Factors That Promote Community Development in Anaocha Local Government Area of Anambra State.

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AUGUST, 2017.










Background to The study 1

Statement of Problem 3

Purpose of Study 4

Significance of the Study 4

Scope of the Study 5

Research Questions 5


Conceptual Framework

Concept of Community 8

Concept of Development 9

Concept of Community Development 12

Theoretical Framework

Theory of Modernization 15

Maslow’s theory of Motivation 16

Theoretical Studies

Efforts of the Government towards community development 18

Efforts of the community members towards community development 19

Factors Hindering The Effective Implementation Of Community Development

Programmes 23

Empirical Studies 28

Summary of Literature Review 29


Research Design 31

Area of Study 32

Population of the Study 32

Sample and Sampling Techniques 33

Instrument for Data Collection 34

Validation of the Instrument 34

Method of Data Collection 34


Method Of Data Analysis 35


Summary of Findings 46



Discussion of Findings 48

Implication of the Study 49

Conclusion 50

Recommendations 52

Suggestions for Further Research 52




1. Population of Distribution

2. Population and sample distribution

3. Frequency distribution of respondents by age range.

4. Frequency distribution of respondents by sex.

5. Frequency distribution of respondents by marital status.

6. Frequency distribution of the respondents by occupation’

7. Frequency distribution of respondents by level of educational qualification.

8. Mean responses on the efforts of the government in promoting community


9. Mean responses on the efforts of community members towards promoting

community development.

10.Mean responses on hindrances to effective community development




Background to the Study

Community development and its practice in Nigeria are not new. Even

before the coming of the colonial masters, several societies in Nigeria used

communal efforts s mechanism for mobilizing community resources to

improve physical improvement and functional facilities in their given

locations in the social, political, cultural and economic aspect of life

(Ewelum and Madu, 2010). According to Ewelum and Madu (2010), the

modern concept of community development gave rise to the establishment

of community development division /department/directorate as a crucial arm

of government charged with the responsibility of channeling the efforts of

the people towards promoting social and economic development. Ezeh

(2014) therefore defined community development as a term that denotes

various strategies and interpositions through co-ordinated actions of the

community members in order to usher in for the people social and economic

development. It is an effort geared towards achievement and solution of the

problems of the community, promoting social welfare, justice, raising

standard of living, community cohesion and developing their material and

human resources to a great extent. Alvis in Njoku (2016) defined community

development as many issues ranging from the development of the


neighborhood community through improved social services, protection and

regeneration of natural and built environmental factors, through the

development of economic and employment opportunities. Nwadike (2005)

defined community development as an action with a goal to improve the

lives of those involved in it. In certain act, as this may include improving the

quality of water or constructing homes for those without shelter. In other

areas, aid maybe provided for people of low economic status. Community

development is not only physical process, but also a very emotional process

whereby people work together to improve their living standard b building

not only infrastructures but also the bonds between them. This is in

agreement with views of U.N.O that community development is he process

by which the efforts of the people are united with those of governmental

authorities to improve economic, social and cultural conditions of

communities, to integrate these communities into the entire national


The importance of community development involve improving the

standard of living of the people, creating awareness to them on how to

develop their country by organizing some programmes in order for them to

be willing to co-operate with the issue of their community to develop

effectively (Obidiegwu, 204). According to Muoghalu (2014), many

community development Programmes have failed due to abandonment of


some projects which they cannot complete for the fact that they lack finance,

management, resources and orientation among members. Obviously,

community development will not be promoted, and no positive result can be

achieved until these problems are identified and solved.

It is therefore necessary to identify the factors involved in promoting

community development using Anaocha Local Government Area in

Anambra State as a case study.

Statement of the Problem

Community development programmes have been encouraged by

different administrators whereby they embark on the development

programme in order to improve living conditions as well as contributing to

national development. Apparently, communities tend to be prone to

constraints that puzzle them. This is so because maximal development

efforts still hangs on the balance in Nigeria and there had been problems

with promoting effective community development in Anaocha local

government area, Anambra State which involve lack of finance, lack of good

leaders, illiteracy, and basically lackadaisical attitude of the government

towards delivery system.

The researcher is therefore moved to carry out this study mostly because

of the non-challant attitudes of members of the community towards


community development and lack of government involvement that hinders

community development. This is because community development agents,

community leaders and community members are ignorant of the appropriate

factors that promote community development, thus the quest to defame the

factors that promote community development in Anaocha Local government

area of Anambra state.

Purpose of the Study

The main purpose of the study is to find out the factors promoting

community development in Anaocha local government area, Anambra state.

Specifically, the study tends to find out;

a) The efforts of the government in promoting community development in

Anaocha local government, Anambra State.

b) The efforts of the community members in promoting community

development in Anaocha local government, Anambra State.

c) The hindrances to effective community development in Anaocha local

government, Anambra State.

Significance of the Study

The findings of this research will be of immense importance to

members of the community, the government and the nation at large.


