Layher Allround Scaffolding - Technical Brochure
Layher Allround Scaffolding - Technical Brochure
Layher Allround Scaffolding - Technical Brochure
Ref. No. 8116.207
Quality management
certified to
ISO 9001:2008
More possibilities. With quick-to-build safety.
The original Layher Allround Scaffolding offers The unique combination of positive and non-positi- With Layher Allround Scaffolding – in steel or
an unmatched variety of uses, unbeatably fast ve connections in rapid bolt-free system technology in aluminium – you are investing in a perfected
assembly, and a profitability that's always per- with AutoLock function permits connections that and complete system with all the approvals
suasive, particularly in structural and engineering are automatically right-angled, obtuse-angled and required for rapid, safe, very profitable and highly
scaffolding assembly – that's to say, in applications acute-angled, with built-in safety at the same time. flexible scaffolding construction.
where conventional scaffolding technology cannot The Layher Allround Scaffolding has become a syn-
be optimally used. And all this is due not least to a onym in the marketplace for modular scaffolding.
comprehensive range of series-produced expansion
parts: this is the unrestricted Allround versatility as
a modular system.
Unique connecting technology
Whether it’s used in industry, chemical plants, As work scaffolding and safety scaffolding at the For very difficult ground plans and anchoring con-
power stations, aircraft factories, shipyards, thea- façade, as birdcage, trestle and suspended scaffold- ditions, for very irregular structures, and for jobs
tres or arenas, on every site and on every structure ing, or as a rolling tower – the right scaffolding at with increased safety requirements.
the “original” does justice to its reputation as an all times and for every job and requirement.
It’s this easy: Turning the ledger and As the wedge head is pushed over the The flat rosette without recesses or A hammer blow on the wedge trans-
slightly tilting it before assembly activa- rosette, the wedge drops automatically bulges prevents it getting clogged with forms the positive connection into an
tes the AutoLock function. into the recess and is immediately the dirt, whatever the type, that makes unsurpassed non-positive one.
secured against any possibility of assembly difficult.
shifting or dropping out.
That means:
Safe one-man assembly,
whatever the height.
Qualitäty management
certified according to
ISO 9001:2008
Approval for the Allround Approval for the Approval for the Approval for the Approval for the Approval for the Approval for the
modular system in steel: Allround modular system Allround modular system Allround modular system Allround Connector Allround Connector in steel: Allround Scaffolding
Z-8.22.64, Z-8.22.939 in steel: in steel: in steel: and the G-215/91 system:
235/032/2010 00001/115/2010 A34/000006 standard assembly: broj 11-DD-0940
Approval for the Allround 07 P Approval for the
Connector in aluminium: standard assembly in steel:
Z-8.22-64.1 G-215/91
The wedge-head is precisely matched What’s the good of a bolt-free connec- The result of superior design:
to the radius of the standard at the tion if the time you save is lost again by up to 8 connections can be made in the structurally ideal
front end – so forces are applied over having to measure the right angles? Allround® Connector on one level and at various angles.
a wide surface and always centrally How the system is assembled is self-explanatory.
into the standard.
Approval for the Approval for the Approval for the Approval for the Approval for the Allround Approval for the Allround
Allround modular system the standard assembly standard assembly in steel: Allround Connector system in steel system in steel
in steel: in steel: 76/02 154801 in steel: and aluminium: UA1.082.0076413-11
20036/OM-4 B/02/033/07 POCC DE.AB28.H12479
and supplements Approval for the Approval for the Allround
standard assembly in alu system in aluminium:
minium: 154806 UA 1.082.0053933-10
Unique connecting technology
The Layher Allround LW Connector was The Layher Allround LW Connector offers, More possibilities.
developed as an optimisation of the in comparison with the previous Connector Combinability with Allround material of the
K2000+ variant, and the variant, previous designs is in general assured, and
Allround Connector, proven since 1974. substantially higher loading capacities regulated by approval.
bending torque of ledger connection:
+ 18.8 %
And that means: material savings. That means: existing material is “upgraded”.
Unless otherwise noted in the tables, all the load values printed in this brochure have been obtained from Layher’s unverified internal calculations. They have been prepared to the best of our
knowledge and belief by structural engineers qualified to do so. The specifications of the following technical rulebooks provide the foundation for these calculations:
- DIN EN 12810-1:2004-03
- DIN EN 12811-1:2004-03 in association with the “Application guideline for work scaffolding in accordance with DIN EN 12811-1”
- DIN 4420-1:2004-03
- DIN 4420-3:2006-01
- DIN 4421:1982-08
along with the issues of the Layher approvals applicable at the time of going to press.
The dimensioning for steel construction is based on DIN 18800-1:1990-11 and DIN 18800-2:1990-11 standards. Aluminium components have been dimensioned on the basis of the May 1996
edition of the “DIBt approval principles for the dimensioning of aluminium components in scaffolding construction”.
Please note that the underlying calculations – in particular those for the dimensioning – have not yet been converted to the Eurocodes and DIN EN 12812:2008-01.
Z-8.22-64 / Z-8.22-939
Approval for the standard assembly as The Allround Scaffolding also offers the Allround Scaffolding as an intelligent and
façade scaffolding. proven Allround advantages to the façade: profitable solution
In addition to the approval for the scaffolding con- Little tendency to clogging Particularly irregular façades and structures with
nectors, the Allround Scaffolding is also approved “Automatic” rectangular assembly curving ground plan can be enclosed economically
for assembly as fasade scaffolding, which Flexibility and safely using Allround Scaffolding.
means that it can be assembled without further High loading capacity
verification. Decks can be fitted or removed at any point This is where Allround Scaffolding, with its
No vertical diagonal braces are required in the and at any time superlative adaptability, offers an intelligent and
standard assembly according to the approval. economical alternative.
Possible applications in which the specific advan- A ground contact area insufficient to absorb the And in addition,
tages of the Layher Allround Scaffolding systems forces of a steel scaffolding construction.
made of aluminium can be used to particular Historic natural stone masonry – starting to faster assembly
advantage, in terms of both profitability and crumble under the influence of the environment less physical strain on the fitters
design, include – has to be renovated, and is no longer able to low loading weight
support a steel scaffolding.
rolling towers In boilers, power stations etc. with manhole are specific reasons for using the aluminium
suspended scaffolding feeding version of the Layher Allround Scaffolding.
as scenery in theatres
in the trade fair and events field These are all scenarios in which the use of the
Layher aluminium Allround Scaffolding system is
Allround Scaffolding – individual parts
Three basic elements – standard, ledger, diagonal brace – in practically-minded dimensions, together with application-oriented expansion parts, make up the Allround
system. All parts are made at Layher’s own certified production facility, out of steel – hot-dip galvanized – or aluminium, depending on the function. According to the
specifications of the approvals. Proven, high quality thanks to continuous monitoring, starting at goods reception and continuing during every phase of manufacture. Short
delivery times from plentiful stocks, and reliable availability thanks to the special transporters in the company’s own large vehicle fleet, as well as additional stocks held for
you in a tight-knit network of delivery warehouses.
