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Years May Nov
RTP Paper RTP Paper
2008 NA NA Yes Yes
2009 Yes Yes Yes Yes
2010 Yes Yes Yes Yes
2011 Yes Yes Yes Yes
2012 Yes Yes Yes Yes
2013 Yes Yes Yes Yes
2014 Yes Yes Yes Yes
2015 Yes Yes Yes Yes
Question 1 NOV RTP – 2008
The balance sheet of Z Ltd. as at 31st March, 2003 is given below. In it, the respective
shares of the company's two divisions namely S Division and W Division in the various
assets and liabilities have also been shown. (All amounts in crores of
S Division W Total
Fixed assets :
Cost 875 249
Less: Depreciation 360 81
Written-down value 515 168 683
Investments 97
Net Current assets:
Current assets 445 585
Less: Current liabilities (270) (93)
175 492 667
Financed by :
Loan funds 15 417
Own funds
Equity share capital: Shares of ` 10 each 345
Reserves and surplus 685
2 CA Final Financial Reporting


Loan funds included, inter alia, bank loans of ` 15 crore specifically taken for W

Division and debentures of the paid up value of ` 125 crore redeemable at any time between
1st October, 2002 and 30th September,2003.

On 1st April, 2003 the company sold all of its investments for ` 102 crore and redeemed
all the debentures at par, the cash transactions being recorded in the bank account
pertaining to S division.

Then a new company named Y Ltd. was incorporated with an authorized capital of ` 900 crore

divided into shares of ` 10 each. All the assets and liabilities pertaining to W division were transferred
to the newly formed company; Y Ltd allotting to Z Ltd's shareholders its two fully paid equity shares
of Rs.10 each at par for every fully paid equity share of ` 10 each held in Z Ltd. as discharge of
consideration for the division taken over.

Y Ltd. recorded in its books the fixed assets at ` 218 crore and all other assets and
liabilities at the same values at which they appeared in the books of Z Ltd.
You are required to:
i. Show the journal entries in the books of Z Ltd.
ii. Prepare Z Ltd's balance sheet immediately after the demerger and the initial balance
sheet of Y Ltd. (Schedules in both cases need not be prepared).
iii. Calculate the intrinsic value of one share of Z Ltd. immediately before the demerger
and immediately after the demerger; and
iv. Calculate the gain, if any, per share to the shareholders of Z Ltd. arising out of the
Calculation of Purchase Calculation of Capital Calculation of Capital
Consideration Reserve for Z Reserve
Fixed Assets 168 For Y Ltd
New Old Current Assets 585 Fixed Assets 218
2 1 753 Current Assets 585
Current Liabilities 93 803
69 34.5 Loan 15 Current Liabilities 93
X 10 108 Loan 15
690 --- Purchase Net Assets 645 108
Consideration PC 690 Net Assets 695
Capital Reserve 45 PC 690
Capital Reserve 5
I. Journal Entries in the Books of Z Ltd
Dat Particulars L. Dr (`in Dr (` in Crores)
e F
Amalgamation and Corporate Restructuring 3

1 Before Demerger
Cash/Bank A/c Dr. 102
To Investments 97
To Profit/Loss 5
(Being Investment Sold)
2 Debenture A/c Dr. 125
To Cash/Bank 125
(Being Debentures Redeemed)
3 After Demerger
Y Ltd A/c Dr. 690
PFD A/c Dr. 81
Current Liabilities A/c Dr. 93
Loan A/c Dr. 15
To Capital Reserve A/c 45
To Fixed Assets A/c 249
To Current Assets A/c 585
(Being Assets and liabilities transferred )
4 Capital Reserve A/c Dr. 45
Profit and loss A/c Dr. 645
To Y Ltd 690
(Being Amount Due from Y Ltd. written

II. Balance Sheet of Z Ltd ` in Crores

Particulars After De- Before De-
Merger Merger
Equity and Liabilities
I. Share holders Fund
1. Share Capital 345 345
2. Reserves and Surplus 45 690
II. Non Current Liabilities
1. Long Term Borrowing 277 292
III Current Liabilities 270 363
Total 937 1690
I. Non Current Assets
1. Fixed Assets
Tangible Assets 515 683
II. Current Assets 422 1007
Total 937 1690
II. Balance Sheet of Y Ltd
Particulars ` in Crores
Equity and Liabilities
I. Share holders Fund
1. Share Capital 690
4 CA Final Financial Reporting

2. Reserves and Surplus 5

II. Non Current Liabilities
1. Long Term Borrowing 15
III. Current Liabilities 93
Total 803
I. Non Current Assets
1. Fixed Assets
Tangible Assets 218
II. Current Assets
Total 803

III. Calculation of Intrinsic Value

Before (Z) After(Z) After (Y)
Assets 1690 937 803
LESS: Liabilities 855 547 108
1033 390 695
No of Shares 34.5 34.5 69
IV 30 11.304 10.072
iv. Gain per share to share holders of Z Ltd
Before De – Merger ` `
IV of Z Ltd 30
After De – Merger
IV of Z Ltd. 11.304
IV of Y Ltd. (x 2) 20.1448 31.4491
Gain Per Share 1.4491
Note : The Gain per share can be proved by = [1.4491 x 34.5] = 50
Question 2 Nov Paper – 2008
System Ltd. and HRD Ltd. decided to amalgamate as on 1.4.2008. Their Balance Sheets
as on 31.3.2008 were as follows:

(`. in ‘000)
Particulars System Ltd. HRD Ltd.
Source of Funds:
Equity share capital (`.10 each) 150 140

9% preference share capital ( `.100 each) 30 20

Investment allowance reserve 5 2
Profit and Loss Account 10 6
10% Debentures 50 30
Amalgamation and Corporate Restructuring 5

Sundry Creditors 25 15
Tax provision 7 4
Equity Dividend Proposed 30 28
Total 307 245
Application of Funds:
Building 60 50
Plant and Machinery 80 70
Investments 40 25
Sundry Debtors 45 35
Stock 36 40
Cash and Bank 40 25
Preliminary expenses 6 –
Total 307 245
From the following information, you are to prepare the draft Balance Sheet as on
1.4.2008 of a new company, Intranet Ltd. which was formed to take over the business of
both the companies and took over all the assets and liabilities:
(i) 50% Debentures are to be converted into equity shares of the new company
(ii) Out of the investments, 20% are non-trade investments.
(iii) Fixed assets of Systems Ltd were valued at 10% above cost and that of HRD Ltd at 5%
above cost.
(iv) 10% of sundry debtors were doubtful for both the companies. Stocks to be carried at
(v) Preference shareholders were discharged by issuing equal number of 9% preference
shares at par.
(vi) Equity shareholders of both the transferor companies are to be discharged by issuing
equity shares of
` 10 each of the new company at a premium of ` 5 per share.

Amalgamation is in the nature of purchase.

I. Calculation of Purchase Consideration (Net Asset Method)
Particulars System Ltd. HRD Ltd.
Assets t/o (R.V)
Building 66,000 52,500
Plant and Machinery 88,000 73,500
Investments 40,000 25,000
Debtors 45,000 35,000
Stock 36,000 40,000
Cash and Bank 40,000 25,000
Total 3,15,000 2,51,000

Less Liabilities t/o (R.V)

R.D.D 4,500 3,500
6 CA Final Financial Reporting

10% Debentures 50,000 30,000

Creditors 25,000 15,000
Tax Provision 7,000 4,000
Total 86,500 52,500
Purchase Consideration 2,28,500 1,98,500
Preference share holders 30,000 20,000
Equity share holders 1,98,500 1,78,500

No. of shares 1,98,500 1,78,500

= = 11,900
15 15
i.e 13,233 shares
1.e 13,233 x 15
= 1,98,495
And cash 5
Adjustment 1 : Conversion of Debentures
10% Debentures 80,000
Converted to Equity 80,000 x 50% = 40,000
No of Equity shares = = 2,666 shares x 15 = 39,990 40,000
Cash 10

Balance Sheet of Intranet Ltd. After Amalgamation

Particulars Note `
Equity & Liabilities
I Share holders funds
a Share Capital 1 3,27,990
b Reserves & Surplus 2 1,38,995
II Non current liabilities
a Long term borrowings 3 40,000
III Current liability
a Trade payable 4 40,000
b Short term provisions 5 11,000
I Non current assets
a Fixed Assets
Tangible Assets 6 2,80,000
b Non current investments 7 65,000
II Current Assets
a Inventory - 76,000
Amalgamation and Corporate Restructuring 7

b Trade receivable 8 72,000

c Cash & Equivalents - 64,985
(40,000 + 25,000 - 15)

Note to Balance Sheet

Note 1 : Share capital
27,799 shares of Rs.10/- each 2,77,990
500, 9% Preference share capital 50,000
Note 2 : Reserves & Surplus
Security premium (27,799 x 5) 1,38,995
Note 3 : Long term borrowings
10% Debentures 40,000
Note 4 : Trade payable
Creditor 40,000
Note 5 : Short term provisions
Tax provisions 11,000
Note 6 : Tangible assets
Building 1,18,500
Plant & Machinery 1,61,500
Note 7 : Non current investments
Trade investments (65,000 x 20%) 13,000
Non trade investments (65,000 x 80%) 52,000
Note 8 : Trade Receivable
Debtor 80,000
- R.D.D. (10%) 8,000
Question 3 Nov Paper – 2008
The Balance Sheet of Gunshot Ltd. as on 31.3.2008 is given:
Liabilities Amount Assets Amount
Share Capital : Fixed Assets:
Equity shares of ` 10 each 800 Fixed Assets 2,700
100 Non-Trade Investments 300
Securities Premium
780 Stock 600
General Reserve
120 Sundry Debtors 360
Profit & Loss Account
2,000 Cash and Bank 160
10% Debentures
4,120 4,120
8 CA Final Financial Reporting

Gunshot Limited buy back 16000 shares of ` 20 per share. For this purpose, the

company sold its all non trade investments for ` 3,20,000. Give the Journal entries giving
the effect of the buy back.
Journal Entries for Buyback of Shares of Gun Shot Ltd
Date Particulars L.F Dr. ` in Cr. `

i) Bank A/c Dr 3,20,000

To Investments (Non-Trade) 3,00,000
To Profit/Loss A/c 20,000
(Being Entry for sale of Non-Trade
ii) 1,60,000
Equity Share Capital A/c Dr 1,60,000
Premium on Buyback A/c Dr 3,20,000
To Equity shareholders A/c
(Being Amount due transferred to
iii) shareholders A/c) 3,20,000
Equity Shareholders A/c Dr
To Bank A/c
iv) (Being Cancelation of Shares Bought back) 1,00,000
Securities Premium A/c Dr 1,60,000
General Reserve A/c Dr
To Premium on Buyback A/c
v) (Being Adjustment of Buyback Premium) 1,60,000
General Reserve A/c Dr
To Capital Redemption Reserve A/c
(Being Amount transferred to CRR A/c )

Question 4 – May RTP – 2009
The summarized Balance sheets of X Ltd. and its subsidiary Y Ltd. as at 31.3.2009 were
as follows:
Liabilities X Ltd. Y Ltd. Assets X Ltd. Y Ltd.
` ` ` `
Share capital 50,00,000 10,00,00 Fixed assets 60,00,000 18,00,000
(Share 0
Amalgamation and Corporate Restructuring 9

of `10

General reserves 50,00,000 20,00,00 Investment in Y 6,00,000 -

0 Ltd. (60,000
Profit & Loss A/c. 20,00,000 15,00,000 Sundry debtors 35,00,000 5,00,000
Secured loan 20,00,000 2,50,000 Inventories 30,00,000 25,00,000
Current liabilities 30,00,000 2,50,000 Cash and bank 39,00,000 2,00,000
1,70,00,000 50,00,00 1,70,00,000 50,00,000
X Ltd. holds 60% of the paid-up capital of Y Ltd. and the balance is held by a foreign
A memorandum of understanding has been entered into with the foreign company by X
Ltd. to the following effect:
(a) The shares held by the foreign company will be sold to X Ltd. at a price per share to be
calculated by capitalizing the yield at 15%. Yield, for this purpose, would mean 50% of
the average of pre-tax profits for the last 3 years, which were ` 12 lakhs, 18 lakhs and
24 lakhs respectively. (Average tax rate was 40%).

(b) The actual cost of shares to the foreign company was ` 4,40,000 only. Gains accruing to
the foreign company are taxable at 20%. The tax payable will be deducted from the sale
proceeds and paid to government by X. 50% of the consideration (after payment of tax)
will be remitted to the foreign company by X Ltd. and also any cash for fractional
shares allotted.
(c) For the balance of consideration, X Ltd. would issue its shares at their intrinsic value.
It was also decided that X Ltd. would absorb Y Ltd. Simultaneously by writing down the
Fixed assets of Y Ltd. by 10%. The Balance Sheet figures included a sum of ` 1,00,000

due by Y Ltd. to X Ltd. and stock of X Ltd. included stock of ` 1,50,000 purchased from Y
Ltd., who sold them at cost plus 20%.
The entire arrangement was approved and put through by all concern effective from
You are required to indicate how the above arrangements will be recorded in the books
of X Ltd. and also prepare a Balance Sheet after absorption of Y Ltd. Workings should form
part of your answer.
I. Calculation of Purchase Consideration
12 + 18 + 24
Yield = x 50% = 9 Lakhs

Value of the company = = 60 lakhs
10 CA Final Financial Reporting

Value per share = = ` 60 / share

Purchase Consideration = 40,000 x 60 = ` 24,00,000

Discharge = 24,00,000

Tax 3,92,000 20,08,000

[20% (24,00,000 – 4,40,000)

10,04,000 10,04,000 shares at IV

Cash i.e = 33466 shares
33,466 x 30 = 10,03,980
Cash = `. 20
Calculation of Intrinsic Value of X Ltd.
Assets (RV)
Fixed Assets 60,00,000
Investment in Y 36,00,000
Debtors 35,00,000
Inventories 30,00,000
Cash / Bank 39,00,000 2,00,00,000
Less Liabilities (RV)
Secured Loan 20,00,000
Current Liabilities 30,00,000 50,00,000
Intrinsic Value = = ` 30 / shares
II. Journal of X Ltd.
Dat Particulars J.F Dr (Amount) Cr (Amount)
Business Purchase A/c Dr 24,00,000
To Foreign Co A/c 20,08,000
To Tax payable to Government A/c 3,92,000

Tax Payable to Government A/c Dr 3,92,000

To Cash / Bank A/c 3,92,000

Fixed Assets A/c Dr 16,20,000

Debtors A/c Dr 5,00,000
Inventories A/c Dr 25,00,000
Cash / Bank A/c Dr 2,00,000
To capital Reserve A/c (Capital 13,20,000
Reserve) 2,50,000
To Secured Loan A/c 2,50,000
To Current Liabilities A/c 24,00,000
Amalgamation and Corporate Restructuring 11

To Business Purchase A/c 6,00,000

To Investment A/c
Dr 20,08,000
Foreign Company A/c 10,04,020
To Cash / Bank 3,34,660
To Equity share Capital A/c 6,69,320
To Security Premium A/c
Dr 1,00,000
Creditors A/c 1,00,000
To Debtors A/c
Dr 25,000
Capital Reserve A/c 25,000
To Stock A/c
(1,50,000 x 1/6)
III. Balance Sheet in the Books of Y
Equity and Liabilities
I. Share holders Fund
1. Share Capital 53,34,660
2. Reserves and Surplus 89,64,320
II Non Current Liabilities
Long Term Borrowing 22,50,000
III Current Liabilities 31,50,000
Total 1,96,98,980
I. Non Current Assets
1. Fixed Assets
Tangible Assets 76,20,000
II. Current Assets
Inventories 54,75,000
Trade Receivable 39,00,000
Cash and Cash Equivalent 27,03,980
Total 1,96,98,980
Notes to Accounts
1. Share Capital
Authorized Share Capital ?
Issued, Subscribed and Paid up
5,33,466 shares of Rs. 10 each 53,34,660
(out of the above 33,466 shares are issued for
consideration other than cash)

2. Reserves and Surplus

General Reserve 50,00,000
Profit and Loss A/c 20,00,000
Capital Reserve 12,95,000
Security Premium 6,69,320
12 CA Final Financial Reporting


3. Long Term Borrowing

Secured Loan 22,50,000

4. Trade Receivable
Debtors 39,00,000

Question 5 May Paper – 2009

The Balance sheet of Munna Ltd. as on 31st March, 2009 is as follows:
Liabilities Amount Assets Amount
Authorised Share Capital Goodwill 2,00,000
20,000 Equity Share of 20,00,000 Plant & Machinery 18,00,000
Rs.100 each, fully paid Stock 3,00,000
10,000, 7% Preference Debtors 7,50,000
shares of `. 100 each, fully 10,00,000 Cash 1,50,000
7,00,000 Preliminary expenses 1,00,000
3,00,000 Profit and Loss A/c 7,00,000
Sundry Creditors
Bank Overdraft

40,00,000 40,00,000
Additional Information:
Two years ‘preference share dividend is in arrears. The company had bad time during
the last two years and hopes better business in future, earning profit and paying dividend,
provided the capital base is reduced.
An internal reconstruction, agreed to by all concerned, is as follows:
(i) Creditors agreed to forego 50% of their claim.
(ii) Preference shareholders withdrew arrear dividend claim. They also agreed to lower
down their capital claim by 20% by reducing nominal value consideration of 9%
dividend effective after reconstruction, in case equity after reconstruction, in case
equity shareholder’s loss exceeded 50% on the application of the scheme.
(iii) Bank has agreed to convert overdraft into term loan to the extent required for making
current ratio to 2 : 1
(iv) A revalued amount for plant and machinery was accepted as ` 15 Lakhs.

(v) Debtors to the extent of ` 4 lakhs were considered as good.

(vi) Equity shares shall be exchanged for the same no of Equity shares at a revised
denomination as required after the reconstruction.
You are required to show the following
1. Total loss to be borne by the equity and preference shareholders for reconstruction
2. Share of loss to the individual class of share holders
3. New structure of share capital after reconstruction
4. Working Capital of reconstructed Company
Amalgamation and Corporate Restructuring 13

5. Proforma Balance sheet after reconstruction.

I. Total Loss to be Borne by Equity and Preference shareholders
Dr Capital Redemption A/c Cr
Particulars ` Particular `
To Goodwill 2,00,000 By Creditors 3,50,000
To Preliminary Expenses 1,00,000
To Profit/Loss A/c 7,00,000 By Loss to be borne by 13,00,000
To Plant and Machinery A/c 3,00,000 Equity and Preference
Debtors 3,50,000 shareholders
Total 16,50,000 Total 16,50,000

II. Share of individual class of shareholders

Total Loss 13,00,000

11,00,000 2,00,000
Equity Share Holders Preference Share Holders
III. New Structure of Share Capital
Share Capital 9,00,000
[20,000 Shares of ` 45/- each fully paid up]
10,000 9% Preference Capital of ` 80 each fully paid.

IV. Working Capital of reconstructed Company

Particulars Amount (`) Amount (`)
Current Assets
Stock 3,00,000
Debtors 4,00,000
Cash 1,50,000 8,50,000 2
Less Current Liabilities
Creditors 3,50,000
Bank O/D (Balancing Fig) 75,000 4,25,000 1
Working Capital 4,25,000
V. Performa Balance Sheet (And Reduced)
Particulars Note Amount
Equity and Liabilities
I. Share holders Fund
1. Share Capital 17,00,000
2. Reserves and Surplus -
II Non Current Liabilities 2,25,000
14 CA Final Financial Reporting

Long Term Borrowing

III Current Liabilities
Short Term Borrowing 75,000
Trade Payables 3,50,000
Total 23,50,000
I. Non Current Assets
1. Fixed Assets 15,00,000
Tangible Assets
II. Current Assets
Inventories 3,00,000
Trade Receivables 4,00,000
Cash and Cash Equivalent 1,50,000
Total 23,50,000

Question 6 Nov RTP – 2009

The Balance Sheet of Y Limited as on 31st March, 2009 was as follows:
Liabilities Amount (`) Assets Amount (`)
5,00,000 Equity Shares of ` 10 each 50,00,000 Goodwill 10,00,000
20,00,000 Patent 5,00,000
9% 20,000 Preference shares of ` 100
10% First debentures 6,00,000 Land and Building 30,00,000
10% Second debentures 10,00,000 Plant and Machinery 10,00,000
Debentures interest outstanding 1,60,000 Furniture and Fixtures 2,00,000
Trade creditors 5,00,000 Computers 3,00,000
Directors’ loan 1,00,000 Trade Investment 5,00,000
Bank O/D 1,00,000 Debtors 5,00,000
Outstanding liabilities 40,000 Stock 10,00,000
Provision for Tax 1,00,000 Discount on issue of debentures 1,00,000
Profit & Loss A/c. (Loss) 15,00,000
96,00,000 96,00,000
Note: Preference dividend is in arrears for last three years.
A holds 10% first debentures for ` 4,00,000 and 10% second debentures for ` 6,00,000.
He is also creditors for ` 1,00,000. B holds 10% first debentures for ` 2,00,000 and 10%
second debentures for
` 4,00,000 and is also creditors for ` 50,000.
The following scheme of reconstruction has been agreed upon and duly approved by the
(a) All the equity shares be converted into fully paid equity shares of ` 5 each.
Amalgamation and Corporate Restructuring 15

(b) The preference shares be reduced to ` 50 each and the preference shareholders agree to
forego their arrears of preference dividends in consideration of which 9% preference
shares are to be converted into 10% preference shares.
(c) Mr. 'A' is to cancel ` 6,00,000 of his total debt including interest on debentures and to
pay ` 1 lakh to the company and to receive new 12% debentures for the Balance amount.

(d) Mr. 'B' is to cancel ` 3,00,000 of his total debt including interest on debentures and to
accept new 12% debentures for the balance amount.
(e) Trade creditors (other than A and B) agreed to forego 50% of their claim.
(f) Directors to accept settlement of their loans as to 60% thereof by allotment of equity
shares and balance being waived.
(g) There were capital commitments totalling ` 3,00,000. These contracts are to be
cancelled on payment of 5% of the contract price as a penalty.
(h) The Directors refund ` 1,10,000 of the fees previously received by them.

(i) Reconstruction expenses paid ` 10,000.

(j) The taxation liability of the company is settled at ` 80,000 and the same is paid
(k) The assets are revalued as under:
Land and Building 28,00,000
Plant and Machinery 4,00,000
Stock 7,00,000
Debtors 3,00,000
Computers 1,80,000
Furniture and Fixtures 1,00,000
Trade Investment 4,00,000
Pass Journal entries for all the above mentioned transactions including amounts to be
written off of Goodwill, Patents, Loss in Profit & Loss Account and Discount on issue of
debentures. Prepare Bank Account and working of allocation of Interest on Debentures
between A and B.
I. Journal of Y Ltd.
Date Particulars L.F Dr. ` Cr. `

i) Equity Shares Capital A/c Dr 50,00,00

To Equity Shares Capital A/c 0 25,00,00
To Capital Reduction A/c 0
(Being Equity shares to be converted into shares 25,00,00
` 5 each) 0
9% Preference Shares Capital A/c Dr
16 CA Final Financial Reporting

To 10% Preference Shares Capital A/c 20,00,00

To Capital Reduction A/c 0
(Being Preference shares reduced to ` 50 each 10,00,00
and converted into 10% )
iii) 10,00,00
10% First Debenture A/c Dr
10% Second Debenture A/c Dr
Debenture Interest O/s A/c Dr
To Capital Reduction A/c
(Being ‘A’ to cancel his debt)
10% First Debenture A/c Dr
10% Second Debenture A/c Dr
Debenture Interest O/s A/c Dr
Creditors A/c Dr
To 10% Debenture A/c
(Being New debenture issued for Balance
Bank A/c Dr
To Capital Reduction A/c
(Being ‘A’ paid to the Company)
10% First Debenture A/c Dr
10% Second Debenture A/c Dr
Debenture Interest O/s A/c Dr
Creditors A/c Dr
To Capital Reduction A/c
To 12% Debenture A/c
vii) 3,00,000
(Being 12% debenture issued for balance)
Creditors A/c Dr
To Capital Reduction A/c
(Being 50% of Creditors forego their claim)
Directors Loan A/c Dr
To Equity Share Capital A/c
To Capital Reduction A/c
ix) 60,000
(Being Directors Loan Settled )
Capital Reduction A/c Dr
To Bank A/c
(Being Penalty Paid)
Bank A/c Dr
To Capital Reduction A/c
Amalgamation and Corporate Restructuring 17

(Being directors Refund Fees) 1,10,000

Capital Reduction A/c Dr
To Bank A/c
xii) (Being reconstruction Expenses paid and tax 90,000
Liability settled)
Capital Reduction A/c Dr 0
To Land and Building A/c
To Plant and Machinery 2,00,000
To Stock A/c 6,00,000
To Debtors A/c 3,00,000
To Computers A/c 2,00,000
To Furniture & Fixtures 1,20,000
To Trade Investment 1,00,000
To Goodwill A/c 1,00,000
To Patent A/c 10,00,00
To Profit & Loss A/c 0
xiii) To Discount on Issued on Debenture A/c 5,00,000
(Being Assets Revalued and Intangible Assets 15,00,00
written off ) 0
60,000 1,00,000
Capital Reduction A/c Dr
To Capital Redemption Reserve
(Being Balance Transferred to CRR A/c )
II. Bank A/c
Particulars ` Particular `
To Capital Reduction 1,00,000 By Balance B/d 1,00,000
To Capital Reduction 1,10,000 BY Capital Reduction (Penalty) 15,000
(Director’s) By Capital Reduction (Exp.) 90,000
By Balance C/d 5,000
Total 2,10,000 Total 2,10,000

III. Interest on debenture between A & B

O/s Interest 1,60,000

A 1,00,000 B. 60,000
10% 1st Debentures 40,000 20,000
18 CA Final Financial Reporting

10% 2nd Debentures 60,000 40,000

Question 7 – Nov RTP – 2009
The following is the Balance Sheet of A Ltd. as at 31st March, 2009:
Liabilities ` Assets `
8,000 equity shares of `.100 8,00,000 Building 3,40,000
10% debentures 4,00,000 Machinery 6,40,000
Loan from A 1,60,000 Stock 2,20,000
Creditors 3,20,000 Debtors 2,60,000
General Reserve 80,000 Bank 1,36,000
Goodwill 1,30,000
Misc. Expenses 34,000
17,60,000 17,60,000
B Ltd. agreed to absorb A Ltd. on the following terms and conditions:
(1) B Ltd. would take over all Assets, except bank balance at their book values less 10%.
Goodwill is to be valued at 4 year's purchase of super profits, assuming that the normal
rate of return be 8% on the combined amount of share capital and general reserve.
(2) B Ltd. is to take over creditors at book value.
(3) The purchase consideration is to be paid in cash to the extent of ` 6,00,000 and the

balance in fully paid equity shares of ` 100 each at ` 125 per share.

The average profit is ` 1,24,400. The liquidation expenses amounted to ` 16,000. B Ltd.

sold prior to 31st March, 2009 goods costing ` 1,20,000 to A Ltd. for ` 1,60,000. ` 1,00,000

worth of goods are still in stock of A Ltd. on 31st March, 2009. Creditors of A Ltd. include `
40,000 still due to B Ltd.
Show the necessary Ledger Accounts to close the books of A Ltd. and prepare the
Balance Sheet of B Ltd. as at 1st April, 2009 after the takeover.
Calculation of PC – Net Assets Method
Assets taken over (Revised Value)
Goodwill [1,24,400 – 8% (8,80,000)x 4] 2,16000
Building 3,06,000
Machinery 5,76,000
Stock 1,98,000
Debtors 2,34,000 15,30,000
Less : Liabilities taken over (Revised
Value) 3,20,000
Purchase Consideration 12,10,000
Cash 6,00,000
Amalgamation and Corporate Restructuring 19

Equity shares (6,10,000 / 125 = 4,880 6,10,000

II. In Books of A Ltd.
Dr Realization A/c Cr
Particulars Dr ` Particular Cr `
To Building 3,40,000 By Loan from A 1,60,000
To Machinery 6,40,000 By Creditors A/c 3,20,000
To Stock A/c 2,20,000 By 10% Debentures A/c 4,00,000
To Debtors 2,60,000 By B Ltd 12,10,000
To Goodwill 1,30,000 By Equity shareholders A/c 76,000
To Bank Expenses 16,000 (Loss on Realisation)
To Bank (Loan & Debentures) 5,60,000
Total 21,66,000 Total 21,66,000
Dr Cash/Bank A/c Cr
Particulars (`) Particulars (`)
To Balance Ltd 1,36,000 By Realization A/c (Exp) 16,000
To B Ltd 6,00,000 By Realization A/c 5,60,000
By Equity Shareholders A/c 1,60,000
Total 7,36,000 Total 7,36,000
Dr Equity Shareholders A/c Cr
Particulars (`) Particulars (`)
To Miscellaneous Expenses 34,000 By Equity Share Capital 8,00,000
To Realization A/c 76,000 By General Reserve 80,000
To Equity Shares in B 6,10,000
To Cash/Bank 1,60,000
Total 8,80,000 Total 8,80,000
Dr B Ltd A/c Cr
Particulars (`) Particulars (`)
To Realization A/c 12,10,000 By Equity Shares in B Ltd 6,10,000
By Cash 6,00,000
Total 12,10,000 Total 12,10,000
Dr Equity Shares in B Co A/c Cr
Particulars (`) Particulars (`)
To B Ltd 6,10,000 By Equity Shareholders A/c 6,10,000
Total 6,10,000 Total 6,10,000
II. Balance of B Ltd.
Particulars Note Amount
Equity and Liabilities
I. Share holders Fund
1. Share Capital 1 4,88,000
2. Reserves and Surplus 2 1,22,000
II Non Current Liabilities
20 CA Final Financial Reporting

III Current Liabilities

Trade Payables 3 2,80,000
Total 8,90,000
I. Non Current Assets
1. Fixed Assets
Tangible Assets 4 8,82,000
Non Tangible Assets 5 2,41,000
II. Current Assets
Trade Receivables 6 1,73,000
Cash and Cash Equivalent 7 1,94,000
Total 8,90,000
Notes to Accounts
Share Capital
Authorized Share Capital ?
Issued, Subscribed and Paid up
4,880 Shares @ ` 100 each(Out of the above 4,88,000
4,880 shares are issued for consideration
other than cash)

Reserves and Surplus
Security Premium [25 x 4880]

Trade Payables
Creditors [3,20,000 – 40,000]

Tangible Assets
5,76,000 8,82,000

Intangible Assets
Goodwill [216+25]

Stock [1,98,000 – 25,000]

Trade Receivables
Debtors [2,34,000 – 40,000]
Question 8 Nov Paper - 2009 – Similar to RTP – May 2009 – Question no 4
Question 9 May RTP – 2010
The following are the Balance Sheets of Andrew Ltd. and Barry Ltd., as at 31.12.2009:
Andrew Ltd. (in `’000s)
Amalgamation and Corporate Restructuring 21

Liabilities ` Assets `
Share capital Fixed assets 3,400
3,00,000 Equity shares of `10 each 3,000 Stock (pledged with secured 18,400
loan Creditors)
10,000 Preference shares of `.100 1,000 Other Current assets 3,600
General reserve 400 Profit and Loss account 16,600
Secured loans (secured against 16,000
pledge of stocks)
Unsecured loans 8,600
Current liabilities 13,000
42,000 42,000
Barry Ltd. (in `’000s)
Liabilities ` Assets `
Share capital Fixed assets 6,800
1,00,000 Equity shares of `.10 each 1,000 Current assets 9,600
General reserve 2,800
Secured loans 8,000
Current liabilities 4,600
16,400 16,400
Both the companies go into liquidation and Charlie Ltd., is formed to take over their
businesses. The following information is given:
(a) All Current assets of two companies, except pledged stock are taken over by Charlie
Ltd. The realisable value of all Current assets are 80% of book values in case of Andrew
Ltd. and 70% for Barry Ltd. Fixed assets are taken over at book value.
(b) The break up of Current liabilities is as follows:
Andrew Ltd. Barry Ltd.
` `
Statutory liabilities (including Rs.22 lakh in case of
Andrew Ltd. in case of a claim not having been
admitted shown as contingent liability) 72,00,000 10,00,000
Liability to employees 30,00,000 18,00,000
The balance of Current liability is miscellaneous creditors.
(c) Secured loans include ` 16,00,000 accrued interest in case of Barry Ltd.
(d) 2,00,000 equity shares of Rs.10 each are allotted by Charlie Ltd. at par against cash
payment of entire face value to the shareholders of Andrew Ltd. and Barry Ltd. in the
ratio of shares held by them in Andrew Ltd. and Barry Ltd.
(e) Preference shareholders are issued Equity shares worth ` 2,00,000 in lieu of present
(f) Secured loan creditors agree to continue the balance amount of their loans to Charlie
Ltd. after adjusting value of pledged security in case of Andrew Ltd. and after waiving
50% of interest due in the case of Barry Ltd.
(g) Unsecured loans are taken over by Charlie Ltd. at 25% of Loan amounts.
22 CA Final Financial Reporting

(h) Employees are issued fully paid Equity shares in Charlie Ltd. in full settlement of their
(i) Statutory liabilities are taken over by Charlie Ltd. at full values and miscellaneous
creditors are taken over at 80% of the book value.
Show the opening Balance Sheet of Charlie Ltd. Workings should be part of the answer.
Balance sheet of Charlie Ltd. as at 31st Dec, 2009
Particulars Note Amount ` 000’s)
Equity and Liabilities
I. Share holders Fund
1. Share Capital 1 7000
2. Reserves and Surplus - -
II Non Current Liabilities
Long Term Borrowing 10,630
III Current Liabilities (7,200 + 1,000 + 4,000 + 13,640
Total 31,270
I. Non Current Assets
1. Fixed Assets
Tangible Assets (3,400 + 6,800) 10,200
Non Tangible Assets 9,470
II. Current Assets (2,880 + 6,720) 9,600
Cash and Cash Equivalent 2,000
Total 31,270
Working and Notes

1. Value of miscellaneous creditors taken over by Charlie Ltd. (in ` 000’s)

Andrew Ltd Barry Ltd.
Given in the Balance sheet 13,000 4,600
Less Statutory Liabilities 5,000 1,000
Liabilities to employees 3,000 1,800
Miscellaneous Creditors 5,000 1,800
80% thereof 4,000 1,440
2. Value of Total Liabilities taken over by Charlie Ltd.
Andrew Ltd. Barry Ltd.
Statutory Liabilities 7,200 1,000
Liability to employees 3,000 1,800
Misc Creditors (W.N . 1) 4,000 1,440
Secured Loans 16,000 8,000
Interest on Loans waived - (800)
Value of Stock (14,720) -
Unsecured Loans 2,150 -
17,630 11,440
3. Assets taken over to Charlie Ltd.
Amalgamation and Corporate Restructuring 23

Andrew Ltd. Barry Ltd.

Fixed Assets (Assumed at Book Value) 3,400 6,800
Current Assets 80% and 70% of Book 2,880 6,720
6,280 13,520
4. Goodwill / Capital Reserve
Andrew Ltd. Barry Ltd.
Liabilities taken over (W.N.2) 17,630 11,400
Equity shares issued to Preference 200 -
A 17,830 11,400
Less : Total Assets taken over (W.N.3) 6,280 13,520
11,550 (2,080)
Goodwill Capital
Net Goodwill 9,470
5. Equity shares issued by Charlie Ltd.
For cash 2,00,000
For consideration other than cash
1. Discharge of Liabilities to employees 4,80,000
2. To preference shareholders 20,000 5,00,000
Value = 7,00,000 x 10 = Rs. 70,00,000

Question 10 May RTP – 2010

The Balance Sheet of Neptune Ltd. as on 31.3.2009 is given below:
Liabilities ` Assets `
Equity shares of Rs.10 8,00,000 Freehold property 5,00,000
each 5,00,000 Plant & machinery 1,80,000
6% Pref. shares of 100
6% Debentures (secured 3,75,000 Trade investments (at 1,70,000
by freehold property) cost) 4,50,000
Sundry debtors
Arrear interest 22,500 3,97,500 Stock in trade 2,00,000
Sundry creditors 17,500 Deferred 1,50,000
Director’s loan 3,00,000 Profit and Loss A/c 3,65,000
20,15,000 20,15,000
The Court approved a scheme of re-organization to take effect on 1.4.2009 and the
terms are given below:
(i) Preference shares are to be written down to ` 75 each and equity shares to ` 2 each.
24 CA Final Financial Reporting

(ii) Preference dividend in arrear for 4 years to be waived by 75% and for the balance
equity shares of ` 2 each to be allotted.

(iii) Arrear of debenture interest to be paid in cash.

(iv) Debenture holders agreed to take one freehold property (Book value ` 3,00,000) at a
valuation of
` 3,00,000 in part payment of their holding. Balance debentures to remain as liability of
the company.
(v) Deferred Advertisement Expenditure to be written off.
(vi) Stock value to be written off fully in the books.
(vii) 50% of the Sundry Debtors to be written off as bad debt.

(viii) Remaining freehold property (after take over by Debenture holders) to be valued at `
(ix) Investments sold out for ` 2,00,000.

(x) 80% of the Director's loan to be waived and for the balance equity shares of ` 2 each to
be issued.
(xi) Company's contractual commitments amounting to ` 5,00,000 to be cancelled by paying
penalty at 3% of contract value.
(xii) Cost of Re-construction Scheme is ` 20,000.
Show the Journal entries (with narration) to be passed for giving effect to the above
transactions and draw Balance Sheet of the company after effecting the Scheme.
I. In the Books of Neptune Ltd.
Date Particulars L.F Dr. ` Cr. `
i) Preference Shares Capital A/c Dr 5,00,000
To Preference Shares Capital A/c 3,75,000
To Capital Reduction A/c 1,25,000
(Being Preference share Capital Reduced)

ii) Equity Shares Capital A/c Dr 8,00,000

To Equity Shares Capital A/c 1,60,000
To Capital Reduction A/c 6,40,000
(Being shares Capital reduced to ` 2 each)
iii) 30,000
Capital reduction A/c Dr
To Equity Share Capital
(Being arrears of dividend is satisfied)

iv) 22,500
Accrued Debenture Interest Dr
To Cash/Bank A/c
(Being arrears of Interest Paid in cash)
Amalgamation and Corporate Restructuring 25

v) 6% Debenture A/c Dr 3,00,000

To Freehold Property A/c 3,00,000
(Being part Claim settled)

vi) Capital Reduction A/c Dr 9,40,000

To Profit/loss A/c 3,65,000
To Differed Expenditure A/c 1,50,000
To Stock A/c 2,00,000
To Debtors A/c 2,25,000
(Being Assets written off as per Scheme)

vii) Freehold Property A/c Dr 1,50,000

To Capital Reduction A/c 1,50,000
(Being Appreciation of Property )

viii) Cash/Bank A/c Dr 2,00,000

To Trade Investment A/c 1,70,000
To Capital Reduction A/c 30,000
(Being Investment Sold)

ix) Directors Loan A/c Dr 3,00,000

To Capital Reduction A/c 2,40,000
To Equity Share Capital A/c 60,000
(Being Loan waved off)

x) Capital Reduction A/c Dr 15,000

To Bank A/c 15,000
(Being Penalty paid)

xi) Capital Reduction A/c Dr 20,000

To Bank A/c 20,000
(Being reconstruction Expenses paid)

xii) Capital Reduction A/c Dr 1,80,000

To Capital Reserve 1,80,000
(Being Balance Transferred )

II. Balance Sheet of Neptune Ltd. (As Reduced)

Particulars Note No Amount
Equity and Liabilities
I. Share holders Fund
1. Share Capital 1 6,25,000
26 CA Final Financial Reporting

2. Reserves and Surplus 2 1,80,000

II Non Current Liabilities
Long Term Borrowing 3 75,000
III Current Liabilities
Trade Payables 17,500
Total 8,97,500
I. Non Current Assets
1. Fixed Assets
Tangible Assets 4 5,30,000
II. Current Assets
Trade Receivables 2,25,000
Cash and Cash Equivalent 1,42,500
Total 8,97,500

Notes to Accounts
1. Share Capital
Authorized Share Capital ?
Issued, Subscribed and Paid Up
Equity Shares Capital [1,25,000 Shares of ` 2/- each] 2,50,000
6% Cumulative preference shares of ` 75

2.Reserves and Surplus 1,80,000

Capital Reserve

3.Long Term Borrowings 75,000

6% Debentures

4.Fixed Assets 3,50,000

Freehold Property 1,80,000
Plant 5,30,000

Question 11 – May RTP – 2010

Dee Limited furnishes the following Balance Sheet as at 31st March, 2009:

Liabilities ` '000 ` '000

Share Capital:
Authorised Capital 30,00
Issued and subscribed capital:
2,50,000 equity shares of `.10 each fully paid up 25,00

2,000, 10% Preference shares of `.100 each (Issued 2,00 2,700

two months back for the purpose of buy back)
Reserves and Surplus:
Capital Reserve 10,00
Revenue Reserve 30,00
Amalgamation and Corporate Restructuring 27

Securities Premium 22,00

Profit and Loss A/c 35,00 97,00
Current liabilities and provisions: 14,00
Fixed assets 93,00
Investments 30,00
Current assets, loans and advances (Including cash 15,00
and bank balance)
The company passed a resolution to buy back 20% of its equity capital @ ` 50 per
share. For this purpose, it sold all of its investments for ` 22,00,000.
You are required to pass necessary journal entries and prepare the Balance Sheet.
ii. In the Books of Dee Ltd
Date Particulars L.F Dr. ` (in ,000) Cr. ` (in 000)
i) Bank A/c Dr 2,200
Profit/loss A/c Dr 800
To Investment A/c 3,000
(Being Sale of Investment )

ii) Equity Shares Capital A/c Dr 500

Premium on Buyback A/c Dr 2,000
To Equity Shares holders A/c 2,500
(Being Amount due)

iii) Security Premium A/c Dr 2,000

To Premium Payable on Buyback A/c 2,000
(Being Premium Payable)

iv) Security Premium A/c Dr 200

Revenue Reserve A/c Dr 100
To Capital Redemption reserve A/c 300
(Being Amount equal to Nominal Value
of Shares Transferred to CRR A/c )

v) Equity Share Buyback A/c Dr 2,500

To Bank A/c 2,500
(Being Payment made)
II. Balance Sheet of Dee Ltd
Particulars Note No Amount in ,000
Equity and Liabilities
I. Share holders Fund
1. Share Capital 1 2,200
2. Reserves and Surplus 2 6,900
28 CA Final Financial Reporting

II Non Current Liabilities

III Current Liabilities 1,400
Total 10,500
I. Non Current Assets
1. Fixed Assets
Tangible Assets 9,300
II. Current Assets (Including Cash)
(1,500 + 2,200 – 2,500) 1,200
Total 10,500
Notes to Accounts
Particulars In ,000
1. Share Capital
Authorized Capital 3,000
Issued and Paid up of ` 10 each fully Paid Up 2,000
200 2,200
2,000 10% Preference shares of ` 100 each

2.Reserves and Surplus 1,000

Capital Reserve 300
Capital Redemption Reserve 2,900
Revenue Reserve 2,700 6,900
Profit/Loss A/c (3,500 - 800)
Question 12 – May Paper – 2010
The following are the summarized Balance sheet of Cat Ltd. and Bat Ltd. as on
(` in thousands)
Cat Ltd. Bat Ltd.
Shares Capital
Equity shares of ` 100 each fully paid up 2,000 1,000
800 ---
500 ---
10% Debentures
250 450
Loans from Banks
--- 50
Bank Overdrafts
300 300
Sundry Creditors
200 ---
Proposed Dividend
Total 4,050 1,800
Tangible Assets / Fixed Assets 2,700 850
Investments (Including Investments of Bat Ltd.) 700 ---
Sundry Debtors 400 150
Cash at Bank 250 ---
Accumulated Loss --- 800
Amalgamation and Corporate Restructuring 29

Total 4,050 1,800

Bat Ltd has acquired the business of Cat Ltd. The following scheme of merger was
(i) Banks agreed to waive off the loan of ` 60 thousands of Bat Ltd.

(ii) Bat Ltd will reduce its shares to ` 10 per share and then consolidate 10 such shares into
one share of
` 100 each (New Share)
(iii) Shareholders of Cat Ltd. will be given one share (New) of Bat Ltd. in exchange of
every share held in Cat Ltd.
(iv) Proposed Dividend of Cat Ltd. will be paid after marriage to shareholders of Cat Ltd.
(v) Sundry creditors of Bat Ltd. includes ` 100 thousands payable of Cat Ltd.
(vi) Cat Ltd. will cancel 20% holding in Bat Ltd. as investment, which was held at a cost
of ` 250 thousands
Pass necessary entries in the Books of Bat Ltd. and Prepare Balance Sheet after Merger.
I. Calculation of Purchase Consideration
One Share of Bat Ltd will be issued in 20,000
Exchange of every Share of Cat Ltd

Less: Shares already Held (20% of 10,000)

No of Shares to be issued by Bat Ltd to Cat Ltd 200
II. In the Books of Bat Ltd
Date Particulars L.F Dr. ` (in ,000) Cr. ` (in 000)
i) Loan from Bank A/c Dr 60
To Reconstruction A/c 60
(Being Bank Loan Waived off )

ii) Equity Shares Capital A/c (FV/PU = 100) 1,000

Dr 100
To Equity Shares Capital A/c (FV / PU = 900
To Reconstruction
iii) (Being Equity Shares Capital Reduced) 100
Equity Shares Capital A/c (FV / PU = 10) Dr
To Equity Shares Capital A/c
iv) (Being share capital consolidated) 960
Reconstruction A/c Dr 160
To Profit/Loss A/c
30 CA Final Financial Reporting

To Capital Reserve A/c

v) (Being Losses set off and balance 2,700
Transferred) 450
Fixed Assets A/c Dr 250
Investment A/c (700 - 250) Dr 300
Debtors A/c Dr 200
Cash/Bank A/c Dr 500
To Sundry Creditors 250
To Proposed Dividend 1980
To 10% Debenture 570
To Loan from Bank
vii) To Business Purchase A/c 1980
To Reserves (800 - 230) 1980
(Being Assets, Liabilities and Reserves
Taken Over)
viii) Liquidator of Cat Dr 100
To Equity Share Capital A/c 100
(Being Payment to Liquidation)

ix) Sundry Creditors A/c Dr 200

To Sundry Debtors 200
(Being Mutual Owing Cancelled )

Proposed Dividend A/c Dr

To Bank A/c
(Being Dividend Paid)
III. Balance Sheet of Bat Ltd
Particulars Note No Amount
Equity and Liabilities
I. Share holders Fund
1. Share Capital 1 2,080
2. Reserves and Surplus 2 730
II Non Current Liabilities
Long Term Borrowing 3 1,140
III Current Liabilities
Short Term Borrowing 4 50
Trade Payables 500
Total 4,500
I. Non Current Assets
1. Fixed Assets
Tangible Assets 3,550
Long Term Loans and Advances 450
II. Current Assets
Trade Receivables 450
Amalgamation and Corporate Restructuring 31

Cash and Cash Equivalent 50

Total 4,500
Notes to Accounts
Particulars Amount
1. Share Capital
Authorized Share Capital
Issued, Subscribed and Paid up
20,800 Shares @ ` 100 each 2,080

2.Reserves and Surplus

Capital Reserve 160
General Reserve 570
3.Long-Term Borrowings
10% Debenture 500
Loan from Bank 640
4.Short-Term Borrowings
Bank Overdraft 50

Question 13 Nov RTP – 2010

The following are the Balance sheets (as at 31.3.2010) of A Ltd. and B Ltd.:
Liabilities A Ltd. B Ltd. Assets A Ltd. B Ltd.
` ` ` `
Share Capital Fixed Assets 50,00,000 30,00,000
Equity Shares of `10 36,00,000 18,00,000 Investments 5,00,000 5,00,000
10% Preference 12,00,000 - Current
shares of Assets
` 100 each
12% Preference - 6,00,000 Stock 18,00,000 12,00,000
shares of `100 each
Reserve and Surplus Debtors 15,00,000 12,00,000
Statutory Reserve 1,00,000 1,00,000 Bills 50,000 10,000
General Reserve 25,00,000 17,00,000 Cash at 1,50,000 90,000
Secured Loan
15% Debentures 5,00,000 -
12% Debentures - 5,00,000
Current Liabilities
Sundry creditors 10,80,000 12,80,000
Bills payable 20,000 20,000
90,00,000 60,00,000 90,00,000 60,00,000

Contingent liabilities for bills receivable discounted ` 20,000.

32 CA Final Financial Reporting

(A) The following additional information is provided to you:

A Ltd. B Ltd.
` `
Profit before Interest and Tax 14,75,000 7,80,000
Rate of Income-tax 40% 40%
Preference dividend 1,20,000 72,000
Equity dividend 3,60,000 2,70,000
(B) The equity shares of both the companies are quoted on the Mumbai Stock Exchange.
Both the companies are carrying on similar manufacturing operations.
(C) A Ltd proposes to absorb business of B Ltd. as on 31.3.2010. The agreed terms for
absorption are:
(i) 12% Preference shareholders of B Ltd. will receive 10% Preference shares of A Ltd.
sufficient to increase their present income by 20%.
(ii) The Equity shareholders of B Ltd. will receive equity shares of A Ltd. on the
following terms:
(a) The Equity shares of B Ltd. will be valued by applying to the earnings per share of
B Ltd. ` 60 per cent of price earnings ratio of A Ltd. based on the results of 2009-10
of both the Companies.

(b) The market price of Equity shares of A Ltd. is ` 40 per share.

(c) The number of shares to be issued to Equity shareholders of B Ltd. will be based on
the 80% of market price.
(d) In addition to Equity shares, 10% Preference shares of A Ltd. will be issued to the
equity shareholders of B Ltd. to make up for the loss in income arising from the
above exchange of shares based on the dividends for the year 2009-2010.
(iii) 12% Debentureholders of B Ltd. are to be paid at 8% premium by 15%
debentures in A Ltd. issued at a discount of 10%.

(iv) ` 16,000 is to be paid by A Ltd. to B Ltd. for liquidation expenses. Sundry

Creditors of B Ltd. include ` 20,000 due to A Ltd. Bills receivable discounted by A
Ltd. were all accepted by B Ltd.
(v) Fixed assets of both the companies are to be revalued at 20% above book value.
Stock in trade is taken over at 10%; less than their book value.
(vi) Statutory reserve has to be maintained for two more years.
(vii) For the next two years no increase in the rate of equity dividend is anticipated.
(viii) Liquidation expense is to be considered as part of purchase consideration.
You are required to find out the purchase consideration and prepare the Balance Sheet
of A Ltd. as at 31.3.2010 after absorption.
I. Calculation of Purchase consideration (Net Payment)
A. Preference shareholders will receive preference shares
Amalgamation and Corporate Restructuring 33

12% Preference Share Capital 6,00,000

Dividend (12%) 72,000
Add : 20% 14,400
New Dividend 86,400
10% Preference shares 8,64,000 (86,400 /10%)
B. Equity share holders will Receive Equity shares and Preference shares
i. Equity shares
Value per share of B Ltd = EPS of B x 60% of PE Ratio of A
= 2 x (60% of 20) = ` 24/share

Amount to be discharged = 1,80,000 x 24 = ` 43,20,000

Shares to be issued = 43,20,000 = 1,35,000 shares @ 32 (FV 10 and SP
32 (80% of 40)
ii. Preference shares
Existing Dividend to ESH of B ltd. 2,70,000
Dividend to ESH of B under A Ltd. 1,35,000 (1,35,000 x 10 x 10%)
Loss of Income 1,35,000
New Preference shares to be issued for loss of income = 1,35,000 / 10% = ` 13,50,000
Summary for PC
1. Equity share = ` 43,20,000 (1,35,000 x 32)

2. 10% Preference shares = ` 22,14,000 (8,64,000 + 13,50,000)

Liquidation Expenses = ` 16,000

Total Purchase Consideration = ` 65,50,000

Working Note for Calculation of EPS and PE Ratio

A Ltd B Ltd
Earning Before Interest and Tax 14,75,000 7,80,000
Less Interest 75,000 60,000
Earnings Before Tax 14,00,000 7,20,000
Less Tax 5,60,000 2,88,000
Earnings After Tax 8,40,000 4,32,000
Less Preference Dividend 1,20,000 72,000
Earnings for Equity 7,20,000 3,60,000
No of Shares 3,60,000 1,80,000
EPS ` 2 / share ` 2 / share
MPS ` 40 / share
P. E. Ratio (MPS/EPS) 20 times
II. Journal of A Limited
Date Particulars L.F Dr (`) Cr (`)
Business Purchase A/c Dr 65,50,000
34 CA Final Financial Reporting

To Liquidators of B Ltd. A/c 65,50,000

Fixed Assets A/c Dr 36,00,000
Investments A/c Dr 5,00,000
Stock A/c Dr 10,80,000
Debtors A/c Dr 12,00,000
Bills Receivable A/c Dr 10,000
Cash at Bank A/c Dr 90,000
To 12% Debentures A/c 5,40,000
To Sundry creditors A/c 12,80,000
To Bills Payable A/c 20,000
To Business Purchase A/c 65,50,000
Liquidators of B Ltd. A/c Dr 65,50,000
To Equity share Capital A/c 13,50,000
To 10% Preference Share Capital 22,14,000
To Security Premium A/c 29,70,000
To Cash A/c 16,000
12% Debentures A/c Dr 5,40,000
Discount on Issue A/c Dr 60,000
To 15% Debentures A/c 6,00,000
Creditors A/c Dr 20,000
To Debtors A/c 20,000
Amalgamation Adjustment A/c Dr 1,00,000
To Statutory Reserve A/c 1,00,000
Before Absorption
Fixed Assets A/c Dr 10,00,000
To Revaluation Reserve A/c 10,00,000
III. Balance Sheet of A Ltd
Particulars Note No Amount
Equity and Liabilities
I. Share holders Fund 1 83,64,000
1. Share Capital 2 66,70,000
2. Reserves and Surplus
II Non Current Liabilities
Long Term Borrowing 3 11,00,000
III Current Liabilities
Trade Payables 23,80,000
Total 1,85,14,000
I. Non Current Assets
1. Fixed Assets
Tangible Assets 96,00,000
Non Tangible Assets 4 19,10,000
2. Long Term Loans and Advances 10,00,000
3. Other Non Current Assets 5 1,60,000
II. Current Assets
Inventories 28,80,000
Amalgamation and Corporate Restructuring 35

Trade Receivables 27,40,000

Cash and Cash Equivalent 2,24,000
Total 1,85,14,000
Notes to Accounts
Particulars Amount
1.Share Capital
4,95,000 Equity Shares @ ` 10 each fully paid up 49,50,000
(of these, 1,35,000 Shares have been issued for Consideration other
than Cash)
10% Preference Shares @ ` 100

2.Reserves and Surplus 10,00,000
Statutory Reserve 25,00,000
Revaluation Reserve 29,70,000
General Reserve
Security Premium

3.15% Debenture
4.Intangible Assets
5.Other Non-Current Assets
Amalgamation Adjustment
Discount on issue of Shares
Question 14 Nov RTP – 2010
Paradise Limited which had experienced trading difficulties, decided to reorganize its
finances. On March 31, 2010, a final Trial Balance extracted from the books of the company
showed the following position:
` `
Share Capital, Authorized and issued:
1,500 6% Cumulative Preference Shares of ` 100 each 1,50,000

2,000 Equity Shares of `. 100 each 2,00,000

Capital Reserve 36,000
Profit and Loss Account 1,10,375
Preliminary Expenses 7,250
Goodwill at Cost 50,000
Trade Creditors 42,500
Debtors 30,200
Bank Overdraft 51,000
Leasehold Property at Cost 80,000
Provision for Depreciation on Leasehold Property 30,000
36 CA Final Financial Reporting

Plant and Machinery at Cost 2,10,000

Provision for Depreciation on Plant and Machinery 57,500
Stock-in-Trade 79,175
5,67,000 5,67,000
(a) The approval of the Court was obtained for the following scheme for reduction of
(b) The Preference Shares to be reduced to ` 75 per share.

(c) The Equity Shares to be reduced to ` 12.50 per share

(d) One ` 12.50 Equity Share to be issued for each ` 100 of Gross Preference Dividend
Arrears, the Preference Dividend had not been paid for three years.
(e) The balance in Capital Reserve Account to be utilized.
(f) Plant and Machinery to be written down to ` 75,000.
(g) The Profit and Loss Account balance and all intangible assets to be written off.
At the same time as the resolution to reduce capital was passed, another resolution was
approved restoring the total Authorised Capital to ` 3,50,000 consisting of 1,500 6%
Cumulative Preference Shares of ` 75 each and the balance in Equity Shares of ` 12.50.
As soon as the above resolutions had been passed 5,000 Equity Shares were issued at
par, for cash, payable in full as application money. The same were fully subscribed and
You are required:
(i) To show the Journal entries necessary to record the above transactions in the
Company’s books, and
(ii) To prepare the Balance Sheet of the Company, after completion of the
reconstruction scheme.
I. Journal of Paradise Ltd
Date Particulars L.F Dr. ` Cr. `
i) 6% Preference Shares Capital A/c Dr 1,50,000
To 6% Preference Shares Capital A/c 1,12,500
To Capital Reduction A/c 37,500
(Being Preference share Capital Reduced)

ii) Equity Shares Capital A/c Dr 2,00,000

To Equity Shares Capital A/c 25,000
To Capital Reduction A/c 1,75,000
(Being shares Capital reduced to ` 12.5 each)

iii) 3,375
Capital reduction A/c Dr
To Equity Share Capital
(Being Allotment of Equity Shares for Arrears
Amalgamation and Corporate Restructuring 37

of Dividend i.e. [ x 6% x3 x 12.5])
iv) Capital Reserve A/c Dr 36,000
To Capital Reduction A/c 36,000
(Being Capital Reserve utilized)

v) Capital Reduction A/c Dr 77,500

To Plant and Machinery A/c 77,500
(Being plant Written down)

vi) Capital Reduction A/c Dr 1,67,625

To Profit/loss A/c 1,10,375
To Preliminary Expenditure A/c 7,250
To Goodwill A/c 50,000
(Being Losses and Intangible Assets written
vii) 62,500
Bank A/c Dr 62,500
To Equity Share Capital A/c
(Being 5,000 Shares @ 12.5 each fully
II. Balance Sheet of Paradise Ltd (And Reduced)
Particulars Note Amount
Equity and Liabilities
I. Share holders Fund
1. Share Capital 1 2,03,375
2. Reserves and Surplus
II Current Liabilities
Trade Payables 42,500
Total 2,45,875
I. Non Current Assets
1. Fixed Assets
Tangible Assets 2 1,25,000
II. Current Assets
Inventories 79,175
Trade Receivables 3 30,200
Cash and Cash Equivalent 11,500
Total 2,45,875
Notes to Accounts
Particulars Amount
1.Share Capital
Authorized Capital
19,000 Equity Shares @ ` 12.5 each fully paid up 2,37,500
38 CA Final Financial Reporting

1,500 6% Preference Shares @ ` 75 each 1,12,500

Issued, and fully Paid up
7,270 Equity Shares @ ` 12.5 each
(270 Shares are issued for consideration other than cash) 1,12,500
1,500 6% Preference shares of ` 75 each 2,03,375

2.Fixed Assets
Plant And Machinery 2,10,000
LESS: Written off 77,500 75,000
LESS: Provision 57,500
Leasehold Property 80,000 50,000
LESS: Provision (30,000) 1,25,000

3.Inventories 79,175
Stock in Trade
Question 15 – Nov RTP – 2010
The following was the balance sheet of Kanika Ltd. as at 31st March, 2010.
Liabilities (` in lakhs)
10% Redeemable preference shares of ` 10 each, fully paid up 2,500

Equity shares of ` 10 each fully paid up 8,000

Capital redemption reserve 1,000
Securities premium 800
General reserve 7,100
Profit and loss account 300
9% Debentures 5,000
Sundry creditors 3,300
Sundry provisions 2,000
Assets (` in lakhs)
Fixed assets 16,000
Investments 4,100
Cash at bank 1,650
Other current assets 8,250
On 1st April, 2010 the company redeemed all its preference shares at a premium of 10%
and bought back 25% of its equity shares @ ` 20 per share. In order to make cash available,
the company sold all the investments for ` 4,500 lakhs and raised a bank loan amounting to
` 1,000 lakhs on the security of the company’s plant.
Pass journal entries for all the above mentioned transactions including cash
transactions and prepare the company’s balance sheet immediately thereafter. The amount
of securities premium has been utilized to the maximum extent allowed by law.
Amalgamation and Corporate Restructuring 39

I. Journal Entries in Kanika Ltd
Date Particulars L.F Dr. ` (in Lacs) Cr. `(in Lacs)
i) Cash/Bank A/c Dr 4,500
To Investment A/c 4,100
To Profit on sale of Investment A/c 400
(Being Sale of Investment )

ii) Bank A/c Dr 1,000

To Bank/Loan A/c 1,000
(Being Loan Taken from Bank)

III) 10% Preference Share Capital A/c Dr 2,500

Premium on Preference Share Capital A/c 250
Dr 2,750
To Preference Share Holders A/c
(Being Redemption Of Shares )
iv) 2,750
Preference Share Holder A/c Dr 2,750
To Bank A/c
(Being Payment made)
v) 250
Security Premium A/c Dr 250
To Premium on Redemption A/c
(Being Use of Security Premium)
vi) 2,000
Equity Share Capital A/c Dr 2,000
Premium on Buy Back A/c Dr 4,000
To Equity Shares holders A/c
(Being Buyback of Shares)
VII) 4,000
Equity share holders A/c Dr 4,000
To Bank A/c
(Being Equity shareholders Paid)
viii) 550
Security Premium A/c Dr 1450
General Reserve A/c Dr 2000
To Premium on buy Back A/c
(Being Amount equal to Face Value
iX) Transferred) 4500
General Reserve A/c Dr
To Capital Redemption Reserve A/c
(Being Amount t/s to CRR)
II. Balance Sheet of Kanika Ltd.
Particulars Note No Amount In
40 CA Final Financial Reporting

Equity and Liabilities
I. Share holders Fund
1. Share Capital 1 6,000
2. Reserves and Surplus 2 7,350
II Non Current Liabilities
Long Term Borrowing 3 6,000
III Current Liabilities
Short Term Borrowing 3,300
Trade Payables 2,000
Total 24,650
I. Non Current Assets
1. Fixed Assets
Tangible Assets 16,000
II. Current Assets
Cash and Cash Equivalent 400
Other Current Assets 8,250
Total 24,650
Notes to Accounts
Particulars Amount In
1.Share Capital
Equity Shares @ ` 10 6,000

2.Reserves and Surplus

Capital Redemption Reserve
Profit/Loss A/c (300 + 400)
General Reserve
3. Long Term Borrowing
9% Debentures 5,000
Bank Loans 1,000
Question 16 – Nov Paper – 2010
The following are the balance sheets of A Ltd. and B Ltd. as on 31st December 2001.
Liabilities A Ltd. B Ltd. Assets A Ltd. B Ltd.
` ` ` `
Share capital Fixed assets 7,00,000 2,50,000
Equity shares of 6,00,000 3,00,000 Investment:
10% Pref. shares 6,000 shares of B 80,000 –
of `.100 each 2,00,000 1,00,000 5,000 shares of A – 80,000
Amalgamation and Corporate Restructuring 41

Reserves and 3,00,000 2,00,000 Current assets:
Secured loans: Stock 2,40,000 3,20,000
12% Debentures 2,00,000 1,50,000 Debtors 3,60,000 1,90,000
Current liabilities Bills receivable 60,000 20,000
Sundry creditors 2,20,000 1,25,000 Cash at bank 1,10,000 40,000
Bills payable 30,000 25,000
15,50,000 9,00,000 15,50,000 9,00,000
Fixed assets of both the companies are to be revalued at 15% above book value. Stock in
trade and Debtors are taken over at 5% lesser than their book value. Both the companies
are to pay 10% equity dividend, preference dividend having been already paid.
After the above transactions are given effect to, A Ltd. will absorb B Ltd. on the
following terms.
i. 8 Equity shares of ` 10 each will be issued by A Ltd. at par against 6 shares of B Ltd.
ii. 10% Preference shareholders of B Ltd. will be paid at 10% discount by issue of 10%
Preference Shares of ` 100 each at-par in A Ltd.
iii. 12% Debentureholders of B Ltd. are to be paid at 8% premium by 12% debentures in A
Ltd. issued at a discount of 10%.
iv. ` 30,000 is to be paid by A Ltd. to B Ltd. for liquidation expenses. Sundry creditors of B
Ltd. include
` 10,000 due to A Ltd.
(a) Absorption entries in the books of A Ltd.
(b) Statement of consideration payable by A Ltd.
I. Calculation of Purchase Consideration (Net Payment)
i) Equity Old New
6 8
[30 - 6] 24,000 32,000
Less: 5,000
X 10
ii. Preference
10% Preference Share Capital 1,00,000
Less: 10% Discount (10,000)
No of Shares = 90,000 / 100 = 900 shares
42 CA Final Financial Reporting

Total PC. = 2,70,000 + 90,000 = ` 3,60,000

II. Journal Entries In A Ltd

Date Particulars L.F Dr (Amt) Cr (Amt)
Before Absorption
Fixed Assets A/c Dr. 1,05,000
To Revaluation Reserve A/c 1,05,000
(Being Fixed Assets Revalued)
Dividend A/c (P & L Approx) Dr. 60,000
To Bank A/c 60,000
(Being Dividend Paid)
Bank A/c Dr. 6,000
To Dividend A/c (P & L) 6,000
(Being Dividend Received)
Business Purchase A/c Dr. 3,60,000
To Liquidators of B Ltd. 3,60,000
(Being Business Purchased)
Fixed Assets A/c Dr. 2,87,500
Stock A/c Dr. 3,04,000
Debtors A/c Dr. 1,80,500
Bills Receivable A/c Dr. 20,000
Cash A/c Dr. 15,000
(40,000 – 30,000 + 5000)
To Capital Reserve A/c (Bal. Fig) 55,000
To Bills Payable A/c 25,000
To 12% Debentures A/c 1,62,000
To Creditors A/c 1,25,000
To Business Purchased A/c 3,60,000
To Investment A/c 80,000
(Being Assets and Liabilities taken-over)
Liquidators of B Ltd. Dr. 3,60,000
To Equity Share Capital A/c 2,70,000
To 10% Preference Share Capital A/c 90,000
(Being Liquidators Settled)
12% Debentures A/c Dr. 1,62,000
Discount on Issue A/c Dr. 18,000
To 12% Debentures A/c 1,80,000
(Being old debentures exchanged with new
Capital Reserve A/c Dr. 30,000
To Bank A/c (Expenses) 30,000
(Being Liquidation Expenses Paid)
Creditors A/c Dr. 10,000
To Debtors A/c 10,000
(Being Mutual Owing cancelled)
Amalgamation and Corporate Restructuring 43

III. Balance Sheet of A Ltd.

Particulars Note (`) In lakhs
Equity and Liabilities
I. Share holders Fund
1. Share Capital 11,60,000
2. Reserves and Surplus 3,76,000
II Non Current Liabilities
Long Term Borrowing 3,80,000
III Current Liabilities
Trade Payables 3,90,000
Total 23,06,000
I. Non Current Assets
1. Fixed Assets
Tangible Assets 10,92,500
II. Current Assets
Inventories 5,44,000
Trade Receivables 6,10,500
Cash and Cash Equivalent 41,000
Other Current Assets 18,000
Total 23,06,000
Question 17 May RTP – 2011
Roshni and Jyoti have been carrying on same business independently. Due to
competition in the market, they decided to amalgamate and form a new company called
Ujala Ltd.
Following is the Balance Sheet of Roshni and Jyoti as at 31.3.2010:
Liabilities Roshini Jyoti Assets Roshini Jyoti
` ` ` `
Capital 7,75,000 8,55,000 Plant & machinery 4,85,000 6,14,000
Current liabilities 6,23,500 5,57,600 Building 7,50,000 6,40,000
Current assets 1,63,500 1,58,600
13,98,500 14,12,600 13,98,500 14,12,600
Following are the additional information:
(i) The authorised capital of the new company will be ` 25,00,000 divided into 1,00,000
equity shares of
` 25 each.
(ii) Liabilities of Roshni includes ` 50,000 due to Jyoti for the purchases made. Jyoti made a
profit of 20% on sale to Roshni.
(iii) Roshni has goods purchased from Jyoti, cost to him ` 10,000. This is included in the
Current asset of Roshni as at 31st March, 2010.
(iv) The assets of Roshni and Jyoti are to be revalued as under:
44 CA Final Financial Reporting

Roshni Jyoti
` `
Plant and machinery 5,25,000 6,75,000
Building 7,75,000 6,48,000
(v) The purchase consideration is to be discharged as under:
(a) Issue 24,000 equity shares of ` 25 each fully paid up in the proportion of their
profitability in the preceding 2 years.
(b) Profits for the preceding 2 years are given below:
Roshni Jyoti
` `
1st year 2,62,800 2,75,125
2nd year 2,12,200 2,49,875
Total 4,75,000 5,25,000
(c) Issue 12% preference shares of Rs.10 each fully paid up at par to provide income
equivalent to 8% return on capital employed in the business as on 31.3.2010 after
revaluation of assets of Roshni and Jyoti respectively.
You are required to:
(i) Compute the amount of equity and preference shares issued to Roshni and Jyoti.
(ii) Prepare the Balance Sheet of Ujala Ltd. immediately after amalgamation.
I. Calculation of amount of equity shares issued to Roshni and Jyoti
Profits of Roshni (`) Jyoti (`)
I year 2,62,800 2,75,125
II year 2,12,200 2,49,875
Total 4,75,000 5,25,000
No of shares to be issued = 24,000 in the ratio of the proceeding 2 years profitability (i.e
475 : 525)
No of shares to Roshni = 24,000 x = 11,400
No of shares to Jyoti = 24,000 x = 12,600
II. Calculation of amount of 12% preference shares issued to Roshni and Jyoti Ltd.
Particulars Roshni Jyoti
Capital Employed (Working Note 3)
8% return of Capital Employed 8,40,000 9,24,000
12% Preference Shares to be issued 67,200 73,920
[67,200 x ]
100 6,16,000
[ 73,920 x ]

III. Total Purchase Consideration

Equity shares @ ` 25 each 2,85,000 3,15,000
5,60,000 6,16,000
Amalgamation and Corporate Restructuring 45

12% Preference shares

8,45,000 9,31,000
IV Balance Sheet of Ujala of (After amalgamation)
Particulars Note No Amount In lakhs
Equity and Liabilities
I. Share holders Fund
1. Share Capital 1 17,76,000
II Non Current Liabilities
III Current Liabilities (Working Note) 11,31,100
Total 29,07,100
I. Non Current Assets
1. Fixed Assets
Tangible Assets 2 26,23,000
Intangible Assets (Balancing Figure) 3 14,000
II. Current Assets (Working Note) 2,70,100
Total 29,07,100
Notes to Account
1. Share Capital
Issued and Subscribed Capital
24,000 Equity Share Capital of Rs. 25 each 6,00,000
1,17,600 12% Preference shares of Rs. 10 each 11,76,000
(All the above equity and preference shares have been issued for
consideration other than cash)

2. Tangible Assets
Plant and Machinery 12,00,000
Building 14,23,000
3. Intangible Assets
Goodwill 14,000
Calculation of Current Assets Calculation of Current
Roshni Ltd. 1,63,500 Roshni Ltd. 6,23,500
Jyoti 1,58,600 Jyoti Ltd. 5,57,600
3,22,100 11,81,100
Less Common (50,000) Less : Common (50,000)
Less Unrealized Profit (2,000) 11,31,100
46 CA Final Financial Reporting

Question 18 May RTP – 2011

Somya Ltd. has the following Capital Structure as on 31.03.2010:
Particulars (` in crores)
Equity Share Capital (Shares of `. 10 each fully paid) - 330
Reserves and Surplus:
General Reserve 240 -
Securities Premium Account 90 -
Profit & Loss Account 90 -
Infrastructure Development Reserve 180 600
Loan Funds 1,200
The shareholders of Somya Ltd., on the recommendation of their Board of Directors,
have approved on 12.09.2010 a proposal to buy back the maximum permissible number of
Equity shares considering the large surplus funds available at the disposal of the company.

