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1474-Opt Manual Rev2

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75,000 TPA Hydrogen Generation Unit

Client : Indian Oil Corporation Ltd. LSTK : Punj Lloyd Ltd.
PMC : Lurgi India Co.Pvt.Ltd. DEC: AKPGI
Licensor : Technip Bennelux B.V. Rev 02
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75,000 TPA

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PREPD. BY/DATE PPD/17.6.08 PDK/10.2.09 PDK/9.6.09
CHKD. BY/DATE MS/17.6.08 MS/10.2.09 MS/9.6.09
APPD. BY/DATE SMC/17.6.08 SMC/10.2.09 SMC/9.6.09
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Contents of Operating Manual

1. INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................. 18

2. DESIGN BASIS .................................................................................................... 20

2.1 A BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PLANT ................................................................................20

2.2 PLANT CAPACITY ..............................................................................................................22

2.3 OVER DESIGN AND TURN DOWN FACTORS ........................................................................23

2.4 ON STREAM FACTORS .......................................................................................................25

2.5 FEED SPECIFICATIONS .......................................................................................................26

2.5.1 Liquid Feed Specification...................................................................................26

2.6 PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS.................................................................................................28

2.6.1 Gaseous Product Specification ...........................................................................28

2.7 EFFLUENT CHARACTERISTICS............................................................................................29

2.7.1 Liquid Effluents..................................................................................................29

2.7.2 Gaseous Effluents ...............................................................................................31

2.7.3 Solid Effluents ....................................................................................................32

2.8 UTILITIES SPECIFICATIONS ................................................................................................33

2.8.1 Utilities – Water..................................................................................................33

2.8.2 Utilities - Steam Condensate ..............................................................................36

2.8.3 Utilities – Fuel Gas .............................................................................................37

2.8.4 Utilities - Air.......................................................................................................39

2.8.5 Utilities – Nitrogen .............................................................................................40

2.8.6 Utilities – Hydrogen ...........................................................................................41

2.8.7 Catalyst and Adborbents.....................................................................................43

2.8.8 Chemicals ...........................................................................................................44

2.8.9 Power..................................................................................................................45

2.9 ENVIRONMENTAL CONSIDERATIONS ..................................................................................46

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2.9.1 Aromatics ...........................................................................................................46

2.9.2 Hydrocarbon Liquids..........................................................................................46

2.9.3 Hydrocarbon Vapors...........................................................................................46

2.9.4 Some Common Gases.........................................................................................46

2.9.5 Flue Gases ..........................................................................................................47

2.9.6 Solid Wastes .......................................................................................................47

2.9.7 Noise Abatement ................................................................................................48

2.9.8 Special Requirements .........................................................................................48

2.9.9 Authority Requirements .....................................................................................48

2.10 SITE / AMBIENT / DESIGN CONDITIONS* ............................................................................49

2.11 UNITS & MEASUREMENTS .................................................................................................51

2.12 BATTERY LIMIT CONNECTIONS & CONDITIONS .................................................................52

2.13 ECONOMICS .......................................................................................................................53

3. THEORY OF PROCESS ...................................................................................... 55

3.1 FEED PRE-DESULPHURISATION..........................................................................................55

3.2 FEED DESULPHURISATION .................................................................................................57

3.3 PRE-REFORMING & REFORMING ........................................................................................58

3.4 SHIFT CONVERSION ...........................................................................................................60

3.5 PRESSURE SWING ADSORPTION .........................................................................................61

3.6 DETAILED PROCESS DESCRIPTION .....................................................................................62

3.6.1 Naphtha Pre-Desulphurization............................................................................62

3.6.2 Feed Desulphurization ........................................................................................63

3.6.3 Pre Reforming ....................................................................................................64

3.6.4 Reforming...........................................................................................................65

3.6.5 High Temperature Shift Conversion...................................................................65

3.6.6 Low Temperature Shift Conversion ...................................................................66

3.6.7 Hydrogen Purification ........................................................................................66

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3.6.8 Reformer Heat Supply & Flue Gas Heat Recovery ............................................67

