Rotational Dynamics and Static Equilibrium

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Semester : July-December 2019
Name : Nori Natia
Student Id Number : 17033106
Material : Rotational Dynamics and Static Equilibrium

No. Sub Material The Knowledge Dimension The Cognitive Process

Factual Conceptual Procedural Metacognitive C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6
1 The mechanic will Moment of force Like the force, What is the C3
Torque definitely use an or torque is a torque is also a torque on the On a 4 m long rod, two forces
opening key with a quantity that vector quantity object if more work like in the picture.
long handle.Do you causes objects to that has a value than one force
know why a rotate or rotate. and direction works? The total
mechanic does this? =r×F because the torque of objects
Yes, it is true. The  = r F sinɵ product of the with more than
goal is to reduce the vector cross one force can be Determine the torque value and
force of hand thrust product is a determined by the direction of rotation of the
against the key so vector quantity. determining the rod if the rod is rotated on shaft
that it makes it The torque accumulation of B. B is located in the middle of
easier to open the value can be all available the rod.SettlementFrom the
bolt. determined by torques and picture we can know F1 = 10 N,
the observing the F2 = 20 N, α1 = 300, α2 = 300,
mathematical direction of the because the axis is in the middle
equation above object's rotational then r1 = 2 m and r2 = 2 m. The
and to tendency (torque F1 force tends to rotate the rod
determine the can be positive or clockwise then τ1 is positive,
direction we can negative while F2 tends to rotate the bar
simplify it using depending on the counterclockwise so τ2 is
the right hand direction of the negative. The total torque
rule object's rotational experienced by the object
No. Sub Material The Knowledge Dimension The Cognitive Process
Factual Conceptual Procedural Metacognitive C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6
motion) becomesΣτ = τ1 - τ2Στ = r1 F1 sin
α1 - r2 F2 sin α2Στ = 2.10.sin 300
- 2.20.sin 300Στ = -Στ = 10 - 20 = -
10Nm.Thus the torque acting on
objects is worth 10 Nm. A
negative sign indicates that the
direction of rotation of the rod is
2 Try to place your Inertia is the Now let's review Have you ever C3
Moment of Inertia eraser on Polio paper tendency of a particle that ridden a
on the table. Then objects to rotates. Can use motorcycle with
pull the paper maintain their only images high speed, then
quickly.These state (still or brake suddenly? In the picture above there are
conditions turned moving). Inertia is Well, when the four particles connected by a
out to make the also called the motorbike you stem whose mass is ignored.
eraser remain on the inertia of an changes in are riding in goes These particles have different
table. So it is clear if object. linear velocity) fast, then brakes weight with the distance
there is a nature of I = mr 2 after force is suddenly, then at between the particles to each
an object that tends applied. In this that moment the other by R. Determine the
to maintain its state case the object tendency of the moment of inertia of the particle
even if it is at rest. experiences motorcycle to system if:
tangential maintain its The system is rotated against
acceleration. motion. Why this shaft A
Tagential can happen The system is rotated against
acceleration =
shaft B
acceleration of
particles when
rotating.We can
state the If the system is rotated against
No. Sub Material The Knowledge Dimension The Cognitive Process
Factual Conceptual Procedural Metacognitive C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6
relationship shaft A
between force
(F), mass (m)
and tangential
(at), with
Newton's Law II
equation: If the system is rotated against
F = ma
shaft B

a = r.α

F = ma → a =
tan tan

F = mrα

rF = r(mrα )

rF = mr 2

τ = (mr )α

3 1. if a ball is given In rotational Angular The force acting C3

Angular Momentum force and hits motion, the momentum is a on a jumper L = I. ωBecause I = m.r2 and ω =
another ball, then quantity vector quantity. comes from v / r, then:L = m.r2. v / rL = m.r.v
the other ball will analogous to The direction of gravity, but the
move. linear momentum angular force of gravity
2. a heavy truck has is angular momentum of does not
If the angular velocity is 20 rpm,
greater momentum momentum. For an rotating contribute to the
calculate the angular
than a light car that objects rotating object can be torque of the
moves at the same around a fixed determined by center of mass, so
speed. axis, the the rules of the eternal
magnitude of rotation of the angular
d = 120 cm → R = 60 cm = 0,6 m
angular screw or by the momentum
m = 20 kg
momentum is rules of the applies. In order
ω = 20 rpm
expressed: right hand, for the angular
No. Sub Material The Knowledge Dimension The Cognitive Process
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L=I.ω consider the rate to increase, Ditanya: L = ... ?
with: following he must reduce Answer:
L = angular picture! the moment of
momentum (kgm2 inertia to 1/3 of I = m.R2 = (20)(0,6)2 = 7,2 kgm2
/ s) the initial L = I . ω = (7,2)(120) = 864
I = moment of moment of inertia kgm2/s
inertia (kgm2) by bending his
ω = angular arms and legs
velocity (rad / s) towards the
center of his body
so that it is
helped by the
If all four fingers momentum of his
indicate the movements.
direction of
motion, then
the thumb
states the
direction of
an object with
mass m moves
rotation at a
distance r from
the axis of
rotation with
linear velocity v,
then equation
No. Sub Material The Knowledge Dimension The Cognitive Process
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(1) can be stated
as follows:

