal cords are made to vibrate.
The position of the jaws varies according to the vowel sound
produced, but this should follow naturally provided the tongue
and lip positions are correct.
Fig. 4. Relative tongue positions of Norwegian f: and English i:, and variants,
and English i. English sounds are enclosed in brackets.
Flg. 5. Relative tongue position» of Norwegian № and English e! and (I. English
sounds are enclosed in brackets, the Cardinal vowel underlined.
37 Pronunciation. The front of the tongue is raised to half-
way between the half-close and the half-open positions.
The lips are slightly less spread than for long e:.
fig . 6. Relative tongue positions of Norwegian г : and English se. English sounds
are in brackets, the Cardinal vowel underlined.
43- 8] N O R W E G I A N V O W E L S OUNDS
43*1 English sounds. The ак in English glad, bag, occupies a
position midway between the half-open and open positions, and
is therefore a slightly doser sound than the Norwegian. (See
% 6 .)
43*a Othcr sounds. The e: in French bite, treige, occupies the
half-open position, and is therefore a closer sound than the
B. B A C K V O W E L S
49 Promuiciation. The tongue is held very low down in the
mouth in the open position with the back as its highest point.
This point is very slightly in advance o f Cardinal a. (See
fig- 7-)
The lips are in the neutral position.
Fig. 7. Relative tongue positioiu o f Norwegian and English a:. Th e Engliih sound
is in brackets, the Cardinal vowels underlined.
54 Pronunciation. This is pronounced in much the same way
as the long sound, except that the tongue is slightly more
advanced. The chief difficulty English speakers have is to make
it short enough, as no short a sound occurs in English. The
fbllowing words should be compared to appreciate the difference
between the long and short sounds: hat, 'hart; hatt, 'hat:; tak,
'tark; takk, 'tak:; tap, 'ta:p; tapp, 'tap:.
65 Pronunciation. The back of the tongue is raised to just
below the close position. (See fig. 9.)
The lips are closely rounded and protruded.
Fig. 9. Relative tongue positions of Norwegian ot, English u:, The English
sounds are in brackets.
70 Pronunciation. The tongue a little lower than for the
long sound; the lips protruded, but not so tightly rounded as
for the long sound.
C. C E N T R A L V O W E L S
74 Pronunciation. The centre of the tongue is raised as
high as possible for a vowel sound to a position (see fig. 10) which
is roughly midway between Norwegian front rounded у: and
Norwegian back rounded o:. (See figs. 12 and 9.)
The lip position is medium rounding with protrusion.
Fig. 10. Relative tongue positions of Norwegian u:, English and Э:.
T h e English sounds are in brackets.
82 Pronundation. This is the so-called ‘ neutral’ sound
which is used when e occurs in an umtressed syllable following
on a stressed syllable, and sometimes before a stressed syllable.
(See fig. и .) Examples: rive, Vrl:va (to tear); mane, vma:na (to
8 2 - 5] N O R W E G IA N V O W E L SOUNDS
conjure); skrike, vskri:ka (to cry); løpe, vlø:pa (to run); gater,
vga:tar (streets); betale, ba'ta:la (to pay); gevinst, ga'vinst (prize).
It is pronounced by raising the centre of the tongue to just
below the half-close position; the lips are in the neutral
D. F R O N T R O U N D E D V O W E L S
85 Pronunciation. Longy: is a rounded version of Norwegian
long I:, but as with the other Norwegian front rounded vowels
the tongue position is a little less close and somewhat retracted
compared with the unrounded sound. The lips are protruded
with medium rounding. (See fig. 12.)
101 General. Long oe: is used in eastern Norway, especially
Oslo, before r, rt, rij, r| rs, but some observers are of the opinion
that its use is disappearing among the younger generation, and
that 0: is used instead. (See fig. 14.)
105 General. This is merely a shortened version of the long
sound and is used under the same conditions.
Ю 7- 9 ]
1 1 5 Pronnnciation. This diphthong consists of æ followed
by a slightly rounded u or even a bi-labial v. (See fig. 17.)
Fig. 17. Relative tongue movements of Norwegian aeu and English au.
T h e English sounds are in brackets.
120 Com parison with otber sounds. There are no cqui-
valents in English, French or German o f this sound.
122 Prom m ciation. This diphthong consists of an advanced
a which then moves in the direction o f I. (See fig. 19.)
F ig. tg. Tongue movements o f Norwegian ai and English ai. T he English sounds
are in brackets, the Cardinal vowel underlined.
Fig. ao. Tongue movementt o f Norwegian and English si. The English
sounds are in brackets.
A. P L O S I V E C O N S O N A N T S
129 Pronunciation. The lips are closed and the soft palate is
raised. Air is compressed behind this stop by pressure from the
lungs, so that when the lips are opened it escapes suddenly with
an explosive sound. This explosion is usually followed by a
noticeable puff of breath or aspiration which is particularly
strong when p is followed by a stressed vowel. The sound is
e x a m p l e s : pil, 'pi:l (arrow) ; pel, 'pe:l (stake); pære, vpæ:ra
(pear) ; Pan, 'pa:n (Pan) ; påk, 'рэ:к (stick); pol, 'po:l (pole); pur,
'pu:r (pure);pøl, 'pø:l (fiery pit); papp, 'pap: (cardboard); kopp,
'кэр: (cup); tipp, 'tip: (tip).
1 2 9 1 Aspiration is not perceptible when p is preceded by s.
EXAMPLEsi^/fer, 'spiikar (nail); speke, vspe:ka (tocure); etc.
129-2 Aspiration is weak when a single p is final.
e x a m p l e s : tap, 'ta:p (loss); hop, 'ho:p (crowd); etc.
129-3 Aspiration is weak when p occurs in an unaccented
e x a m p l e s : reparere, repa're:ra (to repair); palett, pa'let:
129-4 There is hardly any plosion at all when p is followed by t
or k.
e x a m p l e s : tapt, 'tapt (lost); oppklare, 'opklaire (toclearup).
129-5 When p is followed by m or n it is pronounced with nasal
plosion, i.e. the explosion is not caused by air escaping through
the mouth, which remains closed, but by its escaping through
the nose at the moment the soft palate is lowered to form the
nasal consonant.
e x a m p l e s : oppmuntre, 'apmuntra (to encourage); oppnå, 'эрпэ:
(to attain).
130 C om parison w ith E n g lisb p. The Southern English p
is pronounced with less aspiration than the Norwegian sound,
whilst northern English speakers do not, in general, aspirate p
at all.
133 Pronunciation. This is pronounced in the same way as
p, except that the force of aspiration is less and the vocal cords
are usually made to vibrate so that voice is heard.
e x a m p i e s : b il, 'bi:l (car); bed, 'be:d (flowerbed); bæ r, 'bæ:r
(berry); bad, 'ba:d (bath); båt, 'ba:t (boat); bok, 'bo:k (book);
bud, 'bu:d (message); by, 'by: (town); bøk, 'bø:k (beech).
133-1 When used initially Norwegian b is frequently devoiced
(phonetically £>); i.e. voice is not heard during the formation of
the b itself, but only after the lips have parted and the vowel
sound is produced. The difference between I?and p lies in the fact
that with i? voice is heard at once after the explosion, whereas
with p aspiration is heard before the next sound follows.
Compare bære vfcæ:ra (to carry) with pæ re vpæ:ra (pear).
133-2 When b occurs between voiced sounds it is always
(a ) e x a m p l e s : ebonitt, ebo'nit: (ebonite); oberst, 'oibarst
(colonel); kube, vku:ba (cube); hybel, 'hyibal (lodgings); pøbel,
'pøibal (mob).
(в) note : When a long b: occurs in a similar position the
voicing is also maintained throughout, as in abbor, vabDr
133-3 When a single b occurs finally or next to a voiceless
consonant it is devoiced to p.
e x a m p l e s : Jacob, 'jaikop; absurd, ap'surd [ab'] (absurd);
subtil, sup'tl:l (subtle); absolutt, apsoMut: (absolute). (But tub,
'tubr ((abbreviation) tuberculosis).
133-4 Devoicing is particularly noticeable in an accented
syllable before s.
e x a m p l e s : Ibsen, 'tpsn; ; substantiv, V$upstantlv.
135 Pronunciation. For this sound the stop is formed by
placing the tip o f the tongue firmly against the upper teeth. Air
is compressed behind the stop, the stop is released, and an
explosion and a puff of air follow. This explosion is especially
noticeable when t occurs before a stressed vowel. The sound is
voiceless and the soft palate is raised.
e x a m p l e s : tid, 'tl:d (time); te, 'te: (tea); tær, 't*:r (tæ s);
tak, 'ta:k (roof); td, 'o : (toe); tok, 'to:k (took); tusen, 'tu»ø
(thousand); ty, 'ty: (to resort); tev, 'tø:v (nonsense); tett, 'tet:
(tight); tatt, 'tat: (taken); tått, 'o t : (strand of rope).
135-1 Aspiration is not perceptible when t is preceded by s.
e x a m p l e s : stiv, 'sti:v (stiff); sten, 'ste:n (stone).
135-8 Aspiration is weak when a single t is final.
e x a m p l e s :,/*!, 'fe:t (fat); fa t, 'fa:t (dish);/øf, 'fo:t (foot).
135-3 It is also weak when t occurs in an unaccented syllable.
e x a m p l e s : attestere,ao'ste: ra (toattest); etikett,etVket: (label).
135-4 There is hardly any plosion a t all when t is followed by
other plosives.
e x a m p l e s : utgave, Vu:tga:va (edition); utpreget, 'u:tpre:gat
135-5 When t is followed by n or n it is pronounced with nasal
e x a m p l e s : vatn, 'vat:n (water); katten, 'kafcn (the cat);
vitne, Vvltna (to witness) (Compare English eaten, Irtrt.)
135-6 When t is followed by I or | it is pronounced with lateral
plosion, i.e. the tip o f the tongue remains against the upper
teeth, and the explosion is caused by air escaping on either side
of the tongue when the | is articulated.
e x a m p l e s : kapitel, ka'pit:| (chapter); tittel, (title);
betle, vbetb (to beg). (Compare English title, tait|.)
139 Pronunciation. This is formed in the same way as
Norwegian t; i.e. with the tip of the tongue against the upper
teeth. The force of exhalation is, however, less, and the vocal
cords are usually made to vibrate so that voice is heard.
r39 ~ 4 2 ] N O R W E G IA N CO N SO N AN TS
139-1 When used initially Norwegian d is frequently devoiced
(phonetically <$).
e x a m p l e s : dis, 'di:s (mist); del, 'de:l (part); der, 'dæ:r
(there); dal, 'da:l (valley); dåd, 'daid (deed); dom, 'do:m
(cathedral); due, vdu:a (dove); dyp, 'dy:p (deep); døs, 'dø:s (doze).
139*2 When d occurs between voiced sounds it is voiced.
e x a m p l e s : lide, vli:da (to sufFer); seder, vse:dar (customs);
bade, vba:da (to bathe); både, vba:d3 (both); soda, 'so:da (soda);
dyder, ¥dy:dar (virtues); øde, vø:da (desolate).
139-3 When a single d occurs finally it is partially devoiced.
e x a m p l e s : Gud, 'gu:d (God); ed, 'e:d (oath).
139-4 When d occurs before m, n and n it has nasal plosion.
e x a m p l e s : admiral, admi'ra:l (admiral); modne, vmo:dna (to
ripen); Eden, 'e:dii (Eden).
139-5 When d occurs before I or | it has lateral plosion.
e x a m p l e s : middel, 'mid:| (means); edel, 'e:dj (noble); adle,
va:dla (to ennoble). Compare English middle, mid|.
142 Pronunciation. For this sound the stop is formed by
raising the back of the tongue against the front part of the soft
palate. When the stop is released an explosion and a puff of air.
are heard which are strongest when к occurs before a stressed
vowel. The precise spot on the soft palate where the tongue
articulates к varies according to the nature of the sound which
follows or precedes it, but this is a matter of no practical
importance. The sound is voiceless and the soft palate is in its
raised position.
ex a m ples: Kiel, 'kiil; kefir, 'keifir (sour milk); kar, 'ka:r
(fellow); kål, 'lo:l (cabbage); kolon, 'ko:fon (colon); ku, 'ku:
(cow); kyniker, 'kymikar (cynic); kø, 'kø: (queue).
143-1 As with p and t the aspiration of к is not perceptible when
it follows s, as in skade, vska:da (damage); skåne, у$1о:пэ (to spare).
142-2 Aspiration is weak when it is in an unaccented position.
e x a m p l e s : kaptein, kap'teln (captain); økonomi, økono'mi:
142-3 It is also weak when a single к is final.
e x a m p l e s : blek, 'ble:k (pale); nek, 'ne:k (sheaf).
142-4 When к is followed by another plosive there is hardly
any plosion at all.
e x a m p l e s : takt, 'takt (tact); tokt, 'takt (expedition).
145 Pronunciation. This sound is formed in the «am<- way as
k, except that the force o f the exhalation is less and the vocal
cords are usually made to vibrate so that voice is heard. When
used initially Norwegian g is frequently devoiced (phonetically
f), i.e. voice is not heard until the stop has been released.
e x a m p l e s : gir, 'gi;r (gear); gate, vga:ta (street); gå, 'ga: (to
go); god, 'go: (good); Gud, 'gu:d (God); gyselig, vgy:sell (horrible).
1 4 5 1 When g occurs between voiced sounds it is voiced.
e x a m p l e s : liga, 'll:ga (league); egen, ve:gan (own); saga,
'sa:ga (saga); toget, 'o:ga (the train); skogen, 'skoigan (the wood);
hygge, vhyg» (comfort); døgenikt, vdø:ganlkt (good-for-nothing).
«45-2 When a single g occurs finally it is partially devoiced.
e x a m p l e s : dag, 'da:g (day); dog, 'da:g (however).
4 49 P FJi
146 Com parison with English g. English g corresponds
very well to the Norwegian, but is generally less explosive, and
when final is articulated further back on the soft palate.
B. N A S A L C O N S O N A N T S
147 Pronunciation. With the lips closed and the soft palate
lowered, air is forced out through the nose. The vocal cords
are made to vibrate, though full voicing is only heard between
voiced sounds. The tongue positionis neutral or approximately
that of the following vowel.
e x a m p l e s : slim, (mucus); mel, 'me:l (flour); smal, 'sma:l
(narrow); omen, 'o:man (omen).
149 Pronunciation. For this sound the mouth passage is
closed by placing the tip o f the tongue, pointing downwards,
against the upper teeth. The soft palate is lowered and the air
passes through the nose. The vocal cords are made to vibrate so
that voice is heard.
1494 When used initially Norwegian n is slightly devoiced
(phonetically 9).
e x a m p l e s : ni, 'nf: (nine); ned, 'ne;(d) (down); nær, 'n*:r
(near); nag, 'na:g (resentment); nå, 'пэ: (now); note, vno:ta
(note); nubier, 'nuibiar (Nubian); ny, 'ny: (new); nød, 'nø:d
149*2 Norwegian n tends to be partially devoiced when it is
preceded by s in the same syllable.
e x a m p l e s : snakk, 'snak: (talk); snar, 'sna:r (soon).
>49*3 It tends to be partially devoiced when it is preceded by k.
e x a m p l e s : knake, vkna:ka (to creak); knekke, vknek:a (to
N A S A L CO NSO NANTS [149-53
149-4 A single final n is partially devoiced.
e x a m p l e s : plen, 'plein (lawn) ; gren, 'grein (bough).
149-5 When it occurs between voiced sounds n is voiced.
e x a m p l e s : ananas, 'ananas (pineapple); endre, vendra (to
151 Pronunciation. The mouth passage is blocked by raising
the back of the tongue against the front part o f the soft palate.
The soft palate is lowered and air passes through the nose. The
sound is voiced.
(a) e x a m p l e s : ringe, vrirp (to ring); denge, vderj:a (to beat);
sjangle, vJagla (to stagger); kongle, vkagl3 (pine cone); lunge,
vlorj:a (lung); synge, vsyrj» (to sing).
(в) n o t e : g: only occurs after short vowels, and is therefore
always acoustically long.
C. L A T E R A L C O N S O N A N T S
154 Pronanciation. This sound is fonned by placing the tip
of the tongue against the upper teeth and by simultaneously
raising the front o f the tongue towards the hard palate, thus
blocking the central air channel but leaving a passage on one
or both sides o f the tongue for the air to escape during articula-
tion. The soft palate is raised and the sound is voiced.
154-1 Norwegian I, as with English I, tends to be devoiced
when it occurs initially.
e x a m p l e s : lin, 'll:n (flax); lek, 'le:k (game); lær, 'laerr
(leather); lag, 'la:g (layer); lår, 'b:r (thigh); los, 'loa (pilot);
ly, 'ly: (shelter); løk, 'lø:k (onion).
154-a Again as with English I, it tends to be devoiced when it
occurs after p, k, f.
e x a m p l e s : plikt, 'plikt (duty); klegg, 'kleg: (horsefly); flid,
'fli:d (industry).
I54‘3 It т а У be partially devoiced when a single I occurs
finally after a vowel.
e x a m p l e s : dal, 'da:l (valley); fil, 'fl:i (B e ); pel, 'peil (stake).
■ 54*4 It may be partially devoiced after voiced consonants in
the same syllable.
(a) e x a m p l e s : avl, 'avl (breeding); hagl, 'hagl (hail); tagl,
'tagl (horsehair).
(в) n o t e : On the other hand the I may form a new syllable
[•*]. thus making the word disyllabic— 'hagial; 'tag:sl.
154-5 When I occurs between voiced sounds it is fully voiced.
e x a m p l e s : hellig, vhel:i (holy); ile, vi:fo (to hurry); Olav,
‘ Thick’ l occurs in a number of positions, e.g. kl-, gl-, pl-, bl-, fl-,
-lk, -lp, etc., and in many words it replaces r(d) and a single
intervocalic l, but it never occurs initially. Although the use of
‘ thick’ l is widespread, even in educated speech, refined
speakers would consider it vulgar outside dialect speech.
e x a m p l e s : fæ l, 'fæ:[ (disgusting); sjøl, 'Jø:[ (self); Ola,
vo:[a; blå, 'bp: (blue); jord, jo:[ (earth).
D. R O L L E D C O N S O N A N T S
158 Prommciation. This sound is produced by raising the
tip of the tongue towards the teeth-ridge and keeping it suffi-
ciently relaxed so that when the air-stream passes through the
mouth the tip vibrates up and down against the teeth-ridge.
The soft palate is raised, and the sound is usually voiced.
158-1 r tends to be devoiced when it is used initially.
e x a m p l e s : rik, 'riik (rich); rep, 'reip (rope); rær, 'ræir
(yards); rad, 'raid (row); råd, 'n>:d (council); romer, 'roimar
(Roman); rubel, 'ruibal (rouble); ry, 'ry: (renown); rer, 'ræ r
158-я It tends to be devoiced when it is final after a vowel
except э.
e x a m p l e s : svir, 'svhr (dissipation); ler, 'leir (laughs); lær,
'laeir (leather); rar, 'rair (queer); vår, 'vo:r (Spring); bor, 'bo:r
(live/s); sur, 'suir (sour) \yr, 'y:r (drizzle); ør, 'ce:r (dizzy).
«58-3 Also when it occurs before p, f, k.
e x a m p l e s : skarp, 'skarp (sharp); skjerf, 'Jærf (scarf); park,
'park (park).
1 5 8 4 Also when it occurs after a voiceless consonant.
e x a m p l e s : pris, 'pri:s (price); fred, 'fre:d (peace); trær,
'træ r (trees); krav, 'kraiv (claim).
15 8 5 r is voiced between voiced sounds.
e x a m p l e s : arv, 'arv (inheritance); arm, 'arm (arm); æra;
'*:ra (era); herre, vhær:a (gentleman).
158-6 This rolled sound may be used in all positions in
R O L L E D CO NSO NANTS [ 1 5 8 -6 2
E. F R I C A T I V E C O N S O N A N T S
162 Pronnndation. This sound is pronounced by holding the
lower lip Ioosely against the upper teeth and forcing air between
them; sometimes articulation is very lax and the lower lip may
touch both upper teeth and upper lip. The soft palate is raised
and the sound is voiceless.
e x a m p l e s : fin, 'flin (fine); fet, 'fe:t (fat); færing, vf*:riij
(four-oared boat) ; fa r, 'fa:r (father); fd , 'fe: (few); fSr, 'fo:r
(lining); fyr, 'fy:r (fellow) ;fø r, 'f«:r (before).
163 Com parison with English f. English f is articulated
more firmly than Norwegian f.
164 Proauneiation. This sound is formed like f, except that
the vocal cords are usually made to vibrate so that voice is heard.
164- 1 When used initially Norwegian v tends to be devoiced
(phonetically y). It then differs from f only in being pronounced
with weak breath force.
e x a m p l e s : vi, 'vi: (we); ved, 've: (wood); vær, 'væ:r
(weather); var, 'va:r (sensitive); vår, Vr.r (Spring); vy, 'vy;
(view); vøle, Vvø:ta (to repair); vakker, 'vak:ar (pretty).
164-2 v tends to be devoiced when it occurs next to a voiceless
e x a m p l e s : tvinne, Vtvin:a (to twine); svin, 'svi:n (swine).
164-3 v tends to be devoiced when it occurs finally.
e x a m p l e s : liv, 'li:v (life); lav, 'la:v (low); lov, 'b:v (law).
164-4 When v occurs between voiced sounds it is voiced.
There is, however, very little friction between lower lip and
upper teeth and the sound tends to become a voiced bi-labial
fricative (phonetically |5).
e x a m p l e s : iver, 'i:var (zeal); avis, a'vl:s (newspaper); leve,
4e:va (to live); love, Vb:va (to promise); pave, Vpa:va (pope);
ruve, Vru:va (to loom); lyve, Vly:va (to lie).
170 Pronunciation. This sound is pronounced by raising
the tip of the tongue towards the back part of the teeth-ridge
and the main body of the tongue towards the hard palate, so as to
form a hollow space between the coneave (‘ spoon-shaped’ ) front
o f the tongue and the hard palate. Air is then forced through the
aperture. The lips are protruded, but the degree of protrusion
depends on whether the following vowel is rounded or un-
rounded. The soft paiate is raised and the sound is voiceless.
e x a m p l e s : ski, 'Jl: (ski)> skje, 'Je: (spoon); skjær, 'Jaeir
(skerry); sjal, 'Ja:! (shawl); sjokk, 'Jak: (shock); sjofel, 'Jodel
(mean); sjusket, yJuskat (careless); sjø, 'Jø: (sea).
174 Pronunciation, This sound is formed by raising the front
of the tongue towards the centre of the hard palate with the tip
against the iower teeth. The comers of the mouth are drawn
back. Air is then forced through the aperture, produdng a
hissing sound which is less *bright’ than the hiss of Norwegian s
178 Pronunciation. This sound is a voiced version of 9 with
greatly reduced friction, so that except before I: where ftiction
is he ard it resembles the English semi-vowel j described below.
e x a m p l e s : gi, 'jl: (to give); gjel, 'Je:l (ravine); gjær, 'jae:r
180 Pronunciation. h represents the sound of the friction
caused by the air-stream passing through the slightly con-
stricted glottis and out through the mouth. In general.
Norwegian h is more strongly aspirated than its English
equivalent. It is voiceless except between vowels when it may
be partly or fully voiced.
e x a m p l e s : uhyre, u'hy:ra (extremely); behøve, be'hø:va (to
need); hår, hair (hair).
F. R E T R O F L E X S O U N D S
183 Pronunciation. This sound is articulated by placing the
tip of the tongue firmly against the back of the alveolar ridge,
or against a position further back on the hard palate. The sound
is voiceless.
ex a m ples: stjert, 'stjaerø (tall); vert, 'vaerf (host); svart, 'svar?
(black); hyrt, 'lort (short); port, 'port (gate); surt, 'su:rt (sour);
flirt, 'flæ:rt (flirtation).
ГП. Г"
185 Pronunciation. The tongue position is the same as for ft
and rfl, but the soft palate is lowered and the sound is pro
nounced through the nose. It is voiced.
e x a m p l e s : jern, 'jaeirn (iron); gam, 'ga:rn (yarn); tdm,
'toirrj (tower); hm , 'ko:rn (com); øm, 'ee:rn (eagle); døren,
'doe:rn (the door).
r!» r|
186 Pronunciation. The tip of the tongue is in the same
position as for the retroflex consonants previously described,
but as with normal I the air is allowed to escape on either side
of the tongue during articulation. The soft palate is raised and
the sound is voiced.
e x a m p l e s : ærlig, væ:r|i (honest); Karl, 'ka:r|; sørlig, vsæ:r|i
(southerly); værelse, Vvæ:r|sa (room) dårlig, vcb:r|i (bad).
187 Pronnnciation. This sound is pronounced by raising the
tip of the tongue towards the back o f the alveolar ridge or
towards a position further back on the hard palate. The lips are
held in a neutral or slightly protruded position. When air is
forced through the aperture between the tongue and the palate
a somewhat hollow hiss is produced. The sound is very similar
to J" and many people do not distinguish between them.
e x a m p l e s : sirs, 'sirs (printed calico); Lars, 'la:rj; kors,
'kors (cross); tørst, 'tærst (thirsty); bayersk, 'baiarsk (Bavarian).
A. V O W E L S
188 The letter i is pronounced as i: or i except in the following
irø -i Pronounced locally as e: in Skien, vJe:an.