3.6.9 Steam System .....................................................................................................67

3.6.10 Change in operating pressure of PGB Steam Drum (92-V-16) ..........................68

3.7 FLARE SYSTEM ..................................................................................................................70

3.7.1 Pump Seal flushing Plan.....................................................................................74

4. CONTROL PERFORMANCE............................................................................... 77

4.1 GENERAL ...........................................................................................................................77

4.2 DISTRIBUTED CONTROL SYSTEM .......................................................................................78

4.2.1 General ...............................................................................................................78

4.2.2 Plant Capacity Control........................................................................................78

4.2.3 Hydrogen Recycle Flow Control ........................................................................78

4.2.4 Front End Pressure Control ................................................................................79

4.2.5 Spill Back System Control .................................................................................79

4.2.6 Feed / Steam Ratio Control.................................................................................80

4.2.7 Reformer Outlet Temperature & Firing Control.................................................80

4.2.8 Boiler Water Level in the Steam Drum ..............................................................81

4.2.9 LT Shift Inlet Temperature Control....................................................................81

4.2.10 Reformer Box Pressure Control..........................................................................82

4.2.11 Acid Dew Point Control .....................................................................................82

4.2.12 Control of Convection Section Duties, Bypass of Hot Stage Air Preheater .......83

4.2.13 Control of Heat Recovery Train .........................................................................85

4.2.14 Turndown Operation – Reboiling of Process Condensate ..................................85

4.2.15 Naphtha to FCC Gasoline Ratio Control ............................................................86

4.2.16 Steam to Naphtha Stripper Control.....................................................................86

4.2.17 Minimum Sulfur Level in Sweet Naphtha ..........................................................87

4.2.18 Wash Water Ratio Control..................................................................................87

4.3 CONTROL OF MAJOR PROCESS STEPS ................................................................................89

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4.3.1 Predesulphurisation Reactor Operation ..............................................................89

4.3.2 Desulfurization & Chloride Removal .................................................................90

4.3.3 Pre-Reformer ......................................................................................................91

4.3.4 Reformer.............................................................................................................94

4.3.5 HT Shift Converter ...........................................................................................100

4.3.6 LT Shit Converter.............................................................................................101

4.3.7 Hydrogen Purification PSA Unit ......................................................................102

4.4 CALCULATION PROCEDURES ...........................................................................................104

4.4.1 Steam to Carbon Ratio & Steam to Feed Ratio ................................................104

4.4.2 Reaction Equilibrium & Equilibrium Approach...............................................105

4.4.3 Correction Factors for Orifice Flow Meters .....................................................108

4.5 OPERATING CONDITIONS OF THE EQUIPMENTS .................................................................110

4.6 CONTROL LOOPS .............................................................................................................111

5. PRE-COMMISSIONING & INITIAL OPERATIONS .......................................... 119

5.1 GENERAL .........................................................................................................................119

5.2 PLANT PREPARATION / START-UP INSPECTION ................................................................121

5.2.1 Pressure Test.....................................................................................................121

5.2.2 Plant Inspection – Check Out ...........................................................................122

5.2.3 Cleaning of Lines & Equipment .......................................................................126

5.2.4 Auxiliary Service Commissioning....................................................................132

5.3 COMMISSIONING OF MACHINERY ....................................................................................136

5.3.1 Electrical Motors ..............................................................................................136

5.3.2 Fans ..................................................................................................................136

5.3.3 Centrifugal Pumps ............................................................................................137

5.3.4 Reciprocating Compressor................................................................................138

5.4 INSTRUMENT COMMISSIONING ........................................................................................141

5.5 LEAK TESTING .................................................................................................................142

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6. NORMAL START-UP, OPERATION & SHUTDOWN....................................... 145

6.1 GENERAL .........................................................................................................................145

6.2 NAPHTHA PRE-DESULPHURISATION SECTION..................................................................147

6.2.1 System Purging With Nitrogen.........................................................................147

6.2.2 N2 Circulation ...................................................................................................147