The prevailing market value of the company’s shares is ` 25 per share and in order to
induce the existing shareholders to offer their shares for buy back, it was decided to offer a
price of 20% over market.
You are also informed that the Infrastructure Reserve is created to satisfy Income-tax
Act requirements.
You are required to compute the maximum number of shares that can be bought back in
the light of the above information.
Show the accounting entries in the company’s books assuming that the entire buy back
is completed by 09.12.2010. Narrations should form part of your answer.
I. Checking of Legal Provisions
Number of Shares Outstanding 33
25% of Shares 8.25

Resources Test 330

Paid up Capital (₹ in Crores) 420
Free Reserves (11) 750

25% of Funds 187.5

Buyback Price (25 + 20%) 30
No of Shares 6.25

Debt Equity Ratio

a) Loan funds 1,200
b) Maximum Equity Shares Bought back 600
c) Present Equity Funds 750
d) Permitted dilution 150
Amalgamation and Corporate Restructuring 47

e) Maximum no of Shares Bought back (150/30) 5

Least of the Above = 5 Crores

II. Journal Entries

Date Particulars L.F Dr. ` in Crores) Cr. ` (in Crores)
i) Equity Share Capital A/c Dr 50
Premium On Buy Back A/c Dr 100
To Equity shareholders A/c 150
(Being 5 crores Shares @ 30 each Bought
ii) 150
Equity shareholders A/c Dr 150
To Bank A/c
iii) 90
Security Premium A/c Dr 10
General Reserve A/c Dr 100
To Premium on Buy Back A/c
(Being Cancellation on Shares)
IV 50
General Reserve A/c Dr 50
To Capital Redemption Reserve A/c
(Being Transfer to extent of Face Value
Redeemed )
Question 19 May Paper – 2011
A Ltd. agreed to absorb B Ltd. on 31st March, 2010, whose balance sheet stood as
Liabilities ` Assets `
Share capital Fixed assets 7,00,000
80,000 shares of `.10/- Investments
fully paid 8,00,000 Current assets, loans and
Reserves and surplus advances
General reserve 1,00,000 Stock in trade 1,00,000
Secured loan – Sundry debtors 2,00,000
Unsecured loan –
Current liabilities and
Sundry creditors 1,00,000
10,00,000 10,00,000
The consideration was agreed to be paid as follows:
a. A payment in cash of ` 5 per share in B Ltd. and
48 CA Final Financial Reporting

b. The issue of shares of ` 10 each in A Ltd., on the basis of 2 equity shares (valued at ` 15)
and one 10% cumulative preference share (valued at ` 10) for every five shares held in
B Ltd.
c. It was agreed that A Ltd. will pay in cash for fractional shares equivalent at agreed
value of shares in B Ltd. i.e. ` 65 for five shares of ` 50 paid.
The whole of the share capital consists of shareholdings in exact multiple of five except
the following holding.
A 116
B 76
C 72
D 28
Other individuals 8 (eight members holding one share each)
Prepare a statement showing the purchase consideration receivable by above
shareholders in shares and cash and a statement of total purchase consideration.
For Every 5 Shares = 2 Equity shares of ` 15 each = 2 x 15
= 30
= 1 Preference shares of ` 10 each = 1 x 10 = 10
= ` 5 cash for each share = 5 x 5 = 25
So for the block of 5 shares (FV 50) = Total payment will be ` 65
So for every share = = ` 13 per Share
Note : Any person holding fractional shares he will paid `. 13 in cash

Details A B C D Others Total

No of Shares 116 76 72 28 8 80,000

Divisible 115 75 70 25 - 79985
Non-Divisible 1 1 2 3 8 15
Divisible Numbers 46 30 28 10 - 31,994
Equity Shares 23 15 14 5 - 15,997
Preference Shares
Divisible Amount
Equity (no x 15) 690 450 420 150 - 4,79,910
Preference (no x 10) 230 150 140 50 - 1,59,970
Cash (Div x 5) 575 375 350 125 - 3,99,925

Non Divisible Amount

Cash 13 13 26 39 104 195
Amalgamation and Corporate Restructuring 49

(Non – Div x 13)

1508 988 936 254 104 10,40,000
Question 20 Nov RTP – 2011
Given Below are the balance sheets of Hight ltd. and Length Ltd. as on 31.12.2010
Length Ltd. was merged with Hight Ltd. with effect from 1.1.2011.
Balance sheets as on 31.12.1010
Liabilities Hight Ltd Length Ltd Assets Hight Ltd Length Ltd
Share Capital Sundry Fixed Assets 9,50,000 4,00,000
Equity Share of ` Investments (Non 2,00,000 50,000
7,00,000 2,50,000 Trade) 1,20,000 50,000
10 each
3,50,000 1,20,000 Stock 75,000 80,000
General Reserve
2,10,000 65,000 Debtors 80,000 20,000
Profit and Loss A/c
70,000 40,000 Advance Tax 2,75,000 1,30,000
Export Profit
1,00,000 1,00,000 Cash and Bank 10,000 -
40,000 45,000 Preliminary Expenses
12 % Debentures
1,00,000 60,000
Sundry Creditors
1,40,000 50,000
Provision of
Proposed Dividend
17,10,000 7,30,000 17,10,000 7,30,000
Hight Ltd. would issue 12% Debentures to discharge the claims of the debentures
holders of length Ltd. at par. Non – trade investments of Hight Ltd. Fetched interest @25%
while those of length Ltd. fetched @18%. Profits of hight ltd. and Length Ltd. during 2008,
2009 and 2010 were as follows
Year Hight Ltd Length Ltd
2008 5,00,000 1,50,000
2009 6,50,000 2,10,000
2010 5,75,000 1,80,000
Goodwill may be calculated on the basis of capitalization method taking 20% as the
normal rate of return. Purchase consideration is discharged by Hight Ltd on the basis of
intrinsic value per share. Both companies decided to cancel the proposed dividend.
Pass journal entries and prepare the balance sheet of hight ltd. after the merger.
I. Calculation of Purchase Consideration
Valuation of Goodwill
A. Capital Employed
Particular Highlight Length
Fixed Assets 9,50,000 4,00,000
Stock 1,20,000 50,000
Debtors 75,000 80,000
Advance Tax 80,000 20,000
Cash/Bank 2,75,000 1,30,000
50 CA Final Financial Reporting

15,00,000 6,80,000
12% Debenture 1,00,000 1,00,000
Sundry Creditors 40,000 45,000
Provision of Tax 1,00,000 60,000
2,40,000 2,05,000
Capital Employed 12,60,000 4,75,000

B. Calculation of Average Capital Employed

Particular Highlight Length
Average Profit of Hight Ltd
5,75,000 1,80,000

Length Ltd

LESS: Non Trading Income (50,000) (9,000)

Average Profit 5,25,000 1,71,000

C. Valuation of Goodwill
Capitalized Value 5,25,000 1,71,000
20% 20%
= 26,25,000 = 8,55,000
Capital Employed 12,60,000 4,75,000
Goodwill 13,65,000 3,80,000
D. Calculation of IV
Height Length
Capital Employed 12,60,000 4,75,000
Goodwill 13,65,000 3,80,000
Investment 2,00,000 50,000
28,25,000 9,05,000

No of Shares 70,000 25,000

Iv 40.4 36.2
E. Calculation of Purchase consideration
Equity shares of Length Ltd = 25,000
Iv = 36.2
Total Value = 9,05,000
No of Shares = = 22,400.99 Shares
Purchase Consideration
Shares (22,400 x 40.4) 9,04,960
Cash 40
Amalgamation and Corporate Restructuring 51

Total Purchase Consideration 9,05,000

II. Journal of Hight Ltd

Date Particulars L.F Dr. ` (in Cr. ` (in Lacs)
i) Business Purchase A/c Dr 9,05,000
To Liquidation of length Ltd 9,05,000
(Being Length purchased)

ii) Fixed Assets A/c Dr 4,00,000

Stock A/c Dr 50,000
Debtors A/c Dr 80,000
Advance Tax A/c Dr 20,000
Cash/Bank Dr 1,30,000
Investment A/c Dr 50,000
Goodwill A/c (Bal Fig) Dr 3,80,000
To 12% Debenture A/c 1,00,000
To Sundry Creditors A/c 45,000
To Provision of Taxation A/c 60,000
To Business Purchase A/c 9,05,000
(Being Assets And Liabilities Taken)

iii) Liquidators of Length Ltd Dr 9,05,000

To Cash 40
To Equity Share Capital A/c 2,24,000
To Security Premium A/c 6,80,960
(Being PC. Discharged)

III. Balance Sheet Of Hight Ltd

Particulars Note Amount
Equity and Liabilities
I. Share holders Fund
1. Share Capital 9,24,000
2. Reserves and Surplus 14,90,960
II Non Current Liabilities
Long Term Borrowing 2,00,000
III Current Liabilities
Trade Payables 85,000
Short Term Borrowing 1,60,000
Total 28,59,960
I. Non Current Assets
1. Fixed Assets
52 CA Final Financial Reporting

Tangible Assets 17,30,000

Long Term Investment 2,50,000
II. Current Assets
Inventories 1,70,000
Trade Receivables 1,55,000
Cash and Cash Equivalent 4,04,960
Short Term Loans and Advances 1,00,000
Other Current Assets 50,000
Total 28,59,960
Question 21 – Nov RTP – 2011
Given below is the balance sheet of Restructure Ltd. as on 31.3.2011
Liabilities Amount Assets Amount
Share Capital Building 4,00,000
12,000, 7% Preference shares of `. 50 6,00,000 Plant 2,68,000
Trademark and 3,18,000
7,50,000 Goodwill 4,00,000
(preference dividend in arrears for 5
5,73,000 Stock 3,28,000
2,07,000 Debtors 11,000
15,000 Equity shares of `. 50 each
35,000 Preliminary Expenses 4,40,000
Loan Profit and Loss A/c
Sundry Creditors
Other Liabilities
21,65,000 21,65,000
The company is now earning profits short of working capital and a scheme of
reconstruction has been approved by both the class of shareholders. A Summary of the
scheme is as follows
a) The equity shareholders have agreed that their ` 50 share should be reduced to ` 2.50
` 47.50 per share. They have agreed to subscribe for three new equity shares of ` 2.50
each for each equity share held.
b) The preference shareholders have agreed to cancel the arrears of dividend and to
accept for each ` 50 share, 4 new 5% preference shares of ` 10 each, plus 6 new equity
shares of ` 2.50 each, all credited as fully paid.
c) Lenders to the company for ` 1,50,000 have agreed to convert their loan into share and for
this purpose they will be allotted 12,000 new preference shares of ` 10 each and 12,000 new
equity shares of ` 2.50 each.
d) The directors have agreed to subscribe in cash for 40,000 new equity shares of ` 2.50
each in addition to any shares to be subscribed by them under (a) above.
e) Of the cash received by the issue of new shares, ` 2,00,000 is to be used to reduce the
loan due by the company.
f) The equity share capital cancelled is to be applied.
i) To write off the preliminary expenses
Amalgamation and Corporate Restructuring 53

ii) To write off the debit balance in the profit and loss A/c
iii) To write off ` 35,000 from the value of the plant.
Any balance remaining is to be used to write the value of trademarks and goodwill.
Show journal entries how will the financial books are affected by the scheme and
prepare the balance sheet of the company after reconstruction. The nominal capital as
reduced is to be increased to ` 6,50,000 for preference share capital and ` 7,50,000 for
equity share capital.
I. Journal of Restructure Ltd.
Date Particulars L.F Dr. ` (in Cr. ` (in
,000) ,000)
i) Equity Shares Capital A/c Dr 7,50,000
To Equity Shares Buyback A/c 37,500
To Capital Reduction A/c 7,12,500
(Being Equity Share Capital Reduced)

ii) Bank A/c Dr 1,12,500

To Equity Share Capital A/c 1,12,500
(Being 3 shares @ ` 2.5 each subscribed)

iii) 6,00,000
7% Preference Capital A/c Dr
Capital Reduction A/c Dr
To 5% Preference Share Capital A/c (`
To Equity Share Capital
iv) (Being 7% preference Capital, Converted) 1,50,000
Loan A/c Dr 30,000
To 5% Preference Share Capital A/c
To Equity Share Capital A/c
v) (Being loan converted into Equity Share 1,00,000
Capital) 1,00,000

Bank A/c Dr
vi) To Equity Share Capital 2,00,000
(Being Directors Subscribed) 2,00,000

Loan A/c Dr
vii) To Bank A/c 6,52,500
(Being Loan Repaid) 11,000
Reconstruction A/c Dr 35,000
To Preliminary Expenses 1,66,500
To Profit/Loss A/c
54 CA Final Financial Reporting

To Plant A/c
To Trade Marks and Goodwill
(Being Losses and Assets written off)
II. Balance Sheet of Restructure Ltd (And Reduced)
Particulars Note No Amount
Equity and Liabilities
I. Share holders Fund
1. Share Capital 1 10,60,000
2. Reserves and Surplus
II Non Current Liabilities
Long Term Borrowing 2,23,000
III Current Liabilities
Trade Payables 2,07,000
Other Current Liability 35,000
Total 15,25,000
I. Non Current Assets
1. Fixed Assets
Tangible Assets 2 6,33,000
Intangible Assets 3 1,51,500
II. Current Assets
Inventories 3 4,00,000
Trade Receivables 4 3,28,000
Cash and Cash Equivalent 12,500
Total 15,25,000
Notes to Accounts
Particulars Amount In
1.Share Capital
Authorized Capital
65,000 Preference Shares of ` 10 each 6,50,000
3,00,000 Equity Shares @ 2.5

Issued Subscribed and Paid up 4,60,000

1,80,000 Equity Shares @ ` 2.5 each 6,00,000
60,000 5% preference Shares @ ` 10 each

2.Tangible Assets 2,33,000

3. Intangible Assets
Amalgamation and Corporate Restructuring 55

Trademark and Goodwill

4.Trade receivable
Question 22 Nov RTP – 2011
Part Ltd. has two divisions A and B and their respective shares of various assets and
liabilities in the company’s balance sheet as on 31st March, 2011 are given below.
(`. in Lakhs)
A Div B Div Total
Fixed Assets
Cost 650 340
Less Depreciation 225 160
Written Down Value 425 180 605
Investments 115
Current Assets 350 430
Less Current Liabilities 185 210
Net Current Assets 165 220 385
Financed By
Loan Funds 400
Own Funds
Equity share capital of ` 10 each 300
Reserves and Surplus
Division b has been invariably suffering losses. The company sold this division B along
with its assets and liabilities to a newly formed company Apart Ltd. which was
incorporated with an authorized capital of ` 800 lakhs divided into shares of ` 10 each.
Apart Ltd. allotted to Part Ltd shareholders its two fully paid shares of
` 10 each held in Part Ltd. as discharge of Consideration for the division taken over.

Apart Ltd. recorded in its books the fixed assets at ` 280 lakhs, current assets at ` 320
lakhs and liabilities at the same value at which they appeared in the books of Part Ltd.

On 1st April, 2011 Part Ltd. sold all its investments for ` 135 lakhs and redeemed
debentures liabilities of ` 150 lakhs at par, which was included in loan funds. The cash
transaction being recorded in the bank account pertaining to A Division.
You are required to.
1. Show journal Entries in the books of Part Ltd.
2. Prepare Part Ltd. Balance sheet immediately after the Demergers and
3. Initial Balance sheet of Apart Ltd.
56 CA Final Financial Reporting

I. Calculation of Purchase Consideration

2 Fully Paid up Shares @ ` 10 each

PC. = 300 (in Lakhs) x 2 = ` 600 Lakhs

II. Journal Entries of Part Ltd

Date Particulars L.F Dr. ` (in Lacs) Cr. ` (in Lacs)
i) Bank A/c Dr 135
To Profit/loss A/c 20
To Investment A/c 115
(Being Sale of Investment )
ii) Debenture A/c Dr 150
To Debenture Holders A/c 150
(Being Debenture redeemed)

iii) Debenture Holders A/ Dr 150

To Bank A/c 150
(Being Holders Paid)

iv) Current Liability A/c Dr 210

Provision for Depreciation A/c Dr 160
Reserves and Surplus A/c Dr 400
To Fixed Assets A/c 340
To Current Assets A/c 430
(Being Assets and Liabilities Transferred
III. Balance Sheet of Part Ltd (After Demerger)
Particulars Note No Amount
Equity and Liabilities
I. Share holders Fund
1. Share Capital 1 300
2. Reserves and Surplus 25
(405 + 20 - 400)
II Non Current Liabilities 2 250
Long Term Borrowing
III Current Liabilities 185
Total 760
I. Non Current Assets
1. Fixed Assets 425
Tangible Assets
II. Current Assets (350 + 135 - 150) 335
Total 760
IV. Initial Balance Sheet of Apart
Particulars Note No Amount
Amalgamation and Corporate Restructuring 57

Equity and Liabilities

I. Share holders Fund
1. Share Capital 1 600
2. Reserves and Surplus -
II Non Current Liabilities
Long Term Borrowing
III Current Liabilities 210
Total 810
I. Non Current Assets
1. Fixed Assets
Tangible Assets 280
Intangible Assets 210
II. Current Assets 320
Total 810
Check Goodwill
PC. 600
Less: Fixed Assets (280)
Current Assets (320)
Add: Current Liabilities 210

Goodwill 210
Questiion 23 Nov Paper – 2011
As part of its expansion Strategy White Ltd has decided to amalgamate its business
with that of Black Ltd and a new company Black & White Ltd being incorporated on the 1st
of September 2010 having an authorized equity capital of 2 crore shares of f 10/- each. M/s
Black & White Ltd. shall in turn acquire the entire ownership of White Ltd and Black Ltd in
consideration for issuing its equity at 25%premium on 1st Oct.2010. It is also agreed that
the consideration shall be based on the product of the profits available to equity
shareholders of each entity, times its PE multiple. The Preference Shareholders &
Debenture holders are to be satisfied by the issue of similar instruments in Black & White
Ltd on 1-10-2010 in lieu of their existing holdings. Accordingly the relevant information is
supplied to you as under:
White Ltd. Black Ltd.
Paid up Equity off 10 class (Nos) 3 Lakh 1.2 Lakhs
8% Preference Shares f 10/- paid (Nos ___ 1 Lakh
5% Redeemable Debentures 2015 of

` 10/- each (Nos) __ 0.8 Lakh

Profits before Interest & Taxation

(Rupees) 6,00,000 4,40,000
Price to Earnings Multiple 15 10
58 CA Final Financial Reporting

To augment the Cash retention level of Black & White Ltd it is decided that on Ist Oct
2010 Black& White Ltd. shall collect full share application money for the issue 20,00,000
equity shares @ 40% premium under Private Placement. The allotment of the shares will
be made on 31-12-2010 and such shares shall qualify for dividend from 2011 only.

Black & White Ltd also shall avail a 12.50% TOD of ` 15 lakhs to meet its preliminary

expenses and cost of working which amount to ` 12 lakhs and Rs.2 lakhs respectively. The
TOD will be availed on 1st Nov 2010 and closed on 31st Dec. 2010. Preliminary expenditure is
tax deductible @ 20% each year.
Due to an accounting omission the opening inventory of Black Ltd of Rs.5 Lakh & the
closing stock of White Ltd. of ` 2.20 lakh was understated & overstated by 5% and 10%
The dividend schedule proposed is that all companies would pay interim dividend for
equity, for the period from 1st Oct 2010 to 31st Dec. 2010. The rates of dividend being White
Ltd. @ 5%, Black Ltd @ 2% and Black & White Ltd @ 3.5%. The preference Shareholders &
debenture holders dues for the post take over period are discharged on 31.12.2010.
It is proposed that in the period Oct-Dec 2010 Black & White Ltd would carry out trade
in futures that would generate an absolute post' tax return of 18% by using the funds
generated from the Private Placement. The trades would be squared off on 31-12-2010.
Proceeds from such transactions are not liable to withholding taxes.
You are required to prepare a projected Profit & Loss A/c for the period ended 31st
Dec.2010 and a Balance Sheet on that date for Black & White Ltd.
The corporation tax rate for the company is 40%.
Projected Profit and Loss and Account of Black and White for the period ended 31-12-
Particulars Amount (`) Particulars Amount (`)
To Working Capital 2,00,000 To Profits from futures 84,00,000
expenses 31,250 trading 1,74,000
To Interest on TOD 10,000 To Dividends received
To Debenture interest 32,63,500
To Provision for Tax
(40% on pre-tax profit – `
To Profit after Tax
85,74,000 85,74,000
To Dividends (Equity and By Profit for the year after 50,69,250
Preference) 2,06,760 tax
To Profit transferred to
Balance sheet 48,62,490
50,69,250 50,69,250
Amalgamation and Corporate Restructuring 59

Projected Balance sheet of Black & White Ltd. as at 31-12-2010

Liabilities Amount (`) Assets Amount (`)
Authorized Share Capital Investments in subsidiaries
2 crores Equity shares of `. In equity shares at cost 66,70,000
20,00,00,000 In Preference shares at cost 10,00,000
10 each
5% Debentures 8,00,000
Issued, subscribed & Paid
Bank Balance 3,49,25,990
25,33,600 shares of ` 10
(of the above 5,33,600
shares issued for 10,00,000
consideration their than
Preference shares 81,34,000
1 Lakh, 8% Preference
shares 48,62,490
` 10 paid
Reserves and Surplus 8,00,000
Security Premium
(93,34,000 – 12,00,000) 32,63,500
Profit and Loss Account
Secured Loan
5% Debentures of ` 10 each
Current Liabilities &
Provisions for tax
4,33,95,990 4,33,95,990

Working Notes
1. Calculation of Rectified Profits
White Ltd. (`) Black Ltd (`)
Value of inventory as given 2,20,000(over stated) 5,00,000 (Actual)
Adjustment therein due to incorrect
valuation will be reduced will be 2,20,000 x 10/110 = 5,00,000 x 10/110 =
reduced from profits 20,000 25,000
2. Computation of shares to be issued as purchase consideration
White Ltd. Black Ltd.
Profit before interest and Tax 6,00,000 4,40,000
Less : Reduction in profit due to incorrect inventory (20,000) (25,000)
valuation - (40,000)
Less : Debentures Interest 5,80,000 3,75,000
60 CA Final Financial Reporting

Profit before tax (2,32,000) 1,50,000

Less : Tax @ 40% 3,48,000 2,25,000
Profit after tax (PAT) - (80,000)
Less : Preference dividend 3,48,000 1,45,000
Profit available to equity shareholders (A) 15 10
Profit Earnings Multiple (B) 52,20,000 14,50,000
Total Purchase consideration to be given (A x B) 41,76,000 11,60,000
Equity Share Capital (Purchase consideration x 10,44,000 2,90,000
Securities Premium (25% of the premium)
3. Bank Account
Date Particulars ` Date Particulars `
1.10.10 To share 2,80,00,000 1.10.10 By Future Trading 2,80,00,000
1.11.10 Application 15,00,000 1.11.10 A/c 12,00,000
31.12.10 To 12.5% TOD 3,64,00,000 31.12.10 By Preliminary 2,00,000
31.12.10 To Future Trading 31.12.10 Exp 1,86,760
To Dividend 31.12.10 By Working 31,250
Received 1,74,000 31.12.10 Capital 10,000
White Ltd 31.12.10 By Dividend Paid 20,000
1,50,000 31.12.10 By TOD Interest 15,00,000
Black Ltd. 31.12.10 By Debenture 3,49,25,990
24,000 interest
By Preference Div.
By 12.5% TOD
By Balance c/d
6,60,74,000 6,60,74,000
Question 24 May RTP – 2012
The Balance Sheet as at 31st March 2011 of Sick Ltd. was as under:
Liabilities ` Asset ` `
Share Capital Fixed Assets
4,000 Equity shares of Rs. 2,00,000 Goodwill at cost 20,000
100 each, ` 50 per share Others 4,25,000
paid –up
2,000, 11% Cumulative 2,00,000 Less: Depreciation 1,35,000 2,90,000
Shares of Rs. 100 each Investment 12,500
Security Premium 20,000 Stock in trade 1,05,000
General reserve 30,000 Sundry Debtors 1,27,500
Current Liabilities 1,55,000 Cash and Bank 50,000
6,05,000 6,05,000
Contingent liability not provided:
Amalgamation and Corporate Restructuring 61

Preference dividend is in arrears for three years including the year ended 31st March,
The funds of the Company are sufficient to discharge its liabilities including Preference
Dividends in arrears. However, the Company does not want to deplete its resources. It
would also like to reflect the values of some of its assets in a realistic manner. The Board of
Directors of the Company decided and proposed the following scheme of reconstruction to
be effective from 1st April, 2011.
(i) The cumulative preference shareholders are to be issued, in exchange of their holdings,
13% Debentures of the face value of ` 100 each at a premium of 10%. Fractional
holdings are to be paid off in cash.
(ii) Arrears in preference dividends to be converted into equity shares of ` 100, ` 50 per
share paid-up
(iii) After the issue of the shares mentioned in (ii) above, the paid-up value of all the
equity shares is to be reduced to ` 25 each.

(iv) The face value of all the equity shares to be reduced to ` 50 each and the balance of
the unpaid portion is to be called up fully.
(v) Goodwill has lost its value and has to be written off. Market value of other fixed assets
is determined, as at 31st March, 2011 at ` 2,50,000.
(vi) Investments have no market value and have to be written off.
(vii) Stock-in-trade is to be valued at 110% of its book value and Sundry Debtors are to be
discounted by 5%.
The scheme, as approved by the Directors, is duly accepted by all the authorities and
put into effect. During the working for the half-year ended 30th September, 2011 it is
noticed that the trading for the period has resulted in an increase of bank balances by `
27,550, Sundry Debtors by ` 20,000, Trade creditors by
` 13,000 and a decrease in stock by ` 4,000. Depreciation for the half year on fixed assets at
10% per annum is to be provided. The increase in the bank balances was prior to the
company paying the half yearly interest on the debentures and redeeming one half of the
debentures on 30th September, 2011.
From the above information you required to prepare the Balance Sheet of Sick Ltd. as
on 30th September, 2011.
Balance Sheet of Sick Ltd at 30th September, 2011
Particulars Note Amount
Equity and Liabilities
I. Share holders Fund 1 2,66,000
1. Share Capital 2 73,038
2. Reserves and Surplus
II Non Current Liabilities
Long Term Borrowing 3 90,900
62 CA Final Financial Reporting

III Current Liabilities 4 1,68,000

Total 5,97,938
I. Non Current Assets
1. Fixed Assets
Tangible Assets (2,50,000 – 12,500) 2,37,500
II. Current Assets
Inventories 5 1,11,500
Trade Receivables 6 1,41,125
Cash and Cash Equivalent 1,07,813
Total 5,97,938

Notes to Accounts
Particulars (`) in Lakhs
1.Share Capital
5,320 Equity Shares @ ` 50 each Fully Paid Up 2,66,000

2.Reserves and Surplus

Security Premium
General Reserve (30,000 - 1375)
Premium on Debentures
Profit/Loss A/c
3. Long Term Borrowings
13% Debentures

4.Current Liabilities (1,55,000 + 13,000)

5. Inventories
Stock (1,15,400 – 4,000)

6. Trade Receivables
Debtors (1,21,125 + 20,000)
Cash/Bank A/c
Date Particular Amount Date Particular Amount
To Balance B/d 1,82,980 By Interest 11,817
(1,33,000+50,000- 27,550 By Debentures 90,900
20) By Balance C/d 1,07,813
To Increase 2,10,530 2,10,530

Working Notes
i) = 1818 Debenture @ ` 110 each
ii) Fractional Holdings = 0.1818 x 10 = ` 20 Cash
Amalgamation and Corporate Restructuring 63

iii) ` 66,000 (22,000x 3) = 1320 Shares @ ` 50 Paid up

iv) Total Equity Shares = 4,000 + 1,320 = 5,320 Shares
v) Paid up Value reduced to ` 25 each so ` 1,33,000 transferred to Capital Reduction
Cash/Bank A/c Dr 1,33,000
To Equity Shares Capital A/c 1,33,000
(Fully Paid up Equity @ 25each)
vi) ` 78,875 written off & 10,500 Stock gone up
vii) Debit Balance of ` 1,375 transferred to General Reserve
viii) Increase in Profit
Date Liability Amount Date Assets Amount
Increase in Creditors 13,000 Cash/Bank 27,550
Decrease in Stock 4,000 Increase in Debtors 20,000
Depreciation 12,500
Profit 18,050
1,81,000 x 13%
Profit = 18,050 – = 6,233
Question 25 May RTP – 2012
Major Ltd. has a subsidiary X Ltd. holding 76% of the later’s paid-up-capital. The
balance of shares in X Ltd. is held by a foreign collaborating company. A memorandum of
understanding has been entered into with the foreign company providing for the following:
(a) The shares held by the foreign company will be sold to Major Ltd. The price per share
will be calculated by capitalising the yield at 15%. Yield, for this purpose, would mean
40% of the average of pre-tax profits for the last 3 years which were ` 15 lakhs, ` 20
lakhs and ` 32.5 lakhs.

(b) The actual cost of the shares to the foreign company was ` 1,20,000 only. The profit
that would accrue to them would be taxable at an average rate of 30%. The tax payable
will be deducted from the proceeds and Major Ltd. will pay it to the Government.
(c) Out of the net consideration, 50% would be remitted to the foreign company
immediately and the balance will be an unsecured loan repayable after one year.
Major Ltd. decided to absorb X Ltd. simultaneously. It decided to write down fixed
assets of X Ltd. by 5%. The Balance Sheet figures included a sum of ` 75,000 due by X Ltd.
to Major Ltd.
The entire arrangement was approved by all concerned for being given effect to on
The summarised Balance Sheets as at 31.3.2011 immediately before the implementation
of the scheme were as follows:
Major Ltd. (`) X Ltd. (`)
Shares of ` 10 each 40,00,000 10,00,000
Reserves and Surplus 80,00,000 30,00,000
Secured Loans 20,00,000 -
64 CA Final Financial Reporting

Current Liabilities 30,00,000 10,00,000

1,70,00,000 50,00,000
Fixed Assets 60,00,000 17,50,000
Investments in X Ltd. 3,70,000 -
Sundry Debtors 35,00,000 5,00,000
Inventories 30,00,000 25,00,000
Cash and Bank 41,30,000 2,50,000
1,70,00,000 50,00,000
You are required to show the Balance Sheet of Major Ltd. as it would appear after the
arrangement is put through on 1.4.2011.
Calculation of Purchase Consideration
15,00,000 + 20,00,000 + 32,50,000
I. Yield of X Ltd = x 40% = ` 9,00,000
II. Capitalized Value of Yield = = ` 60,00,000
III. Value per Share = x 10 = ` 60
Purchase Consideration 24% (100 - 76) held by Outside Share Holders 14,40,000
(60,00,000 x 24%)

[14,40,000 – 1,20,000] 10,44,000

X 30% 50% in Cash = 5,22,000
= 3,96,000 50% Loan = 5,22,000
To the Government
IV. Working of Cash for Balance Sheet
Date Particular ` Date Particular `
To Balance B/d 41,30,000 By Foreign Company 5,22,000
To X Ltd 2,50,000 By Tax 3,96,000
By Balance C/d 34,62,000
43,80,000 43,80,000
V. In the Books of Major Ltd
Balance Sheet
Particulars Note (`)
Equity and Liabilities
I. Share holders Fund
1. Share Capital 1 40,00,000
2. Reserves and Surplus 2 1,01,02,500
II Non Current Liabilities
Long Term Borrowing 3 25,22,000
III Current Liabilities [30,00,000+10,00,000- 39,25,000
Total 2,05,49,500
Amalgamation and Corporate Restructuring 65

I. Non Current Assets
1. Fixed Assets
Tangible Assets [60,00,000+(17,50,000 –5%)] 76,62,500
II. Current Assets
Inventories [30+25] 55,00,000
Trade Receivables 39,25,000
Cash and Cash Equivalent 34,62,000
Total 2,05,49,500
Notes to Accounts
Particulars (`) In Lakhs
1.Share Capital
4,00,000 Shares @ ` 10 each 40,00,000

2.Reserves and Surplus
Capital Reserve

3. Long Term Borrowings

Secured Loans
Unsecured Loan

4. Trade Receivables
Debtors (35,00,000+5,00,000-75,000)

Question 26 – May RTP – 2012

The following is the Balance Sheet of Complete Ltd. having an authorised capital of `
1,000 crores as on 31st March, 2011:
(` in crores)
Particulars (` in crores)
Sources of funds:
Shareholders’ funds:
Share capital
Equity shares of ` 10 each fully paid in cash 250
Reserves and surplus (Revenue) 750 1,000
Loan funds:
Secured against: (a) Fixed assets ` 300 Cr.
(b) Working capital ` 100 Cr. 400
66 CA Final Financial Reporting

Unsecured: 600 1,000

Employment of funds:
Fixed assets:
Gross block 800
Less: Depreciation (200) 600
Investments at cost (Market value ` 1,000 Cr.) 400
Net current assets:
Current assets 3,000
Less: Current liabilities (2,000) 1,000
Capital commitments : ` 700 crores.
The company consists of 2 divisions:
(i) Settled division whose gross block was ` 200 crores and net block was ` 30 crores;
current assets were
` 1,500 crores and working capital was ` 1,200 crores; the entire amount being
financed by shareholders’ funds.
(ii) New project division to which the remaining fixed assets, current assets and current
liabilities related.
The following scheme of reconstruction was agreed upon:
(a) Two new companies Much Ltd. and More Ltd. are to be formed. The authorized capital
of Much Ltd. is to be ` 1,000 crores. The authorised capital of More Ltd. is to be ` 500
(b) More Ltd. is to take over investments at ` 800 crores and unsecured loans at balance
sheet value. It is to allot equity shares of ` 10 each at par to the members of Complete
Ltd. in satisfaction of the amount due under the arrangement.
(c) Much Ltd. is to take over the fixed assets and net working capital of the new project
division along with the secured loans and obligation for capital commitments for which
Complete Ltd. is to continue to stand guarantee at book values. It is to allot one crore
equity shares of ` 10 each as consideration to Complete Ltd. Much Ltd. made an issue of
unsecured convertible debentures of ` 500 crores carrying interest at 15% per annum
and having a right to convert into equity shares of ` 10 each at par on 31.3.2016. This
issue was made to the members of Much Ltd. as a right who grabbed the opportunity
and subscribed in full.
(d) Complete Ltd. is to guarantee all liabilities transferred to the 2 companies.
(e) Complete Ltd. is to make a bonus issue of equity shares in the ratio of one equity share
for every equity share held by making use of the revenue reserves.
Assume that the above scheme was duly approved by the Honourable High Court and that
there are no other transactions. Ignore taxation.
You are asked to:
(i) Pass journal entries in the books of Complete Ltd., and
Amalgamation and Corporate Restructuring 67

(ii) Prepare the balance sheets of the three companies giving all the information
required by the Companies Act, 1956 in the manner so required to the extent of
available information.
Complete Ltd.

Established Division New Project Balance

Gross Block 200 600 Secured Loan 400
Dep 170 30
Net Block 30 570 Unsecured Loan 600
Much Ltd Investment 400
Current Assets 1500 1500
CL 300 1700
Work. Cap 1200 (200) More Ltd.
Calculation of Purchase Consideration
More Ltd. Much Ltd.
Investment 800 PC = 1 x 10 = 10 crores
Unsecured Loan 600
Purchase consideration 200 FA 570
CA 1500
Discharge = 20 x 10 = 200 2070
CL 1700
Loan 400
Net Assets (30)
40 Loss
PC 10
I. Journal of Complete Ltd.
Date Particulars L.F Dr. (` ) Cr (`)
Sale to More Ltd
? More Ltd. Dr 200
Unsecured Loan Ltd Dr 600
To Capital Reserve A/c 400
To Investment A/c 400

? Capital Reserve A/c Dr 200

To More Ltd. 200

? Sale to Much Ltd.

68 CA Final Financial Reporting

Much Ltd. A/c Dr Dr 10

Secured Loan Ltd. A/c Dr Dr 400
Current Liabilities A/c Dr Dr 1700
PFD A/c Dr Dr 30
To Capital Reserve A/c 40
To Fixed Assets A/c 600
To Current Assets A/c 1500

Share in Much Ltd. Dr 10

To Much Ltd. A/c 10

Bonus Issue
Declaration of Bonus Dr
Revenue Reserve A/c Dr 250
To Bonus to Shareholders A/c 250

Issue of Bonus
Bonus to shareholders A/c Dr. 250
To share Capital A/c 250
II. Balance Sheet of Complete Ltd
Particulars Note No Amount
Equity and Liabilities
I. Share holders Fund
1. Share Capital 500
2. Reserves and Surplus 740
II Non Current Liabilities
III Current Liabilities 300
Total 1540
I. Non Current Assets
1. Fixed Assets
Tangible Assets 30
Non Current Invest 10
II. Current Assets 1500
Total 1540
II. Balance Sheet of More Ltd
Particulars Note No Amount
Equity and Liabilities
I. Share holders Fund
1. Share Capital 200
2. Reserves and Surplus
II Non Current Liabilities
Long Term Borrowing 600
III Current Liabilities
Amalgamation and Corporate Restructuring 69

Total 800
I. Non Current Assets
Non Current Invest 800
II. Current Assets
Total 800
II. Balance Sheet of Much Ltd
Particulars Note No Amount
Equity and Liabilities
I. Share holders Fund
1. Share Capital 10
2. Reserves and Surplus -
II Non Current Liabilities
Long Term Borrowing 900
III Current Liabilities 1700
Total 2610
I. Non Current Assets
Tangible Assets 570
Intangible Assets 40
II. Current Assets 2000
Total 2610
Question 27 May paper – 2012
The shareholders of Sunrise Ltd. Decided on a corporate restructuring exercise
necessitated due to economic recession and a slump in business. From the audited
statements as on 31.3.2010 and the information supplied, you are requested to prepare :
(i) Balance Sheet after the completion of restructuring exercise,
(ii) The Capital Reduction Account
(ii) The cash Account of the Entity
Balance Sheet of Sunrise Ltd. as on 31.3.2010
Liabilities ` Assets `
30,000 Equity Shares of ` 10 3,00,000 Trade Marks and Patents 1,10,000
4,00,000 Goodwill at cost 36,100
Freehold Land 1,20,000
40,000 8% cumulative
10,000 Freehold Premises 2,44,000
Preference Shares of ` 10 each
Plant and Equipment 3,20,000
Securities Premium A/c (1,38,400 Investment (Marked to 64,000
Profit and Loss A/c ) Market)
9% Debentures Inventory 60,000
1,20,000 1,25,400 Raw Material 16,000
Accrued Interest 1,20,000 Finished Goods 1,20,000
5,400 50,000 Trade Receivable
Creditors 2,23,100
70 CA Final Financial Reporting

Deferred Vat Payable

Bank Overdraft
10,90,100 10,90,100
Note : Preference Dividend are in arrears for 4 years.
The Scheme of reconstruction that received the permission of the court was on the
following lines.
1. The authorized capital of the company to be re-fixed at ` 10 lakhs (Preference capital ` 3
lakhs and equity capital 7 lakhs both ` 10 shares each)

2. The preference shares are to be reduced to ` 5 each and equity shares reduced by ` 3
per share. Post reduction, both classes of shares to be re-consolidated into ` 10 shares.
3. Trade Investments are to be liquated in open market.
4. One fresh equity shares of ` 10 to be issued for every ` 40 of preference dividends in
5. The securities Premium is to be fully utilized to meet the reconstruction programme.
6. The debenture-holder took over freehold land at ` 2,10,000 and settled the balance after
adjusting their dues.
7. Unprovided contingent liabilities were settled at ` 54,000 and a pending insurance
claim receivable settled at `12,500 on condition that claim will be immediately settled.

8. The intangible Assets were all to be written off along with ` 10,000 worth absolute
packing material and 10% of the receivables
9. Expenses of the scheme were ` 10,000

10. Remaining cash available as a result of the above transactions is to be utilized to pay
off the bank overdraft to that extent.
11. The Equity shareholders agree that they will bring in cash to liquidate the balance
outstanding on the overdraft account and also agree that sufficient funds will be
brought in to bring up the net working capital, after completing the re-structuring
exercise, to ` 2 lakhs. The equity shares will be issued at par for this purpose.

Books of Sunrise Ltd. Capital Reduction A/c
Particulars Dr (`) Particulars Cr (`)
To Preference Dividend 32,000 By Preference share capital 2,00,000
To Contingent liability 54,000 A/c 90,000
Provided 1,10,000 By Equity share Capital A/c 10,000
To Trademarks and Patents 36,100 By Security Premium 90,000
To Goodwill 10,000 By Freehold land A/c 12,500
To Raw material 12,000 By Insurance Claim
To Trade receivables 10,000 receivable
To Cash A/c (Expenses) 1,38,400
Amalgamation and Corporate Restructuring 71

To Profit and Loss account

4,02,500 4,02,500
Cash Account
Particulars ` Particulars `
To Investment A/c 64,000 By Contingent Liability A/c 54,000
To 9% Debenture holders 84,600 By Capital reduction A/c 10,000
(2,10,000 – 1,25,400) (Exp) 97,100
To Insurance Claim 12,500 By Bank O/D A/c
To Equity share Capital A/c 1,26,000 (64,000 + 84,600 + 12,500
(2,23,100 – 97,100) – 54,000 – 10,000) 1,26,000
To Equity Shares capital 1,96,000 By Bank O/D A/c
[(2,00,000 – (50,000 + (2,23,100 – 97,100)
16,000 + 108,000 – 50,000 1,96,000
– 120,000)] By Balance C/D
4,83,100 4,83,100

Balance sheet as on 31.3.2010

II. Balance Sheet of Much Ltd (And Reduced)
Particulars Note No (`)
Equity and Liabilities
I. Share holders Fund
1. Share Capital 7,64,000
2. Reserves and Surplus
II Non Current Liabilities
III Current Liabilities
Trade Payables 1,20,000
Deferred vat payable 50,000
Total 9,34,000
I. Non Current Assets
Tangible Assets 5,64,000
Intangible Assets
II. Current Assets
Inventories 66,000
Trade Receivables 1,08,000
Cash 1,96,000
Total 9,34,000
Notes to Account
1. Share Capital
Authorized Share Capital
70,000 Equity shares of `. 10 each 7,00,000
72 CA Final Financial Reporting

30,000 Preference shares of `. 10 each 10,00,000

Issued, Subscribed, and Paid up
56,400 Equity shares of `. 10 each
20,000 preference shares of `. 10 each
2. Trade Payable
3. Tangible Assets 3,20,000
Freehold Premises 5,64,000
Plant and Equipment
4. Inventories 16,000
Raw material 66,000
Finished Goods
5. Trade Receivable

Question 28 – Nov RTP – 2012 – Similar to Nov 2008 Paper

Question 29 Nov RTP – 2012

The following are the summarized Balance Sheets of Sonu Ltd. and Monu Ltd. for the
year ending on 31st March, 2012:
Sonu Ltd. Monu Ltd.
Equity Share capital- in equity shares of ` 10 each 50 40

Preference share capital- in 10% preference shares of ` - 60

100 each
Reserves and Surplus 200 150
250 250
Loans – Secured 100 100
Total Funds 350 350
Applied for: Fixed asset at cost less depreciation 150 150
Current Assets 200 200
Total 350 350

The present worth of fixed assets of Sonu Ltd. is ` 200 crores and that of Monu Ltd. is `
429 crores. Goodwill of Sonu Ltd. is ` 40 crores and of Monu Ltd. is ` 75 crores.

Monu Ltd. absorbs Sonu Ltd. by issuing equity shares at par in such a way that intrinsic
net worth is maintained.
Amalgamation and Corporate Restructuring 73

Goodwill account is not to appear in the books. Fixed assets are to appear at old
1. Show the Balance Sheet after absorption
2. Draft a statement of valuation of shares on intrinsic value basis and prove the
accuracy of your workings.
I. Purchase Consideration
Calculation of Purchase Consideration
Sonu Monu
(` in Crores) (` in Crores)
Equity Share Capital 50 40
Reserve and Surplus 200 150
Add: Increase in Fixed Assets 50 279
Goodwill 40 75
340 544
No of Shares 5 Crores 4 Crores
iv ` 68 ` 136
5 Crores
Intrinsic Net Worth = = 2.5 Crores
II. Balance Sheet of Monu Ltd
Particulars Note No Amount
Equity and Liabilities
I. Share holders Fund
1. Share Capital 1 125
2. Reserves and Surplus 2 375
II Non Current Liabilities
Long Term Borrowing 3 200
Total 700
I. Non Current Assets
1. Fixed Assets
Tangible Assets [150+150] 300
Intangible Assets -

II. Current Assets [200+200] 400

Total 700
Notes to Accounts
Particulars ` In Lakhs
1.Share Capital
4 Crores Equity Share Capital @ ` 10 each 40
10% Preference Shares @ ` 100 each
2.5 Crore Equity Shares @ ` 10 each 125
74 CA Final Financial Reporting

[Out of these, 2.5 Crore, Shares are issued for

Consideration other than Cash]
2.Reserves and Surplus 225
Capital Reserve 375

3. Long Term Borrowings 200

Secured Loans (100+100) 200
Accuracy of the Workings After Absorption
Particular Amount in
Equity Share Capital 65
Reserve and Surplus 375
(+) Goodwill(40+75) 115
(+) Increase in Value of Assets [50+279] 329

No of Shares 884
6.5 Cr.
IV = ` 136 per Share
Question 30 – Nov RTP – 2012 – Similar to Nov 2008 – RTP
Question 31 Nov Paper – 2012
The Abridged Balance Sheet (Draft) of V Ltd as on 31stMarch, 2012 is as under:
Liabilities ` Assets `
24,000, Equity shares of `10 Goodwill 5,000
each 2,40,000 Fixed Assets 2,57,000
5000, 8% cumulative Stock 50,000
preference shares of 10 each 50,000 Debtors 60,000
8% Debentures 1,00,000 Bank 1,000
Interest accrued on debentures 8,000 Preliminary Expenses 15,000
Creditors 1,00,000 Profit & Loss Account 1,10,000
4,98,000 4,98,000
The following scheme is passed and sanctioned by the court :
(i) A new company P Ltd is formed with ` 3,00,000, divided into 30,000 Equity shares of `
10 each.
(ii) The new company will acquire the assets and liabilities of V Ltd on the following terms:
(a) Old company's debentures are paid by similar debentures in new company and for
outstanding accrued interest, shares of equal amount are issued at par.
(b) The Creditors are paid for every ` 100, ` 16 in cash and 10 shares issued at par.
(c) Preference shareholders are to get equal number of equity shares at par. For
arrears of dividend amounting to ` 12,000, 5 shares are issued at par for each ` 100
in full satisfaction.
Amalgamation and Corporate Restructuring 75

(d) Equity shareholders are issued one share at par for every three shares held.
(e) Expenses of ` 8,000 are to be borne by the new company.
(iii) Current Assets are to be taken at book value (except stock, which is to be reduced by
` 3,000). Goodwill is to be eliminated, balance of purchase consideration being
attributed to fixed assets.
(iv) Remaining shares of the new company are issued to public at par and are fully paid.
You are required to show:
(a) In the old company's books:
(i) Realisation and Reconstruction (combined) Account
(ii) Equity Shareholder's Account
(b) In the new company's books:
(i) Bank Account
(ii) Summarised Balance Sheet as per requirement of Revised Schedule-VI.
Calculation of Purchase Consideration
Particulars Amount
Preference Share Holders
5,000 Equity Shares @ ` 10 each 50,000
Arrears od Dividend
[ x 10 x 5] 6,000
Equity Share Holders
[ x 10] 80,000
Total Purchase Consideration 1,36,000
Calculation of Fair Value of Assets Acquired
Particulars Amount
Purchase Consideration 1,36,000
Add: Liabilities
8% Debenture 1,08,000
1,00,000 1,00,000 1,16,000
[ x 16 + x 10 x 10]
100 100 3,60,000
Less: Stock (50-3)
Bank 47,000
Debtors 1,000
Fair Value of Fixed Assets 60,000
Equity Share to Public
Particulars Amount
Authorized Equity Shares 30,000
Interest Accrued on Debenture (800)
76 CA Final Financial Reporting

Creditors of X (10,000)
Preference Shareholders (5,000)
Equity Share holders (8,000)
O/s Dividend (600)
Issued to Public for Cash 5,600
I. In the Books of Old Company
Realization and Reconstruction A/c
(Combined) Account
Date Particular Amount Particular Amount
To Goodwill 5,000 By 8% Debenture 1,00,000
To Fixed Assets 2,57,000 By Interest Accrued on 8,000
To Stock 50,000 Debenture 1,00,000
To Debtors 60,000 By Creditors 1,36,000
To Bank 1,000 By P Ltd (Purchase 35,000
To Pref. Shareholders 6,000 By Equity Share holders
A/c 3,79,000 (Loss) 3,79,000

Equity Share Capital A/c

Date Particular Amount Particular Amount
To Preliminary 15,000 By Equity Share Capital 2,40,000
Expenses 1,10,000
To Profit and loss A/c 80,000
To Equity Shares in P 35,000
Ltd 2,40,000 2,40,000
To Realization A/c

II. In the Books of New Company

Bank A/c
Date Particular Amount Particular Amount
To Balance B/d 1,000 By Goodwill A/c 8,000
To Equity Shares to 56,000 (Liquidation) 16,000
Public By Creditors 33,000
57,000 By Balance C/d 57,000
III. In the Books of P Ltd
Balance Sheet as on 31/3/12
Particulars Note No Amount
Equity and Liabilities
I. Share holders Fund 1 3,00,000
1. Share Capital 2
2. Reserves and Surplus
II Non Current Liabilities
Long Term Borrowing 3 1,00,000
Total 4,00,000
Amalgamation and Corporate Restructuring 77

I. Non Current Assets

1. Fixed Assets
Tangible Assets (W.N.) 2,52,000
Intangible 8,000
II. Current Assets
Inventories 47,000
Trade Receivables 60,000
Cash and Cash Equivalent 33,000
Total 4,00,000
Notes to Accounts
Particulars (`) In Lakhs
1.Share Capital
Authorized Capital 3,00,000
Issued and Subscribed
30,000 Shares @ ` 10 each
(of these 24,400 are issued for Consideration other than 3,00,000

2. Long Term Borrowings 1,00,000

8% Debentures

3.Intangible 8,000

4.Inventories 47,000
Stock (50,000 -3,000)
5.Trade Receivable
Question 32 – May RTP – 2013
Honey Ltd. agreed to acquire the business of Bunny Ltd. as on 31st March, 2012. On that
date, balance sheet of Bunny Ltd. was summarised as follows:
Liabilities `. Assets `.
Share Capital (fully paid shares of 3,00,000 Goodwill 50,000
Rs.10 each)
General Reserve 1,35,000 Land, Buildings and 3,20,000
Profit and Loss Account 55,000 Inventories 84,000
Trade Payables 10,000 Trade Receivables 18,000
Cash and Bank 28,000
5,00,000 5,00,000
78 CA Final Financial Reporting

The shareholders in Bunny Ltd. were to receive ` 2.50 in cash per share and 3 shares in

Honey Ltd. for every two shares held - the shares in Honey Ltd. being considered as worth `
12.50 each.
There were fractions equalling 50 shares of Honey Ltd. for which cash was paid. The
directors of Honey Ltd. considered the various assets as on 31.3.12 to be valued as follows:

Land 1,00,000
Buildings 2,50,000
Plant 3,50,000
Inventories 80,000
Trade receivables 18,000

The cost of liquidation of Bunny Ltd. ultimately was ` 5,000. Due to a technical hitch,
the transaction could be completed only on 1st October, 2012. Till that date, Bunny Ltd.
carried on trading which resulted in a profit of ` 20,000 (subject to interest) after

providing ` 15,000 as depreciation. On October 1, 2012 inventory was ` 90,000; Trade

receivables were ` 25,000 and trade payables were ` 15,000. There was no addition to or
sale of fixed assets. However, for the purpose of amalgamation, stock on October 1, 2012
was taken at ` 86,000 only. It was agreed that the profit will belong to Honey Ltd.

You are required to

(i) Prepare Realisation Account and the Shareholders Account in the books of Bunny Ltd.,
(ii) Give journal entries in the books of Honey Ltd. as on October, 1, 2012.
I. Calculation of Purchase Consideration
Particulars `
Cash (2.5 x 30,000) 75,000
Equity Shares 5,61,875
[(30,000 x – 50) x 12.5]
2 625
Cash(50 x 12.5) 6,37,500
II. In the Books of Bunny Ltd
Dr Realization A/c Cr
Dat Particular Amount Date Particular Amount
Amalgamation and Corporate Restructuring 79

To Goodwill 50,000 By Trade Payables 15,000

To Land Building 3,20,000 By Depreciation 15,000
To Inventories 90,000 By Purchase 6,37,500
To Trade Receivable 25,000 Consideration 20,000
To Cash/Bank 55,000 By Profit
(W.N.) 1,47,500
To Equity 6,87,500 6,87,500

Dr Share-Holders A/c Cr
Date Particular Amount Date Particular Amount
To Cash/Bank 75,625 By Equity Share Capital 3,00,000
To Equity Shares in 5,61,875 By General reserve 1,35,000
Honey Ltd By Profit/Loss 55,000
By Realization Profit 1,47,500
6,37,500 6,37,500

Calculation of Cash
Particulars Amount Amount
Opening Cash 28,000
Add: Profit 20,000
Depreciation 15,000
Increase in Trade Payables 5,000 40,000
Less: Increase in Inventories
Increase in Trade Receivables 6,000
Cash Profit 7,000 (13,000)
III. Journal Entries in the Books of Honey Ltd
Date Particulars L.F Dr. ` Cr. `

1/10/12 Business Purchase A/c Dr 6,37,500

To Liquidation of Bunny A/c 6,37,500
(Being Business Purchased)

Land A/c Dr 1,00,000

Building A/c Dr 2,50,000
Plant A/c Dr 3,50,000
Inventories A/c Dr 86,000
Trade Receivables A/c Dr 25,000
Bank A/c Dr 55,000
To Provision for Depreciation 15,000
To Trade Payables 15,000
To Profit/Loss 20,000
To Business Purchase 6,37,500
To Capital Reserve A/c 1,78,500
80 CA Final Financial Reporting

(Being Assets and Liabilities taken Over)

Liquidation of Bunny Ltd Dr 6,37,500

To Share Capital [44,950 x 10] 4,49,500
To Security Premium A/c 1,12,375
To Cash/Bank A/c 75,625
(Being Purchase Consideration
Capital Reserve A/c Dr 5,000
To Cash/Bank A/c
(Being Expenses on Liquidation)
Question 33 May Paper – 2013
Sun Limited.agreed to absorb Moon Limited on 31st March 2012 whose Summarized
Balance Sheet stood as follows:
Equity and Liabilities ` Assets `
Share Capital Fixed Assets 10,50,000
1,20,000shares of `.10 each full 12,00,000 Investments -
Reserve & Surplus Current Assets.
General reserve 1,50,000 Loans & Advances
Secured Loan Stock in Trade 1,50,000
Unsecured Loan Sundry Debtors 3,00,000
Current Liabilities & Provisions
Sundry Creditors 1,50,000
15,00,000 15,00,000
The consideration was agreed to be paid as follows:
(a) A payment in cash of ` 5 per share in Moon Ltd. and

(b) The issue of shares of ` 10 each in Sun Ltd. on the basis of two equity shares
(valued at ` 15) and one 10% cum. preference share (valued at ` 10) for every five
shares held in Moon Ltd.
The whole of the share capital consists of shareholdings in exact multiple of five except
the following holding:
P 174
Q 114
R 108
S 42
Other Individuals 12 (Twelve members holding one share each)
It was agreed that Sun Ltd. will pay in cash for fractional shares equivalent at agreed
value of shares in Moon Ltd. i.e. ` 65 for five shares of ` 50 paid.
Prepare a statement showing the purchase consideration receivables in shares and
Amalgamation and Corporate Restructuring 81

For Every 5 Shares = 2 Equity shares of ` 15 each = 2 x 15
= 30
= 1 Preference shares of ` 10 each = 1 x 10 = 10

= ` 5 cash for each share = 5 x 5 = 25

So for the block of 5 shares (FV 50) = Total payment will be ` 65

So for every share = = ` 13 per Share

Note : Any person holding fractional shares he will paid ` 13 in cash

Details P Q R S Others Total
No of Shares 174 114 108 42 12 1,20,000

Divisible 170 110 105 40 - 1,19,975
Non-Divisible 4 4 3 2 12 25
Purchase Consideration
Divisible Numbers
Equity Shares 68 44 42 16 - 47,990
Preference Shares 34 22 21 8 - 23,995
Divisible Amount
Equity (no x 15) 1020 660 630 240 - 7,19,850
Preference (no x 10) 340 220 215 80 - 2,39,950
Cash (Div x 5) 850 550 525 200 - 5,99,875
Non Divisible
(Non – Div x 13) 52 52 39 26 156 325
2262 1482 1404 546 156 15,60,000
Question 34 NOV RTP – 2013
Ram Limited and Shyam Limited carry on business of a similar nature and it is agreed
that they should amalgamate. A new company, Ram and Shyam Limited, is to be formed to
which the assets and liabilities of the existing companies, with certain exception, are to be
transferred. On 31st March, 2013, the Balance Sheets of the two companies were as under:
Ram Limited
Balance Sheet as at 31st March, 2013
Liabilities ` Assets `
Issued and Subscribed Freehold Property, at cost 2,10,000
Share capital: Plant and Machinery, at cost 50,000
less depreciation
30,000 Equity shares of ` 3,00,000 Motor Vehicles, at cost less 20,000
10 each, fully paid
General Reserve 1,60,000 Stock 1,20,000
82 CA Final Financial Reporting

Profit and Loss Account 40,000 Debtors 1,64,000

Sundry Creditors 1,50,000 Cash at Bank 86,000
6,50,000 6,50,000
Shyam Limited
Balance Sheet as at 31st March, 2013
Liabilities ` Assets `
Issued and Subscribed Freehold Property, at cost 1,20,000
Share capital: Plant and Machinery, at cost 30,000
less depreciation
16,000 Equity shares of ` 1,60,000 Stock 1,56,000
10 each, fully paid
Profit and Loss A/c. 40,000 Debtors 42,000
6% Debentures 1,20,000 Cash at Bank 36,000
Sundry Creditors 64,000
3,84,000 3,84,000
Assets and Liabilities are to be taken at book-value, with the following exceptions:
(a) Goodwill of Ram Limited and of Shyam Limited is to be valued at ` 1,60,000 and `
60,000 respectively.
(b) Motor Vehicles of Ram Limited are to be valued at ` 60,000.
(c) The debentures of Shyam Limited are to be discharged by the issue of 6% Debentures of
Ram and Shyam Limited at a premium of 5%.
(d) The debtors of Shyam Ltd. realized fully and bank balance of Shyam Ltd, are to be
retained by the liquidator and the sundry creditors of Shyam Ltd. are to be paid out of
the proceeds thereof.
You are required to:
(i) Compute the basis on which shares in Ram and Shyam Limited will be issued to the
shareholders of the existing companies assuming that the nominal value of each share
in Ram and Shyam Limited is ` 10.
(ii) Draw up a Balance Sheet of Ram and Shyam Limited as of 1st April, 2013, the date of
completion of amalgamation.
(iii) Write up journal entries, including bank entries, for closing the books of Shyam

I. Calculation of Purchase Consideration
Particular Ram Shyam
Assets taken over at Revised Value
Goodwill 1,60,000 60,000
Freehold Property 2,10,000 1,20,000
Plant and Machinery 50,000 30,000
Motor Vehicle 60,000 -
Amalgamation and Corporate Restructuring 83

Stock 1,20,000 1,56,000

Debtors 1,64,000 -
Cash 86,000 -
LESS: Liabilities
6% Debentures
(1,20,000 x 5%) (1,26,000)
Sundry Creditors (1,50,000) -
Net Assets 7,00,000 2,40,000
To be Satisfied by shares @ ` 10 each 70,000 Sh. 24,000 Sh.

II. Balance Sheet of Ram and Shyam Ltd as on 1st April 2011
Particulars Note No Amount
Equity and Liabilities
I. Share holders Fund
1. Share Capital 1 9,40,000
2. Reserves and Surplus 2 6,000
II Non Current Liabilities
Long Term Borrowing 3 1,20,000
III Current Liabilities
Trade Payables 1,50,000
Total 12,16,000
I. Non Current Assets
1. Fixed Assets 4 4,70,000
Tangible Assets 5 2,20,000
II. Current Assets
Inventories 6 2,76,000
Trade Receivables 7 1,64,000
Cash and Cash Equivalent 86,000
Total 12,16,000
Notes to Accounts
Particulars ` in Lakhs
1.Share Capital
94,000 Equity Shares @ ` 10 each 9,40,000

2.Reserves and Surplus

Security Premium 6,000

3. Long Term Borrowings

6% Debentures 1,20,000
Freehold property (2,10,00 + 1,20,000) 3,30,000
Plant and Machinery (50,000 + 30,000) 80,000
Motor vehicle 60,000
5.Intangible Assets
84 CA Final Financial Reporting

Goodwill (1,60,000 + 60,000) 2,20,000

6. Inventories
Stock (1,20,000 – 1,56,000) 2,76,000

6. Trade Receivables
Debtors 1,64,000
III. Journal Entries for Closing Books of Shyam Ltd

Date Particulars L.F Dr. ` Cr. `

1 Realization A/c Dr 3,48,000
To Freehold Property 1,20,000
To Plant and Machinery 30,000
To Stock A/c 1,56,000
To Debtors A/c 42,000
(Being Assets transferred to Realization
2 1,20,000
6% Debenture A/c Dr 64,000
Sundry Creditors A/c Dr 1,84,000
To Realization A/c
(Being all Liabilities Transferred)
3 1,60,000
Equity Share Capital A/c Dr 40,000
Profit and Loss A/c Dr 2,00,000
To equity Shareholders A/c
(Being Equity Transferred to Shareholders
4 A/c) 2,40,000
Ram and Shyam A/c Dr
To Realization A/c
5 (Being P.C. Recorded) 42,000
Bank A/c Dr
To Realization A/c
6 (Being Paid to Creditors) 64,000
Realization A/c Dr
To Bank A/c
7 (Being Creditors settled in cash) 2,40,000
Shares in Ram in Shyam Dr
To Ram and Shyam Ltd
(Being Purchase Consideration Received)
8 54,000
Realization A/c Dr
Amalgamation and Corporate Restructuring 85

To Equity Shareholders A/c

(Being Profit on Realization transferred to
9 Shareholders A/c) 2,54,000
Equity Share holders A/c Dr 14,000
To Shares in Ram and Shyam Ltd
To Bank A/c
(Being Payment made to Share holders)
Question 35 – Nov Paper – 2013
Following is the Extract of Balance sheet of M/s Sunny Ltd. and Money as on 31.03.2013
Balance Sheet Extract as on 31.03.2013
Sunny Ltd. Money Ltd
Authorised Share Capital 15,00.000 5,00,000
Equity Share Capital of ` 10 each fully paid 8,00,000.00 2,00,000.00
General Reserve 1,10,000.00 45,000.00
Profit & Loss Account 42,000.00 18,000.00
Statutory fund 16,000.00 8,000.00
Trade Payables 45,000.00 24,000.00
Provisions 95,000.00 12,000.00
11,08,000.00 3,07,000.00
Goodwill 20,000.00 0.00
Machines & Plant 5,10,000.00 1,95,000.00
Other fixed Assets 90,000.00 15,000.00
Current Assets
Inventories 1,85,000.00 35,000.00
Debtors 1,00,500.00 35,000.00
Prepaid expenses 24,500.00 2,000.00
Cash in Hand & Bank 1,78,000.00 25,000.00
11,08,000.00 3,07,000.00
The two companies have entered into a scheme of Amalgamation and a new company Z
Ltd. is formed. The Amalgamation is to take place in the following manner:
(1) For the purpose of Amalgamation a new Company Z is to be formed with a authorized
Share Capital of 2,50,000 equity shares of `10 each.
(2) Z Ltd.. to issue fully paid shares to the shareholders of Sunny Ltd. and Money Ltd., at a
price of ` 5 and
` 3 above the intrinsic value of the shares respectively.
(3) The scheme of amalgamation was not supported by 100 shareholders of Sunny Ltd., and
had to be paid ` 10 per share above intrinsic value as consideration. The amount of the
dissenting shareholders was borne by Z Ltd.,
(4) Fixed Assets of Sunny Ltd., were last revalued in the year 2009 after which there has
been an increase of 15% in the values, while assets of Money Ltd. have not shown any
86 CA Final Financial Reporting

change in prices. The current assets of Money Ltd., include Debtors of ` 20,000/- which
are considered bad.
(5) Money Ltd.'s Stock-in-trade as on 31.03.2013 includes stock of ` 25,000 purchased from
Sunny Ltd., at a profit of 25% on cost price.
(6) The Statutory Fund of the companies is to be maintained by Z Ltd. for a period of 3
(7) Sunny Ltd. had declared dividend of 10% on 31.03.2013 which has still not been paid.
(8) Goodwill shown in books of Sunny Ltd., was considered to be worthless.
(9) All the assets of the companies are taken over by Z Ltd. at the revalued amounts.
Liabilities have to be paid in full.
Calculate the purchase consideration paid by Z to the shareholders of both the
companies and prepare the Balance Sheet of Z Ltd., as per revised Schedule VI after the
Amalgamation. (Notes to Balance Sheet need not form part of the answer.)
I. Calculation of Net Assets
Particular Sunny ` Money `
Machinery and Plant 5,10,000 1,95,000
Other Fixed Assets 90,000 15,000
6,00,000 2,10,000
Add: Increase in Price of Sunny 90,000
(15%) 6,90,000 2,10,000

Add: Current Assets 1,85,000 30,000 [35,000 –

Inventories 1,00,500 5,000]
Debtors 24,500 15,000 [35,000 –
Prepaid Expenses 1,78,000 20,000]
Cash/Bank (80,000) 2,000
Less: Dividend [8,00,000 x 10%] 10,98,000 25,000
Total Assets
Less: Liabilities 45,000
Trade Payables 15,000
Provision [95,000 – 10,38,000 24,000
80,000] 12,000
Net Assets 2,46,000
Notes :-
1. Loading on Stock = 25,000 x = 5,000
2. It is assumed that Proposed Dividend was included in Provisions
II. Calculation of Purchase Consideration
Particulars Sunny Money
Amalgamation and Corporate Restructuring 87

Net Assets 10,38,000 2,46,000

No of Shares 80,000 20,000
Iv Value of Shares 12.975 12.3
Premium to be paid by Z 5 3
Amount per Shares 17.975 15.3
No of Shares Holders to Amalgamation 79,900 20,000
Amt to be Paid by Z Ltd (v x vi) 14,36,202 3,06,000
Total No of shares 1,43,620 30,600

Payment to Share Holders in Cash (12.975 + 2,298
10) [22.975 x 100]
14,38,500 3,06,000
Total PC

III. In the Books of Z Ltd

Balance Sheet as on 31/3/2013
Particulars Note No `
Equity and Liabilities
I. Share holders Fund
1. Share Capital 17,42,200
2. Reserves and Surplus
Statutory Funds 24,000
II Non Current Liabilities
III Current Liabilities
Trade Payables[45,000 + 24,000] 69,000
Short Term Provisions 27,000
Total 18,62,200
I. Non Current Assets
1. Fixed Assets
Tangible Assets [6,90,000 + 2,10,000] 9,00,000
Non Tangible Assets (Goodwill) 4,60,500
2. Non Current Investments 24,000
II. Current Assets
Inventories 2,15,000
Trade Receivables 1,15,500
Cash and Cash Equivalent [12,30,000 – 2,300] 1,20,700
Short Term Loans and Advances 26,500
Total 18,62,200
Question 36 – May RTP – Similar to Nov 2013 RTP (RAM and Shayam)
Question 37 – May Paper – 2014
Dawn Ltd. was incorporated to take over Arun Ltd., Brown Ltd. and Crown Ltd. Balance
Sheets of all the three companies as on 31.03.2008 are as follows:
88 CA Final Financial Reporting

(` in '000)
Particulars Arun Ltd. Brown Ltd. Crown Ltd
Equity Share Capital (Share of 110 1,800 2,100 900
Reserve 300 150 300
10% Debentures 600 – 300
Other liabilities 600 450 300
Total 3,300 1,800 1,500
Net Tangible Block 2,400 1,800 1,500
Goodwill – 150 –
Other Assets 900 750 300
Total 3,300 2,700 1,800
From the following information you are to:
(a) Work out the number of equity shares and debentures to be issued to the shareholders
of each company.
(b) Prepare the Balance Sheet of Dawn Ltd. as on 31.3.2008.
(i) Assets are to be revalued and the revalued amount of Tangible Block and other Assets
are as follows
Tangible Block Other Assets

Arun Ltd. ` 30,00,000 ` 10,50,000

Brown Ltd. ` 15,00,000 ` 4,20,000

Crown Ltd. ` 18,00,000 ` 2,40,000

(ii) Normal profit on capital employed is to be taken at 10%

(iii) Average amount of profit for three years before charging interest on Debentures are:

Arun Ltd. ` 5,40,000

Brown Ltd. ` 4,32,000

Crown Ltd. ` 3,12,000

(iv) Goodwill is to be calculated at three years' purchase of average super profits for three
years, such average is to be calculated after adjustment of 10% depreciation on
Increase/Decrease on revaluation of Fixed Assets (Tangible Block).
(v) Capital employed being considered on the basis of net revaluation of Tangible Assets.