188 2 Pronounced as ее: in flirt, 'flæ:rt (ffirtation).
188-3 Pronounced as ai in wire, 'vaiar (wire)— also spelt vaier.
188-4 The combination in in loan-words from the French is
pronounced eg as in gobelin, pba'leg:; mannequin, тапэ'кед:.
n o t e s : ( i ) Before 1938 the pronouns meg (me), deg (you), seg
(oneself) were written mig, dig, sig. The ig in such cases is
pronounced ei.
(2) Before 1938 førti (forty) was written firti. The i in this
case is pronounced oe.
189 The normal pronunciation of e is e: or e.
*98 The letter æ is pronounced a : or æ before r and before
! thick’ l. Before other consonants it is pronounced e: or e,
(a ) e x a m p l e s : forræder, fo're:dar (traitor); sæd, 'se:d (seed);
sæl, 'se:l (happy); hæl, 'he:l (heel); væpne, Vve:pna (to arm);
væte, ¥ve:ta (moisture); æser, ve:sar (Norse gods); væske, Vveska
(liquid); ætt, 'et: (family); sælde, vsel:a (to sift).
(в) n o t e s : ( i ) Most of the words given above with long æ
are related to words with d. Compare: forræder, forråde (to
67 J-*
198 - 2 0 0 ] W RITTEN NORW EGIAN
betray); sæd, sd (to sow); væpne, våpen (arms); æser, ås (Norse
god); væske, våt (wet).
(2) Before the orthographical reforms of 1917 and 1938
many other words which now take e were written with æ.
Examples: læge (now lege), vle:ga (doctor); tvætte (now tvette),
Vtvetra (to wash). As a result of these reforms æ occurs only
rarely, except before r.
199 The letter a is pronounced a: or a, except in the following
199*1 In loan-words from English where the English pro-
nunciation of a is ei, the Norwegian pronunciation is usually
either e: or ei.
e x a m p l e s ; bacon, 'beikan or 'beikan; game, 'germ or 'geim;
lady, 'leidi or 'leidi; racer, 're:sar (competitor); Wales, 've:ls.
199*2 In loan-words where the English pronunciation of a is
* , Norwegian usually has e or æ.
e x a m p l e s : champion, 'Jæmpian; tank, 'tærjk (armoured tank)
—but tankbåt, 'tagkbort (oil-tanker); yankee, 'jegki.
199*3 In loan-words where the English pronunciation of a is
0:, Norwegian usually has a:.
e x a m p l e s : allright, 'x J'ra lt; hall, 'ho:l (hall, in a house)— but
'hal: (meeting place or in the name H all); overall[s), 'o:vanl:(s).
200 The letter å is pronounced 0: or 0.
200*1 When short, å occurs mainly in inflected forms o f words
with long å.
e x a m p l e s : blått, 'bbt: (from blå, 'bh:, blue); grått, 'got:
(from grå, 'gn :, grey); vått, 'vot: (from våt, 'vo:t, wet); fått,
'fot: (from få , 'fo:, to get); stått, 'stat: (from stå, 'sta:, to stand).
200*2 Short d also occurs in some words ending in -nd, as in
bånd, 'bon: (ribbon); hånd, 'hon: (hand); ånd, 'on: (spirit); vånd,
'von: (wand); and in some others like: sånn, 'son: (such); åtte,
vot:a (eight); åtti, 'ot:i (eighty); åttring, votrig (eight-oared boat);
VOWELS [ 2 0 0 - 3
201 The letter 0 is pronounced either as o: or o, or as a: or a.
It is, however, extremely difficult to lay down precise rules of
pronunciation when 0 is short.
205 When a short stressed 0 occurs before -m, -nd, -rt, -st, it is
usually pronounced o.
(a ) e x a m p l e s : bort, 'bort (away); port, 'port (gate); bonde,
vbon:a (farmer); ond, 'on: (wicked); bomull, vbom:ul: (cotton);
bommert, 'bomiart (blunder); hoste, vhosta (to cough); ost, 'ost
(cheese); lomme, vlom:a (pocket); plomme, *plom:a (plum).
(в) n o t e : In some words in the above categories there is
some uncertainty in the pronunciation o f short stressed 0, and
either о or э may be heard. Examples: Lom\ tom (empty).
(c) e x c e p t i o n s : In the following words 0 is pronounced
as a. (i) Before -m: blomst, 'bbmst (flower); dom, 'dam: (judg-
ment)—but dom, 'do:m (cathedral); dommedag, vdam:ada:g
(judgment-day); dommer, vd3m:ar (judge); flom, 'fbm: (flood);
from, 'fram: (pious); Glomma, vgbm:a; jom fru,'1jamfru (virgin);
komma, 'kam:a (comma); komme, vkam:a (to come); om, 'am
VOWELS [ 205-6
(conceming); omnibus, Omnibus (omnibus); som, 'som (who,
whom); somme, ¥som:a (some); sommer, ¥som:ar (summer); tomme,
¥tom:a (inch); tommelfinger, ¥tom:alfigar (thumb); vom, 'vom:
(ii) Before -n i: blond, 'bbn: (blond); fond, 'fon: (fund);
Rondane, vrondcma; sonde, ¥sonda (probe); sondre, ¥$ondra (to
(iii) Before -rt: fort, 'fort (fort)—but fort, 'for? (quickly);
Horten, vhDrtg; kohort, ko'hart (cohort); kort, 'kart (short, card);
Morten, vm3rtij; sort, 'sort (sort)—but sort, 'sort (black); sport,
'sport (sport); sportel, 'sport| (perquisite); tort, 'tort (injury).
(iv) Before -st: apostel, o'post| (apostle); frost, 'frost (frost);
hostie, 'hostia (host); kloster, 'kloster (monastery); kost, 'kost
(food)—but kost, 'kost (brush); kostbar, vkostba:r (expensive);
koste, vkosta (to cost)—but koste, vkosta (to brush); post, 'post
(post); rostbiff, 'rostbif: (roast beef).
«07 When a short 0 precedes the stress the general rule is that
it is pronounced as о in open syllables and as э in closed
207- 1 Unstressed 0 in open syllables (i.e. syllables ending in a
vowel or diphthong).
(a ) e x a m p l e s : politikk, poli'tik: (politics); bohem, bo'he:m
(Bohemian); monopol, mono'po:l (monopoly); fonetikk, fone'tlk:
(phonetics); vokal, vo'ka:l (vowel); toleranse, t[o]3b'ragsa (tole-
rance); donasjon, dona'Jo:n (donation); filosofi, filoso'fi: • (philo
sophy) ; roman, ro'ma:n (novel); jovial, jovi'a:l (jovial); komité,
komi'te: (committee); gorilla, go'ril:a (gorilla); hotell, ho'tel:
(в) e x c e p t i o n s : blokade, bbvka:da (blockade); blokere,
bb'ke:ra (to blockade); ballotere, bab'te:ra (to ballot).
207-2 Unstressed 0 in closed syllables (note that this category
includes words beginning with the prefixes for-, kol-, kom-, kon-,
kor-, but see below).
(a ) e x a m p l e s : porsjon, por'jo:n or por'- (portion); bolsje
vik, bolJVvik: (Bolshevik); morfin, mor'fi:n or mor- (morphine);
forakt, br'akt (contempt); lorgnett, brij'jet: (pince-nez); sovjet,
sov'jet:, ' sdv- (Soviet); kompetent, кэтрэЧет (competent); konfityr,
кэпЯЧу:г (sweetmeats); kollegium, ka'le:gium (college); korditt,
k3f'dit: (cordite); gorgonsola, gorg3n'so:la (Gorgonzola).
(в) e x c e p t i o n s : There is, nevertheless, some uncertainty
in the pronunciation of some words beginning with the prefixes
kom- and kon-. There seems to be a general tendency for those in
commonuse to take o: kommandant, koman'dcmt (commandant);
kommandere, koman'de:ra (to command); kommando, ko'mando
VOWELS [ 2 0 7 -9
(command); kommandør, koman'dæ:r (commander); kommisjon,
komi'Jo:n (commission); kommisjonær, komIJo'nae:r (agent);
kommissær komi'sæ:r (commissary); kompani, kompa'ni: (com
pany) ; kompass, kom'pas: (compass); komponere, kompo'ne:re (to
compose); komposisjon, komposi'Jo:n (composition); komponist,
kompo'nist (composer); akkommodere, akomo'de:ra (to accom-
modate); akkompagnere, akompan'je:ra (accompany); rekom
mandere, rekoman'de:ra (to register); konditori, konditoVi: (cake
shop); konsert, kon'saert (concert); kontakt, kontakt (contact);
kontant, kon'tant (cash); kontor, kon'to:r (office); kontrakt,
kon'trakt (contract).
Note also: korridor, kori'do:r (corridor); mormon, т о г 'т о т
(Mormon); moskito, mos'kl:to (mosquito); soldat, sol'da:t
(soldier); hospital, hospi'ta:l (hospital); bombast, bom'bast
(bombast); bombardere, bombar'de:ra (to bombard).
209 In most common words ending in -sor and -tor, the short 0
is pronounced o.
(a ) e x a m p l e s : akkumulator, akumu'la:tor (accumulator);
alligator, ali'ga:tor (alligator); divisor, dl'vi:sor (divider); doktor,
'daktor (doctor); ekvator, e'kva:tor (equator); elevator, ele'va:tor
(elevator); faktor, 'faktor (factor); kantor, 'kantor (cantor);
pastor, 'pastor (pastor); professor, pro'fes:or (professor); radiator,
radl'a:tor (radiator); reflektor, re'flektor (reflector); rektor,
'rektor (headmaster); respirator, respi'ra:tor (respirator); senator,
se'na:tor (senator); separator, sepa'ra:tor (separator); traktor,
'traktor (tractor).
(в) n o t e : Words of this type, except usually names o f tools
and machines, often change their stress in the plural, so that
2 11 The letter и is pronounced as u:, u and o.
gufs, 'gufs (blast); huff,\ 'huf: (ugh!); luft, 'luft (air); puff,
'puf: (puff); skuffe, vskuf:a (to disappoint); tufs, 'tufs (paltry
fellow); tuft, 'tuft (site); fornuft, for'nuft (reason); ruff, 'ruf:
2 17 The letter у is pronounced as y: or y. For examples see
pars. 88 and 91.
e x c e p t io n s : sytten, vsøt:n (seventeen); sytti, 'søt:i (seventy).
In dialect, popular and vulgar speech у is often lowered to 0.
(See par. 92.)
VOWELS [2 i 8-20
218 The letter 0 is pronounced in the following ways:
218-x As 0: or 0. For examples see pare. 97 and 100.
218*2 As ce: or ее before r. For examples see pare. 104 and 106.
EXGEPTiONS: In the following cases it may be pronounced 0:
(i) when the r is an inflexional ending; e.g. in the present tense
of verbs with infinitive ending in 0. Examples: dø-r, 'dø:r
(die(s)); fø-r, 'fø:r (feed(s)}; tø-r, 'tøir (melt(s)); gjø-r, 'jø:r
(bark(s)); (ii) in plural forms with vowel change involving -ør.
Examples: glør, 'glø:r (pl. o f glo (ember)); klør, 'klø:r (pl. of klo
(claw)). Some observere are, however, of the opinion that this
distinction is no longer made.
ei (eg, ek)
2x9 ei is normally pronounced as ei. For examples see par. 114 .
au (en, on)
225 au is normally pronounced as æu. For examples see
par. 1 18.
2 31 ai is pronounced ai. For examples see par. 125.
234 oi is pronounced ai. For examples see par. 128.
e x c e p t i o n : hoie, vhoia or ¥Ьэ1э (to hollow).
337 The combination ou is found in a number o f foreign words
and is pronounced u(:).
(a) e x a m p l e s : clou, 'klu: (‘ hit’); croupier, k r u p l fovdard,
fu'la:r; gouache, gu'o:J; gourmand, gur'maq:; gourmet, gur'me:;
nougat, nu'ga:; ouverture, uva^ty:^ or ovar-; outrere, u'tre:ra (to
exaggerate); ouvreuse, uvvrø:sa (usherette); roué, ru'e:; rouge,
'ru:J; soussjef, 'su:Je’f (assistantm anager) ; touche, 'tuj: (fanfare);
toupet, tu'pe: (toupee).
(в) e x c e p t io n s : touch, 'tøtj; lockout, 'bk:*ut, bk'aeut; double,
'døb:el (double, in tennis) ; Young, 'Jaq:.
*38 Note the following pronunciations of oa: roastbeef, 'rostbif:;
toast, 'toost.
339 show (variety show) is pronounced 'J do.
340 ui occurs in huie, vhuia (to shout), and in a number of
loan-words where it is usually pronounced ul:.
(a ) e x a m p l e s : druide, druvi:da (druid); etui, etu'i: (case);
min, ru'i:n.
(в) e x c e p t io n s : cruiser, 'krinsar (cabin cruiser); guide,
'gaid; fluidum, 'fluiidum (liquid); guinea, 'gin:i; suite, Vsvit:a.
G. C O N S O N A N T S
241 The normal prommciation of b is b. For examples see
par. 133.
n o t e : Before 1907 b was written between vowels and finally
after vowels in very many words which now have p. Such
words should be pronounced with p, but see par. 132.
242 This letter only occurs in foreign words. It is pronounced
s before the front vowels and к in other cases.
(a) e x a m p l e s : cirka, 'sirka (circa); cellulose, seluvlo:sa;
Cæsar, 'se:sar; cyanamid, syana'mi:d (cyanide); college, 'kaha^J.
(в) e x c e p t io n s : camping, 'kæmpig; cembalo, 'tjembalo
(harpsichord); centurion, kenturi'o:n.
(c) n o t e s : ( i ) The combination sc is pronounced as s
in abscess, ap'ses:; scene, vse:na (stage); scepter, 'septar; as J in
fascisme, fa'fisma; as sk in obscøn, ap'skø:n (obscene).
(2) In most loan-words which have established themselves
in the language c is now written s.
243 ch is only found in loan-words and in some proper names.
243-1 In proper names it is pronounced k.
e x a m p l e s : Broch, 'brak:; Munch, 'imigk, 'mogk.
243-2 In English and French words it is pronounced J.
e x a m p l e s : cheddarost, 'Jed:arost (Cheddar cheese); champion,
'Jæmpian; chartre, v|a:rtra (to charter); chiffon, Jl'fbg:; chevrotere,
Jevro'terra (to quaver); champagne, Jamnan ja; chemise, Jevmi:sa;
chic, 'Jik:; chaussé, Ja'se:; tranchere, trag'Je:ra (to cut).
2 4 33 In Italian words it is pronounced k.
e x a m p l e s : chianti, ki'anti; scherzo, 'skærtso.
243-4 In the German loan-word nachspiel (party, sequel), ch
is pronounced either as k: or x ['nakjpi-.l or 'naxjpl:!].
243-5 the following words ch may be pronounced as 5;
chariter, 9a'rit:ar (the Graces); Charon, '[$]ka:n>n. Note also that
in Chile, 'JT.Ia; chilensk, JVIeinsk (Ghilean); chilener, Ji'le:nar (a
Chilean), ch may also be pronounced 9 or tj.
243-6 In most loan-words which have become established, ch
is now written as sj or k.
244 The normal pronunciation of d is d.
83 6-3
vbyrda (burden); fordre, vfbrdra (to demand); garde, vgarda
(guard); gordisk, 'gardisk (Gordian); hird, 'hird (court); horde,
vharda (horde); hyrde, vhyrda (shepherd); kurder, 'kurdar (Kurd);
lord, 'brd [-rd] (lord); mord, 'mord (murder); myrde, vmyrda (to
murder); Norden, 'nordn (Scandinavia); orden, brdn (order);
sverd, 'svaerd (sword); torden, vtordij (thunder); rekord, re'kard
(record). But: ordentlig, [brdntli] or brnt|i (orderly).
249*3 eastem Norway, when rd occurs in compounds, in
liaison, and sometimes before -ig, it is pronounced rd.
e x a m p l e s : fordel, vfbrde:l (advantage); fordom, vfordom
(prejudice); hverdag, yværda*g (everyday); ferdig, vfærdi (ready);
er du?, 'æ:r du (are you?).
249*4 In eastem Norway, again, rd is pronounced rd when
the syllable beginning with the d takes the stress.
e x a m p l e s :fordele, for'de:la (to share) ;fordi, br'di: (because);
gardere, gar'de:re (to guard); gardin, gør'di:n (curtain); særdeles,
saer'^el:as (especially); verdi, vær'di (value); vurdere, vur'de:ra (to
253 The normal pronunciation of g is g.
Я56 In words compounded with the prefixes an, av, be, for, fr i,
hen, inn, om, opp, u, ut, etc. when g is followed by i, y , the rule
given in par. 254 above applies.
e x a m p l e s : angi, 'anji: (to betray); avgift, Va:vjift (fee); begi
(seg), be'ji: (to go); begynne, be'jyn:a (to begin); forgifte, fbr'Jlfta
(to poison); frigivelse, Vfri:ji:vals3 (release); hengivelse, 'henjiivalsa
(devotion); inngifte, vinjifta (intermarriage); inngyde, 'injyda (to
instil); omgivelser, 'amjirvalsar (surroundings); oppgi, bpji: (to
give up); ugift, ¥u:Jift (unmarried); utgift, ¥u:tjift (expense).
e x a m p l e s : gjalle, vjalra (to ring out); gjeld, 'Jel: (debt);
gjorde, v|o:ra (did); gjure, vju:ra (to tighten); gjær, 'j* :r (yeast);
gjøk, 'jø:k (cuckoo).
364 The pronunciation o f h before vowels is h.
267 The normal pronunciation of j is j.
367-1 g j is pronounced j. See par. 257.
367-3 kj is pronounced $. See par. 272.
267-3 V is pronounced J. See par. 289-4.
267-4 skj is pronounced J. See par. 289-3.
267-5 1 ° the following words j is pronounced as J : jardiniere,
Jardlni'ae:r; å jour, o'Ju:r; journal, for'ija:l, [-u-]; journalist,
forna'llst [-и-];pyjamas, py'Ja:mes.
n o t e : Before the spelling reform of 1938 sj was written j ,
pronounced J, in other loan-words. Examples: projektil,
proJek'ti:I (projectile); projekt, pro'jekt (project). Such words
are now spelt with sj.
268 The normal prommciation of к is k.
274 The normal pronunciation of l is I.
274- 1 For the pronunciation of / as ‘ thick’ l [[] see par. 157.
274-2 The combination rl is usually pronounced r|, especially
after a long vowel. For examples see par. 186.
274- 3 The combination s l is pronounced jj when it belongs to
the same syllable, and (popularly) in other positions. For
examples see par. 167-1.
276 The normal pronunciation of m is m.
n o t e : Popularly, varmt (warm) is often pronounced 'vafgt.
278 The normal prommciation of n is n.
284 This letter occurs in present-day Norwegian only in one or
two proper names, Latin quotations, and some foreign words.
It is pronounced k.
(a ) e x a m p l e s : mannequin, тапэ'кед:; Quisling, Vkvisllg; quo
vadis, kvo Vva:dls; quick step, 'kvlkstep; sjakk en quatre, 'Jak: eg
'katr (four-handed chess); enquete, eg'ke:t (inquiry).
(в) n o t e : Up to the first part of the nineteenth century qu
was written in many words which now take kv.
285 The normal pronunciation of r is r.
286 For the pronunciation of rt, rd, rn, rl, rs, see pars. 182 to
288 The normal pronunciation of s is s.
CONSONANTS [2 8 9 -9 4
2894 У-
e x a m p l e s : sjiraff, Jl'raf: (giraffe); sjel, 'Je:l (soul); sjal,
'Ja:l (shawl); sjokolade, Jokovlaida (chocolate); gasje, 'ga:Ja
(salary); marsj, 'mars (march) ; plysj, 'plyj: (plush); punsj, 'punj
(punch); and in many endings in -sjon—sensasjon, sensa'Jo:n
(sensation); stasjon, sta'Jo:n (station); etc.
«89-5 sch (i) In loan-words from German.
e x a m p l e s : schlager (or slager), 'flargar (hit); schåferhund,
'Jeiførhun (Alsadan dog).
(ii) In many proper names.
(a ) e x a m p l e s : Scheel, 'feil; Schei, 'Jcl; Schjøtt, 'Jet:; Schulerud,
vJu:laru*(d); Aischylos, 'aljybs (Aeschylus).
(в) e x c e p t io n s : In the following names sch is pronounced
sk: Schancke, vskarjka; Schou, 'skaeu; Schram, 'skram:; Schreiner,
'skrtinør; Schrøder, 'skrø:dar; Scheyen, vskøyan; Schaanning,
vston:irj; Aschehoug, vaskahsu.
289*6 sh in loan-words from English.
e x a m p l e s : sherry, 'Jaer:l; shipping, 'Jlpilrj; shorts, 'Ja:rt?.
289*7 s in the combinadon sl. See par. 167*1.
292 The normal pronunciation of t is t.
299 The normal pronunciation of a is v.
w (wh)
302 These letters are only found in foreign words and personal
names and are pronounced as v.
EXAMPLES '.goodwill, 'gudvil; whisky, 'vlskl; weekend, 'vi:ken(d);
whist, 'vist; wienerbrød, 'vhnerbrø (a pastry); w,c., 've:'se:;
W a a ler,vvader; Winsnes, Vvinsne:s; W yller, '; W erle, Vvæ:r|a;
Worse, vvor»; Lexow, 'leksav; Konow, ko'no:v; Thaulow, 'taeubv.
303 x is only found in foreign words and names and is usually
pronounced $ initially and ks in other posidons.
(a) e x a m p l e s : marxisme, mark'slsme; sex, 'seks; xantippe,
sanvtip:e; Xenophon, '(k)se:nofcn; xylofon, $ylo'fo:n (xylophone).
(в) n o t e : In many other words x has been replaced by ks.
304 у only occurs as a consonant in foreign words and is
pronounced as J.
EXAMPLEs:_yacÅ:, 'J zt:-,yankee, 'JeQ kl;yard, 'ja:rd.
305 z only occurs in foreign words and names, and is pro
nounced s initially and as s or ts in other positions.
e x a m p l e s : M ozart, 'mo:(t)sart; nazist, na'slst; M z z a , 'nls:a
(Nice); ja z z , 'Jas:; zoolog, so-o'b:g (zoologist); zulu, 'su:lu.
7 97
[3 0 6 -7
30 8 -I4 ] SYLLABLES
308 The essential feature of the syllable is its kemel. This is
usually a vowel, but in Norwegian the more sonorous con-
sonants l, n, r often provide the ‘ peak o f prominence ’ in the
syllable, and can thus be said to be ‘ syllabic’. Sometimes, other
consonants carry the weight of the syllable, and in theory any
consonant can be syllabic provided it has greater inherent
sonority than the other sounds which make up the syllable. In
the inteijection pst, for example, s is the ‘ sonant’ of the syllable.
Syllabic 1 (j, p
310 Syllabic / occurs in the combinations -tel, -del, -rtel. Неге,
the t, d and rt are exploded laterally, eliminating the e.
e x amp l e s : tittel, 'tit:-| (title); aktelse, vakt-|-sa (respect);
middel, 'mici:-| (means); lidelse, vH:d-|-sa (suffering); mørtel,
'moert-l (mortar).
Syllabic n tø, n)
318 Syllabic n occurs in the combinations -ten, -den, -rten. Неге,
the t, d and rt are exploded nasally.
e x a m p l e s : atten, ¥at:-ij (eighteen); enten, ¥ent-n (either);
lasten, Mast-n (the load); liten, vll:t-g (little); potentat, pot-ø^teit
(potentate); lidenskap, ¥li:d-g-ska:p (passion); viden, ¥vl:d-g
(knowledge); hedensk, ¥he:d-ij-$k (heathen); Morten, ¥irorf-g.
10 4
Gjør han ikke?, 'jæ:r-ij-ik:a (Doesn4 he?); Je g fant ham, jei 'fant-ij
(I found him).
Syllabic r (f)
328 There is some doubt as to how far r becomes syllabic by
suppressing an unstressed a.
328-1 Hawever, it approaches syllabic quality in the combina
tion -rer.
e x a m p l e s : kjører, vsce:-r (driver); lærer, vlae:-r (teacher);
murer, vmu:-r (bricklayer).
10 5
3 2 8 -3 0 ] SYLLABLES
328 2 Also in -теге.
e x a m p l e s : lærere, vlæ:-r-ra (teachers); snarere, vsna:-f-ra
(sooner); tilhørere, vtllhoe:-r-ra (listeners).
LENGTH [3 3 9 -4 1
339 The following unstressed short words are pronounced with
a short vowel and a short consonant: an; at; av; bør, 'bcer(:)
(ought); den; det, de; der- (in compounds); din; en; et; fo r;
gjen-; ham; han; hen; her; hos; hm ; hvem; hvis; hvor; igjen; kan;
кип; lei; man; men; min; mon; nok; når; om; par; sin; skal; som;
til; tør, 'tæ r(:); van- (in compounds); vel; vil.
n o t e ; Some of the above words take a long vowel or a long
consonant when they are stressed.
339-1 The following take a long vowel: hit; hver; med; mot; ned;
på; ut; ved.
34a The vowel is long before -st in ost, 'o:st (east); prost,
'pro:st (dean). But: ost, 'ost (cheese); prost Dahl, prost 'da:l.
343 The vowel is long before -rd when the d is silent. For
examples see par. 249-1.
