• For the purpose of this assignment the strategies of Sony will be discussed
which were used by the company in the past and with regards to that the current
strategies will be look and based on the analysis of past and current strategies the
future strategies will be identified.
• Sony always tries to differentiate its products from the competitors and
provide its customers with latest technology from CD players to mobile phones the
strategy at this stage of Sony was to provide its customers with over the top
technologies .
Sony’s success is partly due to the effectiveness of the characteristics of this
corporate culture in connecting the company with its target customers.
Highlighted in its Customer Satisfaction Campaign known as CS21.
Considering three factors (customer’s viewpoint, voice of customer, and
customer’s expectation), the following characteristics are the pillars of Sony’s
organizational culture:
1. Reliable (customer’s viewpoint & customer’s expectation)
2. Credible (customer’s viewpoint & voice of customer)
3. Cordial (voice of customer & customer’s expectation)
. This feature of the organizational culture increases customer satisfaction by ensuring
that employees are capable of addressing customers’ needs and inquiries about the
company’s products. For example, Sony’s product design and development
processes for the PlayStation are mainly based on customers’ perspectives and
expectations in gaming. In this way, the corporate culture helps match the company’s
output to market demand.
For example, based on customers’ perspectives and feedback, Sony develops
training programs to improve standards and procedures. HR training and
development programs reinforce the corporate culture through a credible workforce.
This characteristic of Sony Corporation’s organizational culture facilitates warm and
friendly relations between employees and customers. Higher customer satisfaction is
a result of this cultural feature. For example, personnel’s cordiality makes customers
feel welcome at Sony Stores, thereby increasing the probability of sales. Thus, Sony’s
corporate culture is a way to retain customers in the electronics, gaming,
entertainment and financial services markets.
All this effected the reputation of the company now Sony needs to rebuild the
reputation by not only doing what they do best which is providing the
customers the best products in term of technology but also they need to build a
strategic plan to overcome all the obstacles the company face in the past.
Source for average for other companies in Japan: Comprehensive Survey of Wage
Conditions (Fiscal 2016), Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare. Surveyed
companies had a workforce of more than 1,000 employees.
Flexible Work Options for Diverse Lifestyles
Sony offers human resources programs that enable employees to make the
most of their talents within their preferred lifestyles.
In 2016, Sony revised the eligibility for its telework program, expanding it
from parenting and caregiving situations to cover all employees. Sony will
continue to expand programs to provide employees with flexible and
efficient work options, with the aim of enhancing the business efficiency of
its organizations, fostering an organizational culture that generates ideas,
and increasing the productivity and output of each employee.
The Sony Group Code of Conduct, enacted in May 2003, contains articles
related to respect for human rights and maps out global policies that guide
human rights-related rules and activities throughout the Sony Group. The
article in the Code concerning equal opportunity in employment lays down
the Group's policy for recruiting, hiring, training, promoting and otherwise
treating applicants and employees without regard to non-business-related
characteristics, including race, religion, skin color, nationality, age, gender,
or physical limitation. These provisions are based on existing international
standards, including the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human
Sony's transactions with suppliers must comply with provisions in the Sony
Group Code of Conduct. Sony has established the Sony Supplier Code of
Conduct, which covers human rights issues that could potentially arise at
production facilities operated by suppliers and outsourcing partners
concerning labor conditions (e.g. discrimination, child labor, and work
hours, and freedom of association).
Responsiveness and Customer Service
In addition to continuously improving product quality, Sony is taking various steps
to improve its responsiveness and its customer service capabilities, in line with its
commitment, set forth in the Sony Pledge of Quality: "Sony employees will always
respect our customers' viewpoints in striving to deliver product quality and
customer service that exceed their expectations." In customer service, this
includes responding to changing customer needs, and in repair services, building
organizations designed to ensure the best possible repair service quality.
In certain regions, Sony also provides customer support via such means as
live Internet chat sessions, support using social media platforms, and
online community forums where customers can share information to help
each other find solutions. In these ways, Sony tailors its support to meet
the increasingly diverse needs of its customers in every region of the world.
In addition, Sony conducts surveys to determine customer satisfaction at
various touchpoints, and makes improvements based on the survey results
in its efforts to continually improve customer satisfaction.
Sony makes active use of customer feedback to improve its products and
customer services. Sony Customer Information Centers promptly and
accurately evaluate customer opinions, reports of malfunctions after
purchase, questions regarding use, and other feedback. The planning,
design and product quality groups work together to improve product quality
and strengthen product performance, reporting progress to top
management on an as-needed basis.
In order to reinforce these efforts, Sony has since 2015 centralized all
customer feedback received at Customer Information Centers and
technical support desks around the world. This change allows for feedback
to be used group-wide to improve Sony products and provide better
information to customers. Sony analyzes customer feedback on social
networking services (SNS), as well.
Relations with Stakeholders