6.2.3 Naphtha Superheater (92-F-01) Burner Lighting .............................................148

6.2.4 Naphtha Stripper (92-C-01) Start-Up ...............................................................149

6.2.5 Introduction of Sour Naphtha In The PDS Reactor-I (92-R-01).......................151

6.2.6 Introduction of Naphtha From Naphtha Separator (92-V-02) To Naphtha

Stripper (92-C-01) ............................................................................................152

6.3 HYDROGEN GENERATION UNIT .......................................................................................154

6.3.1 Plant Purging ....................................................................................................154

6.3.2 Satisfying Shutdown Logic...............................................................................154

6.3.3 Steam / Boiler System ......................................................................................155

6.3.4 Nitrogen Circulation .........................................................................................156

6.3.5 Heating of Nitrogen Circulation .......................................................................159

6.3.6 Introduction of Vaporised Fuel Naphtha ..........................................................169

6.3.7 Process Steam to Reformer...............................................................................170

6.3.8 Preparations Before Introducing Process Steam to Pre-reformer .....................175

6.3.9 Process Steam into Pre-reformer ......................................................................178

6.3.10 Feed Stock into Pre-reformer............................................................................179

6.3.11 Start PSA Unit & Hydrogen Production...........................................................181

6.4 NORMAL SHUTDOWN ......................................................................................................182

6.4.1 General .............................................................................................................182

6.4.2 Naphtha Pre-desulphurisation Section..............................................................182

6.4.3 Hydrogen Generation Unit ...............................................................................184

6.4.4 PSA Unit Shutdown..........................................................................................189

6.4.5 Start-Up Hydrogen Requirement ......................................................................189

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6.4.6 Hydrogen Top-up to Bullet...............................................................................190

7. EMERGENCY SHUTDOWN & SAFETY SYSTEM ........................................... 192

7.1 GENERAL .........................................................................................................................192

7.2 EMERGENCY SHUTDOWN.................................................................................................193

7.2.1 Shutdown of Hydrogen Section........................................................................193

7.2.2 I-1, Emergency Shutdown (PDS) .....................................................................196

7.2.3 I-2, Low-Low Level Sour Naphtha Surge Drum (92-V-01) .............................197

7.2.4 I-3, High-High Level in Sour Naphtha (92-V-01) ............................................197

7.2.5 I-4, Naphtha Superheater Trip (92-F-01)..........................................................197

7.2.6 I-5, Recycle Gas Compressor Trip (92-K-01 A/B)...........................................198

7.2.7 I-6, Reflux Pump Trip (92-P-02 A/B) ..............................................................199

7.2.8 I-7, Process Naphtha Trip .................................................................................199

7.2.9 I-8, Low-Low Level Naphtha Separator (LSLL-1402) ....................................200

7.2.10 I-9, Low-Low Interface Level Naphtha Separator (LSLL-1405) .....................200

7.2.11 I-10, Low-Low Level Naphtha Stripper (LSLL 1504) .....................................200

7.2.12 I-11, Sour Naphtha Pump Change Over (92-P-01 A/B) ...................................200

7.2.13 I-12, Naphtha Air Cooler Fan Trip (92-AC-01) ...............................................201

7.2.14 I-13, FCC / C5-140°C Ratio High Trip ............................................................201

7.2.15 I-14, Reflux Pump Change Over (92-P-02 A/B) ..............................................201

7.2.16 I-20, Total Plant Shutdown...............................................................................202

7.2.17 I-21, Reformer Shutdown (92-F-11).................................................................202

7.2.18 I-23, PSA Trip / Reformer Partial Trip.............................................................206

7.2.19 I-24, BFW Pumps Automatic Changeover (92-P-12 A/B/C) ...........................207

7.2.20 I-25, Steam Drum Level High (92-V-16) .........................................................208

7.2.21 I-26, Deaerator Level High Trip (92-V-21)......................................................208

7.2.22 I-27, Deaerator Level Low Trip (92-V-21).......................................................208

7.2.23 I-28, Hot Condensate Separator Level Low Trip..............................................209

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7.2.24 I-29, Sweet Naphtha Surge Drum Level Low Trip 92-V-11 ............................209