344 The vowel is long before -rn. For examples see par. 185.
345 The vowel may be long before -rl. For examples see
par. 186.
kjært, '$æ:rt (dcar); sykt, 'sy:kt (Ш); stivt, 'stiift (stiff); svart,
'svaexrt (difficult); rikt, 'ri:kt (rich); helt, 'he:lt (whole).
(в) e x c e p t io n s : hardt, 'har? (hard); likt, 'likt (like); slikt,
'J|ikt (such); vårt, 'var? (our).
353 Vowel length is retained after the prefixes ad-, an-, av-,
bi-,for-, fore-, fra-, frem-, gjen-, hen-, inn-, med-, ned-, ni-, om-, opp-,
over-, på-, sam-, stri-, til-, u-, under-, ut-, van-, ved-, vel-.
e x a m p l e s : adlyde, 'c:dly:da (to obey); andel, vande:l (share);
avgud, Va:vgu:d (idol); bidra, vbi:dra: (to contribute); fordel,
vfbr<Je:l (advantage); foredrag, vfo:radra:g (lecture); fradrag,
vfra:dra:g (deduction); fremtid, vfremti:d (future); gjengi, 'jenji:
(to repeat); hengiven, 'henjkvan (devoted); innlede, 'lnle:da (to
preface); medgjørlig, med'jæ:!‘|i (pliable); nedlatende, 'ne:dla:tnna
(condescending); niglane vni:gla:na (to stare hard); område,
vDmn:da (area); oppdage, 'apda:ga (to discover); overlate,V3:var|a:ta
(to leave to) \påhør, vpa:hæ:r (hearing); samtid, vsamti:d (present);
strigråte, vstrkgn:ta (to weep); tillate, 'tillaita (topermit); uhyre,
vu:hy:ra (monster); undervise, Vun:arvi:sa (to instruct); utgave,
¥u:tga:va (edition); vanære, Vvan:*:ra (to dishonour); vedbli,
've:(d)bli: (to continue); velgjerning, vveljæ:rniQ (good deed).
115 8-2
357 Generally speaking, the first syllable takes the main stress
in Norwegian, except in loan-words where the stress usually
occurs on the last or penultimate syllable; note, however, that
in vulgar speech, loan-words are often incorrectly stressed on
the first syllable. In compound-words, and in verbs and
substantives which have a stressed adverb or preposition as their
first element, a secondary stress is usually heard.
There are, however, a number of exceptions to this general
A. C O M P O U N D S
B. P R E F I X E S
359 The following prefixes are usOally stressed: ad-, al-, all-,
alle-, aller-, alt-, an-, and-, atter-, av-, bak-, bi-, der-, dess-, efter-,
etter-, fore-, fra-, fram-, frem-, gjen-, hen-, hver-, hvor-, inn-, med-,
mis-, mot-, ned-, neder-, ni-, nær-, om-, opp-, over-, på-, så-, til-,
under-, unn-, ut-, van-, ved-, veder-, vel-, vid-, vidt-.
e x c e p t io n s : allikevel, avli:kavel (nevertheless); allehelgensdag,
ala'helgansda:g (All Saints’ D ay); allehånde, alavh3nda (allspice);
attende, atven:a (back); dessverre, des'vær:a (unfortunately)— (note:
where dess —desto it is unstressed); enhver, en'væ:r (everyman);
fremkommelig, frem'k3m:ali (passable); henseende, hen'se:an(d)a
(respect); hverandre, værvandra (each other); hvorvidt, vor'vit:
(how far); medlidende, med'li:dijna (sympathetic); medlidenhet,
med'li:dnhe:t (sympathy); ombord, эт'Ьо:г (on board); omkring,
эт'кОд: (about); omkull, эт'кик (headlong); omsider, 3m'si:dar
(eventually); omtrent, э т 'trent (about); overalt, 3var'alt (every-
where); overens, avar'e:ns (in agreement) (but overenskomst,
V.varensk:>mst (agreement)); overhodet, 3varvho:da (on the whole)
(butørørAø<fe,v3:varho:da (chief)); overmåte, эуэг' гюяэ (extremely);
overordentlig, эуэг'эгп^П (extraordinary); overskuelig, 3var'?ku:ali
(foreseeable); såfremt, sa'fremt (provided); tilbake, tilvba:ka
(back); tilfreds, til'frets (satisfied) (but tilfredsstille, vtilfretsstll:a
(to satisfy)); lilsammen, til'sam:an (together); underdanig, uniar-
'da:ni (subxnissive); underfundig, un:ar'fundi (cunning); undertiden,
3 5 9 -6 l] STRESS
un:af'?i:dij (sometimes); underveis, un:ar'vels (on the way); ann-
tagen, un'ta:gan (except); utførlig, u*t'foe:r|l (detailed); vtder-
styggelig, ved»r'ttyg:ali (abominable); velkommen, vel'kom:an
(welcorae); velsigne, vel'signa (to bless); veltalende, vel'ta:lgn»
(eloquent); velan, ve'lan: (all right!); vidløftig, vld'løftl (prolix);
vidunder, videndar (wonder).
359*1 Note that words ending in suffixes have not generally
been included above. See pars. 376-86.
36a The prefix for- can be stressed or unstnjssed.
363 In substantives it is generally stressed.
ex a m ples : forbilde, vforbllda (model)\ fordel, vfor^e:l (ad-
vantage); fordom, vfor^m (prejudice); forbruk, yferbru:k (con-
sumption);forkjærlighet, vfor$aerlihe:t (preference)forlag, vfor|a:g
(publishing house); forskjell, vforjei: (difference); forskudd,
yfbr?kud: (advance); forslag, vfofJ(a-g (proposal); forsøk, vfor?ø-k
(attempt); forlik, vbr|i:k (agreement).
363 ч In the following substantives for- is unstressed: forakt,
for'akt (contempt); fornuft, fornuft (reason); fortred, fbr'*re:(d)
(harm) ■,forslag, for'J|a:g (worth),
363-2 When for- prefixes a substantive ending in -else or -ning
which is derived from a verb it is unstressed.
(a) ex a m ple s : forargelse, fer'argal» (scandal); forbygmng,
for'bygnirj (bad building); fordervelse, for^asrvalsa (corruption);
forløsning, for'|ø:snlQ (release) ;forøvelse, for'ø:valsa (commission).
(в) e x g e p t io n : It is stressed when the word for- is prefixed
to a word which already has a prefix. Examples: foranledning,
vbr:anle:dnlrj (opportunity); forberedelse, 'fbrbare:d|sa (prepara-
363-3 I f for- is compounded with a substantive ending in -else
or -ningiand means before, ante-, preliminary, it takes stress.
ex a m p le s : forbygning, vforbygnlg (front building); fordan-
nelse, yforden:|sa (elementary knowledge); forstavelse, yfer$tavals3
(prefix); forværelse, yforvæ:rj$a (ante-room); forøvelse, Vfor:ø:v8lsa
(preliminary exercise).
363-4 When for- prefixes a substantive ending in -er it is
usually unstressed, the word taking the stress of the corre-
sponding verb.
(a) e x a m ples : forbryter, fcr'bry:ter (criminal); forfatter,
format:эг (author); forfører, for#foe:rar (seducer); forsvarer,
36 3-6 ] STRESS
for'sva.*rar (dcfcnder) ;_forsørger, for'særgar (provider). Note also:
foreldre, for'eldra (parents).
(в) e x c e p t io n s : forgjenger, vforjeqar (predecessor); for
kjemper, yforgempar (champion); forlegger, vfor|eg:ar (publisher);
forlover, Vfor|a:var (sponsor); forløper, vfbr|ø:par (forenmner);
forrider, vforri:dar (outrider); forsanger, vfor?aq:ar (precentor);
forsommer, vforpm:ar (early summer). Note also: forfedre,
vforfe:dra (ancestors).
373 In the following words i is unstressed: iaktta, i'akta (to
observe); iallfall, 1'alfal (in any case); iblant, i'blant (among);
idet, i'de: (as); ifall, i'fal: (in case); ifra, i'fra: (from); ifølge,
lyfølgo (according to); igjen, i'jen: (again); igjennom, Hjensm
(through); iherdig, i'hærdi (persevering); imellom, i'melom
(between); imidlertid, 1'mldhcfl'd (however); imot, l'mo:t
(against); imøtegå, Pmøitaga: (to contradict); irettesette, ivret:a-
set:a (to reprimand); iscenesettelse, fvse:na$et|sa (production);
istedenfor, i'ste:dijfor (instead of); især, i's*:r (especially);
ivaretagelse, ivva:rsta:galsa (care); iverksette, l'værkset:a (to exe-
cute); iørefallende, ivæ:rafal(ins (memorable); iøynefallende,?øyno-
falnna (striking).
n o t e : In many words of a similar nature i- is now written
separately. See par. 375.
374 The following prefixes of Greek or Latin origin are
3744 ab-.
(a) e x a m p l e s : abnorm, аЬ'пэгт; abrupt, ab'rupt; absurd,
ap'surd; etc.
(в) e x c e p t x o n : ablativ, 'ablativ o r vablativ.
12 3
374-2 ad:
(a ) adjunkt, ad'|uijt (teachcr); adverbium, ad-
e x a m p l .e s :
'vzrbium; advokat, advo'ka:t (lawyer); etc.
(в) e x c e p t io n s : adjektiv, Vadjektiv; advent, Vadvent.
374 3 aero-.
e x a m p l e : aeroplan, aero'pla:n; aerogram, aero'grem:.
374-4 Ч --
(a) e x a m p l e s : aggregat, agra'ga:t; agglomerat, eglomaVort;
(в) e x c e p t io n : aggressiv, 'agresiv.
374-5 ak'-
e x a m p l e s : akkusativ, a'kusatlv; aksent, ak'sent; etc.
374*6 an- (a-).
e x a m p l e s : anarki, anar'kl:; anneks, a'neks [or van:eks];
anonym, ano'ny:m; ateist, ate'ist; etc.
374*7 anti-.
(a) e x a m p l e s : antipode, antivpo:da; antitese, antitese;
(в) e x c e p t io n : antikrist, 'antikrist.
374*8 apo-
e x a m p l e s : apokryf, apo'kryf:; apologi, apolo'gi:; etc.
374*9 arki-.
e x a m p l e s : arkitekt, arki'tekt; etc.
374>io ar-.
e x a m p l e : arrest, a'rest.
374 11 as-.
e x a m p l e : assessor, a'ses:or (judge); assistere, asi'ste:re; etc.
374*12 at-.
e x a m p l e : attest, a'test (testimonial).
374*13 auto-.
e x a m p l e : automat, *uto'ma:t; etc.
(a ) e x a m p l e s : debatt, de'bat:; defekt, de'fekt; dekokt, de'lokt
(decoction); etc.
(в) e x c e p t io n s : deduktiv, 'deduktiv; defensiv, 'defarjsiv or
'defensiv; deskriptiv, 'deskriptiv; destruktiv, 'destruktiv; detektiv,
374 *5 dia-.
e x a m p l e s : diagnose, dlagvno:sa; dialekt, dia'lekt; dialog,
dia'b:g; etc.
374-16 dis-.
(a) e x a m p l e s : disputt, dis'put:; dissens, di'sens; etc.
(в) e x c e p t io n s : disjunktiv, 7dlsjug(k)tiv; distikon, 'distJкэп
374**7 dys-.
e x a m p l e s : dysenteri, dysenta'ri:; dyspepsi, dyspepsi:; etc.
37 4 18 ek-.
e x a m p l e s : eklipse, e'klipsa; ekstase, ekvsta:sa; eklektisk,
eklektisk; etc.
3 7 4 19 eks-,
(a) e x a m p l e s : eksakt, ek'sakt; eksil, ek'si:l; eksempel,
ek'sempal; etc.
(в) e x c e p t io n s : eksklusiv, 'eksklusiv; ekspansiv, 'ekspagsiv;
eksplosiv (adj.), 'eksplosiv; ekstensiv, 'ekstensiv; ekskong, 'eksbg:
374*2° Ф --
e x a m p l e s : epigon, epl'go:n; epilog, epi'b:g; episode, epi¥so:da;
374-2* ev-.
(a) e x a m p l e s : evfemisme, evfe'misma; evgenetisk, evge'ne:tisk
(eugenic); evfoni, evfo'nl:.
(в) n o t e : Formerly, many words of the above type were
spelt eu-,
374-22 hemi-,
e x a mp l e s : hemisfære, hemivsfa:re; hemistikk, heml'stik: (hemi-
stich); etc.
374-23 hetero-.
e x a m p l e s : heterodoks, hetarVtbks; heterogen, hetaro'ge:n; etc.
374-24 homo-,
(a) e x a m p l e s : homogen, homo'ge:n; homonym, homo'ny:m;etc.
(в) e x c e p t io n : homoseksuell, 'ho:moseksuel.
374-25 hydro-.
e x a m p l e s : hydrograf hydro'gra:f; hydroelektrisk, hydroe'lek-
trisk; etc.
374-26 hyper-
(a) e x a m p l e s : hyperbol, hyper'bo:l; hyperboreer, hyperbo're:ar;
(в) e x c e p t io n : hyperbel, hy'pærbel (hyperbola).
374-27 hypo-.
e x a m p l e : hypokonder, hypo'tonder; hypotek, hypo'te:k; hypo
tenus, hypote'nu:s; etc.
374 28 il-.
(a) e x a m p l e s : illuminere, ilumi'ne:re; illiterær, ilite'rae:r
or 'il:-; etc.
(в) e x c e p t i o n s : illegal, 'ihega-l; illegitim, 'il:egitl*m.
374-29 Ш-.
(a) e x a m p l e s : immatrikulere, lmatriku'le:re; import, im'pert;
impuls, lm'puls; etc.
(в) e x c e p t io n s : imperfektum, 'impærfektum; immobil, 'Im
374*3® in-.
(a) e x a m p l e s : individ, indi'vl:d (individual); infam, in'fa:m;
instinkt, ln'stlrj(k)t; instruks, ln'struks (instruction); insult,
ln'sult; invalid, lnva'll:d; intuitiv, ln'tuitlv; etc.
(в) e x c e p t io n s : indirekte, 'indirekte; induktiv, 'induktiv;
inklusive, 'Inklusive; insekt, vinsekt; instinktiv, 'lnstlg(k)tiv;
instruktiv, 'instruktiv; intensiv, 'intensiv; intransitiv, 'Intransitiv.
374-3* inter-.
(a) e x a m p l e s : interdikt, inter'dlkt; interregnum, inte're:gnum;
intervall, inter'val:; etc.
(в) e x c e p t i o n : interim, 'interim.
374 3* ir-.
e x a m p l e : irritere, iri'te:re. But many exceptions.
374*33 katm> kata~-
e x a m p l e s : katakombe, katavkombe; kataleptisk, kata'leptlsk;
katalog, kata'b:g; kategori, katego'rl:; katarr, ka'tan; katolsk,
374-34 Ы -.
(a) e x a m p l e s : kollega, ke'le:ga (colleague); kollekt, lo'lekt
(collection); etc.
(в) e x c e p t io n : kollektiv, 'talektlv.
374*35 кот- ‘
e x a m p l e s : kommando, ko'mando; kompakt, kom'pakt; kom
pass, kom'pøs:; kompleks, kompleks; komplett, komplet:.
374 36 kon-,
(a ) e x a m p l e s : konfekt, fon'fekt or kon-; konflikt, bn'flikt;
kongress, log'gres:; konkret, kog'kre:t; konsis, kon'si:s; konstant,
kon'stant; kontakt, lon'takt or kon-; etc.
(в) e x c e p t io n s : konjunktiv, 'konjug(k)tiv; konsul, 'konsul.
374*37 kor-.
e x a m p l e s : korrekt, ko'rekt; korrupt, ko'rupt or ко-; etc.
374*3® m t‘ > rneta-,
e x a m p l e s : metafor, meta'fo:r; metamorfose, metamorvfo:sa;
meteor, mete'o:r; metode, mevto:da; etc.
374*39 mon(o)-.
e x a m p l e s : monolog, mono'b:g; monoton, mono'to:n; monark,
то'пагк; etc.
374*4» ob-.
(a ) e x a m p l e s : objekt, ob'jekt; obskur, op'sku:r; etc.
(в) e x c e p t io n : objektiv (adj.), 'objektiv.
3744 х Pan-.
e x a m p l e s : pandemonium, panda'mo:nlum; panorama, pano-
're:ma. But sometimes stressed.
374 42 para-.
(a) e x a m p l e s : paradigma, para'digma; paradis, para'df:s;
parallell, paraMel:; etc.
(в) e x c e p t io n : parabel, ра'го:Ьэ1.
374*43 Per--
e x a m p l e s : perfekt, pær'fekt; perfid, pær'fi:d; perpleks, per
pleks; perværs, p*r'var?; etc.
374*44 peri-.
e x a m p l e s ; periode, perlvo:da; peripatetisk, perlpa'te:ti$k;
periskop, perl'sko:p; etc.
374*45 Poljh-
(a ) e x a m p l e s : polyfon, poly'fo:n; polygon, po!y'go:n; poly-
krom, poly'kro:m; etc.
(в) n o t e : polypp, po'lyp: (polypus).
374-46 post-.
exam ples: posthum, past'(h)u:m; postskriptum, past'skriptum;
374 47 pre-
( a ) e x a m p l e s : prebende, prevbenda; prefekt, pre'fekt; prefiks,
pre'fiks; prelat, pre'la:t;presenning, pre'sen:ii) (tarpaulin); etc.
(в) e x c e p t i o n s : presens, 'preisans; pretor, 'preitar; preventiv,
'prevagtiv or 'preventiv; presumptiv, 'presumptiv.
374 48 pro-.
(a ) e x a m p l e s : problem, pro'ble:m;produkt, pro'dukt;profan,
pro'fa:n; professor, pro'fes:or; prognose, progvno:sa [pn>g-]; program,
pro'grami; prolog, pro'b:g; etc.
(в) e x c e p t io n s : produktiv, 'produktiv; progressiv, 'pr>
gresiv; prokonsul, 'proikansul.
374 49 re-.
(a) e x a m p l e s : rebell, re'bel:; refleks, re'f!eks; reform, re-
'fbrm; register, re'gistar; rekord, re'brd; respekt, re'spekt.
(в) e x c e p t io n s : reseptiv, 'reseptiv; refleksiv, 'refleksiv;
rekviem, 're:kviem; relativ, 'relativ; respektiv, 'respektiv.
374-50 sub-,
(a) e x a m p l e s : sublim, su'bli:m; substans, sup'stans; subtil,
(в) e x c e p t io n s : subjektiv, 'subjektiv; substantiv, Vsupstantiv.
374-51 super-.
( a ) e x a m p l e : superintendent, su-parlnten'dent; etc.
(в) e x c e p t i o n s : In recent formations, especially with
adjectives, super- is stressed: superfin, 'suiparfhn; superelegant,
Note also: superlativ, su'pær|ativ.
374-52 syn- (sym-).
e x a m p l e s : symbol, sym'bo:l; symfoni, symfo'nii; synagoge,
syna¥go:ga; syndikat, syndi'ka:t; syntaks, syn'taks; synkope, sygvko:pa.
374 53 ule--
exam ples: telefon, tela'fo:n; telegraf, tela'gra:f; teleskop,
374-54 trans-.
(a ) e x a m p l e : transport, transport; etc.
(в) e x c e p t io n : transitiv, 'transitiv.
12 8
374-55 ultra-.
(a) e x a m p l e s : ultramarin, ultrama'rl:n; ultramontan, ultra-
rrarPtam; etc.
(в) e x c e p t io n : In modem formations ultra- is stressed:
ultrakonservativ, 'ultralonsærvatlv.
D. S U F F I X E S
37» The suffixes -ig , -{e)lig are unstressed, but they tend to
advance the stress, with a consequent change in tone, especially
in words which already have a prefix.
e x a m p l e s : alvorlig, alV>:f|i (serious); atskillig,
(considerable); biskoppelig, bls'kop»li (episcopal); eiendommelig,
EianMarmall (strange); edruelig, e'dru:all (sober); fremkommelig,
frem'lom:ali (passable); guddommelig, gu'd:>m:all (divine); her
skapelig, hsr'$ka:pali (sumptuous); håndgripelig, hon'gri:pall
(palpable); jom fruelig, jamTrinall (virgin); lettsindig, let'slndl
(frivolous); omgjengelig, эт'|ед:эИ (sociable); omhyggelig, эт-
'hyg:ali (careful); opprinnelig, эр'г1п:э11 (original); overskuelig,
3var'?ku:all (clear) ; rettferdig, ret'f*rdi (just) ; sedvanlig, sed/va:nli
(usual); selvfølgelig, sel'følgali (of course); tilbøyelig, til'bøyali
(inclined); tilfeldig , tlTfeldl (chance); tilgjengelig, til'jerj:all (a p
proachable); tålmodig, ol'mo:di (patient); ulykkelig, u'lyk:all
(unfortunate); vennskapelig, ven'ska:pali (friendly); vilkårlig, vll-
'lo:r|l (arbitrary); øyeblikkelig, øya'blik:ali (immediate).
3 7 8 1 Note also: anstendig, an'stendi (decent); fullstendig,
ful'stendl (complete); gudnådslig, gu/nasli (miserable); livsalig,
lifsadf (blessed); nysgjerrig, ny'J*r:l (inquisitive); samvittighet,
13 0
SUFFIXES [З 7 8 -8 3
sam'vit:ihe:t (conscience); sannsynlig , san'sy:nli (probable);
selvstendig, sel'stendl (independent); sk in n ba rlig, fin'ba:r|i (Ufe-
likc); takknem lig, tak'nemll (grateful); tilb ø rlig , til'bæ:rjl
(proper); vin nskipelig, vln'JI:pali (industrious); æ rbødig, ær'bø:di
(respectful); æ rg jerrig , atr'jær:l (ambitious); øyensynlig, øyan'sy:nll
380 The suffix -(n )in g is unstressed. Like -else it causes the
stress to be advanced in a few words, but this tendency can
generally speaking be disregarded nowadays.
e x a m p l e s : avdelin g , av'de:llg (section), but • 'a:vde:lig
(dividing off).
Note also: anledning , an'le:dnlg (opportunity); om kostning,
'amlostnlg or om'k3stnfg (expense).
3 8 5 18 -asse.
e x am p l e : terrasse, tae'ras:a; etc.
3 8 5 19 -ast.
(a ) e x a m p l e s : bombast, bom'bast; dynast, dy'nast; gymnasiast,
gymnasiast (grammar-school pupil); etc.
(в) e x c e p t i o n : fusentast, 'fu:sntast (crank).
385 30 -at.
e x a m p l e s : apparat, apa'ra:t; diplomat, dlp!o'ma:t; legat,
le'ga:t; salat, sa'la:t; etc.
38531 -att.
e x a m p l e s : debatt, de'bat:; rabatt, га'Ьас:; etc.
385-33 -deles.
e x a m p l e s : aldeles,aideilas (completely); fremdeles, frem-
'de:las (still); særdeles, s*r'de:tas (especially).
385 33 -i.
e x a m p l e s : allé, a'le:; armé, аг'те:; entré, ag'tre:; chaussé,
p'se:; kafé, ка'fe:; etc. Also note: diner, di'ne:.
385-34 -ekt.
e x a m p l e s : effekt, e 'fe k t; intellekt, fnta'lekt; etc.
385-35 -ell{e).
e x a m p l e s : frikadelle, frikavdel:a; kapell, ка'рек; libelle,
ii'[v]bel:a (dragon-fly); makrell, та'кгек ; morell, mo'rel: (cherry);
novelle, novvel:a; etc.
385-26 -em.
e x a m p l e s : anatem, ana'te:m; diadem, dia'de:m; problem,
pro'ble:m; system, sy'ste;m; etc.
385-37 -en.
e x a m p l e s : acetylen,
asety/le:n; fenomen, feno'me:n; gangren,
gaQ'gre:n; homogen, homo'ge:n; monden, тэпЧе:п; etc.
385-38 -ene.
e x a m p l e s : fontene,
fonvte:na; hygiene, hygive:na; kantilene,
kantivle:na; karantene, karanvte:na; migrene, mlvgre:na; morene,
movre:na; sirene, sivre:na; etc.
385-39 -ener.
e x a m p l e s : italiener, itali'e:ndr (Italian); rumener, ги'те:пэг
(Roumanian); etc.
385 30 -ens.
(a) e x a m p l e s : audiens, æudi'ens; essens, e'sens; frekvens,
fre'kvens; kadens, ka'dens or ka'dags; kvintessens, kvinta'sen$; lisens,
11'sens; rekonvalesens, rdonvala'sens; reminisens, remini'sens;
sentens, sen'tens; etc.
(в) e x c e p t io n s : nonsens, 'nonsans; presens, 'preaans.
385-31 -ense.
e x a m p l e s : eminense, eml'nensa; eksellense, eksalensa; pøni-
tens(é), pønl'tens(e); etc.
385-3* -enser.
e x a m p l e s : bergenser, baer'gensar (inhabitant of Bergen);
drammenser, dra'mensar (inhabitant of Drammen); valdenser,
val'densar (Waldensian).
385-33 -ent.
e x a m p l e s : assistent, asi'stent; disponent, disponent; dosent,
dosent; konkurrent, кодkuVent; student, stu'dent; etc.
385-34 -er.
