Word Stress Quiz
Word Stress Quiz
Word Stress Quiz
. For each question, the correct choice is the one in which the stressed Write the letter of the correct answer for each sentence.
syllable is capitalized, as in voCABulary.
1.He is a little bit lazy, isn't he? (Rising Intonation)
1. Can you pass me a plastic knife? a. True
a. PLAS-tic b. False
b. plas-TIC 2.How many more hours before your done with your game?
2. I want to be a photographer. (Falling Intonation)
a. PHO-to-graph-er a. True
b. pho-TO-graph-er b. False
3. Which photograph do you like best?
a. PHO-to-graph 3.Cigarette smoking is dangerous to your health. (Rising
b. pho-TO-graph Intonation)
4. He was born in China. a. True
a. CHI-na b. False
b. Chi-NA 4.You should listen to your mother when she's talking to you.
5. Whose computer is this? (Falling Intonation)
a. com-PU-ter a. True
b. com-pu-TER b. False
6. I can't decide which book to borrow.
a. DE-cide 5. Liam, study your lessons now. (Rising Intonation)
b. de-CIDE a. True
7. Couldn't you understand what she was saying? b. False
a. un-DER-stand 6. Is this music good? (Falling Intonation)
b. un-der-STAND a. True
8. Voting in elections is your most important duty. b. False
a. im-POR-tant
7. Do you like watching Heroes? (Rising Intonation)
b. im-por-TANT
a. True
9. We had a really interesting conversation.
b. False
a. con-VER-sa-tion
b. con-ver-SA-tion 8. I love watching Heroes. (Rising Intonation)
10. How do you pronounce this word? a. True
a. PRO-nounce b. False
b. pro-NOUNCE 9. Which book is the best for you? (Rising Intonation)
a. True
b. False
10. Wow! That man is genius, isn't he? (Rising Intonation)
a. True
b. False