U-access deck, aluminium, LATTICE BEAM
0.61 m wide,
with integrated access ladder
Lengths 2.57 m, 3.07 m
O-lattice beam
Lengths 2.07 m, 2.57 m, 3.07 m, 4.14 m, 5.14 m, 6.14 m, 7.71 m
U-access deck, steel, 0.64 m
Lengths 2.07 m, 2.57 m
U-lattice beam
Access ladder
Lengths 2.07 m, 2.57 m, 3.07 m,
For access deck
4.14 m, 5.14 m, 6.14 m
Length 2.15 m
Spigot for U-section
Lattice beam, incl. 2 pins
Steel plank 0.20 m
Lengths 1.00 m, 1.50 m, Spigot for O-section
2.00 m, 2.50 m, height 45 mm with half-couplers,
19 WS or 22 WS
Steel plank 0.30 m
Lengths 1.00 m, 1.50 m,
2.00 m, 2.50 m, height 45 mm STAIRWAY/LADDER ACCESS
Version with safety clip U-platform stairway, U-platform stairway,
on one or both sides. 2.00 m high, aluminium 1.50 m high, aluminium
Lengths: for 2.57 m bay Lengths: for 2.57 m bay
Locking screw, red
for 3.07 m bay
Length 80 mm; WS 19/22
U-platform stairway,
for use with steel decks on steel
2.00 m high, aluminium
decks, or steel planks on steel
Lengths: for 2.57 m bay
for 3.07 m bay
Locking screw, blue
Stairway guardrail, 2.00 m high
Length 40 mm; WS 19/22
with swivelling wedge-heads
for use with gap covers on steel
Lengths: for 2.57 m bay
for 3.07 m bay
Stairway guardrail, 2.00 m high
Base plate 60 Lengths: for 2.57 m bay
Length 0.60 m for 3.07 m bay
Base plate 80, reinforced
Stairway guardrail adaptor
Length 0.80 m
Base collar
0.28 and 0.39 m wide ANCHORING
U-bracket, Allround wall tie
0.73 m wide Length 0.80 m
See the Layher Allround Scaffolding price list for more information.
WS = Wrench size
Allround Scaffolding – the assembly
The Allround wedge-head system provides positive connection to every joint between standards, ledgers and diagonal braces as soon as they are assem-
bled. This fundamental security stays with the assemblers and users of the scaffolding all the way up. The required non-positive connection is achieved
with the specified hammer blow (500 g hammer until the blow bounces).
In the Layher system, depending on the type of application and load class,
but also in accordance with your working requirements, choose from decks (13 a) Install 1 ledger at 0.50 m
made of hot-dip galvanized steel, aluminium, solid wood or an aluminium 13 a as an intermediate rail and at
frame with laminated wooden board. Common to all Layher decks is the 1.00 m as a guardrail, as well as
horizontally bracing effect in the scaffolding, longitudinal ledgers can be a toe board in the scaffolding bay
omitted, see (9). and at the ends.
Standard decks
(9) and (10) Suspend the decks in
the U-ledger and secure them with
U-lift-off preventer. Deck selected
depending on loading and column
Allround Scaffolding – the assembly
Allround bridges BRIDGING VARIANT B
A bridge of up to 4.14 m can be built using steel or aluminium decks
with appropriate guardrails and toe boards. for load class 3
Bridging of gate entrances, building projections, balconies or openings (Scaffolding width: 0.73 m) up to 24.00 m height
using Allround lattice beams (see bridging variant B) or strengthening
with vertical diagonal braces (see bridging variant A).
Section A—A
(22) Allround lattice beams:
≤ 24 m
top chord and bottom chord
to be connected with wedge-head
to the rosette.
For bridges according to bridging
variant B.
A < <
≤ 2 x 3.07 = 6.14 m 0.73
Section B—B
(horizontal brace)
for load class 4
(Scaffolding width: 1.09 m) up to 24.00 m height,
applies only to K 2000+ diagonal braces
Section A—A
≤ 24 m
< <
Section A—A A
≤ 2 x 2.57 = 5.14 m 1.09
Anchoring point
≤ 24 m
A < <
≤ 2 x 3.07 = 6.14 m 0.73
Allround Scaffolding – connection values
Bending moment Torsional moment
Bending moment MT
My, Rd = ± 120.0 kNcm MT, Rd = ± 52.5 kNcm
Normal force
Vertical lateral force
Vz Vz
Z-8.22-64: K 2000+ Vertical lateral force
Bending moment
Vz Vz
Bending moment
My, Rd = ± 101.0 kNcm
Vertical lateral force, single connection
Normal force Vz, Rd = ± 26.4 kN
Vertical lateral force per rosette
∑ Vz, Rd = ± 105.6 kN
Normal force, diagonal braces
NRd = ± 31.0 kN
Allround Scaffolding – connection values, loading capacity tables
Z-8.22-64: VARIANT II
(vertical standards, ledgers and diagonal braces of earlier construction types)
Vz Vz
NRd = ± 22.7 kN
Horizontal lateral force
Load-bearing capacities of the vertical diagonal braces for bay
height 2.00 m for Variant Il:
VY VY Pressure Tension
Bay length all bay
0.73 1.09 1.40 1.57 2.07 2.57 3.07 4.14
[m] lengths
N V.R.d
-8.4 -8.4 -8.4 -8.4 -8.4 -8.4 -8.4 -5.3 +8.4
Variant II components can be mixed with components from
O-ledger: Vy, Rd = ± 6.7 kN the LW, K 2000+ and Variant I versions. See the approvals
U-ledger: Vy, Rd = ± 5.9 kN Z-8.22-64 and Z-8.22-949 for load-bearing capacities.
Rd = stress capacity, “Permissible loads” or “working loads” are obtained by dividing
(incorporates part safety coefficient M
) the load-bearing capacity by 1.55 (= F)
on Allround Lightweight standards on K 2000+ standards
K 2000+
on K 2000+ standards
Tab. 3 Load-bearing capacity of O-ledger K 2000+ Tab. 4 Load-bearing capacity of diagonal braces, LW H = 2.00 m
Ledger length Bay length
Load-bearing capacity
0.73 1.09 1.40 1.57 2.07 2.57 3.07 0.73 1.09 1.40 1.57 2.07 2.57 3.07
(system dimension) [m] [m]
perm. D [kN]
Evenly distributed line
22.1 10.4 6.5 5.3 3.1 2.1 1.5 brace +11.9 +11.9 +11.9 +11.9 +11.9 +11.9 +11.9
load (q) [kN/m] dia. 48 - 10.7 - 11.2 - 10.3 - 9.9 - 8.3 - 6.8 - 5.5
Individual load (P) in mm
7.4 5.2 4.2 3.8 3.0 2.4 2.1
bay centre [kN]
Tab. 5 Load-bearing capacity of diag. braces, K 2000+ H = 2.00 m
Bay length
Load-bearing capacity
0.73 1.09 1.40 1.57 2.07 2.57 3.07
perm. D [kN]
at Variant II standards brace +11.9 +11.9 +11.9 +11.9 +11.9 +11.9 +11.9
dia. 48 - 10.7 - 11.2 - 10.3 - 9.9 - 8.3 - 6.8 - 5.5
Tab. 6 Load-bearing capacity of O-ledger Variant II mm
Ledger length
(system dimension) [m] 0.73 1.09 1.40 1.57 2.07 2.57 3.07 Tab. 7 Load-bearing capacity of diag.l braces, Variant II H = 2.00 m
Evenly distributed line Bay
Load-bearing capacity
22.1 8.8 4.6 3.5 1.8 1.1 0.7 length 0.73 1.09 1.40 1.57 2.07 2.57 3.07
load (q) [kN/m] [m]
perm. D [kN]
Individual load (P) in
7.4 5.2 4.1 3.5 2.4 1.8 1.4 brace
bay centre [kN] ± 5.6 ± 5.6 ± 5.6 ± 5.6 ± 5.6 ± 5.6 ± 5.6
dia. 48
K 2000+
on K 2000+ standards
Tab. 8 Load-bearing capacity of U-lattice beams, K 2000+ Tab. 9 Load-bearing capacity of U/O horizontal bridging ledger
Beam length Ledger type U U U U O O O O
[m] 2.07 2.57 3.07 4.14 5.14 6.14 [m] 1.57 2.07 2.57 3.07 1.57 2.07 2.57 3.07
Evenly distributed Evenly distributed
17.3 12.5 10.2 7.3 5.2 4.3 15.2 8.7 5.1 3.6 14.5 8.6 5.4 3.6
line load (q) [kN/m]* line load (q) [kN/m]
Individual load (P) in 8.21 Individual load (P) in
25.1 26.6 16.2 15.9 10.9 8.0 6.9 5.3 5.2 10.6 6.9 4.6 3.6
bay centre [kN]* 19.52 bay centre [kN]
Individual load exactly in the centre of the lattice beam (= between * Lattice beam laid out over the whole area of the series decks, secured with lift-off preventer.
the two central posts) Alternatively the top chords of the lattice beam – except for the U-lattice beam 2.57 m – can
also be braced by a combination of tubes and couplers connected to the lattice beam posts.