It will help the members of the community to identify ways of improving

community development programmes by sensitizing them on the need for

employment of the factors involved in developing the community as they

develop themselves. It will enable the people of Anaocha to involve in

self-help programmmes for the development of themselves, families and

communities. It will also make the people to be aware of their problems

and develop skills and knowledge to solve them.

It will also elicit the interest of the government and help them to

involve in rural and community development programme and as such

take it serious because the development of the community is a step

towards development of the nation.

The findings of this research will enable for national development;

by eliciting the needs for the community members to embrace self-help

and embark on entrepreneur education, the members of the community

get developed and the treasury of her government improves thereby

evolving national development.

Research Questions

The following research questions are formulated to guide the study;

1) What are the efforts of the government in promoting community

development in Anaocha Local Government Area?


2) What are the efforts of the community members towards promoting

community development in Anaocha Local Government Area,

Anambra State?

3) What are the hindrances to effective community development

programmes in Anaocha Local Government Area, Anambra State?



Conceptual Framework

Concept of Community

Concept of Development

Concept of Community Development

Theoretical Framework

Theory of Modernization

Maslow’s theory of Motivation

Theoretical Studies

Efforts of the Government towards community development

Efforts of the community members towards community development

Hindrances to effective community development

Empirical Studies

Summary of Literature Review


Concept of Community

The word community is derived from the old French “comunete” which

is derived from the Latin “communitas” meaning either with, together or gift. A

community may refer to a group of people gathered together in a geographical

are, whether large or small and united by common interest or it may refer to a

town, city, state or nation in which people share in common the basic condition

of life (Adebola, 2014). Abiona (2003) defined community as a population

living within a legally established area. In other words, such population does

live in a particular geographical area. They also communicate as members of the

same community and have feelings towards each other. They share a recognized

way of life which makes them share common sentiments. Such a community

can be family, village, town or clan, tribe, state or nation. In his view, Anyanwu

in Adebola (2014) highlighted six principal characteristics of a community,

which include;

Shared territory: A community occupies a geographical territory. The

way of life of the people gives the community its own unique features

which are different from those of other communities.

Shared beliefs: These people have common ideas, values, and attitudes.

Through these beliefs, the people develop a sense of common belonging.

Shared bonds of fellowship: This demands obligation from citizens and

conferment of beliefs upon them. It promotes a common basis to pursue


common objectives, coordinate community services and facilitate

relations among them.

Set standards or pattern of behavior: this refers to the psychological

situation that arises when people perform mutual actions and reactions

upon one another. No citizen can wholly dissociate himself from the

social relations in his environment.

Common cultures: it is the aggregate of the social, ethical, intellectual,

artistic, government and industrial attainments of a community and by

which it can be distinguished from any other community.

Common administration: This refers to a common form of administration

for running the affairs of the community. This connotes the formulation

of a process involving responsibility and accountability; it presupposes

effective leadership and the cognition of a chain of functionaries for the

administration of the community.

Concept of Development

In the literary sense, development means change in the original state,

structure or size of a thing especially from a small to a big object. In the

cognitive perspective; it involves change in individuals thought, perception and

awareness. Change symbolizes increase in knowledge and understanding and as

well physical outlook of an object. It can also mean enlargement of coast, that

is, opportunity or widening the scope of knowledge resulting in the multiplicity

of ideas and innovations (Ojo-Ojibare, 2010).

Development is an evolutionary process; it is either static or nor passive.

This is exemplified by United Nations’ outline of a nine point indicator of

development as presented by Coopan and Gardiner in Ojo-Ojibare (2010) that

development comprises of: Education, human freedom, health, food

consumption and nutrition, employment and conditions of work, housing, social

security, clothing and recreation. It can be inferred from the above description

that all the indices of development portray the economic, quantitative, physical

or material aspect of the phenomenon. This economic or quantitative dimension

also include the provision of some utilities and infrastructure such as in cities,

land, electricity, water, industries, shopping malls, high-rise buildings(storey

buildings or skyscrapers), automobile airports, sea ports, roads, highways, and

many others. All these items represent the tangible, measureable, and

quantifiable assets. They are all the products of human ingenuity, education and

training, and some human efforts are required to improve their conditions to

stand the test of time. In other words, it means that human energies, human

efforts, ingenuity, creativity, human skills, human attitudes, and innovations are

the springs of development. Development also encompasses change in the

political, social, and cultural dimension of human life with a resultant change in

overall value systems and institutions. These arguments also fall within the

scope of United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) explanation of

development that “Development is a process of enlarging people’s choice and

that choice can be infinite and change overtime”. But of all the processes of

development, the three essential ones are for people to live a long and healthy

life, acquire knowledge and have access to resources needed for a descent

standard of living. But development does include additional choices, highly

valued by many people ranging from political, economic and social freedom to

opportunities for being creative and productive.

