Boxster (986), 1997 - 2004 PDF

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The document provides technical specifications and part numbers for various Porsche Boxster models from 1997-2004.

The document is a parts catalogue for Porsche Boxster models from 1997-2004, providing order information and explanations for identifying vehicle types and parts.

The document covers Porsche Boxster models from 1997-2004, including standard and S models.


Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004
















"SEATS (STZ 19)".

24.07.2017 -1 Kat 020


Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004




DIGIT: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

S 6 0 0 1 2 5
=== = = = =============
! ! ! ! !
VEHICLE TYPE 1ST+2ND DIGIT----------------+ ! ! ! !
! ! ! !
MODEL YEAR----------------------------------------+ ! ! !
! ! !
MANUFACTURING LOCATION--------------------------------+ ! !
! !
VEHICLE TYPE 3RD DIGIT------------------------------------+ !
SERIAL NUMBER-------------------------------------------------------+

24.07.2017 -1 Kat 020


Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004


BOXSTER 97 V 98VS6 00061>10000 M96.20 150 KW

BOXSTER (USA)(CDN) 97 V 98VS6 20061>30000 M96.20 150 KW
BOXSTER (BR) 97 V 98TS6 29801>30000 M96.20 150 KW
BOXSTER (BR) 97 V 98VS6 29801>30000 M96.20 150 KW

BOXSTER 98 W 98WS6 00061>10000 M96.20 150 KW

BOXSTER 98 W 98WU6 00061>10000 M96.20 150 KW
BOXSTER (USA)(CDN)(MEX) 98 W 98WS6 20061>30000 M96.20 150 KW
BOXSTER (USA)(CDN) 98 W 98WU6 20061>30000 M96.20 150 KW
BOXSTER (BR) 98 W 98WS6 29801>30000 M96.20 150 KW
BOXSTER (BR) 98 W 98WU6 29801>30000 M96.20 150 KW

BOXSTER 99 X 98XS6 00061>10000 M96.20 150 KW

BOXSTER 99 X 98XU6 00061>10000 M96.20 150 KW
BOXSTER (USA)(CDN)(MEX) 99 X 98XS6 20061>30000 M96.20 150 KW
BOXSTER (USA)(CDN)(MEX) 99 X 98XU6 20061>30000 M96.20 150 KW
BOXSTER (BR) 99 X 98XS6 29801>30000 M96.20 150 KW
BOXSTER (BR) 99 X 98XU6 29801>30000 M96.20 150 KW

BOXSTER 00 Y 98YS6 00061>10000 M96.22 160 KW

BOXSTER 00 Y 98YU6 00061>10000 M96.22 160 KW
BOXSTER (USA)(CDN)(MEX)(BR) 00 Y 98YS6 20061>30000 M96.22 160 KW
BOXSTER (USA)(CDN)(MEX)(BR) 00 Y 98YU6 20061>30000 M96.22 160 KW

BOXSTER "S" 00 Y 98YS6 40061>50000 M96.21 185 KW

BOXSTER "S" 00 Y 98YU6 40061>50000 M96.21 185 KW
BOXSTER "S" (USA.CDN.MEX.BR) 00 Y 98YS6 60061>70000 M96.21 185 KW
BOXSTER "S" (USA.CDN.MEX.BR) 00 Y 98YU6 60061>70000 M96.21 185 KW

BOXSTER 01 1 981S6 00061>10000 M96.22 162 KW

BOXSTER 01 1 981U6 00061>10000 M96.22 162 KW
BOXSTER (USA)(CDN)(MEX)(BR) 01 1 981S6 20061>30000 M96.22 162 KW
BOXSTER (USA)(CDN)(MEX)(BR) 01 1 981U6 20061>30000 M96.22 162 KW

BOXSTER "S" 01 1 981S6 40061>50000 M96.21 185 KW

BOXSTER "S" 01 1 981U6 40061>50000 M96.21 185 KW
BOXSTER "S" (USA.CDN.MEX.BR) 01 1 981S6 60061>70000 M96.21 185 KW
BOXSTER "S" (USA.CDN.MEX.BR) 01 1 981U6 60061>70000 M96.21 185 KW

BOXSTER 02 2 982S6 00061>10000 M96.22 162 KW

BOXSTER 02 2 982U6 00061>10000 M96.22 162 KW
BOXSTER (USA)(CDN)(MEX)(BR) 02 2 982S6 20061>30000 M96.22 162 KW
BOXSTER (USA)(CDN)(MEX)(BR) 02 2 982U6 20061>30000 M96.22 162 KW

BOXSTER "S" 02 2 982S6 40061>50000 M96.21 185 KW

BOXSTER "S" 02 2 982U6 40061>50000 M96.21 185 KW
BOXSTER "S" (USA.CDN.MEX.BR) 02 2 982S6 60061>70000 M96.21 185 KW
BOXSTER "S" (USA.CDN.MEX.BR) 02 2 982U6 60061>70000 M96.21 185 KW

BOXSTER 03 3 983S6 00061>10000 M96.23 168 KW

BOXSTER 03 3 983U6 00061>10000 M96.23 168 KW
BOXSTER (USA)(CDN)(MEX)(BR) 03 3 983S6 20061>30000 M96.23 168 KW
BOXSTER (USA)(CDN)(MEX)(BR) 03 3 983U6 20061>30000 M96.23 168 KW

BOXSTER "S" 03 3 983S6 40061>50000 M96.24 191 KW

24.07.2017 -1 Kat 020


Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

BOXSTER "S" 03 3 983U6 40061>50000 M96.24 191 KW
BOXSTER "S" (USA.CDN.MEX.BR) 03 3 983S6 60061>70000 M96.24 191 KW
BOXSTER "S" (USA.CDN.MEX.BR) 03 3 983U6 60061>70000 M96.24 191 KW

24.07.2017 -2 Kat 020


Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004



BOXSTER 04 4 984S6 00061>10000 M96.23 168 KW

BOXSTER 04 4 984U6 00061>10000 M96.23 168 KW
BOXSTER (USA)(CDN)(MEX)(BR) 04 4 984S6 20061>30000 M96.23 168 KW
BOXSTER (USA)(CDN)(MEX)(BR) 04 4 984U6 20061>30000 M96.23 168 KW

BOXSTER "S" 04 4 984S6 40061>50000 M96.24 191 KW

BOXSTER "S" 04 4 984U6 40061>50000 M96.24 191 KW
BOXSTER "S" (USA.CDN.MEX.BR) 04 4 984S6 60061>70000 M96.24 191 KW
BOXSTER "S" (USA.CDN.MEX.BR) 04 4 984U6 60061>70000 M96.24 191 KW

24.07.2017 -1 Kat 020


Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004




DIGIT: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

EXAMPLE: 6 5 V 0 0 1 3 6
= = = =========
! ! ! !
ENGINE TYPE (6 = 6-CYL.-ENGINE)------------------+ ! ! !
! ! !
ENGINE VERSION-------------------------------------+ ! !
! !
MODEL YEAR-------------------------------------------+ !
SERIAL NUMBER------------------------------------------------+

24.07.2017 -1 Kat 020


Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004


BOXSTER M96.20 97 V 65V 00501>60000 6ZYL/2,5L /150 KW

BOXSTER M96.20 98 W 65W 00501>60000 6ZYL/2,5L /150 KW

BOXSTER M96.20 99 X 65X 00501>60000 6ZYL/2,5L /150 KW

BOXSTER M96.22 00 Y 65Y 00501>60000 6ZYL/2,7L /160 KW

BOXSTER"S" M96.21 00 Y 67Y 00501>60000 6ZYL/3,2L /185 KW

BOXSTER M96.22 01 1 651 00501>60000 6ZYL/2,7L /162 KW

BOXSTER"S" M96.21 01 1 671 00501>60000 6ZYL/3,2L /185 KW

BOXSTER M96.22 02 2 652 00501>60000 6ZYL/2,7L /162 KW

BOXSTER"S" M96.21 02 2 672 00501>60000 6ZYL/3,2L /185 KW

BOXSTER M96.23 03 3 653 00501>60000 6ZYL/2,7L /168 KW

BOXSTER"S" M96.24 03 3 673 00501>60000 6ZYL/3,2L /191 KW

BOXSTER M96.23 04 4 654 00501>60000 6ZYL/2,7L /168 KW

BOXSTER"S" M96.24 04 4 674 00501>60000 6ZYL/3,2L /191 KW

24.07.2017 -1 Kat 020


Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004




DIGIT: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

EXAMPLE: G 8 6 0 0 1 0 0 5 4 3
= ========== = =============
! ! ! !
! ! ! !
TRANSMISSION TYPE----------------+ ! ! !
! ! !
TRANSMISSION VERSION--------------------+ ! !
! !
INDEX OF VARIANTS----------------------------------+ !
SERIAL NUMBER-----------------------------------------------+

24.07.2017 -1 Kat 020


Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004



BOXSTER G86.00 97 V G8600 1 002001>999999 5-GANG

BOXSTER TIPTRONIC A86.00 97 V A8601 1 002001>999999 5-GANG

BOXSTER G86.00 98 W G8600 1 002001>999999 5-GANG

BOXSTER TIPTRONIC A86.00 98 W A8602 1 002001>999999 5-GANG

BOXSTER G86.00 99 X G8600 1 002001>999999 5-GANG

BOXSTER TIPTRONIC A86.00 99 X A8603 1 002001>999999 5-GANG

BOXSTER G86.01 00 Y G8601 1 002001>999999 5-GANG

BOXSTER TIPTRONIC A86.05 00 Y A8605 1 002001>999999 5-GANG
BOXSTER "S" G86.20 00 Y G8620 2 002001>999999 6-GANG
BOXSTER "S" TIPTRONIC A86.20 00 Y A8620 1 002001>999999 5-GANG

BOXSTER G86.01 01 1 G8601 1 002001>999999 5-GANG

BOXSTER TIPTRONIC A86.05 01 1 A8605 1 002001>999999 5-GANG
BOXSTER "S" G86.20 01 1 G8620 1 002001>999999 6-GANG
BOXSTER "S" TIPTRONIC A86.20 01 1 A8620 1 002001>999999 5-GANG

BOXSTER G86.01 02 2 G8601 1 002001>999999 5-GANG

BOXSTER TIPTRONIC A86.05 02 2 A8605 1 002001>999999 5-GANG
BOXSTER "S" G86.20 02 2 G8620 1 002001>999999 6-GANG
BOXSTER "S" TIPTRONIC A86.20 02 2 A8620 1 002001>999999 5-GANG

BOXSTER G86.01 03 3 G8601 1 002001>999999 5-GANG

BOXSTER TIPTRONIC A86.05 03 3 A8605 1 002001>999999 5-GANG
BOXSTER "S" G86.20 03 3 G8620 1 002001>999999 6-GANG
BOXSTER "S" TIPTRONIC A86.20 03 3 A8620 1 002001>999999 5-GANG

BOXSTER G86.01 04 4 G8601 1 002001>999999 5-GANG

BOXSTER TIPTRONIC A86.05 04 4 A8605 1 002001>999999 5-GANG
BOXSTER "S" G86.20 04 4 G8620 1 002001>999999 6-GANG
BOXSTER "S" TIPTRONIC A86.20 04 4 A8620 1 002001>999999 5-GANG

24.07.2017 -1 Kat 020


Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004































M 65V 00389>> FROM ENGINE NO.

24.07.2017 -1 Kat 020


Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

F >>98VS6 00889 UP TO CHASSIS NO.

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Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004



















24.07.2017 -1 Kat 020


Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004































24.07.2017 -1 Kat 020

Optional Equipment

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

NR Description
IXAA Aerokit Cup
IXAB Spyder rear in body colour
IXAF Turbo aerokit
IXAG Carrera - rear spoiler
IXCA Dashboard trim strip (3-part) sports seats
IXCC Side air vents sports seats
IXCD Center air vent bracket sports seats
IXCE Rear center console sports seats
IXCG Sports seat backrest in Aluminium Look finish
IXCZ Short shifter
IXD9 Wheel painted in body colour
IXEA Passive handset in leather
IXE8 Gear lever knob aluminium/dark burr maple/leather
IXE9 Handbrake lever aluminium/dark burr maple/leather
IXJB Rear section of centre console in Arctic Silver
IXJ4 Leather cover for ignition lock surround
IXKB Side air vent in light burr maple
IXKC Side air vent in dark burr maple
IXKD Side air vent in Carbon
IXKE Side air vent in Arctic Silver
IXKG "Defroster trim in light burr maple; leather"
IXKH "Defroster trim in dark burr maple; leather"
IXKJ Defroster trim in Carbon/leather
IXKR Center air vent bracket in light burr maple
IXKS Center air vent bracket in dark burr maple
IXKW Center nozzle bracket arctic silver
IXKX Instrument surround in Arctic Silver
IXLA Boxster tailpipe
IXLF Sports exhaust system
IXMA Rooflining in leather
IXME Rear section of centre console painted
IXMF Front center console including 2 storage bins, leather
IXMJ Rear section of centre console in Carbon
IXMK Roll-over bar in exterior color
IXML Rear center console in light burr maple
IXMP Leather sun visor, 2 illuminated vanity mirrors
IXMR Sun visor in leather, 2 illuminated vanity mirrors,
IXMY Roll-over bar in Arctic Silver
IXMZ Rear section of centre console in leather
IXNB Rear center console in dark burr maple
IXNG Instrument surround in leather
IXNH Side vent, left/right defroster trim in leather
IXNN Center air vent bracket in leather
IXNR Carbon center air vent bracket
IXNS Leather steering column trim, 4-part
IXNU Leather trim strip (dashboard)

24.07.2017 -1 Kat 020

Optional Equipment

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

NR Description
IXNV Trim strip (dashboard) in light burr maple
IXNW Trim strip (dashboard) in dark burr maple
IXNX Carbon trim strip (dashboard)
IXNY Trim strip in Arctic Silver
IXN3 Dashboard side air vent in leather
IXPA 3-spoke sports steering wheel in leather interior co
IXPB 3-spoke sports steering wheel, light burr maple,
IXPC 3-spoke sports steering wheel, dark burr maple,
IXPD 3-spoke sports steering wheel, Carbon/leather
IXPG 3-spoke sports steering wheel, sports seats
IXPP Loudspeaker finisher on switch panel in interior colour
IXPW Instrument surround in light burr maple
IXPX Instrument surround in dark burr maple
IXPY Carbon instrument surround
IXRB 18-inch Sport Classic II wheel
IXRC 18-inch SportTechno wheel
IXRL 18-inch SportDesign wheel
IXRN 17-mm spacers, rear
IXRP 5-mm spacers, front/rear
IXSA Painted sports seat backrest
IXSB Leather sports seat backrest
IXSC Porsche Crest embossed in headrest
IXSD Front seat controls in leather
IXSE Bucket seat, left
IXSF Bucket seat, right
IXSG Racing bucket seat, left
IXSJ 6-point harness
IXSL 6-point safety catch
IXSM Racing safety cage
IXSN Omission of rear seats
IXSR Carbon back for bucket seat, right
IXSS Carbon back for bucket seat, left
IXSU Upholstered seat
IXSW Seat belts in Maritime Blue
IXSX Seat belts in Guards Red
IXSY Seat belts in Speed Yellow
IXTC Door panel parts in leather
IXTE Door panel parts in carbon/leather
IXTF Door panel parts in arctic silver/leather
IXTG Inner door sills in leather
IXTJ Door panel parts in light burr maple
IXTK Door panel parts in dark burr maple
IXTL Door panel parts in Carbon

24.07.2017 -2 Kat 020

Optional Equipment

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

NR Description
IXTR Door panel parts in Aluminium Look finish
IXV1 Defroster trim in leather
IXX1 Floor mats, logo, leather border
IXX2 Illuminated footwell
IXY5 Tiptronic gear selector gate in leather
IXZD Interior light surround in leather
IX45 Instrument dial in interior color
IX46 Tiptronic selector lever in aluminium/leather
IX47 Gear lever knob in Carbon/leather
IX48 Tiptronic selector lever in Carbon/aluminium
IX58 Handbrake lever in Carbon/leather
IX65 Tiptronic selector lever in light burr maple/aluminium
IX66 Tiptronic selector lever in dark burr maple/aluminium
IX69 Door entry guards in Carbon with logo
IX70 Door entry guards in stainless steel with logo
IX71 Instrument dial painted/Aluminium Look finish
IX72 Gear lever knob aluminium/light burr maple/leather
IX73 Turbo sports suspension
IX74 Sports suspension (exclusive)
IX76 Inner door sill guard, left/right
IX91 Handbrake lever aluminium/light burr maple/leather
IX97 Gear lever knob in aluminium/leather
IX98 Handbrake lever in aluminium/leather
IX99 Natural leather
I369 Standard seat, left
I370 Standard seat, right
I437 Comfort seat, left,
electrically adjustable
I438 Comfort seat, right,
electrically adjustable
I946 Seat covers, front, leather/leather/leatherette
M000 +-------------------------------+
! Summary of optional extras "M"!
M008 986 S 3,2 litres displacement
M009 986 2.5 litres displacement -- MY 1999
986 2.7 litres displacement MY 2000 --
M010 "Classic" package
M011 "Trend" package
M012 "Sport Design" package
M013 "Sport Technik" package
M016 "Standard" package
M020 Speedometer with two scales mph-km/h
M024 Version for Greece
M030 Sport-type chassis
M034 Version for Italy
M058 Impact absorbers, front and rear

24.07.2017 -3 Kat 020

Optional Equipment

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

NR Description
M061 Version for Great Britain
M062 Version for Sweden
M063 Version Luxemburg
M064 Version for Netherlands
M065 Version for Denmark
M066 Version for Norway
M067 Version for Finland
M068 Version for Thailand
M069 Other country version
M071 EU country version
M072 Version for Mexico
M073 Version for Russia
M091 Special model '50 years Spyder'
M111 Version for Austria
M113 Version for Canada
M114 Version for Taiwan
M119 Version for Spain
M124 Version for France
M126 Control and indications in French lettering
M127 Control and indications in Swedish
M130 Control and indications in English lettering
M139 Seat heating system, left seat
M150 Operation with leaded gas
M191 Wheel spokes in Seal Grey Metallic
M193 Version for Japan
M197 Stronger battery
M198 Starter 1.7 kW
M210 Licence plate holder version 2
M211 Licence plate holder version 3
M215 Version for Saudi Arabia
M218 Licence plate holder version 4
M219 Differential
M222 Anti-slip regulation (ASR)
M224 Automatic limited slip differential
M225 Version for Belgium
M249 Tiptronic transmission
M265 Automatic anti-dazzle interior mirror with rain
M266 Automatic anti-dazzle door mirror
M270 Door mirror -flat- driver's side,
electrically adjustable and heatable
M271 Door mirror -aspherical- driver's side,
electrically adjustable and heatable
M272 Door mirrors,
manually adjustable
M273 Door mirrors,
electrically adjustable and heatable

24.07.2017 -4 Kat 020

Optional Equipment

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

NR Description
M274 Vanity mirror illuminated
M277 Version for Switzerland
M288 Headlamp washer
M320 Radio "Porsche CR-11" ROW
M321 Radio "Porsche CR 22"
M322 Radio "Porsche CR 220"
M325 Version for South Africa/New Zealand
M326 Radio "Porsche CR-21" ROW
M327 Radio "Porsche CR 2200"
M329 Radio "Porsche CR-210" USA
M330 Radio "Porsche CR-31" ROW
M338 Rear-wheel drive
M340 Seat heating system, right seat
M342 Seat heating system, left/right seat
M369 Standard seat, left
M370 Standard seat, right
M375 Sports seat, backrest shell, left
M376 Sports seat, backrest shell, right
M394 Boxster wheel 17-inch
M395 Cast wheel, 16-inch
M396 Cast wheel, 17-inch
M400 Boxster-S wheel 17-inch
M411 18-inch Carrera wheel
M413 18-inch Turbo-Look wheel
M414 18-inch Turbo-Look wheel, high gloss finish
M415 18-inch monobloc wheel Top
M421 Front cassette compartment
M422 Rear cassette compartment
M424 CD compartment
M431 4-spoke steering wheel (leather), diameter 363 mm
M432 Steering wheel with Tiptronic control
M436 3-spoke airbag steering wheel
M437 Comfort seat, left,
electrically adjustable
M438 Comfort seat, right,
electrically adjustable
M439 Electrical
hood operation
M440 Manual antenna, 4 loudspeakers --- MY 2002
MY 2003 --- antenna diversity
M441 Radio preparation
M446 Concave wheel centers
with full-colour Porsche Crest
M454 Automatic speed control
M465 Rear foglamp, left
M466 Rear foglamp, right
M476 Porsche Stability Management (PSM)

24.07.2017 -5 Kat 020

Optional Equipment

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

NR Description
M479 Version for Australia
M480 6-speed manual transmission
M481 5th-speed manual transmission
M484 Version for USA
M488 Inscriptions in German language
M490 -MY 01 sound system
MY 02 sound system Harmann analog
M492 Headlamps for left-hand traffic
M499 Version for Germany
M509 Fire extinguisher
M513 Lumbar support, right seat
M524 Anti-drive-off feature, 433 MHz
M525 Anti-drive-off feature, 315 MHz
M531 Anti-drive-off feature,
central locking system
M532 Alarm system remote control omitted
M534 Theft security system
M535 Anti-theft lock 315 MHz
M536 Alarm siren and tilt sensor
M537 Seating position control for
comfort seat, left
M538 Seating position control
for comfort seat, right
M539 Mechanical seat-height adjustment, left
M540 Mechanical seat-height adjustment, right
M549 Roof Transport System
M550 Hard top
M551 Wind deflector
M553 Version for USA, Canada
M562 Airbag, driver's side and front passenger's side
M563 Side airbag
M566 Front fog lights, white
M567 Windscreen tinted, upper part
darker coloured
M568 Windscreen without green top-tint
M571 Activated charcoal filter
M573 Air conditioner
M574 Without air conditioner
M580 Non-smoker's package
M581 Center console, front
M582 Storage poket (motor cover)
M584 Storage box
M586 Lumbar support, left seat
M590 Power lid locking
M601 Litronic headlights
M602 Raised stop lamp
M606 Daytime driving lights

24.07.2017 -6 Kat 020

Optional Equipment

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

NR Description
M614 Preparation for telephone installation
Motorola 2200
M618 Preparation for telephone installation
M620 Electronic accelerator
M635 Parking assistent
M651 Electric window opener
M657 Power assisted steering
M659 On-board computer
M660 Obd 2
M661 Stricter emission-control concept
M662 Info/navigation system
M663 Passive handset
M664 Orvr
M665 PCM2 basic module including radio
M666 PCM2 telephone (GSM)
M668 PCM2 telephone handset
M670 PCM2 navigation
M680 -MY 01 digital sound package
MY 02- sound system Bose analog
M686 Radio "Porsche CDR-21" ROW
M688 Radio "Porsche CDR-210" USA
M689 Preperation of cd autochanger
M692 CD autochanger "Porsche "
M695 CD radio "Porsche CDR 22"
M696 CD radio "Porsche CDR 220"
M698 CD radio "Porsche CDR 32"
M699 MD radio "Porsche MDR32"
M945 Seat covers, front
M946 Seat covers, front,
M981 Leather equipment without seat covers
M982 Seat covers, front,
draped leather/leather/leather
M983 Seat covers, front, leather
M990 Seat covers, front,
M999 Passenger compartment monitoring sensor
for leather colour of choice

24.07.2017 -7 Kat 020

Optional Equipment

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

24.07.2017 -8 Kat 020

Illustration: 001-00

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

24.07.2017 -1 Kat 020

Illustration: 001-00

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
1 996 721 115 00 Tool bag 1
with contents
- 996 721 415 00 Tool bag 1
- 996 361 521 00 Boot 1
- 999 914 001 40 Plastic gloves 1
- 996 721 151 00 Towing lug 1
- 477 012 229 Double-end spanner 1
10 X 13
- 477 012 231 Screwdriver 1
- 111 012 287 Handle 1
- 999 571 076 02 Socket wrench 1
- 5 -
- 999 571 074 30 Threaded bolt 1
- 477 012 221 A Rim wrench 1
- 999 571 070 30 Operating rod 1
Rim wrench
2 996 721 211 00 Scissors type jack 1
3 996 722 101 00 Foam part 1
4 996 721 701 00 Fastening part 1
5 477 813 157 Mounting plate 1
7 900 029 004 02 Winged nut 1
M 10
8 See group
POS.19 1
- 000 722 722 02 Warning triangle 1
- 993 722 041 00 First-aid kit 1

24.07.2017 -2 Kat 020

Illustration: 001-05

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

24.07.2017 -1 Kat 020

Illustration: 001-05

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
Tyre pressure
1 986 701 287 20 Sticker 1 M009
1 986 701 287 23 Sticker 1 M008
1 986 701 287 22 Sticker (AUS) 1 M009
1 986 701 287 25 Sticker (AUS) 1 M008
Stickers 1
Emergency wheel
2 996 361 701 10 Sticker (AUS) 1
2 928 701 150 00 Sticker 1
"MAX 80 KM/H"
Engine specifications
4 986 006 107 00 Sticker (AUS) 97 1 M009
4 986 006 107 01 Sticker (AUS) 98 1 M009
4 986 006 107 02 Sticker (AUS) 99 1 M009
4 986 006 107 05 Sticker (AUS) 00 1 M009
4 000 043 204 77 Sticker (AUS) 01 1 M009
4 986 006 107 09 Sticker (AUS) 02 1 M009
4 986 006 107 11 Sticker (AUS) 03 1 M009
4 986 006 107 13 Sticker (AUS) 04 1 M009
4 986 006 107 06 Sticker (AUS) 00 1 M008
4 986 006 107 08 Sticker (AUS) 01 1 M008
4 986 006 107 10 Sticker (AUS) 02 1 M008
4 986 006 107 12 Sticker (AUS) 03 1 M008
4 986 006 107 14 Sticker (AUS) 04 1 M008
4 993 006 108 00 Sticker 97 1 M068
4 993 006 108 02 Sticker -01 1 M068
4 996 006 108 00 Sticker 02- 1 M068
(4) 996 006 120 00 Indication sticker 00- 1
Expansion tank
5 928 701 140 04 Sticker 1 M068/325
Exhaust gas
Type of fuel
7 996 006 117 00 Sticker 1
98 ROZ
7 996 006 117 01 Sticker 1 M150
7 996 006 117 02 Sticker (AUS) 1
96 ROZ
7 996 006 117 03 Sticker (J) 1
93 RON/MON/2
7 996 701 190 00 Sticker 01- 1
Fuel tank cap
8 997 006 544 00 Sticker 1
Engine oil
- MOBIL 1 -
8 7PP 010 786 T Sticker 1
Engine oil
- MOBIL 1 -
9 996 701 421 01 Sticker 98 1
Child car seat
9 3B0 010 219 B Sticker 99- 1
Child car seat
9 986 701 430 00 Sticker 01- 1
Child car seat

24.07.2017 -2 Kat 020

Illustration: 001-05

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
9 986 701 430 01 Sticker 01- 1
Child car seat
9 986 701 430 02 Sticker 01- 1
Child car seat
9 986 701 430 03 Sticker 01- 1
Child car seat
9 986 701 430 04 Sticker 04 1
Child car seat
11 986 701 141 01 Sticker 1
Air conditioner
Convertible top control
See group

24.07.2017 -3 Kat 020

Illustration: 004-00

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

24.07.2017 -1 Kat 020

Illustration: 004-00

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
Paint touch-up applicator
- 911 095 932 20 Paint touch-up applicator X
911 095 932 20 719 Black A 1
911 095 932 20 80K Guards red G 1
911 095 932 20 3AT Glacier white Z 1
911 095 932 20 9A3 Biarritz white Z 2
911 095 932 20 12L Pastel yellow Q 1
911 095 932 20 3AR Blue turquoise J 1
911 095 932 20 12G Speed yellow 50 / X 4
911 095 932 20 347 Dark blue 55
911 095 932 20 B9A Carrara white B 4
- 911 095 933 20 Paint touch-up applicator X
Paint touch-up applicator
Paint touch-up applicator
Clear lacquer
911 095 933 20 92T Arctic silver metallic X 1
911 095 933 20 3AY Ocean blue metallic E 1
911 095 933 20 3AW Zenith blue metallic F 1
911 095 933 20 84R Arena red metallic H 8
911 095 933 20 25H Ocean jade metallic J 3
911 095 933 20 746 Black-metallic Z 8
911 095 933 20 23I Wimbledon green metallic 51
911 095 933 20 22E Forest green metallic 53
911 095 933 20 2A2 Rainforest green metallic J 4
911 095 933 20 39G Violet metallic 54
911 095 933 20 37U Cobalt blue metallic 56
911 095 933 20 92E Polar silver metallic 58
911 095 933 20 22D Slate grey metallic 59
911 095 933 20 39N Iris blue metallic 61
911 095 933 20 37W Midnight Blue Metallic -02 62
03- -02 E 9
911 095 933 20 8A4 Orient red metallic L 1
911 095 933 20 3A9 Lapis blue metallic -02 E 3
911 095 933 20 M5W Lapis blue metallic 03- J 2
911 095 933 20 6A7 Meridian metallic -03 X 2
04 -03 64
911 095 933 20 1A9 Zanzibar red -02 N 1
03 -02 63
911 095 933 20 6B5 Seal grey metallic Y 1
911 095 933 20 C9Z Basalt black metallic Z 4
911 095 933 20 M6W Lagoon green metallic G 4
911 095 933 20 M3W Carmon red metallic E 4
911 095 933 20 M7X Atlas grey metallic E 7
911 095 933 20 M7Z GT Silver Metallic 04

24.07.2017 -2 Kat 020

Illustration: 101-00

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

24.07.2017 -1 Kat 020

Illustration: 101-00

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
Replacement engine M96.20/21/22
Drive plate
Manual transmission
From engine no.
M 654 66620 >> M96.23
M 674 66382 >> M96.24
See illustrations
From engine no.
M 65X 65965 >> M96.20
M 67Y 65314 >> M96.21
M 671 65423 >> M96.21
M 672 65390 >> M96.21
M 65Y 65152 >> M96.22
M 651 65255 >> M96.22
M 652 65391 >> M96.22
M 654 66620 >> M96.23
M 674 66382 >> M96.24
Air conditioner
See illustrations
Pressure line
See illustrations
1 986 100 920 00 Replacement engine -99 1 M96.20
1 986 100 920 01 Replacement engine -99 1 M96.20
1 986 100 921 00 Replacement engine 00 1 M96.21
1 986 100 921 04 Replacement engine 01 1 M96.21
1 986 100 921 08 Replacement engine 02 1 M96.21
1 986 100 924 00 Replacement engine 03 1 M96.24
1 986 100 924 04 Replacement engine 04 1 M96.24
1 986 100 924 08 Replacement engine 04 1 M96.24
04 M091/480
1 986 100 921 01 Replacement engine 00 1 M96.21
1 986 100 921 05 Replacement engine 01 1 M96.21

24.07.2017 -2 Kat 020

Illustration: 101-00

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
1 986 100 921 09 Replacement engine 02 1 M96.21
1 986 100 924 01 Replacement engine 03 1 M96.24
1 986 100 924 05 Replacement engine 04 1 M96.24
1 986 100 924 09 Replacement engine 04 1 M96.24
1 986 100 922 00 Replacement engine 00 1 M96.22
1 986 100 922 04 Replacement engine 01 1 M96.22
1 986 100 922 08 Replacement engine 02 1 M96.22
1 986 100 923 00 Replacement engine 03 1 M96.23
1 986 100 923 04 Replacement engine 04 1 M96.23
1 986 100 922 01 Replacement engine 00 1 M96.22
1 986 100 922 05 Replacement engine 01 1 M96.22
1 986 100 922 09 Replacement engine 02 1 M96.22
1 986 100 923 01 Replacement engine 03 1 M96.23
1 986 100 923 05 Replacement engine 04 1 M96.23
2 986 100 920 50 Short engine -99 1 M96.20
Connecting rod
Oil pump
Timing chain
Parts kit
Use also:
99610101600 1
99610421554 4
99610421602 2
90037813100 12
00004320435 X
00004330013 X
99610612553 1
99917020190 6
99610522352 2
2 986 100 920 TX Short engine -99 1 M96.20
Connecting rod
Oil pump
Timing chain
Parts kit
Use also:
99610101600 1
99610421554 4
99610421602 2
90037813100 12

24.07.2017 -3 Kat 020

Illustration: 101-00

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
00004320435 X
00004330013 X
99610612553 1
99917020190 6
99610522352 2
- 996 104 970 05 Cylinder head gasket 1
Short engine
Parts kit for seals
Cylinder head
Use also:
99610496901 1
99610133650 1
99611323350 1
99970176141 6
99610590305 4
99611321351 1
99610722151 2
99970740940 2
94411090101 12
99970721540 6
99970755440 2
99611110755 2
- 996 106 326 50 Gasket 1
Thermostat housing
Short engine
Parts kit
Use also:
99610710351 2
99970734840 1
99610726150 1
2 986 100 921 50 Short engine 00-02 1 M96.21
Connecting rod
Oil pump
Timing chain
Parts kit
Use also:
99610101600 1
99610421554 4
99610421602 2
90037813100 12
00004320435 X
00004330013 X
99610612553 1
99917020791 6
99610522352 2
2 986 100 921 TX Short engine 00-02 1 M96.21
Connecting rod
Oil pump
Timing chain
Parts kit

24.07.2017 -4 Kat 020

Illustration: 101-00

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
Use also:
99610101600 1
99610421554 4
99610421602 2
90037813100 12
00004320435 X
00004330013 X
99610612553 1
99917020791 6
99610522352 2
- 996 104 970 56 Cylinder head gasket 1
Short engine
Parts kit for seals
Cylinder head
Use also:
99610496950 1
99610133650 1
99611323350 1
99970176141 6
99610590305 4
99611321351 1
99610722151 2
99970740940 2
94411090101 12
99970721540 6
99970755440 2
99611110755 2
- 996 106 326 50 Gasket 1
Thermostat housing
Short engine
Parts kit for seals
Use also:
99610710351 2
99970734840 1
99610726150 1
2 986 100 922 50 Short engine 00-02 1 M96.22
Connecting rod
Oil pump
Timing chain
Parts kit
Use also:
99610101600 1
99610421554 4
99610421602 2
90037813100 12
00004320435 X
00004330013 X
99610612553 1
99917020791 6
99610522352 2
2 986 100 922 TX Short engine 00-02 1 M96.22
Connecting rod

24.07.2017 -5 Kat 020

Illustration: 101-00

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
Oil pump
Timing chain
Parts kit
Use also:
99610101600 1
99610421554 4
99610421602 2
90037813100 12
00004320435 X
00004330013 X
99610612553 1
99917020791 6
99610522352 2
- 996 104 970 05 Cylinder head gasket 1
Short engine
Parts kit for seals
Cylinder head
Use also:
99610496901 1
99610133650 1
99611323350 1
99970176141 6
99611321351 1
99610722151 2
99970740940 2
94411090101 12
99970721540 6
99610590305 4
99970755440 2
99611110755 2
- 996 106 326 50 Gasket 1
Thermostat housing
Short engine
Parts kit for seals
Use also:
99610710351 2
99970734840 1
99610726150 1
2 986 100 923 50 Short engine 03-04 1 M96.23
Connecting rod
Oil pump
Timing chain
Parts kit
Use also:
99610101600 1
99610421554 4
99610421602 2
90037813100 12
00004320435 X
00004330013 X
99610612553 1
99917020791 6

24.07.2017 -6 Kat 020

Illustration: 101-00

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
99610522352 2
2 986 100 923 TX Short engine 03-04 1 M96.23
Connecting rod
Oil pump
Timing chain
Parts kit
Use also:
99610101600 1
99610421554 4
99610421602 2
90037813100 12
00004320435 X
00004330013 X
99610612553 1
99917020791 6
99610522352 2
- 996 104 170 07 Cylinder head gasket 2
Short engine
Parts kit for seals
Cylinder head
Use also:
99610133650 1
99611323350 1
99611321351 1
99970176141 6
99610722151 2
99970740940 2
94411090101 12
99970721540 6
99610590305 4
99970755440 2
- 996 106 326 50 Gasket 1
Thermostat housing
Short engine
Parts kit for seals
Use also:
99610710351 2
99610726150 1
99970734840 1
2 986 100 924 50 Short engine 03-04 1 M96.24
Connecting rod
Oil pump
Timing chain
Parts kit
Use also:
99610101600 1
99610421554 4
99610421602 2
90037813100 12
00004320435 X

24.07.2017 -7 Kat 020

Illustration: 101-00

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
00004330013 X
99610612553 1
99917020791 6
99610522352 2
2 986 100 924 TX Short engine 03-04 1 M96.24
Connecting rod
Oil pump
Timing chain
Parts kit
Use also:
99610101600 1
99610421554 4
99610421602 2
90037813100 12
00004320435 X
00004330013 X
99610612553 1
99917020791 6
99610522352 2
- 996 104 170 58 Cylinder head gasket 2
Short engine
Parts kit for seals
Cylinder head
Use also:
99610133650 1
99611323350 1
99611321351 1
99970176141 6
99610722151 2
99970740940 2
94411090101 12
99970721540 6
99610590305 4
99970755440 4
99611110755 2
- 996 106 326 50 Gasket 1
Thermostat housing
Short engine
Parts kit for seals
Use also:
99610710351 2
99970734840 1
99970734840 1

24.07.2017 -8 Kat 020

Illustration: 101-05

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

24.07.2017 -1 Kat 020

Illustration: 101-05

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
Crankcase M96.20
1 996 101 901 00 Crankcase -99 1 M96.20
M >> 65X 17100
Use also:
996 101 012 64 1
996 101 018 51 6
1 996 101 901 02 Crankcase 00-02 1 M96.21
1 996 101 901 04 Crankcase 03- 1 M96.24
1 996 101 901 03 Crankcase 00-02 1 M96.22
1 996 101 901 05 Crankcase 03- 1 M96.23
2 999 012 049 00 Straight pin 3
12M 6 X 22
3 996 101 253 50 Dowel sleeve 1
3 996 101 253 51 Dowel sleeve 1
4 996 101 361 51 Gasket 1
5 996 101 363 50 Gasket 1
6 900 378 174 09 Hexagon-head bolt 25
M 6 X 35
(6) 999 217 151 09 Hexagon-head bolt 25
M 6 X 35
(6) 900 385 270 01 Outer hexagon round screw 25
M 6 X 35
7 996 101 219 52 Screw 1
9 X 150
8 996 101 229 00 Screw 1
M 9 X 94
9 996 101 203 00 Screw 1
9 X 94
10 999 701 789 40 O-ring 2
12 X 2
Use also:
999 917 788 00 1
11 999 095 043 01 Dowel sleeve 4
17M 6 X 18,5
12 996 101 021 00 Lid 1
12 996 101 021 01 Lid 1
12 996 101 021 02 Lid 1
13 996 101 331 50 Gasket 1
14 900 378 030 09 Hexagon-head bolt 10
M 6 X 20
15 996 101 216 51 Lid 1
15 996 101 016 00 Lid 1
16 996 101 336 50 Gasket 1
17 900 378 035 01 Hexagon-head bolt 24
M 6 X 16
18 900 123 147 30 Sealing ring 1
A 27 X 32
19 900 219 017 30 Screw plug 1
M 27 X 2
20 014 301 153 B Dowel sleeve 2
13 X 16 X13,5
21 996 101 213 56 Retaining bar 1
21 996 101 213 57 Retaining bar 1
21 996 101 213 58 Retaining bar 1
22 996 107 031 55 Oil pan 1
22 996 107 031 57 Oil pan 1
22 996 107 031 58 Oil pan 1
23 900 219 009 30 Screw plug 1
M 18 X 1,5
24 900 123 106 30 Sealing ring 1
A 18 X 24

24.07.2017 -2 Kat 020

Illustration: 101-05

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
25 996 107 243 51 Bulkhead 1
26 996 113 140 53 Lid 1 -M661
27 996 113 233 50 Gasket 1
28 996 113 340 50 Lid 1 -M661
29 996 113 213 51 Gasket 1
30 000 043 204 35 Sealing compound X
50 ML
31 986 606 112 01 Pulse sender 1
31 986 606 112 02 Pulse sender -02 1
31 986 606 112 03 Pulse sender 03- 1
- 999 650 181 40 Plug socket 1
- 999 652 771 12 Connector 3
- 999 704 161 40 Gasket 3
32 999 218 005 02 Pan-head screw 1
M 6 X 16
32 999 218 005 01 Pan-head screw 1
M 6 X 16
33 996 606 121 00 Knock sensor 2
33 996 606 125 00 Knock sensor 2
- 999 650 167 40 Plug socket 2
- 999 650 052 12 Connector 4
- 999 704 161 40 Gasket 4
34 900 378 033 09 Hexagon-head bolt 2
AM 8 X 30
34 900 378 033 01 Hexagon-head bolt 2
AM 8 X 30
34 900 378 108 09 Hexagon-head bolt 2
AM 8 X 35
35 900 095 137 01 Roll pin 2
5,0 X 12
36 996 101 613 50 Support 1 M249
37 900 377 010 09 Hexagon nut 1 M249
M 6
- 900 036 029 02 Lid 2
B 16
- 999 036 005 02 Lid 2
B 50

24.07.2017 -3 Kat 020

Illustration: 101-10

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

24.07.2017 -1 Kat 020

Illustration: 101-10

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
Belt tensioner M96.20
Belt drive M96.21/22
1 996 102 016 67 Bracket -03 1 M96.20/21
1 996 102 016 69 Bracket 03- 1 M96.23/24
2 996 102 260 50 Tensioner 1
3 996 102 360 51 Lever 1
4 999 072 039 09 Hexagon-head bolt -98 1
M 10 X 30
4 999 072 041 09 Hexagon-head bolt 1
M 10 X 30
5 900 067 117 09 Pan-head screw 1
M 6 X 16
6 999 067 045 09 Pan-head screw 2
M 8 X 22
7 996 102 365 50 Dust boot 2
8 996 102 117 53 Tensioning roller -98 1
8 996 102 117 56 Tensioning roller 1
(8) 996 102 117 57 Tensioning roller 1
9 999 095 064 00 Dowel sleeve 2
12 M 6 X 13
10 900 378 022 09 Hexagon-head bolt 2
AM 8 X 25
11 900 378 108 09 Hexagon-head bolt 2
AM 8 X 35
12 996 102 211 05 Cover 1
13 900 378 163 09 Hexagon-head bolt 2
M 6 X 16
14 996 102 119 54 Deflection roller 1 M96.20
14 996 102 119 55 Deflection roller 1 M96.21/22
14 996 102 119 58 Deflection roller 1 M96.20/21/22
15 996 102 127 50 Cover disc -98 1 M96.20
15 996 102 127 52 Cover disc 1 M96.20
15 996 102 127 54 Cover disc 1 M96.20
15 996 102 127 51 Cover disc 99 1 M96.20
15 996 102 127 52 Cover disc -02 1 M96.21/22
15 996 102 127 54 Cover disc 03- 1 M96.23/24
16 900 378 150 09 Hexagon-head bolt 1 M96.20
AM 8 X 55
(16) 900 378 056 02 Hexagon-head bolt 1 M96.21/22
AM 8 X 60
17 996 102 118 52 Deflection roller 1 M96.20
17 996 102 118 53 Deflection roller 1 M96.21/22
17 996 102 118 56 Deflection roller 1
18 996 102 125 50 Cover disc -98 1 M96.20
18 996 102 125 51 Cover disc 99 1 M96.20
18 996 102 125 52 Cover disc 00- 1 M96.21/22
18 996 102 125 53 Cover disc 03- 1 M96.23/24
19 900 378 181 09 Hexagon-head bolt 1
M 10 X 145
20 964 573 471 00 Support 1
(20) 964 573 471 01 Support 1

24.07.2017 -2 Kat 020

Illustration: 102-00

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

24.07.2017 -1 Kat 020

Illustration: 102-00

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
Crankshaft M96.20
1 996 102 011 06 Crankshaft 1 M96.20
M >> 65X 23559
See technical information
Group 1
NR. 8/00
(1) 996 102 011 07 Crankshaft 1 M96.20
M 65X 23560 >>
See technical information
Group 1
NR. 8/00
1 996 102 011 57 Crankshaft 00 1 M96.21/22
See technical information
Group 1
NR. 8/00
(1) 996 102 011 56 Crankshaft 01-02 1 M96.21/22
ZAHNKETTE 03- M96.23/24
See technical information
Group 1
NR. 8/00
(1) 996 102 011 58 Crankshaft 01-02 1 M96.21/22
ZAHNKETTE 03- M96.23/24
See technical information
Group 1
NR. 8/00
2 900 095 031 01 Roll pin 1
6,0 X 16
3 900 012 154 00 Straight pin -01 1
A 4,0 X 10
3 900 302 021 00 Straight pin 02- 1
A 4,0 X 10
4 999 113 475 40 Shaft sealing ring 1
40 X 62 X 10
5 999 113 490 40 Shaft sealing ring 1
85 X 105 X 11
5 997 101 212 00 Shaft sealing ring 1
85 x 105 x 11
6 996 102 115 63 Pulley 1
7 900 082 085 09 Hexagon-head bolt 1
M 16 X 1,5 X 60
8 996 102 315 50 Thrust washer 1
(9) 996 103 975 01 Connecting rod 1
Connecting rods
Connecting rods
See workshop manual
986 GR.1-1
10 996 103 111 51 Connecting rod bush 6
11 996 103 115 51 Connecting rod bolt 12
11 997 103 115 01 Connecting rod bolt 12
12 996 103 121 62 Connecting-rod bearing 12
13 996 101 131 62 Crankshaft bearing 14 M96.20
Upper right
13 996 101 205 10 Crankshaft bearing 14 M96.20
Upper left
13 Crankshaft bearing 14 M96.21/22

24.07.2017 -2 Kat 020

Illustration: 102-00

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
14 996 101 012 54 Bearing case -97 1 M96.20
14 996 101 012 62 Bearing case -98 1 M96.20
Use also:
996 101 018 51 6
14 996 101 012 64 Bearing case -02 1
Use also:
996 101 018 51 6
14 996 101 007 05 Bearing case 03- 1 M96.23/24
15 999 095 064 00 Dowel sleeve 3
12 M 6 X 13
16 996 101 115 59 Screw 14
M 9 X 127
17 986 114 012 01 Double-mass flywheel 1 M96.20/22/23
17 986 114 012 05 Double-mass flywheel 1 M96.20/22/23
17 986 114 012 04 Double-mass flywheel 1 M96.21/24
17 986 114 012 06 Double-mass flywheel 1 M96.21/24
18 999 073 092 09 Pan-head screw 8
M 10 X 1 X 50
18 999 073 092 01 Pan-head screw 8
M 10 X 1 X 50
19 034 105 313 A Needle-roller bearing 1
20 996 101 241 51 Gasket 1
21 996 101 016 50 Oil separator 1
22 996 101 242 51 Gasket 1
23 999 218 005 02 Pan-head screw 6
M 6 X 16
23 999 218 005 01 Pan-head screw 6
M 6 X 16
24 996 101 129 51 Thrust washer 2
24 996 101 129 52 Thrust washer 2
25 996 101 117 53 Straight pin 1
26 996 101 018 51 Spray jet 6
27 996 102 151 65 Poly-rib belt 1
27 996 102 151 64 Poly-rib belt 1 M573
28 000 043 204 17 Extreme-pressure grease X
100 GR.
28 000 043 305 56 Extreme-pressure grease X
100 GR.

24.07.2017 -3 Kat 020

Illustration: 102-05

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

24.07.2017 -1 Kat 020

Illustration: 102-05

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
Piston M96.20
1 996 103 031 11 Piston 6 M96.20
Tolerance range
476 - 482 G
1 996 103 031 12 Piston 6 M96.20
Tolerance range
482 - 488 G
1 996 103 031 59 Piston 6 M96.21
Tolerance range
529 - 535 G
1 996 103 032 10 Piston 6 M96.24
Tolerance range
532 - 538 G
1 996 103 031 60 Piston 6 M96.21
Tolerance range
535 - 541 G
1 996 103 032 11 Piston 6 M96.24
Tolerance range
538 - 544 G
1 996 103 071 04 Piston 6 M96.22
Tolerance range
460 - 466 G
1 996 103 071 09 Piston 6 M96.23
Tolerance range
460 - 466 G
1 996 103 071 05 Piston 6 M96.22
Tolerance range
466 - 472 G
1 996 103 071 15 Piston 6 M96.23
Tolerance range
466 - 472 G

24.07.2017 -2 Kat 020

Illustration: 102-05

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
1 996 103 071 14 Piston 6 M96.23
Tolerance range
460 - 466 G
2 996 103 033 02 Set of piston rings 6 M96.20
2 996 103 033 51 Set of piston rings 6 M96.21
2 996 103 073 00 Set of piston rings 6 M96.22
3 999 178 018 00 Circlip 12 M96.20
C 22
3 996 103 141 02 Circlip 12 M96.21/22
3 996 103 141 03 Circlip 12 M96.21/22

24.07.2017 -3 Kat 020

Illustration: 103-00

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

24.07.2017 -1 Kat 020

Illustration: 103-00

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
Cylinder head M96.20
1 996 104 001 09 Cylinder head 1 M96.20
1 996 104 001 AX Cylinder head 1 M96.20
(1) 996 104 921 00 Cylinder head 1 M96.21
(1) 996 104 921 AX Cylinder head 1 M96.21
(1) 996 104 941 00 Cylinder head 1 M96.22
(1) 996 104 941 AX Cylinder head 1 M96.22
(1) 996 104 931 00 Cylinder head 1 M96.23
(1) 996 104 931 AX Cylinder head 1 M96.23
(1) 996 104 951 00 Cylinder head 1 M96.24
(1) 996 104 951 AX Cylinder head 1 M96.24
1 996 104 002 09 Cylinder head 1 M96.20
1 996 104 002 AX Cylinder head 1 M96.20
(1) 996 104 922 00 Cylinder head 1 M96.21
(1) 996 104 922 AX Cylinder head 1 M96.21
(1) 996 104 942 00 Cylinder head 1 M96.22

24.07.2017 -2 Kat 020

Illustration: 103-00

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
(1) 996 104 942 AX Cylinder head 1 M96.22
(1) 996 104 932 00 Cylinder head 1 M96.23
(1) 996 104 932 AX Cylinder head 1 M96.23
(1) 996 104 952 00 Cylinder head 1 M96.24
(1) 996 104 952 AX Cylinder head 1 M96.24
5 Housing 4
Matching with:
Cylinder head
6 996 104 117 50 Dowel sleeve 16
7 Lid 2
Matching with:
Cylinder head
8 996 105 111 02 Intake valve 12 M96.20/22
8 996 105 111 05 Intake valve 12 M96.20/22
8 996 105 111 52 Intake valve 12 M96.21
9 996 105 113 04 Exhaust valve 12 M96.20/22
9 996 105 247 00 Exhaust valve 12 M96.21
10 996 105 115 52 Valve stem seal 24
11 996 105 117 51 Concave washer 24
12 996 105 119 53 Valve spring 24
12 996 105 119 56 Valve spring 24 M96.23/24
13 996 105 121 54 Concave washer 24
14 996 105 123 51 Valve collet 48
15 996 104 105 53 Housing 2
15 996 104 105 06 Housing 2 M96.23/24
15 996 104 042 03 Housing 2 M96.23/24
16 900 123 007 30 Sealing ring 1
A 14 X 18
17 900 219 018 30 Screw plug 1
M 14 X 1,5
18 900 067 316 02 Combination screw 38
M 6 X 35
19 900 378 177 09 Hexagon-head bolt 23
(19) 999 217 155 09 Hexagon-head bolt 23
AM 6 X 30
20 996 105 223 51 Lid 2
20 996 105 223 52 Lid -02 2
(20) 996 105 244 03 Lid 03- 2 M96.23/24
21 900 378 030 09 Hexagon-head bolt 4
M 6 X 20
22 996 104 233 01 Heat shield 1
23 000 043 203 64 Assembly kit 1

24.07.2017 -3 Kat 020

Illustration: 103-00

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
Valve stem seal
24 996 104 170 04 Cylinder head gasket -97 1
24 996 104 170 05 Cylinder head gasket 98- 1 M96.20
24 Cylinder head gasket 1 M96.22
24 996 104 170 56 Cylinder head gasket 1 M96.21
24 996 104 170 59 Cylinder head gasket 1 M96.21
24 996 104 170 07 Cylinder head gasket 1 M96.23
24 996 104 170 58 Cylinder head gasket 1 M96.24
(24) 996 104 169 00 Cylinder head gasket 1 M96.20
(24) 996 104 169 01 Cylinder head gasket 1 M96.22
(24) 996 104 169 03 Cylinder head gasket 1 M96.20/22
(24) 996 104 169 50 Cylinder head gasket 1 M96.21
(24) 996 104 169 52 Cylinder head gasket 1 M96.21
(24) 996 104 170 07 Cylinder head gasket 1 M96.23
(24) 996 104 170 58 Cylinder head gasket 1 M96.24
25 996 104 180 54 Screw -97 24
M 10 X 234
25 996 104 180 55 Screw -98 24
M 10 X 230
25 996 104 180 56 Screw 99- 24
M 10 X 230
26 996 104 215 54 Lid 6
27 996 105 325 52 Pipe 6 M96.20/21/22
Use also:
999 917 788 00 1
28 999 707 343 40 O-ring 6
25,07 X 2,62
(28) 996 104 203 00 Gasket 6 M96.23/24
29 999 707 215 40 O-ring 6
27,94 X 5,33
(29) 999 701 761 41 O-ring 6
28 X 2 M96.23/24
30 996 104 207 53 Connection piece 1
31 900 378 035 01 Hexagon-head bolt 1
M 6 X 16

24.07.2017 -4 Kat 020

Illustration: 103-00

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
32 986 606 203 02 Oil pressure switch -97 1
32 Oil pressure switch 98- 1
- 999 652 447 40 Plug socket 1
- 999 652 444 12 Connector 1
33 999 218 005 02 Pan-head screw 2
M 6 X 16
33 999 218 005 01 Pan-head screw 2
M 6 X 16
34 996 606 106 01 Hall sender 2 M660
34 996 606 106 02 Hall sender 98-02 2 M660
(34) Hall sender 98-02 1
34 996 606 106 03 Hall sender 03- 2
- PCG 606 106 02 Stopper 97-05 1
Hall sender
Use also:
- 999 707 404 40 O-ring 1
- 999 652 916 40 Plug socket 1
- 999 652 694 12 Contact bush 3
- 999 704 161 40 Gasket 3
35 999 707 404 40 O-ring 1
17,05 X 1,78
36 000 043 203 73 Sealing compound X
30 ML
(36) 000 043 204 35 Sealing compound X
50 ML
(36) 000 043 024 00 Extreme-pressure grease 1
1 tube
80 Gr.
37 986 607 101 03 Support 1
38 900 378 036 09 Hexagon-head bolt 1
M 6 X 12
39 986 607 104 00 Support 1
40 999 036 026 02 Lid X
10 MM
40 999 036 026 01 Lid X
10 MM
41 999 507 075 40 Cable holder 2
3,0 - 12,0
42 900 067 377 09 Pan-head screw 8
M 6 X 30
42 900 987 004 01 Combination screw 8
M 6 x 30
42 900 387 004 01 Combination screw 8
M 6 x 30
43 900 036 023 02 Lid 2
D 18
43 900 036 023 01 Lid 2
D 18
44 996 104 216 02 Lid 2 M96.23/24

24.07.2017 -5 Kat 020

Illustration: 103-10

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

24.07.2017 -1 Kat 020

Illustration: 103-10

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
Camshaft M96.20
Driving mechanism M96.21/22
1 996 105 221 04 Camshaft 1 M96.20
1 - 3
1 996 105 221 55 Camshaft 1 M96.21
1 - 3
1 996 105 221 05 Camshaft 1 M96.22
1 - 3
(1) 996 105 045 00 Camshaft 1 M96.23
1 - 3
(1) 996 105 921 20 Camshaft 1 M96.23
1 - 3
(1) 996 105 039 00 Camshaft 1 M96.24
1 - 3
(1) 996 105 921 00 Camshaft 1 M96.24
1 - 3
1A 996 105 051 03 Camshaft adjuster 1 M96.23/24
1 - 3
1B 987 105 254 00 Hexagon-head bolt 1
Camshaft adjuster
2 996 105 222 04 Camshaft 1 M96.20
1 - 3
2 996 105 222 55 Camshaft 1 M96.21
1 - 3
2 996 105 222 05 Camshaft 1 M96.22
1 - 3
2 996 105 065 00 Camshaft 1 M96.23
1 - 3
2 996 105 063 00 Camshaft 1 M96.24
1 - 3
3 996 105 216 04 Camshaft 1 M96.20
4 - 6
3 996 105 216 55 Camshaft 1 M96.21

24.07.2017 -2 Kat 020

Illustration: 103-10

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
4 - 6
3 996 105 216 05 Camshaft 1 M96.22
4 - 6
(3) 996 105 046 00 Camshaft 1 M96.23
4 - 6
(3) 996 105 916 20 Camshaft 1 M96.23
4 - 6
(3) 996 105 040 00 Camshaft 1 M96.24
4 - 6
(3) 996 105 916 00 Camshaft 1 M96.24
4 - 6
3A 996 105 052 01 Camshaft adjuster 1 M96.23/24
4 - 6
3B 987 105 254 00 Hexagon-head bolt 1
Camshaft adjuster
4 996 105 218 04 Camshaft 1 M96.20
4 - 6
4 996 105 218 55 Camshaft 1 M96.21
4 - 6
4 996 105 218 05 Camshaft 1 M96.22
4 - 6
4 996 105 066 00 Camshaft 1 M96.23
4 - 6
4 996 105 064 00 Camshaft 1 M96.24
4 - 6
5 996 105 041 50 Hydraulic valve tappet 24 M96.20/21/22
5 996 105 041 72 Hydraulic valve tappet 24
6 996 105 170 53 Timing chain 2
7 996 105 051 56 Tensioner -97 1 M96.20
1 - 3
7 996 105 051 57 Tensioner -98 1 M96.20
1 - 3
7 996 105 051 58 Tensioner 99- 1 M96.20/21/22
1 - 3
(7) 996 105 053 56 Tensioner -97 1 M96.20

24.07.2017 -3 Kat 020

Illustration: 103-10

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
4 - 6
(7) 996 105 053 57 Tensioner -98 1 M96.20
4 - 6
(7) 996 105 053 58 Tensioner 99- 1 M96.20/21/22
4 - 6
- 996 105 303 05 Actuator 2 M96.23/24
- 996 105 303 06 Actuator 2 M96.23/24
- 996 105 903 05 O-ring 2 M96.23/24
- 999 650 167 40 Plug socket 2
- 999 652 694 12 Contact bush 4
- 999 704 161 40 Gasket 4
8 900 067 372 09 Combination screw 6
M 6 X 95
9 996 105 253 00 Parts kit 1
Guide rail
10 996 605 901 00 Solenoid valve 1 M96.20/21/22
1 - 3
10 996 605 902 00 Solenoid valve 1 M96.20/21/22
4 - 6
See workshop manual
11 999 141 032 07 Screw 2
12 996 105 015 58 Intermediate shaft -98 1
12 996 105 015 63 Intermediate shaft -00 1
(12) 996 105 901 00 Intermediate shaft -00 1
See technical information
Group 1
NR. 8/00
(12) 996 105 901 01 Intermediate shaft 1
M >> 651 12851 M96.22
M >> 671 11237 M96.21
See technical information
Group 1
NR. 8/00
(12) 996 105 901 02 Intermediate shaft 1 M96.23/24
M 651 12852 >> M96.22
M 671 11238 >> M96.21
See technical information
Group 1
NR. 8/00
13 999 707 391 40 O-ring 1
52 X 2,5
See technical information
Group 1
NR. 8/00
(13) 996 105 017 02 Housing 1
M >> 651 12851 M96.22
M >> 671 11237 M96.21
See technical information
Group 1

24.07.2017 -4 Kat 020

Illustration: 103-10

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
NR. 8/00
(13) 996 105 024 01 Housing 1
M 651 12852 >> M96.22
M 671 11238 >> M96.21
See technical information
Group 1
NR. 8/00
14 999 707 392 40 O-ring 1
7 X 2
See technical information
Group 1
NR. 8/00
15 900 378 156 09 Hexagon-head bolt 3
M 6 X 20
See technical information
Group 1
NR. 8/00
(15) 999 217 150 09 Hexagon-head bolt 3
M 6 X 20
See technical information
Group 1
NR. 8/00
(15) 900 385 093 01 Hexagon-head bolt 3
M 6 X 20
See technical information
Group 1
NR. 8/00
16 900 380 019 02 Hexagon nut 1
M 8 X 1
See technical information
Group 1
NR. 8/00
17 996 105 171 55 Timing chain -00 1
See technical information
Group 1
NR. 8/00
(17) 996 105 171 56 Timing chain 01- 1
See technical information
Group 1
NR. 8/00
18 996 105 165 54 Tensioner blade -97 1
18 996 105 165 55 Tensioner blade 98- 1
19 996 105 195 00 Pad 1
20 900 234 040 01 Shim 1
10 X 16 X 1,2
21 900 041 004 01 Circlip 1
10 X 1
22 996 105 166 51 Guide rail 1
23 900 075 486 01 Combination screw 3
AM 6 X 40
24 996 105 179 57 Chain adjuster -98 1
24 996 105 179 58 Chain adjuster 99- 1
25 999 707 344 40 O-ring 3
18,77 X 1,78
26 996 105 177 52 Timing chain 2
(26) 996 105 152 00 Timing chain 2 M96.23/24
27 996 105 178 52 Sprocket -98 2
(27) 996 105 178 53 Sprocket 2
28 996 105 185 54 Driver -98 2
29 900 378 162 09 Hexagon-head bolt 8
M 6 X 15

24.07.2017 -5 Kat 020

Illustration: 103-10

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
996 105 178 52
29 900 378 162 01 Hexagon-head bolt 8
M 6 X 15
996 105 178 52
29 900 378 204 09 Hexagon-head bolt 8
M 6 X 12
996 105 178 53
30 996 105 175 52 Tensioner blade 2
(30) 996 105 156 00 Tensioner blade 03-04 1 M96.23/24
Cyl. 1 - 3
(30) 996 105 158 00 Tensioner blade 03-04 1 M96.23/24
Cyl. 4 - 6
31 996 105 162 52 Screw 6
M 6
32 999 707 346 40 O-ring 6
15 X 3
33 996 105 173 53 Guide rail 2
(33) 996 105 054 01 Guide rail 1
Cyl. 1 - 3 03-04 M96.23/24
(33) 996 105 164 00 Guide rail 1
Cyl. 4 - 6 03-04 M96.23/24
34 996 105 176 51 Chain adjuster 1
35 996 105 180 54 Chain adjuster -00 1
See technical information
Group 1
NR. 8/00
(35) 996 105 180 55 Chain adjuster 01- 1
See technical information
Group 1
NR. 8/00
36 996 105 197 00 Pressure pin 1
37 900 123 147 30 Sealing ring 3
A 27 X 32
38 996 105 129 52 Rotor trim 1
39 996 105 112 01 Gasket 1
See technical information
Group 1
NR. 8/00
- 000 043 024 00 Extreme-pressure grease 1
1 tube
80 Gr.

24.07.2017 -6 Kat 020

Illustration: 104-00

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

24.07.2017 -1 Kat 020

Illustration: 104-00

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
Oil pump
1 996 107 012 54 Oil pump -97 1
1 996 107 012 55 Oil pump -97 1
1 996 107 012 56 Oil pump -98 1
1 996 107 012 57 Oil pump 1
1 996 107 012 58 Oil pump 1
1 996 107 012 60 Oil pump 1
1 996 107 012 61 Oil pump 1
- See technical information -
Group 1
1740 / 08A / 97
2 996 107 103 51 O-ring 2
29,1 X 2,55
Use also:
999 917 788 00 1
3 996 107 121 50 Driver 1
4 996 107 105 51 Screw plug 1
Information available
5 996 107 123 50 Gasket 1
6 996 107 261 50 Sealing ring 1
7 996 106 215 00 Connection piece 1 M249
7 996 106 216 02 Connection piece 1 M480/481
7 996 106 216 03 Connection piece 1 M480/481
8 996 106 316 51 Gasket 1
9 900 378 030 09 Hexagon-head bolt 14
M 6 X 20
10 996 106 217 01 Lid 1
11 996 106 321 50 Gasket 1
12 900 219 007 02 Screw plug 1
M 10 X 1
12 900 219 007 01 Screw plug 1
M 10 X 1
13 900 123 144 30 Sealing ring 1
A 10 X 13,5
14 996 107 337 50 Gasket 1
15 999 072 027 09 Hexagon-head bolt 3
M 10 X 120
16 900 378 095 09 Hexagon-head bolt 1
M 10 X 100
17 996 107 021 52 Oil pump -97 2
17 996 107 021 54 Oil pump -01 2
17 996 107 021 55 Oil pump 02- 2
18 996 107 221 51 O-ring 2
95 X 2,5
Use also:
999 917 788 00 1
19 900 378 156 09 Hexagon-head bolt 8
M 6 X 20
(19) 999 217 150 09 Hexagon-head bolt 8
M 6 X 20
(19) 999 073 316 02 Round head screw 8
M 6 X 20
20 996 107 025 05 Heat exchanger -97 1 M96.20
20 996 107 025 07 Heat exchanger 1 M96.20/22
20 996 107 025 57 Heat exchanger 1 M96.21/24
21 999 707 409 40 O-ring 2
26 X 3
22 999 707 389 40 O-ring 4
35 X 4
(22) 999 707 344 40 O-ring 2
18,77 X 1,78
See technical information

24.07.2017 -2 Kat 020

Illustration: 104-00

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
NR. 8/97
23 900 067 269 09 Pan-head screw 4
M 6 X 16
(23) 900 067 354 02 Pan-head screw 4
M 6 X 25
24 996 106 103 50 Dowel sleeve 2
8,2 X 7
25 996 107 127 53 Spring 1
26 996 107 125 51 Piston 1
27 996 107 212 52 Lid 1
996 107 012 54
27 996 107 212 53 Lid 1
996 107 012 55/56
27 996 107 212 54 Lid 1
996 107 012 57/58
28 900 075 333 02 Combination screw 7
M 6 X 25
28 900 075 333 01 Combination screw 7
M 6 X 25
(29) 996 606 410 00 Temperature sensor 1 M96.21/22
29 996 606 405 01 Temperature sensor 1 M96.20
- 999 650 168 40 Plug socket 1
- 999 650 214 12 Connector 4
- 999 650 215 40 Gasket 4
30 Sealing ring 1
See technical information
NR. 8 A/97
31 900 378 151 09 Hexagon-head bolt 2
M 6 X 70
31 900 385 027 01 Torx screw 2
M 6 X 70
32 996 106 249 00 Breather hose 1
33 996 106 255 00 Flat connector 1
34 999 512 584 09 Hose clamp -98 2
14 X 12
34 999 512 650 09 Hose clamp 99- 2
14 X 12
35 996 107 129 00 Intermediate plate 1
36 999 707 193 40 O-ring 4
28 X 2,5
37 996 107 119 00 Stopper 1
38 900 378 098 09 Hexagon-head bolt 1
AM 10 X 60
39 996 102 235 00 Clip 1 M573
39 996 102 235 01 Clip 1 M573

24.07.2017 -3 Kat 020

Illustration: 104-05

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

24.07.2017 -1 Kat 020

Illustration: 104-05

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
Engine lubrication
1 996 107 020 53 Oil filter 1
1 996 107 020 54 Oil filter 1
2 996 107 313 51 Sealing ring 1
Use also:
999 917 788 00 1
3 996 107 225 60 Filter element 1
4 996 107 080 54 Oil separator 2
5 999 701 789 40 O-ring 2
12 X 2
6 900 378 036 09 Hexagon-head bolt 5
M 6 X 12
7 996 107 333 50 Support 1
8 999 702 206 50 Grommet 1
9,5 X 18,0 X 1,2
9 996 107 075 57 Suction tube 1
10 999 707 375 40 O-ring 1
30 X 3
11 900 378 030 09 Hexagon-head bolt 2
M 6 X 20
12 996 107 113 03 Guide tube 1
13 999 707 369 40 O-ring 1
9,5 X 3,5
Use also:
999 917 788 00 1
14 900 378 035 01 Hexagon-head bolt 1
M 6 X 16
15 996 107 150 02 Oil tube -97 1
15 996 107 150 03 Oil tube 98- 1
15 996 107 150 05 Oil tube 1
16 999 707 348 40 O-ring 1
42 X 4
Use also:
999 917 788 00 1
17 996 107 273 04 Filler tube 1
Model year
Use also:
- 996 106 287 01 Overflow hose 1
- 996 106 297 01 Overflow hose 1
- 996 106 207 03 Hose 1
18 996 107 035 50 Lid 1
(18) 996 107 035 51 Lid 1
(18) 996 107 035 52 Lid 1
19 996 107 254 03 Oil hose 1
20 996 107 183 03 Guide tube 1
21 999 707 385 40 O-ring 1
19,8 X 3,53
22 996 107 014 02 Oil level dipstick 1
(22) 996 107 014 03 Oil level dipstick 1
23 999 707 366 40 O-ring 1
8 X 1,8
24 999 512 612 09 Hose clamp -98 2
44 X 12
24 999 512 667 09 Hose clamp 99- 2
44 X 12
25 996 107 343 00 Spring 1
26 996 606 150 00 Oil-level sender 1
26 996 606 150 01 Oil-level sender 1
- 999 650 168 40 Plug socket 1
- 999 650 214 12 Connector 4
- 999 650 215 40 Gasket 4

24.07.2017 -2 Kat 020

Illustration: 104-05

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
27 999 707 285 40 O-ring 1
51 X 4,5
(27) 996 107 336 00 Gasket 1
28 900 378 163 09 Hexagon-head bolt 2
M 6 X 16
29 996 107 303 00 Gasket 1
30 996 107 367 00 Lock nut 1
31 996 107 323 00 Funnel 1
32 000 043 301 19 Engine oil X
Information available
33 000 043 301 21 Engine oil X
Information available

24.07.2017 -3 Kat 020

Illustration: 104-10

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

24.07.2017 -1 Kat 020

Illustration: 104-10

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
(1) 996 107 231 55 Oil separator 1
(1) 996 107 023 51 Oil separator -97 1
1 996 107 023 01 Oil separator -98 1
1 996 107 023 02 Oil separator 99- 1
1 996 107 023 03 Oil separator 99- 1
1 996 107 023 04 Oil separator 99- 1
1 996 107 026 00 Oil separator 03- 1
1 996 107 026 01 Oil separator 03- 1
2 999 707 256 40 O-ring -99 1
14 X 1,78
(2) 996 107 122 00 Sealing ring 99- 1
3 900 378 177 09 Hexagon-head bolt 2
M 6 X 30
4 996 107 147 53 Breather hose 1
4 996 107 147 54 Breather hose 1
4 996 107 147 55 Breather hose -02 1
(4) 996 107 147 58 Vent line 03- 1
5 996 107 145 05 Breather hose 1 M96.20
M >> 65X 01419
5 996 107 145 06 Vent line 1 M96.20
M 65X 01420 >>
(5) 996 107 146 00 Vent line 1 M96.21/22
6 996 107 047 51 Connection piece -02 1
(6) 996 107 047 00 Connection piece 03- 1
7 999 707 154 40 O-ring 1
18,77 X 1,78
8 900 378 163 09 Hexagon-head bolt 1
M 6 X 16
9 999 512 630 00 Hose clamp 1
32 X 12
10 996 107 237 51 Bellows 1
(10) 996 107 237 52 Bellows 1
11 999 512 607 09 Hose clamp -98 1
30 X 12
11 999 512 551 00 Hose clamp 99- 1
30 X 12
11 999 512 551 01 Hose clamp 99- 1
30 X 12
12 999 707 446 40 O-ring 4
18,0 X 2,5

24.07.2017 -2 Kat 020

Illustration: 105-00

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

24.07.2017 -1 Kat 020

Illustration: 105-00

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
Water pump
Thermostat housing
1 996 106 011 53 Water pump 1
1 996 106 011 54 Water pump 1
1 996 106 011 55 Water pump 1
1 996 106 011 56 Water pump 1
1 996 106 011 57 Water pump 1
2 996 106 340 51 Gasket 1
3 900 378 013 09 Hexagon-head bolt 5
M 6 X 25
4 900 378 177 09 Hexagon-head bolt 2
M 6 X 30
5 996 106 121 53 Lid 1
5 996 106 121 55 Lid 1
5 996 106 013 59 Thermostat 1
6 996 106 125 52 Thermostat insert 1
7 996 106 326 50 Gasket 1
8 900 378 030 09 Hexagon-head bolt 4
M 6 X 20
9 996 106 103 50 Dowel sleeve 2
8,2 X 7

24.07.2017 -2 Kat 020

Illustration: 105-05

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

24.07.2017 -1 Kat 020

Illustration: 105-05

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
Water cooling 1
1 996 106 501 03 Hose -98 1
1 996 106 501 04 Hose 1
1 996 106 501 05 Hose 99- 1
2 999 512 594 09 Hose clamp -98 2
53 X 12
2 999 512 669 09 Hose clamp 99- 2
53 X 12
2 999 512 348 02 Hose clamp 2
40 - 70
3 996 106 502 03 Hose 1
3 996 106 502 04 Hose 1
4 996 106 425 02 Support 2
5 996 106 212 03 Hose -98 1
5 996 106 212 04 Hose -99 1 M96.20
5 Hose 00- 1 M480/481
5 996 106 212 06 Hose 00- 1 M249
6 999 512 606 09 Hose clamp -02 1
29 X 12
6 999 512 660 09 Hose clamp -02 1
29 X 12
6 999 512 551 00 Hose clamp 03- 1
25 - 40
6 999 512 551 01 Hose clamp 03- 1
25 - 40
7 999 512 589 09 Hose clamp 4
25 X 12
7 999 512 656 09 Hose clamp -02 4
25 X 12
7 999 512 552 00 Hose clamp 03- 4
24 X 12
7 999 512 552 01 Hose clamp 03- 4
24 X 12
(8) 996 106 222 07 Hose 1 M480/481
(8) 996 106 222 10 Hose 1 M480/481
(8) 996 106 222 12 Hose 1 M480/481
(8) 996 106 222 17 Water hose 1 M480/481
8 996 106 222 09 Hose 1 M249
8 996 106 222 11 Hose 1 M249
8 996 106 222 13 Hose 1 M249
8 996 106 222 16 Hose -99 1 M249
(8) 996 106 522 02 Hose 00- 1 M249
9 999 512 609 09 Hose clamp -98 1
36 X 12
9 999 512 664 09 Hose clamp 99- 1
36 X 12
10 999 512 587 09 Hose clamp -98 6 M249
21 X 12
10 996 106 552 00 Hose 99- 6 M249
21 X 12
11 Hose 1
11 996 106 552 01 Hose 1
11 996 106 552 02 Hose 1
12 996 106 655 02 Cooling water tube -99 1 M249
(12) 996 106 674 01 Cooling water tube 00- 1 M249
13 900 378 036 09 Hexagon-head bolt 4 M249
M 6 X 12
14 996 106 555 00 Hose -98 1 M249
14 996 106 555 01 Hose 99- 1 M249
15 996 106 657 03 Line -99 1 M249
(15) 996 106 672 01 Cooling water tube 00- 1 M249
16 996 106 557 01 Hose -98 1 M249
16 996 106 557 02 Hose 99- 1 M249

24.07.2017 -2 Kat 020

Illustration: 105-05

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
17 996 106 210 02 Vent line 1
18 999 512 668 09 Hose clamp 2
49 X 12
19 Connection piece X
See illustrations

24.07.2017 -3 Kat 020

Illustration: 105-10

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

24.07.2017 -1 Kat 020

Illustration: 105-10

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
Water cooling 2
1 996 106 611 00 Water tube 2
1 996 106 611 01 Water tube 03- 2
(1) 996 106 611 53 Water tube 2 M008
2 999 512 634 09 Hose clamp 4
34 X 12
(2) 999 512 640 09 Hose clamp 4
34 X 12
(2) 999 512 671 09 Hose clamp 4
34 X 12
(2) 999 512 551 00 Hose clamp 4
25 - 40
(2) 999 512 551 01 Hose clamp 4
25 - 40
3 996 106 414 03 Support 4
3 996 106 414 04 Support 4
(3) 996 106 414 55 Support 4 M96.21
4 996 106 623 01 Hose /L -98 1
4 996 106 623 02 Hose /L -00 1 M96.20/22
4 Hose /L 01- 1 M009/480
(4) 996 106 623 53 Water hose /L 01- 1 M009/249
(4) Water hose /L 99- 1 M008
5 996 106 624 01 Hose /R -98 1
5 996 106 624 02 Hose /R -00 1 M96.20/22
5 Hose /R 01- 1 M009/480
(5) 996 106 624 53 Water hose /R 01- 1 M009/249
(5) Water hose /R 99- 1 M008
6 999 512 607 09 Hose clamp -98 10
30 X 12
6 999 512 661 09 Hose clamp 99- 10
30 X 12
6 999 512 672 09 Hose clamp 01- 10 M009/249
40 X 12
6 999 512 499 00 Hose clamp 99- 10 M008
32 - 50 MM
7 996 106 615 01 Water tube 2
Return line
7 996 106 615 02 Water tube 03- 2
Return line
(7) 996 106 615 54 Water tube 2 M008
Return line
8 996 106 419 02 Support 4
(8) 996 106 419 52 Support 00- 4 M008
01- M009/249
9 996 106 627 01 Water hose -98 2
9 996 106 627 02 Water hose 99- 2
(9) 996 106 627 52 Water hose 2 M008
(9) 996 106 627 55 Water hose 2 M008
(9) 996 106 627 52 Water hose 01- 2 M009/249
(9) 996 106 627 55 Water hose 01- 2 M009/249
10 996 106 651 02 Distributing piece -98 1
10 996 106 651 03 Distributing piece 99- 1
10 996 106 651 04 Distributing piece 1 M009/481
(10) 996 106 651 54 Distributing piece 1 M008
11 999 512 593 09 Hose clamp -98 2

24.07.2017 -2 Kat 020

Illustration: 105-10

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
49 X 12
11 999 512 668 09 Hose clamp 99- 2
49 X 12
11 999 512 348 02 Hose clamp 2
40 - 60 MM
12 996 106 652 02 Distributing piece -98 1
Return line
12 996 106 652 03 Distributing piece 99- 1
Return line
12 996 106 652 04 Distributing piece 03- 1
Return line
(12) 996 106 652 54 Distributing piece 1
Return line
13 996 106 413 01 Support 2
(13) 996 106 413 52 Support 00- 2 M008
01- M009/249
14 999 084 629 09 Hexagon nut 2
M 6
14 999 084 629 01 Hexagon nut 2
M 6
15 996 106 415 02 Support 2
16 900 378 035 01 Hexagon-head bolt 6
M 6 X 16
17 996 106 420 02 Support 2
(17) 996 106 420 52 Support 00- 2 M008
01- M009/249
18 996 106 127 51 Vent line -98 1
18 996 106 127 52 Vent line 99- 1
18 996 106 127 53 Vent line 03- 1
19 996 106 546 51 Y-piece -98 1
19 996 106 546 52 Y-piece 99- 1
19 996 106 546 54 Y-piece 1
19 996 106 546 55 Y-piece 1
19 996 106 546 56 Y-piece 1
20 999 512 586 09 Hose clamp -98 1
20 X 12
20 999 512 653 09 Hose clamp 99- 1
20 X 12
21 999 512 584 09 Hose clamp -98 8
14 X 12
21 999 512 650 09 Hose clamp 8
14 X 12
21 999 512 554 00 Hose clamp 99- 8
12 - 22
22 996 106 126 53 Vent line /R 1
22 996 106 126 54 Vent line /R 1
23 996 106 225 53 Vent line /L 1
23 996 106 225 54 Vent line /L 1
24 996 106 412 00 Support 1
25 996 106 135 51 Breather hose -98 2
25 996 106 135 52 Breather hose 99- 2
26 996 106 685 52 Vent line 2
26 996 106 685 53 Vent line 2
27 999 507 378 40 Support 2
- 996 106 425 03 Support 01- 2
Water hose

24.07.2017 -3 Kat 020

Illustration: 105-15

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

24.07.2017 -1 Kat 020

Illustration: 105-15

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
Water cooling 3
1 996 106 131 50 Radiator 2
(1) 996 106 131 51 Radiator /L 1
(1) 996 106 132 51 Radiator /R 1
2 996 624 135 00 Fan 2
- 999 652 936 40 Plug socket 2
- 999 652 776 22 Connector 6
- 999 652 778 40 Gasket 6
- 999 652 811 40 Stopper 2
3 996 624 131 00 Air guide 2
4 996 616 101 00 Series resistor 2
5 900 146 116 09 Screw 6
M 5 X 16
6 996 624 136 00 Protection cap 2
7 996 504 175 03 Bracket /L -97 1
7 996 504 175 04 Bracket /L 98- 1
7 996 504 175 09 Bracket 1
(7) 996 504 176 03 Bracket /R -97 1
(7) 996 504 176 04 Bracket /R 98- 1
(7) 996 504 176 09 Bracket 1
8 996 106 621 01 Hose /L -98 1
8 996 106 621 02 Hose /L 99- 1
(8) 996 106 665 53 Hose 1
with one conection
(8) 996 106 665 55 Hose /L 00- 1 M008
with one conection
(8) 996 106 622 00 Hose /R -98 1
(8) 996 106 622 01 Hose /R 99- 1
(8) 996 106 622 52 Hose /R 00- 1 M008
9 996 106 625 01 Hose /L -98 1
Return line
9 996 106 625 02 Hose /L 99- 1
Return line
(9) 996 106 625 54 Hose /L 00- 1 M008
Return line
(9) 996 106 666 51 Hose /R 00- 1 M008
Return line
with one conection
(9) 996 106 666 52 Hose 1
Return line
with one conection
(9) 996 106 626 00 Hose /R -98 1
Return line
(9) 996 106 626 01 Hose /R 99- 1
Return line
10 999 512 611 09 Hose clamp -98 4
42 X 12
10 999 512 666 09 Hose clamp 99- 4

24.07.2017 -2 Kat 020

Illustration: 105-15

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
42 X 12
10 999 512 499 00 Hose clamp 4
32 - 50 MM
11 996 106 137 53 Breather hose /L 1
(11) 996 106 138 53 Breather hose /R 1
12 999 512 585 09 Hose clamp 6
15 X 12
13 996 575 321 00 Air guide /L 1
(13) 996 575 322 00 Air guide /R 1
14 999 651 305 02 Cable holder 2
15 999 702 214 40 Grommet 6
14 X 20,5 X 7,5
16 999 025 255 02 Washer 4
17 999 166 083 09 Tab washer 4
B 25
18 999 166 077 02 Safety clip 6
B 22
19 999 703 418 40 Cap 2
(19) 996 106 334 00 Rubber cap 2
20 996 575 341 03 Air guide -98 2
20 996 575 341 04 Air guide /L 99- 1
(20) 996 575 342 00 Air guide /R 99- 1
21 999 919 134 09 Oval-head screw 14
6,0 X 16
22 999 084 630 09 Hexagon nut 2
M 8
23 900 378 074 09 Hexagon-head bolt 4
M 8 X 16
24 803 803 583 Rubber sleeve /R 1
30,0 X 40,0
24 999 703 195 40 Rubber sleeve /R 1
30,0 X 40,0
25 996 504 721 00 Support 1
996 504 721 00 GRV Prime coated
26 900 377 003 02 Hexagon nut 4
M 8
27 999 512 659 09 Hose clamp 2
28 X 12
27 999 512 552 00 Hose clamp 1
27 999 512 552 01 Hose clamp 1
28 999 507 590 02 Captive nut 1

24.07.2017 -3 Kat 020

Illustration: 105-17

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

24.07.2017 -1 Kat 020

Illustration: 105-17

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
Radiator 00- M008
1 996 106 037 50 Radiator 1
1 996 106 037 51 Radiator 1
2 996 504 487 02 Retaining frame 1
3 996 504 485 02 Retaining frame 1
4 930 113 430 00 Rubber mounting 4
5 900 378 036 09 Hexagon-head bolt 2
M 6 X 12
6 999 507 550 02 Speed nut 2
M 6
7 900 378 074 09 Hexagon-head bolt 4
M 8 X 16
8 999 591 869 02 Speed nut 4
M 8
9 996 575 141 02 Air guide 1
10 996 106 901 00 Screw plug 1

24.07.2017 -2 Kat 020

Illustration: 105-20

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

24.07.2017 -1 Kat 020

Illustration: 105-20

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
Water cooling 4
1 996 106 681 01 Vent line -98 1
1 996 106 681 02 Vent line 99- 1
1 996 106 681 03 Vent line 1
2 996 106 663 00 Filler tube -98 1
2 996 106 663 01 Filler tube 99- 1
2 996 106 663 02 Filler tube 1
3 999 511 230 40 Cable holder 2
4 999 511 231 41 Rubber mounting 2
5 999 507 500 40 Cable holder 1
6 996 106 135 01 Breather hose -98 1
6 996 106 135 02 Breather hose 99- 1
7 999 512 653 09 Hose clamp 6
20 X 12
7 999 512 554 00 Hose clamp 6
20 X 12
8 996 106 147 03 Expansion tank -97 1
8 996 106 147 04 Expansion tank -98 1
8 996 106 147 06 Expansion tank 1
8 996 106 147 07 Expansion tank 1
8 996 106 147 08 Expansion tank 1
9 999 707 371 40 O-ring 1
17 X 4
10 999 707 370 40 O-ring 1
47 X 4
11 996 106 347 00 Bleeder valve -97 1
11 996 106 347 01 Bleeder valve 98- 1
12 999 919 058 02 Hexagon-head bolt 8
5,0 X 40
13 996 106 234 01 Cover 1
14 986 504 644 00 Gasket 1
15 996 106 235 01 Gasket -97 1
15 996 106 235 02 Gasket 98- 1
16 996 106 237 00 Hose 1
17 999 512 585 09 Hose clamp 5
15 X 12
18 996 106 247 00 Hose 1
19 999 512 587 09 Hose clamp -98 1
21 X 12
19 999 512 654 09 Hose clamp 99- 1
21 X 12
20 996 106 287 00 Overflow hose -97 1
20 996 106 287 01 Overflow hose 97- 1
Model year
Use also:
- 996 107 273 04 Filler tube 1
- 996 106 297 01 Overflow hose 1
- 996 106 207 03 Hose 1
21 996 106 257 00 Breather hose 1
22 996 106 267 00 Hose 1
23 999 512 552 00 Hose clamp 2
27 X 12
23 999 512 552 01 Hose clamp 2
27 X 12
24 999 084 629 09 Hexagon nut 2
M 6
24 999 084 629 01 Hexagon nut 2
M 6
25 900 075 333 02 Combination screw 2
M 6 X 25
25 900 075 333 01 Combination screw 2

24.07.2017 -2 Kat 020

Illustration: 105-20

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
M 6 X 25
26 443 121 321 Lid -97 1
26 996 106 447 00 Lid 98- 1
26 996 106 447 01 Lid 1
See technical manual
Group 1
27 000 043 203 78 Antifreeze X
1 LTR.
(27) 000 043 203 79 Antifreeze X
25 LTR.
(27) 000 043 301 03 Antifreeze X
1 LTR.
(27) 000 043 301 04 Antifreeze X
20 LTR.
28 996 106 411 01 Support -97 1
28 996 106 411 02 Support 98- 1
29 996 106 297 01 Overflow hose 1
Model year
Use also:
- 996 107 273 04 Filler tube 1
- 996 106 287 01 Overflow hose 1
- 996 106 207 03 Hose 1
30 996 106 207 00 Hose -97 1
30 996 106 207 01 Hose 98- 1
(30) 996 106 207 03 Hose 97- 1
Model year
Use also:
- 996 107 273 04 Filler tube 1
- 996 106 287 01 Overflow hose 1
- 996 106 297 01 Overflow hose 1
31 999 500 084 02 Special nut 2
31 999 500 084 01 Special nut 2
M 6
32 999 507 570 40 Hose holder 2
33 996 106 253 00 Hose connection 1
34 996 641 503 00 Switch 1
35 See illustrations
- 999 652 912 40 Plug socket 1
- 999 650 490 40 Plug socket 1
- 999 652 934 22 Contact bush 2

24.07.2017 -3 Kat 020

Illustration: 106-00

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

24.07.2017 -1 Kat 020

Illustration: 106-00

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
Air cleaner
1 996 110 121 05 Air cleaner -97 1
1 996 110 121 06 Air cleaner 98- 1
M 96.20/22
Order also:
996 110 297 00 1
996 110 295 00 1
999 919 198 09 2
M 96.21
Order also:
996 110 297 01 1
996 110 295 00 1
999 919 198 09 2
(1) 987 110 021 00 Air cleaner 1 M091
- 993 110 116 01 Clamp 2 M091
Connecting piece
Air cleaner
- 999 707 052 41 O-ring 1 M091
91 X 6
Connecting piece
Air cleaner
2 996 110 133 01 Frame 1
3 996 110 123 02 Frame 1
4 996 110 131 03 Air cleaner cartridge 1
4 996 110 131 04 Air cleaner cartridge 1
(4) 987 110 132 00 Air cleaner cartridge 1 M091
(4) 987 110 133 00 Air cleaner cartridge 1 M091
5 900 095 099 02 Roll pin 3
12 X 14
6 999 702 246 40 Grommet 3
12,0 X 17,0 X 3
7 996 606 123 00 Mass air flow meter -99 1 -M620/M009
Information available -99 -M620/M009
- 999 650 169 40 Plug socket 1
- 999 652 886 22 Connector 5
- 999 704 161 40 Gasket 5
(7) 996 606 124 00 Mass air flow meter 00- 1 M009/620
Information available 00- M009/620
(7) 986 606 125 00 Mass air flow meter 00- 1 M009/620
(7) 996 606 124 00 Mass air flow meter 1 M008
F >>98YS6 02145
F >>98YS6 42000
See technical information
Group 2
NR. 1/00
Information available
(7) 986 606 125 00 Mass air flow meter 1 M620
F 98YS6 02146>>
F 98YS6 42001>>
See technical information
Group 2
NR. 1/00
(7) 987 606 125 00 Mass air flow meter 1 M091
8 999 919 160 07 Oval-head screw 4
5,0 X 20
9 900 075 333 02 Combination screw 2
M 6 X 25
9 900 075 333 01 Combination screw 2
M 6 X 25
10 900 075 482 09 Combination screw 1
M 6 X 30

24.07.2017 -2 Kat 020

Illustration: 106-00

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
11 000 043 300 60 Spring clamp 2
12 986 606 925 00 O-ring 1
13 996 110 903 00 Cup 1
14 996 110 905 00 Water drip pan -97 1
14 996 110 905 01 Water drip pan 98- 1
15 996 110 907 00 Support 1
16 900 377 001 02 Hexagon nut 2
M 6
17 996 110 297 01 Lid 1 M96.21
18 996 110 297 00 Water drain tube 1 M96.20/22
19 996 110 295 00 Washer 1

24.07.2017 -3 Kat 020

Illustration: 107-00

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

24.07.2017 -1 Kat 020

Illustration: 107-00

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
Throttle body
1 996 110 025 08 Throttle body 1 M96.20
1 986 605 115 01 Throttle body 1 M96.21/22
2 996 110 223 01 Bracket 1
(2) 996 110 223 03 Bracket 1
3 996 606 160 01 Idle-speed adjuster 1 M96.20
- 999 650 089 40 Plug socket 1 M96.20
- 999 652 771 12 Connector 3 M96.20
- 999 704 161 40 Gasket 3 M96.20
4 996 606 116 00 Throttle-valve switch 1
- 999 652 916 40 Plug socket 1
- 999 652 886 22 Connector 3
- 999 704 161 40 Gasket 3
5 900 378 013 09 Hexagon-head bolt 4
AM 6 X 25
6 930 110 579 01 Bonded rubber buffer 1
20 X 15/M 6
6 999 703 265 00 Bonded rubber buffer 1
20 X 15/M 6
7 900 377 010 09 Hexagon nut 1
M 6
8 996 110 221 07 Air guide -99 1 M249
8 996 110 221 08 Air guide -99 1 M481
(8) 996 110 027 03 Air guide 00 1 M249
(8) 996 110 027 05 Air guide 01- 1 M249
(8) 996 110 027 04 Air guide 00- 1 M480/481
(8) 987 110 220 00 Air guide 1 M96.24
Information available M96.24
- 987 110 260 00 Stopper 1 M96.24
Air guide
- 999 512 686 09 Hose clamp 1 M96.24
B 17 X 12
Air guide
9 996 110 222 00 Muffler -99 1
10 999 512 669 09 Hose clamp 2
40 - 60 MM
10 999 512 348 02 Hose clamp 2
53 X 12
11 999 512 628 02 Hose clamp -99 2
86 X 12
11 Hose clamp 00- 1
86 X 12
Air guide
Throttle body
(11) 999 512 542 00 Hose clamp 1 M96.24
80 - 100
Air guide
Throttle body

