Bagalamukhi Kavacham Rudrayamale IAST and Devanagari Combined
Bagalamukhi Kavacham Rudrayamale IAST and Devanagari Combined
Bagalamukhi Kavacham Rudrayamale IAST and Devanagari Combined
Prologue - Śrī Bagalāmukhī Devi, is the eighth of the ten Daśamahāvidyā-s and is known for Her ability
to silence all enemies, internal and external. Her name is said to be Valagāmukhī, which over a period of
time got distorted to Bagalāmukhī. The word Valagā, means “secret spells” and mukhī stands for mouth
or face. She is therefore the One, who is the repository of secret spells, just like the Divine Mother Kāli.
She is said to be yellow in color and wearing yellow garments. Yellow is the color for dispelling enemies
and winning over them. The Divine Mother Bagalāmukhī, is known for Her power to wield the
brahmāstra, an ultimate celestial weapon to bring maximum destruction and end the war. Spiritually,
this applies to the internal enemies such as thoughts, desires, greed, ego, animosity etc. within us, that
need to be calmed down, for us to ascend and expand our consciousness to become one with the
Divine. She is therefore our guide towards self-realization and ultimately to gain liberation. This kavacam
(shield of armor), is for giving us all the protection we need from external and internal enemies, in our
pursuit towards worldly desires, as well as spiritual accomplishments.
Śrī Bhairavī spoke – Oh Dear Lord Śrī Maheśvarā (Bhairavā)! I am very keen on learning the details of
worship (pūjā) of Śrī Bagalā. Can you please narrate the kavacam and fulfill my cherished desire?
The divine kavacam that is said to destroy all enemies, internal and external and also capable of
removing all types of inauspiciousness around us. Just by remembering it, a torrent of auspiciousness is
bestowed and all miseries are removed. Please narrate that kavacam associated with Śrī Bagalamukhi
Devi and fill my heart and mind with bliss and satisfaction. I bow to you sincerely, oh my Dear Lord!
Śrī Bhairavā (Śivā) spoke – Oh my dear soulmate and most beautiful and auspicious Bhairavī Devi!
Please listen very attentively, as I recite this most cherished kavacam. One who recites it or wears it on
oneself, will gain the ability to become victorious in all pursuits, across all the three realms and triads.
viniyogaḥ (अअअअअअअअ) -
om̐ asya śrī-bagalāmukhī-kavacasya अ
nārada ṛṣiḥ अ
anuṣṭup chandaḥ अ
śrī-bagalāmukhī devatā अ
lam̐ bījaṃ अ
īm̐ śaktiḥ अ
aim̐ kīlakaṃ अ
puruṣārtha-catuṣṭaye jape viniyogaḥ अ 4 अ
अ अअअअ अअअअअअअअअअअअअअअअअअ अ
अअअअ अअअअ अ
अअअअअअअअअ अअअअअ अ
अअअअअअअअअअअअ अअअअअ अ
अअ अअअअ अ
अअ अअअअअअ अ
अअ अअअअअ अ
अअअअअअअअअअअअअअअअअ अअअ अअअअअअअअ अ अ अ
Meaning:- This prayer/mantra japa is to invoke Śrī Bagalāmukhī Devī and perform Her kavaca mantra
japa to obtain Her complete grace in all aspects, and to obtain the four puruṣārthas: dharma (justice,
law), artha (wealth), kāma (desires) and mokṣa (liberation). The sage (ṛṣiḥ) is the celestial sage Nārada,
the meter (chandas) for the mantra is Anuṣṭup and the deity is Śrī Bagalāmukhī, the seed (bījaṃ) is lam̐ ,
the power (śakti) is īm̐ . The key (kīlaka) to unlock the mantra is aim̐ .
The head is protected at all times, by the secret spells and most potent weapon (brahmāstra)
invoking Divine Mother Bagalā (Valagā) and by Her single lettered bīja (seed) mantra hlīm̐ , which is close
to Her heart, representing Her enormous power to still the entire Creation (sthira māyā). In this context,
She stills the mind and removes all thought processes, by Her grace.