According to Adiseshiah in Ojo-Ajibare (2010); development is

worthwhile, valuable and desirable. It amounts to the acceptance of the

desirable and rejection of undesirables. In other words, it involve a deep

structural change in the economy, psyche (personality), attitudes, motives and

motivation, socio-cultural and value systems. It can be recognized from the

current of ideas presented that development is a complex issue because, it is a

product of several factors; economic, social and cultural. However, there is a

consensus that development is a process of inuring which brings about both

qualitative and quantitative increase and expansion of human capabilities,

knowledge, skills ans attitudes, and of the use people make of their acquired

capabilities especially in adult education for productive purposes and upliftment

of the community and society at large.


Concept of community development

Adebola in Ugwoegbu (2015) is of the view that community is a process by

which a group of people who live within a defined area improve themselves and

their environment through their own actions and assistance of the government

for example building of maternity centers, schools, construction of roads, and

provision of pipe-borne water. According to the author, community

development helps the people to cooperate, to solve their problems and to be

self-reliant. According to Nzeneri (2008), community development is a popular

group work technique in adult education process which demands collective

action of community members in solving identified problems. It is also a

process of self-discovery by which the people of a community learn to identify

and solve their identified problems (Ugwoegbu 2015).In this process, people’s

ideas, thoughts, joy, aspirations, sorrow are shared in a large measure in order to

mold and shape their common destiny for themselves. He is also of the view

that community development seeks to empower individuals and groups of

people by providing them with the skills they need to effect change in their own

communities. These skills are often created through the formation of large

social groups working for a common agenda. It may according to the author

employ other techniques such as functional literacy, cultural education, political

education, extension programmes, family life and rural development

programmes in order to service the community.


According to Chieke (2016) community development is defined as a

process by which members of a community come together to improve their lots

and develop their community. According to the author, community

development is an organized self-help by the people and for the people. He went

further to term it a people’s movement. Smith (2013) however explained

community development as a process that seeks to build strong, sustainable

communities by bringing people and groups together for the good of the wider

community and society. It marks the process in the life of the community by

which the people plan and act together for the satisfaction of their felt needs.

Supporting this view, United Nations (2014) explained community development

as a process where community members come together to take “collective”

actions and generate solutions to common problem. They emphasized that it

empowers the members of the community with knowledge and skills to change

their communities.

Citing UNESCO, Cavage (2014); views community development as a

process where people are united with those of governmental authorities to

improve the economic, social and cultural conditions of communities and

communities are integrated into the life of a nation enabling them to contribute

fully to national process. Cavage explained that the broad aim of any

community development exercise is to improve community life with all

deliberate speed. She also envisaged that community development is a process


conducted by community members and also a process where local people can

not only create more jobs, income and infrastructure but also help their

communities become fundamentally better, able to manage change and improve

as well the situation of a community. United Nations in Ezenwaka (2013)

viewed that development is a process of enabling people to have choices. It

entails that capabilities that enables people to live a full life as human beings the

most important dimensions of human development are the person’s physical

survival and health level of knowledge, livelihood or income and political

freedom. These are the minimum basic needs that must be fulfilled. From the

foregoing, it is obvious that community development is not one-off thing or an

immediate and snap phenomenon. Rather it is gradual and progressive towards

perfections, having a set standard in mind. No wonder some scholars and

writers to it as a process.

Obiune in Ezenwaka (2013) perceived community development as

involving, creating and widening opportunities for individuals to realize full

potentials through education, share in decision and action which affect their

lives. He further views it as efforts to increase rural output, create employment

opportunities and root out fundamental or extreme cases poverty, diseases and

ignorance. Bennett (2006) sees community development as a deliberate attempt

by community people to work together to guide the future of their communities

and the development of a corresponding set of techniques for assisting


community people in such a process. Cavage (2000) upholds that community

development is a process where local people cannot only create more jobs,

income, and infrastructure but also help their communities become

fundamentally better. The concrete benefits of community such as employment

and infrastructure came through local people changing attitudes, mobilizing

existing skills, improving networks, thinking differently about problems and

using community assets in new ways. Community development improves the

situation of a community, not just economically but also as a strong functioning

community in itself.

Theoretical Framework

Modernization Theory

Modernization theory according to Mouton (2001: 27) refers to the

transformation which occurs when a traditional or pre-modern society changes

to such an extent that new forms of technological, organizational or social

characteristics of advanced society appear. It encompasses many disciplines as

it seeks to explain how society progresses, what variables affect the progress.

The theory of modernization was also elaborated by Mouton in Ugwoegbu

(2015), which the theory’s assumptions of modernization are a linear progress.

He further postulates that the theory was an attempt to provide the theoretical

framework to describe the road that newly decolonized countries of 1960’s in

Africa, Asia and Latin America need to have in order to reach their

development destination. Modernization theory encompasses the world of

globalization where moves and ideas are easily spread throughout the world,

leading to a sort of universal culture that serves as a baseline for all cultures.

Modernization theory can be applied to the development of Anaocha

local government area as an instinct of development of the community. It can

also encourage democracy amongst the members (adults) of the community,

contribute to the social lives and their way of thinking to be equal with other

urban inhabitants through mass education and adult literacy education through

I.C.T utilization, empowerment of youths and women skills acquisition among

others for community development to evolve. This could be done through

intervention of the government by generating funds to the community for their

infrastructural development, for any community without development is like a

desert without rain (Ugwoegbu, 2015).