(a ) e x a m p l e s : barber, bar'be:r; finer, f!'ne:r (veneer);
furér, fu're;r (quarter-master); grenader, grena'de:r; Homer,
ho'me:r; karakter, karak'te:r; kavaler, kava'le:r; klystér, kly'ste:r;
klaver, kfo've:r; kurér, ku're:r; kvarter, kvar'te:r; passasjer,
pasa'Je:r; perifer, perl'fe:r; pioner, pio'ne:r; etc.
(в) e x c e p t io n s : Many words ending in -er denoting
nationality, and many others, take their main stress on
the penultimate or other syllable. See pars. 386-3 and 363-4.
385 35 -«*.
e x a m p l e s : ekspedere, ekspe'de:ra; konkurrere, kogku're:ra;
spandere, span'de:ra; etc.
38538 -ese.
e x a m p l e s : antitese, antiyte:sa; askese, esvkeaa; eksegese,
nVsfgcvs»',fadese, favde:sa; ntese, nive:sa (niece); protese, provte:sa;
syntese, synvteisa; etc.
385-37 -eser.
e x a m p l e s : kineser, si'ne:sar; sudaneser, suda'ne:sar; etc.
385-38 -* Ф -
e x a m p l e s : depesje, de'pe:Ja; kalesje, ka'lef:a; manesje,
ma'ne:Ja (circus ring).
13 6
385 39 -esse.
e x a m p l e s : akkuratesse, akuravtes:a; baronesse, baro¥nes:a;
finesse, fivnes:a; komtesse, lomvtes»; prinsesse, prinvses:a; etc.
385 40 -et.
e x a m p l e s ; atlet, at'le:t; asket, as'ke.-t; poet, po'e:t; manet,
ma'ne:t (jellyfish); profet, pro'fe:t; tapet, ta'pe:t (wallpaper); etc.
385-41 -ett.
e x a m p l e s : ballett, ba'let:; billett, bi'let:; duett, du'et:;
omelett, oma'let: \ pamflett, pam'flet:; rakett, ra'ket:; etc.
385-42 -ette.
e x a m p l e s : etikette, eti¥ket:a; novellette, novavlet:a; etc.
385 43 -Я
e x a m p l e : bibliofil, biblio'fi:l; etc.
385‘44 -gog-
e x a m p l e s : demagog, dema'go:g; pedagog, peda'go:g.
385-45 -W -
e x a m p l e s : biograf, blo'gra:f; geograf, geo'gra:f; fotograf,
foto'gra:f; telegraf, tela'gra:f; etc.
38546 -gram.
(a ) e x a m p l e s : program, pro'gram:; telegram, tela'gram:; etc.
(в) e x c e p t io n : centigram, 'sentJgram; etc.
385-47 -haftig.
e x a m p l e s : mannhaftig, man'hafti (mannish); standhaftig,
stan'hafti (staunch).
385-48 -i.
(a ) e x a m p l e s : antipati, antipa'ti:; energi, enær'gi:; garanti,
garanti: or -arj-; industri, indu#stri:; sympati, sympa'ti:; etui, etu'i:;
(в) e x c e p t io n : makaroni, maka'ro:ni or maka'nn:i.
385-49 -id.
ex am ples: invalid, lnva'H:d; perfid, pær'fi:d.
385-50 -ide.
ex am ples: danmde, danavi:da; druide, druvi:da; pyramide,
pyravmf:da; sylfide, $yl¥fhda; etc.
385-51 -ier.
( a ) e x a m p l e s : atelier, at|l'je:; bankier, baqk^e:; portier,
pDrti'e:; metier, meti'je:; etc.
13 8
385 63 -is.
(a ) e x a m p l e s : eksersis, eksar'?i:s; justis, Ju'stl:s; konsis,
bn'si:s; mili(t)s, mi'li(t)s:; notis, no'ti:$; Paris, pa'rt:s, but 'parris
(Trojan prince); presis, pre'si:s; turkis, tur'ki:s. Also: hospits,
(в) e x c e p t i o n s : amanuensis, amanuensis or vensis; basis,
'ba:sls; dualis, duva:lls or 'du-; digitalis, diglvta:lis; dosis, 'do:sis;
genesis, 'geinasis; gratis, 'graitls; kondisjonalis, kDndlJovna:lls; krisis,
'krlisls; lakris, vlakris; laudabilis, læu'da:bilis\ pluralis, pluvra:lis or
praksis, 'praksis; rakitis, ra'klt:is; singularis, singuvla:ris or
'sirj-; skepsis, 'skepsis; tesis, 'te:sis.
385 64 -ise.
e x a m p l e s : benefise, bena¥fi:sa; chemise, Je¥ml:sa; ekspeditrise,
ekspedivtri:sa (female shop-assistant); kaprise, ka¥pri:sa; malise,
ma¥li:sa; markise, marvkl:sa.
38 565 -iser, -isje.
e x a m p l e s : kirgiser, kir'gl:$ar; valiser, va'li:sar (Welshman);
prestisje, pre¥sti:Ja.
38566 -isme.
e x a m p l e s : altruisme, altru'isma; kommunisme, komu'nlsma;
rasjonalisme, raJona'lisma; etc.
38567 -isse.
(a ) e x a m p l e s : abbedisse, abe¥dis:a (abbess); diakonisse,
diako¥nis:a (deaconess).
(в) e x c e p t io n s : almisse, ¥almisa (alms); skilsmisse, 'Jilsmisa
385-68 -ist.
e x a m p l e s : anarkist, anar'kist; ateist, ate'lst; gardist, gardist
(guardsman); journalist, Jorna'tlst; pianist, pla'nlst; etc.
38569 -ister.
e x a m p l e s : filister, fi'llstar; magister, ma'gistar; minister,
mi'nistar; register, re'gistar; etc.
385-70 -*«•
e x a m p l e s : bronkitt, broi)'kit:; israelitt, israe'llt:; konvertitt,
lonvær'tit:; sybaritt, syba'rit:; etc.
385-71 -iv.
(a ) e x a m p l e s : administrativ, ad'mlnistr«ttlv; akkreditiv, akre-
di'tl:v; arkiv, ar'ki:v; direktiv, dlrek'ti:v; eksekutiv, ekseku'ti:v;
eksplosiv (noun), eksplo'si:v; eruptiv, erup'tl:v (noun); fiktiv,
fik'ti:v; invektiv, invek'ti:v; korrektiv, korek'ti:v; kursiv, kur'-
si:v; laksativ, laksa'ti:v; lokomotiv, lokomo'ti:v; massiv, ma'si:v;
motiv, mo'ti:v; naiv, na'i:v; palliativ, palla'ti:v; positiv, posi'ti:v
(barrel-organ); perspektiv, pær$pek'ti:v; prerogativ, preroga
t i v ; preservativ, presærva'ti:v; regulativ, regula'ti:v; stativ,
stativ .
(в) e x c e p t i o n s : There are many endings in -iv which are
not stressed. ablativ, 'ablativor vab-; adjektiv, Vadjektiv; akkusativ,
a'kusativ; aktiv, 'aktiv (energetic); alternativ, al'tærijativ;
appellativ, a'pel:ativ; dativ, 'da:tiv or vda:-; deduktiv, 'deduktiv; de
fensiv, 'defarjs ivor 'defensiv; definitiv, de'fi nitiv; dekorativ, 'dekorativ;
deskriptiv, 'deskriptiv; destruktiv, 'destruktiv; detektiv, 'detektiv;
disjunktiv, 'disjug(k)tiv; diStributivj^j^/imø, 'eksklusiv;
ekspansiv, 'ekspagsiv ;eksplosiv, 'eksplosiv; ekstensiv, 'ekstensiv; erup
tiv, 'eruptiv (adj.) ; genitiv, 'gemitiv; impulsiv, 'impulsiv; imitatio,
'imitativ; inklusive, 'inklusive; instruktiv, 'instruktiv; intensiv,
'intensiv; intransitiv, 'Intransitiv; intuitiv, in'tultiv; kausativ,
'kæusativ; kollektiv, 'lolektiv; komparativ, kom'parativ; konjunktiv,
'konjuij(k)tiv; konservativ, lon'særvativ; kvalitativ, 'kvalitativ;
kvantitativ, 'kvantitativ; nominativ, 'nominativ; objektiv, 'objektiv;
offensiv, Sfiagsiv; optativ, 'optativ; ostentativ, 3 'stentativ; partitiv,
'partitiv; passiv, 'pas:lv; positiv, 'poisitiv (positive); presumptiv,
'presum(p)tiv;prrrønfip,'prevagtivor'preventiv;pnmtftt>, 'primitiv;
produktiv, 'produktiv; progressiv, 'progresiv; prohibitiv, pro'hibitiv;
reseptiv,' reseptiv; rejleksiv, 'refleksiv; regressiv, 'regresiv; represen
tativ, representativ; transitiv, 'transitiv.
385 72 -krat.
e x a m p l e s : aristokrat, aristo'kra:t; demokrat, demo'kra:t;
plutokrat, pluto'kra:t; etc.
385-73 -log.
(a ) e x a m p l e s : arkeolog, arkeo'b:g; geolog, geo'b:g; teolog,
teo'b:g; etc.
(в) n o t e : Endings in -logi are pronounced lo 'g i:, arkeologi,
a r k e o lo 'g l :; etc.
385-74 -man.
exam ples: anglom an, aglo'ma:n; kleptom an , klepto'ma:n;
pyrom an, pyro'ma:n; etc.
38 575 -m ent.
ex a m ples: dokument, dokument; fu n dam en t, funda#ment;
instrum ent, lnstru'ment; testam ent, testa'ment; etc.
38576 -m ent (-mag:).
e x a m p l e s : departem ent, departe'mag:; engasjem ent, agga/э-
'mag:; møblement, тсЫ э'тад:; reglem ent, regta'mag:; etc.
385 77 -m eter.
(a ) e x a m p l e s : barom eter, Ьаго'тепэг; termometer, tærmo-
'me:tar; etc.
(в) e x c e p t io n : centim eter, 'sentlmeitsr (or 'sagtl-); etc.
38 578 -oar.
e x a m p l e s : budoar, budo'a:r (boudoir); reservoar, res*rvo'a:r;
385 79 -ode.
e x a m p l e s : antipode, a n tivp o :d a ; elektrode, elekvtro:de; episode,
epivso:de; komode, kavmo:ds; metode, mevto:de; etc.
385 80 -o f.
e x a m p l e s : filo s o f, filo'so:f; teosof, teo'so:f; etc.
385-81 -oid.
e x a m p l e s : a lk a lo id , alkalo'i:d; negroid, negro'l:d; rom boid,
rombo'i:d; sellu lo id , selulo'i:d; etc.
385-82 -ol.
e x a m p l e s : fr iv o l, fri'vo:l; gondol, gon'do:l; ka p ito l, kapi'to:l;
karbol, kar'bo:l; kreol, kre'o:l; p isto l, pi'$to:l; reol, re'o:l; sekstol,
sek'sto:l (sextolet); sym bol, sym'bo:l; etc.
385-83 -om.
e x a m p l e s : atom, a'to:m; diplom , di'plo:m', fa n to m , fan'to:m;
idiom , idi'o:m; etc.
385-84 -on.
(a) e x a m p l e s : baron, ba'ro:n; demon, de'mo:n; kanon,
ka'no:n; kanton, kan'to:n; m aron, ma'ro:n; m elon, me'lo:n;
m ikrofon, mikro'fo:n; mormon, mor'mo:n; oson, o'so:n; patron,
pa'tro:n; peon, pe'o:n; person, pær'$o:n; region, regi'o:n; religion ,
religi'o:n; sja blo n , Jab'lo:n; skabelon, skabe'lo:n; skorpion, skar-
pi'o:n; union, unl'o:n; unison, uni'so:n; spion, spi'o:n; etc.
(в) e x g e p t io n s : akkordion, a'lordbn; Ceylon, 'ssibn; kanon,
'ка:пэп (canon, in music); kolon, 'ko:bn; ganglion, 'gcrjlbn;
leksikon, Meksikan; mammon, 'mam»n; maraton, 'moraon; natron,
'naitnn (soda); stadion, 'stardbn; etc.
38 585 -one,
e x a m p l e s : anemone, апэуто:пэ ; amasone, amavso:na; matrone,
mavtro:na; etc.
385 86 -ong.
e x a m p l e s :fasong, fo'$3Q:; kupong, ки'рэд:; salong, sa'bg:; etc.
Note also: liaison, ПеЪгр.
38 58 7 -onym.
e x a m p l e s : anonym, ano'ny:m; homonym, homo'ny:m; psevdo
nym, (p)sevdo'ny:m; synonym, syno'ny:m; etc.
38588 -or.
(a ) e x a m p l e s : kondor, kDn'do:r; kontor, kon'to:r; korridor,
kori'do:r; major, ma'|o:r, but: major domus, 'та:}эг 'do:mus;
matador, mata'do:r; meteor, mete'o:r; sonor, so'no:r; tenor, te'no:r;
(в) e x c e p t io n s: There are many words ending in -or
where the stress is on another syllable, usually the penultimate.
In such words -or is usually pronounced -or. Examples: * 'aktor
(prosecuting counsel); administrator; agitator; akkumu'latar;
alligator; 'amor; *as'sessor; "'debitor; "dTfensor; *dekla'mator;
*dik'tator; di'visor*; * 'doktor (medical doctor pronounced
'daktar); Ekvator; * eksaminator; eWvator; *faktor; fosfor, fosfor;
gene'rator; 'humor; "inkvi'sitor; *iso'lator; 'junior; 'kantor;
* kommen'tator; kon‘ditor; konservator; *ku'rator; "'kvestor; 'Labra
dor, Ma(:)brador; "'lektor; 'marmor; 'monitor; motor; "'nestor;
"'pastor; "'prior; рто'тог; "professor; radi’ator; re'Jlektor;
"'rektor; "revisor; "'sektor; 'senior; sepa'rator.
(c) n o te : In the plurals of words marked with an asterisk the
stress is advanced to the penultimate syllable, pronounced -o:rar.
385*89 -os.
(a) e x a m p l e s : ansjos, an'fo:s (anchovy); aprikos, арН'кои;
virtuos, virtu'o:s; etc.
(в) e x c e p t io n s : epos, 'e:p:>s; diskos, 'diskos or o s; kaos,
'kans; patos, 'panos.
385 90 -ose.
e x a m p l e s : apoteose, apotevo:sa; cellulose, seluvlo:sa; diagnose,
diagvno:sa; metamorfose, metamorvfb:sa; mimose, mivmo:sa; psykose,
(p)$yvko:sa; etc.
3 8 5 9 1 -ot.
e x a m p l e s : despot, de'spo:t; idiot, idi'o:t; pilot, pi'lo:t; selot,
se'Io:t; etc.
385 93 -ott.
e x a m p l e s : bigott, bi'jpt:; kalott, ka'bt:; gavott, ga'vot:; etc.
385 93 -Ф п .
exam ples: auksjon, æu(k)'fo:n; nasjon, na'Jo:n; stasjon,
sta'Jo:n; etc.
385-94 -sommelig.
e x a m p l e s : fredsommelig, fre’d'som:ali (peaccful); kjedsom
melig, ?e*d's3m»li (boring); langsommelig, lag'sam:3ll (slow);
møysommelig, møy's:>m:ali (laborious); sparsommelig, sparipmrall
(economical); etc.
385 95 -tek.
e x a m p l e s : bibliotek, biblio'te:k; hypotek, hypo'te:k; kartotek,
karto'te:k; etc.
385 96 -Ut.
e x a m p l e s : elektrisitet, elektrisi'te:t; majesUt, maja'ste:t;
universitet, unlvatrsl'te:t; etc.
385-97 -un.
e x a m p l e s : harpun, har'pu:n; paulun, pæu'tu:n; kalkun,
kal'ku:n (turkey); tribun, trl'bu:n; etc.
38598 -une.
e x a m p l e s : kommune, kovmu:na; lagune, lavgu:na; tribune,
trivbu:na (stand).
385-99 -ur.
(a) e x a m p l e s : dressur, dre'$u'f,figu r, fi'gu:r; kultur, kul'tu:r;
litteratur, litara'tu:r; natur, na'tu:r; silur, si'lu:r; etc.
(в) e x c e p t io n : / ur/w, 'purpur.
385-100 -utt.
e x a m p l e s : disputt, di'sput:; rekrutt, re'krut:; salutt, sa'lut:;
substitutt, supsti'tutr; etc.
3 8 5 -6 ] STRESS
3 8 5 10 1 -yr.
(a ) e x a m p l e s : komfyr, kom'fy:r (oven); konfityr, bnfi'ty:r;
miniatyr, mlnla'ty:r; vampyr, vam'py:r; etc.
(в) e x c e p t i o n s : martyr, 'mairtyr; satyr, 'saityr.
385*102 -yre.
e x a m p l e s : frisyre, frivsy:ra; lektyre, lekvty:ra; sinekyre, si*na-
vky:ra; etc.
385*103 -yse.
exam ples: analyse, anavly:sa; elektrolyse, elektrovly:sa; etc.
38 510 4 -ær.
e x a m p l e s : aksjonær, akJo'næ:r (shareholder); emissær,
emi'sae:r; funksjonær, fui](k)J'o,n*:r; sekretær, sekra'tæ:r; etc.
385 *105 -ære.
e x a m p l e s : affære, a'fæ:ra; atmosfære, atmovsfæ:ra; kimære,
$ivm*:ra; etc.
385*106 -er.
e x a m p l e s : frisør, fri'soe:r; konduktør, bnduk'tce:r or kon-;
ingeniør, injen'jæ:r; likør, li'kæ:r; etc.
385*107 -es(e).
e x a m p l e s : massøse, mavsø:s3 (masseuse); melodiøs, me!odi'ø:s;
mitraljøse, mitralvJø:sa; monstrøs, mDn'strø:s; mysteriøs, mystarf'ø:s;
offisiøs, Dfisi'ø:s; pretensiøs, pretarjsi'ø:s; etc.
E. S E N T E N C E S T R E S S
[ 3 8 9 -9 1
A. T R O C H A I C R H Y T H M
391 The various forms of the word menneske and its derivatives
are taken as examples to show how they can be syncopated into
disyllabic, trochaic forms:
menneske, vmen:aska > vmenska (human being)
mennesker, vmen:askar > ¥menskar (people)
menneskene, vmen:a$kana > vmenskna (the people)
menneskelig, vmen:askali > vmenskli (human)
1 See ‘ Rhythm in the Spoken Norwegian Language’ , in Transactions o f the
Philological Society (London, 19 35), p. 98.
147 10-2
391 - 3 ] RHYTHM
short ‘ empty ’ words are added to complete the rhythmic
pattern. Example: (God) morgen da!, 'm:>(:)rn(d)a (Morning!).
by an unstressed word.
B. D A C T Y L I C R H Y T H M
395 Not all words and stress groups can be reduced to the
trochaic pattern, and instead they take a dactylic rhythm of
one long (stressed) and two short (unstressed) syllables. In some
cases the structure of the word and considerations of meaning pre-
clude it from being compressed into the trochaic pattern; in
others, especially in the past tense of auxiliaries followed by
the negative, the dactylic rhythm seems to have developed
as a conventional pattern.
395*i Words like dannelse, vdan:|sa (culture); lidelse, vli:d|sa
(suffering) cannot be reduced to less than three syllables. Nor
can forms like hendene, 'henrnna (the hands); hanene, vha:nna
(the cocks), be reduced to two syllables without changing their
395*s After plosives ikke tends not to be reduced to one
syllable, and it often combines with the preceding word to form
a dactylic rhythm.
395 - 6 ] RHYTHM
e x a m p l e s : je g gik k ikke, jæ 'jikiika (I did not go); je g slapp
ikke, Jæ 'flopiika (I did not let go); je g satt ikke, jæ 'satrika (I did
not sit).
395-3 In cases where auxiliaries occur in inverted word order
in combination with a negative the dactylic rhythmic pattem
also occurs.
e x a m p l e s : ska l v i ik k e?, 'skavika (shall we not?); må je g ik k e?,
'nrojæka (may I not?); tør vi ikke?, 'tøvika (dare we not?); skulle
vi ikke?, 'skuvika (should we not?).
C. S O U N D C H A N G E S G A U S E D
396 It will have been noticed in the examples given above that
there is a tendency for r to disappear before k, j , v. This often
occurs when ikke or personal pronouns combine with verbs of
common occurrence.
39 6* rk becomes к in har ikke, vhak:a, but not in harke, vharka (to
clear one’s throat); and in er ikke, væk:a, but not in erkebiskop,
værkablsk3p (archbishop).
396-8 rj becomes j in er je g ikke, væ:jæka, but not in herje, vh*rja
(to ra vage).
396-3 rv becomes v in har v i ikke, Vhavika, but not in harve,
Vharva (to harrow).
396-4 The same tendency towards an open syllable occurs
in vulgar speech in the following examples: har d u ?, 'hacdu >
'haru (have you?); tør d u ?, 'tørdu >'tøru (do you dare?); er du
ikke {fe rd ig )?, ¥ærduika > væruka (aren’t you (ready)?).
396-5 There is also a tendency for r to disappear before k { g ) } j t
v in the following combinations: fo r knapt, fa'knapt (too short);
fo r galt, fygalt (too bad); fo rg jo rt, fyjort (bewitched); fo rg ylt,
fe'jylt (gilded); fo rvåket, fo'va:kat (sleepless); fo r vrient, fc'vrlant
(too difficult). In these cases lack of stress is responsible for the
disappearance of the r.
gal bål
'gail 'toil
(mad) (fire)
and then rises rather more above the mean pitch of the voice
than it had fallen. It may be represented diagrammatically as
• ♦
V V.
måne dame
vma:na vda:ma
(moon) (lady)
The intervals formed vary in size, but a drop of a minor third
followed by a rise o f a minor sixth may be regarded as an
399-1 In western Norway the Double Tone has a different
character. In Bergen it consists of a short rise to a fairly high
pitch followed by a steep fall to a low pitch, followed by a rise to
about the mean pitch of the voice. In other parts of western
Norway an initial fall in pitch is heard; the second part of the
Tone varies in character.
A. T H E S I N G L E T O N E
M orphological guides
400 The Single Tone is used primarily in words of one
e x a m p l e s : sol, 'so:l (sun); land, 'lan: (country); lang, 'lag:
(long); kom, 'b m : (come); etc.
403 Endings in -sel with the Single Tone: aksel, 'aksj (shoulder);
bindsel, 'binsj (binding); brensel, 'brens] (fuel); bygsel, 'byks|
(lease); deksel, 'deks| (cover); fengsel, 'fegsj (prison); ferdsel,
'færsj (traffic); fødsel, 'føtsj (birth); gjødsel, 'jøs:| (manure);
glemsel, 'glems| (forgetfulness); hørsel, 'hoers| (hearing); jeksel,
'jeksj (molar); kjensel, '^ensl (recognition); kjørsel, '?сеп1
(drive); pensel, 'pens| (brush); pinsel, 'pi:ns| (torture); ransel,
'ransj (satchel); redsel, 'retsj (terror); skjøtsel, 'Jøts| (care);
vigsel, 'viks| (consecration); ødsel, 'øs:| (wasteful).
4 ° 3- 5 ] WORD TONES
e x c e p t i o n s : The following words take the Double Tone:
aksel, vaks| (axle); barsel, уЬац| (child-birth).
404 Endings in -en with the Single Tone: alen, 'arlij (ell);
fersken, 'faerjkan (peach); frøken, 'frørkan (young lady); helgen,
'helgen (saint); kjøkken, 'føkren (kitchen); Norden, 'nordg
(Scandinavia); orden, brdn (order); tusen, 'tusrn (thousand);
verden, 'vaerdg (world); våpen, 'varpan (weapon); ørken, 'ørkan
e x c e p t i o n s : There are many exceptions: Examples:
drukken, vdrok:an (drunken); Horten, vhartij; kulten, vkultn (un-
pleasant); Morten, vrrortij; muggen, vmug:an (mouldy); naken,
vna:kan (naked); nitten, vnit:n (nineteen) (and other numbers in
-en); noen, vno:an (some); slagen, vflargan (beaten); slepen,
vJ|e:pan (polished); torden, vtordn (thunder); ufen/urtn (without);
viden, Vvi:dn (knowledge); vissen, Vvls:n (faded).
T H E SIN G LE TONE [4 0 7 -8
С отр ою 4 «
407 Where the genitive o f a word with the Single Tone is
compounded with a noun or an adjective, the compound takes
the Single Tone.
(л) e x a m ple s : handelsflåte, 'hand|sfb:ta (merchant navy);
knggsskip, 'kriksjhp (warship); landsmann, 'lansman: (com-
patriot); livsfarlig, 'lifcfa:r|i (mortal danger); årsdag, '3:r?^a:g
(anniversary); also in the days of the week, tirsdag, 'ti:r$4a’
(Tuesday); onsdag, 'onsda* (Wednesday); torsdag, 't>:ndQT
(Thursday): Note also: søndag, 'sønda* (Sunday); mandag,
'manda* (Monday); fredag, 'fre:d<r (Friday); lørdag, 'Icer^o’
(в) ex c e pt io n s : The following words take the Double
Tone: bamsunge, vba:rn$ogs (child); barsel, vbar$| (childbirth);
ildslys, vilsly» (firelight); kmvsodd, vknl:fsad: (knife-edge) (and
other compounds in kn ivs-) ; kveldsmat, Vkvelsm«ut (supper) (and
other compounds in k veld s-); ovnsrør, V3vnsræ:r (stove-pipe)
(and other compounds in ovns-).