Individual load above one of the central posts Example: Bracing the 4.14 metre lattice beam, see diagram below.
Tab. 10 Load-bearing capacity of O-lattice beams, K 2000+ Tab. 11 a Load-bearing capacity of U/O-ledger LW reinforced
Beam length Ledger type U-LW-V O-LW-V
[m] 2.07 2.57 3.07 4.14 5.14 6.14 Length [m] 1.40 1.57 2.07 2.57 3.07 1.09 1.40 1.57 2.07 2.57 3.07
Evenly distributed Evenly distributed
16.7 12.7 10.1 7.3 3.7 3.1 17.1 17.7 13.0 8.4 5.0 21.4 17.1 17.7 13.0 8.4 5.0
line load (q) [kN/m]* line load (q) [kN/m]
Individual load (P) in 11.21 Individual load (P) in
25.4 26.7 25.9 13.9 9.4 19.2 17.1 12.9 10.4 8.7 19.6 19.2 17.1 12.9 10.4 8.7
bay centre [kN]* 23.32 bay centre [kN]
Tab. 11 b Load-bearing capacity of U-ledger (U), reinforced ledger (V), O-ledger (O)
Ledger type and U U-V U-V O-V O-V U-LW U-LW
length [m] 0.73 1.09 1.40 1.09 1.29 1.09 1.40
Evenly distributed
19.0 17.3 10.4 21.8 15.6 17.5 10.8
line load (q) [kN/m]
Individual load (P) in
6.1 8.8 6.8 11.0 9.3 8.6 6.4
Bracing the 4.14 m lattice beam bay centre [kN]
Base plates – loading tables
Tab. 12 Base plate loading
Spindle Permissible vertical spindle load N [kN]* Perm. Hori-
extension with simultaneous effect of a horizontal load H [kN] zontal load
length hSp H= H= H= H= H= H= H= H= H= H= H= H= H= H [kN]
[cm] 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 if N = 0
N1 N2 N1 N2 N1 N2 N1 N2 N1 N2 N1 N2 N1 N2 N1 N2 N1 N2 N1 N2 N1 N2 N1 N2 N1 N2
0 39 53 39 51 39 51 39 51 39 50 39 49 39 49 38 – 38 – 37 – 36 – 36 – 35 – 26.3
5 39 52 39 51 39 50 39 48 38 – 37 – 36 – 35 – 34 – 33 – 32 – 31 – 30 – 7.8
10 39 51 39 49 38 – 37 – 36 – 34 – 33 – 30 – 29 – 28 – 26 – 25 – – – 4.6
15 39 49 38 – 36 – 35 – 33 – 31 – 29 – – – – – – – – – – – – – 3.2
20 38 – 36 – 34 – 32 – 29 – 27 – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – 2.5
25 37 – 34 – 31 – 28 – 23 – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – 2.0
Substitute cross-sectional values of
30 35 – 31 – 27 – 21 – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – 1.7
the spindle
35 32 – 27 – 21 – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – 1.5
A = 3.84 cm²
37 30 – 25 – 17 – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – 1.4
Wel = 2.61 cm³
Wpl = 3.26 cm³ *The permissible vertical loads are calculated by application of the calculation model according to DIN EN 12811-1, para.
To obtain the bending stiffness of the upright tube, the internal force components from second-order theory and the maximum load-
I = 3.74 cm4 bearing capacity of the uprights, the following birdcage scaffolding with configuration dimension 2.57 x 2.57 m was considered:
2.00 m level height for compression forces in the standard N 1 ≤ 39 kN
Material: EN 10219-S235JRH 1.50 m level height for compression forces in the standard 39 kN < N2 ≤ 54 kN
Rolled thread: fy, k = 280.0 N/mm² (–) With this combination of spindle extension length and horizontal load, the bending stress capacity of the spindle is exceeded.
*The permissible vertical loads are calculated by application of the calculation model according to DIN EN 12811-1, para. To
obtain the bending stiffness of the upright tube, the internal force components from second-order theory and the maximum load-
Substitute cross-sectional values of the
bearing capacity of the uprights, the following birdcage scaffolding with configuration dimension 2.57 x 2.57 m was considered:
spindle 2.00 m level height for compression forces in the standard N1 ≤ 39 kN
A = 4.71 cm² 1.50 m level height for compression forces in the standard 39 kN < N2 ≤ 54 kN
1.00 m level height for compression forces in the standard 54 kN < N3 ≤ 76 kN
Wel = 2.97 cm³
Wpl = 3.71 cm³ (–) With this combination of spindle extension length and horizontal load, the bending stress capacity of the spindle is exceeded.
I = 4.29 cm4
Material: EN 10219-S235JRH
Rolled thread: fy, k = 280.0 N/mm²
Tab. 14 Base plate loading
Permissible vertical spindle load N [kN]* Perm.
with simultaneous effect of a horizontal load H [kN] Horizontal
length hSp H= H= H= H= H= H= H= H= H= H= H= H= H= H [kN]
[cm] 0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 if N = 0
N1 N2 N1 N2 N1 N2 N1 N2 N1 N2 N1 N2 N1 N2 N1 N2 N1 N2 N1 N2 N1 N2 N1 N2 N1 N2
0 54 69 54 69 54 68 54 67 53 – 53 – 53 – 52 – 52 – 51 – 51 – 50 – 50 – 43.6
5 54 68 53 – 53 – 52 – 52 – 51 – 50 – 49 – 48 – 48 – 47 – 46 – 45 – 14.1
10 53 – 53 – 52 – 49 – 49 – 48 – 47 – 46 – 45 – 44 – 42 – 41 – 40 – 8.4
15 53 – 51 – 50 – 48 – 47 – 47 – 44 – 43 – 41 – 39 – 38 – 36 – 34 – 6.0
20 51 – 50 – 48 – 46 – 44 – 42 – 40 – 38 – 36 – 35 – – – – – – – 4.7
25 50 – 48 – 45 – 43 – 41 – 39 – 37 – 34 – – – – – – – – – – – 3.8
Substitute cross-sectional values of the
30 48 – 45 – 43 – 40 – 38 – 34 – 15 – – – – – – – – – – – – 3.2
35 45 – 42 – 40 – 36 – 27 – 12 – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – 2.8
A = 8.80 cm²
Wel = 3.84 cm³ 39 42 – 39 – 35 – 25 – 13 – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – 2.5
Wpl = 4.79 cm³ *The permissible vertical loads are calculated by application of the calculation model according to DIN EN 12811-1, para. To
obtain the bending stiffness of the upright tube, the internal force components from second-order theory and the maximum load-
I = 6.51 cm4 bearing capacity of the uprights, the following birdcage scaffolding with configuration dimension 2.57 x 2.57 m was considered:
2.00 m level height for compression forces in the standard N1 ≤ 39 kN
Material: EN 10025-2-S355J2 1.50 m level height for compression forces in the standard 39 kN < N2 ≤ 54 kN
Rolled thread: fy,k = 360,0 N/mm² (–) With this combination of spindle extension length and horizontal load, the bending stress capacity of the spindle is exceeded.