Maslow’s Theory of Motivation

In the year 1943, Abraham Maslow propounded this theory in an article

he wrote called “A theory of human motivation” which expanded later in his

book “towards a psychology of being”. In his article, Abraham Maslow

attempted to formulate a need-based framework of human motivation and based

on his cynical experiences with people rather than as he did the previous

psychological theories of his days from authors as Frend and B.F Skinner which

were largely theoretical or based upon animal behavior. Maslow’s theory of

motivation states that human beings are motivated by unsatisfied needs and that

certain lower factors need to be satisfied. According to Maslow, there are

general types of needs (psychological, survival, safety, love and esteem) that

must be satisfied before a person can act unselfishly (Ugwoegbu, 2002). He

called this needs ‘deficiency needs’. As long as we are motivated to satisfy

these cravings, we are moving towards growth and self-actualization. Satisfying

needs is healthy, while preventing gratification makes us sick and act evilly.

Usually, community development programmes aim at creating awareness

of rural possibilities, providing information on resources, inputs and

infrastructure, deploying technical assistance, skills acquisition and

development, increasing literacy levels, improving productivity and productive

systems, thus satisfying the felt needs of the members of the community.

Ideally, most community development programmes in developing nations focus

on people’s felt needs and basic amenities. These goals can be achieved through

the combined and collective efforts of all those who share the conviction that

community development must be accepted and accorded a high priority in our

drive for poverty alleviation and national self-sufficiency, thus motivating the

rural populace to participants in the political, social and economic activities


towards national development and if good leadership is provided as well, the

people will participate voluntarily in the accomplishment of stated objectives.

Theoretical Studies

Efforts of The Government towards community development

Various governments in Nigeria basically set a goal, at least on paper, the

rapid structural transformation of their rural communities. Hence, the objective

of the National Policy on Rural and community development as outlined by

Ogbazi (2002) encapsulated that ideal situation of an acceptable level of

development in communities and rural areas. These objectives can be

paraphrased to include;

Promotion of social, cultural, educational and economic well-being of the

community and rural population.

Promotion of sustained and orderly development of the vast resources in

the rural area for the benefit of the people in the community.

Increase in and diversification of job opportunities and improvement of

income the communities.

Mobilization of the rural population for self and self-sustaining

programme of development, and


Uplifting of the technological based industries in the rural and joint

action, rather than individual activities.

It is therefore worthy to note that the government has not to a reasonable extent

provided necessary action to make way for community development. Extending

access to people living in the developing world’s rural areas especially adults

require some initiative and help from the government (Wellenius, 2003: 4).

Generally speaking, Ugwoegbu (2015) stated that African countries have plenty

of natural and human resources which still remained unused or exploited

wrongly by poor leadership. He added that the challenge is high; however the

opportunity is much higher. As poverty, ignorance etc, is limiting evolvement

and implementation of programmes for community development, the

government should learn to exploit and distribute evenly the abundant human

and natural resources; mineral and hydro-power wisely to ensure the effective

involvement of community development.

Efforts of the community members in promoting Effective Community


According to Nwankwo (2004), the major goals of community

development were summarized as;


a) To inculcate social change for balanced human and material wellbeing or


b) To straighten the institutional structure in such a way as to enhance social

change and the process of growth.

c) To ensure the fullest possible participation of the people in the

development process.

d) To promote social justice by helping the less privileged people to express

their aspiration and participate in development activities.

To achieve these goals, some strategies and factors must be put to place. They


Self Help:

This could be related to an individual who has the resources to implement a

project to satisfy the basic needs of a community. It could also apply to

coordinate efforts within a community to select and execute local, economic and

social programmes addressed to the development of a community. This

approach is applied in the sense that efforts are made through some kind of self-

effort or collective action in various communities to promote better living for

the residuals like building of schools and colleges, construction of roads, rural

water supply schemes, town or village council halls, market and recreational

facilities, community group farms, farmers’ cooperative etc could be


implemented through this approach. Here, members of the community are

involved in initiating discussion on project as well as the approval of projects

(Batten in Ezenwaka, 2013).


Lasting success in mobilizing and sensitizing adults for development will be

achieved through education. Education plays a vital role in changing the

attitudes of adults and creating a disposition for self-reliance and contentment

(Ogbomo, 2008). Education is a systematic process through which an individual

acquires knowledge, expertise in entrepreneurial skill and sound attitude. It

makes an individual civilized, refined, and cultured for a civilized and

socialized society. Its goals is to make an individual perfect in all ramifications.

Educating the masses should form the major responsibility of the government

that loves its populance since according Ndubisi in Nwankwo (2004); the

development of the cognitive, affective and psychomotor abilities of an

individual to enable him function effectively and happily in the society, thus

evolving development in the community.