because I = m.r2
and ω = v /r, so:

L = m.r2 . v/r
L = m.r.v

4 To make it easier for There is an We already After pushing the C3

Moment of Force us to understand the analogy between know that doorthen try to Based on the information we can
and Angle relationship of Newton's 2 laws impulses are do the same thing find out about m = 3 kg, ω = (4 +
Acceleration moment of force, with the moment changes in the to several points 2t) rad / s, R = 10 cm = 10-¹ mTo
moment of inertia, of force. momentum of parallel to the know the total moment of force
and acceleration of Newton's 2nd matter. hinge using the acting, we must know the value
angles we can do a Law shows a same thrust and of the angular acceleration and
simple experiment mathematical pay attention to moment of inertia of the rotating
when opening the formulation with Because v = r. ω, the acceleration object.Moment of solid cylinder
door. After turning the equation ∑F = then: of the rotation of inertia:
the door lever push ma. The force is the door.What did
the door to stay on analogous to the you find? By using
So, the two
the door handle then moment of force, the same large
pay attention to the the mass is force, the closer
multiplied by r,
acceleration of analogous to the the point being
are obtained:
rotational motion of moment of pushed, the
the door. inertia, and smaller the We can calculate the angular
translational acceleration of density of an object using a
Bearing in mind
acceleration is the rotational differential formulation of
r. F = τ and m. r2
analogous to the motion of the angular velocity
= I, then:
acceleration of door. This shows
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the angle so that that the shorter
the equation of the arm's force
force moment where I. ω is the acceleration
can be expressed angular of the object's Thus, the total moment of total
momentum, so: rotational motion force experienced by a solid
also decreases or cylinder is
in other words
Because the force the acceleration
moment of the object's
formulation is the rotational angle
product of force of motion is
with the arm directly
force, ∑τ = ∑Fr, proportional to
then the the moment of
following force acting on
relationship will the object.
be obtained