Material: EN 10219-S235JRH
Rolled thread: fy, k = 280.0 N/mm²
Allround standards – loading tables
q = 0.0 kN/m²
q = 0.5 kN/m²
q = 0.8 kN/m²
q = 1.1 kN/m²
q = 0.0 kN/m²
q = 0.5 kN/m²
q = 0.8 kN/m²
q = 1.1 kN/m²
q = 0.0 kN/m²
q = 0.5 kN/m²
q = 0.8 kN/m²
q = 1.1 kN/m²
b = 0.73 m 3 x 2.00 26 22 20 18 23 18 15 12 19 13 10 6
4 x 2.00 26 21 18 15 23 16 12 8 19 12 7 -
5 x 2.00 25 19 15 10 21 14 9 - 18 10 - -
or continuous 6 x 2.00 25 18 13 7 21 13 6 - 18 8 - -
7 x 2.00 25 16 10 - 21 11 - - 18 5 - -
8 x 2.00 25 15 8 - 21 10 - - 18 - - -
9 x 2.00 25 12 - - 21 7 - - 18 - - -
10 x 2.00 25 11 - - 21 5 - - 18 - - -
b = 1.09 m 3 x 2.00 26 23 21 19 23 18 16 13 19 14 11 7
4 x 2.00 26 22 19 16 23 17 13 9 19 12 8 -
5 x 2.00 26 21 17 13 22 15 11 6 18 10 1 -
6 x 2.00 26 20 16 11 22 14 8 - 18 9 - -
7 x 2.00 25 18 13 - 22 12 - - 18 7 - -
8 x 2.00 25 18 11 - 22 12 - - 18 2 - -
9 x 2.00 25 15 8 - 22 9 - - 18 - - -
10 x 2.00 25 15 - - 22 8 - - 18 - - -
b = 1.57 m 3 x 2.00 26 23 22 20 23 19 16 14 19 14 11 7
4 x 2.00 26 22 20 17 23 17 14 10 19 12 8 -
5 x 2.00 26 21 18 14 22 16 11 7 18 11 5 -
One diagonal brace for two bays. 6 x 2.00 26 20 17 12 22 15 10 - 18 10 - -
7 x 2.00 25 19 14 9 22 13 6 - 18 7 - -
sF Spindle extension of the base plate [cm] 8 x 2.00 25 18 13 - 22 12 - - 18 5 - -
sK Spindle extension of the head jack [cm]
9 x 2.00 25 16 10 - 22 10 - - 18 - - -
sK = 2/3*sF
10 x 2.00 25 16 9 - 22 9 - - 18 - - -
Wind loads: The effective dynamic pressure, without a reduction for ser-
b = 2.07 m 3 x 2.00 26 23 22 20 23 19 16 14 19 14 11 7
vice life, is taken as the dynamic pressure; the area exposed
to wind for all the bay widths is calculated for a bay length of 4 x 2.00 26 22 20 18 23 18 14 11 19 13 8 -
3.07 m. pw = q*cf*A 5 x 2.00 25 21 18 15 22 16 12 7 18 11 5 -
The dead weight of the tower itself was not considered; the 6 x 2.00 25 20 17 13 22 15 10 - 18 10 - -
permissible loading must be reduced by the dead weight 7 x 2.00 25 19 15 11 22 13 7 - 18 7 - -
and the ballast weight. When wind acts on the towers, a
8 x 2.00 25 19 14 9 22 13 - - 18 6 - -
minimum superimposed load is required to rule out sliding of
the base plates. 9 x 2.00 25 17 12 - 22 11 - - 18 - - -
The quantity of ballast must be determined. 10 x 2.00 25 17 11 - 22 10 - - 18 - - -
b = 2.57 m 3 x 2.00 26 24 22 20 23 19 17 14 19 14 11 7
(–) Failure of the standard or spindle due to horizontal force
4 x 2.00 26 22 20 18 23 18 15 11 19 13 8 2
5 x 2.00 25 21 18 15 22 16 12 7 18 11 5 -
6 x 2.00 25 20 17 14 22 15 11 - 18 10 - -
7 x 2.00 25 19 15 12 22 14 7 - 18 8 - -
8 x 2.00 25 19 14 9 22 13 - - 18 6 - -
9 x 2.00 25 18 12 - 22 12 - - 18 2 - -
10 x 2.00 25 17 11 - 22 11 - - 18 - - -
You will find dimensioning aids for prefabricated formwork b = 3.07 m 3 x 2.00 26 24 22 20 23 19 17 14 19 14 11 7
supports of wood for conventional ceiling formwork in the 4 x 2.00 26 22 20 18 23 18 15 11 19 13 8 3
instructions for assembly in use for the Layher TG 60 5 x 2.00 25 21 18 15 22 16 12 8 18 11 5 -
shoring. That document also contains loading tables for the 6 x 2.00 25 20 17 14 22 15 11 - 18 10 - -
TG 60 shoring tower according to type testing TP-11-017. 7 x 2.00 25 19 15 12 22 14 8 - 18 8 - -
8 x 2.00 25 19 14 - 22 13 5 - 18 6 - -
9 x 2.00 25 18 12 - 22 12 - - 18 2 - -
10 x 2.00 25 17 - - 22 11 - - 18 - - -
q = 0.5 kN/m²
q = 0.8 kN/m²
q = 1.1 kN/m²
q = 0.0 kN/m²
q = 0.5 kN/m²
q = 0.8 kN/m²
q = 1.1 kN/m²
q = 0.0 kN/m²
q = 0.5 kN/m²
q = 0.8 kN/m²
q = 1.1 kN/m²
b = 0.73 m 3 x 2.00 29 25 23 20 26 21 18 14 19 12 8 1
4 x 2.00 29 24 21 17 25 19 15 11 19 11 2 -
5 x 2.00 28 22 18 14 25 17 12 7 18 8 - -
6 x 2.00 28 21 16 11 25 16 10 - 18 5 - - One diagonal brace for two bays.
7 x 2.00 28 19 13 5 24 13 6 - 18 - - -
8 x 2.00 28 18 11 - 24 12 - - 18 - - - or continuous
9 x 2.00 28 15 8 - 24 10 - - 17 - - -
10 x 2.00 28 15 - - 24 9 - - 17 - - -
b = 1.09 m 3 x 2.00 30 26 24 22 26 21 18 16 19 13 8 3
4 x 2.00 30 25 22 19 26 20 16 12 19 11 4 -
5 x 2.00 29 24 20 16 25 18 13 8 18 8 - -
6 x 2.00 29 23 19 14 25 17 12 - 18 7 - -
7 x 2.00 29 21 15 10 25 15 8 - 18 2 - -
8 x 2.00 29 21 14 - 25 14 - - 18 - - -
9 x 2.00 29 18 11 - 25 12 - - 18 - - -
10 x 2.00 29 18 10 - 25 11 - - 18 - - -
b = 1.57 m 3 x 2.00 30 26 24 22 26 22 19 16 19 13 8 3
4 x 2.00 30 25 23 20 26 20 17 13 19 11 5 -
5 x 2.00 29 24 21 17 25 18 14 10 18 9 - -
6 x 2.00 29 23 20 16 25 17 12 6 18 7 - -
7 x 2.00 29 22 17 12 25 16 10 - 18 3 - - One diagonal brace for two bays.