24.07.2017 -2 Kat 020

Illustration: 107-00

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
(11) N 024 522 3 Hose clamp 00- 1
60 X 80
Air guide
Air cleaner
12 Pan-head screw 1
13 900 146 150 02 Oval-head screw 2
M 4 X 16
14 996 110 965 00 Pan-head screw 2
M 6 X 32
15 996 110 212 01 Support 1
16 996 110 310 50 Gasket 1
17 999 702 246 40 Grommet 1 M249
12,0 X 17,0 X 3
18 996 110 242 00 Pipe 1 M249
19 900 378 163 09 Hexagon-head bolt 1
M 6 X 16
20 999 507 544 40 Cable holder 1
4,0 - 12,0
21 996 110 170 00 Venturi tube 01- 1 M249
22 999 230 535 40 Lock 3 M249

24.07.2017 -3 Kat 020

Illustration: 107-05

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

24.07.2017 -1 Kat 020

Illustration: 107-05

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
Fuel collection pipe
1 996 110 031 04 Fuel collection pipe 1 M96.20
1 996 110 031 05 Fuel collection pipe -97 1 M96.20
1 996 110 031 07 Fuel collection pipe 98- 1 M96.20
1 996 110 035 01 Fuel collection pipe 1 M96.21
1 996 110 035 03 Fuel collection pipe 00 1 M96.21/22
(1) 996 110 035 04 Fuel collection pipe 01 1 M96.21/22
(1) 996 110 036 02 Fuel collection pipe 02- 1 M96.21/22
(1) 996 110 036 05 Fuel collection pipe 02- 1 M96.21/22
(1) 996 110 036 30 Fuel collection pipe 04 1 M96.24
2 993 110 199 01 Pressure regulator -01 1
3 999 707 276 40 O-ring 1
5 X 2,5
4 999 707 277 40 O-ring 1
20 X 2,5
5 993 110 196 00 Retaining clip 1
6 993 110 217 00 Valve 1
7 993 110 218 01 Cap 1
8 996 110 316 07 Fuel line -97 1
8 996 110 316 08 Fuel hose -99 1 M96.20
(8) 996 110 316 10 Fuel hose 00-01 1 M96.21/22
9 996 110 113 52 Retaining clip 6
10 900 378 036 09 Hexagon-head bolt 4
M 6 X 12
11 999 919 085 02 Combination screw 1
M 6 X 22
12 999 511 234 02 Clamp 1
16 X 15
13 996 606 120 00 Injector valve -99 6
(13) 996 606 120 01 Injector valve 00 6
(13) 996 606 122 00 Injector valve 01- 6
- 999 652 840 40 Plug socket 6
- 999 652 771 12 Connector 12
- 999 704 161 40 Gasket 12
14 944 110 901 01 O-ring 12
7,52 X 3,53
15 928 574 717 03 Moulded hose 1
- 000 043 205 01 Pipe *
4 X 1
16 340 MM 1
17 999 511 240 40 Cable holder 2
11,0 - 18
18 999 511 239 40 Cable holder 2
6,0 - 12
19 321 971 847 B Clip 2

24.07.2017 -2 Kat 020

Illustration: 107-10

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

24.07.2017 -1 Kat 020

Illustration: 107-10

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
Intake distributor
1 996 110 015 03 Intake distributor 2 M96.20
(1) 996 110 045 01 Intake distributor 2 M96.21/22
2 996 110 247 01 Gasket 6 M96.20
2 996 110 247 03 Gasket 6 M96.21/22
3 996 110 151 00 Adapter 1
(3) 996 110 151 51 Adapter 01- 1 M249
4 999 701 163 40 O-ring 2
11 X 2,5
5 999 919 125 09 Hexagon-head bolt 5
6,0 X 16
6 996 110 251 51 Lid 1
7 993 110 530 00 Grommet 1
8 996 110 215 53 Intermediate piece 1 M96.20
(8) 996 110 055 00 Intermediate piece 1 M96.21/22
9 996 110 317 50 Sealing ring 1
9 996 110 317 52 Sealing ring 1
(9) 996 110 318 01 Gasket 1 M96.21/22
(9) 996 110 318 02 Gasket 1 M96.21/22
Information available M96.23/24
10 996 110 685 51 Rubber sleeve -97 2
10 996 110 685 52 Rubber sleeve 98- 2
Information available 98-
(10) 996 110 685 01 Rubber sleeve 2 M96.21/22
11 999 512 539 00 Hose clamp 4 M96.20
90 - 110/9
11 999 512 539 01 Hose clamp 4 M96.20
90 - 110/9
(11) 999 512 350 02 Hose clamp 8 M96.21/22
80 - 100/9
12 996 110 127 01 Vent line -99 1 M96.20
(12) 996 110 137 01 Vent line 00-02 1 M96.21/22
03- M96.23/24
(12) 996 110 137 02 Vent line 00-01 1 M96.21/22
03- M96.23/24
13 999 512 427 02 Hose clamp 3
8 - 16/9
14 996 110 129 04 Vent line 1
14 996 110 129 05 Vent line 1
14 996 110 129 06 Vent line 1
- 999 652 839 40 Plug socket 1
- 999 652 771 12 Connector 2
- 999 704 161 40 Gasket 2
16 999 511 116 02 Clamp 1
10 X 15
16 999 511 116 03 Clamp 1
10 X 15
17 996 606 113 00 Temperature sensor -02 1
17 996 606 113 01 Temperature sensor 03- 1
- 999 650 167 40 Plug socket 1
- 999 652 771 12 Connector 2
- 999 704 161 40 Gasket 2
19 900 378 172 09 Hexagon-head bolt 12
M 6 X 35
19 900 385 017 01 Torx screw 12
M 6 X 35

24.07.2017 -2 Kat 020

Illustration: 107-10

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
20 900 312 012 02 Stopper 1
21 986 607 103 00 Support -97 1
21 986 607 103 01 Support 98- 1
22 999 511 244 40 Cable holder 1
23 999 230 498 40 Angled pipe 1
24 999 230 535 40 Lock 1
25 996 110 130 01 Resonance tube 1 M96.21/22
(25) 996 110 130 02 Resonance tube 1 M96.21/22
26 993 110 462 02 Vacuum unit 1 M96.21/22
27 900 146 123 02 Screw 2
M 5 X 16
28 996 110 686 01 Rubber sleeve 2 M96.21/22
- 000 043 204 99 Hose *
3,5 X 2
29 120 MM 1

24.07.2017 -3 Kat 020

Illustration: 108-05

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

24.07.2017 -1 Kat 020

Illustration: 108-05

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
Air injection -99 M96.20
1 986 624 103 00 Air pump -97 1
1 986 624 103 01 Air pump -98 1
1 986 624 104 00 Air pump -99 1
- 999 652 971 40 Plug socket 1
- 999 652 776 22 Connector 2
- 999 652 778 40 Gasket 2
2 900 377 010 09 Hexagon nut 3
M 6
3 999 703 465 00 Bonded rubber buffer 99 3
20 X 20 / m6
4 996 113 131 52 Distributor housing 1
5 996 113 233 50 Gasket 1
6 900 378 030 09 Hexagon-head bolt 2
M 6 X 20
7 996 113 117 55 Air tube 1
8 996 113 213 51 Gasket 1
9 900 123 011 30 Sealing ring 1
A 22 X 27
10 993 113 250 03 Check valve 99 1
11 996 113 241 53 Hose 1
12 999 512 603 09 Hose clamp -98 3
26 X 12
12 999 512 657 09 Hose clamp 99 3
26 X 12
13 996 113 239 03 Hose 1
F >>98WU6 20657
F >>98WS6 20860
13 996 113 239 04 Hose 1
F 98WU6 20658>>
F 98WS6 20861>>
14 999 512 605 09 Hose clamp -98 1
28 X 12
14 999 512 659 09 Hose clamp 99 1
28 X 12
14 999 512 552 00 Hose clamp 1
28 X 12
14 999 512 552 01 Hose clamp 1
28 X 12
15 993 113 245 00 Change-over valve 99 1
16 993 110 140 02 Vacuum reservoir -97 1
16 993 110 140 03 Vacuum tank 98- 1
17 999 919 115 02 Oval-head screw 1
5 X 22
18 993 605 123 00 Valve -98 1
18 996 605 123 01 Change-over valve 99 1
18 7PP 906 270 Change-over valve 99- 1
- 999 652 838 40 Plug socket 1
- 999 652 771 12 Connector 2
- 999 704 161 40 Gasket 2
19 928 574 717 03 Moulded hose 4
20 999 239 040 40 Connecting piece 1
21 928 573 727 03 Distributing piece 1
21 928 573 727 05 Distributing piece 1
(21) 928 573 729 03 Distributing piece 1 M249
(21) 928 573 729 05 Distributing piece 1 M249
22 964 110 950 01 Check valve 1
22 964 110 950 02 Check valve 1
23 986 607 102 01 Support 1
24 900 378 035 01 Hexagon-head bolt 2
M 6 X 16

24.07.2017 -2 Kat 020

Illustration: 108-05

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
- 000 043 205 01 Pipe *
4 X 1,0
25 120 MM 2
26 40 MM 1
27 240 MM 1
28 996 113 145 50 Support 1
- 996 113 901 00 Stopper 1
for cars without
m 661

24.07.2017 -3 Kat 020

Illustration: 108-06

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

24.07.2017 -1 Kat 020

Illustration: 108-06

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
Air injection 00-02 M96.21/22
03- M96.23/24
1 996 605 104 00 Air pump 1
1 996 605 104 01 Air pump 1
- 999 652 971 40 Plug socket 1
- 999 652 776 22 Connector 2
- 999 652 778 40 Gasket 2
2 900 377 010 09 Hexagon nut 3
M 6
3 999 703 477 40 Bonded rubber buffer 3
20 X 20 / M6
3 999 703 465 00 Bonded rubber buffer 3
20 X 20 / M6
4 996 113 131 01 Distributor housing 1
5 996 113 233 50 Gasket 1
6 900 378 030 09 Hexagon-head bolt 2
M 6 X 20
7 996 113 117 55 Air tube 1
8 996 113 213 51 Gasket 1
9 900 378 035 01 Hexagon-head bolt 2
M 6 X 16
10 993 113 258 51 Gasket 1
12 999 512 657 09 Hose clamp 1
26 X 12
13 996 113 239 06 Hose 1 M660/661
13 996 113 239 05 Hose 1 M661
(13) 996 113 164 00 Air hose 1 M661
14 999 512 659 09 Hose clamp 1
28 X 12
14 999 512 552 00 Hose clamp 1
28 X 12
14 999 512 552 01 Hose clamp 1
28 X 12
15 996 113 249 01 Shut-off valve 1
16 993 110 140 03 Vacuum tank 1
17 999 919 115 02 Oval-head screw 1
5 X 22
18 996 605 123 01 Change-over valve 1
18 7PP 906 270 Change-over valve 1
- 999 652 838 40 Plug socket 1
- 999 652 771 12 Connector 2
- 999 704 161 40 Gasket 2
19 928 574 717 03 Moulded hose 4
20 999 239 040 40 Connecting piece 1
21 928 573 727 03 Distributing piece 1
21 928 573 727 05 Distributing piece 1
22 964 110 950 01 Check valve 1
22 964 110 950 02 Check valve 1
23 986 607 102 01 Support 1
24 900 378 035 01 Hexagon-head bolt 2
M 6 X 16
- 000 043 205 01 Pipe *
4 X 1,0
25 120 MM 2
26 40 MM 1
27 240 MM 1
28 996 113 145 50 Support 1
- 911 101 185 00 Stopper 1
for cars without
M 661
- 996 113 901 00 Stopper 1
for cars without
M 661

24.07.2017 -2 Kat 020

Illustration: 108-06

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
- 996 113 160 01 Damper 1 M661
- 999 507 726 40 Cable strap 1

24.07.2017 -3 Kat 020

Illustration: 109-00

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

24.07.2017 -1 Kat 020

Illustration: 109-00

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
Engine suspension
1 986 375 309 01 Engine carrier 1
2 986 375 023 05 Engine bracket -98 1
2 986 375 023 07 Engine bracket 99- 1
3 986 375 255 01 Stop 2
4 900 378 167 09 Hexagon-head bolt 2
M 10 X 110
4 900 378 294 01 Hexagon-head bolt 2
M 10 X 110
5 900 380 008 09 Lock nut 2
M 10
6 999 061 101 09 Stud -97 4
M 10 X 68
6 999 061 106 09 Stud 98- 4
M 10 X 83
7 999 076 053 09 Hexagon nut 4
M 10
8 999 072 027 09 Hexagon-head bolt 3
M 10 X 120
9 999 919 169 02 Stud 1
6,0 X 11/M6
10 999 072 036 09 Hexagon-head bolt 1
M 10 X 80

24.07.2017 -2 Kat 020

Illustration: 198-00

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

24.07.2017 -1 Kat 020

Illustration: 198-00

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
Gasket set
Repair kits
>> 986 100 905 00 Gasket set 1
Use also:
996 104 169 00 1
996 104 170 04 1
996 110 247 01 6
- 996 101 361 51 Gasket 1
- 996 101 363 50 Gasket 1
- 999 701 789 40 O-ring 4
12 X 2
- 996 101 331 50 Gasket 1
- 996 101 336 50 Gasket 1
- 900 123 147 30 Sealing ring 4
A 27 X 32
- 900 123 106 30 Sealing ring 1
A 18 X 24
- 996 113 233 50 Gasket 1
- 996 113 213 51 Gasket 1
- 999 113 475 40 Shaft sealing ring 1
40 X 62 X10
- 999 113 490 40 Shaft sealing ring 1
85 X 105 X 11
- 999 218 005 02 Pan-head screw 6
M 6 X 16
- 999 218 005 01 Pan-head screw 6
M 6 X 16
- 900 123 007 30 Sealing ring 1
A 14 X 18
- 996 105 223 52 Lid 2
- 000 043 203 64 Assembly kit 1
- 000 043 204 46 Sleeve 1
- 999 707 343 40 O-ring 6
25,07 X 2,62
- 999 707 215 40 O-ring 6
27,94 X 5,33
- 996 104 215 54 Lid 6
- 996 105 017 01 Housing 1
52 X 2,5
- 999 707 346 40 O-ring 6
15 X 3
- 999 707 344 40 O-ring 2
18,77 X 1,78
- 996 107 103 51 O-ring 2
- 996 107 261 50 Sealing ring 1
- 996 106 316 51 Gasket 1
- 996 106 321 50 Gasket 1
- 900 123 144 30 Sealing ring 1
A 10 X 13,5
- 996 107 337 50 Gasket 1
- 996 107 221 51 O-ring 2
95 X 2,5
- 999 707 409 40 O-ring 2
26 X 3
- 999 707 389 40 O-ring 2
35 X 4
- 996 107 313 51 Sealing ring 1
- 999 707 375 40 O-ring 1
30 X 3
- 900 378 030 09 Hexagon-head bolt 2
M 6 X 20
- 999 707 369 40 O-ring 1

24.07.2017 -2 Kat 020

Illustration: 198-00

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
9,5 X 3,5
- 999 707 348 40 O-ring 2
42 X 4
- 996 107 122 00 Sealing ring 1
14 X 1,78
- 999 707 154 40 O-ring 1
18,77 X 1,78
- 996 106 340 51 Gasket 1
- 996 106 326 50 Gasket 1
- 996 110 247 01 Gasket 6
- 900 378 172 09 Hexagon-head bolt 12
AM 6 X 35
- 900 385 017 01 Torx screw 12
AM 6 X 35
- 900 123 011 30 Sealing ring 1
A 22 X 27
- 996 111 107 54 Gasket 2
- 900 378 131 00 Hexagon-head bolt 12
M 8 X 28
- 900 378 163 09 Hexagon-head bolt 3
M 6 X 16
- 900 385 093 01 Hexagon-head bolt 3
- 999 073 316 02 Round head screw 8

24.07.2017 -3 Kat 020

Illustration: 201-00

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

24.07.2017 -1 Kat 020

Illustration: 201-00

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
Fuel tank
1 996 201 021 02 Fuel tank /LL -01 1
1 996 201 021 05 Fuel tank /LL 02- 1
(1) 996 201 022 02 Fuel tank /RL -01 1
(1) 996 201 022 03 Fuel tank /RL 02- 1
2 996 201 623 00 Union nut 1
3 321 919 133 Sealing ring -97 1
3 Sealing ring 98- 1
4 996 620 102 00 Fuel pump -01 1
4 996 620 132 00 Fuel pump 02- 1
5 996 620 808 00 Tank gauge -99 1
(5) Tank gauge -01 1
(5) 996 620 832 01 Tank gauge 02- 1
6 996 201 331 00 Protective plate /LL 1
(6) 996 201 331 02 Protective plate /RL 1
7 996 201 105 02 Restraining strap 1
8 996 201 106 02 Restraining strap 1
9 996 201 107 02 Restraining strap /LL 1
9 996 201 108 00 Restraining strap /RL 1
10 900 075 479 09 Combination screw 4
M 8 X 40
11 996 201 043 09 Filler neck 1 M009
11 986 201 043 04 Filler neck 1 M009/150
11 996 201 043 09 Filler neck -00 1 M008
11 Filler neck 01- 1 M008
11 996 201 043 10 Filler neck -00 1 M008/150
11 Filler neck 01- 1 M008/150
12 996 201 143 01 Bleeder valve -97 1
12 Bleeder valve 98- 1
13 900 378 036 09 Hexagon-head bolt 3
M 6 X 12
14 996 201 241 00 Fuel tank cap -98 1
14 996 201 241 01 Fuel tank cap -00 1
(14) 996 201 241 02 Fuel tank cap 01- 1
- 999 507 499 40 Expansion rivet 1
15 191 201 557 Sealing ring -98 1
Information available -98
15 Sealing ring 99- 1
Information available 99-
16 996 201 755 00 Support washer 1
17 996 201 753 00 Gasket 1
18 996 201 751 00 Support 1
27 000 043 206 89 Additive CHINA 1
100 ml Behälter
27 000 043 209 02 Additive CHINA 1
100 ml Behälter

24.07.2017 -2 Kat 020

Illustration: 201-05

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

24.07.2017 -1 Kat 020

Illustration: 201-05

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
Fuel system
1 986 201 261 01 Pressure line -01 1
1 986 201 261 02 Pressure line 02- 1
1 986 201 261 03 Pressure line 02- 1
2 986 201 267 00 Pressure line -01 1
3 986 201 271 01 Return line 1
4 996 201 251 01 Vent line 1
Fuel pump
Filler neck
5 986 201 353 00 Vent line 1
Carbon canister
6 986 201 361 00 Air tube 1
Fresh-air intake system
7 999 507 554 40 Cable holder 9
8 999 507 488 40 Cable holder 3
9 999 507 487 40 Cable holder 1
10 996 110 253 01 Fuel filter -01 1
11 999 512 635 00 Hose clamp 1
76 X 12
12 996 504 517 00 Support 1

24.07.2017 -2 Kat 020

Illustration: 201-20

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

24.07.2017 -1 Kat 020

Illustration: 201-20

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
Carbon canister
1 996 201 221 09 Carbon canister 1
1 996 201 221 08 Carbon canister 1
2 999 702 221 40 Grommet 2
3 996 201 255 07 Vent line 1
3 996 201 255 09 Vent line 1
4 999 084 629 09 Hexagon nut 1
M 6
4 999 084 629 01 Hexagon nut 1
M 6
5 999 507 543 02 Clamp 1
2,00 - 3,00
6 996 605 201 01 Shut-off valve 1 M660/664
6 Shut-off valve 1 M660

24.07.2017 -2 Kat 020

Illustration: 202-00

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

24.07.2017 -1 Kat 020

Illustration: 202-00

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
Exhaust system
M 96.20
1 996 111 101 05 Exhaust manifold 1 M96.20
1 996 111 101 06 Exhaust manifold 1 M96.20
2 996 111 102 05 Exhaust manifold 1 M96.20
2 996 111 102 06 Exhaust manifold 1 M96.20
3 996 111 107 52 Gasket 2
(3) 996 111 107 54 Gasket 2
(3) 996 111 107 55 Gasket 2
4 900 378 131 00 Hexagon-head bolt 12
M 8 X 28
5 996 111 024 01 Support 1 M96.20
6 996 111 223 00 Adapter 1 M481
7 900 378 022 09 Hexagon-head bolt 3 M249
M 8 X 25
7 900 378 175 09 Hexagon-head bolt 3 M481
M 8 X 65
8 996 111 121 06 Muffler -97 1
8 996 111 121 07 Muffler -99 1
9 996 111 313 01 Connecting tube -99 2
10 996 111 209 00 Clip 2
11 900 380 005 09 Hexagon nut 8
M 8
12 996 111 311 01 Reinforcement plate 2
13 996 113 921 01 Catalytic converter -99 1
13 996 113 921 AX Catalytic converter 1
14 996 113 922 01 Catalytic converter -99 1
14 996 113 922 AX Catalytic converter -99 1
15 996 111 110 00 Sleeve -99 2
16 900 035 004 02 Washer 2
R 9
17 996 113 421 00 Heat shield 1
18 996 113 422 00 Heat shield 1
19 996 113 311 01 Retainer plate 2
20 996 111 113 02 Gasket 2
21 900 074 287 02 Hexagon-head bolt 6
M 8 X 35
22 999 084 052 02 Lock nut 5
M 8
23 986 606 126 00 Oxygen sensor -97 4
23 986 606 126 01 Oxygen sensor -99 4
- 000 043 207 07 Grease 1
for oxygen sensor
- 999 650 075 40 Pin connector socket 1
- 999 652 820 12 Connector 4
- 999 704 161 40 Gasket 4
24 986 606 105 01 Support 2
25 999 507 413 09 Retaining clip 6
25 999 507 413 08 Retaining clip 6
26 900 151 007 02 Washer 6
26 900 151 007 03 Washer 6
27 999 507 430 09 Locking bolt 6
6 X 12
28 999 591 712 40 Expansion rivet 4
6,0 X 12,0
29 900 123 050 20 Sealing ring 2
8 X 11,5
30 900 083 080 00 Hexagon-head bolt 2
8 X 1 X 10
31 900 219 015 00 Screw plug 4
18 X 1,5

24.07.2017 -2 Kat 020

Illustration: 202-00

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
32 900 123 009 20 Sealing ring 4
18 X 24

24.07.2017 -3 Kat 020

Illustration: 202-05

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

24.07.2017 -1 Kat 020

Illustration: 202-05

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
Exhaust system
M 96.21/22 00-02
M 96.23/24 03-
(1) 996 111 103 00 Exhaust manifold 00-02 1 M96.21/22
03- M96.23/24
(2) 996 111 104 00 Exhaust manifold 00-02 1 M96.21/22
3 996 111 107 52 Gasket 2
(3) 996 111 107 54 Gasket 2
(3) 996 111 107 55 Gasket 2
4 900 378 131 00 Hexagon-head bolt 12
M 8 X 28
5 996 111 226 02 Support 1 M96.21
(5) Support 1 M96.22
(5) Support 1 M96.23
(5) Support 1 M96.24
(5) 996 111 224 03 Support 1 M96.21
(5) Support 1 M96.24
6 996 111 242 01 Support 1 M96.21
(6) Support 1 M96.22
(6) Support 1 M96.23
(6) Support 1 M96.24
7 996 111 243 00 Retainer plate 1 M96.21
Additional support
(7) Retainer plate 1 M96.22
Additional support
(7) Retainer plate 1 M96.23
Additional support
(7) Retainer plate 1 M96.24
Additional support
8 996 111 223 00 Adapter 1 M009/481
9 900 378 022 09 Hexagon-head bolt 3 M249
M 8 X 25
(9) 900 378 175 09 Hexagon-head bolt 3 M481
M 8 X 65
(9) 900 378 212 09 Hexagon-head tapping screw 3 M481
M 8 X 75
10 996 111 141 05 Muffler 00-02 1 M008/660
(10) 996 111 142 02 Muffler 00-02 1 M008
(10) 996 111 142 11 Muffler 03- 1 M008
(10) 996 111 151 01 Muffler 00-02 1 M009
(10) 996 111 152 02 Muffler 00-02 1 M009/660
11 996 111 241 00 Support 00- 1
12 996 111 314 00 Connecting tube 00- 2
13 996 111 209 00 Clip 2

24.07.2017 -2 Kat 020

Illustration: 202-05

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
14 900 380 005 09 Hexagon nut 8
M 8
15 996 113 021 11 Catalytic converter 00-02 1
15 996 113 021 12 Catalytic converter 03- 1
15 996 113 021 AX Catalytic converter 03- 1
(15) 996 113 025 02 Catalytic converter 1 M661
(15) 996 113 025 03 Catalytic converter -02 1 M661
(15) 996 113 025 AX Catalytic converter -02 1 M661
(15) 996 113 025 04 Catalytic converter 03- 1 M661
(15) 996 113 025 BX Catalytic converter 03- 1 M661
16 996 113 022 11 Catalytic converter 00-02 1
16 996 113 022 12 Catalytic converter 03- 1
16 996 113 022 AX Catalytic converter 03- 1
(16) 996 113 026 02 Catalytic converter 1 M661
(16) 996 113 026 03 Catalytic converter -02 1 M661
(16) 996 113 026 AX Catalytic converter -02 1 M661
(16) 996 113 026 04 Catalytic converter 03- 1 M661
(16) 996 113 026 BX Catalytic converter 03- 1 M661
17 996 111 110 00 Sleeve 2
18 900 035 004 02 Washer 2
R 9
19 996 113 421 00 Heat shield 1
20 996 113 422 00 Heat shield 1
21 996 113 311 01 Retainer plate 2
22 996 113 113 00 Gasket 2 M96.21/22
23 900 074 287 02 Hexagon-head bolt 6
M 8 X 35
24 999 084 052 02 Lock nut 5
M 8
25 986 606 126 01 Oxygen sensor -02 4
25 986 606 226 00 Oxygen sensor 03- 4
- 000 043 207 07 Grease 1
for oxygen sensor
- 999 650 075 40 Pin connector socket 1
- 999 652 820 12 Connector 4
- 999 704 161 40 Gasket 4
28 986 606 105 01 Support 2
29 999 507 413 09 Retaining clip 6
29 999 507 413 08 Retaining clip 6
30 900 151 007 02 Washer 6
30 900 151 007 03 Washer 6
31 999 507 430 09 Locking bolt 6
6 X 12
32 999 591 712 40 Expansion rivet 4
6,0 X 12,0
33 900 123 050 20 Sealing ring 2
8 X 11,5
34 900 083 080 00 Hexagon-head bolt 2
8 X 1 X 10
35 900 219 015 00 Screw plug 4
18 X 1,5
36 900 123 009 20 Sealing ring 4
18 X 24
37 996 111 253 00 Ornamental exhaust pipe 03- 1 M009
37 996 111 253 01 Ornamental exhaust pipe 03- 1 M009
38 996 111 254 00 Ornamental exhaust pipe 03- 1 M008
39 900 378 074 09 Hexagon-head bolt 03- 2
M 8 X 16

24.07.2017 -3 Kat 020

Illustration: 301-00

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

24.07.2017 -1 Kat 020

Illustration: 301-00

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
Clutch M96.20/22/23
1 012 141 719 B Clutch release lever 1
2 012 141 165 E Clutch release bearing 1
3 012 141 741 Retainer spring 1
4 900 067 131 02 Pan-head screw 6
M 8 X 16
(4) 999 073 458 01 Screw 6
M 8 X 16
5 986 116 028 03 Pressure plate -99 1 M96.20
5 986 116 028 04 Pressure plate 00- 1 M96.22/23
6 986 116 014 06 Clutch plate -03 1
6 986 116 014 08 Clutch plate 1
7 012 141 180 B Guide sleeve 1
8 N 903 542 01 O-ring 1
56,8 X 2,6
9 N 903 663 01 Pan-head screw 3
M 8 X 22
10 016 311 113 C Radial shaft seal 1
11 012 141 777 D Ball pin 1
12 012 141 751 A Intermediate piece 1
(12) 012 141 751 B Intermediate piece 1
- 986 116 911 00 Repair kit 1 M96.20
- 986 116 028 03 Pressure plate 1
- 986 116 014 06 Clutch plate 1
- 012 141 165 E Clutch release bearing 1
- 986 116 911 01 Repair kit 1 M96.22
for M96.23
- 986 116 028 04 Pressure plate 1
- 986 116 014 06 Clutch plate 1
- 012 141 165 E Clutch release bearing 1

24.07.2017 -2 Kat 020

Illustration: 301-01

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

24.07.2017 -1 Kat 020

Illustration: 301-01

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
Clutch M96.21/24
1 996 116 712 03 Clutch release lever 1
2 996 116 080 04 Clutch release bearing 1
3 012 141 751 A Intermediate piece 1
3 012 141 751 B Intermediate piece 1
4 900 067 131 02 Pan-head screw 6
M 8 X 16
(4) 999 073 458 01 Screw 6
M 8 X 16
5 996 116 027 06 Pressure plate 1
6 986 116 013 00 Clutch plate 1
6 986 116 013 02 Clutch plate 1
6 986 116 013 03 Clutch plate 1
7 996 116 087 01 Guide sleeve 1
8 N 903 542 01 O-ring 1
56,8 X 2,6
9 N 903 663 01 Pan-head screw 3
M 8 X 22
10 016 311 113 C Radial shaft seal 1
11 996 116 716 02 Ball pin 1
12 012 141 741 Retainer spring 1
- 986 116 911 02 Repair kit 1
- 996 116 027 06 Pressure plate 1
- 986 116 013 00 Clutch plate 1
- 986 116 013 02 Clutch plate 1
- 986 116 013 03 Clutch plate 1
- 996 116 080 04 Clutch release bearing 1

24.07.2017 -2 Kat 020

Illustration: 301-05

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

24.07.2017 -1 Kat 020

Illustration: 301-05

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
Clutch release G86.00/01
1 8E0 721 257 F Clutch operating cylinder 1
1 8E0 721 257 B Clutch operating cylinder 1
1 8E0 721 257 M Clutch operating cylinder 1
Use also:
986 423 113 25
986 423 677 25
2 N 090 316 5 Combination screw 2
M 8 X 30 Z1
2 900 075 506 01 Combination screw 2
M 8 X 30 Z1

24.07.2017 -2 Kat 020

Illustration: 301-06

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

24.07.2017 -1 Kat 020

Illustration: 301-06

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
Clutch release 00- G86.20
1 986 116 237 00 Clutch operating cylinder 1
2 N 090 316 5 Combination screw 1
M 8 X 30 Z1
2 900 075 506 01 Combination screw 1
M 8 X 30 Z1

24.07.2017 -2 Kat 020

Illustration: 302-00

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

24.07.2017 -1 Kat 020

Illustration: 302-00

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
Replacement transmission G86.00
Transmission case
Classification letter CWA/DVY/EFD
Attention GDW/GFW
- 986 300 910 00 Replacement transmission 97 1 CWA
- 986 300 010 00 Transmission 98 1 CWA
G >> 10 05 8
- 986 300 010 01 Transmission 99 1 DVY
G 11 05 8 >> 10 01 9
- 986 300 010 02 Transmission 99 1 DVY
G 11 01 9 >>
- 986 300 010 05 Transmission 00- 1 EFD
G >> 09 02 3
- 986 300 010 07 Transmission 1 GDW
G 10 02 3 >>
F >>984S6 00484
F >>984U6 01373
- 986 300 010 06 Transmission 1 GFW
F 984S6 00485>>
F 984U6 01374>>
1 012 301 103 AD Transmission case 1
2 014 301 473 Sleeve -99 1
12 X 30
2 0A2 301 473 Sleeve 1
(2) 012 301 474 A Sleeve 00- 1
12 X 30
3 014 301 485 Cap 1
4 012 919 823 F Back-up light switch 1
- 999 652 907 40 Plug socket 1
- 999 652 694 12 Contact bush 2
- 999 704 161 40 Gasket 2
- 999 652 811 40 Stopper 3
5 N 040 255 2 Hexagon-head bolt 1
M 8 X 14
6 012 301 483 D Leaf spring -99 1
(6) 012 301 483 G Leaf spring 00- 1
7 016 409 399 B Radial shaft seal 1
45 X 60 X 8
8 016 311 113 C Radial shaft seal 1 CWA/DVY/EFD
12 M 6 X 14 GDW
(8) 012 311 113 B Radial shaft seal 1 GFW
9 012 301 183 A Bush 1
BM 8 X 20
10 012 301 143 Magnet 1 CWA/DVY/EFD
(10) 01X 301 143 Magnet 1 GFW
11 111 301 127 E Screw plug 1 CWA/DVY/EFD
M 24 X 1,5 GDW
(11) WHT 001 937 Screw plug 1 GFW
M 24 X 1,5
12 012 301 473 Sleeve 1
12 X 30
13 012 301 205 P Transmission cover 1
Use also:
012.311.429.P 1
13 012 301 205 J Transmission cover 1
13 012 301 205 L Transmission cover 1
14 012 301 276 Cup 1 CWA/DVY/EFD

24.07.2017 -2 Kat 020

Illustration: 302-00

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
(14) 012 301 276 A Cup 1 GFW
14A 012 311 429 M Sleeve 1
23 X 37 X 28,3
Transmission cover
012 301 205 N
14A 012 311 429 P Sleeve 1
23 X 39 X 28,3
Transmission cover
012 301 205 P
15 012 301 115 Stopper 2
16 012 301 457 C Shaft sealing ring 1
16 X 24 X 6
18 012 301 268 E Torx screw -02 13
M 8 X 44
(18) 012 301 282 A Torx screw 03- 13
M 8 X 48
(18) 9A7 002 079 00 Torx screw 03- 13
M 8 X 48
20 000 043 204 71 Transmission oil X
20 LTR.

24.07.2017 -3 Kat 020

Illustration: 302-01

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

24.07.2017 -1 Kat 020

Illustration: 302-01

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
Replacement transmission 00- G86.20
Ready for installation
Use also:
996.424.165.02 1
999.073.209.09 2
1 986 300 010 21 Transmission -02 1
1 986 300 010 22 Transmission 03- 1

24.07.2017 -2 Kat 020

Illustration: 302-05

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

24.07.2017 -1 Kat 020

Illustration: 302-05

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
Transmission 00- G86.20
Single parts
1 996 606 133 00 Switch 1
2 900 124 023 02 Screw plug 4
M 10 X 1
3 996 303 245 00 Compression spring 1
4 900 108 064 00 Ball 4
5 996 423 677 00 Support 1
6 996 301 315 00 O-ring 1
190 X 3
7 996 301 317 00 Hexagon-head bolt X
M 8 X 35
- 000 043 010 00 Loctite 1

24.07.2017 -2 Kat 020

Illustration: 302-06

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

24.07.2017 -1 Kat 020

Illustration: 302-06

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
Transmission 00- G86.20
Single parts
1 996 302 131 00 Shaft sealing ring 1
28 X 40 X 7,5
2 996 301 814 00 Needle sleeve 1
30 X 37 X 16
3 996 301 071 00 Bleeder 1
17 X 12 X 28,1
4 996 303 257 00 Lid 1
20 X 4
5 900 042 003 01 Circlip 1
20 X 1
6 996 303 255 00 Compression spring 1

24.07.2017 -2 Kat 020

Illustration: 302-07

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

24.07.2017 -1 Kat 020

Illustration: 302-07

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
Gear housing G86.20
Transmission cover
1 986 301 020 00 Transmission case 1
2 See illustrations 1
3 996 301 317 00 Hexagon-head bolt 13
M 8 X 35
4 996 301 804 00 Magnet 1
5 996 303 055 01 Selector lever 1
6 996 303 057 00 Pinion 1
7 996 303 303 00 Roller 1
20 X 8 X 8
8 996 303 383 00 Lock 1
9 996 303 053 00 Selector lever 1
10 See illustrations 1
11 See illustrations 1

24.07.2017 -2 Kat 020

Illustration: 302-08

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

24.07.2017 -1 Kat 020

Illustration: 302-08

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
Gear housing G86.20
Transmission cover
1 986 301 023 00 Transmission case 1
2 986 303 041 00 Gearshift lever 1
3 996 303 033 00 Shift segment 1
4 996 303 303 00 Roller 1
20 X 8 X 8
5 996 303 383 00 Lock 1
20 X 26 X 17
6 986 302 225 00 Segment 1
7 996 302 228 00 Bolt 1
8 996 302 226 00 Reverse idler gear 1
9 996 302 224 00 Needle cage 1
20 X 26 X 17
10 996 302 223 00 Hexagon-head bolt 1
M 8 X 55
11 900 219 001 02 Screw plug 1
M 22 X 1,5
12 900 123 118 30 Sealing ring 1
A22 X 27
13 996 303 237 00 Screw plug 1
M 18 X 1,5
14 996 303 235 00 Compression spring 1
15 996 303 035 00 Bolt 1
16 996 301 808 00 Cylindrical-roller bearing 1
Drive shaft
17 996 303 517 01 Shaft sealing ring 1
17 996 303 517 00 Shaft sealing ring 1

24.07.2017 -2 Kat 020

Illustration: 303-00

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

24.07.2017 -1 Kat 020

Illustration: 303-00

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
Gears and shafts -99 G86.00
00- G86.01
Classification letter CWA/DVY/EFD
Attention GDW/GFW
1 012 311 105 AG Drive shaft 1
2 012 311 123 D Needle sleeve 1
27 X 41 X 23
3 012 311 443 Cup spring 1
42 X 58 X 2
4 012 311 445 E Deep-groove ball bearing -03 1
25 X 58 X 16
(4) 012 311 445 G Deep-groove ball bearing 04- 1
25 X 58 X 16
5 N 902 941 02 Circlip X
24,9 X 1,45
(5) N 902 941 14 Circlip X
24,9 X 1,54
(5) N 902 941 15 Circlip X
24,9 X 1,63
(5) N 902 941 16 Circlip X
24,9 X 1,72
(5) N 902 941 17 Circlip 1
24,9 X 1,81
(5) N 902 941 18 Circlip X
24,9 X 1,9
(5) N 902 941 19 Circlip X
24,9 X 1,99
(5) N 902 941 20 Circlip X
24,9 X 2,08
(5) N 902 941 11 Circlip X
24,9 X 2,17
6 012 311 111 A Sleeve 1
13 X 14 X 10,8
7 012 311 213 J Needle cage 1
38 X 43 X 29,5
8 012 311 285 BJ Shifting gear 1 CWA/DVY/EFD
3rd gear GDW
Z = 40 : 28
(8) 012 311 131 CB Shifting gear 1 GFW
3rd gear
Z = 40 : 28
9 012 311 312 A Spring 2 CWA
3rd/4th gear
G >> 10 05 8
(9) 012 311 312 D Spring 2 DVY/EFD/GDW
3rd/4th gear
G 11 05 8 >>
(9) 01X 311 312 A Retaining spring 2 GFW
3rd/4th gear
10 012 311 295 D Synchroniser ring 2 CWA
3rd/4th gear
G >> 10 05 8
(10) 012 311 295 F Synchroniser ring 2 DVY/EFD/GDW
3rd/4th gear
G 11 05 8 >>
(10) 01X 311 295 J Synchroniser ring 2 GFW
3rd/4th gear
11 N 902 945 01 Circlip 1
38 X 2
12 012 311 315 B Operating sleeve 1 CWA/DVY/EFD
3rd/4th gear GDW
(12) 01X 311 315 Operating sleeve 1 GFW

24.07.2017 -2 Kat 020

Illustration: 303-00

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
3rd/4th gear
12A 012 311 309 B Synchronising hub 1 CWA/DVY/EFD
3rd/4th gear GDW
(12A) 01X 311 309 Synchronising hub 1 GFW
3rd/4th gear
13 N 902 944 01 Circlip X
37 X 1,9
(13) N 902 944 02 Circlip X
37 X 1,93
(13) N 902 944 03 Circlip X
37 X 1,96
(13) N 902 944 04 Circlip X
37 X 1,99
(13) N 902 944 05 Circlip X
37 X 2,02
(13) N 902 944 06 Circlip X
37 X 2,05
14 012 311 351 AH Shifting gear 1
4th speed
Z = 35 : 34
(14) 012 311 351 AN Shifting gear 1 CWA
4th speed
Z = 35 : 34
(14) 012 311 351 AT Shifting gear 1 DVY
4th speed
Z = 35 : 34
(14) 012 311 351 BK Shifting gear 1 EFD/GDW
4th speed
Z = 36 : 33
(14) 012 311 149 CQ Shifting gear 1 GFW
4th speed
Z = 36 : 33
15 012 311 115 F Needle cage 1
37 X 42 X 29,8
16 012 311 159 DL Gear wheel 1 CWA/DVY
5th gear
Z = 30 : 38
(16) 012 311 159 CH Gear wheel 1 EFD/GDW/GFW
5th gear
Z = 31 ; 37
17 N 902 942 02 Circlip X
36 X 1,9
(17) N 902 942 03 Circlip X
36 X 1,93
(17) N 902 942 04 Circlip X
36 X 1,96
(17) N 902 942 05 Circlip X
36 X 1,99
(17) N 902 942 06 Circlip X
36 X 2,02
18 012 311 429 M Sleeve 1 CWA/DVY/EFD
23 X 37 X 28,3 GDW
(18) 012 311 429 P Sleeve 1 GFW
23 X 39 X 28,2
19 N 902 951 01 Circlip 1
22 X 1,7
4th speed
20 012 311 518 Supporting plate 1
3rd gear
21 012 311 531 E Reverse idler gear 1
22 012 311 523 G Needle-roller bearing 2
22 X 30 X 16
23 012 311 517 Thrust washer 1

24.07.2017 -3 Kat 020

Illustration: 303-01

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

24.07.2017 -1 Kat 020

Illustration: 303-01

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
Gears and shafts G86.20
1 986 302 101 00 Drive shaft 1
1st / 2nd gear
2 996 302 811 00 Needle-roller bearing 1
3 996 302 075 00 Loose gear wheel 1
5th gear
4 996 302 295 00 Thrust washer 1
5th gear
5 996 304 411 00 Synchroniser ring 2
6 996 304 041 00 Guide sleeve 1
5th and 6th gear
7 996 304 451 00 Stone 6
8 900 108 058 00 Ball 6
9 996 304 461 00 Compression spring 6
10 996 302 266 00 Inner ring 1
11 996 302 812 00 Needle-roller bearing 1
(11) 996 302 812 01 Needle-roller bearing 1
(11) 996 302 812 02 Needle-roller bearing 1
12 996 302 076 15 Loose gear wheel 1
6th gear
13 996 302 296 00 Thrust washer 1
3. + 6. Gang
14 996 302 813 00 Needle-roller bearing 1
15 996 302 073 00 Loose gear wheel 1
3rd gear
16 996 304 411 00 Synchroniser ring 2
17 996 304 041 01 Guide sleeve 1
18 996 302 264 00 Inner ring 1
19 996 302 814 00 Needle-roller bearing 1
(19) 996 302 814 01 Needle-roller bearing 1
(19) 996 302 814 02 Needle-roller bearing 1
20 996 302 074 00 Loose gear wheel 1
4th speed
21 996 302 267 00 Spacer ring 1
22 996 302 807 00 Angular-contact bearing 1
23 996 302 124 00 Shim 1
56 X 72 X 0,50
(23) 996 302 124 01 Shim 1
56 X 72 X 0,55
(23) 996 302 124 02 Shim 1
56 X 72 X 0,60
(23) 996 302 124 03 Shim 1
56 X 72 X 0,65
24 996 302 173 00 Shim 1
35 X 45 X 1,2
(24) 996 302 173 01 Shim 1
35 X 45 X 1,3
(24) 996 302 173 02 Shim 1
35 X 45 X 1,4
(24) 996 302 173 03 Shim 1
35 X 45 X 1,5
(24) 996 302 173 04 Shim 1
35 X 45 X 1,6
(24) 996 302 173 05 Shim 1
35 X 45 X 1,7
(24) 996 302 173 06 Shim 1
35 X 45 X 1,8

24.07.2017 -2 Kat 020

Illustration: 303-01

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
(24) 996 302 173 07 Shim 1
35 X 45 X 1,9
(24) 996 302 173 08 Shim 1
35 X 45 X 2,0
(24) 996 302 173 09 Shim 1
35 X 45 X 2,1
(24) 996 302 173 10 Shim 1
35 X 45 X 2,2
(24) 996 302 173 11 Shim 1
35 X 45 X 2,3
(24) 996 302 173 12 Shim 1
35 X 45 X 2,4
(24) 996 302 173 13 Shim 1
35 X 45 X 2,5
25 996 302 810 00 Circlip 1
35 X 2,25
(25) 996 302 810 01 Circlip 1
35 X 2,30
(25) 996 302 810 02 Circlip 1
35 X 2,35
(25) 996 302 810 03 Circlip 1
35 X 2,40
(25) 996 302 810 04 Circlip 1
35 X 2,45

24.07.2017 -3 Kat 020

Illustration: 303-05

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

24.07.2017 -1 Kat 020

Illustration: 303-05

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
Gears and shafts -99 G86.00
00- G86.01
Classification letter CWA/DVY/EFD
Attention GDW
1 Output shaft 1
2 012 311 391 Adjusting shim X
(2) 012 311 391 A Adjusting shim X
(2) 012 311 391 B Adjusting shim X
(2) 012 311 391 C Adjusting shim X
(2) 012 311 391 D Adjusting shim X
(2) 012 311 391 E Adjusting shim X
(2) 012 311 391 F Adjusting shim X
(2) 012 311 391 G Adjusting shim X
3 012 311 220 A Taper roller bearing 1
48,6 X 88 X 21,5
4 N 902 950 01 Circlip X
A 48,5 X 2,00
(4) N 902 950 08 Circlip X
A 48,5 X 2,03
(4) N 902 950 09 Circlip X
A 48,5 X 2,09
(4) N 902 950 10 Circlip X
A 48,5 X 2,12
(4) N 902 950 11 Circlip X
48,5 X 2,15
5 012 311 207 E Needle cage 1
1st gear
48,5 X 52,5 X 26,4
6 012 311 257 J Shifting gear 1
1st gear
Z = 35 : 10
7 012 311 311 A Spring 2
1st / 2nd gear
G >> 10 05 8
(7) 012 311 311 D Spring 2
1st / 2nd gear
G 11 05 8 >>
8 012 311 247 E Synchroniser ring 2
1st / 2nd gear
G >> 10 05 8
(8) 012 311 247 F Synchroniser ring 2
1st / 2nd gear
G 11 05 8 >>
9A 012 311 255 A Operating sleeve 1
1st / 2nd gear
9B 012 311 243 A Synchronising hub 1
1st / 2nd gear
10 N 902 947 01 Circlip X
47 X 1,9
(10) N 902 947 02 Circlip X
47 X 1,93
(10) N 902 947 03 Circlip X
47 X 1,96

24.07.2017 -2 Kat 020

Illustration: 303-05

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
(10) N 902 947 04 Circlip X
47 X 1,99
(10) N 902 947 05 Circlip X
47 X 2,02
11 012 311 229 K Needle cage 1
2nd gear
47 X 52 X 26,6
12 012 311 271 F Shifting gear 1
2nd gear
Z = 36 : 17
13 N 902 947 06 Circlip 1
47 X 2,5
14 012 311 131 BJ Gear wheel 1
3rd gear
15 N 902 946 02 Circlip X
46 X 1,9
(15) N 902 946 09 Circlip X
46 X 1,94
(15) N 902 946 10 Circlip X
46 X 1,98
(15) N 902 946 06 Circlip X
46 X 2,02
(15) N 902 946 11 Circlip X
46 X 2,06
16 012 311 149 AH Gear wheel 1 CWA
4th speed
Z = 35 : 34
(16) 012 311 149 AT Gear wheel 1 DVY
4th speed
Z = 35 : 34
(16) 012 311 149 BT Gear wheel 1 EFD/GDW
4th speed
Z = 36 : 33
17 N 902 952 07 Circlip X CWA
42 X 1,86
(17) N 902 952 02 Circlip X CWA
42 X 1,9
(17) N 902 952 08 Circlip X CWA
42 X 1,94
(17) N 902 952 09 Circlip X CWA
42 X 1,98
(17) N 902 945 01 Circlip X DVY/EFD/GDW
38 X 2
(17) N 902 945 02 Circlip X DVY/EFD/GDW
38 X 2,16
(17) N 902 945 03 Circlip X DVY/EFD/GDW
38 X 2,20
(17) N 902 945 04 Circlip X DVY/EFD/GDW
38 X 2,24
(17) N 902 945 05 Circlip X DVY/EFD/GDW
38 X 2,28
18 012 311 116 F Needle cage 1 CWA
5th gear
38 X 43 X 25
(18) 012 311 116 G Needle cage 1 DVY/EFD/GDW
5th gear
38 X 43 X 27
19 012 311 361 DH Shifting gear 1 CWA
5th gear
Z = 30 : 38
(19) 012 311 361 CR Shifting gear 1 DVY
5th gear
Z = 30 : 38

24.07.2017 -3 Kat 020

Illustration: 303-05

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
(19) 012 311 361 DC Shifting gear 1 EFD/GDW
5th gear
Z = 31 : 37
20 012 311 312 A Spring 2
5th gear
Reverse gear
G >> 10 05 8
(20) 012 311 312 D Spring 2
5th gear
Reverse gear
G 11 05 8 >>
21 012 311 295 D Synchroniser ring 1
5th gear
G >> 10 05 8
(21) 012 311 295 F Synchroniser ring 1
5th gear
G 11 05 8 >>
22 N 902 945 01 Circlip 1
38 X 2
23A 012 311 315 B Operating sleeve 1
23B 012 311 309 F Synchronising hub 1
24 N 902 944 01 Circlip X
37 X 1,9
(24) N 902 944 02 Circlip X
37 X 1,93
(24) N 902 944 03 Circlip X
37 X 1,96
(24) N 902 944 04 Circlip X
37 X 1,99
(24) N 902 944 05 Circlip X
37 X 2,02
(24) N 902 944 06 Circlip X
37 X 2,05
25 012 311 234 E Needle-roller bearing 1
37 X 42 X 24,5
26 012 311 295 D Synchroniser ring 1
Reverse gear
G >> 10 05 8
(26) 012 311 295 F Synchroniser ring 1
Reverse gear
G 11 05 8 >>
27 012 311 217 K Shifting gear 1
Reverse gear
28 012 311 375 C Taper roller bearing 1
31,7 X 76,2 X 25,4
29 012 311 393 Adjusting shim X
(29) 012 311 393 A Adjusting shim X
(29) 012 311 393 B Adjusting shim X
(29) 012 311 393 C Adjusting shim X
(29) 012 311 393 D Adjusting shim X
(29) 012 311 393 E Adjusting shim X
(29) 012 311 393 F Adjusting shim X
(29) 012 311 393 G Adjusting shim X

24.07.2017 -4 Kat 020

Illustration: 303-05

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
(29) 012 311 393 H Adjusting shim X
(29) 012 311 393 J Adjusting shim X
(29) 012 311 393 K Adjusting shim X
(29) 012 311 393 L Adjusting shim X
(29) 012 311 393 N Adjusting shim X
30 012 301 251 B Pressure plate X
70,98 X 14,8
(30) 012 301 251 C Pressure plate X
70,98 X 15,3
31 012 301 193 Rubber washer 1
71 X 7

24.07.2017 -5 Kat 020

Illustration: 303-06

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

24.07.2017 -1 Kat 020

Illustration: 303-06

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
Gears and shafts G86.01

Classification letter GFW
1 Output shaft 1
2 012 311 391 Adjusting shim X
(2) 012 311 391 A Adjusting shim X
(2) 012 311 391 B Adjusting shim X
(2) 012 311 391 C Adjusting shim X
(2) 012 311 391 D Adjusting shim X
(2) 012 311 391 E Adjusting shim X
(2) 012 311 391 F Adjusting shim X
(2) 012 311 391 G Adjusting shim X
3 012 311 220 A Taper roller bearing 1
48,6 X 88 X 21,5
4 N 908 600 01 Circlip X
A 48,5 X 2,00
(4) N 908 600 07 Circlip X
A 48,5 X 2,03
(4) N 908 600 08 Circlip X
A 48,5 X 2,09
(4) N 908 600 09 Circlip X
A 48,5 X 2,12
(4) N 908 600 10 Circlip X
48,5 X 2,15
5 01X 311 325 A Needle-roller bearing 1
1st gear
48,5 X 52,5 X 26,4
6 012 311 250 H Shifting gear 1
1st gear
Z = 35 : 10
7 01X 311 277 G Inner ring 1
1st gear
(7) 01X 311 277 B Inner ring 1
2nd gear
(7) 0B1 311 277 Inner ring 1
2nd gear
8 01X 311 259 G Intermediate ring 2
1st / 2nd gear
9 01X 311 247 N Synchroniser ring 2
1st / 2nd gear
10 01X 311 239 B Synchronising hub 1
Operating sleeve
1st / 2nd gear
11 01X 311 314 B Pressure piece 3
13 N 902 947 01 Circlip X
47 X 1,9
(13) N 902 947 02 Circlip X
47 X 1,93
(13) N 902 947 03 Circlip X
47 X 1,96
(13) N 902 947 04 Circlip X

24.07.2017 -2 Kat 020

Illustration: 303-06

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
47 X 1,99
(13) N 902 947 05 Circlip X
47 X 2,02
14 012 311 229 K Needle cage 1
2nd gear
47 X 52 X 26,6
15 012 311 260 H Shifting gear 1
2nd gear
Z = 36 : 17
(15) 012 311 260 L Shifting gear 1
2nd gear
Z = 36 : 17
16 012 311 317 Circlip 1
47 X 2,5
17 012 311 285 BT Gear wheel 1
3rd gear
Z = 40 : 28
18 01X 311 317 Circlip X
44,5 x 1,9
(18) 01X 311 317 A Circlip X
44,5 x 1,94
(18) 01X 311 317 B Circlip X
44,5 x 1,98
(18) 01X 311 317 C Circlip X
44,5 x 2,02
(18) 01X 311 317 D Circlip X
44,5 x 2,06
(18) 01X 311 317 E Circlip X
44,5 x 2,10
19 012 311 149 BT Gear wheel 1
4th speed
Z = 36 : 33
20 N 902 945 01 Circlip X
38 X 2
(20) N 902 945 02 Circlip X
38 X 2,16
(20) N 902 945 03 Circlip X
38 X 2,20
(20) N 902 945 04 Circlip X
38 X 2,24
(20) N 902 945 05 Circlip X
38 X 2,28
21 012 311 116 G Needle cage 1
5th gear
38 X 43 X 27
22 012 311 159 EJ Shifting gear 1
5th gear
Z = 31 : 37
23 01X 311 312 A Retaining spring 2
24 01X 311 295 J Synchroniser ring 1
5th gear
Reverse gear
25 N 902 945 01 Circlip 1
38 X 2
26 01X 311 315 Operating sleeve 2
5th gear
Reverse gear
27 01X 311 309 Synchronising hub 1
5th gear
Reverse gear

24.07.2017 -3 Kat 020

Illustration: 303-06

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
28 N 902 944 01 Circlip X
37 X 1,9
(28) N 902 944 02 Circlip X
37 X 1,93
(28) N 902 944 03 Circlip X
37 X 1,96
(28) N 902 944 04 Circlip X
37 X 1,99
(28) N 902 944 05 Circlip X
37 X 2,02
(28) N 902 944 06 Circlip X
37 X 2,05
29 012 311 234 E Needle-roller bearing 1
37 x 42 x 24,5
30 01X 311 295 J Synchroniser ring 1
Reverse gear
31 012 311 217 L Shifting gear 1
Reverse gear
32 012 311 375 C Taper roller bearing 1
31,7 x 76,2 x 25,4
33 012 311 393 Adjusting shim X
(33) 012 311 393 A Adjusting shim X
(33) 012 311 393 B Adjusting shim X
(33) 012 311 393 C Adjusting shim X
(33) 012 311 393 D Adjusting shim X
(33) 012 311 393 E Adjusting shim X
(33) 012 311 393 F Adjusting shim X
(33) 012 311 393 G Adjusting shim X
(33) 012 311 393 H Adjusting shim X
(33) 012 311 393 J Adjusting shim X
(33) 012 311 393 K Adjusting shim X
(33) 012 311 393 L Adjusting shim X
34 012 301 251 B Pressure plate X
70,98 X 14,8
(34) 012 301 251 C Pressure plate X
70,98 X 15,3
35 012 301 193 C Rubber washer 1
71 X 7

24.07.2017 -4 Kat 020

Illustration: 303-07

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

24.07.2017 -1 Kat 020

Illustration: 303-07

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
Gears and shafts G86.20
1 996 302 815 00 Needle-roller bearing 1
(1) 996 302 815 01 Needle-roller bearing 1
(1) 996 302 815 02 Needle-roller bearing 1
(1) 996 302 815 03 Needle-roller bearing 1
2 996 302 042 00 Loose gear wheel 1
2nd gear
2 996 302 942 00 Loose gear wheel 1
2nd gear
3 950 304 617 20 Ring 2
4 996 304 613 20 Cone ring 2
5 996 304 611 00 Synchroniser ring 2
6 996 304 061 02 Guide sleeve 1
1st / 2nd gear
6 996 304 061 03 Guide sleeve 1
1st / 2nd gear
7 996 304 651 00 Stone 3
8 900 108 058 00 Ball 3
9 996 304 661 00 Compression spring 3
10 996 302 816 00 Needle cage 1
11 996 302 041 00 Loose gear wheel 1
1st gear
12 996 302 281 00 Thrust washer 1
1st gear
13 996 302 094 00 Loose gear wheel 1
Reverse gear
14 996 304 451 01 Stone 3
15 900 108 058 00 Ball 3
16 996 304 461 00 Compression spring 3
17 996 302 816 00 Needle cage 1
18 Shift sleeve 1
19 996 304 411 00 Synchroniser ring 1
20 996 304 401 00 Clutch hub 1
Reverse gear wheel
21 996 301 806 00 Cylindrical-roller bearing 1
35 X 72 X 10
22 996 302 118 00 Shim 1
35 X 45 X 1,2
(22) 996 302 118 01 Shim 1
35 X 45 X 1,3
(22) 996 302 118 02 Shim 1
35 X 45 X 1,4
(22) 996 302 118 03 Shim 1
35 X 45 X 1,5
(22) 996 302 118 04 Shim 1
35 X 45 X 1,6
(22) 996 302 118 05 Shim 1
35 X 45 X 1,7
(22) 996 302 118 06 Shim 1
35 X 45 X 1,8
(22) 996 302 118 07 Shim 1
35 X 45 X 1,9
(22) 996 302 118 08 Shim 1
35 X 45 X 2,0
(22) 996 302 118 09 Shim 1
35 X 45 X 2,1

24.07.2017 -2 Kat 020

Illustration: 303-07

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
(22) 996 302 118 10 Shim 1
35 X 45 X 2,2
(22) 996 302 118 11 Shim 1
35 X 45 X 2,3
(22) 996 302 118 12 Shim 1
35 X 45 X 2,4
(22) 996 302 118 13 Shim 1
35 X 45 X 2,5
23 996 302 810 00 Circlip 1
35 X 2,25
(23) 996 302 810 01 Circlip 1
35 X 2,30
(23) 996 302 810 02 Circlip 1
35 X 2,35
(23) 996 302 810 03 Circlip 1
35 X 2,40
(23) 996 302 810 04 Circlip 1
35 X 2,45

24.07.2017 -3 Kat 020

Illustration: 303-08

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

24.07.2017 -1 Kat 020

Illustration: 303-08

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
Gears and shafts G86.20
1 Pinion shaft 1
See group
2 996 302 808 00 Angular-contact bearing 1
48 X 93 X 37
3 996 302 114 00 Shim 1
48 X 60 X 0,50
(3) 996 302 114 01 Shim 1
48 X 60 X 0,55
(3) 996 302 114 02 Shim 1
48 X 60 X 0,60
(3) 996 302 114 03 Shim 1
48 X 60 X 0,65
(3) 996 302 114 04 Shim 1
48 X 60 X 0,70
(3) 996 302 114 05 Shim 1
48 X 60 X 0,75
(3) 996 302 114 06 Shim 1
48 X 60 X 0,80
(3) 996 302 114 07 Shim 1
48 X 60 X 0,85
(3) 996 302 114 08 Shim 1
48 X 60 X 0,90
(3) 996 302 114 09 Shim 1
48 X 60 X 0,95
4 996 302 122 00 Shim 1
85,5 X 93 X 0,50
(4) 996 302 122 01 Shim 1
85,5 X 93 X 0,55
(4) 996 302 122 02 Shim 1
85,5 X 93 X 0,60
(4) 996 302 122 03 Shim 1
85,5 X 93 X 0,65
(4) 996 302 122 04 Shim 1
85,5 X 93 X 0,70
(4) 996 302 122 05 Shim 1
85,5 X 93 X 0,75
(4) 996 302 122 06 Shim 1
85,5 X 93 X 0,80
(4) 996 302 122 07 Shim 1
85,5 X 93 X 0,85
(4) 996 302 122 08 Shim 1
85,5 X 93 X 0,90
(4) 996 302 122 09 Shim 1
85,5 X 93 X 0,95
(4) 996 302 122 10 Shim 1
85,5 X 93 X 1,00
(4) 996 302 122 11 Shim 1
85,5 X 93 X 1,05
(4) 996 302 122 12 Shim X
85,5 X 93 X 1,10
(4) 996 302 122 13 Shim X
85,5 X 93 X 1,15
(4) 996 302 122 14 Shim X
85,5 X 93 X 1,20
(4) 996 302 122 15 Shim 1
85,5 X 93 X 1,25
(4) 996 302 122 16 Shim 1
85,5 X 93 X 1,30
(4) 996 302 122 17 Shim 1
85,5 X 93 X 1,35
(4) 996 302 122 18 Shim 1

24.07.2017 -2 Kat 020

Illustration: 303-08

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
85,5 X 93 X 1,40
(4) 996 302 122 19 Shim 1
85,5 X 93 X 1,45
(4) 996 302 122 20 Shim 1
85,5 X 93 X 1,50
(4) 996 302 122 21 Shim 1
85,5 X 93 X 1,55
(4) 996 302 122 22 Shim 1
85,5 X 93 X 1,60
5 986 302 121 00 Retainer plate 1
6 996 302 214 00 Fixed gear wheel 1
4th speed
7 996 302 213 00 Fixed gear wheel 1
3rd gear
8 996 302 216 15 Fixed gear wheel 1
6th gear
9 996 302 215 00 Fixed gear wheel 1
5th gear
10 996 302 272 00 Inner ring 1
11 996 302 817 00 Countersunk-head screw 9
Retainer plate

24.07.2017 -3 Kat 020

Illustration: 304-00

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

24.07.2017 -1 Kat 020

Illustration: 304-00

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
Manual transmission -99 G86.00
00- G86.01
Shift rods
shift forks
1 012 311 505 Shift rod 1
2 012 311 559 D Gear shift rod 1
3rd/4th gear
4 012 301 120 C Sleeve 2
5 012 311 575 D Gear shift rod 1
5th gear
Reverse gear
6 N 023 332 1 Roll pin 2
6 X 24
7 012 311 549 Shift fork 1
1st / 2nd gear
8 012 311 617 D Reverse lever -99 1
(8) 012 311 617 E Reverse lever 00- 1
9 012 311 628 A Locking segment 1 CWA/DVY/EFD
(9) 012 311 741 Locking segment 1 GFW
10 012 301 291 Torx screw 1
M 8 X 30
12 012 311 718 A Stop screw -99 1
M 22 X 1,5
(12) 012 311 718 D Stop screw 00- 1
M 22 X 1,5
14 012 311 720 A Stop screw -99 1
M 26 X 1,5
(14) 012 311 720 D Stop screw 00- 1
M 26 X 1,5
15 N 903 541 01 O-ring 1
22 X 2
16 012 311 691 A Pawl 1
17 N 903 663 03 Pan-head screw 2
M 8 X 22
18 012 301 453 G Lid 1 CWA/DVY/EFD
Shift rod
(18) 012 301 451 Lid 1 GDW/GFW/GAL
Shift rod
19 N 903 660 01 Torx screw 2
M 8 X 36

24.07.2017 -2 Kat 020

Illustration: 304-05

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

24.07.2017 -1 Kat 020

Illustration: 304-05

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
Gear shift rod G86.20
Shift fork
1 986 303 015 00 Gear shift rod 1
5./6. Gang
2 986 303 013 00 Gear shift rod 1
3./4. Gang
3 986 303 010 00 Gear shift rod 1
1st / 2nd gear
4 986 303 016 00 Gear shift rod 1
Reverse gear
5 986 303 021 00 Shift rod 1
6 996 303 301 00 Spiral clamping pin 5

24.07.2017 -2 Kat 020

Illustration: 305-00

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

24.07.2017 -1 Kat 020

Illustration: 305-00

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
Differential G86.00/01
Classification letter CWA/DVY/EFD
Attention GDW/GFW
1 012 409 121 M Differential housing 1 CWA
90 MM
(1) Differential housing 1 DVY
90 MM
G >> 10 01 9
(1) 012 409 121 L Differential housing 1 DVY/EFD/GDW
90 MM
G 11 01 9 >>
(1) 01X 409 121 A Differential housing 1 GFW
90 MM
2 012 409 143 AR Ring gear and pinion shaft 1 CWA
35 : 9
2 012 409 143 CA Ring gear and pinion shaft 1 DVY
35 : 9
2 012 409 143 CQ Ring gear and pinion shaft 1 EFD/GDW
32 : 9
(2) 012 409 143 EJ Ring gear and pinion shaft 1 GFW
32 : 9
3 N 903 614 01 Hexagon-head bolt 10
M 10 X 1 X 22,8
4 005 409 177 00 Differential bolt 1
5 012 409 170 A Thrust washer 1 CWA/DVY/EFD
(5) 02B 409 170 A Thrust washer 1 GDW/GFW
(5) 02M 409 170 A Thrust washer 1 GDW/GFW
6 N 100 726 01 Roll pin 1
5 X 36
7 012 409 413 Circlip 2
8 012 409 131 H Lid 1 CWA
8 Lid 1 DVY
G >> 10 01 9
(8) 012 409 131 L Lid 1 DVY/EFD/GDW
G 11 01 9 >>
(8) Lid 1 GFW
9 002 517 185 Taper roller bearing 2 CWA
46 X 75 X 18
9 002 517 185 A Taper roller bearing 2 DVY
46 X 75 X 18
G >> 10 01 9
9 002 517 185 M Taper roller bearing 2 DVY
46 X 75 X 18
G >> 10 01 9
9 002 517 185 A Taper roller bearing 1 DVY/EFD/GDW
46 X 75 X 18
G 11 01 9 >>
9 002 517 185 M Taper roller bearing 1 DVY/EFD/GDW
46 X 75 X 18
G 11 01 9 >>
9 002 517 185 A Taper roller bearing 1 GFW
46 X 75 X 18
9 002 517 185 M Taper roller bearing 1 GFW
46 X 75 X 18
9 012 409 123 Taper roller bearing 1 DVY/EFD/GDW
50 X 80 X 20
G 11 01 9 >>

24.07.2017 -2 Kat 020

Illustration: 305-00

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
9 01X 409 123 Taper roller bearing 1 GFW
50 X 80 X 20
10 012 409 387 Shim X CWA
10 Shim X DVY
G >> 10 01 9
10 012 409 387 DM Shim X DVY/EFD/GDW
Left GFW
G 11 01 9 >>
10 012 409 387 AK Shim X DVY/EFD/GDW
Right GFW
G 11 01 9 >>
(10) 012 409 387 A Shim X CWA
(10) Shim X DVY
G >> 10 01 9
(10) 012 409 387 DN Shim X DVY/EFD/GDW
Left GFW
G 11 01 9 >>
(10) 012 409 387 AL Shim X DVY/EFD/GDW
Right GFW
G 11 01 9 >>
(10) 012 409 387 B Shim X CWA
(10) Shim X DVY
G >> 10 01 9
(10) 012 409 387 DP Shim X DVY/EFD/GDW
Left GFW
G 11 01 9 >>
(10) 012 409 387 AM Shim X DVY/EFD/GDW
Right GFW
G 11 01 9 >>
(10) 012 409 387 C Shim X CWA
(10) Shim X DVY
G >> 10 01 9
(10) 012 409 387 DQ Shim X DVY/EFD/GDW
Left GFW
G 11 01 9 >>
(10) 012 409 387 AN Shim X DVY/EFD/GDW
Right GFW
G 11 01 9 >>
(10) 012 409 387 D Shim X CWA
(10) Shim X DVY
G >> 10 01 9
(10) 012 409 387 DR Shim X DVY/EFD/GDW
Left GFW

24.07.2017 -3 Kat 020

Illustration: 305-00

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
G 11 01 9 >>
(10) 012 409 387 AP Shim X DVY/EFD/GDW
Right GFW
G 11 01 9 >>
(10) 012 409 387 E Shim X CWA
(10) Shim X DVY
G >> 10 01 9
(10) 012 409 387 DS Shim X DVY/EFD/GDW
Left GFW
G 11 01 9 >>
(10) 012 409 387 AQ Shim X DVY/EFD/GDW
Right GFW
G 11 01 9 >>
(10) 012 409 387 F Shim X CWA
(10) Shim X DVY
G >> 10 01 9
(10) 012 409 387 DT Shim X DVY/EFD/GDW
Left GFW
G 11 01 9 >>
(10) 012 409 387 AR Shim X DVY/EFD/GDW
Right GFW
G 11 01 9 >>
(10) 012 409 387 G Shim X CWA
(10) Shim X DVY
G >> 10 01 9
(10) 012 409 387 EA Shim X DVY/EFD/GDW
Left GFW
G 11 01 9 >>
(10) 012 409 387 AS Shim X DVY/EFD/GDW
Right GFW
G 11 01 9 >>
(10) 012 409 387 H Shim X CWA
(10) Shim X DVY
G >> 10 01 9
(10) 012 409 387 EB Shim X DVY/EFD/GDW
Left GFW
G 11 01 9 >>
(10) 012 409 387 AT Shim X DVY/EFD/GDW
Right GFW
G 11 01 9 >>
(10) 012 409 387 J Shim X CWA
(10) Shim X DVY
G >> 10 01 9
(10) 012 409 387 EC Shim X DVY/EFD/GDW

24.07.2017 -4 Kat 020

Illustration: 305-00

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
Left GFW
G 11 01 9 >>
(10) 012 409 387 BA Shim X DVY/EFD/GDW
Right GFW
G 11 01 9 >>
(10) 012 409 387 ED Shim X DVY/EFD/GDW
Left GFW
G 11 01 9 >>
(10) 012 409 387 BB Shim X DVY/EFD/GDW
Right GFW
G 11 01 9 >>
11 02M 498 081 A Differential pinions 1 CWA/DVY/EFD
1 set GDW
(11) 01X 498 081 Differential pinions 1 GFW
1 set
12 111 301 127 E Screw plug -02 1
M 24 X 1,5
(12) WHT 001 937 Screw plug 03- 1
M 24 X 1,5
13 016 409 399 B Radial shaft seal 2
45 X 60 X 8
14 N 903 660 01 Torx screw 10
M 8 X 36
15 012 409 343 K Flanged shaft 2 CWA/DVY/EFD
F >>983S6 00191
F >>983U6 03154
(15) 012 409 343 AA Flanged shaft 2 CWA/DVY/EFD
F 983S6 00192>>
F 983U6 03155>>
(15) 012 409 343 AC Flanged shaft 2 GDW/GFW
16 012 409 182 B Drive wheel -02 1
(16) 012 409 182 C Drive wheel 03- 1
17 012 409 191 C Sensor -99 1
(17) 012 409 191 D Sensor 00- 1
G >> 28 06
(17) 012 409 961 Stopper 1
G 01 07 2 >>
18 N 903 684 01 O-ring 1
14,5 X 2

24.07.2017 -5 Kat 020

Illustration: 305-01

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

24.07.2017 -1 Kat 020

Illustration: 305-01

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
Differential 00- G86.20
1 996 332 922 00 Differential pinions 1
1 set
2 996 332 205 00 Differential bolt 1
3 900 309 038 01 Pin 1
5 X 16
4 996 332 276 00 Hexagon-head bolt 12
M 12 X 1,25 X 22,5
5 996 332 209 00 Joint flange 2
6 996 332 249 00 Circlip 2
35 X 2,5
7 999 113 347 40 Shaft sealing ring 2
48 X 68 X 10

24.07.2017 -2 Kat 020

Illustration: 305-02

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

24.07.2017 -1 Kat 020

Illustration: 305-02

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
Differential G86.20
Rear axle
1 996 302 911 00 Gear set 1
2 996 332 005 00 Differential 1
3 999 217 152 01 Hexagon-head bolt 12
M 12 X 1,25
4 996 332 266 50 Adjusting ring 2
1,50 MM
(4) 996 332 266 51 Adjusting ring 2
1,55 MM
(4) 996 332 266 52 Adjusting ring 2
1,60 MM
(4) 996 332 266 53 Adjusting ring 2
1,65 MM
(4) 996 332 266 54 Adjusting ring 2
1,70 MM
(4) 996 332 266 55 Adjusting ring 2
1,75 MM
(4) 996 332 266 56 Adjusting ring 2
1,80 MM
(4) 996 332 266 57 Adjusting ring 2
1,85 MM
(4) 996 332 266 58 Adjusting ring 2
1,90 MM
(4) 996 332 266 59 Adjusting ring 2
1,95 MM
(4) 996 332 266 60 Adjusting ring 2
2,00 MM
(4) 996 332 266 61 Adjusting ring 2
2,05 MM
(4) 996 332 266 62 Adjusting ring 2
2,10 MM
(4) 996 332 266 63 Adjusting ring 2
2,15 MM
(4) 996 332 266 64 Adjusting ring 2
2,20 MM
(4) 996 332 266 65 Adjusting ring 2
2,25 MM
(4) 996 332 266 66 Adjusting ring 2
2,30 MM
(4) 996 332 266 67 Adjusting ring 2
2,35 MM
(4) 996 332 266 68 Adjusting ring 2
2,40 MM
(4) 996 332 266 69 Adjusting ring 2
2,45 MM
(4) 996 332 266 70 Adjusting ring 2
2,50 MM
(4) 996 332 266 71 Adjusting ring 2
2,55 MM
(4) 996 332 266 72 Adjusting ring 2
2,60 MM
(4) 996 332 266 73 Adjusting ring 2
2,65 MM
(4) 996 332 266 74 Adjusting ring 2
2,70 MM
(4) 996 332 266 75 Adjusting ring 2
2,75 MM
(4) 996 332 266 76 Adjusting ring 2
2,80 MM
5 999 059 066 02 Taper roller bearing 1
6 999 059 064 00 Taper roller bearing 1
7 999 113 356 40 Shaft sealing ring 2

24.07.2017 -2 Kat 020

Illustration: 305-02

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
AS 48 X 68 X 10
8 996 332 209 00 Joint flange 2
9 996 332 249 00 Circlip 2
35 X 2,5

24.07.2017 -3 Kat 020

Illustration: 306-00

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

24.07.2017 -1 Kat 020

Illustration: 306-00

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
Manual transmission -99 G86.00
00- G86.01
Transmission suspension
Threaded joint
1 986 375 084 03 Transmission bracket 1
2 986 375 083 03 Transmission bracket 1
3 900 378 098 09 Hexagon-head bolt 4
M 10 X 60
4 900 378 056 02 Hexagon-head bolt 4
M 8 X 60
5 999 084 447 09 Hexagon nut 4
M 8
6 999 072 008 09 Hexagon-head bolt 1
M 12 X 1,5 X 70
6 999 072 008 01 Hexagon-head bolt 1
M 12 X 1,5 X 70
7 999 072 009 09 Hexagon-head bolt 3
M 12 X 1,5 X 90
7 999 072 009 01 Hexagon-head bolt 3
M 12 X 1,5 X 90
8 999 218 088 09 Stud 1
M 10 X 30
9 900 377 011 09 Hexagon nut 1
M 10
9 900 377 011 01 Hexagon nut 1
M 10
10 999 073 118 09 Pan-head screw 1
M 10 X 40
11 N 905 028 02 Washer 1
15 X 28 X 3,5
11 N 905 028 04 Washer 1
15 X 28 X 3,5
12 999 072 010 09 Hexagon-head bolt 1
M 12 X 1,5 X 100
12 999 072 010 01 Hexagon-head bolt 1
M 12 X 1,5 X 100

24.07.2017 -2 Kat 020

Illustration: 306-01

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

24.07.2017 -1 Kat 020

Illustration: 306-01

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
Manual transmission 00- G86.20
Transmission suspension
Threaded joint
1 986 375 166 03 Bracket 1
1 986 375 166 04 Bracket 1
2 986 375 165 03 Bracket 1
3 986 375 049 01 Bearing 2
3 986 375 049 02 Bearing 2
4 999 086 009 09 Nut 2
M 12 X 1,5
5 900 378 092 09 Hexagon-head bolt 4
M 12 X 1,5 X 40
(5) 900 378 092 01 Hexagon-head bolt 4
M 12 x 1,5 x 40
6 900 378 159 09 Hexagon-head bolt 4
M 8 X 60
7 900 380 005 09 Hexagon nut 4
M 8
- 999 073 119 09 Pan-head screw 1
M 10 X 50
- 999 072 010 09 Hexagon-head bolt 2
M12 X1,5 X 100
- 999 072 010 01 Hexagon-head bolt 2
M12 X1,5 X 100
- 999 072 008 09 Hexagon-head bolt 3
M12 X1,5 X 70
- 999 072 008 01 Hexagon-head bolt 3
M12 X1,5 X 70
- 900 378 061 09 Hexagon-head bolt 1
M12 X 1,5 X 50
- 900 378 061 01 Hexagon-head bolt 1
M12 X 1,5 X 50
- 900 378 076 09 Hexagon-head bolt 1
M10 X 50
- 900 378 076 01 Hexagon-head bolt 1
M10 X 50
- 900 377 011 09 Hexagon nut 1
M 10
- 900 377 011 01 Hexagon nut 1
M 10

24.07.2017 -2 Kat 020

Illustration: 320-00

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

24.07.2017 -1 Kat 020

Illustration: 320-00

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
Tiptronic -99 A86.00
00- A86.05
00- A86.20
See technical information
NR. 2 / 2A /98
Replacement transmission
Ready for installation
1 986 300 911 01 Transmission -97 1 A86.00
(1) 986 300 011 02 Transmission 98 1 A86.00
(1) 986 300 011 03 Transmission 99 1 A86.00
F >>98XS6 00783
Use also:
(1) 986 300 011 05 Transmission 1 A86.05
(1) 986 300 011 20 Transmission 1 A86.20
2 000 043 205 09 Transmission oil X
20 LTR.
3 999 917 546 00 Transmission oil X
1 LTR.