4 14-17] WORD TONES
'past (post-); prakt-, 'prakt (luxury-); puls-, 'puls (pulse-);
rang-, 'rarj: (rank-); saft- 'saft (fruit-); salmaker, '$a:lma:kar
(saddle-maker); sang-, 'sarj: (song-); sjakk-, 'Jak: (chess-); skrift-
Prøve, 'skrlftprøiva (specimen of writing); smørbrød 'smcerbrø
(sandwich); spiss-, 'spis: (pointed-); skytsånd, 'Jytsan: (guardian-
spirit); stang-, 'star): (rod-); stoff-, 'stof: (material-); stykk-, 'styk:
(piece-); taktstokk, 'taktstak: (baton); telt-, 'telt (tent-); topp-,
[usually] 'tap: (top-); under-, 'uncfør (wonder-); ur-, 'u:r (clock-);
ur-, 'u:r (primitive-); valg-, 'valg (election-); vakt-, 'vakt
(watch-); vekt-, 'vekt (weight-); verktøy, 'værktøy (tool); vilt-,
'vilt (game-).
(в) no te : Adjectives cognate with the above often take the
Double Tone. Examples: giftig, vJifti; praktfull, *praktful.
Inflected form s
433 When the definite artides singular (-en, -a, -et) are added
to a noun with the Single Tone, the resulting form takes the
Single Tone.
(a ) e x a m p l e s : dag, 'dagan (the day); musa, 'mu:sa (the
mouse); hjemmet, 'jenua (the home).
(в) e x c e p t i o n s : The following words which were origin-
ally two-syllable words in the indefmite form usually take the
Double Tone in their definite form: broren, vbro:rij (the brother);
faren, Yfa:rij (the father); moren, ymo:rij (the mother).
433 When the definite articles plural (-(e)ne, -a) are added to
nouns which have the Single Tone in their indefmite plural
forms, the resulting forms take the Single Tone.
433-1 Nouns taking a vowel change in the plural.
(a ) exam ples; nettene, 'neurma (the nights); gjessene,
'Jesrnna (the geese); tærne, 'tæirna (the toes).
(в) e x c e p t i o n : klærne (the clothes) usually takes the
Double Tone [vklx:rija].
424 The Single Tone occurs in the plural of nouns of more than
one syllable which take the Single Tone in the singular. For
examples see pars. 4 0 1-18 .
163 ii-a
4 2 4 -6 ] WORD TONES
( a ) e x c e p t i o n s : seirer, "seirer (victories); søndager, "søn-
dcugar (Sundays).
(в) n o t e : Adjectives of more than one syllable in the
singular with the Single Tone take the Double Tone in their
plural and weak forms. Examples: simple, "simpla (common);
sikre, "sikre (certain); ødsle, "øsla (wasteful).
427 The Single Tone occurs in the (old) definite form of the
e x a m p l e s : dødsens, 'døtsijs ((of the) death); verdsens,
'værsip? ((of the) world).
Other uses
428 The Single Tone occurs in the names of foreign countries
and in the corresponding adjectives.
(a ) e x a m p l e s : England, 'eijlan; Finland, 'fmlan; Frankrike,
'fraqkrlika (France); Grekenland, 'greikanlan (Greece); Island,
'i:slan (Iceland); Portugal, 'portuga-l; engelsk, 'eqialsk (English);
indisk, 'indisk (Indian).
(в) e x c e p t i o n s : Danmark, vdanmark (Denmark); Færøyene,
vfæ:røyana (The Faroes); Jylland, vjyl:an (Jutland); Norge,
vnDrga (Norway); færøysk, ¥fæ:røysk (Faræse).
B. T H E D O U B L E T O N E
439 The Double Tone occurs in some words taking their stress
on a syllable other than the first. See par. 430.
16 8
G. G E N E R A L R E M A R K S
so l solen rø d rødvin
'so:l '$o:lij 'rø: 'rø:vhn
T h e glid e
443 The glide usually occurs on a vowel, espedally when it is
long, but voiced consonants, particularly l, m, n, r, can prolong
the vowel glide; this is especially the case when a voiced
consonant follows a short vowel, e.g-Juli, 'fuls; melk, 'melk. N0
glide is, of course, possible on unvoiced consonants; and where
a short vowel is followed by a voiceless consonant the glide is
very slight indeed, as for example in vakt, 'vakt; bitt, 'bit:.
^ ^
nei nei! nei!! n ei!!!
utmerket utmerket!!!
443-1 In words of more than one syllable with the Single Tone
the glide is more often than not accomplished by a hop from
one syllable to the other. For example: dampbad, 'dampbmd
dampbad dampbadet
forsvare bestandig
443*3 In some words the glide can be divided, creating an
impression of doubt or reflection, especially in words like ja
(yes); sd (so); nå (well); å (Oh!).
r r r
• / l
. •
V . V .*
virkelig virkelighet
Vvirkali Vvirkalihe:t
(really) (reality)
4 4 4 -5 ] WORD TONES
444-2 Like the Single Tone, the Double Tone can be com-
pletely distorted from its normal pattem by strong emotion and
stress. This may happen by concentrating strong stress on the
first syllable of a word so that following syllables lose their
normal stress and rising tone. Consider, for example, the word
nydelig (lovely), pronounced first in a normal, calm way, and
then with great enthusiasm:
nydelig nydelig!!!
• •
t * t ^ -
-------- x:— ч
D. T O N E G R O U P S
445 Both the Single and the Double Tone can take in more
than one word. This occurs when a strongly stressed word ia
followed by one or more lightly stressed words, which together
form a closely related group. The Tone of such a group
resembles a compound word in that the unstressed element or
17 2
elements lose their own Tone. Groups with the Double Tone
occur very frequently.
445*1 Consider the following examples, all with the Double
• ♦
V. V..
(å) h ø r e (fl) h ø r e på
vhæ:ra vhæ:r» рэ
(to listen) (to listen to)
« •
v~ , • v .. 9
. . . ^ • ■ ■ J ' '
• •
453 Sentence intonation in Norwegian is closely connected
with word intonation (Single and Double Tones) and word
group intonation (Tone Groups). Nevertheless, it is possible to
classify Norwegian sentence intonation as Rising Melody and
Falling Melody.
A. R I S I N G M E L O D Y
•_____________________________~ ~ ^ _________________________
В. F A L L I N G M E L O D Y
hele folket
heila folka
(the whole people)
457 In groups with the main stress on the first word, where
what follows can be guessed from the context.
ex am ples:
—» • •
*\ .
^ .
damer og herrer
daimar э heriar
(ladies and gentlemen)
459 Where the first word in the sentence has the strongest
exam ples:
J •
* •W • •
4 6 2 -4 ]
O N L Y IN T O N E 1
P A I R S D I F F E R I N G IN T O N E [464-5
e x a m p l e s : seter, 'seitar (mountain summer farm)—seter,
vse:tar (seats); sider, 'sildar (cider)—sider, vsi:dar (sides).
464-4 Indefinite Singular taking the Single Tone, and Present
Tense taking the Double Tone.
e x a m p l e s : banner, 'baniar (banner)—banner,чЪатэт (curse/s);
lager, 'laigar (warehouse); lager, vla:gar (make/s).
464*5 Present Tense taking the Single Tone, and Indefinite
Plural taking the Double Tone.
e x a m p l e s : biter, 'biitar (bite/s)—biter, vbl:tar (pieces);
farer, 'farrar (go/es)—farer, yfa:rar (dangers).
464- 6 Many other word-pairs ending in -er.
e x a m p l e s : heller, 'heliar (rather)— heller, yhel;ar (incline/s);
splitter, 'split:ar (completely)—splitter, ysplit:ar (split/s); bøker,
'bøikar (books)— bøker, vbø:kar (beeches) ; etc.
Alnæs, I. Norsk sætningsmelodi (Kristiania, 1916).
Alnæs, I. Norsk uttale-ordbok (Oslo, 1925).
Alnæs, I. De levende ord (Oslo, 1932).
Berulfsen, B. and Lundeby, E. Bokmål, ‘ Aschehougs ordlister*
(Oslo, 1959).
Brekke, K . Bidrag til dansk-norskens lydlære (Kristiania, 1881).
Broch, O. ‘ Fra Østlandets dagligtale’ (in Maal og Minne,
Kristiania, 1923, pp. 124-55).
Broch, O. ‘ Litt om rytmenormen i vor dagligtale* (in Festskrift
Hl Professor A lf Torp, Kristiania, 19 13, pp. 46-63).
Broch, O. ‘ Rhythm in the Spoken Norwegian Language*
(in TransacHons o f the Pkilological Society, London, 1935,
pp. 8 0 -112 ).
Broch, O. ‘ Tonelag bestemmende for lydutvikling’ (in Maal og
Minne, Oslo, 1944, pp. 14 5-6 1).
Broch, O. and Selmer, E. Elementær fonetikk (Oslo, 1950).
Christiansen, H. Norske dialekter (Oslo, 1946- ).
Groth, P. A Norwegian Grammar (Christiania, 1924).
Haugen, E. ‘ Tonelagsanalyse’ (in Maal og Minne, Oslo, 1955,
pp. 70-80).
Haugen, E. and Joos, M. ‘ Tone and Intonadon in East
Norwegian’ (in Acta Philologica Scandinavica, Copenhagen,
*954, PP- 4 *-« 4 ).
Hofgaard, S. W. Omrids a f lydlæren (Kristiania, 1890).
Kloster Jensen, M. ‘ Bokmålets tonelagspar (Vippere)’ (in
Universitetet i Bergen, Årbok, 1958).
Knudsen, T . and Sommerfelt, A . Norsk riksmålsordbok (Oslo,
*937- 57).
Larsen, A. Dansk-norsk-engelsk ordbog (Copenhagen, 1897).
Larsen, A. B. Oversigt over de norske bygdemål (Oslo, 1948).
Lundeby, E. Norsk språklære fo r svensker (Lund, 1951).
Næs, O. Norsk grammatikk (Oslo, 1952).
18 4
Armstrong, L . E. The Phonetics of French (London, 1951).
Kloster Jensen, M . Précis de prononciationfran$aise (Oslo, 1955).
G erm an
Bithell, J . German Pronundation and Phonology (London, 1952).
Martens, C. and P. Phonetik der deutschen Sprache (Munich, 1961).
Selmer, E. Tysk lydlære (Oslo, 1941).
Wardale, W. German Pronundation (Edinburgh, 1955).
18 5
*3 193 PPN
(drikke) drukket (P fi ), *drok:at, dørk, 'dcerk, 106
213ч døs, 'dø:s, 139-1
drivkraft, 'drhvkroft, 412 døv, 'dø:v, 97
druide, dru'i:da, 240, 385-50 døvhet, 'dø:vhe:t, 352, 409
drukken, vdrok:an, 404 døye, M øya, 121
drukne, 'drokna, 2 1 3 4 dåd, 'da:d, 139 -1, 250
(dryppe) drypper (».), 'dryp.-ar, 405-3 dåp, 'd»:p, 59
(drysse) drysser (r.), ', 405-3 dårlig, 'd2:r|l, 186
drøvel, 'drøvial, 402
du, du, 324 -é, e:, 385-23
dualis, duva:lis, 'du-, 385-63 ebonitt, ebo'nlt:, 133-2
due, 'du:a, 139-1 ed, 'e:d, 139-3, 250
duett, du'et:, 385 41 edel, 'e:d|, 139-5, 402
duft, 'duft, 2 13-5 edelsten, 'a:d|stø:n, 4 11
(duge) duger (t>.), 'du:gar, 405-3 Eden, '*:dij, 1394
dugg, 'dug:, 8 1, 2 14 edru, ve:dru, 347-1
dugurd, 'dug: ur, 340 edruelig, e'dru:all, 378
duk, 'du:k, 2 12 edsbrudd, 'e:dsbrud:, 350
dukkert, 'd u lcaft ['d o-], 2 13 -1, 406 effekt, e'fekt, 385-24
dukknakket, 'duknakat, 2 13-1 efter-, eftar, 359
dum, 'dom:, 73, 2 13 -3 egen, egne, *e:gan, 'eigna, 145-1, 220
dumdum, 'dum'dum, 2 13 -3 egle, 'egla, 220
dumrian, 'domrian, 385-6 egn, 'cia, 220
dun, 'du:n, 77 egne (seg) (v.) (to suit), 'elna, 220
dunder, 'dunder, 405-1 egne (v.) (to bait), 'egna, 220
dunk, 'dor)k, 2 13-2 , 280 Egypt, e'gypt, 254
dunkel, 'dogkel, 402 (eie) eier (».), 'tiar, 405-3
dyd, dyder, 'd y :d , 'd y : d a r , 88, 250, eiendommelig, eian'd3m:ali, 378
139-2 eiter, 'eitar, 405-1
dynamo, dy'na:mo, 386-8 ok-, ek, 374-18
dynast, dy'nast, 38 5-19 ekkel, eklest, 'elcal, 'eklast, 3 17 , 402,
dynd, 'dyn:, 91 426
dyp, dypest, dypeste, 'dy:p, 'dytpast, ekko, 'ek:o, 208
'dy:pasta, 139 -1, 426, 426-1 eklektisk, ek'lektisk, 374-18
dypgående, ’ dy:pg3:ana, 4 15 eklipse, e'kllpsa, 374-18
dyptfølt, 'dyptføilt, 4 10 ekorn, 'ek:org, 340
dyptgående, 'dyptgaiana, 410 eks-, eks, 374-19
dyrlege, 'dy:r|e:ga, 3 5 : eksakt, ek'sakt, 374-19
dys-, dys, 374-17 eksamen, ek'sa:man, 195-1
dysenteri, dysentaVi:, 374-17. eksaminand, eksami'nand, 385-7
dyspepsi, dyspep'si:, 3 74 -17 eksaminator, eksami'na:tor, 385-88
(dø) dør (».), 'doe:r, 'dø:r, 218-2 eksegese, eksa'ge:sa, 385-36
død (r.), 'dø:d, 250 eksekutiv, ekseku'ti:v, 385-71
død (adj.), 'dø:, 250 eksellense, eksa'lansa, 385-31
dødfødt, *dø:føt:, 436 eksem, ek'se:m, 195-1
dødsbo, 'døtsbo, 245-1 eksempel, ek'sempal, 374-19, 386-2
dødsens, 'døtsijs, 350 -1, 427 eksersis, eksar'}l:s, 385-63
dødsfall, 'døtsfal:, 2 45-1, 350-1 ekshaust, ek'ss:st, ek'so:s, 266
døgenikt, *dø:ganikt, 145-1 ekshibisjonisme, eksibiJo'nisma, 266
døgn, 'døyn, 230 eksil, ek'si:l, 374-19, 385-54
dømme, 'dømia, 356 eksklusiv, 'eksklusiv, 374-19, 385-71
dønn, 'døn:, 100 ekskong, 'ekskag:, 374-I9
dør, døren, dørene, 'dce:r, 'dce:(-g, ekspansiv, 'ekspagsiv, 374-19, 385-71
'd cergn a, 104, 18 5, 326 ekspansjon, ekspag'Jo:n, 281
ekspedere, ekspe'deira, 385-35 engasjere, aqga'Je:ra, 193
ekspeditrise, ekspeditrisa, 385-64 engel, *eq:al, 3 17 , 402
eksplosiv (adj.), 'eksplosiv, 374-19, engelsk, 'eqtalsk, 428
385-71 engelskmann, 'eqals(k)mon:, 273
eksplosiv (r.), eksplo'si:v, 385-71 engifte, 'einjifta, 279
ekstase, ek'staisa, 374-18, 38 5-15 England, 'eqlan, 428
ekstensiv, 'ekstensiv, 374-19, 385-71 en gros, aq'gro:, 279
-ekt, 385 24 enhver, en 'v*:r, 359
ekvator, e'kvo:tor, 209, 385-88 enkel, 'eqkal, 402
-el, 386-2, 401 enklave, envkla:va, 280
elde, 'elda, 247 enn videre, en*vi:dara, 375
eldre, eldst, 'eldra, 'elst, 246, 247, enquete, aq'ke:t, 284
425 -ens, 385-30
elegant, ela'gont, 281 -ense, 385-31
elektrisitet, elektrisi'te:t, 385-96 -enser, 385-32
elektrode, elek'tro:da, 385-79 enskjønt, en'Jent, 358-5
elektrolyse, elektrovly:sa, 385-10 3 ensom, 'einsam, 210
elendig, e'lendi, 195-2 -ent, 385-33
elevator, ele'va:tor, 209, 385-88 enten, *entq, 318
-elig, ali, 370-1, 378 entré, aq'tre:, 28 1, 385-23
eliksir, elik'si:r, 385-61 entrecote, aqtra'kait, 281
elite, evlit:a, 340 entreprenør, aqtrapre'næ:r, 281
-ell(e), 385-25, 430 epi-, epi, 374-20
eller, 'eltar, 420 epigon, epi'go:n, 374-20
ellers, 'eliars, 419 epilog, epi'la:g, 203, 374-20
-else, alsa, 363-2, 379, 418 episode, epivso:da, 374-20, 385-79
elskverdig, elsk'værdi, 383 epistel, e'pist|, 386 2
elv, 'elv, 3 0 1-j epitel, epi'te:l, 386-2
-em, 385-26 (eple) eplet (def. sing.), 'epla, 296-1
emballasje, emba'laija [aq-j, 193 epos, 'eipas, 210, 385-89
embonpoint, aqbaqpo'eqi, 277 er-, ær, 361-2
embouchure, aqbu'jyir, 1 9 7 ,2 15 , 277 -er, ar, 363-4, 386-3, 40 1, 418
embryo, embryoner, 'embryo, -er, eir, 385-34
embry'o:nar, 386-8 -ere, 190, 385-35
emfase, errifaisa, 385-15 erfare, *r'faira, 361-2
emigrant, em igrant, 385-12 -eri, 384
eminense, emi'nensa, 385-31 Eriksen, 'eiriksn, 429-1
emir, e'mi:r, 385-61 erkebiskop, 'ærkabiskap, 396-1
emissær, emi'sæ:r, 385-104 erkjenne, ær\enia, 361-2
empire, aq'pi:r, 277, 385-61 (ert) erter (/>/.), 'æ ^ a r , 405-2, 464-2
en, e(:)n, 339 -ert, 401
-en, 401 (erte) erter (в.), 'ær^ar, 464-2
encyklopedisk, aqsyklo'pe:disk, 281 eruptiv (j.), erup'tiiv, 385-71
-ende, -ijna, -ana, 247, 326-2 eruptiv (adj.), 'eruptiv, 385-71
endelig, vendali, 247 erverv, 'ærværv, 361-2
endre, 'endra, 149-5 erverve, ær'værva, 361-2
-en, e:n, 385-27 -ese, 385-36, 430
-ene, ana, ijna, 326, 423 esel, 'eis|, 402
-ene, e:na, 385-28, 430 -eser, 385-37
-ener, 385-29 -esje, 385-38
energi, enær'gii, 385-48 eskimo, eski'moi, 386-8
energisk, e'næirgisk, 195-2 -esse, 385-39, 430
engang, 'eiqgaq, 419 essens, e'sens, 385-30
engasjement, aqgaja'm aql, 385-78 « , et, 339
195 13-2
-et, e.l, 385-40 fat, fatene, 'fa:t, "fattpna, 135-2,
etikett, etl'keti, 1 3 5 3 4* 3'*
etikette, etlvkat:e, 385-42 fattig, fattigere, fåttigst, *facl,
etiopier, eti'o:piar, 385-51 *fat:iare, 'facik st, 263-1
-ett, 385-41 fåttigdom, 'fatiidam, 263-1
-ette, 385-42, 430 fåuna, 'fauna, 1 1 8
etter-, ’ аевг, 359 fe, 'f*:, 35
etterfølger, 'ecarfalgar, 263-6 Feamley, 'f*:tn |l, 190
etui, «tu'i:, 240, 385-48 feavl, *f«:avl, 408
Europa, «u 'ro :p a, 118 , 226, 386-1 feber, 'fetber, 405-1
ev-, «v, 374-21 feig, 'Wg, 114, 263-2
evfemisme, evf«'mis«na, 374-21 (feile) feiler, 'fsiter, "ftilar, 405-4
evfoni, evfo'ni:, 374-21 felt-, 'falt, 4 14
evgenetisk, evge'ne:tlsk, 374-21 femti, 'famtl, 4 13
fengsel, 'f*0*l, 3>4i 4»3
& b d , 'fa:bal, 386-2 fenomen, feno'me:n, 385-27
fabrikant, fabrl'kant, 385-12 ferdefolk, ’ fa:rafolk, 249-1
fabrikk, fa'brlk:, 385-53 ferdig, *færtl, 48, 190, 249-3
fadder, 'fad:»r, 405-1 •ferdig, fterdi, 382
fadese, favde:sa, 385-36 ferdsel, 'f * n | , 4 °3
fager, fagre, 'fargar, *fargra, 347-1, (fersk) ferskt, 'f«rfk t »73‘ i
405-1 fersken, 'fan k en , 404
fajanse, fa'jagse, 281 fest-, 'fast, 4 14
fakir, fo'ki:r, 270 fet, fett, 'fe a , 'fe c , 39, 40, 135-2, 162
faktor, 'faktor, 209, 385-88 fetere, fe'te:re, 195-2
fall, 'fal:, 5 5 fetne, "fertna, 347-5
falldør, 'faldceir, 4 12 fiasko, 'fjasko, 208
falskneri, vfalsknari, falsknaVi:, fibel, 'flibal, 402
3843 fidibus, 'flidlbus, 386-10
familie, fa'mi:lla, 386-5 fiende, Yfi:anda, 247
fanatiker, fa'n arfk ar, 386-6 figur, fl'gu:r, 385-99
fanden, ffa n d g ] 'fanj, 3 55 fiktiv, fik'ti:v, 385-71
(fane) fanen (dtf. stag.), "fainij, 3 19 fil, 'flsl, 154-3
fangstbåt, 'faQStboit, 4 14 -fil, 385-43
fantasteri, fantosteVi:, 384-1 filister, filistar, 385-69
fanteri, vfantari, 384-2 filolog, filo'lxg, 203
fantom, fan'to:m , 38 5 83 filologi, filolo'gli, 203
får, fåren, fedre, 'fair, *fairg, *fe:dra, filologisk, filo'b:gisk, 203
5 2 ,1 6 2 ,4 0 5 - 2 ,4 2 2 filosof, filo'soif, 203, 385-80
farbar, vfa:rbair, 3 5 2 filosofi, filoso'fi:, 207-1
farbror, 'farbroir, 4 1 4 filter, 'filter, 405-1
(fare) faren {dtf. sing.), farer {pl.), fin, 'flin, 26, 162
Vairg, *fa:rar, 3 2 1, 464-5 finale, fivna:la, 385-5
(fare) farer (».), 'fa:rar, 464-5 finer, fi'nesr, 385-34
farfar, 'farfa-r, 3 5 1 finesse, fivnes:a, 385-39
farsarv, 'fa in a rv , 350 finger, 'figier, 405-1
farvel, fa rv e l:, 358-5 fingere, fitj'ge:ra, 279
fasade, fa*sa:de, 385-2 finkenett, tmkanet: 4 1 5
fåsan, fa'sam, 385-6 Finland, 'finlan, 428
fåsdsme, fa'/isma, 242 finne, finner, fant, vfime, 'fin:ar, 'fant,
fasjonabel, fa/o'na:bal, 385-1 35 * » 405-3, 405 4
fåsong, Га'аэд:, 385-86 finner (s.), vfin:er, 405-4
fastelavn, fosta'la:vn, 358-5 finnes, vfln:es, 405-4
fastland, 'fastlan:, 4 11 fiolin, fio'li:n, 385-56
firma, 'firma, 386-1 fordannelse, vfordan:|sa, 363-3
[firti], 'foerti, 188 4 fordel, , ford*:l, 249-3, 353, 363
fisk, 'fisk, 29 fordele, fo rle d a , 249-4, 364
fiskeri, fiska'ri:, 384-1 fordervelse, foridærvalsa, 363-2
fisle, 'fifla, 167-1 fordi, fo^di:, 249-4, 366 2
fistel, 'fist|, 402 fordom, 'fofdam, 210 , 249-3, 363
(fjell) fjellene (def. pl.), * f je l :g n a , fordre, 'fordra, 249-2
433 a fore, *fo:ra, 93-1
fjord, 'fjo:r, 249-1 fore-, vfe:ra, 353, 359
(fjær) fjæren (def. sing.), 'f|æ:rn, 465-1 foredle, for'e:dla, 347-1
(fjære) fjæren (def. sing.), 'fjæ :rg, 465-1 foredrag, 'fo:radra:g, 3 53
fjærkost, ‘ fjæirkost, 2 10 foreldre, for'eldra, 363-4
flageolett, flaJVIet:, 258-2 forfatter, for'fat:ar, 363-4
flagre, 'flagra, 347ч forfedre, 'forfe.-dra, 363-4
(flat) flatt, 'flat:, 354-1 forferdelig, for'fxrd|li, 316
flatbrød, 'flatbrø:, 351 forfinelse, forifhnlsa, 3 1 1
flathet, 'fla:the:t, 409 forflate, fer'fla:ta, 364
flere, 'fle:ra, 425 forfordele, 'forfordeda, 364
flertall, 'fle:(tal:, 351 for fote, for*fo:ta, 375
flid, 'fll:d, 154-2, 250 forfra, 'forfra, 367-1
flirt, 'flce:rt, 182, 188-2 forfører, forifoKrar, 363-4
flod, 'flo:d, 250 for galt, for1galt, 396-5
flom, 'flom:, 205 forgifte, for'jifta, 256
fluidum, 'flu iid u m , 240 forgjenger, 'forjegar, 363-4
flukt, 'flukt, 2 13 -1 forgjeves, for'je:vas, 365-2
folde, ’ fol:a, 247 forgjort, for'jort, 396-5
fond, 'fan:, 205, 247, 281 forgylt, forijylt, 396-5
fond, 'fon:, 'fond, 247 forherlige, forihærlia, -'h *:(jia , 26 34
fonetikk, fone'tik:, 207-1 forhold, 'forhal:, 4 34
fonn, 'fon:, 206 forinnen, for*in:g, 367-1
fontene, fon'te:na, 385-28 forkjemper, 'forgempar, 363-4
for, 'fo:r, 162 forkjærlighet, vfor;xrlihe:t, 363
for, 'for(:), 206, 339 for knapt, for'knapt, 396-5
for-, for, 207-2, 256, 3 5 3 , 3 6 2 -7 forlag, ’ for|a:g, 363
-for, for, 210 forlastet, 'fotjastat, 4 15
forakt, foriakt, 207-2, 363-1 forleden, foffletdg, 365-2
foran, 'fonan, 3 4 1, 419 forlegen, for'|e:gan, 365-2
forandre, foriandra, 364 forlegge, for'|eg:a, 364
foranledige, 'fonanleidie, 364 forlegger, 'for|eg:ar, 363-4
foranledning, 'forranle:dnirj, 363-2 forlengs, 'forlegs, 367-1, 4 19
foranstalte, 'foranstalta, 364 forlik (agreement), 'for|i:k, 363
forarbeide, 'fonarbtida, 364 forlik (fore-leech), 'fof|i:k, 4 15
forargelse, foriargalsa, 363-2 forlover, *for!a:var, 363-4
forat, 'fonot, 366-1, 420 forløp, vforlø:p, 388
forbeholde, 'farbahaha, 364 forløpe, forijøipa, 364
forberede, 'forbare:da, 364 forløper, *for|ø:par, 363-4
forberedelse, *forbare:d|sa, 363-2 forløsning, fo(-'jø:snig, 363-2
forbi, for'bl:, 366-2 formel, 'formal, 402
forbilde, "forbilda, 363 for mye, for'my:a, 375
forbindelse, for'bln:|sa, 247 fornedre, for'ne:dra, 347-1
forbruk, vforbru:k, 363 fornem, 'forgem, 365-1
forbryter, for'bry:tar, 363-4 fornuft, for'nuft, 2 13-5, 363-1
forbygning, for'bygnig, 363-2 forresten, fo'restg, 367-2
forbygning, 'forbygnig, 363-3 forrider, vforrl:dar, 363-4
forrigg, 'forrig:, 4 15 framfor, 'framfor, 421
forrum, 'forrom:, 4 1 5 framom, 'fram:om, 421
forræder, fo're:der, 198 frampå, 'frampå-, 421
forræderi, fore-da'ri:, 384-1 fra neden, fra’ ne:dg, 375
forråde, fo'ro:da, 198 Frankrike, 'fragkrkka, 428
forsanger, 'forjagiar, 363-4 fransk, 'fransk, 352
forskjell, 'fofjel:, 363 franskmann, 'frans(k)man:, 27З
forskjønnelse, fo^Jøntlsa, 3 11 fred, 'fre:(d), 158-4, 250
forskudd, 'forjkud:, 363 fredag, 'fre:da-, 407
forslag, 'forjla-g, 363 Fredriksen, 'fredriksij, 429-1
forslag, for'jla:g, 363-1 Fredrikstad, 'fredrlksta, 358-4
forsommer, "for? m:ar, 363-4 Fredriksten, fredrik'ste:n, 358-3
forstavelse, 'fo rlo velse . 363-3 fredsommelig, fre-d's3m:ali, 385-94
forstavn, *fi»rrtavn, 41.= fredssak, 'fre:dssa:k, 350
forsvare, forøva:ra, 443-2 fregatt, fre 'g a c , 195-2
forsvarer, for^vatrar. 363-4 fregne, 'freina, 220
forsøk, 'foRØ-k, 363 frekvens, fre'kvøns, 385-30
forsøke, fof^øika, 364 frem-, frem, 353, 359
forsørger, for^cergar, 363-4 fremdeles, frem'de:las, 385-22
for så vidt, for^xvit, 375 fremgang, 'frem gag, 434
fort (fort), 'fort, 205 fremkommelig, №еш'кэт:эП, 359 378 .
