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Ethics Form (SISFU - CANTERO)

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Methodology Proposal

This form must be submitted, complete and on time to receive critical feedback from your
supervisor. This is ESSENTIAL for ethics process. Please submit via turn-it-in only.

Name of supervisor

Domingo Balse

Name of student

Juan Miguel Cantero

Student number (P number)

P 2 5 8 5 4 0 5


1. Research Strategy
State your finalised overall aim and research question. Then briefly state your research

The overall aim is …

The overall research aim of this paper is to understand who the Generation Z are; their
characteristics, their core values, and what they look for in fast-food chain commercials.
Therefore, fast-food chains can adjust to advertise effectively to generation Z.

The research quesGon is…

What content/s and medium/s does Generation Z Filipinos look for in a fast-food chains?

This study’s research objecGves are:

1. To determine the a/ributes that would and would not engage Gen Z Filipinos in
Commercials through Social Media and Tradi>onal Media
2. To recognize the most preferred medium of Gen Z: Tradi>onal or Social Media
3. To iden>fy the changes needed for the commercials of fast-food chains.

2. Research Philosophy

BAL FREC: Preliminary Ethics Review Form (UG/PG and PGR Students)
July 2019
State your research philosophy, e.g. Critical Realism, and briefly justify your selected
paradigm. See Chapter 4, Saunders et al. (2015) for guidance.

A critical realist perspective will be applied in this paper. For the research question to be
answered with reality, a critical realist would be implemented to give depth to the
research. Bhaskhar (1989) argues that people can only be able to know the phenomena
of the world if understand the social structures that have given rise to the phenomena
that we are trying to understand.

3. Research Approach

State and brief justify your research approach, e.g. deduction, induction, abduction,
retroduction. See Saunders et al. (2015) p 46 – 50 for guidance.

Because of the research philosophy of this paper, it will do a deductive approach and a
retroduction approach. The deduction approach will be used to gather data and because
of their preferred mediums.

Then the paper will adopt a retroduction or abduction approach. With the observable
evidences, this approach will have a logical assumptions base from observable data sets
to formulate an in-depth answer to the research question.

4. Methodological Choice

Brief state and justify your methodological choice, e.g. quantitative, qualitative; mono,
mixed, multi?

This paper will use a mixed method design in order to fulfill and answer the Research

The quantitative approach is used to collect a numerical data about observable

behaviours, where as, qualitative approach will be applied for the purpose of, explaining,
exploring, and giving depth to the numerical data as exampled by Bernard (2012)

5. Research Strategy

Briefly state and justify your research strategy. For example, survey, experiment, (social
media) content analysis, observa>on (ethnography/netnography), in-depth interviews etc.

As explained above, the strategy for this research is to use a survey in order to collect a
numerical data about, where as, an in-depth interview will be applied for the purpose of,
explaining, exploring, and giving depth to the numerical data.

BAL FREC: Preliminary Ethics Review Form (UG/PG and PGR Students)
July 2019
6. Time Horizon
State when you plan to undertake your research – provide dates. If more than one method,
state whether simultaneous or sequen>al.

Quantitative : February 17, 2020 - March 20, 2020

Qualitative : March 23, 2020 - April 24, 2020

Sequential : Quantitative -> Qualitative

7. Techniques & Procedures

Describe your research techniques and procedures. Please keep in mind your final
methodology chapter will need to provide this at a level that would allow replica>on.

The researcher will optimize his personal network in order to ask Gen Z people to answer
the survey. For it to be convenient, the survey will be online wherein people can answer
the survey comfortably anytime.

The survey include a front page with a short background of the study and a letter of
consent. The data gathered from the online survey will be transferred to a software that
can calculate the data for interpreting.

The survey will include: Demographics of the participants, content preferences, Medium

After all participants for the survey is done, The researcher will conduct an interview.

The researcher will optimize his personal network in order to ask Gen Z people to
volunteer for the interview. After doing such, the researcher will schedule interviews with
the chosen interviewees.

As stated by Pawar (2004, 32), the process of data collection during the interview research
method consists of five major steps: 1. Interview preparation and arrangement 2. Beginning
the interview 3. During the interview 4. Closing the interview 5. Reflecting on the interview

The researcher will write down notes. and record the interview during interview sessions.
All notes will be later edited to make them more comprehensible.

BAL FREC: Preliminary Ethics Review Form (UG/PG and PGR Students)
July 2019
8. PopulaGon and Sampling Frame

Briefly state your population and sampling frame. Once feedback has been gained, do use this
for your ethics approval form. Please note you cannot, under any circumstances, involve people
aged 17 or younger.


Filipinos aged 18 - 24

Sampling Frame
Because of time & budget constraints, this study will use a convenient sample frame.

9. Data analysis techniques and procedures

Briefly state your data analysis techniques and procedures.

Quan>ta>ve: Cronbach alpha is done to ensure the validity of the survey, then a soWware will be
used in order to calculate numerical data.

Qualita>ve: The paper be using a thema>c analysis for the interviews. Coding will be done in a

10. Academic sources relevant to your chosen methodology

List at least 3 academic sources you plan to use in your Methodology chapter and briefly state why
they are relevant to your research.

Specific relevance to methodology e.g. backs

Source – full citaGon details - Harvard up the argument that qualitative data is
preferable for exploratory studies.

Bernard, H.R. (2012). Social research Mixed methods are justified

methods: qualitative and quantitative
approaches. 2nd edition. SAGE

Pawar, M.S. (2004). Data collecting methods A proper way of conducting an interview.
and experiences: a guide for social
researchers. Sterling Publishers.

Bhaskar, R. (1989) Reclaiming Reality: A A deeper understanding of critical realism

Critical Introduction to Contemporary
Philosophy. London: Verso.

BAL FREC: Preliminary Ethics Review Form (UG/PG and PGR Students)
July 2019
BAL FREC: Preliminary Ethics Review Form (UG/PG and PGR Students)
July 2019

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