24.07.2017 -2 Kat 020

Illustration: 320-03

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

24.07.2017 -1 Kat 020

Illustration: 320-03

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
Tiptronic -99 A86.00
00- A86.05
00- A86.20
Differential housing
1 944 332 587 00 Elastic bolt 1
M 8
2 986 332 201 00 Drive flange 1
2 986 332 201 20 Drive flange 1 A86.20
3 986 397 027 00 Shaft sealing ring 1
(3) 996 397 015 00 Shaft sealing ring 1
4 986 397 029 00 Pan-head screw 12
M 8 X 45
5 986 397 028 00 Round seal 1
6 986 397 034 00 Round seal 1
7 996 397 007 00 Pan-head screw 3
M 8 X 30
8 986 397 026 00 Screw plug 1
8 986 397 026 01 Screw plug 1
9 986 397 039 00 Shaft sealing ring 1
34 X 46-37 X 12-16

24.07.2017 -2 Kat 020

Illustration: 320-05

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

24.07.2017 -1 Kat 020

Illustration: 320-05

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
Tiptronic -99 A86.00
00- A86.05
00- A86.20
Selector switch
1 986 325 612 01 Switch 1
2 986 397 025 00 Pan-head screw 2
M 6 X 15
2 986 397 025 01 Pan-head screw 2
M 6 X 15
3 986 397 024 00 Straight pin 1
M 6 X 14

24.07.2017 -2 Kat 020

Illustration: 330-00

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

24.07.2017 -1 Kat 020

Illustration: 330-00

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
Tiptronic -99 A86.00
00- A86.05
00- A86.20
Torque converter
1 986 316 001 00 Torque converter 1 A86.00
(1) 986 316 001 05 Torque converter 1 A86.05
(1) 996 316 001 01 Torque converter 1 A86.20
2 996 116 075 07 Drive plate 1
3 999 073 091 09 Pan-head screw 8
M 10 X 1 X 25
4 900 067 369 09 Pan-head screw 6
M 8 X 20

24.07.2017 -2 Kat 020

Illustration: 330-01

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

24.07.2017 -1 Kat 020

Illustration: 330-01

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
Tiptronic -99 A86.00
00- A86.05
00- A86.20
Oil pump
1 996 397 010 00 Shaft sealing ring 1
2 986 397 012 00 Washer 1

24.07.2017 -2 Kat 020

Illustration: 340-01

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

24.07.2017 -1 Kat 020

Illustration: 340-01

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
Tiptronic -99 A86.00
00- A86.05
00- A86.20
Oil filter
Oil pan
1 986 321 025 02 Oil pan 1
2 986 397 016 00 Gasket 1
3 943 397 039 00 Pan-head screw 27
M 6 X 20
4 986 397 014 00 Round seal 1
5 986 397 015 00 Screw plug 1
M 30 X 1,5
5 986 397 015 01 Screw plug 1
M 30 X 1,5
6 986 397 013 00 Screw plug 1
M 16 X 1,5
7 943 397 045 00 Pan-head screw 2
M 5 X 12
8 986 307 403 00 Filter 2

24.07.2017 -2 Kat 020

Illustration: 340-02

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

24.07.2017 -1 Kat 020

Illustration: 340-02

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
Tiptronic -99 A86.00
00- A86.05
00- A86.20
Switch unit
Solenoid valve
Pressure regulator
1 986 325 617 00 Switch unit 1
Type label
Transmission case
1060 030 031 A86.00
>> 155 067
1 986 325 617 01 Switch unit 1
Type label
Transmission case
1060 030 053 A86.05/20
<< 155 068
2 986 325 608 00 Inductive transmitter 1
3 986 397 019 00 Pan-head screw 2
M 5 X 40
4 986 325 604 00 Pressure regulator 1
Type label
Transmission case
1060 030 031 -99 A86.00
>> 155 067
4 986 325 604 01 Pressure regulator 1
Type label
Transmission case
1060 030 053 00- A86.05/20
<< 155 068
5 986 325 615 00 Retaining bracket 2
6 986 325 601 00 Solenoid valve 3
7 943 397 045 00 Pan-head screw 5
M 5 X 12
8 986 325 603 00 Pressure regulator 3
9 986 325 611 00 Wiring harness 1
10 986 397 018 01 Clamp 1
11 986 397 017 00 Round seal 2
12 986 397 020 00 Spacer ring 2
13 943 325 111 00 Retaining bracket 1
14 943 397 013 00 Pan-head screw 1
M 6 X 30
15 943 397 005 00 Pan-head screw 16
M 6 X 60

24.07.2017 -2 Kat 020

Illustration: 360-00

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

24.07.2017 -1 Kat 020

Illustration: 360-00

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
Tiptronic -99 A86.00
00- A86.05
00- A86.20
Atf cooler
Atf lines
1 996 307 017 01 Atf cooler 1
2 999 707 388 40 O-ring 2
18,64 X 3,53
3 900 331 034 40 O-ring 2
25,8 X 3,55
4 999 073 116 09 Oval-head screw 1
M 8 X 55
5 986 307 020 00 Port plate 1
6 986 307 076 00 Water line 1
Supply -00
6 986 307 076 21 Water line 1
Supply 01-
7 986 307 143 02 Latch 1
8 999 073 103 09 Oval-head screw 2
M 6 X 16
9 999 073 094 09 Oval-head screw 1
M 8 X 20
10 999 512 552 00 Hose clamp 4
25 X 12
10 999 512 552 01 Hose clamp 4
25 X 12
11 900 181 060 50 Water hose 4
18 X 3,5 X 50
(11) 900 181 062 50 Water hose 2
18 X 3,5 X 60
12 928 574 573 03 Disc valve 1
12 928 574 573 04 Disc valve 1
Use also:
- 986 307 507 00 Cap 1
13 928 574 717 03 Moulded hose 1
- 999 181 742 40 Pipe *
4 X 1
14 650 MM 1
15 999 073 105 09 Round head screw 2
M 8 X 40
16 986 307 075 06 Water line -00 1
16 986 307 075 21 Water line 01- 1
17 986 307 085 04 Oil pipe 1
Return line
18 986 307 082 04 Oil pipe 1
19 996 307 147 00 Support 1
20 999 073 103 09 Oval-head screw 4
M 6 X 16
21 986 307 077 06 Water line -99 1 A86.00
Return line
(21) 986 307 077 21 Water line 00- 1 A86.05
Return line 00- A86.20
22 999 239 040 40 Connecting piece 1
23 996 605 123 01 Change-over valve 1
23 7PP 906 270 Change-over valve 1
24 999 707 387 40 O-ring 2
15 X 2,5
25 999 707 386 40 O-ring 4
12,37 X 2,62
- 999 652 838 40 Plug socket 1

24.07.2017 -2 Kat 020

Illustration: 360-00

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
- 999 652 771 12 Connector 1
- 999 704 161 40 Gasket 2
- 999 181 389 40 Protective tube 1

24.07.2017 -3 Kat 020

Illustration: 370-00

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

24.07.2017 -1 Kat 020

Illustration: 370-00

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
Tiptronic -99 A86.00
00- A86.05
00- A86.20
Transmission suspension
Threaded joint
1 986 375 094 02 Transmission bracket 1
2 986 375 093 02 Transmission bracket 1
2 986 375 093 04 Transmission bracket 1
3 900 378 076 09 Hexagon-head bolt 6
M 10 X 50
3 900 378 076 01 Hexagon-head bolt 6
M 10 X 50
4 900 378 056 02 Hexagon-head bolt 4
M 8 X 60
5 999 084 447 09 Hexagon nut 4
M 8
6 999 072 008 09 Hexagon-head bolt 1
M 12 X 1,5 X 70
6 999 072 008 01 Hexagon-head bolt 1
M 12 X 1,5 X 70
7 999 072 009 09 Hexagon-head bolt 3
M 12 X 1,5 X 90
7 999 072 009 01 Hexagon-head bolt 3
M 12 X 1,5 X 90
8 999 218 088 09 Stud 1
M 10 X 30
9 900 377 011 09 Hexagon nut 1
M 10
9 900 377 011 01 Hexagon nut 1
M 10
10 999 073 118 09 Pan-head screw 1
M 10 X 40
11 N 905 028 02 Washer 1
15 X 28 X 3,5
11 N 905 028 04 Washer 1
15 X 28 X 3,5
12 999 072 010 09 Hexagon-head bolt 1
M 12 X 1,5 X 100
12 999 072 010 01 Hexagon-head bolt 1
M 12 X 1,5 X 100

24.07.2017 -2 Kat 020

Illustration: 401-00

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

24.07.2017 -1 Kat 020

Illustration: 401-00

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
Cross member
1 996 341 081 05 Cross member 1
F >>98WS6 06069
(1) 996 341 081 10 Cross member -01 1
F 98WS6 06070>>
(1) 996 341 081 12 Cross member 02- 1
(1) 996 341 081 14 Cross member 02- 1
2 900 197 004 00 Guide sleeve 1
13 X 14
3 996 341 043 06 Control arm 2
4 900 378 165 09 Hexagon-head bolt 2
M 12 X 1,5 X 95
5 999 084 445 09 Lock nut 2
M 12 X 1,5
6 996 341 053 06 Wishbone 97 2
(6) 996 341 053 07 Wishbone -03 2
(6) 996 341 053 16 Wishbone 04- 2
(6) 996 341 941 00 Wishbone X
Eccentric screw
Eccentric washer
Hexagon nut
M 601
(6) 996 341 941 01 Wishbone X M601
Eccentric screw
Eccentric washer
Hexagon nut
7 900 378 146 09 Hexagon-head bolt 2
M 14 X 1,5 X 110
8 996 341 145 06 Plate 2
9 900 378 094 09 Hexagon-head bolt 4
M 12 X 1,5 X 25
10 900 378 145 09 Hexagon-head bolt 2
M 14 X 1,5 X 45
F >>98WS6 06069
(10) 900 378 192 09 Hexagon-head bolt -01 2
M 14 X 1,5 X 50
F 98WS6 06070>>
(10) 900 378 192 01 Hexagon-head bolt 2
M 14 X 1,5 X 50
F 98WS6 06070>>
11 900 378 135 09 Hexagon-head bolt 2
M 14 X 1,5 X 73 2
11 900 378 135 01 Hexagon-head bolt 2
M 14 X 1,5 X 73 2
12 900 380 012 09 Hexagon nut 2
M 14 X 1,5
12 900 380 012 01 Hexagon nut 2
M 14 X 1,5
13 996 341 483 01 Spoiler /L 1
(13) 996 341 484 01 Spoiler /R 1
14 996 504 433 00 Strut 2
15 996 341 511 01 Support 99 1 M601
15 996 341 511 02 Support 00- 1 M601
16 N 014 129 12 Oval-head screw 99- 2 M601

24.07.2017 -2 Kat 020

Illustration: 401-00

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
M 5 X 10
17 900 378 177 09 Hexagon-head bolt 99- 1 M601
M 6 X 30
18 996 631 121 00 Sensor 99- 1 M601
19 900 380 015 09 Hexagon nut 99- 2 M601
VM 6
19 900 380 015 01 Hexagon nut 99- 2 M601
VM 6
20 996 341 375 01 Strut 99- 1 M601
21 996 341 371 03 Support 99- 1 M601
22 999 084 449 09 Lock nut 2
M 12 X 1,5

24.07.2017 -3 Kat 020

Illustration: 401-05

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

24.07.2017 -1 Kat 020

Illustration: 401-05

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
Wheel carrier
Wheel hub
1 996 341 157 09 Wheel carrier /L 1
(1) 996 341 157 11 Wheel carrier /L 1
(1) 996 341 957 11 Wheel carrier /L -00 1
(1) 996 341 957 12 Wheel carrier /L 1
(1) 996 341 158 09 Wheel carrier /R 1
(1) 996 341 158 11 Wheel carrier /R 1
(1) 996 341 958 11 Wheel carrier /R -00 1
(1) 996 341 958 12 Wheel carrier /R 1
2 999 053 043 02 Angular-contact bearing 2
(2) 999 053 041 02 Angular-contact bearing -00 2
(2) 999 053 041 03 Angular-contact bearing 01- 2
3 996 606 406 00 Speed sensor -01 2
(3) Speed sensor 01 2 M476
(3) 996 606 407 02 Speed sensor 02- 2
(3) 996 606 406 00 Speed sensor 02- 2 M476
- 964 094 400 99 Spacer X
See technical information
Group 4
- 999 507 464 40 Support 2
4 900 067 117 09 Pan-head screw 2
M 6 X 16
5 996 341 131 01 Tension bolt 2
6 999 084 634 09 Hexagon nut 2
M 22 X 1,5
(6) 999 084 634 02 Lock nut 2
m 22 x 1,5
7 964 341 661 01 Lid 2
8 999 217 042 09 Hexagon-head bolt 8
M 8 X 35
9 996 341 605 54 Wheel hub 2
10 997 361 605 90 Spacer ring 01- 2 IXRP
(10) Spacer ring 04 2 M091
5 MM
See technical information
Group 4

24.07.2017 -2 Kat 020

Illustration: 402-00

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

24.07.2017 -1 Kat 020

Illustration: 402-00

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
Shock absorber strut
1 986 343 041 02 Shock absorber -99 2
- bilstein -
(1) 986 343 041 04 Shock absorber -99 2
- bilstein -
(1) 986 343 041 20 Shock absorber 00- 2
- bilstein -
(1) 986 343 041 12 Shock absorber -99 2 M030
- bilstein -
(1) 986 343 041 16 Shock absorber -99 2 M030
- bilstein -
(1) 986 343 041 30 Shock absorber 00- 2 M030
- bilstein -
(1) 986 343 041 34 Shock absorber 00- 2 M030
- bilstein -
Shock absorber
- 900 378 138 09 Hexagon-head bolt 2
M 12 X 1,5 X 70
- 900 378 138 01 Hexagon-head bolt 2
M 12 X 1,5 X 70
- 999 084 445 09 Lock nut 2
M 12 X 1,5
2 996 343 513 00 Washer 2
3 996 343 018 04 Supporting mount -03 2
(3) 997 343 018 00 Supporting mount 04- 2
(3) 997 343 018 01 Supporting mount 04- 2
- 999 084 447 09 Hexagon nut 6
M 8
- 999 084 447 01 Hexagon nut 6
M 8
- 999 703 457 40 Lid 2
4 996 343 517 01 Support ring 2
5 996 343 511 00 Compensating plate X
3,0 MM
(5) 996 343 511 01 Compensating plate X
6,5 MM
6 996 343 107 02 Stop plate -99 4
(6) 996 343 107 03 Stop plate 00- 4
7 986 343 531 01 Coil spring -02 1
1 set
986 343 531 01 504 Identification
(7) 986 343 531 05 Coil spring 03- 1
1 set
986 343 531 05 504 Identification
(7) 986 343 531 11 Coil spring -02 1 M030
1 set
986 343 531 11 504 Identification
(7) 986 343 531 15 Coil spring 03- 1 M030
1 set
986 343 531 15 504 Identification
8 996 343 505 00 Bellows 2
9 996 343 301 02 Additional spring 2
10 900 380 012 09 Hexagon nut 2

24.07.2017 -2 Kat 020

Illustration: 402-00

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
M 14 X 1,5
10 900 380 012 01 Hexagon nut 2
M 14 X 1,5
11 996 343 515 03 Deep-groove ball bearing 97 2
with housing
(11) 996 343 515 04 Deep-groove ball bearing 98- 2
with housing
(11) 996 343 515 05 Deep-groove ball bearing 00- 2
with housing

24.07.2017 -3 Kat 020

Illustration: 402-05

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

24.07.2017 -1 Kat 020

Illustration: 402-05

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
1 996 343 701 09 Stabiliser -99 1
(1) 996 343 701 04 Stabiliser -99 1 M030
(1) 996 343 701 21 Stabiliser -99 1 M030
(1) 996 343 701 09 Stabiliser 00- 1
(1) 996 343 701 04 Stabiliser 00- 1 M008
00- 1 M030
(1) 996 343 701 21 Stabiliser 00- 1 M008
00- M030
(1) 996 343 701 10 Stabiliser 00- 1 M008/030
(1) 996 343 701 23 Stabiliser 00- 1 M008/030
2 996 343 792 14 Stabiliser mounting -99 2
(2) 996 343 792 12 Stabiliser mounting -99 2 M030
(2) 996 343 792 14 Stabiliser mounting 00- 2
(2) 996 343 792 12 Stabiliser mounting 00- 2 M008
00- 2 M030
(2) 996 343 792 17 Stabiliser mounting 00- 2 M008/030
3 996 343 777 01 Clip 2
4 900 378 070 09 Hexagon-head bolt 4
M 10 X 30
5 996 343 069 02 Stabiliser mounting /L -99 1
(5) 996 343 069 03 Stabiliser mounting /L 00- 1
(5) 996 343 069 04 Stabiliser mounting /L 00- 1
(5) 996 343 070 02 Stabiliser mounting /R -99 1
(5) 996 343 070 03 Stabiliser mounting /R 00- 1
(5) 996 343 070 04 Stabiliser mounting /R 00- 1
7 999 084 445 09 Lock nut 2
M 12 X 1,5
8 999 084 643 09 Hexagon nut 2

24.07.2017 -2 Kat 020

Illustration: 403-00

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

24.07.2017 -1 Kat 020

Illustration: 403-00

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
Power steering
Steering gear
Steering parts
1 996 347 011 04 Steering gear /LL 97 1
Power steering
(1) 996 347 012 04 Steering gear /RL 97 1
Power steering
(1) 996 347 011 05 Steering gear /LL 98- 1
Power steering
(1) 996 347 011 06 Steering gear /LL 98- 1
Power steering
(1) 996 347 011 07 Steering gear /LL 1
Power steering
(1) 996 347 011 10 Steering gear /LL 1
Power steering
(1) 996 347 012 05 Steering gear /RL -98 1
Power steering
(1) 996 347 012 07 Steering gear /RL 00 1
Power steering
(1) 996 347 012 08 Steering gear /RL 1
Power steering
(1) 996 347 012 10 Steering gear /RL 1
Power steering
- 996 347 110 01 Clip -03 1
Steering gear
- 996 347 110 02 Clip 04- 1
Steering gear
2 996 347 191 02 Bellows 2
Steering gear
(2) 996 347 191 04 Bellows 2
Steering gear
3 996 347 293 03 Clamping ring 2
Steering gear
(3) 996 347 293 04 Clamping ring 2
Steering gear
4 996 347 373 00 Sealing ring 2
(4) 997 347 373 00 Sealing ring 2
Steering gear
(4) Sealing ring 2

24.07.2017 -2 Kat 020

Illustration: 403-00

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
Steering gear
5 999 512 645 09 Hose clamp 2
6 996 347 322 03 Joint 2
7 900 034 024 07 Hexagon nut 2
M 14 X 1,5
7 900 034 024 01 Hexagon nut 2
M 14 X 1,5
8 996 347 131 03 Track rod 2
9 See illustrations
10 900 378 100 01 Hexagon-head bolt 2
AM 10 X 45
11 999 084 449 09 Lock nut 2
M 12 X 1,5

24.07.2017 -3 Kat 020

Illustration: 403-01

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

24.07.2017 -1 Kat 020

Illustration: 403-01

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
Power steering
1 996 347 451 08 Pressure line /LL -01 1
(1) 996 347 451 11 Pressure line /LL -01 1
(1) 996 347 451 09 Pressure line /LL 02 1
(1) 996 347 451 10 Pressure line /LL 03- 1
(1) 996 347 452 03 Pressure line /RL 97 1
(1) 996 347 452 04 Pressure line /RL 98- 1
(1) 996 347 452 07 Pressure line /RL 02 1
(1) 996 347 452 08 Pressure line /RL 03- 1
2 996 347 449 06 Return line /LL -01 1
(2) 996 347 449 09 Return line /LL 02- 1
(2) 996 347 450 02 Return line /RL 97 1
(2) 996 347 450 03 Return line /RL 98- 1
(2) 996 347 450 08 Return line /RL 98- 1
(2) 996 347 450 12 Return line /RL 98- 1
(2) 996 347 450 06 Return line /RL 02- 1
3 996 347 543 00 Cable holder X
4 996 355 543 00 Support 1
- 996 347 674 00 Support /RL 1
Pressure line
Return line
5 986 347 441 07 Return line -98 1
(5) 986 347 441 08 Return line 99- 1
(5) 986 347 441 09 Return line 99- 1
6 999 512 639 09 Spring clamp 1
7 986 347 439 03 Return line -99 1
(7) 986 347 439 04 Return line -02 1
(7) 986 347 439 05 Return line 03- 1
(7) 986 347 439 06 Return line 03- 1
(7) 986 347 439 07 Return line 03- 1
8 996 355 543 00 Support 1
- 999 230 578 40 Circlip 04- 1
Threaded joint
Return line
9 986 347 443 09 Pressure line -98 1
(9) 986 347 443 10 Pressure line 99 1
(9) 986 347 443 12 Pressure line 00- 1
(9) 986 347 443 13 Pressure line 00- 1
(9) 986 347 443 15 Pressure line 03- 1
- 986 347 777 00 Bracket 1
Pressure line
- 999 707 355 40 Sealing ring 1
7,65 X 1,65
Pressure line
- 999 707 503 40 Sealing ring 1
7,80 X 1,70
Pressure line
- 999 507 610 09 Support 99- 1
Return line
Pressure line
10 996 347 769 01 Tension shackle 1
11 900 067 063 02 Pan-head screw 1
M 10 X 20
12 986 347 759 01 Support 1
13 986 347 739 03 Support -02 1
(13) 986 347 739 04 Support 03- 1

24.07.2017 -2 Kat 020

Illustration: 403-01

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
14 986 347 749 02 Support -02 1
(14) 986 347 749 04 Support 03- 1
Pressure line
Return line
Power steering
- 996 347 671 01 Support /RL 1
- 996 347 672 01 Support /RL 1
15 999 230 539 10 Threaded joint 1
(15) 999 230 552 10 Threaded joint 1
16 999 230 540 10 Threaded joint 1
(16) 999 230 551 10 Threaded joint 1
- 999 230 685 40 Circlip 1
Threaded joint
17 999 230 543 40 Repair kit 1
18 999 230 542 40 O-ring 1

24.07.2017 -3 Kat 020

Illustration: 403-03

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

24.07.2017 -1 Kat 020

Illustration: 403-03

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
Power steering
Power-steering pump
1 986 314 225 01 Expansion tank 1
2 986 314 545 00 Breather hose 1
3 999 512 527 00 Clamp 1
4 999 707 362 40 Sealing ring 1
5 999 707 363 40 Sealing ring 1
6 999 701 154 40 Sealing ring 2
7 986 314 223 00 Lid 1
8 996 314 220 03 Oil tank -02 1
(8) 997 314 220 00 Oil tank 1
9 996 314 050 02 Power-steering pump 1
10 996 314 320 03 Straight pin 2
11 996 314 431 05 Bracket 1
12 900 378 105 09 Hexagon-head bolt 2
AM 8 X 70
13 996 147 223 60 Pulley -99 1 M249
-99 1 M480/574
(13) 996 147 223 53 Pulley -99 1 M480/573
(13) 996 147 223 60 Pulley 00- 1
14 900 378 123 09 Hexagon-head bolt 3
M 8 X 12
15 999 707 204 40 Sealing ring 1
12.5 X 2N
16 986 426 287 02 Support 1 M249
F >>98WS6 02046
- 000 043 203 33 Pentosin X
1000 ML
- 000 043 206 56 Pentosin X
1000 ML

24.07.2017 -2 Kat 020

Illustration: 403-05

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

24.07.2017 -1 Kat 020

Illustration: 403-05

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
Steering outer tube
Steering shaft
Steering wheels
1 993 347 804 55 Steering wheel 1 M481

993 347 804 55 8YR Black

993 347 804 55 A28 Black

(1) 993 347 804 56 Steering wheel 98-01 1 M481
993 347 804 56 8YR Black -00
993 347 804 56 A28 Black 01
(1) 993 347 804 63 Steering wheel 1 M249

993 347 804 63 8YR Black

993 347 804 63 A28 Black

(1) 993 347 804 64 Steering wheel 98-01 1 M249
993 347 804 64 8YR Black -00
993 347 804 64 A28 Black 01
Steering wheel
Steering shaft
- N 012 238 1 Spring washer 1
B 16
- 900 078 006 01 Hexagon nut 1
M 16 X 1,5
2 999 073 134 02 Pan-head screw 2
M 6 X 9,1
3 993 347 088 01 Retaining frame 1
4 999 073 127 02 Hexagon-head bolt 2
M 5 X 20
5 993 347 831 00 Switch 1 M249
without 98- 1 M432
6 993 347 835 00 Lever /L 1 M249
/L 98- 1 M432
993 347 835 00 01C Black
(6) 993 347 836 00 Lever /R 1 M249
/R 98- 1 M432
993 347 836 00 01C Black
7 900 146 016 02 Oval-head screw 4 M249
4 M432
M 3 X 6
8 996 347 007 01 Steering column 97 1
Steering shaft
(8) 996 347 007 04 Steering column -99 1
Steering shaft
(8) 996 347 007 05 Steering column 00- 1
Steering shaft
(8) 996 347 007 09 Steering column 00- 1
Steering shaft
(8) 996 347 007 02 Steering column 01- 1 M476
Steering shaft

24.07.2017 -2 Kat 020

Illustration: 403-05

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
(8) 996 347 007 06 Steering column 01- 1 M476
Steering shaft
See technical manual
Group 4
(8) 996 347 007 07 Steering column 03- 1 M476
Steering shaft
(8) 996 347 007 08 Steering column 03- 1 M476
Steering shaft
9 986 347 025 00 Universal joint 1
10 999 217 042 09 Hexagon-head bolt 1
M 8 X 35
11 986 347 037 00 Bellows -99 1
(11) 986 347 037 01 Bellows 00- 1
Information available 00-
12 996 347 339 02 Rubber seal 1
13 900 380 008 09 Lock nut 1
M 10
13 900 380 008 01 Hexagon nut 1
M 10
14 900 378 095 09 Hexagon-head bolt 1
M 10 X 100
15 900 378 157 09 Hexagon-head bolt 1
AM 6 X 25
16 999 076 055 09 Hexagon nut 1
M 8
17 996 347 243 01 Strut 1
18 900 378 055 09 Hexagon-head bolt 1
AM 8 X 40
19 900 377 002 02 Hexagon nut 1
M 6
20 996 347 017 03 Steering lock 1
(20) 996 347 017 04 Steering lock 1
(20) 996 347 017 05 Steering lock housing 1
(20) 996 347 017 06 Steering lock -03 1
(20) 996 347 017 07 Steering lock 04- 1
See technical information
Group 2
21 996 347 917 00 Lock cylinder -01 1
with stipulated lock number
(21) 996 347 917 01 Lock cylinder 02- 1
with stipulated lock number
(21) 996 347 915 00 Lock cylinder -01 1
W/o stipulated lock number
(21) 996 347 915 01 Lock cylinder 02- 1
W/o stipulated lock number
(21) 996 347 915 02 Lock cylinder 1
W/o stipulated lock number
22 4A0 905 849 Ignition starter switch 1
(22) 4A0 905 849 B Ignition starter switch -03 1
(22) 4B0 905 849 Ignition starter switch 04- 1
See technical information
Group 2
23 996 617 121 00 Support /RL -99 1
24 996 617 021 03 Control unit 97 1

24.07.2017 -3 Kat 020

Illustration: 403-05

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
Cruise control
(24) 996 617 021 04 Control unit 98- 1
Cruise control
25 996 347 901 00 Slotted screw 2
26 996 347 804 52 Steering wheel 98- 1 M436
996 347 804 52 8YR Black
996 347 804 52 B50 Space grey
996 347 804 52 C50 Graphite grey
996 347 804 52 G10 Metropole blue
996 347 804 52 S30 Savanna
(26) 996 347 804 53 Steering wheel 99 1 M436
996 347 804 53 8YR Black
996 347 804 53 B50 Space grey
996 347 804 53 C50 Graphite grey
996 347 804 53 G10 Metropole blue
996 347 804 53 S30 Savanna
(26) 996 347 804 54 Steering wheel 00- 1 M436
996 347 804 54 A08 Black -00
996 347 804 54 A28 Black 01-
996 347 804 54 B50 Space grey
996 347 804 54 C56 Graphite grey -00
996 347 804 54 C60 Graphite grey 01-
996 347 804 54 G16 Metropole blue -00
996 347 804 54 G30 Metropole blue 01-
996 347 804 54 S36 Savanna -00
996 347 804 54 S40 Savanna 01-
996 347 804 54 J40 Nephrite green 03
996 347 804 54 M40 Boxster red 03-
996 347 804 54 P20 Cinnamon brown 03-
996 347 804 54 D11 Dark grey/natural 03-
996 347 804 54 T11 Brown/natural 03-
(26) 996 347 804 57 Steering wheel 04 1 M091/436
996 347 804 57 EWE Cocoa
996 347 804 57 VTB Dark grey/natural
(26) 996 347 983 28 3-spoke steering wheel 03- 1 IXPG
996 347 983 28 A28 Black
996 347 983 28 C60 Graphite grey
996 347 983 28 S40 Savanna
996 347 983 28 G30 Metropole blue
996 347 983 28 J40 Nephrite green 03
996 347 983 28 M40 Boxster red
996 347 983 28 P20 Cinnamon brown
996 347 983 28 D11 Dark grey/natural
996 347 983 28 T11 Brown/natural
(26) 996 347 804 62 Steering wheel 98- 1 M436
996 347 804 62 8YR Black
996 347 804 62 B50 Space grey
996 347 804 62 C50 Graphite grey
996 347 804 62 G10 Metropole blue
996 347 804 62 S30 Savanna
(26) 996 347 804 63 Steering wheel 99 1 M436
996 347 804 63 8YR Black
996 347 804 63 B50 Space grey
996 347 804 63 C50 Graphite grey
996 347 804 63 G10 Metropole blue
996 347 804 63 S30 Savanna
(26) 996 347 804 64 Steering wheel 00- 1 M436
996 347 804 64 A08 Black -00
996 347 804 64 A28 Black 01-
996 347 804 64 B50 Space grey

24.07.2017 -4 Kat 020

Illustration: 403-05

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
996 347 804 64 C56 Graphite grey -00
996 347 804 64 C60 Graphite grey 01-
996 347 804 64 G16 Metropole blue -00
996 347 804 64 G30 Metropole blue 01-
996 347 804 64 S36 Savanna -00
996 347 804 64 S40 Savanna 01-
996 347 804 64 J40 Nephrite green 03
996 347 804 64 M40 Boxster red 03-
996 347 804 64 P20 Cinnamon brown 03-
996 347 804 64 D11 Dark grey/natural 03-
996 347 804 64 T11 Brown/natural 03-
(26) 996 347 804 67 Steering wheel 04 1 M091
996 347 804 67 EWE Cocoa
996 347 804 67 VTB Dark grey/natural
(26) 996 347 983 29 3-spoke steering wheel 03- 1 IXPG/M432
996 347 983 29 A28 Black
996 347 983 29 C60 Graphite grey
996 347 983 29 S40 Savanna
996 347 983 29 G30 Metropole blue
996 347 983 29 J40 Nephrite green 03
996 347 983 29 M40 Boxster red
996 347 983 29 P20 Cinnamon brown
996 347 983 29 D11 Dark grey/natural
996 347 983 29 T11 Brown/natural
- 996 347 831 00 Switch 98- 1 M436
without 1 M432
- 996 347 835 00 Lever 98- 1 M436
996 347 835 00 01C Black
- 996 347 836 00 Lever 98- 1 M436
996 347 836 00 01C Black
Steering wheel
Steering shaft
- N 012 238 1 Spring washer 1
B 16
- 900 078 006 01 Hexagon nut 1
M 16 X 1,5
27 996 347 880 00 Retaining frame 98- 1 M436
(27) 996 347 880 01 Retaining frame 99 1
(27) 996 347 880 02 Retaining frame 00- 1
28 999 073 184 02 Round head screw 98- 2 M436
M 5 X 18,7
29 999 521 079 02 Compression spring 98- 2 M436
30 999 073 183 02 Pan-head screw 98- 2 M436
M 6 X 10,5
33 996 606 109 02 Steering-angle sensor -02 1 M476
See technical manual
Group 4
(33) 996 606 119 00 Steering-angle sensor 03- 1 M476
- 996 610 123 00 Cable guide -02 1 M476
Steering-angle sensor
- 996 610 123 01 Cable guide 03- 1 M476
Steering-angle sensor
34 996 347 705 00 Adapter 01- 1 M476
35 999 217 042 09 Hexagon-head bolt 01- 1 M476
36 996 347 023 00 Steering shaft 01- 1 M476
36 996 347 023 01 Steering shaft 01- 1 M476

24.07.2017 -5 Kat 020

Illustration: 403-06

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

24.07.2017 -1 Kat 020

Illustration: 403-06

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
1 996 803 089 01 Airbag unit 1
Four-spoke steering wheel
Plastic material
996 803 089 01 1DB Black
(1) 996 803 089 03 Airbag unit 1
Four-spoke steering wheel
Plastic material
996 803 089 03 8YR Black -00
996 803 089 03 A28 Black 01-
(1) 996 803 089 10 Airbag unit 1
Four-spoke steering wheel
Plastic material
996 803 089 10 8YR Black -00
(1) 996 803 089 02 Airbag unit -99 1 M436
3-spoke steering wheel
Plastic material
996 803 089 02 8YR Black
(1) 996 803 089 07 Airbag unit -99 1 M436
3-spoke steering wheel
Plastic material
996 803 089 07 A28 Black
(1) 996 803 089 04 Airbag unit 00 1 M436
3-spoke steering wheel
Plastic material
996 803 089 04 A08 Black
(1) 996 803 089 08 Airbag unit 00 1 M436
3-spoke steering wheel
Plastic material
996 803 089 08 A08 Black
(1) 996 803 089 02 Airbag unit 01-02 1 M436
3-spoke steering wheel
Plastic material
996 803 089 02 A28 Black
(1) 996 803 089 07 Airbag unit 01-02 1 M436
3-spoke steering wheel
Plastic material
996 803 089 07 A28 Black
(1) 996 803 089 02 Airbag unit 03- 1 M436
3-spoke steering wheel
Plastic material
996 803 089 02 A28 Black
996 803 089 02 C60 Graphite grey
996 803 089 02 S40 Savanna
996 803 089 02 G30 Metropole blue
996 803 089 02 J40 Nephrite green 03
996 803 089 02 M40 Boxster red
996 803 089 02 P20 Cinnamon brown
996 803 089 02 D11 Dark grey/natural
996 803 089 02 T11 Brown/natural
(1) 996 803 089 07 Airbag unit 03- 1 M436
3-spoke steering wheel
Plastic material
996 803 089 07 A28 Black
996 803 089 07 C60 Graphite grey
996 803 089 07 S40 Savanna
996 803 089 07 G30 Metropole blue
996 803 089 07 J40 Nephrite green 03
996 803 089 07 M40 Boxster red
996 803 089 07 P20 Cinnamon brown
996 803 089 07 D11 Dark grey/natural
996 803 089 07 T11 Brown/natural
(1) 996 803 089 07 Airbag unit 03- 1 M436

24.07.2017 -2 Kat 020

Illustration: 403-06

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
3-spoke steering wheel
Plastic material
996 803 089 07 J40 Nephrite green
996 803 089 07 G30 Metropole blue
(1) 996 803 089 05 Airbag unit 17 M091
3-spoke steering wheel
996 803 089 05 9Q3 Cocoa
996 803 089 05 D11 Dark grey/natural
(1) 996 803 089 09 Airbag unit 17 M091
3-spoke steering wheel
996 803 089 09 9Q3 Cocoa
996 803 089 09 D11 Dark grey/natural
(1) 996 803 980 02 Airbag unit 1 XNT
Four-spoke steering wheel X26/X77
Leather 00-01 X30
996 803 980 02 8YR Black
996 803 980 02 A28 Black
996 803 980 02 C50 Graphite grey
996 803 980 02 C60 Graphite grey
996 803 980 02 S30 Savanna
996 803 980 02 S40 Savanna
996 803 980 02 G10 Metropole blue
996 803 980 02 G30 Metropole blue
996 803 980 02 J30 Nephrite green
996 803 980 02 J40 Nephrite green
996 803 980 02 M30 Boxster red
996 803 980 02 M40 Boxster red
996 803 980 02 P20 Cinnamon brown
996 803 980 02 D11 Dark grey/natural
996 803 980 02 T11 Brown/natural
(1) 996 803 980 01 Airbag unit 98-99 1 IXPA/XPD
3-spoke steering wheel XPE
996 803 980 01 8YR Black
996 803 980 01 C50 Graphite grey
996 803 980 01 S30 Savanna
996 803 980 01 G10 Metropole blue
996 803 980 01 J30 Nephrite green
996 803 980 01 M30 Boxster red
(1) 996 803 980 03 Airbag unit 00 1 IXPA/XPD
3-spoke steering wheel IXPC
996 803 980 03 8YR Black
996 803 980 03 C50 Graphite grey
996 803 980 03 S30 Savanna
996 803 980 03 G10 Metropole blue
996 803 980 03 J30 Nephrite green
996 803 980 03 M30 Boxster red
996 803 980 03 D11 Dark grey/natural
996 803 980 03 T11 Brown/natural
(1) 996 803 980 01 Airbag unit 01- 1 IXPA/XPD
3-spoke steering wheel IXPC
Leather 03- IXPG
996 803 980 01 A28 Black
996 803 980 01 C60 Graphite grey

24.07.2017 -3 Kat 020

Illustration: 403-06

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
996 803 980 01 S40 Savanna
996 803 980 01 G30 Metropole blue
996 803 980 01 J40 Nephrite green -03
996 803 980 01 M40 Boxster red
996 803 980 01 P20 Cinnamon brown
996 803 980 01 D11 Dark grey/natural
996 803 980 01 T11 Brown/natural
2 996 803 071 04 Airbag unit 97 1
(2) 996 803 071 05 Airbag unit 97 1
(2) 996 803 071 06 Airbag unit 98- 1
(2) 996 803 071 07 Airbag unit -03 1
See technical information
GR.6 NR.1/03
(2) 996 803 071 08 Airbag unit 03- 1
See technical information
GR.6 NR.1/03
- 996 803 091 00 Airbag unit /L 98- 1 M563
- 996 803 092 00 Airbag unit /R 98- 1 M563
- 900 378 222 09 Hexagon-head bolt 8 M563
M 6 X 16
3 996 652 211 00 Support for contact 1 M481
1 M480
(3) 996 652 213 00 Support for contact 1 M249
4 900 378 137 09 Hexagon-head bolt 2
AM 8 X 95
5 996 803 611 00 Hinge pin 1
6 996 803 173 00 Lid 97 1
996 803 173 00 A10 Black
996 803 173 00 C50 Graphite grey
996 803 173 00 S30 Savanna
(6) 996 803 973 00 Lid 97 1
996 803 973 00 A10 Black
996 803 973 00 C50 Graphite grey
996 803 973 00 S30 Savanna
(6) 986 803 973 00 Lid 97 1
986 803 973 00 A10 Black
986 803 973 00 C50 Graphite grey
986 803 973 00 S30 Savanna
(6) 996 803 173 04 Lid 98- 1
996 803 173 04 A18 Black -99
996 803 173 04 C18 Graphite grey -99
996 803 173 04 S18 Savanna -99
996 803 173 04 G18 Metropole blue -99
996 803 173 04 S32 Savanna 00-
996 803 173 04 G12 Metropole blue 00-
996 803 173 04 A12 Black 00-
996 803 173 04 C52 Graphite grey 00-
996 803 173 04 J32 Nephrite green 01-03
(6) 996 803 173 01 Lid 97 1
996 803 173 01 A11 Black
996 803 173 01 C51 Graphite grey
996 803 173 01 S31 Savanna
996 803 173 01 J31 Nephrite green
996 803 173 01 M31 Boxster red
(6) 996 803 173 05 Lid 98- 1
996 803 173 05 A11 Black
996 803 173 05 C51 Graphite grey
996 803 173 05 G11 Metropole blue
996 803 173 05 J31 Nephrite green -03

24.07.2017 -4 Kat 020

Illustration: 403-06

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
996 803 173 05 M31
Boxster red
996 803 173 05 S31
996 803 173 05 A11
Black 99-
996 803 173 05 C51
Graphite grey 99-
996 803 173 05 S31
Savanna 99-
996 803 173 05 G11
Metropole blue 99-
996 803 173 05 J31
Nephrite green 99-03
996 803 173 05 M31
Boxster red 99-
996 803 173 05 A11
Black 00-
996 803 173 05 D12
Dark grey/natural 00-
996 803 173 05 T12
Brown/natural 00-
996 803 173 05 P12
Cinnamon brown 01-
(6) 996 803 173 05
Lid 04 1 M091
996 803 173 05
9V6 Cocoa
996 803 173 05
T12 Brown/natural
7 996 618 217 01
Switch unit 97 1
- 944 618 401 00
Nut 97 2
M 6
- 900 377 010 09 Hexagon nut 97 1
M 6
7 996 618 217 01 Switch unit 98- 1 M562
- 900 377 010 09 Hexagon nut 98- 1 M562
M 6
- 999 084 635 02 Shear-off nut 98- 2 M562
M 6
(7) 996 618 219 00 Control unit 1 M562/563
(7) 996 618 219 02 Switch unit 1 M562/563
- 900 377 010 09 Hexagon nut 98- 1 M562/563
M 6
- 996 618 221 00 Sensor 98- 2 M563
- 996 618 221 01 Sensor 02- 2 M563
- 999 073 152 09 Oval-head screw 98- 4 M563
M 6 X 18
8 900 146 024 07 Oval-head screw 2
M 5 X 8

24.07.2017 -5 Kat 020

Illustration: 501-00

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

24.07.2017 -1 Kat 020

Illustration: 501-00

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
Rear axle
Wheel carrier
Control arm
Wheel hub
1 996 341 158 09 Wheel carrier /L 1
F >>98XS6 01524
(1) 996 341 158 10 Wheel carrier /L -00 1
F 98XS6 01525>>
Use also:
(1) 996 341 958 12 Wheel carrier /L 1
(1) 986 331 157 20 Wheel carrier /L 00- 1 M008
(1) 996 341 157 09 Wheel carrier /R 1
F >>98XS6 01524
(1) 996 341 157 10 Wheel carrier /R -00 1
F 98XS6 01525>>
Use also:
(1) 996 341 957 12 Wheel carrier /R 1
(1) 986 331 158 20 Wheel carrier /R 00- 1 M008
2 999 053 041 02 Angular-contact bearing -00 2
(2) 999 053 041 03 Angular-contact bearing 01- 2
(2) 999 053 042 07 Angular-contact bearing -01 2 M008
(2) 999 053 054 05 Angular-contact bearing 02- 2 M008
3 964 341 661 01 Lid 2
(3) 986 331 661 20 Lid 00- 2 M008
4 999 217 042 09 Hexagon-head bolt 8
M 8 X 35
5 996 606 406 00 Speed sensor -01 2
(5) Speed sensor 01 2 M476
(5) 996 606 407 02 Speed sensor 02- 2
(5) 996 606 406 00 Speed sensor 02- 2 M476
- 964 094 400 99 Spacer X
Speed sensor
See technical information
Group 4
6 900 067 117 09 Pan-head screw 2
M 6 X 16
7 996 341 605 54 Wheel hub 2
7 986 331 605 20 Wheel hub 00- 2 M008
8 986 331 043 04 Control arm -01 2
(8) 986 331 043 05 Control arm 02 2
(8) 986 331 043 06 Control arm 03- 2
(8) 986 331 043 07 Control arm 04 2
9 996 341 053 05 Wishbone 2
(9) 996 341 053 06 Wishbone 97 2
(9) 996 341 053 07 Wishbone -03 2
(9) 996 341 053 16 Wishbone 04- 2
10 900 378 135 09 Hexagon-head bolt 2
M 14 X 1,5 X 75
10 900 378 135 01 Hexagon-head bolt 2
M 14 X 1,5 X 75
11 900 380 012 09 Hexagon nut 2
M 14 X 1,5
11 900 380 012 01 Hexagon nut 2
M 14 X 1,5
12 996 331 217 03 Eccentric screw 2
M 12 X 100
F >>98XS6 01535
(12) 996 331 217 04 Eccentric screw 2
M 12 X 105

24.07.2017 -2 Kat 020

Illustration: 501-00

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
F 98XS6 01536>>
13 996 331 219 00 Eccentric washer 2
14 999 084 445 09 Lock nut 4
M 12 X 1,5
15 999 084 449 09 Lock nut 2
M 12 X 1,5
16 900 378 160 09 Hexagon-head bolt 2
M 14 X 1,5 X 90
(16) 900 378 199 09 Hexagon-head bolt 2
M 14 X 1,5 X 90
- 986 331 023 00 Nut lock 2
17 996 331 045 06 Track rod 2
F >>98WS6 01168
(17) 996 331 045 07 Track rod 2
(17) 996 331 045 08 Track rod 2
F 98WS6 01169>>
(17) 996 331 045 12 Track rod 00- 2
(17) Track rod 00- 2 M008
18 996 331 217 02 Eccentric screw 2
M 12 X 83
19 996 331 219 00 Eccentric washer 2
20 999 084 445 09 Lock nut 2
M 12 X 1,5
21 999 084 449 09 Lock nut 2
M 12 X 1,5
22 996 361 617 00 Spacer ring 01- 2 IXRN
17 MM
Wheel bolt
(22) 997 361 605 90 Spacer ring 01- 2 IXRP
(22) 996 361 605 90 Spacer ring 04 2 M091
5 MM
See technical information
Group 4

24.07.2017 -3 Kat 020

Illustration: 501-01

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

24.07.2017 -1 Kat 020

Illustration: 501-01

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
Rear axle
Side section
1 986 331 080 03 Strut 97 2
(1) 986 331 031 00 Strut /L 98- 1
(1) 986 331 032 00 Strut /R 98- 1
2 986 331 071 07 Cross member 1
(2) 986 331 071 09 Cross member -03 1
(2) 986 331 071 10 Cross member 04- 1
- 999 072 024 09 Hexagon-head bolt 2
M 10 X 25
- 999 072 024 01 Hexagon-head bolt 2
M 10 X 25
Cross member
3 986 331 051 06 Side section /L 1
F >>98XS6 01535
(3) 986 331 051 08 Side section /L 1
F 98XS6 01536>>
Use also:
999.072.037.09 1
996.331.217.04 1
(3) 986 331 052 06 Side section /R 1
F >>98XS6 01535
(3) 986 331 052 08 Side section /R 1
F 98XS6 01536>>
Use also:
999.072.037.09 1
996.331.217.04 1
4 986 331 351 01 Clip 2
4A 986 331 351 03 Clip 4
5 999 080 031 09 Fastening screw 8
5 999 080 031 01 Fastening screw 8
6 986 331 161 00 Bracket 97 1
(6) 986 331 161 03 Bracket -99 1
(6) 986 331 161 04 Bracket 00- 1 M249
(6) 986 331 163 00 Bracket 00- 1 M480
00- M481
- 986 331 361 02 Spoiler -00 2
- 986 331 361 03 Spoiler 01- 2
- 999 507 774 40 Push button 01- 2
A 3,9
- 999 507 775 40 Push button 01- 2
B 3,9
7 986 331 093 03 Strut 1 M249
(7) Strut 1 M481
F >>98VS6 06499
(7) 986 331 093 04 Strut 1 M481
F 98VS6 06500>>
- 999 072 032 09 Hexagon-head bolt 2
M 10 X 75
Threaded joint
- 999 072 032 01 Hexagon-head bolt 2
M 10 X 75
Threaded joint
8 999 076 053 09 Hexagon nut 14
M 10
9 999 072 023 09 Hexagon-head bolt 4
M 10 X 45

24.07.2017 -2 Kat 020

Illustration: 501-01

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
F >>98XS6 01535
(9) 999 072 037 09 Hexagon-head bolt 4
M 10 X 45
F 98XS6 01536>>
- 999 076 058 09 Nut 4
M 10
10 999 072 031 09 Hexagon-head bolt 2
M 10 X 45
10 999 072 031 01 Hexagon-head bolt 2
M 10 X 45
11 999 061 108 09 Stud 4
M 10 X 119
11 999 061 108 01 Stud 4
M 10 X 119
12 986 331 181 01 Restraining cable 1
13 900 378 107 09 Hexagon-head bolt 1
M 8 X 45
13 900 378 107 01 Hexagon-head bolt 1
M 8 X 45
14 900 380 005 09 Hexagon nut 2
M 8
15 986 331 098 00 Heat shield 1 M481
F 98VS6 06500>>
16 900 380 015 09 Hexagon nut 2 M481
M 6
F 98VS6 06500>>
16 900 380 015 01 Hexagon nut 2 M481
M 6
F 98VS6 06500>>
17 986 331 611 02 Support -99 2 M601
(17) 986 331 611 03 Support 00- 1 M601
18 996 631 121 00 Sensor 99- 1 M601
19 N 014 129 12 Oval-head screw 99- 2 M601
M 5 X 10
20 996 331 375 01 Strut 99- 1 M601
21 900 380 015 09 Hexagon nut 99- 2 M601
VM 6
21 900 380 015 01 Hexagon nut 99- 2 M601
VM 6
22 996 341 371 03 Support 99- 1 M601

24.07.2017 -3 Kat 020

Illustration: 501-03

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

24.07.2017 -1 Kat 020

Illustration: 501-03

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
1 986 333 701 10 Stabiliser -02 1
(1) 986 333 701 11 Stabiliser -02 1 M009/030
(1) 986 333 701 13 Stabiliser -02 1 M008/030
(1) 986 333 701 10 Stabiliser -04 1 M009
(1) 986 333 701 11 Stabiliser -04 1 M009/030
-04 1 M008
(1) 986 333 701 13 Stabiliser -04 1 M008
-04 M030/249
-04 1 M008/480
(1) 986 333 701 10 Stabiliser -04 1 M008/249
(2) 996 333 792 24 Stabiliser mounting -02 2 M009
18,7 MM
(2) 996 333 792 25 Stabiliser mounting -02 2 M009/030
19,8 MM
(2) 996 333 792 28 Stabiliser mounting -02 2 M008
19,2 MM
(2) 996 333 792 25 Stabiliser mounting -02 2 M008/030
19,8 MM
(2) 996 333 792 24 Stabiliser mounting 03- 2 M009
18,7 MM
(2) 996 333 792 25 Stabiliser mounting 03- 2 M009/030
19,8 MM
(2) 996 333 792 28 Stabiliser mounting 03- 2 M008/480
19,2 MM
(2) 996 333 792 24 Stabiliser mounting 03- 2 M008/249
18,7 MM
(2) 996 333 792 25 Stabiliser mounting 03- 2 M008
19,8 MM M030/480
(2) 996 333 792 28 Stabiliser mounting 03- 2 M008
19,2 MM M030/249
3 996 333 777 01 Bearing clamp 2
4 900 378 055 09 Hexagon-head bolt 4
AM 8 X 40
5 996 343 069 02 Stabiliser mounting /L -99 1
(5) 996 343 069 03 Stabiliser mounting /L 00- 1
(5) 996 343 069 04 Stabiliser mounting /L 00- 1
(5) 996 343 070 02 Stabiliser mounting /R -99 1
(5) 996 343 070 03 Stabiliser mounting /R 00- 1
(5) 996 343 070 04 Stabiliser mounting /R 00- 1
6 999 084 643 09 Hexagon nut 2
M 10
7 999 084 445 09 Lock nut 2
M 12

24.07.2017 -2 Kat 020

Illustration: 501-05

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

24.07.2017 -1 Kat 020

Illustration: 501-05

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
Drive shaft -02
Wheel hub
1 986 332 024 05 Drive shaft -98 2 M249
(1) 986 332 024 08 Drive shaft 99- 2 M249
(1) 986 332 024 14 Drive shaft 99- 2 M249
(1) 986 332 024 04 Drive shaft /L -98 1 M481
(1) 986 332 024 07 Drive shaft /L 99- 1 M481
(1) 986 332 024 13 Drive shaft /L 99- 1 M481
(1) 986 332 024 03 Drive shaft /R -98 1 M481
(1) 986 332 024 06 Drive shaft /R 99- 1 M481
(1) 986 332 024 12 Drive shaft /R 99- 1 M481
(1) 986 332 024 50 Drive shaft 00- 2 M008/480
(1) 986 332 024 52 Drive shaft 00- 2 M008/480
(1) 986 332 024 53 Drive shaft 00- 2 M008/480
(1) 986 332 024 55 Drive shaft 00- 2 M008/480
(1) 986 332 024 51 Drive shaft 00- 2 M008/249
(1) 986 332 024 54 Drive shaft 00- 2 M008/249
2 900 067 211 09 Pan-head screw 12
M 8 X 50
(2) 900 067 123 09 Pan-head screw 00- 12 M008
M 10 X 50
(2) 900 067 123 02 Pan-head screw 00- 12 M008
M 10 X 50
3 993 349 191 00 Plate 6
(3) 996 332 191 00 Plate 6 M008
4 911 332 257 00 Clip 2
$ 73 MM
5 928 332 257 01 Clip 2
$ 34 MM
6 900 041 013 01 Circlip 2
(6) 900 041 014 00 Circlip 00- 2 M008
7 996 341 605 54 Wheel hub 2
(7) 986 331 605 20 Wheel hub 00- 2 M008
8 999 084 641 02 Lock nut -01 2
M 22 X 1,5
(8) Lock nut 02 2
M 22 X 1,5
9 000 043 110 01 Grease X
1 100-gramme tube
(9) 000 043 205 36 Sealing compound X
Drive shaft
1 100-gramme tube
10 928 332 293 02 Dust bellows 2
- 951 332 259 00 Bellow support 2
Dust bellows
Drive shaft
- 951 332 259 01 Bellow support 2
Dust bellows
Drive shaft
- 911 332 259 01 Bellow support 2 M008
Dust bellows
Drive shaft

24.07.2017 -2 Kat 020

Illustration: 501-05

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
- 911 332 259 02 Bellow support 2 M008
Dust bellows
Drive shaft
11 964 332 267 00 Lid -99 2
(11) 964 332 267 01 Lid 00- 1
(11) 928 332 267 01 Lid 00- 2 M008
12 951 332 030 00 Joint -02 2
(12) 986 332 030 00 Joint 03- 2
(12) 911 332 030 01 Joint 00- 2 M008
13 928 332 293 02 Dust bellows 2
14 911 332 257 00 Clip 2
15 928 332 257 01 Clip 2

24.07.2017 -3 Kat 020

Illustration: 501-06

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

24.07.2017 -1 Kat 020

Illustration: 501-06

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
Drive shaft 03-
Wheel hub
1 986 332 024 09 Drive shaft /L 1 M481
1 986 332 024 15 Drive shaft /L 1 M481
(1) 986 332 024 10 Drive shaft /R 1 M481
(1) 986 332 024 11 Drive shaft 2 M009/249
(1) 986 332 024 50 Drive shaft 2 M008/480
(1) 986 332 024 52 Drive shaft 2 M008/480
(1) 986 332 024 53 Drive shaft 2 M008/480
(1) 986 332 024 55 Drive shaft 2 M008/480
(1) 986 332 024 51 Drive shaft 2 M008/249
(1) 986 332 024 54 Drive shaft 2 M008/249
(2) 986 332 190 00 Pan-head screw 12 M481
M 8
F >>983S6 00191
F >>983U6 03154
2 N 909 417 01 Pan-head screw 12 M481
M 10 X 45
F 983S6 00192>>
F 983U6 03155>>
(2) 986 332 190 00 Pan-head screw 12 M481
M 8
F 983U6 03186>>
F >>983U6 03188
F 983U6 03192>>
F >>983U6 03196
F 983U6 03198>>
F >>983U6 03199
F 983U6 03201>>
F >>983U6 03206
(2) Pan-head screw 12 M009/249
M 8
(2) 900 067 229 09 Pan-head screw 12 M008
M 10 X 48
(2) 900 067 229 01 Pan-head screw 12 M008
M 10 X 48
3 986 332 191 00 Plate 6 M481
(3) Plate 6 M009/249
(3) 996 332 191 00 Plate 6 M008
4 996 332 957 00 Clip 1 M009
(4) 911 332 257 00 Clip 1 M008
5 996 332 257 00 Clip 1 M009
(5) 928 332 257 01 Clip 1 M008
6 900 041 013 01 Circlip 1
7 996 341 605 54 Wheel hub 2 M481
(7) 986 331 605 20 Wheel hub 2 M008
8 999 084 641 02 Lock nut -03 2
M 22 X 1,5
(8) Lock nut 04- 2
M 22 X 1,5
9 000 043 110 00 Grease for drive shaft X
1 100-gramme tube
(9) 000 043 205 36 Sealing compound X
Drive shaft
1 100-gramme tube
10 996 332 293 00 Dust bellows 2 M009
Information available M009
(10) 928 332 293 02 Dust bellows 2 M008/249
(10) 986 332 293 00 Dust bellows 2 M008/480
11 986 332 267 00 Lid 2 M009
(11) 928 332 267 01 Lid 2 M008
12 986 332 030 00 Joint 2 M009
(12) 911 332 030 01 Joint 2 M008

24.07.2017 -2 Kat 020

Illustration: 501-06

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
13 996 332 293 00 Dust bellows 2 M009
Information available M009
(13) 928 332 293 02 Dust bellows 2 M008
14 996 332 957 00 Clip 2 M009
(14) 911 332 257 00 Clip 1 M008
15 996 332 257 00 Clip 1 M009
$ 41,5 MM
(15) 928 332 257 01 Clip 1 M008
16 986 332 259 00 Bellow support X M009
(16) 996 332 259 00 Bellow support X M008

24.07.2017 -3 Kat 020

Illustration: 502-00

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

24.07.2017 -1 Kat 020

Illustration: 502-00

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
Shock absorber
Coil spring
1 986 333 051 04 Shock absorber 2
- bilstein -
(1) 986 333 051 06 Shock absorber -99 2
- bilstein -
(1) 986 333 051 20 Shock absorber 00- 2
- bilstein -
(1) 986 333 051 14 Shock absorber 2 M030
- bilstein -
(1) 986 333 051 18 Shock absorber -99 2 M030
- bilstein -
(1) 986 333 051 30 Shock absorber 00- 2 M030
- bilstein -
Shock absorber
- 900 378 138 09 Hexagon-head bolt 2
M 12 X 1,5 X 70
- 900 378 138 01 Hexagon-head bolt 2
M 12 X 1,5 X 70
- 999 084 445 09 Lock nut 2
M 12 X 1,5
2 986 333 059 03 Supporting mount 2
(2) 986 333 059 04 Supporting mount -02 2
(2) 986 333 059 06 Supporting mount 03- 2
(2) 987 333 059 00 Supporting mount 03- 2
- 900 380 005 09 Hexagon nut 6
M 8
- 803 803 583 Rubber sleeve 2
- 999 703 195 40 Rubber sleeve 2
3 986 333 504 02 Compensating plate X
3,0 MM
(3) 986 333 504 03 Compensating plate X
6,0 MM
4 986 333 509 02 Ring 2
5 996 343 107 02 Stop plate -99 4
(5) 996 343 107 03 Stop plate 00- 4
6 986 333 531 04 Coil spring -02 1 M481
1 set
986 333 531 04 504 Identification
(6) 986 333 531 34 Coil spring 03- 1 M481
1 set
986 333 531 34 504 Identification
(6) 986 333 531 05 Coil spring -02 1 M249
1 set
986 333 531 05 504 Identification
(6) 986 333 531 35 Coil spring 03- 1 M249
1 set
986 333 531 35 504 Identification
(6) 986 333 531 11 Coil spring -02 1 M030/481
1 set
986 333 531 11 504 Identification
(6) 986 333 531 42 Coil spring 03- 1 M030/481

24.07.2017 -2 Kat 020

Illustration: 502-00

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
1 set
986 333 531 42 504 Identification
(6) 986 333 531 12 Coil spring -02 1 M030/249
1 set
986 333 531 12 504 Identification
(6) 986 333 531 43 Coil spring 03- 1 M030/249
1 set
986 333 531 43 504 Identification
(6) 986 333 531 20 Coil spring -02 1 M008/480
1 set
986 333 531 20 504 Identification
(6) 986 333 531 38 Coil spring 03- 1 M008/480
1 set
986 333 531 38 504 Identification
(6) 986 333 531 21 Coil spring -02 1 M008/249
1 set
986 333 531 21 504 Identification
(6) 986 333 531 39 Coil spring 03- 1 M008/249
1 set
986 333 531 39 504 Identification
(6) 986 333 531 30 Coil spring -02 1 M008/030
1 set M480
986 333 531 30 504 Identification
(6) 986 333 531 44 Coil spring 03- 1 M008/030
1 set M480
986 333 531 44 504 Identification
(6) 986 333 531 31 Coil spring -02 1 M008/030
1 set M249
986 333 531 31 504 Identification
(6) 986 333 531 45 Coil spring 03- 1 M008/030
1 set M249
986 333 531 45 504 Identification
7 986 333 505 01 Bellows 1
8 986 333 301 01 Additional spring 1
9 900 380 012 09 Hexagon nut 2
M 14 X 1,5
9 900 380 012 01 Hexagon nut 2
M 14 X 1,5
10 986 333 285 01 Sealing ring 2

24.07.2017 -3 Kat 020

Illustration: 601-00

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

24.07.2017 -1 Kat 020

Illustration: 601-00

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
See technical information
Group 4
1 996 362 112 00 Disc wheel /V 2 M395
6 J X 16
ET 50
(1) Disc wheel /V 2 M008/009
6 J X 16
ET 50
for winter use
(1) 996 362 124 00 Disc wheel /V 2 M396
7 J X 17
ET 55
(1) 993 362 134 55 Disc wheel /V 2 IXRB
8 J X 18
ET 50
(1) 986 362 124 00 Disc wheel /V 00- 2 M400
7 J X 17
ET 55
(1) 993 362 134 06 Disc wheel /V 99- 2 M413
7,5 X 18
ET 50
(1) 986 362 124 01 Disc wheel /V 01- 2 M 391
7 J X 17
ET 55
(1) 993 362 124 51 Disc wheel /V 01- 2 IXRA
7 J X 17
ET 55
(1) 993 362 134 08 Disc wheel /V 01- 2 M414
7,5 J X 18
ET 50
(1) 996 362 136 51 Disc wheel /V 02- 2 IXRC
8 J X 18
(1) 996 362 134 05 Disc wheel /V 03- 2 M411
7,5 J X 18
ET 50
(1) 986 362 124 02 Disc wheel /V 03- 2 M394
7 J X 17
ET 55
(1) 996 362 134 06 Disc wheel /V 03- 2 M415
7,5 J X 18
(1) 996 362 134 05 Disc wheel /V 04 2 M091/191
7,5 J X 18
ET 50
It is necessary to rework
(1) 996 362 114 00 Disc wheel /H 2 M395
7 J X 16
ET 40
(1) Disc wheel /H 2 M008/009
7 J X 16
ET 40
for winter use
(1) 996 362 126 05 Disc wheel /H 2 M396
8,5 J X 17
ET 50
(1) 993 362 138 50 Disc wheel /H 2 IXRB
9 J X 18
ET 52

24.07.2017 -2 Kat 020

Illustration: 601-00

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
(1) 986 362 126 05 Disc wheel /H 00- 2 M400
8,5 J X 17
ET 50
(1) 993 362 138 01 Disc wheel /H 99- 2 M413
9 J X 18
ET 52
(1) 986 362 126 06 Disc wheel /H 01- 2 M 391
8,5 J X 17
ET 48
(1) 993 362 138 08 Disc wheel /H 01- 2 M414
9 J X 18
ET 52
(1) 993 362 126 55 Disc wheel /H 01- 2 IXRA
8,5 X 17
ET 50
(1) 996 362 140 51 Disc wheel /H 02-03 2 IXRC
10 J X 18
ET 47
Use also:
999.651.230.02 2
(1) 996 362 138 00 Disc wheel /H 03- 2 M411
9 J X 18
ET 52
(1) 986 362 126 07 Disc wheel /H 03- 2 M394
8,5 J X 17
ET 48
(1) 996 362 138 01 Disc wheel /H 03- 2 M415
9 J X 18
ET 52
(1) 996 362 138 00 Disc wheel /H 04 2 M091/191
9 J X 18
ET 52
It is necessary to rework
(1) 996 362 140 52 Disc wheel /H 04- 2 IXRC
10 J X 18
ET 47
Use also:
999.651.230.02 2
2 900 265 001 50 Rubber valve 4
2 900 265 001 51 Rubber valve 4
(2) 993 361 073 00 Valve 02- 4 IXRC
3 901 361 410 50 Balance stick-on weight -03 X
5 G.
(3) 1K0 601 178 C Balance stick-on weight 04- X
5 G.
(3) 901 361 410 00 Balance stick-on weight -03 X
10 G.
(3) 1K0 601 179 C Balance stick-on weight 04- X
10 G.
(3) 901 361 411 50 Balance stick-on weight -03 X
15 G.
(3) 1K0 601 181 C Balance stick-on weight 04- X
15 G.
(3) 901 361 411 00 Balance stick-on weight -03 X
20 G.
(3) 1K0 601 182 C Balance stick-on weight 04- X
20 G.
(3) 901 361 412 50 Balance stick-on weight -03 X
25 G.

24.07.2017 -3 Kat 020

Illustration: 601-00

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
(3) 1K0 601 183 C Balance stick-on weight 04- X
25 G.
(3) 901 361 412 00 Balance stick-on weight -03 X
30 G.
(3) 1K0 601 184 C Balance stick-on weight 04- X
30 G.
(3) 901 361 413 50 Balance stick-on weight -03 X
35 G.
(3) 1K0 601 185 C Balance stick-on weight 04- X
35 G.
(3) 901 361 413 00 Balance stick-on weight -03 X
40 G.
(3) 1K0 601 186 C Balance stick-on weight 04- X
40 G.
(3) 901 361 414 50 Balance stick-on weight -03 X
45 G.
(3) 1K0 601 187 C Balance stick-on weight 04- X
45 G.
(3) 901 361 414 00 Balance stick-on weight -03 X
50 G.
(3) 1K0 601 188 C Balance stick-on weight 04- X
50 G.
(3) 901 361 415 50 Balance stick-on weight -03 X
55 G.
(3) 1K0 601 189 C Balance stick-on weight 04- X
55 G.
(3) 901 361 415 00 Balance stick-on weight -03 X
60 G.
(3) 1K0 601 190 C Balance stick-on weight 04- X
60 G.
(3) 997 361 465 00 Balance stick-on weight X
65 G.
(3) 997 361 470 00 Balance stick-on weight X
70 G.
(3) 997 361 475 00 Balance stick-on weight X
75 G.
(3) 997 361 480 00 Balance stick-on weight X
80 G.
(3) 997 361 485 00 Balance stick-on weight X
85 G.
(3) 997 361 490 00 Balance stick-on weight X
90 G.
4 996 361 057 00 Wheel bolt 1
Anti-theft protection
1 set
(4) 996 361 057 01 Wheel bolt -03 1
Anti-theft protection
1 set
(4) 996 361 057 02 Set 04- 1
Anti-theft protection
1 set
(4) 997 361 057 02 Set 04- 1
Wheel bolt
Anti-theft protection
(4) 996 361 057 90 Wheel bolt -03 1 IXRP
Anti-theft protection
1 set
(4) 996 361 980 02 Wheel bolt 04- 1 IXRP
Anti-theft protection
1 set
(4) Wheel bolt 04 1 M091
Anti-theft protection
1 set

24.07.2017 -4 Kat 020

Illustration: 601-00

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
5 996 361 203 00 Wheel bolt -00 16
(5) 996 361 203 01 Wheel bolt -03 16
See technical information
Group 4
(5) 996 361 203 02 Wheel bolt 04- 16
See technical information
Group 4
(5) 996 361 203 90 Wheel bolt -03 16 IXRP
See technical information
Group 4
(5) 996 361 980 00 Wheel bolt 04- 16 IXRP
See technical information
Group 4
(5) Wheel bolt 04 16 M091
- 999 182 003 36 Wheel nut 01- 10 IXRN
- Wheel nut 04 10 M091
6 993 361 303 05 Hub cap -99 4
993 361 303 05 61M Silver
(6) 993 361 303 11 Hub cap 00 4
993 361 303 11 61M Silver
(6) 993 361 303 11 Hub cap 02- 4
993 361 303 11 9A1 Silver
(6) 993 361 303 09 Hub cap -99 4 M446
993 361 303 09 92T Arctic silver metallic
(6) 993 361 303 10 Hub cap 00- 4 M446
993 361 303 10 9A1 Silver
(6) 996 361 303 09 Hub cap 4 M414
(6) 993 361 303 10 Hub cap 04 4 M091/191
993 361 303 10 6B4 Seal grey metallic
7 996 362 030 00 Emergency wheel 1

24.07.2017 -5 Kat 020

Illustration: 602-00

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

24.07.2017 -1 Kat 020

Illustration: 602-00

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
Disc brake
Front axle
1 986 351 401 05 Brake disc 2
(1) 996 351 405 01 Brake disc /L 00- 1 M008
(1) 996 351 406 01 Brake disc /R 00- 1 M008
2 900 269 047 09 Countersunk-head screw 4
M 6 X 12
2 900 269 047 01 Countersunk-head screw 4
M 6 X 12
(2) 900 269 106 09 Countersunk-head screw 01- 4 IXRP
M 6 X 16
(2) 900 269 106 01 Countersunk-head screw 01- 4 IXRP
M 6 X 16
(2) 900 269 106 90 Countersunk-head screw 04 4 M091
M 6 X 16
See technical information
Group 4
3 996 351 081 02 Cover plate /L 1
(3) 996 351 081 03 Cover plate /L 1
F >>98XS6 01524
(3) 996 351 801 04 Cover plate /L 1
F 98XS6 01525>>
(3) 996 351 082 02 Cover plate /R 1
(3) 996 351 082 03 Cover plate /R 1
F >>98XS6 01186
(3) 996 351 802 04 Cover plate 1
F 98XS6 01187>>
4 999 217 116 09 Hexagon-head bolt X
M 6 X 16
5 986 351 421 03 Fixed calliper /L 1
without pad
(5) 996 351 425 11 Fixed calliper /L 00- 1 M008
without pad
(5) 996 351 425 22 Fixed calliper /L 04 1 M091
without pad
(5) 986 351 422 03 Fixed calliper /R 1
without pad
(5) 996 351 426 11 Fixed calliper /R 00- 1 M008
without pad
(5) 996 351 426 22 Fixed calliper /R 04 1 M091
without pad
6 986 351 939 11 Brake pad repair set 1
(6) 986 351 939 13 Brake pad repair set 1
(6) 986 351 939 15 Brake pad repair set 1
(6) 996 352 949 02 Brake pad repair set -04 1 M008
(6) 996 352 949 03 Brake pad repair set 1 M008
Use also:
Mounting parts
- 996 351 088 02 Damping plate 00- 4 M008
$ 36/40 MM
7 996 612 365 00 Warning contact 2
8 999 067 041 09 Pan-head screw 4
M 12 X 1,5 X 72
8 999 067 041 01 Pan-head screw 4
M 12 X 1,5 X 72
- 999 507 530 00 Cable holder 2
Warning contact
10 996 352 962 00 Connecting line /L 1
(10) 996 351 961 00 Connecting line /L 1 M008
(10) 996 352 961 00 Connecting line /R 1

24.07.2017 -2 Kat 020

Illustration: 602-00

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
(10) 996 351 962 00 Connecting line /R 1 M008
11 930 351 919 00 Ventilation valve 2
12 930 351 927 00 Dust boot 2
12 930 351 927 01 Dust boot 2
13 951 351 917 01 Repair kit 2
Protection caps
40 MM $
14 951 351 917 00 Repair kit 2
Protection caps
36 MM $
15 996 352 959 01 Repair kit 1
Mounting parts
Bolt 2
Expanding spring 2
Securing clip 2
(15) 996 351 959 01 Repair kit 1 M008
Mounting parts
Bolt 2
Expanding spring 2
Securing clip 2
16 000 043 117 00 Brake cylinder paste X
50 G
16 000 043 305 11 Brake cylinder paste X
50 G
(16) 000 043 020 00 Optimoly X
100 G

24.07.2017 -3 Kat 020

Illustration: 603-00

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

24.07.2017 -1 Kat 020

Illustration: 603-00

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
Disc brake
Rear axle
1 986 352 401 04 Brake disc 2
(1) 986 352 403 01 Brake disc 00- 2 M008
2 900 269 047 09 Countersunk-head screw 4
M 6 X 12
2 900 269 047 01 Countersunk-head screw 4
M 6 X 12
(2) 900 269 106 09 Countersunk-head screw 01- 4 IXRP
M 6 X 16
(2) 900 269 106 01 Countersunk-head screw 01- 4 IXRP
M 6 X 16
(2) 900 269 106 09 Countersunk-head screw 04 4 M091
M 6 X 16
See technical information
Group 4
(2) 900 269 106 01 Countersunk-head screw 04- 4 M091
M 6 X 16
See technical information
Group 4
3 986 352 081 03 Protective plate /L 1
F >>98XS6 01524
(3) 986 352 081 04 Protective plate /L 1
F 98XS6 01525>>
(3) 986 352 082 03 Protective plate /R 1
F >>98XS6 01186
(3) 986 352 082 04 Protective plate /R 1
F 98XS6 01187>>
(3) 986 352 801 00 Protective plate 2 M008
(3) 987 352 801 00 Protective plate 2 M008
4 999 217 116 09 Hexagon-head bolt X
M 6 X 16
5 986 352 423 01 Fixed calliper /L 1
without pad
(5) 996 352 421 13 Fixed calliper /L 00- 1 M008
without pad
(5) 996 352 421 24 Fixed calliper /L 04 1 M091
without pad
(5) 986 352 424 01 Fixed calliper /R 1
without pad
(5) 996 352 422 13 Fixed calliper /R 00- 1 M008
without pad
(5) 996 352 422 24 Fixed calliper /R 04 1 M091
without pad
(6) 986 352 939 10 Brake pad repair set 1 M009
6 996 352 939 00 Brake pad repair set 1 M008
(6) 996 352 939 03 Brake pad repair set 1 M008
Use also:
Mounting parts
(6) 986 352 939 10 Brake pad repair set 1 M008
Use also:
Mounting parts
7 986 612 365 00 Warning contact 2
8 999 067 041 09 Pan-head screw 4
M 12 X 1,5 X 72
8 999 067 041 01 Pan-head screw 4
M 12 X 1,5 X 72
- 944 612 627 00 Line bracket 2

24.07.2017 -2 Kat 020

Illustration: 603-00

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
Warning contact
9 951 352 917 01 Repair kit 2
Protection caps
30 MM $
10 951 352 917 00 Repair kit 2
Protection caps
28 MM $
11 996 352 959 01 Repair kit 1
Mounting parts
Bolt 2
Expanding spring 2
Securing clip 2
- 964 352 096 00 Damping plate 00- 4 M008
30 MM $
- 996 352 086 00 Damping plate 00- 4 M008
30 mm
- 964 352 096 01 Damping plate 00- 4 M008
28 MM $
12 996 352 961 00 Connecting line /L 1
(12) 996 352 962 00 Connecting line /R 1
13 930 351 919 00 Ventilation valve 4
14 930 351 927 00 Dust boot 4
14 930 351 927 01 Dust boot 4
15 000 043 117 00 Brake cylinder paste X
50 G
15 000 043 305 11 Brake cylinder paste X
50 G
(15) 000 043 020 00 Optimoly X
100 G

24.07.2017 -3 Kat 020

Illustration: 603-05

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

24.07.2017 -1 Kat 020

Illustration: 603-05

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
1 986 352 095 01 Brake shoe -02 4
(1) 986 352 995 01 Brake shoe 03- 1
1 set
(1) 928 352 097 10 Brake shoe -02 4 M008
(1) 996 352 993 02 Brake shoe 03- 1 M008
Repair kit
2 986 352 071 00 Adjusting screw 2
(2) 993 352 071 00 Adjusting screw 00- 2 M008
(2) 298 609 723 Adjusting screw 00- 2 M008
3 986 352 715 00 Support bush 2
(3) 911 352 944 00 Support bush 00 2 M008
4 986 352 721 00 Tension spring 2
(4) 901 352 932 10 Return spring 00- 2 M008
5 986 352 723 01 Tension spring 2
(5) 951 352 454 00 Return spring 00- 2 M008
(5) 996 352 723 00 Tension spring 00- 2 M008
6 986 352 741 00 Tension spring 4
(6) 996 352 741 00 Compression spring 00- 4 M008
7 986 352 731 01 Actuating lever 2
8 986 352 733 02 Clip 2
9 986 352 735 00 Articulated bolt 2
- 986 352 073 02 Expanding bow 2
10 986 352 805 01 Supporting plate 2
(10) 996 352 807 01 Supporting plate 00- 2 M008

24.07.2017 -2 Kat 020

Illustration: 604-00

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

24.07.2017 -1 Kat 020

Illustration: 604-00

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
Brake master cylinder
Brake booster
Pre-charge pump
- 000 043 204 66 Modification kit 1
Brake booster
F >>98YS6 00434
F >>98YU6 00165
F >>98YS6 40520
F >>98YU6 40062
See technical information
Group 4
999.512.672.00 1
996.423.269.05 1
999.512.478.00 1
996.355.911.00 1
996.355.909.00 1
996.355.907.00 1
996.355.927.01 1
900.380.015.09 1
1 996 355 013 00 Brake fluid reservoir -03 1 M480/481
(1) 996 355 013 01 Brake fluid reservoir 04- 1 M480/481
(1) 996 355 013 20 Brake fluid reservoir -03 1 M249
(1) 996 355 013 21 Brake fluid reservoir 04- 1 M249
(1) 996 355 013 44 Brake fluid reservoir 01 1 M476/481
01 1 M476/480
(1) 996 355 013 46 Brake fluid reservoir -03 1 M476/481
-03 1 M476/480
(1) 996 355 013 48 Brake fluid reservoir 04- 1 M476/481
04- M476/480
(1) 996 355 013 45 Brake fluid reservoir 01 1 M249/476
(1) 996 355 013 47 Brake fluid reservoir -03 1 M249/476
(1) 996 355 013 49 Brake fluid reservoir 04- 1 M249/476
2 996 355 119 01 Catch 1
- 996 355 125 00 Contacts -03 1
- 996 355 125 02 Contacts 04- 1
- 996 355 125 01 Contacts 1
3 999 073 124 09 Pan-head screw 2
M 8 X 154 X 80
4 996 355 923 00 Brake booster 1
- 996 355 137 00 Cap 1
- 996 355 137 01 Catch 1
Threaded joint
Brake booster
5 996 355 910 00 Brake master cylinder 1

24.07.2017 -2 Kat 020

Illustration: 604-00

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
(5) 996 355 910 40 Brake master cylinder 01- 1 M476
6 993 355 922 00 Grommet 2
7 999 702 182 40 Rubber bush 1
8 997 355 925 00 Hexagon nut 2
9 996 355 912 00 Sealing ring 1
10 996 355 577 02 Vacuum line /LL -99 1
(10) 996 355 577 42 Vacuum line /LL 00- 1
(10) 996 355 577 43 Vacuum line /LL 04- 1
(10) 996 355 578 04 Vacuum line /RL -99 1
(10) 996 355 578 05 Vacuum line /RL 00- 1
(10) 996 355 578 06 Vacuum line /RL 04- 1
11 996 423 251 01 Intermediate piece 1
12 900 067 240 02 Combination screw 2
M 6 X 12 Z1
13 999 703 448 50 Stopper /R 1
14 900 380 005 09 Hexagon nut 2
M 8
15 996 355 221 00 Grommet 1
F >>98YS6 00434
F >>98YU6 00165
F >>98YS6 40520
F >>98YU6 40062
See technical information
Group 4
16 996 423 301 00 Gasket 1
- 996 355 901 01 Gasket 1
Brake booster
17 996 355 975 41 Pre-charge pump 01- 1 M476
- 996 355 635 40 Adapter 01- 1 M476
Feed line
- 999 512 390 00 Hose clamp 01- 1 M476
18 999 512 478 00 Hose clamp 1
F 98YS6 00435>>
F 98YU6 00166>>
F 98YS6 40521>>
F 98YU6 40063>>
See technical information
Group 4
19 996 355 183 40 Support 01- 1 M476
21 964 356 635 00 Rubber mounting 01- 2 M476
- 999 045 004 40 Hexagon nut 01- 3 M476
(22) 996 423 269 04 Bellows 1
F >>98YS6 00434
F >>98YU6 00165
F >>98YS6 40520
F >>98YU6 40062
See technical information
Group 4
(22) 996 423 269 05 Bellows 1
F 98XS6 00435>>
F 98YU6 00166>>
F 98YS9 40521>>
F 98YU6 40063>>
23 900 378 036 09 Hexagon-head bolt 01- 1 M476
M 6 X 12
24 996 355 930 00 Bellows 1
F >>98YS6 00434
F >>98YU6 00165
F >>98YS6 40520

24.07.2017 -3 Kat 020

Illustration: 604-00

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
F >>98YU6 40062
See technical information
Group 4
25 996 355 927 01 Connecting piece 1
26 900 380 015 09 Hexagon nut 1
M 6
26 900 380 015 01 Hexagon nut 1
M 6
27 996 355 911 00 Sealing ring 1
F >>98YS6 00434
F >>98YU6 00165
F >>98YS6 40520
F >>98YU6 40062
See technical information
Group 4
28 996 355 909 00 Connecting piece 1
F >>98YS6 00434
F >>98YU6 00165
F >>98YS6 40520
F >>98YU6 40062
See technical information
Group 4
29 996 355 907 00 Sealing rubber 1
F >>98YS6 00434
F >>98YU6 00165
F >>98YS6 40520
F >>98YU6 40062
See technical information
Group 4
30 999 512 672 00 Clamp 1
F 98YS6 00435>>
F 98YU6 00166>>
F 98YS6 40521>>
F 98YU6 40063>>

24.07.2017 -4 Kat 020

Illustration: 604-05

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

24.07.2017 -1 Kat 020

Illustration: 604-05

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
Brake lines
Body front section
1 996 355 309 01 Brake line /LL -01 1
(1) 996 355 308 04 Brake line /RL -01 1
2 986 355 305 00 Pressure regulator -01 1
3 996 355 311 02 Brake line /LL -01 1
(3) 996 355 311 03 Brake line /LL -01 1
(3) 996 355 311 42 Pressure line /LL 02- 1
(3) 996 355 310 03 Brake line /RL -01 1
(3) 996 355 320 44 Pressure line /RL 02- 1
4 996 355 313 02 Brake line /LL -01 1
(4) 996 355 313 04 Brake line /LL -01 1
(4) 996 355 313 03 Brake line /LL 02- 1
(4) 996 355 313 05 Brake line /LL 02- 1
(4) 996 355 314 05 Brake line /RL -01 1
(4) 996 355 314 06 Brake line /RL 02- 1
5 996 355 315 02 Brake line -01 1
(5) 996 355 315 43 Brake line 02- 1
6 996 355 327 03 Brake line -01 1
(6) 996 355 327 43 Brake line 02- 1
7 996 355 326 04 Brake line -01 1
(7) 996 355 326 40 Brake line 02- 1
8 996 355 650 02 Intermediate piece 1
9 996 355 752 00 Gasket -01 1
(9) 996 355 752 01 Gasket 02- 1
10 996 355 753 00 Reinforcement 1
10 996 355 753 01 Reinforcement 1
11 999 651 292 40 Support 1

24.07.2017 -2 Kat 020

Illustration: 604-08

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

24.07.2017 -1 Kat 020

Illustration: 604-08

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
Brake lines M222/224
Body front section -01
1 996 355 309 01 Brake line /LL 1
(1) 996 355 308 03 Brake line /RL -98 1
(1) 996 355 308 04 Brake line /RL 99- 1
2 986 355 305 00 Pressure regulator 1
3 996 355 311 02 Brake line /LL 1
(3) 996 355 311 03 Brake line /LL 1
(3) 996 355 310 03 Brake line /RL 1
4 996 355 313 02 Brake line /LL 1
(4) 996 355 313 04 Brake line /LL 1
(4) 996 355 314 05 Brake line /RL 1
5 996 355 315 02 Brake line 1
6 996 355 327 03 Brake line 1
7 996 355 326 04 Brake line 1
8 996 355 650 27 Intermediate piece 1
9 996 355 752 00 Gasket -01 1
10 996 355 753 00 Reinforcement 1
10 996 355 753 01 Reinforcement 1
11 999 651 292 40 Support 1
12 996 355 316 04 Brake line 1

24.07.2017 -2 Kat 020

Illustration: 604-09

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

24.07.2017 -1 Kat 020

Illustration: 604-09

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
Brake lines 01- M476
Body front section
(1) 996 355 311 42 Pressure line /LL 1
(1) 996 355 320 44 Pressure line /RL 1
(2) 996 355 353 45 Pressure line /LL 1
(2) 996 355 354 42 Pressure line /RL 1
(3) 996 355 321 41 Feed line /LL 1
(3) 996 355 322 41 Feed line /RL 1
(4) 996 355 357 42 Pressure line -02 1
(4) 996 355 357 43 Pressure line 03- 1
(4) 996 355 357 47 Pressure line 03- 1
(5) 996 355 315 43 Brake line 1
(6) 996 355 327 43 Brake line 1
(7) 996 355 316 41 Brake line 1
(8) 996 355 326 40 Brake line 1
9 996 355 650 27 Intermediate piece 1
10 996 355 752 00 Gasket -01 1
(10) 996 355 752 01 Gasket 02- 1
11 996 355 753 00 Reinforcement 1
11 996 355 753 01 Reinforcement 1

24.07.2017 -2 Kat 020

Illustration: 604-10

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

24.07.2017 -1 Kat 020

Illustration: 604-10

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
Brake lines
Front axle
Vacuum line
1 996 355 581 06 Brake line /L 1
2 996 355 501 05 Brake hose bracket /L -99 1
(2) 996 355 501 06 Brake hose bracket /L 00- 1
3 900 075 355 01 Hexagon-head bolt 97 2
M 6 X 16
(3) 900 067 117 09 Pan-head screw 98- 2
M 6 X 16
4 996 355 139 00 Brake hose 97 2
(4) 996 355 139 01 Brake hose 98- 2
5 996 355 175 06 Brake line /L 97 1
(5) 996 355 175 07 Brake line /L 98- 1
F >>98WS6 07094
(5) 996 355 175 08 Brake line /L 98- 1
F 98WS6 07095>>
6 999 591 930 40 Support X
7 996 355 584 06 Brake line /R 1
8 996 355 502 05 Brake hose bracket /R -99 1
(8) 996 355 502 06 Brake hose bracket /R 00- 1
9 996 355 176 06 Brake line /R -98 1
F >>98WS6 07094
(9) 996 355 176 07 Brake line /R 98- 1
F 98WS6 07095>>
(9) 996 355 176 10 Brake line /R 98- 1
F 98WS6 07095>>
10 996 355 753 00 Reinforcement 1
10 996 355 753 01 Reinforcement 1
11 996 355 752 00 Gasket -01 1
(11) 996 355 752 01 Gasket 02- 1
12 900 380 015 09 Hexagon nut 3
M 6
12 900 380 015 01 Hexagon nut 3
M 6
13 996 355 650 27 Intermediate piece 1 M222/224
(13) 996 355 650 02 Intermediate piece 1
14 996 355 545 00 Support 3
15 996 355 549 00 Support 1
16 996 355 547 01 Support 2
17 996 355 543 00 Support 1
18 996 355 177 06 Brake line -01 1
(18) 996 355 177 07 Brake line 02 1
(18) 996 355 177 08 Brake line 03- 1
19 996 355 179 06 Brake line 1 M222/224
01- 1 M476
(19) 996 355 179 07 Brake line 02 1
(19) 996 355 179 08 Brake line 03- 1
(19) 996 355 179 11 Brake line 03- 1
20 996 355 660 04 Connecting piece 1
(20) 996 355 660 05 Connecting piece 1
21 996 355 760 29 Connecting piece 1 M222/224
01- 1 M476
(21) 996 355 760 31 Connecting piece 03- 1 M476
- 900 378 115 01 Hexagon-head bolt 1
AM 6 X 35
22 996 355 571 05 Vacuum line -01 1
(22) 996 355 571 07 Vacuum line 02- 1
- 999 230 535 40 Lock 1
Connecting piece
Vacuum line

24.07.2017 -2 Kat 020

Illustration: 604-15

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

24.07.2017 -1 Kat 020

Illustration: 604-15

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
Brake line
Rear axle
Vacuum line
1 986 355 189 06 Brake line /L 97 1
(1) 986 355 189 07 Brake line /L 98- 1
(1) 986 355 189 08 Brake line /L 03- 1
2 996 355 502 06 Brake hose bracket /L 1
3 900 075 355 01 Hexagon-head bolt 97 2
M 6 X 16
(3) 900 067 117 09 Pan-head screw 98- 2
M 6 X 16
4 996 355 501 06 Brake hose bracket /R 1
5 996 355 584 06 Brake line /L 1
6 996 355 581 06 Brake line /R 1
- 986 501 815 00 Support 2
Brake hose
F >>98WS6 07094
- 996 501 815 02 Support 2
Brake hose
F 98WS6 07095>>
7 996 355 637 01 Brake hose 2
(7) 996 355 139 01 Brake hose 2
8 986 355 190 07 Brake line /R 97 1
(8) 986 355 190 08 Brake line /R 98- 1
(8) 986 355 190 09 Brake line /R 03- 1
9 999 591 930 40 Support 2
10 964 423 811 00 Support 2
11 996 355 543 00 Support 1
12 986 355 775 00 Retaining clip 1
13 999 507 495 40 Support 1
14 986 355 575 05 Vacuum line 1
(14) 986 355 575 06 Vacuum line 1

24.07.2017 -2 Kat 020

Illustration: 605-00

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

24.07.2017 -1 Kat 020

Illustration: 605-00

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
Hydraulic unit
Anti-lock brake system
1 996 355 955 02 Hydraulic unit -98 1
(1) 996 355 955 03 Hydraulic unit -98 1
(1) 996 355 955 04 Hydraulic unit 1
(1) 996 355 955 DX Hydraulic unit 1
(1) 996 355 955 27 Hydraulic unit -98 1 M222/224
(1) 996 355 955 28 Hydraulic unit -98 1 M222/224
(1) 996 355 955 29 Hydraulic unit 99 1 M222/224
(1) 996 355 955 31 Hydraulic unit 02- 1 M222/224
(1) 996 355 955 GX Hydraulic unit 02- 1 M222/224
(1) 996 355 955 03 Hydraulic unit -99 1
(1) 996 355 955 04 Hydraulic unit 00 1
(1) 996 355 955 DX Hydraulic unit 00- 1
(1) 986 355 955 26 Hydraulic unit 00 1 M224
(1) 986 355 955 27 Hydraulic unit 00 1 M224
(1) 986 355 955 28 Hydraulic unit 00 1 M224
(1) 986 355 955 JX Hydraulic unit 00- 1 M224
(1) 986 355 955 00 Hydraulic unit 01 1
(1) 986 355 955 X Hydraulic unit 01- 1
(1) 996 355 955 05 Hydraulic unit 02 1
(1) 996 355 955 06 Hydraulic unit 03- 1
(1) 996 355 955 FX Hydraulic unit 03- 1
(1) 986 355 955 41 Hydraulic unit 01 1 M476
(1) 986 355 955 42 Hydraulic unit 02- 1 M476
(1) 986 355 955 44 Hydraulic unit 02- 1 M476
(1) 986 355 955 EX Hydraulic unit 02- 1 M476
2 996 355 945 00 Damping piece 3
3 996 355 541 00 Spacer 1
4 996 355 133 03 Support 1
(4) 996 355 033 41 Support 01- 1 M476
Rubber mounting
- 964 356 635 00 Rubber mounting 01- 2 M476
- 999 703 379 40 Stopper 01- 2 M476
- 999 084 629 09 Hexagon nut 3
M 6
- 999 084 629 01 Hexagon nut 3
M 6
5 996 355 535 02 Support 1
6 996 355 559 00 Bolt 2
7 999 166 080 02 Lock 2
8 900 377 003 02 Hexagon nut 2
VM 8
9 996 606 145 00 Sensor 01- 1 M476

24.07.2017 -2 Kat 020

Illustration: 701-00

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

24.07.2017 -1 Kat 020

Illustration: 701-00

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
Transmission control
Manual transmission
1 986 424 010 01 Gearshift bracket -99 1 M481
(1) 986 424 010 02 Gearshift bracket 00- 1 M481
(1) 986 424 010 03 Gearshift bracket 03- 1 M481
(1) 996 424 010 04 Gearshift bracket -02 1 M480
(1) 996 424 010 05 Gearshift bracket 03- 1 M480
(1) 986 424 010 04 Gearshift bracket 04 1 M091
(1) 996 424 983 00 Gearshift bracket 04 1 IXCZ
2 999 084 629 09 Hexagon nut 4
M 6
2 999 084 629 01 Hexagon nut 4
M 6
3 986 424 041 06 Cable 1
F >>98VS6 05644
(3) 986 424 041 07 Cable -99 1
F 98VS6 05645>>
Use also:
986.424.913.06 1
(3) 986 424 041 08 Cable 00 1
(3) 986 424 041 09 Cable -02 1
(3) 986 424 041 10 Cable 03- 1
(3) 986 424 042 05 Cable 00 1 M008
(3) 986 424 042 06 Cable 01 1 M008
(3) 986 424 042 07 Cable 02- 1 M008
(3) 986 424 042 08 Cable 04 1 M091
- 986 424 411 00 Retainer spring 2
4 986 424 221 00 Spacer 2
5 986 424 211 00 Support -99 1
(5) 987 424 211 00 Support 00- 1
6 900 075 023 02 Hexagon-head bolt 1
M 8 X 12
7 986 424 075 02 Gearshift knob 97 1
986 424 075 02 EAN Satin black
(7) 986 424 075 02 Gearshift knob 98- 1 M016
986 424 075 02 EAN Satin black
(7) 986 424 075 03 Gearshift knob 98- 1 M011
986 424 075 03 EMK Ocean jade/black
986 424 075 03 EML Zenith blue/black
(7) 986 424 075 03 Gearshift knob 98- 1 M012
986 424 075 03 EKP Metal grey/black
(7) 986 424 075 04 Gearshift knob 99- 1 M010
986 424 075 04 EMM Amber/black
(7) 996 424 075 05 Gearshift knob 00- 1 M480
996 424 075 05 EVZ Black/Silver
(7) 996 424 075 05 Gearshift knob 03- 1 M480
996 424 075 05 FGT Black
Sport silver
996 424 075 05 FGU Graphite grey
Sport silver
996 424 075 05 FGV Savanna
Sport silver
996 424 075 05 FGW Metropole blue
Sport silver
996 424 075 05 FGX Nephrite green 03
Sport silver 03
996 424 075 05 FGY Boxster red
Sport silver
996 424 075 05 FGZ Cinnamon brown

24.07.2017 -2 Kat 020

Illustration: 701-00

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
Sport silver
996 424 075 05 VSW Dark grey/natural
Sport silver
996 424 075 05 VSX Brown/natural
Sport silver
(7) 986 424 075 21 Gearshift knob 04 1 M091
986 424 075 21 9Q3 Cocoa
986 424 075 21 D11 Dark grey/natural
(7) 996 424 981 15 Gearshift knob 1 IX97/M480
996 424 981 15 VRJ Black
996 424 981 15 C50 Graphite grey
996 424 981 15 S30 Savanna
996 424 981 15 G10 Metropole blue
996 424 981 15 J30 Nephrite green
996 424 981 15 M30 Boxster red
996 424 981 15 P11 Cinnamon brown
996 424 981 15 D11 Dark grey/natural
996 424 981 15 T11 Brown/natural
(7) 996 424 981 17 Gearshift knob 1 IXE8/M480
996 424 981 17 VRJ Black
996 424 981 17 C50 Graphite grey
996 424 981 17 S30 Savanna
996 424 981 17 G10 Metropole blue
996 424 981 17 J30 Nephrite green
996 424 981 17 M30 Boxster red
996 424 981 17 P11 Cinnamon brown
996 424 981 17 D11 Dark grey/natural
996 424 981 17 T11 Brown/natural
(7) 996 424 981 18 Gearshift knob 1 IX47/M480
996 424 981 18 VRJ Black
996 424 981 18 C50 Graphite grey
996 424 981 18 S30 Savanna
996 424 981 18 G10 Metropole blue
996 424 981 18 J30 Nephrite green
996 424 981 18 M30 Boxster red
996 424 981 18 P11 Cinnamon brown
996 424 981 18 D11 Dark grey/natural
996 424 981 18 T11 Brown/natural
(7) 996 424 981 22 Gearshift knob 03- 1 IX97/M480
996 424 981 22 VRJ Black
996 424 981 22 C50 Graphite grey
996 424 981 22 S30 Savanna
996 424 981 22 G10 Metropole blue
996 424 981 22 J30 Nephrite green 03
996 424 981 22 M30 Boxster red
996 424 981 22 P11 Cinnamon brown
996 424 981 22 D11 Dark grey/natural
996 424 981 22 T11 Brown/natural
(7) 996 424 981 28 Gearshift knob 03- 1 IXE8/M480
996 424 981 28 VRJ Black
996 424 981 28 C50 Graphite grey
996 424 981 28 S30 Savanna
996 424 981 28 G10 Metropole blue
996 424 981 28 J30 Nephrite green 03
996 424 981 28 M30 Boxster red
996 424 981 28 P11 Cinnamon brown
996 424 981 28 D11 Dark grey/natural
996 424 981 28 T11 Brown/natural
(7) 996 424 981 31 Gearshift knob 03- 1 IX47/M480
996 424 981 31 VRJ Black
996 424 981 31 C50 Graphite grey
996 424 981 31 S30 Savanna
996 424 981 31 G10 Metropole blue

24.07.2017 -3 Kat 020

Illustration: 701-00

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
996 424 981 31 J30 Nephrite green 03
996 424 981 31 M30 Boxster red
996 424 981 31 P11 Cinnamon brown
996 424 981 31 D11 Dark grey/natural
996 424 981 31 T11 Brown/natural
(7) 986 424 075 05 Gearshift knob 00- 1 M481
986 424 075 05 EVZ Black
(7) 986 424 075 05 Gearshift knob 03- 1 M481
986 424 075 05 EWA Black
Metal grey
986 424 075 05 FGT Black
Sport silver
986 424 075 05 FGU Graphite grey
Sport silver
986 424 075 05 FGV Savanna
Sport silver
986 424 075 05 FGW Metropole blue
Sport silver
986 424 075 05 FGX Nephrite green 03
Sport silver 03
986 424 075 05 FGY Boxster red
Sport silver
986 424 075 05 FGZ Cinnamon brown
Sport silver
986 424 075 05 VSW Dark grey/natural
Sport silver
986 424 075 05 VSX Brown/brown
Sport silver
(7) 986 424 981 05 Gearshift knob 01- 1 IX97/M481
986 424 981 05 VRJ Black
986 424 981 05 C50 Graphite grey
986 424 981 05 S30 Savanna
986 424 981 05 G10 Metropole blue
986 424 981 05 J30 Nephrite green -03
986 424 981 05 M30 Boxster red
986 424 981 05 P11 Cinnamon brown
986 424 981 05 D11 Dark grey/natural
986 424 981 05 T11 Brown/natural
(7) 986 424 981 06 Gearshift knob 01- 1 IXE8/M481
986 424 981 06 VRJ Black
986 424 981 06 C50 Graphite grey
986 424 981 06 S30 Savanna
986 424 981 06 G10 Metropole blue
986 424 981 06 J30 Nephrite green -03
986 424 981 06 M30 Boxster red
986 424 981 06 P11 Cinnamon brown
986 424 981 06 D11 Dark grey/natural
986 424 981 06 T11 Brown/natural
(7) 986 424 981 07 Gearshift knob 01- 1 IX47/M481
986 424 981 07 VRJ Black
986 424 981 07 C50 Graphite grey
986 424 981 07 S30 Savanna
986 424 981 07 G10 Metropole blue
986 424 981 07 J30 Nephrite green -03
986 424 981 07 M30 Boxster red
986 424 981 07 P11 Cinnamon brown
986 424 981 07 D11 Dark grey/natural
986 424 981 07 T11 Brown/natural
8 900 378 152 09 Hexagon-head bolt 2
M 6 X 20
9 986 424 049 01 Safety clip 2
F >>98VS6 05644
- 000 043 203 82 Cotter pin 4

24.07.2017 -4 Kat 020

Illustration: 701-00

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
2 X 25
F >>98VS6 05644
- 900 021 055 00 Cotter pin 4
2 X 25
F >>98VS6 05644
10 996 424 145 00 Fastening part -99 1
(10) 996 424 145 01 Fastening part 00- 1
- 996 424 445 00 Clip 1
Fastening part
11 996 424 147 00 Fastening part 1
12 986 424 165 02 Support 1
(12) 986 424 165 03 Support 1
(12) 986 424 166 04 Support 00- 1 M008
13 986 424 913 05 Linkage 1
F >>98VS6 05644
(13) 986 424 913 06 Linkage 1
F 98VS6 05645>>
Use also:
986.424.041.07 1
(13) 986 424 913 07 Linkage 1
14 900 075 085 02 Hexagon-head bolt 2
M 8 X 20
15 986 424 135 00 Cap 1
16 986 424 049 00 Safety clip 1
17 986 424 931 05 Joint rod 1
F >>98VS6 05644
(17) 986 424 931 06 Joint rod 1
F 98VS6 05645>>
Use also:
986.424.041.07 1
986.424.913.06 1
(17) 986 424 931 07 Joint rod 1
18 N 901 239 02 Hexagon-head bolt 1
M 8 X 26
19 999 073 209 09 Pan-head screw 2
M 10 X 20
20 986 424 133 00 Washer 2
21 000 043 205 93 Grease X
1 100-gramme tube

24.07.2017 -5 Kat 020

Illustration: 701-01

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

24.07.2017 -1 Kat 020

Illustration: 701-01

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
Selector lever
1 996 426 011 04 Selector lever 1
(1) 996 426 011 07 Selector lever -99 1
(1) 996 426 011 08 Selector lever 00- 1
- 996 613 023 00 Switch 1
Selector lever
- 996 624 223 00 Solenoid 1
Selector lever
2 996 426 069 04 Gearshift knob 1
996 426 069 04 8YR Black
(2) 996 426 069 05 Gearshift knob 1
996 426 069 05 8YR Black
(2) 996 426 069 05 Gearshift knob 97 1
996 426 069 05 EKQ Black
(2) 996 426 069 05 Gearshift knob 98- 1 M016
996 426 069 05 EKQ Black
(2) 996 426 069 06 Gearshift knob 1
996 426 069 06 EMN Turquoise metallic 98-
996 426 069 06 EMO Zenith blue metallic 98-
996 426 069 06 EMP Metal grey 98-
(2) 996 426 069 08 Gearshift knob 99- 1 M010
996 426 069 08 EOL Amber/black
(2) 996 426 069 09 Gearshift knob 00 1
996 426 069 09 ERB Black/Silver 00
996 426 069 09 EOO Silver-black
(2) 996 426 069 10 Gearshift knob 02 1
996 426 069 10 ERB Black/Silver
996 426 069 10 EOO Silver-black
(2) 996 426 069 10 Gearshift knob 03- 1
996 426 069 10 FGJ Black
Sport silver
996 426 069 10 FGK Graphite grey
Sport silver
996 426 069 10 FGL Savanna
Sport silver
996 426 069 10 FGM Metropole blue
Sport silver
996 426 069 10 FGN Nephrite green 03
Sport silver 03
996 426 069 10 FGO Boxster red
Sport silver
996 426 069 10 FGQ Black/metal grey
Sport silver
996 426 069 10 FGP Cinnamon brown
Sport silver
996 426 069 10 VSU Dark grey/natural
Sport silver
996 426 069 10 VSV Brown/natural
Sport silver
(2) 996 426 069 10 Gearshift knob 04 1 M091
996 426 069 10 FKN Cocoa
Sport silver
996 426 069 10 FKO Dark grey/natural
Sport silver
- 996 426 275 01 Key -99 1
996 426 275 01 A01 Black