7.2.25 I-30, Sweet Naphtha Surge Drum Level High Trip 92-V-11............................209

7.2.26 I-31, Cold Condensate Separator Level Low Trip 92-V-18 .............................209

7.2.27 I-32, Naphtha Feed Pump Changeover 92-P-11 A/B .......................................209

7.2.28 I-33, Fuel Naphtha Storage Tank Level Low Trip (92-V-19) ..........................210

7.2.29 I-34, Fuel Naphtha Feed to Surge Drum Trip (92-V-19)..................................210

7.2.30 I-35, Naphtha Fuel Pump Changeover 92-P-14 A/B ........................................210

7.2.31 I-36, Recycle Hydrogen Compressor Trip (92-K-11 A/B) ...............................211

7.2.32 I-37, N2 Circulation Compressor Trip (92-K-12) .............................................211

7.2.33 I-38, N2 Circulation Cooler Fan Trip 92-AC-12...............................................212

7.2.34 I-39, Spillback Cooler Fan Trip 92-AC-11.......................................................212

7.2.35 I-40, Process Gas Air Cooler Fan Trip 92-AC-13 ............................................212

7.2.36 I-41, Spillback Accumulator Low Level Trip 92-V-12 ....................................212

7.2.37 I-43, BFW Pump Changeover 92-P-13 A/B .....................................................212

7.2.38 I-44, Deaerator Level Low Trip (92-V-22).......................................................213

7.2.39 I-45, Deaerator Level High Trip (92-V-22)......................................................213

7.2.40 I-46, Fuel Naphtha KO Pot Level High Trip (92-V-20) ...................................213

7.2.41 I-48, Steam Drum Level High Trip (92-V-14) .................................................213

7.2.42 I-49, N2 Circulation KO Pot Level High Trip (92-V-13) .................................214

7.2.43 I-50, DM Water Tank Low Level Trip (92-V-23) ............................................214

7.2.44 I-51, DM Water Pump Changeover (92-P-15 A/B)..........................................214

7.2.45 I-52, N2 Electric Heater Trip (92-E-15)............................................................215

7.2.46 I-53, LT Inlet Temperature Trip Logic.............................................................215

7.2.47 I-54, Spill Back Activation Logic.....................................................................215

7.2.48 I-55, LP BFW Pump Change over....................................................................216

7.2.49 I-61, Flare KOD pump Start / Stop with KOD level ........................................216

7.2.50 I-62, Acid Flare KOD pump Start / Stop with KOD level................................216
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7.2.51 I-63, CBD pump Start / Stop with CBD level ..................................................217

7.2.52 I-64, bearing Cooling Water Pump Start / Stop with level ...............................217

7.2.53 I-65, Reflux Drum boot level low trip ..............................................................217

7.2.54 I-66, Sour Naphtha Pump trip with XV-1104 valve closure.............................217

7.3 BYPASSING OF INTERLOCKS ............................................................................................218

7.4 EMERGENCY / FIRE CASE : SYSTEM DEPRESSURISATION .................................................219

7.5 FURNACE TOTAL SHUTDOWN – OPERATIONAL REQUIREMENTS ......................................220

7.6 MAIN PRECAUTIONS IN RESPECT OF EMERGENCY SHUTDOWNS ......................................223

7.7 UTILITIES SUPPLY FAILURES ...........................................................................................225

7.7.1 Instrument Air ..................................................................................................225

7.7.2 Cooling Water ..................................................................................................225

7.7.3 Nitrogen............................................................................................................225

7.7.4 Demin. Water ...................................................................................................226

7.7.5 Potable Water ...................................................................................................226

7.7.6 Plant Air............................................................................................................226