8 x 2.00 29 21 16 10 25 15 8 - 18 - - -
9 x 2.00 28 20 13 - 24 13 - - 17 - - -
10 x 2.00 28 20 12 - 24 12 - - 17 - - -
b = 2.07 m 3 x 2.00 30 27 25 23 26 22 19 16 19 12 8 3
4 x 2.00 30 26 23 20 26 20 17 13 19 11 5 -
5 x 2.00 29 24 21 18 25 19 15 10 18 8 - -
6 x 2.00 29 23 20 16 25 18 13 8 18 7 - -
7 x 2.00 28 22 18 13 24 16 10 - 18 5 - -
8 x 2.00 28 22 17 11 24 15 8 - 18 - - -
9 x 2.00 28 20 14 8 24 13 - - 17 - - -
10 x 2.00 28 20 14 - 24 13 - - 17 - - -
b = 2.57 m 3 x 2.00 30 27 25 23 26 22 19 16 19 13 8 3
4 x 2.00 30 26 23 21 26 20 17 14 19 11 5 -
5 x 2.00 29 24 21 18 25 19 15 11 18 8 - -
6 x 2.00 29 24 20 17 25 18 13 8 18 7 - -
sF Spindle extension of the base plate [cm]
7 x 2.00 28 22 18 14 24 16 11 - 18 5 - -
sK Spindle extension of the head jack [cm]
8 x 2.00 28 22 17 13 24 16 9 - 18 1 - - sK = 2/3*sF
9 x 2.00 28 21 15 - 24 14 - - 17 - - - Wind loads: The effective dynamic pressure, without a reduction for ser-
10 x 2.00 28 20 14 - 24 13 - - 17 - - - vice life, is taken as the dynamic pressure; the area exposed
b = 3.07 m 3 x 2.00 29 27 25 23 26 22 19 16 19 13 8 3 to wind for all the bay widths is calculated for a bay length of
4 x 2.00 29 26 23 21 26 21 17 14 19 11 5 - 3.07 m. pw = q*cf*A
5 x 2.00 28 24 21 18 25 19 15 11 18 8 - - The dead weight of the tower itself was not considered;
the permissible loading must be reduced by the dead weight
6 x 2.00 28 24 20 17 25 18 13 8 18 7 - - and the ballast weight. When wind acts on the towers, a
7 x 2.00 28 22 19 14 24 16 11 - 18 5 - - minimum superimposed load is required to rule out sliding
8 x 2.00 28 22 17 - 24 15 9 - 18 2 - - of the base plates.
9 x 2.00 28 21 15 - 24 14 6 - 18 - - - The quantity of ballast must be determined.
10 x 2.00 28 20 - - 24 13 - - 18 - - - (–) Failure of the standard or spindle due to horizontal force
Allround standards – loading tables
q = 0.0 kN/m²
q = 0.5 kN/m²
q = 0.8 kN/m²
q = 1.1 kN/m²
q = 0.0 kN/m²
q = 0.5 kN/m²
q = 0.8 kN/m²
q = 1.1 kN/m²
q = 0.0 kN/m²
q = 0.5 kN/m²
q = 0.8 kN/m²
q = 1.1 kN/m²
b = 0.73 m 3 x 2.00 32 27 24 22 30 25 22 18 26 21 17 13
4 x 2.00 32 25 21 18 30 23 19 14 26 19 14 10
5 x 2.00 30 23 19 14 28 21 16 10 25 16 11 -
6 x 2.00 30 22 16 10 28 19 13 7 25 15 6 -
One diagonal brace for two bays.
7 x 2.00 30 20 13 6 28 16 10 - 24 12 - -
or continuous 8 x 2.00 30 18 11 - 28 15 7 - 24 11 - -
9 x 2.00 30 15 5 - 28 12 - - 24 9 - -
10 x 2.00 30 14 1 - 28 11 - - 24 7 - -
b = 1.09 m 3 x 2.00 33 29 27 24 31 26 23 21 27 22 19 15
4 x 2.00 33 28 25 21 31 25 21 18 27 21 16 12
5 x 2.00 31 26 22 17 29 23 18 13 26 18 13 2
6 x 2.00 31 25 20 15 29 22 16 10 26 16 11 -
7 x 2.00 31 23 17 10 29 19 12 5 25 15 3 -
8 x 2.00 31 23 15 7 29 19 10 - 25 14 - -
9 x 2.00 31 20 11 1 28 16 7 - 25 12 - -
10 x 2.00 31 20 9 - 28 16 - - 25 10 - -
b = 1.57 m 3 x 2.00 33 29 27 25 31 27 24 22 27 22 19 16
4 x 2.00 33 28 25 22 31 25 22 19 27 21 17 12
5 x 2.00 31 27 23 19 29 23 19 15 26 19 14 5
6 x 2.00 31 26 22 17 29 23 17 13 26 17 12 -
7 x 2.00 31 24 20 13 29 21 15 8 26 15 5 -
One diagonal brace for two bays. 8 x 2.00 31 24 17 10 29 20 13 - 25 14 - -
9 x 2.00 31 22 15 4 29 19 9 - 25 13 - -
10 x 2.00 31 22 13 1 29 18 7 - 25 12 - -
b = 2.07 m 3 x 2.00 33 30 28 25 31 27 24 22 27 22 19 16
4 x 2.00 33 29 27 24 31 26 22 19 27 21 17 13
5 x 2.00 31 27 24 21 29 23 19 16 26 19 14 8
6 x 2.00 31 26 22 19 29 23 18 13 26 18 12 -
7 x 2.00 31 24 20 14 29 21 16 9 25 16 7 -
8 x 2.00 31 24 18 12 29 20 14 - 25 15 - -
9 x 2.00 31 23 16 9 28 19 11 - 25 13 - -
10 x 2.00 31 22 15 - 28 18 9 - 25 12 - -
b = 2.57 m 3 x 2.00 33 30 28 26 31 27 25 22 27 22 19 16
4 x 2.00 33 29 27 24 31 26 23 20 27 21 17 13
5 x 2.00 31 27 24 21 29 23 21 17 26 19 14 8
6 x 2.00 31 26 22 19 29 23 18 14 26 18 12 -
7 x 2.00 31 24 20 15 29 21 16 10 25 16 9 -
sF Spindle extension of the base plate [cm]
sK Spindle extension of the head jack [cm] 8 x 2.00 31 24 19 13 29 20 14 - 25 15 - -
sK = 2/3*sF 9 x 2.00 31 23 17 - 28 19 12 - 25 14 - -
Wind loads: The effective dynamic pressure, without a reduction for ser- 10 x 2.00 31 22 16 - 28 18 10 - 25 13 - -
vice life, is taken as the dynamic pressure; the area exposed b = 3.07 m 3 x 2.00 33 30 28 26 31 27 25 22 27 22 19 16
to wind for all the bay widths is calculated for a bay length of 4 x 2.00 33 29 27 24 31 26 23 20 27 21 17 13
3.07 m. pw = q*cf*A 5 x 2.00 31 27 24 21 29 23 21 17 26 19 13 9
The dead weight of the tower itself was not considered; the
permissible loading must be reduced by the dead weight 6 x 2.00 31 26 22 19 29 23 18 14 26 18 12 -
and the ballast weight. When wind acts on the towers, a 7 x 2.00 31 24 20 15 29 21 16 10 25 16 10 -
minimum superimposed load is required to rule out sliding of 8 x 2.00 31 24 19 - 29 20 14 - 25 15 3 -
the base plates. The quantity of ballast must be determined. 9 x 2.00 30 23 17 - 28 19 12 - 25 14 - -
