Aurora Alcantara-Daus vs. Sps. Hermoso
Aurora Alcantara-Daus vs. Sps. Hermoso
Aurora Alcantara-Daus vs. Sps. Hermoso
It is during the
and Soccoro de Leon June 16, 2003 delivery that the law requires the seller to have the
right to transfer ownership of the thing sold. In
general, a perfected contract of sale cannot be
Facts: Hermoso De Leon inherited a parcel of land challenged on the ground of the seller’s non-
from his father by virtue of a Deed of Extra-judicial ownership of the thing sold at the time of the
Partition. In 1960s, he engaged the services of the perfection of the contract.
late Atty. Juan to take care of the documents of the
properties of his parents. Atty. Juan let them sign
voluminous documents. After the death of Atty. Further, even after the contract of sale has been
Juan, some documents surfaced and most revealed perfected between the parties, its consummation by
that their properties had been conveyed by sale or delivery is yet another matter. It is through tradition
quitclaim to Hermoso’s brothers and sisters, to Atty. or delivery that the buyer acquires the real right of
Juan and his sisters, when in truth and in fact, no ownership over the thing sold.
such conveyances were ever intended by them. His
sign in the quitclaim in favor of brother RODOLFO Undisputed is the fact that at the time of the sale,
DE LEON was forged. They just discovered that land RODOLFO WAS NOT THE OWNER of the land he
was sold to herein petitioner AURORA, thus they delivered to petitioner AURORA. Thus, the
demanded for annulment of contracts and consummation of the contract and the consequent
reconveyance. transfer of ownership would depend on whether he
subsequently acquired ownership of the land in
AURORA averred that she bought it in good faith accordance with Article 1434 of the Civil Code. Thus
and for value on DECEMBER 1975 and has been in there’s a need to resolve the issue of the authenticity
continuous, public, peaceful, open possession over and the due execution of the Extrajudicial Partition
the same and has been appropriating the produce and Quitclaim in his favor. However, after poring
thereof without objection from anyone. over the records, we find no reason to reverse the
factual finding of the appellate court. A comparison
of the genuine signatures of HERMOSO with his
RTC – In favor of AURORA and said claim was purported signature on the Deed of Extrajudicial
barred by laches because 18 years has passed and Partition with Quitclaim will readily reveal that the
that the deed was a notarial document hence latter is a forgery.
presumptively authentic
Without the corroborative testimony of the attesting
CA – Reversed witnesses, the lone account of the notary regarding
the due execution of the Deed is insufficient to
sustain the authenticity of this document.
Issue: WON the Deed of Absolute Sale dated
December 6, 1975 executed by RODOLFO
(deceased) over the land in question in favor of Issue on possession in good faith: It is well-
AURORA was perfected and binding upon the settled that no title to registered land in derogation of
parties therein? that of the registered owner shall be acquired by
prescription or adverse possession. Neither can
prescription be allowed against the hereditary
Ruling: A contract of sale is consensual. It is successors of the registered owner, because they
perfected by mere consent, upon a meeting of the merely step into the shoes of the decedent and are
minds on the offer and the acceptance thereof based merely the continuation of the personality of their
on subject matter, price and terms of payment. At predecessor in interest.
this stage, the seller’s ownership of the thing sold is
not an element in the perfection of the contract of
sale. Issue on prescription and laches: Article 1141 of
the New Civil Code provides that real actions over
immovable properties prescribe after thirty years.
The contract, however, creates an obligation on the This period for filing an action is interrupted when a
part of the seller to transfer ownership and to deliver complaint is filed in court. RODOLFO alleged that
the land had been allocated to him by his brother
HERMOSO in March 1963, but that the Deed of
Extrajudicial Partition assigning the contested land
to the latter was executed only on September 16,
1963. In any case, the Complaint to recover the land
from petitioner was filed on February 24, 1993,
which was within the 30-year prescriptive period.