Good Leadership:

To bring a community to action and to bring forth community development, it is

necessary for individuals and groups in the community to provide good

leadership. When good leadership is provided, the people participate voluntarily


in the accomplishment of stated objectives. The leaders of the community must

be accountable, transparent, responsive and participatory. Good leadership is

simply a condition for all development initiatives to be sustained.

Mobilization and Social Action:

According to Okpechi (2004); community mobilization and social action is a

process through which action is stimulated by a community itself or by others,

that is planned, carried out, and evaluated by the community’s individuals,

groups and organization on a participatory and sustained bases to improve the

health, hygiene and education levels so as to enhance the overall standard of

leaving in the community. It is viewed as a process which begins a dialogue

among the members of the community to determine who, what and how issues

are decided and also to provide all avenue for everyone to participate in

decisions that affect them and their lives. It involves engaging communities to

identify community priorities, resources, needs and solutions in such a way as to

promote representative participation, good governance, accountability and

peaceful change (Concha in Okpechi, 2o14).


One of the major ways to ensure the success of any community development

programme is by fund raising by the community members. Finance cannot be

avoided in the quest for community development. When it is done internally, it


is through launching, donations, levies and fines; as against donor funding. The

author noted that raising funds for projects in the rural community is a very

sensitive task. The government and non-governmental organizations are not left

out in the financing task for community development. Institutions like banks etc

can as well finance community development efforts. In his study, Ikechukwu

(2010) stated that in some communities, some banks finance community

development programmes. The banks believe that they play an important role in

their host communities and that they can enhance and sustain their communities

through their developmental efforts which will help to expand their customer

base and enhance their banks’ reputation in the communities. When institutions

finance community development, they recognize that communities that improve

and maintain infrastructure and public resource are those that attract new

businesses and jobs, encourage existing businesses to expand and ultimately

increase the institution’s customer base.

Factors hindering the effective implementation of community

development programmes

According to Anyanwu et al (2003), the problem facing community

development is not only that of reducing the gap between the rich and the poor,

it also extends to finding the means of bridging the gap between the rich and the

poor, educated and ignorant, between economically free and economically


frustrated. The programmes of community development are faced with several

problems which include:


Olayide and Olujuwon (2004) wrote that many rural and community

development projects have been initiated on the basis of economic

problems. In the drive towards the goal of better living conditions in the

communities, it is pertinent to note that the first major problem of rural

dwellers is poverty, which is as a result of low yearly income according

to the average rural dwellers (Ofoegbu, 2008).

Lack of government support:

Commenting on community development problem, Williams (2004)

asserted that communities now pay through their nose to have the basic

necessities of life even where and when provisions of these basic things

particularly water; light and health facilities are their unavoidable rights.

As there is little or no government assistance, the establishments are

mainly through communal labour. All the efforts made to develop

Anaocha local government area were not given a face lift as a result of

inadequate support and funding both from the community itself and from

the government.


Onyedeji and Asiedu (2003) opined that no positive development can

take place in a society when about 60% to 70% of its population are

illiterates. Millions of men and women all over our towns and villages

who are completely uneducated for no fault of their own obviously will

have the potential and enthusiasm to be useful instruments of the

development process when they have received the basic education


Rural urban migration:

Community development is people oriented programme and so needs

people to mobilize the available resources. According to Sarunmi (2007),

lack of rural and community development encourages able bodied men

and women to migrate from the village to the cities, were there are better

amenities as pipe-borne water, electricity, health services and recreational

centers. In a situation where these people are not there to mobilize

available resources, it becomes a problem as the money cannot develop



Nigeria’s political, economic and social culture is very complex and it

does not portray any clear direction for the people to follow in order to

establish a stable economy and political consciousness. Some cultures are

characterized by stable pattern of behavior with regards to duties people

have to perform. In such cultures, especially political cultures, individual


rights are stated in the constitution and are respected by those who

occupy the positions of leadership. This is not true of Nigeria (Daily

News 1994 in Nwankwo, 2004).

Non- challant attitude:

Some well to do individuals in the community exhibit non-challant

attitudes and this pose a serious problem to community development. Tili

in Ezenwaka (2013) lays emphasis on mass participation in rural

development to reject changes in modern economic and social life of the

people and that people must be given greater equality if they are to enjoy

the society. He further argues that this call for equality reflects on the

people. This non-challant attitude or lack of cooperation by some

individuals in the community does not contribute to the execution of

community development projects either financially or manually.

Lack of peaceful co-existence in the community:

Community development as the name implies means pursuing a common

goal concertedly by the people involved to satisfy their unique group

need. Community conflicts which maybe intra-village, intra-community

as intra-family conflicts as it affects the community development, hence,

the adage “rolling stone gathers no grass” and “Union is strength”. And

so a situation where fragmentation of efforts is cherished than unionism,

is characterized with life span.