(–) Failure of the standard or spindle due to horizontal force 10 x 2.00 30 22 - - 28 18 - - 25 13 - -
Allround standards – loading tables
q = 0.0 kN/m²
q = 0.5 kN/m²
q = 0.8 kN/m²
q = 0.0 kN/m²
q = 0.5 kN/m²
q = 0.8 kN/m²
q = 0.0 kN/m²
q = 0.5 kN/m²
q = 0.8 kN/m²
q = 0.0 kN/m²
q = 0.5 kN/m²
q = 0.8 kN/m²
q = 0.0 kN/m²
q = 0.5 kN/m²
q = 0.8 kN/m²
q = 0.0 kN/m²
q = 0.5 kN/m²
q = 0.8 kN/m²
b = 0.73 m 3 x 2.00 max 26 20 11 23 16 - 24 18 - 22 11 - 23 15 - 20 - -
One diagonal brace for two min 0 3 6 0 3 - 1 4 - 1 4 - 2 5 - 2 - -
bays. max 26 16 - 23 7 - 24 12 - 22 - - 23 - - 20 - -
4 x 2.00
min 0 5 - 0 7 - 2 8 - 2 - - 3 - - 3 - -
5 x 2.00 max 24 - - 23 - - 22 - - 22 - - 21 - - 19 - -
min 0 - - 0 - - 2 - - 2 - - 3 - - 3 - -
6 x 2.00 max 23 - - 23 - - 22 - - 21 - - 20 - - 19 - -
min 0 - - 0 - - 2 - - 2 - - 4 - - 4 - -
7 x 2.00 max 23 - - 23 - - 21 - - 20 - - 18 - - 17 - -
min 0 - - 0 - - 3 - - 3 - - 5 - - 5 - -
b = 1.09 m 3 x 2.00 max 29 24 19 25 19 8 28 22 17 24 17 - 27 20 14 23 13 -
min 0 2 3 0 2 7 1 3 4 1 3 - 1 3 6 2 3 -
4 x 2.00 max 29 20 - 25 15 - 28 19 - 24 11 - 27 17 - 23 - -
min 0 3 - 0 3 - 1 4 - 1 5 - 2 5 - 2 - -
5 x 2.00 max 29 16 - 25 - - 27 14 - 24 - - 25 - - 23 - -
min 0 5 - 0 - - 1 6 - 1 - - 2 - - 2 - -
6 x 2.00 max 29 13 - 25 - - 27 - - 24 - - 25 - - 23 - -
min 0 9 - 0 - - 2 - - 2 - - 3 - - 3 - -
7 x 2.00 max 28 - - 25 - - 26 - - 24 - - 24 - - 21 - -
min 0 - - 0 - - 2 - - 2 - - 3 - - 3 - -
b = 1.57 m 3 x 2.00 max 31 26 22 27 21 12 30 25 20 25 19 8 29 23 18 24 16 -
min 0 2 2 0 2 2 1 2 3 1 2 8 1 2 3 1 2 -
4 x 2.00 max 31 24 17 27 17 - 30 22 14 25 14 - 29 20 11 24 11 -
min 0 2 3 0 2 - 1 3 5 1 3 - 1 3 10 1 4 -
5 x 2.00 max 31 20 - 26 12 - 30 18 - 25 7 - 28 16 - 24 - -
min 0 3 - 0 3 - 1 4 - 1 7 - 2 4 - 2 - -
6 x 2.00 max 31 17 - 26 - - 30 15 - 25 - - 28 16 - 24 - -
min 0 4 - 0 - - 1 5 - 1 - - 2 8 - 2 - -
7 x 2.00 max 30 13 - 26 - - 29 - - 25 - - 27 - - 24 - -
min 0 7 - 0 - - 1 - - 1 - - 2 - - 2 - -
b = 2.07 m 3 x 2.00 max 31 28 24 27 22 14 30 26 22 26 20 11 30 25 20 24 18 -
min 0 1 2 0 1 2 1 2 2 1 2 3 1 2 2 1 2 -
4 x 2.00 max 30 26 19 26 18 - 30 24 17 25 16 - 30 23 15 24 14 -
min 0 2 3 0 2 - 1 2 3 1 2 - 1 2 4 1 3 -
5 x 2.00 max 30 22 13 26 15 - 30 21 - 25 11 - 29 19 - 24 - -
min 0 2 5 0 3 - 1 3 - 1 4 - 1 3 - 1 - -
6 x 2.00 max 30 20 - 26 9 - 30 18 - 25 - - 29 17 - 24 - -
min 0 3 - 0 7 - 1 4 - 1 - - 1 4 - 2 - -
7 x 2.00 max 30 17 - 26 - - 30 15 - 25 - - 28 12 - 24 - -
min 0 4 - 0 - - 1 5 - 1 - - 2 8 - 2 - -
b = 2.57 m 3 x 2.00 max 31 29 24 27 22 15 30 27 23 25 20 12 29 26 21 24 18 8
sF Spindle extension of the base plate [cm] min 0 1 2 0 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 2 5
sK Spindle extension of the head jack [cm] 4 x 2.00 max 30 27 20 27 19 - 29 25 19 25 17 - 29 24 17 24 15 -
sK = 2/3*sF min 0 2 2 0 2 - 1 2 2 1 2 - 1 2 3 1 2 -
Wind loads: The effective dynamic pressure, without 5 x 2.00 max 30 24 16 26 16 - 29 23 - 25 13 - 29 21 - 24 9 -
min 0 2 3 0 2 - 1 2 - 1 2 - 1 3 - 1 6 -
a reduction for service life, is taken as the
6 x 2.00 max 30 22 - 26 10 - 29 20 - 25 - - 29 18 - 24 - -
dynamic pressure; the area exposed to
min 0 3 - 0 4 - 1 3 - 1 - - 1 3 - 1 - -
wind for all the bay widths is calculated
7 x 2.00 max 30 19 - 26 - - 29 17 - 25 - - 29 10 - 24 - -
for a bay length of 3.07 m. pw = q*cf*A
min 0 3 - 0 - - 1 4 - 1 - - 1 4 - 1 - -
The dead weight of the tower itself was
b = 3.07 m 3 x 2.00 max 30 29 25 26 22 16 30 28 24 25 21 13 29 27 18 24 19 10
not considered; the permissible loading
min 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 4
must be reduced by the dead weight and
4 x 2.00 max 29 27 - 26 19 - 29 26 - 25 17 - 29 24 - 24 15 -
the ballast weight. When wind acts on
min 0 1 - 0 1 - 1 2 - 1 2 - 1 2 - 1 2 -
the towers, a minimum superimposed
5 x 2.00 max 29 25 - 26 16 - 29 24 - 25 14 - 29 17 - 24 10 -
load is required to rule out sliding of the
min 0 2 - 0 2 - 1 2 - 1 2 - 1 2 - 1 4 -
base plates. The quantity of ballast must
6 x 2.00 max 29 23 - 25 12 - 29 - - 25 - - 28 - - 24 - -
be determined.
min 0 2 - 0 2 - 1 - - 1 - - 1 - - 1 - -
(–) Failure of the standard or spindle due to 7 x 2.00 max 29 20 - 25 - - 29 - - 25 - - 28 - - 24 - -
horizontal force min 0 3 - 0 - - 1 - - 1 - - 1 - - 1 - -
Allround brackets – loading tables
Please note: The individual loads quoted and the useful load on the bracket deck must not act simultaneously! The load classes quoted apply to the use of steel decks. The permissible loads quoted apply to two-
sided deck covering. *) Nominal load only, not a partial area load
Rectangular tube 60 x 50 x 2.00 mm With the Allround construction stairway tower 200, 12-standard,
Material: EN 10219-S235JRH each stairway is assembled from 2 separate U-stairway stringers
200, with standard decks used as steps.