24.07.2017 -2 Kat 020

Illustration: 701-01

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
(2) 996 426 981 06 Gearshift knob 01-02 1 IX46
996 426 981 06 8YR Black
996 426 981 06 VRJ Black
996 426 981 06 C50 Graphite grey
996 426 981 06 S30 Savanna
996 426 981 06 G10 Metropole blue
996 426 981 06 J30 Nephrite green
996 426 981 06 M30 Boxster red
996 426 981 06 P11 Cinnamon brown
996 426 981 06 D11 Dark grey/natural
996 426 981 06 T11 Brown/natural
(2) 996 426 981 11 Gearshift knob 03- 1 IX46
996 426 981 11 VRJ Black
996 426 981 11 C50 Graphite grey
996 426 981 11 S30 Savanna
996 426 981 11 G10 Metropole blue
996 426 981 11 J30 Nephrite green 03
996 426 981 11 M30 Boxster red
996 426 981 11 P11 Cinnamon brown
996 426 981 11 D11 Dark grey/natural
996 426 981 11 T11 Brown/natural
(2) 996 426 981 08 Gearshift knob 01-02 1 IX66
(2) 996 426 981 09 Gearshift knob 01-02 1 IX48
(2) 996 426 981 13 Gearshift knob 03- 1 IX66
(2) 996 426 981 14 Gearshift knob 03- 1 IX48
- 000 043 204 51 Repair kit -99 1
996.426.275.01 A01
Compression spring
- 000 043 204 49 Repair kit 00- 1
996.426.275.02 V01
Compression spring
- 000 043 204 50 Repair kit 01 1 X 46/X 48
X 66
02 1 X 46/X 48
X 66
Compression spring
- 000 043 204 57 Repair kit 02 1
996.426.275.05 V01
Compression spring
- 000 043 204 69 Repair kit 03- 1
996.426.275.05 V03

24.07.2017 -3 Kat 020

Illustration: 701-01

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
Compression spring
- 996 426 285 00 Fixing clip 1
3 999 084 629 09 Hexagon nut 4
M 6
3 999 084 629 01 Hexagon nut 4
M 6
4 999 507 465 02 Cable holder 2
5 986 426 033 02 Cable 1
F >>98WS6 02046
(5) 986 426 033 03 Cable -01 1
F 98WS6 02047>>
F >>981U6 00356
F >>981U6 40435
F >>981S6 00309
F >>981S6 40254
(5) 986 426 033 04 Cable 01 1
F 981U6 00357>>
F 981U6 40436>>
F 981S6 00310>>
F 981S6 40255>>
(5) 986 426 033 05 Cable 02- 1
- 987 424 211 01 Support 1
6 900 378 152 09 Hexagon-head bolt 2
M 6 X 20
- 986 426 013 01 Reverse lever 1
POS 7 - 13
7 999 073 094 09 Oval-head screw 2
M 8 X 20
8 986 426 043 01 Push rod 1
9 986 426 041 05 Plate 1
F >>981U6 00356
F >>981S6 00309
9 986 426 041 07 Plate 1
F >>981U6 00356
F >>981S6 00309
(9) 986 426 041 06 Plate 00- 1 M008
F >>981U6 40435
F >>981S6 40254
(9) Plate 1
F 981U6 00357>>
F 981U6 40436>>
F 981S6 00310>>
F 981S6 40255>>
10 986 426 045 03 Reverse lever 1
(10) 986 426 045 04 Reverse lever 1
(10) 986 426 045 05 Reverse lever 1
F >>981U6 00356
F >>981U6 40435
F >>981S6 00309
F >>981S6 40254
(10) 986 426 045 06 Reverse lever 1
F 981U6 00357>>
F 981U6 40436>>
F 981S6 00310>>
F 981S6 40255>>
11 900 116 007 09 Lock 1

24.07.2017 -4 Kat 020

Illustration: 701-01

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
11 900 116 007 02 Lock 1
12 986 426 415 02 Bolt 1
13 999 507 057 02 Clamping washer 1
13 999 507 057 03 Clamping washer 1
14 996 426 073 03 Cable 1
15 996 426 181 00 Clip 1
16 996 426 711 00 Securing clip 1
17 996 426 380 00 Connecting piece 1
F 98WS6 02047>>
F >>981U6 00356
F >>981U6 40435
F >>981S6 00309
F >>981S6 40254
(17) 986 426 380 01 Connecting piece 01 1
F 981U6 00357>>
F 981U6 40436>>
F 981S6 00310>>
F 981S6 40255>>
(17) 986 426 380 02 Connecting piece 02- 1
18 900 076 010 02 Nut 1
M 6
F 98WS6 02047>>
18 N 022 148 12 Lock nut 1
M 6
F 98WS6 02047>>
19 996 426 335 00 Securing clip 1
20 996 426 335 01 Securing clip 1
21 996 426 035 00 Fastening part 1
22 999 507 635 00 Support 1
23 000 043 205 93 Grease X
1 100-gramme tube

24.07.2017 -5 Kat 020

Illustration: 701-05

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

24.07.2017 -1 Kat 020

Illustration: 701-05

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
1 996 424 053 01 Parking-brake lever 1
996 424 053 01 EBS Black
2 996 424 573 01 Bearing sleeve 2
3 996 424 251 01 Cover 1
996 424 251 01 8YR Black
4 996 424 571 01 Bearing tube 1
5 996 424 569 01 Bolt 1
6 999 166 079 02 Lock washer 1
7 986 424 155 00 Cover 1
986 424 155 00 B12 Black
(7) 996 424 155 01 Cover 1 M012
996 424 155 01 C02 Metal grey 99- M010
(7) 996 424 155 01 Cover 00- 1
996 424 155 01 A03 Black
996 424 155 01 C02 Metal grey 01- M010
(7) 996 424 155 02 Cover 04 1 M091
996 424 155 02 M7Z Silver metallic
(7) 986 424 155 00 Cover 98- 1 M011/016
986 424 155 00 B12 Black
(7) 996 424 155 01 Cover 01- 1 IX98
01- 1 IX58
01- 1 IXE9
996 424 155 01 A03 Black
996 424 155 01 C02 Metal grey M010
8 996 424 161 01 Bracket 1
9 996 613 112 01 Switch 1
10 996 424 567 01 Pull rod 1
11 964 424 570 00 Securing clip 1
12 964 424 568 00 Turnbuckle 1
13 996 424 574 00 Nipple 1
14 996 424 572 00 Bush 1
15 900 076 025 02 Hexagon nut 2
M 8
15 900 076 064 02 Hexagon nut 2
M 8
16 986 424 310 02 Housing 1
17 986 424 480 02 Gasket 1
18 900 378 035 01 Hexagon-head bolt 4
M 6 X 16
19 900 380 005 09 Hexagon nut 2
M 8
20 986 424 141 03 Parking-brake cable -00 2
(20) 986 424 141 04 Parking-brake cable 01- 2
21 986 424 721 06 Guide tube -00 2
(21) 986 424 721 07 Guide tube 01- 2
22 986 352 739 02 Bolt 2
23 900 116 004 09 Lock washer 2
B 5
24 986 424 031 00 Parking-brake lever 1
986 424 031 00 EBP Black
(24) 986 424 031 00 Parking-brake lever 98- 1 M016
986 424 031 00 EBP Black
(24) 986 424 031 01 Parking-brake lever 98- 1 M011/016
986 424 031 01 EBP Black
(24) 996 424 031 04 Parking-brake lever 99- 1 M010
996 424 031 04 EKH Black/granite

24.07.2017 -2 Kat 020

Illustration: 701-05

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
(24) 996 424 031 04 Parking-brake lever 98- 1 M012
996 424 031 04 EMH Metal grey/black
(24) 996 424 031 05 Parking-brake lever 00 1
996 424 031 05 EUK Black
996 424 031 05 EPR Black/metal grey M012
(24) 996 424 031 06 Parking-brake lever 01-02 1
996 424 031 06 EUK Black
996 424 031 06 EPR Black/metal grey
(24) 996 424 031 07 Parking-brake lever 03- 1
996 424 031 07 FFR Black
Sport silver
996 424 031 07 FHD Graphite grey
Sport silver
996 424 031 07 FHF Metropole blue
Sport silver
996 424 031 07 FHE Savanna
Sport silver
996 424 031 07 FHG Nephrite green 03
Sport silver
996 424 031 07 FHJ Boxster red
Sport silver
996 424 031 07 FHK Cinnamon brown
Sport silver
996 424 031 07 VSR Dark grey/natural
Sport silver
996 424 031 07 VST Brown/natural
Sport silver
996 424 031 07 FGR Black/metal grey
Sport silver
(24) 996 424 031 08 Parking-brake lever 04 1 M091
996 424 031 08 EVY Cocoa
996 424 031 08 VSZ Dark grey/natural
(24) 996 424 980 22 Parking-brake lever /LL 01-02 1 IX98
996 424 980 22 VRJ Black
996 424 980 22 C50 Graphite grey
996 424 980 22 S30 Savanna
996 424 980 22 G10 Metropole blue
996 424 980 22 J30 Nephrite green
996 424 980 22 M30 Boxster red
996 424 980 22 P11 Cinnamon brown
996 424 980 22 D11 Dark grey/natural
996 424 980 22 T11 Brown/natural
(24) 996 424 980 23 Parking-brake lever /RL 01-02 1 IX98
996 424 980 23 VRJ Black
996 424 980 23 C50 Graphite grey
996 424 980 23 S30 Savanna
996 424 980 23 G10 Metropole blue
996 424 980 23 J30 Nephrite green
996 424 980 23 M30 Boxster red
996 424 980 23 P11 Cinnamon brown
996 424 980 23 D11 Dark grey/natural
996 424 980 23 T11 Brown/natural
(24) 996 424 980 24 Parking-brake lever /LL 01-02 1 IX58
996 424 980 24 VRJ Black
996 424 980 24 C50 Graphite grey

24.07.2017 -3 Kat 020

Illustration: 701-05

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
996 424 980 24 S30 Savanna
996 424 980 24 G10 Metropole blue
996 424 980 24 J30 Nephrite green
996 424 980 24 M30 Boxster red
996 424 980 24 P11 Cinnamon brown
996 424 980 24 D11 Dark grey/natural
996 424 980 24 T11 Brown/natural
(24) 996 424 980 25 Parking-brake lever /RL 01-02 1 IX58
996 424 980 25 VRJ Black
996 424 980 25 C50 Graphite grey
996 424 980 25 S30 Savanna
996 424 980 25 G10 Metropole blue
996 424 980 25 J30 Nephrite green
996 424 980 25 M30 Boxster red
996 424 980 25 P11 Cinnamon brown
996 424 980 25 D11 Dark grey/natural
996 424 980 25 T11 Brown/natural
(24) 996 424 980 28 Parking-brake lever /LL 01-02 1 IXE9
996 424 980 28 VRJ Black
996 424 980 28 C50 Graphite grey
996 424 980 28 S30 Savanna
996 424 980 28 G10 Metropole blue
996 424 980 28 J30 Nephrite green
996 424 980 28 M30 Boxster red
996 424 980 28 P11 Cinnamon brown
996 424 980 28 D11 Dark grey/natural
996 424 980 28 T11 Brown/natural
(24) 996 424 980 29 Parking-brake lever /RL 01-02 1 IXE9
996 424 980 29 VRJ Black
996 424 980 29 C50 Graphite grey
996 424 980 29 S30 Savanna
996 424 980 29 G10 Metropole blue
996 424 980 29 J30 Nephrite green
996 424 980 29 M30 Boxster red
996 424 980 29 P11 Cinnamon brown
996 424 980 29 D11 Dark grey/natural
996 424 980 29 T11 Brown/natural
(24) 996 424 980 38 Parking-brake lever /LL 03- 1 IX98
996 424 980 38 VRJ Black
996 424 980 38 C50 Graphite grey
996 424 980 38 S30 Savanna
996 424 980 38 G10 Metropole blue
996 424 980 38 J30 Nephrite green 03
996 424 980 38 M30 Boxster red
996 424 980 38 P11 Cinnamon brown
996 424 980 38 D11 Dark grey/natural
996 424 980 38 T11 Brown/natural
(24) 996 424 980 39 Parking-brake lever /RL 03- 1 IX98
996 424 980 39 VRJ Black
996 424 980 39 C50 Graphite grey
996 424 980 39 S30 Savanna
996 424 980 39 G10 Metropole blue
996 424 980 39 J30 Nephrite green 03
996 424 980 39 M30 Boxster red
996 424 980 39 P11 Cinnamon brown
996 424 980 39 D11 Dark grey/natural
996 424 980 39 T11 Brown/natural
(24) 996 424 980 50 Parking-brake lever /LL 03- 1 IX58

24.07.2017 -4 Kat 020

Illustration: 701-05

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
996 424 980 50 VRJ Black
996 424 980 50 C50 Graphite grey
996 424 980 50 S30 Savanna
996 424 980 50 G10 Metropole blue
996 424 980 50 J30 Nephrite green 03
996 424 980 50 M30 Boxster red
996 424 980 50 P11 Cinnamon brown
996 424 980 50 D11 Dark grey/natural
996 424 980 50 T11 Brown/natural
(24) 996 424 980 51 Parking-brake lever /RL 03- 1 IX58
996 424 980 51 VRJ Black
996 424 980 51 C50 Graphite grey
996 424 980 51 S30 Savanna
996 424 980 51 G10 Metropole blue
996 424 980 51 J30 Nephrite green 03
996 424 980 51 M30 Boxster red
996 424 980 51 P11 Cinnamon brown
996 424 980 51 D11 Dark grey/natural
996 424 980 51 T11 Brown/natural
(24) 996 424 980 46 Parking-brake lever /LL 03- 1 IXE9
996 424 980 46 VRJ Black
996 424 980 46 C50 Graphite grey
996 424 980 46 S30 Savanna
996 424 980 46 G10 Metropole blue
996 424 980 46 J30 Nephrite green 03
996 424 980 46 M30 Boxster red
996 424 980 46 P11 Cinnamon brown
996 424 980 46 D11 Dark grey/natural
996 424 980 46 T11 Brown/natural
(24) 996 424 980 47 Parking-brake lever /RL 03- 1 IXE9
996 424 980 47 VRJ Black
996 424 980 47 C50 Graphite grey
996 424 980 47 S30 Savanna
996 424 980 47 G10 Metropole blue
996 424 980 47 J30 Nephrite green 03
996 424 980 47 M30 Boxster red
996 424 980 47 P11 Cinnamon brown
996 424 980 47 D11 Dark grey/natural
996 424 980 47 T11 Brown/natural
- 986 424 201 01 Retaining strap 2
Parking-brake cable
- 999 190 435 30 Blind rivet 2
Retaining strap

24.07.2017 -5 Kat 020

Illustration: 702-00

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

24.07.2017 -1 Kat 020

Illustration: 702-00

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
See technical manual
46 05 19
30 05 19
- 000 043 203 37 Grease X
- 000 043 209 03 Grease X
1 Bellows 1
See illustrations
2 996 423 165 03 Push rod 1
See technical information
Group 4
(2) 996 423 165 05 Push rod 1
See technical information
Group 4
- 999 166 075 02 Safety clip 1
Push rod
Brake booster
3 996 423 330 01 Clamp 1
Group 4
4 999 166 077 02 Safety clip 3 M481
(4) Safety clip 2 M249
5 900 025 009 02 Washer X M481
(5) 999 025 265 40 Washer X
6 996 423 399 01 Bush 4 M481
(6) Bush 2 M249
7 996 423 139 05 Clutch pedal 1 M481
(7) 996 423 139 06 Clutch pedal 1 M481
(7) 996 423 139 10 Clutch pedal 1 M481
8 996 423 313 01 Bolt 1 M481
Clutch power spring
(8) 996 423 315 06 Bolt 1 M481
Clutch power spring
Together with
- 999 166 075 02 Safety clip 1 M481
Together with
- 999 166 022 02 Kl-lock 1 M481
Together with
9 986 423 081 07 Clutch power spring 1 M481
(9) 986 423 081 12 Clutch power spring 1
10 996 423 091 00 Brake pedal /LL 1 M481
See technical information
Group 4

24.07.2017 -2 Kat 020

Illustration: 702-00

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
(10) 996 423 091 03 Brake pedal /LL 1 M481
See technical information
Group 4
(10) 996 423 092 00 Brake pedal /RL 1 M481
See technical information
Group 4
(10) 996 423 092 03 Brake pedal /RL 1 M481
See technical information
Group 4
Use also:
996.423.999.00 2
(10) 996 423 093 00 Brake pedal /LL 1 M249
See technical information
Group 4
(10) 996 423 093 03 Brake pedal /LL 1 M249
See technical information
Group 4
(10) 996 423 094 00 Brake pedal /RL 1 M249
See technical information
Group 4
(10) 996 423 094 03 Brake pedal /RL 1 M249
See technical information
Group 4
Use also:
996.423.999.00 2
11 999 924 120 00 Bush 1
See technical information
Group 4
12 996 423 310 03 Bolt 1
See technical information
Group 4
13 996 423 581 00 Bush 2
14 996 423 281 04 Axle /LL 1 M481
(14) 996 423 284 04 Axle /RL 1 M481
(14) 996 423 283 04 Axle /LL 1 M249
(14) 996 423 286 04 Axle /RL 1 M249
- 996 423 275 03 Cap nut 1
- 996 423 275 07 Cap nut 1
15 996 423 210 03 Pedal cap 2 M481
(15) 996 423 212 03 Pedal cap 1 M249
17 996 613 110 01 Switch 97 2 M454/481
(17) 996 613 114 01 Switch 98- 2 M454/481
(17) 996 613 110 01 Switch 97 1 M249/454
(17) 996 613 113 01 Switch 98- 1 M249/454
18 996 613 111 01 Switch 97 1
(18) 996 613 113 01 Switch 98- 1
19 964 613 211 00 Kickdown switch 1 M249
20 999 166 077 02 Safety clip 1 M481

24.07.2017 -3 Kat 020

Illustration: 702-01

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

24.07.2017 -1 Kat 020

Illustration: 702-01

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
Pedals 98-
See technical manual
46 05 19
30 05 19
- 000 043 203 37 Grease X
- 000 043 209 03 Grease X
1 Bellows 1
See illustrations
2 996 423 165 04 Push rod 1
F >>98YS6 00434
F >>98YU6 00165
F >>98YS6 40520
F >>98YU6 40062
See technical information
Group 4
(2) 996 423 165 05 Push rod 1
F 98YS6 00435>>
F 98YU6 00166>>
F 98YS6 40521>>
F 98YU6 40063>>
- 999 166 075 02 Safety clip 1
Push rod
Brake booster
3 996 423 307 00 Sleeve 1
4 900 380 005 09 Hexagon nut 3
M 8 2
5 999 507 601 01 Lock 1 M480/481
6 996 423 399 01 Bush 2 M480/481
7 996 423 139 08 Clutch pedal 98 1 M481
(7) 996 423 139 09 Clutch pedal -99 1 M481
(7) 996 423 139 10 Clutch pedal 1 M480/481
Use also:
986.423.881.06 X M481
996.423.081.12 X M480
996.423.315.06 X
8 996 423 313 01 Bolt -99 1 M481
(8) 996 423 315 06 Bolt 00- 1 M480/481
- 999 166 022 02 Kl-lock 00- 1 M480/481
9 986 423 081 08 Clutch power spring 98 1 M481
(9) 986 423 081 11 Clutch power spring -99 1 M481
Use also:
(9) 996 423 881 05 Clutch power spring 00- 1 M481
(9) 996 423 881 06 Clutch power spring -02 1 M481
(9) 996 423 081 15 Clutch power spring 03 1 M481
(9) 996 423 081 18 Clutch power spring 04 1 M481
9 996 423 081 13 Clutch power spring 00- 1 M008
(9) 996 423 081 12 Clutch power spring 00- 1 M008
F >>982S6 40471
F >>982U6 41966
(9) 996 423 081 16 Clutch power spring 00- 1 M008
F >>982S6 40471
F >>982U6 41966
(9) 996 423 081 19 Clutch power spring 00- 1 M008
F >>982S6 40471
F >>982U6 41966

24.07.2017 -2 Kat 020

Illustration: 702-01

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
(9) 996 423 081 14 Clutch power spring -02 1 M008
F 982S6 40472>>
F 982U6 41967>>
(9) 996 423 081 17 Clutch power spring 03 1 M008
(9) 996 423 081 20 Clutch power spring 04 1 M008
- 986 423 571 00 Bracket 1 M481
Clutch power spring
- 996 423 571 02 Bracket 1
Clutch power spring
10 996 423 091 03 Brake pedal /LL 1 M480/481
(10) 996 423 092 03 Brake pedal /RL 1 M480/481
(10) 996 423 093 03 Brake pedal /LL 1 M249
(10) 996 423 094 03 Brake pedal /RL 1 M249
- 996 423 277 00 Bearing sleeve /RL 1
Brake pedal
- 999 522 033 00 Return spring 2
Brake pedal
- 996 423 101 00 Protective tube 1
Return spring
Brake pedal
- 996 423 243 00 Bush 00- 1
Return spring
12 996 423 308 00 Bolt 1
(12) 996 423 581 00 Bush 1
14 996 423 281 05 Axle /LL 1 M480/481
(14) 996 423 284 05 Axle /RL 1 M480/481
(14) 996 423 283 05 Axle /LL 1 M249
(14) 996 423 286 05 Axle /RL 1 M249
15 996 423 210 03 Pedal cap 2 M480/481
(15) 996 423 212 03 Pedal cap 1 M249
17 996 613 114 01 Switch 1 M454/481
(17) 996 613 113 01 Switch 1 M249/454
18 Switch 1
19 964 613 211 00 Kickdown switch 1 M249
20 996 423 399 01 Bush /LL 2
(20) 999 924 133 40 Bush /RL 2
21 996 423 275 04 Cap nut -03 1
(21) 996 423 275 05 Cap nut 04- 1

24.07.2017 -3 Kat 020

Illustration: 702-08

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

24.07.2017 -1 Kat 020

Illustration: 702-08

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
clutch actuation
Clutch master cylinder
Clutch pipeline
1 996 423 171 04 Clutch master cylinder 1
(1) 996 423 171 05 Clutch master cylinder -02 1
(1) 996 423 171 06 Clutch master cylinder 03- 1
- 996 423 614 00 Circlip 1
Pressure line
- 900 312 041 02 Bolt 97 1
- 996 423 315 06 Bolt 98- 1
- 999 021 008 02 Safety clip 97 1
- 999 166 022 02 Kl-lock 98- 1
2 996 423 147 00 Feed line /LL -02 1
(2) 996 423 147 01 Feed line /LL 03- 1
3 997 423 137 00 Feed line /LL 1
4 996 423 138 02 Line /RL 97 1
(4) 996 423 138 03 Line /RL 98- 1
(4) 996 423 138 04 Feed line /RL 03- 1
5 996 423 140 01 Feed line /RL 1
F >>98WS6 06100
(5) 996 423 140 02 Feed line /RL 1
F 98WS6 06101>>
6 996 423 142 00 Feed line /RL 1
F >>98WS6 06100
(6) 996 423 142 01 Feed line /RL -02 1
F 98WS6 06101>>
(6) 996 423 142 02 Feed line /RL 03- 1
7 900 378 029 09 Hexagon-head bolt 2
M 6 X 40
7 900 378 029 01 Hexagon-head bolt 2
M 6 X 40
8 996 423 107 06 Clutch pipeline /LL 97 1
See technical manual
Group 3
- 999 702 174 50 Grommet /LL X
See technical manual
8 996 423 107 10 Clutch pipeline /LL 98- 1
(8) 996 423 108 02 Clutch pipeline /RL 97 1
(8) 996 423 108 10 Clutch pipeline /RL 98- 1
9 996 423 109 07 Clutch pipeline 97 1
See technical manual
(9) 996 423 109 10 Clutch pipeline 98- 1
10 986 423 113 08 Clutch pipeline 1
F >>98XS6 03069
(10) 986 423 113 25 Clutch pipeline 1
F 98XS6 03070>>
Use also:
(10) 986 423 113 08 Clutch pipeline 00- 1 M008
11 999 591 964 40 Support 1
12 999 591 922 40 Support 1
13 964 423 811 00 Support 1
14 986 423 377 08 Clutch hose 1
F >>98XS6 03069

24.07.2017 -2 Kat 020

Illustration: 702-08

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
(14) 986 423 113 25 Clutch pipeline 1
F 98XS6 03070>>
Use also:
(14) 986 423 377 11 Clutch hose 00- 2 M008
15 996 355 549 00 Support 2
16 996 355 545 00 Support 3
17 996 355 543 00 Support 1
18 999 702 216 41 Grommet 1 M481
(18) 999 702 216 42 Grommet 1
19 999 702 217 41 Grommet 1 M249
20 986 423 777 00 Bracket 1
F >>98XS6 03069
(20) 986 423 677 25 Bracket 1
F 98XS6 03070>>
(20) 986 423 777 10 Bracket 1
(20) 996 423 777 01 Bracket 1
21 999 507 586 40 Cable holder 1
22 999 230 522 10 Threaded joint 1
(22) 999 230 541 10 Threaded joint 1
- 999 230 685 40 Circlip 3
Threaded joint
23 999 707 333 40 Sealing ring 1

24.07.2017 -3 Kat 020

Illustration: 702-10

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

24.07.2017 -1 Kat 020

Illustration: 702-10

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
Accelerator control
1 986 423 021 06 Accelerator control /LL 1 M481
(1) 986 423 021 07 Accelerator control /LL 97 1 M481
(1) 986 423 021 08 Accelerator control /LL 98- 1 M481
(1) 986 423 022 06 Accelerator control /RL 1 M481
(1) 986 423 022 07 Accelerator control /RL 97 1 M481
(1) 986 423 022 08 Accelerator control /RL 98- 1 M481
(1) 986 423 023 06 Accelerator control /LL 1 M249
(1) 986 423 023 07 Accelerator control /LL 97 1 M249
(1) 986 423 023 08 Accelerator control /LL 98- 1 M249
(1) 986 423 024 06 Accelerator control /RL 1 M249
(1) 986 423 024 07 Accelerator control /RL 97 1 M249
(1) 986 423 024 08 Accelerator control /RL 98- 1 M249
(1) 986 423 025 06 Accelerator control /LL 1 M454/481
(1) 986 423 025 07 Accelerator control /LL 97 1 M454/481
(1) 986 423 025 08 Accelerator control /LL 98- 1 M454/481
(1) 986 423 026 06 Accelerator control /RL 1 M454/481
(1) 986 423 026 07 Accelerator control /RL 97 1 M454/481
(1) 986 423 026 08 Accelerator control /RL 98- 1 M454/481
(1) 986 423 027 06 Accelerator control /LL 1 M249/454
(1) 986 423 027 07 Accelerator control /LL 97 1 M249/454
(1) 986 423 027 08 Accelerator control /LL 98- 1 M249/454
(1) 986 423 028 06 Accelerator control /RL 1 M249/454
(1) 986 423 028 07 Accelerator control /RL 97 1 M249/454
(1) 986 423 028 08 Accelerator control /RL 98- 1 M249/454
(1) 996 423 019 02 Accelerator control /LL -02 1 M480/481
(1) 996 423 019 04 Accelerator control /LL 03- 1 M480/481
(1) 996 423 020 00 Accelerator control /RL -02 1 M480/481
(1) 996 423 020 02 Accelerator control /RL 1 M480/481
(1) 996 423 029 02 Accelerator control /LL -02 1 M249
(1) 996 423 029 04 Accelerator control /LL 03- 1 M249
(1) 996 423 030 00 Accelerator control /RL -02 1 M249
(1) 996 423 030 02 Accelerator control /RL 03- 1 M249
- 996 423 396 00 Circlip 03- 1
Connecting rod
Accelerator pedal
2 986 423 131 04 Housing -99 1
3 996 423 133 00 Spring -99 1
4 999 591 839 40 Plastic nut -99 2
T 5
5 986 423 229 04 Accelerator cable /LL -99 1 M481
(5) 986 423 228 04 Accelerator cable /RL -99 1 M481
(5) 986 423 279 04 Accelerator cable /LL -99 1 M249
(5) 986 423 280 04 Accelerator cable /RL -99 1 M249
Mounting parts
Accelerator cable
- 999 507 569 40 Hose holder /LL -99 1
- 999 511 116 02 Clamp /LL -99 1
10 X 15
- 999 511 116 03 Clamp /LL 1
10 X 15
- 999 651 273 40 Cable holder /RL -99 1

24.07.2017 -2 Kat 020

Illustration: 702-10

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
- 999 507 570 40 Hose holder /RL -99 1
6 986 423 145 04 Deflection roller -99 1
7 986 423 253 03 Bolt -99 1
8 986 423 135 04 Lid -99 1
9 986 423 331 00 Grommet -99 1
10 996 606 115 00 Pedal sensor 00- 1
10 996 606 115 01 Pedal sensor 00- 1
10 996 606 115 02 Pedal sensor 00- 1
11 996 423 389 01 Support 00- 1
12 900 377 010 09 Hexagon nut 00- 5
M 6
13 996 423 394 00 Support /RL 00- 1
14 900 146 157 09 Round head screw 1
M 5 X 55

24.07.2017 -3 Kat 020

Illustration: 801-00

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

24.07.2017 -1 Kat 020

Illustration: 801-00

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
Body in white
Prime coated
Underbody protection
Bodyshells can only
only available from current
Model year available
The data required
for your order
Can be found on the
Vehicle data carrier
Please indicate this data
in your order
A Vehicle data carrier
B Vehicle Ident. No.
C Order type
D Country equipment
E Optional extras
F Additional applications
1 986 500 900 00 Body in white 1
986 500 900 00 GRV Prime coated

24.07.2017 -2 Kat 020

Illustration: 801-05

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

24.07.2017 -1 Kat 020

Illustration: 801-05

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
Body front section
1 996 501 911 00 Body front section 1
996 501 911 00 GRV Prime coated
- 996 502 431 00 Cross member 1
996 502 431 00 GRV Prime coated
Body front section
- 996 502 131 07 Firewall 1
996 502 131 07 GRV Prime coated
Body front section
Use also:
2 996 501 443 01 Lower part /L 1
996 501 443 01 GRV Prime coated
(2) 996 501 444 02 Lower part /R 1
996 501 444 02 GRV Prime coated
3 996 504 121 02 Lid /LL 1
Use also:
- 000 043 300 94 Adhesive set 1
(3) 996 504 121 02 Lid /LL 1
Use also:
- 000 043 300 94 Adhesive set 1
(3) 996 504 121 03 Lid /RL 1
(3) Lid /RL 1
4 999 702 255 41 Lid 1
62,5 X 72,6

24.07.2017 -2 Kat 020

Illustration: 801-10

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

24.07.2017 -1 Kat 020

Illustration: 801-10

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
Body front section
Single parts
1 996 501 231 02 Terminal piece 1
996 501 231 02 GRV Prime coated
1 996 501 231 03 Terminal piece 1
996 501 231 03 GRV Prime coated
2 996 501 979 00 Spare-wheel well 1
996 501 979 00 GRV Prime coated
3 996 501 649 00 Corner panel /L 1
996 501 649 00 GRV Prime coated
(3) 996 501 650 00 Corner panel /R 1
996 501 650 00 GRV Prime coated
4 996 501 621 00 Support 3
996 501 621 00 GRV Prime coated
5 996 501 305 04 Side member /L -01 1
996 501 305 04 GRV Prime coated
(5) 996 501 306 04 Side member /R -01 1
996 501 306 04 GRV Prime coated
(5) 996 501 305 05 Side member /L 02 1
996 501 305 05 GRV Prime coated
(5) 996 501 306 05 Side member /R 02 1
996 501 306 05 GRV Prime coated
(5) 996 501 305 06 Side member /L 02- 1
996 501 305 06 GRV Prime coated
(5) 996 501 306 06 Side member /R 03- 1
996 501 306 06 GRV Prime coated
6 996 501 377 01 Mounting 2
996 501 377 01 GRV Prime coated
7 996 501 915 00 Side member /L 1
996 501 915 00 GRV Prime coated
F >>98WS6 07094
It is necessary to rework
Use also:
POS.13 1
(7) 996 501 916 00 Side member /R 1
996 501 916 00 GRV Prime coated
F >>98WS6 07094
It is necessary to rework
Use also:
POS.13 1
8996 501 935 01 Wheel housing /L 1
996 501 935 01 GRV Prime coated
(8) 996 501 936 04 Wheel housing /R 1
996 501 936 04 GRV Prime coated
9 996 501 443 01 Lower part /L 1
996 501 443 01 GRV Prime coated
(9) 996 501 444 02 Lower part /R 1
996 501 444 02 GRV Prime coated
10 996 501 937 01 Hinge pillar /L 1
996 501 937 01 GRV Prime coated
(10) 996 501 938 01 Hinge pillar /R 1
996 501 938 01 GRV Prime coated
11 996 504 201 01 Lid 2
$ 145 MM
12 996 504 213 01 Lid 2
$ 85 MM
13 996 501 815 00 Support 2
996 501 815 00 GRV Prime coated
F >>98WS6 07094
14 996 501 815 02 Support 2
996 501 815 02 GRV Prime coated
F 98WS6 07095>>
15 996 502 021 03 Bulkhead 1

24.07.2017 -2 Kat 020

Illustration: 801-10

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
996 502 021 03 GRV Prime coated
996 502 021 06 Bulkhead 1
996 502 021 06 GRV Prime coated
16 996 502 017 01 Cross panel -99 1
996 502 017 01 GRV Prime coated
(16) 996 502 017 04 Cross panel 00- 1
996 502 017 04 GRV Prime coated
17 996 501 341 00 Support 2
996 501 341 00 GRV Prime coated
18 996 501 665 00 Separator /L 1
996 501 665 00 GRV Prime coated
18 996 501 665 01 Separator /L 1
996 501 665 01 GRV Prime coated
(18) 996 501 666 00 Separator /R 1
996 501 666 00 GRV Prime coated
(18) 996 501 666 01 Separator /R 1
996 501 666 01 GRV Prime coated
19 999 703 484 40 Water drain sleeve X

24.07.2017 -3 Kat 020

Illustration: 801-15

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

24.07.2017 -1 Kat 020

Illustration: 801-15

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
Dome strut
1 996 504 233 00 Dome strut /L -02 1
1 996 504 233 01 Dome strut /L 1
2 996 504 234 00 Dome strut /R -02 1
2 996 504 234 01 Dome strut /R 1
3 996 504 359 00 Bracket 1
4 996 504 633 00 Filler piece /L 1
5 996 504 634 00 Filler piece /R 1
6 900 378 100 09 Hexagon-head bolt 2
M 10 X 45
7 900 075 010 09 Hexagon-head bolt 4
M 6 X 12

24.07.2017 -2 Kat 020

Illustration: 801-20

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

24.07.2017 -1 Kat 020

Illustration: 801-20

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
1 986 501 551 00 Floor 1
986 501 551 00 GRV Prime coated
2 996 501 153 00 Seat support /L 1
996 501 153 00 GRV Prime coated
(2) 996 501 154 00 Seat support /R 1
996 501 154 00 GRV Prime coated
3 986 501 957 00 Side member /L 1
986 501 957 00 GRV Prime coated
(3) 986 501 958 01 Side member /R 1
986 501 958 01 GRV Prime coated
4 996 501 507 01 Reinforcement /L 1
996 501 507 01 GRV Prime coated
4 996 501 507 02 Reinforcement /L 1
996 501 507 02 GRV Prime coated
(4) 996 501 508 01 Reinforcement /R 1
996 501 508 01 GRV Prime coated
(4) 996 501 508 02 Reinforcement /R 1
996 501 508 02 GRV Prime coated
5 996 501 525 00 Side member /L 1
996 501 525 00 GRV Prime coated
(5) 996 501 526 00 Side member /R 1
996 501 526 00 GRV Prime coated
6 996 501 751 00 Extension 1
996 501 751 00 GRV Prime coated
7 996 501 785 00 Jacking point /L /V 1
996 501 785 00 GRV Prime coated
(7) 996 501 786 00 Jacking point /R /V 1
996 501 786 00 GRV Prime coated
8 996 501 481 01 Jacking point /L /H 1
996 501 481 01 GRV Prime coated
(8) 996 501 482 01 Jacking point /R /H 1
996 501 482 01 GRV Prime coated
- 996 504 201 01 Lid X
$ 145 MM
- 996 504 205 01 Lid X
$ 130 MM
- 996 504 207 01 Lid X
$ 100 MM

24.07.2017 -2 Kat 020

Illustration: 801-35

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

24.07.2017 -1 Kat 020

Illustration: 801-35

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
Rear end
Single parts
1 986 501 983 02 Wheel housing /L 1
986 501 983 02 GRV Prime coated
1 986 501 983 03 Wheel housing /L 1
986 501 983 03 GRV Prime coated
1 986 501 983 05 Wheel housing /L 1
986 501 983 05 GRV Prime coated
(1) 986 501 984 01 Wheel housing /R 1
986 501 984 01 GRV Prime coated
(1) 986 501 984 02 Wheel housing /R 1
986 501 984 02 GRV Prime coated
2 986 501 995 00 Side member /L 1
986 501 995 00 GRV Prime coated
2 986 501 995 01 Side member /L 1
986 501 995 01 GRV Prime coated
(2) 986 501 996 00 Side member /R 1
986 501 996 00 GRV Prime coated
(2) 986 501 996 01 Side member /R 1
986 501 996 01 GRV Prime coated
- 996 501 727 00 Support 1
996 501 727 00 GRV Prime coated
3 986 501 977 00 Side member /L 1
986 501 977 00 GRV Prime coated
(3) 986 501 978 00 Side member /R 1
986 501 978 00 GRV Prime coated
4 986 501 177 00 Side member /L 1
986 501 177 00 GRV Prime coated
(4) 986 501 178 00 Side member /R 1
986 501 178 00 GRV Prime coated
5 986 501 971 00 Boot floor plate 1
986 501 971 00 GRV Prime coated
- 986 501 471 00 Floor section 1
986 501 471 00 GRV Prime coated
6 986 501 569 01 Mounting /L 1
986 501 569 01 GRV Prime coated
6 987 501 569 00 Mounting /L 1
987 501 569 00 GRV Prime coated
(6) 986 501 570 01 Mounting /R 1
986 501 570 01 GRV Prime coated
Use also:
POS. 13
7 986 501 243 00 Terminal piece 1
986 501 243 00 GRV Prime coated
8 996 501 377 00 Mounting 2
996 501 377 00 GRV Prime coated
8 996 501 377 01 Mounting 2
996 501 377 01 GRV Prime coated
9 986 501 613 00 Support 2
986 501 613 00 GRV Prime coated
10 986 502 675 00 Cross member 1
986 502 675 00 GRV Prime coated
11 996 504 201 01 Lid 2

24.07.2017 -2 Kat 020

Illustration: 801-35

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
$ 145 MM
12 996 504 209 01 Lid 2
$ 100 MM
13 999 048 004 02 Threaded bush 2
14 986 501 575 00 Cross member 1
986 501 575 00 GRV Prime coated
Rear axle
15 986 502 673 01 Cross member 1
986 502 673 01 GRV Prime coated

24.07.2017 -3 Kat 020

Illustration: 801-40

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

24.07.2017 -1 Kat 020

Illustration: 801-40

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
1 996 503 031 01 Wing /L 1
996 503 031 01 GRV Prime coated
(1) 996 503 032 01 Wing /R -98 1
996 503 032 01 GRV Prime coated
(1) 996 503 032 03 Wing /R 1
996 503 032 03 GRV Prime coated
2 999 507 003 02 Speed nut 22
ST 6,3
2 999 507 003 01 Speed nut 22
ST 6,3
3 999 073 128 02 Tapping screw 22
ST 6,3 X 14
4996 504 133 00 Fuel filler flap 1
996 504 133 00 GRV Prime coated
4 996 504 133 02 Fuel filler flap 1
996 504 133 02 GRV Prime coated
5 996 201 063 00 Hinge 1
6 996 201 413 01 Spring 1
7 996 201 423 00 Cap 1
9 996 201 513 00 Rubber stop 1
10 996 201 493 00 Emergency operation 1
11 996 624 113 00 Actuator 1
12 996 624 505 01 Guide rose 1
12 996 624 505 02 Guide rose 1
13 996 201 667 01 Sleeve 1
15 996 201 153 00 Hose 1
16 996 504 641 01 Cover /L 1
996 504 641 01 01C Black
(16) 996 504 642 01 Cover /R 1
996 504 642 01 01C Black
17 999 591 712 40 Expansion rivet 6
A 6,0 X 12,0
18 996 504 531 00 Protective film /L 1
(18) 996 504 532 00 Protective film /R 1
19 996 504 441 00 Strut 2
996 504 441 00 GRV Prime coated
20 996 504 555 00 Bracket 2
996 504 555 00 GRV Prime coated
21 900 377 010 09 Hexagon nut X
M 6
- 000 043 204 85 Cavity preservation X
400 ML

24.07.2017 -2 Kat 020

Illustration: 801-45

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

24.07.2017 -1 Kat 020

Illustration: 801-45

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
1 986 502 137 00 Cowl 1
986 502 137 00 GRV Prime coated
1 986 502 137 01 Cowl 1
986 502 137 01 GRV Prime coated
1 986 502 137 02 Cowl 1
986 502 137 02 GRV Prime coated
2 996 502 527 00 Cowl 1
996 502 527 00 GRV Prime coated
2 996 502 527 01 Cowl 1
996 502 527 01 GRV Prime coated
3 986 502 529 00 Cowl 1
986 502 529 00 GRV Prime coated
4 986 502 135 00 Reinforcement /L 1
986 502 135 00 GRV Prime coated
(4) 986 502 136 00 Reinforcement /R 1
986 502 136 00 GRV Prime coated
5 986 502 335 00 Hinge pillar /L 1
986 502 335 00 GRV Prime coated
(5) 986 502 336 00 Hinge pillar /R 1
986 502 336 00 GRV Prime coated
- 996 502 737 00 Speed nut 2
M 6
- 997 502 739 00 Speed nut 1

24.07.2017 -2 Kat 020

Illustration: 801-50

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

24.07.2017 -1 Kat 020

Illustration: 801-50

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
Side section
1 986 503 961 00 Side section /L 1
986 503 961 00 GRV Prime coated
1 986 503 961 01 Side section /L 1
986 503 961 01 GRV Prime coated
(1) 986 503 962 00 Side section /R 1
986 503 962 00 GRV Prime coated
Use also:
- 999 915 650 40 Adhesive X
- 000 043 300 48 Tool X
See technical manual
Group 5
53 55 55
2 986 502 161 00 Frame for light /L 1
986 502 161 00 GRV Prime coated
(2) 986 502 162 00 Frame for light /R 1
986 502 162 00 GRV Prime coated
3 986 501 651 00 Corner panel /L 1
986 501 651 00 GRV Prime coated
(3) 986 501 652 00 Corner panel /R 1
986 501 652 00 GRV Prime coated
4 986 502 515 00 Wheel housing /L -01 1
986 502 515 00 GRV Prime coated
4 986 502 515 01 Wheel housing /L 02- 1
986 502 515 01 GRV Prime coated
(4) 986 502 516 00 Wheel housing /R 1
986 502 516 00 GRV Prime coated
5 986 502 083 00 Side section /L 1
986 502 083 00 GRV Prime coated
(5) 986 502 084 00 Side section /R 1
986 502 084 00 GRV Prime coated
6 986 502 085 00 Side section /L 1
986 502 085 00 GRV Prime coated
(6) 986 502 106 00 Side section /R 1
986 502 106 00 GRV Prime coated
7 986 502 615 00 Closing element /L 1
986 502 615 00 GRV Prime coated
(7) 986 502 616 00 Closing element /R 1
986 502 616 00 GRV Prime coated
8 986 502 163 00 Reinforcement /L 1
986 502 163 00 GRV Prime coated
8 986 502 163 02 Reinforcement /L 1
986 502 163 02 GRV Prime coated
(8) 986 502 164 00 Reinforcement /R 1
986 502 164 00 GRV Prime coated
(8) 986 502 164 01 Reinforcement /R 1
986 502 164 01 GRV Prime coated
9 986 503 963 00 Door sill /L 1
986 503 963 00 GRV Prime coated
(9) 986 503 964 00 Door sill /R 1
986 503 964 00 GRV Prime coated
10 986 504 907 00 Gasket 2
Air inlet
11 986 504 967 01 Seal /L 1
(11) 986 504 968 01 Seal /R 1
Side section
Wheel housing
See workshop manual
12 986 504 635 00 Protective film /L 1
(12) 986 504 636 00 Protective film /R 1
13 986 572 043 02 Bleeding /L 1
(13) 986 572 044 00 Bleeding /R 1

24.07.2017 -2 Kat 020

Illustration: 801-50

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
14 986 572 643 00 Air-guide cowl /L 1
(14) 986 572 644 00 Air-guide cowl /R 1
15 996 537 237 00 Protective film 2
16 986 572 723 00 Cover plate 2
Door sill
17 999 703 475 40 Water drain sleeve 2
Door sill

24.07.2017 -3 Kat 020

Illustration: 801-70

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

24.07.2017 -1 Kat 020

Illustration: 801-70

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
1 996 504 527 02 Cover 1
2 999 049 022 40 Plastic nut 21
3 999 507 657 09 Clamp 6
4 996 504 043 02 Cover 1
5 986 504 119 00 Cover 1
6 999 507 497 40 Expansion rivet X
8,0 X 14,0
7 999 076 068 09 Hexagon nut 1
M 6
7 999 076 068 01 Hexagon nut 1
M 6
8 999 919 169 02 Stud 1
M 6 X 11
(9) 986 504 571 00 Support 97 2
9 986 504 571 01 Support 2
10 986 504 393 00 Cover /L 1
986 504 393 00 01C Satin black
(10) 986 504 394 00 Cover /R 1
986 504 394 00 01C Satin black
11 986 504 893 00 Rubber lip /L 1
(11) 986 504 894 00 Rubber lip /R 1
12 999 507 348 01 Speed nut 4
ST 4,8
12 Speed nut 4
ST 4,8
13 999 073 061 02 Tapping screw X
ST 4,8 X 16
14 944 503 255 00 Spacer X
15 986 504 593 00 Support 2
16 999 507 462 02 Speed nut 4
ST 4,8
16 999 507 462 09 Speed nut 4
ST 4,8
17 986 504 605 02 Heat protection 1
18 999 049 017 09 Hexagon nut 7
18 999 049 025 09 Collar nut 7
19 996 504 561 00 Cover 1
20 999 049 022 40 Plastic nut 6
21 986 504 643 01 Seal -03 1
22 986 504 743 00 Support -03 1
23 999 591 699 02 Speed nut 4
St 4,8
23 999 591 699 01 Speed nut 4
ST 4,8
24 999 084 212 02 Hexagon nut 2
M 6
25 986 504 651 00 Heat protection 00- 1 M008

24.07.2017 -2 Kat 020

Illustration: 801-75

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

24.07.2017 -1 Kat 020

Illustration: 801-75

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
Wheel housing
1 996 504 203 06 Wheel-housing liner /L 1
(1) 996 504 204 06 Wheel-housing liner /R 1
2 999 507 497 40 Expansion rivet 13
8,0 X 14,0
3 999 049 022 40 Plastic nut 10
4 996 504 503 00 Rubber lip /L 1
(4) 996 504 504 00 Rubber lip /R 1
5 999 073 061 02 Tapping screw 6
ST 4,8 X 16
6 999 591 699 02 Speed nut 12
St 4,8
6 999 591 699 01 Speed nut 12
ST 4,8
7 999 073 198 09 Tapping screw 4
7 999 073 227 09 Tapping screw 4
ST 4,8 X 19
8 986 504 573 00 Wheel-housing liner /L 1
8 986 504 573 01 Wheel-housing liner /L 1
(8) 986 504 574 00 Wheel-housing liner /R 1
(8) 986 504 574 01 Wheel-housing liner /R 1
- 996 504 603 00 Air guide /L 1 M008
- 996 504 604 00 Air guide /R 1 M008

24.07.2017 -2 Kat 020

Illustration: 801-80

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

24.07.2017 -1 Kat 020

Illustration: 801-80

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
Engine compartment
1 986 504 561 01 Air guide /L -99 1
986 504 561 01 G2X Prime coated
1 986 504 561 02 Air guide /L -02 1
986 504 561 02 G2X Prime coated
1 986 504 561 03 Air guide /L 03- 1
986 504 561 03 G2X Prime coated
(1) 986 504 562 01 Air guide /R -02 1
986 504 562 01 G2X Prime coated
(1) 986 504 562 03 Air guide /R 03- 1
986 504 562 03 G2X Prime coated
2 986 504 747 00 Ventilation grille /L 1
(2) 986 504 748 00 Ventilation grille /R 1
3 986 504 847 00 Spring clamp 6
4 986 575 657 00 Air guide /L -02 1
4 986 575 657 01 Air guide /L 1
(4) 986 575 658 00 Air guide /R -02 1
(4) 986 575 658 01 Air guide /R 03- 1
- 986 575 761 00 Grille 1
5 986 575 655 00 Gasket 1
6 986 575 559 01 Air duct 1
7 900 075 413 09 Combination screw 6
M 6 X 16
8 986 624 036 00 Blower 1
- 999 650 252 40 Plug socket 1
- 999 650 253 22 Connector 2
- 999 650 254 40 Locking device 1
- 999 650 255 40 Gasket 2
9 999 703 452 40 Rubber buffer 2
10 999 209 049 02 Spacer sleeve 1
11 999 703 451 40 Rubber sleeve 1
12 900 378 030 09 Hexagon-head bolt 1
M 6 X 20
13 986 575 356 00 Airscoop 1
14 999 507 550 02 Speed nut 3
M 6
15 986 575 756 01 Air guide 1
16 986 504 563 01 Centring wedge /L 00- 1
17 986 504 565 01 Gasket 00- 1
- 986 504 749 01 Frame /L 03- 1
- 986 504 750 00 Frame /R 03- 1
- 986 504 731 00 Water tube 03- 1
- 986 504 831 00 Support 1
Water tube

24.07.2017 -2 Kat 020

Illustration: 802-00

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

24.07.2017 -1 Kat 020

Illustration: 802-00

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
1 986 505 311 03 Lining -02 1 M009
986 505 311 03 G2X Prime coated
(1) 986 505 311 04 Lining -02 1 M008
986 505 311 04 G2X Prime coated
(1) 986 505 311 05 Lining 03- 1 M009
986 505 311 05 G2X Prime coated
(1) 986 505 311 06 Lining 03- 1 M008
986 505 311 06 G2X Prime coated
2 964 505 103 00 Cap -02 1
964 505 103 00 G2X Prime coated
(2) 986 505 511 00 Cap 03- 1
986 505 511 00 G2X Prime coated
3 986 505 553 01 Grille frame /L -02 1 M009
986 505 553 01 01C Satin black
3 986 505 553 03 Grille frame /L 03- 1
986 505 553 03 01C Satin black
(3) 986 505 554 01 Grille frame /R -02 1 M009
986 505 554 01 01C Satin black
(3) 986 505 554 03 Grille frame /R 03- 1
986 505 554 03 01C Satin black
- 986 505 531 00 Disc /L 03- 1
986 505 531 00 G2X Prime coated
- 986 505 532 00 Disc /R 03- 1
986 505 532 00 G2X Prime coated
- 986 505 533 00 Disc /L 03- 1
986 505 533 00 G2X Prime coated
- 986 505 534 00 Disc /R 03- 1
986 505 534 00 G2X Prime coated
- 999 507 708 09 Clamping washer 4
(3) 986 505 553 02 Grille frame /L -02 1 M008
986 505 553 02 9A4 Titanium metallic
(3) 986 505 554 02 Grille frame /R -02 1 M008
986 505 554 02 9A4 Titanium metallic
4 996 505 525 00 Cover /L 1
996 505 525 00 01C Satin black
(4) 996 505 526 00 Cover /R 1
996 505 526 00 01C Satin black
5 996 505 011 00 Bumper reinforcement 1
(6) 986 505 777 01 Foam part 1
7 900 378 088 09 Hexagon-head bolt 2
M 12 X 100
7 900 378 088 01 Hexagon-head bolt 2
M 12 x 100
8 996 505 019 01 Impact pipe 2
(8) 996 505 015 00 Impact absorber 2 M058
9 900 075 457 02 Combination screw 4
M 8 X 30
10 964 505 775 00 Desk pad 2
10 996 505 775 00 Desk pad 2
11 996 505 531 00 Retaining strip 1
11 996 505 531 01 Retaining strip 1
12 996 505 539 00 Bracket /L 1
(12) 996 505 540 00 Bracket /R 1
13 996 505 535 00 Retaining strip /L 1
(13) 996 505 536 00 Retaining strip /R 1
14 900 144 101 02 Tapping screw X

24.07.2017 -2 Kat 020

Illustration: 802-00

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
B 4,8 X 19
15 999 209 045 09 Spacer X
16 999 507 072 02 Speed nut X
B 4,8
17 999 084 633 09 Hexagon nut X
M 6
18 996 641 142 00 Temperature sensor 1
18 958 505 535 00 Sensor 1
- 999 652 911 40 Plug socket 1
- 999 652 934 22 Contact bush 2
- 999 650 127 40 Gasket 2
19 999 911 606 40 Adhesive tape X
19 000 043 204 83 Adhesive tape X
16,5 METER
20 999 507 497 40 Expansion rivet 2
8 X 14
21 986 701 105 00 Support (E) (F) -02 1 (BRD)
21 986 701 105 01 Support (E) (F) 03- 1 (BRD)
22 999 507 040 40 Expander nut X
23 900 143 151 02 Combination tapping screw 2
4,2 X 16
24 900 025 024 40 Washer X
25 900 143 134 00 Tapping screw X
B 4,2 X 9,5
27 996 701 801 00 Spacer /L -02 1
(27) 996 701 802 00 Spacer /R -02 1
(27) 986 701 801 00 Spacer /L 03- 1
(27) 986 701 802 00 Spacer /R 03- 1
28 911 701 121 03 Support 1
30 900 145 012 07 Counters. head tapp. screw 2
B 4,2 X 32
31 999 651 225 40 Safety rope 1
32 999 591 699 02 Speed nut 4
St 4,8
32 999 591 699 01 Speed nut 4
ST 4,8
34 999 073 198 09 Tapping screw 4
34 999 073 227 09 Tapping screw 4
ST 4,8 X 19
35 986 505 551 00 Cover -02 1 M008
986 505 551 00 G2X Prime coated
35 986 505 551 01 Cover 03- 1 M008
986 505 551 01 G2X Prime coated
36 986 505 555 00 Retaining frame -02 1 M008
986 505 555 00 01C Satin black
36 986 505 555 02 Retaining frame 03- 1 M008
986 505 555 02 01C Satin black
- 999 507 707 00 U-clamp 19 M008
37 986 505 857 00 Heat protection /L 1
(37) 986 505 858 00 Heat protection /R 1

24.07.2017 -3 Kat 020

Illustration: 802-05

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

24.07.2017 -1 Kat 020

Illustration: 802-05

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
1 986 505 411 00 Lining -02 1
986 505 411 00 G2X Prime coated
It is necessary to rework M635
(1) 986 505 411 08 Lining 03- 1
986 505 411 08 G2X Prime coated
(1) 986 505 411 10 Lining 03- 1 M635
986 505 411 10 G2X Prime coated
2 964 505 103 00 Cap 1
964 505 103 00 G2X Prime coated
3 986 505 833 00 Retaining strip -02 1
(3) 986 505 833 01 Retaining strip 03- 1
4 900 144 101 02 Tapping screw 3
B 4,8 X 19
5 986 505 837 00 Retaining strip /L 1
(5) 986 505 838 00 Retaining strip /R 1
- 986 505 647 00 Retaining frame /L 03- 1
- 986 505 648 00 Retaining frame /R 03- 1
- 986 505 647 01 Retaining frame /L 04 1 M091
986 505 647 01 M7Z GT Silver Metallic
- 986 505 648 01 Retaining frame /R 04 1 M091
986 505 648 01 M7Z GT Silver Metallic
6 999 190 104 30 Blind rivet 4
3,2 X 7,9
7 999 073 198 09 Tapping screw 8
7 999 073 227 09 Tapping screw 8
ST 4,8 X 19
8 944 503 255 00 Spacer 6
9 999 507 072 02 Speed nut 4
10 999 911 606 40 Adhesive tape X
10 000 043 204 83 Adhesive tape X
16,5 METER
986 505 425 00 Buffer /L 1 M215
986 505 425 00 70C Rally black
11 986 505 425 02 Buffer /L 1 M215
(11) 986 505 426 00 Buffer /R 1 M215
986 505 426 00 70C Rally black
(11) 986 505 426 02 Buffer /R 1 M215
(11) 986 505 425 01 Buffer /L 1 M 91
986 505 425 01 M7Z GT Silver Metallic
(11) 986 505 426 01 Buffer /R 1 M 91
986 505 426 01 M7Z GT Silver Metallic
(11) 986 505 426 03 Buffer /R 1 M 91
GT Silver Metallic
13 986 505 021 00 Bumper reinforcement 1
14 900 378 088 09 Hexagon-head bolt 2
M 12 X 100
14 900 378 088 01 Hexagon-head bolt 2
M 12 X 100
15 996 505 019 01 Impact pipe 2
(15) 996 505 015 00 Impact absorber 2 M058
16 900 075 457 02 Combination screw 4
M 8 X 30
17 993 505 775 00 Desk pad 2
18 986 505 475 00 Heat protection -02 1
18 986 505 475 01 Heat protection 03- 1
19 986 505 639 00 Rear support -02 2

24.07.2017 -2 Kat 020

Illustration: 802-05

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
(19) 986 505 639 01 Rear support 03- 2
20 999 075 048 02 Hexagon-head bolt 2
M 6 X 22
21 900 278 025 02 Hexagon-head bolt 1
M 5 X 12
22 999 025 243 02 Washer 1
(23) 986 505 631 01 Wheel-housing liner /L -02 1
(23) 986 505 631 02 Wheel-housing liner /L 03- 1
23 986 505 632 01 Wheel-housing liner /R -02 1
(23) 986 505 632 02 Wheel-housing liner /R 03- 1
24 999 084 633 09 Hexagon nut 11
M 6
25 999 049 022 40 Plastic nut 2
T 5
26 986 505 641 00 Retaining strip -02 1
(26) 986 505 641 01 Retaining strip 03- 1
27 986 505 851 00 Spacer 2
28 900 143 151 02 Combination tapping screw 2
B 4,2 X 16
29 999 025 235 40 Rubber washer X
30 999 507 040 40 Expander nut 2
37 999 651 225 40 Safety rope 1
38 986 505 811 01 Heat protection -02 1
(38) 986 505 811 02 Heat protection 03- 1
39 999 190 463 30 Blind rivet 2
A 4,0 X 13,0
40 900 151 028 02 Washer 2
41 996 505 669 00 Retainer spring -02 2 M635
(41) 986 505 869 00 Retainer spring 03- 2 M635
(41) 986 505 667 00 Retainer spring -02 2 M635
(41) 986 505 867 01 Retainer spring 03- 2 M635
996 606 171 00 Sensor -02 4 M635
996 606 171 00 9A4 Titanium metallic
(42) 000 043 204 56 Sensor 03- 4 M635
43 996 606 471 00 Ring 4 M635
44 996 505 865 00 Housing -02 4 M635
44 996 505 940 00 Housing -02 4 M635
(44) 986 505 865 00 Housing 03- 4 M635
45 999 025 262 02 Washer 4 M635
35 X 50 X 0,5
46 986 505 859 00 Cover /L -02 1 M635
986 505 859 00 G2X Prime coated
(46) 986 505 859 01 Cover /L 03- 1 M635
986 505 859 01 G2X Prime coated
(46) 986 505 860 00 Cover /R -02 1 M635
986 505 860 00 G2X Prime coated
(46) 986 505 860 01 Cover /R 03- 1 M635
986 505 860 01 G2X Prime coated
(46) 986 505 861 00 Cover /L -02 1 M635
986 505 861 00 G2X Prime coated
(46) 986 505 861 01 Cover /L 03- 1 M635
986 505 861 01 G2X Prime coated

24.07.2017 -3 Kat 020

Illustration: 802-05

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
(46) 986 505 862 00 Cover /R -02 1 M635
986 505 862 00 G2X Prime coated
(46) 986 505 862 01 Cover /R 03- 1 M635
986 505 862 01 G2X Prime coated
47 999 507 623 40 Cable holder 4 M635

24.07.2017 -4 Kat 020

Illustration: 803-00

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

24.07.2017 -1 Kat 020

Illustration: 803-00

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
1 996 511 011 02 Lid 1
996 511 011 02 GRV Prime coated
Use also:
- 000 043 204 38 Sealing compound 1
2 996 511 551 01 Gas-pressure spring 2
3 996 511 151 01 Hinge /L 1
(3) 996 511 152 01 Hinge /R 1
4 900 378 036 09 Hexagon-head bolt 4
M 6 X 12
5 900 075 466 09 Combination screw 6
M 6 X 16
6 996 511 051 02 Lock upper part 1
7 900 378 173 09 Hexagon-head bolt 2
M 6 X 20
8 996 511 053 02 Lock lower part 1
- 999 652 750 40 Plug socket 1
- 999 652 567 22 Cylindrical socket 2
9 996 613 206 00 Microswitch 1
10 900 075 347 02 Combination screw 1
M 6 X 30
11 996 511 017 01 Lid-release cable /LL -00 1
(11) 996 511 017 02 Lid-release cable 01- 1
(11) 996 511 018 00 Lid-release cable /RL -00 1
12 996 511 521 00 Emergency operation 1
13 996 511 611 00 Gasket 1
14 999 703 140 40 Rubber buffer 2
15 996 504 811 00 Trim cover 1
996 504 811 00 01C Satin black
16 999 590 036 40 Cap nut 4
999 590 036 40 01C Satin black
17 996 511 653 00 Cover 1
18 900 119 121 09 Pan-head screw 1
M 4 X 14
19 996 511 127 00 Actuator 01- 1

24.07.2017 -2 Kat 020

Illustration: 803-05

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

24.07.2017 -1 Kat 020

Illustration: 803-05

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
1 986 512 011 01 Lid 1
986 512 011 01 GRV Prime coated
Use also:
1 986 512 011 02 Lid 1
986 512 011 02 GRV Prime coated
Use also:
- 000 043 204 38 Sealing compound 1
2 986 512 951 00 Gas-pressure spring 2
3 986 512 151 01 Hinge /L 1
(3) 986 512 152 01 Hinge /R 1
4 900 075 466 09 Combination screw 4
M 6 X 16
5 900 378 155 09 Hexagon-head bolt 6
M 6 X 16
(6) 986 512 051 00 Lock upper part 1
7 986 512 053 01 Lock lower part -01 1
7 986 512 053 02 Lock lower part 1
- 999 652 750 40 Plug socket 1
- 999 652 567 22 Cylindrical socket 2
8 996 512 753 02 Mounting plate 1
(8) 986 512 753 00 Mounting plate 1
9 900 378 168 09 Hexagon-head bolt 2
M 6 X 30
10 986 512 017 01 Lid-release cable /LL 1
(10) 986 512 018 00 Lid-release cable /RL 1
11 996 512 521 00 Emergency operation 1
12 999 166 054 02 Sl-lock 1
12 999 166 054 01 Sl-lock 1
13 986 512 611 00 Gasket 1
14 999 703 140 40 Rubber buffer 2
15 986 504 719 00 Pull rod 1 M534/535
16 900 119 121 09 Pan-head screw 1
M 4 X 14

24.07.2017 -2 Kat 020

Illustration: 803-07

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

24.07.2017 -1 Kat 020

Illustration: 803-07

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
Rear spoiler
1 986 504 609 01 Upper part -02 1
986 504 609 01 G2X Prime coated
1 986 504 609 02 Upper part 03- 1
986 504 609 02 G2X Prime coated
(2) 999 507 499 40 Expansion rivet 3
5,0 X 11,5
4 986 504 613 01 Bracket -02 1
4 986 504 613 02 Bracket 03- 1
5 986 504 615 01 Cover /L -02 1
5 986 504 615 02 Cover /L 03- 1
(5) 986 504 616 01 Cover /R -02 1
(5) 986 504 616 02 Cover /R 03- 1
6 999 218 016 02 Combination screw 2
M 6 X 16
6 999 218 016 01 Combination screw 2
M 6 X 16
7 986 504 109 00 Driving mechanism 1
- 999 652 919 40 Plug socket 1
- 999 652 567 22 Cylindrical socket 5
8 999 218 016 02 Combination screw 4
M 6 X 16
8 999 218 016 01 Combination screw 4
M 6 X 16
9 986 504 251 00 Mounting plate 2
10 986 504 913 00 Gasket set 2
11 986 504 915 00 Water drain hose 1
12 986 504 911 00 Hinge /L 1
(12) 986 504 912 00 Hinge /R 1
13 996 624 151 00 Electric motor 1
14 986 504 261 00 Spur gear 1
15 986 504 263 00 Axle 1
16 900 074 364 02 Hexagon-head bolt 3
M 5 X 55
17 900 377 009 01 Hexagon nut 3
M 5
18 999 652 918 40 Connector housing 1
19 999 650 175 40 Support 1
20 996 624 117 00 Actuator -00 1 M534/535
- 999 652 749 40 Plug socket 1
- 999 652 567 22 Cylindrical socket 2
21 999 507 434 40 Support 1 M534/535
22 986 512 117 00 Actuator 01- 1 M534/535

24.07.2017 -2 Kat 020

Illustration: 804-00

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

24.07.2017 -1 Kat 020

Illustration: 804-00

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
Door in white
Installation parts
Door lock
(1) 996 531 011 02 Door in white /L 1
996 531 011 02 GRV Prime coated
Use also:
See technical information
Group 5
1 996 531 012 02 Door in white /R 1
996 531 012 02 GRV Prime coated
Use also:
See technical information
Group 5
- 000 043 204 38 Sealing compound 1
(2) 996 531 321 04 Hinge /L 1
2 996 531 322 04 Hinge /R 1
(3) 996 531 319 03 Hinge /L 1
3 996 531 320 03 Hinge /R 1
4 996 531 831 00 Sleeve 4
5 999 073 192 02 Pan-head screw 2
M 8 X 33
6 996 537 151 02 Door arrester 2
7 999 084 212 02 Hexagon nut 4
M 6
8 999 073 138 09 Screw 2
M 8 X 25
9 996 537 751 00 Seal 2
(10) 996 537 523 00 Bracket /L 1
996 537 523 00 GRV Prime coated
10 996 537 524 00 Bracket /R 1
996 537 524 00 GRV Prime coated
11 900 075 487 09 Combination screw 10
M 6 X 16
12 3B0 837 033 F Door lock striker 2
12 3B0 837 033 P Door lock striker 2
13 N 907 985 02 Countersunk-head screw 4
M 8 X 16,5
(14) 3B1 837 015 A Door lock /LL /L 97 1
(14) 8N1 837 015 Door lock /LL /L 98- 1
(14) 8N1 837 015 B Door lock /LL /L 98- 1
14 3B1 837 016 A Door lock /LL /R 97 1
14 8N1 837 016 Door lock /LL /R 98- 1
14 8N1 837 016 B Door lock /LL /R 98- 1
(14) 3B1 837 016 C Door lock /LL /R 97 1 M534/535
(14) 3B1 837 016 M Door lock /LL /R 98- 1 M534/535
(14) 3B2 837 015 A Door lock /RL /L 97 1
(14) 8N2 837 015 Door lock /RL /L 98- 1
(14) 8N2 837 015 B Door lock /RL /L 98- 1
(14) 3B2 837 015 B Door lock /RL /L 97 1 M534/535
(14) 3B2 837 015 F Door lock /RL /L 98- 1 M534/535
(14) 3B2 837 016 A Door lock /RL /R 97 1
(14) 8N2 837 016 Door lock /RL /R 98- 1
(14) 8N2 837 016 B Door lock /RL /R 98- 1
15 N 908 005 01 Oval-head screw 4
M 8 X 14
16 996 537 320 03 Bowden cable 2
See technical information
Group 5

24.07.2017 -2 Kat 020

Illustration: 804-00

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
17 999 072 043 09 Hexagon-head bolt 4
M 6 X 12
18 999 500 066 02 Blind rivet nut 6 M563
M 6/0,5 - 3
(19) 996 537 545 00 Cover /L 1
19 996 537 546 00 Cover /R 1

24.07.2017 -3 Kat 020

Illustration: 804-10

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

24.07.2017 -1 Kat 020

Illustration: 804-10

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
Door seal
Windscreen frame
1 986 537 077 02 Gasket 1
2 900 075 483 02 Combination screw 2
M 5 X 20
3 999 190 426 37 Rivet 8
A 4,0 X 9,5
3 999 190 445 37 Blind rivet 8
A 4,0 X 7,9
(4) 996 537 085 06 Sealing for door slot /L 1
(4) 996 537 085 07 Sealing for door slot /L 1
4 996 537 086 06 Sealing for door slot /R 1
4 996 537 086 07 Sealing for door slot /R 1
(5) 996 537 531 05 Sealing for door slot /L 1
(5) 996 537 531 06 Sealing for door slot /L 1
5 996 537 532 05 Sealing for door slot /R 1
5 996 537 532 06 Sealing for door slot /R 1
(6) 996 537 725 01 Window guide /L -02 1
(6) 996 537 725 02 Window guide /L 1
6 996 537 726 01 Window guide /R -02 1
6 996 537 726 02 Window guide /R 1
7 999 073 047 02 Tapping screw 2
ST 3,5 X 9,5
8 999 591 725 02 Speed nut 2
ST 3,5
(9) 986 537 075 02 Gasket /L 1
(9) 986 537 901 00 Gasket /L 1
9 986 537 076 02 Gasket /R 1
9 986 537 902 00 Gasket /R 1
10 999 703 441 40 Lid 4
20 X 28 X 1
11 999 703 417 40 Lid 8
24 X 39
12 999 507 578 40 Clip 36
13 999 507 571 02 Clamp 2
14 996 537 337 00 Protective film 4

24.07.2017 -2 Kat 020

Illustration: 804-20

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

24.07.2017 -1 Kat 020

Illustration: 804-20

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
Door handle
1996 537 613 00 Handle /L 97 1
996 537 613 00 G2X Prime coated
1 996 537 613 01 Handle /L 98- 1
996 537 613 01 G2X Prime coated
(1) 996 537 614 00 Handle /R 97 1
996 537 614 00 G2X Prime coated
(1) 996 537 614 01 Handle /R 98- 1
996 537 614 01 G2X Prime coated
2 996 537 623 01 Buffer 2
3 996 537 625 00 Buffer 2
4 996 537 631 00 Sl-lock 2
5 996 537 621 00 Axle 2
6 996 537 611 00 Return spring /L 1
(6) 996 537 612 00 Return spring /R 1
7 996 537 645 00 Handle liner /LL /L 97 1
996 537 645 00 G2X Prime coated
7 996 537 645 01 Handle liner /LL /L 1
996 537 645 01 G2X Prime coated
(7) 996 537 645 00 Handle liner /RL /L 97 1 M531
996 537 645 00 G2X Prime coated
(7) 996 537 645 01 Handle liner /RL /L 1 M531
996 537 645 01 G2X Prime coated
(7) 996 537 647 00 Handle liner /RL /L 97 1 M534/535
996 537 647 00 G2X Prime coated
(7) 996 537 647 01 Handle liner /RL /L 1 M534/535
996 537 647 01 G2X Prime coated
(7) 996 537 646 00 Handle liner /LL /R 97 1 M531
996 537 646 00 G2X Prime coated
(7) 996 537 646 01 Handle liner /LL /R 1 M531
996 537 646 01 G2X Prime coated
(7) 996 537 646 00 Handle liner /RL /R 97 1
996 537 646 00 G2X Prime coated
(7) 996 537 646 01 Handle liner /RL /R 1
996 537 646 01 G2X Prime coated
(7) 996 537 648 00 Handle liner /LL /R 97 1 M534/535
996 537 648 00 G2X Prime coated
(7) 996 537 648 01 Handle liner /LL /R 1 M534/535
996 537 648 01 G2X Prime coated
8 996 537 637 00 Desk pad /L 1
(8) 996 537 638 00 Desk pad /R 1
9 996 537 627 00 Operating rod 2
10 996 537 629 00 Bolt 97 2
10 996 537 629 01 Bolt 98- 2
11 996 537 641 00 Lock washer 2
12 996 537 445 02 Connecting piece 2
13 996 537 653 00 Eccentric /L 1
(13) 996 537 654 00 Eccentric /R 1
14 996 613 125 00 Microswitch /L 1
Power windows
(14) 996 613 126 00 Microswitch /R 1
Power windows
15 996 537 963 02 Support /L 1
with lock cylinder
W/o stipulated lock number
(15) 996 537 964 02 Support /R 1
with lock cylinder
W/o stipulated lock number
15 996 537 963 03 Support /L 1
with lock cylinder
with stipulated lock number
State lock number
(15) 996 537 964 03 Support /R 1

24.07.2017 -2 Kat 020

Illustration: 804-20

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
with lock cylinder
with stipulated lock number
State lock number
(15) 996 537 063 03 Support /RL /L 1
without lock cylinder
(15) 996 537 064 03 Support /LL /R 1
without lock cylinder
16 900 380 015 09 Hexagon nut 4
M 6
17 996 538 531 00 Blank key X
18 996 538 423 00 Key cap 97 X
18 996 538 423 01 Key cap 98- X
19 996 538 932 00 Replacement key X
with stipulated lock number
State lock number
Information available
20 944 538 431 00 Key cap X

24.07.2017 -3 Kat 020

Illustration: 804-30

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

24.07.2017 -1 Kat 020

Illustration: 804-30

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
Power windows
(1) 996 542 075 04 Power windows /L 1
1 996 542 076 04 Power windows /R 1
(2) 986 624 101 02 Electric motor /L -02 1
(2) 986 624 101 03 Electric motor /L 03- 1
2 986 624 102 02 Electric motor /R -02 1
2 986 624 102 03 Electric motor /R 03- 1
3 900 380 015 09 Hexagon nut 14
M 6
4 996 542 711 00 Threaded bolt 6
Door window glass
See group
POS. 14

24.07.2017 -2 Kat 020

Illustration: 805-00

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

24.07.2017 -1 Kat 020

Illustration: 805-00

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
window glazing
1 986 541 901 02 Windscreen 1
1 986 541 901 04 Windscreen 01- 1 M265
(1) 986 541 901 03 Windscreen 1
Green top tint
(1) 986 541 901 05 Windscreen 01- 1 M265
Green top tint
(1) 986 541 901 06 Windscreen 03- 1 M440
(1) 986 541 901 07 Windscreen 03- 1 M440
Green top tint
(1) 986 541 901 08 Windscreen 03- 1 M265/440
(1) 986 541 901 09 Windscreen 03- 1 M265/440
Green top tint
2 986 541 521 01 Sealing frame 1
F >>98XS6 03402
(2) 996 541 531 01 Sealing frame 1
F 98XS6 03403>>
(2) Sealing frame 00- 1 M008
3 986 541 541 01 Trim frame -00 1
F 98XS6 03403>>
3 986 541 541 03 Trim frame 01- 1
(3) 986 541 541 00 Trim frame -00 1 M008
986 541 541 00 9A4 Titanium metallic
(3) 986 541 541 02 Trim frame 01- 1 M008
986 541 541 02 9A4 Titanium metallic
4 999 507 576 41 Support 2
5 000 043 300 94 Adhesive set 1
6 000 731 513 00 Adhesive plate 1
Interior mirror
7 986 542 511 00 Door window glass /L 1
(7) 986 542 512 00 Door window glass /R 1

24.07.2017 -2 Kat 020

Illustration: 807-00

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

24.07.2017 -1 Kat 020

Illustration: 807-00

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
Luggage compartment
1 996 551 133 04 Lining /RL /R 1
Brake booster
996 551 133 04 01C Satin black
(1) 996 551 131 03 Lining /LL /L 1
Brake booster
996 551 131 03 01C Satin black
2 999 507 512 40 Support 1
3 999 919 151 09 Oval-head screw 1
3,5 X 18
4 999 590 046 40 Disc cam 1
10,0 X 11,5
5 999 507 529 40 Catch 1
6 999 500 078 00 Speed nut 1
M 6
7 900 378 188 09 Hexagon-head bolt 1
M 6 X 20
8 996 551 137 01 Lining /RL 1
996 551 137 01 01C Satin black
9 999 919 151 09 Oval-head screw 2
3,5 X 18
10 996 551 135 01 Lining /RL /L -99 1
Hydraulic unit
996 551 135 01 01C Satin black
10 996 551 135 02 Lining /RL /L 00- 1
Hydraulic unit
996 551 135 02 01C Satin black
(10) 996 551 135 03 Lining /RL /L 03- 1 M692
Hydraulic unit
996 551 135 03 01C Satin black
11 999 507 512 40 Support /RL 1
11 Support /LL 3
(11) 996 551 771 00 Support 1
12 999 919 151 09 Oval-head screw /RL 1
12 Oval-head screw /LL 3
3,5 X 18
13 999 590 046 40 Disc cam /RL 1
13 Disc cam /LL 2
10,0 X 11,5
14 999 507 529 40 Catch /RL 1
14 Catch /LL 2
15 996 551 051 02 Lining /LL 97 1
Luggage compartment
When used up
Order also: 97
996 551 051 02 C10 Grey
(15) 996 551 051 03 Lining /RL 97 1
Luggage compartment
When used up
Order also: 97
996 551 051 03 C10 Grey
15 996 551 051 14 Lining /LL -00 1
Luggage compartment
996 551 051 14 C10 Grey
(15) 996 551 051 15 Lining /RL -00 1

24.07.2017 -2 Kat 020

Illustration: 807-00

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
Luggage compartment
996 551 051 15 C10 Grey
15 996 551 051 16 Lining /LL 01- 1
Luggage compartment
996 551 051 16 A31 Black
(15) 996 551 051 17 Lining /RL 01- 1
Luggage compartment
996 551 051 17 A31 Black
16 999 703 432 40 Stopper 8
12,2 X 25
17 999 703 456 40 Cap 1
49 X 26
12,2 X 25
18 999 703 455 40 Cap 2
12,2 X 25
19 996 551 061 00 Lining 1
20 996 551 045 01 Lining -00 1
996 551 045 01 C10 Grey
(20) 996 551 045 06 Lining /V 01-02 1
996 551 045 06 A31 Black
20 996 551 045 08 Lining 02- 1
996 551 045 08 A31 Black
21 999 703 432 40 Stopper 2
22 999 507 565 40 Plastic nut 2
T5/ 24,15
(22) 999 507 566 40 Plastic nut 1
T5/ 39,70
24 996 551 741 00 Retaining strap 1
First-aid kit
(24) 996 551 725 00 Retaining strap 1
Tool bag

24.07.2017 -3 Kat 020

Illustration: 807-01

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

24.07.2017 -1 Kat 020

Illustration: 807-01

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
Luggage compartment
1 986 551 053 05 Lining -00 1
Luggage compartment
986 551 053 05 C10 Grey
1 986 551 053 05 Lining 01- 1
986 551 053 05 A31 Black
2 999 703 432 40 Stopper 3
3 986 551 251 00 Lining 1
Lid lock
986 551 251 00 01C Satin black
4 900 143 187 09 Combination screw 2
4,8 X 32
5 999 507 529 40 Catch 2
6 999 590 046 40 Disc cam 2
10,0 X 11,5
7 986 551 651 00 Cover /L -00 1
Rear light
986 551 651 00 C10 Grey
(7) 986 551 652 00 Cover /R -00 1
Rear light
986 551 652 00 C10 Grey
7 986 551 651 01 Cover /L 01- 1
Rear light
986 551 651 01 A31 Black
(7) 986 551 652 01 Cover /R 01- 1
Rear light
986 551 652 01 A31 Black
8 999 049 020 40 Plastic nut 6
T5/30 X 5,1
8 999 049 024 40 Plastic nut 2
T5/40 X 8
9 986 551 045 02 Lining -00 1
Luggage compartment
986 551 045 02 C10 Grey
9 986 551 045 03 Lining 01- 1
Luggage compartment
986 551 045 03 A31 Black
10 999 703 432 40 Stopper 3
(11) 986 551 321 01 Bleeding /L -02 1
(11) 986 551 723 00 Support /L 03- 1
(12) 986 551 322 01 Bleeding /R -02 1
(12) 986 551 723 00 Support /R 03- 1
13 999 073 061 02 Tapping screw 3
4,8 X 16
14 986 551 763 01 Reinforcement /L 1
(14) 986 551 764 01 Reinforcement /R 1
(14) 986 551 761 00 Reinforcement 1
Centre part

24.07.2017 -2 Kat 020

Illustration: 807-02

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

24.07.2017 -1 Kat 020

Illustration: 807-02

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
Interior equipment
1 986 551 011 02 Carpet /LL 1
986 551 011 02 EEW Black
986 551 011 02 EEX Graphite grey
986 551 011 02 EEY Savanna
986 551 011 02 EFB Nephrite green -00
986 551 011 02 FAR Nephrite green 01-
986 551 011 02 EFC Boxster red
986 551 011 02 EEZ Metropole blue 98-
986 551 011 02 VRL Dark grey 00-
986 551 011 02 VRM Brown/natural 00-
986 551 011 02 FAP Cinnamon brown 01-
986 551 011 02 FKF Cocoa 04
(1) 986 551 011 03 Carpet /RL 1
986 551 011 03 EEW Black
986 551 011 03 EEX Graphite grey
986 551 011 03 EEY Savanna
986 551 011 03 EFB Nephrite green -00
986 551 011 03 FAR Nephrite green 01-
986 551 011 03 EFC Boxster red
986 551 011 03 EEZ Metropole blue 98-
986 551 011 03 VRL Dark grey 00-
986 551 011 03 VRM Brown/natural 00-
986 551 011 03 FAP Cinnamon brown 01-
986 551 011 03 FKF Cocoa 04
- 996 551 813 00 Protective film /LL 1
- 996 551 815 00 Protective film /RL 1
2 996 551 211 00 Foot support /LL 1
(2) 996 551 212 00 Foot support /RL 1
3 999 073 062 02 Tapping screw /LL 2
4,8 X 19
(3) 900 143 155 09 Combination screw /RL 1
4,8 X 32
4 999 591 485 02 Speed nut /RL 2
5 996 551 611 00 Cover /LL 1
(5) 996 551 612 00 Cover /RL 1
Foot support
6 999 919 161 09 Oval-head screw /LL 1
5,0 X 18
(6) 900 143 155 02 Oval-head screw /RL 1
4,8 X 32
7 803 803 583 A Stopper 2
20,0 X 30,0
7 999 703 196 40 Lid 2
20,0 X 30,0
8 996 551 101 00 Lining /LL 1
996 551 101 00 EAQ Black
996 551 101 00 EAR Graphite grey
996 551 101 00 EAS Savanna
996 551 101 00 EAT Nephrite green
996 551 101 00 EAU Boxster red
996 551 101 00 EBU Metropole blue 98-
996 551 101 00 VRN Dark grey 00-
996 551 101 00 VRO Brown/natural 00-
996 551 101 00 FBZ Cinnamon brown 01-
996 551 101 00 FKJ Cocoa 04

24.07.2017 -2 Kat 020

Illustration: 807-02

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
(8) 996 551 102 00 Lining /RL 1
996 551 102 00 EAQ Black
996 551 102 00 EAR Graphite grey
996 551 102 00 EAS Savanna
996 551 102 00 EAT Nephrite green
996 551 102 00 EAU Boxster red
996 551 102 00 EBU Metropole blue 98-
996 551 102 00 VRN Dark grey 00-
996 551 102 00 VRO Brown/natural 00-
996 551 102 00 FBZ Cinnamon brown 01-
996 551 102 00 FKJ Cocoa 04
9 999 507 552 01 Spring clamp 2
9,0 X 13
10 999 919 161 09 Oval-head screw 4
5,0 X 18
996 551 621 00 Lid /LL 1
996 551 621 00 01C Satin black
(11) 996 551 622 00 Lid /RL 1
996 551 622 00 01C Satin black
(12) 986 551 215 00 Lining /L 97 1
Seat belt
986 551 215 00 EDX Black
986 551 215 00 EDY Graphite grey
986 551 215 00 EDZ Savanna
986 551 215 00 EFJ Nephrite green
986 551 215 00 EFK Boxster red
12 986 551 216 00 Lining /R 97 1
Seat belt
986 551 216 00 EDX Black
986 551 216 00 EDY Graphite grey
986 551 216 00 EDZ Savanna
986 551 216 00 EFJ Nephrite green
986 551 216 00 EFK Boxster red
(12) 986 551 215 00 Lining /L 98-99 1 M011/012/016
Seat belt
986 551 215 00 EDX Black
986 551 215 00 EDY Graphite grey
986 551 215 00 EDZ Savanna
986 551 215 00 EFJ Nephrite green
986 551 215 00 EFK Boxster red
986 551 215 00 EFH Metropole blue 98-
12 986 551 216 00 Lining /R 98-99 1 M011/012/016
Seat belt
986 551 216 00 EDX Black
986 551 216 00 EDY Graphite grey
986 551 216 00 EDZ Savanna
986 551 216 00 EFJ Nephrite green
986 551 216 00 EFK Boxster red
986 551 216 00 EFH Metropole blue 98-
(12) 986 551 215 01 Lining /L 99 1 M010
Seat belt
986 551 215 01 EMB Black
986 551 215 01 EMC Graphite grey
986 551 215 01 EMD Savanna
986 551 215 01 EME Metropole blue
986 551 215 01 EMF Nephrite green
986 551 215 01 EMG Boxster red
12 986 551 216 01 Lining /R 99 1 M010

24.07.2017 -3 Kat 020

Illustration: 807-02

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
Seat belt
986 551 216 01 EMB Black
986 551 216 01 EMC Graphite grey
986 551 216 01 EMD Savanna
986 551 216 01 EME Metropole blue
986 551 216 01 EMF Nephrite green
986 551 216 01 EMG Boxster red
(12) 986 551 215 01 Lining /L 00- 1
Seat belt
986 551 215 01 ERG Black
986 551 215 01 ERH Graphite grey
986 551 215 01 ERJ Savanna
986 551 215 01 ERK Metropole blue
986 551 215 01 ERL Nephrite green
986 551 215 01 ERM Boxster red
986 551 215 01 VSA Dark grey
986 551 215 01 VSB Brown/natural
986 551 215 01 FDP Cinnamon brown 01-
986 551 215 01 FKH Cocoa 04
12 986 551 216 01 Lining /R 00- 1
Seat belt
986 551 216 01 ERG Black
986 551 216 01 ERH Graphite grey
986 551 216 01 ERJ Savanna
986 551 216 01 ERK Metropole blue
986 551 216 01 ERL Nephrite green
986 551 216 01 ERM Boxster red
986 551 216 01 VSA Dark grey
986 551 216 01 VSB Brown/natural
986 551 216 01 FDP Cinnamon brown 01-
986 551 216 01 FKH Cocoa 04
13 999 507 438 40 Support 2
14 999 073 048 02 Tapping screw 2
3,5 X 13
15 900 187 103 02 Combination screw 2
4,8 X 16
16 999 591 724 02 Speed nut 2
17 996 551 712 00 Support /LL /R 1
Valid up to:
F >>98WS6 03037
17 996 551 712 01 Support /LL /R 1
Valid from:
F 98WS6 03036>>
(17) 996 551 711 00 Support /RL /L 1
- 999 073 226 09 Tapping screw 1
4,2 X 16
18 986 551 491 00 Floor mats /LL 04 1 M091
Pearl velour
986 551 491 00 R41 Cocoa
986 551 491 00 A41 Black
(18) 986 551 491 01 Floor mat /RL 04 1 M091

24.07.2017 -4 Kat 020

Illustration: 807-02

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
Pearl velour
986 551 491 01 R41 Cocoa
986 551 491 01 A41 Black
(18) Floor mats 1
See group
Tequipment catalogue
19 986 551 985 00 Fastening plate 04 4 M091
Floor mats

24.07.2017 -5 Kat 020

Illustration: 807-03

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

24.07.2017 -1 Kat 020

Illustration: 807-03

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
Door sill
1 986 551 619 01 Support /L 1
(1) 986 551 620 01 Support /R 1
- 999 551 140 40 Felt strip 2
2 900 143 082 02 Tapping screw 4
6,3 X 13
3 999 500 078 00 Speed nut 2
M 6
(3) 999 049 022 40 Plastic nut 2
4 900 378 029 09 Hexagon-head bolt 2
M 6 X 40
4 900 378 029 01 Hexagon-head bolt 2
M 6 X 40
5 996 551 873 00 Locating peg 2
6 999 919 121 09 Oval-head screw 2
5,0 X 16
7 996 624 115 01 Actuator -00 1
8 999 919 121 09 Oval-head screw -00 2
5,0 X 16
(9) 986 551 019 01 Lining /LL 97 1 M590
986 551 019 01 EDP Black
(9) 986 551 019 01 Lining /LL 98-99 1 M011/012/016
986 551 019 01 EDP Black
(9) 986 551 019 02 Lining /LL 98-99 1 M537
986 551 019 02 EDP Black
(9) 986 551 019 03 Lining /LL 98-99 1 M537/590
986 551 019 03 EDP Black
(9) 986 551 019 06 Lining /RL 97 1 M590
986 551 019 06 EDP Black
(9) 986 551 019 06 Lining /RL 98-99 1 M011/012/016
986 551 019 06 EDP Black
(9) 986 551 019 05 Lining /RL 98-99 1 M538
986 551 019 05 EDP Black

24.07.2017 -2 Kat 020

Illustration: 807-03

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
(9) 986 551 019 07 Lining /RL 98-99 1 M538/590
986 551 019 07 EDP Black
(9) 996 551 019 01 Lining /LL 99 1 M010/590
996 551 019 01 EDO Black
Granite grey
(9) 996 551 019 02 Lining /LL 99 1 M 10/537
996 551 019 02 EDO Black
Granite grey
(9) 996 551 019 03 Lining /LL 99 1 M 10/537/590
996 551 019 03 EDO Black
Granite grey
(9) 996 551 019 05 Lining /RL 99 1 M010/538
996 551 019 05 EDO Black
Granite grey
(9) 996 551 019 06 Lining /RL 99 1 M010/590
996 551 019 06 EDO Black
Granite grey
(9) 996 551 019 07 Lining /RL 99 1 M010/538/590
996 551 019 07 EDO Black
Granite grey
(9) 996 551 019 10 Lining /LL 00 1 M590
996 551 019 10 ERF Silver
(9) 996 551 019 11 Lining /LL 00 1 M537/590
996 551 019 11 ERF Black
(9) 996 551 019 14 Lining /RL 00 1 M590
996 551 019 14 ERF Black
(9) 996 551 019 13 Lining /RL 00 1 M538

24.07.2017 -3 Kat 020

Illustration: 807-03

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
996 551 019 13 ERF Black
(9) 996 551 019 15 Lining /RL 00 1 M538/590
996 551 019 15 ERF Black
9 986 551 119 00 Lining 97 1
Not for M590
98-99 M537/538
986 551 119 00 B12 Black-grey
9 986 551 119 00 Lining 98-99 1 M011/012/016
Not for M590
98-99 M537/538
986 551 119 00 B12 Black-grey
9 996 551 119 01 Lining 99-00 1
Not for M537/590
996 551 119 01 D05 Granite grey 99
996 551 119 01 A03 Black 00
9 996 551 119 04 Lining /RL 01- 1
996 551 119 04 A03 Black
(9) 996 551 119 05 Lining /RL 01- 1 M537/538
996 551 119 05 A03 Black
(9) 996 551 019 20 Lining /LL 01 1
996 551 019 20 A03 Black
(9) 996 551 019 28 Lining /LL 02- 1
996 551 019 28 A03 Black
(9) 996 551 019 22 Lining /LL 01 1 M537
996 551 019 22 A03 Black
(9) 996 551 019 30 Lining /LL 02- 1 M537
996 551 019 30 A03 Black
(9) 996 551 019 21 Lining /RL 01 1
996 551 019 21 A03 Black
(9) 996 551 019 29 Lining /RL 02- 1
996 551 019 29 A03 Black
(9) 996 551 019 23 Lining /RL 01 1 M538
996 551 019 23 A03 Black
(9) 996 551 019 31 Lining /RL 02- 1 M538
996 551 019 31 A03 Black
10 996 551 719 00 Bracket -00 1
Not for 98- M590
98- M537/538
11 999 507 556 02 Speed nut -00 2
M 5 98-
Not for M590
98- M537/538
12 900 075 145 02 Hexagon-head bolt -00 2
M 5 X 16
Not for M590
98- M537/538

