02 Ayurvediya Bhutavidya Vivechana

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A critical review towards the concepts of Bhutavidya in Ayurveda

Preprint · September 2018

DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.14674.81609

0 703

1 author:

Govardhan Belaguli
Rajeev Ayurveda Hospital, Hassan


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Book Review

Ayurvediya Bhutavidya Vivechana

Author : Dr. B K Dwivedi
Language : Hindi
Edition : 2009; Editor: Dr. Lakshmidhar Dwivedi
Published by : Chowkhamba Krishnadas Academy, Varanasi
Price : Rs. 275/-
Pages : 413 pages

“I was moved by a mentally unstable patient, when he types:  (a) Drishya  (can be seen) and  (b) Adrishya
suddenly behaved as if some God invaded him. Going (cannot be seen), where the first represents the presentations
ahead he wore garlands, grandiosely started blessing and causative agents in the affected individuals that can
everyone, and abused those who opposed his act. We be inspected and the later represents those which cannot
were notified by our Professors that, he is an ideal case of be investigated. Acharya Sushruta  (Father of Surgery) in
‘invasion of Bhuta’. I was left clueless, what was that!! The his treatise  (Sushruta Samhita in three chapters) gives a
scenario made me to go in search of the ‘Bhuta’ concept.” maximum detailed description of these Bhuta as the external
I lacked the critical perceptive of these descriptions. idiopathic factors of any mental disorder including a chapter
The fair descriptions and minimal analyzation of Bhuta (Amanushopasarga Adhyaya  –  dealing with para human
and the branch which deals with it  –  “Bhutavidya” in agents as a cause of psychiatric disorder). Acharya Charaka
Ayurveda literature  –  gave a divergence in considering (Father of Indian Medicine) has a modest explanation
the concept logically. The search for the clinical appraisal on them. He gives a clear‑cut idea about this Bhuta as
of these concepts and its understanding gave a least the external causative factors  (in Unmada Adhyaya).
results, providing a lesser significance in the present day Astanga Hridaya (a treatise of Acharya Vagbhatta) has an
of evidence‑based appreciation. The need for a work explanation of Bhuta in two chapters  (in Uttara Tantra).
which could erase the misconceptions and which could Acharya Harita describes Bhuta in the third Khanda of
encourage our perception and applicability toward these Harita Samhita. Acharya Vriddha Vagbhatta has similar
concepts was in due. opinion to that of Sushruta Samhita, while Bhavaprakasha,
Sharangadhara, and Madhava agree the description of
One such painstaking effort is seen in the book
Bhuta as per Charaka Samhita.
Ayurvediya Bhutavidya Vivechana written by Dr.  B
K Dwivedi and edited by Dr.  Lakshmidhar Dwivedi. Bhutavidya or Bhuta Vigyan or Griha Chikitsa
According to them, “Bhuta”  (demons) is considered as (Demonology) is one of the eight branches of
those imperceptible causative agents, who occupy the Ayurveda. The branch represents the Ayurvediya
Manas  (mind) and produce various mental disorders. Its Manasa roga  (Ayurveda Psychology/Psychiatry).
clinical presentations are observed through behavioral This branch also deals with the study of
changes and also through few somatic disorders Manas/Chitta  (mind) being inflicted by various
(Kshaya in Yakshma Roga). The cross sections in Bhuta. According to the context, there are nine
Ayurveda literature have the word meaning Bhuta in Bhutas  (Deva, Asura, Gandharva, Yaksha, Rakshasa,
mainly four different contexts. Pitra, Pishacha, Naga, and Graha).
a. Pancha‑Mahabhuta  (the fundamentals of Srushti
Both the contributors of the book “Ayurvediya
Bhutavidya Vivecana” are the legendary professors
b. Bhuta Kala (past deeds)
from the Department of Maulika Siddhanta from the
c. Bhuta  (which occupies human
prestigious Institute of Medical Sciences, Banaras Hindu
body – microorganisms)
University, Varanasi. The book is published and copyright
d. Deva ‑Yoni Vishesha (those which invades mind and
owned by Chowkhamba Krishnadas Academy, Varanasi.
its related attributes).
The exceptional contents in the book have equipped
The current review is about the last two contexts. itself as a prescribed syllabus for postgraduates of
According to Atharvaveda, Bhuta is of mainly two Manovigyan Evum Manasa roga  (Ayurveda Psychology

96 © 2018 International Journal of Yoga - Philosophy, Psychology and Parapsychology | Published by Wolters Kluwer - Medknow
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Book Review