Lack of motivation:

The Nigeria citizens are not motivated to engage themselves in

favourable, political, economic, and social life. Idike in Nwankwo (2004)

said that this is because government does not provide the necessary

incentive- access roads, pipe borne water, electricity, hospital, market etc

which would make rural dwellers know that their welfare are being

protected always. When the masses are recognized in this way, the people

will be in the position to make selfless services and sacrifices, and as well

give support to the government thereby exercising their civil

responsibilities. He regrets the fact that politicians whether in “khaki” or

“Agbada” have grossly exploited the ignorance of the ill-informed people

especially in our areas.


Empirical Studies

One study found related to the current study is that of Ezenwaka (2013) on “The

strategies for mobilizing adults for effective community development in Aguata

Local Government Area”. It adopted a survey research design. The sample of

the study was 100 adult literates selected from fourteen towns in the local

government. The date was collected using the questionnaire and analyzed using

weighed mean and percentage. The findings revealed that adequate trained

personnel infrastructure, age grade activities, literacy programmes for adults in

the community, government establishing training programmes for community

leaders and completed development project by adults will help in mobilizing

adults for effective community development. Based on the findings, some

recommendations were made which includes among others that government

should embark on training adequate personnel which help in mobilizing adults

for effective community development.

Another study found related to this study is that of Nwankwo (2014) on

“Mobilization factors for community development in Orumba North Local

Government Area”. This study used a survey research design with a sample of

400 members of the Orumba North improvement Union resident in the local

government area, selected through a simple random sampling technique. Data

was collected using questionnaire and analyzed using tables; mean, frequency

distribution and percentages. Findings revealed that the civil servants not

minding their minority in nature, can be well utilized in the community to apply

some mobilization strategies towards community development activities or

project execution, findings also showed that self-help as a strategy is mostly

used. It also showed that the community development project that have been

embarked on in the building of town halls and civic centers and finally to ensure

effective participation, members of the union and every adult should participate

in any community development activity. Based on the findings, the researcher

recommended among others that there should be awareness creation in other to

aid community development activities by government and community


Summary of Literature Review

The researcher has reviewed literature on the concept of community

development noting among others that community development is a social

process by which human beings can become more competent to live with and

gain some control over local conditions and the changing world. It is an action

geared towards improving the lives of those involved in it; who can be seen as

the community members. The theory of modernization and Maslow’s theory of

motivation were extensively explained as it has to do with the study, nothing

that the modernization theory can be applied to the development of Anaocha

Local Government as an instinct of development of the community and that it


can also encourage democracy amongst the adult members of the community.

He also noted that most community development programmes in developing

nations focus on people’s felt needs, and basic amenities and that these goals

can be achieved through the combined and collective efforts of all those who

share the conviction that community development must be accepted and

accorded a high priority in our drive for poverty alleviation and self-sufficiency,

therefore motivating the rural populace to participate in political, social and

economic activities towards national development.

The gap in the review of related literature showed that no study had been

conducted on factors that promote community development in Anaocha Local

Government in Anambra State. This therefore prompted the researcher to

embark on this study.




This chapter presents the research method under the following sub-headings;

Research design, Area of the study, population of the study, sample and

sampling techniques, method of data collection, method of data analysis.

Research Design

A research design according to Obi (2005) is a term used to describe a

number of decision, which need to be taken regarding the collection of data

before the data are collected. The researcher used descriptive research design

because; the study is aimed at collection of information from people on specific

topics of concern. According to Akuezuilo and Agu (2003), the design is an

attempt to collect data from a sample of a population in order to determine the

current state of that population with respect to one or more variables. This

design was also adopted because it is designed in such a way that a group of

people or items are studied by collecting data and analyzing from only a few

people or items considered to be representative of the entire groups.


Area of Study

The study was carried out in Local Government Area. This is because a

good number of the communities had failed in community development. It is

located about twenty kilometers away from Onitsha. On the North, Anaocha is

bounded by Nimo, South by Igbo Ukwu, East by Nanka and West by Alor, with

its headquarter at Neni. The main occupation of the people is trading.

Population of the Study

The population for the study Anaocha consists of 3,000 members of the

entire Town Union Executives which comprises of all the towns in Anaocha

Local Government Area. According to Ejezie (2015); Town Union Executives

are instruments of development. They include both literate and illiterate


Table 1: Population of Distribution

S/N Towns Distribution

1 Neni 550

2 Agulu 480

3 Obeledu 165

4 Adazi-Nnukwu 380

5 Adazi-Enu 220

6 Adazi-Ani 140

7 Ichida 280

8 Akwaeze 210

9 Nri 295

10 Oraukwu 280

Total 3,000

Source: Office of the Secretary, Anaocha Local Government Area

Headquarters, Neni.

Sample and Sampling Techniques

The sample of study consists of 1,000 respondents (male) composed

through simple random sampling technique. 30% of each population was used

making a total of 1,000. The table below are their populations and sample


Table 2: Population and sample distribution.