(vi) Equity Shares of ` 10 each fully paid up in Dawn Ltd are to be distributed in the ratio of
average profit after adjustment of depreciation on revaluation of Tangible Block.
Amalgamation and Corporate Restructuring 89

(vii) 10% Debentures of ` 100 each fully paid up are to be issued y Dawn Ltd. for the
balance due.
(viii) The ratio of issue of Equity shares and debentures of Dawn ltd are to be maintained
at 3:1, towards the take over companies.

(ix) The amount required for preliminary expenses of ` 1,50,000 and for payment to
existing Debenture holders, were provided by issuing Equity shares of ` 10 each in
Dawn Ltd.
Calculation of Goodwill (Super Profit Method)
Details Arun Brown Crown
1. Future Maintainable Profits 4,20,000 4,62,000 2,52,000
2. Average Capital Employed 28,50,000 14,70,000 14,40,000
3. Normal Rate of Return 10% 10% 10%
4. Normal Profits (Step 2 x Step 3) 2,85,000 1,47,000 1,44,000
5. Super Profits (Step 1 – Step 4) 1,35,000 3,15,000 1,08,000
6. Goodwill (Step 5 x 3 yrs purchase) 4,05,000 9,45,000 3,24,000
Working Notes
1. Future Maintainable Profits
Particulars Arun Brown Crown
Average Profits 5,40,000 4,32,000 3,12,000
Less : Interest on Debentures (60,000) - (30,000)
Add / Less : Depreciation (60,000) 30,000 (30,000)
Adjusted Profits 4,20,000 4,62,000 2,52,000

2. Capital Employed
Particulars Arun Brown Crown
Tangible Trading Assets
Tangibles 30,00,000 15,00,000 18,00,000
Other Assets 10,50,000 4,20,000 2,40,000
Total 40,50,000 19,20,000 20,40,000
Less External Liabilities
10% Debentures 6,00,000 - 3,00,000
Other Liabilities 6,00,000 4,50,000 3,00,000
Total 12,00,000 4,50,000 6,00,000
Adjusted Profits 28,50,000 14,70,000 14,40,000
Calculation of Purchase Consideration (Net Asset Method)
Details Arun Brown Crown
Capital Employed 28,50,000 14,70,000 14,40,000
Add Goodwill 4,05,000 9,45,000 3,24,000
PC 32,55,000 24,15,000 17,64,000
90 CA Final Financial Reporting

Total PC

Equity(3) Debenture(1)
55,75,500 18,58,500

Arun Brown Crown

Equity (In Ratio of Profits ) 20,65,000 22,71,500 12,39,000

Balance (Debtures) 11,90,000 1,43,500 5,25,000

Total 32,55,000 24,15,000 17,64,000

Additional Transactions
1. Preliminary Expenses 1,50,000
To Equity share Capital 1,50,000
2. 10% Debentures 9,00,000
To Equity share Capital 9,00,000
Balance Sheet of X Ltd. After Amalgamation
Particulars Note `
Equity & Liabilities
I Share holders funds
a Share Capital 1 66,25,500
II Non current liabilities
a Long term borrowings 2 18,58,500
III Current liability 13,50,000
I Non current assets
a Fixed Assets
Tangible Assets 63,00,000
Intangibles 3 16,74,000
II Current Assets 17,10,000
a Other Current Assets 4 1,50,000
Note to Balance Sheet
Note 1 : Share capital
6,62,550 Equity Shares of Rs. 10/- each 66,25,500
(Out of the Above, all the shares are issued for consideration
other than cash)
Note 2 : Long term borrowings
Amalgamation and Corporate Restructuring 91

10% Debentures 18,58,500

Note 3 : Tangible assets

Goodwill 16,74,000
Note 4 : Other Current Assets
Preliminary Expenses 1,50,000
Question 38 – Nov RTP – 2014 - Similar to Nov 2011 Paper
Question 39 – Nov Paper – 2014
The Summarised Balance Sheets of 'S' Limited and .H' Limited as on 30th June 2014
were as follows:
`.in Crores
S Limited H Limited
Equity and Liabilities
Equity Share Capital 80 25
Reserve and Surplus 400 75
10%, 25,00,000 Debentures of Rs.100 each - 25
Non-Current Liabilities
Other Liabilities 120 -
Current Liabilities 356 200
Total Liabilities 956 325

Fixed Assets (At Cost) 200 75
Less : Depreciation 100 100 50 25
Investment in 'H' Limited
2 Crores Equity shares of Rs.10 each at cost 32
10%, 25,00,000 Debentures of Rs.100 each at 24 56 - -
Current Assets 800 300
Total Assets 956 325
In a duly approved scheme of absorption, 'S' Limited took over the assets of 'H' Limited
at an agreed value of Rs.330 Crores and the liabilities were .taken over at book value. Other
Shareholders of 'H' Limited were allotted equity shares in 'S' Limited at a premium of ` 90

per share in satisfaction of their claim. ‘S' Limited valued the Fixed assets taken over at `
40 Crores and all other assets and liabilities were recorded at book value. The scheme/of
absorption was completed on 1st July 2014.
You are required to :
(a) Pass necessary Journal entries in the books of 'S' Limited to record the transactions.
(b) Prepare the Balance Sheet of 'S' Limited after absorption in the Revised Schedule VI
format along with Notes to accounts.
92 CA Final Financial Reporting

I. Inter-company Analysis
H Ltd (Old) S Ltd. (New)
2.5 Cr shares 25
Shares in H Ltd 2
II. Calculation of PC (Net Assets Method)
Particulars ` in Crores
Agreed Value 330
Less: Current Liabilities (200)
10% Debentures (25)
Less: Share Held by S Ltd (80%) 84
PC 21
III. Discharge of PC = 21/100 = 0.21 shares (FV = 10 / Security Premium 90)
IV. Journal Entries of S Ltd
Date Particulars L.F Dr. ` in Cr. ` in
Crores Crores
1) Business Purchase A/c Dr 21
To Liquidators of H Ltd 21
(Being Business Purchase)

Fixed Assets A/c Dr 40

2) Current Assets A/c Dr 300
To Capital Reserve A/c 25
To 10% Debenture A/c 200
To Current Liabilities A/c 21
To Business Purchase A/c 32
To Investments A/c
(Being Assets and Liabilities Taken
3) 21
Liquidators of H Ltd A/c Dr 2.1
To Equity Share Capital A/c 18.9
To Security Premium A/c
(Being PC Discharged)
4) 25
10% debenture A/c 1
To Capital Reserve A/c 24
To 10% Debentures A/c
(Being 10% Debenture Discharged)
V. Balance Sheet of S Ltd
Amalgamation and Corporate Restructuring 93

Particulars Note Amount

Equity and Liabilities
I. Share holders Fund 82.1
1. Share Capital 481.9
2. Reserves and Surplus
II Non Current Liabilities 120
Other Liabilities
III Current Liabilities [356 + 200] 556
Total 1,240
I. Non Current Assets
1. Fixed Assets 140
Tangible Assets [40 + 100]
II. Current Assets [800 + 300] 1,100
Total 1,240
Notes to Accounts
Particulars ` in Lakhs
1.Share Capital
8 Crores Shares @ ` 10 Each 80
21,00,000 Shares @ ` 10 Each
(out of these 0.21 Crore Shares are issued for
Consideration other than Cash)

2.Reserves and Surplus 18.9

Security Premium 400
Reserves and Surplus 63
Capital Reserve
Question 40 May RTP – 2015
AB Ltd. and CD Ltd. two private companies, decide to amalgamate their business into a
new holding company EF Ltd., which was incorporated on 1st August, 2014 with an
authorised capital of ` 40,00,000 in equity shares of ` 10 each. The new company plans to
commence operations on 1st October, 2014.
From the information given below, and assuming that all transactions are completed by
31st March, 2015, you are required to:
(a) Prepare Projected Statement of Profit & Loss of EF Ltd. for the six months ending 31st
March, 2015.
(b) Prepare Projected Balance Sheet of EF Ltd. as on 31st March, 2015.
(c) Show the computation of number of shares to be issued to the former shareholders of
AB Ltd. and CD Ltd.
94 CA Final Financial Reporting

(1) EF Ltd. will acquire the whole of the Equity share capital of AB Ltd. and CD Ltd. by
issuing its fully paid own shares.
(2) The number of shares to be issued is to be calculated by multiplying the future annual
maintainable profits available to the Equity shareholders in each of the two companies
by agreed price earnings ratios.
The following information is relevant:
AB Ltd. (`) CD Ltd. (`)
Equity Shares of ` 10 each fully paid 10,00,000 4,00,000
8% Cumulative Preference shares 1,00,000
10% Debentures 2,00,000
Future annual maintainable pre tax profits (before 2,30,000 1,12,000
Price Earnings Ratio 10 times 8 times
(3) Shares in the holding company are to be issued to the shareholders in subsidiary
companies at a premium of 20% and thereafter these shares will be marketed on the
stock exchange.
(4) It is expected that the Group profits of the new company in 2014-15 will be at least `
4,50,000 but that will be required as additional working capital to facilitate expansion.
Accordingly it is planned to make a further issue of 37,500 Equity shares to the public
for cash at a premium of 30% on 1st February, 2015. The new shares will not rank for
interest/dividend to be paid on 31st March, 2015.
(5) Out of the proceeds of the right issue EF Ltd. will advance ` 2,50,000 to AB Ltd. and `
2,00,000 to CD Ltd. on 1st February, 2015 for working capital. These advances will
carry interest @ 15% p.a. to be paid monthly.
(6) Preliminary Expenses are estimated at ` 8,000 and Administrative Expenses for the
half-year ended 31st March, 2015 at ` 16,000 but this expenditure will be covered by
temporary overdraft facility. It is estimated that Interest on Bank Overdraft cost will be
` 1,600 in the first six months.

(7) A provision for ` 7,500 should be made for Directors Fee for the half-year.
(8) On 31st March, 2015, Interim Dividends on Equity Shares, will be paid by AB Ltd. @ 5%,
by CD Ltd. @ 4.4% and by EF Ltd. @ 4%.
(9) Income tax is to be taken @50% for calculation of number of shares. However, ignore
tax effect while preparing Projected Statement of Profit and Loss.
No of Shares to be Issued
Particulars AB Ltd (`) CD Ltd (`)
Future EBIT 2,30,000 1,12,000
Less: Interest (20,000)
(2,00,000 x 10%)
2,10,000 1,12,000
Amalgamation and Corporate Restructuring 95

Less: Income Tax (1,05,000) (56000)

1,05,000 56,000
Less: Preference Dividend (8,000)
Profit to Equity 1,05,000 48,000
Share Holders 10 8
Capitalized Earnings 10,50,000 3,84,000
No of Shares 87,500 32,000
10,50,000 3,84,000
12 12
II. Profit/Loss A/c (Projected) for Year Ending 31/03/15
Date Particular Amount Date Particular Amount
To Interest on Bank O/d 1,600 By Interest 11,250
To Preliminary Expenses 8,000 (4,50,000 x 15% x
To Administrative 16,000 2/12) 67,600
Expenses 7,500 By Dividend
To Director’s Fees 45,750 [(10,00,000 x
To Profit before Tax 5%)+(4,00,000 x
78,850 78,850
III. Projected Balance Sheet of EF Ltd
Particulars Note `
Equity and Liabilities
I. Share holders Fund
1. Share Capital 15,70,000
2. Reserves and Surplus 3,49,450
II Non Current Liabilities
III Current Liabilities
Other Current Liabilities 23,500
Total 19,42,950
I. Non Current Assets
1. Non Current Investments 14,34,000
II. Current Assets
Cash and Cash Equivalent 58,950
Short Term Loans and Advances 4,50,000
Total 19,42,950
Notes of Accounts
Particulars ` In Lakhs
1.Share Capital
Authorized Share Capital
4,00,000 Shares @ ₹ 10 Each 40,00,000
Issued Share Capital
1,57,000 Equity Shares @ 10 each 15,70,000
(of these, 1,19,500 Share are Issued for consideration other
than cash)
96 CA Final Financial Reporting

2.Reserves and Surplus 3,51,500

Security Premium [2,39,000+1,15,500]
Profit And Loss 45,750 (2,050)
Less: Interim Dividend (47,800)
[1,19,500 x 10 x 4%] 3,49,450

3.Other Current Liabilities 16,000
Directors Fees 23,500
Bank Overdraft
4.Non-Current Investment 3,84,000
Shares of AB @ 12 Ltd
Shares of CD @ 12 Ltd

Bank A/c
Date Particular Amount Date Particular Amount
To Interest Income 11,250 By Preliminary Expenses 8,000
To Dividend (CD) 17,600 By Interest on Bank 1,600
To Dividend (AB 50,000 Overdraft 2,50,000
To Equity Share Capital 3,75,000 By Advance to AB 2,00,000
A/c 1,12,500 By Advance to CD 47,800
To Security Premium By Interim Dividend 58,950
(37,500 x 3) By Balance C/d
5,66,350 5,66,350

Question 41 May Paper – 2015

XY Limited has been incorporated with an Authorized Capital of 70 Lakhs Equity Shares
of ` 10 each and 4 Lakhs Preference Shares of ` 100 each. The Subscribers to the
Memorandum of Association have subscribed and paid for 1 Lakh Equity Shares. The
expenses of incorporation incurred amounted to ` 8.09 Lakhs.

XY Limited desires to amalgamate X Limited and Y Limited as at 1st April, 2015.

Following information is available.

Balance Sheet as on 31st March 2015 (Amounts in ` Lakhs)

Liabilities X Ltd. Y Ltd.
Share Capital Equity Shares (FV 100) 750 725
10% Preference shares (FV 100) 420 180
Reserves and Surplus Revaluation Reserve 125 75
Capital Reserve 270 190
Statutory Reserves 60 40
Profit and Loss Account 35 12
Loan Funds 12.5 % Debentures (FV 100) 50 28
Unsecured Loans 25 0
Current Liabilities Trade Payables 165 75
Amalgamation and Corporate Restructuring 97

Total 1900 1325

Fixed Assets Land and Building 470 290
Plant and Machinery 310 210
Investments 75 50
Current Assets Trade Receivables 345 270
Inventories 345 254
Cash and Cash Equivalents 355 251
Total 1900 1325
Before amalgamation, X Ltd and Y Ltd will make the following adjustments in their
(i) Pay off the Unsecured Loans.
(ii) X Limited will revalue its Land and Building by enhancing the Book Value by 10% and Y
Limited will revalue the Land and Building at ` 330 Lakhs.

(iii) Y Limited will revalue its Plant and Machinery at ` 220 Lakhs.

(iv) Investments will be disposed off. X Limited sold its Investments for ` 67 Lakhs and Y

Limited disposed the same for ` 52 Lakhs.

(v) Debentureholders of X Limited and Y Limited will be discharged by XY Limited by
issued of 15% Debentures of ` 100 each for such an amount which will not put any
additional burden of interest outgo on XY Limited than presently payable by X Limited
and Y Limited.
(vi) Preference Shareholders of X Limited and Y Limited will be issued 15% Preference
Shares in XY Limited in the ratio 2:3, i.e. 2 Shares will be issued for every 3 Shares held
at a premium of ` 25.
(vii) Equity Shares in XY Limited will be issued as under:

(a) Shareholders of X Limited in the ratio of 4:1 at ` 35 per Share, and

(b) Shareholders of Y Limited in the ratio of 3:1 at ` 32 per Share.

(viii) Statutory Reserves having met its purpose will be merged with Capital Reserves.
Prepare the amalgamated Balance Sheet of XY Limited as on 31st March 2015 as per
Schedule III to the Companies Act, 2013 with Notes to Accounts.
I. Calculation of Purchase Consideration
X Ltd. Y Ltd.
Equity Shares
Ratio 4:1 3:1
Old No 7.5 7.25
New No 7.5 x 4 = 30 7.25 x 3 = 21.75
Issued at ` 35 / share ` 32 / share
98 CA Final Financial Reporting

Total Value 30 x 35 =` 1050 21.75 x 32 = ` 696

Preference Shares
Ratio 2:3 2:3
Old No 4.2 1.8
New No 4.2 x 2 / 3 = 2.8 1.8 x 2 / 3 = 1.2
Issued At ` 125 / share ` 125 / share
Total Value
2.8 x 125 = ` 350 1.2 x 125 = ` 150
Total 1400 846
Total PC 2246
II. Calculation of Debentures to be issued
Total Debentures of X Ltd. & Y Ltd. (50 + 28) = ` 78 lakhs

Interest on Debentures @12.5 % = ` 9.75 lakhs

15% debentures issued to give same interest = 9.75 / 15% = ` 65 lakhs

III. Balance sheet of X Ltd and Y Ltd as 31/3/2015
Particulars X Ltd Y Ltd
Equity and Liabilities
I. Share holders Fund
1. Share Capital
Equity share Capital 750 725
Preference share Capital 420 180
2. Reserves and Surplus 529 369
II Non Current Liabilities
Long Term Borrowing 50 28
III Current Liabilities (Trade Payable) 165 75
Total 1914 1377
I. Non Current Assets
1. Fixed Assets
Land and Building 517 330
Plant and Machinery 310 220
II. Current Assets
Inventories 345 254
Trade Receivables 345 270
Cash and Cash equivalent 397 303
Total 1914 1377
IV. Calculation of Goodwill / Capital Reserve for combined company
Particulars X Ltd Y Ltd Total
Assets Taken Over
Land and Building 517 330 847
Plant and Machinery 310 220 530
Trade Receivable 345 270 615
Inventories 345 254 599
Amalgamation and Corporate Restructuring 99

Cash and Cash Equivalent 397 303 700

Total 1914 1,377 3,291
Less Liabilities Taken Over
Trade Payables 165 75 240
Debentures 41.67 23.30 65
Total 206.67 98.30 305
Net Worth 2986
Purchase Consideration (2246)
Capital Reserve 740
V. Balance sheet of Combined Firm
Particulars Note No Amt (`)
Equity and Liabilities
I. Share holders Fund
1. Share Capital 927.5
2. Reserves and Surplus 2068.5
II Non Current Liabilities
Long Term Borrowing 65
III Current Liabilities
Trade Payable 240
Total 3,301
I. Non Current Assets
1. Fixed Assets
Tangible Assets 1377
II. Current Assets
Inventories 599
Trade Receivables 615
Cash and Cash equivalent 701.91
Other Current Assets 8.09
Total 3301
Question 42 Nov 2015 – RTP
The following are the balance sheet of A Ltd and B Ltd. as on 31st March, 2015
Liabilities A Ltd. B Ltd.
Share Capital
Equity Shares of ` 10 each Fully Paid 45,00,000 10,00,000
- 5,00,000
8% Preference shares of ` 10 each fully paid
3,50,000 3,10,000
General Reserve 6,34,000 60,000
Profit and Loss Account - 8,00,000
10% Debentures 6,00,000 3,80,000
Current Liabilities
Total 60,84,000 30,50,000
Fixed Assets 30,50,000 730,000
30,000 Equity shares of B Ltd. 3,00,000 -
100 CA Final Financial Reporting

90,000 Equity shares of A Ltd. - 10,00,000

Debtors 12,70,000 4,50,000
Stock 8,40,000 5,50,000
Bank Balance 6,24,000 3,20,000
Total 60,84,000 30,50,000
A Ltd absorbs B Ltd on the basis of intrinsic value of both the companies as on 31 st
March, 2015. It is informed that the preference shares of B Ltd. do not have priority over
payment of capital and dividend. Before absorption, A Ltd declared dividend of 8%
Dividend tax is 10%.
Prepare Balance sheet of A Ltd., after the absorption of B Ltd. with necessary notes to
I. Balance Sheet of A Ltd (After absorption of B Ltd ) as on 31st March, 2015
Particulars Notes (`)
Equity and Liabilities
I. Share holders Fund
1. Share Capital 1 49,73,950
2. Reserves and Surplus 2 7,56,040
II Non Current Liabilities
Long Term Borrowing 8,00,000
III Current Liabilities 9,80,000
Total 75,09,990
I. Non Current Assets
1. Fixed Assets
Tangible Assets (30,50,000 + 7,30,000) 37,80,000
II. Current Assets
Inventories 13,90,000
Trade Receivables 17,20,000
Cash and Cash equivalent 6,19,990
Total 75,09,990

Notes to Account
1. Share Capital
4,97,395 shares of ` 10 each fully paid 49,73,950
(out of the services 47,395 shares are allotted for consideration other
than cash)

2. Reserves and Surplus
General Reserve
Profit and Loss A/c (6,34,000 – 3,60,000 – 36,000)
Amalgamation and Corporate Restructuring 101

Securities Premium A/c (47,395 x 1.52)

II. Calculation of IV
A Ltd B Ltd.
Assets at Revised Value
Fixed Assets 30,50,000 7,30,000
Debtors 12,70,000 4,50,000
Stock 8,40,000 5,50,000
Bank 6,24,000 3,20,000
Dividend Receivable - 72,000
Total Assets 57,84,000 21,22,200
Less Liabilities at Revised Value
10% Debentures - 8,00,000
Current Liabilities 6,00,000 3,80,000
Proposed Dividend (Including Div Tax) 3,96,000 -
Total Liabilities 9,96,000 11,80,000
Net Assets Excluding Investment 47,88,000 9,42,000
Add Investment 0.2 y 0.2x
Net Assets Including Investment X Y

Equation 1 ---- x = 47,88,000 + 0.2Y

Equation 2 ---- Y = 9,42,000 + 0.2 x
Replacing 2 in 1
X = 47,88,000 + 0.2 (9,42,000 + 0.2x)

X = ` 51,83,750

IV (A ) = 51,83,750 / 4,50,000 = ` 11.52 / share

Replacing X = 51,83,750 in equation 2

Y = 9,42,000 + 0.2 x

Y = ` 19,78,750

IV (B) = 19,78,750 / 1,50,000 = ` 13.19 / share

Calculation of Purchase Consideration (A Absorbs B )

No of shares held by outsiders = 1,00,000 – 30,000 + 50,000 = 1,20,000

Intrinsic value of shares = 1,20,000 x 13.19 = ` 15,82,800

Total no of shares to be held by A Ltd = 15,82,800 = 1,37,395.83

Less Shares already held = 90,000
Shares to be issued = 47,395.83
102 CA Final Financial Reporting

Purchase consideration
Shares = 47,395.83 x 11.52 = 5,45,990
Cash = 0.83 x 11.52 10
Total = 5,46,000
Question 43 Nov 2015 Paper
The balance sheet of White Ltd. as at 31st March, 2015 is given below. In it, the
respective shares of the company's two divisions namely E Division and N Division in the
various assets and liabilities have also been shown.
(All amounts in Lakhs of Rupees)
E Division N Total
Fixed assets :
Cost 975 510
Less: Depreciation 340 240
Written-down value 635 270 905
Investments 175
Net Current assets:
Current assets 525 645
Less: Current liabilities (275) (305)
250 340 590
Financed by :
Loan funds 20 530
Own funds
Equity share capital: Shares of Rs.10 each 420
Reserves and surplus 720
Loan funds included, inter alia, bank loans of ` 20 crore specifically taken for N
Division and debentures of the paid up value of Rs.200 crore redeemable at any time
between 1st Dec, 2014 and 30th September,2015.
Div N has been invariably suffering losses. The company sold this div N along with its
assets and liabilities to a newly formed company Bright Ltd. Which was incorporated with
an authorized capital of ` 1,200 Lakhs, divided into shares of ` 10 each.

Bright Ltd. allotted to white Ltd’s shareholders its two fully paid equity shares of ` 10
each held in white Ltd. as discharge of consideration for the division taken – over.
Bright Ltd. recorded in its books the fixed assets at ` 400 Lakhs, current assets at ` 450
Lakhs and liabilities at the same value at which they appeared in the books of white Ltd.
On 1st April, 2015, white Ltd. sold all investments for ` 200 Lakhs and redeemed
debentures liability at 10% discount, which was included in loan funds. The cash
transaction being recorded in the bank account pertaining to E Division.
(i) Show the journal entries in the books of White Ltd.
Amalgamation and Corporate Restructuring 103

(ii) Prepare White Ltd’s balance sheet immediately after the demerger and the initial
balance sheet of Bright Ltd.
(iii) Calculate the intrinsic value of the share of white Ltd. immediately before the
demerger and after the demerger and
(iv) Comment on the impact of demerger on “Shareholders wealth”.
Calculation of Purchase Calculation of Capital Calculation of Goodwill
Consideration Reserve for White For Bright Ltd.
Fixed Assets 270 Fixed Assets 400
New Old Current Assets 645 Current Assets 450
2 1 915 850
Current Liabilities 305 Current Liabilities 305
84 42 Loan 20 Loan 20
X 10 325 325
840 Purchase Net Assets 590 Net Assets 525
Consideration PC 840 PC 840
Capital Reserve 250 Goodwill 315
I. Journal Entries in the Books of Z Ltd
Date Particulars L.F Dr (Rs. in Dr (Rs. in
Crores) Crores)
Before Demerger
Cash/Bank A/c Dr 200
To Investments 175
To Profit/Loss 25
(Being Investment Sold)
Debenture A/c Dr 200
To Cash/Bank 180
To Discount A/c (P & L ) 20
(Being Debentures Redeemed)
After Demerger
Y Ltd A/c Dr 840
PFD A/c Dr 240
Current Liabilities A/c Dr 305
Loan A/c Dr 20
To Capital Reserve A/c 250
To Fixed Assets A/c 510
To Current Assets A/c 645
(Being Assets and liabilities
transferred )
Capital Reserve A/c Dr 250
Profit and loss A/c Dr 590
To Y Ltd 840
(Being Amount Due from Y Ltd.
written off)

II. Balance Sheet of White Ltd ` in Crores

104 CA Final Financial Reporting

Particulars After De- Before De-

Merger Mergerccc
Equity and Liabilities
I. Share holders Fund
1. Share Capital 420 420
2. Reserves and Surplus 175 765
II Non Current Liabilities
Long Term Borrowing 310 330
III Current Liabilities 275 580
Total 1180 2095
I. Non Current Assets
1. Fixed Assets 635 905
Tangible Assets
II. Current Assets 545 1190
Total 1180 2095
II. Balance Sheet of Bright Ltd
Particulars ` in Crores
Equity and Liabilities
I. Share holders Fund
1. Share Capital 840
II Non Current Liabilities
Long Term Borrowing 20
III Current Liabilities 305
Total 1165
I. Non Current Assets
1. Fixed Assets
Tangible Assets 400
Intangible Assets 315
II. Current Assets 450
Total 1165
III. Calculation of Intrinsic Value
Before (White) After (White) After (Bright)
Assets 2095 1180 850 (1165 – 315)
Less: Liabilities 910 585 325
1185 595 525
No of Shares 42 42 84
IV 28.21428 14.166 6.25
Iv. Loss per share to share holders of White Ltd
Before De – Merger ` `
IV of White Ltd 28.214
After De – Merger
IV of White Ltd. 14.166
Amalgamation and Corporate Restructuring 105

IV of Bright Ltd. (x 2) 12.5 328.666

Gain Per Share 1.548
Note : The Gain per share can be proved by = [1.548 x 42] = 65 (315 – 250)
106 CA Final Financial Reporting


Consolidation of Financial
Years May Nov
RTP Paper RTP Paper
2008 Yes Yes Yes Yes
2009 Yes Yes Yes Yes
2010 Yes Yes Yes Yes
2011 Yes Yes Yes Yes
2012 Yes Yes Yes Yes
2013 Yes Yes Yes Yes
2014 Yes Yes Yes Yes
2015 Yes Yes Yes Yes
Question 1 – May RTP – 2008
The following information has been extracted from the Books of ‘X’ Limited group (as
at 31st December, 2009):
X Ltd. Y Ltd. Z Ltd. X Ltd. Y Ltd. Z Ltd.
Share capital Fixed Assets 4,20,000 3,76,000 5,22,000
(Full paid equity 8,00,000 6,00,000 4,00,000 Depreciation 6,30,000 4,00,000 -
shares of `.10 Investment at
Profit & Loss A/c. 2,10,000 1,90,000 1,28,000 Current Assets 1,20,000 60,000 40,000
Received :
From Y Ltd. in 60,000
From Y Ltd. in 60,000
From Z Ltd. in 36,000
Current 40,000 10,000 34,000
11,70,000 8,36,000 5,62,000 11,70,000 8,36,000 5,62,000
Amalgamation and Corporate Restructuring 107

All the companies pay dividends of 12 percent of paid-up share capital in March
following the end of the accounting year. The receiving companies account for the
dividends in their books when they are received.
‘X’ Limited acquired 50,000 equity shares of Y Ltd. on 31st December, 2007.
’Y’ Limited acquired 30,000 equity shares of Z Ltd. on 31st December, 2008.


The detailed information of Profit and Loss Accounts is as follows:

X Ltd. Y Ltd. Z Ltd.
Balance of Profit and Loss Account on 31st December, 86,000 78,000 60,000
2007 after dividends of 12% in respect of calendar year
2007, but excluding dividends received
Net profit earned in 2008 1,20,000 84,000 56,000
2,06,000 1,62,000 1,16,000
Less – Dividends of 12% (paid in 2009) 96,000 72,000 48,000
1,10,000 90,000 68,000
Net profit earned in 2009 (Before taking into account 1,00,000 1,00,000 60,000
proposed dividends of 12% in respect of calendar year
2,10,000 1,90,000 1,28,000
Taking into account the transactions from 2007 to 2009 and ignoring taxation, you are
required to prepare:
(i) The Consolidated Balance Sheet of X Limited group as at 31st December, 2009.
(ii) The Consolidated Profit and Loss Account for the year ending 31st December, 2009.
(iii) Cost of control.
(iv) Minority shareholders interest.
Equity and Liabilities Note No Amount
I Shareholders Fund
Share Capital 8,00,000
Reserves and Surplus 3,04,833
Minority Interest 2,71,167

II Non Current Liabilities

III Current Liabilities 84,000

Short Term Provisions 96,000
Total 15,56,000
108 CA Final Financial Reporting

I Non Current Assets
Fixed Assets
Tangible Assets 13,18,000
Intangible Assets 18,000

II Current Assets 2,20,000

Total 15,56,000
Working Notes
X in Y Y in Z
1. Book Value of Investments 6,30,000 4,00,000
- Paid up Value of Investment 5,00,000 3,00,000
Goodwill / (Capital Reserve) 1,30,000 1,00,000
2. Capital Reserve
Pre Acquisition Dividend 60,000 36,000
Reserves 65,000 51,000
1,25,000 87,000
Cost of Control 5,000 13,000
Goodwill Goodwill

Net 18,000 goodwill

3. Reserves of Holding Company
Profit and Loss A/c 2,10,000
Dividend Received 60,000
Proposed Dividend (96,000)
Reserves (Y) 1,30,833
Total 3,04,833
4. Minority Interest X Y
Share Capital 1,00,000 1,00,000
Reserves 39,167 32,000
1,39,167 1,32,000
5. Share Capital of Subsidiary Company
X in Y (on 31/12/07) 60,000 Y in Z (on 31/12/08) 40,000

50,000 10,000 30,000 10,000

5/6 X Minority 3/4 Y Minority
6. Reserves of Subsidiary Company
Z Ltd 1,28,000
- 48,000
Amalgamation and Corporate Restructuring 109

68,000 60,000

51,000 17,000 45,000 15,000

Y – CP Minority Y – RP Minority
Y Ltd 1,90,000
- 72,000
+ 1,00,000
78,000 1,12,000
+ 45,000

65,000 13,000 1,30,833 26,167

X – CP Minority X – RP Minority
Question 2 – May Paper – 2008
Astha Ltd. acquired 80% of both classes of shares in Birat Ltd. on 1.4.2007. The draft
Balance Sheets of two companies on 31st March, 2008 were as follows :
` in 000's
Liabilities Astha Birat Assets Astha Birat
Ltd. Ltd. Ltd. Ltd.
Share Capital: Plant & Machinery 2,060 600
Equity shares of ` 10 Furniture & Fixture 600 540
each, fully paid up 3,000 600 Investments
14% Preference shares Equity Shares of Birat 1,920 --
of Ltd
` 100 each, fully paid – 400 Preference shares
General reserve 1,900 40 of Birat Ltd. 320 –
Profit and Loss A/c 1,600 720 Stock 680 404
Creditors 300 320 Debtors 560 316
Cash at Bank 660 220
Total 6,800 2,080 6,800 2,080
Note : Contingent liability - Astha Ltd : Claim for damages lodged by a contractor
against the company pending in a law-suit – ` 1,55,000.

Additional Information:
(i) General reserve balance of Birat Ltd. was the same as on 1.4.2007.
(ii) The balance in Profit and Loss A/c of Birat on 1.4.2007 was ` 3,20,000 out of which
dividend of 16% p.a. on the then Equity capital of ` 6,00,000 was paid for the year
110 CA Final Financial Reporting

(iii) The dividend in respect of preference shares of Birat Ltd. for the year 2007-08 was still
payable as on 31.3.2008.
(iv) Astha Ltd. credited its Profit and Loss A/c for the dividend received by it from Birat Ltd.
for the year 2006-07.
(v) Sundry creditors of Astha Ltd. included an amount of ` 1,20,000 for purchases from
Birat Ltd. on which the later company made a loss of ` 10,000.
(vi) Half of the above goods were still with the closing stock of Astha Ltd. as at 31.3.2008.
(vii) At the time of acquisition by Astha Ltd. while determining the price to be paid for the
shares in Birat Ltd. it was considered that the value of Plant and Machinery was to be
increased by 25% and that of Furniture and Fixtures reduced to 80%. There was no
transaction of purchase or sale of these Assets during the year. The Directors wish to
give effect to these revaluations in the Consolidated Balance Sheet.
(viii) The Directors of Astha Ltd. Are of opinion that disclosure of its Contingent liability
will seriously prejudice the company's position in dispute with the contractor.
Prepare consolidated Balance Sheet as at 31st March, 2008, assuming the rate of
depreciation charged as 25% p.a. and 10% p.a. on Plant and Machinery and Furniture and
Fixtures respectively. Working should be part of the answer.
Consolidated Balance Sheet of Astha Ltd. and its subsidiary Birat Ltd. as at 31/03/08 as
per revised schedule III.
Particulars `
I) Equity and liabilities
A) Shareholders fund
Share Capital 3000
Reserves and surplus 3793.6
Minority Interest 361.4
B) Current Liabilities
Trade Payable (620 – 120) 500
II) Assets
A) Non-Current Assets
Fixed Assets
Tangible 3842
Intangible 1088

B) Current Assets
Inventory (680 + 404 + 5) 1089
Trade Receivables (560 + 316 – 120) 756
Cash and Cash equivalents 880
Working Notes :
WN 1 Book value of investments 2240
Amalgamation and Corporate Restructuring 111

(–) Paid up of Investments 800

Goodwill 1440

WN 2 Capital Reserve
Pre-acquisition dividend 76.8
Reserves 275.2
Cost of control (Net of 1 and 2) 1088 – Goodwill

WN 3 Revenue Reserve
General Reserve 1900
Profit and Loss A/c 1600
(–) Pre-acquisition dividend (96  80%) (76.8)
Loss on Stock Reserve (80%) 4
Reserve 366.4

WN 4 Minority Interest
Equity share capital 120
Preference Share Capital 80
Loss on stock capital (20%) 1
Reserve 160.4
WN 5 Share Capital
Equity 60

48 12
80% 20%
Holding Minority (` 10)

Preference 4

3.2 0.8
H – 80% M – 20% (`.100)

WN 6 Reserve
General reserve 40 Pre.
112 CA Final Financial Reporting

Profit & Loss 720 31/3/08

1/4/07 320
(–) Div. 96 (600000  16%)
Pre. 224 496 Post
Total of General Reserve and Profit and Loss A/c
Pre. 264 Post 496
+ Plant 200 – Dep. 50 Plant
– Fur. 120 + Dep. 12 Fur.
344 458

275.2 68.8 366.4 91.6

Holding M. Holding M.

WN 7 Tangibles
Ashta 2060
Birat 750
(600 + 200 – 50)
Astha 600
Birat 432
(540 – 120 + 12) ____

Plant Current Position Revised Position

Opening 800 1000
(–) Dep. (200) 250
Closing 600 750

Opening 600 480
(–) Dep. 60 48
Closing 540 432

WN 8 Stock Reserve
Loss on sales (For Birat)
Amalgamation and Corporate Restructuring 113

i.e. 5000

4000 1000
80% H. 20% M.
Question 3 – NOV RTP – 2008
From the following summarized Balance Sheets of a group of companies and the other
information provided, draw up the consolidated Balance Sheet as on 31.3.2008.
Balance Sheets as on 31.3.2008 (Rs. in lakhs)
Shares capital (in Fixed Assets less 130 150 100
of Rs.100 each) 300 200 100 Depreciation
Reserves 50 40 30 Cost of investment in Y 180 - -
Profit and loss 60 50 40 Cost of investment in Z 40 - -
balance Ltd.
Bills payables 10 - 5 Cost of investment in Z - 80 -
Creditors 30 10 10 Stock 50 20 20
Y Ltd. balance - - 15 Debtors 70 10 20
Z Ltd. balance 50 - - Bills receivables - 10 20
Z Ltd. balance - 10 -
X Ltd. balance - - 30
Cash and bank balance 30 20 10
500 300 200 500 300 200
Additional information :
(a) X Ltd. holds 1,60,000 shares and 30,000 shares respectively in Y Ltd. and Z Ltd.; Y Ltd.
holds 60,000 shares in Z Ltd. These investments were made on 1.7.2007 on which date
the provision was as follows:
Y Ltd Z Ltd.
Reserves ` 20 lakhs ` 10 lakhs

Profit and loss account ` 30 lakhs ` 16 lakhs

(b) In December, 2007 Y Ltd. invoiced goods to X Ltd. for ` 40 lakhs at cost plus 25%. The
closing stock of X Ltd. includes such goods valued at ` 5 lakhs.

(c) Z Ltd. sold to Y Ltd. an equipment costing ` 24 lakhs at a profit of 25% on selling price
on 1.1.2008. Depreciation at 10% per annum was provided by Y Ltd. on this equipment.
(d) Bills payables of Z Ltd. represent acceptances given to Y Ltd. out of which Y Ltd. had
discounted bills worth ` 3 lakhs.
114 CA Final Financial Reporting

(e) Debtors of X Ltd. include ` 5 lakhs being the amount due from Y Ltd. X Ltd. proposes
dividend at 10%.
Consolidated Balance sheet of X along with its Subsidiaries Y and Z as on 31/3/08
Equity and Liabilities Note Amount
I Shareholders Fund
Share Capital 300
Reserves and Surplus 152.836
Minority Interest 78.364

II Non Current Liabilities

III Current Liabilities

Trade Payables 83
Short Term Provisions 30
Total 644.2
I Non Current Assets
Fixed Assets
Tangible Assets 372.2
Intangible Assets

II Current Assets
Inventory 89
Trade Receivables 123
Cash & Cash Equivalents 60
Total 644.2
Working Notes
X in Y X in Z Y in Z
1. Book Value of Investments 180 40 80
- Paid up Value of Investment 160 30 60
Goodwill / (Capital Reserve) 20 10 20

2. Capital Reserve
Reserves 40 7.8 15.6

Cost of Control 20 2.2 4.4

Goodwill Goodwill Goodwill

Net 13.4 goodwill

Amalgamation and Corporate Restructuring 115

3. Reserves of Holding Company

Reserves 50
Profit and Loss A/c 60
Proposed Dividend (30)
Reserve in Machinery (6.084)
Stock Reserve (0.8)
Reserves (Z) 13.2
Reserves (Y) 53.12
Total 139.436

4. Minority Interest y Z
Share Capital 40 10
Reserve in Machinery (0.936) (0.78)
Stock Reserve (0.2)
Reserves 23.28 7
62.144 16.22

5. Share Capital of Subsidiary Company

Y 2,00,000 Z 1,00,000

1,60,000 40,000 30,000 60,000 10,000

80% X Minority 30% X 60% Y `Minority

6. Reserves of Subsidiary Company

Z Ltd Reserves 30 Profit and Loss A/c


10 20 16 24
Pre Post Pre Post

Total Pre 26 Post 44

7.8 15.6 2.6 13.2 26.4 4.4

30% 60% 10% 30% 60% 10%
116 CA Final Financial Reporting

X – CP Y – CP Min X – RP Y – RP Min
Y Ltd Reserves 40 Profit and Loss A/c 50

20 20 30 20
Pre Post Pre Post

Total Pre 50 Post 40


40 10 53.12 13.28
80% 20% 80% 20%
X – CP Min X – RP Min
7. Trade Payables
Bills Payable = 10 + 5 = 15 – 2 = 13
Creditors = 30 + 10 + 10 = 50 – 5 = 45
Current A/c = 15 + 50 = 65 – 40 = 25
8. Reserves of Subsidiary Company
Debtor = 70 + 10 + 20 = 100 – 5 = 95
Bills Receivable = 10 + 20 = 30 – 2 = 28
Current A/c = 10 + 30 = 40 – 40 = Nil
9. Inventory = Y to X = Unrealized profit 1 = X’s share 0.8 and Minority share 0.2
10. Fixed Assets = 130 + 150 + 100 = 380 – 7.8 = 372.2
Z y
24 +8 32
Less Depreciation 0.2 --- 8 x 10% x 3/12 = 0.2
WDV 7.8

30% 60% 10%

2.34 = X 4.68 = Y 0.78 Minority of Z

3.744 0.936
80 % = X Minority Y
Amalgamation and Corporate Restructuring 117

Question 4 – Nov RTP – 2008

Consolidated balance sheet of Hydra Ltd. group and its associate Amoeba Ltd., as on
31.03.08 before adjustment for equity method are given below:
(` in ‘000s)
Liabilities Hydra Amoeba Assets Hydra Amoeba
Ltd Ltd. Ltd Ltd.
Share Capital (` 10) 600 100 Goodwill 10 -
P & L A/c. 300 - Sundry Assets 1,75 130
Minority Interest 75 - Investment in Amoeba 15 -
Sundry Liabilities 225 150 P & L A/c - 120
1,200 250 1,200 250

Hydra Ltd. acquired 30% of ordinary shares of Amoeba Ltd., on 01.04.06 for ` 15,000.
The balance of Amoeba Ltd., profit and loss account on that date was Rs.40,000 (Debit).
Show adjustment for equity method and redraft the consolidated balance sheet of the
group as on 31.3.08.
Consolidated Balance sheet of Hydra along with its Subsidiaries Amoeba as on 31/3/08
Equity and Liabilities Note No Amount
I Shareholders Fund
Share Capital 600
Reserves and Surplus 285
Minority Interest 75

II Non Current Liabilities

III Current Liabilities 225

Total 1185
I Non Current Assets
Fixed Assets
Tangible Assets
Intangible Assets 10

II Current Assets 1175

Total 1185

Loss = 120
Investment A/c Dr 24
118 CA Final Financial Reporting

40 80 x 30% = 24 To Reserve A/c 24

Note : Loss not recognized = 9 i.e 15-24 = 9

Question 5 – NOV Paper – 2008

The Balance Sheets of three companies Angle Ltd., Bolt Ltd., and Canopy Ltd., as at 31st
December, 2009 are given below:
Liabilities Angle Ltd. Bolt Ltd. Canopy
` ` `
Share capital
(Equity shares of Rs.100 each) 15,00,000 10,00,000 6,00,000
Reserves 2,00,000 1,25,000 75,000
Profit and Loss A/c 5,00,000 2,75,000 2,50,000
Sundry creditors 2,00,000 2,50,000 1,00,000
Bills payable - - 50,000
Angle Ltd. - 1,00,000 80,000
Total 24,00,000 17,50,000 11,55,000
Assets Angle Ltd. Bolt Ltd. Canopy
` ` `
Goodwill 2,50,000 5,80,000 4,50,000
Plant and Machinery 4,00,000 2,50,000 3,25,000
Furniture and Fittings 2,00,000 1,50,000 1,40,000
Shares in-
Bolt Ltd. (7,500 shares) 9,00,000 - -
Canopy Ltd. (1,000 shares) 1,50,000 - -
Canopy Ltd. (3,500 shares) - 5,20,000 -
Stock in trade 1,00,000 1,50,000 1,60,000
Sundry debtors 1,40,000 70,000 70,000
Bills receivable 50,000 20,000 -
Due from-
Bolt Ltd. 1,20,000 - -
Canopy Ltd. 80,000 - -
Cash in hand 10,000 10,000 10,000
Total 24,00,000 17,50,000 11,55,000
(a) All shares were acquired on 1st July, 2008.
(b) On 1st January, 2008, the balances were:
Angle Ltd. Bolt Ltd. Canopy
` ` `
Reserves 1,00,000 1,00,000 50,000
Profit and Loss account 50,000 (50,000) 30,000
Amalgamation and Corporate Restructuring 119

Profit during 2008 were earned evenly over 3,00,000 2,50,000 1,00,000
the year
(c) Each company declared a dividend of 10% in the year 2009 on its shares out of Profits
for the year 2008; Angle Ltd. and Bolt Ltd. have credited their Profit and Loss account
with the dividends received.
(d) The increase in reserves in case of Angle Ltd., Bolt Ltd., and Canopy Ltd., was affected
in the year 2008.
(e) All the bills payable appearing in Canopy Ltd.’s Balance Sheet were accepted in favour
of Bolt Ltd., out of which bills amounting ` 30,000 were endorsed by Bolt Ltd., in favour
of Angle Ltd.
(f) Stock with Bolt Ltd. includes goods purchased from Angle Ltd., for ` 18,000. Angle Ltd.,
invoiced the goods at cost plus 20%.
Prepare consolidated Balance Sheet of the group as at 31st December, 2009. Working
should be part of the answer. Ignore taxation including dividend distribution tax, disclose
minority interest as per AS 21.

Consolidated Balance sheet of Angel along with its Subsidiaries Bolt and Canopy as on
Equity and Liabilities Note No Amount
I Shareholders Fund
Share Capital 15,00,000
Reserves and Surplus 9,83,562.5
Minority Interest 6,09,687.5

II Non Current Liabilities

III Current Liabilities

Trade Payables 5,50,000
Total 36,43,250
I Non Current Assets
Fixed Assets
Tangible Assets 14,65,000
Intangible Assets 14,21,250
(2,50,000 + 5,80,000 + 4,50,000) +
II 1,41,250
Current Assets 4,07,000
Inventory 3,00,000
Trade Receivables 50,000
Cash & Cash Equivalents
Total 36,43,250
Working Notes
120 CA Final Financial Reporting

A in B A in C B in C
1. Book Value of Investments 9,00,000 1,50,000 5,20,000
- Paid up Value of Investment 7,50,000 1,00,000 3,50,000
Goodwill / (Capital Reserve) 1,50,000 50,000 1,70,000

2. Capital Reserve
Reserves 93,750 16,667 58,333
Pre Acquisition Dividend 37,500 5,000 17,500
1,31,250 21,667 75,833

Cost of Control 18,750 28,333 94,167

Goodwill Goodwill Goodwill

Net 1,41,250 goodwill

3. Reserves of Holding Company

Reserves 2,00,000
Profit and Loss A/c 5,00,000
Stock Reserve (3,000)
Reserves from Canopy 37,500
Pre Acquisition Dividend Canopy (5,000)
Pre Acquisition Dividend Bolt (37,500)
Reserves of Bolt 2,91,562.5
Total 9,83,562.5
4. Minority Interest Bolt Canopy
Share Capital 2,50,000 1,50,000
Reserve in Machinery 1,28,437.5 81,250
3,78,437.5 2,31,250
5. Share Capital of Subsidiary Company
Bolt 10,000 Z 6,000

7,500 2,500 1,000 3,500 1,500

75% A Minority 1/6 A 3.5/6 Y Minority
6. Reserves of Subsidiary Company
Canopy Ltd Reserves 75,000
Amalgamation and Corporate Restructuring 121

Pre 50,000 25,000

Pre 12,500 Post 12,500

Profit & Loss 2,50,000
+ 1,00,000
- Div 60,000 60,000
- t/s Res 25,000 10,000 35,000 15,000
45,000 2,05,000 1/2 1/2 Minority
5,000 17,500
Pre 30,000 15,000 A B

Pre 7,500 Post 7,500

Total Pre 1,00,000 Post 2,25,000

1/6 3.5/6 1.5/6 1/6 3.5/6 1.5/6

16,667 58,333 25,000 37,500 1,31,250 56,250
A – CP B – CP Minority A – RP B – RP Minority

Bolt Ltd Reserves 1,25,000

Pre 1,00,000 25,000

Pre 12,500 Post 12,500

Profit & Loss 2,75,000
+ 2,50,000
- Div 1,00,000 1,00,000
- t/s Res 25,000 Post 75,000 25,000
75,000 2,00,000 1/2 Minority
37,500 A

Pre (50,000) 1,25,000

122 CA Final Financial Reporting

Pre 62,500 Post 62,500

Total Pre 1,25,000 Post 2,25,000
+ Share from Canopy 1,31,250

75% 25 % - Pre Acquisition Div (17,500)

93,750 31,250 3,88,750
A – CP Minority

2,91,562.5 97,187.5
A – CP Minority
Question 6 – June 2009 – RTP
The Balance sheets of War and Peace Ltd. as on 31.3.2002, the date of purchase
were as under:
Liabilities War Ltd. Peace Ltd. Assets War Ltd. Peace Ltd.
tore capital (Rs.10) 10,50,000 6,00,000 Fixed assets 6,50,000 2,00,000
General reserve 1,00,000 40,000 Stock in trade 3,00,000 1,80,000
Profit and loss A/c 80,000 – Sundry debtors 3,20,000 2,00,000
Wry creditors 1,00,000 60,000 Cash in hand 60,000 30,000
Preliminary 10,000
Expense –
Profit and loss A/c – 80,000
13,30,000 7,00,000 13,30,000 7,00,000
War Ltd Purchase on 31st March, 2002, 48,000 shares in Peace Ltd. at 50% premium
over face value by issue of 8% debentures at 20% premium.
Particulars of War Ltd:
i) Profit made:

2002 - 2003 Rs.1,60,000 2003 - 2004 – ` 2,00,000

ii) The above profit was made after charging depreciation of ` 60,000 and ` 40,000
iii) Out of profit shown above every year, Rs.20,000 has been transferred to General
iv) 10% dividend had been paid in both the years.
v) It has been decided to write down investment to face value of shares in 10 years and to
provide for share of loss to subsidiary.
Particulars of Peace Ltd

i) The company incurred losses of ` 40,000 and ` 60,000 in 2002 – 2003 and 2003 –
2004 after charging depreciation of 10% of the book value as on 1.4.2002.
Prepare consolidated Balance sheet as at 31.3.2004 of War Ltd and its subsidiary.
Amalgamation and Corporate Restructuring 123

Working Notes
Balance sheet of WAR Ltd along with its subsidiary as on 31/03/2004 (Before
Liabilities WAR PEACE Assets WAR PEACE
Share Capital 10,50,000 6,00,000 Fixed Assets 5,50,000 1,60,000
General Reserve 1,40,000 40,000 Stock 3,00,000 1,80,000
(war = 1,00,000 + Debtors 3,20,000 2,00,000
20,000 + 20,000) Cash 3,10,000 -
Profit and Loss 1,42,000 - Profit and loss A/c - 1,80,000
A/c 1,20,000 - Prepaid Expenses - 10,000
Security Premium 6,00,000 - Investments 6,72,000 -
Debentures 1,00,000 60,000 (7,20,000 –
Creditors - 30,000 48,000)
Bank O/D
21,52,000 7,30,000 21,52,000 7,30,000
Purchase of shares by WAR in Peace
48,000 shares x 10 = 4,80,000 Journal Entry
+ 50% Premium 2,40,000
Purchase price 7,20,000 Investment A/c Dr 7,20,000
Discharge by Debenture @ 120 To 8% Debentures A/c
No of Debentures 60,000 To Security Premium A/c

Investments to be brought to Book value in 10 years i.e 7,20,000 – 4,80,000 = `

2,40,000 should be written off in 10 years i.e ` 24,000 should be written off every year.

Calculation of Profit and Loss A/c as on 31/03/2004

Profit and loss A/c 80,000 (80,000)
+ / - Profit / Loss for 2002-03 1,60,000 (40,000)
+ / - Profit / Loss for 2003 – 04 2,00,000 (60,000)
- transfer to General Reserve (2 years)(40,000) -
- Dividend Paid (2 years) (2,10,000) -
- Investment written off (2 years) (48,000) -
Balance 1,42,000 (1,80,000)
124 CA Final Financial Reporting

Consolidated Balance Sheet of WAR. and its subsidiary PEACE Ltd. as at 31/03/08 as
per revised schedule III.
Particulars Note No Amount
Equity and Liability
I Shareholders Funds
Share Capital 10,50,000
Reserves and Surplus 3,22,000
Minority Interest 90,000
II Non Current Liability
Long Term Borrowing 6,00,000
III Current Liability
Short Term Borrowing 30,000
Trade Payable 1,60,000
Total 22,52,000
I Non Current Assets
Fixed Assets
Tangible Assets 7,10,000
Intangible Assets 2,32,000
II Current Assets
Inventory 4,80,000
Trade Receivable 5,20,000
Cash and Cash Equivalent 3,10,000
Total 22,52,000
Working Notes :
WN 1 Book value of investments 6,72,000
(–) Paid up of Investments 4,80,000
Goodwill 1,92,000

WN 2 Capital Reserve
Preliminary Expenses (8,000)
Reserves (32,000)
Goodwill (40,000)
Cost of control (Net of 1 and 2) 2,32,000 - Goodwill
WN 3 Revenue Reserve
General Reserve 140,000
Profit and Loss A/c 142,000
(–) Pre-acquisition dividend (80,000)
WN 4 Minority Interest
Share capital 120000
Amalgamation and Corporate Restructuring 125

Preliminary Expenses (2,000)

Profit and loss A/c (28,000)
WN 5 Share Capital

480,000 120,000
80% 20%
Holding Minority
WN 6 Reserve of subsidiary Company
General reserve 40,000 Pre.
Profit & Loss (180,000)

(80,000) (100,000)
Pre Post
Total of General Reserve and Profit and Loss A/c
Pre. (40,000) Post (1,00,000)

80% 20% 80 % 20 %
(32,000) (8,000) (80,000) (20,000)
Holding Minority. Holding Minority.
Question 7 – June 2009 – paper
From the following Details, prepare a consolidated balance sheet of sun limited and its
subsidiaries as on 31st March, 2009
` in lakhs
Assets Sun Ltd Moon Ltd Star LTd
Fixed Assets 816 312 126
Investment at Cost
7,50,000 shares of moon ltd 75 - -
2,40,000 shares of star ltd 24 - -
4,80,000 shares of star ltd. - 60 -
30,000 preference shares of sun ltd - - 30
4,500 debentures of sun ltd. - - 42
Current Assets 1059 369 336
Profit and Loss A/c 288 108 63
Total 2,262 849 597
Equity share Capital (` 10 each) 180 144 120
45 36 30
7.5% Preference share Capital
360 - -
Capital Reserve (Revaluation of Fixed Assets)
75 45 30
126 CA Final Financial Reporting

General Reserve 75 - -
8% Debenture of ` 1000 each
513 249 165
Secured Loans and Advances
From Banks
- - 36
Unsecured Loans
45 - -
From Moon Ltd.
From Star Ltd.
27 - -
Current Liabilities and Provisions
942 375 216
Inter-company Balances
Other Liabilities
Total 2,262 849 597
Other information are as follows
a) Moon Ltd. subscribed for 2,40,000 shares of star Ltd. at par at the time of first issue
and further acquired 2,40,000 shares from the market ar ` 15 each, when the Reserves
and Surplus account of Star Ltd. stood at ` 15 lakhs
b) Sun Ltd subscribed for shares of Moon Ltd and Star Ltd as par at the time of first issue
of shares by both the companies
c) Current Assets of Moon Ltd and Star Ltd includes 12 lahks and ` 18 lakhs respectively
being current account balance against Sun Ltd.
Consolidated Balance sheet of Star along with its Subsidiaries Moon and Star as on
Equity and Liabilities Note No Amount
I Shareholders Fund
Share Capital 195
Reserves and Surplus (360 – 264.1875) 95.8125
Minority Interest 132.1875

II Non Current Liabilities

Long Term Borrowings 957

III Current Liabilities 1533

Total 2,913
I Non Current Assets
Fixed Assets
Tangible Assets 1254
Intangible Assets 3

II Current Assets 1656

Total 2,913
Working Notes
S in M S in Star M in Star
Amalgamation and Corporate Restructuring 127

1. Book Value of Investments 75 24 60

- Paid up Value of Investment 75 24 48
Goodwill / (Capital Reserve) Nil Nil 12
2. Capital Reserve
Reserves 3 6 Nil
Cost of Control 3 6 12
CR CR Goodwill

Net 3 goodwill
3. Reserves of Holding Company
General Reserves 75
Profit and Loss A/c (288)
Reserves (Star) (9)
Reserves (Moon) (42.1875)
Total (264.1875)
4. Minority Interest Moon Star
Share Capital 69 48
Preference shares - 66
Reserves 38.8125 (12)
30.1875 102
5. Share Capital of Subsidiary Company
Moon 14,40,000 Star 12,00,000

7,50,000 6,90,000 2,40,000 4,80,000 4,80,000

25/48 Sun Minority 2/10 Sun 4/10 M 4/10 Minority
6. Reserves of Subsidiary Company

Star Ltd Reserves 30 Profit and Loss A/c (63)

+ 3 – Profit on Dep

15 15 (60) - post
Pre Post
Total Pre 15 Post (45)

3 6 6 (9) (18) (18)

Sun Moon Sun Moon
Moon Ltd ( - 108 + 45 – 18) (81)

(42.1875) (38.8125)
CP Min
Question 8 – Nov RTP 2009 – Same AS May – 2008 RTP
128 CA Final Financial Reporting

Question 9 – Nov RTP – 2009

Vertical Ltd owns 80% of voting power of Horizon Ltd., its only investment, acquired
on 01.04.2008 for
` 1,00,000. The Net Assets of Horizon Ltd on 01.04.2008 was `1,00,000. On 01.10.2009,

the investment in Horizon Ltd was sold for ` 2,00,000. The Net Assets of Horizon Ltd on
31.03.2009 and 30.09.2009 were
` 1,50,000 and ` 1,80,000, respectively the difference representing the profit for the period.
Compute the Gain/Loss on disposal of the subsidiary.

1. Cost of Investment 1,00,000

Less : Share in Net assets as in the date of acquisition (1,00,000 x 80%) (80,000)
Goodwill 20,000
2. Gain/Loss on disposal of subsidiary on 1/10/2009
Sale consideration 2,00,000
Less : Share of Net asset on the date of sale (1,80,000 x 80%) (1,44,000)
Less : Goodwill on consolidation (20,000)
Gain on Disposal 36,000
Question 10 – Nov Paper – 2009
P Ltd. owns 80% of S and 40% of J and 40% of A. J is jointly controlled entity and A is
an associate. Balance sheet of four companies as on 31.03.09 are:
Particulars P Ltd. S J A
` ` ` `

Investment in S 800 – – –
Investment in J 600 – – –
Investment in A 600 – – –
Fixed assets 1000 800 1400 1000
Current assets 2200 3300 3250 3650
Total 5200 4100 4650 4650
Share capital Re.1
Equity share 1000 400 800 800
Retained earnings 4000 3400 3600 3600
Creditors 200 300 250 250
Total 5200 4100 4650 4650
Amalgamation and Corporate Restructuring 129

P Ltd. acquired shares in S many years ago when S retained earnings were ` 520, P Ltd.

acquired its shares in J at the beginning of the year when J retained earnings were ` 400. P

Ltd. acquired its shares in 'A' on 01.04.08 when 'A' retained earnings were ` 400.

The balance of goodwill relating to S had been written off three years ago. The value of
goodwill in J remains unchanged.
Prepare the consolidated Balance Sheet of P Ltd. as on 31.03.09. As per AS-21, 23 and
Consolidated Balance Sheet of P. with its subsidiary S Ltd. jointly controlled entity J
and Associate A Ltd. as at 31/03/09 as per revised schedule III.
Particulars Note No Amount
Equity and Liability
I Shareholders Funds
Share Capital 1000
Reserves and Surplus 8800
Minority Interest 760
II Non Current Liability
III Current Liability
Trade Payable 600
Total 11,160
I Non Current Assets
Fixed Assets
Tangible Assets 2360
Intangible Assets 120
Non Current Investments (1,280 + 600) 1,880
II Current Assets 6,800
Total 11,160
Working Notes :
S Ltd. J Ltd.
WN 1 Book value of investments 800 600
(–) Paid up of Investments 320 320
Goodwill 480 280
WN 2 Capital Reserve
Reserves 416 160
Cost of control (Net of 1 and 2) 649 120 – Goodwill
WN 3 Revenue Reserve
Retained Earning 4000
Reserves ( S Ltd) 2304
Reserves (J Ltd) 1280
130 CA Final Financial Reporting

Reserves ( A Ltd) 1280

Goodwill Written off (64)
Total 8800
WN 4 Minority Interest S Ltd
Share capital 80
Reserves 680

WN 5 Share Capital
S Ltd. (Subsidiary Company) 400

320 80
80% 20%
Holding Minority
J Ltd (Jointly Controlled Entity) 800
(In jointly controlled entity we will disclose
40% holding company’s share)
A Ltd – Associate company – No disclosure on share capital. The only thing we have to
consider only holding company’s share in the reserves for the post acquisition period)
WN 6 Reserve of subsidiary Company / Jointly controlled entity and Associate
S Ltd (Subsidiary Company) 3400

Pre 520 Post 2880

80% 20% 80% 20%

416 104 2304 576
Holding Minority Holding Minority

J Ltd (Jointly) 3600

Pre 400 Post 3200

40% 40%
1600 1280
A Ltd (Associate) 3600
Amalgamation and Corporate Restructuring 131

Pre 400 Post 3200

NA 40%
As discussed we shall not have any share in pre profits of associate company. For
post we shall pass the following journal entry
Investments A/c Dr 1280
To Reserves A/c 1280
Question 11 – May RTP – 2010 – Same as Nov 2008 - Paper
Question 12 – May RTP – 2010 – Similar to Question 4 – Nov 2008 RTP
Question 13 – May Paper – 2010

The draft Balance Sheet of three companies W, H, O, as at 31.3.2010 is as under : ` in

Assets W H O
Fixed assets 697 648 349
Investments 1,60,000 shares in H 562 – –
80,000 shares in O 184 – –
Cash at Bank 101 95 80
Trade receivable 386 321 251
Inventory 495 389 287
Total 2,425 1,453 967
Liabilities W H O
Share capital 600 200 200
(Nominal value per share)
Reserves 1050 850 478
Trade payables 375 253 189
Debentures 400 150 100
Total 2,425 1,453 967
You are given the following information :

(a) W purchased the shares in H on 13.10.2005 when the balance in reserves was ` 500

(b) The shares in O were purchased on 11.5.2005 when the balance in reserves was ` 242
(c) The following dividend have been declared but not accounted for before the accounting
year end

W - ` 65 thousands

H - ` 30 thousands
132 CA Final Financial Reporting

O - ` 15 thousands

(d) Included in inventory figure of O is inventory valued at ` 20 thousands which had been
purchased from W at cost plus 2.5%.
(e) Goodwill in respect of the acquisition of H has been fully written off.
(f) On 31.3.2010 H made bonus issue of one share for every share held. This had not been
accounted in the Balance Sheet as on 31.3.2010.

(g) Included in trade payables of W is `18 thousands to O, which is included in trade

receivables of O.
Prepare Consolidated Balance Sheet of W as at 31.3.2010.
Consolidated Balance sheet of W along with its Subsidiary H and Associate O as on 31/3/10
Equity and Liabilities Note Amount
I Shareholders Fund
Share Capital 6,00,000
Reserves and Surplus 13,55,800
Minority Interest 2,10,000

II Non Current Liabilities

Long Term Borrowings 5,50,000

III Current Liabilities

Trade Payables 6,28,000
Short Term Provisions 65,000
Total 34,08,800
I Non Current Assets
Fixed Assets
Tangible Assets 13,45,000
Intangible Assets -
Non Current Investment 2,70,800

II Current Assets
Inventory 8,84,000
Trade Receivables 7,07,000
Cash & Cash Equivalents 1,96,000
Loans and Advances (Dividend Receivable) 6,000
Total 34,08,800
Working Notes
1. Book Value of Investments 5,62,000
- Paid up Value of Investment 3,20,000
Amalgamation and Corporate Restructuring 133

Goodwill / (Capital Reserve) 2,42,000

2. Capital Reserve
Reserves 4,00,000
Goodwill written off 2,000
Cost of Control 1,60,000 – Capital Reserve
3. Reserves of Holding Company
Reserve 10,50,000
Dividend Payable (65,000)
Reserves from H 96,000
Share in Dividend from H 24,000
Share in Profits from O 88,400
Share in Dividend from O 6,000
Stock Reserve (1,600)
Goodwill Written off (2,000)
Total 11,95,800
4. Minority Interest
Share Capital 40,000
Bonus Issue 40,000
Share in Pre Acquisition Profits 1,00,000
Share in Post Acquisition Profits 24,000
Share in Dividend 6,000
5. Share Capital of Subsidiary Company
H 2,00,000 O 1,00,000

1,60,000 40,000 40,000

80% Holding Minority 40% Holding
Question 14 – Nov RTP – 2010 – Similar to Question 3 – Nov 2008 RTP
Question 15 – Nov RTP – 2010
Consolidated balance sheet of Mohan Ltd. group and its associate Sohan Ltd. as on
31/03/10 before adjustment for equity method are given below:
Group Sohan Group Sohan
Ltd. Ltd.
`000 `000 `000 `000
Equity Share Capital 900 300 Sundry Assets 2,200 630
134 CA Final Financial Reporting

Capital Reserve 25 - Investment in Sohan 150
P & L A/c 500 200
Minority Interest 150 -
Sundry Liabilities 675 100
Proposed Dividend 100 30
2,350 630 2,350 630
Mohan Ltd. acquired 30% ordinary equity shares of Sohan Ltd. on 01/04/08 for `

1,50,000. The balance of A Ltd. profit and loss account on that date was ` 1,80,000.
Mohan Ltd. is preparing consolidated financial statements of the group as on 31.3.2010
as per equity method. You are required to:
(i) Compute goodwill, if any, arising on acquisition of Sohan Ltd. shares;
(ii) Show how Mohan Ltd. will reflect the value of investment in Sohan Ltd. in the
consolidated financial statements?
Equity and Liabilities Note No Amount
I Shareholders Fund
Share Capital 900
Reserves and Surplus -
Minority Interest 150

II Non Current Liabilities

III Current Liabilities 675

Short Term Provisions 100
Total 2,446
I Non Current Assets
Fixed Assets
Tangible Assets 2.200
Intangible Assets
Non Current Investment (150 + 96) 246
Total 2,446
Working Note : Profit and Loss A/c 500

Pre 180 Post 320 x 30% = 96

Investment A/c Dr 96
Reserves A/c 96
Question 16 – Nov Paper – 2010
Amalgamation and Corporate Restructuring 135

Air Ltd., a listed company, entered into an expansion programme on 1st October 2009.
On that date the company purchased from Bag Ltd. its investments in two Private Limited
Companies. The purchase was of
(a) the entire share capital of Cold Ltd. and
(b) 50% of the share capital of Dry Ltd.
Both the investments were previously owned by Bag Ltd. After acquisition by Air
Limited, Dry Ltd. was to be run by Air Ltd and Bag Ltd as a jointly controlled entity.
Air Ltd makes its financial statements upto 30th September each year. The terms of
acquisition were:
Cold Ltd
The total consideration was based on price earnings ratio (P/E) of 12 applied to the
reported profit of
` 20 lakhs of Cold Ltd for the year 30 September, 2009. The consideration was settled by

Air Ltd issuing 8% debentures for ` 140 lakhs (at par) and the balance by a new issue of ` 1

equity shares, based on its market value of ` 2.50 each.