fort (quicklj), 'fort, 205 fremover, 'frenrøver, 4 19
fortil, 'fortil, 36 7ч fremre, 'frem ra, 425
fortred, for4re:(d), 363-1 fremstille, 'fremstilla, 4 17
fortvilelse, for'tvi:|sa, 3 12 fremstilling, 'fremstibig, 418
foruleilige, 'fonulcilia, 364 fremtid, 'fremtird, 3 5 3
forulempe, 'foriulempa, 364 frende, frender, 'frenda, 'frendar, 247,
forulykke, 'fenufykia, 364 405-2
forurense, 'fenurensa, 364 (fri) fritt, 'frit:, 354-1
forurette, 'feriu retta, 364 fri-, fri:, 256
forurolige, 'fonurotlla, 364 frigivelse, * f r i:j i:v a l s a , 256
foruten, for'u:tg, 366-2 frikadelle, f r i k a ’ d e l :a , 385-25
for visst, ferivist, 3 73 frisinn, *fri:sim, 408
for vrient, for'vrlant, 396-5 frisyre, fri'sy:ra, 385-102
forværelse, 'forv*:[-|sa, 363-3 frisør, fri'sce:r, 385-106
forvåket, for'vxkat, 396-5 fritid, 'fri:ti:d, 408
forøvelse, for'ø:valsa, 363-2 frivol, fri'vo:l, 385-82
forøvelse, ¥fonø:valsa, 363-3 frokost, 'fro: kost, 'fro-, 333
for øvrig, for'ø:vrl, 375 from, 'from:, 205
forårsake, '[']for:3r?a:ka, 364 frost, 'frost, 205
fosfor, 'fosfor, 2 10 , 385-88 frukt, 'frukt, 2 13-1
foss, 'fos:, 206 fruktbar, 'fruktba:r, 4 14
fossegrim, vfos:agri:m, 337 fruktbringende, 'f r u k t b r i g a n a , 4 1 4
foster, 'fostar, 73, 405-1 frukthandel, 'frukthand|, 4 14
fot, føtter, 'fort, 'føtsar, 68, 135-2, fryd, 'fry:d, 250
3545 405-2
- , frøblad, *frøbla:d, 408
fotograf, foto'gra:f, 385-45 frøken, 'frø:kan, 404
foulard, fu'la:r, 237 fråtse, 'frotsa, 200-2
fra-, fra:, 353, 359 fråtseri, 'frotsari, 384-2
frabe, 'fra:be:, 4 17 fugl, 'fu:l, 77, 263-5
fra borde, fravbo:ra, 375 fuktig, 'fokti, 213-1
fradrag, 'fra:dra:g, 353 (ful) fult, 'fu:lt, 348
frafall, vfra:fal:, 434 full, 'ful:, 8 1, 2 14 , 442
fram-, fram, 359 fullstendig, ful'stendi, 378-1
georgisme, JaV Jism a, 258-2 glansnummer, 'glansnom:ar , , ,
Gerd, 'gaerd ['jærd], 258-1 (glass) glassene (, 'g l a s ;™ ,
germansk, gaer^mamsk, 48 423-2 • ’
gest, 'Jest, 258-2 glemsel, 'glems|, 403
gevinst, ge'vinst, 82, 36 1-3 glimmer, 'glim:ar, 405-1
gevir, ge'vi:r, 36 1-3 (glippe) glipper, 'glip:ar, 40»
gi, ga(v), gitt, 'jir, 'ga:, 'jit:, 26, 178, (glo) glør (pl.), 'glas:r, 'gle:r, 318-2
301-2, 354-4 Glomma, vgbm :a, 205
gid, 'gi:d, 254 (gløgg) gløgt, 'gløkt, 262
gift-, 'jift, 4 14 (gnage) gnager (v.), 'g n a :g ,r>
giftig, , jifti, 4 14 (gnelle) gneller, 'gneltar, 405.3 3
gigant, gi'gant, 38 5-12 gnieri, vgni:ari, 384-2
gigantisk, gi'gantisk, 254 3
gobelin, g ba'leq:, 188-4
gigolo, 'Jigolo, 254 god, godt, 'go:, 'gau, 68, ,4 5 a 8
gikt, 'jikt, 30 250, 354 -1
Gilje, 'gilja, 'jilja, 254 gode (chieftain), vgD:da, 204-2
Gimle, ''gimla [v)i-], 254 gode (good), vgo:da, 204 2
gin, 'flin :, 254 godhet, 'go:he:t, 409
gir, 'gi:r, 26, 145, 254 gods, 'gott, 73, 206, 245-1
girlander, gi(-'|andar, 254 gods-, 'gots, 4 14
giro, 'JI:ro, 254 godslig, vgosli, 246
gi“ » 'gi*:. 354 Goethe, vgø:ta, 429-3
gissel, 'jls:|, 402 -gog, go:g, 385-44
gitar, gi'ta:r, 30, 254 Gol, 'god, 156
gitter, 'glt:ar, 405-1 golv, 'galv, 301-1
gjalle, ''jaha, 257 gondol, gon'do:l, 385-82
gjel, 'je:l, 35, 178 goodwill, 'gudvil, 302
gjeld, 'jel:, 257 gordisk, 'gjrdisk, 249-2
gjen-, jen, 339, 353 , 359 gorgonsola, g3rgan'so:la, 207-2
gjengi, 'jenji:, 353 , 417 gorilla, go'ril:a, 207-1
gjengivelse, 'jenji:valsa, 418 gouaehe, gu'a:J, 237
gjenkomst, 'jenlom st, 280 gourmand, gui^maij:, 2 37
gjenlyd, vjenly:d, 434 gourmet, gur^me:, 237
gjennom, 'jen»m , 4 17 , 421 gov, 'g3:v, 204-1
gjennomgang, ''jeniamgaq, 435 grad, 'gra:d, 250
gjennomgå, v|en:3mga:, 4 17 gradvis, Vgra:dvi:s, 433
gjennomhegle, 'jemamhegla, 220 -graf, 385-45
gjerde, ’ j*:ra , 249-1 -gram, 385-46
gjerrig, , jaer:i, 48 grande, vgranda, 247
gjest, 'jest, 40 gratiale, gratsi'a:la, 294, a S v s
gjestgiveri, "jestjiivari, -a'rh, 384-2 gratie, 'gra:tsia, 294
(gjet) gjeter, 'je:tar, 405-2 gratis, 'graitis, 385-63, 431
gjettverk, 'jetvaerk, 4 12 gratisteri, gratista'rl:, 384-1
gjord, 'jo:r, 249-1 (grave) graver, grov, 'graivar, 'g r Q.w
gjnre, vju:ra, 257 204-1, 405-3 *v »
gjær, 'jse:r, 178 , 257 graver (s.), *gra:V8rj 405.4
gjø. gjet, 'i®:> 'iæ :r, 'ie:r, 97 » 218-2 Grekenland, 'gre:kanlan, 428
gjødsel, 'jes:|, 100, 246, 403 gren, 'gre:n, 14 9 -4
gjøgleri, 'jøglarl, 384-2 grenader, grena'de:r, 385-34
gjøk, 'jø:k, 257 gresk, 'gre:sk, 352
gjøre, gjorde, 'je e r a , vjo:ra, 104, grev, 'grev, 333
2 4 9 4 , 257 grevinne, grevvln:a, 385 60
gjørtler, 'joertlar, 106, 405-1 grid, 'griid, 250
glad, 'gla:, 250 grimase, gri'ma:sa, 385-15
(grine) griner (v.), 'gritnar, 405-3 hagl, 'h a g l , 'h a g : a l , 1 5 4 - 4
griseri “grksari, 384 2 hai, 'hai, 124, 125
grisk, 'grisk, 246 hall, 'h o :l, 'h a l : , 199-3
grov, grovt, 'gro:v, 'gro(:)ft, 2 0 4 4 , 300 Hall, 'h a l : , 199-3
grovhet, 'gro:vhe:t, 352 halv, halvt, 'h a l , 'h a l t , 3 0 14
grubleri, ''grubleri, 384-2 halvannen, h a l* a :Q , 358-5
gruntgående, 'gruntgo:ana, 410 Halvdan, “ h a l f d a n , 300
(grøsse) grøsser, 'grøs:ar, 405 3 halvere, h a l 'v e : r a , 3 0 :-:
grøtomslag, “grøttomflag, 360 halvhet, 'h a l v h e : t , 301-1
grå, grått, 'gra:, 'grot:, 200-1 halvøy, “ h a l ( v ) ø y , 301-1
Gud, 'gu:d, 139 3, 145, 2 1 2 , 250 ham, ham, 32 5, 339
Gudbrand, “gudbran:, 351 han, h a n , 325, 339
guddom, “guddom, 352, 436 handel, 'h a n d |, 329, 402
guddommelig, gu'dom:a1i, 378 handelsflåte, 'h o n d | s flo :t a , 407
gudløs, vgu:dlø;s, 351 handle, “ h a n d l a , 247
gudnådslig, gu'nosli, 378 handyr, “ h a n d y t r , 436
gudsfrykt, 'gutsfrykt, 2 45-1, 350-1 (hane) hanene (def. pl.), “ h a :i) n a , 3 2® ’
gudskjelov, 'gujalov, 'gu dja'b:v, 246, 395
35i hangar, hao'ga:r, 279
guffen, vguf:an, 2 13 -5 Harald, “haral, 33 3
gufs, 'gufs, 213-5 hard, hardt, 'ha:r, 'har?, 249-1, 348
guide, 'gaid, 240 Hardanger, h a r ^ o q t a r , 358-4
guinea, 'gin:!, 240 harke, “harka, 396м
gul, gult, 'gu:l, 'gu:lt, 77, 348 harlekin, 'hatrjakin, 385-56
gull, 'gul:, 8 : harpun, h a r 'p u :n , 385-97
gulne, *gu:lna, 347-5 harselas, harsa'la:s, 38 5-14
gulrot, “gu:lro:t, vgul:(a)-, 3 51 (harsk) harskt, 'h a f s k t [ 'h a r ? ? ] , 2 7 3 '1
gulsott, “guflsott, 2 10 H a rsta d , *h a rs? a , 2 5 0
(gulv) gulvene (, “gulvana, 423-2 harve, “ h a r v a , 396-3
gummi, *gum:i, 2 13 -3 hassel, 'has:|, 402
gump, 'gomp, 2 :3 -3 hat, 'h a : t , 52, 54
gutt, 'gut:, 2 14 , 329 hatt, hatter, hattene, 'h a t : , “ h a t : a r ,
gyllen, “jyltij, 254 * h a t :ijn a , 54, 55, 326 -1, 437
gylt, 'jylt, 91 haug, 'h xu, 1 18, 263-2
gymnas, gym'na:s, 9 1, 254 Haug, 'h a eu g, 263-2
gymnasiast, gymnasi'ast, 385-19 hausse, 'h o s ( :) , 228
gymnastikk, gymna'stik:, 254 havre, “ h a v r a , 347-3
gynekolog, gynako'b:g, 254 havsens, 'h a f s n s , 350-1
gyroskop, gyro'sko:p, 254 hebreer, h e 'b r e : a r , 386-3
gys. 'ir* ['*/»]> 88 hedensk, “ h e t d n s k , 3 18
(gyse) gyser, 'iy:sar, 405-3 hedenskap, “ h e :d i) s k a :p , 377
gyselig, “gytsali, 145, 254 heder, 'h e : d a r , 405-1
(gyte) gyter, 'jy:tar, 405-3 hedre, * h e :d r a , 347-1
gøy, 'gøy, 121 hegn, 'h e in , 220
gøyve, “jøyva, t21 hegre, “ h e g r a [ “ h e ir a ] , 347-1
gå, gikk, gått, 'go:, 'jik:, 'got:, 64, 145, heilo, “ h e ilo , 114
254 329 395’2
, . (heks) heksen (def. sing.), 'h e k s i) , 322
gård, 'go:r, 249-1 hel, helt, 'h e : l , 'h e : l t , 35, 348
gårdsgutt, 'go:r?gut:, 350 heldig, heldigst, “ h e id i, 'h e l d ik s t , 247,
gårsdagen, 'go:r?da:gan, 350 426
gås, gjcss(ene), 'go:s, 'jes:(ijna), 59, helgen, 'helgan, 404
3545- . 423-1 (helle) heller (v.), “ heltar, 464-6
(ha) har, 'ha:r, 392 heller (adv.), 'heltar, 425, 464-6
-haftig, 385-47 hellig, “ helti, 154-5
helt, 'helt, 40 hokuspokus, 'hok:us'pok:us, 206, 341
heltinne, helterne, 385*60 holk, 'haik, 64
hcmi-, heml, 374-я* hollender, ha'lendar, 386*3
hemisfære, hemi*sfae:ra, 374*32 Homer, ho'me:r, 385*34
hemistikk, heml'stilu, 374*22 homerisk, ho'me:risk, 386*7
hemorroider, hemorovl:d»r, 235 homilie, ho'mi:lia, 386*5
hen, hen, 339 homo-, homo, 374*24
hen-, hen, 356 , 3 5 3 , 359 homogen, homo'ge:n, 374*24, 385*27
hengi, hen|i:, 2 7 9 , 4 1 7 homonym, homo'ny:m, 374 24,
hengivelse, 'henji:velse, 256, 4 18 385*87
hengiven, 'henjiivan, 3 5 3 homoseksuell, 'ho:moseksuel, 374*24
henseende, hen'se:an(d)a, 195*4, 359 honoratiores, honorotsi*o:ras, 294
h nsiltt, 'hensikt, 434 hop, 'ho:p, 129*2
hensynsfull, 'hensynsful, 350*1 (hopp) hoppet {def. sing.). hoppene
her, haer, 339 (drf. pl.), 'bap:a, 'hap:ana, 332 , 463
heije, 'hserja, 396*2 hoppbakke, 'hapbaka, 4 12
herlig, 'haerli, 'h *:r |i, 263*1 (hoppe) hoppene {def. pl.), *hap:ena,
heroisk, he'ro:isk, 2 3 5 483
herr, 'haer, 48 hoppe (».), *hap:a, 332
herre, 'h æ r e , 158*5, 190 horde, *harda, 249*2
herskapelig, haepf kaipali, 378 horoskop, horo'sko:p, 203
hertil, 'haerfil, 4 19 Horten, vhartQ, 205, 404
(hes) hest, 'he:st, 348 hos, 'hos, 206, 339
■ het, hest, 3 5 2 , 377, 409 hospital, hospl'ta:l, 207*2
hetero-, hetero, 374-23 hospits, ho'spits, 385*63
heterodoks, hetaro'daks, 374*23 hoste, 'hosta, 205
heterogen, hetero'ge:n, 374*23 hostie, 'hastla, 205
hetne, vhe:tne, 347*5 hotell, ho'teh, 207*1
himmel, 'himial, 402 [houg], 'haeu, 227
hird, 'hird, 249*2 hov (heaihen temple), 'ha:v, 204*1
hiss, 'his:, 30 hov (htof), 'hoiv, 68, 204*1
historie, bi'sto:ria, 386*5 hoved-, 'hoivad, 204*1
hit, hfct, 26, 339*i hoven, 'haivan, 204*1
hitsette, 'M .tsece, 4 1 7 hoveri, hova'ri, 384*1
hittil, 'hhttll, 4 19 hovmod, *havmo*d, 206
(hive) hiver, 'hi:v»r, 405*3 hovne, 'havna, 347*6
hjalt, '|elt, 265 hubro, 'hu:bro, 347*2
hjelp, 'Jelp, 265 hud, 'hu:d, 7 7 ,2 5 0
(hjelpe) hjelper (v.), 'H je lp a r, 405*3, huff, 'huf:, 213*5
464*1 (hugge) hugga*, 'h u g a r, 405*3
hjelper (r.), 'jelpar, 464*1 huie, *huia, 109, 240
hjem, hjemmet, 'jern, 'jern », 3 3 7 ,4 2 2 hukommelse, hu'kam:alsa, 358*5, 379
hjemme, 'jern a, 4 3 3 hul, 'hu:l, 93*i, 2 i 2
hjemmel, 'j«m:al, 402 hulder, 'huldar, 405*1
hjerne, Чакго», tgo hull, 'hul:, 81
hjerterto, y|*rt»rt»M 358*3 humbug, 'humbug, 213*3
hjort, '|art, «65 hummer, 'h o m ar, 213*3
hjul, hjulene, 'Ju:l, 'ju:|na, 265, 3 1 5 humor, 'hu:mor, 385*88
Hjørdis, *joerdl»> 'joerdis, 265 hump, 'homp, 73
hodepine, 'hoidapUna, 351 humør, hu'mce:r, 2 14
Hoel, 'ho:l, 93*1 hun, hun, 339
hoff, 'haf:, Я06 hund, 'hum, 2 14
hoff-, 'haf:, 4 14 hundre, 'hundra, 247
hoie, vhoia, 'hala, 234 hunger, 'h o q a r [ - U - ] , 213*2, 4 0 5 1
(hus) huset (def. sing.), husets (gen.), høvleri, 'høvlarl, 384-2
husene (def. pl.), 'hu:sa, 'hu.-sats, høy, 'høy, 121
'huisgna, 396-1, 3 2 6 4 , 423-2 høyre, 'høyra, 425
husbond,'husban, 351 håkjerring, 'haifænig, 408
hustru, "hustru, 3 51 Håkonsen, 'haikonsn, 429-1
hval, 'va:I, 265 hålke, 'haika, 200-2
hvelv, 'veiv, 301-1 hånd, hender, 'han:, 'hen:ar, 200-2,
hvem, vem, 339 247 395 4 5
. -Ь ° -a
hver, 'v * : r, 190, 3 3 9 1 håndgripelig, han'gri:pali, 378
hver-, vae(:)r, 359 håndkle, 'hankla, 'hagkla, 280
hverandre, vatr^ndrs, 359 hånlig, 'ha:nll, 352
hverdag, 'v æ ^ a -g , 249-3 håpløs, *ha:plø:s, 436
hvete, 'veita, 265 hår, 'ha:r, 59, 180
(hvine) hviner, '['Jvim ar, 405-3
hvirvel, 'vlrval, 402 373
hvirvelvind, 'virvalvlnr, 4 14 -i, 385-48
hvis, vis, 339 -ia, 386-4
hvit, hvitt, 'vilt, 'vit:, 265, 354-1 i aften, i'aftQ, 3 7 5
hvitne, "vitna, 347-6 iaktta, i'akta, 373
hvitvin, 'vlttvkn, 4 11 ialfall, i'alfol, 373
hvor, 'vor(:), 206, 265, 339 i alminnelighet, ial'min:|lihe:t, 375
hvor-, vor, 359 iblant, i'blant, 373
hvordan, 'v o ^ a n , 206, 4 19 Ibsen, 'ipsij, 133-4
hvorvidt, vor^vlt:, 359 -id, 3 8 5 4 9
hybel, 'hy:bal, 133-2, 402 -ide, 385-50, 430
hydro-, hydro, 374 25 idet, i'de:, 373
hydroelektrisk, hydroelektrisk, 374-25 idiom, idi'o:m, 385-83
hydrograf, hydro'gra:f, 374-25 idiot, idi'o:t, 385-91
hygge, ’ hyg:a, 145-1 idrett, ’ i:dret, 347-1
hygiene, hygive:na, 255, 385-28 -ie, 386-5
hyl, 'hy:l, 88, 93-1 -ier, 385-51
hylster, 'hylster, 9 1, 405-1 -iere, 385-52, 430
hyper-, hypar, 374-26 ifall, i'fal:, 373
hyperbel, hy'pærbal, 374-26 i fjor, i'fjo:r, 375
hyperbol, hypar'bo:l, 374-26 ifra, i'fra:, 373
hyperboreer, hyparbo're:ar, 374-26 ifølge, !’ følga, 373
hypo-, hypo, 374-27 -ig, i, 263-1, 370-1, 378
hypokonder, hypo'kandar, 374-27 igjen, i'ien(:), 339, 373
hypotek, hypo'te:k, 374-27, 385-95 igjennom, i'jen:am, 373
hypotenus, hypota'nu:s, 374-27 iherdig, i'h*rdl, 373
hyrde, 'hyrde, 249-2 -iker, 386-6
hysteri, hyste'ri:, 384-1 -ikk, 385-53
hæl, 'he:l, 198 ikke, 'ilea, 392, 395-2
hær, 'h * :r , 45 ikkje, *ipa, 177-1
høker, 'hø:kar, 405-1 il, '1:1, 156
høkre, *hø:kra, 347-4 il-> Ч» 374 28
høne, *hø:na, 97 -il, 385 54
hønseri, 'hønsari, hønsa'ri:, 384-3 ild, 'il:, 247
høre, "hoe:ra, 104, 445-1 ildslys, 'llslyis, 407
høreapparat, 'hoe:rapara-t, 445-1 ile, ’ i:la, 154-5
hørespill, "hoKraspil, 445-1 Ше, 'I I » , 156
hørsel, 'hoer?|, 106, 403 -ill(e), 385-55, 430
høst, 'høst, 100 illegal, 'il:ega-l, 374-28
høvel, 'høv(:)al, 333, 402 illegitim, 'ikegitrm , 374-28
illiterær, ilita'ræ:r, 'il:-, 374-28 innledning, 'inleidniq, 4 18
illuminere, ilumi'ne:ra, 374-28 innmed, vinme-, 4 19
ilter, 'iltar, 40 54 innom, *in:3m, 4 19
iltog, vi:lta:g, 3 5 1 (inntekt) inntekter (pl.), *intektar, 360
im-, im, 374-29 insekt, vinsekt, 374-30
imellom, i'mel:3(n, 3 7 3 instans, in'stans, 385-10
imidlertid, i'midlarti-d, 3 73 instinkt, in'stii}(k)t, 374-30
imitativ, 'imitativ, 385-71 instinktiv, 'instiq(k)tiv, 374-30
immatrikulere, imatriku'le:ra, 374-29 instruks, in'struks, 2 13 -1, 374-30
i morgen, ivma:rq, 375 instruktiv, 'instruktiv, 2 14 , 374-30,
imorges, ivmDr:as, 263-7 385-7*
imot, i'mo:t, 3 73 instrument, in$tru'ment, 385-75
imperativ, im'patrativ, 334-1 insult, in'sult, 374-30
imperfektum, 'impærfektum, 374-29 intellekt, inta'lekt, 385-24
import, im'p (t. 3 7 4 29 intensiv, 'intensiv, 374-30, 385-71
impregnere, impreg'ne:ra, 220 inter-, intar, 374-31
impuls, im'puls, 374-29 interdikt, intar'dikt, 374-31
impulsiv, 'impulsiv, 385-71 interessant, intre'saq(t), 196-1
-møtegå, ivmø:tago:, 3 73 interesse, inta'res:a, 196-1
in-, in, 374-30 interessent, intre'$ent, 196-1
-in, i:n, 385-56 interessere, intre'se:ra, 196-1
-in, eg:, 385-57 interim, 'interim, 374-31
indianer, indi'a:nar, 385-9 interregnum, inta're:gnum, 374-31
indikativ, in'dikativ, 334-1 intervall, intar'val:, 374*31
indirekte, 'indirekta, 374-30 intransitiv, 'intransitiv, 385-71
indisk, 'indisk, 428 intrigant, intri'gant, 281
individ, lndi'vl:d, 374-30 intuitiv, in'tuitiv, 374-30, 385-71
indre, vindra, 425 invalid, inva'li:d, 374-30, 385-49
induksjon, induk'Jo:n, 2 14 invektiv, invek'ti:v, 385-71
induktiv, 'induktiv, 374-30 ir-, ir, 374-32
industri, indu'$tri:, 385-48 -ir, 385-61
-ine, 385-58, 430 -ire, 385-62, 430
-iner, 385-59 irettesette, i*ret:aset:a, 373
infam, in'fa:m, 374-30 irlender, 'irlendar, 386-3
infanteri, infanta'ri:, 384-1 irritere, iri'te:ra, 374-32
Inga, 'irjga, 279 irsk, 'irsk, 352
