Loading and Commissioning of Ion Exchange Resins

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1. Introduction
The correct performance from any ion exchange resin bed unit can only be achieved if the resin is loaded,
commissioned and operated correctly. The following information gives guidelines for the loading and
commissioning of different types of ion exchange plants.

2. General
2.1 Supplied Resins
Check that the resin types and quantities which were supplied are identical with the resins which were
ordered according to the resin specification or the manufacturer’s recommendations. It is essential that the
resins are filled into the correct vessels.

2.2 Retainer Samples

Take a 1 liter composite retainer sample from each resin – better from each different batch – and keep it
in a suitable sealed container for future reference.

2.3 Preliminary Vessel Inspection

If available check plant documentation and vessel drawings. If not available, record technical data of the
vessels including vessel diameter, cylindrical shell height, type of distributor system, type and number of
nozzles, height of collector system, position of sight glasses etc.
When an old resin bed is being replaced it is essential that, before the new resin is installed, the unit is
first inspected to ensure all the old resin and any debris has been removed completely. Removal of debris,
any old under bedding, and old resin can be done by the siphoning technique. Also important is that the
vessel internals have been checked to ensure there are no signs of damage, blockage, or excessive
movement in the distribution and collection systems. Checking for blockage on a bottom distribution
system can be done by filling the vessel with water to a 20 cm (8 inches) level and adding enough resin to
cover the distribution system. On opening the backwash inlet a regular, even movement of the resin
around the strainers indicates that there are no blockages. By carrying out an alternate backwash and
draining, sampling the drain water and examining it for the absence of resin beads, strainer/nozzle leaks
can be easily detected.

It is also prudent, while vessels are empty, to have the internal rubber lining spark tested. The same
checks should be done for a new vessel. It is recommended – where possible – to check the pressure drop
of the empty filter at the service flow rate.
2.4 Resin Loading
It is important that the resin is not pumped into the column by a centrifugal pump as this can cause
damage giving rise to fines and poor performance due to subsequent cross contamination. We would
recommend using an hydraulic ejector or manual loading through the top manway. All equipment has to
be thoroughly cleaned before each filling process to avoid contamination of the resin by either foreign
matter or different resin types. Especially the contamination of the anion vessel with cation beads will
cause problems for the plant performance.

2.5 Water quality

Wherever possible use demineralized water for the filling and commissioning processes. Where this
is not available fill, regenerate and commission cation vessel first in order to produce decationized
water for the filling and commissioning of the anion vessel. Use of raw water can result in
magnesium hydroxide precipitation in contact with caustic or OH form anion resin.

3. Plants with Internal Backwash

(Coflow and Counterflow Systems)
3.1 Resin Loading
Fill the vessel to 1/2 its height with water to ensure proper settling of the resin and avoid resin damage.
Adjust water flow via drain valve to maintain the water level. Load the correct resin volume into the
vessel. Backwash the resin bed for 30 minutes at an expansion of 80-100% to remove fines and classify
the bed. Let bed settle and drain to 10 cm (4 inches) above top of resin bed. Mark resin level in sight
glass. This mark can be used to detect resin loss in long term operation. Make sure the resin level
conforms to the plant design. Especially for water or air hold-down counterflow plants it is important the
resin level is above the central regenerant collector to avoid turning of the bed.

3.2 Resin Commissioning

You can now go through the normal acid and caustic regeneration procedure. If supplied in the exhausted
form then a double or triple regeneration is recommended. This does not mean going through the whole
regeneration cycle two or three times but ensuring that double or triple the amount of chemical is applied.
This may involve refilling the chemical measure.

Carry out the displacement rinse according to the normal procedure and rinse plant to conductivity. New
resins should be rinsed to drain separately when regenerated first time. The recycle mode should only be
applied in subsequent regenerations. This shall avoid that organic residuals from the manufacturing,
which might be present on the new resins, are concentrated in the recycle water and contaminate the resin
beds or end up in the treated water.
4. Plants Without Internal Backwash
4.1 Resin Loading
For plants without external backwash vessels the resin has to be handled manually or a suitable hydraulic
ejector system has to be used. It is important for packed bed systems that the freeboard level (free space
between top of resin bed and inert resin or nozzle plate) is kept to a minimum in order to ensure best
possible plant performance, especially important for strong acid and strong base resins. The freeboard
needs to be calculated accurately taking the resin bed height in the most swollen form. This is the
hydrogen form for strong acid cation resins and the hydroxide form for strong base anion resins. Weak
acid and weak base resins have their highest volume in the exhausted form. Determine the required resin
volume accordingly. Fill ½ of the backwash vessel with water. Load ½ of the resin volume into the
vessel. Backwash the resin bed for 15-20 minutes at an expansion of 80-100% to remove fines and
classify the bed. Let bed settle and drain to 10 cm (4 inches) above top of resin bed. If possible determine
the resin volume. Transfer the resin into the service vessel, which has been filled to half with water.
Repeat the procedure with the second half of the resin.

4.2 Resin Commissioning

You can now go through the normal acid and caustic regeneration procedure. If supplied in the exhausted
form then a double or triple regeneration is recommended. This does not mean going through the whole
regeneration cycle two or three times but ensuring that double or triple the amount of chemical is applied.
This may involve refilling the chemical measure.