The auspiciousness representing Śabda Brahman om̐ enclosing the māyā bīja (seed) mantra hrīm̐ ,
representing the power to Create, Preserve and Destroy etc., protects the forehead, combined with the
grace of the Divine Mother Bagalā vairināśinī, who annihilates and silences all enemies.
The awakening of the crown Sahasrāra and the forehead Ājñā cakra is indicated.
The mace holding and karma pounding Divine Mother Mokṣadāyinī, who grants self-realization and
liberation, protects the mouth and the face. The throat is always protected by the grace of the Divine
Mother Bagalāmukhī, who pulls and holds the tongues of enemies, rendering them speechless.
One ceases to lie and spread canards and rumors or talk ill of others. The devotee relishes silence
over speech. The awakening of the throat Viśuddha cakra is signified.
The stomach and the navel region is protected at all times by the Supreme Divine Mother Parātparā.
The Supreme Divine Mother Parātparā and Sureśvarī, the most ardently worshipped Divine Mother of
the celestial Surā-s, together protect the private parts at all times.
The navel Maṇipūra and the sacral Svādhiṣṭhāna cakra-s are activated by the grace of the Divine
The most powerful Divine Mother Pārvatī Devi, fully protects the hands at all times. Additionally,
protection is offered in all contests, antidotes for poison, prevention of horrific incidents, wars and also
from enemies of all types and in all types of difficult situations and worries.
The one who’s dressed in yellow garments, the Divine Mother Pītāmbaradharā, protects all the body
parts along with the Divine Mother Śivanartakī, the Divine Mother who constitutes the dance of
Creation, Sustenance and Destruction, as well as the continuous transfer of energy to matter and vice-
versa. Protection is also offered by the various aspects of the Divine Mother Bagalāmukhī, as the
liberating knowledge giver Śrīvidyā, the fate and time changing Samaya, the knowledge bestowing
Mātaṅgī, the complete and Whole Pūritā, representing the entire Creation and the Divine Mother Śivā
(Devi), representing the ultimate bliss.
Samaya mārga, is the meditative and partly ritualistic path of Śrīvidyā practice. This path is always
protected by the ultimate liberating knowledge bestowing Divine Mother Mātaṅgī, to help us
completely understand our true existence and become one with the singular reality, the super-
consciousness Śiva.
Children and consort (wife or husband) are protected by the Divine Mother Kālikā, who wields the
power of Destruction and transformation. The brothers, sisters and all other family members including
forefathers, foremothers and ancestors, are protected by the triad piercing Divine Mother Śūlinī Devi.
phalaśruti (अअअअअअअअ) -
sandehi bagalādevyāḥ kavacaṃ manmukhoditam अ
naiva deyam-amukhyāya sarva-siddhi-pradāyakam अ 11 अ
अअअअअअअ अअअअअअअअअअअ अअअअ अअअअअअअअअअअअ अ
अअअ अअअअअअअअअअअ अअअअअअअअअअअअअअअअअअअ अ अअ अ
Without any doubt, the Devi Bagalāmukhī kavacam, renders the devotee to look inward and
contemplate upon the higher truth. This kavacam is capable of granting all wishes, success in all
undertakings as well as bestowing the super-natural powers called siddhi-s. It should never be presented
to unreliable and impious devotees.
One must either recite or wear this kavacam and worship the Divine Mother Bagalāmukhī, to obtain
the desired results. There is no point in reciting the mantras, without combining with this kavacam.
All great fears, hazards and worries will wither away and will NOT impact the devotee of this
kavacam. Those who recite this kavacam and/or the mantras and the thousand names of the Devi
Bagalāmukhī, will derive the benefits. One will obtain all the desires, wealth, justice, prosperity and long
life. One must follow the worship of the Divine Mother with great fervor and devotion.
Oh my dear Pārvatī, as requested by you, I have fully specified the kavacam and its benefits. Please
bestow this to the sincere seekers, so they may benefit from the same.
Thus ends the Śrī Bagalāmukhī kavacam, derived from the Śrī Rudra Yāmala Tantram.