An example of Understanding When an object the smallest C2

Rotational Kinetic rotational kinetic rotational kinetic is rotating, the kinetic energy A solid ball-shaped object has a
5 Energy energy is a wall clock energy is the magnitude of such as electrons mass of 5 kg and a radius of 20
that has both a long energy that the rotational surrounding the cm. If the object rotates with an
needle and a short results through a kinetic energy nucleus. Within angular velocity of 40 rad / s,
needle. Even the two motion possessed by each atom, there then determine the kinetic
rotating needles are associated with that object is are electrons that energy of the object's rotation.
examples of an object. A brief proportional to move around an
rotational kinetic example of the product of atom. It can also m = 5 kg; r = 0,2 m; ω = 4 rad/s.
energy that rotates rotating kinetic the times of be grouped into Remember, the moment of solid
at a particular place. energy is a planet inertia and the rotational kinetic ball inertia is calculated by the
In addition, the whose rotation square of the energy.Turbines formula:
No. Sub Material The Knowledge Dimension The Cognitive Process
Factual Conceptual Procedural Metacognitive C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6
movement of the revolves around angular velocity. that move in I = ⅖ m.R
turbine by wind and the sun. Systematically, hydroelectric ⇒ I = ⅖ (5).(0,2)2
water is also This can be called the amount of power stations ⇒ I = ⅖ (5) (0,04)
included in the the rotational rotational and wind are also ⇒ I = 0,08 kg m2
example of kinetic energy kinetic energy included as
rotational kinetic because the can be rotational kinetic Maka energi kinetik rotasi benda
energy by changing planets in our calculated using energy. Turbines ialah :
the original energy solar system the following in the power Ekr = ½ I.ω2
of the motion and rotate because formula: plant can move ⇒ Ekr = ½ (0,08).(4)2
then changing into there is a strong Ekr = ⅟₂ I . ω but have a fixed ⇒ Ekr = ½ (0,08).(16)
potential energy magnetic field to When an object position in the ⇒ Ekr = 0,64 Joule.
which then will the sun and has is rolling, then original position
continue to be its own orbit to an object is earlier. The
converted into spin. As with the doing two windmill windmill
electrical energy. asteroid and movements becomes an
many stars that simultaneously, example of the
do not have an namely rotational kinetic
orbital path and rotational energy where the
rotate it motion and also windmill moves
irregularly. This translational by turning
can indeed be motion. So, to because there is
called motion find this kinetic wind rotating but
energy, but it energy you the position of
cannot be called need to add the the windmill
rotational kinetic rotational cannot be
energy. kinetic energy changed. The
with windmill is what
translational will change from
kinetic energy. everything kinetic
So energy to
systematically, electrical energy.
No. Sub Material The Knowledge Dimension The Cognitive Process
Factual Conceptual Procedural Metacognitive C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6
to find the
formula of the
kinetic energy of
a rolling object
EKtotal =
EKt + EKr
EKtotal =
⅟₂ m v2 +
⅟₂ I ω2
Beautiful jumping The law of The formula of Have you ever C3
6 The Law of motion, ballet conservation of the law of rolled a kite yarn 1. A particle in rotation has a
Conservation of dancers' movements, angular conservation of with a used tin? If moment of inertia of 4 kg m2
Angular Momentum acrobatics momentum angular two cans, one and an angular velocity of 2 rad /
states that if the momentum can small and the s. If the particle's angular
resultant moment be derived other large, are velocity changes to 4 rad / s, the
of force on a rigid mathematically used to wind the moment of inertia of the particle
moving object is by modifying yarn, which can changes to ...
zero, the angular Newton's cause our hand to Discussion
momentum of a version II law spin faster if the Known :Moment of initial inertia
rigid moving formula of length of the = 4 kg m2Initial angular velocity
object is always angular thread and the = 2 rad / sFinal angular velocity =
constant. momentum. time used are the 4 rad / sAsked: the moment of
same? final inertia?Answer:The law of
conservation of angular
momentum states that:Initial
angular momentum (Lo) = final
angular momentum (Lt)(initial
moment of inertia) (initial
Newton's angular velocity) = (final moment
No. Sub Material The Knowledge Dimension The Cognitive Process
Factual Conceptual Procedural Metacognitive C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6
version II law of inertia) (final angular velocity)
formula of (4 kg m2) (2 rad / s) = (moment
angular of final inertia) (4 rad / s)The
momentum is a moment of final inertia = 2 kg
rotational m2
analogy from
version II law
formulaIf the
resultant force
moment is zero
then the
formula above
changes to:

A rigid body is The center of If the shape of the slightest C3

7 Point of Gravity considered to be gravity of an the object is article will also Determine the center of gravity
composed of many object is a point symmetrical and have weight. The of the following two objects!
particles because the on the object or the object is total weight held
gravitational force around the object homogeneous, by an object is
acts on each of these where the weight the center of the total amount
particles. In other of all parts of the gravity coincides of each weight
words, each particle object is centered with the center force For the center of gravity of the
has its own weight. at that point. of mass of the (gravitational first wake, with a quick glance, it
object, where force) can be guessed that the
No. Sub Material The Knowledge Dimension The Cognitive Process
Factual Conceptual Procedural Metacognitive C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6
the center of experienced by coordinates of the center of
gravity and each of its gravity are x, y = (2.1) cm. But if
center of mass constituent we use the formula above, it will
are located in particles. So the be obtained
the center of weight of the rock
the object. that was 10
If a homogeneous
Conversely, if Newton was the
object (the
the object is result of the sum
density of a part
homogeneous of the weights of
of the same
but not the particles in
object or an
symmetrical, the books. All So the coordinates obtained
object composed
the position of these forces are from the formula obtained the
of similar
the center of directed same results, namely (2.1) cm
material) and the
gravity can be downward (the
shape of a
determined center of the
using the earth), among all
object (for
following these forces,
example a square,
formula: there is a point
rectangle, circle)
which is the
then the center of
center of all the
gravity of the
forces produced
object coincides
by the constituent
with the center of
particles. That
mass of the
point is what
object located in
came to be called
the center of the
the center of
object. For
gravity. If a flat
triangles, the
center of mass is
dimensional) rigid
1/3 h, where h =
body, for example
height of the
a cardboard in
No. Sub Material The Knowledge Dimension The Cognitive Process
Factual Conceptual Procedural Metacognitive C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6
the shape of a
square, is
propped up at its
center of gravity,
an equilibrium
will occur. The
center of gravity
of the carton is in
the middle /
center of the flat

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