S/N Towns Population Distribution Sample

1 Neni 550 183

2 Agulu 480 160

3 Obeledu 165 55

4 Adazi-Nnukwu 380 127

5 Adazi-Enu 220 73

6 Adazi-Ani 140 48

7 Ichida 280 93

8 Akwaeze 210 70

9 Nri 295 98

10 Oraukwu 280 93

Total 3,000 1,000

Instrument for Data Collection

The main instrument for the study was Questionnaire designed by the

researcher. The questionnaire was divided into two sections; “A and B”. Section

‘A ‘of the questionnaire dealt with the personal data of the respondents while

section ‘B’ on its own constitutes the items structured to licit information from

the respondents with regards to the topic.

Validation of the Instrument

To validate the instrument of the study, the researcher subjected the

questionnaire to face validity by the two other lecturers from the department of

adult education before the final construction of the instrument.

Method of Data Collection

To facilitate the process of instrument administration, the researcher

personally administered the questionnaires to the members of the groups during


their meeting. Completed copies of the questionnaire was collected immediately

after response to avoid any chance of misplacement.

Method of Data Analysis

The data for this study was collected, collated and analyzed using

percentages and weighed mean. Percentage was used for the personal data of the

respondents, while weighed mean was used in analyzing the research questions.

Four-point scale assigned numerical values was used;

Strongly Agree (SA) - 4 points

Agree (A) - 3 points

Disagree (D) – 2 points

Strongly Disagree (SD) – 1 point

Example mean (⁻×) = 4+3+2+1

10 = 2.5

Decision Rule

Any mean score up to 2.5 and above was accepted while any mean score

below 2.5 was rejected.




This chapter deals with the presentation and analysis of data collected.

The data collected were presented in frequency, tables, percentages and mean.


Table 3: Frequency distribution of respondents by Age range.

Age group Frequency (f) Percentage

35-45 years 15 5

46-51 years 150 50

52-57 years 80 28

58 and above 55


Total 300 100

The result in table 3 shows that 5 percent of the respondents are between 35-45

years, 50 percent of them fall between the ages of 46-51 years, 28 percent of

them are 52-57 years, while 17 percent of them are from 58 years and above.

This shows that majority of the respondents fall within the age range of 46-51


Table 4: Frequency distribution of respondents by sex/gender.

Sex Frequency Percentage %

Males 300 100

Females ____ ___

Total 300 100

Table 4 shows that 100 percent of the respondents were males while no percent

of the respondents were females. The results show that all the all the

respondents were men that participated in the programme. This implies that the

respondents are male.

Table 5: Frequency distribution of respondents by marital status.

Marital status Frequency (f) Percentage %


Single 7 2

Married 272 90

Divorced 9 3

Widower 12 5

Total 300 100

The result in table 5 shows that 2 percent of the respondents were single,

90 percent are married, 3 percent divorced, while 90 percent are widower.

Therefore, majority of the respondents were married men that participated in the


Table 6: Frequency distribution of the respondents by occupation

Occupation Frequency (f)

Percentage %

Civil servants 45 15

Traders 235 78

Farmers 20 7

Total 300 100


The result from the table above shows that 15 percent of the respondents

were civil servants, 78 percent were traders, while 20 percent are farmers.

Therefore, majority of the respondents were traders.

Table 7: Frequency distribution of respondents by level of educational


Educational qualification Frequency (f) Percentage%

Degree and above 190 63



FLSC 7 3

Total 300 100

Table 7 shows that 63 percent of the respondents had degree and above,

49 percentages of them had OND/HND/NCE, 18 percent had

WASC/GCE/NECO/NABTEB, while 3 percent of the respondents had FSLC.

Therefore majority of the respondents had Degree and above.


SECTION B: Analysis of Data for Research Questions


What are the efforts of the government in promoting community


This question is answered by the results in table 8.

Table 8: Mean responses on the Efforts of the government in promoting

community development.

S/N Items SA A D SD Total Mean Remark

1 Promotion of 9 5 140 146 300

Social cultural, 36 15 280 146 477 1.6 Rejected

educational and


well-being of the


2 Promotion of 10 10 150 130 300


development of

the vast resources

in the rural 40 30 300 130 500 1.7 Rejected


3 Uplifting of the 75 45 110 70 300

technological based 300 135 200 70 705 2.3 Rejected



4 Increase and 7 10 170 113 300

diversification of job 28 30 340 113 511 1.7 Rejected


Total mean 7.3

Grand mean 1.8 Rejected

In table 8, all the items were fully rejected by the respondents. This

shows that there no efforts of the government towards community development.


What are the efforts of the community members towards promoting

community development?

Table 9: Mean responses on the Efforts of the community members

towards promoting community development.

S/N Items SA A D SD Total Mean Remark

1 Full 180 95 15 10 300 Accepted


of the people 720 285 30 10 1,045 3.5


in the



2 Promoting 80 95 70 55 800 Accepted


justice by 320 285 140 55 300 2.7

helping the



people to




3 Engaging in 180 95 15 10 300 Accepted


Or collective 720 285 30 10 1045 3.5

action in



to promote



Total mean 9.7

Grand mean 3.2

Table 9 results shows that the three items are above 2.5, therefore the result is

accepted that efforts of the community members affect community



What are the hindrances to effective community development programmes.