Carry out the displacement rinse according to the normal procedure and rinse plant to conductivity. New
resins should be rinsed to drain separately when regenerated first time. The recycle mode should only be
applied in subsequent regenerations. This shall avoid that organic residuals from the manufacturing,
which might be present on the new resins, are concentrated in the recycle water and contaminate the resin
beds or end up in the treated water.

Check the freeboard levels to ensure the filling levels are correct according to the plant design.

An alternative approach is to fill 90-95% of the resin first, carry out a double regeneration and top-up the
resin volume accordingly to the wanted freeboard level. A single regeneration is carried out after the top-
up. This way very low freeboards can be adjusted very accurately.

Inert resin can be either added manually to the service vessel before adding the resin. Or alternatively the
inert resin could be transferred via the backwash vessel – where possible – after completion of the resin
5. Mixed Bed Vessels
5.1 Resin Types / Ionic Form
Please remember, regardless of the resin manufacturer, when ordering replacement mixed bed resins, that
resins supplied in the exhausted form (cation in the sodium form and anion in the chloride or sulphate
forms) are more easily commissioned as they are less prone to clumping. Cation resins in the H+
(hydrogen) form can be loaded with chloride or sulphate form anion resins successfully, but OH-
(hydroxide) form anion resins are more prone to clumping when new.

5.2 Cation Resin Loading

Before loading the resin put some demin or exit anion quality water into the bottom of the unit. The cation
resin can then be loaded into the column. It is critical when you load the cation resin that you ensure that
the top of the cation resin is positioned correctly in relation to the central system. Once loaded the cation
resin should be given an extended backwash so that the bed is graded to its full expanded and settled
volume. If there is no interspace inert you must ensure, allowing for the volume change between different
ionic forms, that the central collection system will be very slightly buried into the surface of the cation
resin when it is in its exhausted form. Cross contamination must be minimized in all polishing mixed
beds, however it is not completely avoidable where intermediate spacer resins are not employed. The
effect of getting caustic on to cation resin is much less of an operating problem than contacting anion
resin with hydrochloric or sulphuric acid during regeneration. Now rinse the cation bed to drain before
loading the next resin in order to remove leachables left from the manufacturing process.

5.3 Anion Resin Loading

Before loading the anion component check that the central collection system sight glass will clearly show
the position of the interface between the two resins, interface between the cation and anion. Mark the
interface position on the site glass for future reference. Loading of the anion resin should be carried out
with a layer of water 600 mm (23.6 inches) above the cation resin so that as the anion resin is loaded the
disturbance of the bed is kept to a minimum. The anion should be loaded in the same manner as described
for the cation resin. The anion bed can then be backwashed and expanded to its graded form through the
central collection system. If this is not practical then it is sometimes not prudent to carry out a full bed
backwash to grade the anion component before the initial regeneration as this can give rise to clumping.

Please remember during the commissioning of the bed if you are changing the generic resin type or the
grading of the products then you may have to adjust the backwash rate to achieve optimum expansion and

Following the backwash of the anion component check the top of the bed and remove any debris which
may be present on the surface of the bed and check the interface position on the sight glass. Remember
the cation resin, if supplied in the exhausted sodium form will swell when regenerated.
5.4 Commissioning
As with the resin loading, all water used during the commissioning of the beds must be either treated
water or water of a quality from the preceding cation-anion units. Use of raw water can result in
magnesium hydroxide precipitation in contact with caustic or OH form anion resin.

You can now go through the normal acid and caustic regeneration procedure. If supplied in the exhausted
form then a double or triple regeneration is recommended. This does not mean going through the whole
regeneration cycle two or three times but ensuring that double or triple the amount of chemical is applied.
This may involve refilling the chemical measure.

Once regeneration and individual rinses are complete the unit can move forward to the next stage of the
regeneration cycle. This is normally a draindown, followed by air mixing, bed settle, refill and final
rinsing. During the draindown stage ensure the water level drains down to just above the resin bed and
that during the air mixing stage the mixing is vigorous. There is always a risk of clumping with new
mixed bed resins the air mix stage can be extended to ensure good mixing. During the final rinse stage
extend the rinse to drain. Depending on the application, the required treated water quality and time the
resin has been in stock following manufacture, this may take some time before water quality is achieved
meeting all your requirements. New resins release organic leachables when first used, particularly if they
have been held in stock for some time. When monitoring the water quality during this extended rinse you
should not only look at the conductivity and silica levels which may be achieved quickly, but also check
for any significant TOC release if this is critical to your final use. This is particularly important on very
high purity applications.

5.5 Returning to Service

Mixed beds should never be run to exhaustion if you wish to maintain quality at the highest level. They
are therefore taken off line early, either on time or on the volume of water treated. The water quality to
service should not be allowed to be less than a resistivity of 200,000 ohms specific resistance
(Conductivity 5 micromhos/cm) Problems experienced on new resins in mixed bed units are often due to
the following problems:

1. Poor separation due to incorrect backwash rate.

2. Incorrect positioning of interface at central collection system.
3. Incorrect drain down position.
4. Inadequate air mixing.
5. Clumping.

In the event of clumping within the bed further addition of regenerant chemicals can overcome the
problem during subsequent regenerations. Alternatively, if the clumping is very bad declumping
chemicals and a procedure for its application to be obtained from manufacturer of resin.

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