Redacted VCU Police Report

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INCIDENT/INVESTIGATION INTERNAL COPY 41300300 ** Contains Restricted Names oe marino Teme Te a Cn a T2S0 E Marval Ape. 7, Richmond VA 28219- as [rim [oo 28201" pee eet le oa = = = oe TT] Wee Ta anes Eary Ext Ee = Tie taco TF regen Tosts I i = = | a ee eT ie | vi] PETRO, RENEE HELENA Crime # | 99102/1978 ins 1 Restricted L, Age 39 OK ial wie ‘ —_— a a iL YR | Make Model ‘See [= pe tH oe aS o [tee INDIVIDUAL (NOT A LEO) = ote o | Pe RON ry a SS 1 |] pero, BRanDow Seri irae] «| | ame pone : i eS ‘ = ; ES or ® ee TE S Age : ‘ — : Busines | Mobile Pons Tis Nose 2 = Berne 3 Comme Fore as "Damaged / Vandalined 5=Recoverod 6=Scaed 7—Sukca 8=Unimown Es Yl coud BET value lawl Propeny Desrtion | Make/odet ‘Seriat Number i E xe] a . —t : t Poot Officer DS COCKE, C. (71041) Se cee eo CE CR Ta ame Te ses0aer| =n fe AR, ‘Syst: 942M H2e2019 04s INCIDENT/INVESTIGATION REPORT "a Vow Campus Police Department ‘Suapoct Hate / Bian Motivated: INGIDENTINVESTIGATION REPORT Narr. (cont) OCA: 2017-10030082 Vou Campus Police Department NARRATIVE ‘yr WESTFALLR, 1162019 0945 Page? hope Pate REPORTING OFFICER NARRATIVE | Metre —Peement roa 2017-10030082 } ‘Ofiewe Reported Peron aes DateTime Repo p_LETRO, RENEE HELENA STALKING Tue 10/03/2017 09:30 ___THE INFORMATION BELOW IS CONFIDENTIAL - FOR USE BY AUTHORIZED PERSONNEL ONLY ba bircant 03. 2017 at approximately 0930 hours, I contacted Ms. Renee Petro, per the request of Lt. Frail at VCU 'ystems. I was advised that Ms, Petro was trying to seek guidance in reference to an ongoing stalking case. Upon speaking with Ms. Petro, she advised me that her son, Brandon Petro, was currently being treated at Main Hospital- 7th Floor Pediatric Unit. She stated that in order to understand her concems, she would need to start at the beginning. Ms. Petro advised that Brandon was a healthy child up until the age of 8 years. She stated that sometime during the year of his 8th birthday, Brandon developed what presented as a cold and a fever. She stated that doctors told her the Brandon would recover and provided normal over-the-counter medication. She advised that 5 days later, ‘she was traveling overseas with Brandon in Jordan when he began to have seizures. She advised that Brandon was ‘transported to a hospital in Germany where he was diagnosed with Febrile Infection-Related Epilepsy Syndrome (FIRES), which is a severe brain disorder that does not respond to seizure medications. Ms. Petro stated that Brandon ‘was in a coma for some time but eventually regained consiousness and made a recovery. She stated that Brandon was released from the hospital and began walking and talking again, and was even able to ride a bicycle. Ms. Petro stated that this changed 2-3 months ago when Brandon was diagnosed with Colitis while living at their home in Tampa, FL. Ms. Petro advised that Brandon was admitted to St. John’s Hospital, as the colitis began triggering more seizures. ‘She stated that St. John’s Hospital advised that they had patients’ families who had transferred to Cumberland Children’s Hospital in New Kent, VA. They would not refer Ms. Petro, as they advised that they themselves did not have knowledge of the hospital; they suggested that she take a tour and see if it may be a good fit for Brandon. Ms. Petro advised that in August, Brandon was discharged from St. John’s and she then put Brandon in Cumberland Hospital for Children. She advised that while there, Brandon's condition began to deteriorate. She advised that Brandon was physically abused by Dr. Daniel Davidow, the medical director, resulting in lacerations and bruising all over Brandon's body. She advised that Brandon was neglected medically and was not fed. She advised that she began receiving calls from nurses at Cumberland Hospital telling her that if she did not get Brandon out of the hospital, something bad was going to happen to him. Ms. Petro advised that on September 22, 2017 she discharged Brandon from Cumberland Hospital and that Brandon was unresponsive by that