24.07.2017 -4 Kat 020

Illustration: 807-03

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
13 996 551 511 01 Handle /LL /V -99 1
996 551 511 01 70K Gloss black
(13) 996 551 512 01 Handle /LL /H -99 1
996 551 512 01 70K Gloss black
(13) 996 551 511 02 Handle /RL /V -99 1
996 551 511 02 70K Gloss black
(13) 996 551 512 02 Handle /RL /H -99 1
996 551 512 02 70K Gloss black
13 996 551 511 01 Handle /LL /V 00 1 M009
996 551 511 01 70K Gloss black
(13) 996 551 512 01 Handle /LL /H 00 1 M009
996 551 512 01 70K Gloss black
(13) 996 551 511 02 Handle /RL /V 00 1 M009
996 551 511 02 70K Gloss black
(13) 996 551 512 02 Handle /RL /H 00 1 M009
996 551 512 02 70K Gloss black
13 996 551 511 03 Handle /LL /V 00 1 M008
996 551 511 03 V01 Silver
(13) 996 551 512 03 Handle /LL /H 00 1 M008
996 551 512 03 V01 Silver
(13) 996 551 511 04 Handle /RL /V 00 1 M008
996 551 511 04 V01 Silver
(13) 996 551 512 04 Handle /RL /H 00 1 M008
996 551 512 04 V01 Silver
14 999 088 033 02 Bolt -00 2
Not for M537/538
6 X 22 X 19 98-
15 999 166 079 02 Lock washer -00 2
Not for 98- M537/538
16 999 522 030 00 Tension spring -00 2
Not for M537/538
17 999 218 106 02 Combination screw -00 3
M 6 X 25
(17) 999 067 046 09 Pan-head screw 01- 3
M 6 X 20
18 999 703 443 40 Stopper 3
8,0 X 11 X 7,2
999 703 443 40 01C Satin black
19 999 507 484 40 Expander nut 18
20 986 551 120 00 Lining 97 1
986 551 120 00 B12 Black-grey
20 986 551 120 00 Lining 98-99 1 M011/012/016
986 551 120 00 B12 Black-grey
20 996 551 120 00 Lining 1
996 551 120 00 D05 Granite grey 99
996 551 120 00 A03 Black 00-
21 996 551 513 00 Mat 1
22 999 919 164 09 Oval-head screw 2
5,0 X 12
986 551 303 00 Scuff plate 00- 2 M008
986 551 303 00 A03 Black
(23) 986 551 303 01 Scuff plate 04 2 M091
986 551 303 01 A03 Black

24.07.2017 -5 Kat 020

Illustration: 807-05

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

24.07.2017 -1 Kat 020

Illustration: 807-05

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
Engine compartment
(1) 986 551 039 01 Lining 1
986 551 039 01 ECC Black
986 551 039 01 ECO Graphite grey
986 551 039 01 EEB Savanna
986 551 039 01 EED Nephrite green
986 551 039 01 EEO Boxster red
986 551 039 01 EFL Metropole blue 98-
986 551 039 01 VRR Dark grey 00-
986 551 039 01 VRZ Brown/natural 00-
986 551 039 01 EVV Cinnamon brown 01-
986 551 039 01 FKG Cocoa
(1) 986 551 039 02 Lining 1
986 551 039 02 ECC Black
986 551 039 02 ECO Graphite grey
986 551 039 02 EEB Savanna
986 551 039 02 EED Nephrite green
986 551 039 02 EEO Boxster red
986 551 039 02 EFL Metropole blue
986 551 039 02 VRR Dark grey/natural
986 551 039 02 VRZ Brown/natural
986 551 039 02 EVV Cinnamon brown
986 551 039 02 FKG Cocoa 04
2 986 551 339 00 Catch 4
986 551 339 00 01C Satin black
3 986 551 543 00 Thrust washer 4
986 551 543 00 01C Satin black
40 X 3 X 24
4 986 551 545 00 Lock washer 4
55 X 1 X 21
5 986 551 547 00 Mounting 4
6 986 513 011 01 Engine cover 1
7 986 513 151 01 Catch 5
8 999 025 264 02 Washer 5
10,5 X 25 X 1,25
9 999 166 087 08 Lock washer 5
10 986 513 153 01 Nut lock -03 5
10 999 507 792 09 Nut lock 04- 5
11 986 513 611 00 Gasket 1
12 986 504 181 00 Lid 1
- 999 084 629 01 Hexagon nut 2
- 900 378 169 01 Hexagon-head bolt 4
13 986 551 033 00 Lining 1
Cross member
986 551 033 00 A10 Black
986 551 033 00 C50 Graphite grey
986 551 033 00 S30 Savanna
986 551 033 00 J30 Nephrite green
986 551 033 00 M30 Boxster red
986 551 033 00 G10 Metropole blue 98-
986 551 033 00 D11 Dark grey 00-
986 551 033 00 T11 Brown/natural 00-
986 551 033 00 P11 Cinnamon brown 01-
986 551 033 00 R10 Cocoa 04
(14) 986 551 035 01 Lining 1
986 551 035 01 A10 Black
986 551 035 01 C50 Graphite grey

24.07.2017 -2 Kat 020

Illustration: 807-05

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
986 551 035 01 S30 Savanna
986 551 035 01 J30 Nephrite green
986 551 035 01 M30 Boxster red
986 551 035 01 G10 Metropole blue 98-
986 551 035 01 D11 Dark grey 00-
986 551 035 01 T11 Brown/natural 00-
986 551 035 01 P11 Cinnamon brown 01-
986 551 035 01 R10 Cocoa 04
15 999 049 020 40 Plastic nut 4
T5/30 X 5,1
16 986 551 633 01 Luggage net 1
17 986 551 631 00 Storage pocket 1 M582
18 986 551 731 00 Support 1 M582
Storage pocket
19 000 043 203 91 Rivet 2 M582
3,2 X 8

24.07.2017 -3 Kat 020

Illustration: 807-07

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

24.07.2017 -1 Kat 020

Illustration: 807-07

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
Storage box 98- M584
F 98WS6 05603>>
1 986 551 223 00 Tray -02 1
Storage box
986 551 223 00 EMY Black
986 551 223 00 EMZ Graphite grey
986 551 223 00 ENB Savanna
986 551 223 00 ENC Metropole blue
986 551 223 00 END Nephrite green
986 551 223 00 ENE Boxster red
986 551 223 00 VSC Dark grey 00-
986 551 223 00 VSD Brown/natural 00-
986 551 223 00 FDQ Cinnamon brown 01-
(1) 986 551 223 02 Tray 03- 1
Storage box
986 551 223 02 EMY Black
986 551 223 02 EMZ Graphite grey
986 551 223 02 ENB Savanna
986 551 223 02 ENC Metropole blue
986 551 223 02 END Nephrite green -03
986 551 223 02 ENE Boxster red
986 551 223 02 VSC Dark grey/natural
986 551 223 02 VSD Brown/natural
986 551 223 02 FDQ Cinnamon brown
986 551 223 02 FKJ Cocoa 04
- 986 551 511 00 Guide rail 2
986 551 511 00 01C Satin black
2 986 551 427 00 Rosette 1
986 551 427 00 01C Satin black
3 986 551 429 00 Catch 2
986 551 429 00 01C Satin black
4 986 551 543 00 Thrust washer 2
986 551 543 00 01C Satin black
5 986 551 431 00 Mounting /L 1
986 551 431 00 01C Satin black
(5) 986 551 432 00 Mounting /R 1
986 551 432 00 01C Satin black
6 986 645 503 00 Loudspeaker 4
7 986 612 085 00 Wiring harness -01 1
8 999 651 286 02 Cable terminal 9
9 999 919 164 09 Oval-head screw 24
50 X 12
986 551 433 00 Cover /L 1
986 551 433 00 01C Satin black
(10) 986 551 434 00 Cover /R 1
986 551 434 00 01C Satin black
11 986 551 435 00 Tray /L 1
986 551 435 00 01C Satin black
(11) 986 551 436 00 Tray /R 1
986 551 436 00 01C Satin black

24.07.2017 -2 Kat 020

Illustration: 807-09

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

24.07.2017 -1 Kat 020

Illustration: 807-09

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
Windscreen frame
Sun visors
1 986 555 181 00 Lining /L -97 1
986 555 181 00 B12 Black-grey
(1) 986 555 182 00 Lining /R -97 1
986 555 182 00 B12 Black-grey
(1) 986 555 181 01 Lining /L 98- 1
986 555 181 01 B12 Black-grey
(1) 986 555 182 01 Lining /R 98- 1
986 555 182 01 B12 Black-grey
(1) 986 555 181 01 Lining /L 98-99 1 M012/016
986 555 181 01 B12 Black-grey
(1) 986 555 182 01 Lining /R 98-99 1 M012/016
986 555 182 01 B12 Black-grey
1 986 555 181 02 Lining /L 98-99 1 M010/011
986 555 181 02 D05 Granite grey
986 555 181 02 3AW Zenith blue metallic
986 555 181 02 25H Ocean jade metallic
(1) 986 555 182 02 Lining /R 98-99 1 M010/011
986 555 182 02 D05 Granite grey
986 555 182 02 3AW Zenith blue metallic
986 555 182 02 25H Ocean jade metallic
(1) 986 555 181 04 Lining /L 00- 1
986 555 181 04 A03 Black
(1) 986 555 182 04 Lining /R 00- 1
986 555 182 04 A03 Black
2 999 507 584 02 Clamp -99 4
8 X 10,2/2
(2) 999 507 681 09 Clamp 4
3 986 555 291 00 Deformation element /L 00- 1
(3) 986 555 292 00 Deformation element /R 00- 1
4 999 190 167 30 Blind rivet 10
4,0 X 6,3
5 986 731 541 00 Plate -99 2
5 986 731 541 01 Plate 98-99 2 M274
5 Plate 00- 2
6 986 555 059 00 Lining 97 1
986 555 059 00 B12 Black-grey
6 986 555 059 00 Lining 98-99 1 M012/016
Windscreen frame
986 555 059 00 B12 Black-grey
6 986 555 059 01 Lining 1
986 555 059 01 A03 Black 00-
986 555 059 01 D05 Granite grey 99
986 555 059 01 3AW Zenith blue metallic -99
986 555 059 01 25H Ocean jade metallic -99
(6) 986 555 059 03 Lining 1 M265
Windscreen frame

24.07.2017 -2 Kat 020

Illustration: 807-09

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
986 555 059 03 A03 Black
986 555 059 03 D05 Granite grey

986 555 059 03 3AW Zenith blue metallic -99

986 555 059 03 25H Ocean jade metallic -99
6 986 555 059 02 Lining 1 M011
Windscreen frame
986 555 059 02 3AW Zenith blue metallic
986 555 059 02 25H Ocean jade metallic
7 986 613 795 02 Microswitch -99 1
7 986 613 799 00 Microswitch 00- 1
8 999 507 534 02 Clamping washer 2
9 986 561 235 02 Mounting -01 1 M439
986 561 235 02 A09 Rally black
9 986 561 235 03 Mounting 02- 1 M439
986 561 235 03 A09 Rally black
10 999 073 166 09 Countersunk-head screw 2
M 6 X 25
(11) 986 731 031 08 Sun visor /L -99 1
986 731 031 08 EBY Black
(11) 987 731 031 10 Sun visor /L 1
987 731 031 10 A12 Black
(11) 986 731 032 08 Sun visor /R -99 1
986 731 032 08 EBY Black
(11) 987 731 032 10 Sun visor /L 1
987 731 032 10 A12 Black
(11) 986 731 031 09 Sun visor /L 98-99 1 M274
986 731 031 09 EBY Black
(11) 987 731 031 10 Sun visor /L 1
987 731 031 10 A12 Black
11 986 731 032 09 Sun visor /R 98-99 1 M274
986 731 032 09 EBY Black
(11) 987 731 032 10 Sun visor /L 1
987 731 032 10 A12 Black
(11) 986 731 031 17 Sun visor /L -02 1 M274
986 731 031 17 A12 Black
11 986 731 032 17 Sun visor /R -02 1 M274
986 731 032 17 A12 Black
(11) 986 731 031 23 Sun visor /L 03- 1 M274
986 731 031 23 A12 Black
11 986 731 032 23 Sun visor /R 03- 1 M274
986 731 032 23 A12 Black
(11) 986 731 980 06 Sun visor /L 01- 1 IXMR/M274
986 731 980 06 VRK Black
986 731 980 06 C51 Graphite grey
986 731 980 06 S31 Savanna
986 731 980 06 J31 Nephrite green
986 731 980 06 M31 Boxster red
986 731 980 06 G11 Metropole blue
986 731 980 06 D12 Dark grey
986 731 980 06 T12 Brown/natural
986 731 980 06 P12 Cinnamon brown
11 986 731 981 06 Sun visor /R 01- 1 IXMR/M274
986 731 981 06 VRK Black
986 731 981 06 C51 Graphite grey
986 731 981 06 S31 Savanna
986 731 981 06 J31 Nephrite green
986 731 981 06 M31 Boxster red

24.07.2017 -3 Kat 020

Illustration: 807-09

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
986 731 981 06 G11
Metropole blue
986 731 981 06 D12
Dark grey
986 731 981 06 T12
986 731 981 06 P12
Cinnamon brown
(12) 986 731 901 00Mirror housing -99 2
986 731 901 00 01C Satin black
12 996 731 903 00 Mirror housing 1
996 731 903 00 01C Satin black
13 999 631 137 90 Bulb -01 4 M274
13 999 631 147 90 Bulb 02- 4 M274
3 W
14 996 731 531 01 Mirror glass 2 M274
996 731 531 01 01C Satin black
15 999 919 120 09 Oval-head screw 2
4,0 x 18
17 999 073 166 09 Countersunk-head screw 4
M 6 X 25
18 986 701 401 06 Sticker -03 1 M488
Convertible top control
18 986 701 401 12 Sticker 04- 1 M488
Convertible top control
18 986 701 401 07 Sticker -03 1 M130
18 986 701 401 13 Sticker 04- 1 M130
Convertible top control
19 996 555 619 00 Grommet 01- 1 M265
Wiring harness
Rain sensor
20 Sensor 1
Interior monitoring
See illustrations
21 Trim cover 1
Alarm siren
See illustrations
22 Interior light 1
See illustrations

24.07.2017 -4 Kat 020

Illustration: 807-10

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

24.07.2017 -1 Kat 020

Illustration: 807-10

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
Door trim panel
1 191 853 615 A Grommet 3
2 999 920 013 40 Plug-in nut 4
5,0 X 1,0 X 8
(2) 999 507 462 02 Speed nut -02 1
(2) 999 507 462 09 Speed nut 1
(2) 999 591 499 02 Speed nut 03- 1
3 999 591 882 02 Speed nut 2
M 6
3 999 591 882 01 Speed nut 2
M 6
(4) 996 555 831 04 Seal /L 1
4 996 555 832 04 Seal /R 1
(4) 996 555 831 05 Seal /L 1 M490/680
(4) 996 555 832 05 Seal /R 1 M490/680
Repair work
Repair material
Use also:
- 000 043 101 00 Sealing cord 1
Repair work
- Sealing cord 1
Repair work
Use also:
5 Door trim panel X
>> Door trim panel X
>> Leatherette X
>> without X
>> Sound system X
(5) 986 555 121 00 Door trim panel /L 97 1
986 555 121 00 EAB Black
986 555 121 00 EAD Graphite grey
986 555 121 00 EAH Savanna
5 986 555 122 00 Door trim panel /R 97 1
986 555 122 00 EAB Black
986 555 122 00 EAD Graphite grey
986 555 122 00 EAH Savanna
(5) 986 555 121 13 Door trim panel /L -99 1 M010/011/016
986 555 121 13 DHB Black
986 555 121 13 DHC Graphite grey
986 555 121 13 DHD Savanna
986 555 121 13 DFE Metropole blue
5 986 555 122 13 Door trim panel /R -99 1 M010/011/016
986 555 122 13 DHB Black
986 555 122 13 DHC Graphite grey
986 555 122 13 DHD Savanna
986 555 122 13 DFE Metropole blue
(5) 986 555 121 01 Door trim panel /L 98-99 1 M012
986 555 121 01 ELN Black
5 986 555 122 01 Door trim panel /R 98-99 1 M012
986 555 122 01 ELN Black
(5) 986 555 121 06 Door trim panel /L 98-99 1 M011/016/563

24.07.2017 -2 Kat 020

Illustration: 807-10

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
986 555 121 06 ELV Black
986 555 121 06 ELW Graphite grey
986 555 121 06 ELX Savanna
986 555 121 06 ELY Metropole blue
(5) 986 555 121 06 Door trim panel 99 1 M011/016/563
986 555 121 06 ELV Black
986 555 121 06 ELW Graphite grey
986 555 121 06 ELX Savanna
986 555 121 06 ELY Metropole blue
(5) 986 555 122 06 Door trim panel /R 98-99 1 M011/016/563
986 555 122 06 ELV Black
986 555 122 06 ELW Graphite grey
986 555 122 06 ELX Savanna
986 555 122 06 ELY Metropole blue
(5) 986 555 122 06 Door trim panel /R 99 1 M010/563
986 555 122 06 ELV Black
986 555 122 06 ELW Graphite grey
986 555 122 06 ELX Savanna
986 555 122 06 ELY Metropole blue
(5) 986 555 121 10 Door trim panel /L 98-99 1 M012/563
986 555 121 10 ELR Black
(5) 986 555 122 10 Door trim panel /R 98-99 1 M012/563
986 555 122 10 ELR Black
(5) 986 555 121 06 Door trim panel /L 00- 1 M0016
986 555 121 06 ESU Black
986 555 121 06 ESV Graphite grey
986 555 121 06 ESW Savanna
986 555 121 06 ESX Metropole blue
986 555 121 06 FET Nephrite green 01-
(5) 986 555 122 06 Door trim panel /R 00- 1 M016/563
986 555 122 06 ESU Black
986 555 122 06 ESV Graphite grey
986 555 122 06 ESW Savanna
986 555 122 06 ESX Metropole blue
986 555 122 06 FET Nephrite green 01-
(5) 986 555 121 10 Door trim panel /L 00- 1 M012/563
986 555 121 10 ETM Black
(5) 986 555 122 10 Door trim panel /R 00- 1 M012/563
986 555 122 10 ETM Black
>> Door trim panel X
>> Leatherette X
>> with X
>> Sound system X
(5) 986 555 121 02 Door trim panel /L 97 1 M490
986 555 121 02 EBZ Black
986 555 121 02 ECA Graphite grey
986 555 121 02 ECB Savanna
(5) 986 555 122 02 Door trim panel /R 97 1 M490
986 555 122 02 EBZ Black
986 555 122 02 ECA Graphite grey
986 555 122 02 ECB Savanna

24.07.2017 -3 Kat 020

Illustration: 807-10

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
(5) 986 555 121 14 Door trim panel /L 98-99 1 M011/016/490
986 555 121 14 DHH Black
986 555 121 14 DHJ Graphite grey
986 555 121 14 DHK Savanna
986 555 121 14 EEH Metropole blue
(5) 986 555 122 14 Door trim panel /R 98-99 1 M011/016/490
986 555 122 14 DHH Black
986 555 122 14 DHJ Graphite grey
986 555 122 14 DHK Savanna
986 555 122 14 EEH Metropole blue
(5) 986 555 122 14 Door trim panel /R 99 1 M010/490
986 555 122 14 DHH Black
986 555 122 14 DHJ Graphite grey
986 555 122 14 DHK Savanna
986 555 122 14 EEH Metropole blue
(5) 986 555 121 05 Door trim panel /L 98-99 1 M012/490
986 555 121 05 ELZ Black
(5) 986 555 122 05 Door trim panel /R 98-99 1 M012/490
986 555 122 05 ELZ Black
(5) 986 555 121 07 Door trim panel /L 98-99 1 M011/016/490
99 M563
99 M010/490/563
986 555 121 07 DGC Black
986 555 121 07 DGD Graphite grey
986 555 121 07 DGE Savanna
986 555 121 07 DGF Metropole blue
(5) 986 555 122 07 Door trim panel /R 98-99 1 M011/016/490
99 M010/490/563
986 555 122 07 DGC Black
986 555 122 07 DGD Graphite grey
986 555 122 07 DGE Savanna
986 555 122 07 DGF Metropole blue
(5) 986 555 121 11 Door trim panel /L 98-99 1 M012/490/563
986 555 121 11 EMA Black
(5) 986 555 122 11 Door trim panel /R 98-99 1 M012/490/563
986 555 122 11 EMA Black
(5) 986 555 121 17 Door trim panel /L 00- 1 M016/490/563
986 555 121 17 ESY Black
986 555 121 17 ESZ Graphite grey
986 555 121 17 ETA Savanna
986 555 121 17 ETB Metropole blue
986 555 121 17 FEV Nephrite green 01-
(5) 986 555 121 17 Door trim panel /L 1 M016/563/680
986 555 121 17 ESY Black
986 555 121 17 ESZ Graphite grey
986 555 121 17 ETA Savanna
986 555 121 17 ETB Metropole blue
986 555 121 17 FEV Nephrite green
(5) 986 555 122 17 Door trim panel /R 00- 1 M016/490/563
986 555 122 17 ESY Black

24.07.2017 -4 Kat 020

Illustration: 807-10

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
986 555 122 17 ESZ Graphite grey
986 555 122 17 ETA Savanna
986 555 122 17 ETB Metropole blue
986 555 122 17 FEV Nephrite green 01-
(5) 986 555 121 20 Door trim panel /L 00- 1 M012/490/563
986 555 121 20 ETK Black
(5) 986 555 121 20 Door trim panel /L 02- 1 M012/563/680
986 555 121 20 ETK Black
(5) 986 555 122 20 Door trim panel /R 00- 1 M012/490/563
986 555 122 20 ETK Black
(5) 986 555 122 20 Door trim panel /R 02- 1 M012/563/680
986 555 122 20 ETK Black
>> Door trim panel X
>> Leather X
>> without X
>> Sound system X
(5) 986 555 121 03 Door trim panel /L 97 1
986 555 121 03 ECJ Black
986 555 121 03 ECK Graphite grey
986 555 121 03 ECL Savanna
986 555 121 03 ECM Nephrite green
986 555 121 03 ECN Boxster red
5 986 555 122 03 Door trim panel /R 97 1
986 555 122 03 ECJ Black
986 555 122 03 ECK Graphite grey
986 555 122 03 ECL Savanna
986 555 122 03 ECM Nephrite green
986 555 122 03 ECN Boxster red
(5) 986 555 121 03 Door trim panel /L 98-99 1 M010/016
986 555 121 03 ECJ Black
986 555 121 03 ECK Graphite grey
986 555 121 03 ECL Savanna
986 555 121 03 ECM Nephrite green
986 555 121 03 ECN Boxster red
986 555 121 03 DFX Metropole blue 98-
5 986 555 122 03 Door trim panel /R 98-99 1 M010/016
986 555 122 03 ECJ Black
986 555 122 03 ECK Graphite grey
986 555 122 03 ECL Savanna
986 555 122 03 ECM Nephrite green
986 555 122 03 ECN Boxster red
986 555 122 03 DFX Metropole blue 98-
(5) 986 555 121 08 Door trim panel /L 98-99 1 M016/563
986 555 121 08 ECJ Black
986 555 121 08 ECK Graphite grey
986 555 121 08 ECL Savanna
986 555 121 08 DFX Metropole blue
986 555 121 08 ECM Nephrite green
986 555 121 08 ECN Boxster red
(5) 986 555 121 08 Door trim panel /L 99 1 M010/563
986 555 121 08 ECJ Black
986 555 121 08 ECK Graphite grey
986 555 121 08 ECL Savanna

24.07.2017 -5 Kat 020

Illustration: 807-10

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
986 555 121 08 DFX Metropole blue
986 555 121 08 ECM Nephrite green
986 555 121 08 ECN Boxster red
(5) 986 555 122 08 Door trim panel /R 98-99 1 M016/563
986 555 122 08 ECJ Black
986 555 122 08 ECK Graphite grey
986 555 122 08 ECL Savanna
986 555 122 08 DFX Metropole blue
986 555 122 08 ECM Nephrite green
986 555 122 08 ECN Boxster red
(5) 986 555 122 08 Door trim panel 99 1 M010/563
986 555 122 08 ECJ Black
986 555 122 08 ECK Graphite grey
986 555 122 08 ECL Savanna
986 555 122 08 DFX Metropole blue
986 555 122 08 ECM Nephrite green
986 555 122 08 ECN Boxster red
(5) 986 555 121 08 Door trim panel /L -02 1 M016/563/981
986 555 121 08 ETL Black
986 555 121 08 ECK Graphite grey
986 555 121 08 ECL Savanna
986 555 121 08 DFX Metropole blue
986 555 121 08 ECM Nephrite green
986 555 121 08 ECN Boxster red
986 555 121 08 VSG Dark grey
986 555 121 08 VSH Brown/natural
986 555 121 08 FEU Cinnamon brown 01-
(5) 986 555 122 08 Door trim panel /R -02 1 M016/563/981
986 555 122 08 ETL Black
986 555 122 08 ECK Graphite grey
986 555 122 08 ECL Savanna
986 555 122 08 DFX Metropole blue
986 555 122 08 ECM Nephrite green
986 555 122 08 ECN Boxster red
986 555 122 08 VSG Dark grey
986 555 122 08 VSH Brown/natural
986 555 122 08 FEU Cinnamon brown 01-
>> Door trim panel X
>> Leather X
>> with X
>> Sound system X
(5) 986 555 121 21 Door trim panel /L 03- 1 M016/563/981
986 555 121 21 ETL Black
986 555 121 21 ECK Graphite grey
986 555 121 21 ECL Savanna
986 555 121 21 DFX Metropole blue
986 555 121 21 ECM Nephrite green -03
986 555 121 21 ECN Boxster red
986 555 121 21 FEU Cinnamon brown
986 555 121 21 VSG Dark grey/natural
986 555 121 21 VSH Brown/natural
(5) 986 555 122 21 Door trim panel /R 03- 1 M016/563/981
986 555 122 21 ETL Black
986 555 122 21 ECK Graphite grey
986 555 122 21 ECL Savanna

24.07.2017 -6 Kat 020

Illustration: 807-10

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
986 555 122 21 DFX Metropole blue
986 555 122 21 ECM Nephrite green -03
986 555 122 21 ECN Boxster red
986 555 122 21 FEU Cinnamon brown
986 555 122 21 VSG Dark grey/natural
986 555 122 21 VSH Brown/natural
(5) 986 555 121 04 Door trim panel /L 97 1 M490
986 555 121 04 ECP Black
986 555 121 04 ECQ Graphite grey
986 555 121 04 ECR Savanna
986 555 121 04 ECS Nephrite green
986 555 121 04 ECT Boxster red
(5) 986 555 122 04 Door trim panel /R 97 1 M490
986 555 122 04 ECP Black
986 555 122 04 ECQ Graphite grey
986 555 122 04 ECR Savanna
986 555 122 04 ECS Nephrite green
986 555 122 04 ECT Boxster red
(5) 986 555 121 04 Door trim panel /L 98-99 1 M010/016/490
986 555 121 04 ECP Black
986 555 121 04 ECQ Graphite grey
986 555 121 04 ECR Savanna
986 555 121 04 ECS Nephrite green
986 555 121 04 ECT Boxster red
986 555 121 04 DGB Metropole blue 98-
(5) 986 555 122 04 Door trim panel /R 98-99 1 M010/016/490
986 555 122 04 ECP Black
986 555 122 04 ECQ Graphite grey
986 555 122 04 ECR Savanna
986 555 122 04 ECS Nephrite green
986 555 122 04 ECT Boxster red
986 555 122 04 DGB Metropole blue 98-
(5) 986 555 121 09 Door trim panel /L 98-99 1 M016/490/563
986 555 121 09 ECP Black
986 555 121 09 ECQ Graphite grey
986 555 121 09 ECR Savanna
986 555 121 09 DGB Metropole blue
986 555 121 09 ECS Nephrite green
986 555 121 09 ECT Boxster red
(5) 986 555 121 09 Door trim panel /L 99 1 M010/490/563
986 555 121 09 ECP Black
986 555 121 09 ECQ Graphite grey
986 555 121 09 ECR Savanna
986 555 121 09 DGB Metropole blue
986 555 121 09 ECS Nephrite green
986 555 121 09 ECT Boxster red
(5) 986 555 122 09 Door trim panel /R 98-99 1 M016/490/563
986 555 122 09 ECP Black
986 555 122 09 ECQ Graphite grey
986 555 122 09 ECR Savanna
986 555 122 09 DGB Metropole blue
986 555 122 09 ECS Nephrite green
986 555 122 09 ECT Boxster red
(5) 986 555 122 09 Door trim panel /R 99 1 M010/490/563
986 555 122 09 ECP Black

24.07.2017 -7 Kat 020

Illustration: 807-10

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
986 555 122 09 ECQ Graphite grey
986 555 122 09 ECR Savanna
986 555 122 09 DGB Metropole blue
986 555 122 09 ECS Nephrite green
986 555 122 09 ECT Boxster red
(5) 986 555 121 18 Door trim panel /L 00-01 1 M016/490/563
986 555 121 18 ETC Black
986 555 121 18 ETD Graphite grey
986 555 121 18 ETE Savanna
986 555 121 18 ETF Metropole blue
986 555 121 18 ETG Nephrite green
986 555 121 18 ETH Boxster red
986 555 121 18 VSJ Dark grey
986 555 121 18 VSK Brown/natural
986 555 121 18 FEW Cinnamon brown 01-
(5) 986 555 121 18 Door trim panel /L 01-02 1 M016/563/680
986 555 121 18 ETC Black
986 555 121 18 ETD Graphite grey
986 555 121 18 ETE Savanna
986 555 121 18 ETF Metropole blue
986 555 121 18 ETG Nephrite green
986 555 121 18 ETH Boxster red
986 555 121 18 VSJ Dark grey
986 555 121 18 VSK Brown/natural
986 555 121 18 FEW Cinnamon brown 01-
(5) 986 555 122 18 Door trim panel /R 00-01 1 M016/490/563
986 555 122 18 ETC Black
986 555 122 18 ETD Graphite grey
986 555 122 18 ETE Savanna
986 555 122 18 ETF Metropole blue
986 555 122 18 ETG Nephrite green
986 555 122 18 ETH Boxster red
986 555 122 18 VSJ Dark grey
986 555 122 18 VSK Brown/natural
986 555 122 18 FEW Cinnamon brown 01-
(5) 986 555 122 18 Door trim panel /R 01-02 1 M016/563/680
986 555 122 18 ETC Black
986 555 122 18 ETD Graphite grey
986 555 122 18 ETE Savanna
986 555 122 18 ETF Metropole blue
986 555 122 18 ETG Nephrite green
986 555 122 18 ETH Boxster red
986 555 122 18 VSJ Dark grey
986 555 122 18 VSK Brown/natural
986 555 122 18 FEW Cinnamon brown 01-
(5) 986 555 121 22 Door trim panel /L 03- 1 M016/490/563
986 555 121 22 ETC Black
986 555 121 22 ETD Graphite grey
986 555 121 22 ETE Savanna
986 555 121 22 ETF Metropole blue
986 555 121 22 ETG Nephrite green -03
986 555 121 22 ETH Boxster red
986 555 121 22 FEW Cinnamon brown
986 555 121 22 VSJ Dark grey/natural
986 555 121 22 VSK Brown/natural
(5) 986 555 121 22 Door trim panel /L 03- 1 M016/563/680
986 555 121 22 ETC Black

24.07.2017 -8 Kat 020

Illustration: 807-10

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
986 555 121 22 ETD Graphite grey
986 555 121 22 ETE Savanna
986 555 121 22 ETF Metropole blue
986 555 121 22 ETG Nephrite green -03
986 555 121 22 ETH Boxster red
986 555 121 22 FEW Cinnamon brown
986 555 121 22 VSJ Dark grey/natural
986 555 121 22 VSK Brown/natural
(5) 986 555 122 22 Door trim panel /R 03- 1 M016/490/563
986 555 122 22 ETC Black
986 555 122 22 ETD Graphite grey
986 555 122 22 ETE Savanna
986 555 122 22 ETF Metropole blue
986 555 122 22 ETG Nephrite green -03
986 555 122 22 ETH Boxster red
986 555 122 22 FEW Cinnamon brown
986 555 122 22 VSJ Dark grey/natural
986 555 122 22 VSK Brown/natural
(5) 986 555 122 22 Door trim panel /R 03- 1 M016/563/680
986 555 122 22 ETC Black
986 555 122 22 ETD Graphite grey
986 555 122 22 ETE Savanna
986 555 122 22 ETF Metropole blue
986 555 122 22 ETG Nephrite green -03
986 555 122 22 ETH Boxster red
986 555 122 22 FEW Cinnamon brown
986 555 122 22 VSJ Dark grey/natural
986 555 122 22 VSK Brown/natural
(5) 986 555 121 22 Door trim panel /L 04 1 M091/490/563
986 555 121 22 FKR Cocoa
986 555 121 22 VSJ Dark grey/natural
(5) 986 555 121 22 Door trim panel /L 04 1 M091/563/680
986 555 121 22 FKR Cocoa
986 555 121 22 VSJ Dark grey/natural
(5) 986 555 122 22 Door trim panel /R 04 1 M091/490/563
986 555 122 22 FKR Cocoa
986 555 122 22 VSJ Dark grey/natural
(5) 986 555 122 22 Door trim panel /R 04 1 M091/563/680
986 555 122 22 FKR Cocoa
986 555 122 22 VSJ Dark grey/natural
- 999 911 688 40 Adhesive tape 4
10 X 0,1 X 370
6 999 507 505 40 Clip 8
6 999 507 582 40 Clip 8
8,0 X 0,9
7 999 507 651 40 Expander nut 2
9,0 X 0,9
8 999 507 427 40 Expander nut -04 2
9 999 067 043 02 Pan-head screw 2
5 X 10
10 996 613 241 00 Switch 1
Door mirror
Electrically adjustable
996 613 241 00 EAL Gloss black

24.07.2017 -9 Kat 020

Illustration: 807-10

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
(11) 986 555 751 00 Knob /L 97 1
Door mirror
Manually adjustable
986 555 751 00 01C Satin black
11 986 555 752 00 Knob /R 97 1
Door mirror
Manually adjustable
986 555 752 00 01C Satin black
(12) 986 555 651 00 Lining /L 97 1
Door mirror
Manually adjustable
986 555 651 00 B12 Black-grey
12 986 555 652 00 Lining /R 97 1
Door mirror
Manually adjustable
986 555 652 00 B12 Black-grey
(12) 996 555 651 00 Lining /LL /L 97 1
Door mirror
Electrically adjustable
996 555 651 00 B12 Black-grey
(12) 996 555 652 00 Lining /RL /R 97 1
Door mirror
Electrically adjustable
996 555 652 00 B12 Black-grey
(12) 996 555 651 00 Lining /LL /L -99 1 M012/016
Door mirror
Electrically adjustable
996 555 651 00 B12 Black-grey
(12) 996 555 652 00 Lining /RL /R -99 1 M012/016
Door mirror
Electrically adjustable
996 555 652 00 B12 Black-grey
(12) 996 555 651 01 Lining /RL /L 97 1
996 555 651 01 B12 Black-grey
(12) 996 555 652 01 Lining /LL /R 97 1
996 555 652 01 B12 Black-grey
(12) 996 555 651 01 Lining /RL /L -99 1 M011
996 555 651 01 B12 Black-grey
(12) 996 555 652 01 Lining /LL /R -99 1 M011
Door mirror
Electrically adjustable
996 555 652 01 B12 Black-grey
(12) 996 555 651 03 Lining /LL /L 99- 1
Door mirror
Electrically adjustable
996 555 651 03 D05 Granite grey 99
996 555 651 03 A03 Black 00-
(12) 996 555 652 02 Lining /LL /R 99- 1
Door mirror
Electrically adjustable
996 555 652 02 D05 Granite grey 99
996 555 652 02 A03 Black 00-
(12) 996 555 651 02 Lining /RL /L 99- 1
Door mirror
Electrically adjustable
996 555 651 02 D05 Granite grey 99
996 555 651 02 A03 Black 00-
(12) 996 555 652 03 Lining /RL /R 99- 1
Door mirror
Electrically adjustable
996 555 652 03 D05 Granite grey 99
996 555 652 03 A03 Black 00-
(12) 996 555 983 00 Lining /LL /L 1 IXTC/XTE/XTK

24.07.2017 - 10 Kat 020

Illustration: 807-10

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
996 555 983 00 A11 Black
996 555 983 00 C51 Graphite grey
996 555 983 00 S31 Savanna
996 555 983 00 G11 Metropole blue
996 555 983 00 J31 Nephrite green
996 555 983 00 M31 Boxster red
996 555 983 00 T12 Brown/natural
996 555 983 00 D12 Dark grey/natural
996 555 983 00 P12 Cinnamon brown 01-
(12) 996 555 984 01 Lining /LL /R 1 IXTC/XTE/XTK
996 555 984 01 A11 Black
996 555 984 01 C51 Graphite grey
996 555 984 01 S31 Savanna
996 555 984 01 G11 Metropole blue
996 555 984 01 J31 Nephrite green
996 555 984 01 M31 Boxster red
996 555 984 01 T12 Brown/natural
996 555 984 01 D12 Dark grey/natural
996 555 984 01 P12 Cinnamon brown 01-
(12) 996 555 983 01 Lining /RL /L 1 IXTC/XTE/XTK
996 555 983 01 A11 Black
996 555 983 01 C51 Graphite grey
996 555 983 01 S31 Savanna
996 555 983 01 G11 Metropole blue
996 555 983 01 J31 Nephrite green
996 555 983 01 M31 Boxster red
996 555 983 01 T12 Brown/natural
996 555 983 01 D12 Dark grey/natural
996 555 983 01 P12 Cinnamon brown 01-
(12) 996 555 984 00 Lining /RL /R 1 IXTC/XTE/XTK
996 555 984 00 A11
996 555 984 00 C51
Graphite grey
996 555 984 00 S31
996 555 984 00 G11
Metropole blue
996 555 984 00 J31
Nephrite green
996 555 984 00 M31
Boxster red
996 555 984 00 T12
996 555 984 00 D12
Dark grey/natural
996 555 984 00 P12
Cinnamon brown 01-
(13) 986 555 371 02 Inner door release /L -99 1
986 555 371 02 EBC Gloss black
(13) 986 555 372 02 Inner door release /R -99 1
986 555 372 02 EBC Gloss black
(13) 986 555 271 00 Inner door release /L -99 1
Order also:

24.07.2017 - 11 Kat 020

Illustration: 807-10

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
986 555 271 00 EBC Gloss black
(13) 986 555 272 00 Inner door release /R -99 1
Order also:
996.537.320.03 1
986 555 272 00 EBC Gloss black
(13) 986 555 371 03 Inner door release /L 00 1
986 555 371 03 ENP Silver
(13) 986 555 372 03 Inner door release /R 00 1
986 555 372 03 ENP Silver
(13) 986 555 371 04 Inner door release /L 00 1
986 555 371 04 ENP Silver
(13) 986 555 372 04 Inner door release /R 00 1
986 555 372 04 ENP Silver
(13) 986 555 271 00 Inner door release /L 00 1
986 555 271 00 ENP Silver
(13) 986 555 272 00 Inner door release /R 00 1
986 555 272 00 ENP Silver
(13) 986 555 271 01 Inner door release /LL /L 1
986 555 271 01 ENP Silver
(13) 986 555 272 02 Inner door release /LL /R 1
986 555 272 02 ENP Silver
(13) 986 555 271 02 Inner door release /RL /L 1
986 555 271 02 ENP Silver
(13) 986 555 272 01 Inner door release /RL /R 1
986 555 272 01 ENP Silver
(13) 986 555 271 03 Inner door release /LL /L 03- 1

24.07.2017 - 12 Kat 020

Illustration: 807-10

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
986 555 271 03 FGH Silver
(13) 986 555 272 04 Inner door release /LL /R 03- 1
986 555 272 04 FGH Silver
(13) 986 555 271 04 Inner door release /RL /L 03- 1
986 555 271 04 FGH Silver
(13) 986 555 272 03 Inner door release /RL /R 03- 1
986 555 272 03 FGH Silver
14 999 703 440 40 Buffer 2
7 X 10 X 16
(15) 996 555 425 00 Handle /L 1
996 555 425 00 A02 Gloss black
15 996 555 426 00 Handle /R 1
996 555 426 00 A02 Gloss black
(15) 996 555 425 02 Handle /L -99 1
996 555 425 02 A02 Gloss black
15 996 555 426 02 Handle /R -99 1
996 555 426 02 A02 Gloss black
(15) 996 555 425 03 Handle /L 00-02 1
996 555 425 03 V01 Silver
15 996 555 426 03 Handle /R 00-02 1
996 555 426 03 V01 Silver
(15) 996 555 425 04 Handle /L 03- 1
996 555 425 04 V03 Silver
15 996 555 426 04 Handle /R 03- 1
996 555 426 04 V03 Silver
16 999 166 084 02 Bolt 2
4 X 39 X 37
17 999 166 026 02 Lock 2
18 999 507 568 40 Linkage clip 2
(18) 999 702 281 40 Grommet 2
19 999 522 015 00 Tension spring 2
- 996 555 635 00 Hose 2
20 996 613 123 00 Microswitch 2
21 999 073 080 02 Combination screw 8
4,2 X 16
996 555 623 00 Cap 98-99 2 M563
996 555 623 00 01C Satin black
22 996 555 623 01 Cap 00-02 2
996 555 623 01 V01 Silver
22 996 555 623 02 Cap 03- 2
996 555 623 02 V03 Sport silver
(23) 986 555 621 00 Lid /L 97 1
986 555 621 00 B12 Black-grey
23 986 555 622 00 Lid /R 97 1
986 555 622 00 B12 Black-grey
(23) 986 555 621 00 Lid /L -99 1 M011/016
986 555 621 00 B12 Black-grey
23 986 555 622 00 Lid /R -99 1 M011/016

24.07.2017 - 13 Kat 020

Illustration: 807-10

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
986 555 622 00 B12 Black-grey
(23) 986 555 621 03 Lid /L 98- 1
986 555 621 03 D05 Granite grey -99
986 555 621 03 C02 Steel grey
986 555 621 03 A03 Black 00-
23 986 555 622 03 Lid /R 98- 1
986 555 622 03 D05 Granite grey -99
986 555 622 03 C02 Steel grey
986 555 622 03 A03 Black 00-
23 986 555 990 00 Lid /L 01- 1 IXTC/XTF/XTK
986 555 990 00 A11 Black
986 555 990 00 C51 Graphite grey
986 555 990 00 S31 Savanna
986 555 990 00 G11 Metropole blue
986 555 990 00 J31 Nephrite green
986 555 990 00 M31 Boxster red
986 555 990 00 D12 Dark grey
986 555 990 00 T12 Brown/natural
986 555 990 00 P12 Cinnamon brown
(23) 986 555 991 00 Lid /R 01- 1 IXTC/XTF/XTK
986 555 991 00 A11 Black
986 555 991 00 C51 Graphite grey
986 555 991 00 S31 Savanna
986 555 991 00 G11 Metropole blue
986 555 991 00 J31 Nephrite green
986 555 991 00 M31 Boxster red
986 555 991 00 D12 Dark grey
986 555 991 00 T12 Brown/natural
986 555 991 00 P12 Cinnamon brown
24 999 073 081 02 Tapping screw 4
4,2 X 13
(25) 986 555 393 00 Mounting piece /L 97 1
986 555 393 00 B12 Black-grey
25 986 555 394 00 Mounting piece /R 97 1
986 555 394 00 B12 Black-grey
(25) 986 555 393 00 Mounting piece /L 98-99 1 M011/016
986 555 393 00 B12 Black-grey
25 986 555 394 00 Mounting piece /R 98-99 1 M011/016
986 555 394 00 B12 Black-grey
(25) 986 555 393 01 Mounting piece /L 1
986 555 393 01 D05 Granite grey 99
986 555 393 01 C02 Metal grey 98-
986 555 393 01 A03 Black 00-
25 986 555 394 01 Mounting piece /R 1
986 555 394 01 D05 Granite grey 99
986 555 394 01 C02 Metal grey 98-
986 555 394 01 A03 Black 00-
(26) 986 555 351 00 Handle /L 97 1
986 555 351 00 EAP Black
26 986 555 352 00 Handle /R 97 1

24.07.2017 - 14 Kat 020

Illustration: 807-10

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
986 555 352 00 EAP Black
(26) 986 555 351 00 Handle /L 98-99 1 M016
986 555 351 00 EAP Black
26 986 555 352 00 Handle /R 98-99 1 M016
986 555 352 00 EAP Black
(26) 986 555 351 01 Handle /L 98-99 1 M011/012
986 555 351 01 EJW Metal grey
26 986 555 352 01 Handle /R 98-99 1 M011/012
986 555 352 01 EJW Metal grey
(26) 986 555 351 04 Handle /L 99 1 M010
986 555 351 04 EJT Granite grey
26 986 555 352 04 Handle /R 99 1 M010
986 555 352 04 EJT Granite grey
(26) 986 555 351 05 Handle /L 00- 1 M009
986 555 351 05 ESK Black
986 555 351 05 FHH Graphite grey
986 555 351 05 FHI Savanna
986 555 351 05 FHC Metropole blue
986 555 351 05 FHN Nephrite green
986 555 351 05 FHO Boxster red
986 555 351 05 FHP Cinnamon brown
986 555 351 05 FHQ Dark grey/natural
986 555 351 05 FHR Brown/natural
(26) 986 555 351 05 Handle /L 00- 1 M009
Metal grey
986 555 351 05 EVU Black
(26) 986 555 352 05 Handle /R 00- 1 M009
986 555 352 05 ESK Black
986 555 352 05 FHH Graphite grey
986 555 352 05 FHI Savanna
986 555 352 05 FHC Metropole blue
986 555 352 05 FHN Nephrite green
986 555 352 05 FHO Boxster red
986 555 352 05 FHP Cinnamon brown
986 555 352 05 FHQ Dark grey/natural
986 555 352 05 FHR Brown/natural
(26) 986 555 352 05 Handle /R 00- 1 M009
Metal grey
986 555 352 05 EVU Black
(26) 986 555 351 06 Handle /L -02 1 M008
986 555 351 06 EOB Black
(26) 986 555 351 06 Handle /L 01 1 M008

24.07.2017 - 15 Kat 020

Illustration: 807-10

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
986 555 351 06 FDE Black
(26) 986 555 352 06 Handle /R -02 1 M008
986 555 352 06 EOB Black
(26) 986 555 352 06 Handle /R 01 1 M008
986 555 352 06 FDE Black
(26) 986 555 351 07 Handle /L 03- 1 M008
986 555 351 07 FHA Black
986 555 351 07 FHS Graphite grey
986 555 351 07 FHT Savanna
986 555 351 07 FHU Metropole blue
986 555 351 07 FHV Nephrite green 03
986 555 351 07 FHW Boxster red
986 555 351 07 FHX Cinnamon brown
986 555 351 07 FHY Dark grey/natural
986 555 351 07 FHZ Brown/natural
(26) 986 555 352 07 Handle /R 03- 1 M008
986 555 352 07 FHA Black
986 555 352 07 FHS Graphite grey
986 555 352 07 FHT Savanna
986 555 352 07 FHU Metropole blue
986 555 352 07 FHV Nephrite green 03
986 555 352 07 FHW Boxster red
986 555 352 07 FHX Cinnamon brown
986 555 352 07 FHY Dark grey/natural
986 555 352 07 FHZ Brown/natural
(26) 986 555 351 08 Handle /L 04 1 M091
986 555 351 08 FKK Cocoa
986 555 351 08 FKL Dark grey/natural
(26) 986 555 352 08 Handle /R 04 1 M091
986 555 352 08 FKK Cocoa
986 555 352 08 FKL Dark grey/natural
(26) 986 555 987 01 Handle /L 01- 1 IXTC
986 555 987 01 A11 Black
986 555 987 01 C51 Graphite grey
986 555 987 01 S31 Savanna
986 555 987 01 G11 Metropole blue
986 555 987 01 J31 Nephrite green
986 555 987 01 M31 Boxster red
986 555 987 01 D12 Dark grey
986 555 987 01 T12 Brown/natural
986 555 987 01 P12 Cinnamon brown
(26) 986 555 988 01 Handle /R 01- 1 IXTC

24.07.2017 - 16 Kat 020

Illustration: 807-10

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
986 555 988 01 A11 Black
986 555 988 01 C51 Graphite grey
986 555 988 01 S31 Savanna
986 555 988 01 G11 Metropole blue
986 555 988 01 J31 Nephrite green
986 555 988 01 M31 Boxster red
986 555 988 01 D12 Dark grey
986 555 988 01 T12 Brown/natural
986 555 988 01 P12 Cinnamon brown
(26) 986 555 987 03 Handle /L 01- 1 IXTE
986 555 987 03 A11 Black
986 555 987 03 C51 Graphite grey
986 555 987 03 S31 Savanna
986 555 987 03 G11 Metropole blue
986 555 987 03 J31 Nephrite green -03
986 555 987 03 M31 Boxster red
986 555 987 03 P12 Cinnamon brown
986 555 987 03 D12 Dark grey/natural
986 555 987 03 T12 Brown/natural
(26) 986 555 988 03 Handle /R 01- 1 IXTE
986 555 988 03 A11 Black
986 555 988 03 C51 Graphite grey
986 555 988 03 S31 Savanna
986 555 988 03 G11 Metropole blue
986 555 988 03 J31 Nephrite green -03
986 555 988 03 M31 Boxster red
986 555 988 03 P12 Cinnamon brown
986 555 988 03 D12 Dark grey/natural
986 555 988 03 T12 Brown/natural
26 986 555 987 04 Inner door release /L 01- 1 IXTK
986 555 987 04 A11 Black
986 555 987 04 C51 Graphite grey
986 555 987 04 S31 Savanna
986 555 987 04 G11 Metropole blue
986 555 987 04 J31 Nephrite green
986 555 987 04 M31 Boxster red
986 555 987 04 P12 Cinnamon brown
986 555 987 04 D12 Dark grey/natural
986 555 987 04 T12 Brown/natural
26 986 555 988 04 Inner door release /R 01- 1 IXTK
986 555 988 04 A11 Black
986 555 988 04 C51 Graphite grey
986 555 988 04 S31 Savanna
986 555 988 04 G11 Metropole blue
986 555 988 04 J31 Nephrite green
986 555 988 04 M31 Boxster red
986 555 988 04 P12 Cinnamon brown
986 555 988 04 D12 Dark grey/natural
986 555 988 04 T12 Brown/natural
(26) 986 555 987 06 Handle /L 03- 1 IXTR
986 555 987 06 A11 Black
986 555 987 06 C51 Graphite grey
986 555 987 06 S31 Savanna
986 555 987 06 G11 Metropole blue
986 555 987 06 J31 Nephrite green

24.07.2017 - 17 Kat 020

Illustration: 807-10

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
986 555 987 06 M31 Boxster red
986 555 987 06 D12 Dark grey/natural
986 555 987 06 T12 Brown/natural
986 555 987 06 P12 Cinnamon brown
26 986 555 988 06 Handle /R 03- 1 IXTR
986 555 988 06 A11 Black
986 555 988 06 C51 Graphite grey
986 555 988 06 S31 Savanna
986 555 988 06 G11 Metropole blue
986 555 988 06 J31 Nephrite green
986 555 988 06 M31 Boxster red
986 555 988 06 D12 Dark grey/natural
986 555 988 06 T12 Brown/natural
986 555 988 06 P12 Cinnamon brown
27 999 919 182 09 Oval-head screw 4
4,0 X 20
28 999 073 112 09 Oval-head screw 2
M 6 X 80
(29) 986 555 721 00 Covering /L 97 1
986 555 721 00 01C Satin black
29 986 555 722 00 Covering /R 97 1
986 555 722 00 01C Satin black
(29) 986 555 721 00 Covering /L 98-99 1 M016
986 555 721 00 01C Satin black
29 986 555 722 00 Covering /R 98-99 1 M016
986 555 722 00 01C Satin black
(29) 986 555 721 01 Covering /L 98- 1
986 555 721 01 25H Ocean jade metallic -99
986 555 721 01 3AW Zenith blue metallic -99
986 555 721 01 C02 Metal grey
986 555 721 01 D05 Granite grey 99
986 555 721 01 A03 Black 00-
29 986 555 722 01 Covering /R 98- 1
986 555 722 01 25H Ocean jade metallic -99
986 555 722 01 3AW Zenith blue metallic -99
986 555 722 01 C02 Metal grey
986 555 722 01 D05 Granite grey 99
986 555 722 01 A03 Black 00-
(29) 986 555 721 02 Covering /L 00-02 1 M008
986 555 721 02 V01 Silver
29 986 555 722 02 Covering /R 00-02 1 M008
986 555 722 02 V01 Silver
(29) 986 555 721 03 Covering /L 03- 1 M008
986 555 721 03 V03 Silver
(29) 986 555 721 03 Covering /L 03- 1 IXTC/XTE
986 555 721 03 V03 Silver
29 986 555 722 03 Covering /R 03- 1 M008
986 555 722 03 V03 Silver
29 986 555 722 03 Covering /R 03- 1 IXTC/XTE

24.07.2017 - 18 Kat 020

Illustration: 807-10

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
986 555 722 03 V03 Silver
(29) 986 555 985 01 Covering /L 00-02 1 IXTF/M009
Aluminium coloured
29 986 555 986 01 Covering /R 00-02 1 IXTF/M009
Aluminium coloured
30 999 073 113 09 Oval-head screw 2
M 6 X 50
(31) 986 555 591 00 Cover /L 97 1
986 555 591 00 B12 Black-grey
31 986 555 592 00 Cover /R 97 1
986 555 592 00 B12 Black-grey
(31) 986 555 591 00 Cover /L 98-99 1 M011/016
986 555 591 00 B12 Black-grey
31 986 555 592 00 Cover /R 98-99 1 M011/016
986 555 592 00 B12 Black-grey
(31) 986 555 591 01 Cover /L 1
986 555 591 01 C02 Metal grey 98-
986 555 591 01 D05 Granite grey 99
986 555 591 01 A03 Black 00-
31 986 555 592 01 Cover /R 1
986 555 592 01 C02 Metal grey 98-
986 555 592 01 D05 Granite grey 99
986 555 592 01 A03 Black 00-
31 986 555 981 01 Cover /L 01- 1 IXTC/XTF
986 555 981 01 A11 Black
986 555 981 01 C51 Graphite grey
986 555 981 01 S31 Savanna
986 555 981 01 G11 Metropole blue
986 555 981 01 J31 Nephrite green
986 555 981 01 M31 Boxster red
986 555 981 01 D12 Dark grey
986 555 981 01 T12 Brown/natural
986 555 981 01 P12 Cinnamon brown
(31) 986 555 982 01 Cover /R 01- 1 IXTC/XTF
986 555 982 01 A11 Black
986 555 982 01 C51 Graphite grey
986 555 982 01 S31 Savanna
986 555 982 01 G11 Metropole blue
986 555 982 01 J31 Nephrite green
986 555 982 01 M31 Boxster red
986 555 982 01 D12 Dark grey
986 555 982 01 T12 Brown/natural
986 555 982 01 P12 Cinnamon brown

24.07.2017 - 19 Kat 020

Illustration: 807-15

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

24.07.2017 -1 Kat 020

Illustration: 807-15

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
Sound proofing 1
1 986 556 665 02 Sound absorber 1
Cross member
2 986 556 621 01 Sound absorber -03 1
2 986 556 621 02 Sound absorber 04- 1
Convertible top
- 999 507 581 40 Stopper 6
(3) 986 556 623 01 Sound absorber /L 97 1
Convertible top
It is necessary to rework
3 986 556 624 01 Sound absorber /R 97 1
Convertible top
It is necessary to rework
(3) 986 556 623 03 Sound absorber /L 98- 1
Convertible top
(3) 986 556 624 02 Sound absorber /R 98- 1
Convertible top
(4) 986 556 663 02 Sound absorber /L 1
4 986 556 664 02 Sound absorber /R 1
Rear bulkhead
(5) 986 556 671 01 Seal /L -03 1
5 986 556 672 01 Seal /R -03 1
(5) 986 556 671 02 Seal /L /R 04- 1
Roll-over bar
(6) 986 556 721 02 Sound absorber /L 1
6 986 556 722 02 Sound absorber /R 1
Engine compartment
7 986 556 724 01 Sound absorber /R 1
Engine compartment
8 986 556 741 02 Sound absorber 1
Engine compartment
9 996 556 531 01 Insulation 2
(10) 996 556 605 01 Sound absorber /L 1
10 996 556 606 01 Sound absorber /R 1
Wheel housing panel
11 996 556 723 01 Sound absorber /LL 1
(11) 996 556 724 01 Sound absorber /RL 1
12 999 703 432 40 Stopper 2
13 999 507 581 40 Stopper 4
14 1H0 819 943 Screw 2
15 996 572 511 07 Sound absorber /RL 03- 1
Air conditioner
(15) 996 572 511 05 Sound absorber /RL 03- 1
Air conditioner
(15) 996 572 511 03 Sound absorber /RL -02 1
Air conditioner
(15) 996 572 511 06 Sound absorber /LL 03- 1
Air conditioner
(15) 996 572 511 04 Sound absorber /LL 03- 1
Air conditioner
15 996 572 511 02 Sound absorber /LL -02 1

24.07.2017 -2 Kat 020

Illustration: 807-15

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
Air conditioner

24.07.2017 -3 Kat 020

Illustration: 809-00

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

24.07.2017 -1 Kat 020

Illustration: 809-00

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
Dashboard trim
Retaining frame
1 996 552 061 02 Retaining frame /LL 97 1
996 552 061 02 GRV Prime coated
(1) 996 552 061 03 Retaining frame /RL 97 1
996 552 061 03 GRV Prime coated
1 996 552 061 12 Retaining frame /LL 98- 1
1 996 552 061 13 Retaining frame /RL 98- 1
2 996 552 805 00 Threaded plate 4
3 996 552 545 00 Shim 4
4 999 507 462 02 Speed nut 9
4 999 507 462 09 Speed nut 9
(5) 996 552 309 07 Support 1
(5) 996 552 309 08 Support 1 M476
6 900 378 155 09 Hexagon-head bolt 6
M 6 X 16
7 999 507 574 02 Clamp 4
8 X 10/1,2
11 996 552 081 04 Dashboard trim /LL 97 1
996 552 081 04 EJN Black
996 552 081 04 EJO Graphite grey
996 552 081 04 EJP Savanna
(11) 996 552 082 00 Dashboard trim /RL 97 1
996 552 082 00 EJN Black
996 552 082 00 EJO Graphite grey
996 552 082 00 EJP Savanna
(11) 986 552 081 01 Dashboard trim /LL -98 1 M011/016
986 552 081 01 DHN Black
986 552 081 01 DHO Graphite grey
986 552 081 01 DHP Savanna
986 552 081 01 EJQ Metropole blue
11 996 552 109 00 Dashboard trim /LL -99 1 M010/011/016
996 552 109 00 A18 Black
996 552 109 00 C18 Graphite grey
996 552 109 00 S18 Savanna
996 552 109 00 G18 Metropole blue
(11) 996 552 110 00 Dashboard trim /RL -99 1 M010/011/016
996 552 110 00 A18 Black
996 552 110 00 C18 Graphite grey
996 552 110 00 S18 Savanna
996 552 110 00 G18 Metropole blue
11 996 552 109 00 Dashboard trim /LL 1 M016
996 552 109 00 A12 Black

24.07.2017 -2 Kat 020

Illustration: 809-00

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
996 552 109 00 C52 Graphite grey
996 552 109 00 S32 Savanna
996 552 109 00 G12 Metropole blue
996 552 109 00 J32 Nephrite green
(11) 996 552 110 00 Dashboard trim /RL 1 M016
996 552 110 00 A12 Black
996 552 110 00 C52 Graphite grey
996 552 110 00 S32 Savanna
996 552 110 00 G12 Metropole blue
996 552 110 00 J32 Nephrite green
(11) 996 552 109 02 Dashboard trim /LL 03- 1 M016
996 552 109 02 A12 Black
996 552 109 02 C52 Graphite grey
996 552 109 02 S32 Savanna
996 552 109 02 G12 Metropole blue
996 552 109 02 J32 Nephrite green -03
(11) 996 552 110 02 Dashboard trim /RL 03- 1 M016
996 552 110 02 A12 Black
996 552 110 02 C52 Graphite grey
996 552 110 02 S32 Savanna
996 552 110 02 G12 Metropole blue
996 552 110 02 J32 Nephrite green -03
11 986 552 109 00 Dashboard trim /LL -02 1 M012
986 552 109 00 A40 Black
(11) 986 552 110 00 Dashboard trim /RL -02 1 M012
986 552 110 00 A40 Black
(11) 986 552 109 01 Dashboard trim /LL 03- 1 M012
986 552 109 01 A40 Black
(11) 986 552 110 01 Dashboard trim /RL 03- 1 M012
986 552 110 01 A40 Black
11 996 552 101 00 Dashboard trim /LL -01 1 M981
996 552 101 00 A11 Black -99
996 552 101 00 EVL Black 00-
996 552 101 00 C51 Graphite grey
996 552 101 00 S31 Savanna
996 552 101 00 G11 Metropole blue
996 552 101 00 J31 Nephrite green
996 552 101 00 M31 Boxster red
996 552 101 00 D12 Dark grey/natural 00-
996 552 101 00 T12 Brown/natural 00-
996 552 101 00 P12 Cinnamon brown 01
(11) 996 552 102 00 Dashboard trim /RL -01 1 M981
996 552 102 00 A11 Black -99
996 552 102 00 EVL Black 00-

24.07.2017 -3 Kat 020

Illustration: 809-00

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
996 552 102 00 C51 Graphite grey
996 552 102 00 S31 Savanna
996 552 102 00 G11 Metropole blue
996 552 102 00 J31 Nephrite green
996 552 102 00 M31 Boxster red
996 552 102 00 D12 Dark grey/natural 00-
996 552 102 00 T12 Brown/natural 00-
996 552 102 00 P12 Cinnamon brown 01
(11) 996 552 101 02 Dashboard trim /LL 02 1 M981
996 552 101 02 A11 Black
996 552 101 02 C51 Graphite grey
996 552 101 02 S31 Savanna
996 552 101 02 G11 Metropole blue
996 552 101 02 J31 Nephrite green
996 552 101 02 M31 Boxster red
996 552 101 02 P12 Cinnamon brown
996 552 101 02 D12 Dark grey/natural
996 552 101 02 T12 Brown/natural
(11) 996 552 102 02 Dashboard trim /RL 02 1 M981
996 552 102 02 A11 Black
996 552 102 02 C51 Graphite grey
996 552 102 02 S31 Savanna
996 552 102 02 G11 Metropole blue
996 552 102 02 J31 Nephrite green
996 552 102 02 M31 Boxster red
996 552 102 02 P12 Cinnamon brown
996 552 102 02 D12 Dark grey/natural
996 552 102 02 T12 Brown/natural
(11) 996 552 101 01 Dashboard trim /LL 1
Glove compartment
996 552 101 01 A11 Black
996 552 101 01 C51 Graphite grey
996 552 101 01 S31 Savanna
996 552 101 01 G11 Metropole blue
996 552 101 01 J31 Nephrite green -03
996 552 101 01 M31 Boxster red
996 552 101 01 D12 Dark grey/natural
996 552 101 01 T12 Brown/natural
996 552 101 01 P12 Cinnamon brown
996 552 101 01 9V6 Cocoa 04-
(11) 996 552 102 01 Dashboard trim /RL 1
Glove compartment
996 552 102 01 A11 Black
996 552 102 01 C51 Graphite grey
996 552 102 01 S31 Savanna
996 552 102 01 G11 Metropole blue
996 552 102 01 J31 Nephrite green -03
996 552 102 01 M31 Boxster red
996 552 102 01 D12 Dark grey/natural
996 552 102 01 T12 Brown/natural
996 552 102 01 P12 Cinnamon brown

24.07.2017 -4 Kat 020

Illustration: 809-00

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
996 552 102 01 9V6 Cocoa 04-
- 996 552 749 00 Reinforcement strip /LL 03- 1
- 996 552 750 00 Reinforcement strip /RL 03- 1
Driver's side
- 996 552 753 00 Reinforcement strip /LL 03- 1 M573
- 996 552 753 01 Reinforcement strip /LL 03- 1 M574
- 996 552 754 00 Reinforcement strip /RL 03- 1 M573
- 996 552 754 01 Reinforcement strip /RL 03- 1 M574
Glove compartment
- 999 073 169 07 Tapping screw 03- 1
4,8 X 16
- 999 507 796 02 U-clamp 03- 3
- 999 551 145 40 Lining strap 2
15 X 1,3 X 50
- 999 507 768 02 Speed nut 18
12 996 552 381 01 Moulding /LL /L -99 1 M011/012/016
Driver's side
996 552 381 01 B12 Black-grey
(12) 996 552 382 00 Moulding /RL /R -99 1 M011/012/016
Driver's side
996 552 382 00 B12 Black-grey
12 996 552 381 02 Moulding /LL /L 99 1 M010
Driver's side
996 552 381 02 D05 Granite grey
(12) 996 552 382 01 Moulding /RL /R 99 1 M010
Driver's side
996 552 382 01 D05 Granite grey
12 996 552 381 02 Moulding /LL /L 00- 1
Driver's side
996 552 381 02 A03 Black
(12) 996 552 382 01 Moulding /RL /R 00- 1
Driver's side
996 552 382 01 A03 Black
12 986 552 381 00 Moulding /LL /L 04 1 M091
Driver's side
986 552 381 00 M7Z GT Silver Metallic
(12) 986 552 382 00 Moulding /RL /R 04 1 M091
Driver's side
986 552 382 00 M7Z GT Silver Metallic
12 996 552 996 00 Moulding /LL /L 01- 1 IXNU
Driver's side
996 552 996 00 A11 Black
996 552 996 00 C51 Graphite grey
996 552 996 00 S31 Savanna
996 552 996 00 G11 Metropole blue
996 552 996 00 J31 Nephrite green
996 552 996 00 M31 Boxster red
996 552 996 00 D12 Dark grey/natural
996 552 996 00 T12 Brown/natural
996 552 996 00 P12 Cinnamon brown
(12) 996 552 997 00 Moulding /RL /R 01- 1 IXNU
Driver's side
996 552 997 00 A11 Black

24.07.2017 -5 Kat 020

Illustration: 809-00

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
996 552 997 00 C51 Graphite grey
996 552 997 00 S31 Savanna
996 552 997 00 G11 Metropole blue
996 552 997 00 J31 Nephrite green
996 552 997 00 M31 Boxster red
996 552 997 00 D12 Dark grey
996 552 997 00 T12 Brown/natural
996 552 997 00 P12 Cinnamon brown
12 996 552 996 04 Cover strip /LL /L 01- 1 IXNV
Driver's side
(12) 996 552 997 04 Moulding /RL /R 01- 1 IXNV
Driver's side
12 996 552 996 05 Cover strip /LL /L 01- 1 IXNW
Driver's side
(12) 996 552 997 05 Cover strip /RL /R 01- 1 IXNW
Driver's side
12 996 552 996 01 Cover strip /LL /L 01- 1 IXNX
Driver's side
(12) 996 552 997 01 Cover strip /RL /R 01- 1 IXNX
Driver's side
12 996 552 996 03 Cover strip /LL /L 1 IXNY
Driver's side
Arctic silver
(12) 996 552 997 03 Cover strip /RL /R 1 IXNY
Driver's side
Arctic silver
12 996 552 996 12 Moulding /LL /L 03- 1 IXCA
Driver's side
(12) 996 552 997 12 Moulding /RL /R 03- 1 IXCA
Driver's side
13 996 552 383 01 Moulding /LL -99 1 M011/012/016
996 552 383 01 B12 Black-grey
(13) 996 552 384 00 Moulding /RL -99 1 M011/012/016
996 552 384 00 B12 Black-grey
13 996 552 383 02 Moulding /LL 99 1 M010
996 552 383 02 D05 Granite grey
(13) 996 552 384 01 Moulding /RL 99 1 M010
996 552 384 01 D05 Granite grey
13 996 552 383 02 Moulding /LL 00- 1

24.07.2017 -6 Kat 020

Illustration: 809-00

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
996 552 383 02 A03 Black
(13) 996 552 384 01 Moulding /RL 00- 1
996 552 384 01 A03 Black
13 986 552 383 00 Moulding /LL 04 1 M091
986 552 383 00 M7Z GT Silver Metallic
(13) 986 552 384 00 Moulding /RL 04 1 M091
986 552 384 00 M7Z GT Silver Metallic
13 996 552 998 00 Moulding /LL 01- 1 IXNU
996 552 998 00 A11 Black
996 552 998 00 C51 Graphite grey
996 552 998 00 S31 Savanna
996 552 998 00 J31 Nephrite green
996 552 998 00 M31 Boxster red
996 552 998 00 D12 Dark grey/natural
996 552 998 00 T12 Brown/natural
996 552 998 00 P12 Cinnamon brown
(13) 996 552 998 01 Moulding /RL 01- 1 IXNU
996 552 998 01 A11 Black
996 552 998 01 C51 Graphite grey
996 552 998 01 S31 Savanna
996 552 998 01 J31 Nephrite green
996 552 998 01 M31 Boxster red
996 552 998 01 D12 Dark grey/natural
996 552 998 01 T12 Brown/natural
996 552 998 01 P12 Cinnamon brown
13 996 552 998 10 Cover strip /LL 01- 1 IXNW
(13) 996 552 998 11 Cover strip /RL 01- 1 IXNW
13 996 552 998 06 Cover strip /LL 01-02 1 IXNY
Arctic silver
(13) 996 552 998 07 Cover strip /RL 01-02 1 IXNY
Arctic silver
13 996 552 998 14 Moulding /LL 03- 1 IXCA
(13) 996 552 998 15 Moulding /RL 03- 1 IXCA
14 996 552 385 01 Moulding /LL /R -99 1 M011/012/016
Passenger's side
996 552 385 01 B12 Black-grey
(14) 996 552 386 01 Moulding /RL /L -99 1 M011/012/016
Passenger's side

24.07.2017 -7 Kat 020

Illustration: 809-00

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
996 552 386 01 B12 Black-grey
14 996 552 385 02 Moulding /LL /R 99 1 M010
Passenger's side
996 552 385 02 D05 Granite grey
(14) 996 552 386 02 Moulding /RL /L 99 1 M010
Passenger's side
996 552 386 02 D05 Granite grey
14 996 552 385 03 Moulding /LL /R 00- 1
Passenger's side
996 552 385 03 A03 Black
(14) 996 552 386 03 Moulding /RL /L 00- 1
Passenger's side
996 552 386 03 A03 Black
14 986 552 385 00 Moulding /LL /L 04 1 M091
Passenger's side
986 552 385 00 M7Z GT Silver Metallic
(14) 986 552 386 00 Moulding /RL /R 04 1 M091
Passenger's side
986 552 386 00 M7Z GT Silver Metallic
14 996 552 959 00 Moulding /LL /R 00- 1 IXNU
Passenger's side
996 552 959 00 A11 Black
996 552 959 00 C51 Graphite grey
996 552 959 00 S31 Savanna
996 552 959 00 G11 Metropole blue
996 552 959 00 J31 Nephrite green
996 552 959 00 M31 Boxster red
996 552 959 00 D12 Dark grey/natural
996 552 959 00 T12 Brown/natural
996 552 959 00 P12 Cinnamon brown 01-
(14) 996 552 959 01 Moulding /RL /L 00- 1 IXNU
Passenger's side
996 552 959 01 A11 Black
996 552 959 01 C51 Graphite grey
996 552 959 01 S31 Savanna
996 552 959 01 G11 Metropole blue
996 552 959 01 J31 Nephrite green
996 552 959 01 M31 Boxster red
996 552 959 01 D12 Dark grey/natural
996 552 959 01 T12 Brown/natural
996 552 959 01 P12 Cinnamon brown 01-
14 996 552 959 04 Moulding /LL /R 00- 1 IXNW
Passenger's side
(14) 996 552 959 05 Moulding /RL /L 00- 1 IXNW
Passenger's side
14 996 552 959 06 Moulding /LL /R 00- 1 IXNX
Passenger's side
(14) 996 552 959 07 Moulding /RL /L 00- 1 IXNX
Passenger's side
14 996 552 959 08 Moulding /LL /R -02 1 IXNY
Passenger's side

24.07.2017 -8 Kat 020

Illustration: 809-00

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
Arctic silver
(14) 996 552 959 09 Moulding /RL /L -02 1 IXNY
Passenger's side
Arctic silver
14 996 552 959 10 Moulding /LL /R 03- 1 IXCA
Passenger's side
(14) 996 552 959 11 Moulding /RL /L 03- 1 IXCA
Passenger's side
15 999 919 203 07 Oval-head screw 11
3 X 10
16 996 552 645 00 Gasket 1
Information available
17 999 703 435 40 Lid 2
15,0 X 26,0
18 999 074 057 09 Hexagon-head bolt 4
M 8 X 125
19 999 073 169 07 Tapping screw 11
4,8 X 16
20 999 507 462 02 Speed nut 9
20 999 507 462 09 Speed nut 9
21 996 552 185 02 Defroster trim /L 1
F >>98VS6 04498
996 552 185 02 B12 Black-grey
(21) 996 552 186 02 Defroster trim /R 1
F >>98VS6 04498
996 552 186 02 B12 Black-grey
21 986 552 185 00 Defroster trim /L -98 1
F 98VS6 04499>>
986 552 185 00 B12 Black-grey
Information available
(21) 986 552 186 00 Defroster trim /R -98 1
F 98VS6 04499>>
986 552 186 00 B12 Black-grey
Information available
21 986 552 185 00 Defroster trim /L 99 1 M011/012/016
986 552 185 00 B12 Black-grey
Information available
(21) 986 552 186 00 Defroster trim /R 99 1 M011/012/016
986 552 186 00 B12 Black-grey
Information available
996 552 185 04 Defroster trim /L 1
996 552 185 04 D05 Granite grey 99
996 552 185 04 A03 Black 00-
(21) 996 552 186 04 Defroster trim /R 1
996 552 186 04 D05 Granite grey 99
996 552 186 04 A03 Black 00-
21 996 552 988 05 Defroster trim /L 01- 1 IXV1
996 552 988 05 VRK Black
996 552 988 05 C51 Graphite grey
996 552 988 05 S31 Savanna
996 552 988 05 J31 Nephrite green
996 552 988 05 M31 Boxster red
996 552 988 05 G11 Metropole blue
996 552 988 05 D12 Dark grey/natural
996 552 988 05 T12 Brown/natural
996 552 988 05 P12 Cinnamon brown

24.07.2017 -9 Kat 020

Illustration: 809-00

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
(21) 996 552 989 05 Defroster trim /R 01- 1 IXV1
996 552 989 05 VRK Black
996 552 989 05 C51 Graphite grey
996 552 989 05 S31 Savanna
996 552 989 05 J31 Nephrite green
996 552 989 05 M31 Boxster red
996 552 989 05 G11 Metropole blue
996 552 989 05 D12 Dark grey/natural
996 552 989 05 T12 Brown/natural
996 552 989 05 P12 Cinnamon brown
22 999 507 531 02 Clamp -98 2
22 999 507 685 02 Clamp 99- 2
23 996 552 181 02 Cover 1
F >>98VS6 04498
996 552 181 02 B12 Black-grey
(23) 996 552 181 03 Cover 1 M573
F >>98VS6 04498
996 552 181 03 B12 Black-grey
(23) 986 552 181 00 Cover -98 1
F 98VS6 04499>>
986 552 181 00 B12 Black-grey
(23) 986 552 181 00 Cover 99 1 M011/012/016
986 552 181 00 B12 Black-grey
(23) 996 552 181 04 Cover 1
996 552 181 04 D05 Granite grey 99
996 552 181 04 A03 Black 00-
(23) 996 552 990 02 Cover 01- 1 IXV1
996 552 990 02 VRK Black
996 552 990 02 C51 Graphite grey
996 552 990 02 S31 Savanna
996 552 990 02 J31 Nephrite green
996 552 990 02 M31 Boxster red
996 552 990 02 G11 Metropole blue
996 552 990 02 D12 Dark grey/natural
996 552 990 02 T12 Brown/natural
996 552 990 02 P12 Cinnamon brown
24 996 552 617 03 Support /LL 1
(24) 996 552 618 02 Support /RL 1
Wiring harness
- 999 591 883 02 Speed nut 2
- 999 591 883 01 Speed nut 2
25 900 380 015 09 Hexagon nut 2
M 6
26 986 552 055 00 Cover /LL 97 1
986 552 055 00 EJN Black
986 552 055 00 EJO Graphite grey
986 552 055 00 EJP Savanna
(26) 986 552 056 00 Cover /RL 97 1
986 552 056 00 EJN Black
986 552 056 00 EJO Graphite grey
986 552 056 00 EJP Savanna
26 986 552 055 02 Cover /LL 98-99 1 M011/016

24.07.2017 - 10 Kat 020

Illustration: 809-00

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
Dashboard trim
986 552 055 02 DHN Black
986 552 055 02 DHO Graphite grey
986 552 055 02 DHP Savanna
986 552 055 02 EJQ Metropole blue
(26) 986 552 056 02 Cover /RL 98-99 1 M011/016
Dashboard trim
986 552 056 02 DHN Black
986 552 056 02 DHO Graphite grey
986 552 056 02 DHP Savanna
986 552 056 02 EJQ Metropole blue
26 986 552 055 03 Cover /LL 99 1 M010
Dashboard trim
Granite grey
986 552 055 03 DKO Black
986 552 055 03 DKP Graphite grey
986 552 055 03 DKQ Savanna
986 552 055 03 DKR Metropole blue
(26) 986 552 056 03 Cover /RL 99 1 M010
Dashboard trim
Granite grey
986 552 056 03 DKO Black
986 552 056 03 DKP Graphite grey
986 552 056 03 DKQ Savanna
986 552 056 03 DKR Metropole blue
26 986 552 055 03 Cover /LL 00- 1 M016
Dashboard trim
986 552 055 03 EUD Black
986 552 055 03 EVC Graphite grey
986 552 055 03 EVG Savanna
986 552 055 03 EVH Metropole blue
986 552 055 03 FES Nephrite green
(26) 986 552 056 03 Cover /RL 00- 1 M016
Dashboard trim
986 552 056 03 EUD Black
986 552 056 03 EVC Graphite grey
986 552 056 03 EVG Savanna
986 552 056 03 EVH Metropole blue
986 552 056 03 FES Nephrite green
26 986 552 035 02 Cover /LL 98- 1 M012
Dashboard trim
986 552 035 02 DKN Metal grey
(26) 986 552 036 02 Cover /RL 98- 1 M012
Dashboard trim
986 552 036 02 DKN Metal grey

24.07.2017 - 11 Kat 020

Illustration: 809-00

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
26 986 552 035 02 Cover /LL 99 1 M010
Dashboard trim
Granite grey
986 552 035 02 DKG Black
986 552 035 02 DKH Graphite grey
986 552 035 02 DKJ Savanna
986 552 035 02 DKK Metropole blue
986 552 035 02 DKL Nephrite green
986 552 035 02 DKM Boxster red
(26) 986 552 036 02 Cover /RL 99 1 M010
Dashboard trim
Granite grey
986 552 036 02 DKG Black
986 552 036 02 DKH Graphite grey
986 552 036 02 DKJ Savanna
986 552 036 02 DKK Metropole blue
986 552 036 02 DKL Nephrite green
986 552 036 02 DKM Boxster red
26 986 552 035 00 Cover /LL 97 1
Dashboard trim
986 552 035 00 EBG Black
986 552 035 00 EBH Graphite grey
986 552 035 00 EBJ Savanna
986 552 035 00 EBL Boxster red
986 552 035 00 EBK Nephrite green
(26) 986 552 036 00 Cover /RL 97 1
Dashboard trim
986 552 036 00 EBG Black
986 552 036 00 EBH Graphite grey
986 552 036 00 EBJ Savanna
986 552 036 00 EBL Boxster red
986 552 036 00 EBK Nephrite green
26 986 552 035 00 Cover /LL 98-99 1 M016
Dashboard trim
986 552 035 00 EBG Black
986 552 035 00 EBH Graphite grey
986 552 035 00 EBJ Savanna
986 552 035 00 EBL Boxster red
986 552 035 00 EBK Nephrite green
986 552 035 00 DKF Metropole blue 98-
(26) 986 552 036 00 Cover /RL 98-99 1 M016
Dashboard trim
986 552 036 00 EBG Black
986 552 036 00 EBH Graphite grey
986 552 036 00 EBJ Savanna

24.07.2017 - 12 Kat 020

Illustration: 809-00

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
986 552 036 00 EBL Boxster red
986 552 036 00 EBK Nephrite green
986 552 036 00 DKF Metropole blue 98-
26 986 552 035 02 Cover /LL 00- 1 M016
Dashboard trim
986 552 035 02 EQH Black
986 552 035 02 EQJ Graphite grey
986 552 035 02 EQK Savanna
986 552 035 02 EQL Metropole blue
986 552 035 02 EQM Nephrite green -03
986 552 035 02 EQN Boxster red
986 552 035 02 VSE Dark grey
986 552 035 02 VSF Brown/natural
986 552 035 02 FER Cinnamon brown 01-
(26) 986 552 036 02 Cover /RL 00- 1 M016
Dashboard trim
986 552 036 02 EQH Black
986 552 036 02 EQJ Graphite grey
986 552 036 02 EQK Savanna
986 552 036 02 EQL Metropole blue
986 552 036 02 EQM Nephrite green -03
986 552 036 02 EQN Boxster red
986 552 036 02 VSE Dark grey
986 552 036 02 VSF Brown/natural
986 552 036 02 FER Cinnamon brown 01-
26 986 552 035 03 Cover /LL 04 1 M091
GT Silver Metallic
986 552 035 03 FGF Cocoa
986 552 035 03 FGG Dark grey/natural
(26) 986 552 036 03 Cover /RL 04 1 M091
GT Silver Metallic
986 552 036 03 FGF Cocoa
986 552 036 03 FGG Dark grey/natural
27 986 552 221 03 Cover /LL 98- 1
Lower part
986 552 221 03 D05 Granite grey 99
986 552 221 03 C02 Metal grey 98-
986 552 221 03 A03 Black 00-
(27) 986 552 222 02 Cover /RL 98- 1
Lower part
986 552 222 02 D05 Granite grey 99
986 552 222 02 C02 Metal grey 98-
986 552 222 02 A03 Black 00-
27 986 552 221 04 Cover /LL 04 1 M091
Lower part
986 552 221 04 M7Z GT Silver Metallic
(27) 986 552 222 03 Cover /RL 04 1 M091
Lower part
986 552 222 03 M7Z GT Silver Metallic

24.07.2017 - 13 Kat 020

Illustration: 809-00

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
28 999 591 349 02 Speed nut 11
29 999 073 153 01 Tapping screw 11
3,5 X 14
30 999 920 012 40 Plug-in nut 2
5,0 X 3,5 X 8
32 999 919 188 09 Oval-head screw -00 2
5,0 X 30
(32) 999 073 220 09 Tapping screw 01- 2
4,8 X 25
33 996 552 625 01 Cover /LL 97 1
996 552 625 01 B12 Black-grey
(33) 996 552 626 01 Cover /RL 97 1
996 552 626 01 B12 Black-grey
33 996 552 625 01 Cover /LL 98-99 1 M011/016
996 552 625 01 B12 Black-grey
(33) 996 552 626 01 Cover /RL 98-99 1 M011/016
996 552 626 01 B12 Black-grey
33 996 552 625 02 Cover /LL 1
996 552 625 02 C02 Metal grey 98-
996 552 625 02 D05 Granite grey 99
996 552 625 02 A03 Black 00-
(33) 996 552 626 02 Cover /RL 1
996 552 626 02 C02 Metal grey 98-
996 552 626 02 D05 Granite grey 99
996 552 626 02 A03 Black 00-
33 986 552 625 00 Cover /LL 04 1 M091
986 552 625 00 M7Z GT Silver Metallic
(33) 986 552 626 00 Cover /RL 04 1 M091
986 552 626 00 M7Z GT Silver Metallic

24.07.2017 - 14 Kat 020

Illustration: 809-01

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

24.07.2017 -1 Kat 020

Illustration: 809-01

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
Accessories -02
Dashboard trim
1 996 552 541 01 Mounting 1
F >>98VS6 04498
1 996 552 541 02 Mounting 1
F 98VS6 04499>>
2 8D0 907 539 Sensor 1
F >>98VS6 04498
2 996 653 251 00 Sensor 1
F 98VS6 04499>>
3 999 919 120 09 Oval-head screw 2
4,0 X 18
4 996 552 225 04 Side vent /L -99 1 M011/012/016
996 552 225 04 B12 Black-grey
(4) 996 552 228 04 Side vent /R -99 1 M011/012/016
996 552 228 04 B12 Black-grey
4 996 552 225 05 Side vent /L 99 1 M010
996 552 225 05 D05 Granite grey
(4) 996 552 228 05 Side vent /R 99 1 M010
996 552 228 05 D05 Granite grey
4 996 552 225 05 Side vent /L 00- 1
996 552 225 05 A03 Black
(4) 996 552 228 05 Side vent /R 00- 1
996 552 228 05 A03 Black
4 996 552 984 00 Side vent /L 01- 1 IXNH
996 552 984 00 VRK Black
996 552 984 00 C51 Graphite grey
996 552 984 00 S31 Savanna
996 552 984 00 G11 Metropole blue
996 552 984 00 J31 Nephrite green
996 552 984 00 M31 Boxster red
996 552 984 00 D12 Dark grey/natural
996 552 984 00 T12 Brown/natural
996 552 984 00 P12 Cinnamon brown
(4) 996 552 985 00 Side vent /R 01- 1 IXNH
996 552 985 00 VRK Black
996 552 985 00 C51 Graphite grey
996 552 985 00 S31 Savanna
996 552 985 00 G11 Metropole blue
996 552 985 00 J31 Nephrite green
996 552 985 00 M31 Boxster red
996 552 985 00 D12 Dark grey/natural
996 552 985 00 T12 Brown/natural
996 552 985 00 P12 Cinnamon brown
4 996 552 984 05 Side vent /L 01- 1 IXKE
Arctic silver
996 552 984 05 VRK Black
996 552 984 05 C51 Graphite grey
996 552 984 05 S31 Savanna
996 552 984 05 J31 Nephrite green
996 552 984 05 M31 Boxster red
996 552 984 05 G11 Metropole blue
996 552 984 05 D12 Dark grey
996 552 984 05 T12 Brown/natural
996 552 984 05 P12 Cinnamon brown
(4) 996 552 985 05 Side vent /R 01- 1 IXKE

24.07.2017 -2 Kat 020

Illustration: 809-01

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
Arctic silver
996 552 985 05 VRK Black
996 552 985 05 C51 Graphite grey
996 552 985 05 S31 Savanna
996 552 985 05 J31 Nephrite green
996 552 985 05 M31 Boxster red
996 552 985 05 G11 Metropole blue
996 552 985 05 D12 Dark grey
996 552 985 05 T12 Brown/natural
996 552 985 05 P12 Cinnamon brown
5 996 552 621 00 Cover 97 1
996 552 621 00 B12 Black-grey
5 996 552 621 00 Cover 98-99 1 M011/012/016
Headlight levelling system
996 552 621 00 B12 Black-grey
5 996 552 621 01 Cover 99 1 M010
Headlight levelling system
996 552 621 01 D05 Granite grey
5 996 552 621 01 Cover 00- 1
Headlight levelling system
996 552 621 01 A03 Black
5 996 552 986 00 Cover 01- 1 IXNH
Headlight levelling system
996 552 986 00 A11 Black
996 552 986 00 C51 Graphite grey
996 552 986 00 S31 Savanna
996 552 986 00 J31 Nephrite green
996 552 986 00 M31 Boxster red
996 552 986 00 G11 Metropole blue
996 552 986 00 D12 Dark grey/natural
996 552 986 00 T12 Brown/natural
996 552 986 00 P12 Cinnamon brown
6 996 552 417 01 Rosette 97 1
996 552 417 01 B12 Black-grey
6 996 552 417 01 Rosette 98-99 1 M011/012/016
Interior sensor
996 552 417 01 B12 Black-grey
6 996 552 417 02 Rosette 99 1 M010
Interior sensor
996 552 417 02 D05 Granite grey
6 996 552 417 02 Rosette 00- 1
Interior sensor
996 552 417 02 A03 Black
6 996 552 987 00 Rosette 01- 1 IXNH
Interior sensor
996 552 987 00 A11 Black
996 552 987 00 C51 Graphite grey
996 552 987 00 S31 Savanna
996 552 987 00 J31 Nephrite green
996 552 987 00 M31 Boxster red
996 552 987 00 G11 Metropole blue
996 552 987 00 D12 Dark grey/natural
996 552 987 00 T12 Brown/natural
996 552 987 00 P12 Cinnamon brown
7 999 919 120 09 Oval-head screw -00 4
4,0 X 18

24.07.2017 -3 Kat 020

Illustration: 809-01

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
7 999 073 218 09 Tapping screw 01- 4
4,2 X 16
8 986 552 183 00 Support /L -99 1
986 552 183 00 01C Satin black
(8) 986 552 184 00 Support /R -99 1
986 552 184 00 01C Satin black
9 944 552 452 00 Clip 1
F >>98VS6 07645
10 996 552 235 02 Rosette /LL 97 1
Ignition starter lock
996 552 235 02 B12 Black-grey
(10) 996 552 236 02 Rosette /RL 97 1
Ignition starter lock
996 552 236 02 B12 Black-grey
10 996 552 235 02 Rosette /LL 98-99 1 M011/012/016
Ignition starter lock
996 552 235 02 B12 Black-grey
(10) 996 552 236 02 Rosette /RL 98-99 1 M011/012/016
Ignition starter lock
996 552 236 02 B12 Black-grey
10 996 552 235 03 Rosette /LL 1
996 552 235 03 D05 Granite grey 99 M010
996 552 235 03 A03 Black 00-
(10) 996 552 236 03 Rosette /RL 1
996 552 236 03 D05 Granite grey 99 M010
996 552 236 03 A03 Black 00-
10 996 552 980 00 Rosette /LL 01- 1 IXJ4
Ignition starter lock
996 552 980 00 A11 Black
996 552 980 00 C51 Graphite grey
996 552 980 00 S31 Savanna
996 552 980 00 G11 Metropole blue
996 552 980 00 J31 Nephrite green
996 552 980 00 M31 Boxster red
996 552 980 00 P12 Cinnamon brown
996 552 980 00 D12 Dark grey/natural
996 552 980 00 T12 Brown/natural
(10) 996 552 980 01 Rosette /RL 01- 1 IXJ4
Ignition starter lock
996 552 980 01 A11 Black
996 552 980 01 C51 Graphite grey
996 552 980 01 S31 Savanna
996 552 980 01 G11 Metropole blue
996 552 980 01 J31 Nephrite green
996 552 980 01 M31 Boxster red
996 552 980 01 P12 Cinnamon brown
996 552 980 01 D12 Dark grey/natural
996 552 980 01 T12 Brown/natural
11 996 552 271 03 Cover 1
996 552 271 03 A03 Black
996 552 271 03 C53 Graphite grey
996 552 271 03 S33 Savanna
996 552 271 03 G13 Metropole blue
996 552 271 03 M33 Boxster red
996 552 271 03 J33 Nephrite green
996 552 271 03 P13 Cinnamon brown
11 986 552 988 03 Cover 01- 1 IXNS