and Psychiatry) as approved by the Central Council of The eighth chapter expresses the pathological state of
Indian Medicine, New Delhi. Manas, its causative factors, and the mental disorders
developed and manifested from them.
The book has a main theme of critically analyzing
the concepts of Bhuta and Bhutavidya as elucidated The ninth chapter details with the broad description
in Ayurveda literature. The book has legible printing, Bhutavigyana or Bhutavidya. This includes clinical
feathery weight, and neatly bound by the printers. The applicability and understanding of the concepts of
intellectual perception by the contributors, the verbal Bhuta  –  its special characteristics and qualities, aetiology,
communication in Hindi, the arrangement of nearest types; disorders like Unmada – its etiology by invasion of
word meaning for Ayurveda terms in English, and the Bhuta, types of Unmada based on the clinical presentation
schematic representations wherever needed keeps the of invaded Bhuta, prognosis and detailed treatment
content straight from the unnecessary and unjustifiable principles, usage of various therapies, medicines, and diet.
paraphrases which occur while understanding the The last chapter describes the concept, types, etiology,
main theme of the book. The book has ten chapters and clinical presentation with a few treatment protocols
of detailed descriptions of compiled and analyzed for the disorders of Balagraha. Few controversies
concepts of Bhutavidya and its related aspects. regarding the similarities and the dissimilarities
The first chapter includes assembled introductory regarding Bhutavidya with Balagraha is solved in this
points such as understanding the terminology of Bhuta, chapter.
Bhutavidya, and its related expressions according to The appendix of the book comprises mental and
different contexts. physical status examination, Sattva – Prakriti Pareeksha,
The second chapter continues with the origin of the word history‑taking and a replica of case sheet, and also a
Bhuta and its relation to physical and mental attributes model for treatment protocol according to the guidelines
according to various Veda. of Ayurveda.

The third chapter has detailed descriptions of At the end of analyzing the hypothesis of Bhuta and
Bhuta  –  its origin, types, characteristic features; Bhutavidya in the entire book, it clearly raises an
Upasarga  –  its origin, types, and clinical presentations; answer for its empirical application which can be
the physical and mental disorders having etiology of considered under Demonology or Parapsychology as
Bhuta; concept of Unmada, its relation with Bhuta, its a bridge from ancient textual knowledge to modern
etiology, and general treatment principles according to view. The diverse insights on Bhuta and its related
concepts from various Indian backgrounds are seen as
different Purana. The chapter is finished with an ending
a compilation in the book, and the lack of this type
cord of introduction to the concept of Atma according
of hoarded documents which is hardly found in other
to Ayurveda which gives connectivity to the upcoming
science makes the volume exceptional for a reader
even though the book was published in 2009. With
The fourth chapter deals with the concept of Manas – its the expectation of a thoroughly revised edition of this
quality, area of functioning, seat/location, relation, and book, the present volume sets a base as a cognitive treat
input in the sensory and motor perception  (Indriya in understanding the fundamental areas of Bhuta and
Panchaka  –  five fives of perception); relationship Bhutavidya where contemporary insights find difficult
between Atma and Manas; concept of Punarjanma to reach. It is recommended that with the help of these
according to Ayurveda. vivid metaphors in the book, one can set few further
studies to assess its clinical utility.
The fifth chapter gives a convincing, detailed depiction
of those functions which are specifically done by Manas. Acknowledgment
The credit goes to the contributors of the book Dr. B.K.
The detail explanation of the special three
Dwivedi and Dr.  Lakshmidhar Dwivedi, who have
functions occupied by Manas;  (a) Pragyopastambha
worked with enormous determination and fieldwork
(Dhee, Dhriti, Smriti),  (b) Trivarga  (Dharma, Artha,
in publishing their work “Ayurvediya Bhutavidya
Kama), and  (c) Tisreshana  (Prana, Dhana, Paraloka) is
Vivecana.” The constant support of Dr.  Prasanna N
found in the sixth chapter.
Rao Professor and the Principal; Dr.  Suhas Kumar
The seventh chapter includes the contexts of attributes Shetty, Professor and Head; Dr.  Savitha HP, Associate
of Manas  (Satvika, Rajasika, and Tamasika) and Professor; from the Department of Manovigyan evum
descriptions on types of Sattva and its relation to Manasa roga (Ayurveda Psychology and Psychiatry) of
Manas. SDM College of Ayurveda, Hassan is acknowledged

International Journal of Yoga ‑ Philosophy, Psychology and Parapsychology  ¦  Volume 6  ¦  Issue 2  ¦  July‑December 2018 97
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Book Review

with compliment who motivated me in every form to This is an open access journal, and articles are distributed under the terms of the
take up the work. Creative Commons Attribution‑NonCommercial‑ShareAlike 4.0 License, which allows
others to remix, tweak, and build upon the work non‑commercially, as long as
Govardhan Belaguli appropriate credit is given and the new creations are licensed under the identical
Department of Manovigyan evum Manasa roga (Ayurveda
Psychology and Psychiatry), Sri DharmasthalaManjunatheshwara Access this article online
College of Ayurveda and Hospital, Hassan, Karnataka, India Quick Response Code:
Website: www.ijoyppp.org
Address for correspondence: Dr. Govardhan Belaguli,
Department of Manovigyan evum Manasa roga
(Ayurveda Psychology and Psychiatry), Sri Dharmasthala
Manjunatheshwara College of Ayurveda and Hospital, DOI: 10.4103/ijny.ijoyppp_12_18
Hassan - 573 201, Karnataka, India.
E-mail: [email protected]

How to cite this article: Belaguli G. Ayurvediya Bhutavidya Vivechana.

Int J Yoga - Philosop Psychol Parapsychol 2018;6:96-8.

98 International Journal of Yoga ‑ Philosophy, Psychology and Parapsychology  ¦  Volume 6  ¦  Issue 2  ¦  July‑December 2018

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