point. She brought Brandon directly to VCU Health Systems, where he was immediately admitted into inpateint Pediatric Intensive Care, Ms. Petro stated that she began to receive phone calls and emails from Dr. Davidow, asking about Brandon's condition and requesting that he see him. Ms. Petro advised that she told Dr. Davidow that she did not want any contact from him and to leave her and her son alone. Ms. Petro stated that a doctor at VCU Health Systems received ‘call from Davidow inquiring the same about her son; the doctor provided information about Brandon without his ‘mother's consent. She stated that a short time later, Dr. Davidow showed up at VCU Health Systems and again she told him to leave and that she did not want to discuss anything about her son with him. She alerted security, who was able to obtain a current photo of Dr. Davidow and the photo was disseminated for awareness. Dr. Davidow"s privileges were suspended at VCU Health System following this incident, ‘Ms. Petro advised that on Thursday, September 28 at approximately 0815 hrs, she was inside Brandon's REPORTING OFFICER NARRATIVE Vou Campus Police Department 2017-10030082, Vision ‘Ofiee Dae’ Time Reported PETRO, RENEE HELENA STALKING Tue 10/03/2017 "THE INFORMATION BELOW IS CONFIDENTIAL - FOR USE BY AUTHORIZED PERSONNEL ONLY room speaking with Dr. when Dr. Davidow walked in. Dr. immediately addressed Dr. Davidow and told him that he was not welcome and needed to leave. Ms. Petro stated that Davidow began to tell her that he knew what ‘was wrong with her son. She advised that Dr. Davidow would not leave and eventually had to be escorted off the floor and out of the hospital by security. Ms. Petro stated that her son is not the only one who has been abused by Dr. Davidow. She cited that after Brandon receiving more calls and messages from employees and nurses who work at Cumberland fs. is in regular contact with these witnesses and some of the nurses have even visited Brandon on the floor at VCU Health Systems. MS. Petro stated that her son almost died as a result of Dr. Davidow’s neglect and abuse at Cumberland Hospital. She stated that Brandon has reverted behaviorally to the age of an infant; he must wear diapers and she advised that he has been chewing on things like a toddler who is teething. She is highly distraught and advised that she owes it not only to her son to protect him. but also to the other potential victims still in the care of Dr. Davidow, to speak up and report. Ms. Petro advised that she has reported Cumberland Hospital to the Board and VA Department of Health. She is interested in reporting to New Kent County Sheriff's Office but that she has concerns due to the fact that Davidow is highly respected in the community and has been practicing in that small town for nearly 38 years. explained to Ms. Petro that I could assist her with filing a protective order and also reported the physical abuse to New Kent when she was ready to do so. We will be mecting on Thursday morning at 0930 hrs at Gateway Hospital. I will provide her with transportation to the courthouse and will assist in petitioning for a protective order. I have ‘emailed advocate at the courthouse to give her a heads up as to what we will be seeking on ‘Thursday. ‘epeing Ofoe: COCKE C Peied By: WESTFALLR, —WRR0IB O94 Pozea es REPORTING OFFICER NARRATIVE Veu Campus Police Department 2017-10030062 Vieton Date/Time Reported PETRO. RENEE HELENA Tue 10/03/2017 09:30 Incident Report Suspect List Vou Campus Police Department (Oca: 20/7-10030082 ‘Wane (oat Fist Made) ‘Also Known AS Tome Adare DAVIDOW, DANIEL NELSON Danese Aeros BoE Hee] Race [Sa] Ek] Hx [Wat] Har] Bye] Sein] Drivers License State uss2 |_ 64 | W | M s10|_170| BLx| BRO ‘Scars Marks, Tatoos, oF eter ditighing Features Reported Suspect Detail Spot Ae Tae | Sex | Bh] Hehe Weise TN \ Weapon Type] Feature Wake Wodel Calor Caliber | Dirof Travel Mode of Travel Vel VeiakeToodel Da] Sve ‘Coler Lest VIN Noes Physical Char esaran indy: WSTFALER, — WWaWROI9 O95 Page 6

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