24.07.2017 -4 Kat 020

Illustration: 809-01

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
986 552 988 03 VRK Black
986 552 988 03 S31 Savanna
986 552 988 03 C51 Graphite grey
986 552 988 03 G11 Metropole blue
986 552 988 03 J31 Nephrite green
986 552 988 03 M31 Boxster red
986 552 988 03 D12 Dark grey/natural
986 552 988 03 T12 Brown/natural
986 552 988 03 P12 Cinnamon brown
12 999 919 123 09 Oval-head screw 8
5,0 X 20
986 552 131 04 Support frame -99 1 M011/016
986 552 131 04 EBO Satin black
(13) 986 552 131 05 Support frame -99 1 M011/016/662
986 552 131 05 EBO Satin black
13 986 552 131 08 Support frame 1
986 552 131 08 A03 Black 00-
986 552 131 08 C02 Metal grey
986 552 131 08 D05 Granite grey 99
(13) 986 552 131 09 Support frame 1 M662
986 552 131 09 A03 Black 00-
986 552 131 09 C02 Metal grey
986 552 131 09 D05 Granite grey 99
(13) 986 552 980 18 Support frame 01- 1 IXNN
986 552 980 18 A11 Black
986 552 980 18 C51 Graphite grey
986 552 980 18 S31 Savanna
986 552 980 18 G11 Metropole blue
986 552 980 18 J31 Nephrite green
986 552 980 18 M31 Boxster red
986 552 980 18 D12 Dark grey/natural
986 552 980 18 T12 Brown/natural
986 552 980 18 P12 Cinnamon brown 01
(13) 986 552 980 22 Support frame 01- 1 IXNN/M662
986 552 980 22 A11 Black
986 552 980 22 C51 Graphite grey
986 552 980 22 S31 Savanna
986 552 980 22 G11 Metropole blue
986 552 980 22 J31 Nephrite green
986 552 980 22 M31 Boxster red
986 552 980 22 D12 Dark grey/natural
986 552 980 22 T12 Brown/natural
986 552 980 22 P12 Cinnamon brown 01
(13) 986 552 980 30 Support frame 1 IXKS
986 552 980 30 01C Satin black
986 552 980 30 C53 Graphite grey
986 552 980 30 S33 Savanna
986 552 980 30 G13 Metropole blue
986 552 980 30 J33 Nephrite green
986 552 980 30 M33 Boxster red
986 552 980 30 D12 Dark grey/natural
986 552 980 30 T12 Brown/natural
986 552 980 30 P13 Cinnamon brown 01
(13) 986 552 980 31 Support frame 1 IXKS/M662

24.07.2017 -5 Kat 020

Illustration: 809-01

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
986 552 980 31 01C Satin black
986 552 980 31 C53 Graphite grey
986 552 980 31 S33 Savanna
986 552 980 31 G13 Metropole blue
986 552 980 31 J33 Nephrite green
986 552 980 31 M33 Boxster red
986 552 980 31 D12 Dark grey/natural
986 552 980 31 T12 Brown/natural
986 552 980 31 P13 Cinnamon brown 01
(13) 986 552 980 20 Support frame 1 IXNR
986 552 980 20 01C Satin black
986 552 980 20 C53 Graphite grey
986 552 980 20 S33 Savanna
986 552 980 20 G13 Metropole blue
986 552 980 20 J33 Nephrite green
986 552 980 20 M33 Boxster red
986 552 980 20 D12 Dark grey/natural
986 552 980 20 T12 Brown/natural
986 552 980 20 P13 Cinnamon brown 01
(13) 986 552 980 24 Support frame 1 IXNR/M662
986 552 980 24 01C Satin black
986 552 980 24 C53 Graphite grey
986 552 980 24 S33 Savanna
986 552 980 24 G13 Metropole blue
986 552 980 24 J33 Nephrite green
986 552 980 24 M33 Boxster red
986 552 980 24 D12 Dark grey/natural
986 552 980 24 T12 Brown/natural
986 552 980 24 P13 Cinnamon brown 01
13 986 552 980 34 Support frame 01 1 IXKW
986 552 980 34 92T Arctic silver metallic
(13) 986 552 980 35 Support frame 01 1 IXKW/M662
986 552 980 35 92T Arctic silver
- 996 572 971 00 Foam part 1
14 999 507 533 02 Clamp 4
(15) 999 920 015 40 Plug-in nut -99 11
4,0 X 4,0 X 9
15 999 920 012 40 Plug-in nut 4
5,0 X 3,5 X 8
(15) 999 507 744 01 Speed nut -00 18
(15) 999 507 768 02 Speed nut 01- 16
(15) 999 507 767 02 Speed nut 01- 2
16 999 919 123 09 Oval-head screw -00 4
5,0 X 20
16 999 073 218 09 Tapping screw 01- 4
4,2 X 16
17 996 653 241 00 Interior sensor 1 M573
Side vent
18 See group 1
19 986 552 233 00 Trim for switch /L 97 1
986 552 233 00 B12 Black-grey
19 986 552 233 00 Trim for switch /L 98-99 1 M011/016
986 552 233 00 B12 Black-grey
19 986 552 233 01 Trim for switch /L 1

24.07.2017 -6 Kat 020

Illustration: 809-01

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
986 552 233 01 C02 Metal grey 98- M012
986 552 233 01 D05 Granite grey 99 M010
986 552 233 01 A03 Black 00-
19 986 552 981 04 Trim for switch /L 01- 1 IXKW
Arctic silver
20 986 552 543 00 Cover 97 1
986 552 543 00 B12 Black-grey
20 986 552 543 00 Cover 98-99 1 M011/016
986 552 543 00 B12 Black-grey
20 986 552 543 01 Cover 1
986 552 543 01 D05 Granite grey 99 M010
986 552 543 01 C02 Metal grey 98- M012
986 552 543 01 A03 Black 00-
20 986 552 983 05 Cover 01- 1 IXKW
Arctic silver
21 986 552 234 00 Trim for switch /R 97 1
986 552 234 00 B12 Black-grey
21 986 552 234 00 Trim for switch /R 98-99 1 M011/016
986 552 234 00 B12 Black-grey
21 986 552 234 01 Trim for switch /R 1
986 552 234 01 C02 Metal grey 98- M012
986 552 234 01 D05 Granite grey 99 M010
986 552 234 01 A03 Black 00-
21 986 552 982 04 Trim for switch /R 01- 1 IXKW
Arctic silver
22 996 552 153 01 Support frame 1
996 552 153 01 01C Satin black
(22) 996 552 991 00 Support frame 01- 1 IXKW/XNN
996 552 991 00 A11 Black
996 552 991 00 C51 Graphite grey
996 552 991 00 S31 Savanna
996 552 991 00 J31 Nephrite green
996 552 991 00 M31 Boxster red
996 552 991 00 G11 Metropole blue
996 552 991 00 D12 Dark grey
996 552 991 00 T12 Brown/natural
996 552 991 00 P12 Cinnamon brown
23 996 552 677 00 Frame 1 M573
Air-conditioning switch
996 552 677 00 01C Satin black
24 996 552 673 02 Retaining bar 1
(24) 996 552 653 01 Retaining bar 98- 1 M662
25 999 919 123 09 Oval-head screw -00 2
5,0 X 20
25 999 073 218 09 Tapping screw 01- 2
4,2 X 16
26 996 552 253 01 Shelf 1
Instead of
996 552 253 01 01C Satin black
27 996 552 173 00 Shelf 98-99 1
Driver's side
996 552 173 00 01C Satin black

24.07.2017 -7 Kat 020

Illustration: 809-01

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
27 996 552 173 01 Shelf 00- 1
Driver's side
996 552 173 01 A03 Black
28 999 507 616 40 Expander nut 98 2
(28) 999 591 712 40 Expansion rivet 99- 2
6,0 X 12,0

24.07.2017 -8 Kat 020

Illustration: 809-02

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

24.07.2017 -1 Kat 020

Illustration: 809-02

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
Dashboard trim 03-
1 996 552 541 02 Mounting 1
2 996 653 251 00 Sensor 1 M534/535
3 999 919 120 09 Oval-head screw 2
4,0 X 18
4 996 552 225 06 Side vent /L 1
996 552 225 06 A03 Black
(4) 996 552 228 06 Side vent /R 1
996 552 228 06 A03 Black
4 996 552 984 00 Side vent /L 1 IXNH
996 552 984 00 VRK Black
996 552 984 00 C51 Graphite grey
996 552 984 00 S31 Savanna
996 552 984 00 G11 Metropole blue
996 552 984 00 J31 Nephrite green
996 552 984 00 M31 Boxster red
996 552 984 00 D12 Dark grey/natural
996 552 984 00 T12 Brown/natural
996 552 984 00 P12 Cinnamon brown
(4) 996 552 985 00 Side vent /R 1 IXNH
996 552 985 00 VRK Black
996 552 985 00 C51 Graphite grey
996 552 985 00 S31 Savanna
996 552 985 00 G11 Metropole blue
996 552 985 00 J31 Nephrite green
996 552 985 00 M31 Boxster red
996 552 985 00 D12 Dark grey/natural
996 552 985 00 T12 Brown/natural
996 552 985 00 P12 Cinnamon brown
4 996 552 984 05 Side vent /L 1 IXKE
Arctic silver
996 552 984 05 VRK Black
996 552 984 05 C51 Graphite grey
996 552 984 05 S31 Savanna
996 552 984 05 J31 Nephrite green
996 552 984 05 M31 Boxster red
996 552 984 05 G11 Metropole blue
996 552 984 05 D12 Dark grey
996 552 984 05 T12 Brown/natural
996 552 984 05 P12 Cinnamon brown
(4) 996 552 985 05 Side vent /R 1 IXKE
Arctic silver
996 552 985 05 VRK Black
996 552 985 05 C51 Graphite grey
996 552 985 05 S31 Savanna
996 552 985 05 J31 Nephrite green
996 552 985 05 M31 Boxster red
996 552 985 05 G11 Metropole blue
996 552 985 05 D12 Dark grey
996 552 985 05 T12 Brown/natural
996 552 985 05 P12 Cinnamon brown
4 996 552 984 07 Side vent /L 03- 1 IXCC
Aluminium look
996 552 984 07 VRK Black

24.07.2017 -2 Kat 020

Illustration: 809-02

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
996 552 984 07 C51 Graphite grey
996 552 984 07 S31 Savanna
996 552 984 07 G11 Metropole blue
996 552 984 07 J31 Nephrite green
996 552 984 07 M31 Boxster red
996 552 984 07 P12 Cinnamon brown
996 552 984 07 D12 Dark grey/natural
996 552 984 07 T12 Brown/natural
(4) 996 552 985 07 Side vent /R 03- 1 IXCC
Aluminium look
996 552 985 07 VRK Black
996 552 985 07 C51 Graphite grey
996 552 985 07 S31 Savanna
996 552 985 07 G11 Metropole blue
996 552 985 07 J31 Nephrite green
996 552 985 07 M31 Boxster red
996 552 985 07 P12 Cinnamon brown
996 552 985 07 D12 Dark grey/natural
996 552 985 07 T12 Brown/natural
5 996 552 621 01 Cover 1
Headlight levelling system
996 552 621 01 A03 Black
5 996 552 986 00 Cover 1 IXNU
Headlight levelling system
996 552 986 00 A11 Black
996 552 986 00 C51 Graphite grey
996 552 986 00 S31 Savanna
996 552 986 00 J31 Nephrite green
996 552 986 00 M31 Boxster red
996 552 986 00 G11 Metropole blue
996 552 986 00 D12 Dark grey/natural
996 552 986 00 T12 Brown/natural
996 552 986 00 P12 Cinnamon brown
6 996 552 417 02 Rosette 1
Interior sensor
996 552 417 02 A03 Black
6 996 552 987 00 Rosette 1 IXCC/XKE/XNH
Interior sensor
996 552 987 00 A11 Black
996 552 987 00 C51 Graphite grey
996 552 987 00 S31 Savanna
996 552 987 00 J31 Nephrite green
996 552 987 00 M31 Boxster red
996 552 987 00 G11 Metropole blue
996 552 987 00 D12 Dark grey/natural
996 552 987 00 T12 Brown/natural
996 552 987 00 P12 Cinnamon brown
7 999 073 218 09 Tapping screw 4
4,2 X 16
8 996 552 235 03 Rosette /LL 1
Ignition starter lock
996 552 235 03 A03 Black
(8) 996 552 236 03 Rosette /RL 1
Ignition starter lock
996 552 236 03 A03 Black
8 996 552 980 00 Rosette /LL 1 IXJ4
Ignition starter lock

24.07.2017 -3 Kat 020

Illustration: 809-02

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
996 552 980 00 A11 Black
996 552 980 00 C51 Graphite grey
996 552 980 00 S31 Savanna
996 552 980 00 G11 Metropole blue
996 552 980 00 J31 Nephrite green
996 552 980 00 M31 Boxster red
996 552 980 00 P12 Cinnamon brown
996 552 980 00 D12 Dark grey/natural
996 552 980 00 T12 Brown/natural
(8) 996 552 980 01 Rosette /RL 1 IXJ4
Ignition starter lock
996 552 980 01 A11 Black
996 552 980 01 C51 Graphite grey
996 552 980 01 S31 Savanna
996 552 980 01 G11 Metropole blue
996 552 980 01 J31 Nephrite green
996 552 980 01 M31 Boxster red
996 552 980 01 P12 Cinnamon brown
996 552 980 01 D12 Dark grey/natural
996 552 980 01 T12 Brown/natural
9 996 552 271 03 Cover 1
996 552 271 03 A03 Black
996 552 271 03 C53 Graphite grey
996 552 271 03 S33 Savanna
996 552 271 03 G13 Metropole blue
996 552 271 03 J33 Nephrite green
996 552 271 03 M33 Boxster red
996 552 271 03 P13 Cinnamon brown
9 986 552 988 03 Cover 1 IXNS
986 552 988 03 VRK Black
986 552 988 03 S31 Savanna
986 552 988 03 G11 Metropole blue
986 552 988 03 J31 Nephrite green
986 552 988 03 M31 Boxster red
986 552 988 03 D12 Dark grey/natural
986 552 988 03 T12 Brown/natural
986 552 988 03 C51 Graphite grey
986 552 988 03 P12 Cinnamon brown
10 999 919 123 09 Oval-head screw 8
5,0 X 20
12 996 552 183 00 Support /LL 1
996 552 183 00 01C Satin black
12 996 552 183 02 Support /LL 1
996 552 183 02 01C Satin black
(12) 996 552 184 00 Support /RL 1
996 552 184 00 01C Satin black
12 996 552 958 00 Support /LL 1 IXCD/XKS/XNR
996 552 958 00 A11 Black
996 552 958 00 C51 Graphite grey
996 552 958 00 S31 Savanna
996 552 958 00 G11 Metropole blue
996 552 958 00 J31 Nephrite green
996 552 958 00 M31 Boxster red
996 552 958 00 P12 Cinnamon brown

24.07.2017 -4 Kat 020

Illustration: 809-02

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
996 552 958 00 D12 Dark grey/natural
996 552 958 00 T12 Brown/natural
(12) 996 552 958 01 Support /RL 1 IXCD/XKS/XNR
996 552 958 01 A11 Black
996 552 958 01 C51 Graphite grey
996 552 958 01 S31 Savanna
996 552 958 01 G11 Metropole blue
996 552 958 01 J31 Nephrite green
996 552 958 01 M31 Boxster red
996 552 958 01 P12 Cinnamon brown
996 552 958 01 D12 Dark grey/natural
996 552 958 01 T12 Brown/natural
13 996 552 231 11 Support frame 1
996 552 231 11 01C Satin black
(13) 996 552 231 12 Support frame 1 M665
996 552 231 12 01C Satin black
13 996 552 969 25 Support frame 1 IXNN
996 552 969 25 A11 Black
996 552 969 25 C51 Graphite grey
996 552 969 25 S31 Savanna
996 552 969 25 G11 Metropole blue
996 552 969 25 J31 Nephrite green 03
996 552 969 25 M31 Boxster red
996 552 969 25 D12 Dark grey/natural
996 552 969 25 T12 Brown/natural
996 552 969 25 P12 Cinnamon brown
(13) 996 552 969 26 Support frame 1 IXNN/M665
996 552 969 26 A11 Black
996 552 969 26 C51 Graphite grey
996 552 969 26 S31 Savanna
996 552 969 26 G11 Metropole blue
996 552 969 26 J31 Nephrite green 03
996 552 969 26 M31 Boxster red
996 552 969 26 D12 Dark grey/natural
996 552 969 26 T12 Brown/natural
996 552 969 26 P12 Cinnamon brown
13 996 552 969 31 Support frame 03- 1 IXKS
(13) 996 552 969 32 Support frame 03- 1 IXKS/M665
13 996 552 969 34 Support frame 03- 1 IXNR
(13) 996 552 969 35 Support frame 03- 1 IXNR/M665
14 999 507 533 02 Clamp 4
15 999 507 768 02 Speed nut 16
(15) 999 507 767 02 Speed nut 2
16 999 073 218 09 Tapping screw 4
4,2 X 16
17 900 143 076 09 Tapping screw 2 M573
4,2 X 25
18 996 552 263 01 Centre nozzle 1
996 552 263 01 01C Satin black
18 996 552 950 00 Centre nozzle 1 IXKS/XNN/XNR

24.07.2017 -5 Kat 020

Illustration: 809-02

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
996 552 950 00 A11 Black
996 552 950 00 C51 Graphite grey
996 552 950 00 S31 Savanna
996 552 950 00 G11 Metropole blue
996 552 950 00 J31 Nephrite green
996 552 950 00 M31 Boxster red
996 552 950 00 P12 Cinnamon brown
996 552 950 00 D12 Dark grey/natural
996 552 950 00 T12 Brown/natural
18 996 552 951 00 Centre nozzle 1 IXCD
Aluminium look
996 552 951 00 A11 Black
996 552 951 00 C51 Graphite grey
996 552 951 00 S31 Savanna
996 552 951 00 G11 Metropole blue
996 552 951 00 J31 Nephrite green
996 552 951 00 M31 Boxster red
996 552 951 00 P12 Cinnamon brown
996 552 951 00 D12 Dark grey/natural
996 552 951 00 T12 Brown/natural
19 996 552 233 06 Trim for switch 1
996 552 233 06 A03 Black
996 552 233 06 C02 Metal grey
19 986 552 233 02 Trim for switch 04 1 M091
986 552 233 02 M7Z GT Silver Metallic
19 996 552 967 08 Trim for switch 1 IXCD/XNN
996 552 967 08 A11 Black
996 552 967 08 C51 Graphite grey
996 552 967 08 S31 Savanna
996 552 967 08 G11 Metropole blue
996 552 967 08 J31 Nephrite green
996 552 967 08 M31 Boxster red
996 552 967 08 D12 Dark grey/natural
996 552 967 08 T12 Brown/natural
996 552 967 08 P12 Cinnamon brown
19 996 552 967 09 Trim for switch 1 IXKR
19 996 552 967 10 Trim for switch 1 IXKS
19 996 552 967 11 Trim for switch 1 IXNR
19 996 552 967 13 Trim for switch 1 IXKW
Arctic silver
20 996 552 673 03 Retaining bar 1
(20) 996 552 653 02 Retaining bar 1 M665
21 999 073 218 09 Tapping screw 2
4,2 X 16
22 986 552 153 00 Frame 1 M574
986 552 153 00 01C Satin black
22 996 552 677 01 Cover 1 M573
996 552 677 01 01C Satin black
23 996 552 253 01 Shelf 1
Instead of
996 552 253 01 01C Satin black
23 996 552 994 01 Shelf 1 IXMF

24.07.2017 -6 Kat 020

Illustration: 809-02

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
996 552 994 01 A11 Black
996 552 994 01 C51 Graphite grey
996 552 994 01 S31 Savanna
996 552 994 01 J31 Nephrite green
996 552 994 01 M31 Boxster red
996 552 994 01 G11 Metropole blue
996 552 994 01 D12 Dark grey
996 552 994 01 T12 Brown/natural
996 552 994 01 P12 Cinnamon brown
24 See group 1
25 996 653 241 00 Interior sensor 1

24.07.2017 -7 Kat 020

Illustration: 809-03

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

24.07.2017 -1 Kat 020

Illustration: 809-03

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
Glove compartment 03-
1 996 552 119 00 Glove compartment /LL 1
996 552 119 00 01C Satin black
(1) 996 552 120 00 Glove compartment /RL 1
996 552 120 00 01C Satin black
2 996 622 501 00 Wiring harness 1
3 999 650 564 40 Clip 1
Wiring harness
4 999 650 565 40 Clip 1
Wiring harness
5 996 552 779 00 Damper 2
6 999 703 491 50 Buffer 2
7 X 9,5 X 19,5
7 928 632 101 00 Glove compartment light 1
8 996 552 133 00 Glove compartment cover /LL 1 M016
996 552 133 00 A12 Black
996 552 133 00 C52 Graphite grey
996 552 133 00 S32 Savanna
996 552 133 00 G12 Metropole blue
996 552 133 00 J32 Nephrite green
(8) 996 552 134 00 Glove compartment cover /RL 1 M016
996 552 134 00 A12 Black
996 552 134 00 C52 Graphite grey
996 552 134 00 S32 Savanna
996 552 134 00 G12 Metropole blue
996 552 134 00 J32 Nephrite green
8 996 552 133 01 Glove compartment cover /LL 1 M981
996 552 133 01 A11 Black
996 552 133 01 C51 Graphite grey
996 552 133 01 S31 Savanna
996 552 133 01 G11 Metropole blue
996 552 133 01 J31 Nephrite green 03
996 552 133 01 M31 Boxster red
996 552 133 01 P12 Cinnamon brown
996 552 133 01 D12 Dark grey/natural
996 552 133 01 T12 Brown/natural
996 552 133 01 9V6 Cocoa 04-
(8) 996 552 134 01 Glove compartment cover /RL 1 M981
996 552 134 01 A11 Black
996 552 134 01 C51 Graphite grey
996 552 134 01 S31 Savanna
996 552 134 01 G11 Metropole blue
996 552 134 01 J31 Nephrite green 03
996 552 134 01 M31 Boxster red
996 552 134 01 P12 Cinnamon brown
996 552 134 01 D12 Dark grey/natural
996 552 134 01 T12 Brown/natural
996 552 134 01 9V6 Cocoa 04-
9 999 073 308 07 Tapping screw 11
3,5 X 12
996 552 349 01 Handle /LL 1
996 552 349 01 V03 Sport silver
(10) 996 552 350 01 Handle /RL 1
996 552 350 01 V03 Sport silver
- 996 552 915 00 Lock cylinder 1
Glove compartment

24.07.2017 -2 Kat 020

Illustration: 809-03

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
Vehicle Ident. No.
11 999 073 240 02 Screw 2
M 4 X 10
12 999 073 169 07 Tapping screw 7
4,8 X 16
13 996 552 879 00 Adapter 03- 2

24.07.2017 -3 Kat 020

Illustration: 809-10

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

24.07.2017 -1 Kat 020

Illustration: 809-10

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
Interior mirror
Door mirror
1 996 731 511 00 Interior mirror 1
996 731 511 00 01C Satin black
(1) 996 731 511 02 Interior mirror 01- 1 M265
996 731 511 02 01C Satin black
- 996 731 811 01 Cover /L 01- 1 M265
996 731 811 01 01C Satin black
- 996 731 812 01 Cover /R 01- 1 M265
996 731 812 01 01C Satin black
2 996 731 619 00 Housing /L 1
996 731 619 00 G2L Prime coated
(2) 996 731 620 00 Housing /R 1
996 731 620 00 G2L Prime coated
3 999 919 170 02 Countersunk-head screw 6
3,0 X 10
4 986 731 219 00 Mirror base /LL /L 1
Door mirror
Manually adjustable
986 731 219 00 G2L Prime coated
(4) 986 731 220 00 Mirror base /LL /R 1
Door mirror
Manually adjustable
986 731 220 00 G2L Prime coated
(4) 986 731 219 01 Mirror base /RL /L 1
Door mirror
Manually adjustable
986 731 219 01 G2L Prime coated
(4) 986 731 220 01 Mirror base /RL /R 1
Door mirror
Manually adjustable
986 731 220 01 G2L Prime coated
5 996 731 219 00 Mirror base /LL /L 1
Door mirror
Electrically adjustable
996 731 219 00 G2L Prime coated
5 996 731 219 04 Mirror base /LL /L 01- 1 M266
Door mirror
Electrically adjustable
996 731 219 04 G2L Prime coated
(5) 996 731 220 00 Mirror base /LL /R 1
Door mirror
Electrically adjustable
996 731 220 00 G2L Prime coated
(5) 996 731 219 01 Mirror base /RL /L 1
Door mirror
Electrically adjustable
996 731 219 01 G2L Prime coated
(5) 996 731 220 01 Mirror base /RL /R 1
Door mirror
Electrically adjustable
996 731 220 01 G2L Prime coated
(5) 996 731 220 04 Mirror base /RL /R 01- 1 M266
Door mirror
Electrically adjustable
996 731 220 04 G2L Prime coated
(5) 996 731 219 02 Mirror base /LL /L 98- 1 M537
Door mirror
Electrically adjustable
996 731 219 02 G2L Prime coated
(5) 996 731 219 05 Mirror base /LL /L 01- 1 M266/537
Door mirror
Electrically adjustable

24.07.2017 -2 Kat 020

Illustration: 809-10

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
996 731 219 05 G2L Prime coated
(5) 996 731 220 02 Mirror base /LL /R 98- 1 M537
Door mirror
Electrically adjustable
996 731 220 02 G2L Prime coated
(5) 996 731 219 03 Mirror base /RL /L 98- 1 M538
Door mirror
Electrically adjustable
996 731 219 03 G2L Prime coated
(5) 996 731 220 03 Mirror base /RL /R 98- 1 M538
Door mirror
Electrically adjustable
996 731 220 03 G2L Prime coated
(5) 996 731 220 05 Mirror base /RL /R 01- 1 M266/538
Door mirror
Electrically adjustable
996 731 220 05 G2L Prime coated
6 999 073 125 02 Oval-head screw 6
M 5 X 14
7 999 507 549 02 Spring clamp 2
8 900 278 010 02 Oval-head screw 2
9 996 537 731 00 Filler piece /L 1
(9) 996 537 732 00 Filler piece /R 1
(9) 996 537 733 00 Filler piece /L 1
(9) 996 537 734 00 Filler piece /R 1
10 996 731 719 00 Cover /L 1
996 731 719 00 G2L Prime coated
(10) 996 731 720 00 Cover /R 1
996 731 720 00 G2L Prime coated
11 996 624 047 00 Adjusting motor 2
11 996 624 048 00 Adjusting motor 98- 2 M537/538
12 900 278 013 02 Oval-head screw 6
M 3 X 30
13 996 731 035 01 Mirror glass /L 1 M270
13 996 731 035 03 Mirror glass /L 01- 1 M266/270
(13) 996 731 035 02 Mirror glass /L 1 M271
(13) 996 731 035 04 Mirror glass /L 01- 1 M266/271
(13) 996 731 037 01 Mirror glass /RL /L 1
(13) 996 731 036 01 Mirror glass /RL /R 1 M270
(13) 996 731 036 03 Mirror glass /RL /R 01- 1 M266/270
(13) 996 731 036 02 Mirror glass /RL /R 1 M271
(13) 996 731 036 04 Mirror glass /RL /R 01- 1 M266/271
(13) 996 731 038 02 Mirror glass /LL /R 1
(13) 996 731 038 04 Mirror glass /LL /R (SA) 1 (SA)
(14) 996 612 674 00 Wiring harness 1
15 999 652 710 10 Cylindrical socket 30
16 999 650 173 40 Pin connector socket 2
17 311 906 231 B Connector housing 2
(17) 999 650 177 40 Plug socket 98- 2 M537/538

24.07.2017 -3 Kat 020

Illustration: 809-10

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
(17) 999 650 178 40 Slide 98- 2 M537/538

24.07.2017 -4 Kat 020

Illustration: 809-15

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

24.07.2017 -1 Kat 020

Illustration: 809-15

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
Centre console
1 996 552 115 01 Bracket -98 1
996 552 115 01 01C Satin black
Information available
1 996 552 115 02 Bracket 99- 1
996 552 115 02 01C Satin black
1 996 552 973 01 Bracket 1 IXMF
996 552 973 01 A11 Black
996 552 973 01 C51 Graphite grey
996 552 973 01 S31 Savanna
996 552 973 01 J31 Nephrite green
996 552 973 01 M31 Boxster red
996 552 973 01 D12 Dark grey/natural
996 552 973 01 T12 Brown/natural
996 552 973 01 P12 Cinnamon brown
2 999 919 121 09 Oval-head screw 4
5,0 X 16
3 999 507 476 01 Clamp 3
8,0 X 10,2
(4) Not for 1 M614/618/663
Preparation for telephone
See group
4 996 552 091 02 Cover /L 97 1
996 552 091 02 A10 Black
996 552 091 02 C50 Graphite grey
996 552 091 02 S30 Savanna
(4) 996 552 092 02 Cover /R 97 1
996 552 092 02 A10 Black
996 552 092 02 C50 Graphite grey
996 552 092 02 S30 Savanna
4 996 552 091 05 Cover /L 98 1 M011/016
996 552 091 05 A18 Black
996 552 091 05 C18 Graphite grey
996 552 091 05 S18 Savanna
996 552 091 05 G18 Metropole blue
(4) 996 552 092 05 Cover /R 98 1 M011/016
996 552 092 05 A18 Black
996 552 092 05 C18 Graphite grey
996 552 092 05 S18 Savanna
996 552 092 05 G18 Metropole blue
(4) 996 552 091 06 Cover /L 99 1 M010/011/016
996 552 091 06 A18 Black
996 552 091 06 C18 Graphite grey
996 552 091 06 S18 Savanna
996 552 091 06 G18 Metropole blue
(4) 996 552 092 06 Cover /R 99 1 M010/011/016
996 552 092 06 A18 Black
996 552 092 06 C18 Graphite grey
996 552 092 06 S18 Savanna
996 552 092 06 G18 Metropole blue
4 996 552 091 06 Cover /L 00- 1 M011/016
996 552 091 06 A12 Black
996 552 091 06 C52 Graphite grey

24.07.2017 -2 Kat 020

Illustration: 809-15

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
996 552 091 06 S32 Savanna
996 552 091 06 G12 Metropole blue
996 552 091 06 J32 Nephrite green
(4) 996 552 092 06 Cover /R 00- 1 M011/016
996 552 092 06 A12 Black
996 552 092 06 C52 Graphite grey
996 552 092 06 S32 Savanna
996 552 092 06 G12 Metropole blue
996 552 092 06 J32 Nephrite green 01-
4 986 552 091 00 Cover /L 98 1 M012
986 552 091 00 A40 Black
(4) 986 552 092 00 Cover /R 98 1 M012
986 552 092 00 A40 Black
(4) 986 552 091 01 Cover /L 99- 1 M012
986 552 091 01 A40 Black
(4) 986 552 092 01 Cover /R 99- 1 M012
986 552 092 01 A40 Black
4 996 552 091 03 Cover /L 1
996 552 091 03 A11 Black
996 552 091 03 C51 Graphite grey
996 552 091 03 S31 Savanna
996 552 091 03 J31 Nephrite green
996 552 091 03 M31 Boxster red
996 552 091 03 G11 Metropole blue
996 552 091 03 D12 Dark grey/natural 00-
996 552 091 03 T12 Brown/natural 00-
996 552 091 03 P12 Cinnamon brown 01-
996 552 091 03 9V6 Cocoa 04-
(4) 996 552 092 03 Cover /R -98 1
996 552 092 03 A11 Black
996 552 092 03 C51 Graphite grey
996 552 092 03 S31 Savanna
996 552 092 03 J31 Nephrite green
996 552 092 03 M31 Boxster red
996 552 092 03 G11 Metropole blue
996 552 092 03 D12 Dark grey/natural
996 552 092 03 T12 Brown/natural
996 552 092 03 P12 Cinnamon brown
996 552 092 03 9V6 Cocoa
4 996 552 091 07 Cover /L 99- 1
996 552 091 07 A11 Black
996 552 091 07 C51 Graphite grey
996 552 091 07 S31 Savanna
996 552 091 07 J31 Nephrite green
996 552 091 07 M31 Boxster red
996 552 091 07 G11 Metropole blue
996 552 091 07 D12 Dark grey/natural
996 552 091 07 T12 Brown/natural
996 552 091 07 P12 Cinnamon brown
996 552 091 07 9V6 Cocoa
(4) 996 552 092 07 Cover /R 99- 1
996 552 092 07 A11 Black
996 552 092 07 C51 Graphite grey
996 552 092 07 S31 Savanna

24.07.2017 -3 Kat 020

Illustration: 809-15

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
996 552 092 07 J31 Nephrite green -03
996 552 092 07 M31 Boxster red
996 552 092 07 G11 Metropole blue
996 552 092 07 D12 Dark grey/natural 00-
996 552 092 07 T12 Brown/natural 00-
996 552 092 07 P12 Cinnamon brown 01-
996 552 092 07 9V6 Cocoa 04-
(5) 996 552 267 05 Support 1 M581
6 999 084 629 09 Hexagon nut 4
M 6
6 999 084 629 01 Hexagon nut 4
M 6
7 999 920 011 40 Plug-in nut 4
5,0 X 1,0 X 8
8 999 507 476 01 Clamp 2
8,0 X 10,2
9 996 552 113 01 Cover /L 97 1
996 552 113 01 A10 Black
996 552 113 01 C50 Graphite grey
996 552 113 01 S30 Savanna
996 552 113 01 J30 Nephrite green
996 552 113 01 M30 Boxster red
996 552 113 01 G10 Metropole blue
996 552 113 01 D11 Dark grey
996 552 113 01 T11 Brown/natural
996 552 113 01 P11 Cinnamon brown
996 552 113 01 R10 Cocoa
(9) 996 552 114 01 Cover /R 97 1
996 552 114 01 A10 Black
996 552 114 01 C50 Graphite grey
996 552 114 01 S30 Savanna
996 552 114 01 J30 Nephrite green
996 552 114 01 M30 Boxster red
996 552 114 01 G10 Metropole blue
996 552 114 01 D11 Dark grey
996 552 114 01 T11 Brown/natural
996 552 114 01 P11 Cinnamon brown
996 552 114 01 R10 Cocoa
9 996 552 113 02 Cover /L 98- 1
996 552 113 02 A10 Black
996 552 113 02 C50 Graphite grey
996 552 113 02 S30 Savanna
996 552 113 02 J30 Nephrite green -03
996 552 113 02 M30 Boxster red
996 552 113 02 G10 Metropole blue 98-
996 552 113 02 D11 Dark grey/natural 00-
996 552 113 02 T11 Brown/natural 00-
996 552 113 02 P11 Cinnamon brown 01-
996 552 113 02 R10 Cocoa 04-
(9) 996 552 114 02 Cover /R 98- 1
996 552 114 02 A10 Black
996 552 114 02 C50 Graphite grey
996 552 114 02 S30 Savanna
996 552 114 02 J30 Nephrite green -03
996 552 114 02 M30 Boxster red
996 552 114 02 G10 Metropole blue 98-
996 552 114 02 D11 Dark grey/natural 00-
996 552 114 02 T11 Brown/natural 00-

24.07.2017 -4 Kat 020

Illustration: 809-15

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
996 552 114 02 P11 Cinnamon brown 01-
996 552 114 02 R10 Cocoa 04-
10 996 552 253 01 Shelf 1
996 552 253 01 01C Satin black
10 996 552 994 01 Shelf 01- 1 IXMF
996 552 994 01 A11 Black
996 552 994 01 C51 Graphite grey
996 552 994 01 S31 Savanna
996 552 994 01 J31 Nephrite green
996 552 994 01 M31 Boxster red
996 552 994 01 G11 Metropole blue
996 552 994 01 D12 Dark grey
996 552 994 01 T12 Brown/natural
996 552 994 01 P12 Cinnamon brown
11 996 552 443 00 Frame 1
996 552 443 00 01C Satin black
(11) 996 552 992 00 Frame 01- 1 IXKW/XNN
Air-conditioning switch
996 552 992 00 A11 Black
996 552 992 00 C51 Graphite grey
996 552 992 00 S31 Savanna
996 552 992 00 G11 Metropole blue
996 552 992 00 J31 Nephrite green
996 552 992 00 M31 Boxster red
996 552 992 00 D12 Dark grey/natural
996 552 992 00 T12 Brown/natural
996 552 992 00 P12 Cinnamon brown
12 996 552 763 00 Cassette box -02 4 M421
(12) 996 552 981 01 Tray 01-02 4 XNF
Cassette box
996 552 981 01 A11 Black
996 552 981 01 C51 Graphite grey
996 552 981 01 S31 Savanna
996 552 981 01 G11 Metropole blue
996 552 981 01 J31 Nephrite green
996 552 981 01 M31 Boxster red
996 552 981 01 D12 Dark grey/natural
996 552 981 01 T12 Brown/natural
996 552 981 01 P12 Cinnamon brown
13 996 552 773 00 Box for cds 1 M424
(13) 996 552 981 00 Tray 01- 1 IXMF/M424
Box for cds
996 552 981 00 A11 Black
996 552 981 00 C51 Graphite grey
996 552 981 00 S31 Savanna
996 552 981 00 G11 Metropole blue
996 552 981 00 J31 Nephrite green
996 552 981 00 M31 Boxster red
996 552 981 00 D12 Dark grey/natural
996 552 981 00 T12 Brown/natural
996 552 981 00 P12 Cinnamon brown
14 996 552 243 01 Shelf 1
996 552 243 01 01C Satin black
14 996 552 982 01 Shelf 01- 1 IXMF
996 552 982 01 A11 Black
996 552 982 01 C51 Graphite grey
996 552 982 01 S31 Savanna

24.07.2017 -5 Kat 020

Illustration: 809-15

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
996 552 982 01 J31 Nephrite green
996 552 982 01 M31 Boxster red
996 552 982 01 G11 Metropole blue
996 552 982 01 D12 Dark grey/natural
996 552 982 01 T12 Brown/natural
996 552 982 01 P12 Cinnamon brown
(14) 996 552 963 00 Cover 01- 1 IXMF/XNN
996 552 963 00 A11 Black
996 552 963 00 C51 Graphite grey
996 552 963 00 S31 Savanna
996 552 963 00 G11 Metropole blue
996 552 963 00 J31 Nephrite green
996 552 963 00 M31 Boxster red
996 552 963 00 D12 Dark grey
996 552 963 00 T12 Brown/natural
996 552 963 00 P12 Cinnamon brown
(14) 996 552 963 01 Cover 01- 1 IXKR
(14) 996 552 963 02 Frame 01- 1 IXKS
14 996 552 963 04 Cover 01- 1 IXNR
996 552 335 00 Trim for switch -99 1
996 552 335 00 01C Satin black
15 996 552 335 00 Trim for switch 00- 1 M009
996 552 335 00 01C Satin black
(15) 986 552 335 00 Trim for switch -02 1 M008
986 552 335 00 01C Satin black
(15) 986 552 335 01 Trim for switch 03- 1 M008
986 552 335 01 01C Satin black
(15) 986 552 335 02 Trim for switch 04 1 M091/581
986 552 335 02 01C Satin black
(15) 986 552 974 00 Trim for switch 00- 1 M008
986 552 974 00 A11 Black
986 552 974 00 C51 Graphite grey
986 552 974 00 S31 Savanna
986 552 974 00 G11 Metropole blue
986 552 974 00 J31 Nephrite green
986 552 974 00 M31 Boxster red
986 552 974 00 D12 Dark grey/natural
986 552 974 00 T12 Brown/natural
986 552 974 00 P12 Cinnamon brown
15 996 552 983 00 Trim for switch 01- 1 M009
996 552 983 00 A11 Black
996 552 983 00 C51 Graphite grey
996 552 983 00 S31 Savanna
996 552 983 00 J31 Nephrite green
996 552 983 00 M31 Boxster red
996 552 983 00 G11 Metropole blue
996 552 983 00 D12 Dark grey/natural
996 552 983 00 T12 Brown/natural
996 552 983 00 P12 Cinnamon brown

24.07.2017 -6 Kat 020

Illustration: 809-20

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

24.07.2017 -1 Kat 020

Illustration: 809-20

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
Centre console
1 986 552 113 02 Lining -99 1
986 552 113 02 A10 Black
986 552 113 02 C50 Graphite grey
986 552 113 02 S30 Savanna
986 552 113 02 J30 Nephrite green
986 552 113 02 M30 Boxster red
986 552 113 02 G10 Metropole blue 98-
1 986 552 113 03 Lining 04 1 M091
986 552 113 03 D11 Dark grey/natural
986 552 113 03 R10 Cocoa
2 999 507 533 02 Clamp -99 26
2 Clamp 04 8 M091
8,0 X 10,2
3 986 552 513 02 Lid /L -99 1
986 552 513 02 A10 Black
986 552 513 02 C50 Graphite grey
986 552 513 02 S30 Savanna
986 552 513 02 J30 Nephrite green
986 552 513 02 M30 Boxster red
986 552 513 02 G10 Metropole blue 98-
(3) 986 552 514 02 Lid /R -99 1
986 552 514 02 A10 Black
986 552 514 02 C50 Graphite grey
986 552 514 02 S30 Savanna
986 552 514 02 J30 Nephrite green
986 552 514 02 M30 Boxster red
986 552 514 02 G10 Metropole blue 98-
3 986 552 513 02 Lid /L 04 1 M091
986 552 513 02 D11 Dark grey/natural
986 552 513 02 R10 Cocoa
(3) 986 552 514 02 Lid /R 04 1 M091
986 552 514 02 D11 Dark grey/natural
986 552 514 02 R10 Cocoa
4 996 552 125 01 Centre console 97 1
996 552 125 01 B12 Black-grey
4 996 552 125 01 Centre console 98-99 1 M011/016
996 552 125 01 B12 Black-grey
4 996 552 902 00 Centre console 97-99 1 M011/016
996 552 902 00 B12 Black-grey
4 996 552 125 03 Centre console 1
996 552 125 03 D05 Granite grey 99 M010
996 552 125 03 C02 Metal grey 98- M012
996 552 125 03 A03 Black 00-
4 996 552 125 04 Centre console 04 1 M091
996 552 125 04 M7Z GT Silver Metallic
4 986 552 995 09 Centre console -02 1 IXJB
986 552 995 09 92U Arctic silver metallic
4 986 552 995 09 Centre console 01- 1 IXME
986 552 995 09 39G Violet metallic
986 552 995 09 746 Black-metallic -01
986 552 995 09 3W7 Dark blue -01
986 552 995 09 23I Wimbledon green metallic -01
986 552 995 09 9A3 Biarritz white -01

24.07.2017 -2 Kat 020

Illustration: 809-20

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
986 552 995 09 2A2 Rainforest green metallic -02
986 552 995 09 92U Arctic silver metallic
986 552 995 09 041 Black
986 552 995 09 84A Guards red
986 552 995 09 12H Speed yellow
986 552 995 09 8A3 Orient red metallic
986 552 995 09 M5W Lapis blue metallic
986 552 995 09 6A6 Meridian metallic
986 552 995 09 39C Midnight Blue Metallic
986 552 995 09 6B4 Seal grey metallic
986 552 995 09 2B4 Forest green metallic
986 552 995 09 3C8 Cobalt blue metallic
986 552 995 09 92M Polar silver metallic
986 552 995 09 23F Slate grey metallic
986 552 995 09 1A8 Zanzibar red
986 552 995 09 B9A Carrara white 02-
986 552 995 09 C9Z Basalt black metallic 02-
986 552 995 09 M6W Lagoon green metallic 03-
4 986 552 995 09 Centre console 03- 1 IXCE
986 552 995 09 V03 Sport silver
4 986 552 995 01 Centre console 1 IXMZ
986 552 995 01 VRK Black
986 552 995 01 C51 Graphite grey
986 552 995 01 S31 Savanna
986 552 995 01 G11 Metropole blue
986 552 995 01 J31 Nephrite green
986 552 995 01 M31 Boxster red
986 552 995 01 D12 Dark grey/natural
986 552 995 01 T12 Brown/natural
986 552 995 01 P12 Cinnamon brown 01-
4 986 552 995 05 Centre console 1 IXMZ
986 552 995 05 VRK Black
986 552 995 05 C51 Graphite grey
986 552 995 05 S31 Savanna
986 552 995 05 G11 Metropole blue
986 552 995 05 J31 Nephrite green
986 552 995 05 M31 Boxster red
986 552 995 05 D12 Dark grey/natural
986 552 995 05 T12 Brown/natural
986 552 995 05 P12 Cinnamon brown
4 986 552 995 08 Centre console 1 IXMJ
- 996 552 841 01 Sound absorber 1
- 996 552 841 02 Sound absorber 1
- 996 552 843 01 Sound absorber 1
- 996 552 845 01 Sound absorber 1
5 986 552 241 01 Cover 97 1
986 552 241 01 B12 Black-grey
5 986 552 241 01 Cover 98-99 1 M011/016
986 552 241 01 B12 Black-grey
5 986 552 241 02 Cover 1
986 552 241 02 D05 Granite grey 99 M010
986 552 241 02 C02 Metal grey 98-99 M012
5 986 552 241 04 Cover 04 1 M091/249
986 552 241 04 M7Z GT Silver Metallic
5 986 552 141 00 Cover 04 1 M091/480

24.07.2017 -3 Kat 020

Illustration: 809-20

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
986 552 141 00 9V6 Cocoa
986 552 141 00 D12 Dark grey/natural
6 999 919 121 09 Oval-head screw 5
5,0 X 16
7 996 552 595 00 Insert 97 1
996 552 595 00 B12 Black-grey
7 996 552 595 00 Insert 98-99 1 M011/016
996 552 595 00 B12 Black-grey
7 996 552 595 01 Insert 1
996 552 595 01 D05 Granite grey 99 M010
996 552 595 01 C02 Metal grey 98- M012
996 552 595 01 A03 Black 00-
7 996 552 595 02 Insert 04 1 M091
996 552 595 02 M7Z GT Silver Metallic
7 986 552 997 01 Insert 01- 1 IXMZ
986 552 997 01 A11 Black
986 552 997 01 C51 Graphite grey
986 552 997 01 S31 Savanna
986 552 997 01 G11 Metropole blue
986 552 997 01 J31 Nephrite green
986 552 997 01 M31 Boxster red
986 552 997 01 D12 Dark grey/natural
986 552 997 01 T12 Brown/natural
986 552 997 01 P12 Cinnamon brown
7 986 552 997 02 Insert 01- 1 IXMJ
7 986 552 997 00 Insert 01- 1 IXJB
986 552 997 00 92T Arctic silver -02
986 552 997 00 V03 Silver 03- IXCE
986 552 997 00 G2X Prime coated IXME
8 996 552 095 00 Ashtray 97 1
996 552 095 00 B12 Black-grey
8 986 552 901 00 Ashtray 97 1
986 552 901 00 B12 Black-grey
- 996 632 113 00 Ashtray light 1
8 996 552 095 01 Ashtray 98-00 1
996 552 095 01 D05 Granite grey 99 M010
996 552 095 01 C02 Metal grey 98- M012
996 552 095 01 A03 Black 00-
8 996 552 095 02 Ashtray 1
996 552 095 02 D05 Granite grey
996 552 095 02 C02 Metal grey M012
996 552 095 02 A03 Black
- 996 632 113 00 Ashtray light 1
8 996 552 095 03 Ashtray 04 1 M091
996 552 095 03 M7Z GT Silver Metallic
8 986 552 996 05 Ashtray 1 IXMZ
986 552 996 05 A11 Black
986 552 996 05 C51 Graphite grey

24.07.2017 -4 Kat 020

Illustration: 809-20

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
986 552 996 05 S31 Savanna
986 552 996 05 G11 Metropole blue
986 552 996 05 J31 Nephrite green
986 552 996 05 M31 Boxster red
986 552 996 05 D12 Dark grey/natural
986 552 996 05 T12 Brown/natural
986 552 996 05 P12 Cinnamon brown 01-
8 986 552 996 08 Ashtray 01- 1 IXMJ
8 986 552 996 09 Ashtray 01- 1 IXJB
986 552 996 09 92T Arctic silver -02
986 552 996 09 V03 Silver 03- IXCE
(8) 996 552 096 00 Shelf 97 1 M580
996 552 096 00 B12 Black-grey
(8) 996 552 096 00 Shelf 98-99 1 M011/016/580
996 552 096 00 B12 Black-grey
(8) 996 552 096 01 Shelf 1 M580
996 552 096 01 C02 Metal grey 98- M012
996 552 096 01 D05 Granite grey 99 M010
996 552 096 01 A03 Black 00-
- 996 552 596 00 Insert 1
(9) 999 591 941 40 Expansion rivet 2
Expander nut
10 996 552 365 00 Floor 1
11 999 919 121 09 Oval-head screw 1
M 5 X 16
12 996 552 665 00 Insert 1
13 996 552 205 00 Lid 1
996 552 205 00 01C Satin black
14 996 552 605 00 Hinge pin 1
15 996 552 813 00 Support 2
16 996 552 833 00 Rubber stop 2
17 999 919 175 09 Oval-head screw 8
3,5 X 12
18 996 552 155 02 Lid 97 1
996 552 155 02 A10 Black
996 552 155 02 C50 Graphite grey
996 552 155 02 S30 Savanna
18 996 552 155 04 Lid 98-99 1
996 552 155 04 A18 Black
996 552 155 04 C18 Graphite grey
996 552 155 04 S18 Savanna
996 552 155 04 G18 Metropole blue
996 552 155 04 B18 Space grey
18 996 552 155 04 Lid 00- 1
996 552 155 04 A12 Black
996 552 155 04 C52 Graphite grey
996 552 155 04 S32 Savanna
996 552 155 04 G12 Metropole blue
996 552 155 04 J32 Nephrite green 01-
996 552 155 04 B18 Space grey
18 996 552 155 03 Lid 1
996 552 155 03 A11 Black
996 552 155 03 C51 Graphite grey
996 552 155 03 S31 Savanna
996 552 155 03 J31 Nephrite green

24.07.2017 -5 Kat 020

Illustration: 809-20

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
996 552 155 03 M31 Boxster red
996 552 155 03 G11 Metropole blue
996 552 155 03 D12 Dark grey/natural 00-
996 552 155 03 T12 Brown/natural 00-
996 552 155 03 P12 Cinnamon brown 01-
18 996 552 965 00 Lid 01- 1 IXMZ
996 552 965 00 VRK Black
996 552 965 00 C51 Graphite grey
996 552 965 00 S31 Savanna
996 552 965 00 G11 Metropole blue
996 552 965 00 J31 Nephrite green
996 552 965 00 M31 Boxster red
996 552 965 00 D12 Dark grey
996 552 965 00 T12 Brown/natural
996 552 965 00 P12 Cinnamon brown
19 999 920 017 40 Plug-in nut 8
3,5 X 2,5 X 5
20 996 552 097 01 Lock 1
996 552 097 01 01C Satin black
21 996 552 907 00 Lock cylinder 1
W/o stipulated lock number
21 996 552 907 01 Lock cylinder 1
State lock number
22 986 552 297 00 Cover 97 1
986 552 297 00 B12 Black-grey
23 996 637 211 00 Support 1
24 996 613 205 00 Microswitch 1
25 999 919 121 09 Oval-head screw 3
5 X 16
26 999 920 011 40 Plug-in nut 3
5,0 X 2,0 X 8
27 999 507 476 01 Clamp 25
8,0 X 10,2
996 552 695 00 Coin box 1
996 552 695 00 01C Satin black
29 986 552 087 00 Cover /L 97 1
986 552 087 00 B12 Black-grey
(29) 986 552 088 00 Cover /R 97 1
986 552 088 00 B12 Black-grey
29 986 552 087 00 Cover /L 98-99 1 M016
986 552 087 00 B12 Black-grey
(29) 986 552 087 00 Cover /R 98-99 1 M016
986 552 087 00 B12 Black-grey
29 986 552 087 01 Cover /L 98- 1 M012
986 552 087 01 A40 Black
(29) 986 552 088 01 Cover /R 98- 1 M012
986 552 088 01 A40 Black
29 996 552 087 02 Cover /L 97 1 M581
996 552 087 02 A10 Black
996 552 087 02 C50 Graphite grey
996 552 087 02 S30 Savanna
(29) 996 552 088 02 Cover /R 97 1 M581
996 552 088 02 A10 Black
996 552 088 02 C50 Graphite grey
996 552 088 02 S30 Savanna
29 996 552 087 05 Cover /L 98-99 1 M581
996 552 087 05 A18 Black
996 552 087 05 C18 Graphite grey
996 552 087 05 S18 Savanna

24.07.2017 -6 Kat 020

Illustration: 809-20

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
996 552 087 05 G18 Metropole blue
(29) 996 552 088 05 Cover /R 98-99 1 M581
996 552 088 05 A18 Black
996 552 088 05 C18 Graphite grey
996 552 088 05 S18 Savanna
996 552 088 05 G18 Metropole blue
29 996 552 087 05 Cover /L 00- 1
996 552 087 05 A12 Black
996 552 087 05 C52 Graphite grey
996 552 087 05 S32 Savanna
996 552 087 05 G12 Metropole blue
996 552 087 05 J32 Nephrite green 01-
(29) 996 552 088 05 Cover /R 00- 1
996 552 088 05 A12 Black
996 552 088 05 C52 Graphite grey
996 552 088 05 S32 Savanna
996 552 088 05 G12 Metropole blue
996 552 088 05 J32 Nephrite green 01-
(29) 996 552 087 03 Cover /L -99 1 M581
996 552 087 03 A11 Black
996 552 087 03 C51 Graphite grey
996 552 087 03 S31 Savanna
996 552 087 03 J31 Nephrite green
996 552 087 03 M31 Boxster red
996 552 087 03 G11 Metropole blue 98-
(29) 996 552 088 03 Cover /R -99 1 M581
996 552 088 03 A11 Black
996 552 088 03 C51 Graphite grey
996 552 088 03 S31 Savanna
996 552 088 03 J31 Nephrite green
996 552 088 03 M31 Boxster red
996 552 088 03 G11 Metropole blue 98-
(29) 996 552 087 03 Cover /L 1
996 552 087 03 A11 Black
996 552 087 03 C51 Graphite grey
996 552 087 03 S31 Savanna
996 552 087 03 J31 Nephrite green
996 552 087 03 M31 Boxster red
996 552 087 03 G11 Metropole blue
996 552 087 03 D12 Dark grey/natural 00-
996 552 087 03 T12 Brown/natural 00-
996 552 087 03 P12 Cinnamon brown 01-
(29) 996 552 088 03 Cover /R 1
996 552 088 03 A11 Black
996 552 088 03 C51 Graphite grey
996 552 088 03 S31 Savanna
996 552 088 03 J31 Nephrite green
996 552 088 03 M31 Boxster red
996 552 088 03 G11 Metropole blue
996 552 088 03 D12 Dark grey/natural 00-
996 552 088 03 T12 Brown/natural 00-
996 552 088 03 P12 Cinnamon brown 01-
(30) 996 552 655 01 Retaining frame 1 M480/481
30 996 552 257 01 Cover /LL 97 1 M249
996 552 257 01 EBO Black
30 996 552 257 01 Cover /LL 98-99 1 M011/016/249

24.07.2017 -7 Kat 020

Illustration: 809-20

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
996 552 257 01 EBO Black
(30) 996 552 257 03 Cover /RL 97 1 M249
996 552 257 03 EBO Black
(30) 996 552 257 03 Cover /RL 98-99 1 M011/016/249
996 552 257 03 EBO Black
30 996 552 257 02 Cover /LL 98-99 1 M012/249
996 552 257 02 EJS Metal grey
(30) 996 552 257 04 Cover /RL 98-99 1 M012/249
996 552 257 04 EJS Metal grey
(30) 996 552 259 00 Cover /LL 00-02 1 M249
996 552 259 00 EOY Black
996 552 259 00 EOX Metal grey M012
(30) 996 552 259 01 Cover /RL 00-02 1 M249
996 552 259 01 EOY Black
996 552 259 01 EOX Metal grey M012
30 996 552 259 02 Cover /LL 03- 1 M249
996 552 259 02 EOU Black/Silver
996 552 259 02 EOV Metal grey M012
(30) 996 552 259 03 Cover /RL 03- 1 M249
996 552 259 03 EOU Black/Silver
996 552 259 03 EOV Metal grey M012
30 986 552 259 02 Cover /LL 04 1 M091/249
986 552 259 02 M7Z GT Silver Metallic
(30) 986 552 259 03 Cover /RL 04 1 M091/249
986 552 259 03 M7Z GT Silver Metallic
(30) 996 552 977 20 Shift gate /LL 01-02 1 IXY5/M249
996 552 977 20 VRK Black
996 552 977 20 C51 Graphite grey
996 552 977 20 S31 Savanna
996 552 977 20 J31 Nephrite green
996 552 977 20 M31 Boxster red
996 552 977 20 G11 Metropole blue
996 552 977 20 T12 Brown/natural
996 552 977 20 D12 Dark grey
996 552 977 20 P12 Cinnamon brown
(30) 996 552 977 21 Shift gate /RL 01-02 1 IXY5/M249
996 552 977 21 VRK Black
996 552 977 21 C51 Graphite grey
996 552 977 21 S31 Savanna
996 552 977 21 J31 Nephrite green
996 552 977 21 M31 Boxster red
996 552 977 21 G11 Metropole blue
996 552 977 21 T12 Brown/natural
996 552 977 21 D12 Dark grey
996 552 977 21 P12 Cinnamon brown
30 996 552 977 26 Cover /LL 03- 1 IXY5/M249

24.07.2017 -8 Kat 020

Illustration: 809-20

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
996 552 977 26 VRK Black
996 552 977 26 C51 Graphite grey
996 552 977 26 S31 Savanna
996 552 977 26 G11 Metropole blue
996 552 977 26 J31 Nephrite green
996 552 977 26 M31 Boxster red
996 552 977 26 P12 Cinnamon brown
996 552 977 26 D12 Dark grey/natural
996 552 977 26 T12 Brown/natural
(30) 996 552 977 27 Cover /RL 03- 1 IXY5/M249
996 552 977 27 VRK Black
996 552 977 27 C51 Graphite grey
996 552 977 27 S31 Savanna
996 552 977 27 G11 Metropole blue
996 552 977 27 J31 Nephrite green
996 552 977 27 M31 Boxster red
996 552 977 27 P12 Cinnamon brown
996 552 977 27 D12 Dark grey/natural
996 552 977 27 T12 Brown/natural
31 996 552 687 00 Slide 1 M249
996 552 687 00 01C Satin black
32 996 552 283 01 Cover 97 1
996 552 283 01 B12 Black-grey
32 996 552 283 01 Cover 98-99 1 M011/016
996 552 283 01 B12 Black-grey
32 996 552 283 02 Cover 1
996 552 283 02 D05 Granite grey 99 M010
996 552 283 02 C02 Metal grey 98- M012
996 552 283 02 A03 Black 00-
32 996 552 283 03 Cover 04 1 M091
996 552 283 03 M7Z GT Silver Metallic
32 996 552 993 02 Cover 01- 1 IXMJ
32 996 552 993 01 Cover 03- 1 IXCE
996 552 993 01 V03 Sport silver
986 552 089 00 Cover /L 97 1
986 552 089 00 B12 Black-grey
(33) 986 552 090 00 Cover /R 97 1
986 552 090 00 B12 Black-grey
33 986 552 089 00 Cover /L 98-99 1 M011/016
986 552 089 00 B12 Black-grey
(33) 986 552 090 00 Cover /R 98-99 1 M011/016
986 552 090 00 B12 Black-grey
33 996 552 089 05 Cover /L 98- 1
996 552 089 05 C02 Metal grey 98- M012
996 552 089 05 D05 Granite grey 99 M010
996 552 089 05 A03 Black 00-
(33) 996 552 090 05 Cover /R 98- 1
996 552 090 05 C02 Metal grey 98- M012
996 552 090 05 D05 Granite grey 99 M010
996 552 090 05 A03 Black 00-

24.07.2017 -9 Kat 020

Illustration: 809-20

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
33 996 552 089 04 Cover /L 01- 1 IXMJ
996 552 089 04 A11 Black
996 552 089 04 C51 Graphite grey
996 552 089 04 S31 Savanna
996 552 089 04 G11 Metropole blue
996 552 089 04 J31 Nephrite green -03
996 552 089 04 M31 Boxster red
996 552 089 04 P12 Cinnamon brown
996 552 089 04 D12 Dark grey/natural
996 552 089 04 T12 Brown/natural
(33) 996 552 090 04 Cover /R 01- 1 IXMJ
996 552 090 04 A11 Black
996 552 090 04 C51 Graphite grey
996 552 090 04 S31 Savanna
996 552 090 04 G11 Metropole blue
996 552 090 04 J31 Nephrite green -03
996 552 090 04 M31 Boxster red
996 552 090 04 P12 Cinnamon brown
996 552 090 04 D12 Dark grey/natural
996 552 090 04 T12 Brown/natural
33 996 552 089 04 Cover /L 01- 1 IXMZ
996 552 089 04 A11 Black
996 552 089 04 C51 Graphite grey
996 552 089 04 S31 Savanna
996 552 089 04 G11 Metropole blue
996 552 089 04 J31 Nephrite green -03
996 552 089 04 M31 Boxster red
996 552 089 04 P12 Cinnamon brown
996 552 089 04 D12 Dark grey/natural
996 552 089 04 T12 Brown/natural
(33) 996 552 090 04 Cover /R 01- 1 IXMZ
996 552 090 04 A11 Black
996 552 090 04 C51 Graphite grey
996 552 090 04 S31 Savanna
996 552 090 04 G11 Metropole blue
996 552 090 04 J31 Nephrite green -03
996 552 090 04 M31 Boxster red
996 552 090 04 P12 Cinnamon brown
996 552 090 04 D12 Dark grey/natural
996 552 090 04 T12 Brown/natural
33 996 552 089 04 Cover /L 04 1 M091
996 552 089 04 D12 Dark grey/natural
996 552 089 04 9V6 Cocoa
(33) 996 552 090 04 Cover /R 04 1 M091
996 552 090 04 D12 Dark grey/natural
996 552 090 04 9V6 Cocoa
34 999 920 013 40 Plug-in nut 1
5,0 X 1,0 X 8
35 999 920 012 40 Plug-in nut 2
5,0 X 3,5 X 8

24.07.2017 - 10 Kat 020

Illustration: 810-00

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

24.07.2017 -1 Kat 020

Illustration: 810-00

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
1 997 559 211 00 Lid emblem 1
Information available
(1) 996 559 211 01 Lid emblem 1
Information available
2 901 559 215 20 Desk pad 1
(2) 7L5 853 611 B Desk pad 1
3 999 591 423 03 Tapping nut 2
4 986 559 237 00 Logo 1
986 559 237 00 70C Rally black
(4) 986 559 237 01 Logo 00- 1 M008
986 559 237 01 9A4 Titanium metallic
(4) 986 559 237 02 Logo 04 1 M091
5 986 559 243 00 Logo 00- 1 M008
986 559 243 00 9A4 Titanium metallic
(5) 986 559 243 01 Logo 04 1 M091

24.07.2017 -2 Kat 020

Illustration: 810-05

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

24.07.2017 -1 Kat 020

Illustration: 810-05

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
Sill cover 01- IXAA/X76
1 986 559 983 01 Sill cover /L 1
986 559 983 01 G2X Prime coated
1 986 559 983 02 Sill cover /L 1
Prime coated
(1) 986 559 984 01 Sill cover /R 1
986 559 984 01 G2X Prime coated
(1) 986 559 984 02 Sill cover /R 1
Prime coated
3 996 559 985 01 Adhesive film /L 1
(3) 996 559 986 01 Adhesive film /R 1
6 999 073 231 09 Tapping screw 20
4,8 X 16

24.07.2017 -2 Kat 020

Illustration: 811-00

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

24.07.2017 -1 Kat 020

Illustration: 811-00

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
Convertible top covering
1 986 561 915 03 Convertible top covering -02 1
Rear window
Installation parts
986 561 915 03 A10 Black
986 561 915 03 C50 Graphite grey
986 561 915 03 G10 Metropole blue
1 986 561 915 05 Convertible top covering 03- 1
Rear window
Installation parts
986 561 915 05 A10 Black
986 561 915 05 C50 Graphite grey
986 561 915 05 G02 Metropole blue
986 561 915 05 R17 Brown
1 986 561 915 07 Convertible top covering 03- 1
Rear window
Installation parts
986 561 915 07 R17 Brown
When required order also:
- 000 043 300 45 Repair kit 1
2 986 561 921 00 Tension rope 2
3 986 561 933 00 Roof frame 1
3 986 561 933 02 Roof frame 1
4 986 561 605 01 Centring journal 2
986 561 605 01 A09 Black
5 Cap 99- 2
6 999 919 144 09 Oval-head screw 4
7 999 919 148 09 Oval-head screw 4
8 986 561 017 01 Catch 1
986 561 017 01 A09 Black
8 986 561 017 02 Catch 1
986 561 017 02 A09 Black
9 986 561 417 00 Finger plate 2
986 561 417 00 01C Black
10 986 561 085 00 Cloth -02 1
10 986 561 085 02 Cloth 03- 1
11 986 561 669 03 Slide /L 1
(11) 986 561 670 02 Slide /R 1
(11) 986 561 670 03 Slide /R 1
12 986 561 559 01 Clamping piece /L -02 1
12 986 561 559 02 Clamping piece /L 03- 1
(12) 986 561 560 01 Clamping piece /R -02 1
(12) 986 561 560 02 Clamping piece /R 03- 1
13 986 561 597 00 Pin 2
14 986 561 931 00 Traction noose 2
15 986 561 025 02 Roofliner -02 1
986 561 025 02 A21 Black
15 986 561 025 03 Roofliner 03- 1
986 561 025 03 A21 Black
16 986 561 902 00 Retaining strip 1
16 986 561 902 01 Retaining strip 1 M008
17 986 561 903 00 Clamp 1
- 986 563 855 01 Protective fleece cover 1

24.07.2017 -2 Kat 020

Illustration: 811-00

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
Rear window
- 999 917 557 00 Grease X
30 ML
20 999 591 941 40 Expansion rivet 03- 4

24.07.2017 -3 Kat 020

Illustration: 811-05

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

24.07.2017 -1 Kat 020

Illustration: 811-05

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
Convertible top frame
Single parts
1 986 561 037 00 Main folding top bow 1
986 561 037 00 70C Black
1 986 561 037 01 Main folding top bow 1 M008
986 561 037 01 70C Black
1 986 561 037 03 Main folding top bow 03- 1
986 561 037 03 A09 Black
2 986 561 443 00 Convertible top support /L 1
986 561 443 00 70C Black
(2) 986 561 444 00 Convertible top support /R 1
986 561 444 00 70C Black
3 900 378 033 09 Hexagon-head bolt 6
3 900 378 033 01 Hexagon-head bolt 6
4 986 561 165 00 Flap 1
986 561 165 00 A09 Black
4 986 561 166 00 Flap 1
986 561 166 00 A09 Black
5 999 919 141 09 Oval-head screw 2
6 986 613 101 02 Microswitch 1
7 999 919 152 09 Oval-head screw 1
8 986 561 935 00 B-pillar /L 1
986 561 935 00 A09 Black
(8) 986 561 936 00 B-pillar /R 1
986 561 936 00 A09 Black
- 986 561 646 00 Support 2
- 986 561 656 00 Tension rope 1
9 986 561 909 00 Strip /L 1
Clamping strip
(9) 986 561 910 00 Strip /R 1
Clamping strip
10 986 561 039 00 Control arm /L 1
986 561 039 00 70C Black
Use also:
- 999 924 118 40 Bush 4
(10) 986 561 040 00 Control arm /R 1
986 561 040 00 70C Black
Use also:
- 999 924 118 40 Bush 4
11 986 561 345 00 Steering arm /L 1
(11) 986 561 346 00 Steering arm /R 1
12 999 088 042 30 Bolt X
8M 6X25,8
14 Bolt X
8M 6X25,8
15 Bolt X
8M 6X25,8
16 999 088 028 30 Bolt X
8M 6X70,8
17 999 088 030 30 Bolt X
8M 6X45,8
18 999 166 075 02 Safety clip X
19 986 561 911 03 Convertible top frame -02 1
986 561 911 03 A09 Black
19 986 561 911 04 Convertible top frame 03- 1
986 561 911 04 A09 Black
Roll-over bar
20 986 561 971 01 Belt /L -02 1
20 986 561 971 03 Belt /L 03- 1

24.07.2017 -2 Kat 020

Illustration: 811-05

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
20 986 561 972 01
Belt /R -02 1
20 986 561 972 03
Belt /R 03- 1
- 900 333 001 30
Blind rivet X
21 986 561 769 00
Leaf spring 2
22 999 919 139 09
Oval-head screw 4
- 986 561 671 00
Cover /L 1
- 986 561 672 00
Cover /R 1
- 986 561 905 00
Piping /L 1
- 986 561 906 00 Piping /R 1
23 986 561 247 00 Connecting piece /L -02 1
986 561 247 00 70C Black
23 986 561 248 00 Connecting piece /R -02 1
986 561 248 00 70C Black
24 986 561 871 00 Guide -02 4
25 999 924 118 40 Bush -02 X
26 999 919 144 09 Oval-head screw -02 4
27 986 561 901 02 Roof strut -02 1
(27) 986 561 901 03 Roof strut 03- 1
28 986 561 237 01 Roof strut 03- 1
29 986 561 671 02 Cover /L 03- 1
(29) 986 561 672 02 Cover /R 03- 1
30 986 561 675 01 Cover /L 03- 1
(30) 986 561 676 01 Cover /R 03- 1
31 999 088 042 30 Bolt 03- 2
32 999 088 043 30 Bolt 03- 2
33 986 561 973 00 Restraining strap 03- 2
34 986 612 315 00 Wiring harness 03- 1

24.07.2017 -3 Kat 020

Illustration: 811-10

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

24.07.2017 -1 Kat 020

Illustration: 811-10

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
Convertible top
1 986 561 927 01 Roof frame seal -02 1
1 986 561 927 02 Roof frame seal 03- 1
- 986 561 813 01 Filler piece /L 1
- 986 561 814 01 Filler piece /R 1
2 986 561 923 01 Gasket set /L -02 1
2 986 561 923 02 Gasket set /L 03- 1
(2) 986 561 924 01 Gasket set /R -02 1
(2) 986 561 924 02 Gasket set /R 03- 1
3 986 561 393 01 Gasket 1
Roof strut
4 986 561 115 00 Retaining strip /L 1
(4) 986 561 116 00 Retaining strip /R 1
5 900 067 378 09 Pan-head screw X
6 999 919 139 09 Oval-head screw X
7 999 919 144 09 Oval-head screw 2
8 986 561 501 01 Retaining strip 1

24.07.2017 -2 Kat 020

Illustration: 811-12

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

24.07.2017 -1 Kat 020

Illustration: 811-12

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
Driving mechanism
Convertible top
Convertible top compartm.
1 986 561 179 02 Transmission /L -99 1
1 986 561 179 03 Transmission /L 00- 1
1 986 561 180 02 Transmission /R -99 1
1 986 561 180 03 Transmission /R 00- 1
3 986 561 717 03 Pliable shaft 2
4 986 561 279 02 Push rod 2
5 999 924 039 00 Bush 2
6 986 561 779 00 Spacer sleeve 2
7 900 249 054 09 Countersunk-head screw 2
8 986 561 689 00 Ball pin 2
9 986 561 479 01 Lever /L 1
9 986 561 480 01 Lever /R 1
10 986 561 579 00 Push rod /L 1
10 986 561 580 00 Push rod /R 1
11 999 924 126 00 Bush 2
12 999 166 075 02 Safety clip 2
13 986 624 117 00 Electric motor -03 1
13 986 624 117 01 Electric motor 04- 1
14 986 613 767 01 Microswitch 1
Support 1
(14) 986 624 299 00 Support 1
986 561 551 01 Guide arm /L 1
986 561 551 01 GRV Prime coated
(15) 986 561 552 01 Guide arm /R 1
986 561 552 01 GRV Prime coated
16 986 561 571 01 Hinge lever /L 1
986 561 571 01 GRV Prime coated
16 986 561 572 01 Hinge lever /R 1
986 561 572 01 GRV Prime coated
17 986 561 679 00 Bearing bracket /L 1
986 561 679 00 GRV Prime coated
17 986 561 680 00 Bearing bracket /R 1
986 561 680 00 GRV Prime coated
18 986 561 677 00 Ball pin 1
19 900 377 010 09 Hexagon nut 12
20 999 166 075 02 Safety clip 4
(20) 986 561 873 00 Lock 2
21 999 088 027 30 Bolt 2
22 999 924 049 01 Bush 4
23 999 924 069 00 Bearing sleeve 2
24 986 561 253 01 Guide rail /L 1
24 986 561 254 01 Guide rail /R 1
25 986 561 761 02 Water drain plate /L 1
986 561 761 02 GRV Prime coated
25 986 561 762 02 Water drain plate /R 1
986 561 762 02 GRV Prime coated
26 986 561 577 01 Slide 2
27 986 561 881 00 Rubber bush 2
28 900 067 379 09 Pan-head screw 4
29 999 076 055 09 Hexagon nut 6
30 986 561 789 00 Spacer bolt -99 6
30 986 561 789 01 Spacer bolt 00- 6
31 986 561 589 03 Washer 2
32 999 217 095 02 Hexagon-head bolt 2
32 900 378 288 01 Hexagon-head bolt 2
33 986 561 879 00 Ball pin 2

24.07.2017 -2 Kat 020

Illustration: 811-12

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
Use also:
- N 011 118 11 Hexagon nut 2
- 900 034 001 05 Hexagon nut 2
34 986 561 445 02 Trim cover /L -02 1
986 561 445 02 01C Black
(34) 986 561 446 02 Trim cover /R -02 1
986 561 446 02 01C Black
34 986 561 445 03 Trim cover 03- 1
(34) 986 561 446 03 Trim cover 03- 1
35 986 624 295 00 Cap 1
36 N 011 118 11 Hexagon nut 2
36 900 034 001 05 Hexagon nut 2
37 911 561 643 65 Spring clamp 2
37 987 561 643 00 Spring clamp 2
38 986 561 657 00 Connection piece 2

24.07.2017 -3 Kat 020

Illustration: 811-13

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

24.07.2017 -1 Kat 020

Illustration: 811-13

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
Convertible top compartm.
1 986 514 011 01 Lid 1
986 514 011 01 GRV Prime coated
2 986 514 631 00 Sealing strip 1
3 999 073 047 02 Tapping screw 2
4 986 514 714 01 Edge protection 2
5 986 514 731 00 Gasket 1
6 986 514 253 01 Centring journal 2
7 986 514 251 01 Base 2
8 999 076 061 09 Hexagon nut 4
9 986 514 211 01 Gasket 1
10 986 514 241 00 Water drain hose /L 2
11 999 507 551 09 Cable clamp 4
12 986 561 786 02 Support /R -00 1
12 986 561 785 02 Support /L -00 1
(12) 986 561 505 00 Support 00- 2
13 999 084 629 09 Hexagon nut -00 4
13 999 084 629 01 Hexagon nut 4
14 986 514 633 02 Sealing strip /L 1
14 986 514 634 02 Sealing strip /R 1
15 999 190 445 37 Blind rivet 4
16 986 504 861 00 Cover /L 1
986 504 861 00 G2X Prime coated
16 986 504 862 00 Cover /R 1
986 504 862 00 G2X Prime coated
17 986 504 833 00 Clamp 2
18 996 504 855 01 Mounting 4
19 986 561 407 02 Stop /L 1
(19) 986 561 408 02 Stop /R 1
20 999 500 084 02 Special nut 4
20 999 500 084 01 Special nut 4
21 986 561 633 01 Buffer -97 5
21 Buffer 98- 5
- 000 043 205 38 Adhesive tape 1
3000X19 MM

24.07.2017 -2 Kat 020

Illustration: 811-15

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

24.07.2017 -1 Kat 020

Illustration: 811-15

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
Hardtop M550
1 986 563 911 01 Hardtop 97 1
986 563 911 01 GRV Prime coated
1 986 563 911 03 Hardtop 98- 1
986 563 911 03 GRV Prime coated
2 986 563 091 01 Rear window 1
Ready for installation
2 986 563 091 02 Rear window 1 M008
Ready for installation
3 986 563 025 01 Gasket 1
4 986 563 319 01 Retaining strip 1
5 900 067 378 09 Pan-head screw 10
- 000 043 203 29 Sealing strap X
7986 561 605 00 Centring journal 2
986 561 605 00 A09 Black
8 986 563 625 03 Cap 2
9 986 563 027 01 Gasket 1
10 999 073 049 02 Tapping screw 14
11 999 507 547 40 Expander nut 22
12 986 563 707 00 Cover strip /L 1
986 563 707 00 GRV Prime coated
(12) 986 563 708 00 Cover strip /R 1
986 563 708 00 GRV Prime coated
13 986 563 361 00 Gasket /L 1
(13) 986 563 362 00 Gasket /R 1
14 986 563 721 00 Clip 8
15 996 563 401 00 Catch 1
16 900 249 055 09 Countersunk-head screw 3
M 6X20
17 986 563 403 02 Catch /L 1
(17) 986 563 404 02 Catch /R 1
Use also:
- 900 067 378 09 Pan-head screw 2
18 986 561 653 04 Mounting /L 1
(18) 986 561 654 04 Mounting /R 1
19 999 219 041 00 Fit bolt 2
20 986 563 713 02 Insert /L 1
(20) 986 563 714 02 Insert /R 1
21 986 561 655 00 Cap 2
22 986 563 341 01 Mounting /L 1
(22) 986 563 342 01 Mounting /R 1
23 986 563 803 01 Trim cover /L 1
986 563 803 01 G2X Prime coated
23 986 563 804 01 Trim cover /R 1
986 563 804 01 G2X Prime coated
24 900 119 122 09 Pan-head screw 4
25 986 612 081 01 Wiring harness 1
26 999 073 150 09 Oval-head screw 4
- 986 563 309 00 Retaining strip /L 1
- 986 563 310 00 Retaining strip /R 1
- 986 563 021 00 Sealing strip /L 1
- 986 563 022 00 Sealing strip /R 1
- 999 703 447 40 Buffer 3

24.07.2017 -2 Kat 020

Illustration: 811-16

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

24.07.2017 -1 Kat 020

Illustration: 811-16

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
Interior equipment
1 986 563 523 00 Sound absorber 1
2 986 563 111 00 Lining -00 1
986 563 111 00 A10 Black
2 986 563 111 01 Lining 01- 1
986 563 111 01 A21 Black
3 986 563 505 00 Lining 1
986 563 505 00 B12 Black
4 986 563 501 00 Lining 1
986 563 501 00 B12 Black
5 986 563 551 00 Lid 1
986 563 551 00 B12 Black
6 986 563 503 00 Lining /L 1
986 563 503 00 B12 Black
(6) 986 563 504 00 Lining /R 1
986 563 504 00 B12 Black
7 986 563 553 00 Lid /L 1
986 563 553 00 B12 Black
(7) 986 563 554 00 Lid /R 1
986 563 554 00 B12 Black
8 999 507 764 40 Clip X

24.07.2017 -2 Kat 020

Illustration: 812-00

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

24.07.2017 -1 Kat 020

Illustration: 812-00

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
Roll-over bar
Seat belt
1 986 580 011 01 Roll-over bar 1
986 580 011 01 70C Black
2 986 803 033 02 Seat belt /L -01 1
2 986 803 033 03 Seat belt /L 02- 1
2 986 803 982 01 Seat belt /L 02- 1
986 803 982 01 V02 Speed yellow
986 803 982 01 H03 Maritime blue
986 803 982 01 N13 Guards red
(2) 986 803 034 02 Seat belt /R -01 1
(2) 986 803 034 04 Seat belt /R 02- 1
(2) 986 803 983 02 Seat belt /R 02- 1
986 803 983 02 V02 Speed yellow
986 803 983 02 H03 Maritime blue
986 803 983 02 N13 Guards red
(2) 986 803 034 05 Seat belt /R 02- 1
Child car seat
(2) 986 803 983 03 Seat belt /R 02- 1
Child car seat
986 803 983 03 V02 Speed yellow
986 803 983 03 H03 Maritime blue
986 803 983 03 N13 Guards red
3 911 803 150 00 Screw 2
4 996 803 183 04 Seat-belt buckle 1
Driver's side
Information available
4 996 803 183 07 Seat-belt buckle 02- 1
Driver's side
4 996 803 183 01 Seat-belt buckle -01 1
Passenger's side
4 996 803 183 08 Seat-belt buckle 02- 1
Passenger's side
5999 218 101 02 Hexagon-head bolt 2
6986 803 541 00 Cover 2
986 803 541 00 01C Black
7 914 803 468 10 Screw 2
8 999 924 064 02 Spacer sleeve 2
8 999 924 064 01 Spacer sleeve 2
9 211 857 771 Washer 2
10 803 019 811 B Hexagon-head bolt 2
11 811 857 845 Cap 2
811 857 845 01C Satin black
12 986 561 805 03 Water drip pan /L 1
(12) 986 561 806 03 Water drip pan /R 1
- 986 561 833 02 Water drain hose 1
- 986 561 834 02 Water drain hose 1
- N 900 685 01 Push button 4
- 987 561 487 00 Filter element 2
Water drip pan
16 986 561 589 03 Washer 2
17 986 561 191 02 Tension rope 2
19 986 561 917 00 Threaded plate 2
20 986 580 131 01 Bracket /L 1
20 986 580 132 01 Bracket /R 1
21 999 073 060 02 Tapping screw 2
22 N 900 685 01 Push button 4
- 986 580 513 00 Plate X
Roll-over bar
1 MM
- 986 580 613 00 Plate X

24.07.2017 -2 Kat 020

Illustration: 812-00

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
Roll-over bar
1 MM
- 000 043 300 07 Paint 1
Metal grey
23 996 612 991 10 Cable X
Driver's side
Seat-belt tensioner
23 996 612 991 00 Cable X
Passenger's side
Seat-belt tensioner
25 955 803 056 00 Knob 2
955 803 056 00 HCP Black
26 999 076 065 02 Collar nut 8

24.07.2017 -3 Kat 020

Illustration: 812-01

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

24.07.2017 -1 Kat 020

Illustration: 812-01

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
Wind deflector
Roll-over bar
1 986 561 584 00 Wind deflector /R 1
986 561 584 00 01C Black
2 986 561 583 00 Wind deflector /L 1
986 561 583 00 01C Black
3 986 561 321 00 Wind deflector 1
986 561 321 00 01C Black
3 986 561 321 01 Wind deflector 1
986 561 321 01 01C Black
4 986 561 323 00 Set of fastening parts 1
Wind deflector
5 986 580 512 01 Lining /R -97 1
986 580 512 01 A11 Black
986 580 512 01 C51 Graphite grey
986 580 512 01 J31 Nephrite green
986 580 512 01 M31 Boxster red
986 580 512 01 S31 Savanna
5 986 580 512 03 Lining /R 98- 1
986 580 512 03 A11 Black
986 580 512 03 C51 Graphite grey
986 580 512 03 J31 Nephrite green
986 580 512 03 M31 Boxster red
986 580 512 03 S31 Savanna
5 986 580 512 07 Lining /L 01- 1
986 580 512 07 A17 Black
986 580 512 07 C57 Graphite grey
986 580 512 07 D12 Dark grey
986 580 512 07 G17 Metropole blue
986 580 512 07 J37 Nephrite green
986 580 512 07 M37 Boxster red
986 580 512 07 P17 Cinnamon brown
986 580 512 07 S37 Savanna
986 580 512 07 T12 Brown/natural
6 986 580 511 01 Lining /L -97 1
986 580 511 01 C51 Graphite grey
986 580 511 01 J31 Nephrite green
986 580 511 01 M31 Boxster red
986 580 511 01 S31 Savanna
6 986 580 511 03 Lining /L 98- 1
986 580 511 03 C51 Graphite grey
986 580 511 03 J31 Nephrite green
986 580 511 03 M31 Boxster red
986 580 511 03 S31 Savanna
6 986 580 511 07 Lining /L -01 1
986 580 511 07 A17 Black
986 580 511 07 C57 Graphite grey
986 580 511 07 D12 Dark green
986 580 511 07 G17 Metropole blue
986 580 511 07 J37 Nephrite green
986 580 511 07 M37 Boxster red
986 580 511 07 P17 Cinnamon brown
986 580 511 07 S37 Savanna
986 580 511 07 T12 Brown/natural

24.07.2017 -2 Kat 020

Illustration: 812-01

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
7 986 580 521 01 Lining -97 1
986 580 521 01 A11 Black
986 580 521 01 C51 Graphite grey
986 580 521 01 S31 Savanna
986 580 521 01 J31 Nephrite green
986 580 521 01 M31 Boxster red
7 986 580 521 05 Lining 98- 1
986 580 521 05 A11 Black
986 580 521 05 C51 Graphite grey
986 580 521 05 G11 Metropole blue 98-
986 580 521 05 S31 Savanna
986 580 521 05 J31 Nephrite green
986 580 521 05 M31 Boxster red
7 986 580 521 05 Lining 1
986 580 521 05 A17 Black
986 580 521 05 C57 Graphite grey
986 580 521 05 D12 Dark grey
986 580 521 05 G17 Metropole blue
986 580 521 05 J37 Nephrite green
986 580 521 05 M37 Boxster red
986 580 521 05 P17 Cinnamon brown
986 580 521 05 S37 Savanna
986 580 521 05 T12 Brown/natural
8 986 580 311 13 Lining 1
986 580 311 13 A12 Black
986 580 311 13 C52 Graphite grey
986 580 311 13 G12 Metropole blue
986 580 311 13 J32 Nephrite green
986 580 311 13 S32 Savanna
(8) 986 580 311 16 Lining 1
986 580 311 16 A11 Black
986 580 311 16 C51 Graphite grey
986 580 311 16 D12 Dark grey/natural
986 580 311 16 G11 Metropole blue
986 580 311 16 J31 Nephrite green
986 580 311 16 M31 Boxster red
986 580 311 16 P12 Cinnamon brown
986 580 311 16 S31 Savanna
986 580 311 16 T12 Brown
986 580 311 16 9V6 Cocoa
9 986 580 751 00 Clip 8
10 986 561 737 00 Latch 1
986 561 737 00 01C Black
(10) 986 561 738 00 Latch 1
986 561 738 00 01C Black

24.07.2017 -3 Kat 020

Illustration: 813-00

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

24.07.2017 -1 Kat 020

Illustration: 813-00

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
Heating system 1
Feed line
Return line
(1) 996 572 263 02 Gasket /LL 1
(1) 996 572 263 03 Gasket /RL 1
2 999 512 441 02 Hose clamp 1
3 996 572 585 00 Heater hose /LL 1
3 996 572 585 04 Heater hose /LL 1
3 997 572 555 00 Heater hose /LL 1
(3) 996 572 585 01 Heater hose /RL 1
(3) 996 572 585 05 Heater hose /RL 1
(3) 997 572 555 01 Heater hose /RL 1
4 996 572 583 00 Heater hose /LL 1
4 996 572 583 04 Heater hose /LL 1
4 997 572 553 00 Heater hose /LL 1
(4) 996 572 583 01 Heater hose /RL 1
(4) 996 572 583 05 Heater hose /RL 1
(4) 997 572 553 01 Heater hose /RL 1
5 999 512 441 02 Hose clamp 1
6 996 572 765 01 Grommet 1
7 986 572 683 01 Hot air duct 1
7 986 572 683 02 Hot air duct 1
8 986 572 681 01 Hot air duct 1
9 999 511 230 40 Cable holder 4
- 999 511 232 41 Rubber mounting 4

24.07.2017 -2 Kat 020

Illustration: 813-01

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

24.07.2017 -1 Kat 020

Illustration: 813-01

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
Air distributor
1 996 572 631 00 Defroster vent /LL 1
(1) 996 572 631 01 Defroster vent /RL 1
2 996 572 171 00 Air distributor /LL -02 1
(2) 996 572 171 04 Air distributor /LL 03- 1
(2) 996 572 171 01 Air distributor /RL -02 1
(2) 996 572 171 05 Air distributor /RL 03- 1
3 996 572 793 02 Footwell outlet vent /LL 1
(3) 996 572 793 04 Footwell outlet vent /LL 1 M680
(3) 996 572 793 01 Footwell outlet vent /RL -02 1
(3) 996 572 793 05 Footwell outlet vent /RL 03- 1
(3) 996 572 793 06 Footwell outlet vent /RL 03- 1 M680
4 996 572 464 02 Air guide /LL /R 1
(4) 996 572 464 00 Air guide /RL /R 1
5 996 572 463 00 Air guide /LL /L 1
(5) 996 572 463 02 Air guide /RL /L 1
6 996 572 767 00 Air guide /LL /L 1
(6) 996 572 767 01 Air guide /RL /L 1
7 996 572 768 00 Air guide /RL /R 1
(7) 996 572 768 01 Air guide /LL /R 1

24.07.2017 -2 Kat 020

Illustration: 813-05

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

24.07.2017 -1 Kat 020

Illustration: 813-05

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
Air conditioner M573
Single parts
1 996 573 901 02 Air conditioner /LL 1
Heat exchanger
1 996 573 901 01 Air conditioner /RL 1
Heat exchanger
2 996 572 129 00 Heat exchanger 1
2 997 572 129 00 Heat exchanger 1
3 996 572 913 00 Gasket 1
4 996 573 929 01 Expansion valve 1
5 900 143 093 01 Combination screw 2
6 996 573 915 00 Electric motor /LL 1
Central valve 1
6 996 573 915 01 Electric motor /RL 1
Central valve
7 1J0 907 543 B Temperature sensor 1
8 996 572 903 02 Blower /LL -99 1
Use also:
- 000 043 300 99 Parts kit 1
8 996 624 107 01 Blower /LL 00- 1
8 996 572 903 03 Blower /RL -99 1
Use also:
- 000 043 300 99 Parts kit 1
8 996 624 108 01 Blower /RL 00- 1
9 996 573 905 00 Lid 1
10 999 707 596 40 O-ring 1
11 996 573 919 00 Electric motor /LL 1
Temperature valve
11 996 573 919 01 Electric motor /RL 1
Temperature valve -10
11 996 573 919 03 Electric motor /RL 1
Temperature valve 10- 03
12 999 707 534 41 O-ring 1
13 996 612 047 00 Wiring harness /LL -98 1
13 996 612 047 01 Wiring harness /LL 99- 1
13 996 622 047 00 Wiring harness 01- 1
(13) 996 612 048 00 Wiring harness /RL -98 1
(13) 996 612 048 01 Wiring harness /RL 99- 1
(13) 996 622 048 00 Wiring harness /RL 01- 1
14 996 573 917 00 Electric motor /LL 1
Defroster flap
(14) 996 573 917 01 Electric motor /RL 1
Defroster flap -10 03
(14) 996 573 917 03 Electric motor /RL 1
Defroster flap 10- 03
15 1H0 907 543 A Temperature sensor 1
16 996 573 921 00 Electric motor /LL 1
Air flow sensor plate

24.07.2017 -2 Kat 020

Illustration: 813-05

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
(16) 996 573 921 01 Electric motor /RL 1
Air flow sensor plate
17 996 573 923 00 Resistor 1
18 997 573 935 00 Stopper 1
19 996 573 927 00 Blower outlet sensor 1

24.07.2017 -3 Kat 020

Illustration: 813-06

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

24.07.2017 -1 Kat 020

Illustration: 813-06

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
Single parts
1 996 572 901 00 Housing /LL 1
(1) 996 572 901 01 Housing /RL 1
2 996 572 129 00 Heat exchanger 1
3 996 572 915 00 Electric motor 1
4 999 919 049 02 Oval-head screw 1
5 996 612 045 00 Wiring harness /LL -98 1
5 996 612 045 01 Wiring harness /LL 99- 1
(5) 996 612 046 00 Wiring harness /RL -98 1
(5) 996 612 046 01 Wiring harness /RL 1
6 996 572 903 02 Blower /LL -99 1
Use also:
- 000 043 300 99 Parts kit -99 1
6 996 624 107 01 Blower /LL 00- 1
(6) 996 572 903 03 Blower /RL -99 1
Use also:
- 000 043 300 99 Parts kit -99 1
(6) 996 624 108 01 Blower /RL 00- 1
7 996 572 905 00 Lid 1
8 999 919 049 02 Oval-head screw 2
9 996 572 605 00 Bowden cable /LL 1
9 996 572 605 01 Bowden cable /RL 1
10 996 572 607 00 Bowden cable /LL 1
Temperature valve
10 996 572 607 01 Bowden cable /RL 1
Temperature valve
11 996 572 601 00 Bowden cable /LL 1
Central valve
11 996 572 601 01 Bowden cable /RL 1
Central valve
- 996 572 913 00 Gasket 1
Heat exchanger