7.7.7 Low Pressure Steam .........................................................................................226

7.7.8 Raw Water ........................................................................................................226

7.7.9 Electricity .........................................................................................................226


7.9 ALARM & TRIP LIST ........................................................................................................251

7.10 LIST OF PSVS ..................................................................................................................251

8. SPECIAL OPERATIONS ................................................................................... 256

8.1 GENERAL .........................................................................................................................256

8.2 LOADING OF CATALYSTS .................................................................................................256

8.2.1 General .............................................................................................................256

8.2.2 Catalyst Storage................................................................................................257

8.2.3 Catalyst Loading of Reformer Tubes................................................................260

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8.2.4 Loading of Catalyst into Vessels ......................................................................265

8.2.5 Loading of Molecular Sieves in PSA Adsorbers ..............................................271

8.2.6 List of Equipment & Tools Needed for Catalyst Loading ................................272

8.3 CHEMICAL CLEANING......................................................................................................274

8.3.1 Boiler Boil-Out.................................................................................................274

8.4 DRY-OUT OF REFRACTORIES ...........................................................................................280

8.4.1 General Procedure for Refractory Dry-Out ......................................................280

8.4.2 Reformer / Process Gas Boiler Refractory Dry-Out Procedure ........................280

8.5 CATALYST REDUCTION ...................................................................................................285

8.5.1 General .............................................................................................................285

8.5.2 LT Shift Catalyst Reduction .............................................................................285

8.6 COMOX REACTOR-I (92-R-01) CATALYST PRESULPHIDATION ........................................289

8.7 COMOX REACTOR – I (92-R-01) CATALYST REGENERATION PROCEDURE ......................291

8.8 REFORMER (92-F-11) CATALYST REGENERATION PROCEDURE.......................................294

8.8.1 Carbon Formation.............................................................................................294

8.8.2 Regeneration.....................................................................................................294

8.9 CHANGE-OUT OF CATALYST DURING OPERATION ..........................................................295

8.9.1 Change-Out of Desulphurizer (92-R-12 A/B) Catalyst ....................................295

8.9.2 Change-Out of Pre-Reformer Catalyst During Operation ................................298

8.10 CATALYST UNLOADING ...................................................................................................302

8.10.1 General .............................................................................................................302

8.10.2 Purification Catalysts (ZnO, Chlor Guard & CoMo)........................................304

8.10.3 Prereformer.......................................................................................................306

8.10.4 Reformer Catalyst.............................................................................................309

8.10.5 High Temperature Shift Catalyst ......................................................................311

8.10.6 Low Temperature Shift Catalyst.......................................................................311

8.10.7 PSA Unit...........................................................................................................312

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8.11 DISPOSAL OF USED CATALYST ........................................................................................313

8.12 SAFETY PRECAUTIONS .....................................................................................................314

8.13 DMDS UNLOADING SYSTEM............................................................................................315

8.14 BFW DOSING ..................................................................................................................316

8.14.1 pH Control Dosing System...............................................................................316

8.14.2 Deposit Control Dosing System .......................................................................318

8.14.3 Oxygen Scavenging System .............................................................................319

8.14.4 Features of Dosing Pumps ................................................................................320

8.14.5 General Requirements ......................................................................................320

9. SAFETY .............................................................................................................. 322

9.1 GENERAL .........................................................................................................................322

9.2 SAFETY PRECAUTIONS .....................................................................................................325

9.2.1 Services and Protection and Equipment ...........................................................325

9.2.2 Hydrocarbons / Aromatics................................................................................325

9.2.3 Hydrogen Sulphide ...........................................................................................327

9.2.4 Hydrogen ..........................................................................................................329

9.2.5 Carbon Monoxide .............................................................................................330

9.2.6 Nickel Carbonyl................................................................................................331

9.2.7 Caustic Solution................................................................................................332

9.2.8 Hydrazine .........................................................................................................333

9.3 IDENTIFICATION OF HAZARDS .........................................................................................336