Dry Ltd

The market value of Dry Ltd on first October, 2009 was mutually agreed as ` 375 Lakhs.

Air Ltd satisfied its share of 50% of this amount by issuing 75 lakhs ` 1 equity shares

(market value ` 2.50 Each) to Bag Ltd.

Air Ltd has not recorded in its books the acquisition of the above investments or the
discharge of the consideration.

The summarized statements of financial position of the three entities at 30th

September 2010 are:
(Rs. in Thousands)
Assets Air Ltd Cold Ltd Dry Ltd
Tangible assets 34,260 27,000 21,060
Inventories 9,640 7,200 18,640
Debtors 11,200 5,060 4,620
Cash – 3,410 40
Total 55,100 42,670 44,360
Liabilities Air Ltd Cold Ltd Dry Ltd
Equity capital of Re. 1 each 10,000 20,000 25,000
Retained earnings 20,800 15,000 4,500
136 CA Final Financial Reporting

Trade and other payables 17,120 5,270 14,100

Overdraft 1,540 – –
Provision for taxes 5,640 2,400 700
Total 55,100 42,670 44,360
The following information is relevant.
(a) The book value of the net assets of Cold Ltd and Dry Ltd on the date of acquisition were
considered to be a reasonable approximation to their fair values.
(b) The current profits of Cold Ltd and Dry Ltd for the year ended 30th September, 2010
were ` 80 lakhs and ` 20 lakhs respectively. No dividends were paid by any of the
companies during the year.
(c) Dry Ltd., the jointly controlled entity, is to be accounted for using proportional
consolidation, in accordance with AS-27 "Interests in joint venture".
(d) Goodwill in respect of the acquisition of Dry Ltd has been impaired by Rs.10 lakhs at
30th September, 2010. Gain on acquisition, if any, will be separately accounted.
Prepare the consolidated Balance Sheet of Air Ltd., and its subsidiaries as at 30th
September, 2010.
Equity and Liabilities Note No Amount
I Shareholders Fund
Share Capital 21,500
Reserves and Surplus 49,050
Minority Interest -

II Non Current Liabilities

Long Term Borrowing 14,000

III Current Liabilities

Short Term Borrowings 1,540
Trade Payables 29,440
Provisions for Tax 8,420
Total 1,23,950
I Non Current Assets
Fixed Assets
Tangible Assets 71,790
Intangible Assets 4,000

II Current Assets
Inventory 26,160
Trade Receivables 18,570
Cash and Cash Equivalent 3,430
Total 1,23,950
Amalgamation and Corporate Restructuring 137

Working Notes :
Cold Ltd Dry Ltd
WN 1 Book value of investments 24,000 18,750
(–) Paid up of Investments 20,000 12,500
Goodwill 4,000 6,250
WN 2 Capital Reserve
Reserves 7,000 1,250
Cost of control (Net of 1 and 2) 3,000 CR 5,000 Goodwill
Less Written off 1,000
Balance 4,000 Goodwill
WN 3 Revenue Reserve
Retained Earning 20800
Reserve from Cold Ltd 8,000
Reserve from Dry Ltd 1,000
Goodwill Written off (1,000)
Security Premium 17,250
WN 4 Share Capital
Cold 20,000 --- 100% holding (Air)
Dry 25,000 x 50% = 12,500 (50% Holding) Air
WN 5 Reserve
Cold 15,000

7,000 Pre 8,000 Post

Air – CP Air – RP
Dry 4,500

2,500 2,000

50% 50%
1,250 1,000
Air – CP Air – RP

WN 6 Calculation of PC and Analysis

Cold Ltd Dry Ltd
PC = 12 x 20 = 240 PC = 375 x 50% = 187.5
138 CA Final Financial Reporting

140 8% Debn 100 Equity shares Discharge = 75 equity shares x 2.5 =

= 40 lakh shares
Investments in Cold A/c Dr 240 Investments in Dry A/c Dr 187.5
To Debentures A/c 140 To Equity Share Capital
To Equity share Capital A/c 40 To Security Premium
To Security Premium A/c 60
Cold (Reserves) 15,000 Dry (Reserves) 4,500

7,000 8,000 2500 2000

Share Capital 20,000 Share Capital 25,000
Reserves 7,000 Reserves 2,500
Total 27,000 Total 27,500 x 50% 13,750
PC 24,000 PC 18,750
Capital Reserves 3,000 Goodwill 5,000
Question 17 – May RTP – 2011
Tarun Ltd. had acquired 25% of the equity share capital of Varun Ltd. at ` 2,40,000 by
1-7-2009. It had received ` 8,000 as dividend for the year 2008-09. Equity share capital of
Varun Ltd. is ` 5,00,000. Varun Ltd. had not provided for the dividend when the accounts
for the year 2008-09 were prepared. Find out goodwill/capital reserve against investment
in Varun Ltd. as well as the value at which investment shall be reported in consolidated
financial statements to be prepared by Tarun Ltd. as on 31-3-2010, if the balances in profit
and loss account were ` 84,000 and ` 1,92,000 respectively at the end of 2008-09 and 2009-
Date of Acquisition - 1/7/2009
Date of Consolidation - 31/3/2010
Pre – Acquisition Period - 3 months
Post – Acquisition Period - 9 months
% of Holding - 25%
Profit and Loss A/c 1,92,000 (31-3-2010)

Opening 52,000 Current Year 1,40,000

Amalgamation and Corporate Restructuring 139

35,000 Pre 1,05,000 Post

Total Tarun Ltd (25%)

Capital Profit 87,000 21,750
Revenue Profit 1,05,000 26,250
Equity share Capital 5,00,000 1,25,000
Calculation of Goodwill

Investments 2,40,000
Less Pre Acquisition Dividend (8,000)
Paid up share capital (1,25,000)
Capital Profits (21,750) (1,54,750)
Goodwill 85,250

Investment in Associate Under Equity Method

Nominal Value of Investment (1,25,000 + 21,750) 1,46,750
+ Goodwill 85,250
+ Revenue Profits 26,250
Question 18 – May RTP – 2011
The summarized Balance Sheets of Kush Ltd. and Shuk Ltd. as at 31st March, 2010 are as
(Rs. in lakhs)
Liabilities Kush Shuk Assets Kush Shuk
Ltd. ` Ltd. ` Ltd. ` Ltd. `
Share capital : Plant at cost less depreciation 86.4 72.9

Equity shares of Rs.10 216.0 108.0 Furniture, Fixtures & Fittings 23.4 7.2
Securities premium 32.4 - Stock at cost 18.0 13.5
Caital reserve on 1.04.09 - 7.2 Sundry debtors 73.8 47.6
General reserve on 13.5 9.0 Trade investment - 2.7
Profit & Loss A/c. 70.2 21.6 Goodwill at cost 45.0 13.6
Sundry creditors 29.7 19.7 Investment :
8.64 lakhs shares of Shuk Ltd. at 97.2 -
Balance at bank 18.0 8.0

361.8 165.5 361.8 165.5

Additional information:
140 CA Final Financial Reporting

(1) On 1st April, 2009 Kush Ltd. acquired from the shareholders of Shuk Ltd. 8.64 lakhs
shares of ` 10 each in Shuk Ltd. and allotted in consideration thereof 6.48 lakhs of its

own shares of ` 10 each at a premium of ` 5 per share.

(2) The consideration for the shares of Shuk Ltd. was arrived at inter-alia by valuing
certain assets of Shuk Ltd. on 1st April, 2009 as under:
(i) Plant at ` 90 lakhs

(ii) Furniture, Fixtures & Fittings at ` 8 lakhs

(iii) No value on Trade Investment and Goodwill.
No adjustments were made in the books of accounts of Shuk Ltd. in respect of the above
During 2009-10 there was no purchase or sale of these assets. It is desired that such
adjustments should however be made in the consolidated accounts.
(3) The figures for Plant and Furniture, Fixtures and Fittings at 31.3.2010 shown in the
Balance Sheet are after providing depreciation for 2009-10 at the rates of 10 per cent
per annum and 20 per cent per annum respectively, on the book values as at 01.04.09.
(4) The Profit and Loss Account of Shuk Ltd. showed a credit balance of ` 27 lakhs on
01.04.09. A dividend of 10% was paid in January, 2010 for the year 2008-09. This
dividend was credited to Profit and Loss A/c of Kush Ltd.
(5) The following point was not considered in making out the accounts In the year
expenses at ` 4,500 per month were incurred by Kush Ltd. on behalf of Shuk Ltd. It was
by mistake debited to Profit and Loss Account of Kush Ltd. and nothing has been done
in the accounts of Shuk Ltd.
(6) The stock of Shuk Ltd. included ` 4.5 lakhs of goods received from Kush Ltd. invoiced at
cost plus 25 per cent.
(7) Debtor of Shuk Ltd. include ` 3.5 lakhs due from Kush Ltd. Whereas Creditors of Kush
Ltd. include
` 3.1 lakhs due to Shuk Ltd., the difference being represented by a cheque in transit.
You are required to consolidate the accounts of the two companies and prepare a
Consolidated Balance Sheet of Kush Ltd. and its subsidiary as at 31st March, 2010.
Consolidated Balance Sheet of Kush Ltd. and its subsidiary Ltd. Shuk Ltd. as at 31st
March, 2010 as per revised schedule III.
Particulars `
I) Equity and liabilities
A) Shareholders fund
Share Capital 216
Reserves and surplus 127.548
Minority Interest 27.252
Amalgamation and Corporate Restructuring 141

B) Current Liabilities
Trade Payable 46.3
II) Assets
A) Non-Current Assets
Fixed Assets
Tangible 197.2
Intangible (Goodwill) 45
Other Non-Current Assets 10
B) Current Assets
Inventory 30.6
Trade Receivable 117.9
Cash and Cash Equivalent 26.4
Working Notes :
WN 1 Book value Investments 97.2
(–) Paid up value of Investments 86.4
Goodwill 10.8
WN 2 Capital Reserve
Pre-acquisition Dividend 8.64
Reserve 19.28
Cost of control Capital Reserve 17.12

WN 3 Reserve of Holding Co.

Securities Premium 32.4
General Reserve 13.5
Profit and Loss A/c 70.2
Pre-acquisition Div. (8.64)
Unrealized profit in stock (0.9)
Exp. For Sukh Ltd. 0.54
Reserve of Sukh Ltd. 3.328
WN 4 Minority Interest
Share capitals 21.6
Reserves 5.652
WN 5 Share capital of Sukh Ltd.
142 CA Final Financial Reporting

8.64 2.16
Holding Minority
80% 20%
WN 6 Reserve of Sukh ltd.
Capital Reserve 7.2 Pre
General Reserve 9.0 Pre
Profit & Loss 21.6 31/3/10

1/4/09 27
(–) Dividend 10.8
Pre 16.2 5.4 Post

Pre 32.4 Post 5.4

(+) Rev. of Plant 9 (–) Dep. on plant (0.9)
(+) Rev. of furniture (1) (+) Dep. on fur. 0.2
(–) Investment (2.7) –Expenses (0.54)
(–) Goodwill (13.6)
24.1 4.16

19.28 4.82 3.328 0.832

WN 7 Trade Payable
Kush Ltd. 29.7
Sukh Ltd. 19.7
(–) Common 3.1
WN 8 Tangible
Kush ltd. 86.4
Sukh Ltd. (72.9 + 9 – 0.9) 81
Kush Ltd. 23.4
Sukh Ltd. (7.2 – 1 + 0.2) 6.4
Plant Current Position Revised Position
Opening 81 90
Amalgamation and Corporate Restructuring 143

(–) Dep. 8.1 9

Closing 72.9 81

WN 9 Stock / Inventory
Kush Ltd. 18
Sukh ltd. 13.5
(–) Unrealised profit 0.9
WN 10 Trade Receivables
Kush Ltd. 73.8
Sukh Ltd. 47.6
(–) 3.5

WN 11 Trade Investments
Kush Ltd. Nil
Sukh Ltd. Nil
(2.7 – 2.7) Nil
WN 12 Goodwill
Kush Ltd. 45
Sukh Ltd. Nil
(13.6 – 13.6) __
WN 13 Cash and cash equivalents
Kush Ltd. 18
Such Ltd. 8
(+) Cash in transit 0.4
Question 19 – May Paper – 2011
The summarized Balance Sheets of three companies Sun Ltd., Moon Ltd. and Light Ltd.
as at 31st March, 2012 are given below:
Liabilities Sun Ltd. Moon Light Assets Sun Ltd. Moon Light
Ltd. Ltd. Ltd. Ltd.
` ` ` ` ` `
Share Capital Fixed Assets 70,000 1,20,000 1,03,000
(Shares of `10 each) 1,50,000 1,00,000 60,000 Investments
Reserves 50,000 40,000 30,000 (at cost)
P & L A/c 60,000 50,000 40,000 Share in :
144 CA Final Financial Reporting

Sundry Creditors 30,000 35,000 25,000 Moon Ltd. 90,000 - -

Sun Ltd. - 10,000 8,000 Light Ltd. 40,000 - -
Light Ltd. - 50,000 -
Stock-in-rate 40,000 30,000 20,000
Debtors 20,000 25,000 30,000
Due from
Moon Ltd. 12,000
Light Ltd. 8,000
Cash in hand 10,000 10,000 10,000
2,90,000 2,35,000 1,63,000 2,90,000 2,35,000 1,63,000
(a) Sun Ltd. held 8,000 shares of Moon Ltd. and 1,800 shares of Light Ltd.
(b) Moon Ltd. held 3,600 shares of Light Ltd.
(c) All investments were made on 1st July, 2011.
(d) The following balances were there on 1st July, 2011:
Moon Ltd. Light Ltd.
` `
Reserves 25,000 15,000
Profits and Loss A/c 20,000 25,000
(e) Moon Ltd. invoiced goods to Sun Ltd. for ` 4,000 at a cost plus 25% in
December, 2011.
The closing stock of Sun Ltd. includes such goods valued at ` 5,000.
(f) Light Ltd. sold to Moon Ltd. an equipment costing ` 24,000 at a profit of 25%
on selling price on 1st January, 2011. Depreciation at 10% per annum was
provided by Moon Ltd. on the equipment.
(g) Sun Ltd. proposes dividend at 10%.
Prepare the Consolidated Balance Sheet of the group as at 31st March, 2012. Working
should form part of the answer.
Consolidated Balance sheet of Sun along with its Subsidiaries Moon and Light as on
Equity and Liabilities Note No Amount
I Shareholders Fund
Share Capital 1,50,000
Reserves and Surplus 173,516
Minority Interest 52,684

II Non Current Liabilities

III Current Liabilities

Trade Payables 90,000
Short Term Provisions 15,000
Total 4,81,200
Amalgamation and Corporate Restructuring 145

I Non Current Assets

Fixed Assets
Tangible Assets 2,85,200
Intangible Assets

II Current Assets
Inventory 89,000
Trade Receivables 75,000
Cash & Cash Equivalents 32,000
Total 4,81,200
Working Notes
S in M S in L M in L
1. Book Value of Investments 90,000 40,000 50,000
- Paid up Value of Investment 80,000 18,000 36,000
Goodwill / (Capital Reserve) 10,000 22,000 14,000
2. Capital Reserve
Reserves 36,000 12,000 24,000
Cost of Control 26,000 10,000 10,000
Capital Res Goodwill Capital Res

Net 26,000 goodwill

3. Reserves of Holding Company

Reserves 50,000
Profit and Loss A/c 60,000
Reserves in Machinery (6,084)
Stock Reserve (800)
Proposed Dividend (15,000)
Reserves (Light) 9,000
Reserves (Moon) 50,400
Total 147,516
4. Minority Interest Moon Light
Share Capital 20,000 6,000
Reserve in Machinery (936) (780)
Stock Reserve (200)
Reserves 21,600 7,000
40,464 12,220
146 CA Final Financial Reporting

5. Share Capital of Subsidiary Company

Moon 10,000 Light 6,000

8,000 2,000 1,800 3,600 600

80% Sun Minority 30% X 60% Y Minority
6. Reserves of Subsidiary Company
Light Ltd Reserves30,000 Profit and Loss A/c 40,000

15,000 15,000 25,000 15,000

Pre Post Pre Post
Total Pre 40,000 Post 30,000

12,000 24,000 4,000 9,000 18,000 3,000

30% 60% 10% 30% 60% 10%
S – CP M – CP Min S – RP M – RP Min
Moon Ltd Reserves 40,000 Profit and Loss A/c 50,000

25,000 15,000 20,000 30,000

Pre Post Pre Post
Total Pre 45,000 Post 45,000

36,000 9,000 50,400 12,600

80% 20% 80% 20%
S – CP Min S – RP Min
7. Fixed Assets
24 +8 32
Less Depreciation 0.2 --- 8 x 10% x 3/12 = 0.2
WDV 7.8

30% 60% 10%

2,340 = S 4,680 = M 780 Minority of Light
Amalgamation and Corporate Restructuring 147

3744 936
80 % = S Minority Moon
Question 20 – Nov RTP – 2011

Harsh Ltd. acquired control in Sukh Ltd. a few years back when Sukh Ltd. had ` 25,000
in Reserve and ` 14,000 profit in Profit and Loss Account. Plant Account (book value `
66,000) of Sukh Ltd. was revalued at ` 62,000 on the date of acquisition. Equity dividend of
` 7,500 was received by Harsh Ltd. out of pre-acquisition profit and the amount was
correctly treated by Harsh Ltd. Debenture interest has been paid up to date. Following are
Balance Sheets of Harsh Ltd. and Sukh Ltd.
Balance Sheet as on 30-09-2011
Harsh Ltd. Sukh Ltd.
Liabilities ` `
Equity Capital (` 10) 5,00,000 1,00,000

6% Preference Share Capital (` 100) 1,00,000 50,000

General Reserve 30,000 30,000
Profit and Loss account 40,000 12,000
6% Debentures Nil 1,00,000
Sundry Creditors 90,000 60,000
Due to Sukh Ltd. 10,000 Nil
Bills Payable 20,000 25,000
Total 7,90,000 3,77,000
Goodwill 50,000 30,000
Building 2,00,000 50,000
Plant & Machinery 1,05,000 1,00,000
Stock in trade 1,30,000 1,00,000
Sundry Debtors 90,000 50,000
Bills Receivable 30,000 10,000
Due from Harsh Ltd. Nil 12,000
Bank 27,000 25,000
Investments in Sukh Ltd.
300 Preference Share Capital 28,000 Nil
7,500 Equity Shares 85,000 Nil
Debentures (Face Value ` 50,000) 45,000 Nil
Total 7,90,000 3,77,000
1. Cheque of ` 2,000 sent by Harsh Ltd. to Sukh Ltd. was in transit.
2. Balance Sheet of Sukh Ltd. was prepared before providing for 6 months dividend on
Preference Shares. Dividend for the first half has already been paid.
3. Both the Companies have proposed preference dividend only, but no effect has been
given in accounts.
148 CA Final Financial Reporting

4. Stock of Harsh Ltd. includes ` 6,000 stock purchased from Sukh Ltd. on which Sukh Ltd.
made 20% profit on cost. Stock of Sukh Ltd. includes stock of ` 10,000 purchased from
Harsh Ltd. on which Harsh Ltd. made 10% profit on selling price.
5. Since acquisition, Sukh Ltd. has written off 30% of the book value of Plant as on date of
acquisition by way of depreciation.
6. Bills Receivable of Sukh Ltd. is due from Harsh Ltd.
Prepare Consolidated Balance Sheet as on 30.09.2011.
Consolidated Balance sheet of Sun along with its Subsidiaries Moon and Light as on 31/3/08
Equity and Liabilities Note No Amount
I Shareholders Fund
Share Capital 6,00,000
Reserves and Surplus 88,425
Minority Interest 54,175

II Non Current Liabilities

Long Term Borrowings 50,000

III Current Liabilities

Trade Payables 1,85,000
Other Current Liabilities (6,000 + 6,600
Total 9,84,200
I Non Current Assets
Fixed Assets
Tangible Assets 4,52,200
Intangible Assets

II Current Assets
Inventory 2,28,000
Trade Receivables 1,70,000
Cash & Cash Equivalents 54,000
Total 9,84,200
Working Notes
1. Equity Preference
Book Value of Investments 85,000 28,000
- Paid up Value of Investment 75,000 30,000
Goodwill / (Capital Reserve) 10,000 (2,000)
2. Capital Reserve
Reserves 18,750
Cost of Control 10,750
Capital Res
Amalgamation and Corporate Restructuring 149

3. Reserves of Holding Company

General Reserves 30,000
Profit and Loss A/c 40,000
Stock Reserve (1,750)
Proposed Dividend (6,000)
Dividend of Sukh 900
Gain on write off of Investment 5,000
Revenue Profits 9,525
Total 77,675
4. Minority Interest
Share Capital 25,000
Preference share Capital 20,000
Profits 9,425
Stock Reserve (250)
Reserves 21,600
5. Share Capital of Subsidiary Company
Equity 10,000 Preference 500

7,500 2,500 300 200

80% Holding Minority 60% Holding Minority
6. Reserves of Subsidiary Company
General Reserves 30,000

25,000 5,000
Pre Post

Profit and Loss 12,000

Less Dividend 10,000
4,000 Pre 8,000 Post
Less Rev 4,000 (1,500) Less Dividend
Nil 1,200 Add Depreciation
150 CA Final Financial Reporting

Total Pre 25,000 Post 12,700

18,750 6,250 9,525 3,175

H – CP Minority H – RP Minority
Question 21 – Nov Paper – 2011
Kim and Kin floated a new company KimKin Ltd. on 1st April 2010 with a capital of ` 5
lakhs represented by 50,000 ordinary shares of ` 10 each, subscribed equally by both
Kimkin Ltd. made the following acquisitions on the same date:
(1) 3,000 shares of ` 10 each in Klean Ltd. at ` 35,000

(2) 10,000 shares of ` 10 each in Klinic Ltd. for ` 72,000

(3) 8,000 equity shares of ` 10 each in Klear Ltd. for ` 92,000 and 200 8% Cumulative
Preference shares @ ` 140 per share.
The following are the summarized Balance sheets of the three companies as on
31.03.2011 Liabilities
Klean Ltd. Klinic Ltd. Klear Ltd.
` ` `
Equity Share Capital 40,000 1,20,000 1,00,000
8% Cumulative Preference share 25,000
Capital (Rs.100 shares)
Reserves (31.03.2010) 3,000 7,500
Profit & Loss Account 6,000 15,000
Sundry Creditors 2,900 8,000 7,500
Total 51,900 1,28,000 1,55,000
` ` `
Goodwill (self generated) 4,000 - 15,000
Freehold Land 8,000 52,000 50,000
Plant & machinery 16,000 19,000 37,000
Inventories 8,900 25,000 26,000
Sundry Debtors 4,000 12,000 15,500
Bank 11,000 2,000 11,500
Profit & Loss A/c …. 18,000 ….
51,900 1,28,000 1,55,000
You are supplied with the following information and requested to compile the
Consolidated Balance Sheet as on 31st March 2011 of the entire Group.
1. The freehold land of Klear Ltd. carries a fair value of ` 65,000 as on 1-04-2010.
Amalgamation and Corporate Restructuring 151

2. The plant & machinery of Klinic Ltd. to be depreciated by ` .3,000.

3. Inventories of Klean Ltd. are undervalued by ` 2,000.

4. On Balance Sheet date, Kimkin Ltd. owed Klean Ltd. ` 10,500 and is owed ` 8,200 by
Klinic Ltd. Klear Ltd. is owed ` 1,300 by Klean Ltd. and ` 2,000 by Klinic Ltd.

5. The balances in Profit and Loss account on date of acquisition were : Klean Ltd. ` 2,000
(Cr) ; Klinic Ltd. ` 12,000 (Dr.) and Klear Ltd. ` 4,000(Cr.)
The credit balances of Klean Ltd. & Klear. Ltd. were wholly distributed as dividends in June
6. During 2010-11 Klean Ltd. & Klear Ltd. declared and paid interim dividends of 8% and
10% respectively.
7. Klear Ltd. has discharged dividend obligations towards its preference shareholders up-
to March 2009.
Consolidated Balance sheet of KimKin Ltd along with its Subsidiaries as on 31/3/15
Equity and Liabilities Note No Amount
I Shareholders Fund
7. Share Capital 5,00,000
8. Reserves and Surplus 38,210
9. Minority Interest 62,390

II Non Current Liabilities

III Current Liabilities
1. Trade Payables 19,600
Total 6,20,200
I Non Current Assets
Fixed Assets
1. Tangible Assets 1,94,000
2. Intangible Assets 19,000

II Current Assets
1. Inventories (W.N.5) 61,900
2. Trade Receivables 28,200
3. Cash and Cash Equivalents 3,17,100
Total 6,20,200
Notes to Accounts
1. Share Capital
Authorized ?
Issued, Subscribed and Paid up
50,000 shares of Rs. 10 each 5,00,000

2 Reserves and Surplus

152 CA Final Financial Reporting

Capital Reserve 17,630

Profit and Loss A/c (W.N 6) 20,580 38,210

3. Tangible Assets
Freehold Land 1,25,000
Plant and Machinery 69,000 1,94,000

4. Intangible Assets
Goodwill (4,000 + 15,000) 19,000

5. Cash and Cash Equivalents

Bank Balance (W.N.5) 3,14,000
Cash in Transit (W,N.7) 2,200 3,17,100
Working Notes
1. Analysis of Profit Rs. Rs.
Klean Ltd. Capital Revenue
Reserves as on 1 April, 2014 3,000
Profit and Loss Account as on 1st April, 2014 net of 0
dividend 6,000
Current year profits after interim dividend of ` 3,200 2,000
3,000 8,000
Appreciation in inventory value.
(750 (2,000)
2,250 6,000
Less : Minority Interest (1/4)
Share of Kimkin Ltd. (3/4)
Klinic Ltd. Capital Revenue
Loss on date of acquisition (12,000) -
Current year loss after additional depreciation of ` -
- (9,000)
(12,000) (9,000)
(18,000 + 3,000 – 12,000)
(2,000) (1,500)
(10,000) (7,500)
Less : Minority interest (1/6)
Share of Kimkin Ltd. (5/6)
Klear Ltd. Capital Revenue
Reserves as on 1st April, 2014 7,500
Profit & Loss as on 1st April, 2014 net of dividend 0
Current year profits after interim dividend of ` 15,000
(400) (400)
Appreciation in freehold property value as on
22,100 14,600
(4,420) (2,920)
Arrears of Preference Dividend of Minority’s
17,680 11,680
Preference shares

Less : Minority Interest (1/5)

Share of Kimkin Ltd. (4/5)
2. Cost of Control / Capital Reserve
Amalgamation and Corporate Restructuring 153

Cost of Investment in Klean Ltd. 35,000

Less : Pre – acquisition Dividend (2,000 x ¾) (1,500) 33,500
Cost of Investment in Klinic Ltd.
Cost of Equity Investment in Klear CLtd. 92,000
Less : Pre – acquisition Dividend (4,000 x 4/5) (3,200) 88,800
Cost of Investments cum – preference in Klear Ltd. 28,000
Less : Paid up Value of Equity shares in Klean Ltd. 30,000
Less : Paid up Value of Equity shares in Klinic Ltd. 1,00,000
Less : Paid up Value of Equity shares in Klear Ltd. 80,000
Less : Paid up Value of Preference shares in Klear Ltd. 20,000 (2,30,000)
Less : Capital Profits in Klean Ltd. 2,250
Less : Capital Profits in Klinic Ltd. (10,000)
Less : Capital Profits in Klear Ltd. 17,680 (9,930)
Capital Reserve 17,630
3. Minority Interest
Klean Ltd. Klinic Ltd. Klear Ltd.
Equity share Capital 10,000 20,000 20,000
Preference Share Capital 5,000
Arrears of Preference Dividend 800
Capital Profits 750 (2,000) 4,420
Revenue Profits 2,000 (1,500) 2,920
12,750 16,500 33,140
4. Bank Account of KimKin Ltd.
` `
To Share Capital 5,00,000 By Investments in Klean Ltd. 35,000
To investment in Klean Ltd 1,500 By Investments in Klinic Ltd. 72,000
(Pre-acquisition Dividend) By Investments in Klear Ltd. 1,20,000
To investment in Klear Ltd. 3,200 (92,000 + 28,000)
(Pre – acquisition Dividend) By Klinic Ltd. (owings) 8,200
To Dividend Received
Klean Ltd. 2,400
Klear Ltd. 8,000
To Klean Ltd. (Owings) 10,500 By Balance c/d 2,90,400
5,25,600 5,25,600
5. Statement showing consolidated balances
Land Plant Inventory Trade Rec Bank Trade
Kimkin Ltd. - - - 8,200 2,90,400 10,500
Klean Ltd. 8,000 16,000 10,900 4,000 11,000 2,900
Klinic Ltd. 52,000 16,000 25,000 12,000 2,000 8,000
Klear Ltd. 65,000 37,000 26,000 15,500 11,500 7,500
1,25,000 69,000 61,900 39,700 3,14,900 28,900
Less : Mutual - - - (11,500) (9,300)
154 CA Final Financial Reporting

Owings 1,25,000 69,000 61,900 28,200 3,14,900 19,600

6. Consolidated Revenue Profits

Klean Ltd. 6,000
Klinic Ltd. (7,500)
Klear Ltd. 11,680
Add : Interim Dividend Received (2,400 + 8,000) 10,400
Consolidated Profit and Loss A/c 20,580
7. Cash in transit
Amount due from Klinic Ltd. (8,200 + 2,000) 10,200
Less : Balance of trade Payables of Klinic Ltd. (8,000)
Cash in transit 2,200
Question 22 – May RTP – 2012 – Similar to May RTP – 2008
Question 23 – May RTP – 2012
Morning Ltd. acquired 60,000 equity shares of ` 10 each in Evening Ltd. on 1-1-2011 at `
15 per share. The total issued equity share capital of Evening Ltd. was ` 15,00,000 divided
into 1,50,000 equity shares of
` 10 each. During the year 2011, the fixed assets of Evening Ltd., have been revalued up by `
2,50,000. On the date of acquisition of shares, reserves and surplus of Evening Ltd. was `
5,00,000. Evening Ltd. earned a profit after tax of ` 3,37,500 for the year 2011. During
2011, Evening Ltd. paid an Interim dividend of 5%.
Show in the books of Morning Ltd. the value of investments in shares of Evening Ltd.
that would appear at 31-12-2011:
I. In separate Balance Sheet of Morning Ltd., and
II In the Consolidated Balance Sheet of Morning Ltd. and its subsidiaries.
I. In the separate Balance sheet of Morning Ltd (Extracts)
Non Current Assets
Non Current Investments
Investments in Evening Ltd 9,00,000
(60,000 shares of ` 10 each)
II. In Consolidated Balance sheet of Morning Ltd. (Extracts)
Cost [Including Goodwill] 9,00,000
Share of Revaluation Reserve (2,50,000 x 40%) 1,00,000
Add : Share of Revenue Profit
Amalgamation and Corporate Restructuring 155

(3,37,500 x 40%) – (75,000 x 40%) 1,05,000

Cost of Investments 11,05,000
III. Calculation of Goodwill
Investment in Evening Ltd 9,00,000
Less : Nominal Value (6,00,000)
Less : Capital Profits (5,00,000 x 40%) (2,00,000)
Goodwill 1,00,000
Question 24 – May Paper – 2012
The Balance Sheets of A Limited and its subsidiaries B Limited and C Limited as on 31-
3-2011 were as follows
Rs.in lakhs
Investments :
1,00,000 shares in B Ltd. 100 – –
80,000 shares in C Ltd, 200 – –
Other Assets 700 600 500
1,000 600 500
Share Capital:
Shares of Rs.100 each 400 100 100
Reserves and Surplus 400 300 200
Liabilities 200 200 200
1,000 600 500
A Limited acquired shares in B Limited in April 2008 when B Limited was formed with
Share Capital of
` 100 lakhs.

A Limited acquired shares in C Limited in April 2008 when C Ltd. had share Capital of `
100 lakhs and Reserves and surplus of ` 100 lakhs.

The group amortizes goodwill on consolidation on a SLM basis over a period of 5 years.
A full year's amortization is provided if the goodwill exists for more than 6 months,

On 1st April, 2011 A Limited sold 40000 shares of C Limited for cash consideration of `
150 lakhs. The Balance sheets of the companies for the year 2011-12 were as follows :
(1) Balance Sheet as on 31-3-2012
Rs.in lakhs
` ` `

Investments, at. cost:

156 CA Final Financial Reporting

1,00,000 shares in B Ltd. 100 – –

40,000 shares in C Ltd. 100 – –
Other Assets 1,000 800 700
1,200 800 700
Share Capital 400 100 100
Reserves and Surplus 550 420 280
Liabilities 250 280 320
1200 800 700
(2) Profit and Loss A/c for the year ended 31 -3-2012
Rs.in lakhs
` ` `

Profit before tax 150 180 120

Tax 50 60 40
Profit after tax 100 120 80
Extraordinary items 50 – –
Profit after tax 150 120 80
Reserves & Surplus-Beginning 400 300 200
Reserves & Surplus - End 550 420 280
Prepare for A Limited, group Balance Sheets as on 31-3-2011 and as on 31-3-2012.
Consolidated Balance sheet of A along with its Subsidiaries B and C as on 31/3/11
Equity and Liabilities Note No Amount
I Shareholders Fund
Share Capital 400
Reserves and Surplus 756
Minority Interest 60

II Non Current Liabilities

III Current Liabilities 600

Total 1816
I Non Current Assets
Fixed Assets
Tangible Assets
Intangible Assets 16

II Current Assets 1800

Total 1,816
Amalgamation and Corporate Restructuring 157

Working Notes
A in B B in C
1. Book Value of Investments 100 200
- Paid up Value of Investment 100 (80)
Goodwill / (Capital Reserve) Nil 120
2. Capital Reserve
Reserves Nil 80
Cost of Control Nil 40
Less : Amortization (24)
Balance 16 Goodwill
3. Reserves of Holding Company
Reserves 400
Reserves (C) 80
Reserves (B) 300
Goodwill Written/off (24)
Total 756
4. Minority Interest C
Share Capital 20
Reserves 40
5. Share Capital of Subsidiary Company
B 100 C 100

100 % 80 20
A Ltd 80% A Minority
6. Reserves of Subsidiary Company
B Ltd Reserves 300 --- Holding (100%) CP
C Ltd Reserves 200
100 Pre 100 Post

80 20 80 20
80% 20% 80% 20%
A – CP Min A – RP Min
Consolidated Balance sheet of A along with its Subsidiaries B and C as on 31/3/12
Equity and Liabilities Note No Amount
I Shareholders Fund
Share Capital 400
158 CA Final Financial Reporting

Reserves and Surplus 1026

Minority Interest -

II Non Current Liabilities

III Current Liabilities 530

Total 1956
I Non Current Assets
Fixed Assets
Non Current Investments 156

II Current Assets 1800

Total 1,956
Working Notes
A in B
1. Book Value of Investments 100
- Paid up Value of Investment 100
Goodwill / (Capital Reserve) Nil
2. Capital Reserve
Reserves 300
3. Reserves of Holding Company
Reserves 550
Reserves (C) 32
Reserves (B) 120
Profit on Investments 28
Goodwill Written/off (4)
Total 726
4. Reserves of Subsidiary Company
B Ltd Reserves 420

300 – CP 120 – RP

C Ltd Reserves 280

200 Pre 80 Post

32 – RP
Question 25 – Nov RTP – 2012
Following are the summarized Balance Sheets of A Ltd., B. Ltd. & C Ltd., as on
A Ltd. B Ltd. C Ltd. A Ltd. B Ltd. C Ltd.
Amalgamation and Corporate Restructuring 159

` ` ` ` ` `
Share capital of 5,00,000 3,00,000 2,00,000 Fixed Asset 2,00,000 1,50,000 1,20,000
`10 each
General Reserves 80,000 60,000 50,000 Investment
1,00,000 80,000 60,000 24,000 Shares 2,50,000
Profit & Loss A/c
in B Ltd.
70,000 20,000 30,000 6,000 Shares 80,000
Sundry Creditors
in C Ltd.
40,000 12,000 Shares 1,60,000
B Ltd. Balance
in C Ltd.
C Ltd. Balance 1,20,000 Stock in trade 1,00,000 60,000 60,000
Debtors 1,50,000 40,000 80,000
C Ltd. Balance 30,000
A Ltd. Balance 90,000
Cash and 90,000 20,000 30,000
Bank Balance
8,70,000 4,60,000 3,80,000 8,70,000 4,60,000 3,80,000

Other Information:
(a) All the investments were made on 1.8.2013 on which date the provisions were as
B Ltd. (`) C Ltd. (`)
General Reserves 30,000 15,000
Profit & Loss Account 50,000 25,000

(b) In December 2013, B Ltd. invoiced goods to A Ltd. for ` 80,000 at cost plus 25%. The

closing stock of A Ltd. includes such goods valued at ` 10,000.

(c) C Ltd. sold to B Ltd. a machinery costing ` 27,000 at a profit of 25% on selling price on
31.12.2013. Depreciation at 10% per annum was provided by B Ltd. on this equipment.

(d) Debtors of A Ltd. include ` 12,000 being the amount due from B Ltd.

(e) A Ltd. proposed dividend at 10%.

You are required to prepare the Consolidated Balance Sheet of the Group as on
31.3.2014 as per Schedule III to the Companies Act, 2013.
Consolidated Balance sheet of X along with its Subsidiaries Y and Z as on 31/3/08
Equity and Liabilities Note No Amount
I Shareholders Fund
Share Capital 5,00,000
Reserves and Surplus 2,54,682
Minority Interest 1,25,218

II Non Current Liabilities

160 CA Final Financial Reporting

III Current Liabilities

Trade Payables 1,48,000
Short Term Provisions 50,000
Total 10,77,900
I Non Current Assets
Fixed Assets
Tangible Assets 4,61,900
Intangible Assets

II Current Assets
Inventory 2,18,000
Trade Receivables 2,58,000
Cash & Cash Equivalents 1,40,000
Total 10,77,900
Working Notes
A in B A in C B in C
1. Book Value of Investments 2,50,000 80,000 1,60,000
- Paid up Value of Investment 2,40,000 60,000 1,20,000
Goodwill / (Capital Reserve) 10,000 20,000 40,000
2. Capital Reserve
Reserves 64,000 12,000 24,000
Cost of Control 54,000 8,000 16,000
Capital Reserve Goodwill Goodwill

Net 30,000 Capital Reserve

3. Reserves of Holding Company

Reserves 80,000
Profit and Loss A/c 1,00,000
Proposed Dividend (50,000)
Reserve in Machinery (6,318)
Stock Reserve (1,600)
Reserves (C) 21,000
Amalgamation and Corporate Restructuring 161

Reserves (B) 81,600

4. Minority Interest B C
Share Capital 60,000 20,000
Reserve in Machinery (972) (810)
Stock Reserve (400)
Reserves 36,400 11,000
95,028 30,190
5. Share Capital of Subsidiary Company
B 30,000 C 20,000

24,000 6,000 6,000 12,000 2,000

80% A Minority 30% A 60%B Minority
6. Reserves of Subsidiary Company

C Ltd Reserves 50,000 Profit and Loss A/c 60,000

5,000 35,000 25,000 35,000

Pre Post Pre Post
Total Pre 40,000 Post 70,000

12,000 24,000 4,000 21,000 42,000 7,000

30% 60% 10% 30% 60% 10%
A – CP B – CP Min A – RP B – RP Min

Y Ltd Reserves 60,000 Profit and Loss A/c 80,000

30,000 30,000 50,000 30,000

Pre Post Pre Post
Total Pre 80,000 Post 60,000
162 CA Final Financial Reporting


64,000 16,000 81,600 20,400

80% 20% 80% 20%
A – CP Min A – RP Min
7. Fixed Assets

27,000 + 9,000 36,000
Less Depreciation 900 --- 9000 x 10% = 900
WDV 8,100

30% 60% 10%

2430 = A 4860 = B 810 Minority of C

3888 972
80 % = A Minority B
Question 26 – Nov RTP – 2012
The summarized balance sheets of Rich Ltd. and its subsidiary Poor Ltd. are as follows
Liabilities Rich Limited Poor Limited
(`in Lakhs) (` in Lakhs)
Share Capital
Authorized 15,000 6,000
Issued and Subscribed
Equity shares of Rs. 10 each, fully paid up 12,000 4,800
General Reserve 2,784 1,380
Profit and Loss Account 2,715 1,620
Bills Payable 372 160
Sundry Creditors 1,461 854
Provisions for Taxation 855 394
Proposed Dividend 1,200 -
Total 21,387 9,208
Assets 2,718 -
Land And Building 4,905 4,900
Furniture and Fixture 1,845 586
Investments in shares in Poor Ltd. 3,000 -
Stock 3,949 1,956
Debtors 2,600 1,363
Amalgamation and Corporate Restructuring 163

Cash and Bank Balance 1,490 204

Bills Receivable 360 199
Sundry Advances 520 -
21,387 9,208
The Following information is also provided to you :
a) Rich Ltd. Purchased 180 lakh shares in Poor Ltd. on 1st April, 2011 when the balance to
general Reserves and profit and Loss Account of Poor Ltd. stood at ` 3,000 lakh and `
1,200 respectively.
b) On 4th July, 2011 Poor Ltd. declared a dividend @ 20% for the year ended 31st March,
Rich Ltd. credited the dividend received by its to its profit and Loss Account
c) On 1st Jan, 2012 Poor Ltd. issued 3 fully paid – up shares for every 5 shares held as
bonus out of balance to its general reserve as on 31st March, 2011
d) On 31st March, 2012 all the bills payable in Poor Ltd’s Balance sheet were acceptance in
favour of Rich Ltd.. But on that date, Rich ltd held only ` 45 lakh of These acceptance in
hand, the rest having been endorsed favor of its creditors.

e) On 31st March, 2012, Poor Ltd. stock included goods which it had purchased for ` 100
lakh from rich Ltd. which made a profit @ 25% on Cost.
Prepare a consolidated Balance sheet of Rich Ltd. and its subsidiary Poor Ltd. as at 31st
March, 2012 bearing in mind the requirements of AS 21.
Consolidated Balance sheet of X along with its Subsidiaries Y and Z as on 31/3/08
Equity and Liabilities Note No Amount
I Shareholders Fund
Share Capital 12,000
Reserves and Surplus 7,159
Minority Interest 3,120

II Non Current Liabilities

III Current Liabilities

Trade Payables 2,802
Other Current Liabilities 1,200
Short Term Provisions 1,249
Total 27,530
I Non Current Assets
Fixed Assets
Tangible Assets 14,954
Intangible Assets
164 CA Final Financial Reporting

II Current Assets
Inventory 5,885
Trade Receivables 4,477
Cash & Cash Equivalents 1,694
Short term loans and advances 520
Total 27,530
Working Notes
1. Book Value of Investments 3,000
- Paid up Value of Investment 2,880
Goodwill / (Capital Reserve) 120
2. Capital Reserve
Reserves 1,080
Pre Acquisition Dividend 360
Cost of Control 1,320 Capital Reserve
3. Reserves of Holding Company
General Reserve 2,784
Profit and Loss A/c 2,715
Pre Acquisition dividend (360)
Reserve from Poor 720
Stock Reserve (20)
4. Minority Interest
Share Capital 1,920
Reserves 1,200
5. Share Capital of Subsidiary Company

180 192
Add : Bonus 108
288 – 60%
Amalgamation and Corporate Restructuring 165

6. Reserves of Subsidiary Company

General Reserve 1380 Profit and Loss A/c 1,620

Pre 1,200 180 Post Pre 600 1020 Post

(3,000 – 1,800) (1200 – 600)
Total Pre 1800 Post 1200

1080 720 720 480

H – CP Min H – RP Min

Question 27 – Nov Paper – 2012 – Similar to June 2009 – RTP

Question 28 – May RTP – 2013
A Limited is a holding company and B Limited and C Limited are subsidiaries of <
Limited. Their Balance sheets as on 31.12.2000 are given below.
A Ltd. B Ltd. C Ltd. A Ltd. B Ltd. C Ltd.
Share capital 1,00,000 1,00,000 60,000 Fixed assets 20,000 60,000 43,000
Reserves 48,000 10,000 9,000 Investments :
Profit and Shares in
loss A/c. 16,000 12,000 9,000 B Ltd. 95,000 – –
Sundry Shares in
Creditors 7,000 5,000 – C Ltd. 13,000 53,000 –
C Ltd. balance 3,000 – – Stock in trade 12,000 – –
A Ltd. balance – 7,000 – Sundry debtors 26,000 21,000 32,000
B Ltd. Balance 8,000 – –
A Ltd. Balance – – 3,000
1,74,000 1,34,000 78,000 1,74,000 1,34,000 78,000
The following particulars are given :
i. The Share capital of all companies is divided into shares of ` 10 each.
ii. A Ltd. held 8,000 shares of B Ltd. and 1,000 shares of C Ltd.
iii. B Ltd. held 4,000 shares of C Ltd.
iv. All these investments were made on 30.06.2000.
v. On 31.12.1999, the position was as shown below:
Particulars B Ltd. ` C Ltd. `
Reserve 8,000 7,500
Profit and loss account 4,000 3,000
Sundry creditors 5,000 1,000
Fixed assets 60,000 43,000
Stock in trade 4,000 35,500
166 CA Final Financial Reporting

Sundry debtors 48,000 33,000

vi. 10% dividend is proposed by each company.

vii. The whole of stock in trade of B Ltd. as on 30.06.2000 (` 4,000) was later sold to A Ltd.
For ` 4,400 and remained unsold by A Ltd. as on 31.12.2000.

viii. Cash-in-transit from B Ltd. to A Ltd. was ` 1,000 as at the close of business.

You are required to prepare the Consolidated Balance sheet of the group as on 31.12.2000.
Consolidated Balance sheet of A along with its Subsidiaries B and C as on 31/3/08
Equity and Liabilities Note No Amount
I Shareholders Fund
Share Capital 1,00,000
Reserves and Surplus 60,305
Minority Interest 37,820

II Non Current Liabilities

III Current Liabilities

Trade Payables 12,000
Short Term Provisions 10,000
Total 2,20,125
I Non Current Assets
Fixed Assets
Tangible Assets 1,23,000
Intangible Assets 5,525

II Current Assets
Inventory 11,600
Trade Receivables 79,000
Cash & Cash Equivalents 1,000
Total 2,20,125
Working Notes
A in B A in C B in C
1. Book Value of Investments 95,000 13,000 53,000
- Paid up Value of Investment 80,000 10,000 40,000
Goodwill / (Capital Reserve) 15,000 3,000 13,000
2. Capital Reserve
Reserves 13,600 2,375 9,500
Cost of Control 1,400 625 3500
Amalgamation and Corporate Restructuring 167

Goodwill Goodwill Goodwill

Net 5,525 Goodwill

3. Reserves of Holding Company

Reserves 48,000
Profit and Loss A/c 16,000
Proposed Dividend (10,000)
Stock Reserve (320)
Reserves (C) 625
Reserves (B) 6,000
Total 60,305
4. Minority Interest B C
Share Capital 20,000 20,000
Stock Reserve (80)
Reserves 4,900 3,000
24,820 13,000
5. Share Capital of Subsidiary Company
B 10,000 C 6,000

8,000 2,000 1,000 4,000 1,000

80% A Minority 1/6 - A 4/6 - B 1/6 -
6. Reserves of Subsidiary Company
C Ltd Reserves 9,000 Profit and Loss A/c 9,000

8,250 750 6,000 3,000

Pre Post Pre Post
Total Pre 14,250 Post 3,750

2,375 9,500 2,375 625 2,500 625

1/6 4/6 10% 1/6 4/6 1/6
A – CP B – CP Min A – RP B – RP Min
B Ltd Reserves 10,000 Profit and Loss A/c 12,000

9,000 1,000 8,000 4,000

Pre Post Pre Post
168 CA Final Financial Reporting

Total Pre 17,000 Post 5,000


13,600 3,400 6000 1,500

80% 20% 80% 20%
A – CP Min A – RP Min
Question 29 – May Paper – 2013
The summarized balance sheets of two companies, Major Ltd. and Minor Ltd. as at 31st
2012 are given below :
Particulars Major Ltd. Minor Ltd.
Plant and Machinery 4,14,000 1,00,800
Furniture 14,000 9,200
18,000, ordinary shares in Minor Ltd.2,40,000 –
4,000 ordinary shares in Major Ltd. – 48,000
Stock in Trade 96,000 2,28,000
Sundry Debtors 1,40,000 1,70,000
Cash at Bank 34,000 26,000
938,000 5,82,000
Liabilities :

Ordinary shares of ` 10 each 3,60,000 2,00,000

7.5% preference shares of ` 10 each3,00,000 1,60,000

Reserves 52,000 60,000

Sundry Creditors 1,06,000 1,22,000
Profit and Loss account 1,20,000 40,000
9,38,000 5,82,000
Major Ltd. acquired the shares of Minor Ltd. on 1st July, 2012. As on 31st December,
2011, the plant & machinery stood in the books at ` 1,12,000, the reserve at ` 60,000 and the
profit and loss account at
` 16,000. The plant and machinery was revalued by Major Ltd. on the date of acquisition of

shares of Minor Ltd. at ` 1,20,000 but no adjustments were made in the books of Minor Ltd.
Amalgamation and Corporate Restructuring 169

On 31st December, 2011, the debit balance of profit and loss account was Rs.45,500 in
the books of Major Ltd.
Both the companies have provided depreciation on all their fixed assets at 10% p.a.
You are required to prepare a Consolidated Balance Sheet as on 31st December 2012 as
per Revised Schedule-VI and Supporting Schedule for Computation.
Consolidated Balance sheet of Major along with its Subsidiaries Minor as on 31/3/12
Equity and Liabilities Note No Amount
I Shareholders Fund
Share Capital 6,20,000
Reserves and Surplus 1,69,361
Minority Interest 2,05,059

II Non Current Liabilities

III Current Liabilities

Trade Payables 2,28,000
Short Term Provisions 22,500
Total 12,44,920
I Non Current Assets
Fixed Assets
Tangible Assets 5,50,920
Intangible Assets

II Current Assets
Inventory 3,24,000
Trade Receivables 3,10,000
Cash & Cash Equivalents 60,000
Total 12,44,920

Working Notes
Major in Minor Minor in Major
1. Book Value of Investments 2,40,000 48,000
- Paid up Value of Investment 1,80,000 40,000
Goodwill / (Capital Reserve) 60,000 8,000 - Goodwill
2. Capital Reserve
Reserves 1,01,378
Cost of Control 41,378 8000
Capital Reserve Goodwill
170 CA Final Financial Reporting

Net 33,378 Capital Reserve

3. Reserves of Holding Company

Reserves 52,000
Less 17,042 34,958
Profit and Loss A/c 97,500
Less 12,628 84,872
Reserve (Minor) 16,153
Total 1,35,983
4. Minority Interest
Equity Share Capital 20,000
Pref. Share Capital 1,60,000
Preference Dividend 12,000
Reserves (Minor) 13,059
5. Share Capital of Minor

18,000 2,000
Major – 90% Minority
6. Fixed Assets
Plant and Machinery
Major Limited 4,14,000
Minor Limited
(1,00,800 + 13,600 – 680) 1,13,720
Major Limited 14,000
Minor Limited 9,200
Total 5,50,920
Plant and Machinery CP RP
Opening 1,12,000
Less : Depreciation 5,600
1,06,400 1,20,000
Less : Depreciation 5,600 6,280
Closing 1,00,800 1,13,720
7. Reserves of Minor (Before Inter co)
Amalgamation and Corporate Restructuring 171

Reserves 60,000 Pre

Profit and Loss 40,000

Pre 16,000 24,000

(12,000) Preference Dividend

Pre 6,000 Post 6,000

Pre 82,000 Post 6000
+ Upward 13,600 - Dep 680
95,600 5,320

8. Reserves of Major
Reserves 52,000

Pre 26,000 26,000 Post

Profit and Loss 1,20,000

Pre (45,500) 1,65,500

(22,500) Preference Dividend

Pre 71,500 Post 71,500

Pre 52,000 Post 97500
9. Inter Company Holding
Major in Minor = 90% i.e 9/10th
Minor in Major = 11.11% i.e 1/9th
Capital Profits
Major = x Minor = y
X = 52,000 + 0.9 Y
Y = 95,600 + 0.1111X
172 CA Final Financial Reporting

X = 52,000 + 0.9 (95,600 + 0.1111x)

X = 52,000 + 86,040 + 0.09999x
0.9 x = 138040
X = 1,53,378
Y = 95,600 + 0.1111 x 153378 = 1,12,642
Capital Profits
Major = a Minor = b
a = 97,500 + 0.9 b
b = 5,320 + 0.1111a

a = 97,500 + 0.9 (5,320 + 0.1111a)

a = 97,500 + 4,788 + 0.09999x
0.9 a = 1,02,288
a = 1,13,653
b = 5,320 + 0.1111 x 113653 = 17,948
10. Distribution of Reserves

Major Pre 52,000 Post 97,500

Minor 17,042 Minor 12,628

(1,53,378 x 1/9) (1,13,653 x 1/9)

Minor Pre 95,600 Post 5,320

Add 17,042 Add 12,628
1,12,642 17,948

1,01,378 11,264 16,153 1795

Major Minority Major Minority
Question 30 – Nov RTP – 2013
As on 31-3-2013, the summarized balance sheets of companies in a group showed the
following position:
Assets A B C
` ` `
Fixed assets 1,35,000 60,000 70,000
Amalgamation and Corporate Restructuring 173

Investments at cost 1,60,000 1,50,000 10,000

Stock 55,240 36,840 61,760
Debtors 1,10,070 69,120 93,880
Bank Balance 1,31,290 16,540 52,610
Total 5,91,600 3,32,500 2,88,250

Liabilities ` ` `
Equity shares of ` 10 each 2,00,000 1,50,000 80,000
Capital Reserve 50,000 - 23,000
Revenue Reserve 99,540 49,370 45,060
Creditors 1,12,060 73,130 78,190
Provision for Taxation 30,000 - 22,000
Proposed Dividends 1,00,000 60,000 40,000
Total 5,91,600 3,32,500 2,88,250
Additional Information
i. B Ltd. acquired 6,800 shares in C Ltd. at ` 22 per share in 2009 when the balance on

capital reserve was ` 15,000 and revenue reserve was ` 30,500.

ii. A Ltd. purchased 8,000 shares in B Ltd. in 2009 when the balance in revenue reserve
was ` 40,000. A Ltd. purchased further 4,000 shares in B Ltd. in 2010 when revenue

reserve stood at ` 45,000. There was no other investment held by A Ltd. as on

iii. Parent companies included there share of proposed dividend in debtors accounts.
Prepare consolidated balance sheet of the group.
Consolidated Balance sheet of A along with its Subsidiaries B and C as on 31/3/08
Equity and Liabilities Note No Amount
I Shareholders Fund
Share Capital 2,00,000
Reserves and Surplus 1,66,937
Minority Interest 64,558

II Non Current Liabilities

III Current Liabilities

Trade Payables 2,63,380
Other Current Liabilities 1,18,000
Short Term Provisions 52,000
Total 8,64,875
I Non Current Assets
174 CA Final Financial Reporting

Fixed Assets
Tangible Assets 2,65,000
Intangible Assets 44,125
Non Current Investments 10,400

II Current Assets
Inventory 1,53,840
Trade Receivables 1,91,070
Cash & Cash Equivalents 2,00,440
Total 8,64,875
Working Notes
A in B B in C
1. Book Value of Investments 1,60,000 1,49,600
- Paid up Value of Investment 1,20,000 68,000
Goodwill / (Capital Reserve) 40,000 81,600
2. Capital Reserve
Reserves 32,000 45,475
Cost of Control 8,000 36,125
Goodwill Goodwill

Net 44,125 Goodwill

3. Reserves of Holding Company

Capital Reserves 50,000
Revenue Reserves 99,540
Revenue Reserves (B Ltd) 17,937
Total 1,66,937
4. Minority Interest B C
Share Capital 30,000 12,000
Reserves 12,349 10,209
42,349 22,209
5. Share Capital of Subsidiary Company
B 15,000 C 8,000

12,000 3,000 6,800 1,200

80% A Minority 85% - B 15% - Minority
Amalgamation and Corporate Restructuring 175

6. Reserves of Subsidiary Company

C Ltd Capital Reserve 23,000
Revenue Reserve 45,060

Pre 30,500 14,560 Post

Total Pre 53,500 Post 14,560

45,475 8025 12,376 2,184

B – CP Minority B – RP Minority

B Ltd. Capital Reserve Nil

Reserve Reserves 49,370
Pre 40,000 Post 9,370
Add C Ltd 12,376

32,000 8,000 17,397 4349

A – CP Minority A – RP Minority

Question 31 Nov RTP – 2013

H Ltd., which has an authorised and issued share capital of Rs 10 crore equity shares of
` 10 each fully paid, has a balance of revenue reserve of ` 1,62,000 thousand on 31st March,
2011, after paying a dividend for the year ended on that date.
You are also given the following information:

1. On 1st April, 2011, H Ltd. purchased 90 lakh of the 4 crore issued equity shares of ` 10

each fully paid in A Ltd. for ` 1,42,500 thousand. The balance in revenue reserve of A
Ltd. as on 31st March, 2011 was
` 3,45,000 thousand after paying dividend for the year.

2. For the year ended 31st March 2012, H Ltd. made a trading profit of ` 1,84,000 thousand

and paid a dividend of 15% while Anoop Ltd. made a trading profit of ` 1,40,000
thousand and paid a dividend of 20%.
176 CA Final Financial Reporting

3. For the year ended 31st March, 2013, H Ltd. made a trading profit of ` 2,65,400

thousand and paid a dividend of 20% while A Ltd. incurred a trading loss of ` 1,41,000
thousand and no dividend was paid.
4. During the year ended 31st March, 2013, A Ltd. had manufactured and sold to H Ltd. an
item of plant for ` 80,000 thousand which included 25% profit on selling price to A Ltd.
The plant had been included in the fixed assets of H Ltd. and a full year's depreciation
had been provided thereon at 20% on cost.

You are required to show the relevant Notes to Accounts for the Consolidated Balance
Sheet of H Ltd. as on 31st March, 2013, together with the corresponding figures for the
preceding year, assuming that H Ltd. has a subsidiary and it prepared consolidated
financial statements on 31.3.2012 as well as 31.3.2013.
Notes to Accounts for Consolidated Balance sheet of H LTd. as on 31st March, 2013

March, 2013 March 2012

1. Share Capital
10 Crore shares of Rs. 10 each fully paid 10,00,000
2. Reserves and Surplus
Profit and Loss A/c 2,43,175
Less Unrealised Profit (4,500) 2,38,675 2,09,500
Investment Reserve 77,625 77,625
3. Non – Current Investments
In A Ltd 1,42,500 1,42,500
Share of Profits Post (18,225) 13,500
Pre – Acquisition Profits 77,625 77,625
2,01,900 2,33,625

Question 32 Nov Paper – 2013

From the Balance Sheets of CAT Ltd. and RAT Ltd. as on 31.03.2013 furnished below,
read with supplementary information hereunder, you are required to prepare Consolidated
Balance Sheet of CAT Ltd. as at 31st March, 2013.
Amalgamation and Corporate Restructuring 177


` ` ` `

Equity Shares (`.10) 24,00,000 25,00,000 Fixed Assets 38,61,650 17,50,000

9% Cumulative - 20,25,000 Investments in RAT 23,51,250 -
Preference Shares Ltd.
Profit & Loss Account 29,10,000 2,60,000 Current Assets 1,87,500 18,60,000
12% Secured - 6,50,000
Creditors (Trade) 10,90,000 4,50,000
64,00,400 36,10,000 64,00,400 36,10,000

Supplementary Information:
(1) CAT Ltd. was formed on the First of April, 2012 with an Authorized Capital of 3,00,000
Equity Shares of ` 10 each. On 1st April, 2012 it acquired from the open market 9,000

equity shares in RAT Ltd. at ` 13 per share. On 1st of August 2012 CAT Ltd. made a

further acquisition of 4,950 Equity shares in RAT Ltd. @ ` 15 per share and 20,000, 9%

Cumulative Preference shares for ` 21,60,000, from the existing shareholders of RAT
Ltd. The shares acquired on 1st of August, 2012 were Ex- Bonus and Ex-Dividend.
(2) On 1st August, 2012, CAT Ltd. received Bonus entitlements from RAT Ltd. @ 1 : 4 held,
together with 12% equity Dividend from RAT Ltd. The equity dividend received was
credited to Profit & Loss A/c by CAT Ltd. Both the bonus issue and the dividend
payment have been considered in the Profit & Loss account of RAT Ltd. on 1st August,
2012 itself.

(3) The Profit & Loss account of CAT Ltd. included Current Year Profits amounting to `

3,75,000 earned after debiting a monthly sum of ` 8,000 in its P & L Account being
expenditure incurred on behalf of RAT Ltd. The entry to record the amount due from
RAT Ltd. was not passed neither in the books of CAT Ltd. nor in the books of RAT Ltd.

(4) RAT Ltd. earned a profit of ` 1,92,000 for the year ended March 2013 which included `
61,000 towards insurance claim received for loss of stock by a fire accident on 30th
June, 2012. The cost of such stock, which is part of the opening stock of the company as
on 1st April, 2012, was ` 1,09,000.

(5) RAT Ltd. has discharged its obligations towards Preference Dividend only up to 31st
March, 2011.
(6) A 10% equity dividend has been proposed by CAT Ltd. which is not provided for as yet.
Consolidated Balance sheet of Evil along with its Subsidiaries Devil as on 31/3/13
Equity and Liabilities Note Amount
178 CA Final Financial Reporting

I Shareholders Fund
Share Capital 24,00,000
Reserves and Surplus 28,22,865
Minority Interest 1,37,160

II Non Current Liabilities

Long Term Borrowings 6,50,000
Current Liabilities
Trade Payables 15,40,400
Short term Provisions 2,40,000
Total 17,80,400
I Non Current Assets
Fixed Assets
Tangible Assets 56,11,650
Intangible Assets 1,31,275

II Current Assets 20,47,500

Total 17,80,400
Working Notes
1. Book Value of Investments 23,51,250 - (9,000 x 13 + 4950 x 15 +
- Paid up Value of Investment 21,62,000 – 20,00,000 + 1,62,000
Goodwill / (Capital Reserve) 1,89,250

2. Capital Reserve
Pre Acquisition Dividend 10,800
Reserves 47,175
Cost of Control 1,31,275 - Goodwill

3. Reserves of Holding Company

Profit and Loss A/c 29,10,000
Expenses for RAT 96,000
Pre Acquisition Dividend (10,800)
Proposed Dividend (2,40,000)
Share in Post Acquisition 67,665
Total 28,22,865

4. Minority Interest
Amalgamation and Corporate Restructuring 179

Equity share capital 63,000

Preference Share Capital 25,000
Preference Dividend 4,500
Reserves 44,660
Total 1,37,160

Question 33 – May RTP – 2014
Evil Ltd. purchased control of Devil Ltd. on 01.10.2012. Following are the summarized
Balance Sheets of Evil Ltd. and Devil Ltd. as at 31st March, 2013:
Liabilities Evil Ltd, Devil Ltd. Assets Evil Ltd, Devil Ltd.
` ` ` `
Equity Capital (`10) 6,00,000 3,00,000 Goodwill 10,000 40,000
General Reserves 60,000 50,000 Land & Buildings 1,00,000 1,00,000
Profit & Loss 1,00,000 1,00,000 Plant & Machinery 2,00,000 1,80,000
Trade Payables 1,00,000 80,000 Investment:
22,500 Shares of Devil 3,37,500 -
Inventory 1,17,500 1,00,000
Trade 50,000 90,000
Receivables Cash at 45,000 20,000
8,60,000 5,30,000 8,60,000 5,30,000
On 01.04.2012, Devil Ltd. had ` 50,000 in General Reserve and ` 60,000 in Profit and
Loss A/c. On 30th September 2012, 10% dividend was declared by Devil Ltd. in respect of
financial year 2011-12 from its profit and loss account. Evil Ltd. credited its share of
dividend, on receipt, to the Profit and Loss Account.
Trade receivables of Devil Ltd. include ` 10,000 due from Evil Ltd. Machinery of Devil

Ltd. standing in books at ` 2,00,000 as on 1.4.2012, was revalued at ` 2,40,000. Inventory of

Evil Ltd. includes goods valued at ` 16,000 purchased from Devil Ltd., on which the latter
made a profit of 1/3rd on cost price.
Prepare the Consolidated Balance Sheet of Evil Ltd. and its subsidiary Devil Ltd. as on
Consolidated Balance sheet of Evil along with its Subsidiaries Devil as on 31/3/13
Equity and Liabilities Note Amount
I Shareholders Fund
180 CA Final Financial Reporting

Share Capital 6,00,000

Reserves and Surplus 1,84,000
Minority Interest 1,20,500

II Non Current Liabilities

III Current Liabilities

Trade Payables 1,70,000
Total 10,74,500
I Non Current Assets
Fixed Assets
Tangible Assets 6,16,000
Intangible Assets 50,000

II Current Assets
Inventory 2,13,500
Trade Receivables 1,30,000
Cash & Cash Equivalents 65,000
Total 10,74,500
Working Notes

1. Book Value of Investments 3,37,500

- Paid up Value of Investment 2,25,000
Goodwill / (Capital Reserve) 1,12,500
2. Capital Reserve
Pre Acquisition Dividend 22,500
Reserves 90,000
Cost of Control Nil
3. Reserves of Holding Company
General Reserves 60,000
Profit and Loss A/c 1,000,000
Pre Acquisition Dividend (22,500)
Stock Reserve (3,000)
Reserves (Devil) 49,500
Total 184,000
4. Minority Interest
Share Capital 75,000
Amalgamation and Corporate Restructuring 181

Reserve in Machinery (1000)

Reserves 46,500
5. Share Capital of Subsidiary Company

22,500 7,500
75% Holding Minority
6. Reserves of Subsidiary Company
General Reserve 50,000 --- Pre
Profit and Loss A/c 1,00,000
Less : Dividend 30,000
Pre 30,000 70,000 Post

Total Pre 80,000 Post 70,000

Add Mach 40,000 Less Depreciation (4,000)
1,20,000 66,000

90,000 30,000 49,500 16,500

H – CP Minority H – RP Minority
7. Fixed Assets
Land and Building
Evil 1,00,000
Devil 1,00,000 2,00,000
Plant and Machinery
Evil 2,00,000
Devil (1,80,000 + 40,000 – 4000) 2,16,000 4,16,000
Plant and Machinery CP RP
Opening 2,00,000 2,40,000
Less : Depreciation 20,000 24,000
Closing 1,80,000 2,16,000
Question 34 – May Paper – 2014
The Balance Sheets of the Greatness Group of Companies as at 31" March. 16 2014 is
given below:
182 CA Final Financial Reporting

Greatest Ltd. BIG Ltd. SMALL Ltd.

` ` `
Capital & Liabilities
Share Capital:
Ordinary Shares of Rs.10 5,00,000 2,00,000 1,00,000
General reserve 1,00,000 50,000 30,000
Profit & Loss Account 2,00,000 1.00,000 50,000
Creditors 3,00,000 2,00,000 1,00,000
Total: 11,00,000 5,50,000 2,80,000
Assets :
Fixed Assets 7,75,000 4,10,000 2,35,000
Investments :
16,000 shares in BIG Ltd. 2,00.000 – –
6,000 shares in SMALL Ltd. - – 90,000 –
Others (Non-Current) 25,000 – 15,000
Current Assets 1,00,000 50,000 30,000
Total: 11,00,000 5,50,000 2,80,000
(1) The investment in BIG Ltd. was made on 1st April. 2007 and that in SMALL Ltd. was
made on 1st April, 2009.