24.07.2017 -2 Kat 020

Illustration: 813-10

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

24.07.2017 -1 Kat 020

Illustration: 813-10

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
Water drain tube
Air conditioner
1 996 504 643 00 Water drain tube 1
2 996 504 644 00 Water drain tube 1
3 996 504 645 00 Grommet 1
4 996 504 646 00 Grommet 1
5 999 513 049 40 Tie-wrap 1
6 999 702 156 40 Grommet 1
- 996 573 797 02 Connecting piece 1
- 996 573 795 01 Grommet 1
- 996 573 793 01 Water drain tube /LL 1
- 996 573 794 01 Water drain tube /RL 1

24.07.2017 -2 Kat 020

Illustration: 813-15

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

24.07.2017 -1 Kat 020

Illustration: 813-15

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
1 996 126 011 52 Compressor 1
2 996 573 926 00 Magnetic clutch 1
3 900 378 075 09 Hexagon-head bolt 1
M 8X90
4 996 126 102 52 Spacer 1
5 900 378 136 09 Hexagon-head bolt 1
M 8X120
6 996 573 926 01 Oil filler screw 1
7 996 573 926 02 Sealing ring 1
8 900 067 252 02 Pan-head screw 2
- 996 126 101 51 Bracket 1

24.07.2017 -2 Kat 020

Illustration: 813-20

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

24.07.2017 -1 Kat 020

Illustration: 813-20

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
Particle filter
Cowl panel covering
1 996 572 029 01 Housing 1
1 996 572 019 02 Housing /LL 1
1 996 572 019 03 Housing /RL 1
2 996 572 219 01 Particle filter 1 -M571
2 996 572 219 02 Particle filter 1 -M571
2 996 571 219 03 Particle filter 1 M571
3 996 572 221 01 Gasket 1
4 996 572 567 01 Cover 1
996 572 567 01 01C Black
(4) 996 572 729 00 Cover /LL 1
Particle filter
(4) 996 572 729 02 Cover /RL 97 1
Particle filter
(4) Cover /RL 98- 1
Particle filter
5 996 572 563 02 Cowl panel covering /LL -00 1
996 572 563 02 01C Black
5 996 572 563 06 Cowl panel covering /LL 01- 1
996 572 563 06 01C Black
Use also:
- 996 572 931 00 Gasket 1
5 996 572 563 03 Cowl panel covering /RL -00 1
996 572 563 03 01C Black
5 996 572 563 07 Cowl panel covering /RL 01- 1
996 572 563 07 01C Black
Use also:
-996 572 931 00 Gasket 1
6999 049 008 40 Plastic nut 2
7999 591 722 02 Speed nut 3
8999 073 142 09 Tapping screw 3
9996 572 569 00 Cap -00 2
996 572 569 00 01C Black
(9) 996 572 569 01 Cap /L 01- 1
996 572 569 01 01C Black
(9) 996 572 570 01 Cap /R 01- 1
996 572 570 01 01C Black
10 996 572 561 01 Cover /L 1
996 572 561 01 01C Black
(10) 996 572 562 01 Cover /R 1
996 572 562 01 01C Black
11 999 590 045 40 Screw plug X
- 999 590 046 40 Disc cam X
12 999 073 143 09 Oval-head screw 2
12 999 073 143 01 Oval-head screw 2
13 999 500 092 00 Nut 2
14 996 572 719 01 Lid -03 1
14 996 572 719 02 Lid 04 1
15 999 591 742 02 Speed nut 2
ST 4,2
15 999 591 742 01 Speed nut 2
ST 4,2

24.07.2017 -2 Kat 020

Illustration: 813-25

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

24.07.2017 -1 Kat 020

Illustration: 813-25

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
Refrigerant circuit
1 996 573 105 03 Refrigerant line -97 1
1 Refrigerant line 98- 1
2 996 573 104 02 Refrigerant line -97 1
2 Refrigerant line 98- 1
3 944 573 143 01 Desiccator 1
4 996 573 451 00 Support 1
5 996 573 106 00 Refrigerant line 1
6 996 573 091 01 Intake pipe 1
7 986 573 099 04 Intake pipe 1 M96.20
7 986 573 099 03 Intake pipe 98- 1
8 986 573 097 01 Pressure line -01 1
8 986 573 097 02 Pressure line 02- 1
9 996 573 108 02 Pressure line /LL -01 1
9 996 573 108 03 Pressure line /LL 02 1
(9) 996 573 108 01 Pressure line /RL 1
10 996 573 092 01 Pressure line 1
11 996 573 094 02 Refrigerant line 1
12 996 347 543 00 Cable holder 2
13 996 573 111 00 Condenser 2
14 996 573 093 02 Intake pipe /LL 1
14 996 573 093 03 Intake pipe /RL 1
15 996 347 543 00 Cable holder X
16 999 707 247 40 O-ring 2
17 999 707 382 40 O-ring 8
18 999 707 250 40 O-ring 8
18 999 707 434 41 O-ring 8
19 999 707 252 40 O-ring X
20 999 707 262 40 O-ring X
21 964 613 137 01 Pressure switch 1
22 996 573 711 00 Cover strip 2
23 900 067 247 02 Combination screw X
23 900 067 247 01 Combination screw X
24 993 573 243 00 Distributing piece 1
25 996 573 465 00 Valve 1
Intake pipe
26 944 573 663 02 Cap 1
27 996 573 466 00 Valve 1
Pressure line
28 944 573 663 01 Cap 1

24.07.2017 -2 Kat 020

Illustration: 813-45

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

24.07.2017 -1 Kat 020

Illustration: 813-45

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
Control switch
1 996 572 101 00 Control part -01 1
996 572 101 00 01C Black
1 996 572 101 01 Control part 02- 1
996 572 101 01 01C Black
- 900 631 132 90 Bulb 1
2 996 653 101 03 Control part -00 1
996 653 101 03 EFR Black
2 996 653 101 CX Control part -00 1
996 653 101 CX EFR Black
2 996 653 101 08 Control part 01- 1
996 653 101 08 EFR Gloss black
2 996 653 101 HX Control part 01- 1
996 653 101 HX EFR Gloss black
2 996 653 101 06 Control part 02 1
996 653 101 06 EFR Black mat
2 996 653 101 09 Control part 02 1
996 653 101 09 EFR Black mat
2 996 653 101 IX Control part 02 1
996 653 101 IX EFR Black mat
2 996 653 101 10 Control part 03- 1
996 653 101 10 FFA Black mat
2 996 653 101 JX Control part 03- 1
996 653 101 JX FFA Black mat
3 996 552 153 01 Support frame 1
996 552 153 01 01C Satin black
4 996 552 677 00 Frame 1 M573
996 552 677 00 01C Black
(4) 996 552 339 00 Frame 1 M573/581
996 552 339 00 01C Black
5 900 143 076 09 Tapping screw X
6 996 573 501 00 Adapter 2 M573

24.07.2017 -2 Kat 020

Illustration: 817-00

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

24.07.2017 -1 Kat 020

Illustration: 817-00

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
Front seat BOXSTER
Standard seat
Comfort seat
Front seat
Not available
1 986 521 363 00 Coat hook -99 2
(1) 996 521 373 00 Coat hook 00- 2
996 521 373 00 A03 Black
2 999 919 180 07 Countersunk-head screw -99 2
M 5 X 18
(2) 999 919 199 09 Countersunk-head screw 00- 2
M 5 X 25
3 996 521 321 00 Actuating lever /L /R -98 4
(3) 996 521 421 00 Control button /L 99- 2
(3) 996 521 422 00 Control button /R 99- 2
4 996 521 323 00 Rosette /L -98 2
Satin black
(4) 996 521 324 00 Rosette /R -98 2
Satin black
(4) 996 521 323 02 Rosette /L 99- 2
Satin black
(4) 996 521 324 02 Rosette /R 99- 2
Satin black
5 996 521 313 00 Bag 2
996 521 313 00 A10 Black -99
996 521 313 00 A12 Black 00-
5 996 521 313 01 Bag 2 M982/983
996 521 313 01 8YR Black
6 999 507 592 01 Cable clamp 2
1,0 - 6,0
7 986 521 315 00 Cap /L 1 M009/011/016
986 521 315 00 B12 Black-grey -99
(7) 986 521 316 00 Cap /R 1 M009/011/016
986 521 316 00 B12 Black-grey -99
(7) 996 521 315 01 Cap /L 99- 1 M010/016
996 521 315 01 D05 Granite grey -99
996 521 315 01 A03 Black 00-
(7) 996 521 316 01 Cap /R 99- 1 M010/016
996 521 316 01 D05 Granite grey -99
996 521 316 01 A03 Black 00-
8 999 507 599 40 Expansion rivet 2
9 996 521 362 00 Cover /L 1 IXSE
996 521 362 00 01C Satin black
(9) 996 521 362 01 Cover /L 1 IXSE
Right seat
996 521 362 01 01C Satin black
(9) 996 521 363 00 Cover /L 1 M437/438
Right seat
996 521 363 00 01C Satin black
(9) 996 521 363 01 Cover /L 1 M437/438
Right seat
996 521 363 01 01C Satin black
(9) 996 521 361 00 Cover /R 1 IXSF
Left seat

24.07.2017 -2 Kat 020

Illustration: 817-00

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
996 521 361 00 01C Satin black
(9) 996 521 361 01 Cover /R 1 IXSF
Left seat
996 521 361 01 01C Satin black
(9) 996 521 364 00 Cover /R 1 M438
Left seat
996 521 364 00 01C Satin black
(9) 996 521 364 01 Cover /R 1 M437/438
Left seat
996 521 364 01 01C Satin black
10 999 141 038 07 Torx screw -02 8
M 10 X 26,5
(10) 999 141 039 07 Screw 03- 8 IXSE/XSF
M 10 X 28
11 996 521 360 00 Cover /R -99 1 IXSF
Right seat
996 521 360 00 01C Satin black
(11) 996 521 360 01 Cover /R 00- 1 IXSF
Right seat
996 521 360 01 01C Satin black
(11) 996 521 364 00 Cover /R -99 1 M438
Right seat
996 521 364 00 01C Satin black
(11) 996 521 364 01 Cover /R 00- 1 M437/438
Right seat
996 521 364 01 01C Satin black
(11) 996 521 359 00 Cover /L -99 1 IXSE
Left seat
996 521 359 00 01C Satin black
(11) 996 521 359 01 Cover /L 00- 1 IXSE
Left seat
996 521 359 01 01C Satin black
(11) 996 521 363 00 Cover /L -99 1 M437
Left seat
996 521 363 00 01C Satin black
(11) 996 521 363 01 Cover /L 00- 1 M437/438
Left seat
996 521 363 01 01C Satin black

24.07.2017 -3 Kat 020

Illustration: 817-05

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

24.07.2017 -1 Kat 020

Illustration: 817-05

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
Foam part
Standard seat
Comfort seat
1 986 521 141 01 Backrest cover -99 2
Outer part
986 521 141 01 A10 Black
986 521 141 01 C50 Graphite grey
986 521 141 01 G10 Metropole blue
986 521 141 01 S30 Savanna
(1) 986 521 141 01 Backrest cover 00 2
986 521 141 01 A12 Black
986 521 141 01 C52 Graphite grey
986 521 141 01 S32 Savanna
986 521 141 01 G12 Metropole blue
(1) 986 521 141 02 Backrest cover -99 2 M011
Outer part
Ôç£trendôçø fabric
986 521 141 02 C30 Graphite grey/anthracite
(1) 986 521 141 03 Cover 01- 2
Outer part
986 521 141 03 A12 Black
986 521 141 03 C52 Graphite grey
986 521 141 03 S32 Savanna
986 521 141 03 G12 Metropole blue
986 521 141 03 J32 Nephrite green
(1) 986 521 141 04 Cover 03- 2 M369/370
Backrest M437/438
Outer part M 950
986 521 141 04 A12 Black
986 521 141 04 S32 Savanna
986 521 141 04 G12 Metropole blue
986 521 141 04 J32 Nephrite green
(1) 996 521 141 04 Cover 03- 2 M369/370
Outer part M437/438
Leather M982/983
996 521 141 04 ERZ Black
996 521 141 04 EEF Graphite grey
996 521 141 04 EGF Savanna
996 521 141 04 EFF Metropole blue
996 521 141 04 ELA Nephrite green
996 521 141 04 ENA Boxster red
996 521 141 04 FEH Cinnamon brown
996 521 141 04 VRA Dark grey/natural
996 521 141 04 VRB Brown/natural
(1) 996 521 141 01 Backrest cover -99 2
Outer part
996 521 141 01 EAE Black/black
996 521 141 01 EEE Graphite grey/graphite gr.
996 521 141 01 EFE Metropole bl./metrop. blue
996 521 141 01 EGE Savanna/savanna
(1) 996 521 141 01 Backrest cover 00-01 2
Outer part
996 521 141 01 ESF Graphite grey/graphite gr.
996 521 141 01 ESG Savanna/savanna

24.07.2017 -2 Kat 020

Illustration: 817-05

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
996 521 141 01 ESH Metropole bl./metrop. blue
996 521 141 01 ESE Black/black
(1) 996 521 141 05 Cover 01- 2 M369/370
Backrest M437/438
Outer part M946
996 521 141 05 ESE Black
996 521 141 05 ESF Graphite grey
996 521 141 05 ESG Savanna
996 521 141 05 ESH Metropole blue
996 521 141 05 FEP Nephrite green
(1) 996 521 993 00 Backrest cover 99-04 2 IXSC/369/370
Outer part
996 521 993 00 8YR Black/black 99
996 521 993 00 C50 Graphite grey/graphite gr.
996 521 993 00 G10 Metropole bl./metrop. blue
996 521 993 00 S30 Savanna/savanna
996 521 993 00 ETO Black 00-
(1) 996 521 141 02 Backrest cover -01 2 M982/983
Outer part
996 521 141 02 EAF Black
996 521 141 02 EEF Graphite grey
996 521 141 02 EFF Metropole blue
996 521 141 02 EGF Savanna
996 521 141 02 ELA Nephrite green
996 521 141 02 ENA Boxster red
996 521 141 02 VRA Dark grey
996 521 141 02 VRB Brown/natural
996 521 141 02 ERZ Black
(1) 996 521 141 06 Cover 01- 2 M982/983
Outer part
996 521 141 06 ERZ Black
996 521 141 06 EEF Graphite grey
996 521 141 06 EGF Savanna
996 521 141 06 EFF Metropole blue
996 521 141 06 ELA Nephrite green
996 521 141 06 ENA Boxster red
996 521 141 06 FEH Cinnamon brown
996 521 141 06 VRA Dark grey/natural
996 521 141 06 VRB Brown/natural
(1) 996 521 993 01 Backrest cover 99- 2 M982/983
Outer part IXSC
Draped leather
996 521 993 01 8YR Black 99
996 521 993 01 C50 Graphite grey
996 521 993 01 G10 Metropole blue
996 521 993 01 S30 Savanna
996 521 993 01 J30 Nephrite green
996 521 993 01 M30 Boxster red
996 521 993 01 T11 Brown/natural
996 521 993 01 D11 Dark grey/natural

24.07.2017 -3 Kat 020

Illustration: 817-05

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
996 521 993 01 P11 Cinnamon brown
996 521 993 01 ETO Black 00-
2 999 507 666 40 Fixing clip X
3 996 521 551 00 Frame -00 2
(3) 996 521 551 01 Frame 01- 2
4 986 521 151 01 Backrest cushion cover -99 2
Cloth dunes
986 521 151 01 A10 Black
986 521 151 01 C50 Graphite grey
986 521 151 01 G10 Metropole blue 98-
986 521 151 01 S30 Savanna
4 986 521 151 02 Backrest cushion cover 98-99 2 M011
Ôç£trendôçø fabric
986 521 151 02 C30 Graphite grey/anthracite
(4) 986 521 151 03 Backrest cushion cover -00 2
986 521 151 03 EUZ Black
986 521 151 03 C55 Graphite grey
986 521 151 03 G15 Metropole blue
986 521 151 03 S35 Savanna
(4) 986 521 151 04 Backrest cover 01- 2
Centre part
986 521 151 04 EUZ Black
986 521 151 04 C55 Graphite grey
986 521 151 04 S35 Savanna
986 521 151 04 G15 Metropole blue
986 521 151 04 J35 Nephrite green
(4) 986 521 151 06 Backrest cushion cover 03- 2 M369/370
Centre part M437/438
986 521 151 06 EUZ Black M 950
986 521 151 06 C55 Graphite grey
986 521 151 06 S35 Savanna
986 521 151 06 G15 Metropole blue
986 521 151 06 J35 Nephrite green
(4) 996 521 151 01 Backrest cushion cover -00 2
996 521 151 01 B50 Space grey
(4) 996 521 151 05 Backrest cushion cover 2 M946/983
996 521 151 05 8YR Black -99
996 521 151 05 ETO Black
996 521 151 05 C50 Graphite grey
996 521 151 05 G10 Metropole blue
996 521 151 05 S30 Savanna
996 521 151 05 J30 Nephrite green
996 521 151 05 M30 Boxster red
996 521 151 05 D11 Dark grey
996 521 151 05 T11 Brown/natural
996 521 151 05 P11 Cinnamon brown 01-
(4) 996 521 151 03 Backrest cushion cover -00 2
Draped leather
996 521 151 03 8YR Black -99
996 521 151 03 C50 Graphite grey 98-
996 521 151 03 G10 Metropole blue 98-
996 521 151 03 S30 Savanna 98-
996 521 151 03 J30 Nephrite green 98-
996 521 151 03 M30 Boxster red 98-
996 521 151 03 D11 Dark grey 00-

24.07.2017 -4 Kat 020

Illustration: 817-05

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
996 521 151 03 T11 Brown/natural 00-
996 521 151 03 ETO Black 00-
(4) 996 521 151 06 Backrest cushion cover 01- 2 M982
Centre part
Draped leather
996 521 151 06 ETO Black
996 521 151 06 C50 Graphite grey
996 521 151 06 S30 Savanna
996 521 151 06 G10 Metropole blue
996 521 151 06 J30 Nephrite green
996 521 151 06 M30 Boxster red
996 521 151 06 P11 Cinnamon brown
996 521 151 06 D11 Dark grey/natural
996 521 151 06 T11 Brown/natural
(4) 996 521 151 08 Backrest cushion cover 02- 2 M369/370
Centre part 03- M437/438
Draped leather 03- IXSU
996 521 151 08 ETO Black
996 521 151 08 C50 Graphite grey
996 521 151 08 S30 Savanna
996 521 151 08 G10 Metropole blue
996 521 151 08 J30 Nephrite green
996 521 151 08 M30 Boxster red
996 521 151 08 P11 Cinnamon brown
996 521 151 08 D11 Dark grey/natural
996 521 151 08 T11 Brown/natural
- 964 555 565 00 Felt strip 01- 2
Centre part
5 986 521 161 06 Seat cover 00 2
Centre part
986 521 161 06 ESA Black/black
986 521 161 06 ESB Graphite grey/graphite gr.
986 521 161 06 ESC Savanna/savanna
986 521 161 06 ESD Metropole bl./metrop. blue
(5) 986 521 161 07 Cover 01- 2 M369/370
986 521 161 07 ESA Black
986 521 161 07 ESB Graphite grey
986 521 161 07 ESC Savanna
986 521 161 07 ESD Metropole blue
986 521 161 07 FAH Nephrite green
(5) 986 521 161 08 Cover for cushion 03- 2 M369/370
986 521 161 08 ESA Black
986 521 161 08 ESB Graphite grey M 950
986 521 161 08 ESC Savanna
986 521 161 08 ESD Metropole blue
986 521 161 08 FAH Nephrite green
(5) 986 521 161 05 Seat cover 97-99 2
Centre part
Cloth dunes
986 521 161 05 EAJ Black/black
986 521 161 05 EEJ Graphite grey/graphite gr.
986 521 161 05 EFD Metropole bl./metrop. blue 98-
986 521 161 05 EGG Savanna/savanna
(5) 986 521 161 02 Seat cover 98-99 2 M011
Seat surface
Ôç£trendôçø fabric
986 521 161 02 EEG Graphite grey/anthracite 98-

24.07.2017 -5 Kat 020

Illustration: 817-05

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
(5) 996 521 161 01 Seat cover -00 2 M946
Seat surface
996 521 161 01 EAE Black/black 99
996 521 161 01 EEE Graphite grey/graphite gr.
996 521 161 01 EFE Metropole bl./metrop. blue 98-
996 521 161 01 EGE Savanna/savanna
996 521 161 01 ESH Metropole bl./metrop. blue 00-
996 521 161 01 ESE Black/black 00
(5) 996 521 161 05 Seat cover 01- 2
Seat surface
996 521 161 05 ESF Graphite grey/graphite gr.
996 521 161 05 ESG Savanna/savanna
996 521 161 05 ESH Metropole bl./metrop. blue
996 521 161 05 ESE Black/black
(5) 996 521 161 02 Seat cover -00 2
996 521 161 02 EAF Black -99
996 521 161 02 ERZ Black 00-
996 521 161 02 EEF Graphite grey
996 521 161 02 EGJ Space grey/space grey -00
996 521 161 02 EFF Metropole bl./metrop. blue
996 521 161 02 EGF Savanna
996 521 161 02 ELA Nephrite green 97-
996 521 161 02 ENA Boxster red
996 521 161 02 VRA Dark grey 00-
996 521 161 02 VRB Brown/natural 00-
(5) 996 521 161 06 Cover for cushion 2
996 521 161 06 EAF Black -99
996 521 161 06 ERZ Black
996 521 161 06 EEF Graphite grey
996 521 161 06 EGJ Space grey/space grey -00
996 521 161 06 EFF Metropole bl./metrop. blue
996 521 161 06 EGF Savanna
996 521 161 06 ELA Nephrite green
996 521 161 06 ENA Boxster red
996 521 161 06 VRA Dark grey
996 521 161 06 VRB Brown/natural
996 521 161 06 FEH Cinnamon brown 01-
(5) 996 521 161 03 Seat cover 98-00 2
Draped leather
996 521 161 03 EAF Black -99
996 521 161 03 EEF Graphite grey 98-
996 521 161 03 EFF Metropole blue 98-
996 521 161 03 EGF Savanna 98-
996 521 161 03 ELA Nephrite green 98-
996 521 161 03 ENA Boxster red 98-
996 521 161 03 VRA Dark grey 00-
996 521 161 03 VRB Brown/natural 00-
996 521 161 03 ERZ Black 00-
(5) 996 521 161 07 Seat cover 2
Draped leather
996 521 161 07 EAF Black -99
996 521 161 07 EEF Graphite grey
996 521 161 07 EFF Metropole blue
996 521 161 07 EGF Savanna
996 521 161 07 ELA Nephrite green
996 521 161 07 ENA Boxster red
996 521 161 07 VRA Dark grey
996 521 161 07 VRB Brown/natural

24.07.2017 -6 Kat 020

Illustration: 817-05

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
996 521 161 07 ERZ Black
996 521 161 07 FAG Cinnamon brown 01-
6 996 521 543 00 Clamp -00 4
7 996 521 541 00 Clamp -00 6
8 996 521 535 04 Foam part 2
Backrest frame
9 996 521 531 00 Foam part 2
Backrest cushion
without heating
(9) 996 521 531 01 Foam part 2 M139/340
Backrest cushion
with heating
(9) 996 521 537 00 Foam part 2 IXSU
Backrest cushion
without heating
(9) 996 521 539 00 Foam part 03- 2 IXSU
Backrest cushion
with heating
(9) Foam part 97- 2 /140
10 996 521 521 00 Foam part -00 2
Seat cushion
without heating
(10) 996 521 521 01 Foam part -00 2
Seat cushion
with heating
(10) 996 521 523 00 Foam part 03- 2 IXSU
Seat cushion
without heating
(10) 996 521 525 00 Foam part 03- 2 IXSU/M342
Seat cushion
with heating
(10) 996 521 571 00 Foam part 01- 2
Seat cushion
11 996 521 597 00 Clip 4
(11) 996 521 937 00 Clip 01- 10
Cushion carrier
12 996 521 509 00 Cushion carrier -00 2
Seat cushion
Front seat
(12) 996 521 505 00 Cushion carrier 01- 2
Seat cushion
Front seat
13 999 507 506 40 Cable holder 1 M539/540
Seat adjuster
14 999 651 314 01 Cable clamp 8
3,0 - 4,0
15 996 521 515 00 Catch 4
Backrest cover
16 996 521 507 01 Mat 1
Seat cushion
17 996 653 105 01 Heating element 01- 1
Seat surface

24.07.2017 -7 Kat 020

Illustration: 817-07

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

24.07.2017 -1 Kat 020

Illustration: 817-07

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
Lumbar support BOXSTER
1 996 521 709 00 Lumbar support 2
2 996 521 719 00 Sound absorber 2
3 996 620 725 00 Compressor 2
4 996 612 541 00 Wiring harness 2
Seating position control
Lumbar support adjustment
(4) 996 612 542 00 Wiring harness 2 M537/538
Seating position control
Lumbar support adjustment
5 996 521 721 00 Support 2
Valve housing
6 999 181 749 40 Air hose 2
Seating position control
7 996 613 725 00 Pressure switch 2
8 900 067 051 02 Pan-head screw 2
M 5 X 10
9 996 617 725 00 Valve housing 2
Seating position control
(9) 996 617 726 00 Valve housing 2 M537/538
Seating position control

24.07.2017 -2 Kat 020

Illustration: 817-10

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

24.07.2017 -1 Kat 020

Illustration: 817-10

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
Backrest shell BOXSTER
Standard seat
Comfort seat
1 986 521 303 00 Backrest shell -98 2
986 521 303 00 B12 Black-grey
(1) 986 521 303 01 Backrest shell -98 2 M010
986 521 303 01 8YR Black
986 521 303 01 C50 Graphite grey
986 521 303 01 G10 Metropole blue
986 521 303 01 S30 Savanna
986 521 303 01 J30 Nephrite green
986 521 303 01 M30 Boxster red -98
(1) 986 521 303 06 Backrest shell 99 2 M016
986 521 303 06 B12 Black-grey
(1) 986 521 303 07 Backrest shell 99 2 M010
986 521 303 07 8YR Black
986 521 303 07 C50 Graphite grey
986 521 303 07 G10 Metropole blue
986 521 303 07 S30 Savanna
986 521 303 07 J30 Nephrite green
986 521 303 07 M30 Boxster red
2 996 521 311 00 Linkage lever /L 2
(2) 996 521 312 00 Linkage lever /R 2
3 996 521 339 00 Deflection roller 4
4 999 522 032 00 Tension spring 4
0,7 X 7,5 X 15
5 N 900 114 02 Clamping washer 4
6 996 521 385 00 Cable 97 4
(6) 986 521 385 00 Cable 98- 4
7 999 143 009 01 Screw 4
M 5 X 16
8 900 151 027 02 Washer 4
Backrest shell
9 996 521 319 00 Bracket /L -00 2
(9) 996 521 319 01 Cup /L 01- 2
(9) 996 521 320 00 Bracket /R -00 2
(9) 996 521 320 01 Cup /R 01- 2
10 999 507 594 01 U-clamp 28
Backrest cover
1,0 - 2,0
11 999 507 677 01 Speed nut 8
M 5
12 311 881 247 Clip 4
Centre part
13 996 521 377 00 Perforated plate 4
14 N 900 151 01 Clamping washer 4
15 999 507 596 01 U-clamp 2
1,00 - 1,50
16 996 521 341 00 Relay lever 2
- 996 521 903 00 Repair kit 2
Backrest locking lever
See technical information

24.07.2017 -2 Kat 020

Illustration: 817-12

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

24.07.2017 -1 Kat 020

Illustration: 817-12

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
Backrest shell
Standard seat
Comfort seat
1 986 521 303 06 Backrest shell 99 2 M016
986 521 303 06 B12 Black-grey
1 986 521 303 07 Backrest shell 99 2 M010
986 521 303 07 8YR Black
986 521 303 07 C50 Graphite grey
986 521 303 07 G10 Metropole blue
986 521 303 07 S30 Savanna
986 521 303 07 J30 Nephrite green
986 521 303 07 M30 Boxster red
1 986 521 303 06 Backrest shell 00- 2 M016
986 521 303 06 01C Satin black
2 999 143 009 01 Screw X
Backrest shell
M 5 X 16
- 900 151 027 02 Washer 4
3 996 521 320 00 Bracket /R -00 2
Backrest side bolster
3 996 521 320 01 Cup /R 01- 2
Backrest side bolster
4 999 507 594 01 U-clamp 28
Backrest cover
1,0 - 2,0
5 311 881 247 Clip 4
Centre part
6 996 521 319 00 Bracket /L -00 2
Backrest side bolster
6 996 521 319 01 Cup /L 01- 2
Backrest side bolster

24.07.2017 -2 Kat 020

Illustration: 817-15

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

24.07.2017 -1 Kat 020

Illustration: 817-15

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
Backrest frame BOXSTER
Seat frame
Standard seat
Comfort seat
1 986 521 327 00 Backrest frame 97 2
(1) 986 521 327 02 Backrest frame -98 2
2 996 521 355 00 Mat 97 2
(2) 996 521 355 01 Mat 98 2
3 996 521 367 00 Support 8
4 996 521 333 00 Spring 4
5 996 521 331 01 Spring 98- 4
6 996 521 365 00 Support 4
7 996 624 321 00 Engine 2
Seating position control
for backrest adjustment
(7) 996 624 331 00 Engine 2 M537/538
Seating position control
for backrest adjustment
8 999 924 129 40 Bush 4
6 X 12 X 4,5
9 999 073 141 02 Oval-head screw 2
M 6 X 42,5
10 999 507 597 01 Clamping washer 4
11 999 507 598 02 Speed nut 8
M 5
12 999 513 063 40 Cable holder 4
12,0 - 35
13 996 521 343 01 Drive shaft 2
14 999 141 027 02 Oval-head screw 8
M 8 X 10
16 986 521 227 00 Seat frame 2
17 999 507 067 02 Speed nut 2
M 5
18 999 141 028 02 Pan-head screw 3
M 5 X 10
19 996 521 674 00 Support /LL /R 1 M509
Fire extinguisher
(19) 996 521 673 00 Support /RL /L 1 M509
Fire extinguisher
20 996 521 607 00 Cup 1 M509
Fire extinguisher
21 996 722 115 00 Fire extinguisher 1 M509
Information available
Information available
22 900 151 027 02 Washer 2
23 N 044 734 1 Pan-head screw 2
M 5 X 15
23 900 067 137 01 Pan-head screw 2
M 5 X 15

24.07.2017 -2 Kat 020

Illustration: 817-16

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

24.07.2017 -1 Kat 020

Illustration: 817-16

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
Backrest frame BOXSTER
Seat frame
Standard seat
Comfort seat
1 986 521 327 03 Backrest frame 2
2 996 521 355 01 Mat 2
3 996 521 367 00 Support 8
4 996 521 333 00 Spring 4
5 996 521 331 01 Spring 4
6 996 521 365 00 Support 4
7 996 624 321 00 Engine 2
Seating position control
for backrest adjustment
(7) 996 624 331 00 Engine 2 M537/538
Seating position control
for backrest adjustment
8 999 924 129 40 Bush 4
6 X 12 X 4,5
9 999 073 141 02 Oval-head screw 2
M 6 X 42,5
10 999 507 597 01 Clamping washer 4
11 999 507 598 02 Speed nut 8
M 5
12 999 513 063 40 Cable holder 4
12,0 - 35
13 996 521 343 01 Drive shaft 2
14 999 141 027 02 Oval-head screw 8
M 8 X 10
16 986 521 227 00 Seat frame 2
17 999 507 067 02 Speed nut 2
M 5
18 999 141 028 02 Pan-head screw 3
M 5 X 10
(19) 996 521 674 00 Support /LL /R 1 M509
Fire extinguisher
19 996 521 673 00 Support /RL /L 1 M509
Fire extinguisher
20 996 521 607 00 Cup 1 M509
21 996 722 115 00 Fire extinguisher 1 M509
Information available
Information available
22 900 151 027 02 Washer 2
23 N 044 734 1 Pan-head screw 2
M 5 X 15
23 900 067 137 01 Pan-head screw 2
M 5 X 15
24 999 522 032 00 Tension spring 4
0,7 X 7,5 X 15
25 999 703 474 40 Stopper 4
26 N 900 114 02 Clamping washer 4
27 996 521 185 00 Cable 4
28 996 521 403 00 Rubber buffer 2
29 996 521 175 00 Backrest locking lever 2
30 996 521 195 00 Clutch power spring 2

24.07.2017 -2 Kat 020

Illustration: 817-17

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

24.07.2017 -1 Kat 020

Illustration: 817-17

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
Seat adjuster BOXSTER
Standard seat
1 986 521 639 00 Adapter /L 1
Seat-belt buckle
Seat frame
Inner rear
(1) 986 521 640 00 Adapter /R 1
Seat-belt buckle
Seat frame
Inner rear
3 996 521 259 00 Screw 97 6
(3) 996 521 259 02 Screw 8
4 986 521 659 00 Screw 8
4 986 521 659 02 Screw 8
5 900 910 003 07 Hexagon nut 8
M 8
6 986 521 692 00 Adapter 2
Seat frame
7 996 521 692 00 Seat rail /R -98 1
(7) 996 521 692 01 Seat rail /R 98- 1
Left seat
(7) 996 521 691 00 Seat rail /L -98 1
(7) 996 521 691 01 Seat rail /L 98- 1
Right seat
8 996 521 617 00 Handle /L 97 1
(8) 996 521 617 01 Handle /L 98- 1
(8) 996 521 618 00 Handle /R 97 1
(8) 996 521 618 01 Handle /R 98- 1
9 996 521 621 00 Lever /L 97 1
(9) 996 521 621 01 Lever /L 98- 1
(9) 996 521 622 00 Lever /R 97 1
(9) 996 521 622 01 Lever /R 98- 1
10 996 521 645 00 Clutch power spring 2
11 996 521 689 00 Seat rail /L -97 1
(11) 996 521 689 01 Seat rail /L 98- 1
Left seat
(11) 996 521 690 00 Seat rail /R -97 1
(11) 996 521 690 01 Seat rail /R 98- 1
Right seat
12 986 521 643 00 Threaded plate 4
13 996 521 603 00 Stop 4
14 996 521 601 00 Fixing clip 4
15 986 521 689 00 Adapter 2
Seat frame
16 986 521 691 00 Adapter /L 1

24.07.2017 -2 Kat 020

Illustration: 817-17

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
Seat frame
(16) 986 521 690 00 Adapter /R 1
Seat frame
17 999 311 008 01 Square screw 1
M 5 X 23,6
18 986 521 687 00 Nut 1
19 986 521 667 00 Seat adjuster guard /LL /R 1
/RL /L

24.07.2017 -3 Kat 020

Illustration: 817-18

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

24.07.2017 -1 Kat 020

Illustration: 817-18

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
Seat adjuster BOXSTER
Standard seat
Height adjustment
1 986 521 641 00 Pipe /L 1
(1) 986 521 642 00 Pipe /R 1
(4) 996 521 259 02 Screw 8
5 986 521 659 00 Screw 8
5 986 521 659 02 Screw 8
6 999 311 008 01 Square screw 2
M 5 X 23,6
7 986 521 687 00 Nut 2
8 996 521 615 01 Gas-pressure spring 2 M539/540
Seat adjuster
9 900 910 003 07 Hexagon nut 8
M 8
10 986 521 680 00 Adapter 2
Seat frame
11 996 521 692 00 Seat rail /R -98 1
Left seat
(11) 996 521 692 01 Seat rail /R 98- 1
Left seat
(11) 996 521 691 00 Seat rail /L -98 1
Right seat
(11) 996 521 691 01 Seat rail /L 98- 1
Right seat
12 996 521 617 00 Handle /L 97 1
(12) 996 521 617 01 Handle /L 98- 1
(12) 996 521 618 00 Handle /R 97 1
(12) 996 521 618 01 Handle /R 98- 1
13 996 521 621 00 Lever /L 97 1
(13) 996 521 621 01 Lever /L 98- 1
(13) 996 521 622 00 Lever /R 97 1
(13) 996 521 622 01 Lever /R 98- 1
14 996 521 645 00 Clutch power spring 2
15 996 521 689 00 Seat rail /L -98 1
Left seat
15 996 521 689 01 Seat rail /L 98- 1
Left seat
(15) 996 521 690 00 Seat rail /R -98 1
Right seat
(15) 996 521 690 01 Seat rail /R 98- 1
Right seat

24.07.2017 -2 Kat 020

Illustration: 817-18

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
16 986 521 643 00 Threaded plate 4
17 986 521 679 00 Adapter 2
Seat frame
18 996 521 603 00 Stop 4
- 996 521 601 00 Fixing clip 4
20 986 521 675 00 Adjusting mechanism /L -97 1
(20) 996 521 675 00 Adjusting mechanism /L 98- 1
(20) 986 521 676 00 Adjusting mechanism /R -97 1
(20) 996 521 676 00 Adjusting mechanism /R 98- 1
21 986 521 683 00 Bowden cable 2
22 999 919 180 07 Countersunk-head screw 2
M 5 X 18
23 986 521 639 00 Adapter /L 1
Seat-belt buckle
Seat frame
Inner rear
(23) 986 521 640 00 Adapter /R 1
Seat-belt buckle
Seat frame
Inner rear
(24) 996 521 259 02 Screw 6
25 986 521 659 00 Screw 8
25 986 521 659 02 Screw 8

24.07.2017 -3 Kat 020

Illustration: 817-19

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

24.07.2017 -1 Kat 020

Illustration: 817-19

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
Seat adjuster BOXSTER
Comfort seat
1 996 521 401 02 Seat adjuster /L 1
(1) 996 521 402 02 Seat adjuster /R 1
(1) 996 521 401 03 Seat adjuster /L -00 1 M537/538
Seating position control
(1) 996 521 402 03 Seat adjuster /R -00 1 M537/538
Seating position control
(1) 996 521 401 07 Seat adjuster /L 1 M437/537
(1) 996 521 402 07 Seat adjuster /R 1 M438/538
2 999 084 451 02 Hexagon nut 4
M 5
3 999 073 144 02 Pan-head screw 4
M 5 X 39,3
4 996 521 647 00 Stop 4
for longitudinal adjustment
5 996 521 609 00 Drive shaft 2
Rear vertical adjustment
6 996 521 611 00 Shaft 4
7 996 624 322 00 Engine X
Seating position control
(7) 996 624 332 00 Engine X M537/538
Seating position control
8 999 073 147 02 Pan-head screw 8
TORX M 5 X 58
9 999 073 148 02 Oval-head screw 4
M 5 X 14
10 999 073 145 02 Oval-head screw X
M 5,0 X 12
11 996 618 547 00 Support 4 M537/538
Control unit
12 996 618 537 00 Control unit -99 2 M537/538
(12) 996 618 537 02 Control unit 00 2 M537/538
(12) 996 618 537 01 Control unit 01 2 M537/538
(12) 996 618 537 03 Control unit 02- 2 M537/538
13 996 521 317 00 Cover 2
Control unit
Seating position control
996 521 317 00 01C Black

24.07.2017 -2 Kat 020

Illustration: 817-20

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

24.07.2017 -1 Kat 020

Illustration: 817-20

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
Sports seat
Sports seat
Not available
1 999 919 180 07 Countersunk-head screw -99 2
M 5 X 18
(1) 999 919 199 09 Countersunk-head screw 00- 2
M 5 X 25
2 986 521 363 00 Coat hook -99 2
(2) 996 521 373 00 Coat hook 00- 2
996 521 373 00 A03 Black
3 986 521 345 00 Support for seatbelt 98- 2
986 521 345 00 8YR Black
986 521 345 00 C50 Graphite grey
986 521 345 00 G10 Metropole blue
986 521 345 00 S30 Savanna
986 521 345 00 J30 Nephrite green
986 521 345 00 M30 Boxster red
986 521 345 00 D11 Dark grey 00-
986 521 345 00 T11 Brown/natural 00-
986 521 345 00 P11 Cinnamon brown
986 521 345 00 9Q3 Cocoa
4 999 209 050 40 Spacer sleeve 2
5 999 919 189 07 Countersunk-head screw 4
3,5 X 25
- 999 507 669 40 Cone washer 2
4,3 X 12,8
- 999 507 670 40 Cap 2
12,8 X 14,5
- 999 507 671 17 Snap fastener lower part 2
Lower part
6 996 521 321 01 Control button /L -98 2
(6) 996 521 421 00 Control button /L 99- 2
(6) 996 521 322 01 Control button /R -98 2
(6) 996 521 422 00 Control button /R 99- 2
7 996 521 313 00 Bag 2
996 521 313 00 A10 Black
(7) 996 521 313 01 Bag 2 M983
996 521 313 01 8YR Black
8 999 507 592 01 Cable clamp 2
1,0 - 6,0
9 986 521 315 01 Cap /L -99 1 M009/016/375
986 521 315 01 B12 Black-grey
(9) 986 521 316 01 Cap /R -99 1 M009/016/376
986 521 316 01 B12 Black-grey
(9) 996 521 315 01 Cap /L 00- 1 M009/016/375
996 521 315 01 C02 Metal grey
(9) 996 521 316 01 Cap /R 00- 1 M009/016/376
996 521 316 01 C02 Metal grey
10 999 507 599 40 Expansion rivet 2
11 996 521 362 00 Cover /L -99 1
Right seat
996 521 362 00 01C Satin black
(11) 996 521 362 01 Cover /L 00- 1
Right seat
996 521 362 01 01C Satin black

24.07.2017 -2 Kat 020

Illustration: 817-20

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
(11) 996 521 361 00 Cover /R -99 1
Left seat
996 521 361 00 01C Satin black
(11) 996 521 361 01 Cover /R 00- 1
Left seat
996 521 361 01 01C Satin black
12 999 141 038 07 Torx screw -02 8
M 10 X 26,5
(12) 999 141 039 07 Screw 03- 8 IXSE/XSF
M 10 X 28
13 996 521 360 00 Cover /R -99 1
Right seat
996 521 360 00 01C Satin black
(13) 996 521 360 01 Cover /R 00- 1
Right seat
996 521 360 01 01C Satin black
(13) 996 521 359 00 Cover /L -99 1
Left seat
996 521 359 00 01C Satin black
(13) 996 521 359 01 Cover /L 00- 1
Left seat
996 521 359 01 01C Satin black

24.07.2017 -3 Kat 020

Illustration: 817-25

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

24.07.2017 -1 Kat 020

Illustration: 817-25

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
Foam part
Sports seat
1 996 521 993 02 Backrest cover 99- 2
Outer part
996 521 993 02 8YR Black 99
996 521 993 02 C50 Graphite grey
996 521 993 02 G10 Metropole blue
996 521 993 02 S30 Savanna
996 521 993 02 J30 Nephrite green
996 521 993 02 M30 Boxster red
996 521 993 02 T11 Brown/natural
996 521 993 02 D11 Dark grey/natural
996 521 993 02 P11 Cinnamon brown
996 521 993 02 ETO Black 00-
(1) 996 521 155 02 Backrest cover 98-00 2 M983
Outer part
996 521 155 02 8YR Black
996 521 155 02 C50 Graphite grey
996 521 155 02 G10 Metropole blue
996 521 155 02 S30 Savanna
996 521 155 02 J30 Nephrite green
996 521 155 02 M30 Boxster red
(1) 996 521 155 04 Backrest cover 01 2 M983
996 521 155 04 EEF Graphite grey
996 521 155 04 EGF Savanna
996 521 155 04 EFF Metropole blue
996 521 155 04 ELA Nephrite green
996 521 155 04 ENA Boxster red
996 521 155 04 ERZ Black
996 521 155 04 VRA Dark grey
996 521 155 04 VRB Brown/natural
(1) 996 521 155 06 Cover 01- 2
Outer part
996 521 155 06 ERZ Black
996 521 155 06 EEF Graphite grey
996 521 155 06 EGF Savanna
996 521 155 06 EFF Metropole blue
996 521 155 06 ELA Nephrite green
996 521 155 06 ENA Boxster red
996 521 155 06 FEH Cinnamon brown
996 521 155 06 VRA Dark grey/natural
996 521 155 06 VRB Brown/natural
(1) 996 521 155 07 Cover 04- 2 M091/375/376
Backrest M983
Outer part
Special model
550 spyder
996 521 155 07 VSY Dark grey/natural
2 996 521 551 00 Frame 97-00 2
(2) 996 521 551 01 Frame 01- 2
3 996 521 151 01 Backrest cushion cover 97-00 2 M946/983
996 521 151 01 8YR Black -99

24.07.2017 -2 Kat 020

Illustration: 817-25

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
996 521 151 01 ETO Black 00-
996 521 151 01 C50 Graphite grey
996 521 151 01 G10 Metropole blue
996 521 151 01 S30 Savanna
996 521 151 01 J30 Nephrite green
996 521 151 01 M30 Boxster red
996 521 151 01 D11 Dark grey 00-
996 521 151 01 T11 Brown/natural 00-
(3) 996 521 151 05 Backrest cushion cover 01- 2 M946/983
996 521 151 05 8YR Black
996 521 151 05 ETO Black
996 521 151 05 C50 Graphite grey
996 521 151 05 G10 Metropole blue
996 521 151 05 S30 Savanna
996 521 151 05 J30 Nephrite green
996 521 151 05 M30 Boxster red
996 521 151 05 D11 Dark grey
996 521 151 05 T11 Brown/natural
996 521 151 05 P11 Cinnamon brown 01-
(3) 996 521 151 09 Cover 04- 2 M375/376
Backrest M091/983
Special model
550 spyder
996 521 151 09 VTH Cocoa
996 521 151 09 VSY Dark grey/natural
4 996 521 165 02 Seat cover 98-00 2 M983
996 521 165 02 EAF Black -99
996 521 165 02 EEF Graphite grey
996 521 165 02 EFF Metropole blue
996 521 165 02 EGF Savanna
996 521 165 02 ELA Nephrite green
996 521 165 02 ENA Boxster red
996 521 165 02 ERZ Black 00
996 521 165 02 VRA Dark grey 00
996 521 165 02 VRB Brown/natural 00
(4) 996 521 165 04 Cover 01- 2 M983
Seat cushion
without heating
996 521 165 04 ERZ Black
996 521 165 04 EEF Graphite grey
996 521 165 04 EGF Savanna
996 521 165 04 EFF Metropole blue
996 521 165 04 ELA Nephrite green
996 521 165 04 ENA Boxster red
996 521 165 04 FEH Cinnamon brown
996 521 165 04 VRA Dark grey/natural
996 521 165 04 VRB Brown/natural
(4) 996 521 165 05 Cover 02- 2 M375/376
Seat cushion IXSU/M983
with heating
996 521 165 05 ERZ Black
996 521 165 05 EEF Graphite grey
996 521 165 05 EGF Savanna
996 521 165 05 EFF Metropole blue
996 521 165 05 ELA Nephrite green
996 521 165 05 ENA Boxster red
996 521 165 05 FEH Cinnamon brown
996 521 165 05 VRA Dark grey/natural

24.07.2017 -3 Kat 020

Illustration: 817-25

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
996 521 165 05 VRB Brown/natural
(4) 996 521 165 06 Cover 05 2 M091/375/376
Seat cushion
Special model
996 521 165 06 VTH Cocoa
996 521 165 06 VSY Dark grey/natural
5 996 521 543 00 Clamp 97-00 4
6 996 521 541 00 Clamp 97-00 6
7 996 521 535 01 Foam part 98-99 2
Backrest frame
(7) 996 521 535 02 Foam part 00- 2
Backrest frame
(7) 996 521 535 03 Foam part 00- 2
Backrest frame
(8) 996 521 531 00 Foam part 03- 2
Backrest cushion
without heating
8 996 521 531 01 Foam part 03- 2 M139/340/342
Backrest cushion
with heating
(8) 996 521 537 00 Foam part 03- 2 IXSU
Backrest cushion
without heating
(8) 996 521 539 00 Foam part 03- 2 IXSU/M342
Backrest cushion
with heating
(9) 996 521 521 04 Foam part -00 2
Seat cushion
without heating
9 996 521 521 05 Foam part -00 2 M139/340
Seat cushion
with heating
(9) 996 521 523 01 Foam part 03- 2 IXSU
Seat cushion
without heating
(9) 996 521 525 01 Foam part 03- 2 IXSU/M342
Seat cushion
with heating
(9) 996 521 571 01 Foam part 01- 2
Seat cushion
without heating
10 996 521 597 00 Clip 8
Cushion carrier
(10) 996 521 937 00 Clip 01- 10
Cushion carrier
11 996 521 509 00 Cushion carrier -00 2
Seat cushion
Front seat
(11) 996 521 505 00 Cushion carrier 01- 2
Seat cushion
Front seat
12 999 507 506 40 Cable holder 1 M539/540
13 999 651 314 01 Cable clamp 8
3,0 - 4,0
14 996 521 507 01 Mat 1
Seat cushion
Cushion carrier
15 996 653 105 01 Heating element 01- 1 M139/340/342

24.07.2017 -4 Kat 020

Illustration: 817-25

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
Seat surface

24.07.2017 -5 Kat 020

Illustration: 817-30

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

24.07.2017 -1 Kat 020

Illustration: 817-30

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
Backrest shell BOXSTER
Sports seat 98
1 986 521 303 02 Backrest shell 2 M016
986 521 303 02 B12 Black-grey
(1) 986 521 303 03 Backrest shell -99 2 M012
986 521 303 03 C02 Metal grey
(1) 996 521 992 06 Backrest shell 04 2 M375/376
Sports seat IXCG
996 521 992 06 V03 Sport silver
2 996 521 885 00 Foam part 2
3 996 521 311 00 Linkage lever /L 2
(3) 996 521 312 00 Linkage lever /R 2
4 996 521 339 00 Deflection roller 4
5 999 143 009 01 Screw X
Backrest shell
M 5 X 16
- 900 151 027 02 Washer 4
Backrest shell
6 986 521 385 00 Cable 4
7 N 900 114 02 Clamping washer 4
8 999 522 032 00 Tension spring 4
0,7 X 7,5 X 15
9 999 703 474 40 Stopper 4
10 999 507 594 01 U-clamp 28
Backrest cover
1,0 - 2,0
11 311 881 247 Clip 4
Centre part
- N 900 151 01 Clamping washer 2
13 999 507 596 01 U-clamp 2
1,00 - 1,50
14 996 521 341 00 Relay lever 2
- 996 521 903 00 Repair kit 2
Backrest locking lever
See technical information

24.07.2017 -2 Kat 020

Illustration: 817-35

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

24.07.2017 -1 Kat 020

Illustration: 817-35

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
Backrest shell BOXSTER
Sports seat 99-
1 986 521 303 08 Backrest shell 2 M016
986 521 303 08 B12 Black-grey 99
(1) 986 521 303 09 Backrest shell 99 2 M012
986 521 303 09 C02 Metal grey
(1) 986 521 303 11 Backrest shell 00- 2 M012
986 521 303 11 C02 Metal grey
(1) 986 521 303 10 Backrest shell 00- 2 M016
986 521 303 10 A03 Black
2 996 521 885 00 Foam part 2
3 999 143 009 01 Screw X
Backrest shell
M 5 X 16
- 900 151 027 02 Washer 4
Backrest shell
4 999 507 594 01 U-clamp 28
Backrest cover
1,0 - 2,0
5 311 881 247 Clip 4
Centre part

24.07.2017 -2 Kat 020

Illustration: 817-40

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

24.07.2017 -1 Kat 020

Illustration: 817-40

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
Backrest frame BOXSTER
Seat frame 98
Sports seat
1 986 521 327 02 Backrest frame 2
2 996 521 355 01 Mat 2
3 996 521 367 00 Support 8
4 996 521 333 00 Spring 4
5 996 521 331 01 Spring 4
6 996 521 365 00 Support 4
7 996 624 321 00 Engine 2
for backrest adjustment
8 999 924 129 40 Bush 4
6 X 12 X 4,5
9 999 073 141 02 Oval-head screw 2
M 6 X 42,5
10 999 507 597 01 Clamping washer 4
11 999 507 598 02 Speed nut 8
M 5
12 999 513 063 40 Cable holder 4
12,0 - 35
13 996 521 343 01 Drive shaft 2
14 999 141 027 02 Oval-head screw 8
M 8 X 10
16 986 521 227 00 Seat frame 2
17 999 507 067 02 Speed nut 2
M 5
18 999 141 028 02 Pan-head screw 3
M 5 X 10
19 996 521 674 00 Support /LL /R 1 M509
Fire extinguisher
(19) 996 521 673 00 Support /RL /L 1 M509
Fire extinguisher
20 996 521 607 00 Cup 1 M509
Fire extinguisher
21 996 722 115 00 Fire extinguisher 1 M509
Information available
Information available
22 900 151 027 02 Washer 2
23 N 044 734 1 Pan-head screw 2
M 5 X 15
23 900 067 137 01 Pan-head screw 2
M 5 X 15

24.07.2017 -2 Kat 020

Illustration: 817-42

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

24.07.2017 -1 Kat 020

Illustration: 817-42

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
Backrest frame BOXSTER
Seat frame
Sports seat
1 986 521 327 03 Backrest frame 2
2 996 521 355 01 Mat 2
3 996 521 367 00 Support 8
4 996 521 333 00 Spring 4
5 996 521 331 01 Spring 4
6 996 521 365 00 Support 4
7 996 624 321 00 Engine 2
for backrest adjustment
8 999 924 129 40 Bush 4
6 X 12 X 4,5
9 999 073 141 02 Oval-head screw 2
M 6 X 42,5
10 999 507 597 01 Clamping washer 4
11 999 507 598 02 Speed nut 8
M 5
12 999 513 063 40 Cable holder 4
12,0 - 35
13 996 521 343 01 Drive shaft 2
14 999 141 027 02 Oval-head screw 8
M 8 X 10
16 986 521 227 00 Seat frame 2
17 999 507 067 02 Speed nut 2
M 5
18 999 141 028 02 Pan-head screw 3
M 5 X 10
19 996 521 674 00 Support /LL /R 1 M509
Fire extinguisher
(19) 996 521 673 00 Support /RL /L 1 M509
Fire extinguisher
20 996 521 607 00 Cup 1 M509
Fire extinguisher
21 996 722 115 00 Fire extinguisher 1 M509
Information available
Information available
22 900 151 027 02 Washer 2
23 N 044 734 1 Pan-head screw 2
M 5 X 15
23 900 067 137 01 Pan-head screw 2
M 5 X 15
24 999 522 032 00 Tension spring 4
0,7 X 7,5 X 15
25 999 703 474 40 Stopper 4
26 N 900 114 02 Clamping washer 4
27 996 521 185 00 Cable 4
28 996 521 403 00 Rubber buffer 2
29 996 521 175 00 Backrest locking lever 2
30 996 521 195 00 Clutch power spring 2

24.07.2017 -2 Kat 020

Illustration: 817-45

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

24.07.2017 -1 Kat 020

Illustration: 817-45

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
Seat adjuster BOXSTER
Sports seat
Height adjustment
1 986 521 641 00 Pipe /L 1
(1) 986 521 642 00 Pipe /R 1
(4) 996 521 259 02 Screw 6
5 986 521 659 00 Screw 8
5 986 521 659 02 Screw 8
6 999 311 008 01 Square screw 2
Gas-pressure spring
M 5 X 23,6
7 986 521 687 00 Nut 2
Gas-pressure spring
8 996 521 615 01 Gas-pressure spring 1 M539/540
9 900 910 003 07 Hexagon nut 8
M 8
(10) 986 521 679 00 Adapter /L 2
10 986 521 680 00 Adapter /R 2
Seat frame
11 996 521 692 00 Seat rail /R -98 1
Left seat
(11) 996 521 692 01 Seat rail /R 98- 1
Left seat
(11) 996 521 691 00 Seat rail /L -98 1
Right seat
(11) 996 521 691 01 Seat rail /L 98- 1
Right seat
12 996 521 617 01 Handle /L 1
(12) 996 521 618 01 Handle /R 1
13 996 521 621 01 Lever /L 1
(13) 996 521 622 01 Lever /R 1
14 996 521 645 00 Clutch power spring 2
15 996 521 689 00 Seat rail /L -98 1
Left seat
15 996 521 689 01 Seat rail /L 98- 1
Left seat
(15) 996 521 690 00 Seat rail /R -98 1
Right seat
(15) 996 521 690 01 Seat rail 98- 1
Right seat
16 986 521 643 00 Threaded plate 4
(17) 996 521 603 01 Stop 4
18 996 521 601 00 Fixing clip 4

24.07.2017 -2 Kat 020

Illustration: 817-45

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
19 996 521 675 00 Adjusting mechanism /L 1
(19) 996 521 676 00 Adjusting mechanism /R 1
20 986 521 683 00 Bowden cable 2
21 999 919 180 07 Countersunk-head screw 2
M 5 X 18

24.07.2017 -3 Kat 020

Illustration: 817-50

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

24.07.2017 -1 Kat 020

Illustration: 817-50

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
Seat adjuster BOXSTER
Sports seat
1 986 521 639 00 Adapter /L 1
Seat-belt buckle
Seat frame
Inner rear
(1) 986 521 640 00 Adapter /R 1
Seat-belt buckle
Seat frame
Inner rear
(3) 996 521 259 01 Screw -98 6
(3) 996 521 259 02 Screw 98- 6
4 986 521 659 00 Screw 8
4 986 521 659 02 Screw 8
5 900 910 003 07 Hexagon nut 8
M 8
6 986 521 692 00 Adapter 2
Seat frame
7 996 521 692 00 Seat rail /R -98 1 M375
Left seat
(7) 996 521 692 01 Seat rail /R 98- 1 M375
Left seat
(7) 996 521 691 00 Seat rail /L -98 1 M376
Right seat
(7) 996 521 691 01 Seat rail /L 98- 1 M376
Right seat
8 996 521 617 01 Handle /L 1
(8) 996 521 618 01 Handle /R 1
9 996 521 621 01 Lever /L 1
(9) 996 521 622 01 Lever /R 1
10 996 521 645 00 Clutch power spring 2
11 996 521 689 00 Seat rail /L -98 1 M375
Left seat
(11) 996 521 689 01 Seat rail /L 98- 1 M375
Left seat
(11) 996 521 690 00 Seat rail /R -98 1 M376
Right seat
(11) 996 521 690 01 Seat rail /R 98- 1 M376
Right seat
12 986 521 643 00 Threaded plate 4
(13) 996 521 603 01 Stop 4
14 996 521 601 00 Fixing clip 4
15 986 521 689 00 Adapter 2

24.07.2017 -2 Kat 020

Illustration: 817-50

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
Seat frame
16 986 521 691 00 Adapter /L 1
Seat frame
(16) 986 521 690 00 Adapter /R 1
Seat frame
16 999 311 008 01 Square screw 1
M 5 X 23,6
17 986 521 687 00 Nut 1
18 986 521 667 00 Seat adjuster guard /LL /R 1
/RL /L

24.07.2017 -3 Kat 020

Illustration: 817-60

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

24.07.2017 -1 Kat 020

Illustration: 817-60

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
Wiring harnesses BOXSTER
Standard seat
Sports seat
1 996 612 543 00 Wiring harness 2
for backrest adjustment
- 999 513 052 40 Tie-wrap 1
2 996 618 521 00 Control unit 2 M342
Seat heater
3 996 618 531 00 Support 2 M342
Control unit
4 999 591 712 40 Expansion rivet -02 2
6,0 X 12,0
(4) 900 143 191 02 Tapping screw 02- 4 M342
Support 4
5 999 652 748 40 Pin connector socket 2
Seat heater
6 999 650 216 40 Pin connector socket 1
7 996 612 540 00 Wiring harness -97 2 M139/340
Seat heater
(7) 996 612 540 01 Wiring harness 98- 2 M139/340/342
Seat heater
8 999 652 747 40 Pin connector socket 1
for backrest adjustment
9 999 650 180 40 Pin connector socket 2
Wiring harness
Passenger compartment
10 996 613 713 00 Switch /L 1 IXSD/M011
Standard seat
Sports seat
for backrest adjustment
996 613 713 00 EBO Satin black/black-grey
(10) 996 613 714 00 Switch /R 1 IXSD/M011
Standard seat
Sports seat
for backrest adjustment
996 613 714 00 EBO Satin black/black-grey
(10) 996 613 713 01 Switch /L 1 M010/012/016
Standard seat
Sports seat
for backrest adjustment
996 613 713 01 EJS Metal grey/black 99-
996 613 713 01 EJM Granite grey 99
996 613 713 01 ERR Satin black 99
996 613 713 01 A03 Black 00-
(10) 996 613 714 01 Switch /R 1 M010/012/016
Standard seat

24.07.2017 -2 Kat 020

Illustration: 817-60

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
Sports seat
for backrest adjustment
996 613 714 01 EJS Metal grey/black 99-
996 613 714 01 EJM Granite grey 99
996 613 714 01 ERR Satin black 99
996 613 714 01 A03 Black 00-
11 999 919 173 02 Countersunk-head screw 4
3,0 X 18
12 996 613 711 00 Dummy plug 2
996 613 711 00 01C Satin black
13 986 521 627 00 Handle /L 1 M539
Height adjustment
(13) 986 521 628 00 Handle /R 1 M540
Height adjustment
14 999 650 248 40 Cap 2
15 999 650 250 40 Pin connector socket 2
16 999 650 247 40 Slide 2
17 999 650 225 40 Pin 2
18 999 652 960 40 Lid 2
19 999 650 218 40 Pin connector socket 2
20 999 652 570 22 Connector X
0.5 - 1.0 QMM
21 999 652 571 22 Connector X
1.0 - 2.5 QMM
22 996 613 955 00 Control button 02- 1 M437/438
Seat adjuster
Repair kit

24.07.2017 -3 Kat 020

Illustration: 817-65

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

24.07.2017 -1 Kat 020

Illustration: 817-65

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
Wiring harnesses BOXSTER
Comfort seat
1 996 612 543 00 Wiring harness 2
(1) 996 612 544 00 Wiring harness 2 M537/538
for backrest adjustment
- 999 513 052 40 Tie-wrap 1
2 996 618 521 00 Control unit 2 M342
Seat heater
3 996 618 531 00 Support 2 M342
Control unit
4 999 591 712 40 Expansion rivet -02 2
6,0 X 12,0
(4) 900 143 191 02 Tapping screw 02- 4 M342
ST 3,9 X 6,5
5 999 652 748 40 Pin connector socket 2
Seat heater
6 999 650 216 40 Pin connector socket 1
7 996 612 540 01 Wiring harness 98- 2
Seat heater
8 999 652 747 40 Pin connector socket 1
for backrest adjustment
9 999 650 180 40 Pin connector socket 2
Wiring harness
Passenger compartment
10 996 613 715 00 Switch /RL /L 98 1 M011/016
Comfort seat
996 613 715 00 EBO Satin black/black-grey
(10) 996 613 715 00 Switch /LL /R 98 1 M011/016
Comfort seat
996 613 715 00 EBO Satin black/black-grey
(10) 996 613 715 01 Switch /RL /L 1
Comfort seat
996 613 715 01 EJM Granite grey 98-
996 613 715 01 A03 Black 00-
(10) 996 613 716 01 Switch /LL /R 1
Comfort seat
996 613 716 01 EJM Granite grey 98-
996 613 716 01 A03 Black 00-
996 613 716 01 P13 Cinnamon brown 01-
(10) 996 613 717 00 Switch /RL /L -99 1 M011/016
Comfort seat
Lumbar support
996 613 717 00 EBO Satin black/black-grey
(10) 996 613 718 00 Switch /LL /R -99 1 M011/016
Comfort seat
Lumbar support
996 613 718 00 EBO Satin black/black-grey
(10) 996 613 717 01 Switch /RL /L 1
Comfort seat
Lumbar support

24.07.2017 -2 Kat 020

Illustration: 817-65

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
996 613 717 01 EJM Granite grey 99
996 613 717 01 A03 Black 00-
996 613 717 01 B13 Space grey
996 613 717 01 J33 Nephrite green
996 613 717 01 M33 Boxster red
996 613 717 01 P13 Cinnamon brown
(10) 996 613 718 01 Switch /LL /R 1
Comfort seat
Lumbar support
996 613 718 01 EJM Granite grey 99
996 613 718 01 A03 Black 00-
996 613 718 01 B13 Space grey
996 613 718 01 J33 Nephrite green
(10) 996 613 719 00 Switch /LL /L -99 1 M011/016
Comfort seat
Seating position control
996 613 719 00 EBO Satin black/black-grey
(10) 996 613 720 00 Switch /RL /R -99 1 M011/016
Comfort seat
Seating position control
996 613 720 00 EBO Satin black/black-grey
(10) 996 613 719 01 Switch /LL /L 1 M437/537
Comfort seat
Seating position control
996 613 719 01 EJM Granite grey -99
996 613 719 01 A03 Black 00-
(10) 996 613 720 01 Switch /RL /R 1 M438/538
Comfort seat
Seating position control
996 613 720 01 EJM Granite grey -99
996 613 720 01 A03 Black 00-
(10) 996 613 721 00 Switch /LL /L -99 1 M011/016
Comfort seat
Seating position control
Lumbar support
996 613 721 00 EBO Satin black/black-grey
(10) 996 613 722 00 Switch /RL /R -99 1 M011/016
Comfort seat
Seating position control
Lumbar support
996 613 722 00 EBO Satin black/black-grey
(10) 996 613 721 01 Switch /LL /L 00- 1 M016/437
996 613 721 01 A03 Black
(10) 996 613 722 01 Switch /RL /R 1
Comfort seat
Seating position control
Lumbar support
996 613 722 01 EJM Granite grey -99
996 613 722 01 A03 Black 00-
11 986 521 627 00 Handle /L 1
Height adjustment
(11) 986 521 628 00 Handle /R 1

24.07.2017 -3 Kat 020

Illustration: 817-65

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
Height adjustment
12 999 919 173 02 Countersunk-head screw 4
3,0 X 18
13 999 650 248 40 Cap 2
14 999 650 250 40 Pin connector socket 2
15 999 650 247 40 Slide 2
16 999 650 225 40 Pin 2
17 999 652 960 40 Lid 2
18 999 650 218 40 Pin connector socket 2
20 999 652 570 22 Connector X
0.5 - 1.0 QMM
21 999 652 571 22 Connector X
1.0 - 2.5 QMM
22 999 652 918 40 Connector housing 2
for longitudinal adjustment
Height adjustment
23 999 650 055 40 Pin connector socket 2
Lumbar support
24 996 521 327 00 Cover X
Lumbar support
Satin black
25 996 613 955 00 Control button 02- 1 M437/438
Seat adjuster
Repair kit

24.07.2017 -4 Kat 020

Illustration: 898-00

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

24.07.2017 -1 Kat 020

Illustration: 898-00

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
Repair kits
Set of locks
>> 996 538 001 00 Set of locks -97 1 M531/532
>> 996 538 001 01 Set of locks /LL -97 1 M534/535
>> 996 538 001 03 Set of locks 98- 1 M531/532
>> 996 538 001 04 Set of locks /LL 98- 1 M534/535
>> 996 538 001 06 Set of locks /LL 03- 1 M532
Glove compartment lock
>> 996 538 001 07 Set of locks /LL 03- 1 M534/535
Glove compartment lock
>> 996 538 001 02 Set of locks /RL -97 1 M534/535
>> 996 538 001 05 Set of locks /RL -02 1 M534/535
>> 996 538 001 08 Set of locks /RL 03- 1 M534/535
Glove compartment lock

24.07.2017 -2 Kat 020

Illustration: 901-00

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

24.07.2017 -1 Kat 020

Illustration: 901-00

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
Ignition system
1 997 602 107 00 Ignition coil -99 6 M96.20
-02 M96.21
-02 M96.22
1 997 602 107 02 Ignition coil -99 6 M96.20
Use also: -02 M96.21
900.385.025.01 -02 M96.22
- 900 385 025 01 Torx screw 12
BM 6 X 40
- 999 652 916 40 Plug socket 6
- 999 650 052 12 Connector 18
- 999 704 161 40 Gasket 18
- 996 607 401 00 Rubber sleeve 6
1 997 602 104 02 Ignition coil 03- 6 M96.23
Use also: 03- M96.24
900.385.025.01 12
2 996 602 103 01 Spark plug connector -99 6 M96.20
-02 M96.21
2 996 602 105 00 Spark plug connector 03- 6 M96.23
3 900 067 089 09 Pan-head screw 12
M 6 X 25
M >> 654 04059
M >> 674 03796
3 900 067 089 01 Pan-head screw 12
M 6 X 25
M >> 654 04059
M >> 674 03796
3 900 387 008 01 Pan-head screw 12
M 6 X 25
M 654 04060 >> M96.23
M 674 03797 >> M96.24
4 999 170 201 90 Spark plug -99 6 M96.20
14FR 7 LDU
4 999 170 207 91 Spark plug 00-02 6 M96.21
14FGR 6KQU 00-02 M96.22
03- M96.23
03- M96.24

24.07.2017 -2 Kat 020

Illustration: 901-03

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

24.07.2017 -1 Kat 020

Illustration: 901-03

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
Control units
See technical information
Tech. information memo
1 996 618 601 04 Control unit -99 1 M96.20
- dme -
1 996 618 601 DX Control unit -99 1 M96.20
- dme -
1 996 618 605 00 Control unit -02 1 M96.21
- dme - -02 M96.22
1 996 618 605 X Control unit -02 1 M96.21
- dme - -02 M96.22
1 996 618 604 00 Control unit 03- 1 M96.24
- dme - M96.23
See technical information
GR.2 NR.5/02
1 996 618 604 X Control unit 03- 1 M96.24
- dme - M96.23
- 986 618 129 00 Retainer plate 00- 1
Control unit
- dme -
(1) 986 618 225 03 Control unit 97-99 1 M009/249
F >>98XS6 00783
(1) 986 618 225 04 Control unit -99 1 M009/249
F 98XS6 00784>>
(1) 986 618 255 06 Control unit -02 1 M009/249
(1) 986 618 256 00 Control unit 03- 1 M009/249
(1) 986 618 240 06 Control unit -02 1 M008/249
(1) 986 618 241 00 Control unit 03- 1 M008/249
2 999 084 629 09 Hexagon nut 7
M 6
2 999 084 629 01 Hexagon nut 7
M 6
(2) 999 084 635 02 Shear-off nut 5 M536
Control unit
- dme -
- 986 618 131 00 Tab washer 00- 1 M536
Control unit
- dme -
Control units
Handheld transmitter
See technical information
Tech. information memo
3 986 618 260 00 Control unit 97 1 M531
Central locking system
3 986 618 260 03 Control unit 98-00 1 M531
Central locking system
3 986 618 262 01 Control unit 01-02 1 M531

24.07.2017 -2 Kat 020

Illustration: 901-03

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
Central locking system
(3) 996 618 260 00 Control unit 97 1 M534
Central locking system
Alarm system
(3) 996 618 260 06 Control unit 98-00 1 M534
Central locking system
Alarm system
(3) 996 618 262 02 Control unit 01- 1 M534
03- M524
Central locking system
Alarm system
- 996 612 034 00 Cable 01- 1 M534
POS. 3
(3) 996 618 260 01 Control unit 97 1 M535
Central locking system
Alarm system
(3) 996 618 260 07 Control unit 98-00 1 M535
Central locking system
Alarm system
(3) 996 618 262 03 Control unit 01- 1 M535
03- M525
Central locking system
Alarm system
- 996 612 035 00 Cable 01- 1 M535
POS. 3
- 996 612 054 00 Connecting line 03- 1 M665
Antenna booster
Control unit
POS. 3
- 999 607 064 00 Lock 1
15 A
POS. 3
- 999 507 925 40 Fixing clip 1
Wiring harness
Plug socket
POS. 3
- 999 650 161 40 Plug socket 1
- 999 650 099 12 Connector X
- 999 650 097 40 Cap 1
- 999 650 096 40 Cap 1 M531
- 999 650 101 40 Cap 1 M534
- 999 650 102 40 Cap 1 M535
- 999 650 113 40 Plug socket 1

24.07.2017 -3 Kat 020

Illustration: 901-03

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
- N 903 353 04 Flat plug X
- N 903 352 04 Connector X
4 996 618 261 00 Locking device 1
5 996 618 159 00 Signal transducer 97 1
5 996 618 159 01 Signal transducer 98- 1
6 986 637 041 00 Key lamp 97 1 M531/532
6 996 637 041 00 Key lamp 98-02 1 M531/532
03- M532
- 928 537 630 02 Bulb X
Key lamp
7 986 637 243 00 Handheld transmitter 97 1 M534
- 986 637 247 00 Handheld transmitter 97 1
Upper part
7 986 637 243 03 Handheld transmitter -00 1 M534
- 986 637 247 00 Handheld transmitter -00 1
Upper part
for 03-
986.637.243.03 03-
7 986 637 244 13 Handheld transmitter 01-03 1 M534
7 986 637 244 17 Handheld transmitter 01- 1 M534
03- M524
- 996 637 351 00 Handheld transmitter 01- 1
Upper part
7 986 637 243 01 Handheld transmitter 97 1 M535
- 986 637 247 00 Handheld transmitter 97 1
Upper part 03
for 03-
7 986 637 243 04 Handheld transmitter -00 1 M535
- 986 637 247 00 Handheld transmitter -00 1
Upper part
7 986 637 244 16 Handheld transmitter 01-03 1 M535
7 986 637 244 18 Handheld transmitter 01- 1 M535
03 M525
- 996 637 351 00 Handheld transmitter 01- 1
Upper part 03-
7 986 637 243 02 Handheld transmitter (J) 97 1 M535
- 986 637 247 00 Handheld transmitter 97 1
Upper part
7 986 637 243 05 Handheld transmitter (J) -00 1 M535
- 986 637 247 00 Handheld transmitter -00 1
Upper part
for 03
986.637.243.05 03-
7 986 637 244 15 Handheld transmitter (J) 01-03 1 M535
(J) M525
7 986 637 244 19 Handheld transmitter (J) 01- 1 M535
(J) 03- M525

24.07.2017 -4 Kat 020

Illustration: 901-03

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
- 996 637 351 00 Handheld transmitter 01- 1
Upper part
- 996 637 443 00 Crest 02- 1
Key lamp
Handheld transmitter
8 999 611 108 00 Battery 1
See technical information
GR. 9 , NR. 17/03
9 996 637 344 00 Identification ring 01- 1
1 set
9 996 637 344 01 Identification ring 01- 1
1 set
(10) 996 618 210 02 Sensor 1 M534/535
Interior monitoring
(10) 996 618 210 03 Sensor 1 M534/535
Interior monitoring M999
Leather paint
Flamenco red
Plum red
Pearl white
Ferrari yellow
Speed yellow
Orchid metallic
- 999 650 236 40 Plug socket 1
- 999 650 256 22 Connector 4
(11) 996 618 212 02 Trim cover 2
Alarm siren M536
Tilt sensor M536
See group
12 996 618 171 01 Control unit 98-99 1 M635
Tech. information memo
GR. 9 , NR. 07/98 BOX
F >>98XS6 00074
12 996 618 171 03 Control unit 99- 1 M635
F 98XS6 00075>>
13 996 618 371 00 Support -01 1 M635
(13) 996 618 371 01 Support 02- 1 M635
14 999 919 120 09 Oval-head screw 2 M635
4,0 X 18
15 900 378 179 09 Hexagon-head bolt 2 M635
M 6 X 16
16 999 920 015 40 Plug-in nut 2 M635
17 999 500 078 00 Speed nut 2 M635
M 6

24.07.2017 -5 Kat 020

Illustration: 901-03

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
Sensor M635
See group

24.07.2017 -6 Kat 020

Illustration: 902-00

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

24.07.2017 -1 Kat 020

Illustration: 902-00

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
Central electrical system
1 996 610 117 00 Support /LL /L 1
(1) 996 610 119 00 Support /RL /L 1
2 900 378 155 09 Hexagon-head bolt 3
M 6 X 16 ASP
3 996 610 104 00 Retaining frame X
4 996 610 112 00 Cable holder X
5 996 610 109 00 Relay carrier 1
Support frame
6 900 378 155 09 Hexagon-head bolt 3
M 6 X 16 ASP
7 996 610 116 00 Support /LL /R 1
(7) 996 610 118 00 Support /RL /R 1
8 900 377 010 01 Hexagon nut 1
M 6
9 928 610 511 00 Relay carrier X
10 Relay
(10) 1H0 953 227 Flasher relay 1
Relay socket/code: S3
(10) 996 615 117 00 Relay 1
Rear window heating
Relay socket/code: S4
(10) 999 657 005 90 Relay -00 1 M614/618
Relay socket/code: S5
(10) 996 615 111 00 Relay 1 M606
Relay socket/code: S6/7
(10) 996 618 113 00 Relay 1 M288
Headlight washer system
Relay socket/code: S8
(10) 141 951 253 B Relay 1
Relay socket/code: S9
(10) Relay 1
Relay socket/code: S10
(10) 431 951 253 G Relay (J) -98 1
Relay socket/code: S12
(10) 141 951 253 B Relay (J) 99- 1
Relay socket/code: S12
(10) 996 615 101 00 Relay 1
Fuel pump
Relay socket/code: S13
(10) 986 618 111 02 Relay -99 1 S14/15
Convertible top control
(10) 986 618 199 00 Relay 00- 1 S14/15
Convertible top control
(10) 986 615 103 00 Relay 1
Relay socket/code: S16
(10) 996 615 103 00 Interval relay 00- 1 M008
Relay socket/code: S16
(10) 141 951 253 B Relay 1
Relay socket/code: S18
(10) Relay 1
Radiator fan 1
Setting 1
Relay socket/code: S19
(10) Relay 1
Radiator fan 1

24.07.2017 -2 Kat 020

Illustration: 902-00

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
Relay socket/code: S20
(10) Relay 1
Radiator fan 2
Setting 1
Relay socket/code: S21
(10) Relay 1
Radiator fan 2
Relay socket/code: S22
11 996 610 210 00 Lid 1
13 996 610 211 01 Bracket 1
14 999 650 209 40 Fuse holder X
15 999 650 210 40 Slide X
16 999 607 004 00 Lock X
5 A
(16) 999 607 083 00 Lock X
7 , 5 A
(16) 999 607 085 00 Lock X
15 A
(16) 999 607 087 00 Lock X
25 A
(16) 999 607 010 00 Lock X
30 A
17 996 610 214 00 Tool X
- 986 610 217 00 Assignment sticker 97 X
F >>98VS6 01006
- 986 610 217 01 Assignment sticker 97 X
F 98VS6 01007>>
- 996 610 217 01 Assignment sticker -99 X
- 996 610 217 02 Assignment sticker 00 X
- 996 610 217 03 Assignment sticker 01 X
- 996 610 217 04 Assignment sticker -02 X
- 996 610 217 05 Assignment sticker 03- X
Emergency operation 01-
18 996 610 240 00 Terminal clamp 01- 1
19 999 657 006 90 Relay 01- 1
20 999 650 538 40 Relay carrier 01- 1
Tip switch
Rear spoiler
See group
See group
21 999 650 319 22 Contact bridge X
(21) 999 650 318 22 Contact bridge X
22 999 650 317 40 Plug socket X
23 999 650 320 22 Contact bush X

24.07.2017 -3 Kat 020

Illustration: 902-00

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
2,8 / 0,75
(23) 999 650 321 22 Contact bush X
2,8 / 2,5

24.07.2017 -4 Kat 020

Illustration: 902-01

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

24.07.2017 -1 Kat 020

Illustration: 902-01

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
Central electrical system
Rear end
1 996 610 112 00 Cable holder X
2 996 610 111 00 Relay carrier 1
Support frame
3 986 610 126 00 Support /R 1
4 986 610 127 00 Support /L 1
5 928 610 511 00 Relay carrier X
6 Relay
(6) 141 951 253 B Relay 1
- dme -
Relay socket/code: S1
(6) Relay 1
Relay socket/code: S2
(6) 996 615 102 00 Relay 1
Relay socket/code: S3
(6) 964 615 215 00 Relay 1 M573
Air conditioner
Relay socket/code: S4
(6) 999 657 018 90 Relay 1 M573
Air conditioner
Relay socket/code: S4
(6) 141 951 253 B Relay 1
Relay socket/code: S7
(6) 996 615 110 00 Relay 1
Relay socket/code: S7
(6) 141 951 253 B Relay 1
Engine compartment
Relay socket/code: S8
(6) 996 615 102 00 Relay 1
Relay socket/code: S9
(6) 993 615 115 00 Relay 1 M661
Secondary pump
Relay socket/code: S10
(6) 993 615 115 01 Relay 1 M661
Secondary pump
Relay socket/code: S10
7 999 650 193 40 Fuse holder 1 M661
8 999 650 371 40 Locking device 1 M661
- 999 650 194 22 Contact bush X M661
- 999 607 073 00 Lock 1 M661
40 A
- 999 652 918 40 Connector housing 1
Emission control
- 999 652 567 22 Cylindrical socket X
9 999 507 408 40 Fixing clip X
Connector housing
Connection point
10 986 610 181 00 Cable guide 1
(11) 986 610 180 01 Disconnecting plug console 1
- 999 084 629 09 Hexagon nut 1
VM 6 - SB
Disconnecting plug console
- 999 084 629 01 Hexagon nut 1

24.07.2017 -2 Kat 020

Illustration: 902-01

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
VM 6 - SB
Disconnecting plug console

24.07.2017 -3 Kat 020

Illustration: 902-05

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

24.07.2017 -1 Kat 020

Illustration: 902-05

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
Power distributor
1 997 611 090 00 Ground strap /LL 1
(1) 997 611 091 00 Ground strap /RL 1
(2) 999 611 070 20 Battery 1
12 V 70 AH
(2) 999 611 070 21 Battery 1
12 V 70 AH
(2) 999 611 080 20 Battery 1 M008/197
12 V 80 AH
(2) 999 611 080 21 Battery 1 M008/197
12 V 80 AH
3 893 915 507 Angled pipe 1
4 996 612 090 09 Cable /LL 1
Power distributor
(4) 996 612 090 10 Cable /RL 1
Power distributor
5 900 380 005 09 Hexagon nut 2
M 8
6 900 084 030 02 Hexagon nut 2
M 8
Power distributor
7 996 610 309 00 Protection cap 1
Terminal clamp
Power distributor
8 996 610 302 00 Flange gasket 1
Power distributor
9 900 378 017 01 Hexagon-head bolt 1
M 8 X 20
10 996 611 209 00 Rail 1
11 996 610 306 00 Repair kit 1
Fuse element
- Fuse element 1
- Fuse element 1
- Hexagon nut 4
M 5
6 900 084 030 02 Hexagon nut 1
M 8
- Intermediate layer 4
- Cover 1
12 996 610 311 00 Seal label 2
12 Seal label 2
13 900 084 031 02 Hexagon nut 7
M 6
Power distributor
14 996 610 308 00 Repair kit 1
Power distributor

24.07.2017 -2 Kat 020

Illustration: 902-05

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
- Power distributor 1
13 900 084 031 02 Hexagon nut 7
M 6
6 900 084 030 02 Hexagon nut 2
M 8
12 996 610 311 00 Seal label 2
Use also:
POS. 8
15 986 612 091 00 Cable 97 1
Power distributor
Connection point
15 986 612 091 01 Cable 98 1
Power distributor
Connection point
(15) 986 612 091 02 Cable -01 1
Power distributor
Connection point
F >>981S6 01371 BOXSTER
F >>981U6 01926 BOXSTER
F >>981S6 41226 BOXSTER S
F >>981U6 42148 BOXSTER S
(15) 986 612 091 03 Cable /LL 01- 1
Power distributor
Connection point
F 981S6 01372>> BOXSTER
F 981U6 01927>> BOXSTER
F 981S6 41227>> BOXSTER S
F 981U6 42149>> BOXSTER S
(15) 986 612 091 04 Cable /RL 01- 1
Power distributor
Connection point
F 981S6 01372>> BOXSTER
F 981U6 01927>> BOXSTER
F 981S6 41227>> BOXSTER S
F 981U6 42149>> BOXSTER S
When required order also:
- 996 610 187 00 Cable holder 1
F 981S6 01372>> BOXSTER
F 981U6 01927>> BOXSTER
F 981S6 41227>> BOXSTER S
F 981U6 42149>> BOXSTER S
- 999 919 172 09 Hexagon-head bolt 1
7,0 X 14
F 981S6 01372>> BOXSTER
F 981U6 01927>> BOXSTER
F 981S6 41227>> BOXSTER S
F 981U6 42149>> BOXSTER S
16 986 607 029 00 Wiring harness -98 1
Connection point
(16) 986 607 019 02 Wiring harness 99- 1
Connection point
17 986 611 301 00 Connection point -98 1
(17) 986 611 201 01 Connection point 99- 1

24.07.2017 -3 Kat 020

Illustration: 902-05

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
18 900 378 035 01 Hexagon-head bolt 2
M 6 X 16
19 900 377 010 01 Hexagon nut 1
M 6
20 986 604 104 00 Starter 1
1,2 KW
20 986 604 104 X Starter 1
1,2 KW
(20) 996 604 104 00 Starter 1 M249
1,8 KW
(20) 996 604 103 00 Starter 1 M249
1,7 KW
21 900 378 101 09 Hexagon-head bolt 2
AM 10 X 35
M >> 654 04059
M >> 674 03796
21 900 385 097 09 Torx screw 2
BM 10 X 35
M 654 04060 >> M96.23
M 674 03797 >> M96.24
22 986 607 030 00 Ground strap 1
(23) 996 603 012 01 Generator -99 1
(23) 996 603 012 03 Generator 00- 1 M249
Free wheel lock
M >> 654 06009
M >> 674 06125
(23) 996 603 012 05 Generator 00- 1 M249
Free wheel lock
M >> 654 06009
M >> 674 06125
(23) 997 603 012 06 Generator 1 M249
Free wheel lock
M 654 06010 >> M96.23
M 674 06126 >> M96.24
(23) 996 603 012 02 Generator 00- 1 M480/481
Free wheel lock
M >> 654 06009
M >> 674 06125
(23) 997 603 012 07 Generator 1 M480/481
Free wheel lock
M 654 06010 >> M96.23
M 674 06126 >> M96.24
(23) 997 603 012 09 Generator 1 M480/481
Free wheel lock
M 654 06010 >> M96.23

24.07.2017 -4 Kat 020

Illustration: 902-05

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
M 674 06126 >> M96.24
(23) 997 603 012 JX Generator 1 M480/481
Free wheel lock
M 654 06010 >> M96.23
M 674 06126 >> M96.24
- 999 650 166 40 Plug socket 1
- 999 652 694 12 Contact bush 1
- 999 704 161 40 Gasket 1
- 999 652 965 40 Gasket 1
24 996 603 151 53 Pulley 97 1
(24) 996 603 151 55 Pulley 98- 1
Free wheel lock
(24) 996 603 152 50 Pulley 00- 1
Free wheel lock
Use also:
- 996 603 153 50 Protection cap 1
Free wheel lock
25 N 012 016 1 Lock ring 1
B 16
26 900 034 013 01 Hexagon nut 1
M 16 X 1,5
Mounting parts
- 000 043 204 22 Oval-head screw 2
M 4 X 19
- 000 043 204 23 Spring washer 2
Mounting parts
- 900 378 070 09 Hexagon-head bolt -01 1
M 10 X 30
- 900 378 101 09 Hexagon-head bolt 02- 1
AM 10 X 35
M >> 654 04059
M >> 674 03796
- 900 385 097 09 Torx screw 1
BM 10 X 35
M 654 04060 >> M96.23
M 674 03797 >> M96.24
- 900 378 181 09 Hexagon-head bolt 1
M 10 X 145
M >> 654 04059
M >> 674 03796
- 900 385 092 04 Torx screw 1
BM 10 X 145
M 654 04060 >> M96.23
M 674 03797 >> M96.24
27 900 377 003 03 Hexagon nut 4
M 8
28 999 084 630 01 Hexagon nut 4

24.07.2017 -5 Kat 020

Illustration: 902-05

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
29 996 504 151 00 Carrier plate for battery 1
- 996 504 622 00 Gasket 1
Carrier plate for battery
Information available

24.07.2017 -6 Kat 020

Illustration: 902-10

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

24.07.2017 -1 Kat 020

Illustration: 902-10

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
Wiring harnesses
Passenger compartment
Glove compartment
FRONT luggage compartment
Repair kit
Anti-lock brake system
Brake pad wear indicator
Front axle
1 986 612 903 00 Wiring harness 1
Passenger compartment
Vehicle Ident. No.
- 996 610 120 00 Support 1
Plug socket
Diagnostic connector
Connection point
X 11 / 12
- 999 652 931 40 Pin connector socket 2
- 999 652 570 22 Connector X
Contact pin
2,5 - 1
- 999 652 571 22 Connector X
2,5 - 2,5
- 999 652 932 40 Pin connector socket 2
- 999 652 923 40 Cap 2
- 999 652 933 40 Pin connector socket 2
- 999 652 922 40 Cap 2
- 999 652 921 40 Locking device 4
- 999 652 983 22 Contact pin X
0,63 - 0,5
- 996 622 501 00 Wiring harness 03- 1
Glove compartment
- 999 650 564 40 Clip 03- 1
- 999 650 565 40 Clip 03- 1
Connector housing
2 996 612 303 01 Wiring harness /L -99 1
FRONT luggage compartment
2 996 612 303 05 Wiring harness /L 00 1
FRONT luggage compartment
2 996 612 303 10 Wiring harness /L 01 1
FRONT luggage compartment
2 986 612 303 15 Wiring harness /L 02- 1
FRONT luggage compartment
2 996 612 313 00 Wiring harness /L 99 1 M601
FRONT luggage compartment
2 996 612 313 05 Wiring harness /L 00 1 M601
FRONT luggage compartment
2 996 612 313 10 Wiring harness /L 01 1 M601
FRONT luggage compartment
2 986 612 313 15 Wiring harness /L 02- 1 M601
FRONT luggage compartment
3 996 612 302 01 Wiring harness /R -01 1
FRONT luggage compartment
3 996 612 312 00 Wiring harness /R -01 1 M601
FRONT luggage compartment

24.07.2017 -2 Kat 020

Illustration: 902-10

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
3 Wiring harness /R 02- 1
FRONT luggage compartment
Is a component of
Wiring harness
Passenger compartment
Connection point
X 1/1 + X 1/2
- 999 652 879 40 Plug socket 1
- 928 612 566 00 Plug socket 1
- 999 652 568 22 Cylindrical socket X
- 999 650 117 40 Fixing clip 2
Plug socket
(4) 999 507 471 40 Fixing clip X
5 999 651 302 40 Fixing clip X
Wiring harness
Passenger compartment
Door sill
(5) 999 651 284 40 Fixing clip X
Wiring harness
Passenger compartment
Door sill
- 999 650 323 40 Plug socket 1
Diagnostic connector
- 999 650 326 22 Contact bush X
Plug socket
Repair kit
Wiring harness
Anti-lock brake system
Brake pad wear indicator
Front axle
- 996 612 951 00 Repair kit /V /L -01 1
Wiring harness
- Repair kit /V /L 02- 1 M476
Wiring harness
- 996 612 960 00 Repair kit /V /L 02- 1
Wiring harness
- 996 612 952 00 Repair kit /V /R -01 1
Wiring harness
- Repair kit /V /R 02- 1 M476
Wiring harness
- 996 612 961 00 Repair kit /V /R 02- 1
Wiring harness
Repair kit
Wiring harness
Rear axle
See group