ingeniør, inJen'joe:r, 258-2, 385-106 (is) isen (dif. sing.), 'i:sn, 322
ingrediens, ingredi'ens, 279 -is, 385-63
initial, initsi'a:l, 294 iscenesettelse, i*se:naset|sa, 3 7 3
initiativ, initsla'ti:v, 294 -ise, 385-64, 430
injurie, in'ju:ria, 386-5 -iser, -isje, 385 65, 430
inklusive, 'inklusive, 374-30, 385-71 -isk, 386-7
inkognito, in'k gnito, -'iorjnito, 386-8 Island, 'i:slan, 428
inkvisisjon, inkvisi'Jo:n, 280 -isme, 385-66
in k v is ito r , l n k v i 's i: t o r , 3 8 5 -8 8 isne, *i»na, "isna, 347-5
inn-, in, 256, 353, 359 isolator, iso'laxtor, 385-88
innbrudd, “inbrud:, 434 israelitt, israe'lit:, 385-70
iinne, 385-60, 430 -isse, 385 67, 430
innen, *in:p, 3 19 -ist, 385-68
inngifte (s.), 'injlfta, 256 istedenfor, i'ste:dnbr, 373
inngyde, 'injyda, 256 -ister, 38 5 69
inni, vin:i, 419 især, i's*:r, 373
innkjøp, , in$ø:p, 280 Italia, i'ta:lia, 386-4
innlede, 'inleida, 3 5 3 , 4 17 italiener, itali'e;nar, 385-29
italiensk, itali'e:nsk, 353 jyde, "jyida, 178
-»tt, 385-70 Jylland, "jykan, 428
-iv, 385 71 Jæger, 'jeiger, 429-3
ivaretagelse, ivva:rata:galsa, 3 73 jøkel, 'jø:kal, 178 , 402
iver, 'livar, 164-4 jål, 'ja:l, 59
iverksette, l'vaerkset:a, 373
ivre, "livre, "ivra, 347-3 kabaret, каЬо'ге:, 296-3
iørefallende, l"ce:rafalijnø, 3 73 kabel, 'ka:bal, 403
iøynefallende, i"øynafalnna, 3 73 kable, *ka:bla, 347-5
kadaver, ka'da:var, 386-3
ja , 'ja:, 52, 178 kadens, ka'dens, ka'daqs, 385-30
Jacob, 'jaikap, 133-3 (kader) kadrcr (pl.), 'ka:drar,
jakt-, 'jakt, 4 14 347ч
jamen, 'jamian, vjam:an, 341 kafé, ka'f*:, 385-23
jammer, 'jarmar, 55, 405-1 kaffe, 'kaf:ø, 431
jaord, 'jaioir, 408 kaffein, kafe'i:n, 224
jardiniere, Jardini'æ:r, 267-5 kai, 'kai, 12 5
ja vel, jo'vel, 375 какао, ка'ка:о, 208, 386-8
jazz, 'jasi, 305 kake, "ka:ke, 52 , 307-1
jeg, 'jtl, ] * , 2 2 1, 392-2 kaki, 'ka:kl, 270
jeksel, 'jeks|, 403 kalas, ka'la:s, 38 5-14
Jeriko, 'jeriko, 386-8 kald, 'kal:, 247
jern, 'jaeirri, 45, 185 kalesje, k a 'le j» , 385-38
jo, 'jo:, 178 kalfatre, kal'fa:tra, 347-1
jobb, 'jabi, 64 kaliber, ка'ШЬэг, 386-3
jod, 'jod:, 340 kaliko, 'kailiko, 386-8
jodle, "jsdla, 347-1 kalkun, kal'ku:n, 385-97
jomfru, vjamfru, 205 kalkyle, kal"ky:la, 270
jomfruelig, jam'fru:ali, 378 kalott, к а 'Ь к , 385-92
Jo n , 'jon:, 'jo:n, 206 kalv, 'kalv, 301-1
jonsok, "jonsak, 206 kamel, ka'me:l, 386-2
jord, 'jo:r, 68, 15 7, 249-1 kameraderi, kamara-da'rl:, 384-1
jordbær, 'jorbaeir, 3 5 1 , 4 11 kammer, 'karmar, 405-1
jordisk, "jordisk, 352 kamp, 'kamp, 55
journal, jor'na:l [ - U - ] , 267-5 kamp-, 'kamp, 4 14
journalist, Jorna'llst [ - U - ] , 267-5, kanadier, ka'na:diar, 385-51
38568 kanevas, 'kan:ava, 2 9 1, 341
jo vel, |o'vel, 375 kano, 'ka:no, 208
jovial, jovi'a:l, 207-1 kanon, 'ка:пэп, 385-84
jo visst, jo'vist, 375 kanon, ka'no:n, 385-84
jubel, 'ju:bal, 402 kanskje, "kanJa, 4 19
juks, 'joks, 73, 2 13 -1 kansler, 'kanslar, 405-1
jul, 'Ju:l, 77, 178 kantilene, kanti"le:na, 385-28
juliennesuppe, Jyli'ensup:a, 2 15 kantine, kan"ti:na, 385-58
jumpe, "jompa, 2 13-3, 2 16 kanton, kan'to:n, 385-84
jumper, 'djøm par, 'jømpar, 2 16 kantor, 'kantor, 209, 385-88
jungmann, 'jorjman:, 213-2 kaos, 'k a a s, 385-89
junior, 'juinior, 385-88 kapell, ка'рек, 385-25
jury, 'juni, 'ju:ri, 340 kapitel, ka'pic|, 135-6, 3 4 1, 386-2
jus, 'jus:, 8 1, 341 kapitel, kapi'te:l, 386-2
justitiarius, justisl'a:rius, 2 14 , 295 kapitol, kapi'to:l, 385-82
justitiell, justisi'ek, 295 kapre, "kaipra, 347-1
justis, ju'sti:s, 385-63 kaprise, ka"pri:se, 385-64
juvel, ju've:l, 386-2 kaptein, kap'tsin, 142-2
W O R D -I N D E X
objektiv, 'objektiv, 374-40, 385-71 Onsøy, 'onsøy, 306
obecøn, op'skø:n, 343 -onym, 38 5 87
obskur, op'sku:r, 374-40 353 359
opp-, op, 356 , .
odd, 'od:, зоб oppdage, 'opdmge, 3 53
-ode. 385 79. 430 oppdragelse, op'dro:golse,
odle, *o:dle, 347-1 'opdroigelsa, 379
-of, 385-80 9 444
oppe. V P » ,
offensiv, 'oftcujslv, 38 5-71 oppfinnsom, op'finsom, 3 7 7
offisies, ofisi'ø:s, 38 5-10 7 oppgi, 'opji:, 356
(ofte) oftest (superl.), 'oftest, 436 oppgjør, *opjee:r, 360, 434
og, 0, 363-3 oppheve, 'ophetve, 4 17
og, 'o:(g), 304-1 oppklare, 'opklæra, 129-4
også, 'o sa , 363-3, 4 19 oppmerksom, op'mxrksom, 377
-oid, 385-81 oppmuntre, 'opmuntre, 139-5
okse, 'okse [о-], зоб oppnå, 'opno:, 129-5
-ol, 385-84 43
oppom, ’ о р э т , t
Ola, ’ o :[a, 15 7 oppover, 'o p »:ver, 4 19
Olav, vo:lev, 154-5 opprinnelig, op'rin:ali, 378
older, 'older, 405-1 oppunder, 'op:un:er, 4 19
olding, 'oldiq, 347 oppved, 'opve-, 4 31
oldtid, 'olti:d, 4 1 1 optativ, 'optotiv, 385-71
Olsen, 'olsq, 439-1 -or, 385-88
olsok, 'olsok, 306 ord, 'o :r, 349-1
om, om, 305, 339 orden, 'ordp, 249-2, 404
om-, om, 356 , 3 5 3 , 359 ordentlig, ['ordptll] 'orøt|i, 249-2
-om, o:m, 385-83 ordinand, ordI'nand, 385-7
ombord, om'bo:r, 359 organ, oi^gatn, 385*6
omelett, ome'let:, 385-41 orgel, 'orgel, 402
omen, 'o:men, 147 orgie, 'orgie, 3 5 5
om enn, om'en:, 375 orkan, о г'к т п , 385-6
omgivelser (pl.), 'omjiJvelser, 356 orkester, orkester, 386-3
omgjengelig, om'ieq:ell, 378 -os. 38 5 89
omhyggelig, om'hyg:ali, 378 -ose, 385-90, 430
omkostning, 'smskostnlg, om'kostnig, Oslo, 'oslo t»oflo], 167-1,
380 oson, o'so:n, 385-84
omkring, om'krig:, 359 ost (eheese), 'ost, 305, 343
omkull, om'kul:, 359 ost (east), 'o:st, 342
om lag, om'la:g, 375 ostentativ, 3'stentativ, 385-71
omnibus, 'omnibus, 305 -ot, 385-91
omringe, 'omrigw, 4 17 otium, 'o:tsium, 394
område, *omro:de, 353 -ott, 385-92
omsider, om'si:der, 359 Otta, 'otM , 206
omslag, 'omjjeg, 360 Ottar, 'otrnr, 206
omtanke, 'om tagka, 434 Oulie, '* u li, 227
omtenksom, om'terj(k)som, 377 outrere, u'tre:re, 237
omtrent, om'trent, 359 3
ouverture, uv»r'ty:r9, over*-, 2«5> a ?
-on, 385 84 ouvreuse, u'vrø:se, 337
ond, 'on:, 305 over, 'o:ver, 2 0 4 1 ,4 2 1
onde, 'onde, 347 over-, o(:)ver, 353, 359, 4 17
ondskap, 'onskarp, 4 1 1 , 436 overall(s), 'o:varol:(s), 199-3
-one, 385-85.43 ° overalt, ovar'alt, 359
•ong, 385-86 435
overbibliotekar, *o:varbiblioteka:r,
onkel, 'orjkel, 380 over bord, ovai^bosr, 375
onsdag, 'onsda-, 306, 407 overby, 'osvarby:, 4 17
overens, averieins, 359 patos, 'pætss, е ю , 385-89
overenskom st, V.verenskamst, 359 patriot, patri'o;t, 203
overhode (s.), *s:verho:de, 359 patron, pa'tro;n, 385*84
overhodet {adv.), 3ver"ho:de, 359 paulun, pcu'lu:n, 385-97
o v erlate, "e:verl«te, 3 53 pause, "pseusa, ■ 18
overm åte, эуег'гоаяе, 359 pave, "paive, 164-4
overord en tlig, ovar^røtlh 359 pedagog, peda'go:g, 203, 385-44
o ver skrevs, sver^krefs, 375 pedant, pe'dant, 38 5-12
overskudd, "aivankud:, 435 pedanteri, p«danta'ri:, 384-1
overskuelig, svs Sku telI, 359, 378 peis, 'ptls, 1 1 4
over tvert, э v e i v e r t , 375 pekineser, pekl'ne:sar, 270
o vn srø r, " э у м г с к г , 407 pel, 'peil, 129, «54-3
pels-, 'pels, 4 14
padle, "padle, 347-1 pen, penest, peneste, 'pø:n, 'p en est,
pagina, 'paxgina, 386-1 *pe:neste, 35, 33a, 4 2 6 ,4 3 7
pai, 'pal, 13 5 pendel, 'pcnd|, 402
pale, "poda, 53 pendle, "pendla, 247
palett, pa'l«t:, 139-3 penn, 'pen:, 40, 3 19 , 332
palliativ, palla'ti:v, 385-71 pensel, 'pens|, 403
pamflett, pam'flet:, 385-41 pensjon, pag'Jo:n, 281
Pan, 'pein, 139 pensjonat, paiyfo'na:t, 281
pan-, pan, 374-41 peon, pe'o:n, 385-84
panegyrikk, panagyVik:, 2 55 pepper, 'pep:er, 405-1
panel, pa'ne:l, 386-2 Per, 'peir, 190
pangermansk, .pa-ngaerimainsk, 279 per*, psw» 374-43
panorama, pano'ro:ma, 374-41 perfekt, pssrifekt, 374-43
panter, 'pantar, 405-1 perfid, perifi.-d, 374-43, 385-49
papir, pa'pi:r, 385-61 Per Gynt, pesrigynt, -'jynt, 254
papp, 'pop:, 129 pen-, peri, 374 44
papp-, 'pap:, 4 14 perifer, peri'fe:r, 385-34
papyrus, pa'py:rus, 386-10 periode, peri"o:da, 374-44
par, 'par(s), 339, 340 peripatetisk, peripa'te:ti$k, 374-44
para-, para, 374-42 periskop, peri'sko:p, 374-44
parabel, pa'ra:bal, 374-42, 385-1 (perle) perlen {dtf. sing.), perlene (def.
paradigma, pora'digma, 374-42 p l) , ’ p *:r(7, vp«:rinne, 320, 326-i
paradis, paraMUs, 374-42 perm, 'pserm, 48
parallell, para'lal:, 374-42 perpleks, p*r'pleks, 374-43
paralytisk, para'tycisk, 341 persille, p *ry»H:», 38 5 5 5
paria, 'pairia, 386-4 person, psertøn, 385-84
Paris, pa'rl:s, 385-63 perspektiv, pxrtpek'tl:v, 385-71
Paris ( Trojan prince), 'pæris, 385-63 pervsers, pserivaef?, 374-43
park, 'p ark, 158-3 pest-, 'pest, 4 14
partiell, p arø i'el:, 294 petit, pe'tir, 296-3
partitiv, 'partitfv, 385-71 Pettersen, 'р е с е о д 429-1
partout, pa^tu:, 296-3 pianist, pia'nlst, 385-68
parvis, •poirvia, 37 7 , 4 19 piano, pi'amo, 208
pasja, 'paifa, 386-1 3
P‘gg. 'Pig--. °
pass, 'pas:, 55 , 332 pil, 'pl:l, a6, 129
pass-, 'р а к , 4 14 pilegrim, 'pilegrim, 334
passasjer, pasa'J«:r, 190, 385-34 pilot, pl'lort, 385-91
passe, 'р а к » , 33a pingvin, plo'vi:n, 385-56
passiv, 'pasiiv, 385-71 pinlig, "plsnll, 352
pastor, 'pastor, 209, 385-88 pinsel, 'pi:ns|, 403
patina, 'paitina, 386-1 pioner, pio'ne:r, 385-34
pistol, pi'sto:l, 385-82 praksis, 'praksis, 385-63
pjekkert, 'pjek:ar{, 406 prakt-, 'prakt, 4 14
pjerrot, p je 'o :, 296-3 praktfull, 'praktful, 4 14
pjolter, 'pjaltar, 405-1 pre-, pre, 374-47
plamas, pla'ma:s, 38 5-14 prebende, pre*benda, 374-47
plapre, 'plapra, 347-1 prefekt, pre'fekt, 374-47
plass, 'plass, 246 prefiks, pr«'fiks, 374-47
plaster, 'plastar, 405-1 pregning, *pre:gnir), 220
platina, 'pla:tina, 386-1 prelat, pre'la:t, 374-47
plausibel, plæu'si:bal, 386-2 premiére, premi*x:ra, 385-52
(pleie) pleier (».), 'pleiar, 108 premiere (».), premi'e:ra, 190
plen, 'plem, 149-4 prerogativ, preroga'ti:v, 385-71
pleonasme, pleo'nasma, 3 8 5 4 7 presbyter, pres'byt:ar, 341
plikt, 'plikt, 154-2 presenning, pre'sen:iij, 3 7 4 47
plog, 'plo:g, 204-1 presens, 'pre:san$, 374-47, 385-30
plomme, *plom:a, 205 presentere, presai)'te:ra, 193
pludder, 'pludrar, 405-1 preservativ, presærva'ti:v, 385-71
pludre, 'pludra, 3 4 7 4 presis, pre'si:s, 385-63
plunder, 'plundar, 405-1 prestisje, pre'sti:fa, 385-65
pluralis, pluVarlis, 'plu-, 385-63 presumptiv, 'presum(p)tiv, 374-47,
plutokrat, pluto'kra:t, 385-72 38571
plysj. 'plyJt. *89-4 pretensiøs, pretaøsitøs, 385-107
poet, po'a:t, 385-40 pretor, 'preitor, 3 7 4 4 7
pokker, *рэк:эг, 405-1 Preussen, 'preysij, ia i
pol, 'porl, 68, 129 preventiv, 'prevaijtlv, 'preventiv,
Polen, 'po:ln, 320 37447 , 385-7»
politiker, po'li:tikar, po'litrlkar, 386-6 prim, 'pri:m , 337
politikk, poli'tik:, 207-1, 385-53 primas, 'pri:mas, 38 5-14
politisk, po'li:tlsk, po'lit;isk, 386-7 primitiv, 'primitiv, 385-71
poll, 'pol:, 206 primula, 'prhmula, 386-1
polsk, 'poilsk, 352 prinsesse, prin'ses:a, 385-39
polskdans, 'polsdans, 2 73, 351 prior, 'pritor, 385-88
poly-, poly, 374 45 pris, 'pri:s, 158-4
polyfon, poly'fo:n, 3 7 4 4 5 privilegium, privi'le:gium, 386-9
polygon, poly'go:n, 374-45 pro-, pro, 374-48
polykrom, poly'kro:m, 374-45 problem, pro'ble:m, 374-48, 385-26
polypp, po'lypi, 374-45 produkt, pro'dukt, 374-48
poppel, 'pop:al, 206 produktiv, 'produktiv, 374-48, 385-71
porsjon, pofjorn, por'-, 207-2 profan, pro'fa:n, 3 7 4 4 8
port, 'port, 182, 205 professor, professorer, pro'fes:or,
portier, po(ti'e:, 385-51 profe'so:rar, 209, 374-48, 385-88
portiere, рз(-р'ае:гэ, 385-52 profet, pro'fe:t, 385-40
Portugal, 'poffuga-l, 385-4, 428 profil, pro'fi:l, 385-54
portvin, 'portvirn, 3 51 prognose, prog*no:sa [prog-], 374'48
(pose) posen (def. sing.), 'porsij, 322 program, pro'gram:, 37448 . 38546
positiv (r.), posi'ti:v, 385-71 progressiv, 'progreslv, 374-48, 385-7»
positiv [adj.), 'porsitlv, 385-71 prohibitiv, pro'hibitiv, 385-71
post, 'post, 64, 205 prokonsul, 'proikonsul, 374-48
post-, 'post, 4 14 prolog, pro'lo:g, 203, 374-48
post-, post, 374-46 propaganda, propa'gonda, 386-1
posthum, post'(h)u:m, 374-46 prosa, 'pro:sa, 386-1
postskriptum, postskriptum, 374-46 prosjekt, pro'Jekt, 267-5
potentat, potetart, 3 18 prosjektil, proJek'ti:l, 267-5
potet, po'te:t, 73 prost, 'pro:st, 'prost, 342
protein, prote'i:n, 224, 38 3 56 radiator, radi'aitor, 209, 385-88
protese, provteisa, 385-36 radio, 'raidio, 208
prov, 'pro:v, 204-1 radius, 'raidius, 386-10
provisor, pro'viisor, 385*88 raigress, 'raigresi, 12 5
pryd, 'pryid, 250 rakett, га 'к е с , 385-41
pseudonym, (p)sevdo'nyim, 385-87 rakitb, ra'kitiis, 270, 385-63
psyke, v(p)*y:k», 283-1 (rand) render (pl.), 'rem ar, 247, 405-2
psykiater, (p)sykl'aitar, 270 rang-, 'гад:, 4 14
psykolog, (p)syko'b:g, 283-1 rangel, 'ragial, 402
psykose, (p)syvkoisa, 385-90 rangere, rag'Je:ra, 258-2, 279
publikum, 'publikum, 386-9 ransel, 'rans|, 403
puff, 'pufs, 2 13 -5 rar, 'roir, 158-2
pukkel, 'pok:al, 2 13 -1 raseri, rasaVii, 384-1
pub, 'puls, 2 14 rasjonalisme, rafona'lisma, 385-66
pub-, 'puls, 4 14 rassel, 'ras:|, 402
pumpe, vpomp», 2 13 -3 ratt, 'г а е , 5 5
pund, 'pun:, 81 rauk, 'ræuk, 1 18
punder, vpumar, 247 rav, 'ræ v , 52
pung, 'porj:, 2 13-2 re-, re, 374-49
punkt, 'poQt [ - U - ] , 273 real («al), re'ail, 385-4
punsj, 'punj, 289-4 real (genuint), vre:al, 385-4
pur, 'pu:r, 7 7 , 1 2 9 réaumur, 2 1 5 , 228
purpur, 'purpur, 385-99 rebell, ге'Ьек, 374-49
pusle, ypu/|a, 167-1 reder, Veidar, 405-1
pute, *pu:ta, 2 12 redsel, 'rets|, 2 4 5 -1,4 0 3
pyjamas, py'Jtcma$, 267-5, 385**4 redskap, vre:dska:p, 436
pyramide, pyro*mi:da, 385-50 reel, 'risi, 192
pyroman, pyro'ma:n, 385-74 refleks, re'fleks, 374-49
pytt, 'p y e , 91 refleksiv, 'refleksiv, 374 49, 385-71
pære, * рак ra, 45, 129, 133-1 reflektor, re'flektor, 209, 385-88
pøbel, 'pølbal, 133-2 reform, ra'ferm, 374*49
pøl, 'pøll, 97, 129 regel, 'reigel, 402
pønitens(e), pønl'tens(a), 100, 385-31 regi, re'Jls, 955
på, pai, 339-1 regime, « 'Jlim a , 2 55
på-, pai, 3 53 , 359 regiment, regi'ment, 255
på ferde, раЧакга, 375 region, regl'oin, 255, 385-84
påfunn, 'parfum, 434 regissør, геЛ 'м кг, 2 55
påhør, 'paihoer, 3 53 register, re'gistar, 2 55 , 374*49» 385*69
påk, 'pa:k, 129 regle, *regle, 220
Pål, 'pail, 59 reglement, regla'm agi, 2 8 1,3 8 5 -7 6
pålegg, 'pailag;, 360 regn, 'rsln, 220
pålegge, 'pailegia, 4 17 regne, Trtina, 920
på ny, рэ'пу:, 3 75 regressiv, 'røgresiv, 385-71
påske, *pa»ka, 347-5 regulativ, regula'ti:v, 385-71
rein, 'rtin, 1 1 4
quick step, 'kvi kitep, 284 (reise) reiser (».),vnisa r ['rtlsar], 405-4
Quisling, "kvlslio, 284 rekel, 'reikal, 402
quo vadis, kvo*va:dls, 284 (rekke) rukket (p.p.), ''rokiat, 2 13-1
rekommandere, rakoman'da:ra, 207-2
Raabe, vra:b», 200-3 rekonvalesens, rekanvalø'scns, 385-30
rabatt, га'ЬаС, 385-21 rekord, r*'kard, 249-2, 374*49
rabbel, 'rabial, 402 rekrutt, re'krutl, 385-100
racer, 'reisar, 199-1 rektangel, rak'tagtal, 386-2
rad, 'raid, 15 8 -1, 250 rektor, 'raktor, 209, 385-88
w o rd -in d ex
spansk, 'spansk, 352 stilløs, vsti:llø:s, 352
sparsommelig, sparisarmali, 385-94 stim, 'sti:m, 337
sparto, spa-r'(o:, yspa: rfo:, 358 3 stimmel, 'stim:øl, 402
speke, vspe:ka, 129-1 stiv, stivt, 'sti:v, 'stirft, 1 3 5 1 , 300, 348
spekulere, speku'le:ra, 190 stivne, Vstivna, 347-6
spermatosoer (pl.), spaermato'so:ar, stjerne, vstj*.-|-ne, 178-1