Tab. 23 Live load of the stairway
stringer 200 On the one hand this makes the weight/volume of the individual
Length parts lower, the proportions of standard material higher, and
Steel deck, one side
of the the additional costs lower, and on the other hand permits even
perm. p [kN/m²]
steps [m] more variants in the stairway width.
1.09 2.7
1.29 2.2
1.40 2.0
1.57 1.7
2.07 1.3 1.50
2.57 1.0 0.20
Tab. 24 Live load of the stairway stringer 500 Tab. 25 Live load of the stairway stringer 500
Stairway stringers and aluminium section beams – loading tables
Tab. 26 Live load of the stairway stringer 750 Tab. 27 Live load of the stairway stringer 750
Length perm. p [kN/m²] Length perm. p [kN/m²]
of the steps Steel deck, Steel deck, of the Steel deck, Steel deck, both
[m] one side both sides steps [m] one side sides
1.09 15.1 7.4 1.09 18.8 9.3
1.40 11.7 5.7 1.40 14.5 7.1
1.57 10.4 5.1 1.57 12.9 6.3
2.07 7.8 3.8 2.07 9.7 4.8
2.57 6.3 3.0 2.57 7.8 3.8
3.07 5.0 2.5 3.07 6.5 3.1
Double-web beam of aluminium, 160 mm high.
1 flange 115 mm wide, with T-groove for connec-
tions with grooved bolts. 1 flange 100 mm wide,
with replaceable wood section insert, for nailed
or bolted connections.
Bending moment Vertical lateral force
a) f the normal force Nst [kN] in the a) Vertical lateral force
standard is ≤ 45 kN: My, Rd = 60 kNcm Vz Vz single connection
b) If the normal force Nst [kN] in the VZ, Rd = ± 18.1 kN
standard is > 45 kN:
b) Vertical lateral force
My, Rd = ±[ 60 x (63 – Nst) ] [kNcm] at each rosette
18 ∑ VZ, Rd = 46.4 kN
Vy Vy
Standard decks
Only with plank decking horizontal-diagonal brace at least in every 5th bay + longitudinal ledger at deck level.
Vertical diagonal braces according to structural strength requirements. No vertical diagonal braces are re-
quired in the standard assembly according to the approval. Other assembly variants can, with structural strength
verification, also be assembled without vertical diagonal braces, depending on the height of the scaffolding,
the anchoring configuration, the presence of covering, the loading and the width of the scaffolding. Experience
suggests that assembly variants other than the standard version can be implemented with vertical diagonal
braces in every 5th bay.
Tab. 37 Permissible span in m for scaffolding decks made of wooden Tab. 38 Load classes of the steel planks
planks or boards (according to Tab. 2, DIN 4420, T.3)
Load class Board or plank Board or plank thickness [cm] Plank width Plank length [m]
EN 12811-1 width [cm] 3.00 3.50 4.00 4.50 5.00 [cm] 1.00 1.50 2.00 2.50
20 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.25 2.50 20 6 6 5 3
1, 2, 3
24) and 28) 1.25 1.75 2.25 2.50 2.75 30 6 6 5 3
20 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.25 2.50 The support length must be at least 10 cm on
24) and 28) 1.25 1.75 2.00 2.25 2.50 each support.
5 20, 24, 28 1.25 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.00
6 20, 24, 28 1.00 1.25 1.25 1.50 1.75
Permissible load classes of the Layher Allround system ledgers
3.07 3.53 4 4 4 4 4 - 3 3 - 3 3 - 3 3 - 1 2 - 1 1 - 1 1 -
O-ledger 0.73 29.24 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 5 +
5 +
5 +
4 ++
6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 5 +
5 +
5 +
1.09 14.09 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 5+ 5+ 5+ 4++ 6 6 6 6 6 5 5 5 5 4 4 4
1.40 8.76 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 5 5 5 4 +
5 5 5 4 4 4 4 4 - 3 3 -
1.57 7.03 6 6 6 6 6 5 5 5 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 - 3 3 - 3 3 -
2.07 4.09 5 5 5 4 4 4 3 3 - 3 3 - 3 3 - 2 2 - 1 1 - 1 1 -
2.57 2.33 3 3 - 3 3 - 2 2 - 1 1 - 1 1 - 1 1 - - - - - - -
3.07 1.48 2 2 - 1 1 - 1 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
U-ledger 0.73 19.01 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 5 +
5 +
5 +
4 ++
6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 5 5 +
5 +
U-ledger, 1.09 17.34 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 5+ 5+ 5+ 4+ 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 5 5 5+ 4+
1.40 10.42 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 5 +
5 +
5 +
4 +
6 6 5 5 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 -
U-ledger 1.09 17.55 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 5+ 5+ 5+ 4++ 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 5 5 5 4+
1.40 10.84 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 5 +
5 +
5 +
4 +
6 6 5 5 5 5 4 4 4 4 4 4
U-ledger 1.40 19.80 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 5+ 5+ 5+ 4++ 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 5 5+ 5+ 4+
LW rein-
1.57 17.70 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 5 +
5 +
5 +
4 ++
6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 5 5
5 +
2.07 13.00 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 5 +
5 +
5 +
4 ++
6 6 6 6 6 5 5 5 4 4 5 4
2.57 8.40 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 5 5 5 4 +
5 5 5 4 4 4 4 4 - 3 4 -
3.07 5.00 6 6 5 5 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 - 3 4 - 3 3 - 2 3 - 1 2 -
U- 1.57 15.16 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 5+ 5+ 5+ 4++ 6 6 6 6 6 5 5 5 5 5 5 4
2.07 8.65 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 5 5 5 4 +
5 5 5 4 4 4 4 4 - 3 4 -
2.57 5.12 6 6 5 5 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 - 4 4 - 3 3 - 2 3 - 1 2 -
3.07 3.59 4 4 4 4 4 - 3 3 - 3 3 - 3 3 - 2 2 - 1 1 - 1 1 -
O-ledger 0.73 29.24 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 5+ 5+ 5+ 4++ 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 5+ 5+ 5+ 4++
1.09 14.09 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 5 +
5 +
5 +
4 ++
6 6 6 6 6 5 5 5 5 4 4 4
Allround LW standard
1.40 8.76 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 5 5
5 4+ 5 5 5 4 4 4 4 4 - 3 3 -
1.57 7.03 6 6 6 6 6 5 5 5 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 - 3 3 - 3 3 -
2.07 4.09 5 5 5 4 4 4 3 3 - 3 3 - 3 3 - 2 2 - 1 1 - 1 1 -
2.57 2.65 4 4 - 3 3 - 2 2 - 2 2 - 1 2 - 1 1 - 1 1 - - - -
3.07 1.85 3 3 - 2 2 - 1 1 - 1 1 - 1 1 - - - - - - - - - -
NL: Nominal load q1 according to Table 3 EN 12811-1, 6 m²: Nominal load q1 according to Table 3 EN 12811-1 limited to
evenly distributed 6 m², rest of the area subject to 0.75 kN/m² loading.
with wind 304.0 – – – – – – –
* Resultant H-load at the support head [KN]
The specified tower loads are working loads. Spindle extension ≤ 0.25 m
Spacing between the double wedge-head couplers: 1.00 m
Maximum spindle extension of the base plate ≤ 0.25 m; maximum spindle extension of the head jack ≤ 0.25 m
Birdcage scaffolding
Special bolt Tab. 43 Suspended scaffolding with Layher lattice beam 450, steel
M12-8.8 with nut*
Maximum suspension force1 in
Lattice beam span Distance from Single-bay Multiple-bay
[m] the upper chord beam beam
stiffening [m]
4.00 2.00 9.6 20.2
6.00 1.50 13.4 27.9
The values are to be understood as not including safety factors.