9.3.1 Classification of Areas......................................................................................336

9.3.2 Explosion Hazards............................................................................................336

9.3.3 Fire Hazards......................................................................................................337

9.4 MAINTENANCE & REPAIRS ..............................................................................................340

9.4.1 Safe Working Procedures .................................................................................340

9.4.2 Preparation of Systems for Repairs, etc............................................................344

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9.4.3 Vessel Entry......................................................................................................344

9.4.4 Mechanical Hazard ...........................................................................................347

9.4.5 Electrical Hazards.............................................................................................347

9.4.6 Hazards Due to Pressure & Vacuum ................................................................347

9.4.7 Hazards Due to Thermal Expansion .................................................................348

9.4.8 Housekeeping ...................................................................................................348

9.5 SAFE OPERATION OF FURNACES ......................................................................................350

9.5.1 Introduction ......................................................................................................350

9.5.2 Equipment.........................................................................................................350

9.5.3 Fundamental Precautions..................................................................................351

9.5.4 Safe Methods of Lighting Burners ...................................................................352

9.5.5 Detailed Procedure for Lighting Burners..........................................................354

9.5.6 Handling Burners in Operations .......................................................................354

9.5.7 Shutting down a Gas Burner.............................................................................354

9.6 SAMPLING........................................................................................................................355

9.7 FIRE PREVENTION AND FIRE FIGHTING .............................................................................356

9.7.1 Fire Prevention .................................................................................................356

9.7.2 Fire Fighting .....................................................................................................357

9.8 SAFETY DURING MAINTENANCE ......................................................................................359

9.8.1 General Rules ...................................................................................................359

9.8.2 Preparation for Maintenance.............................................................................360

9.8.3 Execution of Maintenance Work ......................................................................361

9.9 LOCAL REQUIREMENTS ...................................................................................................363

9.10 MSDS .............................................................................................................................364

10. ANALYTICAL METHODS.................................................................................. 366

10.1 GENERAL .........................................................................................................................366

10.2 SAMPLING PRACTICES FOR WATER .................................................................................367

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10.2.1 Sample Containers............................................................................................367

10.2.2 Significance of the Sampling............................................................................367

10.2.3 Sample Collection.............................................................................................367

10.2.4 Labelling of Samples ........................................................................................368

10.2.5 The Interval between Collection & Analysis of the Sample.............................368

10.3 SAMPLING PRACTICES FOR GASES ...................................................................................369

10.3.1 Sample containers.............................................................................................369

10.3.2 Significance of Sampling..................................................................................369

10.3.3 Sample Collection.............................................................................................369

10.3.4 Labelling of Sample..........................................................................................369

10.4 ANALYSIS SCHEDULE FOR GASES ....................................................................................371

10.4.1 Sour Naphtha / FCC Gasoline Feed Stock........................................................371

10.4.2 Process Gas.......................................................................................................372

10.4.3 Fuel and Flue Gases..........................................................................................373

10.5 SPOT CHECKS ..................................................................................................................374

10.5.1 Sulphur at outlet Of Desulphurizer by Means of Lead Acetate Paper ..............374

10.5.2 Steam to Gas Ratio ...........................................................................................374

10.6 ANALYSIS SCHEDULE FOR WATER AND STEAM ...............................................................377

10.6.1 Demineralised Boiler Feed Water and steam....................................................377

10.6.2 Boiler Water .....................................................................................................378

10.7 ANALYSIS SCHEDULE FOR UTILITIES ...............................................................................379

10.7.1 Cooling Water ..................................................................................................379

10.7.2 Plant Air Instrument Air, Nitrogen ...................................................................379

10.8 ANALYSIS SCHEDULE FOR DOSING CHEMICALS ..............................................................380

10.9 SIGNIFICANCE OF ANALYSIS ............................................................................................381

10.9.1 Feed and Process Gas .......................................................................................381

10.9.2 Water ................................................................................................................382

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11. CORROSION ...................................................................................................... 386

11.1 GENERAL......................................................................................................................386