386-8 stjert, 'st|*rr, 182
speseri, spesa'rl:, 384-1 stoflf-, 'staf:, 4 14
spesifikk, spe»l'flk:, 385-53 (stokk) stokkene (de/, pl.), vst3k:ana,
spesifikk, 'spesilfik, 'spe:sifik, 385-53 437
spiker, 'spi:kar, 129-1 (stol) stolene (def. pl.), vsto:|na, 3 15
spikre, *spi:kra, 3474 (stor) stort, store, større, størst,
spillemann, 'splkamon:, 4 12 'sto:(t, 'stotra, 'støna, 'stø n t, З48,
spillfekteri, 'spilfektari, spilfektaVi:, 354-6, 425, 437, 444-3
384-3 Stord, 'sto:r, 249-1
spinkel, 'spiqkal, 402 storhet, 'sto:rhe:t, 377, 409
spinneri, vspin:ari, spina'ri:, 384-3 (strand) strender (pl.), 'stren:ar, 247,
spion, spl'o:n, 385-84 405-2
spionasje, spio'na:Ja, 385-16 strangulere, straqgu'le:ra, 279
(spise) spiser (»,), 'sphsar, 405-4 stri-, vstri:, 3 53
spiss-, 'spis:, 4 14 strid, 'stri:, 'strl:(d), 250
spleen, 'spll:n, 192 stridsvogn, 'strltsvagn, 245-1
splid, 'spli:d, 250 strigråte, 'stritgratta, 353
(splitte) splitter, vsplit:ar, 464-6 stringent, strig'gent, 279
splitter (adv.), 'splidar, 464-6 stråhatt, 'strathat:, 408
sport, 'spart, 205 student, stu'dent, 385-33
sportel, 'spart|, sos studie, 'stu:dia, 386-5
(sprekke) sprukket (p.p.), vsprok:at, stugu, 'stugu, 3 35
2 13-1 stukk, 'stuk:, 2 13-1
sprit, 'sprit:, 'sprirt, 340 stum, 'stum: [-0-], 2 13-3
spøkeri, *spø:kari, 384-2 stusse, vstus:a, 246
spøne, spør, ‘ spcerca, 's p e r :, 263-6, stutteri, stutaVi:, 384-1
341 strabas, stra'ba:s, 385-14
stad, 'sta:d, 250 (stygg) stygt, 'stykt, 262
stadion, 'sta:dbn, 385-84 stykk-, 'style, 4 14
stakitt, sta'klt:, 270 stykke, vstyk:a, 92
(stand) stender (pl.), 'stendar, 405-2 stymper, 'stympar, 405-1
standhaftig, stan'haftl, 385-47 styrbord, 'styrbo:r, 4 15
(stang) stenger, 'steg:ar, 405-2 styrløs, ’ sty:r!ø:s, 352
stang-, 'stag:, 4 14 styrmann, 'styrman:, 351
stasjon, sta'Jo:n, 203, 289-4, 385 93 støperi, 'stø:pari, støpaVi:, 384-3
stativ, sta'ti:v, 385-71 støtvis, *stø:tvi:s, 419
Stavanger, sta'vag:ar, 358-4 støvel, 'støvial, 338, 402
stearin, stea'ri:n 385-56, stå, stått, 'sta:, 'stat:, 200-1
stedsnavn, 'ste:dsnavn, 350 e t å la m p e , 'stadampa, 4 0 8
sten, 'ste:n, 13 5-1, 3 19 ståplass, 'sta:pla:s, 408
stengel, 'steg:al, 40a sub-, sub, 374-50
stiftamtmann, stift'amtman:, 'stift-, subjektiv, 'subjektiv, 374-5о
358-5 sublim, su'bli:m, 374-50
stigning, 'sthgnig, 35a substans, sup'stans, 374-50
(stikke) stukket (p.p.), 'stoktat, 213-1 substantiv, 'supstantiv, 133-4, 374-50
stikkord, 'stik:o:r, 4 12 substitutt, supsti'tut:, 385-100
stikleri, stiklaYi:, 384-1 subtil, sup'ti:l, 133-3, 374-50
stillas, sti'la:s, 385-14 subus, 'subrus, 341
2 2 2
succét, tyk's*r, 2 1 5 symfoni, symfo'nir, 374-52
sudaneser, iuda'nersar, 385-37 sympati, sympa'tir, 385-48
«ug, 'su:g, 167 syn-, sym-, syn, sym, 374-52
suggestion, suges't|o:n, 295 synagoge, syno'gorga, 203, 374-53
suite, 's v ie » , 340 synd, synder, 'synr, 'syndar, 91, 347
sujett, sy'Jetr, 3 1 5 synde, 'synda, 247
sukk, 'sukr [■ ©■ ], a iS -1 syndig, 'synd i, 247
sukker, 'sokrar, 2 1 3 ч syndikat, syndl'kort, 374-52
(sult) sulten {dif. ting.), 'sultp, 465-3 synge, synger, sunget, 'sygra, 'sygrar,
sultan, 'sultan, 385-6 'sograt, 151, 213 a 405-3,
sulten («$.), 'sultg, 465"2 (synke) sunket 'sogkat, 2 13-3
sum, 'sumt, 3 13 -3 synkope, syg*korpa, 374-53
summe, 'sumre, 313*3 synkopere, аупко'регга, syg-, 280
sumpig, 'som pl, 313-3 synkverve, 'syrnkværva, 280
sund, 'sun:, 81 synonym, syno'nytm, 385-87
super-, su(:)p#r, 374*5* synsmåte, 'syrnsmarta, 350
superelegant, 'surpara|egant, 374-51 syntaks, syn'taks, 374-52
superfin, 'surparflrn, 374-51 syntese, $yn*tersa, 385-36
superintendent, su-p»rlnten'dent, syssel, 'sysr|, 403
374 *5 * system, sy'ste:m, 385-36
superlativ, su'pærlatlv, 374-51 systue, 'syrstura, 408
tur, surt, 'su:r, 'susit, 77. 9 3 ‘ *. ' 5 8 *3 . sytten,'søtrg, 217
18a, 348 sytti, 'søtri, 217, 4*3
surkål, 'surrkarl, 4 1 1 sæd, 'sard, 198
sume, 'surrpa, 347-5 sæl, 'sari, 198
suspendere, suspag'darra, 19 3 sælde, 'seira, 198
sutre, 'sutra, 347-1 sær, sserr, 45, 167
suvenir, suva'ni:r, 385-61 særdeles, sæp^etlas, 48, 349-4, 385-02
(svak) svakt, 'sva:kt, 348 (søke), søkte, søkt, 'sørkta, 'sørkt,
svanger, 'svograr, 405-1 354-3
svart, 'svart, *8a søknad, 'sørkna-, 250, 377
sverd, 'svserd, 349-3 søl, 'sørl, 167
Sverige, 'svstrja, 258-1 søleri, 'sørløri, 384*2
svermeri, sværm»'rir, 38 44 sølv, 'sølr, 301-1
svin, 'svlrn, 164-3 sølvlysestake, 'søilysastarka, 360
svindel, 'svind|, 247 søndag, søndager, 'sønda*, 'soiidargar,
svineri, Vsvi:nari, 384-3 2634. 407 . 4 » 4
svir, 'svirr, 158-3 søndre, 'søndra, 425
(svive) sviver, 'svirvar, 405-3 sønn, 'sønr, 100
svoger, 'svargar, 2 0 4 1, 405-1 søppel, 'søpral, 317
svogerskap, 'svargaftkarp, 436 sør, 'soerr, 104
svovel, 'svarvel, 3 17 sørge, 'saerga, 106
(svær) svsert, 'sverft, 348 sørlig, *soe:r(I, 186
sy, sydde, sydd, 'syr, 'sydra, 'sydr, 167, (søster) søstre {pl.), 'søstra, 405-2
354-2 søt, 'sølt, 97
sybaritt, sybo'rltr, 385-70 søtlaten, 'sørtlartp, 352
syd, 'syrd, 88, 250 så ( a , ) . *98
sydover, 'syrdarvar, 4 19 si-. *>(r), 359
sydvest, syd'vest, 358 3 såfremt, sa'fremt, 359
(syk) sykt, 'syrkt, 348 såkorn, 'sarkorrg, 408
sykdom, vsygdam, vsykdam, 3 5 2 såld, 'salr, 64, 200-2
syl, 'syri, 156 således, 'sailaidas, 419
sylfide, *yl'flida, 385-50 så lenge, sa'legra, 375
symbol, sym'borl, 3 7 4 5 a , 385-83 såmaskin, 'sarmajlrn, 408
W O R D -I N D E X
15 PPN
u-, u(:), 256, 3 53 , 36 8 -7 2 umåteholden, *и:тэЛ»Ьэ1р, 370
uadelig, vu:o:dall, 370*3
-un, 385-97
uadskillelig, uad'JII:|ll, 3 7 1 under, 'under, 247
ualminnelig, ual'mln:|li, 370*1 under (pnp.), 'UIKST, 247, 421
uangripelig, uan'grl:pali, 370 -, under-, 'undar, 4 14
uanselig, , u:ani«:li, uan'se:l|, 370.a under-, uniar, 3 5 3 , 359, 4 17
uanstendig, vu:anstendi, u a n '« en<j| underdanig, u n ia^o in i, 359
370*2 underdirektør, 'uniardirektøir, 435
uavhengig, <u:avh«Qi, 370-3 underfundig, uniarifundl, 359
ubehag, *u:bah<ug, 369 underoffiser, 'uniaraflsair, 435
ubeleilig, 'uibalslll, uba'lcili, 37o._ underslag, "uniafflosg, 435
ubeskrivelig, ube'skrl:vall, ,u :b v . undenøke, 'untarønka, 4 17
37 37
b a undertiden, uniaf^iidp, 359
ubestemmelig, ube'jtem :*l|, 3 7 , underveis, un:ar'vcis, 359
ubestridelig, ube'stri:d|li, 3 7 1 undervise, Vun:arvi:sa, 3 53
ubetalelig, ube'to:|li, 3 7 1 undre, "undra, 247
ublid, "uibll:, 370 -une, 385*98, 430
ubotelig, u'bo:t|li, 371 unektelig, u'nøkt|ll, 371
ubrytelig, u'bry:t|ll, 3 7 1 (ung) yngre (compar.), 'yijia, 425
udadlelig, u'dad:|li, 3 71 ungarsk, 'opga(:)r?k, 'urjg-, 279, 352
udelaktig, vu:de:laktl, 370-3 union, uni'o:n, 385*84
udrikkelig, u'drikiali, 370*1 unison, uni'so:n, 385*84
udyktig, vu:dyktl, 370-3 universitet, univ*(4l'te:t, 385*96
uforbederlig, ubr'be:d»r|l, .u ifs r i- unn-, un, 359
37 37
b * unntagelse, un'tægalsa, 'untaigalsa,
uforgripelig, ufar'gri:pall, 3 7 ,
ufornuftig, vuife(-pufti, 370*3
unntagen, и п 'м д е п , 359
uforsiktig, vudbnikti, 370*3 uoppholdelig, иэр'Ьэ1:|М, 37 1
ufrivillig, ’ urfrl:vili, 370*3 uoppmerksom, ’ игэртаегкаэт, 370
ugift, vu:]ift, 256 uoverensstemmelse, "uiavaranstem:-
ugudelig, u'fu:d|ll, 370*1
ugyldig, *u:|yldi, u'jyldl, 370 . ,
•l» f 369
uovervinnelig, usvarivinilll, 371
uhell, *u:hal:, 369 upåklagelig, upykloigali, 371
uhumsk, *u:humsk, 370
upåregnelig, ирэ'ге1п|И, 371
uhyre (monster), 'uihyira, 353> 370 ur-, 'usr, 4 14
uhyre (mormous), u'hyira, 180, 470 -ur, 385*99
ukjærlig, pustaerli] 370.3 -ure, 197
ukyndig, *u:$yndl, 370*3 urettferdig, "uiratferdi, 370-3
ulegemlig, , u:le:gamll, 370*3 uriktig, "utrikti, 370-3
uleilige, vu:l«ilia, u'lcilia, 369 urimelig, u'ri:mali, 370-1
ulne, vu:ln», 347-5 uroe, "u:ro:a, 369
ultra-, ultro, 374-55 urokkelig, u'rak:ali, 371
ultrakonservativ, 'ulcrolonsærvotiv uryggelig, u 'r y f» ll, 371
374-55 -us, 386*10
ultramarin, ultramaViin, 374.5= usammenhengende, "uisamanhepana,
ultramontan, ultram:>n'ta:n e ia se
u lv,'u lv, 301-1 "*374 55 370
usannferdig, "uaanfærdl, usan'ferdl,
ulyd, 'uilyid, 369 370*2
ulykkelig, u 'lyk»ll, 3 7 0 1 , « , 8 usanselig, vu:sanjall, 370*3
•um, 386-9 57
uselvstendig, "uiselstandi, 370*3
umenneskelig, u'mansaskal|. , OI usigelig, u'si:gøli, 371
umiddelbar, vu:mld|ba:r, 370ЗУ uslitelig, u'X|i.t|ll, 371
umistelig, u'mist|li, 371 uslukkelig, u'J|ok:ali, 371
umælende, vu:m«:lpne, 37o usporlig, u'spo:r|l, 371
ussel, 'u*:l, 196, 314 , 40a vag, 'veng, 53
ustanselig, u'stons|li, 3 71 vakker, vakre, 'vaklør, Yvakre, 164-1,
ustraffelig, u'straf:all, 3 71 307-3
ustyrlig, u '«y.r|l, 371 vakt (s.)> 'vakt, 442
ustyrtelig, u'styrt||l, 3 7 1 vakt-, 'vakt, 4 14
usvikelig, u'svi:k»ll, 3 7 1 vakuum, 'vaikuum, 386-9
ut, un, 339-1 valdenser, val'densar, 385-33
ut-, u(:)t, 256, 3 5 3 ,3 5 9 valg-, 'valg, 4 14
utakknemlig, vu:taknemli, utak'nemll, valiser, va'll:ssr, 385-65, 386-3
370 a valkyije, val'ky:r]ø, 'vatlkyrja, 370
utallig, u'tol:l, 3 7 1 valuta, va'lut:a, 341
utemmelig, u'tem:»li, 371 vampyr, vam 'py:r, 385-10 1
uten, vunQ, 404 van-, von, 339, 3 5 3 , 359, 4 17
utenkelig, u'tet)kali, 370-1 vandel, 'vand|, 339
uterlig, u'te:r|l, 371 vanegjengeri, *vaina]eQ»ri, 384-2
utetter, 'u:tet-»r, 4 19 vankundig, Yvankundi, 280
utfor, *u:tfer, 419 vantro, ’ vantroi, 434
utførlig, u-t'foe:r|l, 359 vanære, 'v a n æ r a , 3 5 3 , 4 17
utgave, V .tg a :va , 135-4, 353 var, 'vair, 164-1
utgift, 356 Varanger, vaVarpar, 358-4
utilbørlig, vu:tilboe:f|l, util'bce:(ji, (varm) varmt, 'varm t ['varo t], 276
370 -a vatn, 'vaCQ, 135-5
utilstedelig, util'ste:d|li, 371 vatt, 'v a e , 55
utmed, , u:tma-, 431 ve, 'vøs, 35
utmerket, 'u:tm «rket, 443 ved, 've:, 164-1, 250, 3 3 9 1
utpreget, 'u:tpre:gat, 135-4 ved-, ve:(d), 3 5 3 , 359
utrettelig, u'tret:|ll, 371 vedbli, 've:(d)blb, 3 5 3 , 4 17
utrolig, u'tro:ll, 370-1 veder-, ve(:)dør, 359
utrøstelig, u'trøst|li, 3 71 vederstyggelig, veder'ttyg:øli, 359
-utt, 385-100 vedkommende, 'veidkomanø, 360, 388
uttale (0.), 'untoila, 4 17 ved like, ve(d)Yll:kø, 375
uttale (j .), , u:tta:l», 434 vedtak, yve:ta:k, 434
utved, *unve', 4 31 vegn, 'vegn, aao
utålelig, u'tx|H, 31a vegne, Vvtlna, 220
uutgrunnelig, u-u^grunilll, 3 71 vegre, , ve:grø, 3 4 7 1
uutholdelig, u:ut'hal:|li, 373 vei, 'vsl, 1 1 4
uutsigelig, u-ut'jl:g*li, 3 7 1 [veir], 'v * :r , 223
uuttømmelig, u'ut'tøm:all, 3 7 1 veksel, 'veks|, 3 14
uvederheftig, Vu:ve:darhefti, 370-3 vekt-, 'vekt, 4 14
uvedkommende, Vu:vedk3m:ane, 360, vel, vel, 339
37 ° vel-, vel, 353, 359
uvegerlig, u've:gar|l, 371 velan, ve'lom, 3 4 1, 359
uvennlig, Vu:venli, 370-3 velde, Yvelda, 347
uvesentlig, ’ u:ve:si)tll, u've:siitli, 370-3 velgjerning, vveljae:rniQ, 3 53
uviktig, Yu:viktl, 370-3 velkommen, vel'kam:øn, 359
uvilkårlig, ''uivilloiffl, uvll'lo:r|i, (vell) vellet (dtf. sing.), 'veke, 33a
37 °a velle, Vvek», 33a
uvitenskapelig, ’ u:vi:ti}ska:pali, 370-3
vellukt, , vellokt, 434
uvitdg, Yu:vlel, 370-3 velsigne, vel'slgna, 359
uvøren, vu:voe:r9> 370 velsk, 'veilsk, 35a
uøvd, Vu:øvd, 369 veltalende, val'ta:lnna, 359
vemod, Yve:mo-d, 2 10 , 352
vadsekk, Yvatsela, 345-1
vendisk, 'vendlsk, 247
Vadsø, *vatsø, 345-1
venetiansk, venetsl'a:nsk, 294
(venn) vennen (def sing.), Vennj, 3 19 vitne, Vitna, 135-5
venninne, veVIm a, vevninda, 385-60 vogn, 'vogn, 2 6 1, 319
vennskapelig, ven'ska:palt, 378 Vogt, 'fokt, 300
venstre, 'venstre, 4 3 5 vokal, vo'ke:l, 207-1
verden, 'værdij, 404 (vokse) vokser, 'voksar, 405-3
verdi, væKdl, * 4 9 4 volum, vo'lu:m, 386-9
-verdig, værdl, 383 Voluspå, Voiluspo:, 204-2
verdsens, 'vaefppj, 427 vom, 'vom:, 205
verk, 'vaerk, 48 vond, 'von:, 73
verksted, 'værkste-d ['vaerjt®'], 2 73ч -voren, vo-rij, 377
verktøy, Værktøy, 4 14 vred, 'vreid, 250
(verpe) verper, 'vær par, 405-3 vrimmel, 'vrlmial, 402
verre, 'vatna, 190, 4 2 5 vulgær, vul'gae:r, 8 1, 2 14
(vers) versene (def. pl.), 'vaefiipna, vulkan, vul'ko:n, 385-6
326-1 vurdere, vurftjeire, 249-4
vert, 'v * rt, 48, 182, 190 vy, 'vy:, 164-1
vertshus, 'v*r?hu:s, 'vaertøhuis, 297 væpne, V e:pna, 198, 347-5
vesle, V e/ja, 16 7-1 vær, 'v æ r , 45, 164-1
veto, V e:to, 208 (være) er, var, 'акг, 'va:r, 329, 392
vett, 'vet:, 40 værelse, Væ :r|$a, 3 1 3
(veve) vever (в.), 've:var, 405-3 væske, V eska, 198
vi, 'vh, 164*1 væte, V eita, 198
vid, 'vi:, 250 vøle, V ø :la , 97, 15 6 ,16 4 -1
vid-, vi(:)d, 359 vøre, V ce:re, 104
viden, V lidij, 3 18 , 404 vørter, 'væ rta r, 106
vidløftig, vid'løfti, 359 Vågå, *vogo, 3 3 5
vidt-, vit, 359 vånd, 'vom, 2oo-2
vidunder, vid'undar, 359 vånde, ¥vonda, 247
vigilie, vi'gi:lla, 255 våpen, 'voipan, 198, 404
Vigra, 'viigra, 347-1 vår (s.), 'vo:r, 59, 158-2, 164-1
vigsel, 'viksl, 403 (vår) vårt, 'vort, 348
vikar, vi'kq:r, 3 8 5 4 3 våt, vått, 'vo:t, 'vot:, 64, 198, 200-1,
viking, Vi:kiij, 270 332
(viktig) viktigst (superl.), 'viktikst, 426
vilkårlig, vil'ka:r|i, 378 Waaler, Voilar, 302
(ville) vil, vil, 339, 392 Wales, Ve:ls, 199-1
villskap, 'vilskasp, 4 11 W .C ., Ve:'se:, 302
vilt-, 'vilt, 4 14 weekend, Vi:ken(d), 302
vimpel, 'vimpel, 402 Werle, Vaeirja, 302
vin, vinen, 'vi:n, 'vi:nn, 26, 3tg whisky, Vlski, 302
(vind) vinden (def. sing.), 'vln:n, 196, whist, 'vist, 302
319 wienerbrød, 'viinarbrø, 302
vindu, Vindu, 247 Winsnes, V ln sn ea, 302
vinne, ''vima, 30 wire (vaier), 'vaiar, 188-3
vinnskipelig, vin'/i:pali, 378-1 Worse, Vorøa, 302
vinter, 'vintar, 405-1 Wyller, V yl:ar, 9 1, 302
virkelig, Virkali, 444-1
virkelighet, Virkalihe:t, 444-1 xantippe, sanVipia, 303
virtuos, vlrtu'o:s, 385-89 Xenofon, '(k)seinofon, 303
(vis) vist, 'vi:st, 348 xylofon, sylo'fo:n, 303
-vis, via, 377, 419
visdom, Vladom , 352 yacht, 'jot:, 304
vissen, Vis:ij, 404 yankee, 'jeijki, 192, 199-2, 304
visstnok, 'vlstnok, 4 19 yard, 'ia it f, 249-1, 304
ynde, 'ynda, 247 øl, 'øl:, 340
ynge!. ør, 'ce:r, 158-2
Young, 'prp, 237 -ør, 385-106
yr, 'y :r, 158 2 ørken, 'ørkan, 404
-yr, 385-101 øm, ørnen, ørnene, 'ce:(-n, 'oe:rnij,
-yre, 385-102, 430 *ee:rppria, 185, 3 2 1, 326
-yse, 385-103, 430 -øs(e), 385-107, 430
ytre, ’ ytra, 347-1, 425 østerriker, vøstarl'kar, 386-3
øvre, ’ ø:vra, 347 3, 425
zoolog, so-o'b:g, 305 øvrighet, Vø:vrihe:t, 347-3
zulu, 'su:lu, 305 øyeblikkelig, øya'bllk:ali, 378
øyensynlig, øyan'sy:nli, 378-1
ær, '* :r , 117
-ær, 385-104 ågre, ’ э^га, 347-1
æra, '* :r a , 158 5 (åker) åkrer (p l.), va:krar, 347-4
ærbar, **:rb a:r, 352 ål, 'э:1, 156
ærbødig, ær'bø:di, 378-1 ån d,'an :, 200-2, 319
-ære, 385-105, 430 åndelig, "andali, 247
ærgjerrig, * r 'j* r .i, 378-1 århundre, arihundra, 'a:rhundra, 358-5
ærlig, v* :r !l, 186 årsdag, ' 3 :r*da:g, 4 °7
ærverdig, ær'værdi, 383 årsoppgjør, 'a:r?apjce:r, 360
ætt, 'e t:, 198 årtusen, э’ г^имд, 358-5
(ås) åsen (dif. sing.), 'a:sij, 322
øde, V .d ø , 139-2 ås, æser, 'a:s, *e:sar, 198
ødsel, ødsle, 'øs:|, vøsla, 403, 424 åtsel, 'ats|, 2oo-2
ødsle (».), vøsla, 246 åtte, ' i t : * , 200-2
ødslig, *ø$li, 246 åtti, 'at:i, 200-2, 4 13
økonomi, økono'ml:, 142-2 åttring, V2trlr), 200-2