Detail A — Variant: Wooden planks. Detail A1 — Variant: Aluminium channel section with half-couplers for decks
Multiple-bay beam Single-bay beam
View A
lattice beam
lattice beam: a + a + ...
tube in every
5th bay
View A
tube in every
5th bay
tube in every
5th bay
tube in every
5th bay
Bay width a [m] Cantilever arm length Ballast total [kg] max. standard load* [kN] Ballast total [kg] max. standard load* [kN]
k [m]
1.57 0.39 (K) 370 6.4 - 5.2
0.73 (K) 490 8.2 45 6.9
2.07 0.39 (K) 100 6.4 - 6.0
0.73 (K) 190 8.1 - 7.5
2.57 0.00 - 5.5 - 5.4
0.39 (K) - 6.9 - 6.9
0.73 (K) - 8.3 - 8.3
Platform height: 4.25 m Bay length L: 2.57 m
1.57 0.39 (K) 1400 10.4 - 6.2
0.73 (K) 1515 12.2 - 7.8
0.73 (A) 1595 12.8 95 8.4
2.07 0.39 (K) 745 9.2 - 6.9
0.73 (K) 835 10.9 - 8.4
0.73 (A) 895 11.4 - 8.8
1.09 (A) 1050 13.5 115 10.8
1.57 (A) 1340 16.8 780 15.1
2.57 0.00 275 7.4 - 6.4
0.39 (K) 330 8.9 - 7.7
0.73 (K) 405 10.4 - 9.2
0.73 (A) 450 10.9 - 9.5
1.09 (A) 580 12.8 - 11.1
1.57 (A) 810 15.8 360 14.5
2.07 (A) 1330 19.8 1090 19.5
2.57 (A) 2230 25.1 2025 24.6
Dimensioning principles: Service life ≤ 2 years, max. WZ 3
Tab. 45 Free-standing towers
Platform height: 6.25 m Bay length L: 2.57 m
In the open In closed areas
Bay width a [m] Cantilever arm length Ballast total [kg] max. standard load* [kN] Ballast total [kg] max. standard load* [kN]
k [m]
1.57 0.39 (K) 2980 17.7 - 7.2
0.73 (K) 3095 18.6 - 8.8
0.73 (A) 3175 19.2 70 9.4
2.07 0.39 (K) 1880 13.8 - 7.9
0.73 (K) 1970 15.3 - 9.4
0.73 (A) 2030 15.8 - 9.8
1.09 (A) 2190 17.9 40 11.7
1.57 (A) 2480 21.1 715 16.1
2.57 0.00 1150 11.1 - 7.5
0.39 (K) 1200 12.5 - 8.8
0.73 (K) 1270 14.1 - 10.3
0.73 (A) 1320 14.6 - 10.7
1.09 (A) 1445 16.4 - 12.3
1.57 (A) 1680 19.4 265 15.4
2.07 (A) 1985 22.9 1000 20.1
2.57 (A) 2395 27.0 1950 25.7
Front and side view Section A-A (bracing with tube and coupler)
Tab. 46 Bridging
Platform height: 4.25 m
In the open In closed areas
Bay width a [m] Bay length L [m] Ballast total [kg] max. standard load* [kN] Ballast total [kg] max. standard load* [kN]
1.57 4.14 (2 x 2.07) 820 10.4 - 10.8
5.14 (2 x 2.57) 930 11.9 - 12.6
6.14 (2 x 3.07) 1040 13.1 - 14.2
7.71 (3 x 2.57) 1200 13.8 -- 11.3
2.07 4.14 (2 x 2.07) 920 10.9 - 11.8
5.14 (2 x 2.57) 1030 12.3 - 13.6
6.14 (2 x 3.07) 1140 13.4 - 15.2
7.71 (3 x 2.57) 1290 13.9 - 11.9
2.57 4.14 (2 x 2.07) 1020 11.8 - 12.8
5.14 (2 x 2.57) 1140 13.2 - 14.6
6.14 (2 x 3.07) 1240 14.3 - 16.3
7.71 (3 x 2.57) 1400 14.7 - 12.5
Supporting a free-standing façade
A free-standing façade can be supported very effectively with Allround Scaffolding, e.g. when renovating historic buildings. The scaffolding must sustain the wind loads
on the façade. This requires individual structural strength calculations.
The scaffolding must be connected to the façade, as shown below right.
Support scaffolding has to be suitably ballasted in order to ensure its stability.
The support scaffolding must always use Allround standards with screw-in spigots or bolted LW standards!
The type and the weight of the ballast here depends largely on:
Do not place the ballast at the height of the base collars (as this does not allow any tensile forces to be transferred) (see Figure above)
Do not use liquid or granular ballast
Structural strength calculations are required
If the permissible load-bearing capacity of the standing surface, standards or deck ledgers is exceeded by the wind load and the dead weight of the scaffolding and the
ballast, the scaffolding standards can be cast in a concrete foundation (see diagram below).
Layher Allround Scaffolding in use
Building renovation will be the challenge of the next few years. With
Allround Scaffolding you can get on with any job. Concrete renovation on
large buildings just as much as the renovation of old half-timbered build-
ings, enclosing interiors or exteriors for asbestos removal, as well
as for the restoration of valuable ceilings in palaces and museums.
Layher Allround Scaffolding in use
Tall machinery and plant has to be serviced and repaired, apparatus and
equipment has to be fitted, electrical units have to be replaced and much
more; inside and outside:
Layher Allround Scaffolding in use
Its great variability and stiffness mean that a wide range of applications can
be handled with the Allround Scaffolding using a small number of additional
parts. By using individual stringers and appropriate railings, staircase towers
ranging from construction stairway towers through to staircases can be built
that meet the regulations for public assembly places. Rolling towers with
a range of sizes and heights can be constructed. Using Allround Scaffolding
together with the Protect system, waterproof enclosures covering entire
façades, e.g. for asbestos clearance, can be realised.
Layher Allround Scaffolding in use
Safety and service are vital when it comes to aircraft. This not only applies to The Layher Allround Scaffolding is ideal for aircraft maintenance and servicing!
the flight itself, but also to maintenance and therefore to the maintenance
equipment. Whether for mobile maintenance units or special structures, Layher
Allround Scaffolding is the right choice for any scaffolding where reliable, safe
work at exactly the right height is critical.
Flexibility thanks to
variable working heights
selectable bay lengths and widths
exceptional adaptability to the aircraft body
Using the Layher Allround system, you can safely, inexpensively and quickly
assemble mobile stands and podiums for indoors and outdoors, for any
occasion, in variable sizes.
Matching roof structures are available as keder roofs, cassette roofs and
variable-height roofs – in mono-pitch or double-pitch design, made from
standard parts.
Event Podium
Event Stand
Layher is your dependable partner Proximity to the customer is a central factor behind Layher‘s success – geographically spea-
with more than 70 years of experience. king too. Wherever our customers need us, we will be there – with our advice, assistance and
”Made by Layher“ always means ”Made solutions.
in Germany“ too – and that goes for the
entire product range. Superb quality –
and all from one source.
Allround Scaffolding
Protective Systems
Headquarters in Eibensbach
Event Systems
Rolling Towers
Plant 2 in Gueglingen
Edition 04.2015