11.2 CORROSION ASPECTS................................................................................................387

11.3 CORROSION INSPECTION AND DETECTION .........................................................389

11.3.1 Corrosion inspection ........................................................................................389

11.3.2 Corrosion detection ..........................................................................................389

11.4 TREATMENT AND ANALYSIS OF INSPECTION RESULTS...................................391

11.5 PASSIVATION ..............................................................................................................392

12. INSTRUMENT DETAILS.................................................................................... 394

13. EQUIPMENT DETAILS ...................................................................................... 396

14. AUXILIARY SYSTEMS ...................................................................................... 398

14.1 UNDERGROUND SEWER SYSTEM .....................................................................................398

14.1.1 Contaminated Rain Water System (CRWS) .....................................................398

14.1.2 Oily Water Sewer System (OWS) ....................................................................398

14.1.3 Drawings...........................................................................................................399

14.2 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF ELECTRICAL SYSTEM............................................................400

14.2.1 Point of Supply .................................................................................................400

14.2.2 Main Distribution Transformers .......................................................................400

14.2.3 6.6 kV Switchboard-2.......................................................................................400

14.2.4 Secondary Distribution Transformers...............................................................400

14.2.5 0.415 kV Switchgear / PMCC ..........................................................................401

14.2.6 0.415 kV MCC – 4, 5, 6 (HGU) .......................................................................401

14.2.7 HT (6.6 kV) Motors..........................................................................................401

14.2.8 LT (415 V) Motors ...........................................................................................401

14.3 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF PA SYSTEM ..........................................................................402

14.4 FIRE FIGHTING SYSTEM ...................................................................................................403

14.4.1 Objectives .........................................................................................................403

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14.4.2 Systems considered for Units / Areas / Equipment to be protected ..................403

14.4.3 Hydrant System ................................................................................................404

14.4.4 Fixed Water Spray System – Medium Velocity Water Spray (MVWS) ..........404

14.4.5 Auto Operated Fixed Water Curtain & Water Spray System ...........................405

14.4.6 Fire Extinguishers.............................................................................................406

14.5 GAS DETECTION SYSTEM ................................................................................................407

14.5.1 Hydrogen Detector ...........................................................................................407

14.5.2 H2S Detectors ...................................................................................................407

14.5.3 Hydrocarbon Detectors.....................................................................................407

15. DRAWINGS / DOCUMENTS* ............................................................................ 410

15.1 PFDS ...............................................................................................................................410

15.2 P&IDS .............................................................................................................................410

15.3 UTILITY P&IDS ...............................................................................................................410

15.4 VENDOR P&IDS ..............................................................................................................410

15.5 HEAT & MATERIAL BALANCE .........................................................................................410

15.6 PLOT PLAN ......................................................................................................................410

15.7 BATTERY LIMIT SUMMARY .............................................................................................410

15.8 UTILITY SUMMARY & UFD’S ..........................................................................................410


15.10 CAUSE & EFFECT DIAGRAM ............................................................................................410

15.11 ALARM & TRIP LIST ........................................................................................................410

15.12 LIST OF CATALYST-CHEMICALS ......................................................................................410

15.13 RELIEF LOAD SUMMARY .................................................................................................410

15.14 MSDS .............................................................................................................................410

15.15 GAS DETECTOR LAYOUT .................................................................................................410

15.16 EQUIPMENT DETAILS .......................................................................................................411

15.17 INSTRUMENTS OPERATING CONDITIONS ..........................................................................411

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1. Introduction
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1. Introduction

The Purpose of this design and Operating Manual is to describe the General
Principles of Commissioning, Start-up Operation and Shut-down as well as safety
aspects for the 75,000 MTPA hydrogen Plant at IOCL, Haldia.

The Hydrogen Plant consists of following Units.

 Feed Pre-desulphurization.
 Final desulphurization.
 Prereforming.
 Reforming.
 Shift Conversion.
 Purification by PSA unit.

The feedstock to the unit is Naphtha & FCC gasoline.