(2) The Balances in Reserves and P & L Account on relevant dates are as under:
1st April 2007 1st April 2009
` `
Big Ltd.
Reserve 20,000 22,000
P & L Account 60,000 68,000
st st
1 April 2007 1 April 2009
` `
Small Ltd.
Reserve 8,000 10,000
P & L Account 17,000 20,000
Consolidated Balance sheet of Greatest along with its Subsidiaries Big and Small as on
Equity and Liabilities Note No Amount
I Shareholders Fund
Share Capital 5,00,000
Reserves and Surplus 3,92,000
Minority Interest 1,48,000
Amalgamation and Corporate Restructuring 183

II Non Current Liabilities

III Current Liabilities

Trade Payables 6,00,000
Total 16,40,000
I Non Current Assets
Fixed Assets
Tangible Assets 14,20,000
Intangible Assets -
Other Non Current Assets 40,000

II Current Assets 1,80,000

Total 16,40,000
Working Notes
G in B B in S
1. Book Value of Investments 2,00,000 90,000
- Paid up Value of Investment 1,60,000 60,000
Goodwill / (Capital Reserve) 40,000 30,000
2. Capital Reserve
Reserves 64,000 18,000
Cost of Control 24,000 12,000
Capital Res Goodwill

Net 12,000 Capital Reserve

3. Reserves of Holding Company

General Reserves 1,00,000
Profit and Loss A/c 2,00,000
Reserves from Big 80,000
Total 380,000
4. Minority Interest Big Small
Share Capital 40,000 40,000
Reserves 36,000 32,000
76,000 72,000
5. Share Capital of Subsidiary Company
Moon 20,000 Light 10,000

16,000 4,000 6,000 4,000

80% H Minority 60% H
184 CA Final Financial Reporting

6. Reserves of Subsidiary Company

Small Limited (Big in Small on 1/4/09)
General Reserve 30,000 Profit and Loss A/c 50,000

Pre 10,000 Post 20,000 Pre 20,000 Post 30,000

Total Pre 30,000 Post 50,000

18,000 12,000 30,000 20,000

Big – CP Minority Big – RP Minority

Big Limited (Greatest in Big on 1/4/07)

General Reserve 50,000 Profit and Loss A/c 1,00,000

Pre 20,000 Post 30,000 Pre 60,000 Post 40,000

Total Pre 80,000 Post 70,000

30,000 from small

64,000 16,000 80,000 20,000

G – CP Minority G – RP Minority

Question 35 – Nov RTP – 2014 – Similar Nov RTP – 2012 (Question 25)
Question 36 – Nov Paper – 2014
'HIM' Limited is a company carrying on the business of beauty products and is having a
subsidiary 'SIM' Limited. Their Balance-sheets as on 31st March 2014 were as under:
Equity and Liabilities HIM Limited SIM Limited

` `

Shareholders' Funds
Share Capital 25,00,000 5,80,000
Reserves and Surplus
General Reserves 2,00,000 1,20,000
Profit and Loss Account 3,12,500 2,05,000
Amalgamation and Corporate Restructuring 185

Current Liabilities
Trade Payable 4,55,000 2,35,500
Bills Payable 28,000 83,000
Total Liabilities 34,95,500 12,23,500

Fixed Assets 21,70,000 6,25,000
Non-Current Assets
4060 Shares in SIM Limited 5,10,000 –
Current Assets
Inventories 4,80,000 3,19,200
Trade Payable 1,80,000 1,64,000
Bills Receivable 68,000 1,00,000
Cash and Bank Balances 87,500 15,300
Total Assets 34,95,500 12,23,500
HIM Limited has also given the following information :
(i) HIM Limited has acquired the shares in SIM Limited in two lots on two different dates.
The relevant information at the time of acquisition of shares was as under:
No. of shares Balance in General Balance in Profit
acquired Reserves Loss account
Is' acquisition 3480 80,000 25,000
IInd acquisition 580 85,000 1,02,000

(ii) Bill Receivable of HIM Limited includes `15,000/- being acceptance from SIM Limited.

(iii) Both the companies have declared dividends of 10% for the year ended on 31st March
2014, but it has not been provided in the books of accounts.
(iv) SIM Limited's inventory includes stock of? 1,45,000/- purchased from HIM Limited.
HIM Limited sells goods at mark up of 25% on its Cost
Prepare the consolidated Balance Sheet of HIM Limited along with 'Notes' to accounts.
Consolidated Balance sheet of HIM along with its Subsidiaries SIM as on __________
Equity and Liabilities Note No Amount
I Shareholders Fund
Share Capital 25,00,000
186 CA Final Financial Reporting

Reserves and Surplus 3,79,250

Minority Interest 2,71,500

II Non Current Liabilities

III Current Liabilities

Trade Payables 7,86,500
Short Term Provisions 2,50,000
Total 41,87,250
I Non Current Assets
Fixed Assets
Tangible Assets 27,95,000
Intangible Assets 22,250
Other Non Current Assets

II Current Assets
Inventory 7,70,200
Trade Receivables 4,97,000
Cash and Cash Equivalent 1,02,800
Total 41,87,250

Working Notes
1. Book Value of Investments 5,10,000
- Paid up Value of Investment 4,06,000
Goodwill / (Capital Reserve) 1,04,000
2. Capital Reserve
Reserves 81,750

Cost of Control 22,250 – Goodwill

3. Reserves of Holding Company

General Reserves 2,00,000
Profit and Loss A/c 3,12,500
Short Term Provisions (2,50,000)
Stock Reserve (29,000)
Reserves from Sim 1,45,750
Total 3,79,250

4. Minority Interest
Amalgamation and Corporate Restructuring 187

Share Capital 1,74,000

Reserves 97,500
5. Share Capital of Subsidiary Company
Moon 5,800

3,480 – 60% 1,740

580 – 10% Minority – 30%
4060 – 70%
6. Reserves of Subsidiary Company
General Reserve 1,20,000

80,000 5,000 35,000

Profit and Loss 2,05,000

25,000 77,500 1,02,500

Total Prior to 1st Acquisition From 1st to 2nd Acquisition After 2nd
1,05,000 82,500 1,37,500

73,500 31,500 57,750 24,750 96,250 41,250

H – CP Minority Minority H – RP Minority

49,500 8,250
H – RP H – CP
Question 37 – May RTP – 2015
The following information relates to the results of the parent and subsidiary (jointly)
and the investment in associate and joint venture:
Summarised Balance Sheet as at 31.3.2015
Holding Associate Joint
subsidiary Venture
Called up equity shares of Rs. 1 each 1,00,000 40,000 10,000
188 CA Final Financial Reporting

General reserve 40,000 - -

Profit and loss account 37,000 27,000 83,000
Minority Interest 20,000 - -
Creditors 20,000 32,000 6,000
Provision for tax 9,000 11,000 7,000
Proposed dividend 10,000 - 4,000
2,36,000 1,10,000 1,10,000
Fixed assets 1,95,000 74,000 41,000
8,000 shares in Associate 15,000 - -
5,000 shares in Joint Venture 5,000 - -
Current assets 21,000 36,000 69,000
2,36,000 1,10,000 1,10,000
Profit and Loss account for the year ended 31.3.2015
Holding Associate Joint
subsidiary Venture
Turnover 3,00,000 4,00,000 2,00,000
Less: Cost of sales (2,14,000) (2,80,000) (1,40,000)
Gross profit 86,000 1,20,000 60,000
Less: Administration expenses (53,200) (90,000) (20,000)
Operating profit 32,800 30,000 40,000
Less: Exceptional charge (5,400) (3,000) (1,000)
Add: Dividends from Associate 1,600 - -
Dividends from Joint venture 5,000 - -
Profit before taxation 34,000 27,000 39,000
Less: Tax (7,000) (8,000) (6,000)
Profit after taxation 27,000 19,000 33,000
Less: Minority interest (2,000) - -
Dividend paid - (8,000) (6,000)
Dividend proposed (10,000) - (4,000)
Retained profit for the year 15,000 11,000 23,000
Add: Retained profit brought forward 22,000 16,000 60,000
Retained profit carried forward 37,000 27,000 83,000
You are given the following additional information:
(a) The parent company purchased its investment in the associate two years ago when the
balance on the profit and loss account was ` 17,000. The useful life of the goodwill is
estimated at ten years and there are no signs of impairment of the goodwill.
(b) The parent company entered into a joint venture to access a lucrative market in the
former East Germany. It set up a company two years ago and has 50 per cent of the
voting rights of the company set up for this joint venture.
Prepare the consolidated balance sheet and profit and loss account for the Group for
the year ended 31.3.2015.
Amalgamation and Corporate Restructuring 189

Consolidated Balance sheet of as on 31/3/15
Equity and Liabilities Note No Amount
I Shareholders Fund
Share Capital 1,00,000
Reserves and Surplus 1,20,000
Minority Interest 20,000

II Non Current Liabilities

III Current Liabilities

Trade Payables 23,000
Other Current Liabilities 12,500
Short Term Provisions 10,000
Total 2,86,200
I Non Current Assets
Fixed Assets
Tangible Assets 2,15,500
Intangible Assets -
Non Current Investments 17,200

II Current Assets 53,500

Total 2,86,200

Notes to Accounts
1. Share Capital
Shares of Rs. 1 each fully paid 1,00,000

2. Reserves and Surplus

General Reserve 40,000
Profit and Loss A/c 80,700 1,20,700

3. Trade Receivables
Holding and Subsidiary 20,000
Joint Venture (50%) 3,000 23,000

4. Short term Provisions

Provisions for Tax
Holding and Subsidiary 9,000
Joint Venture (50%) 3,500 12,500
Proposed Dividend
Holding and Subsidiary 10,000
Joint Venture (50%) 2,000
190 CA Final Financial Reporting

Less Mutual Owings (2,000) 10,000


5. Fixed Assets
Holding and Subsidiary 1,95,000
Joint Venture (50%) 20,500 2,15,500

6. Non – Current Investments

Investment in Associate 17,200

7. Current Assets
Holding and Subsidiary 21,000
Joint Venture 34,500
Less : Mutual Owings (Dividend (2,000) 53,500
Working Notes :
1. Profit and Loss of Associate / Joint Venture
Pre-Acquisition Post – Acquisition
Profit as on 31/3/15 16,000 11,000
Share of Associate company (20%) 3,200 2,200
Profit and Loss of joint venture Nil 83,000
Share of Joint Venture (50%) 41,500
2. Calculation of Goodwill / Capital Reserve
Associate Joint Venture
Investments 15,000 5,000
Less : Nominal Value 8,000 5,000
Capital Profit 3,200 (11,200) - (5,000)
Goodwill 3,800 Nil
3. Calculation of Consolidation Profit and Loss Account

Profit and Loss Account of Holding & Subsidiary 37,000

Add : Share of Associate 2,200
Joint Venture 41,500
4. Calculation of Investment in Associate

Goodwill (W.N.2) 3,800

Amalgamation and Corporate Restructuring 191

Net Worth 11,200

Cost 15,000
Add : Share of Revenue Profit 2,200
Question 38 – May Paper – 2015Draw the Consolidated Balance–Sheet as on 31st March
2015 as per Schedule–III with Notes to Accounts (following Indirect Method) based on the
following information:
Balance Sheet as on 31st March 2015 (Rs in Lakhs)
Liabilities P Q R
Equity Share Capital (FV `
Share Capital: 100) 600 400 100
Reserves and
Surplus: Reserves 40 10 20
Surplus in Profit and Loss
Account 60 40 30
Liabilities: Trade Payables 30 10 35
Other Payables: Q Limited 15
R Limited 50
Total 780 460 200
Assets P Q R
Fixed Assets
(Net of
Depreciation) 230 150 100
Investments: Q Limited 320
R Limited 40 100
Current Assets: Inventories 50 30 40
Receivables 60 50 20
Receivables: R Limited 40
P Limited 30
Bank Balance 80 90 10
Total 780 460 200
a. P Limited acquired 1,50,000 (cum Bonus) Shares of Q Limited and 30,000 Shares or R
Limited and Q Limited acquired 50,000 Shares of R Limited on 29th March 2014.
b. Q Limited fixed 1st April 2014 as Record Date for allotment of Bonus Shares in the ratio
of 1:1 and the same were duly allotted.
c. P Limited proposed Dividend at 7.50% for the year ended on 31st March 2015.
192 CA Final Financial Reporting

d. In December 2014, Q Limited invoiced goods to P Limited for ` 30 Lakhs on a load of

25% on cost. 1/3rd of such goods are in Stock with P Limited as at the end of the year.

e. R Limited sold to Q Limited on 1st January 2015, as asset costing ` 20 Lakhs and made a
profit of 20% on Invoice Value. Q has provided depreciation at 10% per annum on such
f. As on 31st March 2014, the balances in Reserves and Profit & Loss Account of Q Limited
were ` 5 Lakhs and Rs 15 Lakhs respectively.

g. R Limited made a Profit of ` 12.40 Lakhs during the current year. During the year, ` 0.55
Lakhs was received from Insurance Company against Loss of Stock due to flood which
occurred on 31st January 2014 in which goods worth ` 0.75 Lakhs were damaged and
were part of R’s Stock as on 31st March 2014.
h. R Limited transferred, at the year–end on 31st March 2015, an amount from Profit and
Loss Account to Reserves which equals to 20% of the reported aggregate figures of
Reserves and Profit and Loss Account in the Balance Sheet.
Consolidated Balance sheet of P along with its Subsidiaries Q and R as on 31/3/15
Equity and Liabilities Note No Amount
I Shareholders Fund
Share Capital 600
Reserves and Surplus 87.964375
Minority Interest 143.240625

II Non Current Liabilities

III Current Liabilities

Trade Payables 75
Other Current Liabilities 20
Short Term Provisions 45
Total 971.205
I Non Current Assets
Fixed Assets
Tangible Assets 475.125
Intangible Assets 43.08

II Current Assets
Inventory 118
Trade Receivables 130
Cash & Cash Equivalents 205
Amalgamation and Corporate Restructuring 193

Total 971.205
Working Notes
P in Q P in R Q in R
1. Book Value of Investments 320 40 100
- Paid up Value of Investment 300 30 50
Goodwill / (Capital Reserve) 20 10 50

2. Capital Reserve
Reserves 15 8.22 13.7

Cost of Control 5 1.78 36.3

Goodwill Goodwill Goodwill

Net 43.08 goodwill

3. Reserves of Holding Company

Reserves 40
Profit and Loss A/c 60
Proposed Dividend (45)
Reserve in Machinery (3.290625)
Stock Reserve (1.5)
Reserves (R) 6.78
Reserves (Q 30.975
Total 87.964375
4. Minority Interest Q R
Share Capital 100 20
Reserve in Machinery (0.609375) (0.975)
Stock Reserve (0.5)
Reserves 15.325 10
114.215625 29.025
5. Share Capital of Subsidiary Company
Q 4,00,000 R 1,00,000
194 CA Final Financial Reporting

1,50,000 1.00,000 30,000 50,000 20,000

Add : Bonus1,50,000 Minority 30% P 50% Q Minority
3,00,000 – 75%

6. Reserves of Subsidiary Company

Z Ltd Reserves 20 Profit and Loss A/c
30 12.4
10 10 17.4 12.6
Pre Post Pre Post
Total Pre 27.4 Post 22.60

8.22 13.7 5.48 6.78 11.3 4.52

30% 50% 20% 30% 50% 20%
P – CP Q – CP Min P – RP Q – RP Min

Y Ltd Reserves 10 Profit and Loss A/c 40

5 5 15 25
Pre Post Pre Post

Total Pre 20 Post 30


15 5 30.975 10.325
75% 25% 75% 25%
P – CP Min P – RP Min
7. Fixed Assets
Amalgamation and Corporate Restructuring 195

20 +5 25
Less Depreciation 0.125 --- 5 x 10% x 3/12 = 0.125
WDV 4.875

30% 50% 20%

1.4625 = P 2.4375 = Q 0.975 Minority of R

1.828125 0.906375
75 % = P Minority Q
Question 39 – Nov 2015 RTP
Zee Ltd. is a company carrying on the business of beauty products, acquired 84,000
shares of an herbel products company Dee Ltd for Rs. 9,60,000 on 31st March, 2010.
The Balance sheet of Dee Ltd. on that date was as under :
Particulars Amount (`)
Equity and Liabilities
Shareholders Fund
A. Share Capital
1,20,000 equity shares of ` 10 each fully paid up 12,00,000
B. Reserves and Surplus
Capital Reserve
Profit and Loss Account
Current Liabilities
Trade Payable
Non – Current Assets
Fixed Assets
Current Assets

Directors of Dee Limited made bonus issue on 31st March in the ratio of one equity
share of Rs. 10 each fully paid up for every two shares held on that date. It was decided
that such bonus shares would be issued out of post acquisitions profits by using revenue
On 31st March, 2015 the summarized Balance sheets of the two companies were as
Particulars Zee Limited Dee Limited
Equity and Liabilities
Shareholders Fund
A. Share Capital
Equity shares of Rs. 10 each fully paid up(Before 36,00,000 12,00,000
196 CA Final Financial Reporting

Bonus Issue)
B. Reserves and Surplus
Capital Reserve - 24,000
Securities Premium 7,20,000 -
Revenue Reserve 48,00,000 15,24,000
Profit and Loss Account 12,60,000 3,36,000
Current Liabilities
Trade Payable 4,44,000 1,68,000
1,08,24,000 32,52,000
Non – Current Assets
Fixed Assets 63,36,000 18,48,000
84,000 equity shares in Dee Ltd at cost 9,60,000 -
Current Assets 35,28,000 14,04,000
1,08,24,000 32,52,000
You are required to calculate as on 31st March, 2015 (i) Cost of Control (ii) Minority
interest (iii) Consolidated Reserves and Surplus in each of the following cases :
1. Before issue of Bonus Shares
2. Immediately after issue of Bonus Shares
Also prepare consolidated Balance sheet of the group after the bonus issue along-with
necessary Notes to accounts.
I – Before the Bonus Issue

1. Book Value of Investments 9,60,000

- Paid up Value of Investment 8,40,000
Goodwill / (Capital Reserve) 1,20,000
2. Capital Reserve
Pre Acquisition Dividend 50,400
Cost of Control 69,600 – Goodwill
3. Reserves of Holding Company
Security Premium 7,20,000
Revenue Reserves 48,00,000
Profit and Loss A/c 12,60,000
Reserves from Dee 12,68,400
Total 80,48,400
4. Minority Interest
Share Capital 3,60,000
Amalgamation and Corporate Restructuring 197

Reserve 5,65,200
5. Share Capital of Subsidiary Company

84,000 36,000
70% Zee Minority
6. Reserves of Subsidiary Company
Capital Reserve 24,000 --- Pre
General Reserve 15,24,000 --- Post

Profit and Loss A/c 3,36,000

Pre 48,000 Post 2,88,000

Total Pre 72,000 Post 18,12,000

50,400 21,600 12,68,400 5,43,600

H – CP Minority H – RP Minority

Consolidated Balance sheet of HIM along with its Subsidiaries SIM as on __________
Equity and Liabilities Note No Amount
I Shareholders Fund
Share Capital 36,00,000
Reserves and Surplus 79,78,800
Minority Interest 9,25,200

II Non Current Liabilities

III Current Liabilities

Trade Payables 6,12,000
Total 1,31,16,000
I Non Current Assets
Fixed Assets
Tangible Assets 81,84,000
198 CA Final Financial Reporting

Intangible Assets -
Other Non Current Assets

II Current Assets 49,32,000

Total 1,31,16,000

1. Book Value of Investments 9,60,000

- Paid up Value of Investment 12,60,000
Goodwill / (Capital Reserve) (3,00,000)

2. Capital Reserve
Pre Acquisition Dividend 50,400
Cost of Control 3,50,400 – Capital Reserve
3. Reserves of Holding Company
Security Premium 7,20,000
Revenue Reserves 48,00,000
Profit and Loss A/c 12,60,000
Reserves from Dee 8,48,400
Total 76,28,400

4. Minority Interest
Share Capital 5,40,000
Reserve 3,85,200

5. Share Capital of Subsidiary Company

Add : Bonus 60,000

84,000 54,000
Add : Bonus 42,000 Minority – 30%
1,26,000 – 70%
6. Reserves of Subsidiary Company
Amalgamation and Corporate Restructuring 199

Capital Reserve 24,000 --- Pre

General Reserve 15,24,000
Less : Bonus 6,00,000
9,24,000 --- Post
Profit and Loss A/c 3,36,000

Pre 48,000 Post 2,88,000

Total Pre 72,000 Post 12,12,000

50,400 21,600 8,48,400 3,63,600

H – CP Minority H – RP Minority

Question 40 – Nov 2015 Paper

X Limited acquired 100% (2,00,000) shares in Y Ltd. for ` 200 Lakhs on 1st April, 2011

when Y Ltd was formed with share capital of ` 200 Lakhs.

X Ltd. acquired 80% (1,60,000) shares in Z Ltd. for ` 400 Lakhs on 1st April, 2011 when

Z Ltd. had share capital of ` 200 Lakhs and Reserves and Surplus of ` 200 Lakhs
The company amortizes goodwill on consolidation on a SLM Basis over a period of 5
years. A full years amortization is provided if the goodwill exists for more than 6 months.
On 1st April, X Ltd. sold 80,000 shares of Z Ltd. for cash consideration of ` 300 Lakhs.

The net assets of Z Ltd. on 31st March, 2014 was ` 600 Lakhs. The amount of reserves

and surplus was ` 800 Lakhs, ` 600 Lakhs and ` 400 Lakhs respectively in X Ltd., and Z Ltd.,
on 31st March, 2014.
The Balance sheet of the companies as on 31st March, 2015 were as follows :
Rs. in Lakhs
X Ltd Y Ltd. Z Ltd.
Share Capital (Rs. 100 per share) 800 200 200
Reserves and Surplus 1100 840 560
Current Liabilities 500 560 640
Total 2400 1600 1400
Investment at cost
2,00,000 shares in Y Ltd. 200 - -
200 CA Final Financial Reporting

80,000 shares in Z Ltd. 200 - -

Current Assets 2000 1600 1400
Total 2400 1600 1400
Prepare for X Ltd. Group Balance sheet as on 31st March, 2015 along with notes to
account. Give proper workings.
Consolidated Balance sheet of X along with its Subsidiaries Y and Associate Z as on
Equity and Liabilities Note No Amount
I Shareholders Fund
Share Capital 800
Reserves and Surplus 2,052
Minority Interest -

II Non Current Liabilities

III Current Liabilities 1,060

Total 3,912
I Non Current Assets
Fixed Assets
Tangible Assets
Intangible Assets
Other Non Current Investments 312

II Current Assets 3,600

Total 3,912
Y is the wholly owned subsidiary
Z is an associate with 40% holding
Working Notes
1. Book Value of Investments 200
- Paid up Value of Investment 200
Goodwill / (Capital Reserve) Nil

2. Capital Reserve Nil

Cost of Control Nil – Reserve

3. Reserves of Holding Company

Reserve 1100
Reserves of Subsidiary 840
Amalgamation and Corporate Restructuring 201

Reserves of Associate 112

Total 2052

4. Reserves of Associate

1/4/2011 Cost of Control as on 1/4/2011

Investments 400
- Paid up Capital 160 (200 x 80%)
- Share in Reserves 160 (200 x 80%)
80 – Goodwill
Goodwill was to be written off in 5 years = 80 / 5 = 16 every year
Written off till this year 16 x 3 = 48
Balance as on today = 80 – 48 = 32
31/3/2015 560

200 Post 360 x 40% = 144

Less Goodwill written off = 32
Balance = 112
Investments in Associate Dr 112
To Reserves A/c 112
202 CA Final Financial Reporting


May Nov
RTP Paper RTP Paper
2008 Yes NA NA NA
2009 Yes NA Yes NA
2010 Yes Yes Yes NA
2011 No Yes Yes
2012 Yes NA Yes NA
2013 Pending Yes Yes Yes
2014 NA Yes Yes NA
2015 NA NA NA Yes
Question 1 May RTP – 2008
Find out the average capital employed of ND Ltd. from its Balance sheet as at 31st
March, 2013
Liabilities ` in lakhs Assets ` in lakhs
Share Capital Fixed Assets
Equity shares of ` 10 each 50.00 Land and Building 25.00
10.00 Plant and Machinery 80.25
9% Preference shares
Furniture and Fixtures 5.50
Reserves and Surplus
12.00 Vehicles 5.00
General Reserve
20.00 Investments 10.00
Profit and Loss Account
Current Assets
Secured Loans
5.00 Stock 6.75
16% Debentures
18.00 Sundry Debtors 4.90
16% Term Loans
13.30 Cash and Bank 10.40
Cash Credit
Preliminary Expenses 0.50
Current Liabilities and
Sundry Creditors
Provision for Taxation
Proposed Dividend on
Equity Shares
Preference Shares
Amalgamation and Corporate Restructuring 203

148.30 148.30
Non – trade investments were 20% of the total investments
Balances as on 1.4.2012 to the following accounts were
Profit and loss account ` 8.70 lakhs, General reserves ` 6.50 lakhs

Capital Employed
(` in lakh)
` `
Tangible Trading Assets
Land & Building 25.00
Plant & Machinery 80.25
Furniture & Fixture 5.50
Vehicles 5.00
Investments (80%) 8.00
Stock 6.75
Sundry Debtors 4.90
Cash & Bank 10.40 145.80
Less Current Liabilities
16% Debentures 5.00
16% Term loans 18.00
Cash Credit 13.30
Creditors 2.70
Provision for taxation 6.40 45.4
Net Assets 100.40
Less : ½ the current year profits
Increase in general 5.50
Increase in profit & loss 11.30
Proposed divided 10.90
½ 13.85 13.85
Average capital employed 86.55
Question 2 May RTP – 2009
The following Balance Sheet of X Ltd. is given below :
Balance Sheet as on 31.3.2005
Liabilities ` Assets `
5000 Shares of ` 100 each 50,00,000 Goodwill 4,00,000
Bank Overdraft 18,60,000 Land and Building at 32,00,000
Creditors 21,10,000 Plant & Machinery at 28,00,000
Provision for Taxation 5,10,000 Stock 32,00,000
204 CA Final Financial Reporting

Profit & Loss Appropriation 21,20,000 Debtors considered 20,00,000

A/c good
1,16,00,000 1,16,00,000
In 1986, when the company commenced operations the paid up capital was same. The
profit or (loss) for each of the last 5 years was – 2000-01 ` (5,50,000); 2001 – 02
`.9,82,000; 2002-03 ` 11,70,000; 2003-04 ` 14,50,000; 2004-05 ` 17,00,000.
Although income tax has so far been paid @40% and the above profits have been
arrived at on the basis of such tax rate, it has been decided that with effect from the year
2004-05 the income tax rate of 45% should be taken into consideration. 10% dividend in
2001-02 and 2002-03 and 15% dividend in 2003-04 and 2004-05 have been paid. Market
price of shares of the company on 31st March 2006 is ` 125. With effect from 1st April 2005,
Managing Director’s remuneration has been approved by the Government to be ` 8,00,000
in place of ` 6,00,000. The company has been able to secure a contract for supply of
materials at advantageous prices. The advantage has been valued at ` 4,00,000 per annum
for the next 5 years.
Ascertain goodwill at 3 year’s purchase of super profit (for calculation of the future
maintainable profit, weighed average is to be taken).
Super Profit Method
Details W.N Rs
1. Future Maintainable Profits 1 ` 14,36,600
2. Average Capital Employed 2
` 67,20,000
3. Normal Rate of Return
4. Normal Profits (Step 2 x Step 3) 12%
5. Super Profits (Step 1 – Step 4) ` 8,06,400
6. Goodwill (Step 5 x 3 yrs purchase) ` 6,30,200
` 18,90,600
1. Future Maintainable profits
01 – 02 02 – 03 03 – 04 04 – 05
Profits (After Tax) 9, 82,000 11, 70,000 14, 50,000 17,00,000
+ Tax – – – –
Profits (Before Tax) ? ? ? ?
Year PPT WT Product
01 – 02 9,82,000 1 9,82,000
02 – 03 11,70,000 2 23,40,000
03 – 04 14,50,000 3 43,50,000
04 – 05 17,00,000 4 68,00,000
10 1,44,72,000
Wt. Avg = = 14,47,200
Wt. Avg. (After Tax) = 14,47,200
Amalgamation and Corporate Restructuring 205

 Wt. Avg (Before Tax) = = ` 24,12,000

Wt. Avg. 24,12,000
– Director Remuneration 2,00,000
+ Adv Contract 4,00,000
FMP (Before Tax) 26,12,000
– Tax (45%) 11,75,400
FMP (After Tax) 14,36,600
2. Capital Employed
Particulars ` `
Sundry Assets (R.V)
Land & Building 32,00,000
Plant & Machinery 28,00,000
Stock 32,00,000
Debtors 20,00,000 1,12,00,00
Less Externally Liabilities 0
Creditors 21,10,000
Bank O/D 18,60,000
Provision for Tax 5,10,000
Capital Employed 67,20,000
Note : Since only one year of balance sheet is given to us we assume that closing
capital employed is the average Capital Employed.
3. Normal Rate of Return: Div / MP x 100 = 15 / 125 x 100 = 12%
Question 3 NOV RTP – 2009
From the following information supplied to you, ascertain the value of goodwill of
A.Ltd. which is carrying on business as retail trader under super profit method : Balance
Sheet as on 31st March, 2015
Liabilities ` Assets `
Paid up capital 5,000 shares
Goodwill at cost 50,000
` 100 each fully paid 5,00,000 Land & Bldg. at cost 2,20,000
Bank Overdraft 1,16,700 Plant &Mach. at cost 2,00,000
Sundry Creditors 1,81,000 Stock at trade 3,00,000
Provision for taxation 39,000 Book debts less prov. for
Appropriation A/c. 1,13.300 bad debts 1,80,000
9,50,000 9,50,000
The company commenced operations in 1986 with a paid up capital of Rs.5,000. Profits
for recent years after taxation have been as follows :

Year ended 31st March `

206 CA Final Financial Reporting

2009 40,000 (Loss)

2010 88,000
2011 1,03,000
2012 1,16,000
2013 1,30,000
The loss in 2009 occurred due to a prolonged strike.
The income tax paid so far has been at the average rate of 40% but it is likely to be
50% from now onwards. Dividends were distributed at the rate of 10% on the paid up
capital in 2002 and 2003 at rate of 15% in 2004 and 2005. The market price of shares is
ruling at ` 125 at the end of the year ended 31st March 2005. Profits till 2005 have been

ascertained after debiting ` 40,000 as remuneration to the managing director. The

government has approved a remuneration of ` 60,000 with effect from 1st April 2005. The
company has been able to secure a contract for supply of materials at advantageous prices.
The advantages has been valued at ` 40,000 per annum for the next five years.

Super Profit Method
Details W.N
1. Future Maintainable Profits 1 ` 1,01,041
2. Average Capital Employed 2
` 5,63,300
3. Normal Rate of Return
4. Normal Profits (Step 2 x Step 3) 12%
5. Super Profits (Step 1 – Step 4) ` 67,596
6. Goodwill (Step 5 x 3 yrs purchase) ` 33,445
` 1,00,335

1. FMP

Average profit =
APAT 1,09,250 60%
Avg. Profit Before tax 1,82,083
– Additional Remuneration 20,000
+ Advantageous contract 40,000
FMP (Before Tax) 2,02,083
– Tax 1,01,042 50%
FMP (After Tax) 1, 01,041
Note : The loss is required in the 1st year as loss is considered to be abnormal in nature.
2. Average Capital Employed
Land & Building 2,20,000
Amalgamation and Corporate Restructuring 207

Plant & Machinery 2,00,000

Stock at trade 3,00,000
Book debts 1,80,000 9,00,000
Less Extended liabilities
Bank overdraft 1,16,700
Creditors 1,81,000
Provision for taxation 39,000 (3,36,700)
Capital Employed 5,63,300
3. Normal Rate of Return : Div / MP x 100 = 15 / 125 x 100 = 12%
Question 4 May RTP – 2010
The following are the Balance Sheets of two companies ascertain the value of goodwill
(i) Assets are to be revalued as follows:
Ram Ltd Sam Ltd
Revaluation of Tangible Block 20,00,000 10,00,000
Revaluation of Current Assets 7,00,000 2,80,000
Average annual profit for three years before
charging debenture interest 3,60,000 2,88,000
(ii) Goodwill is to be valued at 4 year's purchase of average super profits for 3 years.
Average is to be calculated after adjustment of depreciation @10% on the amount
of increase/decrease on revaluation of fixed assets.
(iii) Normal profit on capital employed is to be taken at 10%, capital employed being
considered on the basis of revalued amount of tangible assets.
Ram Ltd and shyam Ltd
Ram Sam Ram Sam
Equity Shares of `10 each 12,00,000 14,00,000 Goodwill - 1,00,000
2,00,000 1,00,000 Net Tangible 16,00,000 12,00,000
4,00,000 - Block 6,00,000 5,00,000
10% Debentures
4,00,000 3,00,000 Current Assets
22,00,000 18,00,000 22,00,000 18,00,000
Super Profit Method
Ram Ltd. Shyam Ltd.
1. Future maintainable profit ` 2,80,000 ` 3,08,000
2. Capital Employed ` 19,00,000 ` 9,80,000
3. Normal Rate of Return 10% 10%
4. Normal Profit ` 1,90,000 ` 98,000
5. Super Profit ` 90,000 ` 2,10,000
6. Goodwill (4 years Purchase) ` 3,60,000 ` 8,40,000
208 CA Final Financial Reporting

1. Future maintainable profit

Avg. profit before Interest 3,60,000 2,88,000
– Interest (40,000)
Avg Profit after Interest 3,20,000 2,88,000
–/+ Additional depreciation (40,000) 20,000
- Omission of Claims - -
Avg profit 2,80,000 3,08,000
2. Capital Employed
Sundry Assets (R.V.)
Tangible Assets 20,00,000 10,00,000
+ Current Assets 7,00,000 2,80,000
27,00,000 12,80,000
– Outside liabilities
Claims -
10% Debentures (4,00,000) -
Creditors (4,00,000) (3,00,000)
Capital Employed 19,00,000 9,80,000
Question 5 May Paper - 2010
The balance sheet of D Ltd. on 31st March, 2009 is as under:
Liabilities ` Assets `
1,25,000 shares of `100 Goodwill 10,00,000
Building 80,00,000
each fully paid up
Machinery 70,00,000
Bank overdraft
Stock 80,00,000
Debtors (all considered 50,00,000
Provision for taxation
Profit and loss account
Total 2,90,00,000 Total 2,90,00,000
In 1989, when the company started its activities the paid up capital was the same. The
Profit/Loss for the last five years is as follows:
2004-05 Loss (13,75,000), 2005-06: Profit ` 24,55,000, 2006-07: Profit ` 29,25,000,
profit ` 36,25,000, 2008-09: Profit ` 42,50,000.
Income-tax rate so far has been 40% and the above profits have been arrived at on the
basis of such tax rate. From 2009-10, the rate of income-tax should be taken at 45%. 10%
dividend in 2005-06, 2006-07 and 15% dividend in 2007-08 and 2008-09 has been paid.
Market price of this .share on 31st March, 2009 is ` 125. With effect from 1st April, 2009, the
managing directors remuneration will be ` 20,00,000 instead of ` 15,00,000.
The company has secured a contract from which it can an additional ` 10,00,000 per
annum for the next five years. Calculate the value of goodwill at 3 years purchase of super
(For Calculation of future maintainable profits weighted average is to be taken).
Amalgamation and Corporate Restructuring 209

Super Profit Method

Details W.N
1. Future Maintainable Profits 1 ` 35,91,500
2. Average Capital Employed 2
` 1,68,00,000
3. Normal Rate of Return
4. Normal Profits (Step 2 x Step 3) 12%
5. Super Profits (Step 1 – Step 4) ` 20,16,000
6. Goodwill (Step 5 x 3 yrs purchase) ` 15,75,000
` 47,26,500
1. Future Maintainable profits
05 – 06 06 – 07 07 – 08 08 – 09
Profits (After Tax) 24, 55,000 29,25,000 36,25,000 42,50,000

Year PPT WT Product

05 – 06 24,55,000 1 24,55,000
06 – 07 29,25,000 2 58,50,000
07 – 08 36,25,000 3 1,08,75,000
08 – 09 42,50,000 4 1,70,00,000
10 3,61,80,000
Wt. Avg = = 36,18,000
 Wt. Avg (Before Tax) = = ` 60,30,000

Wt. Avg. 60,30,000

– Director Remuneration 5,00,000
+ Adv Contract 10,00,000
FMP (Before Tax) 65,30,000
– Tax (45%) 29,38,500
FMP (After Tax) 35, 91,500
2. Capital Employed
` `
Sundry Assets (R.V)
Land & Building 80,00,000
Plant & Machinery 70,00,000
Stock 80,00,000
Debtors 50,00,000 2,80,00,000
Less External Liabilities
Creditors 52,75,000
Bank O/D 46,50,000
Provision for Tax 12,75,000 (1,12,00,000)
Capital Employed 1,68,00,000
Note : Since only one year of balance sheet is given to us we assume that closing capital
employed is Average capital Employed.
210 CA Final Financial Reporting

3. Normal Rate of Return : Div / NRR x 100 = 15 / 125 x 100 = 12%

Question 6 Nov RTP – 2010
Negotiation is going on for transfer of Value Ltd. on the basis of the balance sheet and the
additional information as given below:
Balance Sheet of Value Ltd. as on 31st March, 2010
Liabilities ` Assets `
Share capital Goodwill 1,00,000
10 fully paid up) 10,00,000 Land and building 3,00,000
Reserve and surplus 4,00,000 Plant and Machinery 8,00,000
Sundry creditor 3,00,000 Investments 1,00,000
Stock 2,00,000
Debtors 1,50,000
Cash and Bank 50,000
17,00,000 17,00,000

Profit before tax for 2009-10 amounted to ` 6,00,000 including ` 10,000 as interest on
investment. However, an additional amount of ` 50,000 p.a. shall be required to be spend for
smooth running business.

Market values of land and buildings and plant and machinery are estimated at ` 9,00,000
and ` 10,00,000 respectively. In order to Match the above figures, further depreciation to the
extent of ` 40,000 should be taken into consideration. Income tax rate may be taken at 50%.
Return on capital at the rate of 20% before tax may be considered normal for this business at
the present stage.
Average trading capital employed is required to be considered for the purpose of
calculation of goodwill. It has been agreed that 4 years purchase of super profit shall be taken
as the value of goodwill for the purpose of the deal.
You are requested to compute the value of goodwill of the company.
Super Profit Method (No. of years purchase)
Details W.N
1. Future Maintainable Profits 1 ` 2,50,000
2. Average Capital Employed 2
` 18,50,000
3. Normal Rate of Return
4. Normal Profits (Step 2 x Step 3) 10%
5. Super Profits (Step 1 – Step 4) ` 1,85,000
6. Goodwill (Step 5 x 4 yrs purchase) ` 65,000
` 2,60,000

1. Future Maintainable profits

Profit Before tax 6,00,000
–Income from Investments 10,000
Amalgamation and Corporate Restructuring 211

– Additional expenses 50,000
– Additional depreciation 40,000
FMP (Before tax) 5,00,000
– Tax (50%) 2,50,000
FMP (After tax) 2,50,000
2. Capital Employed
Particulars ` `
Sundry Assets (R.V)
Land & Building 9,00,000
Plant & Machinery 10,00,00
Stock 0
Debtors 2,00,000
Cash & Bank 1,50,000 23,00,00
Less Current Liabilities 50,000 0
Net Assets 20,00,00
- ½ the current years profits 0
(6,00,000 x 50% x ½) 1,50,000
Average Capital Employed 18,50,000
Question 7 – May Paper – 2011
The following are the Balance Sheets of two companies A Ltd and B Ltd as on 31.3.2010
A Ltd B Ltd A Ltd B Ltd
Equity Shares of ` 10 each 15,00,000 10,00,000 Goodwill 2,00,000 1,00,000
Reserves 3,00,000 2,00,000 Net Tangible Block 17,00,000 14,00,000
10% Debentures 6,00,000 4,00,000 Current Assets 8,00,000 6,00,000
Creditors 3,00,000 5,00,000
27,00,000 21,00000 27,00,000 21,00,000

Additional Information :
(I) Assets are to be revalued as follows:
A Ltd B Ltd

Revaluation of Tangible Block 21,00,000 12,00,000

Revaluation of Current Assets 10,00,000 4,00,000

Average annual profit for three years before

charging debenture interest 4,50,000 3,10,000

212 CA Final Financial Reporting

(ii) Goodwill is to be valued at 4 year's purchase of average super profits for 3 years. Average is to be calculated after
adjustment of depreciation @10% on the amount of increase/decrease on revaluation of fixed assets. In the case of
B Ltd a claim of ` 10,000 which was omitted is to be adjusted against its average profit. Income tax is to be ignored.

(iii) Normal profit on capital employed is to be taken at 15%, capital employed being considered on the basis of revalued
amount of tangible assets.

Super Profit Method
A Ltd. B Ltd.
1. Future maintainable profit ` 3,50,000 2,80,000
2. Capital Employed ` 22,00,000 6,90,000
3. Normal Rate of Return 15% 15%
4. Normal Profit 3,30,000 1,03,500
5. Super Profit 20,000 1,76,500
6. Goodwill (4 years Purchase) 80,000 7,06,000
1. Future maintainable profit
Avg. profit before Interest 4,50,000 3,10,000
– Interest (60,000) (40,000)
Avg Profit after Interest 3,90,000 2,70,000
–/+ Additional depreciation (40,000) 20,000
- Omission of Claims - (10,000)
Avg profit 3,50,000 2,80,000
2. Capital Employed
Sundry Assets (R.V.)
Tangible Assets 21,00,000 12,00,000
+ Current Assets 10,00,000 4,00,000
31,00,000 16,00,000
– Outside liabilities Claims (10,000)
10% Debentures (6,00,000) (4,00,000)
Creditors (3,00,000) (5,00,000)
Capital Employed 22,00,000 6,90,000
Question 8 – Nov RTP – 2011
Given below is the Balance Sheet of X Ltd. as on 31.3.2004 and 31.3.2005.
Balance Sheet
Liabilities 31.3.04 31.3.05 Assets 31.3.04 31.3.05
'000 ` '000 ` '000 ` '000 `
Share Capital 10,000 10,000 Sundry fixed
General Reserve 8,000 8,500 Assets and 16,000 18,000
Profit & Loss A/c. 1,200 1,750 Stock 5,500 6,000
18% Term loan 2,500 2,300 Debtors 3,400 2,200
Cash credit 1,200 1,000 Cash & Bank 925 1,000
Sundry Creditors 700 900
Tax Provision
Amalgamation and Corporate Restructuring 213

(net of advance 225 250

Proposed 2,000 2,500
25,825 27,200 25,825 27,200
Other Information :
(i) Current cost of sundry fixed assets excluding non-trade investments (in Rs. Thousand) -
31.3.2004 - 22,000 and 31.3.2005 - 23,800.
(ii) Current cost of stock :
31.3.2004 ` 6,700
31.3.2005 ` 7,500
(ii) The tax rate during 2004-2005 : 52.5%. Effective future tax rate 54.5%.
(iv) Non-trade investments in 11 % government securities ` 510 thousand.
(v) Debtors include foreign exchange debtors amounting to $700 recorded at the rate $ 1 – `
17.5 but closing exchange rate was $1 – ` 21.50.
(vi) Creditors include $ 1200 foreign exchange creditors recorded at the rate $ 1 – ` 12.50
but exchange rate at the closing date was $ 1 - 17.50
(vii) Profit includes ` 120 thousand government subsidy on machinery purchased which is
not likely to recur in future.
(viii) From the profit ` 72,000 were written off on account of R and D costs which was the
last instalment. This expenditure is not likely to recur.
(ix) Normal rate of return may be taken as 10%
Find out value of goodwill of X Ltd.
Note : The depreciation on account of revaluation of fixed assets may be ignored.
Capitalization Method
Details W.N
1. Future Maintainable Profits 1 ` 3488.20
2. Normal Rate of Return
3. Capitalized Value of FMP (Step 1 / Step 2)
` 34,882.04
4. Capital Employed
5. Goodwill (Step 3 – Step 4) ` 29,223.4
` 5,658.65
1. FMP
Increase in profit and loss A/c 550
Increase in general reserve 500
Proposed dividend 2500
NPAT 3550 47.5
+ Tax
7473.68 100
– Income from non-trade investments (56.10)
+ Undervaluation of closing stock 1500
214 CA Final Financial Reporting

– Undervaluation of opening stock (1200)

+ Exchange gain on Debtors 2.8
– Exchange loss on creditors (6)
– Subsidiary (120)
+ R.D. Cost 72
– Tax (54.5%) 4178.178
2. Average capital employed
Amt Amt
Sundry Assets
Fixed Assets & Investments 22,000 23,800
Non – Trade Investments - -
Stock 6,700 7,500
Debtors 3,400 2,202.8
Cash / Bank 925 1,000
Total 33,025 34,502.8
Less Outside Liability
18% Term Loan 2,500 2,300
Cash Credit 1,200 1,000
Creditors 700 906
Tax Provision 225 250
Total 4,625 4,456
Capital Employed 28,400 30,046.8

ACE = = `.29.223.4

Question 9 - May 2012 – RTP
The Balance Sheet of Steel Ltd. as on 31st March, 2011 is given below:
Liabilities Amount Assets Amount
Share Capital Fixed Assets
Equity Shares Goodwill 70,000
6,00,000 5,80,000 Machinery 3,00,000
Less Calls in arrears Freehold Property 4,50,000
20,000 3,00,000 Vehicles 1,00,000
(` 2 per share) Furniture 50,000
3,50,000 Investments 2,00,000
7% Preferences shares
1,50,000 Current Assets
Reserves and Surplus
Stock 2,50,000
General Reserves
3,00,000 Debtors 4,00,000
Profit and Loss Account
2,00,000 Cash at Bank 60,000
Current Liabilities
Sundry Creditors
Bank Loan
Total 18,80,000 Total 18,80,000
Amalgamation and Corporate Restructuring 215


1) On 1.4.2008 a new furniture costing ` 20,000 was purchased and wrongly charged to
revenue. No rectification has yet been made for the same. Depreciation charged on
furniture is @ 10% on reducing balance system.
2) Fixed assets are worth 15% above their book value.
3) Stock is overvalued by 50,000 and 10% Debtors are doubtful.
4) Of the investment, 10% is trade investment and the balance is non – trade investment.
Trade investment is to be valued at 10% below cost. A Uniform rate of dividend of 10%
is earned on all investments.
5) Profits after tax are as follows
2008-09 2,50,000
2009-10 2,80,000
2010-11 3,30,000
6) In a similar business normal return on capital employed is 20%
You are required to calculate the value of goodwill on the basis of 2 years purchase of
super profits based on the average profit of the last 3 years, assuming tax rate of 50%/
Super profit method
Details W.N
1. Future Maintainable Profits 1 ` 2,65,097
2. Average Capital Employed 2
3. Normal Rate of Return
4. Normal Profits (Step 2 x Step 3)
` 2,37,953
5. Super Profits (Step 1 – Step 4)
6. Goodwill (Step 5 x 2 yrs purchase) ` 27,144
` 54,288

Working Notes
1. Future Maintainable Profits
Particulars 08-09 09-10 10-11
Profits After Tax 2,50,000 2,80,000 3,30,000
Add : Tax (50%)
Profit Before Tax 5,00,000 5,60,000 6,60,000
Add : Furniture 20,000 - -
Less : Depreciation (2,000) (1800) (1620)
Less : Income from Investment (18,000) (18,000) (18,000)
Less : Overvaluation of Stock (50,000)
Less : RDD (40,000)
Net Profits as adjusted 5,00,000 5,40,200 5,50,380
216 CA Final Financial Reporting

FMP= =5,30,193 – 50% (tax) = 2,65,097

Capital Employed
Particulars Amount Amount
Tangible Trading Assets
Furniture (W.N 3) (+15%) 74,267
Free hold Property (15%) 5,17,500
Vehicles (+15%) 1,15,000
Machinery (+15%) 3,45,000
Trade Investments 18,000
Inventory 2,00,000
Debtors 3,60,000
Cash / Bank 60,000

- External Liability 16,89,767

Secured Loan 2,00,000
Creditors 3,00,000 5,00,000
Capital Employed
3. Value of Furniture as on 31.3.2011
Particulars Amount Amount
Furniture as on 31.3.2011 50,000
Add: Purchased on 1.4.2008 20,000
Less: Depreciation @ 10% on W.D.V (2,000)
WDV as on 31.3.2009 18,000
Less: Depreciation @ 10% on W.D.V (1,800)

WDV as on 31.3.2010
Less: Depreciation @ 10% on W.D.V
WDV as on 31.3.2011 14,580
Total 64,580

Question 10 – Nov – 2012 – RTP – Similar to May 2010 RTP – Question 4

Question 11 – May 2013 – Paper

The Balance Sheet of Domestic Ltd. as on 31st March, 2013 is as under : (` in

Liabilities ` Assets `
Equity Shares `10 each 3,000 Goodwill 744
Reserves (including 1,000 Premises and Land at 400
provision for taxation of ` cost
Amalgamation and Corporate Restructuring 217

300 lacs)

5% Debentures 2,000 Plant and Machinery 3,000

Secured Loans 200 Motor vehicles 40
(Purchased on 1.10.12)
Sundry Creditors 300 Raw materials at cost 920
Profit & Loss a/c : Work-in-progress at cost 130
Balance from previous 32 Finished goods at cost 180
Profit for the year (after 1,100 1,132 Book Debts 400
Investment (meant for 1,600
replacement of Plant &
Cash at Bank & Cash in 192
Discount on Debentures 10
Underwriting 16
7,632 7,632
1. The resale value of Premises and Land is ? 1,200 lacs and that of Plant and Machinery is
` 2,400 lacs.

2. Depreciation @ 20% is applicable to Motor vehicles.

3. Applicable depreciation on Premises and Land is 2% and that on Plant and Machinery is

4. Market value of the investments is ` 1,500 lacs.

5. 10% of book debts is bad.

6. The company also revealed that the depreciation was not charged to Profit and Loss
account and the provision for taxation already made is sufficient.

7. In a similar company the market value of equity shares of the same denomination is `
25 per share and in such company dividend is consistently paid during last 5 years @
25%. Contrary to this, Domestic Ltd. is having a marked upward or downward trend in
the case of dividend payment.
8. In 2007-08 and in 2008-09 the normal business was hampered. The profit earned
during 2007-08 is ` 67 lacs, but during 2008-09 the company incurred a loss of 1 1,305
Past 3 years' profits of the company were as under :

2009 - 10 ` 469 lacs

2010 - 11 ` 546 lacs

2011 - 12 ` 405 lacs

218 CA Final Financial Reporting

The unusual negative profitability of the company during 2008-09 was due to the lock
out in the major manufacturing unit of the company which happened in the beginning of
the second quarter of the year 2007-08 and continued till the last quarter of 2008-09.
Value the goodwill of the company on the basis of 4 years' purchase of the super profit.
Super profit method
Details W.N
1. Future Maintainable Profits 1 ` 410.785
2. Average Capital Employed 2
` 4118
3. Normal Rate of Return
4. Normal Profits (Step 2 x Step 3) 11%
5. Super Profits (Step 1 – Step 4) ` 452.98
6. Goodwill (Step 5 x 3 yrs purchase) Nil
Working Notes
1. Future Maintainable Profits
Particulars 09-10 10-11 11-12 12-13
Profit After Tax 469 546 405 100
Add : Provision for Tax 300
Profit Before Tax 596.91 694.91 515.45 1400
Less Depreciation
Premises and Land (8) (8) (8) (8)
Plant and Machinery (300) (300) (300) (300)
Motor Vehicles - - - (4)
Less Bad Debts - - - (40)
Net Profit Before Tax 288.91 386.91 207.45 1048
Tax Rate = x 100 = 21.43%
Average Profit 482.8175
Less Additional Dep on Premises (16)
Add : Reduction Dep on Plant 60
Less : Dep on Motor Vehicles (4)
Profit Before Tax 522.8175
Less Tax (21.43%) 112.0323
Profit After Tax 410.785
1. Capital Employed
Particulars Amount Amount
Tangible Trading Assets
Premises and Land 1200
Plant and Machinery 2400
Motor Vehicles (40 – 4) 36
Amalgamation and Corporate Restructuring 219

Raw Materials 920

Work – in – Progress 130
Finished Goods 180
Trade Receivable (400 – 10%) 360
Investments 1500
Cash at Bank 192 6,918
- External Liability
Provision for Tax 300
5% Debentures 2000
Secured Loan 200
Trade Payables 300 2,800
Capital Employed 4,118
2.5 (10 x 25%)
3) NRR – In Other Industry = x 100 = 10%

Since company is paying irregular dividends and therefore more risky, so we should
ADD risk premium to NRR = 10% + 1% = 11%
Question 12 – Nov 2013 – RTP

ET Ltd. gives the following information-(All figures in `.000s)

PARTICULARS 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012
Net Profit after appropriation for 19,10 18,50 22,40 20,15 25,25
proposed Dividend at 20% on equity
share capital
Equity share capital 150,00 150,00 180,00 180,00 180,00
Advance Tax paid during the year 50,00 35,00 60,00 55,00 60,00
Provision for taxation(A/C balance at 3.20 2,00 3,00 2,00 1,00
the end of the year)
The company made the following changes in its accounting policies:
1. Switched over to FIFO basis of Stock Valuation after 2010
2. Switched over to WDV method of Depreciation after 2011
Earlier the company was recognizing the gain/loss on the basis of difference between
collection rate and exchange rate. However, the company now decided to generate
exchange on sundry debtors at the year end.
Effects of stock Valuation for different years were quantified as belows:
Particulars for the year 2008 2009 2010
Stock adjustments –LIFO (cr.) 1,21 (cr.) 1,31 (cr.) 1,42
Stock adjustments –FIFO (Dr.)15 (Cr.)21 (Cr.)54
Amount of depreciation under two alternative methods were as below:
Particulars 2008 2009 2010 2011
Straight Line 7,12 8,10 8,25 8,40
WDV 8,10 8,95 9,25 9,30
Details of debtors in foreign exchange along with relevant exchange rates were as below:
220 CA Final Financial Reporting

Year ended Debtor in Aus$ in ‘000 Entry Year end Collection

Rate rate rate
31.12.2008 5,000 49.10 49.25 49.35
31.12.2009 6,200 49.40 49.55 50.40
31.12.2010 6,300 50.35 52.40 51.95
31.12.2011 7,200 54.10 53.90 55.10
31.12.2012 8,200 57.10 56.95 57.15
Year end Debtors were collected in the next year. Before change in accounting policy,
the entire profit and loss arising out of change in exchange rate was taken to Profit and loss
account of the year of collection.
The following expenses and income were not charged in the year when they occurred.
Instead they were charged in the next year as prior period adjustments:
Year 2008 2009 2010 2011
Expenses(`.000s) 87 14 25 54

Income (`.000s) 12 35 8 68

Ascertain future maintainable profit for the purpose of valuation of goodwill, assuming
future tax rate as 34%. Effects of changes in policies to be ignored.
Effect of foreign Exchange Rate Differences in Debtors
Particulars 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012
(a)Gain to be correctly considered
(i)On restatement (Debtorsx(Year end Rate- 750 930 12,915 (1,440) (1,230)
Entry Rate))
(ii)On collection of proceeds(Debtorsx(Year
End rate –Collection Rate))
- 500 5,270 (2,835) 8,640
Total profit to be considered
(b)Less: Gain wrongly considered(Debtors x 750 1,430 18,185 (4,275) 7,410
(Collection rate –Entry rate))
Effects on profit
Nil (1,250) (6,200) (10,080) (7,200)
750 180 11,985 (14,355) 210
Effects of differences in treatment of expenses and income(`000s)
Particulars 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012
(a)Expenses to be considered 87 14 25 54
Actually considered 87 14 25 54
Net effect on profit (87) 73 (11) (29) 54
(b)Income to be considered 12 35 8 68
Actually considered 12 35 8 68
12 23 (27) 60 68
Net effect on profit (75) 96 (38) 31 (14)
Net effect on the above profits(a)-(b)
Amalgamation and Corporate Restructuring 221

Computation of Adjusted Past Profits

Particulars 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012
Net Profit after appropriation
of dividend 19,10 18,50 22,40 20,15 25,25
Add: Proposed dividend at 20%
of Capital 30,00 36,00 36,00 36,00
Tax expense for the year 30,00 37,00 63,00 57,00 61,00
Net Profit before taxes 53,20 85,50 1,21,40 1,31,15 1,22,25
Adjust: Effect of change in 1,02,30
Stock Valuation
Reversal of LIFO (1,31) (1,42)
Implementation of FIFO basis (1,21) 21 54
Effect of change in method of (15)
depreciation i.e WDV less SLM (85) (100) (90) -
Effect of exchange Gain/Loss (98)
adjusted in Debtor 180 11,985 (14,355) 210
Effect of adjustment of 750
expenses and income 96 (38) 31 (14)
Adjusted Profits Before Tax (75) 86,31 2,38,99 (30,99) 1,24,21

Particulars Amount in ` 000s

Simple Average of past 5 years adjusted profits before tax 1,05,04.60
FMP before Tax=(1,06,71+86,31+2,38,99-30,99+1,24,21/5)
Less: Tax Expenses@34% (3,571.56)
Future Maintainable Profit 6,933.04

Question 13 – Nov 2013 – Paper

The Summarized balance sheet of M/s Indus Ltd. as on 31.03.2013 is as follows :
Liabilities Amount Assets Amount
(`) (`)
Equity Share Capital ` 10 each fully paid 5,00,000 Goodwill 1,00,000

12% Preference Shares of `10 each fully 4,00,000 Land & Building 4,50,000
Equity Shares of ` 10 each ` 7 partly paid 2,80,000 Plant & Machinery 5,45,000
Reserves & surplus 2,20,000 Vehicles 3,50,000
Secured loans (12%) 7,50,000 Investments 5,00,000
Sundry Creditors 2,50,000 Inventory 4,25,000
Provision for expenses 1,50,000 Debtors 1,00,000
Cash and Bank 35,000
Prepaid Expenses 45,000
25,50,000 25,50,00
222 CA Final Financial Reporting

(1) Net Profit of the company for the past Four Years (before intt & tax) were as under:
2012-13 5,50,000
2011-12 3,85,000
2010-11 5,25,000
2009-10 4,90,000

(2) The company had purchased Furniture of ` 1,20,000 in the year 2011-12 which was
wrongly charged to Revenue account. Furniture and Fixtures are depreciated at 15% of
the W.D.V .

(3) In the year 2012-13 an asset having a book value of ` 80,000 was sold for ` 65,000 only.

(4) In the year 2010-11 the company paid ` 25,000 against the failure to comply with the
rules as per the environment pollution control board.
(5) 60 % of the investments are Non-Trade investments and Market Value of the Trade
investments is 15 % below the book value. The investments realize an interest of 8 %
p.a whether trade or not. The Non- trade investments were purchased on 01.04.2012.

(6) The company has been paying managerial Remuneration of ` 1,00,000 p.a but as per the

Companies Act the amount eligible to be paid is ` 80,000 p.a only for the past four
(7) The goodwill in books had been purchased in the year 2009-10.
(8) 60% of the Secured loan was availed from US which was recorded at a rate of 1$=
Rs.50 where as the closing rate was 1$= ` 55.

(9) The company wishes to revalue Assets on the realizable value as under ;
Land & building 5,50,000
Plant & machinery 5,00,000
Vehicles 2,50,000
Debtors 80,000
(Ignore the change in depreciation due to the change in the value of Assets.)
The rate of Tax on companies is 30% and the rate of return on capital Employed is 15%
p.a. Calculate Goodwill based on four Years purchase of Super Profit. Make appropriate
assumption wherever required.
Super profit method
Details W.N
1. Future Maintainable Profits 1 ` 2,95,068
Amalgamation and Corporate Restructuring 223

2. Average Capital Employed 2 ` 10,46,700

3. Normal Rate of Return
4. Normal Profits (Step 2 x Step 3)
` 1,57,005
5. Super Profits (Step 1 – Step 4)
6. Goodwill (Step 5 x 3 yrs purchase) ` 1,38,063
` 5,52,252

Working Notes
Future Maintainable Profits
Particulars 09-10 10-11 11-12 12-13
Profit Before Interest Tax 4,90,000 5,25,000 3,85,000 5,50,000
Less : Interest (90,000) (90,000) (90,000) (90,000)
Add : Furniture - - 1,20,000 -
Less : Depreciation - - (18,000) (15,300)
Add : Loss on Sale of FA - - - 15,000
Add : Penalty Paid - 25,000 - -
Less : Income from Investment - - - (24,000)
Add : M. D. Remuneration 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000
Less : Exchange Loss - - - (45,000)
Less : Bad Debts - - - (20,000)
Net Profits as adjusted 4,20,000 4,80,000 4,17,000 3,90,700

Average Profits 4,26,925

Less : Interest on Loan (5,400)
Profit Before Tax 4,21,525
Less Tax (30%) 1,26,457
Profit After Tax 2,95,068
Capital Employed
Particulars Amount Amount
Tangible Trading Assets
Furniture 86,700
Goodwill 1,00,000
Land and Building 5,50,000
Plant and Machinery 5,00,000
Vehicles 2,50,000
Investments 1,70,000
Inventory 4,25,000
Debtors 80,000
Cash / Bank 35,000
Prepaid Exp 45,000 22,41,700
- External Liability
Secured Loan 7,95,000
224 CA Final Financial Reporting

Creditors 2,50,000
Provision for Expenses 1,50,000 11,95,000
Capital Employed 10,46,700
Investments 5,00,000 (8%)

Non Trading Trade

3,00,000 2,00,000 – Revised Value = Rs. 1,70,000
Loan 7,50,000

US From India = 3,00,000

$ = 9,000

Current = 9,000 x 55 = ` 4,95,000

Total Loan = ` 4,95,000 + 3,00,000 = ` 7,95,000

Questions 14 – May 2014 – Paper
A Company Q is willing to sell its business. The purchaser has sought 16 professional
advice for the valuation of the goodwill of the company. He has the last audited financial
statements together with some additional information. Help him to ascertain the correct
price for the purpose of purchase :

The extract of the Balance Sheet as on 31-3-2014 is as under:

Liabilities ` Assets `
Equity Share Capital (shares of ` 100 each) 9,50,000 Goodwill 2,75,000

8% Preference Share Capital shares of `.100 2,25,000 Land & Building 5,45,000
Reserve & Surplus 10,25,500 Plant & Machinery 4,55,000
9% Debentures 5,60,000 Investments in shares 4,85,000
Current Liabilities 3,25,640 Inventories 3,80,000
Trade Receivables 4,25,620
Cash & Bank balance 5,20,520
Total 30,86,140 Total 30,86,140
1. The purchaser wants to acquire all the equity shares of the company.
2. The Debentures will be redeemed at a discount of 25% of the value in Balance Sheet
and investments in share will be sold at their present market value which is quoted as
` 4.95.200. The above will be prior to the purchase of the equity shares.
Amalgamation and Corporate Restructuring 225

For the Purpose of Pricing of Goodwill :

3. The normal rate of return on net assets for equity shares is 10%.
4. Profits for the past three years after debenture interest but before Preference Share
Dividend have been as under:
31-3-2014 ` 2,95,000

31-3-2013 ` 4,99,000

31-3-2012 ` 3,25,000
5. Goodwill is valued at three years purchase of the adjusted average super profit.
6. In the year 2013 20% of the profit mentioned above was due to non recurring
transaction resulting in increase of profit.
7. The Land & Building has a current rental value of ` 62,400 and a 8% return is expected
from the property.
8. On 31-3-2014. 8% of debtors existing on the date had been written as bad and charged
to Profit and Loss Account as Provision for Bad debts. The same are now recoverable.
Tax is applicable at 35%.
9. A claim of compensation long contingent of ` 25,000 has perspired and is to be
accounted for.
10. No Debenture interest shall be payable in future due to its redemption.
Super profit method
Details W.N
1. Future Maintainable Profits 1 ` 3,57,095
2. Average Capital Employed 2
` 20,97,710
3. Normal Rate of Return
4. Normal Profits (Step 2 x Step 3) 10%
5. Super Profits (Step 1 – Step 4) ` 2,09,771
6. Goodwill (Step 5 x 3 yrs purchase) ` 1,47,324
` 4,51,972

Working Notes
Future Maintainable Profits
Particulars 2012 2013 2014
Profit After Tax 3,25,000 4,99,000 2,95,000
Add Tax (35%)
Profit Before Tax 5,00,000 7,67,692 4,53,846
Less : Non Recurring Income - (1,53,538) -
226 CA Final Financial Reporting

Add : R.D.D - - 37,010

Less : Claim Not Recorded - - (25,000)
Net Profits as adjusted 5,00,000 4,80,000 4,65,856
Average Profits 5,26,670
Add : Interest on Loan (50,400)
Profit Before Tax 5,77,070
Less Tax (35%) 2,01,975
Profit After Tax 3,75,095
Less : Preference Dividend 18,000
Profits for Equity 3,57,095
Capital Employed
Particulars Amount Amount
Tangible Trading Assets
Land and Building 7,80,000
Plant and Machinery 4,55,000
Inventory 3,80,000
Trade Receivable 4,62,630
Cash and Bank Balance 5,95,720 26,73,350
(5,20,520 + 4,95,200 + 4,20,000)
- External Liability
Current Liability 3,25,640
Claims not recorded 25,000 3,50,640
Capital Employed 23,22,710
Less Preference Capital 2,25,000
Capital Employed by Equity shareholders 20,97,710
Question 15 – Nov 2014 – RTP
Apex Ltd. gives the following information about the past profits.
Years Profits (in 000’s)
2009 – 2010 21,70
2010 – 2011 22,50
2011 – 2012 23,70
2012 – 2013 24,50
2013 – 2014 21,10
On Scrutiny it is found (i) found that 2011-12, Apex Ltd Followed FIFO method of stock
valuation and thereafter adopted LIFO method, (ii) that upto 2011-2012, it followed straight
line depreciation and thereafter adopted written down value method.
Given below are the details of stock valuation:
(in ‘000s)
2009-10 40,00 39,80 46,00 41,20
Amalgamation and Corporate Restructuring 227

2010-11 46,00 41,20 49,20 47,90

2011-12 49,20 47,90 38,90 39,10
2012-13 38,90 39,10 42,00 38,50
2013-14 42,00 38,50 45,00 43,10
Straight line and written down value depreciation were as follows:
Year Straight Line(‘000) W.D.V(‘000)
2009-10 12,10 17,00
2010-11 14,15 18,10
2011-12 15,00 19,25
2012-13 16,70 19,60
2013-14 18,00 19,40
Determine future maintainable profits that can be used for the valuation of goodwill.
Past profits of Apex Ltd., showed an increasing trend except in the year 2013-14.But the
effects of changes in accounting policies should be eliminated to ascertain the true nature
of trend. Since the company has adopted LIFO method of stock valuation and W.D.V method
of depreciation, profits shall be recomputed applying these policies consistently in all the
past years.
Year Book LIFO Effect of Effect of WDV Profits after
Profits Valuation of depreciation elimination of the
Stock effect of changes in
accounting policy
2009-10 21,70 (4,60) (4,90) 12,20
2010-11 22,50 3,50 (3,95) 22,05
2011-12 23,70 1,50 (4,25) 20,95
2012-13 24,50 (20) (2,90) 21,40
2013-14 21,10 - - 21,10
Future Maintainable Profit is to be calculated on simple Average Method.
FMP=22, 05+20, 95+21, 40+21, 10/4=` 21, 37.50
Effect of LIFO Valuation
Year Particulars Amount
2009-10 Increase in stock as per FIFO valuation 6,00
Less: Increase in stock per LIFO valuation (1,40)
Reduction in profit 4,60
2010-11 Increase in stock as per FIFO Valuation 3,20
Less: Increase in stock per LIFO valuation (6,70)
Increase in profit 3,50
2011-12 Decrease in stock as per FIFO valuation 10,30
Less: Decrease in stock as per LIFO valuation (8,80)
Increase in profit 1,50
2012-13 Opening Stock as per LIFO valuation 38,90
Less: Opening Stock as per LIFO valuation (39,10)
Reduction in Profit 20
228 CA Final Financial Reporting

Questions 16 – Nov 2015 – Paper

Find out the Leverage Effect on Goodwill from following information :
1. Average Capital Employed (Equity Approach) ` 11,50,000
2. Future Maintainable profits (Equity Funds) `. 1,80,000
3. 10% Long Term Loan ` 4,50,000
4. Tax Rate 40%
5. Normal Rate of Return :
On Equity Capital Employed 15%
On long Term Capital Employed 12%

Owners Funds Total Funds

1. Future maintainable profit ` 1,80,000 2,07,000
2. Capital Employed(Actual) ` 11,50,000 16,00,000
3. Normal Rate of Return 15% 12%
4. Normal Capital Employed(1/3) 12,00,000 17,25,000
5. Goodwill(4-2) 50,000 1,25,000

Leverage Effect on Goodwill=1,25,000-50,000=` 75, 000

Working Notes
Future Maintainable Profits
Particulars Owners Total
Funds Funds

Profit before Interest 3,45,000

Less: Interest on Long term Loans (45,000) 3,45,000
FMP(Before Tax) 3,00,000 -
Less: Tax @ 40% 1,20,000 3,45,000
FMP(After Tax)
(1,80,000/60%=3,00,000) 1,80,000 2,07,000


Amalgamation and Corporate Restructuring 229


Years May Nov
RTP Paper RTP Paper
2008 Yes Yes Yes No
2009 Yes Yes Yes No
2010 Yes NA Yes Yes
2011 Yes Yes Yes Yes
2012 Yes NA Yes Yes
2013 Yes NA Yes NA
2014 NA NA Yes Yes
2015 Yes NA
Question 1 May 2008 RTP
The Balance sheet of ABC Ltd. as at 31st March, 2007 was as follows
Liabilities Amount Assets Amount
Equity Shares 5,00,000 Goodwill 1,00,000
General Reserve 2,50,000 Equipment at Cost 9,00,000
Profit and Loss A/c 1,00,000 Stock 3,50,000
12% Debentures 3,00,000 Debtors 1,50,000
Provision for Depreciation on 1,50,000 Bank 75,000
Equipment 40,000 Advertisement Suspense 25,000
Staff Welfare Fund 75,000
Proposed Dividend 75,000
Sundry Creditors 1,85,000
16,00,000 16,00,000
You are required to calculate the value of an equity share on net asset basis. The
following further information is available
1. A Fair return (after tax) on capital employed for this type of business is 10%
2. Equipment to be revalued at ` 8,00,000
3. Stocks are considered to have a net realizable value of ` 3,30,000
4. Goodwill in the type of business is normally valued at 3 years super profits.
5. Included in the debtors is a balance of ` 10,000 which may be irrecoverable
230 CA Final Financial Reporting

6. Profits for the last three years (before interest and taxes) are 2006-07 ` 5,40,000,
2005-06 ` 5,10,000 and 2004-05 ` 5,50,000.
7. Company profits are taxed at 40%.

