CTS Leave Policy
CTS Leave Policy
CTS Leave Policy
Prepared By Reviewed by
Approved By
Satish Jeyaraman
Gayathri R Aravind Srinivasaraghavan
(572345) (107415)
Smriti Ahuja
Version History
Scope .............................................................................
....................................................................... 3
Definitions .......................................................................
..................................................................... 3
Eligibility .......................................................................
....................................................................... 3
Approvals .........................................................................
.................................................................. 12
................................................................. 12
7. Responsibility
Matrix ............................................................................
............................................ 12
2. Scope
2.1 The policy applies to all associates including trainees on the payrolls
of Cognizant Technology
Solutions India Private Limited and its Indian affiliates.
3. Definitions
3.1 Tubectomy is a permanent surgical method of birth control for women.
3.2 Commissioning mother is the biological mother who uses her egg to
create an embryo
planted in any other woman.
4. Eligibility
As part of Cognizant’s leave policy, associates on India payroll are entitled
to the following benefits:
There are six regional holidays which are fixed for a year & may vary
from one location to other.
Note: To view the holiday schedule for the year, navigate to Holiday
List in One Cognizant
4.3.2 For associates who have joined the organization during the
year, leave credit will
be prorated, for every quarter.
4.3.4 The associate must raise a request for leave through the
EAMS at least a week
prior to their absence and obtain their Reporting Manager’s
approval, unless it is
an emergency.
4.5.7 Associates should record the day on which they have worked
in the timesheet.
ML scenario
Leave Entitlement
Associates applying for ML for the first two surviving 182 days of paid
30 days of paid
EML (in case of medical emergency)
180 days of MLoP
(ML + EML +
Available vacation/sick/personal Leave +
MLoP) shall not
exceed 365 days
Associates applying for ML for the third surviving child 84 days of paid
and so on
30 days of paid
EML (in case of medical emergency)
180 days of MLoP
(ML + Available
vacation/sick/personal Leave +
MLoP) shall not
exceed 365 days
4.8 Tubectomy: Women associates are entitled for two weeks of paid
leave immediately from the
date of surgery on submitting the medical certificate in EAM.
Tubectomy leave cannot be
availed while on Maternity leave and/or MLOP.
Discharge summary from the hospital at the time
of birth of the child
4.11 Loss of Pay (LOP): Can be availed only after exhausting all the
available leave (VL, SL, PL).
Duration Approvals
Reason for availing LoP
4.11.3 Associates availing LoP for more than 30 days can be moved
to the Corporate
Deployable Pool (CDP Leave Project) only on grounds of
medical reasons for self,
post validation of necessary documents by the CDP team.
4.11.4 Associates requesting for LoP more than 90 days for critical
illness, should provide
valid medical documents. The same shall be validated by the
HR Shared Services
team / CDP team, before approval of the leave.
4.12.4 Vacation and Personal Leave: Associates can use all their
available vacation
and personal leave balance, either before the assignment
start date or only after
they return back to India and are on India payroll,
provided that these leave have
not lapsed as per the carry forward guidelines of this
4.12.5 Sick Leave: The accrual of sick leave will stop for the
assignment duration. Sick
leave balance up to a maximum of 18 days will be retained
till the associate returns
to India and can be availed by the associates once they
For more information click FAQs and visit the Leave policy ‘Personal life
event’ on Navigator
Click here for FAQs
6. Procedure
6.1 All associates must submit their leave requests through EAMS and have
the leave approved
by their Reporting Manager.
7. Responsibility Matrix
7.1 Associate: Timely submission of leave application through EAMS.