Table 10:

Mean responses to hindrances to effective community development


S/N Items SA A D v Total Mean Remark

1 Poverty 196 86 11 7 300

2 Lack of 784 258 22 7 1071 3.6 Accepted



3 Illiteracy 12 41 150 97 300 1.9 Rejected

48 123 300 97 569

4 Rural-Urban 80 50 99 71 300 2.5 Accepted


320 150 198 71 739

5 Culture 27 45 180 48 651 2.2 Rejected

6 Non-challant 55 113 90 42 781 2.6 Accepted


7 Lack of 102 101 42 55 850 2.8 Accepted

peaceful co-

existence in



Lack of 40 35 180 45 300 2.2 Rejected

motivation. 160 105 360 45 670

Total mean 21.4

Grand 2.7 Accepted


In table 9, the result show that the mean score of item 1,2,4,6 and 7 are

above 2.5, while the mean score of item 3,5 and 8 is below 2.5. The grand mean

is 2.7 which is above 2.5. This shows that poverty, lack of government support,

rural urban migration, non-challant attitude, lack of peaceful co-existence in the

community hinders effective community development programme.


Summary of Findings

Based on the analysis carried out, the following findings were


1. Majority of the respondents fall within the age range of 45-50 years.

2. All the respondents are male.

3. Majority of the respondents were married men that participated in the


4. Majority of the respondents are traders.

5. Majority of the respondents has degree and above.

6. Promotion of social cultural, educational and economic well-being of the

community if enhanced by the government will help to promote

community development.

7. Promotion of sustained development of the vast resources in the rural

area will help to promote community development.

8. Uplifting of the technological based industries does not really promote

community development.

9. Increasing job opportunities by the government will promote community


10.Full participation of the people in the development process promotes

community development.

11.Promoting social justice by the community members will help the less

privileged people express their aspiration

12. Poverty, lack of government support, rural urban migration and lack of

peaceful co-existence in the community hinders effective community





This chapter deals with the discussion of findings of the study,

conclusion inferred from the findings of the study, implication of the study and

suggestions for further research.

Discussion of Findings

From the analyzed data, the following findings were made on the major

factors that promote community development in Anaocha Local Government

Area in Anambra State.

Research Question 1:

The result analysis of research question1, results gathered from the

analysis shows that the respondents disagreed on all the items which shows

government negligence towards effective community development. This is in

agreement with Nnodu, 2004 who said that government lack the basic amenities

to enhance community development.

Research Question 2:

The result analysis of research question 2 indicated that the respondents

agreed on the items that full participation of the people in the development

process, promoting social justice by helping the less privileged people express

their aspiration, and engaging in self-effort by the community members will go

a long way in promoting community development. This corroborates with Olisa,

(2007) who stated that members within a community should strife hard within

themselves to participate in all the development process of the community, and

not to depend solely on the government. He goes on to say that they should not

use because of government negligence abandon the community they belong in,

they should rather engage in self-help projects which will satisfy the needs of

the community.

Research Question 3:

In respect to Research question 3, results gathered from the analysis shows

that poverty, lack of government support, rural urban migration, non-challant

attitude and lack of peace-full co-existence in the community hinders effective

community development in Anaocha Local Government Area in Anambra


Implication of the Study

The findings of this study have some implications for community

development agencies like the government, cooperative societies, Non-


governmental agencies, town unions, and even commissions established for

community affairs in various levels of government like the local government

commission for rural areas, ministry of urban development. It will enable

researchers to discover a lot of factors that will help promote various

communities. These finds will equally enable the various organizations and

ministries created for rural development know the hindrances to effective

development programmes and contribute in the development of the various

communities and as well know the strategies to employ for their mobilization.


The study was aimed at determining the factors that promotes community

development. It also traced the concept of community development, the efforts

of the government and community members towards community development.

To the extent of the sources reviewed, analyzed and procedures used provided a

complete and reliable data which shows that on the basis of the findings, the

following were drawn with respect of the major factors that promotes

community development in Anaocha Local Government in Anambra State

which include; promotion of socio-cultural educational and economic well-

being by the government, full participation of the community members in the

development process and engaging in self-effort or collective action in various

communities to promote better living. The study also identified the hindrances

to effective community development programmes which include poverty, lack

of government support, rural urban migration, non-challant attitude and lack of

peaceful co-existence in the community. Therefore, buttressing these factors

will go a long way to promote community development in Anaocha Local

Government Area in Anambra State.



Based on the findings of the study, the following recommendations were


1. Government should work towards effective community development and

develop create more job opportunities.

2. Community members should participate actively in all the development

process for effective community development.

3. Governments as well as the community members should together

contribute to the promotion of community development.

4. The help of community development agents and experts through the

various agencies should be looked for in planning and carrying out

community development programmes.

Suggestions for further studies

1. Further research should be carried out on government efforts towards

community development.

2. Further research should be carried out on efforts of the community

members towards community development.

3. Further research on this topic should be carried out in all the local

government in Anambra State.

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