24.07.2017 -3 Kat 020

Illustration: 902-15

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

24.07.2017 -1 Kat 020

Illustration: 902-15

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
Wiring harnesses
Driver's door
Passenger's door
1 986 612 601 02 Wiring harness 97 2
Driver's door
Passenger's door
F >>98VS6 01525
1 986 612 601 03 Wiring harness 97 2
Driver's door
Passenger's door
F 98VS6 01526>>
(1) 986 612 602 02 Wiring harness 97 2 M490
Driver's door
Passenger's door
F >>98VS6 01525
(1) 986 612 602 03 Wiring harness 97 2 M490
Driver's door
Passenger's door
F 98VS6 01526>>
(1) 986 612 601 04 Wiring harness 98 2
Driver's door
Passenger's door
(1) 986 612 601 05 Wiring harness 99 2
Driver's door
Passenger's door
(1) 986 612 602 04 Wiring harness 98 2 M490
Driver's door
Passenger's door
(1) 986 612 602 05 Wiring harness 99 2 M490
Driver's door
Passenger's door
(1) 986 612 641 04 Wiring harness 98 2 M563
Driver's door
Passenger's door
(1) 986 612 641 05 Wiring harness -00 2 M563
Driver's door
Passenger's door
(1) 986 612 642 04 Wiring harness 98 2 M490/563
Driver's door
Passenger's door
(1) 986 612 642 05 Wiring harness -00 2 M490/563
Driver's door
Passenger's door
(1) 986 612 612 02 Wiring harness 97 1 M273
Driver's door
F >>98VS6 01525
(1) 986 612 612 03 Wiring harness 97 1 M273
Driver's door
F 98VS6 01526>>
(1) 996 612 630 02 Wiring harness 97 1 M273/490
Driver's door
F >>98VS6 01525
(1) 996 612 630 03 Wiring harness 97 1 M273/490
Driver's door
F 98VS6 01526>>
F 98VS6 20987>>
(1) 986 612 612 04 Wiring harness 98 1 M273
Driver's door
(1) 986 612 612 05 Wiring harness 99 1 M273
Driver's door
(1) 996 612 630 04 Wiring harness 98 1 M273/490
Driver's door

24.07.2017 -2 Kat 020

Illustration: 902-15

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
(1) 996 612 630 05 Wiring harness 99 1 M273/490
Driver's door
(1) 986 612 651 04 Wiring harness 98 1 M273/563
Driver's door
(1) 986 612 651 05 Wiring harness -00 1 M273/563
Driver's door
(1) 996 612 634 02 Wiring harness 98 1 M273/563
Driver's door M490
(1) 996 612 634 03 Wiring harness -00 1 M273/563
Driver's door M490
(1) 996 612 634 11 Wiring harness 01- 1
Driver's door
2 986 612 620 02 Wiring harness 97 1 M273
Passenger's door
F >>98VS6 01525
2 986 612 620 03 Wiring harness 97 1 M273
Passenger's door
F 98VS6 01526>>
2 996 612 632 02 Wiring harness 97 1 M273/490
Passenger's door
F >>98VS6 01525
2 996 612 632 03 Wiring harness 97 1 M273/490
Passenger's door
F 98VS6 01526>>
(2) 986 612 620 04 Wiring harness 98 1 M273
Passenger's door
(2) 986 612 620 05 Wiring harness 99 1 M273
Passenger's door
(2) 996 612 632 04 Wiring harness 98 1 M273/490
Passenger's door
(2) 996 612 632 05 Wiring harness 99 1 M273/490
Passenger's door
(2) 986 612 652 04 Wiring harness 98 1 M273/563
Passenger's door
(2) 986 612 652 05 Wiring harness -00 1 M273/563
Passenger's door
(2) 996 612 635 02 Wiring harness 98 1 M273/563
Passenger's door M490
(2) 996 612 635 03 Wiring harness -00 1 M273/563
Passenger's door M490
(2) 996 612 635 11 Wiring harness 01- 1
Passenger's door
Connection point
X 11 / 12
- 999 652 930 40 Plug socket 2
- 999 652 567 22 Cylindrical socket X
2,5 - 1
- 999 652 568 22 Cylindrical socket X
2,5 - 2,5
- 999 652 927 40 Plug socket 2
- 999 652 924 40 Cap 2
- 999 652 928 40 Plug socket 2
- 999 652 925 40 Cap 2
- 999 652 921 40 Locking device 4
- 999 652 901 22 Connector X
0,63 - 0,5

24.07.2017 -3 Kat 020

Illustration: 902-15

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
Wiring harness
- 996 610 320 01 Cable guide 2 M273
- 999 703 470 40 Cable clamp 2 M273
- 999 507 627 02 Cable clamp 2
3 986 612 081 01 Wiring harness 1 M550
4 986 612 083 00 Wiring harness 1
5 986 610 333 00 Cover -02 1
Connection point
6 996 610 141 00 Rubber boot /L 1
F 98VS6 01526>>
(6) 996 610 142 00 Rubber boot /R 1
F 98VS6 01526>>
(6) 996 610 141 01 Rubber boot 2
F 98WS6 00259>>
- 996 610 144 00 Frame 2
Rubber boot
Connection point
F 98WS6 00259>>
- 999 919 237 00 Oval-head screw 2
5 X 20
- 999 507 649 40 Expansion rivet 2
- 996 610 321 00 Cable holder 2
Door arrester

24.07.2017 -4 Kat 020

Illustration: 902-20

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

24.07.2017 -1 Kat 020

Illustration: 902-20

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
Wiring harnesses
Rear end
License plate light
Additional brake light
Repair kit
Anti-lock brake system
Brake pad wear indicator
Rear axle
(1) 986 612 056 03 Wiring harness 97-98 1 M573
Rear end
(1) 986 612 066 01 Wiring harness 98 1 M573/635
Rear end
(1) 986 612 905 00 Wiring harness 99- 1
Rear end
Vehicle Ident. No.
Connection point
X 2/1
- 928 612 567 00 Plug socket 1
- 999 652 570 22 Connector X
Contact pin
2,5 - 1
Connection point
X 2/2
- 999 650 041 40 Pin connector socket 1
- 999 652 570 22 Connector X
Contact pin
2,5 - 1
Connection point
X 59
- 999 652 881 40 Pin connector socket 1
- 999 652 571 22 Connector X
2,5 - 2,5
Connection point
X 24
- 999 652 920 40 Plug socket 1
- 999 652 991 22 Contact bush 2
1,8 - 1,5
- 999 652 989 40 Locking device 1
- 999 652 987 40 Gasket 2
- 999 650 013 40 Fixing clip 1
Connection point
Wiring harness
License plate light
- 999 652 920 40 Plug socket 1
- 999 652 991 22 Contact bush 2
1,8 - 1,5
- 999 652 989 40 Locking device 1
- 999 652 987 40 Gasket 2
- 999 650 013 40 Fixing clip 1
Wiring harness
Rear end
- 999 651 284 40 Fixing clip 6
2 996 612 060 00 Wiring harness 1
License plate light
(2) 996 612 061 00 Wiring harness -02 1 M635
License plate light
(2) 996 612 063 00 Wiring harness 03- 1 M635

24.07.2017 -2 Kat 020

Illustration: 902-20

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
License plate light
3 986 612 041 00 Wiring harness 1 M602
Additional brake light
Wiring harness
M 96.20 -99
(4) 986 607 002 08 Wiring harness -99 1 M481
(4) 986 607 002 10 Wiring harness -99 1 M249
Wiring harness -02
M 96.21
4 986 607 010 05 Wiring harness 00 1 M480
4 986 607 010 07 Wiring harness -02 1 M480
(4) 986 607 011 07 Wiring harness 00 1 M249
(4) 986 607 011 09 Wiring harness -02 1 M249
4 986 607 010 06 Wiring harness 00 1 M480/660
4 986 607 010 08 Wiring harness -02 1 M480/660
(4) 986 607 011 08 Wiring harness 00 1 M249/660
(4) 986 607 011 10 Wiring harness -02 1 M249/660
Wiring harness -02
M 96.22
4 986 607 020 00 Wiring harness 00 1 M481
4 986 607 020 02 Wiring harness -02 1 M481
(4) 986 607 021 00 Wiring harness 00 1 M249
(4) 986 607 021 02 Wiring harness -02 1 M249
4 986 607 020 01 Wiring harness 00 1 M481/660
4 986 607 020 03 Wiring harness -02 1 M481/660
(4) 986 607 021 01 Wiring harness 00 1 M249/660
(4) 986 607 021 03 Wiring harness -02 1 M249/660
Wiring harness 03-
M 96.23/24
4 986 607 020 10 Wiring harness 03- 1 M96.23
Engine M481
4 986 607 020 11 Wiring harness 03- 1 M96.23
Engine M481/660
4 986 607 010 15 Wiring harness 03- 1 M96.24
Engine M480
4 986 607 010 16 Wiring harness 03- 1 M96.24
Engine M480/660
(4) 986 607 011 17 Wiring harness 03- 1 M96.23/24
Engine M249
(4) 986 607 011 18 Wiring harness 03- 1 M96.23/24
Engine M249/660

24.07.2017 -3 Kat 020

Illustration: 902-20

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
Connection point
X 3/1
- 928 612 568 00 Plug socket 1
- 999 652 658 12 Contact bush X
2,5 - 2
Connection point
X 3/2
- 999 650 011 40 Plug socket 1
- 999 652 567 22 Cylindrical socket X
2,5 - 1
Connection point
X 59
- 999 652 879 40 Plug socket 1
- 999 652 658 12 Contact bush X
2,5 - 2
Repair kit
Wiring harness
Anti-lock brake system
Brake pad wear indicator
Rear axle
- 986 612 953 01 Repair kit /H /L -01 1
Wiring harness
- Repair kit /H /L 02- 1 M476
Wiring harness
- 986 612 960 00 Repair kit /H /L 02- 1
Wiring harness
- 986 612 954 01 Repair kit /H /R -01 1
Wiring harness
- Repair kit /H /R 02- 1 M476
Wiring harness
- 986 612 961 00 Repair kit /H /R 02- 1
Wiring harness
Repair kit
Wiring harness
Front axle
See group

24.07.2017 -4 Kat 020

Illustration: 902-50

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

24.07.2017 -1 Kat 020

Illustration: 902-50

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
Optical waveguide 03-
- 996 622 702 00 Optical waveguide /LL 1 M666
- 996 622 722 00 Optical waveguide /RL 1 M666
- 996 622 704 00 Optical waveguide /LL 1 M490/680
- 996 622 724 00 Optical waveguide /RL 1 M490/680
- 996 622 706 00 Optical waveguide /LL 1 M692
- 996 622 726 00 Optical waveguide /RL 1 M692
- 996 622 716 00 Optical waveguide /LL 1 M666/692
- 996 622 736 00 Optical waveguide /RL 1 M666/692
- 996 622 703 00 Optical waveguide /LL 1 M490/666
Module M680
- 996 622 723 00 Optical waveguide /RL 1 M490/666
Module M680
- 996 622 705 00 Optical waveguide /LL 1 M490/680
Module M692
- 996 622 725 00 Optical waveguide /RL 1 M490/680
Module M692
- 996 622 715 00 Optical waveguide /LL 1 M490/666
Module M680/692
- 996 622 745 00 Optical waveguide /RL 1 M490/666
Module M680/692
- 996 610 122 00 Support 1
Connection point
Luggage compartment
- 999 507 804 40 Expander nut 1
- 996 610 132 00 Cable guide 1
Luggage compartment

24.07.2017 -2 Kat 020

Illustration: 903-00

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

24.07.2017 -1 Kat 020

Illustration: 903-00

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
Alarm system M536
1 996 635 206 04 Fanfare 1
1 996 635 206 07 Fanfare 1
2 996 635 205 04 Fanfare 1
2 996 635 205 07 Fanfare 1
- 999 650 490 40 Plug socket 2
- 999 650 135 22 Connector 4
- 999 650 126 40 Gasket 4
3 996 635 150 00 Support 1
4 N 042 121 3 Shake-proof washer 2
A 6,4
5 900 380 015 01 Hexagon nut 2
M 6
6 900 377 003 03 Hexagon nut 1
M 8
7 996 637 117 02 Horn 1
Alarm system
7 996 637 117 03 Horn 1
Alarm system
8 900 075 459 09 Combination screw 1
8 900 075 459 01 Combination screw 1
M 6 X 12 Z2
9 996 618 237 04 Alarm siren 1 M536
9 996 618 237 05 Alarm siren 1 M536
- 999 652 946 40 Plug socket 1
- 999 650 126 40 Gasket X
- 999 650 127 40 Gasket X
- 999 652 934 22 Contact bush X
0,63 - 0,5
10 999 703 459 40 Rubber mounting 1 M536
11 996 637 420 01 Support /LL 1 M536
(11) 996 637 419 01 Support /RL 1 M536
Alarm siren
(11) 996 637 419 03 Support /RL 1 M536
Alarm siren
12 996 618 265 00 Tilt sensor -01 1 M536
See technical manual
GR. 9 / 96 64 32
Use also:
- 996 622 904 00 Wiring harness 1
- 999 650 335 40 Plug socket -01 1 M536
- 999 652 775 22 Contact bush -01 X
2,5 - 1
- 999 652 934 22 Contact bush -01 X
2,5 - 0,4
(12) 996 618 265 01 Tilt sensor 02- 1 M536
- 996 637 421 00 Support 02- 1 M536
Tilt sensor
- 900 378 179 09 Hexagon-head bolt 02- 1 M536

24.07.2017 -2 Kat 020

Illustration: 903-00

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
M 6 X 16
- 999 500 078 00 Speed nut 02- 1 M536
M 6

24.07.2017 -3 Kat 020

Illustration: 903-04

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

24.07.2017 -1 Kat 020

Illustration: 903-04

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
Interior lights
Luggage compartment lamp
Engine compartment lamp
Footwell light IXX2
Combined lights
Door opener
1 986 632 051 00 Interior light -00 1
(1) 986 632 053 00 Interior light 01 1
(1) 986 632 053 10 Interior light 02- 1
1 986 632 051 00 Interior light 01- 1 M265
2 999 631 032 90 Bulb 1
5 W
- 999 632 018 00 Bulb socket 01- 1
3 996 632 132 01 Door guard light 2 M490
4 999 631 032 90 Bulb 2 M490
5 W
5 161 949 111 Bulb socket 2 M490
6 996 632 113 00 Ashtray light 1
Luggage compartment lamp
Engine compartment lamp
Footwell light IXX2
7 997 632 201 00 Light 2
- 815 971 989 B Flat receptacle 2
- N 017 490 6 Flat connector 4
8 900 631 106 90 Linolite lamp 2
10 W
- 996 632 980 00 Support 2 IXX2
Footwell light
9 986 632 121 12 Combined lights /LL 01- 1
Driver's door
Door opener
Ignition starter lock
(9) 986 632 124 12 Combined lights /RL 01- 1
Driver's door
Door opener
Ignition starter lock
(9) 996 632 122 02 Combined lights /LL 01- 1
Passenger's door
Door opener
(9) 996 632 123 02 Combined lights /RL 01- 1
Passenger's door
Door opener
10 986 632 125 00 Rosette /LL 01- 1
Driver's door
Combined lights
Ignition starter lock
(10) 986 632 126 00 Rosette /RL 01- 1
Driver's door
Combined lights
Ignition starter lock

24.07.2017 -2 Kat 020

Illustration: 903-05

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

24.07.2017 -1 Kat 020

Illustration: 903-05

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
1 996 613 535 00 Light switch 1
- 999 650 346 40 Terminal sleeve housing 1
- 999 650 343 40 Lid 1
- 999 652 437 12 Connector X
$ 4,0
- 999 652 351 22 Contact bush X
$ 2,5
2 996 613 631 01 Headlight unit /LL 1
2 996 613 631 02 Headlight unit /LL 1
(2) 996 613 632 01 Headlight unit /RL 1
- 999 652 972 40 Plug socket 1
- 999 650 512 40 Plug socket 1
- 999 652 973 40 Cap 1
- 999 650 512 40 Plug socket 1
- 999 652 901 22 Connector 5
3 999 034 030 09 Hexagon nut 1
M 16 X 1
4 996 613 533 01 Rotary knob -01 1
996 613 533 01 A01 Gloss black
4 996 613 533 10 Rotary knob 02- 1
996 613 533 10 A05 Black mat
5 996 613 103 01 Memory switch -01 1 M537/538
Door mirror
(5) 996 613 103 02 Memory switch 02- 1 M537/538
Door mirror
6 996 613 241 00 Switch 97 1 M273
996 613 241 00 EAL Gloss black
Door mirror
6 996 613 241 00 Switch 98- 1 M273
996 613 241 00 01C Satin black
Door mirror
- 993 612 501 00 Plug socket 1
- N 903 352 04 Connector 5
- 999 652 790 12 Cylindrical socket 2
7 996 613 102 00 Tip switch 1
Rear spoiler
- 999 650 035 40 Plug socket 1
- 999 650 330 00 Connector 5
8 986 613 120 01 Hazard warning light sw. /LL -01 1
986 613 120 01 A02 Gloss black
(8) 986 613 121 01 Hazard warning light sw. /RL -01 1
986 613 121 01 A02 Gloss black
(8) 986 613 120 10 Hazard warning light sw. /LL 02- 1
986 613 120 10 A05 Black mat
(8) 986 613 121 10 Hazard warning light sw. /RL 02- 1
986 613 121 10 A05 Black mat
- 999 650 191 40 Plug socket 1
- 999 650 192 40 Locking device 1
- 999 652 475 22 Flat plug 9
9 986 613 141 00 Tip switch /LL -00 1 M222
986 613 141 00 A02 Gloss black
(9) 986 613 145 00 Tip switch /LL 01 1 M476
986 613 145 00 A02 Gloss black
(9) 986 613 145 10 Tip switch /LL 02 1 M476
986 613 145 10 A05 Black mat
(9) 996 613 145 10 Tip switch /LL 03- 1 M476
996 613 145 10 A05 Black mat
- 999 650 107 40 Plug socket 1
- 999 650 103 12 Connector 5

24.07.2017 -2 Kat 020

Illustration: 903-05

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
10 986 613 144 00 Tip switch /LL -01 1
986 613 144 00 A02 Gloss black
Central locking system
10 986 613 144 10 Tip switch /LL 02 1
986 613 144 10 A05 Black mat
Central locking system
(10) 996 613 144 10 Tip switch /LL 03- 1
996 613 144 10 A05 Black mat
Central locking system
- 999 650 107 40 Plug socket 1
- 999 650 330 00 Connector 5
11 986 613 134 00 Tip switch /LL -01 1
986 613 134 00 A02 Gloss black
Rear window M550
Door mirror M273
11 986 613 134 10 Tip switch /LL 02 1
986 613 134 10 A05 Black mat
Rear window M550
Door mirror M273
(11) 996 613 134 10 Tip switch /LL 03- 1
996 613 134 10 A05 Black mat
Rear window
Door mirror
- 999 650 110 40 Plug socket 1
- 999 650 103 12 Connector 5
12 986 613 138 00 Tip switch /LL -01 1
986 613 138 00 A02 Gloss black
Convertible top control
12 986 613 138 10 Tip switch /LL 02 1
986 613 138 10 A05 Black mat
Convertible top control
(12) 996 613 138 10 Tip switch /LL 03- 1
996 613 138 10 A05 Black mat
Convertible top control
- 999 650 111 40 Plug socket 1
- 999 650 330 00 Connector 5
13 986 613 143 00 Tip switch /RL 01 1
986 613 143 00 A02 Gloss black
Central locking system
13 986 613 143 10 Tip switch /RL 02 1
986 613 143 10 A05 Black mat
Central locking system
(13) 996 613 143 10 Tip switch /RL 03- 1
996 613 143 10 A05 Black mat
Central locking system
- 999 650 107 40 Plug socket 1
- 999 650 330 00 Connector 5
14 986 613 133 00 Tip switch /RL -01 1
986 613 133 00 A02 Gloss black
Rear window M550
Door mirror M273
14 986 613 133 10 Tip switch /RL 02 1
986 613 133 10 A05 Black mat
Rear window M550
Door mirror M273
(14) 996 613 133 10 Tip switch /RL 03- 1

24.07.2017 -3 Kat 020

Illustration: 903-05

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
996 613 133 10 A05 Black mat
Rear window
Door mirror
- 999 650 110 40 Plug socket 1
- 999 650 103 12 Connector 5
15 986 613 137 00 Tip switch /RL -01 1
986 613 137 00 A02 Gloss black
Convertible top control
15 986 613 137 10 Tip switch /RL 02 1
986 613 137 10 A05 Black mat
Convertible top control
(15) 996 613 137 10 Tip switch /RL 03- 1
996 613 137 10 A05 Black mat
Convertible top control
- 999 650 111 40 Plug socket 1
- 999 650 330 00 Connector 5
16 986 613 142 00 Tip switch /RL -00 1 M222
986 613 142 00 A02 Gloss black
(16) 986 613 146 00 Tip switch /RL 01 1 M476
986 613 146 00 A02 Gloss black
(16) 986 613 146 10 Tip switch /RL 02 1 M476
986 613 146 10 A05 Black mat
(16) 996 613 146 10 Tip switch /RL 03- 1 M476
996 613 146 10 A05 Black mat
- 999 650 107 40 Plug socket 1
- 999 650 103 12 Connector 5
17 996 652 101 00 Cigarette lighter -01 1
17 997 652 101 00 Cigarette lighter 02- 1
997 652 101 00 A05 Black mat
- 999 650 284 40 Plug socket 1
- 999 652 735 12 Connector 3
(17) 996 652 103 00 Plug socket 1 M580
996 652 103 00 A01 Gloss black
18 996 652 102 01 Headlight unit -01 1
18 996 652 102 10 Headlight unit 02- 1
(18) 996 652 104 00 Tensioning sleeve 1 M580
19 996 552 425 00 Cover -99 X
996 552 425 00 A01 Gloss black
(19) 986 613 425 00 Cover -01 X
986 613 425 00 A01 Gloss black
Display specimen
(19) 996 613 425 10 Cover 02- X
996 613 425 10 A05 Black mat
Display specimen
(19) 996 613 980 06 Tip switch 02- 1 IXX2
996 613 980 06 A05 Black mat
Footwell light
20 986 552 543 00 Cover 97- X
986 552 543 00 B12 Black-grey
20 986 552 543 01 Cover 98- X
986 552 543 01 D05 Granite grey
986 552 543 01 C02 Metal grey
986 552 543 01 A03 Black 00-
(20) 986 552 983 05 Cover 01 X IXKW
Arctic silver
21 996 613 115 00 Potentiometer -01 1 M008
996 613 115 00 A02 Gloss black
Wipe interval
21 996 613 115 10 Potentiometer 02- 1 M008

24.07.2017 -4 Kat 020

Illustration: 903-05

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
996 613 115 10 A05 Black mat
Wipe interval
(21) 996 613 127 00 Potentiometer 01 1 M265
996 613 127 00 A02 Gloss black
Wipe interval
(21) 996 613 127 10 Potentiometer 02- 1 M265
996 613 127 10 A05 Black mat
Wipe interval
22 996 613 151 00 Tip switch -01 2
996 613 151 00 A02 Gloss black
Power windows
22 996 613 151 10 Tip switch 02- 2
996 613 151 10 A05 Black mat
Power windows
- 999 650 109 40 Plug socket /L 1
- 999 650 330 00 Connector /L 5
- 999 650 035 40 Plug socket /R 1
- 999 650 330 00 Connector /R 5
23 986 613 152 00 Tip switch -01 2 M139/340
986 613 152 00 A02 Gloss black
Seat heater
(23) 986 613 152 10 Tip switch 02 2 M139/340
986 613 152 10 A05 Black mat
Seat heater 03- M342
- 999 650 109 40 Plug socket /L 1
- 999 650 330 00 Connector /L 5
- 999 650 035 40 Plug socket /R 1
- 999 650 330 00 Connector /R 5
24 996 637 137 00 Light 1 M534/535
Alarm system
- 999 650 053 40 Plug socket 1
- N 903 352 04 Connector 2
F >>98VS6 04498
24 996 653 251 00 Sensor 1 M534/535
Alarm system
Light M573
- 999 650 221 40 Plug socket 1
F 98VS6 04499>>
25 996 613 105 10 Tip switch 01- 1
996 613 105 10 A05 Black mat
(25) 996 613 106 10 Tip switch 01- 1
996 613 106 10 A05 Black mat

24.07.2017 -5 Kat 020

Illustration: 903-10

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

24.07.2017 -1 Kat 020

Illustration: 903-10

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
Steering column switch
1 996 613 219 10 Steering column switch 1 M454/659
996 613 219 10 EWC Black mat/satin black
1 996 613 217 10 Steering column switch 1 M454
996 613 217 10 EWC Black mat/satin black
1 996 613 215 10 Steering column switch 1 M659
996 613 215 10 EWC Black mat/satin black
1 996 613 213 10 Steering column switch 1
996 613 213 10 EWC Black mat/satin black
- 999 652 640 40 Plug socket /L 1
- 999 652 639 22 Contact bush /L X
- 999 652 641 40 Plug socket /R 1
- 999 652 639 22 Contact bush /R X
- 999 650 056 40 Plug socket 1 M659
- 999 650 057 40 Cap 1 M659
- 999 652 901 22 Connector X M659
- 999 652 972 40 Plug socket 1 M454
- 999 650 512 40 Plug socket 1 M454
- 999 652 973 40 Cap 1 M454
- 999 650 512 40 Plug socket 1 M454
- 999 652 901 22 Connector X M454
When required order also:
2 996 613 509 00 Cap with symbol -01 1
996 613 509 00 A01 Gloss black
Direction indicator light
High beam
2 996 613 509 10 Cap with symbol 02- 1
996 613 509 10 A05 Black mat
Direction indicator light
High beam
3 996 613 503 01 Cap with symbol -01 1 M659
996 613 503 01 A01 Gloss black
3 996 613 503 10 Cap with symbol 02- 1 M659
996 613 503 10 A05 Black mat
4 996 613 507 00 Cap with symbol -01 1 M288
996 613 507 00 A01 Gloss black
4 996 613 507 10 Cap with symbol 02- 1 M288
996 613 507 10 A05 Black mat
(4) 996 613 508 00 Cap with symbol -01 1
996 613 508 00 A01 Gloss black
(4) 996 613 508 10 Cap with symbol 02- 1
996 613 508 10 A05 Black mat
5 996 613 504 00 Cap with symbol -01 1 M454
996 613 504 00 A01 Gloss black
5 996 613 504 10 Cap with symbol 02- 1 M454
996 613 504 10 A05 Black mat
(5) 996 613 505 00 Cap with symbol -01 1 M454
996 613 505 00 A01 Gloss black
(5) 996 613 505 10 Cap with symbol 02- 1 M454
996 613 505 10 A05 Black mat
(5) 996 613 506 00 Cap with symbol -01 1 M454
996 613 506 00 A01 Gloss black
(5) 996 613 506 10 Cap with symbol 02- 1 M454
996 613 506 10 A05 Black mat
6 996 552 273 00 Switch housing -99 1
996 552 273 00 01C Satin black
(6) 996 552 273 01 Switch housing 00- 1

24.07.2017 -2 Kat 020

Illustration: 903-10

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
996 552 273 01 A03 Black
7 996 552 275 00 Switch housing -98 1
996 552 275 00 01C Satin black
7 996 552 275 02 Switch housing 99 1
996 552 275 02 01C Satin black
(7) 996 552 275 03 Switch housing 00- 1
996 552 275 03 A03 Black
- 996 610 206 00 Support 1
Connector housing
8 993 552 277 00 Cover -99 1
993 552 277 00 01C Satin black
(8) 996 552 277 00 Cover 00- 1
996 552 277 00 A03 Black
9 993 552 573 00 Cover X M454
993 552 573 00 01C Satin black M659
(9) 993 552 573 01 Cover X
993 552 573 01 01C Satin black
10 900 143 002 07 Tapping screw 2
B 2,9 X 9,5
11 999 591 888 02 Speed nut 2
B 2,9
12 900 143 072 02 Oval-head sheetmetal screw 4
B 3,5 X 19

24.07.2017 -3 Kat 020

Illustration: 904-00

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

24.07.2017 -1 Kat 020

Illustration: 904-00

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
Windscreen wiper system
Rain sensor M265
1 997 624 105 01 Wiper motor /LL 1
(1) 997 624 106 01 Wiper motor /RL 1
2 997 628 235 01 Crank drive /LL 1
(2) 997 628 236 00 Crank drive /RL 1
(2) 997 628 236 01 Crank drive /RL 1
3 900 075 014 02 Hexagon-head bolt 3
M 6 X 18
3 900 075 014 03 Hexagon-head bolt 3
M 6 X 18
4 900 076 064 02 Hexagon nut 3
M 8
5 999 924 102 02 Bearing sleeve 1
6 999 702 204 50 Rubber bush 1
7 996 628 713 00 Bearing sleeve 1
8 996 628 703 00 Rubber bush 1
9 999 075 075 01 Combination screw 3
M 6 X 22 SC
10 999 507 246 01 Speed nut 1
M 6
12 987 628 027 00 Wiper arm /LL 1
Driver's side
(12) 997 628 030 00 Wiper arm /RL 1
Passenger's side
13 997 628 029 00 Wiper arm /LL 1
Passenger's side
(13) 987 628 028 00 Wiper arm /RL 1
Driver's side
(14) 996 628 901 08 Wiper blade /LL 1
Driver's side
Passenger's side
See technical information
GR. 9 , NR. 1/03
(15) Wiper blade /RL 1
Driver's side
Passenger's side
See technical information
GR. 9 , NR. 1/03
16 944 628 305 01 Cap 2
17 986 612 506 00 Rain sensor 1 M265
Wiring harness
- 000 043 204 65 Adhesive film 1 M265
Rain sensor
See technical manual
GR. 9 / 92 12 19
18 996 615 113 00 Control unit 1 M265
Rain sensor

24.07.2017 -2 Kat 020

Illustration: 904-10

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

24.07.2017 -1 Kat 020

Illustration: 904-10

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
Windscreen washer system
1 996 528 701 00 Water reservoir 1 M288
(1) 996 528 701 01 Water reservoir 1
2 996 528 711 00 Gasket 1
3 996 528 605 00 Filler neck 1
4 996 528 607 00 Lid 1
5 996 528 615 01 Bracket 1
- 999 137 091 40 Joining socket X
Repair material
(6) 996 528 611 02 Support 1 M288
7 900 378 030 09 Hexagon-head bolt 1 M288
M 6 X 20
8 999 591 882 02 Speed nut 1 M288
M 6
8 999 591 882 01 Speed nut 1 M288
M 6
9 900 378 154 01 Hexagon-head bolt 1
AM 8 X 35 SB 2 M288
10 999 702 221 40 Grommet 2
11 996 628 172 00 Pump 1
12 431 955 465 B Sealing ring 2
13 993 628 213 00 Spacer 1 M288
14 996 628 105 00 Tank gauge switch 1
15 996 528 721 00 Grommet 1
16 999 181 347 40 Breather pipe *
245 MM
640 MM M288
- 999 181 815 40 Hose *
5,0 X 2,5
17 400 MM 1
18 560 MM 1
19 80 MM 1
20 380 MM 1
21 996 628 102 00 T-piece 1
22 996 628 077 00 Nozzle 97-98 2
(22) 996 628 077 03 Nozzle 99- 2
When required order also:
- 997 612 976 00 Repair kit 2
Wiring harness
23 999 901 017 41 Window cleaner X
250 ML
23 999 901 017 42 Window cleaner X
250 ML
23 000 044 000 87 Window cleaner X
250 ML
23 999 901 033 40 Window cleaner X
1000 ML

24.07.2017 -2 Kat 020

Illustration: 904-20

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

24.07.2017 -1 Kat 020

Illustration: 904-20

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
Headlight washer system M288
1 996 624 502 00 Pump 1
2 993 628 213 00 Spacer 1
3 928 628 193 00 Gasket 1
(3) 996 628 393 00 Gasket 1
- 000 043 204 79 Hose *
8 X 3
4 1020 MM 1
5 170 MM 1
6 930 MM 1
- 999 512 673 00 Hose clamp X
POS. 1 + 8
- 999 512 568 02 Clamp X
POS. 5 + 6
7 996 628 673 00 Line 1
8 996 628 675 00 Clutch 3
Quick-connecting lock
9 996 628 333 00 Nozzle /L 1
10 996 628 334 00 Nozzle /R 1
11 996 628 335 00 Threaded bolt 2
12 999 076 064 02 Hexagon nut 4
M 6-S

24.07.2017 -2 Kat 020

Illustration: 905-00

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

24.07.2017 -1 Kat 020

Illustration: 905-00

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
Direction indicator light
1 986 631 131 07 Headlamp /L -02 1
1 986 631 131 17 Headlamp /L 03- 1
1 986 631 132 07 Headlamp /R -02 1
1 986 631 132 17 Headlamp /R 03- 1
1 986 631 131 11 Headlamp /L -02 1 M492
1 986 631 131 21 Headlamp /L 03- 1 M492
1 986 631 132 11 Headlamp /R -02 1 M492
1 986 631 132 21 Headlamp /R 03- 1 M492
1 986 631 131 15 Headlamp /L (J) 98-02 1 M492
1 986 631 132 15 Headlamp /R (J) 98-02 1 M492
2 999 631 133 90 Halogen bulb 2
H 7
3 999 631 032 90 Bulb 2
5 W
4 900 631 127 90 Bulb 2
21 W
6 996 631 231 00 Protective cap 2
7 996 631 233 00 Protective cap 2
Fog headlamp
9 996 631 041 00 Mounting /L 1
(9) 996 631 042 00 Mounting /R 1
10 996 631 243 00 Clamping bow 2
11 996 631 077 00 Fastening part 6
12 996 631 245 00 Locking device /L 1
Connector housing
(12) 996 631 246 00 Locking device /R 1
Connector housing
13 996 631 035 00 Trim cover /L -02 1
13 996 631 045 00 Trim cover /L 03- 1
(13) 996 631 036 00 Trim cover /R -02 1
(13) 996 631 046 00 Trim cover /R 03- 1
14 996 631 035 01 Trim cover /L -02 1 M288
14 996 631 045 01 Trim cover /L 03- 1 M288
(14) 996 631 036 01 Trim cover /R -02 1 M288
(14) 996 631 046 01 Trim cover /R 03- 1 M288
When required order also:
Model year
- 996 631 299 00 Retaining strip /R 03 1
Trim cover
15 803 803 583 A Stopper 2
15 999 703 196 40 Lid 2
16 999 703 413 40 Stopper 2
(17) 993 631 170 03 Stopper 6
18 996 631 641 02 Breather pipe /L 1
F >>98VS6 02683
(18) 996 631 641 03 Breather pipe /L 1

24.07.2017 -2 Kat 020

Illustration: 905-00

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
F 98VS6 02684>>
(18) 996 631 642 02 Breather pipe /R 1
F >>98VS6 02683
(18) 996 631 642 03 Breather pipe /R 1
F 98VS6 02684>>
19 999 652 832 40 Connector housing 2
20 999 650 150 40 Connector housing 2
Wiring harness
- 999 652 744 20 Connector 16
- 999 704 161 40 Gasket 16
21 999 651 317 09 Fastening clamp X
Breather pipe
(21) 999 651 276 40 Cable holder X
Breather pipe
Wing strut
(21) 999 651 282 40 Cable holder X
Breather pipe
Front apron
22 996 631 693 00 Support 1
Front apron
F 98VS6 02684>>
23 996 631 137 00 Set 1
Cover foil
Right-hand drive vehicles
in rh traffic countries
(23) 996 631 138 00 Set 1
Cover foil
Left-hand drive vehicles
in lh traffic countries
GR. 9 / NR. 15
Side marker light
Direction indicator light
25 996 631 033 01 Direction indicator light /L -02 1
25 996 631 033 02 Direction indicator light /L -02 1
(25) 996 631 033 03 Direction indicator light /L -02 1
25 996 631 043 01 Direction indicator light 03- 1
25 996 631 043 02 Direction indicator light 03- 1
(25) 996 631 043 03 Direction indicator light 03- 1
(25) 996 631 034 01 Direction indicator light /R -02 1
(25) 996 631 034 02 Direction indicator light /R -02 1
(25) 996 631 034 03 Direction indicator light /R -02 1
(25) 996 631 044 01 Direction indicator light /R 03- 1
(25) 996 631 044 02 Direction indicator light /R 03- 1
(25) 996 631 044 03 Direction indicator light /R 03- 1
- 999 652 838 40 Plug socket 2
- 999 652 771 12 Connector 4
- 999 704 161 40 Gasket 4
26 999 631 032 90 Bulb -02 2
5 W
26 999 631 138 90 Bulb 03- 2
5 W
27 996 631 133 00 Bulb socket -02 2
(27) 996 631 133 01 Bulb socket 03- 2

24.07.2017 -3 Kat 020

Illustration: 905-01

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

24.07.2017 -1 Kat 020

Illustration: 905-01

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
Headlamp 99- M601
Direction indicator light
1 996 631 157 01 Headlamp /L 1
1 996 631 158 01 Headlamp /R 1
1 996 631 157 04 Headlamp /L 1 M492
1 996 631 158 04 Headlamp /R 1 M492
2 999 631 036 90 Bulb 2
3 996 631 189 00 Retainer 2
4 999 631 133 90 Halogen bulb 4
H 7
5 999 631 140 90 Bulb 2
H 6 W
Position light
6 900 631 127 90 Bulb 2
21 W
Direction indicator light
7 996 631 125 00 Electric motor 2
Headlight levelling system
8 996 631 199 00 Screw 4
3,9 X 16
9 996 631 195 01 Ignition control unit 2
10 996 631 199 00 Screw 4
3,9 X 16
11 996 631 241 01 Protective cap /L 1
(11) 996 631 242 01 Protective cap /R 1
12 993 631 193 02 Control unit 2
13 900 146 123 02 Screw 6
M 5 X 16
14 996 631 233 00 Protective cap 2
Fog headlamp
15 996 631 041 00 Mounting /L 1
(15) 996 631 042 00 Mounting /R 1
16 996 631 243 00 Clamping bow 2
17 996 631 077 00 Fastening part 6
18 996 631 245 00 Locking device /L 1
Connector housing
(18) 996 631 246 00 Locking device /R 1
Connector housing
19 996 631 045 01 Trim cover /L 1
(19) 996 631 046 01 Trim cover /R 1
20 803 803 583 A Stopper 2
20 999 703 196 40 Lid 2
21 999 703 413 40 Stopper 2
22 993 631 170 03 Stopper 6
23 996 631 641 03 Breather pipe /L 1
(23) 996 631 642 03 Breather pipe /R 1
24 999 652 832 40 Connector housing 2
25 999 650 150 40 Connector housing 2
Wiring harness
- 999 652 744 20 Connector 16
- 999 704 161 40 Gasket 16
26 999 651 317 09 Fastening clamp X
Breather pipe
(26) 999 651 276 40 Cable holder X
Breather pipe
Wing strut
(26) 999 651 282 40 Cable holder X
Breather pipe
Front apron

24.07.2017 -2 Kat 020

Illustration: 905-01

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
27 996 631 693 00 Support 1
Front apron
28 996 618 151 15 Control unit 1
Headlight levelling system
29 996 618 155 00 Support -01 1
F >>981S6 01717
F >>981U6 03480
F >>981S6 41601
F >>981U6 43727
(29) 996 618 155 13 Support -01 1
F 981S6 01718>>
F 981U6 03481>>
F 981S6 41602>>
F 981U6 43728>>
(29) 996 618 155 10 Support 02- 1
30 900 143 157 07 Combination screw 2
BZ 4,2 X 13 Z2
31 999 073 169 07 Tapping screw -01 2
ST 4,8 X 16
31 999 073 196 09 Tapping screw 02- 1
ST 4,8 X 9,5
- 999 591 855 02 Speed nut 02- 1
- 999 591 855 01 Speed nut 02- 1
Headlight levelling system
See group
4/01/00 /V
5/01/01 /H
Side marker light
Direction indicator light
35 996 631 033 01 Direction indicator light /L 1
35 996 631 033 02 Direction indicator light /L 1
(35) 996 631 033 03 Direction indicator light /L 1
(35) 996 631 034 01 Direction indicator light /R 1
(35) 996 631 034 02 Direction indicator light /R 1
(35) 996 631 034 03 Direction indicator light /R 1
- 999 652 838 40 Plug socket 2
- 999 652 771 12 Connector 4
- 999 704 161 40 Gasket 4
36 999 631 032 90 Bulb 2
5 W
37 996 631 133 00 Bulb socket 2

24.07.2017 -3 Kat 020

Illustration: 905-05

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

24.07.2017 -1 Kat 020

Illustration: 905-05

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
Rear light
License plate light
Additional brake light M602
1 986 631 441 02 Housing /L -98 1
Use also:
(1) 986 631 442 02 Housing /R -98 1
Use also:
1 986 631 441 03 Housing /L -02 1
Use also:
1 986 631 441 04 Housing /L -02 1
Use also:
(1) 986 631 442 03 Housing /R -02 1
Use also:
1 986 631 445 03 Tail light housing /L 03- 1
Use also:
(1) 986 631 446 03 Tail light housing /R 03- 1
Use also:
2 986 631 440 00 Gasket -98 2
6 MM
2 986 631 440 01 Gasket 98- 2
9 MM
3 986 631 451 00 Bulb holder /L -02 1
3 986 631 453 02 Bulb holder /L 03- 1
(3) 986 631 452 00 Bulb holder /R -02 1
(3) 986 631 454 02 Bulb holder /R 03- 1
- 999 650 079 40 Plug socket 2
- N 903 352 04 Connector 12
4 900 631 127 90 Bulb X
21 W
4 900 631 131 90 Bulb 03- X
21 W
4 900 631 104 90 Bulb X
5 W
5 999 076 056 02 Hexagon nut 8
M 5
7 964 631 620 00 License plate light 2
964 631 620 00 01C Black
8 993 631 166 00 Desk pad 2
9 900 631 105 90 Bulb 2
5 W

24.07.2017 -2 Kat 020

Illustration: 905-05

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
10 900 143 085 07 Tapping screw 4
4,2 X 16
11 986 631 051 00 Trim cover 1 M602
12 900 146 049 02 Screw 2 M602
M 5 X 25
13 900 025 080 01 Washer 2 M602
A 5.3
14 999 500 128 00 Nut 2 M602
Sheetmetal press nut
M 5
15 986 631 050 00 Additional brake light 1 M602
15 986 631 050 01 Additional brake light 1 M602
15 986 631 050 02 Additional brake light 1 M602
16 900 631 019 90 Glass-base bulb 7 M602
3 W
17 996 631 105 00 Desk pad 2 M602

24.07.2017 -3 Kat 020

Illustration: 906-01

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

24.07.2017 -1 Kat 020

Illustration: 906-01

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
Tech. information memo
X45/X71 01-
See group
Instrument cluster
B O X S T E R -00
(1) 986 641 105 01 Instrument cluster -99 1 M016/481
986 641 105 01 70C Rally black
(1) 986 641 105 05 Instrument cluster 00 1 M016/481
986 641 105 05 70C Rally black
(1) 986 641 106 01 Instrument cluster -99 1 M016/249
986 641 106 01 70C Rally black
(1) 986 641 106 05 Instrument cluster 00 1 M016/249
986 641 106 05 70C Rally black
(1) 986 641 105 03 Instrument cluster 98-99 1 M011/481
986 641 105 03 EMR Ocean jade/black
986 641 105 03 EBN Zenith blue/black
(1) 986 641 106 03 Instrument cluster 98-99 1 M011/249
986 641 106 03 EMR Ocean jade/black
986 641 106 03 EBN Zenith blue/black
(1) 986 641 105 04 Instrument cluster 98-99 1 M012/481
986 641 105 04 EMS Metal grey/black
(1) 986 641 105 08 Instrument cluster 00 1 M012/481
986 641 105 08 EMS Metal grey/black
(1) 986 641 106 04 Instrument cluster 98-99 1 M012/249
986 641 106 04 EMS Metal grey/black
(1) 986 641 106 08 Instrument cluster 00 1 M012/249
986 641 106 08 EMS Metal grey/black
(1) 986 641 107 01 Instrument cluster (GB) -99 1 M481
986 641 107 01 70C Rally black
(1) 986 641 107 05 Instrument cluster (GB) 00 1 M481
986 641 107 05 70C Rally black
(1) 986 641 108 01 Instrument cluster (GB) -99 1 M249
986 641 108 01 70C Rally black
(1) 986 641 108 05 Instrument cluster (GB) 00 1 M249
986 641 108 05 70C Rally black
(1) 986 641 107 03 Instrument cluster (GB) 98-99 1 M481
986 641 107 03 EMR Ocean jade/black
986 641 107 03 EBN Zenith blue/black

24.07.2017 -2 Kat 020

Illustration: 906-01

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
(1) 986 641 108 03 Instrument cluster (GB) 98-99 1 M249
986 641 108 03 EMR Ocean jade/black
986 641 108 03 EBN Zenith blue/black
(1) 986 641 107 04 Instrument cluster (GB) 98-99 1 M481
986 641 107 04 EMS Metal grey/black
(1) 986 641 107 08 Instrument cluster (GB) 00 1 M481
986 641 107 08 EMS Metal grey/black
(1) 986 641 108 04 Instrument cluster (GB) 98-99 1 M249
986 641 108 04 EMS Metal grey/black
(1) 986 641 108 08 Instrument cluster (GB) 00 1 M249
986 641 108 08 EMS Metal grey/black
Instrument cluster
B O X S T E R 01-
(1) 986 641 205 06 Instrument cluster 01- 1 M016/481
986 641 205 06 70C Rally black
(1) 986 641 225 04 Instrument cluster 02- 1 M016/481
986 641 225 04 70C Rally black
(1) 986 641 206 06 Instrument cluster 01- 1 M016/249
986 641 206 06 70C Rally black
(1) 986 641 226 04 Instrument cluster 02- 1 M016/249
986 641 226 04 70C Rally black
(1) 986 641 207 06 Instrument cluster (GB) 01- 1 M481
986 641 207 06 70C Rally black
(1) 986 641 227 04 Instrument cluster (GB) 02- 1 M481
986 641 227 04 70C Rally black
(1) 986 641 208 06 Instrument cluster (GB) 01- 1 M249
986 641 208 06 70C Rally black
(1) 986 641 228 04 Instrument cluster (GB) 02- 1 M249
986 641 228 04 70C Rally black
(1) 986 641 205 07 Instrument cluster 01- 1 M012/481
986 641 205 07 EMS Metal grey/black
(1) 986 641 225 05 Instrument cluster 02- 1 M012/481
986 641 225 05 EMS Metal grey/black
(1) 986 641 206 07 Instrument cluster 01- 1 M012/249
986 641 206 07 EMS Metal grey/black

24.07.2017 -3 Kat 020

Illustration: 906-01

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
(1) 986 641 226 05 Instrument cluster 02- 1 M012/249
986 641 226 05 EMS Metal grey/black
(1) 986 641 207 07 Instrument cluster (GB) 01- 1 M481
986 641 207 07 EMS Metal grey/black
(1) 986 641 227 05 Instrument cluster (GB) 02- 1 M481
986 641 227 05 EMS Metal grey/black
(1) 986 641 208 07 Instrument cluster (GB) 01- 1 M249
986 641 208 07 EMS Metal grey/black
(1) 986 641 228 05 Instrument cluster (GB) 02- 1 M249
986 641 228 05 EMS Metal grey/black
Instrument cluster
B O X S T E R S M008
(1) 986 641 115 00 Instrument cluster 00 1 M008/480
986 641 115 00 EOD Black/Silver
(1) 986 641 116 00 Instrument cluster 00 1 M008/249
986 641 116 00 EOD Black/Silver
(1) 986 641 117 00 Instrument cluster (GB) 00 1 M008
986 641 117 00 EOD Black/Silver
(1) 986 641 118 00 Instrument cluster (GB) 00 1 M008
986 641 118 00 EOD Black/Silver
(1) 986 641 215 03 Instrument cluster 01- 1 M008/480
986 641 215 03 FHB Black/Silver
(1) 986 641 235 02 Instrument cluster 02- 1 M008/480
986 641 235 02 FHB Black/Silver
(1) 986 641 216 03 Instrument cluster 01- 1 M008/249
986 641 216 03 FHB Black/Silver
(1) 986 641 236 02 Instrument cluster 02- 1 M008/249
986 641 236 02 FHB Black/Silver
(1) 986 641 217 03 Instrument cluster (GB) 01- 1 M008
986 641 217 03 FHB Black/Silver
(1) 986 641 237 02 Instrument cluster (GB) 02- 1 M008
986 641 237 02 FHB Black/Silver
(1) 986 641 218 03 Instrument cluster (GB) 01- 1 M008
986 641 218 03 FHB Black/Silver
(1) 986 641 238 02 Instrument cluster (GB) 02- 1 M008

24.07.2017 -4 Kat 020

Illustration: 906-01

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
986 641 238 02 FHB Black/Silver
(1) 986 641 245 00 Instrument cluster 04 1 M008/091
986 641 245 00 70C Rally black
(1) 986 641 246 00 Instrument cluster 04 1 M008/091
986 641 246 00 70C Rally black
(1) 986 641 247 00 Instrument cluster (GB) 04 1 M008
986 641 247 00 70C Rally black
(1) 986 641 248 00 Instrument cluster (GB) 04 1 M008
986 641 248 00 70C Rally black
(2) 996 641 911 00 Knob 1
Trip meter
(3) 999 631 304 90 Glass-base bulb -00 X
12 V 3 W
(4) 999 631 303 90 Glass-base bulb -00 X
12 V 1,5 W
(5) 999 631 302 90 Glass-base bulb -00 X
12 V 1,2 W
(6) 999 919 119 09 Oval-head screw 2
5,0 X 22
(6) 999 919 188 09 Oval-head screw 2
5,0 X 30
- 999 920 012 40 Plug-in nut 2
5,0 X 3,5 X 8

24.07.2017 -5 Kat 020

Illustration: 906-02

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

24.07.2017 -1 Kat 020

Illustration: 906-02

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
Instruments 01- IX45/X71
Instrument cluster IX45
Interior colour
(1) 986 641 980 64 Instrument cluster 01 1 M481
986 641 980 64 J33 Nephrite green
986 641 980 64 C53 Graphite grey
986 641 980 64 S33 Savanna
986 641 980 64 G13 Metropole blue
986 641 980 64 M33 Boxster red
986 641 980 64 P13 Cinnamon brown
986 641 980 64 D12 Dark grey/natural
986 641 980 64 T12 Brown/natural
(1) 986 641 981 25 Instrument cluster 02- 1 M481/659
986 641 981 25 J33 Nephrite green
986 641 981 25 C53 Graphite grey
986 641 981 25 S33 Savanna
986 641 981 25 G13 Metropole blue
986 641 981 25 M33 Boxster red
986 641 981 25 P13 Cinnamon brown
986 641 981 25 D12 Dark grey/natural
986 641 981 25 T12 Brown/natural
(1) 986 641 980 66 Instrument cluster (GB) 01 1 M481
986 641 980 66 J33 Nephrite green
986 641 980 66 C53 Graphite grey
986 641 980 66 S33 Savanna
986 641 980 66 G13 Metropole blue
986 641 980 66 M33 Boxster red
986 641 980 66 P13 Cinnamon brown
986 641 980 66 D12 Dark grey/natural
986 641 980 66 T12 Brown/natural
(1) 986 641 981 27 Instrument cluster (GB) 02- 1 M481
986 641 981 27 J33 Nephrite green
986 641 981 27 C53 Graphite grey
986 641 981 27 S33 Savanna
986 641 981 27 G13 Metropole blue
986 641 981 27 M33 Boxster red
986 641 981 27 P13 Cinnamon brown
986 641 981 27 D12 Dark grey/natural
986 641 981 27 T12 Brown/natural
(1) 986 641 980 65 Instrument cluster 01 1 M249
986 641 980 65 J33 Nephrite green
986 641 980 65 C53 Graphite grey
986 641 980 65 S33 Savanna
986 641 980 65 G13 Metropole blue
986 641 980 65 M33 Boxster red
986 641 980 65 P13 Cinnamon brown
986 641 980 65 D12 Dark grey/natural
986 641 980 65 T12 Brown/natural
(1) 986 641 981 26 Instrument cluster 02- 1 M249/659
986 641 981 26 J33 Nephrite green
986 641 981 26 C53 Graphite grey
986 641 981 26 S33 Savanna

24.07.2017 -2 Kat 020

Illustration: 906-02

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
986 641 981 26 G13 Metropole blue
986 641 981 26 M33 Boxster red
986 641 981 26 P13 Cinnamon brown
986 641 981 26 D12 Dark grey/natural
986 641 981 26 T12 Brown/natural
(1) 986 641 980 67 Instrument cluster (GB) 01 1 M249
986 641 980 67 J33 Nephrite green
986 641 980 67 C53 Graphite grey
986 641 980 67 S33 Savanna
986 641 980 67 G13 Metropole blue
986 641 980 67 M33 Boxster red
986 641 980 67 P13 Cinnamon brown
986 641 980 67 D12 Dark grey/natural
986 641 980 67 T12 Brown/natural
(1) 986 641 981 28 Instrument cluster (GB) 02- 1 M249
986 641 981 28 J33
Nephrite green
986 641 981 28 C53
Graphite grey
986 641 981 28 S33
986 641 981 28 G13
Metropole blue
986 641 981 28 M33
Boxster red
986 641 981 28 P13
Cinnamon brown
986 641 981 28 D12
Dark grey/natural
986 641 981 28 T12
Instrument cluster IX71
(1) 986 641 983 75 Instrument cluster 01- 1 M481
986 641 983 75 70C Rally black
(1) 986 641 981 75 Instrument cluster 02- 1 M481/659
986 641 981 75 70C Rally black
(1) 986 641 983 77 Instrument cluster (GB) 01- 1 M481
986 641 983 77 70C Rally black
(1) 986 641 981 77 Instrument cluster (GB) 02- 1 M481
986 641 981 77 70C Rally black
(1) 986 641 983 76 Instrument cluster 01- 1 M249
986 641 983 76 70C Rally black
(1) 986 641 981 76 Instrument cluster 02- 1 M249/659
986 641 981 76 70C Rally black
(1) 986 641 983 78 Instrument cluster (GB) 01- 1 M249
986 641 983 78 70C Rally black
(1) 986 641 981 78 Instrument cluster (GB) 02- 1 M249
986 641 981 78 70C Rally black
Instrument cluster IX45
B O X S T E R S M008
Interior colour
(1) 986 641 980 90 Instrument cluster 01 1 M008/480

24.07.2017 -3 Kat 020

Illustration: 906-02

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
986 641 980 90 A03 Black
986 641 980 90 J33 Nephrite green
986 641 980 90 C53 Graphite grey
986 641 980 90 S33 Savanna
986 641 980 90 G13 Metropole blue
986 641 980 90 M33 Boxster red
986 641 980 90 P13 Cinnamon brown
986 641 980 90 D12 Dark grey/natural
986 641 980 90 T12 Brown/natural
(1) 986 641 982 25 Instrument cluster 02- 1 M008/480
986 641 982 25 A03 Black
986 641 982 25 J33 Nephrite green
986 641 982 25 C53 Graphite grey
986 641 982 25 S33 Savanna
986 641 982 25 G13 Metropole blue
986 641 982 25 M33 Boxster red
986 641 982 25 P13 Cinnamon brown
986 641 982 25 D12 Dark grey/natural
986 641 982 25 T12 Brown/natural
(1) 986 641 980 92 Instrument cluster (GB) 01 1 M008
986 641 980 92 A03 Black
986 641 980 92 J33 Nephrite green
986 641 980 92 C53 Graphite grey
986 641 980 92 S33 Savanna
986 641 980 92 G13 Metropole blue
986 641 980 92 M33 Boxster red
986 641 980 92 P13 Cinnamon brown
986 641 980 92 D12 Dark grey/natural
986 641 980 92 T12 Brown/natural
(1) 986 641 982 27 Instrument cluster (GB) 02- 1 M008
986 641 982 27 A03 Black
986 641 982 27 J33 Nephrite green
986 641 982 27 C53 Graphite grey
986 641 982 27 S33 Savanna
986 641 982 27 G13 Metropole blue
986 641 982 27 M33 Boxster red
986 641 982 27 P13 Cinnamon brown
986 641 982 27 D12 Dark grey/natural
986 641 982 27 T12 Brown/natural
(1) 986 641 980 91 Instrument cluster 01 1 M008/249
986 641 980 91 A03 Black
986 641 980 91 J33 Nephrite green
986 641 980 91 C53 Graphite grey
986 641 980 91 S33 Savanna
986 641 980 91 G13 Metropole blue
986 641 980 91 M33 Boxster red
986 641 980 91 P13 Cinnamon brown
986 641 980 91 D12 Dark grey/natural
986 641 980 91 T12 Brown/natural
(1) 986 641 982 26 Instrument cluster 02- 1 M008/249
986 641 982 26 A03 Black
986 641 982 26 J33 Nephrite green
986 641 982 26 C53 Graphite grey
986 641 982 26 S33 Savanna

24.07.2017 -4 Kat 020

Illustration: 906-02

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
986 641 982 26 G13 Metropole blue
986 641 982 26 M33 Boxster red
986 641 982 26 P13 Cinnamon brown
986 641 982 26 D12 Dark grey/natural
986 641 982 26 T12 Brown/natural
(1) 986 641 980 93 Instrument cluster (GB) 01 1 M008
986 641 980 93 A03 Black
986 641 980 93 J33 Nephrite green
986 641 980 93 C53 Graphite grey
986 641 980 93 S33 Savanna
986 641 980 93 G13 Metropole blue
986 641 980 93 M33 Boxster red
986 641 980 93 P13 Cinnamon brown
986 641 980 93 D12 Dark grey/natural
986 641 980 93 T12 Brown/natural
(1) 986 641 982 28 Instrument cluster (GB) 02- 1 M008
986 641 982 28 A03 Black
986 641 982 28 J33 Nephrite green
986 641 982 28 C53 Graphite grey
986 641 982 28 S33 Savanna
986 641 982 28 G13 Metropole blue
986 641 982 28 M33 Boxster red
986 641 982 28 P13 Cinnamon brown
986 641 982 28 D12 Dark grey/natural
986 641 982 28 T12 Brown/natural
2 996 641 911 00 Knob 2
Trip meter
3 999 919 188 09 Oval-head screw 2
5,0 X 30

24.07.2017 -5 Kat 020

Illustration: 907-00

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

24.07.2017 -1 Kat 020

Illustration: 907-00

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
Cruise control
See group

24.07.2017 -2 Kat 020

Illustration: 911-00

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

24.07.2017 -1 Kat 020

Illustration: 911-00

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
Radio -02
Booster -02
1 993 645 118 01 Radio -98 1 M330
CR - 31
1 993 645 116 01 Radio -98 1 M326
CR - 21
1 993 645 115 01 Radio -98 1 M320
CR - 11
1 993 645 119 01 Radio -98 1 M686
CDR - 21
2 993 645 190 00 Case -98 1
Control part
New design 99-
See catalogue
(2) 996 645 190 00 Case 99- 1
Control part
3 993 645 173 00 Retaining frame -98 1
- 996 645 106 00 Contact plate 99- 1
Alarm contact
5 986 645 301 03 Booster -00 1 M490
(5) 986 645 323 00 Booster 01- 1 M490
- 996 610 149 00 Cap 1 M490
Connector housing
(5) 986 645 302 01 Booster 98 1 M680
Digital sound processing
(5) 986 645 312 00 Booster -00 1 M680
Digital sound processing
(5) 986 645 324 01 Booster 01 1 M680
Digital sound processing
(5) 986 645 338 00 Booster 02 1 M680
(5) 996 645 341 00 Additional amplifier 02 1 M680
- 996 610 151 00 Cover /LL 02 1 M680
Connector housing
- 996 610 150 01 Cover /RL 02 1 M680
Connector housing
- 996 610 152 00 Cover 02 1 M680
Connector housing
Additional amplifier
6 996 645 201 02 Control part -01 1 M680
996 645 201 02 EFR Gloss black
7 999 919 182 09 Oval-head screw -01 2 M680
4,0 X 20
8 996 646 025 01 Support -01 1 M490/680
8 Support 02 1 M490
(8) 996 645 255 11 Support 02 1 M680
9 900 143 031 02 Oval-head sheetmetal screw 2 M490/680
4,2 X 9,5
10 999 507 510 02 U-clamp 2 M490/680
- 999 073 048 02 Tapping screw 02 1 M680
3,5 X 13

24.07.2017 -2 Kat 020

Illustration: 911-00

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
11 993 645 130 00 CD changer 1 M692
CDC - 3
12 993 645 113 00 Magazine 1 M692
CD changer
13 996 645 221 00 Support /LL 1 M689/692
(13) 996 645 222 00 Support /RL 1 M689/692
14 999 075 067 09 Combination screw 6
M 4 X 8 KO
15 999 500 078 00 Speed nut 4
M 6
16 900 378 188 09 Hexagon-head bolt 4
M 6 X 20
17 999 507 532 02 U-clamp 4
17 999 507 532 01 U-clamp 4
20 986 647 105 00 Antenna booster 1
20 987 647 105 00 Antenna booster 1
- 986 612 072 00 Connecting cable 1
Antenna booster

24.07.2017 -3 Kat 020

Illustration: 911-01

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

24.07.2017 -1 Kat 020

Illustration: 911-01

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
Radio 03-
Booster 03-
Navigation system 03-
Telephone 03-
1 Radio
See catalogue
2 996 642 204 02 Control part 03 1 M665
996 642 204 02 A05 Black mat
See technical information
GR.9 , NR. 4/03
GR.9 , NR. 5/03
2 996 642 204 03 Control part 03 1 M665
996 642 204 03 A05 Black mat
See technical information
GR.9 , NR. 4/03
GR.9 , NR. 5/03
GR.9 , NR.10/03
2 996 642 204 04 Control part 03 1 M665
996 642 204 04 A05 Black mat
See technical information
GR.9 , NR. 4/03
GR.9 , NR. 5/03
GR.9 , NR.10/03
2 996 642 204 05 Control part 03- 1 M665
996 642 204 05 A05 Black mat
See technical information
GR.9 , NR. 10/03
2 996 642 204 06 Control part 03- 1 M665
996 642 204 06 A05 Black mat
See technical information
GR.9 , NR. 10/03
2 996 642 204 07 Control part 03- 1 M665
996 642 204 07 A05 Black mat
See technical information
GR.9 , NR. 10/03
(2) 996 642 214 02 Control part 03 1 M490/665/680
996 642 214 02 A05 Black mat
See technical information
GR.9 , NR. 4/03
GR.9 , NR. 5/03
(2) 996 642 214 03 Control part 03 1 M490/665/680
996 642 214 03 A05 Black mat
See technical information
GR.9 , NR. 4/03
GR.9 , NR. 5/03
(2) 996 642 214 04 Control part 03 1 M490/665/680
996 642 214 04 A05 Black mat
See technical information
GR.9 , NR. 4/03
GR.9 , NR. 5/03
GR.9 , NR.10/03
(2) 996 642 214 05 Control part 03- 1 M490/665/680
996 642 214 05 A05 Black mat
See technical information
GR.9 , NR. 10/03
(2) 996 642 214 06 Control part 03- 1 M490/665/680
996 642 214 06 A05 Black mat
See technical information
GR.9 , NR. 10/03
(2) 996 642 214 07 Control part 03- 1 M490/665/680
996 642 214 07 A05 Black mat
See technical information

24.07.2017 -2 Kat 020

Illustration: 911-01

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
GR.9 , NR. 10/03
- 996 642 951 00 Rotary knob /L 03- 1
POS. 2
- 996 642 952 00 Rotary knob /R 03- 1
POS. 2
- 996 642 941 00 Cover 03- 1
SIM card
POS. 2
- 996 642 205 01 Module 03 1 M670
Navigation system
- 996 642 205 02 Module 03- 1 M670
Navigation system
- 996 642 030 00 CD-ROM 03 1 M670
Navigation system
See technical information
GR.9 , NR. 10/03
- 996 642 030 01 CD-ROM 03 1 M670
Navigation system
- 996 642 030 02 CD-ROM 04 1 M670
Navigation system
See technical information
GR.9 , NR. 10/03
- 996 642 034 01 CD-ROM (ZA) 04 1 M670
Navigation system
- 996 642 034 02 CD-ROM (ZA) 04 1 M670
Navigation system
See technical information
GR.9 , NR. 10/03
- 996 642 035 01 CD-ROM 04 1 (SA),(AG)
Navigation system M670
See technical information
GR.9 , NR. 10/03
- 996 642 036 01 CD-ROM (AUS) 04 1 M670
- 996 642 036 02 CD-ROM (AUS) 04 1 M670
Navigation system
See technical information
GR.9 , NR. 10/03
- 996 642 037 01 CD-ROM 04 1 /M 074
Navigation system
3 996 645 331 01 Booster 03 1 M490
See technical information
GR.9 , NR. 4/03
GR.9 , NR. 5/03
3 996 645 331 02 Booster 03 1 M490
See technical information
GR.9 , NR. 4/03
GR.9 , NR. 5/03
3 996 645 331 CX Booster 03- 1 M490
See technical information
GR.9 , NR. 4/03
GR.9 , NR. 5/03
3 996 645 331 03 Booster 03- 1 M490
See technical information
GR.9 , NR. 4/03
GR.9 , NR. 5/03
(3) 996 645 333 02 Booster /LL 03 1 M680
See technical information

24.07.2017 -3 Kat 020

Illustration: 911-01

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
GR.9 , NR. 4/03
GR.9 , NR. 5/03
(3) 996 645 333 03 Booster /LL 03 1 M680
See technical information
GR.9 , NR. 4/03
GR.9 , NR. 5/03
GR.9 , NR.10/03
(3) 996 645 333 04 Booster /LL 03 1 M680
See technical information
GR.9 , NR. 4/03
GR.9 , NR. 5/03
GR.9 , NR.10/03
(3) 996 645 333 05 Booster /LL 03- 1 M680
(3) 996 645 333 07 Booster /LL 03- 1 M680
See technical information
GR.9 , NR. 14/03
GR.9 , NR. 10/03
(3) 996 645 332 01 Booster /RL 03 1 M680
See technical information
GR.9 , NR. 4/03
GR.9 , NR. 5/03
(3) 996 645 332 03 Booster /RL 03 1 M680
See technical information
GR.9 , NR. 4/03
GR.9 , NR. 5/03
GR.9 , NR.10/03
(3) 996 645 332 04 Booster /RL 03 1 M680
See technical information
GR.9 , NR. 4/03
GR.9 , NR. 5/03
GR.9 , NR.10/03
(3) 996 645 332 05 Booster /RL 03- 1 M680
See technical information
GR.9 , NR. 14/03
GR.9 , NR. 10/03
(3) 996 645 332 07 Booster /RL 03- 1 M680
See technical information
GR.9 , NR. 14/03
GR.9 , NR. 10/03
- 996 610 151 00 Cover /LL 1 M490/680
Connector housing
- 996 610 150 01 Cover /RL 1 M490/680
Connector housing
4 996 645 255 01 Support 1 M490/680
5 900 143 031 02 Oval-head sheetmetal screw 2 M490/680
4,2 X 9,5
6 999 507 510 02 U-clamp 2 M490/680
7 999 507 532 02 U-clamp X
7 999 507 532 01 U-clamp X
8 999 500 078 00 Speed nut X
M 6
9 900 378 188 09 Hexagon-head bolt X
M 6 X 20
10 997 645 140 02 CD changer 1 M692
See technical information
GR.9 , NR. 4/03
GR.9 , NR. 5/03

24.07.2017 -4 Kat 020

Illustration: 911-01

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
10 997 645 140 03 CD changer 1
See technical information
GR.9 , NR. 4/03
GR.9 , NR. 5/03
11 996 645 113 00 Magazine 1 M692
CD changer
12 996 645 225 00 Support 1 M692
13 996 645 227 00 Support 1 M692
14 N 014 128 13 Oval-head screw 6 M692
M 5 X 8
15 999 591 954 09 U-clamp 2 M692
16 996 642 207 01 Control unit 03 1 M666
See technical information
GR.9 , NR. 4/03
GR.9 , NR. 5/03
16 996 642 207 02 Control unit 03 1 M666
See technical information
GR.9 , NR. 4/03
GR.9 , NR. 5/03
16 996 642 207 04 Control unit 03 1 M666
See technical information
GR.9 , NR. 4/03
GR.9 , NR. 5/03
16 996 642 207 05 Control unit 1 M666
See technical information
GR.9 , NR. 9/04
16 997 646 207 01 Control unit 1 M666
16 997 646 207 02 Control unit 1 M666
16 997 646 208 04 Control unit 1 M666
When required order also:
- 997 612 989 00 Connecting line 1 M666
Control unit
17 996 642 216 00 Support 1 M666
18 900 378 035 01 Hexagon-head bolt 2 M666
M 6 X 16
19 999 073 060 02 Tapping screw 4 M666
4,8 X 13
See group
20 996 642 212 02 Receiver 1 M668
See group

24.07.2017 -5 Kat 020

Illustration: 911-01

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
996 646 307 02 Microphone /LL 1 M618/666
996 646 307 02 A03 Black
996 646 307 02 C02 Metal grey
996 646 307 02 C53 Graphite grey
996 646 307 02 S33 Savanna
996 646 307 02 G13 Metropole blue
996 646 307 02 J33 Nephrite green
996 646 307 02 M33 Boxster red
996 646 307 02 P13 Cinnamon brown
(21) 996 646 308 02 Microphone /RL 1 M618/666
996 646 308 02 A03 Black
996 646 308 02 C02 Metal grey
996 646 308 02 C53 Graphite grey
996 646 308 02 S33 Savanna
996 646 308 02 G13 Metropole blue
996 646 308 02 J33 Nephrite green
996 646 308 02 M33 Boxster red
996 646 308 02 P13 Cinnamon brown
(21) 996 646 307 05 Microphone /LL 04 1 M091/618
996 646 307 05 M7Z GT Silver Metallic
(21) 996 646 308 05 Microphone /RL 04 1 M091/618
996 646 308 05 M7Z GT Silver Metallic
(21) 996 646 307 03 Microphone /LL 1 M618/666
996 646 307 03 A03 Black
996 646 307 03 C02 Metal grey
996 646 307 03 C53 Graphite grey
996 646 307 03 S33 Savanna
996 646 307 03 G13 Metropole blue
996 646 307 03 J33 Nephrite green
996 646 307 03 M33 Boxster red
996 646 307 03 P13 Cinnamon brown
(21) 996 646 308 03 Microphone /RL 1 M618/666
996 646 308 03 A03 Black
996 646 308 03 C02 Metal grey
996 646 308 03 C53 Graphite grey
996 646 308 03 S33 Savanna
996 646 308 03 G13 Metropole blue
996 646 308 03 J33 Nephrite green
996 646 308 03 M33 Boxster red
996 646 308 03 P13 Cinnamon brown
(21) 996 646 307 06 Microphone /LL 04 1 M091/618
996 646 307 06 M7Z GT Silver Metallic
(21) 996 646 308 06 Microphone /RL 04 1 M091/618
996 646 308 06 M7Z GT Silver Metallic
(21) 996 646 307 04 Microphone /LL 1 M680
996 646 307 04 A03 Black
996 646 307 04 C02 Metal grey
996 646 307 04 C53 Graphite grey
996 646 307 04 S33 Savanna
996 646 307 04 G13 Metropole blue
996 646 307 04 J33 Nephrite green
996 646 307 04 M33 Boxster red
996 646 307 04 P13 Cinnamon brown
(21) 996 646 308 04 Microphone /RL 1 M680
996 646 308 04 A03 Black
996 646 308 04 C02 Metal grey
996 646 308 04 C53 Graphite grey

24.07.2017 -6 Kat 020

Illustration: 911-01

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
996 646 308 04
996 646 308 04 G13
Metropole blue
996 646 308 04 J33
Nephrite green
996 646 308 04 M33
Boxster red
996 646 308 04 P13
Cinnamon brown
(21) 996 646 307 07
Microphone /LL 04 1 M091/680
996 646 307 07
M7Z GT Silver Metallic
(21) 996 646 308 07
Microphone /RL 04 1 M091/680
996 646 308 07
M7Z GT Silver Metallic
22 996 642 206 00
Antenna 1 M670
23 996 612 009 00 Connecting line 1 M670
Navigation system
24 986 647 105 00 Antenna booster 1 M441
25 986 612 072 01 Connecting line 1 M441
Antenna booster
26 986 647 117 00 Antenna booster /L 1 M440
(26) 986 647 118 00 Antenna booster /R 1 M440
27 996 647 124 00 Control unit 1 M440
28 996 647 202 00 Support 1 M440
29 999 507 772 40 Clip 1 M440
30 999 507 771 40 Stopper 1 M440
31 996 612 057 00 Connecting line /LL 1 M665
Antenna booster
Control unit
(31) 996 612 067 00 Connecting line /RL 1 M665
Antenna booster
Control unit
(31) 996 612 056 00 Connecting line /LL 1 M665
Antenna booster
Control unit
(31) 996 612 066 00 Connecting line /RL 1 M665
Antenna booster
Control unit
32 996 612 058 00 Connecting line /LL 1 M665
Control unit
Control part
(32) 996 612 068 00 Connecting line /RL 1 M665
Control unit
Control part
(32) 996 612 059 00 Connecting line /LL 1 M665
Control unit
Control part
Natural colours
(32) 996 612 069 00 Connecting line /RL 1 M665
Control unit
Control part
Natural colours

24.07.2017 -7 Kat 020

Illustration: 911-05

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

24.07.2017 -1 Kat 020

Illustration: 911-05

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
M 680/MJ.02-
See group
1 996 645 037 02 Loudspeaker /L 1 M490
996 645 037 02 01C Satin black
(1) 996 645 035 02 Loudspeaker /L 1 M441
996 645 035 02 01C Satin black
2 996 645 038 02 Loudspeaker /R 1 M490
996 645 038 02 01C Satin black
(2) 996 645 036 02 Loudspeaker /R 1 M441
996 645 036 02 01C Satin black
(2) 996 645 049 02 Loudspeaker grille /L /R 2
996 645 049 02 01C Satin black
3 999 919 166 07 Oval-head screw -01 4
4,0 X 30
(3) 999 073 224 09 Tapping screw 02- 4
4,2 X 25
4 999 920 015 40 Plug-in nut -01 4
(4) 999 507 767 02 Speed nut 02- 2
(4) 999 507 768 02 Speed nut 02- 2
(5) 996 645 011 01 Loudspeaker /L -00 1 M490
5 996 645 012 01 Loudspeaker /R -00 1 M490
6 996 645 501 00 Woofer -02 2 M490
6 996 645 502 00 Woofer 03- 2 M490
7 996 645 550 00 Protective grille 2 M490
(8) 999 919 176 07 Oval-head screw 8 M490
4,0 X 16
9 999 919 237 00 Oval-head screw 97 8 M490
5,0 X 20
(9) 999 073 061 02 Tapping screw -00 8 M490
ST 4,8 X 16
10 999 920 013 40 Plug-in nut 97 8 M490
(10) 999 591 499 02 Speed nut -00 8 M490
ST 4,8
Only together with
11 996 555 801 00 Loudspeaker grille -99 2 M490
996 555 801 00 01C Satin black
11 996 555 801 01 Loudspeaker grille 00- 2 M490
996 555 801 01 A03 Black
(11) 000 043 206 88 Loudspeaker grille 2 IXTR/M490
Aluminium look
000 043 206 88 A10 Black
000 043 206 88 C50 Graphite grey
000 043 206 88 S30 Savanna
000 043 206 88 G10 Metropole blue
000 043 206 88 J30 Nephrite green
000 043 206 88 M30 Boxster red
000 043 206 88 P11 Cinnamon brown
000 043 206 88 D11 Dark grey/natural
000 043 206 88 T11 Brown/natural
12 999 591 946 02 Clamping washer 8 M490

24.07.2017 -2 Kat 020

Illustration: 911-05

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
12 999 591 946 03 Clamping washer 8 M490
13 996 645 551 00 Loudspeaker /L -02 1 M490
13 996 645 551 01 Loudspeaker /L 03- 1 M490
(13) 996 645 552 00 Loudspeaker /R -02 1 M490
(13) 996 645 552 01 Loudspeaker /R 03- 1 M490
14 996 645 553 00 Frame 01- 2 M490
15 999 919 086 02 Oval-head screw 01- 12 M490
4,0 X 14
16 999 073 061 02 Tapping screw 01- 8 M490
4,8 X 16
17 999 591 499 02 Speed nut 01- 6 M490
18 999 507 759 09 Speed nut 01- 2 M490
- 986 645 503 00 Loudspeaker -01 4 M584/680
Storage box
- 986 612 085 00 Wiring harness -01 1 M584/680
Single parts
Storage box M584/680
See group

24.07.2017 -3 Kat 020

Illustration: 911-06

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

24.07.2017 -1 Kat 020

Illustration: 911-06

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
Loudspeaker 02- M680
1 996 645 033 01 Loudspeaker /L 1 M680
996 645 033 01 01C Satin black
2 996 645 034 01 Loudspeaker /R 1 M680
996 645 034 01 01C Satin black
1 996 645 033 00 Loudspeaker /L 1 IXPP/M680
996 645 033 00 C50 Graphite grey
996 645 033 00 S30 Savanna
996 645 033 00 G10 Metropole blue
996 645 033 00 J30 Nephrite green
996 645 033 00 M30 Boxster red
996 645 033 00 P10 Cinnamon brown
2 996 645 034 00 Loudspeaker /R 1 IXPP/M680
996 645 034 00 C50 Graphite grey
996 645 034 00 S30 Savanna
996 645 034 00 G10 Metropole blue
996 645 034 00 J30 Nephrite green
996 645 034 00 M30 Boxster red
996 645 034 00 P10 Cinnamon brown
(3) 999 073 224 09 Tapping screw 4
4,2 X 25
(4) 999 507 767 02 Speed nut 2
(4) 999 507 768 02 Speed nut 2
5 996 555 801 01 Loudspeaker grille 2 M680
996 555 801 01 A03 Black
(5) 000 043 206 88 Loudspeaker grille 2 IXTR/M680
Aluminium look
000 043 206 88 A10 Black
000 043 206 88 C50 Graphite grey
000 043 206 88 S30 Savanna
000 043 206 88 G10 Metropole blue
000 043 206 88 J30 Nephrite green
000 043 206 88 M30 Boxster red
000 043 206 88 P11 Cinnamon brown
000 043 206 88 D11 Dark grey/natural
000 043 206 88 T11 Brown/natural
6 999 591 946 02 Clamping washer 8 M680
6 999 591 946 03 Clamping washer 8 M680
7 996 645 511 00 Logo 2 M680
8 996 645 512 00 Clip 2 M680
9 996 645 561 00 Loudspeaker /L 1 M680
(9) 996 645 562 00 Loudspeaker /R 1 M680
10 996 645 553 00 Frame 2 M680
11 999 919 086 02 Oval-head screw 12 M680
4,0 X 14
12 999 073 061 02 Tapping screw 8 M680
4,8 X 16
13 999 591 499 02 Speed nut 6 M680
14 999 507 759 09 Speed nut 2 M680
15 986 645 566 01 Subwoofer 1 M680
986 645 566 01 A10 Black
986 645 566 01 C50 Graphite grey
986 645 566 01 S30 Savanna
986 645 566 01 G10 Metropole blue

24.07.2017 -2 Kat 020

Illustration: 911-06

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
986 645 566 01 J30 Nephrite green
986 645 566 01 M30 Boxster red
986 645 566 01 P11 Cinnamon brown
986 645 566 01 D11 Dark grey/natural
986 645 566 01 T11 Brown/natural
986 645 566 01 R10 Cocoa
16 986 551 427 00 Rosette 1 M680
986 551 427 00 01C Satin black
17 986 551 429 00 Catch 2 M680
986 551 429 00 01C Satin black
18 986 551 543 00 Thrust washer 2 M680
986 551 543 00 01C Satin black
19 986 551 511 00 Guide rail 03- 2 M680
986 551 511 00 01C Satin black

24.07.2017 -3 Kat 020

Illustration: 911-10

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

24.07.2017 -1 Kat 020

Illustration: 911-10

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
Preparation for telephone M614/618
1 996 647 103 00 Antenna base -00 1
2 996 647 104 00 Antenna rod -00 1
3 996 647 125 00 Antenna /LL 01- 1
(3) 996 647 126 00 Antenna /RL 01- 1
4 996 647 127 00 Support /LL -04 1
POS. 5 + 6
4 997 647 127 00 Support 04 1
POS. 5 + 6
(4) 996 647 128 00 Support /RL -04 1
POS. 5 + 6
(4) 997 647 128 00 Support /RL 04 1
POS. 5 + 6
5 999 073 203 00 Round head screw -04 4
M 5 X 12 - Z2
5 999 073 236 0A Oval-head screw 04 4
M 6 X 10
6 999 507 067 09 Speed nut -04 4
M 5
6 999 507 550 01 Speed nut 04 4
M 6
7 999 073 210 00 Tapping screw 01- 2
4,8 X 13
8 999 507 441 01 Speed nut 01- 2
9 986 612 096 00 Extension cable -00 1
9 996 612 037 00 Extension cable 01- 1 M618
(9) 996 612 007 00 Extension cable 03- 1 M666
10 964 646 318 00 Adapter plug /LL 1
(10) 996 646 318 00 Adapter plug /RL 1
11 996 552 094 00 Bracket /LL 97 1
996 552 094 00 A10 Black
996 552 094 00 C50 Graphite grey
996 552 094 00 S30 Savanna
(11) 996 552 093 00 Bracket /RL 97 1
996 552 093 00 A10 Black
996 552 093 00 C50 Graphite grey
996 552 093 00 S30 Savanna
11 996 552 094 02 Bracket /LL 98 1
996 552 094 02 A18 Black
996 552 094 02 C18 Graphite grey
996 552 094 02 S18 Savanna
996 552 094 02 G18 Metropole blue
(11) 996 552 093 02 Bracket /RL 98 1

24.07.2017 -2 Kat 020

Illustration: 911-10

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
996 552 093 02 A18 Black
996 552 093 02 C18 Graphite grey
996 552 093 02 S18 Savanna
996 552 093 02 G18 Metropole blue
11 996 552 094 04 Bracket /LL 99- 1
996 552 094 04 A18 Black 99
996 552 094 04 C18 Graphite grey 99
996 552 094 04 S18 Savanna 99
996 552 094 04 G18 Metropole blue 99
996 552 094 04 A12 Black 00-
996 552 094 04 C52 Graphite grey 00-
996 552 094 04 S32 Savanna 00-
996 552 094 04 G12 Metropole blue 00-
996 552 094 04 J32 Nephrite green 01-
(11) 996 552 093 04 Bracket /RL 99- 1
996 552 093 04 A18 Black 99
996 552 093 04 C18 Graphite grey 99
996 552 093 04 S18 Savanna 99
996 552 093 04 G18 Metropole blue 99
996 552 093 04 A12 Black 00-
996 552 093 04 C52 Graphite grey 00-
996 552 093 04 S32 Savanna 00-
996 552 093 04 G12 Metropole blue 00-
996 552 093 04 J32 Nephrite green 01-
11 996 552 094 01 Bracket /LL -98 1
996 552 094 01 A11 Black
996 552 094 01 C51 Graphite grey
996 552 094 01 S31 Savanna
996 552 094 01 J31 Nephrite green
996 552 094 01 M31 Boxster red
996 552 094 01 G11 Metropole blue 98
(11) 996 552 093 01 Bracket /RL -98 1
996 552 093 01 A11 Black
996 552 093 01 C51 Graphite grey
996 552 093 01 S31 Savanna
996 552 093 01 J31 Nephrite green
996 552 093 01 M31 Boxster red
996 552 093 01 G11 Metropole blue 98
11 996 552 094 03 Bracket /LL 99- 1 M012/981
996 552 094 03 A11 Black
996 552 094 03 C51 Graphite grey
996 552 094 03 S31 Savanna
996 552 094 03 J31 Nephrite green
996 552 094 03 M31 Boxster red
996 552 094 03 G11 Metropole blue
996 552 094 03 D12 Dark grey/natural 00-
996 552 094 03 T12 Brown/natural 00-
996 552 094 03 P12 Cinnamon brown 01-
996 552 094 03 9V6 Cocoa 04
(11) 996 552 093 03 Bracket /RL 99- 1 M012/981
996 552 093 03 A11 Black
996 552 093 03 C51 Graphite grey
996 552 093 03 S31 Savanna
996 552 093 03 J31 Nephrite green
996 552 093 03 M31 Boxster red
996 552 093 03 G11 Metropole blue

24.07.2017 -3 Kat 020

Illustration: 911-10

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
996 552 093 03 D12 Dark grey/natural 00-
996 552 093 03 T12 Brown/natural 00-
996 552 093 03 P12 Cinnamon brown 01-
996 552 093 03 9V6 Cocoa 04
12 996 552 298 00 Attachment /LL 1
996 552 298 00 01C Satin black
(12) 996 552 297 00 Attachment /RL 1
996 552 297 00 01C Satin black
12 996 552 979 00 Attachment /LL 1 IXEA
996 552 979 00 A11 Black
996 552 979 00 C51 Graphite grey
996 552 979 00 S31 Savanna
996 552 979 00 G11 Metropole blue
996 552 979 00 J31 Nephrite green
996 552 979 00 M31 Boxster red
996 552 979 00 P12 Cinnamon brown
996 552 979 00 D12 Dark grey/natural
996 552 979 00 T12 Brown/natural
(12) 996 552 979 01 Attachment /RL 1 IXEA
996 552 979 01 A11 Black
996 552 979 01 C51 Graphite grey
996 552 979 01 S31 Savanna
996 552 979 01 G11 Metropole blue
996 552 979 01 J31 Nephrite green
996 552 979 01 M31 Boxster red
996 552 979 01 P12 Cinnamon brown
996 552 979 01 D12 Dark grey/natural
996 552 979 01 T12 Brown/natural
13 996 552 624 00 Adapter 97 1
13 996 552 624 01 Adapter 98 1
GR.9 , NR.17 , JAN/99
(13) 996 552 624 02 Adapter 99- 1
- 996 552 581 00 Filler piece /RL 99- 1
996 552 581 00 01C Satin black
- 996 552 582 00 Filler piece /LL 99- 1
996 552 582 00 01C Satin black
14 999 919 121 09 Oval-head screw 6
5,0 X 16
15 999 507 476 01 Clamp 3
8,0 X 10,2
16 996 552 824 00 Cap 1
996 552 824 00 01C Satin black
16 996 552 978 00 Cap 1 IXEA
996 552 978 00 A11 Black
996 552 978 00 C51 Graphite grey
996 552 978 00 S31 Savanna
996 552 978 00 G11 Metropole blue
996 552 978 00 J31 Nephrite green
996 552 978 00 M31 Boxster red
996 552 978 00 P12 Cinnamon brown
996 552 978 00 D12 Dark grey/natural
996 552 978 00 T12 Brown/natural
(17) 996 646 125 01 Frame 1
18 996 646 126 00 Cover 1
19 996 646 307 00 Microphone /LL -99 1

24.07.2017 -4 Kat 020

Illustration: 911-10

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
996 646 307 00 B12 Black-grey
(19) 996 646 308 00 Microphone /RL -99 1
996 646 308 00 B12 Black-grey
(19) 996 646 307 01 Microphone /LL -01 1
996 646 307 01 D05 Granite grey 99
996 646 307 01 C02 Metal grey 98-99
Metal grey -01
996 646 307 01 A03 Black -01
(19) 996 646 308 01 Microphone /RL -01 1
996 646 308 01 D05 Granite grey 99
996 646 308 01 C02 Metal grey 98-99
Metal grey -01
996 646 308 01 A03 Black -01
(19) 996 646 307 02 Microphone /LL 02 1
996 646 307 02 A03 Black
996 646 307 02 C02 Metal grey
(19) 996 646 308 02 Microphone /RL 02 1
996 646 308 02 A03 Black
996 646 308 02 C02 Metal grey
20 996 646 235 01 Support 1 M618
21 999 073 060 02 Tapping screw 4 M618
4,8 X 13
- 996 521 663 01 Stop 1 M437/438
Seat rail
- 996 521 665 00 Stop 1 M369/370
Seat rail M375/376
Inner M540

24.07.2017 -5 Kat 020

Illustration: 911-15

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

24.07.2017 -1 Kat 020

Illustration: 911-15

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
Navigation system -02 M662
Receiver -02 M663
See technical information
GR.0 , NR. 8/97
Tech. information memo
GR.9 , NR. 8A/97
See technical information
GR.9 , NR. 2/02
1 996 647 103 00 Antenna base -00 1
2 996 647 104 00 Antenna rod -00 1
Antenna 01-
See group
3 996 642 206 00 Antenna 1
- GPS -
4 996 612 083 00 Extension cable -00 1
4 996 612 038 00 Extension cable -02 1
(4) 996 612 970 01 Extension cable 1
- GPS -
(6) 996 642 904 04 Control part -01 1
996 642 904 04 EFR Gloss black
Tech. information memo
GR.9 , NR. 1A/00
- 996 642 953 00 Rotary knob /L -01 1
- 996 642 954 00 Rotary knob /R -01 1
(6) 996 642 944 00 Control part 02 1
996 642 944 00 EWD Black mat
- 996 642 955 00 Rotary knob /L 02 1
- 996 642 956 00 Rotary knob /R 02 1
7 996 642 103 01 Retaining frame 1
(8) 996 642 122 01 Computer -01 1
996 642 122 01 EFR Gloss black
F >>981S6 01247
F >>981S6 41097
F >>981U6 42573
- 996 642 131 06 CD-ROM 1 M499
- 996 642 132 06 CD-ROM 1 M124
- 996 642 133 06 CD-ROM 1 M061
- 996 642 134 06 CD-ROM 1 M111/277
- 996 642 135 06 CD-ROM 1 M063/064
- 996 642 136 06
CD-ROM 1 M119
- 996 642 137 06
CD-ROM 1 M062
- 996 642 138 06
CD-ROM 1 M034
(8) 996 642 122 03
Computer -01 1
996 642 122 03 EFR
Gloss black
F 981S6 01248>>
F 981S6 41098>>
F 981U6 42574>>
(8) 996 642 122 12 Computer 02 1
996 642 122 12 EWD Black mat

24.07.2017 -2 Kat 020

Illustration: 911-15

Model: 986 97 Model life 1997>>2004

Pos Part Number Description Remark Qty Model
- 996 642 131 07 CD-ROM 1 M499
- 996 642 132 07 CD-ROM 1 M124
See catalogue
- 996 642 133 07 CD-ROM 1 M061
- 996 642 134 07 CD-ROM 1 M111/277
- 996 642 135 07 CD-ROM 1 M063/064
- 996 642 136 07 CD-ROM 1 M119
- 996 642 137 07 CD-ROM 1 M062
- 996 642 138 07 CD-ROM 1 M034
9 993 645 173 00 Retaining frame 1
10 996 646 307 00 Microphone /LL -99 1
996 646 307 00 B12 Black-grey
10 996 646 308 00 Microphone /RL -99 1
996 646 308 00 B12 Black-grey
10 996 646 307 01 Microphone /LL -01 1
996 646 307 01 D05 Granite grey 99 M010
996 646 307 01 C02 Metal grey 98-99 M012
Metal grey -01 M012
996 646 307 01 A03 Black -01
(10) 996 646 308 01 Microphone /RL -01 1
996 646 308 01 D05 Granite grey 99 M010
996 646 308 01 C02 Metal grey 98-99 M012
Metal grey -01 M012
996 646 308 01 A03 Black -01
(10) 996 646 307 02 Microphone /LL 02 1
996 646 307 02 A03 Black
996 646 307 02 C02 Metal grey
(10) 996 646 308 02 Microphone /RL 02 1
996 646 308 02 A03 Black
996 646 308 02 C02 Metal grey
11 996 642 111 01 Receiver 1 M663
11 996 642 980 00 Receiver 1 IXEA
996 642 980 00 A11 Black
996 642 980 00 C51 Graphite grey
996 642 980 00 S31 Savanna
996 642 980 00 G11 Metropole blue
996 642 980 00 J31 Nephrite green
996 642 980 00 M31 Boxster red
996 642 980 00 P12 Cinnamon brown
996 642 980 00 D12 Dark grey/natural
996 642 980 00 T12 Brown/natural
See group
Seat rail
See group

24.07.2017 -3 Kat 020

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