Computation of average Capital Employed
Particulars Amount `.
Sundry Assets:
Equipment 8,00,000
Stock 3,30,000
Debtors (1,50,000-10,000) 1,40,000
Bank 75,000
Less: Outside Liabilities
Sundry Creditors (1,85,000)
12% Debentures (3,00,000)
Trading tangible capital employed 8,60,000

Computation of Average annual maintainable super profit and Goodwill

Particulars Amount `.
Average annual profit for last 3 years before interest and taxes 5,33,333
(5,40,000+5,10,000+5,50,000)/3 36,000
Less: Interest (3,00,000x12%x3 years)/3 4,97,333
Less: Income tax @ 40% 1,98,933
Average annual maintainable profit 2,98,400
Less: Normal Return on capital employed(18% of Rs.8,60,000) 1,54,800
Average annual maintainable super profit 1,43,600
No. of Purchase Year 3
Goodwill 4,30,800
Computation of net assets available to equity shareholders
Particulars Amount `
Trading Tangible Capital Employed 8,60,000
Add: Goodwill 4,30,800
Net Asset available to equity shareholders 12,90,800
No. of equity shares 50,000 shares
Value per share 25.816 per share
Question 2 – May 2008 Paper
Following are the information of two companies for the year ended 31st March, 2009
Particulars Company A Company B
Equity Shares of ` 10 each 8,00,000 10,00,000

10% Preference shares of ` 10 each 6,00,000 4,00,000

Amalgamation and Corporate Restructuring 231

Profit after tax 3,00,000 3,00,000

Assume that the market expectation is 18% and 80% of the profits are distributed
1. What is the rate you would pay to the equity shares of each company?
a. if you are buying a small lot
b. if you are buying controlling interest.
2. if you are planning to invest only in preference shares, which company’s preference
shares would you invest?
3. Would your rates be different for buying small lots, if the company Z retains 30% and
company Y retains 10% of profits?
Profit After Tax 3,00,000 3,00,000
Less : Preference Dividend 60,000 40,000
Earnings for Equity 2,40,000 2,60,000
Less : Dividend (80%) 1,92,000 2,08,000
Retention 48,000 52,000
1. A. Yield Value – Dividend Yield (For Small Lots)
Steps X Y
1. Expected Rate of Return 24% 20.8%
2. Normal Rate of Return 18% 18%
3. Yield Value `. `. 11.56/share
1. Expected Rate of Return
Dividend available for ESH
ERR = x 100
Total Paid up Equity

1,92,000 2,08,000
= x 100 = 24% = x 100 = 20.8%
8,00,000 10,00,000

Yield Value
= x paid up value per share

24 20.8
= x 10 = ` 13.33/- share = x 10 = ` 11.56/- share
18 18

3. B. Yield Value – Earning Yield (For Controlling Interest)

Steps X Y
1. Expected Rate of Return 30% 26%
2. Normal Rate of Return 18% 18%
3. Yield Value `. 16.67/share `. 14.44/share

1. Expected Rate of Return

232 CA Final Financial Reporting

Dividend avaialble for ESH

ERR = x 100
Total Paid up Equity

2,40,000 2,60,000
= x 100 = 30% = x 100 = 26%
8,00,000 10,00,000

2. Yield Value
= x paid up value per share

10 26
= x 10 = ` 16.67/- share = x 10 = ` 14.44/- share
18 18

3. Yield Value – Dividend Yield (For Small Lots)

Steps X Y
1. Expected Rate of Return 21% 23.4%
2. Normal Rate of Return 18% 18%
3. Yield Value `. 11.67/share `. 13/share

Earnings for Equity 2,40,000 2,60,000
- Retentions 72,000 26,000
Dividend 1,68,000 2,34,000
1. Expected Rate of Return
Dividend available for ESH
ERR = x 100
Total Paid up Equity
1,68,000 2,34,000
= x 100 = 21% = x 100 = 23.4%
8,00,000 10,00,000
Yield Value
= x paid up value per share
21 23.4
= x 10 = ` 11.67/- share = x 10 = ` 13/- share
18 18
2. Investment in equity shares
A. while deciding on the investment in the preference shares, the prime consideration
should dividend.
Company X = 10% and Company Y = 10%
B. If the Preference Dividend is similar in both the companies, then the next
consideration is Preference Dividend Coverage Ratio
Profit After Tax
Preference Dividend Coverage Ratio =
Preference Dividend
Amalgamation and Corporate Restructuring 233

3,00,000 3,60,000
X= = 5 times Y= = 7.5 times
60,000 40,000
We must invest in company y.
Question 3 – Nov 2008 RTP
Balance Sheet of Symphony Ltd. as at 31 March,2008 is given below:
Liabilities Amount Assets Amount
Share capital: Fixed assets:
6,000 equity Shares of ` 100 Building 1,50,000
6,00,000 Machinery 2,20,000
each fully paid up
Current assets, loans and
Reserves and Surplus:
50,000 advances 3,00,000
Profit and Loss A/c
Stock 1,60,000
Current Liabilities and
10,000 Sundry Debtors 60,000
60,000 Bank
Bank Overdraft
Provision for taxation
Proposed division
8,90,000 8,90,000
The net profit of the company, after deducting usual workings expenses but before
providing for taxation, were as under:
Year `.
2005-06 2,00,000
2006-07 2,40,000
2007-08 2,20,000

On 31st March, 2008. Building was revalued at ` 2,00,000 and Machinery at ` 2,50,000.

Sundry Debtors, on the same date, included ` 10,000 as irrecoverable. Having regard to the
nature of the business, a 10% return, on net tangible capital invested, is considered
You are required to value the company’s ex-dividend. Valuation of goodwill may be
based on three year’s purchase of annual super profits. Depreciation on Building 2% and on
Machinery 10%. The income-tax rate is to be assumed at 50%. All workings should be part
of your answer.
Statement showing Valuation of shares (ex dividend)
Particulars Amount
Trading Capital Employed 7,80,000
Add: Goodwill 79,000
Less: Proposed Dividend (60,000)
Net asset available for equity shareholders 7,99,000
No. of shares outstanding 6,000 shares
Value per share 133.17
234 CA Final Financial Reporting

Working Notes:
1. Calculation of FMP
Particulars Amount Amount
Profit for the year
2005-06 2,00,000
2006-07 2,40,000
2007-08 2,20,000 6,60,000
Less: Bad debts as on 31.3.08 (10,000)
Profits for 3 years 6,50,000
Average profits for 3 Years(` 6,50,000/3) 2,16,667
Less: Additional depreciation on revaluation of
3,000 (4,000)
Building 2% on ` 50,000(` 2,00,000-` 1,50,000)
Machinery 10% on ` 30,000(` 2,50,000-` 2,20,000) 1,08,334
Profit before tax 1,08,334
Less: Income Tax @ 50%
Profit After Tax

2. Calculation of Capital Employed

Particulars `. `.
Building 2,00,000
Machinery 2,50,000
Stock 3,00,000
Sundry Debtors(1,60,000-10,000) 1,50,000
Bank 60,000 9,60,000
Less: Liabilities
Creditors 60,000
Provision for Tax 1,10,000
Bank Overdraft 10,000 (1,80,000)
Capital employed 7,80,000
Valuation of goodwill (Super profit method)
Details W.N Amount
1. Future Maintainable Profits 1 1,04,333
2. Average Capital Employed 2 7,80,000
3. Normal Rate of Return 10%
4. Normal Profits (Step 2 x Step 3) 78,000
5. Super Profits (Step 1 – Step 4) 26,333
6. Goodwill (Step 5 x 3 yrs purchase) 79,000
Question 4 May 2009 RTP
The following is the balance sheet of N Ltd. as on 31st March, 2002.
Liabilities `. Assets `.
Amalgamation and Corporate Restructuring 235

4,00,000 Equity shares of Goodwill 4,00,000

` 10 each fully paid 40,00,000 Building 24,00,000
13.5% Redeemable preference Machinery 22,00,000
shares of Rs.100 each fully 20,00,000 Furniture 10,00,000
General reserve 16,00,000 Vehicles 18,00,000
Profit and loss account 3,20,000 Investments 16,00,000
Bank loan Stock 11,00,000
(Secured against fixed assets) 12,00,000 Debtors 18,00,000
Bills payable 6,00,000 Bank balance 3,20,000
Creditors 31,00,000 Preliminary 2,00,000
1,28,20,000 1,28,20,000
Further information :
i. Return on capital employed is 20% in similar business
ii. Fixed assets are worth 30% more than book value. Stock is overvalued by ` 1,00,000.

Debtors are to be reduced by ` 20,000. Trade investments, which constitute 10% of the
total investments are to be valued at 10% below cost.
iii. Trade investments were purchased on 1.4.2001. 50% of non-trade investments were
purchased on 1.4.2000 and the rest on 1.4.1999. Non-trade investments yield 15%
return on cost.
iv. In 1999-2000, new machinery costing ` 2,00,000 was purchased, but wrongly charged
to revenue. This amount should be adjusted taking depreciation at 10% on reducing
value method.
v. In 2000-2001, furniture with a book value of ` 1,00,000 was sold for ` 60,000.
vi. For calculating goodwill, two years purchase of super profits based on simple average
profits of last four years are to be considered. Profits of last four years are as under:
1998-1999 ` 16,00,000, 1999-2000 ` 18,00,000, 2000-2001 ` 21,00,000, 2001-2002 `
vii. Additional depreciation provision at the rate of 10% on the additional value of plant
and machinery alone may be considered for arriving at average profit.
Find out the intrinsic value of the (equity share. Income-tax and dividend tax are not to
be considered.
Super profit method
Details W.N
1. Future Maintainable Profits 1 ` 17,36,076
2. Average Capital Employed 2
` 81,53,540
3. Normal Rate of Return
4. Normal Profits (Step 2 x Step 3) 20%
236 CA Final Financial Reporting

5. Super Profits (Step 1 – Step 4) 16,30,708

6. Goodwill (Step 5 x 3 yrs purchase) 1,05,368
` 2,10,736

Working Notes
Future Maintainable Profits
Particulars 98-99 99-2000 2000-01 2001-2002
Profits as given 16,00,000 18,00,000 21,00,000 22,00,000
Add : Machinery Capitalized - 2,00,000 - -
Less : Depreciation - (20,000) (18,000) (16,200)
Add : Loss on Sale - - 40,000 -
Less : Income from investments - (1,08,000) (2,16,000) (2,16,000)
Less : Stock Overvalued - - - (1,00,000)
Less : Debtors - - - (20,000)
Net Profits as adjusted 16,00,000 18,72,000 19,06,000 18,47,500
Average Profits 18,06,450
Less :Depreciation 70,374
Profit Before Tax 17,36,076
1. Capital Employed
Particulars Amount Amount
Tangible Trading Assets
Building 24,00,000
Machinery 23,45,800
Furniture 10,00,000
Vehicles 18,00,000
Add – 30% 22,63,740
Trade Investments 1,44,000
Stock 10,00,000
Debtors 17,80,000
Cash And Bank 3,20,000 1,30,53,540
Less External Liability
Creditors 12,00,000
Bank Loan 6,00,000
Bills Payable 31,00,000 49,00,000
Capital Employed 81,53,540

Investments 16,00,000

Non Trading Trade – 1.4.2001

14,40,000 1,60,000 – Revised Value = ` 1,44,000

Amalgamation and Corporate Restructuring 237

7,20,000 7,20,000
1.4.2000 1.4.1999
A. Intrinsic Value
Steps W.N
1. Net Assets for Equity Share holders 1 ` 78,04,276
2. No of Equity shares
3. Intrinsic Value (step 1 / Step 2)
` 19.51/share

Working Notes
1. Net Assets for Equity Shareholders
Particulars Amount
Capital Employed 81,53,540
Add : Goodwill 2,10,736
Add : Non trade Investments 14,40,000
Net Assets 98,04,276
Less Preference Due
Preference Share Capital 20,00,000
Net Assets for Equity shareholders 78,04,276
Question 5 – May 2009 paper
Following is the Balance sheet of Rampal Limited as on 31st March, 2009:
Liabilities `. Assets `.
1,00,000 equity shares of Goodwill 5,00,000
`.10 each 10,00,000 Buildings 15,00,00
10,000 12% preference Plant 10,00,00
shares of `. 100 each 10,00,000 Investment in 10% Stock 0
General reserve 6,00,000 Stock-in-trade 6,00,000
Profit and loss account 4,00,000 Debtors 4,00,000
15% debentures 10,00,000 Cash 1,00,000
Creditors 8,00,000 Preliminary expenses 2,20,000
48,00,000 48,00,00
Additional information are given below:

(a) Nominal value of investment is ` 5,00,000 and its market value is ` 5,20,000

(b) Following assets are revalued:

(i) Building ` 32,00,000

(ii) Plant ` 8,00,000

(iii) Stock-in-trade ` 4,50,000

238 CA Final Financial Reporting

(iv) Debtors ` 3,60,000

(c) Average profit before tax of the company is ` 12,00,000 and 12.50% of the profit is
transferred to general reserve, rate of taxation being 50%.
(d) Normal dividend expected on equity shares is 8% while fair return on closing capital
employed is 10%.
(e) Goodwill may be valued at three year's purchase of super profits.
Ascertain the value of each equity share under fair value method.
Super profit method
Details W.N
1. Future Maintainable Profits 1 ` 5,75,000
2. Average Capital Employed 2
` 31,10,000
3. Normal Rate of Return
4. Normal Profits (Step 2 x Step 3) 10%
5. Super Profits (Step 1 – Step 4) ` 3,11,000
6. Goodwill (Step 5 x 3 yrs purchase) ` 2,64,000
` 7,92,000

Working Notes
1. Future Maintainable Profit
Average Profits before tax 12,00,000
Less :Income from Investment …..50,000
Profit Before Tax 11,50,000
Less Tax (50%) 5,75,000
Profit After Tax 5,75,000
2. Capital Employed
Particulars Amount Amount
Tangible Trading Assets
Building 32,00,000
Plant 8,00,000
Stock 4,50,000
Debtors 3,60,000
Cash 1,00,000 49,10,000
Less External Liability
15% Creditors 10,00,000
Creditors 8,00,000 18,00,000
Capital Employed 31,10,000
A. Intrinsic Value
Steps W.N
Amalgamation and Corporate Restructuring 239

1. Net Assets for Equity Share holders 1 ` 34,22,000

2. No of Equity shares
3. Intrinsic Value (step 1 / Step 2)
` 34.22/share

Working Notes
Net Assets for Equity Shareholders
Particulars Amount
Capital Employed 31,10,000
Add : Goodwill 7,92,000
Add : Non trade Investments 5,20,000
Net Assets 44,22,000
Less Preference Due
Preference Share Capital 10,00,000
Net Assets for Equity share holders 34,22,000
B. Yield Value
Steps W. N
1. Expected Rate of Return 1 40.5%
2. Normal Rate of Return 8%
3. Yield Value 2 `. 50.625/ share
1. Expected Rate of Return
Average Profits before tax 12,00,000
Less Tax (50%) 5,75,000
Profit After Tax 6,00,000
Less Preference Dividend 1,20,000
Less Transfer to General Reserve 75,000
Profits for Equity shareholders 4,05,000
Profits avaialble for ESH 4,05,000
ERR = x 100 = x 100 = 40.5%
Total Paid up Equity 10,00,000
2. Yield Value
ERR 40.5
= x paid up value per share = x 10 = ` 50.625/- share
C. Fair Value
IV + Yield Value 34.22 + 50.625
= = = ` 42.42 / share
2 2
Question 6 Nov RTP 2009
The balance sheet of Major Ltd. as on 31st December, 2009 as follows :
Liabilities `. Assets `.
Share capital Fixed assets:
Equity shares of `.10 5,00,000 Goodwill 50,000
240 CA Final Financial Reporting

Less : Calls in arrear Machinery 2,30,000
(`.2 for final call) -10,000 4,90,000 Factory shed 3,00,000
8% Preference shares of Vehicles 60,000
`.10 each fully paid 2,00,000 Furniture 25,000
Reserve and surplus: Investments 1,00,000
General reserve 2,00,000 Current assets
Profit and loss account 1,40,000 Stock in trade 2,10,000
Current liabilities : Sundry debtors 3,50,000
Sundry creditors 2,70,000 Cash at bank 50,000
Bank loan 1,00,000 Preliminary expense 25,000
14,00,000 14,00,000
Additional information :
1. Fixed assets are- worth 20% above their actual book value. Depreciation on
appreciated portion of fixed assets to be ignored for valuation of goodwill.
2. Of the investments, 80% is non-trading and the balance is trading. All trade
investments are to be valued at 20% below cost. A uniform rate of dividend of 10% is
earned on all investments.
3. For the purpose of valuation of shares, goodwill is to be considered on the basis of 6
years' purchase of the super profits based on an average profit of the last 3 years.
Profits (after tax @ 50%) are as follows:

Year `.

2011 1,90,000
2012 2,00,000
2013 2,50,000
In a similar business;, return on capital employed is 20%. In 2011, a new furniture
costing `.10,000 was purchased but wrongly charged to revenue. (No effect has yet been
given for rectifying the same). Depreciation charged on furniture is @ 10% (diminishing
balance method).
Find out the value of each fully - paid and partly - paid equity share.
Super profit method
Details W.N
1. Future Maintainable Profits 1 ` 2,10,549
2. Average Capital Employed 2
` 10,02,748
3. Normal Rate of Return
4. Normal Profits (Step 2 x Step 3) 20%
5. Super Profits (Step 1 – Step 4) ` 2,00,549.6
6. Goodwill (Step 5 x 3 yrs purchase)
Amalgamation and Corporate Restructuring 241

` 9999.4
` 59,996.4

Working Notes
Future Maintainable Profits
Particulars 2011 2012 2013
Profit After Tax 1,90,000 2,00,000 2,50,000
Add : Tax
Profit Before Tax 3,80,000 4,00,000 2,50,000
Add : Furniture 10,000 - -
Less : Depreciation (1,000) (900) (810)
Less : Interest (8,000) (8,000) (8,000)
Net Profits as adjusted 3,81,000 3,91,100 4,91,190
Average Profits 4,21,097
Less :Depreciation 2,10,548
Profit Before Tax 2,10,547

Capital Employed
Particulars Amount Amount
Tangible Trading Assets
Machinery 2,30,000
Factory Shed 3,00,000
Vehicles 60,000
Furniture 32,290
Add – 20% 1,24,458
Trade Investments 16,000
Stock 2,10,000
Debtors 3,50,000
Cash 50,000 13,72,748
Less External Liability
Creditors 2,70,000
Bank Loan 1,00,000 3,70,000
Capital Employed 10,02,748

Investments 1,00,000

Non Trading (10%) Trade

80,000 20,000 – Revised Value = ` 16,000

A. Intrinsic Value
242 CA Final Financial Reporting

Steps W.N
1. Net Assets for Equity Share holders 1 9,52,744
2. No of Equity shares 50,000
3. Intrinsic Value (step 1 / Step 2)
A. Fully Paid up ` 19.05/share
B. Partly Paid up (-2)
` 17.05/share

Working Notes
Net Assets for Equity Shareholders
Particulars Amount
Capital Employed 10,02,748
Add : Goodwill 59,996
Add : Non trade Investments 80,000
Net Assets 11,42,744
Less Preference Due
Preference Share Capital 2,00,000
Net Assets for Equity Share Capital 9,42,744
Add : Notional Call 10,000
Net Assets 9,52,744

Question no 7 – May RTP – 2010
The following abridged balance sheet as at 31st March, 2005 pertains to Omega Ltd.

(`. in lakhs)
Liabilities `. Assets `.
Share capital Goodwill at cost 420
180 lakh Equity shares of Other fixed assets 11,166
10 each fully paid up 1,800 Current assets 2,910
90 lakh Equity shares of Loans and advances 933
Rs.10 each Rs.8 paid up 720
150 lakh Equity shares of
Rs.5 each fully paid up 750
Reserves and surplus 5,628
Secured loans 4,500
Current liabilities 1,242
Provisions 960
15,429 15,429
You are required to calculate the following for each one of three categories of equity
shares appearing in the above mentioned balance sheet:
i. intrinsic value on the basis of book values of assets and liabilities including goodwill;
ii. Value per share on the basis of dividend yield.
Amalgamation and Corporate Restructuring 243

Normal rate of dividend in the concerned industry is 15%, whereas Glorious Ltd. has been
paying 20% dividend for the last four years and is expected to maintain it in the next
few years; and
iii. Value per share on the basis of EPS.
For the year ended 31st March, 2005 the company has earned ` 1,371 lakh as profit after
tax, which can be considered to be normal for the company. Average EPS for a fully paid
share of ? 10 of a company in the same industry is ` 2.

A. Intrinsic Value
Steps W.N In lakhs
1. Net Assets for Equity Share holders 1 `. 8907
2. No of Equity shares
3. Intrinsic Value (Step 2 / Step 1)
A. `. 10 each fully paid
`. 25.82/share
B. `. 10 each, 8 p.u (-2)
`. 23.82/share
C. `. 5 each fully paid (x 5/10)
`. 12.91/share

Working Notes
1. Net Assets for Equity Shareholders
Particulars Amount Amount
All Assets
Goodwill 420
Other Fixed Assets 11,166
Current Assets 2,910
Loans and Advances 933 15,429
Less External Liabilities
Secured Loans 4,500
Current Liabilities 1,242
Provisions 960 6,702
Net Assets 8,727
Add : Notional Call 180
Net Assets for Equity shareholders 8907
2. No of shares

` 10 each fully paid 180

` 10 each, 8 paid up 90

` 5 each fully paid (150 x 5/10) 75

B. Yield Value (Dividend yield – Suitable for Small Lots)
Steps W.
244 CA Final Financial Reporting

1. Expected Rate of Return 1 20%
2. Normal Rate of Return 15%
3. Yield Value 2
A. `. 10 each fully paid ` 13.33/share
B. `. 10 each, 8 p.u ` 10.67/share
C. `. 5 each fully paid ` 6.67/share

1. Expected Rate of Return

Dividends to ESH
ERR = x 100 = 20%
Total Paid up Equity
2. Yield Value = x paid up value per share
Fully paid share of `. 10 each = x 10 = ` 13.33 / share

`. 8 paid up = x 8 = ` 10.67 / share

`. 5 each fully up = x 5 = ` 6.67 / share

B. Yield Value (Earning yield – Suitable for Controlling Interest)

Steps W. N
1. Expected Rate of Return 1 41.93%
2. Normal Rate of Return 20%
3. Yield Value 2
A. ` 10 each fully paid ` 20.96/share
B. ` 10 each, 8 p.u ` 16.77/share
C. ` 5 each fully paid ` 10.48/share
1. Expected Rate of Return
Dividends to ESH 1371
ERR = x 100 = x 100 = 41.93%
Total Paid up Equity 3270

2. Yield Value = x paid up value per share
a. Fully paid share of Rs. 10 each = x 10 = ` 20.96 / share
b. `. 8 paid up = x 8 = ` 16.77 / share
c. `. 5 each fully up = x 5 = ` 10.48 / share

Question 8 – Nov RTP – 2010

Following information is furnished in respect of Som Dutt Ltd.
Amalgamation and Corporate Restructuring 245

1. Share capital: 2, 00,000 equity shares of ` 10 each fully paid.

2. Profits after tax, dividends declared and retained earnings.
Year Profit after tax Dividend Retained Earning
`. `. `.
2009 7,00,000 3,40,000 3,70,000
2008 6,00,000 3,00,000 3,00,000
2007 4,00,000 2,60,000 1,40,000
3. Normal rate of return expected by shareholders in the market is 10%
4. The normal earnings are similar companies in the chemicals industry is 15%.
You are required to calculate the value of shares under equity capitalization method.
Valuation of shares under earnings capitalization method
Future Maintainable Profit (FMP)
PARTICULARS 2009 2008 2007
Profit after tax 7,00,000 6,00,000 4,00,000
Weights 3 2 1
Weighted profits 21,00,000 12,00,000 4,00,000
FMP= Weighted average of past profits = 37,00,000/6=` 6,16,667
Ascertainment of value of business by capitalizing Future Maintainable Profit at normal rate of
Particulars Amount
a) Weighted Average profit (after Tax) 6,16,667
b) NRR 15%
c) Value of Business(a/b) 41,11,113
D) No. of shares 2,00,000
e) Value of equity share (c/d) 20.56
Question 9 – Nov Paper – 2010
The following figures, calculate the value of the share of ` 100 on (i) yield on capital
employed basis, and (ii) dividends basis, the market expectation being 12%.
Year Capital employed (`.) Profit (`.) Dividend %
2001 5,50,000 88,000 12
2002 8,00,000 1,60,000 15
2003 10,00,000 2,20,000 18
2004 15,00,000 3,75,000 20

The net trading assets as on valuation date was `.18.Also mention which method is
more appropriate (i) when buying a small lot of shares and (ii) when acquiring controlling
interest in the company.
Yield Value – Earning Yield
Steps W. N
246 CA Final Financial Reporting

1. Expected Rate of Return 1 22.2%

2. Normal Rate of Return 12%
3. Yield Value 2 Rs. 185/share
1. Expected Rate of Return
ERR = x 100
Capital Employed
Year Weights Product
2001 1 16
x 100 = 16%
2002 2 40
x 100 = 20%
2003 3 66
x 100 = 22%
2004 4 100
x 100 = 25%

Wt Average = = 22.2%
2. Yield Value
ERR 22.2
= x paid up value per share = x 10 = ` 185/- share
NRR 12
Note : Earning yield is suitable to the value of share for buying controlling interest.
Yield Value – Dividend Yield
Steps W. N
1. Expected Rate of Return 1 17.6%
2. Normal Rate of Return 12%
3. Yield Value 2 ` 146.67/share
3. Expected Rate of Return
ERR = x 100
Paid up Capital
Year Dividend Weights Product
2001 12% 1 16
2002 15% 2 40
2003 18% 3 66
2004 20% 4 100
Wt Average = = 17.6%
Yield Value
ERR 17.6
= x paid up value per share = x 10 = ` 146.67/- share
NRR 12
Note : Dividend yield is suitable to the value of share for buying small lots.

Amalgamation and Corporate Restructuring 247

Question 10 May RTP – 2010

The Summarized Balance Sheet of 'Shubh Ashish' Private Ltd. as on 31.03.2010 is as under
Liabilities `. Assets `.
Share Capital Fixed Assets :
Equity Shares of `. 10 5,00,000 Goodwill 1,75,000
8% Preference Shares of Leasehold 1,60,000
Property :
Rs.10 each fully paid 2,00,000 (-) Depreciation 70,000 90,000
Reserve & Surplus : Plant & Machinery 2,50,000
General Reserve 1,00,000 (-)Depreciation 25,000 2,25,000
Profit & Loss A/c 2,20,250 Investment at cost 4,00,000
Current Liabilities : Current Assets
Bank Loan 1,00,000 Stock at cost 82,500
Sundry Creditors 49,750 Sundry Debtors 40,500
Balance at Bank 1,57,000
11,70,000 11,70,000
A holder of 10,000 of the Equity Shares in the company has agreed to sell these shares
at a value based on the above Balance Sheet, but subject to adjustment of the valuation of
the following
a) The leasehold property was acquired on 1.4.2000 and at the Balance Sheet date, the
lease has a further six years to run. The cost, should be written off over the term of the
lease by equal annual charges. To date ` 7,000 per annum had been written off.
b) In 2007-08, goods costing ? 6,000 were purchased and have been included since that
date at cost in the Stock lists. The goods were valueless on the Balance Sheet date.
c) An expense Creditor ` 3,750 of the current year has been omitted from being recorded
in the books.
d) A General Reserve of 10 per cent on total Debtors, after specific provision for Doubtful
Debts, has been made for the First time in the current year accounts.
e) Goodwill is to be valued at two years' purchase of the average Profits, after the above
adjustments, of three years 2007-08; 2008-09; and 2009-10, such profits being those
available for dividend for Equity shareholders.
f) The profits of the company as shown by the accounts before appropriations and before
providing for preference dividends were as follows
Year Rupees
2007 - 08 80,400
2008 - 09 92,900
2009 - 10 89,650
You are required to compute the total consideration due to the Vending Shareholder.
1. Average Profits
Particulars 07-08 08-09 09-10
Profits 80,400 92,900 89,650
248 CA Final Financial Reporting

Less Depreciation on Lease (3,000) (3,000) (3,000)

Less Stock Written off - - (6,000)
Less Outstanding Expenses
- - (3,750)
Add Provision for Debtors
Less Preference Dividend - - 4,500
(16,000) (16,000) (16,000)
Net Profits as adjusted 61,400 73,900 65,400

Average Profits = = ` 66,900

Goodwill = 66,900 x 2 = ` 1,33,800

A. Intrinsic Value
Steps W.N
1. Net Assets for Equity Share holders 1 `. 7,43,800
2. No of Equity shares
3. Intrinsic Value (step 1 / Step 2)
`. 14.876/share

Amount Due to Vending Shareholders = 10,000 shares x `. 14.876 = `. 1,48,760

Working Notes
Net Assets for Equity Shareholders
Particulars Amount Amount
All Assets
Goodwill 1,33,800
Leasehold Property 60,000
Plant and Machinery 2,25,000
Investment 4,00,000
Stock 76,500
Debtors 45,000
Bank 1,57,000 10,97,300
Less External Liabilities
Bank Loan 1,00,000
Creditors 49,750
Outstanding Expenses 3,750 1,53,500
Net Assets 9,43,800
Less Preference Due
Preference Share Capital 2,00,000
Net Assets for Equity Share Capital 7,43,800
Question 11 – May Paper 2011

The Balance sheet of X Limited as on 31.12.2003 is as follows: (`. in lakhs)

Liabilities `. Assets `.
1,00,000 equity shares of Goodwill 5
`.10 each fully paid 10 Intangible assets (market value) 3

1,00,000 equity shares of `.6 Fixed assets 15

Amalgamation and Corporate Restructuring 249

each, paid up fully 6 Other tangible assets 5

Reserves and surplus 4 Miscellaneous expenditure to
Liabilities 10 extent not written off 2
30 30

Fixed assets are worth ` 24 lakhs. Other tangible assets are revalued at ` 3 lakhs. The
company is expected to settle the disputed bonus claim of Rs.1 lakh not provided for in the
accounts. Goodwill appearing in the balance sheet is purchased goodwill. It is considered
reasonable to increase the value of goodwill by an amount equal to average of the book
value and a valuation made at 3 year's purchase of average super-profit for the last 4 years.

After tax, profits and dividend rates were as follows:

Year PAT Dividend %
(`. In Lakhs)
2000 3.0 11%
2001 3.5 12%
2002 4.0 13%
2003 4.1 14%
Normal expectation in the industry to which the company belongs is 10%.
Ram holds 20,000 equity shares of ` 10 each fully paid and 10,000 equity shares of
each, fully paid up. He wants to sell away his holdings.
a. Determine the break-up value and market value of both kinds of shares.
b. What should be the fair value of shares, if controlling interest is being sold?
A. Goodwill
Super profit method
Details W.N (lakhs)
1. Future Maintainable Profits 1 3.4
2. Average Capital Employed 2 19
3. Normal Rate of Return 10%
4. Normal Profits (Step 2 x Step 3) 1.9
5. Super Profits (Step 1 – Step 4) 1.5
6. Goodwill (Step 5 x 3 yrs purchase) ` 4.5
Working Notes
1. Future Maintainable Profits
Particulars 2000 2001 2002 2003
Profit After Tax 3 3.5 4 4.1
Less Claims - - - 1
Net Profits as adjusted 3 3.5 4 3.1
Average Profits `. 3.4
2. Capital Employed
250 CA Final Financial Reporting

Particulars Amount Amount

Tangible Trading Assets
Intangible Assets 3
Fixed Assets 24
Other Tangible Assets 3 30
Less External Liability
Liabilities 10
Claim 1 11
Capital Employed 19
B. Intrinsic Value
Steps W.N
1. Net Assets for Equity Share holders 1 ` 28.75 lakhs
2. No of Equity shares
3. Intrinsic Value (step 1 / Step 2)
A. ` 10 each fully paid
` 17.96875/share
B. ` 6 each fully paid (x 6/10)
` 10.78125/share

Working Notes
1. Net Assets for Equity Shareholders
Particulars Amount
Capital Employed 19
Add : Goodwill [5 +( ] 9.75

Net Assets 28.75

2. No of shares
`. 10 each fully paid 1,00,000

`. 6 each fully paid 60,000

C. Yield Value – Dividend Yield
Steps W. N
1. Expected Rate of Return 1 13%
2. Normal Rate of Return 10%
3. Yield Value 2
A. ` 10 each fully paid ` 13/share
B. ` 6 each fully paid ` 7.8/share

3. Expected Rate of Return

ERR = x 100
Capital Employed
Year Div (%) Weights Product
2000 11 1 11
2001 12 2 24
Amalgamation and Corporate Restructuring 251

2002 13 3 39
2003 14 4 56

Wt Average = = 13 %

4. Yield Value
= x paid up value per share

` 10 each fully paid = x 10 = ` 13/- share

` 6 each fully paid = x 6 = ` 7.8/- share

D. Yield Value – Earnings Yield

Steps W.N
1. Net Assets for Equity Share holders 1 ` 28.75 lakhs
2. No of Equity shares
3. Intrinsic Value (step 1 / Step 2)
A. `. 10 each fully paid
` 17.96875/share
B. `. 6 each fully paid (x 6/10)
` 10.78125/share

Working Notes
1. Net Assets for Equity Shareholders
Particulars Amount
Capital Employed 19
Add : Goodwill [5 +( ] 9.75

Net Assets 28.75

2. No of shares

`. 10 each fully paid 1,00,000

`. 6 each fully paid 60,000

C. Yield Value – Dividend Yield
Steps W. N
1. Expected Rate of Return 1 21.25%
2. Normal Rate of Return 10%
3. Yield Value 2
A. ` 10 each fully paid ` 21.25/share
B. ` 6 each fully paid ` 12.75/share

5. Expected Rate of Return

252 CA Final Financial Reporting

Profit 3.4
ERR = x 100 = X 100 = 21.25 %
Capital Employed 16

7. Yield Value

= x paid up value per share

` 10 each fully paid = x 10 = ` 21.25/- share

` 6 each fully paid = x 6 = ` 12.75/- share

D. Fair Value

IV + Yield
Fair Value =

17.96875 + 21.25
` 10 each fully paid = = ` 19.609/share

10.78125 + 12.75
` 6 each fully paid = = ` 11.765/share

Question 12 – Nov RTP – 2011

Capital Structure of Happy Limited as at 31.3.2011
` in Lakhs

Equity share Capital (` 10 each) 10

10% Preference share capital 5
15% Debenture 8
Reserves 4
Lot Limited earns a profit of ` 5 Lakhs annually on an average before depreciation and
interest on debentures and income tax which works out to be 40%.
Normal return on equity shares of companies similarly placed is 12%, provided
a. Profit after tax covers fixed interest and fixed dividends at least 3 times.
b. Capital gearing ratio is 0.75
c. Yield on shares is calculated at 50% of profits distributed and at 5% on
undistributed profits.
Happy Limited has been regularly paying equity dividend of 10%. Compute the value of
equity shares of the company.
Amalgamation and Corporate Restructuring 253

Yield Value
Steps W. N
1. Expected Rate of Return 1 5.39%
2. Normal Rate of Return 2 13%
3. Yield Value 3 `. 4.15/share

1. Expected Rate of Return

EBIT ` 5,00,000

Less Interest `. 1,20,000

Profit before Tax ` 3,80,000

Less Tax (40%) ` 1,52,000

Profit After Tax ` 2,28,000

Less Preference Dividend ` 50,000

Earnings for Equity ` 1,78,000

Dividend Distributed Undistributed Profits

(10,00,000 x 10%) 1,00,000 78,000
x 50% x 5%

` 50,000 ` 3,900

` 53,900

Profits 53,900
ERR = x 100 = x 100 = 5.39%
Total Paid up Equity 10,00,000

Normal Rate of Return = 12% subject to

PAT + Interest 2,28,000 + 1,20,000
= = 2.05 < 3
Interest + Fixed Dividend 1,20,000 + 50,000
Condition is not satisfied and therefore NRR = 12 + 0.5 = 12.5
Capital Bearing Fixed Rate 5,00,000 + 8,00,000
Capital Gearing Ratio = = =
Capital Not Bearing Fixed Rate 10,00,000 + 4,00,000
0.93 > 0.75
Condition not satisfied, therefore NRR = 12.5 + 0.5 = 13%
3. Yield Value
ERR 5.39
= x paid up value per share = x 100 = ` 4.15/share
NRR 13
254 CA Final Financial Reporting

Question 13 – Nov Paper – 2011

The following is the Balance sheet of Bat Ltd. as at 31st March 2010.
Liabilities `. Assets `.
3,00,000 Equity shares of Goodwill 3,00,000
₹ 10 each fully paid 30,00,000 Building 20,00,000
12.5 % Preference capital 20,00,000 Machinery 22,00,000
General Reserve 15,00,000 Furniture 10,00,000
Profit and loss A/c 3,00,000 Investments 16,00,000
Secured Loan 10,00,000 Stock 12,00,000
Creditors 30,00,000 Sundry debtors 20,00,000
Bank 4,00,000
1,07,00,000 1,07,00,000
Additional Information
1. Fixed Assets are worth above the book Value. Stock is overvalued by ` 1,00,000. Debtors
are to be reduced by 40,000. Trade Investments, which constitutes 10% of the initial
investments are to be valued at 10% below Cost.
2. Trade investments were purchased on 1/4/2009. 50% of the non trade investments
were purchased on 1.4.2008 and the rest on 1.4.2009. Non – trade investment yielded
15% return on cost.
3. In 2008 – 2009, Furniture with Book Value of ` 1,00,000 was sold for ` 50,000. This
loss should be treated as non – recurring or extra ordinary item for the purpose of
calculation of Average Adjusted Profit.
4. In 2007 – 2008, new machinery costing ` 2,00,000 was purchased, but wrongly charged
to revenue. This amount should be adjusted taking depreciation at 10% on reducing
value method.
5. Return on capital employed is 20% in similar business.
6. Goodwill is to be valued at two years purchase of super profits based on simple average
profits of last four years.
Profit of last four years are as under

Year Amount (`)

2006 – 07 13,00,000
2007 – 08 14,00,000
2008 – 09 16,00,000
2009 – 10 18,00,000
It is assumed that preference dividend has been paid till date.
7. Depreciation on overall increased value of asset need not be considered. Depreciation
on the additional value of only plant and machinery is to be considered taking
depreciation at 10% on reducing value method while calculating average adjusted
Amalgamation and Corporate Restructuring 255

Find out the intrinsic value of the equity shares. Ignore income tax and dividend Tax.
Super profit method
Details W.N
1. Future Maintainable Profits 1 14,57,950
2. Average Capital Employed 2 54,84,380
3. Normal Rate of Return 20%
4. Normal Profits (Step 2 x Step 3) 10,96,876
5. Super Profits (Step 1 – Step 4) 3,61,074
6. Goodwill (Step 5 x 3 yrs purchase) ` 7,22,148

Working Notes
1. Future Maintainable Profits
Particulars 06-07 07-08 08-09 09-10
Profits 13,00,000 14,00,000 16,00,000 18,00,000
Less Stock Overvalued - - - (1,00,000)
Less Bad Debts - - - (40,000)
Less Income from Investments - - (1,08,000) (2,16,000)
Add Loss on Furniture - - 50,000 -
Add Machinery Capitalized - 2,00,000 - -
Less Depreciation on Machinery - (2,00,000) (18,000) (16,200)
Net Profits as adjusted 13,00,000 15,80,000 15,24,000 14,27,800

Average Profits ` 14,57,950

1. Capital Employed
Particulars Amount Amount
Tangible Trading Assets
Building 20,00,000
Machinery 23,45,800
Furniture 10,00,000
Add – 10%
Investments 1,44,000
Stock 11,00,000
Debtors 19,60,000
Bank 4,00,000 94,84,380
Less External Liability
Secured Loan 10,00,000
Creditors 30,00,000 40,00,000
Capital Employed 54,84,380

Investments 16,00,000
256 CA Final Financial Reporting

15% Non Trading Trade

14,40,000 1,60,000 – Revised Value = `


1,20,000 7,20,000
1.4.2008 1.4.2009
A. Intrinsic Value (Cum Dividend)
Steps W.N
1. Net Assets for Equity Share holders 1 56,46,528
2. No of Equity shares 3,00,000
3. Intrinsic Value (step 1 / Step 2) `. 18.82 /share

Working Notes
1. Net Assets for Equity Shareholders
Particulars Amount
Capital Employed 54,84,380
Add : Goodwill 7,22,148
Add : Non trade Investments 14,40,000
Net Assets 76,46,528
Less Preference Due
Preference Share Capital 20,00,000
Net Assets for Equity Share Capital 56,46,528
Question 14 – RTP – May 2012
The summarized Balance sheet of Precious Limited as on 31st December, 2011 is as
Liabilities Amount Assets Amount
Share Capital (Shares of ` 100 Fixed Assets
Goodwill 1,50,000
4,50,000 Freehold Property 3,75,000
4,500 Equity shares
1,50,000 Plant and Machinery 1,50,000
1500, 6% Preference shares
7,50,000 Quoted Investment 3,00,000
Profit and Loss A/c
3,00,000 Current Assets
5% Debentures
2,39,250 Stock 2,70,000
Sundry Creditors
Debtors 2,99,250
Bank Balance 3,45,000
18,89,250 18,89,250
Profits for three years 2009, 2010 and 2011 after charging debenture interest and tax
before providing for preference dividend were ` 2,20,500, ` 3,22,500 and ` 2,40,000
1. Preference shares are payable at par on liquidation
2. The Purchaser wants to acquire all the 4,500 equity shares
3. The Price for Equity shares is to be based on the following assumptions
Amalgamation and Corporate Restructuring 257

a) The normal return of 10% on net assets (at revised valuation) attributable to
equity shares
b) Debentures will be redeemed at a discount of 25% prior to the sale of the business.
In order to provide funds for this purpose, investments will be sold out
c) The value of freehold property is agreed to be ascertained on the basis of 8%
return, The current annual rental is ` 50,400

d) A claim of ` 8,250 was omitted to be provided in the year 2011.

e) Market Value of quoted investments was ` 3,75,000

f) Non – recurring profits are to be eliminated. 10% of the profits for 2010 referred
above arose from a transaction of a non – recurring nature.
g)A provision of 5% on sundry debtors was made on 2011 which is no longer required
(the provision when made was taken into account for purposes of income – tax @
Calculate the value of the company shares (from the point of view of purchaser) after
taking into account the revised values of assets and liabilities and value the goodwill based
on three years purchases of the super profit based on the average profits of the last three
Valuation of share of Precious Ltd.
Particulars Amount
Capital Employed 16,08,750
Add: Goodwill 2,67,375
Less: Preference capital (1,50,000)
Net assets available to equity shareholders 17,26,125
No. of equity shares 4500
Value per equity share ` 383.58

1. Calculation of FMP
Particulars 2009 2010 2011
Profit after interest and tax but before preference 2,20,500 3,22,500 2,40,000
dividend - (32,500) -
Less : Profit from non-recurring activity - - (4,125)
Less : Claims not recorded (net of tax) - - 7,875
Add : Provision on longer required (net of tax) 2,20,500 2,90,500 2,43,750
Adjusted Profits 2,51,500
Simple average of the profits (as profits are
fluctuating) 7,500
Adjustments of items which will not be reflected in
future 2,59,000
Add : Debenture interest (Debenture redeemed)
(net of tax)

Future Maintainable Profits

258 CA Final Financial Reporting

2. Future Maintainable Profit available for equity shareholders

Particulars Amount
Total future maintainable profits 2,59,000
Less: Dividend payable to preference shareholders (9,000)
Future Maintainable profit 2,50,000
3. Computation of Capital Employed
Particulars Amount Amount
Sundry Assets:
Freehold property (`50,400, 8%) 6,30,000
Plant and machinery
4,95,000 18,60,000
Bank Balance(3,45,000+3,75,000-2,25,000)
Less: Outside Liabilities
Omitted liability
3,750 (2,51,250)
Tax provision
Capital Employed
4. Calculation of Goodwill
Details W.N
1. Future Maintainable Profits 1 89,125
2. Average Capital Employed 3 16,08,875
3. Normal Rate of Return 10%
4. Normal Profits (Step 2 x Step 3) 2,50,000
5. Super Profits (Step 1 – Step 4) 89,125
6. Goodwill (Step 5 x 3 yrs purchase) 2,67,375
5. Calculation of Tax Provision
Particulars Amount `.
Provision for bad debts not required 15,750
Omitted claim(assuming Tax deductible) (8,250)
Net incremental profit on which tax is payable 7,500
Tax provision @ 50% 3,750
Question 15 - RTP – Nov 2012 – Similar to May 2011 Paper
Question 16 – Nov 2012 – paper – Similar to Nov RTP 2009
Question 17 – May RTP – 2013
The Balance Sheet of Wi-fi Ltd as on 31st March, 2012 is given below:
Liabilities ` Assets `
Share Capital: Fixed Assets:
Equity Shares of `10 6,00,000 Goodwill 40,000
Amalgamation and Corporate Restructuring 259

Less: Calls in arrears 20,000 5,80,000 Machinery 3,00,000

(2 for final call) Freehold 4,50,000
7% Preference Shares of Properties
Rs.10 each fully paid 3,00,000 Vehicles 1,00,000
Reserves and Surplus: Furniture 50,000
General Reserve 3,50,000 Investments 2,00,000
Profit and Loss Account 1,20,000 Current Assets:
Current Liabilities: Stock-in-Trade 2,50,000
Sundry Creditors 3,00,000 Sundry Debtors 4,00,000
Bank Loan 2,00,000 Cash at Bank 60,000
18,50,000 18,50,000
Additional information:

(i) On 1-4-2009 a new furniture costing ` 20,000 was purchased and wrongly charged to
revenue. No rectification has yet been made for above. Depreciation charged on
furniture is @ 10% on reducing system
(ii) Fixed Assets are worth 15% above their actual Book Value.
(iii) Stock is overvalued by ` 50,000 and 10% Debtors are doubtful.
(iv) Of the investments, 10% is in Trade and the balance Non-Trade. Trade investments are
to be valued at 10% below cost. A uniform rate of dividend of 10% is earned on all
(v) For the purpose of valuation of shares, goodwill is to be considered on the basis of 2
years' purchase of super profits based on average profit of last 3 years.
Profits are as follows:
Year `.
2009 - 10 2,50,000
2010 - 11 2,80,000
2011 - 12 3,30,000
(vi) In a similar business normal return on capital employed is 20%.
You are required to value each fully paid and partly paid equity shares, assuming tax
rate of 50%.
Super profit method
Details W.N
1. Future Maintainable Profits 1 ` 2,65,096
2. Average Capital Employed 2
` 11,89,767
3. Normal Rate of Return
4. Normal Profits (Step 2 x Step 3) 20%
5. Super Profits (Step 1 – Step 4) ` 2,37,953
6. Goodwill (Step 5 x 3 yrs purchase) ` 27,143
` 54,286
260 CA Final Financial Reporting

Working Notes
1. Future Maintainable Profits
Particulars 06-07 07-08 08-09
Profit after Tax 2,50,000 2,80,000 3,30,000
Add : Tax
Profit Before Tax 5,00,000 5,60,000 6,60,000
Add : Furniture Capitalized 20,000 - -
Less : Depreciation on Furniture (2,000) (1,800) (1,620)
Less : Income from Non Trade (18,000) (18,000) (18,000)
Investments - - (50,000)
Less : Stock - - (40,000)
Less Bad Debts
Net Profits as adjusted 5,00,000 5,40,200 5,50,380
Profit Before Tax 5,30,193
Less Tax (30%) 2,65,097
Profit After Tax 2,65,096
1. Capital Employed
Particulars Amount Amount
Tangible Trading Assets
Machinery 3,00,000
Property 4,50,000
Vehicles 1,00,000
Furniture 64,580
Add – 15%
Trade Investments 18,000
Stock 2,00,000
Debtors 3,60,000
Cash And Bank 60,000 22,41,700
Less External Liability
Creditors 3,00,000
Bank Loan 2,00,000 5,00,000
Capital Employed 11,89,767
2. Investments 2,00,000 (10%)

Non Trading Trade

1,80,000 20,000 – Revised Value = ` 18,000

A. Intrinsic Value
Steps W.N
1. Net Assets for Equity Share holders 1 ` 11,44,055
2. No of Equity shares
Amalgamation and Corporate Restructuring 261

3. Intrinsic Value
A. ` 10 each fully paid (Step 2 / Step 1) ` 19.07/share
B. ` 10 each, 8 paid up (- 2) ` 17.07/share

Working Notes
1. Net Assets for Equity Shareholders
Particulars Amount
Capital Employed 11,89,767
Add : Goodwill 54,288
Add : Non trade Investments 1,80,000
Net Assets 14,24,055
Less Preference Due
Preference Share Capital 3,00,000
Net Assets for Equity shareholders 11,24,055
Add Calls in Arrears (Notional Call) 20,000
Net Assets for Equity Shareholders 11,44,055
Question – 18 – RTP – Nov 2013
A ltd. and its subsidiary B ltd. get their supply of some essential raw materials from C
ltd. To co-ordinate their production on more profitable basis. A ltd. and C Ltd. agreed
between themselves each to acquire a quarter of shares in the other’s Authorized Capital by
means of exchange of shares. The terms are as follows:

I. A Ltd’s shares are quoted at ` 14, but for the purpose of exchange the value is to be
taken at the higher of two value, e.g.(a) quote and (b) on the basis of the balance sheet
II. C Ltd’s shares which are unquoted are to be taken at the higher of the value as on (a)
yield basis and (b) the balance sheet basis. The future profits are estimated as `
1,05,000 subject to one third to be retained for development purposes. Shares of
similar companies yield 8%.

III. Tangible Fixed Assets of C Ltd. are to be taken at ` 8,70,000.

IV. Balance due on settlement is to be treated as loan between two companies.

The summarized balance sheets of the companies at the relevant date stood as follows:
LIABILITIES A Ltd.(`) B Ltd. (`) C Ltd. (`)
Authorised Share Capital 12,00,000 5,00,000 10,00,000
Equity Shares of `.10 each 8,00,000 5,00,000 7,50,000
Securities Premium 80,000 - -
7% Debentures 3,00,000 - -
Profit and Loss A/c 2,40,000 2,20,000 2,10,000
Trade Payables 2,80,000 1,80,000 2,10,000
Bank Overdraft 1,00,000 50,000 -
18,00,000 9,50,000 11,70,000
262 CA Final Financial Reporting

Tangible Assets 11,10,000 7,00,000 7,70,000

Investment (40000 shares in B Ltd.) 4,70,000 - -

Current Assets 2,10,000 2,40,000 3,90,000
Underwriting Commission 10,000 10,000 10,000
18,00,000 9,50,000 11,70,000
Compute the value of the shares according to the terms of the agreements and to
present the final settlement, showing all the necessary workings.
Statement showing the valuation of shares on Balance Sheet basis
Particulars A ltd. B Ltd. C Ltd.
Tangible Fixed Assets 11,10,000 7,00,000 8,70,000
Investment in B Ltd.(4/5 of net assets -
i.e.`.7,10,000) 5,68,000
2,10,000 2,40,000 3,90,000
Current Assets
18,88,000 9,40,000 12,60,000
Outside Liabilities
7% Debentures 3,00,000
Trade Payables 2,80,000 1,80,000 2,10,000
Bank overdraft 1,00,000 50,000
Net Assets 6,80,000 2,30,000 2,10,000
No. of shares 80,000 50,000 75,000
Book Value 15.10 14.20 14.00

Yield Value
Steps W. N
1. Expected Rate of Return 1 9.33%
2. Normal Rate of Return 8%
3. Yield Value 2 ` 11.67/share

Particulars Amount
Annual profits 1,05,000
Less:1/3 retained for development (35,000)
Distributable Profits 70,000

Working notes:
1. ERR = x 100
Total Paid up Equity
= x 100
=9.33 %
2. Yield Value
ERR 9.33
= x paid up value per share = x 10 = ` 11.67/- share
Amalgamation and Corporate Restructuring 263

A ltd.:Value taken as per agreement of exchange of shares between A Ltd. and C Ltd. `

15.10 per share, being the amount of Balance Sheet value, higher than the quoted value of `
14.00 per share.
C Ltd.:` 14.00 per share being the amount of Balance Sheet value, higher than the yield

value of ` 11.67 per share.

Statement of Settlement
Particulars Amount
Shares issued by A Ltd. to C Ltd. 30,000shares @` 15.10 per 4,53,000
Shares issued by C Ltd. to A Ltd. 25,000 shares @` 14.10 per
Loan by A ltd. to C Ltd.
Question 19 – Nov RTP - 2014
Following is the balance sheet of Survey Ltd. as on 31st March, 2014.
Liabilities Amount Assets Amount
50,000 Equity shares of ` 10 each 5,00,000 Building 3,50,000
2,50,000 Plant and 4,30,000
2,500 12% Preference shares of ` 100
2,20,000 Machinery 80,000
each 1,20,000 Patents 2,00,000
Profit and Loss A/c 1,80,000 Sundry Debtors 2,90,000
15% Debentures 1,50,000 Stock in trade 70,000
General Reserve Cash at Bank
14,20,000 14,20,000
Building and Plant and Machinery were required many years ago and should be
considered as worth
` 5,00,000 and ` 6,30,000
The profits for the last five years were as follows
Years Profits after tax
2009-10 1,80,000
2010-11 2,50,000
2011-12 60,000
2012-13 3,00,000
2013-14 3,50,000
The company paid a remuneration of ` 50,000 p.a. to the managerial personnel, but in

future it will be paying ` 75,000, the increase having been sanctioned by the Government.
During 2011-12, there was a prolonged strike, resulting in low profits. There has been no
substantial change in the capital employed. The company has paid a dividend of 12 percent
on equity shares consistently and proposes to stick to this rate in the foreseeable future. In
the class of business to which the company belongs, the dividend rates have been
264 CA Final Financial Reporting

fluctuating and the asset backing of an equity share is about 2 times. Equity shares with an
average dividend of 15% sell at par. The company is anxious to provide funds for
replacement of assets when due, for which it is proposed to make 20% provision on PAT.
Assume future tax rate to be 40%. Calculate the value of an equity share of Survey Ltd. on
yield basis.
Calculation of value per share on yield basis (Earnings Capitalisation Method)
Particulars Amount
F.M.P 1,01,040
Normal Rate of Return (W.N.3) 14.25%
Value of business 7,09,053
Number of equity shares outstanding 50,000
Value per share 14.18
Working Notes:
Computation of FMP available for distribution
Weighted average profits
Year Profit before tax Weight Product
2009-10 1,80,000 1 1,80,000
2010-11 2,50,000 2 5,00,000
2012-13 3,00,000 3 9,00,000
2013-14 3,50,000 4 14,00,000
10 29,80,000
Note: Profit of the year 2011-12 has not been considered, because it is a year of strike.
Particulars Amount
Weighted average profit=29,80,000/10 2,98,000

Less: increase in managerial remuneration (25000)

PBT 2,73,000
Tax @ 40% (1,09,200)
PAT 1,63,800
Less: Provision for replacement of fixed Assets(` 1,63,800x20%) (32,760)
Less:Dividend for preference shares(` 2,50,000x12%)
Earning available for distribution
2. Ascertainment of NRR criteria as applicable to Survey Ltd.
(A)Asset backing:
Particulars Amount Amount
Total assets as per balance sheet 14,20,000
Add: Increase in the value of building 1,50,000
Increase in the value of plant and machinery 2,00,000
Total 17,70,000
Less: Outside Liabilities and preference share
Amalgamation and Corporate Restructuring 265

capital 1,50,000
Sundry creditors 1,20,000
15%debentures 2,50,000 (5,20,000)
12% Preference Share capital 12,50,000
Asset backing for equity share capital(a-b) 5,00,000
Equity share Capital 2.5 times
Asset backing
(B) Dividend Rates:
Dividend rates have been fluctuating in the industry while the Survey Ltd. has constant
dividend rates.
3. Computation of adjusted Normal Rate of Return as applicable to Survey Ltd.
PARTICULARS Asset backing Dividend
Industry standard 2 times Fluctuating
Survey Ltd. 2.5 times Constant
Degree of variance from standard +25% N.A
Impact on risk and consequent adjustment to NRR
Quantum of Adjustment to NRR(assuming 100%variance -0.25% -0.50%

Adjusted NRR=15%-0.25%-0.50%=14.25%
Question 20 – Nov 2014 paper
The majority shareholders of MSL Limited desire to sell their holding to 1 Influx Funds.
The following information has been provided by MSL Limited :
Rs.in lacs
Particulars 2012 2013 2014
Equity and Liabilities
12000 Equity Shares of Rs.100 each 12.00 12.00 12.00
General Reserve 6.85 7.75 9.00
Profit and Loss Account 2.64 5.95 8.25
Current Liabilities 6.80 5.45 3.85
28.29 31.15 33.10
Tangible Assets 12.00 13.00 14.00
Intangible Assets
Goodwill 6-30 5.30 4.30
Current Assets
Inventories 6.28 7.34 8.51
Other Current Assets 3.71 5.51 6.29
28.29 31.15 33.10
266 CA Final Financial Reporting

(i) The valuation of the tangible assets has been done by a professional valuer and
increase of 10% in year 2011-12 and 2012-13 and 12.5% in 2014 is estimated over the
given book value.

(ii) The inventories have been valued at ` 6.32 lacs as on 31st March 2012, ` 8.47 lacs as on

31st March 2013 and ` 10.68 lacs as on 31st March 2014.

(iii) The company has been, charging depreciation @ 10% p.a.

(iv) The balance of Profit and Loss account and General Reserve on 1st April 2011 was ` 2.18
lacs and 14.25 lacs respectively.
(v) Tax rate was 30% in all the years.
(vi) The goodwill shall be revalued based on 4 years purchase of average super profits of
last three years.
(vii) The normal expectation in the industry is 10%.
Calculate the fair value of shares of MSL Limited.
Super profit method
Details W.N In lakhs
1. Future Maintainable Profits 1 4.012
2. Average Capital Employed 2 20.857
3. Normal Rate of Return 10%
4. Normal Profits (Step 2 x Step 3) 2.0857
5. Super Profits (Step 1 – Step 4) 1.9263
6. Goodwill (Step 5 x 4 yrs purchase) 7.7052
Working Notes
1. Future Maintainable Profits
Particulars 11-12 12-13 13-14
Closing Profit and Loss 2.64 5.95 8.25
Less Opening Profit and loss 2.18 2.64 5.95
0.46 3.31 2.3
Add General Reserve 2.6 0.9 1.25
NPAT 3.06 4.21 3.55
Add : Tax (30%)
NPBT 4.37 6.01 5.07
Less Depreciation (0.12) (0.13) (0.175)
Add Under valuation of closing Stock 0.04 1.13 2.17
Less Under valuation of opening Stock - (0.04) (1.13)
NPBT 4.29 6.97 5.935
Less : Tax (30%)
Net Profits after tax 3.003 4.879 4.1545

Average Profits ` 4.012

Amalgamation and Corporate Restructuring 267

2. Average Capital Employed

Particulars 11-12 12-13 13-14
Tangible Trading Assets
Tangible Assets 13.08 14.17 15.575
Inventory 6.32 8.47 10.68
Other CA 3.71 5.51 6.29
23.11 28.15 32.545
Less External Liabilities
Current Liabilities 6.8 5.45 3.85
Closing Capital Employed 16.31 22.70 28.695
Opening Capital Employed 12 + 2.18 + 16.31 22.7
Average Capital Employed 17.37 19.505 25.6975

Average Capital Employed = = 20.857

A. Intrinsic Value
Steps W.N
1. Net Assets for Equity Share holders 1 36.4002
2. No of Equity shares 12,000
3. Intrinsic Value (step 1 / Step 2) ` 303.335/share

Working Notes
Net Assets for Equity Shareholders
Particulars Amount
Capital Employed 28.695
Add : Goodwill 7.7052
Net Assets 36.4002
B. Yield Value
Steps W. N
1. Expected Rate of Return 1 20.24
2. Normal Rate of Return 2 10
3. Yield Value 3 ` 202.42

Expected Rate of Return

Average Profit After Tax 4.012
Less Transfer to General Reserve 1.583
2.6 + 0.9 + 1.25
Avg =

Profits for Equity 2.429

Profits for ESH
ERR = x 100 = 20.24%
Total Paid up Equity

Yield Value
268 CA Final Financial Reporting

ERR 20.24
= x paid up value per share = x 100 = ` 202.41/share
NRR 10

C. Fair Value
IV + Yield 303.335 + 202.42
Fair Value = = = ` 252.8675/share
2 2

Question 21 – RTP – May 2015

Yogesh Ltd. showed the following performance over 5 years ended 31st March, 2015:

Year Ended on *Net profit Prior period Remarks

31st March before tax adjustment
` `
2011 4,00,000 (−) 1,00,000 Relating to 2009-10
2012 3,50,000 (−) 2,50,000 Relating equally to
2009-10 and 2010-11
2013 6,50,000 (+) 1,50,000 Relating to 2011-12
2014 5,50,000 (−) 1,75,000 Relating to 2011-12
2015 6,00,000 (−) 1,00,000 Relating to 2011-12
(+) 25,000 Relating to 2013-14

*Net profit before tax is after debiting or crediting the figures of loss (−) or gains (+)
mentioned under the columns for prior period adjustments.

The net worth of the business as per the balance sheet of 31st March, 2010 is `

6,00,000 backed by 10,000 fully paid equity shares of ` 10 each. Reserves and surplus
constitute the balance net worth. Yogesh Ltd. has not declared any dividend till date.
You are asked to value equity shares on:
(a) Yield basis as on 31.3.2015, assuming:

(i) 40% rate of tax

(ii) anticipated after tax yield of 20%.
(iii) differential weightage of 1 to 5 being given for the five years starting on 1.4.2010
for the actual profits of the respective years.

(b) Net asset basis as per corrected balance sheets for each of the six years ended

Looking to the performance of the company over the 5 years period, would you invest
in the company?
Valuation of shares on yield basis as on 31st March,2015
Amalgamation and Corporate Restructuring 269

Year Profits Adjustments Revised Tax After tax weights Weighted

ended Profits Provision Profits profits
Increase Decrease
2011 4,00,000 1,00,000 1,25,000 3,75,000 1,50,000 2,25,000 1 2,25,000
2012 3,50,000 2,50,000 1,00,000 4,75,000 1,90,000 2,85,000 2 5,70,000
1,50,000 1,75,000
2013 6,50,000 Nil 1,50,000 5,00,000 2,00,000 3,00,000 3 9,00,000
2014 5,50,000 1,75,000 Nil 7,50,000 3,00,000 4,50,000 4 18,00,000
2015 6,00,000 1,00,000 25,000 6,75,000 2,70,000 4,05,000 5 20,25,000
15 55,20,000

Weighted Average profit (after Tax)=55,20,000/15=` 3,68,000

Particulars Amount
a) Weighted Average profit (after Tax) 3,68,000
b) NRR 20%
c) Value of Business(a/b) 18,40,000
d) No. of shares 10,000
e) Value of equity share (c/d) 184
b) Valuation of Shares of Net Assets Basis
(i) Revised net worth as on 31st March,2010 Amount Amount
Net worth 6,00,000
Less: Adjustments relating to
2010-11 1,00,000
2011-12 1,25,000
Less: Relief from tax @ 40% (90,000) 1,35,000
(ii) Net Asset Value(No. of shares=10,000)
As on 31st March
2010: Revised net worth 4,65,000
Value per share 46.50
2011:Revised net worth as on 31.3.2010 4,65,000
Add: After tax revised profits of 2010-11 2,25,000
Net Worth as on 31.3.2011 6,90,000
Value per share 69.00
2012:Revised net worth as on 31.3.2011 6,90,000
Add: After tax revised profits of 2011-12 2,85,000
Net Worth as on 31.3.2012 9,75,000
Value per share 97.50
2013:Revised net worth as on 31.3.2012 9,75,000
Add: After tax revised profits of 2012-13 3,00,000
Net Worth as on 31.3.20113 12,75,000
Value per share 127.50
2014:Revised net worth as on 31.3.2013 12,75,000
270 CA Final Financial Reporting

Add: After tax revised profits of 2013-14 4,50,000

Net Worth as on 31.3.2014 17,25,000
Value per share 172.50
2015:Revised net worth as on 31.3.2014 17,25,000
Add: After tax revised profits of 2014-15 4,05,000
Net Worth as on 31.3.2015 21,30,000
Value per share
Performance Appraisal
Revised Net Worth as Profit during the Return on net
on 31st March year ended 31st worth(%)
2010 4,65,000 2011 2,25,000 48.39
2011 6,90,000 2012 2,85,000 41.30
2012 9,75,000 2013 3,00,000 30.77
2013 12,75,000 2014 4,50,000 35.29
2014 17,25,000 2015 4,05,000 23.48
The company’s return has fallen from 48.39% to 23.48%.This is due to the fact that the
company has been ploughing back the profits without having adequate reinvestment
opportunities. It is not advisable to invest in this company.
Question 22 – Nov 2015 – RTP – Similar to SFM – Chapter Mergers and Acquisition
Amalgamation and Corporate Restructuring 271


Valuation of Business
Years May Nov
RTP Paper RTP Paper
2008 NA NA Yes NA
2009 NA Yes NA NA
2010 Yes NA NA NA
2011 NA NA NA NA
2012 NA Yes NA NA
2013 NA NA NA NA
2014 Yes NA NA NA
2015 Yes Yes NA Yes
2008 .
Question 1 Nov. 2008 RTP
Xeta Ltd. plans to take over Beta Ltd. Independent Cash Flows forecasts of the
companies are as follows:
Year 1 2 3 4 5
Xeta Ltd.(`. in 200 225 250 270 285
Lakhs) 50 65 80 95 110
Beta Ltd.(`. in
Year 6 7 8 9 10
Xeta Ltd.(`. in 310 350 600 610 650
Lakhs) 120 130 150 170 180

Beta Ltd.(`. in
Following further information is available from the latest Balance Sheet of Beta Ltd.
` in lakhs
Fixed Assets 500
Stock 115
Debtors 50
272 CA Final Financial Reporting

Less: Liabilities
Sundry Creditors 165
Long Term loan 200 (365)
Net Assets 300
Xeta Ltd. finds that fixed assets of book value ` 75 Lakhs will not be used which will
fetch ` 50 Lakhs on immediate disposal. Moreover, stock will fetch `140 Lakhs and debtors `
48 Lakhs immediately. But Xeta Ltd. has to payoff the liabilities immediately. Also it has to
pay ` 110 Lakhs to workers of Beta Ltd. whose services cannot be used. It appears that after
merger Xeta Ltd. has to invest ` 210 Lakhs for renovation of the plant and machinery at the
end 1st year and 50 Lakhs for modernization at the end of 2nd year after merger.
Forecast of cash flows of Xeta Ltd. after merger.
Year 1 2 3 4 5
Cash flows(` in Lakhs) 240 280 350 400 410
Year 6 7 8 9 10
Cash flows(` in Lakhs) 480 550 800 880 950

Determine the maximum value of Beta Ltd. which its management should ask from Xeta
Ltd. You may use 20 % discount rate.
Statement Showing Maximum Value to be quoted
Particular ` Amt ` Amt
Value of Merged Entities as per Discounted Cash flows (WN1) 502.38
Add: Cash Collected on Assets
Fixed Assets 50.00
Stock 140.00
Debtors 48.00 238.00
Less: Cash Outflow
Sundry Creditors 165.00
Long Term Loan 200.00
Compensation to Workers 110.00
Renovation of Plant & Machinery (210 x 0.8333) 174.99
Moderation of Plant & Machinery (50 x 0.6944) 34.72 (684.71)
Maximum Value to be quoted 55.67
Working Note 1
Valuation of Xeta Ltd in Case of Merger
Year Cash flow After Cash Flow Incremental Df @ 20% Discounted
Merger before Cash Flow Cash Flow
1 240 200 40 0.833 33.33
2 280 25 55 0.694 38.19
3 350 250 100 0.579 57.87
4 400 270 130 0.482 62.70
5 410 285 125 0.402 50.24
Amalgamation and Corporate Restructuring 273

6 480 310 170 0.335 56.93

7 550 350 200 0.279 55.82
8 800 600 200 0.233 46.52
9 880 610 270 0.194 52.33
10 950 650 300 0.162 48.45

Beta Ltd can quote as high as ` 55,67,000 for the take over

Question 2 – May 2009 - Paper
The Balance Sheets of R Ltd for the years ended on 31st March 2000, 2001 and 2002
are as follows:
LIABILITIES 31.3.2000 31.3.2001 31.3.2002
3,20,000 Equity Shares of Rs.10 each fully 32,00,000 32,00,000 32,00,000
General Reserve 24,00,000 28,00,000 32,00,000
Profit & Loss A/c 2,80,000 3,20,000 4,80,000
Creditors 12,00,000 16,00,000 20,00,000
70,80,000 79,20,000 88,80,000
Goodwill 20,00,000 16,00,000 12,00,000
Building & Machinery (less Depreciation) 28,00,000 32,00,000 32,00,000
Stock 20,00,000 24,00,000 28,00,000
Debtors 40,000 3,20,000 8,80,000
Bank Balance 2,40,000 4,00,000 8,00,000
70,80,000 79,20,000 88,80,000
Actual Valuation were as under:
Building and Machinery 36,00,000 40,00,000 44,00,000
Stock 24,00,000 28,00,000 32,00,000
Net Profit (including opening balance)
after writing off depreciation and goodwill, tax provision
and transfer to General Reserve 8,40,000 12,40,000 16,40,000

Capital employed in the business at market values at the beginning of 1999-2000 was `
73,20,000, which included the cost of Goodwill. The normal annual returns on average
capital employed in the line of business engaged by R Ltd is 12½. The balance in General
Reserve on 1st April 1999 was ` 20 lakhs. The Goodwill shown on 31.3.2000 was purchased

on 1.4.1999 for ` 20,00,000 on which date the balance in Profit & Loss A/c was ` 2,40,000.

Find out the average capital employed each year. Goodwill is to be valued at 5 years
purchase of Super Profits (simple average).
Also find out total value of the business.
274 CA Final Financial Reporting

Valuation of Goodwill
Super Profit Method (No. of years purchase)
Details W.N
1. Future Maintainable Profits 1 ` 17,60,000
2. Average Capital Employed 2
` 75,00,000
3. Normal Rate of Return
4. Normal Profits (Step 2 x Step 3) 12.5%
5. Super Profits (Step 1 – Step 4) ` 9,37,500
6. Goodwill (Step 5 x 5 yrs purchase) ` 8,22,500
` 41,12,500

Particulars 31.3.2006 31.3.2007 31.3.2008

Net Profit 8,40,000 12,40,000 16,40,000
Less : Opening Balance (2,40,000) (2,80,000) (3,20,000)
Add : Undervaluation of Closing Stock 4,00,000 4,00,000 4,00,000
Less : Undervaluation of Opening - (4,00,000) (4,00,000)
Stock - 4,00,000 4,00,000
Add : Goodwill Written off 4,00,000 4,00,000 4,00,000
Add : Transfer to General Reserve 14,00,000 17,60,000 21,20,000

(14,00,000 + 17,60,000 + 21,20,000)

Average Profit =
= ` 17,60,000
Average Capital Employed at the end of each Year
Particulars 31.3.2006 31.3.2007 31.3.2008
Goodwill 20,00,000 16,00,000 12,00,000
Building & 36,00,000 40,00,000 44,00,000
Machinery 24,00,000 28,00,000 32,00,000
Stock (Revalued) 40,000 3,20,000 8,80,000
Debtors 2,40,000 4,00,000 8,00,000
Bank Balance 82,80,000 91,20,000 104,80,000
Total Assets
Less: 12,00,000 16,00,000 20,00,000
Creditors 70,80,000 75,20,000 84,80,000
Closing Capital 73,20,000 70,80,000 75,20,000
Add: Opening 1,44,00,000 1,46,00,000 1,60,00,000
Capital 72,00,000 73,00,000 80,00,000
Average Capital
(72,00,000 + 73,00,000 + 80,00,000)
Average Capital Employed =
= ` 75,00,000

Valuation of Business = 84,80,000 + 41,12,500 – 12,00,000 = 1,13,92,500

Amalgamation and Corporate Restructuring 275

Question 3 – May– 2010-RTP
Shree Ltd. gives the following information:

Current profit ` 210 lakhs

Compound growth rate of profit 7.5% p.a.
Current cash flows from operations ` 270 lakhs
Compound growth rate of cash flows 6.5% p.a.
Current price earning ratio 12
Discount factor 20%
Find out the value of Shree Ltd. taking 10 years projected profit or cash flows based on
Discounted earnings method, (ii) Discounted cash flows method
Method1: Discounted Earnings Method
Year Earning Discounting Factor @ 20% Present Value In Lakhs
1 225.75 0.833 188.117
2 242.68 0.694 168.517
3 260.88 0.579 150.971
4 280.45 0.482 135.261
5 301.48 0.402 121.165
6 324.09 0.335 108.538
7 348.40 0.279 97.238
8 374.53 0.233 87.116
9 402.62 0.194 78.028
10 432.82 0.162 69.900

Method2: Discounted Cash Flow Method

Year Earning Discount Factor @ 20% Present Value (in Lakhs)
1 287.55 0.833 239.615
2 306.24 0.694 212.653
3 326.15 0.579 188.743
4 347.35 0.482 167.527
5 369.92 0.402 148.671
6 393.97 0.335 131.941
7 419.58 0.279 117.105
8 446.85 0.233 103.937
9 475.89 0.194 92.227
10 506.83 0.162 81.853
Value of Business as per Discounted Earning Method = ` 1204.851 Lakhs
276 CA Final Financial Reporting

Value of Business as per Discounted Cash Flow Method = ` 1484.272

2012 ..
Question 4 May – 2012-paper
NRPL (Nuclear Reactors Private Limited) is engaged in the business of design and
construction of nuclear reactors that are supplied exclusively to the Atomic Energy
Department. The core component of such reactors is outsourced by NRPL from FIL (Fusion
Industrials Ltd.) the sole manufacturer of this item. NRPL wants to gain leadership in this
industry and seeks to take over FIL. NRPL estimates that its Goodwill in the industry will
increase by a minimum of ` 300 crores consequent on the acquisition. NRPL has made the
following calculation of the economic benefits presently available and that foreseen as a
result of the acquisition.
(i) Projected Cash Flows of NRPL for the next 5 years:
Year 1 2 3 4 5
Cash flow (`. in crores) 1,000 1,500 2,000 2,500 3,000

(ii) Projected Cash Flow of FIL for the next 5 years.

Year 1 2 3 4 5
Cash flow (`. in crores) 400 400 600 800 1,000

(iii) Audited net worth of FIL

Fixed assets 2,000
Investments (non-trade) 1,000
Current assets 1,000
Total 4,000
Current liabilities 1,000
Net worth 3,000
(iv) Other information:
(a) 10% of the fixed assets of FIL will not be required in the event of the acquisition
and the same has ready buyers for ` 100 crore.

(b) Current Assets include surplus stocks of ` 20 crore that can realize ` 30 crore.

(c) Investments have a ready marked for ` 1,500 crore.

(d) The current liabilities are to be paid off immediately; ` 510 crores are payable on
account of a compensation claim awarded against FIL, which has been treated as a
contingent liability in the accounts on which 20 percent was provided for.
(v) NRPL has estimated the combined cash flows post merger as under:
Year 1 2 3 4 5
Cash flow (` in crores) 1,500 2,000 2,500 3,000 3,500

You are required to advise NRPL the maximum value it can pay for takeover of FIL; also
show the current valuation of FIL as a ‘Stands Alone’ entity. The Discount rate of 15% is
advised appropriate, values for which are given below:
Amalgamation and Corporate Restructuring 277

Year P.V
1 0.870
2 0.756
3 0.658
4 0.572
5 0.497
Calculation of Operation synergy expected to arise out of merger
Year 1 2 3 4 5
Projected Cash Flow of
NRPL after merger with 1,500 2,000 2,500 3,000 3,500
Less: Projected Cash Flow (1000) (1,500) (2,000) (2,500) (3,000)
NRPL Ltd. without Merger
500 500 500 500 500
Valuation of F/L in Case of Merger
Year Cash Flow from Discount Factor Discounted Cash Flow
1 500 0.870 435.00
2 500 0.756 378.00
3 500 0.658 329.00
4 500 0.572 286.00
5 500 0.497 284.50
Maximum Value to be quoted
Particulars ` in Crores ` in Crores
Value as Discounted Cash Flows from
Operations 1,676.50
Add: Increase in Goodwill of NRPL 300
Add: Cash Collected on Disposal of Assets 1,976.50
Total 100
Fixed Assets 1,500
Investments 30 1,630.00
Stock 3,606.50
Less: Current Liabilities (1000-102) 510 (1408.00)
Compensation Claim 2,198.50
NRPL can quote as high as ` 2,198.50 Crores for taking over the Business of F/L
Valuation of FIL (without merger)
Year Cash Flow (` in Crores) Discount Factor Discounting Cash Flow
1 400 0.870 348.00
2 400 0.756 302.40
3 600 0.658 394.80
4 800 0.572 457.60
5 1,000 0.497 497.00
278 CA Final Financial Reporting

Question 5 May – 2014 - RTP

Jayadev Ltd. had earned a PAT of ` 48 lakhs for the year ended 2013. It wants you to
ascertain the value of its business, based on the following information:
1. Tax rate for the year 2013 was 36%. Future tax rate is estimated at 34%.
2. The company's equity shares are quoted at ` 120 at the Balance Sheet date. The

company had an equity capital of ` 100 lakhs, divided into shares of ` 50 each.
3. Profits for the year 2013 have been calculated after considering the following in the
Profit and Loss Account:
i. Subsidy ` 2 lakhs received from the Government towards fulfilment of certain social
obligations. The Government has withdrawn this subsidy and hence, this amount
will not be received in future.
ii. Interest ` 8 lakhs is on term loan. The final instalment of this term loan was fully
settled in this year.
iii. Managerial remuneration ` 15 lakhs. The shareholders have approved an increase of

` 6 lakhs in the overall managerial remuneration, from the next year onwards.

iv. Loss on sale of fixed assets and Investments amounting to ` 8 lakhs

Particulars `
Profit after Tax for the Year 2013 48,00,000
Add: Tax (48,00,000 x 36/64) 27,00,000
Profit Before Tax 75,00,000
Add/(Less): Non-Recurring items
(-) Subsidy income not Receivable in (2,00,000)
Future 8,00,000
(+) Interest on Loan Saved (6,00,000)
(-) Additional Managerial 8,00,000
Remuneration 83,00,000
(+) Loss on Sale of Fixed Assets (28,22,000)
FMP Before Tax 54,78,000
(-) Tax @ 34%
FMP (After Tax)
Computation of Capitalization Rate & Value of Business
Particular `
a) Profit After Tax for the Year 2013 48,00,000
b) No of Equity Shares (100/50 per Share) 2,00,000
c) EPS = PAT/No of Shares = a/b 24
d) Market Price per Share on Balance Sheet Date 120
e) Price Earnings Ratio = MPS/EPS 5
f) Capitalization Rate (1/PE Ratio) x 100 20%
Amalgamation and Corporate Restructuring 279

g) Value of Business = FMP/Capitalization Rate = ` 273.90 Lakhs


2015 .
Question 6 – May – 2015 - RTP
Shobhit Garments Ltd. produces and sells to retailers a certain range of fashion
(a) They have made the following estimates of potential cash flows for the next 10 years.
Year 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Cash Flows (` in 30,00 34,0 40,0 50,00 60,0 68,00 76,00 90,0 100,0 120,0
0 0 0 0 0 0

(b) Style Ltd. is a company which owns a series of boutiques in a certain locality. The
boutiques buy clothes from various suppliers and retail them. Each boutique has a
manager and an assistant but all purchasing and policy decisions are taken centrally.
Independent cash flow estimates of Style Ltd. were as follows:
Year 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Cash Flows (` in 240 320 400 560 680 920 1040 1200 1320 1600

(c) Shobhit Garments Ltd. is interested in acquiring Style Ltd. in order to get some
additional retail outlets. They make the following cost-benefit calculations:
(i) Net Value of assets of style Ltd.
` in Lakhs
Tangible Fixed Assets 1600
Investments 400
Stock and Receivables 800
Less Current Liabilities (800)
Net Assets 2000
(ii) Tangible Fixed Assets amounting to ` 100 lakhs cannot be used and their net
realisable value is
` 90 Lakhs

(iii) Stock and Receivables can be realised immediately at ` 940 Lakhs

(iv) Investments can be disposed off for ` 424 Lakhs

(v) Some workers of style Ltd are to be retrenched for which estimated compensation
is ` 260 Lakhs
(vi) Current liabilities are to be discharged immediately
280 CA Final Financial Reporting

(vii) ` 14.10 lakhs are payable on account of compensation claim awarded against
style Limited, which has been treated as a contingent liability, 20% of which was
provided for in accounts
(viii) shobhit garments Ltd. will invest ` 50 lakhs for renovating the building of style

limited immediately on takeover and will invest further ` 50 lakhs at the end of 2nd
(ix) Expected cash flows of the combined business will be as follows
Year 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Cash Flows 3600 3800 4600 5900 7000 8000 9000 10600 11600 13800
(` in lakhs)
(x) Shobit Garments Ltd estimates that its goodwill in the industry will increase by a
minimum of ` 300 lakhs consequent the acquisition.
Calculate the maximum per share of Style Limited which Shobit Garments Ltd can
quote. Use 20% as discouting factor.
Calculation of Present Value of Incremental Cash Flows.
Year Cash Flows Cash Flows Incremental Discounting Present
Before after Takeover Cash Flows Factor (20%) value
1 3,000 3,600 600 0.8333 499.98
2 3,400 3,800 400 0.6944 277.76
3 4,000 4,600 600 0.5787 347.22
4 5,000 5,900 900 0.4823 434.07
5 6,000 7,000 1000 0.4019 401.90
6 6,800 8,000 1200 0.3349 401.88
7 7,600 9,000 1400 0.2791 390.74
8 9,000 10,600 1600 0.2326 372.16
9 10,000 11,600 1600 0.1938 310.08
10 12,000 13,800 1800 0.1615 290.70
Maximum Value that can be quoted by Shobhit Garments Ltd.
Particulars ` in lakhs ` in lakhs
Present Value of Incremental Cash Flows 3,726.49
Add : Cash Inflows
Tangible Fixed Assets 90
Investments 424
Stock and Receivables 940 1454.00
Less : Cash Outflows 5180.49
Current Liabilities 800
Contingent Liability 11.28
Retrenchment Compensation 260
Amalgamation and Corporate Restructuring 281

Renovation of Plant 84.72 (1156.00)

Add : Goodwill 300
Maximum Value that can be Quoted 4324.49
Maximum Price Per shares (20 Lakhs ` 216.22 / share
Question 7 – May – 2015-Paper
The Balance Sheets of R Ltd for the years ended on 31st March 2000, 2001 and 2002
are as
a. follows:
LIABILITIES 31.3.2013 31.3.2014 31.3.2015
3,20,000 Equity Shares of ` 10 each fully 64,00,000 64,00,000 64,00,000
General Reserve 48,00,000 56,00,000 64,00,000
Profit & Loss A/c 5,60,000 6,40,000 9,60,000
Creditors 24,00,000 32,00,000 40,00,000
1,41,60,000 1,58,40,000 1,77,60,000
Goodwill 40,00,000 32,00,000 24,00,000
Building & Machinery (less Depreciation) 56,00,000 64,00,000 64,00,000
Stock 40,00,000 48,00,000 56,00,000
Debtors 80,000 6,40,000 17,60,000
Bank Balance 4,80,000 8,00,000 16,00,000
1,41,60,000 1,58,40,000 1,77,60,000
Actual Valuation were as under:
Building and Machinery 72,00,000 80,00,000 88,00,000
Stock 48,00,000 56,00,000 64,00,000
b. Net Profit (including opening balance)
c. after writing off depreciation and goodwill, tax provision
d. and transfer to General Reserve 16,80,000 24,80,000 32,80,000
e. Capital employed in the business at market values at the beginning of 2012-2013 was `
1,46,40,000, which included the cost of Goodwill. The normal annual returns on
average capital employed in the line of business engaged by R Ltd is 12½. The balance
in General Reserve on 1st April 2012 was ` 40 lakhs. The Goodwill shown on 31.3.2013

was purchased on 1.4.2012 for ` 40,00,000 on which date the balance in Profit & Loss

A/c was ` 4,80,000.

f. Find out the average capital employed each year. Goodwill is to be valued at 5 years
purchase of Super Profits (simple average).
Also find out total value of the business.
Valuation of Goodwill
282 CA Final Financial Reporting

Super Profit Method (No. of years purchase)

Details W.N
1. Future Maintainable Profits 1 ` 35,20,000
2. Average Capital Employed 2
` 1,50,00,000
3. Normal Rate of Return
4. Normal Profits (Step 2 x Step 3) 12.5%
5. Super Profits (Step 1 – Step 4) ` 18,75,000
6. Goodwill (Step 5 x 5 yrs purchase) ` 16,45,000
` 82,25,000

Future Maintainable Profit

Particulars 31.3.2013 31.3.2014 31.3.2015
Net Profit 16,80,000 24,80,000 32,80,000
Less : Opening Balance (4,80,000) (5,60,000) (6,40,000)
Add : Undervaluation of Closing Stock 8,00,000 8,00,000 8,00,000
Less : Undervaluation of Opening Stock - (8,00,000) (8,00,000)
Add : Goodwill Written off - 8,00,000 8,00,000
Add : Transfer to General Reserve
8,00,000 8,00,000 8,00,000
28,00,000 35,20,000 42,40,000
(28,00,000 +35,20,000 +42,40,000)
Average Profit =

= ` 35,20,000
Average Capital Employed at the end of each Year
Particulars 31.3.2013 31.3.2014 31.3.2015
Goodwill 40,00,000 32,00,000 24,00,000
Tangible Assets 72,00,000 80,00,000 88,00,000
Stock (Revalued) 48,00,000 56,00,000 64,00,000
Debtors 80,000 6,40,000 17,40,000
Bank Balance 4,80,000 8,00,000 16,00,000
Total Assets 1,65,60,000 1,82,40,000 2,09,60,000
Creditors 24,00,000 32,00,000 40,00,000
Closing Capital 1,41,60,000 1,50,40,000 1,69,60,000
Add: Opening Capital 1,46,40,000 1,41,60,000 1,50,40,000
Total 2,88,00,000 2,92,00,000 3,20,00,000
Average Capital 1,44,00,000 1,46,00,000 1,60,00,000
(1,44,00,000 + 1,46,00,000 + 1,60,000,000)
Average Capital Employed =
= ` 1,50,00,000
Valuation of Business = 1,69,60,000 + 82,25,000 – 24,00,000 = 2,27,85,000
Question 8 – Nov– 2015 - Paper
Amalgamation and Corporate Restructuring 283

Railways Products Private Ltd. (RPPL) is engaged in the business of design and
manufacturing of Railways products that are supplied to Railways Department. The core
component of such products is outsourced by RPPL from Allied component Ltd. (ACL), the
sole manufacturer of such components.
RPPL wants to gain leadership in this industry and seeks to take over ACL. RPPL
estimates that its goodwill will increase on the acquisition by ` 200 lakhs.

RPPL Has made following calculation of the economic benefits presently available and
that are foreseen as a result of the acquisition
i) Projected cash flows for the next 5 years
Cash Flow Forecast (` in Lakhs)
Year 1 2 3 4 5
RPPL 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000
ACL 600 600 800 800 1000
ii) The net worth of ACL is as follows
` in Lakhs
Fixed Assets
Tangible Assets 3000
Investments 1500
Current Assets
Inventories 1000
Receivables 500 1500
Total 6000
Less Current Liabilities
Trade Payables 800
Bank Loan 700 1500
Net worth (Represented by 300 Lakhs shares 4500
of ` 10 each and serves and surplus ` 1500
iii) Other information
a) 20% of the fixed assets of ACL will not be required on acquisition and the same has
ready buyers for ` 300 Lakhs

b) Investment has a ready market for ` 2,000 Lakhs

c) Current Assets include surplus inventory of ` 50 Lakhs that can realize ` 80 Lakhs

d) The current Liabilities are to be paid off immediately. A Sum of ` 820 Lahks are
payable on account of a compensation claim awarded against ACL, which has been
trated as a contingent liability in the accounts, on which 20% was provided for.
iv) RPPL has estimated the combined cash flows post mergers as follows
Year 1 2 3 4 5
Cash Flows (` in Lakhs) 2800 3200 3700 4300 5000
284 CA Final Financial Reporting

You are required to advice RPPL the Maximum value it can pay for take-over of ACL and
also show current valuation of ACL as stand Alone equity. The discount rate of 15% is
advised appropriate.
P.V of discounting factor of 15% are as follows
Year 1 2 3 4 5
Discounting factor (15%) 0.870 0.756 0.658 0.572 0.497
Calculation of Operation synergy expected to arise out of merger
Year 1 2 3 4 5
Projected Cash Flow of
NRPL after merger 2,800 3,200 3,700 4,300 5,000
Less: Projected Cash
Flow without Merger (2000) (2,500) (3,000) (3,500) (4,000)
800 700 700 800 1000

Present Value of Incremental Cash Flows

Year Cash Flow from Operations Discount Factor Discounted Cash Flow
1 800 0.870 696.00
2 700 0.756 529.20
3 700 0.658 460.60
4 800 0.572 457.60
5 1000 0.497 497.00
Maximum Value to be quoted
Particulars ` in Crores ` in Crores
Value as Discounted Cash Flows from 2,640.40
Add: Cash Collected on Disposal of Assets
Fixed Assets 300
Investments 2,000
Stock 80 2,380.00
Less: Trade Payable 800
Bank Loan 700
Compensation Claim 656 (2156.00)

RRPL can quote as high as ` 2,864.40 Crores for taking over the Business of ACL

Valuation of ACL (without merger)

Year Cash Flow (` in Crores) Discount Factor Discounting Cash
1 600 0.870 522.00
Amalgamation and Corporate Restructuring 285

2 600 0.756 453.60

3 800 0.658 526.40
4 800 0.572 457.60
5 1,000 0.497 497.00

286 CA Final Financial Reporting


Valuation of Brands
Years May Nov
RTP Paper RTP Paper
2008 NA NA NA NA
2009 NA NA NA NA
2010 NA Yes Yes NA
2011 NA Yes NA NA
2012 NA NA NA NA
2013 Yes NA NA Yes
2014 Yes NA Yes NA
2015 NA Yes NA NA
Question –1 May 2010 Paper
From the following information, determine the possible value of brand under potential
earning model:
Particulars ` In lakhs
Profit Before Tax(PBT) 2,500
Tangible Fixed Assets 10,000
Identifiable intangible other than brand 1,500
Expected normal return on the tangible fixed assets
weighted average cost(14%)+ normal spread 18%
Weighted average cost of capital 14%
Appropriate capitalization factor for intangibles 25%
Particulars ` in Lakhs
Profit After Tax 2,500
Less: Profit allocated to Tangible Fixed Assets (18% of (1,800)
10,000) 700
Total Intangible Assets 25%
Capitalization Factor
Amalgamation and Corporate Restructuring 287

A 700 (1,500)
Capitalized Value of Intangible Including Brand ( x
B 25
Less: identifiable intangible Other than Brand
Brand Value


Question –2 Nov 2010 RTP

From the following information, determine the possible value of brand under potential
earning model:
Particulars ` In lakhs
Profit Before Tax(PBT) 6,500
Income Taxes 1,500
Tangible Fixed Assets 10,000
Identifiable intangible other than brand 5,000
Expected normal return on the tangible fixed assets 3,000
Appropriate capitalization factor for intangibles 25%
Particulars ` in Lakhs
Profit Before Tax 6,500
Less Tax (1,500)
Profit After Tax 5,000
Less: Profit allocated to Tangible Fixed Assets (3,000)
Total Intangible Fixed Assets (2,000)
Capitalization Factor 25%
A 2000
Capitalized Value of Intangible Including Brand ( 8,000
B 25
x 100) (5,000)
Less: identifiable intangible Other than Brand 3,000
Brand Value
Question – 3 May 2011 PAPER
From the following information, determine the possible value of brand under potential
earning model:
Particulars ` In lakhs
Profit Before Tax(PBT) 13.00
Income Taxes 3.00
Tangible Fixed Assets 20.00
Identifiable intangible other than brand 10.00
Expected normal return on the tangible fixed assets 6.00
288 CA Final Financial Reporting

Appropriate capitalization factor for intangibles 25%

Particulars `in Lakhs
Profit Before Tax 13,00
Less Tax (3.00)
Profit After Tax 10.00
Less: Profit allocated to Tangible Fixed Assets (6.00)
Total Intangible Assets 4.00
Capitalization Factor 25%
A 4
Capitalized Value of Intangible Including Brand ( x 16.00
B 25
100) (10.00)
Less: identifiable intangible Other than Brand 6.00
Brand Value

Question- 4 May 2013 RTP
Rough-use Ltd. has hired a Marketing Consultancy Firm for doing market research and
provide data relating to Tyre Industry for the next 10 years. The following were the
observations and projections made by the consultancy firm:
The Tyre Industry in the target area i.e whole of india is to grow at 5% per annum for
the next 3 years, and thereafter at 7% per annum over the subsequent seven years.
The market size in terms of unencumbered basic sales of tyres was estimated at `.
8,000 crores in the last year, dominated by medium and large players. This includes
roughly 10% of fake brands and locally manufactured tyres. Market share of this segment
is expected to increase by 0.5% over the decade.
Cheap Chinese imports accounted accounted for 40% of the business (bus 60% of the
volume) last year. This is expected to increase by 0.25% over the next decade.
The other large players accounted roughly 34% of the business value last year, which is
expected to go down by 0.5% over the next 10 years, due to expansion of Rough-use Ltd.
product portfolio.
The Company is in the process of business process re-engineering, which will start
yielding results in 2 years time, and increase its profitability by 3% from its existing 8%.
What is the Brand Value of Rough-Use Ltd., under Market oriented, if the appropriate
discount rate is 10%?
Market Share of Rough-Use Ltd
Last Year Market Share = 100% - Fake Brands –
Chinese Imports – Other Domestic Brands
a) Market Share of Rough-Use Ltd
= 100% - 10% - 40% - 34%
= 16%
b) Increase or Decrease in Market Share
Amalgamation and Corporate Restructuring 289

= Chinese Imports 0.25% + Local Brands 0.5% - Other Domestic Brands 0.5%
= 0.25% + 0.5% - 0.5%
= 0.25% increase in Other Share
Hence Market Share of Rough Use Ltd is expected to Fall by 0.25% Every Year over the
from the Current level of 16%. Therefore, this Year it will be 15.75%, Next Year 15.50%
& so on
Year Market Size Market Market Expected Discounting Discounted
(` in Crores) Share Share Profit factor@10% Cash Flow
Of Rough C
1 8,000+5% (C) x 8%
= ` 8,400 15.75% 1,323.00 105.84 0.909 96.22
2 (C) x 8%
15.50% 1,367.00 109.37 0.826 90.34
= ` 8,820
3 (C) x 11%
8,820+5% 15.25% 1,412.30 155.32 0.751 116.65
4 = `9261 (C) x 11%
9,261+7% 15.00% 1,486.39 163.50 0.683 111.67
5 = ` 9,909.27 (C) x 11%
14.75% 1,563.93 172.03 0.621 106.83
6 (C) x 11%
= `10,602.92 14.50% 1,645.04 180.95 0.564 102.06
7 10,602.92+7% (C) x 11%
= `11,345.12 14.25% 1,729.85 190.28 0.513 97.62
8 11,345.12+7% (C) x 11%
14.00% 1,818.46 200.03 0.467 93.41
9 (C) x 11%
12,139.28+7% 13.75% 1,911.01 210.27 0.424 89.13
10 =`12,989.03 (C) x 11%
12,989.03+7% 13.50% 2,007.06 220.84 0.386 85.24
=`13,898.26 989.17
Question – 5 Nov 2013 Paper
ZED Ltd. is a FMCG player in the range of Men’s Cosmetics and deals in both Branded
and Unbranded products. The Branded products are sold under the Brand of ‘ZED’ and are
fully outsourced from the third party manufacturers. The company’s unbranded products
are manufactured at its own manufacturing units. The earnings for the last three years
(lakhs Rs.) are furnished below:
Particulars Year 1 Year 2 Year 3
Earning before Interest and Tax (EBIT) from sale 5,100 7,500 9,900
of products 90 135 25
Other Income – Royalty for partial usage of ZED
290 CA Final Financial Reporting

The details of Fixed Assets employed at the company’s manufacturing units are given
Particulars Year 1 Year 2 Year 3
Tangible Fixed Assets employed(` Lakhs) 9,000 10,800 13,500
14% 12% 14%
Returns (before interest and tax) on cost of
2% 3% 3%
tangible assets
Spread over return
The average annual funds used in the company’s operation is `. 5,200 lakhs of which
`.2,800 lakh is in the respect of the branded business. The company’s tax rate is 33.33% and
has an average cost of funds of 17% after considering tax shelter on cost of borrowed
funds. You are required to determine the value of the Brand ZED considering capitalization
rate of 20%.
Calculation of EBIT on Unbranded Product (` in Lakh)
Particulars Year1 Year2 Year3
Tangible Fixed Assets 9,000 10,800 13,500
Return on Cost 14 12 14
Add : Spread 2 3 3
Total Return 16 15 17
EBIT from Sale of Unbranded Products 1,440 1,620 2,295
Calculation of Average Earning After Tax on Branded Product (` in Lakh)
Particulars Year1 Year2 Year3
EBIT 5,100 7,500 9,900
Less: EBIT in respect of Unbranded Products (1,440) (1,620) (2295)
Add: Brand Royalty 90 135 225
EBIT from LED Branded Products 3,750 6,015 7,830
Average EBIT From Branded Sold 5,865
[(3750+6015+7830)/3] (1,955)
Less: Tax @ 33.33%
Average post tax earnings from Branded Goods 3,910
(Including tax Shelter on Internet)
= Average Post tax earnings from Branded Goods
Less: Cost of funds used in Branded Operations
= Average Post Tax Earnings from Branded Goods = 3,910
Less: Cost of Funds Used in Branded Operations (2800 x 17%) = (476)

Brand Value = Net Earnings from Brand x Capitalization Sale

= 3,434 x Value of Zed Brand = ` 17,170 Lakh
Question - 6 May 2014 RTP - (SIMILAR TO MAY 2010 PAPER)
Question - 7 Nov 2014 RTP - (SIMILAR TO MAY 2010 PAPER)
Question 8 May 2015 PAPER
Amalgamation and Corporate Restructuring 291

Agile Limited is a Manufacturer-cum-Dealer of ‘R’ Tuff Brand of trousers. With the

passage of time, its Brand has been well accepted in the market, the company has been
approached ba a foreign company engaged in the same trade to enter as Partner in its
business. Agile in order to negotiate the deal, wants to get its brand valued. The following
information based on Market research available:
1. Garment industry of which Agile is a constituent, is expected to grow by 9% annum
during the next five years. The present market size of the industry is ` 7500 crores.
2. There are some other brands both the National and International in the market. The
existence of Duplicate Brands is unavoidable. The share of such players is estimated to
be 63% of the total industry market. The market share of other national brands will
increase @0.25% year-on-year basis in the next 5 years. The share of international
brands is expected to grow 1.5 times of national brands. But the existence of duplicate
brands is to fall by 2.5% over the period of next 5 years, spread equally.
3. The expected Foreign Partner needs the production line of the company to be re-
engineered which will lead to an increase in the yield of the company by 3% after one
year over the present yield of 10%, followed thereafter by further increase of 5% year
on year.
Following the market-oriented approach, determine the Brand value to be used for
negotiation with foreign company considering discounting factor for 1st five years as .909,
0.826, 0.751, 0.683 and 0.621. (Monetary value of crores to be rounded off to nearest 2
decimal places.)
Market Share of Agile Ltd
Current Market Share = 100% - (National + International + Duplicate Brands)
= 100% - 63%
= 37%
Increase or Decrease in Market Share
National Branch 0.25% + International Brands 0.375% - Fall in Duplicate Brands 0.5%
= 0.25% + 0.375 – 0.5%
= 0.125% increase Other Products Market Share
Agile Market Share in Expected to fall by 0.125% every Year from Current 37%. Next Year
It will be 36.875%, the year after 36.75%
Brand Valuation (` in Crores)
Year Market Size % Market Market Expected Profit Discountng Pv of
Share % Share (Amt) factror 10% Profit
1 7,500+9% = 8,175 36.875 3014.53 (C)x13%=`.391.88 0.909 356.22
2 8,175+9% = 8,910.75 36.75 3274.70 0.826 486.88
3 8,910.75+9% =9,712.72 36.625 3557.28 0.751 614.45
4 36.50 3864.20 (C)x23%=`.818.17 0.683 738.99
5 97,120.72+9%=10,586.8 36.375 4197.55 (C)x28%=`.1,081.9 0.621 860.20
6 3,056.74
10,586.86+9%=11,539.6 (C)x33%=`.1,385.1
7 9
Value of Brand

292 CA Final Financial Reporting



Years May Nov
RTP Paper RTP Paper
2008 NA NA NA Yes
2009 Yes NA Yes NA
2010 Yes NA Yes NA
2011 Yes NA Yes Yes
2012 Yes Yes Yes NA
2013 Yes Yes Yes Yes
2014 Yes NA Yes NA
2015 Yes Yes Yes NA
Question 1 – Nov Paper - 2008
Prepare a value added statement for the year ended on 31.3.2013 and reconciliation of
total value added with profit before taxation, from the Profit and Loss Account of Addition
Ltd. for the year ended on 31.3.2013:
(in 000’s)
Income :
Sales 24,400
Other Income 508 24,908
Operating Cost 21,250
Excise Duty 1,110
Interest on Bank Overdraft 75
Interest on 9% Debentures 1,200 23,635
Profit Before Depreciation 1,273
Depreciation 405
Profit Before Tax 868
Provision for Tax 320
Profit after Tax 548
Proposed Dividend 48
Retained Profit 500
Amalgamation and Corporate Restructuring 293

The following additional information is given
1. Sales represents sales after adjusting discounts, returns and sales tax

2. Operating Cost includes ` 82,50,000 as wages, salaries and other benefits to employees

3. Bank Overdraft is temporary

M/S Futures Ltd. Value added Statement for the year ended 31.03.2013
Sales 24,400
Less: Excise Duty (1,110) 23,290
Less: Bought out goods and services
a) Operating cost 13,000
b) Interest on Bank Overdraft 75 13,075
Value added from operations 10215
Add: Other Income 508
Gross Value Added 10,723
i. Towards Employees
Wages, salaries and other benefits 8250
ii. Towards Providers of Finance
Interest on 9 % debentures 1200
Dividends 48 1248
iii. Towards Government
Corporate tax 320
iv. Towards Replacement and Expansion
Depreciation 405
Retained profit 500 905
Reconciliation Of Gross Value Added And Profit Before Tax
Profit before Taxation 868
Add :
Depreciation 405
Wages, Salaries and other benefits to 8250
employees 1200 9855
Debenture interest 10723

Question 2 – May RTP 2009
From the following Profit and loss Account of Brightex Co. Ltd., prepare a gross value
added statement for the year ended 31.12.2008.
294 CA Final Financial Reporting

Show also the reconciliation between gross value added and profit before taxation.

Profit and loss Account for the year ended 31.12.2008

(`. in Lakhs)
Income Notes Amount
Sales 6,240
Other income 55
Expenditure :
Production and operational expenses 1 4,320
Administration expenses (Factory) 2 180
Interest and other charges 3 624
Depreciation 16 (5,140)
Profit before taxes 1,155
Provision for taxes 55
Balance as per last balance sheet 60
Transferred to fixed assets replacement reserve 400
Dividend Paid 160 560
Surplus transferred to Balance Sheet 600
Notes :
(` in Lakhs)
1. Production and operational expenses:
Consumption of raw materials 3,210
Consumption of stores 40
Local tax 8
Salaries to administrative staff 620
Other manufacturing expenses 442
2. Administration expenses include salaries and commission to directors 5
3. Interest and other charges include :
a. Interest on bank overdraft 109
(Overdraft is of temporary nature)
b. Fixed loan from I.C.I.C.I 51
c. Working capital loan from I.F.C.I. 20
d. Excise duties amount to one-tenth of total value added by manufacturing and
trading activities.
Value added Statement for the year ended 31.03.2008
Britghtex Co. Ltd.
Amalgamation and Corporate Restructuring 295


Sales 6240
Less: Excise Duty (180) 6,060
Less: Bought out goods and services
Production and operational expenses(4320-8-620) 3,692
Administrative Expenses(180-5) 175
Interest on Bank overdraft 109
Interest on Working capital Loan 20
Other miscellaneous charges 264 4260
Value added from operations 1800
Add: Other Income 55
Gross Value Added 1,855
I. Towards Employees
Salaries to administrative staff 620
Director’s remuneration 5 625
II. Towards Providers of Finance
Interest on Fixed Loans 51
Dividends 160 211
III. Towards Government
Local tax 8
Income Tax 55 63
IV. Towards Replacement and Expansion
Depreciation 16
Fixed Asset Replacement Reserve 400
Retained profit(600-60) 540 956
Reconciliation of Gross Value added and Profit before Tax
Profit before Taxation (WN1.) 1,155
Depreciation 16
Salaries to administration 620
Directors remuneration 5
Interest on Fixed Loan 51
Local Taxes 8 700
Gross Value Added 1,855
Calculation of Excise Duty
Interest and other charges 624
Less: Interest on bank overdraft 109
Interest on Loan from ICICI 51
Working Capital loan from DFCI 20 (180)
Excise duty and other miscellaneous charges 444
296 CA Final Financial Reporting

Assuming that these miscellaneous charges have to be taken for arriving at Value added
(in the first part of value added statement), the excise duty will be computed as follows:
Let Excise duty be ‘x’
Then miscellaneous or other charges will be 444- x
Thus x = (6240-(3,692+175+109+20+x+(444-x)))
= (6240-4,440)=180
Therefore Excise duty (‘x’)=Rs. 180 thousands
Question 3 Nov 2010 RTP – Similar May 2009 RTP
Question 4 May RTP 2010
From the following Profit and loss account of Ganpati Ltd., prepare a Gross value added
statement. Show also the reconciliation between Gross value added and Profit before
Profit and loss Account for the year ended 31st March, 2009
Income `. in lakhs `. in lakhs
Sales 890
Other income 55
Production and operational expenses 1 641
Administration expenses 2 33
Interest and other charges 3 29
Depreciation 17 (720)
Profit before taxes 225
Provision for taxes (30)
Balance as per last balance sheet 10
Transferred to:
General reserve 45
Proposed dividend 95 140
Surplus carried to balance sheet 65
Notes :
1. Production and operational expenses `. in lakhs
Consumption of raw materials 293
Consumption of stores 59
Salaries, wages, bonus and other benefits 82
Cess and local taxes 98
Other manufacturing expenses 109
Amalgamation and Corporate Restructuring 297

2. Administration expenses include salaries and commission to directors `.9 lakhs and

provision for doubtful debts `. 6.30 lakhs.

3. Interest and other charges `. in lakhs

from icici for working capital 9
from icici for fixed loans 10
on loan from IFCI on fixed loans 8
Interest on debentures 2
4. The charges for taxation include the transfer of Rs. 3 lakhs to the credit of deferred tax
5. Cess and local tax include excise duty, which is equal to 10% of cost of bought in
Ganpati Ltd
Value added Statement for the year ended 31.03.2009.
Sales 890
Less: Excise Duty (55) 835
Less: Bought out goods and services
Production and operational 461
expenses(293+59+109) 24
Administrative Expenses(33-9) 9
Interest on Working capital Loan 494
Value added from operations 55
Add: Other Income 396
Gross Value Added
I. Towards Employees
Salaries, wages and gratuities 82
Director’s remuneration 9
II. Towards Providers of Finance 91
Interest on Fixed Loans 18
Interest on Debentures 2
Dividends 95 115
III. Towards Government
Cess and Local tax(98-55) 43
Income Tax (30 – 3) 27 70
IV. Towards Replacement and Expansion
Depreciation 17
General reserve 45
298 CA Final Financial Reporting

Deferred Tax 3
Retained profit(65-10) 55 120
Reconciliation of Gross Value added and Profit before Tax
Profit before Taxation 225
Depreciation 17
Salaries, wages and gratuities 82
Directors remuneration 9
Interest on Fixed Loan 18
Interest on Debentures 2
Cess and Local Taxes 43 171
Gross Value Added 396
Calculation of Excise Duty
Let Bought of Goods and Services is ‘x’
Excise Duty is 10% of x=x/10
X=494+x/10= 549
Excise Duty=549-494=` 55
Question 5 Nov RTP 2010
Following is an extract of Profit and loss Account of Chitresh Ltd. for the year ended
31st March, 2010
Notes Amount (` 000)
Sales (including Excise Duty Recoveries) 1,454
Other income 26
Material 1060
Excise Duty 124
Salaries, wages & Employee Benefits 38
Other Expenses 94
Interest and Finance Charges 14
Depreciation 3 10
Provision for Taxation 62
Preliminary Expenses Written Off 10
Transfer to Debenture written off 10
Proposed Dividend 10
Transfer to General Reserve 48
Total 1480
1. Other Expenses include Fees and Commissions to whole – Time directors amounting to `
18,000 and Loss on Sale of Fixed Assets of ` 6,000.
2. Interest and Finance Charges include interest on Long Term Loans of ` 8,000 and the
Balance being on short term borrowings.
Prepare Value Added statements for the year ended 31st March, 2010. Also show
statements showing application of Value Added.
Amalgamation and Corporate Restructuring 299

Value added Statement for the year ended 31.03.2010
Chitresh Ltd.
‘000 ‘000
Sales 1,454
Less: Excise Duty (124) 1330
Less: Bought out goods and services
Cost of materials bought 1060
Other Expenses(94-(18+6)) 70
Short-Term interest 6 1136
Value added from operations 194
Add: Other Income 26
Gross Value Added 220
I. Towards Employees
Salaries, wages and benefits(38+18) 56
II. Towards Providers of Finance
Interest on Long Term Loans 8
Dividend on Equity 10 18
III. Towards Government
Income Tax 62
IV. Towards Replacement and Expansion
Depreciation 10
Transfer to General reserve and debenture 58
Redemption Reserve 10
Preliminary Expenses Written off 6 84
Loss on Sale of Assets 220
Question 6 May RTP – 2011
From the following Profit and loss account of Jindals Limited, prepare Gross value
added statement
Profit and loss Account for the year ended 31st March, 2010
(` in lakhs)
Particulars Amount Amount
Sales 400
Other income 25
Production and operational expenses 300
Administrative expenses 15
Interest and other charges 15
Depreciation 10 340
300 CA Final Financial Reporting

Profit before taxes 85

Provision for taxes 15
Balance as per last balance sheet 5
Transferred to:
General reserve 40
Proposed dividend 10
Surplus carried to balance sheet 25
Break-up of some of the expenditure is as follows:
Production and operational expenses
Consumption of raw materials and store 160
Salaries, wages and bonus 30
Cess and local taxes 10
Other manufacturing expenses 100
Administrative expenses
Audit fee 3
Salaries and commission to directors 4
Other expenses 8
Interest and other charges:
On working capital loans from bank 5
On fixed loans from ICICI 7.5
On debentures 2.5
Value added statement of Jindal ltd. for the year ended 31.03.2010
Sales 400
Less: Excise Duty -
Less: Bought out goods and services
Production and operational expenses(160+100) 260
Administrative Expenses(3+8) 11
Interest on Working capital Loan 5 276
Value added from operations 124
Add: Other Income 25
Gross Value Added 149
I. Towards Employees
Salaries, Wages & Bonus (30 + 4) 34
II, Towards Providers of Finance
Interest on Debentures 2.5
Interest on Fixed Loans 7.5
Amalgamation and Corporate Restructuring 301

Dividends 10 20
III. Towards Government
Cess and Local tax 10
Income Tax 15 25
IV. Towards Replacement and Expansion
Depreciation 10
General Reserve 40
Retained profit(25-5) 20 70
Question 7 – Nov RTP 2011 – similar to May 2010 RTP
Question 8 – Nov Paper 2011
Prepare a value added statement for the year ended on 31.03.2011 and reconciliation of
total value added with profit before taxation from the profit and loss account of Paradise
Ltd. For the year ended on 31.03.2011
Income Notes Amount
Sales 254.00
Other income 6.00
Expenditure :
Operating cost 222.00
Excise Duty 11.20
Interest on Bank overdraft 1.00
Interest on 9% debenture 15.00
Profit before depreciation 10.80
Depreciation 4.10
Profit before tax 6.70
Provision for tax 2.40
Profit after tax 4.30
Proposed dividend 0.30
Retained profit 4.00
The following additional information are given:
i. Sales represent net sales after adjusting discounts, returns and sales tax.
ii. Operating cost includes `. 82.00 lakhs as wages, salaries and other benefits to
iii. Bank overdraft is temporary.
Value Added Statement for the year ended 31.03.2011 of Paradise Ltd.
‘00000 ‘00000
Sales 254
Less: Excise Duty (11.20) 242.80
302 CA Final Financial Reporting

Less: Bought out goods and services

Operating Cost(Rs.222-82) 140
Interest on bank overdraft 1 (141)
Value added from operations 101.80
Add: Other Income 6
Gross Value Added 107.80
I. Towards Employees
Wages, salaries and other benefits 82
II. Towards Providers of Finance
Interest on 9 % debentures 15
Dividends 0.30 15.30
III. Towards Government
Corporate tax 2.40
IV. Towards Replacement and Expansion
Depreciation 4.10
Retained profit 4.00 8.10
Reconciliation of Gross Value added and Profit before Tax
Profit before Taxation 6.70
Add :Depreciation 4.10
Wages, Salaries and other benefits to employees 82
Debenture interest 15 101.1

Question 9 May RTP – 2012
From the following Profit and loss account of Alpha Limited, prepare Gross value added
statement and show the reconciliation between Gross value added and Profit before
Profit and loss Account for the year ended 31st March, 2011
(`. in lakhs)
Particulars Amount Amount
Sales 800
Other income 50
Amalgamation and Corporate Restructuring 303

Production and operational expenses 600

Administrative expenses 30
Interest and other charges 30
Depreciation 20 680
Profit before taxes 170
Provision for taxes 30
Balance as per last balance sheet 10
Transferred to:
General reserve 80
Proposed dividend 20
Surplus carried to balance sheet 50
Break-up of some of the expenditure is as follows:
Production and operational expenses
Consumption of raw materials and store 320
Salaries, wages and bonus 60
Cess and local taxes 20
Other manufacturing expenses 200

Administrative expenses
Audit fee 6
Salaries and commission to directors 8
Provision for doubtful debts 6
Other expenses 10
Interest and other charges:
On working capital loans from bank 10
On fixed loans from ICICI 15
On debentures 5

Value added Statement for the year ended 31.03.2008 - Alpha. Ltd.
Sales 800
Less: Excise Duty
Less: Bought out goods and services
Production and operational 520
expenses(320+200) 22
Administrative Expenses(6+6+10) 10 552
304 CA Final Financial Reporting

Interest on Working capital Loan 248

Value added from operations 50
Add: Other Income 298
Gross Value Added
I. Towards Employees
Salaries, wages and bonus 60
Directors salary and commission 8 68
II. Towards Providers of Finance
Interest on Debentures 5
Interest on Fixed Loans 15
Dividends 20 40
III. Towards Government
Cess and Local tax 20
Income Tax 30 50
Iv. Towards Replacement and Expansion
Depreciation 20
General Reserve 80
Retained profit(50-10) 40 140
Profit before Taxation (WN1.) 170
Depreciation 20
Salaries wages and bonus 60
Directors remuneration 8
Interest on Fixed Loan 15
Local Taxes 20
Interest on Debentures 5 128
Gross Value Added 298
Question 10 May Paper – 2012
Hindustan Corporation Limited {HCL) has been consistently preparing Value Added
Statement (VAS) as part of Financial Reporting. The Human Resource department of the
Company has come up with a new scheme to link employee incentive with 'Value Added' as
per VAS. As per the scheme an Annual Index of Employee cost to Value Added annual (% of
employee cost to Value Added rounded off to nearest whole number) shall be prepared for
the last 5 years and the best index out of results of the last 5 years shall be selected as the
'Target Index'. The Target Index percentage shall be applied to the figure of 'Value Added'
for a given year and the target employee cost ascertained. Any saving in the actual
employee cost for the given year compared to the target employee cost will be rewarded as
'Variable incentive' to the extent of 70% of the savings. From the given data, you are
requested to ascertain the eligibility of 'Variable Incentive' for the year 2011 -2012 of the
employees of the HCL.
Value added statement of HCL for Last 5 years (T lakhs)
Year 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11
Sales 3,200 3,250 2,900 3,800 4,900
Less :
Amalgamation and Corporate Restructuring 305

Bought Out Goods

and Services 2,100 2,080 1,940 2,510 3,200
Value added 1,100 1,170 960 1,290 1,700
Application of Value Added
2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11
To Pay Employees 520 480 450 600 750
To Providers of Capital 160 170 120 190 210
To Government Tax 210 190 220 300 250
For Maintenance and 210 330 170 200 490
Summarized Profit and Loss Account of the HCL for 2011-2012 (` in lakhs)
Sales 5,970
Less :
Material Consumed 1,950
Wages 400
Production Salaries 130
Production Expenses 500
Production Depreciation 150
Administrative Salaries 150
Administrative Expenses 200
Administrative Depreciation 100
Interest 150
Selling and Distribution Salaries 120
Selling Expenses 350
Selling Depreciation 120 4,320
Profit 1,650
Calculation of Target Index
Year 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11
Employee cost 520 480 450 600 750
Value added 1,100 1,170 960 1,290 1,700
Percentage of
Employee cost to 47% 41% 47% 47% 44%
value added
Target Index is to be taken as least of the above from the companies viewpoint on
conservative basis i.e 41%
Value Added Statement for the year ended 2011-12
Particulars In lakhs In Lakhs
Sales 5,970
Less: Cost of bought in goods and services
Material Consumed 1,950
Production Expenses 500
Administrative Expenses 200
Selling Expenses 350 3,000
Value Added 2,970
Employee cost for 2011-2012
Particulars In Lakhs
306 CA Final Financial Reporting

Wages 400
Production salaries 130
Administrative salaries 150
Selling Salaries 120
Calculation Employee cost = Target Index Percentage X Value added
= 41 % X `.2970 lakhs = `. 1217.70
Calculation of Savings
Target employee cost = `.1217.70 lakhs
Less: Actual Cost = ` 800.00 lakhs
Savings `. 417.70 lakhs
Calculation of Variable incentive for the year 2011-12
70% of saving is variable incentive=70%X Rs.417.70 lakhs = `.292.39 lakhs
Question 11 NOV RTP – similar to 2010 – Nov RTP

Question 12 May RTP – 2013

From the following data, prepare a Value Added Statement of Merit Ltd.
for the year ended 31.3.2012
Particulars Amount Particulars Amount
Decrease in stock 24,000 Sales 40,57,000
Purchases 20,20,000 Other Income 55,000
Wages and Salaries 10,00,000
Manufacturing and Other Exp 2,30,000
Finance Charges 4,69,000
Depreciation 2,44,000
Profit Before Taxation 1,25,000
41,12,000 41,12,000
Profit Before Taxation 1,25,000
Less : Tax Provisions (40,000)
Income Tax Payments (for earlier years) (3,000)
Profit After Taxation 82,000
Less Appropriations
Debenture Redemption Reserve 10,000
General Reserve 10,000
Proposed Dividend 35,000
Balance carried to Balance sheet 27,000
Total 82,000
Amalgamation and Corporate Restructuring 307

Value added statement of Merit ltd. for the year ended 31.03.2012
Sales 40,57,000
Less: Excise Duty
Less: Bought out goods and services
Decrease in Stock 24,000
Purchases 20,20,000
Manufacturing and other expenses 2,30,000 (22,74,000)
Value added from operations 17,83,000
Add: Other Income 55,000
Gross Value Added 18,38,000
I. Towards Employees
Salaries, Wages & Bonus 10,00,000
II. Towards Providers of Finance
Interest on borrowings 4,69,000
Dividends 35,000 5,04,000
III. Towards Government
Taxes 43,000
III. Towards Replacement and Expansion
Depreciation 2,44,000
Debenture Redemption Reserve 10,000
General Reserve 10,000
Retained profit 27,000 2,91,000
Question 13 May Paper 2013 – Similar to May RTP 2009
Question 14 Nov RTP 2013 – Similar to Nov 2008 RTP
Question 15 Nov Paper 2013
The Value Added statements of Value Ltd. for the last 5 years are furnished below:
(Lakh `.)
2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12
Sales 6,000 8,000 10,000 12,000 14,000
Cost of Bought in Material, 2,960 4,400 5,800 7,200 8,400
Services & expenses
Value Added 3,040 3,600 4,200 4,800 5,600
Applied Towards :
Employee Costs 1,368 1,584 1,680 1,968 2,240
Director Remuneration 30 44 40 48 50
Government for Taxes etc 640 760 840 1,000 1,120
Providers of Capital 250 336 440 512 630
308 CA Final Financial Reporting

Maintenance & Expansion 752 876 1,200 1,272 1,560

Total 3,040 3,600 4,200 4,800 5,600
The Employee Costs included Annual Incentive that were decided and paid after
negotiations with Labour Unions as under :
100 108 118 130 150
From 2012-13 onwards it was agreed to introduce a Value Added Incentive Scheme
(VAIS) that would enable employees to have the opportunity to earn better incentives in
case of enhanced performances. The salient features of VAIS are as under :
(i) The highest Contribution of the last 5 years shall be the Target Index.
(ii) 50% of the excess of actual contribution in 2012-13 over target shall be paid to
employees as incentive.
(iii) CONTRIBUTION shall mean the Value Added for the year reduced by Employee costs
before incentive and expressed as a percentage of Turnover for the year. The result so
obtained is to be rounded off to the nearest whole number.
The Profit & Loss account Summary for 2012-13 is given below from which you are
required to :
(I) Calculate the amount of Incentive payable to the employees
(II) Prepare Statement of Application of Value Added for the year 2012-13 after payment of
the incentive.
Summarized Profit & Loss account of Value Ltd. for the year ended 31.03.2013
(Lakh `.)
Sales 17,250
Material & Services Consumed 6,400
Wages 1,200
Production Salaries 400
Production Expenditure 1,600
Deprecation on Machinery 1,000
Administrative Salaries 600
Administrative expenses 700
Director Remuneration 60
Administration Deprecation 350
Interest on Debentures 80
Advertisement & sales Promotion 600
Salaries to Sales team 125
Selling Expenses 150
Sales dept. Depreciation 120 13,385
Profit Before Taxes 3,865
Taxes 1,190
Dividends proposed 800
Balance C/o 1,875
Year 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12
Amalgamation and Corporate Restructuring 309

Value Added 3,040 3,600 4,200 4,800 5,600

Employees cost including
incentives 1,368 1,584 1,680 1,968 2,240
Less: Incentives 100 108 118 130 150
Employees cost before
incentives 1,268 1,476 1,562 1,838 2,090
Contribution 1,772 2,214 2,638 2,962 3,510
Turnover 6,000 8,000 10,000 12,000 14,000
Percentage of ‘Contribution’ 30% 27% 26% 25% 25%
to turnover(to the nearest
whole number )
Calculation of Target Index
Target index is highest (%) contribution of last 5 year i.e. is 30%
Calculation of amount of incentive payable to employees for the year 2012-13
Particulars In Lakhs
Actual contribution in 2012-13 32%
Target Index 30%
Excess of actual contribution over target index 2%
Incentive is 50% 1%
Amount of incentive is (1% of turnover 17,250) 173
Value applied after incentives
Particulars In lakhs In Lakhs
Towards Employees
Salaries 2,325
Incentives 173
Directors Remuneration 60 2558
Towards Finance
Interest on Debentures 80
Dividend Proposed 800 880
Towards Government
Depreciation 1,000
Administration Depreciation 350
Sales Dept. Depreciation 120 1,470
Retained Earnings 1,875
Less: Incentive (173) 1,702
Total Value Applied 7800
Value Added Statement for the year 2012-13
Particulars In lakhs In Lakhs
Sales 17,250
Less: Cost of bought in goods and
services 6,400
Material & services consumed 1,600
Production Expenses 700
Administrative Expenses 600
Advertising and Selling Promotion 150 9,450
310 CA Final Financial Reporting

Selling Expenses 7,800

Value Added
Employee Cost for 2012-13
Particulars In Lakhs
Wages 1,200
Production salaries 400
Administrative salaries 600
Selling Salaries 125
Calculation of actual contribution in 2012-13
Particulars In Lakhs
Value added 7,800
Employee cost 2,325
Contribution 5,475
Turnover 17,250
Percentage of ‘Contribution’ to ‘turnover’(to the nearest whole 32%
Question 16 May RTP – 2014
Vaidant Ltd. has been consistently preparing Value Added Statement (VAS) as part of
Financial Reporting. The Human Resource department of the Company has come up with a
new scheme to link employee incentive with ‘Value Added’ as per VAS. As per the scheme an
Annual Index of Employee cost to Value Added annually (% of employee cost to Value Added
rounded off to nearest whole number) shall be prepared for the last 5 years and the best
index out of results of the last 5 years shall be selected as the ‘Target Index’. The Target
Index percentage shall be applied to the figure of ‘Value Added’ for a given year to ascertain
the target employee cost. Any saving in the actual employee cost for the given year
compared to the target employee cost will be rewarded as ‘Variable incentive’ to the extent
of 70% of the savings. From the following given data, you are requested to ascertain the
eligibility of ‘Variable Incentive’ for the year 2012-2013 for the employees of the Vaidant
Value added statement of Vaidant Ltd. for last 5 years (`. Lakhs)
Year 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12
Sales 6,400 6,500 5,800 7,600 9,800
Less : Bought out goods and
services 4,200 4,160 3,880 5,020 6,400
Value Added 2,200 2,340 1,920 2,580 3,400

Application of Value Added

Year 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12
To Pay Employees 1,040 960 900 1,200 1,500
To providers of Capital 320 340 240 380 420
Amalgamation and Corporate Restructuring 311

To Government 420 380 440 600 500

For maintenance and 420 660 340 400 980
Summarized Profit and Loss Account of the variant Ltd. for 2012 – 2013
`. in Lahks
Sales 11,940
Less :
Material Consumed 3,900
Wages 800
Production Salaries 260
Production expenses 1,000
Production depreciation 300
Administrative Salaries 300
Administrative Expenses 400
Administrative depreciation 200
Interest 300
Selling and Distribution salaries 240
Selling Expenses 700
Selling Depreciation 240 8640
Profit 3,300
Calculation of Target Index
Year 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2009-10 2011-12
Employee cost 1,040 960 900 1200 1500
Value added 2,200 2,340 1,920 2,580 3,400
Percentage of
Employee cost to 47% 41% 47% 47% 44%
value added
Target Index is to be taken as least of the above from the companies viewpoint on
conservative basis i.e 41%
Value Added Statement for the year ended 2012-13
Particulars In lakhs In Lakhs
Sales 11,940
Less: Cost of bought in goods and services
Material Consumed 3900
Production Expenses 1000
Administrative Expenses 400
Selling Expenses 700 6,000
Value Added 5,940
Employee cost for 2012-2013
Particulars In Lakhs
Wages 800
Production salaries 260
Administrative salaries 300
312 CA Final Financial Reporting

Selling Salaries 240

Calculation Employee cost = Target Index Percentage X Value added
= 41 % X Rs.5940 lakhs = Rs. 2,435.40lakhs
Calculation of Savings

Target employee cost = `.2,435.40 lakhs

Less: Actual Cost = ` 1,600.00 lakhs

Savings `. 835.40 lakhs

Calculation of Variable incentive for the year 2012-13

70% of saving is variable incentive = 70% x `.8353.40 lakhs = `.584.78 lakhs

Question 17 Nov RTP - 2014

Profit and Loss Account for the year ended 31st March, 2014
Particulars Notes (in 000’s)
Sales Less Return 21,350
Trading Profit 1 1,920
Less :
Depreciation 302
Interest 140 2 (442)
Add : Other Income 80
Profit before Tax 1,558
Provision for Tax 3 688
Profit after Tax 870
Less : Extraordinary items 4 (15)
Less Proposed Dividend 340
Retained Profit 515
1. Trading profit is arrived at after charging the following
Salaries, wages etc to employees 3685
Directors Remuneration 360
Audit Fees 220
Hire of Equipment 290
2. Interest figure is ascertained as below
Interest paid on bank loans and overdraft 160
Interest received (20) 140
3. Extraordinary items
Surplus on sale of properties 20
Loss of Goods by fire (35) (15)
Amalgamation and Corporate Restructuring 313

4. The charge for taxation include a transfer of ` 1,48,000 to the credit of deferred tax
Value added Statement for the year ended 31.03.2009
Yash Ltd.
Sales 21,350
Less: Trading Profit
Less: Bought out goods and services
Cost of bought goods and services(21,350-1,920- (15,385)
3,685-360) 5,965
Value added from operations 100
Add: Other Income(20+80)
Less: Extraordinary items 20
Surplus on sale Transaction (35) (15)
Loss of goods by Fire 6,050
Gross Value Added
Towards Employees
Salaries, wages and other benefits 3,685
Director’s remuneration 360 4,045

Towards Providers of Finance

Interest on Loans and overdraft 160
Proposed Dividends 340 500
Towards Government
Provision for Tax 688
Towards Replacement and Expansion
Depreciation 302
Retained profit 515 817
Profit before Taxation 1,558
Depreciation 302
Salaries, wages and gratuities 3,685
Directors remuneration 360
Interest on Loan and overdraft 160
Extraordinary item (15) 4,492
Gross Value Added 6,050
Question 18 May RTP 2015 - Similar to May RTP 2009
Question 19 May Paper – 2015
314 CA Final Financial Reporting

Famous corporation has been preparing Value Added Statements for the past five years.
The human resource manager of the company has suggested introducing a value added
incentive scheme to motivate the employees for their better performance. To introduce the
scheme it is proposed that the best performance (favorable to employer)i.e. Employee Costs
to Added Value for the last five years, will be used as the target index for future
calculations for the bonus to be paid.
After the target index is determined any actual improvement in the index will be
rewarded. The employer and the employee will be sharing any such improvement in the
ratio of 1:2. The bonus is given in the end of the year after the profit for the year is
The following information is available for the last five years
Year 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014
Sales 5600 7,600 9,200 10,400 12,000
Less : Bought out goods and
services 2560 4,000 5,000 5,600 6,400
Value Added 3,040 3,600 4,200 4,800 5,600
Application of Value Added
Year 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12
Employee cost 1300 1520 1680 1968 2240
Dividend 200 300 400 480 600
Taxes 640 760 840 1000 1120
Depreciation 520 620 720 880 1120
Debenture Interest 80 80 80 80 80
Retained Earnings 300 320 480 392 440
Added Value 3040 3600 4200 4800 5600

Summarised Profit and loss Account for the year ended on 31St March 2015.
(` in Lakhs)
Income Notes Amount
Sales less returns 13600
Dividends and Interest 500
Miscellaneous Income 500
Expenditure :
Production and operational expenses
Cost of materials 5000
Wages and salaries 1800
Other manufacturing expenses 1400 8200

Administration expenses
Administration salaries 600
Administration Expenses 600 1200
Selling and Distribution Expenses
Selling and distribution Salaries 120
Amalgamation and Corporate Restructuring 315

Selling Expenses 400 520

Finance Expenses
Debenture Interest 80
Depreciation 1520
Total Expenditure 1,1520
Profit before Taxation 3080
Provision for Taxation 770
Profit after Taxation 2310
From the above information prepare value Added Statement for the year 2014-2015 and
determine the amount of bonus payable to employees if any.
Calculation of Target Index
Year 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014
Employee Cost 1,300 1,520 1,680 1,968 2,240
Value Added 3,040 3,600 4,200 4,800 5,600
Ratio 42.76% 42.22% 40.00% 41.00% 40.00%
Target Index is to be taken as least of the above from the companies viewpoint on
conservative basis i.e 40%
Value Added Statement for the year ended 2014-15
Particulars In lakhs In Lakhs
Less: Cost of bought in goods and services 13,600
Cost of Material 5,000
Production Expenses 1,400
Administration Office Expenses 600
Sales Office Expenses 400 7,400
Value added From Manufacturing & Trading Activities 6,200
Add : Other Income 1,000
Net Value Added 7,200
Employee cost for 2014 - 2015
Particulars In Lakhs
Wages 1800
Administrative salaries 600
Selling Salaries 120
Employee Cost / Net Value Added x 100 = 2520 / 7200 x 100 = 35%
Improvement for the year eligible for Bonus = Target Index – Employee Cost = 40 – 35 =
Value Applied for the year 2014 – 15
Particulars In lakhs In Lakhs
I. Towards Employees (2,520 + 240) 2,760
II. Towards Government : Taxes 770
III. Towards Providers of Finance : Interest on 80
316 CA Final Financial Reporting

IV. Towards Retained Earnings 1,520

Depreciation 2,070 3,590
Retained Earnings (2,310 – 240)
Question 20 Nov RTP – 2015
From the following Profit and loss Account of Orange Co. Ltd., prepare a gross value
added statement for the year ended 31.12.2015.
Show also the reconciliation between gross value added and profit before taxation.

Profit and loss Account for the year ended 31.12.2015

(`. in Lakhs)
Income Notes Amount
Sales 1,988
Other income 110
Expenditure :
Production and operational expenses 1 1,390
Administration expenses (Factory) 2 166
Interest and other charges 3 58
Depreciation 34 (1,648)
Profit before taxes 450
Provision for taxes 4/5 (60)
Balance as per last balance sheet 20
Transferred to fixed assets replacement reserve 90
Dividend Paid 190 (280)
Surplus transferred to Balance Sheet 130

Notes :
(`. in Lakhs)

1. Production and operational expenses:

Consumption of raw materials 694
Consumption of stores 118
Cess and Local tax 196
Salaries to administrative staff 164
Other manufacturing expenses 218
Amalgamation and Corporate Restructuring 317

2. Administration expenses include salaries and commission to directors ` 18 lakhs and

provision for doubtful debts `. 12.60 lakhs

3. Interest includes
a. Interest on loan from Axis bank on working capital 18 lakhs
b. Interest on loan from Axis bank for Fixed loan 20 lakhs
c. Interest on loan from icici Bank for Fixed Loan 16 lakhs
d. Interest on Debentures 4 lakhs

The charges for taxation include a transfer of ` 6 lakhs to the credit of Deferred Tax Account

Cess and Local Taxes include Excise Duty, Which is equal to 1/14 of cost of bought in
material and services.

Value added Statement for the year ended 31.03.2015
Sales 1988
Less: Bought out goods and services
Production and operational expenses(694+118+218) 1030
Administrative Expenses(166-18) 148
Interest on Working capital Loan 18
Excise Duty (Working Notes) 92 1288
Value added from operations 700
Add: Other Income 110
Gross Value Added 810
I. Towards Employees
Salaries, wages and gratuities 164
Director’s remuneration 18 182
II. Towards Providers of Finance
Interest on Fixed Loans 36
Interest on Debentures 4
Dividends 190 230
III. Towards Government
Cess and Local tax(196-92) 104
Income Tax (60 – 6) 54 158
IV. Towards Replacement and Expansion
Depreciation 34
General reserve 90
Deferred Tax 6
Retained profit(130-20) 110 240
318 CA Final Financial Reporting


Profit before Taxation 450
Add :
Depreciation 34
Salaries, wages and gratuities 164
Directors remuneration 18
Interest on Fixed Loan 36
Interest on Debentures 4
Cess and Local Taxes 104 360
Gross Value Added 810
Calculation of Excise Duty
Let Bought of Goods and Services is ‘x’
Excise Duty is 1/14 of x = x/14
X = 1,030 + 148 + 18 + x/14
X = 1,288
Excise Duty = 1288 – 1,196 = ` 92

Amalgamation and Corporate Restructuring 319


Economic Value Added

Years May Nov
RTP Paper RTP Paper
2008 NA NA Yes NA
2009 Yes Yes Yes NA
2010 Yes NA Yes NA
2011 Yes Yes Yes Yes
2012 Yes Yes Yes NA
2013 Yes NA Yes NA
2014 Yes Yes Yes Yes
2015 Yes NA Yes Yes
Question 1 – NOV RTP - 2008
Calculate EVA from the following data for the year ended 31st March, 2008

(`. in lakhs)
Average debt 50
Average equity 2766
Cost of debt (post tax) 7.72%
Cost of equity 16.7%
Weighted average cost of capital 16.54%
Profit after tax, before exceptional
item 1541
Interest after tax 5
EVA = NOPAT – Kc (Amount)
PARTICULARS ` in lakhs
Profit after tax 1541
ADD: Interest after tax 5
NOPAT 1546
ii. Kc (%) = 16.54%
320 CA Final Financial Reporting

iii. Kc (Amount )
Total Capital Employed = Equity + Debt = 2766 + 50 = 2816
Kc (Amount) = 2816 x 16.54% = 465.7664
EVA = 1546 – 465.7664 = ` 1080.2336 lakhs

Question 2 – May RTP - 2009
The following information is available of a concern; calculate E.V.A.

Debt capital 12% `. 2,000 crores

Equity capital `. 500 crores

Reserve and surplus `. 7,500 crores

Capital employed `. 10,000 crores

Risk-free rate 9%
Beta factor 1.05
Market rate of return 19%
Equity (market) risk premium 10%
Operating profit after tax `.2,100 crores
Tax rate 30%
EVA = NOPAT – Kc (Amount)
i. NOPAT = 2100
ii. Kc (%)
Ke = RF + B (RM - RF)
= 9 + 1.05(10)
= 19.5%
Kd = i (1 - t)
= 12(1 – 0.3) = 8.4%
Kc = WtKe + WtKd
8000 2000
= x 19.5 + x 8.4% = 17.28%
10000 10000

iii. Kc (Amount) = 10000 x 17.28% = 1728

Economic Value = 2100 – 1728 = ` 372 Crore

Question 3 – May Paper

From the following information of Vinod Ltd. compute the economic Value added.
Amalgamation and Corporate Restructuring 321

1) Share Capital `. 2,000 lakhs

2) Reserves and Surplus `. 4,000 Lakhs
3) Long term Debt `. 400 lakhs
4) Tax Rate 30%
5) Risk Free Rate 9%
6) Market Rate of Return 16%
7) Interest `. 40 lakhs
8) Beta Factor 1.05
9) Profit Before Interest and Tax `. 2,000 lakhs

EVA = NOPAT – Kc (Amount)
EBIT 2000
LESS: Tax (30%) 600
NOPAT 1546
ii. Kc (%)
Ke = RF + B(RM - RF)
= 9 + 1.05(16 - 9)
= 16.35%
i (%) = x 100 = 10%
Kd = i (1 - t)
= 10 (1 – 0.3) = 7%
Kc = WtKe + WtKd
400 6000
= x7+ x 16.35 = 15.765625%
6400 6400
iii. Kc (Amount) = 6400 x 15.765625% = 1009
EVA = 1400 – 1009 = ` 391 Lakhs

Question 4 Nov RTP – 2009

Pilot Ltd. supplies the following information using which you are required to calculate
the economic value added.
Financial leverage 1.4 times
Capital (equity and debt) Equity shares of ` 1,000 34,000

Accumulated profit (Lakh `) 260

10 percent Debentures of Rs.10 80 lakhs nos.
Dividend expectations of 17.50%
equity shareholders
322 CA Final Financial Reporting

Prevailing Corporate Tax rate 30%

EVA = NOPAT – Kc (Amount)
Interest = 80 x 10 x 10% = 80
Financial leverage = =
= = 1.4
EBIT – 80
EBIT = 1.4 EBIT – 112
EBIT = 280
EBIT 280
LESS: Tax (30%) 84
ii. Kc (%)
Ke = 17.50%
Kd = i (1 - t)
= 10 (1 – 0.3) = 7%
Kc = WtKe + WtKd
340 + 260 800
= x 17.5% + x 7% = 11.5%
360 + 260 + 800 1400
Kc (Amount) = 1400 x 11.5% = 161

EVA = 196 – 161 = ` 35 Lakhs

Question 5 MAY RTP – 2010
Calculate economic value added (EVA) with the help of the following information Sun
Financial leverage : 1.4 times;
Equity Capital : `. 170 lakh;

Reserve and surplus : `. 130 lakh;

10% Debentures : `. 400 lakh;

Cost of Equity : 17.5%
Income Tax Rate : 30%.
EVA = NOPAT – Kc (Amount)
Amalgamation and Corporate Restructuring 323

Interest = 400 x 10% = 40

Financial leverage = = 1.4
EBIT – Int
= = 1.4 therefore EBIT = 140
EBIT – 40
EBIT 140
LESS: Tax (30%) 42
ii. Kc (%)
Ke = 17.5%
Kd = i (1 - t)
= 10 (1 – 0.3) = 7%
Kc = WtKe + WtKd
400 300
= x 7% + x 17.5% = 11.5%
700 700
iii. Kc (Amount) = 700 x 11.5% = 80.

EVA = 98 – 80.5 = ` 17.5 Lakhs

Question 6 NOV RTP – 2009

Prosperous Bank has a criteria that it will give loans to companies that have an
“Economic Value added” greater than zero for the past three years on an average. The bank
is considering lending money to a small company that has the economic value
characteristics shown below. The data relating to the company is as follows.

1. Average operating income after tax equals ` 25,00,000 per year for last 3 years

2. Average total assets over the last 3 years equals ` 75,00,000

3. Weighted average cost of capital appropriate for the company is 10% which is
applicable for all three years

4. The company’s average current liabilities over the last three years are ` 15,00,000.

Does the company meet the bank’s criteria for a positive economic value added ?
EVA = NOPAT – Kc (Amount)

i. NOPAT = ` 25,00,000

ii. Kc (%) = 10%

iii. Kc (Amount)
Capital Employed = Assets - Liabilities
324 CA Final Financial Reporting

= 75,00,000 – 15,00,000
Kc (Amount) = 60,00,000 x 10% = 6,00,000

EVA = 25,00,000 – 6,00,000 = ` 19 Lakhs

Note :- (Since the company has positive EVA, Prosperous Bank should go ahead and
give loan to the company)
Question 7 – MAY RTP – 2011
From the following data compute the Economic Value Added:
Equity `. 1600 crores
Long-Term debt `. 320 crores
Interest `. 32 crores
Reserves & Surplus `. 3200 crores
Profit before Interest & Tax `. 1432 crores
Tax Rate 30%
Cost of equity 14.2%
EVA = NOPAT – Kc (Amount)
EBIT 1432
LESS: Tax (30%) 429.6
NOPAT 1002.4
ii. Kc (%)
Ke = 17.5%
Kd = i (1 - t)
i (%) = x 100 = 10%
Kd = 10 (1 – 0.3) = 7%
Kc = WtKe + WtKd
4800 320
= x 14.2 + x 7% = 13.75%
5120 5120
iii. Kc (Amount) = 5120 x 13.75 = 704
EVA = 1002.4 – 704 = ` 298.4 Lakhs

Question 8 May 2011 – Paper – Similar to Nov 2010 - RTP

Question 9 NOV 2011 - RTP – Similar to May 2009 Paper
Question 10 Nov Paper – 2011
Amalgamation and Corporate Restructuring 325

Life industries ltd [LIL] furnishes the following information from which you are
required to calculate prevailing Economic Value Added of the company and also explain the
reason for the difference, if any, between the EVA as calculated by you and the MVA
(Market Value Added) of LIL amounting to ` 14005 crores.

Common Shares of ` 1,000 face value 1,58,200 units

12% Debentures ` 10 face value 50,00,000 units

Current Tax Rate 30%
Financial Leverage 1.1 times
Securities Premium Account 155 lakhs
Free Reserves 154 lakhs
Capital Reserves 109 lakhs
It is prevailing practice for companies in the industry to which LIL belongs to pay at
least a dividend of 15% to its common shareholders.
EVA = NOPAT – Kc (Amount)

Interest = 50,00,000 x 10 x 12% = ` 60,00,000

Financial leverage = = 1.1
EBIT – Int

= = 1.1 therefore EBIT = 6,60,00,000
EBIT – 60,00,000
EBIT 6,60,00,000
LESS: Tax (30%) 1,98,00,000
NOPAT 4,62,00,000
ii. Kc (%)
Total Capital = Share Capital + Reserves
= 1582 + (155+154+109)
= 2,000 Lakhs
Kd = i (1 - t)
= 12 (1 – 0.3) = 8.4%
Kc = WtKe + WtKd
2000 500
= x 15 + x 8.4 = 13.68%
2500 2500

iii. Kc (Amount) = 2500 x 13.68% = 342

EVA = 462 – 342 = ` 120 Lakhs

326 CA Final Financial Reporting

Market value added means total value added by company to its face value of share
capital. It is calculated by following formula
Market Value Added = Total Market Value - Book Value
Whereas Economic Value added is excess of profit earned over and above the cost of
capital. They are totally different concepts.
Question 11 MAY RTP – 2012
You are given the following information about Ram Ltd.
1. Beta for the year 2010 – 2011 1.05
2. Risk Free Rate 12%
3. Long Range Market Rate 15.14%
4. Extracts of liability side of balance sheet as on 31st March 2011.

`. In lakhs

Equity 29,160
Reserves and Surplus 43,740
Shareholders Funds 72,900
Loan Funds 8,100
Total Long Term Funds 81,000

5. Profit After Tax `. 20,394.16 lakhs

6. Interest Deducted from profit `. 487 lakhs

7. Effective tax Rate 24.45%

Calculate economic value added of Ram Ltd. as on 31st March, 2011

EVA = NOPAT – Kc (Amount)
Profit after tax 20394.160
ADD: Tax (24.45%) 6600.095
Profit before Tax 26,994.255
ADD: Interest 487.000
EBIT 27,481.255
LESS: Tax (24.45%) 6,719.167
Amalgamation and Corporate Restructuring 327

NOPAT 20,762.088
ii. Kc (%)
Ke = RF +  (RM - RF)
= 12 + 1.05(15.14 - 12)
= 15.297%
i = x 100 = 6.0123
Kd = i (1 – t) = 6.0123(1 – 0.2445) = 4.54%
8000 72900
Kc = WtKe + WtKd = x 4.54% + x 15.297 = 14.224 %
81000 81000
iii. Kc (Amount) = 81000 x 14.224% = 11521.4
Economic Value = 20762.088 – 11521.44 = ` 9240.65 Lakhs

Question 12 – May Paper - 2012

The following information as on 21.3.2012 is supplied to u by M/s Fox Ltd.
In crores
1. Profit after tax `. 205.90
2. Interest `. 4.85
3. Equity Share capital `. 40.00
Accumulated Surplus `. 700.00
Share holders fund `. 740.00
Loans long term `. 37.00
Total long term funds `. 777.00
Market capitalization `. 2892.00
Additional information
a. Risk free return 12%
b. Long term market rate (BSE Sensex) 15.50%
c. Effective tax rate for the company 25%
d. β for last few years
Year β
1 0.48
2 0.52
3 0.60
4 1.10
5 0.99
Using the above data you are requested to calculate EVA of the Fox Ltd. 31st March
EVA = NOPAT – Kc (Amount)
328 CA Final Financial Reporting

NPAT 205.90
ADD: Tax 68.63
NPBT 274.53
ADD: Interest 4.85
NPBIT 279.38
LESS: Tax (25%) 69.845
NOPAT 209.535
ii. Kc (%)
Ke = RF +  (RM - RF)
= 12% + 1.1 (15.5 - 12)
= 15.85%
i= x 100 = 13.108%

Kd = i (1 – t)
= 13.108 (1 – 0.25) = 9.83%
Kc = WtKe + WtKd
740 37
= x 13.108% + x 9.83% = 12.95%
777 777

iii. Kc (Amount) = 777 x 12.95% = 100.6215

EVA = 209.535 – 100.6125 = ` 108.916 Crores

Question 13 Nov 2012 RTP - Similar to Nov 2010 – RTP and May 2011 Paper
Question 14 May RTP - 2013
The Capital Structure of Define Ltd. is as under:

 80,00,000, Equity Shares of ` 10 each = ` 800 lakhs

 1,00,000, 12% Preference Shares of ` 250 each = ` 250 lakhs

 1,00,000, 10% Debentures of ` 500 each = ` 500 lakhs

 Terms Loan from Bank @ 10% = ` 450 lakhs

The Company’s Statement of Profit and Loss for the year showed PAT of ` 100 lakhs,
after appropriating Equity Dividend @ 20%. The Company is in the 40% tax bracket.
Treasury Bonds carry 6.5% interest and beta factor for the Company may be taken as 1.5.
The long run market rate of return may be taken as 16.5%. Calculate Economic Value
Amalgamation and Corporate Restructuring 329

EVA = NOPAT – Kc (Amount)
NPAT after Dividend 100.00
ADD: Equity Dividend (800 x 20%) 160.00
ADD: Interest on Dividend (250 x 12%) 30.00
NPAT 290.00
ADD: Tax 193.33
NPBT 483.33
ADD: Interest (500 x 10%) 50 + 45
EBIT 578.33
LESS: Tax (40%) 231.33
NOPAT 347.00
ii. Kc (%)
Ke = RF +  (RM - RF)
= 6.5 + 1.5 (16.5 – 6.5) = 21.5
Kp = Dp = 12%
i = x 100 = 10%
Kd = i (1 – t) Kl = i (1 – t)
= 10 (1 – 0.4) = 6% = 10 (1-0.4) = 6%
Kc = WtKe + WtKp + WtKd
800 250 950
= x 21.5 + x 12 + x 6 = 12.95%
800 + 250 + 1500 + 450 2000 2000
iiii. Kc (Amount) = 2000 x 12.95% = 259

EVA = 347– 259 = ` 88 Lakhs

Question 15 – NOV RTP – 2013

Booming Limited provides you the following data :
No of equity shares of ` 10 each 192 crores

No of 10% Debentures of ` 100 each ?

Free Reserves ` 1440 crores

Capital Reserves ` 960 crores

Securities Premium ` 480 crores

Tax Rate 30%
Beta Factor 1.05
330 CA Final Financial Reporting

Market Rate of Return 14%

Risk Free Rate 10%
Debt – Equity Ratio 1:2

Compute the Economic Value Added where net operating profit after tax is ` 1848
Also Explain the reason for the difference between EVA and MVA.
EVA = NOPAT – Kc (Amount)
i. NOPAT=1,848(In crores)
ii. Kc(%)
Ke = RF +  (RM - RF)
= 10 + 1.05 (14 - 10) = 14.2%
Kd = i (1 - t)
= 10 (1 – 0.3) = 7%
Kc(%) = WtKe + WtKd
Debt-Equity Ratio=Long term Debt/Equity
0.5 =Long-term debt/(1,920+1,440+960+480)
Long-term debt=2,400
4,800 2,400
= x 14.2 + x 7 = 11.8%
7,200 7,200

iii. Kc (Amount) = 7200 x11.8% = 849.6

EVA = 1848-849.6 = 998.4 crores
Question 16 May 2014 RTP – Similar to May 2012 RTP
Question 17 May 2014 – Paper
The capital structure of W Ltd. whose shares are quoted on the NSE is as under:
Equity Shares of `.100 each fully paid `.505 lakhs

9% convertible Pref. Shares of `.10 each `.150 lakhs

12% Secured Debentures of `.10 each 5,00,000

Reserves `.101 lakhs

Statutory Fund `.50,50,000

The Statutory Fund is compulsorily required to be invested in Government Securities.

The ordinary shares are quoted at a premium of 500%; Preference Shares at `.30 per share
Amalgamation and Corporate Restructuring 331

and debentures at par value. You are required to ascertain the Market Value added of the
company and also give your assessment on the market value added as calculated by you.
MVA = Market Value – Book Value
i. Book Value
Equity 505
Reserves (101 + 50.5) 151.5
9% Preference share 150
12% Secured Debenture 50
ii. Market Value
Equity (505 x 600%) 3030
Reserves -
9% Preference share (15 x 30) 450
12% Secured Debenture 50
MVA = 3530 – 856.5 = 2673.5lakhs
Question 18 – May 2014 – Paper

Gold. and Co. provides you with the following as at 31st March, 2004. (`. in lakhs)
Liabilities ` Assets `
Share capital 1,000 Fixed assets (Net) 3,000
Reserves and surplus 2,000 Investments 150
Long term debt 200 Current assets 100
Sundry creditors 50
Total 3,250 Total 3,250
Additional Information provided is as follows :
i. Profit before interest and tax is `. 1,000 (`. in Lakhs) ii. Interest: `. 20 (`. in Lakhs)
iii. Tax: 35.875% iv. Risk Free Rate - 10%
v. Market Rate - 15% vi. Beta() Factor - 1.4
Compute economic value added
EVA = NOPAT – Kc (Amount)
EBIT 1000.00
LESS: Tax (30%) 358.75
NOPAT 641.25
332 CA Final Financial Reporting

ii. Kc (Amount)
Ke = RF +  (RM - RF)
= 10 + 1.4 (15 - 10) = 17%
i (%) = x 100 = 10%
Kd = i (1 - t)
= 10 (1 – 0.35875) = 6.4125%
Kc = WtKe + WtKd
3000 200
= x 17 + x 6.4125 = 16.3383%
32000 3200
iii. Kc (Amount) = 3200 x 16.3383% = 522.8256
EVA = 641.25 – 522.8256 = 118.4244 lakhs
Question 19 NOV 2014 RTP – Similar to May 2012 Paper
Question 20 Nov Paper – 2014
Disha & Co. has following information:
`.(in lacs)
Equity share capital (`. 10 each) 400
15% Preference Share Capital 200
Reserves & Surplus 220
15% Debentures 1600
10% Non-Trade Investments(Nominal Value Rs. 100lacs) 140
Land and building held as Investment 20
Advance given for purchase of Plant 10
Capital Work in Progress 30
Underwriting Commission (not written off) 20
Earning Per share 16
Tax rate 30%
Beta factor 1.65
Market Rate of Return 16.25%
Risk free return 9.85%
Calculate Economic Value Added by the Company.
EVA = NOPAT – Kc (Amount)
Amalgamation and Corporate Restructuring 333

Profit after tax and Dividend (16 x 40) 640.00000

ADD: Interest on Dividend (200 x 15%) 30.00000
Profit After Tax 670.00000
ADD: Tax (30%) 287.14285
Profit before Tax 957.14285
ADD: Interest 240.00000
EBIT 1197.14285
LESS: Income from no trade investments 10.00000
EBIT 1187.14285
LESS: Tax (30%) 356.14285
NOPAT 831.00000
ii. Kc (%)
Ke = RF +  (RM - RF)
= 9.85 + 1.65(16.25 – 9.85) = 20.4%
Kp = 15%
Kd = i (1 – t)
= 15(1 – 0.3) = 10.5
Kc = WtKe + WtKd + Wtkp
Equity = 400 + 220 – 20 (Underwriting Commission) = 600
600 200 1600
Kc = x 20.41 + x 15% + x 10.5 = 5.10 + 1.25 + 7 = 13.35%
2400 2400 2400
iii. Kc (Amount) = 2200 x 13.35% = 293.7
EVA = 831 – 293.7 = ` 537.3 Lakhs

Question 21 May RTP - 2015
Prosperous Limited provides you the following data to Calculate Economic Value added.
30 Crores Equity shares of `. 10 each

1 Crores, 15% Preference shares of `. 100 each

8 Crores, 15% Debentures of `. 100 each

Tax Rate – 30%
Beta Factor - 1.5
Market Risk Premium - 9%
Financial Leverage - 1.5
Immovable Property held as investment - 100
EVA = NOPAT – Kc (Amount)
Interest = 8 x 100 x 15% = 120
Financial leverage = = 1.5
EBT – Int
334 CA Final Financial Reporting

= = 1.5
EBIT – 120

EBIT = 1.5EBIT-180
180 = 0.5EBIT
EBIT = 360lakhs.
EBIT 360
LESS: Tax (30%) 108
ii. Kc (%)
Ke = Rf +  (RM – Rf)
Ke = 6.5 + 1.5 (9) += 20%
Kp = 15%
Kd = i (1 - t)
= 15 (1 – 0.3) = 10.5%
Kc = WtKe + WtKp + WtKd
300 100 800
= x 20 + x 15 + x 10.5 = 13.25%
1200 1200 1200
iii. Kc (Amount) = 1100 x 13.25% = 145.75
= 1200 – 100 (immovable property)
EVA = 252 – 147.75 = 106.25

Question 22 Nov RTP – 2015 – Similar to May Paper – Q.3

Question 23 Nov 2015 – Paper
Vijay Ltd. furnishes the following information from which you are required to calculate
the Economic Value Added (EVA) of the company and also explain the reason for the
difference, if any, between EVA as calculated by you and the MVA (Market Value Added) of
Vijay Ltd. amounting to `. 7,010 Crores

Common shares of `. 10 face value 79,10,000 shares

10% Debenture of `. 100 face Value 2,50,000 debentures

Tax Rate 30%
Financial Leverage 1.1 times
Capital Reserve 54 lakhs
Free Reserves 75 lakhs
Securities Premium 80 lakhs
It is common practice for companies in the industry to which Vijay Ltd. belongs to pay
atleast a dividend of 12% P.A to its common shareholders
Amalgamation and Corporate Restructuring 335

EVA = NOPAT – Kc (Amount)
Interest = 2, 50,000 x 100 x 10% = `. 25lakhs
Financial leverage = = 1.1
EBT – Int
= = 1.1
EBIT – 25
EBIT 275
LESS: Tax (30%) 82.5
NOPAT 192.5
ii. Kc (%)
Ke = 12%
Kd = I (1 - t)
=10(1-0.3) =7%
Kc = WtKe + WtKp + WtKd
1000 250
= x 12 + x 7 =11%
1250 1250
iii. Kc (Amount) = 1250 x 11% = 137.5
EVA = 192.5-137.5 = `. 55lakhs.

336 CA Final Financial Reporting



Years May Nov
RTP Paper RTP Paper
2008 NA Yes – 10 Yes NA
2009 Yes NA Yes NA
2010 Yes NA Yes Yes – 16
2011 Yes NA Yes Yes – 5 Marks
2012 Yes NA Yes Yes – 4 Marks
2013 Yes Yes – 4 Marks Yes Yes – 10
2014 Yes Yes – 8 Marks Yes Yes – 12
2015 Yes NA Yes Yes
Question 1 May 2008 – Paper
ABC Ltd. Grants 1,000 employees stock on 1st April 2008 at ` 40, when the market price
is ` 160. The vesting period is 2.5 years and the maximum exercise period is one year. 300
unvested options lapse on 1st May 2010. 600 options are exercised on 30th June 2011. 100
options lapse at the end of the exercise period. Pass journal entries giving suitable
Journal of ACB Ltd
Date Particulars L.F Amount Amount
(Dr.) (Cr.)
31/3/09 Employee Compensation Expenses A/c Dr 48,000
To Employee Stock Option Outstanding 48,000
(Being Compensation Expenses recognized
for 1000 options for 2.5 years)
31/3/09 48,000
Profit and Loss A/c Dr 48,000
To Employee Compensation Exp A/c
(Being Expense transferred to profit and
loss A/c)
Amalgamation and Corporate Restructuring 337

2009-10 48,000
31/3/10 48,000
Employee Compensation Expenses A/c
To Employee Stock Option Outstanding
31/3/10 A/c 48,000
(Being Compensation Expenses recognized 48,000
for 1000 options for 2.5 years)

Profit and Loss A/c Dr

To Employee Compensation Exp A/c
(Being Expense transferred to profit and
loss A/c)
31/03/11 Employee Stock Option Outstanding A/c Dr 12,000
To General Reserve A/c 12,000
(Being Excess of Employee Compensation
Expenses transferred to General Reserve
A/c )
31/03/11 24000
Bank A/c Dr 72000
Employee Stock Option Outstanding A/c Dr 6000
To Equity Share Capital A/c 90000
To Security Premium A/c
(Being 600 Employees are exercised at an
expertise of ` 10 each )
30/09/11 12000
Employee Stock Option Outstanding A/c Dr 12000
To General Reserve A/c
(Being 100 options Lapsed at the end of
Exercise period)
Working Notes
1000 x 120 (160 – 40) x 1
2008-09 :- Options Amounts to be provided = = 48,000
1000 x 120 (160 – 40) x 2
2009-10 :- Options Amounts to be provided =
= 96,000 – 48,000 = `. 48,000
2010-11 :- Options to be provided
= Total option 1000
(-) Option Lapsed 300
Option Pending 700
700 x 120 x 2.5
Amount to be provided = = 84,000
Option Provided = 96,000
Reversed = 12000
338 CA Final Financial Reporting

2011-12 :- Options Lapsed = 100 x 120 = 12000 (Reversed)

Question 2 NOV RTP – 2008
Choice Ltd. Grants 100 stock options to each of its 1,000 employees on 1st April 2009
for ` 20, depending upon the employees at the time of vesting options. The market price of
the share is ` 50. These options will vest at the end of the year 1 if the earning of Rahul Ltd
is 16% or it will vest at the end of the year 2 if the average earning of two years is 13% or
lastly it will vest at the end of the third year if the average earning of 3 years will be 10%,
5,000 unvested options lapsed on 31st March 2010 . 4,000 unvested options lapsed on 31st
March 2011 and finally 3,500 unvested options lapsed on 31st March 2012.
Following is the earning of Choice Ltd :
Year ended on Earning (in %)
31 March 2010 14%
31st March 2011 10%
31st March 2012 7%
850 employees exercised their vested options within a year and remaining options
were unexercised at the end of the contractual life. Pass journal entries of the above.
Journal of Choice Ltd
Date Particulars L.F Amount Amount
(Dr.) (Cr.)
31/3/10 Employee Compensation Expenses A/c Dr 14,25000
To Employee Stock Option Outstanding 14,25000
(Being Employee Compensation Expenses
provided for 95000 options)
31/3/10 14,25000
Profit and Loss A/c Dr 14,25000
To Employee Compensation Exp A/c
(Being Expense changed to profit and loss
2010-11 A/c) 3,95,000
31/3/11 3,95,000
Employee Compensation Expenses A/c Dr
To Employee Stock Option Outstanding
31/3/11 (Being Employee Compensation Expenses 3,95,000
provided for 95000 options) 3,95,000

Profit and Loss A/c Dr

2011-12 To Employee Compensation Exp A/c 8,05,000
31/03/12 (Being Expense changed to profit and loss
A/c) 8,05,000

Employee Compensation Expenses A/c Dr

Amalgamation and Corporate Restructuring 339

31/03/12 To Employee Stock Option Outstanding 8,05,000

A/c 8,05,000
(Being Employee Compensation Expenses
provided for 95000 options)
31/03/13 Profit and Loss A/c Dr 17,00,000
To Employee Compensation Exp A/c 25,50,000
(Being Expense changed to profit and loss 8,50,000
A/c) 34,00,000

31/03/13 Bank A/c (85,000 x 20) Dr

Employee Stock Option Outstanding A/c Dr 75,000 75,000
To Equity Share Capital A/c (*10)
To Security Premium A/c (*40)
(Being 850 Employees exercised the Options

Employee Stock Option Outstanding A/c Dr

To General Reserve A/c
(Being 100 options Lapsed at the end of
Exercise period)

Working Notes
2009-10 2010-11 2011-12
No of Options 100000 95000 91000
(-) Lapsed 5000 4000 3500
Outstanding 95,000 91,000 87,500
(x) Iv of Options (50-20) 30 30 30
Total 28,50,000 27,30,000 26,25,000

Amt to be Provided x1 x2 x3

= 14,25,000 = 18,20,000 =26,25,000

Amount already Provided
Nil 14,25,000 18,20,000
Amount to be provided in
14,25,000 3,95,000 8,05,000
current year
Question 3 May 2009 RTP – Similar to May 2008 Paper
340 CA Final Financial Reporting

Question 4 Nov RTP – 2009

S Ltd. grants 1,000 options to its employees on 1.4.2005 at ` 60. The vesting period is
two and a half years. The maximum exercise period is one year. Market price on that date
is ` 90. All the options were exercised on 31.7.2008. Journalize, if the face value of equity

share is ` 10 per share.

Journal of S Ltd
Date Particulars L.F Amount Amount
(Dr.) (Cr.)
04 –
05 Employee Compensation Expenses A/c Dr 12,000
31.3.05 To Employee Stock Option Outstanding 12,000
(Being 1000 Options provided for 2.5 Years)
31.3.05 Profit and Loss A/c Dr 12,000
To Employee Compensation Exp A/c
(Being Expense changed to profit and loss
05-06 A/c) 12,000
31.3.06 12,000
Employee Compensation Expenses A/c Dr
To Employee Stock Option Outstanding
A/c 12,000
31.3.06 (Being 1000 Options provided for 2.5 Years) 12,000

Profit and Loss A/c Dr

06-07 To Employee Compensation Exp A/c 6,000
31.3.07 (Being Expense changed to profit and loss
A/c) 6,000

Employee Compensation Expenses A/c Dr

To Employee Stock Option Outstanding 6,000
31.3.07 A/c 6,000
(Being Employee Compensation Expenses
provided for 95000 options)
07-08 60000
31.7.08 Profit and Loss A/c Dr 30000
To Employee Compensation Exp A/c 10000
(Being Expense changed to profit and loss 80000

Bank A/c (1000 x 60) Dr

Employee Stock Option Outstanding A/c
Amalgamation and Corporate Restructuring 341

To Equity Share Capital A/c (x10)

To Security Premium A/c (x80)
(Being Options exercised by the holders )
Question 5 MAY RTP – 2010
At the beginning of year 1, an enterprise grants 300 options to each of its 1,000
employees. The contractual life (comprising the vesting period and the exercise period) of
options granted is 6 years. The other relevant terms of the grant are as below:
Vesting Period 3 years
Exercise Period 3 years
Expected Life 5 years
Exercise Price ` 50

Market Price ` 50
Expected forfeitures per year 3%
The fair value of options, calculated using an option pricing model, is ` 15 per option.
Actual forfeitures, during the year 1, are 5 per cent and at the end of year 1, the enterprise
still expects that actual forfeitures would average 3 per cent per year over the 3- year
vesting period. During the year 2, however, the management decides that the rate of
forfeitures is likely to continue to increase, and the expected forfeiture rate for the entire
award is changed to 6 per cent per year. It is also assumed that 840 employees have
actually completed 3 years vesting period.
200 employees exercise their right to obtain shares vested in them in pursuance of the
ESOP at the end of year 5 and 600 employees exercise their right at the end of year 6.
Rights of 40 employees expire unexercised at the end of the contractual life of the option,
i.e., at the end of year 6. Face value of one share of the enterprise is ` 10.

Journal of _____ Ltd
Date Particulars L.F Amount Amount
(Dr.) (Cr.)
1 Employee Compensation Expenses A/c Dr 13,69,010
1. To Employee Stock Option Outstanding 13,69,010
(Being 2,73,802 Options provided after reduce
3% expected forfeiture of 3% )
2. Profit and Loss A/c Dr 13,69,010
To Employee Compensation Exp A/c
(Being Expense transferred to profit and loss
Year2 A/c) 11,22,740
342 CA Final Financial Reporting

1. 11,22,740
Employee Compensation Expenses A/c Dr
To Employee Stock Option Outstanding
(Being 2,49,175 Options provided after reduce 11,22,740
2. 6% expected forfeiture of 6% ) 11,22,740

Profit and Loss A/c Dr

Year3 To Employee Compensation Exp A/c 12,88,250
1. (Being Expense transferred to profit and loss 12,88,250

Employee Compensation Expenses A/c Dr 12,88,250

2. To Employee Stock Option Outstanding 12,88,250
(Being 2,52,00 Options provided)
Profit and Loss A/c Dr
Year5 To Employee Compensation Exp A/c 30,00,000
1. (Being Expense transferred to profit and loss 9,00,000
A/c) 6,00,000

Year6 Bank A/c (200 x 300 x 50) Dr

1. Employee Stock Option Outstanding A/c Dr 9,00,000 18,00,000
To Equity Share Capital A/c (*10) 27,00,000 99,00,000
To Security Premium A/c (*55)
(Being 200 Employees exercised options )

Bank A/c (600 x 300 x 50) Dr

2. Employee Stock Option Outstanding A/ Dr 1,80,000 1,80,000
To Equity Share Capital A/c (*10)
To Security Premium A/c (*55)
(Being 600 Employees exercised options )

Employee Stock Option Outstanding A/c Dr

To General Reserve A/c
(Being options of 40 Employees Lapsed and
Working Notes
Year 1 Year 2 Year 3
Options 300 300 300
(x) Employees x 1,000 x 1,000 x 840
Total Options 3,00,000 3,00,000 2,52,000
(x) Expected for year
Amalgamation and Corporate Restructuring 343

Year1 x 0.97 x 0.94

Year2 x 0.97 x 0.94
Year3 x 0.97 x 0.94
2,73,802 2,49,175
(x) Iv of Options x 15 x 15 x 15
41,07,030 37,37,625 37,80,000
Amount to be provided
x1 x2 x3
Total =13,69,010 =11,22,740 =12,88,250
Question 6 NOV RTP – 2010
On 1.1.2009, Surya Kiran Ltd grants 200 stock options to each of its 300 employees,
which will vest at the end of 3rd year, provided the employees are in service at the end of
3rd year. The exercise price per option is ` 60 if average annual output per employee is in

the range of 100 units to 120 units, ` 50 if the same is in the range of 121 units to 130 units,

` 40 if the same is above 130 units.

Fair value as on grant date is estimated at ` 50 per option if the exercise price is ` 60, `

40 per option if the exercise price is ` 50, ` 30 per option if the exercise price is ` 40.

On 31.12.2009, 20 employees have left. Actual average annual output per employee is
115 till date. X Ltd. expects that it is most likely that the average output will be 122 over the
3 years and that further 30 employees will leave during next 2 years.
On 31.12.2010, further 25 employees have left. Actual average annual output per
employee is 132 till date. X Ltd. expects that it is most likely that the average output will be
above 130 units over the 3 years. It also estimates that a further 10 employees will leave
during the 3rd year.
On 31.12.2011, further 15 employees have left. Actual average annual output per
employees is only 112 till date.
Compute the amounts to be recognized for each year.
31/12/09 31/12/10 31/12/11
Employees 250 245 240
(300-20- (300-20-25- (300-20-25-
Expected Output 30) 10) 15)
Iv of Options 122 130 112
40 30 50
Total Amounts to be provided x2 x3
= 9,80,000 =
= 6,66,667 24,00,000
Amount already provided
Total Nil 3,13,333 9,80,000
344 CA Final Financial Reporting

6,66,667 14,20,000

Question 7 – NOV PAPER – 2010

Softex Ltd. announced a Stock Appreciation Right (SAR) on 01-04-07 for each of its
employees. The scheme gives the employees the right to claim cash payment equivalent to
an excess of market price of company shares on, exercise date over the exercise price of
`125 per share in respect of 100 shares, subject to a condition of continuous employment of
3 years. The SAR is exercisable after 31-03-2010 but before 30-06-10.

The fair value of SAR was Rs.21 in 2007-08, ` 23 in 2008-09 and ` 24 in 2009-10. In
2007-08 the company estimated that 2% of its employees shall leave the company
annually. This was revised to 3% in 2008-09. Actually 15 employees left the company in
2007-08, 10 left in 2008-09 and 8 left in 2009-10. The SAR therefore actually vested in 492
employees on 30-06-2010; when SAR was exercised the intrinsic value was ` 25 per share.

Show the provision for SAR account by fair value method. Is this provision a liability or
Dr Books of Softex Ltd Cr
Date Particular Amount Date Particular Amount
2007- To Balance c/d 3,45,891 2007- By Employee Compensation 3,45,891
08 3,45,891 08 Exp A/c 3,45,891
2008- To Balance c/d 7,35,785 2008- By Balance B/d 3,45,891
09 09 By Employee Compensation 3,89,894
7,35,785 Exp A/c 7,35,785
2009- To Balance c/d 11,80,800 2009- By Balance B/d 7,35,785
10 10 By Employee Compensation 4,45,015
11,80,800 Exp A/c 11,80,800
2010-11 To Bank A/c 12,30,000 2010-11 By Balance B/d 11,80,800
By Employee Compensation 49,200
12,30,000 Exp A/c 12,30,000
Working Notes
2007-08 2008-09 2009-10
Employees 525 510 492
Amalgamation and Corporate Restructuring 345

(492+15+10+8) (525-15)
(x) Expected forfeiture
Year1 x 0.98 x 0.94 x 100
Year2 x 0.98 x 0.94
Year3 x 0.98
49,413 47986 49,200
(x) Iv of Options x 21 x 23 x 24
10,37,673 11,03,678 11,80,800

Total Amount to be provided x1 x2 x3

=3,45,891 =7,35,785 =11,80,800

(-) Amount provided
NIL 3,45,891 7,35,785

3,45,891 3,89,894 4,45,015

Cash Payment – 49,200 x 25 = 12,30,000
(-) Already provided = 11,80,800
To be provided = 49,200
Question 8 – May RTP – 2011

Beta Ltd. grants 1,000 employees stock options on 1.4.2007 at ` 80, when the market

price is ` 320. The vesting period is 2½ years and the maximum exercise period is one year.
300 unvested options lapse on 1.5.2009. 600 options are exercised on 30.6.2010. 100
vested options lapse at the end of the exercise period.

Journal of Beta Ltd
Date Particulars L.F Amount Amount
(Dr.) (Cr.)
346 CA Final Financial Reporting

08 Employee Compensation Expenses A/c Dr 96,000
31/3/08 To Employee Stock Option Outstanding 96,000
(Being Employees Compensation Expense
for 1000 Employees provided )
31/3/08 Profit and Loss A/ Dr 96,000
To Employee Compensation Exp A/c
(Being Expense changed to profit and loss
2008- 96,000
09 96,000
31/3/08 Employee Compensation Expenses A/c Dr
To Employee Stock Option Outstanding
(Being Employees Compensation Expense
for 1000 Employees provided ) 96,000
Profit and Loss A/c Dr
To Employee Compensation Exp A/c
(Being Expense changed to profit and loss 24,000
2009- A/c) 24,000
Employee Stock Option Outstanding A/c Dr 48,000
To General Reserve A/c 1,44000
2010-11 (Being options Excess Reversed) 6000
30/6/10 1,86,000
Bank A/c (600 x 80) Dr
Employee Stock Option Outstanding A/ Dr
To Equity Share Capital A/c (x10) 24,000
To Security Premium A/c (x 310) 24,000
(Being 600 Employees exercised options )
Employees Stock Options Outstanding A/c
To General Reserve A/c
(Being 100 options lapsed )
Question 9 NOV 2011 RTP – Similar to Nov 2008 RTP
Question 10 Nov Paper – 2011
On 1st april 2010, A company offered 100 shares to each of its employees at ` 50 per
share. The employees are given a month to decide whether or not to accept the offer. The
shares issued under the plan (ESPP) shall be subject to lock in on transfers for three years
from grant date. The market price of shares of the company on the grant date is ` 60 per
Amalgamation and Corporate Restructuring 347

share. Due to post-vesting restrictions on transfer, the fair value of shares issued under the
plan is estimated at ` 56 per share.

On 30th April, 2010, 400 employees accepted the offer and paid ` 50 per share
purchased. Nominal value of each share is ` 10.
Record the issue of shares in the book of the company under the aforesaid plan.
Journal of ______ Ltd
Date Particulars L.F Amount Amount
(Dr.) (Cr.)
Bank A/c (40000 x 50) Dr 20,00,000
Employee Compensation Expenses A/c (x 2,40,000
6) Dr 4,00,000
To Equity Share Capital A/c (x 10) 18,40,000
To Security Premium A/c (x 46)
(Being 4,000 shares issued under ESPP )
31/3/2011 2,40,000
Profit and Loss A/c Dr
To Employee Compensation Exp A/c 2,40,000
(Being Compensation Expense changed to
profit and loss A/c)
Question 11 – May RTP – 2012
At the beginning of year 1, the enterprise grants 100 stock options to each of its 500
employees, conditional upon the employees remaining in the employment of the enterprise
during the vesting period. The options will vest at the end of year 1 if the earnings of the
enterprise is 18 per cent; at the end of year 2 if the earnings of the enterprise is an average
of 13 per cent per year over the two year period; and at the end of year 3 if the earnings of
the enterprise is an average of 10 per cent per year over the three year period. The fair
value of the options, calculated at the grant date using an option pricing model, is ` 30 per
option. No dividends are expected to be paid over the three-year period.
By the end of year 1, the earnings of the enterprise was 14 per cent, and 30 employees
had left. The enterprise expected that earnings will continue at a similar rate in year 2,
and, therefore, expected that the options will vest at the end of year 2. The enterprise
expected on the basis of a weighted average probability, that a further 30 employees will
leave during the year 2, and, therefore, assumed that options will vest in 440 employees at
the end of the year 2.
By the end of year 2, the earnings of the enterprise was only 10 per cent. 28 employees
have left during the year. The enterprise expected that a further 25 employees will leave
during year 3, and that the earnings of the enterprise will be at least 6 per cent, thereby
achieving the average of 10 per cent per year.
348 CA Final Financial Reporting

By the end of the year 3, 23 employees had left and the earnings of the enterprise had
been 8 per cent. You are required to determine the compensation expense to be recognised
each year.
Year 1 Year 2 Year 3
No of Employees 500 470 442
(-) Left 30 28 23
(-) Expected to Leave 30 25 --
440 417 419
(x) No of Options/Employees 100 100 100
44,000 41,700 41,900
(x) Iv 30 30 30
Total Options value 13,20,000 12,51,000 12,57,000

Total Value to be provided x1 x2 x3

= 6,60,000 = 8,34,000 = 12,57,000
Value Provided NIL 6,60,000 8,34,000
(-) Amount provided 6,60,000 1,74,000 4,23,000
Vesting Period 18% 13% 10%
Actual 14% 12% 10.67%
Question 12 NOV RTP – 2012 – Similar to May 2010
Question 13 NOV Paper – 2012
Goodluck Limited grants 180 share options to each of its 690 employees. Each grant
containing condition on the employees working for Goodluck Ltd. over the next 4years.
Goodluck Ltd. has estimated that the fair value option is ` 15. Goodluck Ltd. also estimated
that 30% of employees will leave during four year period and hence forfeit their rights to
the share option. If the above expectations are correct, what amount of expenses to be
recognized during vesting period?
Amount to be expensed in 4 Years
= 690 Employees
X 180 Options
1, 24,200 Total Options
X 70% (30% Employees we expected to leave)
X 15 Fair Value/Options
13, 04,100 Total Amount to be recognized
Amount to be recognized every Year = = ` 3,26,025
Question 14 – May Paper – 2013
Amalgamation and Corporate Restructuring 349

On 1st April 2012, A company offered 100 shares to each of its employees at ` 40 per
share. The employees are given a month to decide whether or not to accept the offer. The
shares issued under the plan (ESPP) shall be subject to lock in on transfers for three years
from grant date. The market price of shares of the company on the grant date is ` 50 per

share. However the fair value of shares issued under this plan is estimated at ` 48 per
On 30th April, 2012, 400 employees accepted the offer and paid ` 40 per share

purchased. Nominal value of each share is ` 10.

Record the issue of shares in the book of the company under the aforesaid plan.
Journal of Company
Date Particulars L.F Amount Amount
(Dr.) (Cr.)
30/4/20 Bank A/c (40000 x 40) Dr 16,00,000
12 Employee Compensation Expenses A/c (x 3,20,000
8) Dr 4,00,000
To Equity Share Capital A/c (x 10) 15,20,000
To Security Premium A/c (x 38)
(Being 4,000 shares issued under ESPP )
Profit and Loss A/c Dr 3,20,000
To Employee Compensation Exp A/c
(Being Compensation Expense changed to
profit and loss A/c)
Notes :-
Fair Value of Share should be taken as ` 48 and not ` 50 because share as issued with
post vest Restriction
Iv of Option = 48 – 40 = ` 8/-
Question 15 – Nov RTP – 2013
On 1.1.2010, Happy Ltd. grants to its senior officer, a right to choose either 250 shares
(with some post-vesting restrictions) or a cash payment equal to value of 200 shares,
conditional upon remaining in service for 3 years.
Fair value of a share without considering post-vesting restrictions is ` 70 on 1.1.2010, `
75 on 31.12.2010, ` 80 on 31.12.2011 and ` 85 on 31.12.2012. Fair value of a share after
taking into account post-vesting restrictions is ` 68 on 1.1.2010. Face value per share is ` 10.
Give the amounts to be recognised each year. Also, give the journal entries for settlement if
(1) employee chooses cash payments (2) employee chooses shares
Working Notes
350 CA Final Financial Reporting

Options Provision
Cash Options Share Options
200 250
X 70 x 68
14,000 17,000
Excess Share Options = 17,000 – 14,000 = 3,000
Share Options to be Recognized each Year = = 1,000
Cash Options
Year 1 Year 2 Year 3

= x1= 5,000 = x2= 10,667 = x3= 17,000

(-) 5,000 (-) 10,667
5,667 6,333
Journal of Happy Ltd
Date Particulars L.F Amount Amount
(Dr.) (Cr.)
1. Employee Compensation Expenses A/c Dr 6,000
To Employee Cash Option Outstanding 5,000
A/c 1,000
To Employee Stock Option Outstanding
2. (Being Cash and Stock Options provided ) 6,000
Profit and Loss A/c Dr
Year2 To Employee Compensation Exp A/c
1. (Being Expense changed to profit and loss 6,667
A/c) 5,667
Employee Compensation Expenses A/c Dr
To Employee Stock Option Outstanding
2. A/c 6,667
To Employee Cash Option Outstanding 6,667
Year3 (Being Cash and Stock Options provided )
1. 7,333
Profit and Loss A/c Dr 6,333
To Employee Compensation Exp A/c 1,000
(Being Expense changed to profit and loss
2. 7,333
Employee Compensation Expenses A/c Dr 7,333
To Employee Cash Option Outstanding
Amalgamation and Corporate Restructuring 351

To Employee Stock Option Outstanding

A/c 17,000
1. (Being Cash and Stock Options provided ) 17,000

Profit and Loss A/c Dr

To Employee Compensation Exp A/c 3,000
2. (Being Expense changed to profit and loss 3,000

Exercise – Cash Options

Employee Stock Option Outstanding A/c Dr
To Cash A/c
(Being options Excess Cashed)

E mployees Stock Options Outstanding A/c

To General Reserve A/c
(Being options lapsed )
Stock Option
Date Particulars L.F Amount(Dr.) Amount
30/4/2012 Employee Cash Option Outstanding A/cDr
Employee Stock Option Outstanding A/c 17,000
Dr 3,000
To Equity Share Capital A/c 2,500
To Security Premium A/c 17,500
(Being Share options Exercised )
Question 16 – NOV Paper – 2013
Kush Ltd. announced a Share Based Payment Plan for its employees who have
completed 3 years of continuous service, on 1st of April, 2010. The plan is subject to a 3
year vesting period. The following information is supplied to you in this regard :
A) The eligible employees can either have the option to claim the difference between the
exercise price of
` 144 per share and the market price in respect of the share on vesting date in respect
of 5,000 shares or such employees are entitled to subscribe to 6,000 shares at the
exercise price.
B) Any shares subscribed to by the employees shall carry a 3 year lock in restriction. All
shares carry face Value of ` 10.

C) The Current Fair Value of the shares at (ii) above is ` 60 and that in respect of freely
tradable shares is higher by 20%.
D) The Fair Value of the shares not subjected to lock in restriction at the end of each year
increases by a given % from its preceding value as under:
352 CA Final Financial Reporting

Year 2010-11 Year 2011-12 Year 2012-13

% of Increase 6 10 15
You are required to draw up the following accounts under both options:
(i) Employee Compensation Account
(ii) Provision for Liability Component Account
(iii) ESOP Outstanding Account
Working Notes
Options Provision
Share Option = 6,000 x 6 x 10 = 3, 60,000
Cash Option = 5000 x 60 x 120% = 3, 60,000
Excess Share Options = 3, 60,000 – 3, 60,000 = NIL
Cash Provision
Year 1 Year 2 Year 3
No of Options 5000 5000 5000
(x) Fair Value 76.32 83.952 96.5448
(60 x 120% (76.32 +10%) (83.952 +15%)
Total Amount +6%) 419760 482724
Amount to be provided 4,19,760 4,82,724
x2 x3
3,81,600 3 3
3 = 2,79,840 = 4,82,724
(-) Amount provided = 1,27,200 1,27,200 2,79,840
Balance to be provided Nil 1,52,640 2,02,844
Equity Components = NIL
Dr Employee Compensation A/c Cr
Date Particular Amount Date Particular Amount
Year1 To Provision for 1,27,200 Year1 By Profit and Loss 1,27,200
Liability A/c
1,27,200 1,27,200

Year2 1,52,640 Year2 1,52,640

To Provision for By Profit and Loss
Liability 1,52,640 A/c 1,52,640

Year3 2,02,884 Year3 2,02,884

To Provision for 2,02,884 By Profit and Loss 2,02,884

Liability A/c
Amalgamation and Corporate Restructuring 353

Dr Provision for Liability A/c Cr

Date Particular Amount Date Particular Amount
Year1 To Balance C/d 1,27,200 Year By Provision for 1,27,200
1 Expenses A/c

1,27,200 1,27,200

Year To Balance C/d 2,79,840 By Balance b/d 1,27,200

2 Year By Provision for 1,52,640
2 Expenses A/c
2,79,840 2,79,840

To Balance C/d 4,82,724 By Balance b/d 2,79,840

Year By Provision for 2,02,884
3 Year Expenses A/c
4,82,724 3 4,82,724

Cash Option
Date Particular Amount Date Particular Amount
2013- To Cash/Bank 4,82,724 2013-14 By Balance C/d 4,82,724
4,82,724 4,82,724

Equity Share Options Outstanding A/c

Date Particular Amount Date Particular Amount
2013- To Equity capital A/c 60,000 2013- By Equity Share 4,82,724
14 (6000 x 10) 14 Options O/S A/c
To Security Premium 4,22,724
4,82,724 4,82,724
354 CA Final Financial Reporting

Question 17 May RTP – 2014

Arihant Limited has its share capital divided into equity shares of `10 each. On 1-10-

2012, it granted 20,000 employees’ stock option at ` 50 per share, when the market price

was ` 120 per share. The options were to be exercised between 10th December, 2012 and
31st March, 2013. The employees exercised their options for 16,000 shares only and the
remaining options lapsed. The company closes its books on 31st March every year. Show
Journal Entries (with narration) as would appear in the books of the company up to 31st
March, 2013.

Journal of Arihant Ltd
Date Particulars L.F Amount Amount
(Dr.) (Cr.)
10/12/2012 Bank A/c (16000 x 50) Dr 8,00,000
Employee Compensation Exp A/c (16000 11,20,000
x 70) 1,60,000
To Equity Share Capital A/c (16000x 17,60,000
To Security Premium A/c (16000x 10)
(Being 16,000 Employee Stock Options
31/3/2013 recognized ) 11,20,000
Profit and Loss A/c Dr
To Employee Compensation Exp A/c
(Being Compensation Expense changed
to profit and loss A/c)
Question 18 – May Paper – 2014
Quittle Ltd. announced a Stock Appreciation Rights (SAR) Scheme to its employees on
1 April,2011. The salient features of the scheme is given below:
1. The scheme will be applicable to employees who have completed three years of
continuous service with the company.
2. Each eligible employee can claim cash payment amounting to the excess of Market Price
of the company’s share on exercise date over exercise price in respect of 60shares.
3. The exercise price is fixed at ` 75 per share.
4. The option to exercise the SAR is open from 1st April, 2014 for 45days and the same
vested on 975 employees.
Amalgamation and Corporate Restructuring 355

5. The intrinsic value of the company’s share on date of closing(15th May, 2014) was `.30
per share.
6. The fair value of the SAR was ` 20 in 2011-12; ` 25 in 2012-13 and ` 27 in 2013-14.
7. In 2011-12 the expected rate of employee attrition was 5% which rate was doubled in
the next year.
8. Actual attrition year wise was as under:
2011-12 35 employees of which 5 had served the company for less than 3 years.
2012-13 35 employees of which 20 served the company for more than 3 years.
2013-14 20 employees of which 5 employees served for less than 3 years.
You are required to show the provision for Stock Appreciation Rights Account by Fair
Value Method.
Working Notes
20011-12 2012-13 2013-14
Employees 1040 1010 975
(975+35-5+20+20- 1040-(35-5) 1040-(35-5)-20-
(x) Expected 5) 10% for 2 years (20-5)
forfeiture 5% for 3 years x 0.9 ---
Year1 x 0.95 x 0.9 x 60
Year2 x 0.95 x 60
Year3 x 0.95 49,086
Total SAR’s 53,500 x 25 58,500
(x) Iv of SAR’s x 20 12,27,150 x 27
10,70,000 15,79,500
To be recognized 10,70,000 3 15,79,500
x1 x3
3 =8,18,100 3
=3,56,667 3,56,667 =15,79,500
(-) Amount provided NIL 4,61,433 8,18,100
Balance to be 3,56,667 7,61,400
Total Fair Value for SAR’s = 17, 55,000
(975 x 60 x 30) (-)15, 79,500
1, 75,500
Dr Provision for SAR’s A/c Cr
Date Particular Amount Date Particular Amount
356 CA Final Financial Reporting

2011-12 2011-12
31/3/12 To Balance c/d 3,56,667 31/3/12 By Employee 3,56,667
Compensation Exp
3,56,667 A/c 3,56,667
2012- 2012-
13 To Balance c/d 8,18,100 13 3,56,667
31/3/13 1/4/12 By Balance B/d 4,61,433
31/3/13 By Employee
Compensation Exp
8,18,100 A/c 8,18,100

2012- To Balance c/d 15,79,500 2013- 8,18,100

13 14 7,61,400
31/3/14 1/4/13 By Balance B/d
31/3/14 By Employee
15,79,500 Compensation Exp 15,79,500
To Bank A/c 17,55,000 15,79,500
2014- 2014- 1,75,500
15 15
31/3/15 1/4/14 By Balance B/d
17,55,000 31/3/15 By Employee 17,55,000
Compensation Exp
Question 19 – NOV RTP – 2014
At the beginning of year 1, an enterprise grants 100 stock options to each of its 500
employees. The grant is conditional upon the employee remaining in service over the next
three years. The enterprise estimates that the fair value of each option is ` 15. The
enterprise estimates that 100 employees will leave during the three-year period and
therefore forfeit their rights to the stock options.
40 employees left during year 1. By the end of year 1, the share price of the enterprise
has dropped, and the enterprise reprises its stock options, and that the reprised stock
options will vest at the end of year 3. The enterprise estimates that further 70 employees
will leave during years 2 and 3.
During year 2, further 35 employees left, and the enterprise estimates that further 30
employees will leave during year 3. During year 3, 28 employees left. The stock options
vested at the end of year 3 to the remaining employees.
The enterprise estimates that, at the date of reprising, the fair value of each of the
original stock options granted (i.e., before taking into account the reprising) is ` 5 and that

the fair value of each reprised stock option is ` 8.

Calculate the amount to be recognised towards employees services received in years 1-

Amalgamation and Corporate Restructuring 357

Working Notes
Year 1 Year 2 Year 3
No of Employees 500 460 425
(-) Left 40 35 28
(-) Expected to Leave 70 30
390 395 397
(x) No of Options/Employees 100 100 100
39,000 39,500 39,700
(x) Iv 15 15 15
Total Amount to be recognized 5,85,000 5,92,500 5,95,500

x1 x2 x3

Value Provided = 1,95,000 = 3,95,000 = 5,95,500

(-) Already recognized NIL 1,95,000 3,95,000

To be recognized 1,95,000 2,00,000 2,00,500

39,500 x 3 x 1/2 39,700 x 3 x 2/2

Additional Provision 59,250 1,19,100 - 59,250

= 59,850

2,59,250 2,60,350
Question 20 – Nov 2014 Paper – Similar to NOV RTP - 2008
Question 21 – May 2015 RTP – Similar to Nov 2013 Paper
Question 22 – Nov 2015 RTP
The following particulars in respect of stock options granted by a company are
Grant Date
Number of Employees covered 400
Number of options granted per employee 60

Nominal Value per share ` 100

Exercise price per share ` 125

358 CA Final Financial Reporting

Offer was put in three groups, group 1 was for 20% of shares offered with vesting
period 1 year, Group 2 was for 40% of shares offered with vesting period 2 years, Group 3
was for 40% for shares offered with vesting period three years. Fair value of option per
share on grant date was `. 10 for group 1, `. 12.50 for group 2 and `. 14 for group 3.
Position as on 31.03.2013 Position on 31.03.2014
Number of Employees left = 40 Number of employees left = 35
Estimate of number of employees to Estimate of number of employees to
leave in 2013- 14 = Rs. 36 leave in 2014 – 15 = 30
Estimate of number of employees to Number of employees exercising
leave in 2014-15 = 34 options in group II = 319
Number of employees exercise option
in group 1 = 350
Position on 31.03.2015
Number of Employees left = 28
Number of employees at the end of the last vesting period = 297
Number of employees exercising options in Group III = 295
Options not exercised immediately on vesting, were forfeited. Compute expenses to
recognise in each year and show important accounts in the books of the company.
Computation of Share / Fair Value expected to vest at the end of each accounting period
(a) Shares graded every year
Particulars Options Vesting Vesting Period
Total shares under ESOP 60 -
Group 1 20% of 60 12 I Year
Group 2 40% of 60 24 2 Year
Group 3 40% of 60 24 3 Year
(b) Value of Option Vesting
Shares Total No. Fair Fair
Vested of shares Value of Value of
No. of Employees per expected Option per the
Group Year expected to qualify employee to vest share option
I 12-13 Actual 400-40=360 12 4,320 10.00 43,200
II 12-13 Expected 400-40-36=324 24 7,776 12.50 97,200
13-14 Actual 400-40-35=325 24 7,800 14.00 97,500
400-40-36- 97,440
III 12-13 Expected 34=290 24 6,960 14.00
400-40-35- 99,120
13-14 Expected 30=295 24 7,080 14.00
14-15 Actual 297 24 7,128 14.00 99,792
No. of employees=Opening Employees-Employees left-Employees expected to leave
(c) Options forfeited and value to be transferred to General Reserve
Particulars Group 1 Group 2 Group 3
Amalgamation and Corporate Restructuring 359

2012-13 2013-14 2014-15

Number of employee 360 325 297
qualifying (350) (319) (295)
Less: No. of employees 10 6 2
actually exercising 12 24 24
No. of employees not 120 144 48
exercising(forfeitures) 10 12.50 14
No. of options per 1200 1800 672
No. of options forfeited
Fair Value
Total Value forfeited and
transferred to general
Computation of Employee Compensation Expenses to be recognised
(a) For Year 2012-13
Particulars Group 1 Group 2 Group 3
2012 – 13 2013 – 14 2014 – 2015
Total fair value to be recognized as 4,320 97,200 97,440
Expense 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year
Vesting period 43,200 48,600 32,480
Amount of expense to be recognized
(Total value ÷ vesting period)
(b) For Year 2013-14
2013-14 2014-15
Total fair value to be recognized as 97,500 99,120
Vesting period 2 Year 3 Year
Amount of expense to be recognized 97,500 66,080
(Total value ÷ vesting period) (48,600) (32,480)
Less: Amount expense recognised till 2012-13
Amount of expenses to be recognised in 2013-14 48,900 33,600

Total= ` 48,900+` 3,600=` 82,500

(c) For Year 2014-15

Total Fair Value to be recognized as expense 99,792
Less: Amount of Expense Recognised till 2013-14 (66,080)
Amount of Expense to be recognized in 2014-15 33,712

Ledger Accounts
(a) Employees ‘ Compensation Amount
Year Particulars Amount Date Particulars Amount
360 CA Final Financial Reporting

1,24,280 2012-13 By Profit and Loss 1,24,280

2012-13 To ESOP Outstanding A/c Account
1,24,280 1,24,280
2013-14 By Profit and Loss 82,500
2013-14 To ESOP Outstanding A/c 82,500 Account
82,500 82,500
2014-15 By Profit and Loss 33,712
2014-15 To ESOP Outstanding A/c 33,712 Account

33,712 33,712

(b) ESOP Outstanding A/c

Year Particulars Amount Year Particulars Amount
2012-13 To General Reserve 1,200 2012-13 By Employee compensation 1,24,280
(120 x `. 10) A/c
4,20,000 5,25,000
To share Capital
By Bank
(4,200 x `. 100)
To Securities Premium 81,080
To Balance c/d
6,49,280 6,49,280
2013-14 To General Reserve 1,800 2013-14 By Balance c/d 81,080
(144 x `. 12.50)
7,65,600 By Employee compensation 82,500
To share Capital
(7,656 x `. 100)
2,87,100 9,57,000
To Securities Premium By Bank
(7,656 x 37.50) 66,080 (7,656 x 125)
To Balance c/d
11,20,580 11,20,580
2014-15 To General Reserve 672 2014-15 By Balance c/d 66,080
(48 x Rs. 14)
To share Capital 7,08,000 By Employee compensation 33,712
(7,080 x Rs. 100) A/c
To Securities Premium 2,76,120 8,85,000
(7,080 x 39) By Bank
(7,080 x 125)
9,84,792 9,84,792

Working Notes:
Calculation of Securities Premium
Particulars Group 1 Group 2 Group 3
2012-13 2013-14 2014-15
Excise Price Received per share (Bank) 125.00 125.00 125.00
Add: Value of service received per share 10.00 12.50 14.00
Consideration received per share 135.00 137.50 139.00
Less: Nominal value per share (100.00) (100.00) (100.00)
Securities premium per share 35.00 37.50 39.00
Question 23 Nov 2015 – Paper
Amalgamation and Corporate Restructuring 361

A company announced a stock Appreciation Right (SAR) on 01/04/2011 for each of its
600 employees. The scheme gives the employees the right to claim cash payment equivalent
to excess on market price of company’s shares, on exercise date, over the exercise price of `
130 share in respect of 100 shares, subject to the condition of continuous employment of 3
years. The SAR is exercisable after 31/03/14 but before 30/06/14.
Particulars 2011 – 12 2012 – 13 2013 – 14
Fair Value of SAR 25 28 32
Actual No. of employees Left 25 15 10
Company estimation for left 3% 5% -

On 30/06/2014 When SAR was exercised, the intrinsic value per share was ` 35 per
Show Provision of SAR Account by Fair Value Method.

Dr Provision for SAR’s A/c Cr
Date Particular Amount Date Particular Amount
2011-12 2011-12
31/3/12 To Balance c/d 4,50,833 31/3/12 By Employee 4,50,833
Compensation Exp
4,50,833 A/c 3,56,667
2012- 2012-
13 To Balance c/d 9,93,067 13 4,50,833
31/3/13 1/4/12 By Balance B/d 5,42,234
31/3/13 By Employee
9,93,067 Compensation Exp 9,93,067
2012- To Balance c/d 17,60,000 9,93,067
13 2013- 7,66,933
31/3/14 14 By Balance B/d
17,60,000 1/4/13 By Employee 17,60,000
31/3/14 Compensation Exp
To Bank A/c 19,25,000 A/c 17,60,000
2014- 1,65,000
15 2014-
31/3/15 19,25,000 15 By Balance B/d 19,25,000
1/4/14 By Employee
31/3/15 Compensation Exp
Working Notes
20011-12 2012-13 2013-14
Employees 600-25=575 575-15=560 560-10=550
362 CA Final Financial Reporting

(x) Expected forfeiture 575x100x0.97x0.97 560x100x0.95 550x100

=54,100 =53,200 55,000
x 25 x 28 x 32
13,52,500 14,89,600 17,60,000
Total SAR’s
(x) Iv of SAR’s x1 x2 x3

To be recognized
=4,50,833 =9,93,067 =17,60,000

(-) Amount provided

NIL (-)4,50,833 (-)9,93,067
Balance to be provided
4,50,833 5,42,234 7,66,933
Total Fair Value for SAR’s = 19, 25,000
(550 x 100 x 35) (-) 17, 60,000
1, 65,000
Amalgamation and Corporate Restructuring 363


Human Resource Management

Years May Nov
RTP Paper RTP Paper
2008 NA NA Yes NA
2009 Yes NA NA Yes
2010 Yes Yes NA NA
2011 Yes Yes NA Yes
2012 NA NA Yes Yes
2013 NA NA Yes NA
2014 Yes NA Yes Yes
2015 NA NA NA NA
Question 1 – NOV RTP – 2008

XYZ Ltd., has a capital base of ` 5,00,000 and it earned profits of ` 50,000. The return
on investment of the same group of firms is 12%. If the services of a particular Engineer,
Mr. X is acquired, it is expected that the profits will raise by ` 30,000 over and above the
target profit. Determine the amount of maximum bid price for that particular engineer.
Target Profit = 5,00,000 x 12% = ` 60,000/-
Expected Profit on Employing the Particular Executive
= Target Profit + Increase in Profit
= ` 60, 000 + 30,000

= ` 90, 000/-
Additional Profit = Expected Profit – Actual Profit
= 90,000 – 50,000
= ` 40,000/-
Additional Profit
Maximum Bid Price = x 100
Rate of Return on Investment
364 CA Final Financial Reporting

= x 100
= ` 3,33,333.33/-
Maximum Salary that can be offered
= ` 3,33,333.33 x 12%

= ` 40,000/-
Question 2 May RTP – 2009

A company has a capital base of ` 1 crore and has earned profits to the tune of ` 11 lakhs.
The Return on Investment (ROI) of the particular industry to which the company belongs is
12.5%. If the services of a particular executive are acquired by the company, it is expected
that the profits will increase by ` 2.5 lakhs over and above the target profit.

Determine the amount of maximum bid price for that particular executive and the
maximum salary that could be offered to him.

Capital Base = ` 1,00,00,000

Actual Profit = ` 11,00,000

RoI = 12.5%
Target Profit = 1,00,00,000 x 12.5%

= ` 12,50,000/-

Expected Profit = Target Profit + Increase in Profit

= ` 12,50,000 + 2,50,000

= Rs. 15,00,000/-
Additional Profit = Expected Profit – Actual Profit
= 15,00,000 – 11,00,000

= ` 4,00,000/-

Additional Profit
Maximum Bid Price =
Rate of Return of Investment

= x 100

= ` 32,00,000/-

Maximum Salary that can be Offered

Amalgamation and Corporate Restructuring 365

= 32,00,000 x 12.5% = ` 4,00,000/-

Question 3 – Nov 2009 – Paper

From the following details, compute according to Lev and Schwartz (1971) model, the
total value of human resources of the employee groups skilled and unskilled.
Skilled Unskilled
(i) Annual average earnings of an employee till the `.50,000 `.30,000
retirement age
(ii) Age of retirement 65 years 62 years
(iii) Discount rate 15% 15%
(iv) No. of employees 20 25
(v) Average age 62 years 60 years

Computation of Value of Human Resource as per Lav and Schwartz Model:
Skilled Employees
Age Salary Discounting Factor @ Present Value
62 50,000 0.870 43,500
63 50,000 0.756 37,800
64 50,000 0.658 32,900
No of Employees X 20
Value of Skilled Employees `.22,84,000

Unskilled Employees
Age Salary Discounting Factor @ Present Value
60 30,000 0.870 26,100
61 30,000 0.756 22,680
No of Employees X 25
Value of Unskilled Employees 12,19,500

Total Value of Human Resources

= [A]+[B]
= 22,84,000 + 12,19,500 = Rs. 35,03,500/-
Question 4 MAY RTP – 2010 – Similar to Nov 2009 Paper – Question 3
Question 5 May Paper – 2010
366 CA Final Financial Reporting

From the following data in respect of an employer kindly calculate the total value of
Human Capital under Lev and Schwartz' Model
Distribution of Employees
Unskilled Semi-skilled Skilled
No. Average No. Average No. Average
Annual Annual Annual
earning ` earning ` earning `
30-39 100 18000 60 36000 40 84000
40-49 50 30000 30 48000 20 120000
50-54 30 36000 20 60000 10 180000
Retirement age is 55 years. Apply discount factor of 20%. In calculation of total value
of Human factor the lowest value of each class should be taken. Annuity factor @ 20 per
For 5 years 2.991
For 10 years 4.192
For 15 years 4.675
For 20 years 4.870
For 25 years 4.948
Unskilled Employees
Age Classification Salary Annuity Present Total per No. of Total
grou (Yrs) Factor Value employee employee
p s
30- 1-10 18,000 4.192 75,456
39 11-20 30,000 0.678 20,340
21-25 36,000 0.078 2,808 98604 100 98,60,400
40- 1 -10 30,000 4.192 1,25,760
49 11-15 36,000 0.483 17,388 143148 50 71,57,400
50- 1-5 36,000 2.991 1,07,676 1,07,676 30 32,30,280
Total 2,02,48,080
Semi- Skilled Employees
Age Classification Salary Annuity Present Total per No. of Total
group (Yrs) Factor Value employee employees
30- 1-10 36,000 4.192 1,50,912
39 11-20 48,000 0.678 32,544
21-25 60,000 0.078 4,680 1,88,136 60 1,12,88,160
40- 1 -10 48,000 4.192 201216
49 11-15 60,000 0.483 28980 230196 30 69,05,880
50- 1-5 60,000 2.991 179460 179460 20 35,89,200
Amalgamation and Corporate Restructuring 367

Total 2,17,83,240

Skilled Employees
Age Classification Salary Annuity Present Total per No. of Total
group (Yrs) Factor Value employee employee
30-39 1-10 84,000 4.192 3,52,128
11-20 1,20,00 0.678 81,360
21-25 0 0.078 14,040 4,47,528 40 1,79,01,120
40- 1 -10 1,20,00 4.192 5,03,04
49 11-15 0 0.483 0 5,89,980 20 1,17,99,60
1,80,00 86,940 0
50-54 1-5 1,80,00 2.991 5,38,38 5,38,380 10 53,83,800
0 0
Total 3,50,84,520
Final Total 7,71,16,840
Question 6 May RTP – 2011 - Similar to Nov 2009 Paper – Question 3
Question 7 May Paper – 2011

A company has a capital base of ` 3 crore and has earned profits of ` 33 lakhs. Return on
Investment of the particular industry to which the company belongs is 12.5%.If the services
of a particular executive are acquired by the company, it is expected that the profits will
increase by ` 7.5 lakhs over and above the target profit. Determine the amount of maximum
bid price for that particular executive and the maximum salary that could be offered to
Capital base ` 3,00,00,000

Actual Profit ` 33,00,000

Target Profit ` 37,50,000


Capital Base = ` 3,00,00,000

Actual Profit = ` 33,00,000

RoI = 12.5%
Target Profit = 3,00,00,000 x 12.5%

= ` 37,50,000/-

Expected Profit = Target Profit + Increase in Profit

368 CA Final Financial Reporting

= 37,50,000+ 7,50,000 = ` 45,00,000/-

Additional Profit = Expected Profit – Actual Profit

= 45,00,000 – 33,00,000 = ` 12,00,000/-

Additional Profit 12,00,000

Maximum Bid Price = = x 100 = `
Rate of Return of Investment 12.5

Maximum Salary that can be Offered = 96,00,000 x 12.5% = ` 12,00,000/-

Question 8 – Nov Paper – 2011 – Similar to Nov 2009 – Question 3

Question 9 NOV RTP – 2012 – Similar to Nov 2009 – Question 3
Question 10 NOV Paper – 2012 – Similar to Nov 2009 – Question 3
Question 11 Nov RTP – 2013 – Similar to Nov 2009 – Question 3
Question 12 May RTP – 2014 Similar to Question 2 – May RTP 2009
Question 13 NOV RTP – 2014
From the following details, compute according to Lev and Schwartz (1971) model, the
value of human resources of skilled employees group.
(i) Annual average earnings of an employee till the retirement `.1,00,000
(ii) Age of retirement 65 years
(iii) Discount rate 15%
(iv) No. of employees 20
(v) Average age 62 years
Value of Skilled Employees
1,00,000 1,00,000 1,00,000
= + +
(1 + 0.15) (65 – 62) (1 + 0.15) (65 – 63) (1 + 0.15) (65 – 64)

= ` 65,751.62+ ` 75,614.37+` 86,956.52

= ` 2,28,322.51x20

= ` 45,66,450.20/-

Question 14 Nov Paper – 2014

From the following details, compute according to Lev and Schwartz (1971) model, the
total value of human resources of the employee groups skilled and unskilled.
Amalgamation and Corporate Restructuring 369

Skilled Unskilled
(i) Annual average earnings of an employee till the ` 75,000 ` 50,000
retirement age
(ii) Age of retirement 68 years 65 years
(iii) Discount rate 15% 15%
(iv) No. of employees 40 50
(v) Average age 65 years 63 years
Computation of Value of Human Resource as per Lav and Schwartz Model:
Skilled Employees
Age Salary Discounting Factor @ 15% Present Value
65 75,000 0.870 65,250
66 75,000 0.756 56,700
67 75,000 0.658 49,350
No of Employees X 40
Value of Skilled Employees ` 68,52,000

Unskilled Employees
Age Salary Discounting Factor @ 15% Present Value
63 50,000 0.870 43,500
64 50,000 0.756 37,800
No of Employees X 50
Value of Unskilled Employees ` 40,65,000

Total Value of Human Resources

= [A]+[B]

= ` 68,52,000+` 40,65,000=` 1,09,17,000



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