The description is intended as a guide to operation of the plant for supervisory

personnel and it does not supersede the plant owner’s specific operational
procedures or statutory requirements.

Operating instructions supplied by the suppliers of special equipments such as

Boiler, compressor, fans, pumps etc, shall be read in conjunction with this

The numerical values given in this manual should not be considered as

guaranteed figures, these are design figures, indicating the range within which
practical values may vary during normal operation.
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2. Design Basis
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2. Design Basis
2.1 A Brief Description of the Plant

The Hydrogen Generation is designed to process straight run Naphtha or

a mixture of 20/80 (wt/wt) FCC gasoline on the following main process

 Naphtha Pre-desulphurization.
 Naphtha Vaporization and Final desulphurization.
 Prereforming.
 Naphtha Steam Reforming.
 Shift Conversion (HT / LT).
 Process Gas Heat recovery and cooling.
 Hydrogen Purification.
 Steam system.
 Fuel System.

The sour Naphtha (either single feed or mixture) is desulphurized in a

PDS unit where the Sulphur reacts to H2S which subsequently removed in
a Naphtha stripper.

The mixture shall be maximum 20 / 80 (wt/wt) to avoid excessive

temperature rise over the catalyst bed.
Page 21 of 413

The sour gas from the stripper is sent to B.L.

The Hydrogen required for the Sulphur conversion is provided from the
Hydrogen product.

The sweet Naphtha from the PDS section is used as feed to the
Hydrogen unit and is pumped to the operating conditions before it is
vaporized and passes through a final desulphurization step, which also
removes the residual chlorides.

The feed is then mixed with steam before entering the pre-reformer
followed by Reformer where the Naphtha reforms in the presence of
steam to Hydrogen, Methane, Carbon monoxide and carbon Dioxide.

The reformer effluent is cooled and passes through a Shift conversion


In shift conversion section part of the carbon monoxide is converted to

carbon dioxide and hydrogen before the final heat recovery and process
gas cooling takes place.

The process condensate is separated and used as feed water for steam
generation and gas is fed to Pressure Swing adsorption section.

In the PSA unit pure hydrogen gas is separated from the mixture of
incoming gases and the off gases (purge gases) from PSA are used as
fuel along with sour Naphtha in the reforming section.

The steam system is of duel deaerator kind. The steam generated within
hydrogen unit is used as process steam as well as a heating medium.
The additional generated steam is sent to B.L as superheated Medium
High Pressure steam (SSMH).

A provision of exporting SM steam is also provided.

A D.M water tank of capacity 3000 m3 is provided within the hydrogen

plant B.L.

A dedicated pump is provided for exporting the BFW from the degasser
Page 22 of 413

2.2 Plant Capacity

Design Plant capacity is based on feed / product.

PLANT SECTION Capacity in Kg / h

Pre desulphurization End of run hydrogen plant feed


Hydrogen Unit 9375 Kg/h Hydrogen

Rate of capacity Change 0.5 % / min

Page 23 of 413

2.3 Over Design and Turn down Factors

Following table gives the over-design and turn down percents.

Over Turn
Design % down %

Hydrogen Plant capacity 0 30

PDS unit of Hydrogen Plant 0 40

Tray columns 15 40

Packed columns 20 50

Heat exchangers / air coolers 151 NA

Process waste Heat Boilers 0 NA

Condensers 25 NA

Centrifugal Pump (Reflux) 20 -

Centrifugal Pump (Pump around) 20 -

Centrifugal Pump (General) 20 -

Centrifugal Pump (dynamic Head Loss 102 -

@ normal Flow)

Compressor (Centrifugal) 25 60

Compressor (Reciprocating) 25 50

Flue Gas Fan 203 NA

Forced draft fan 154 NA

Burners (Heat released) PDS section 20 40

Fired Heaters-PDS Section 30 NA

Burners (Heat released) Reformer 10 30

NA = Not Applicable.
Page 24 of 413

Superscript 1 : For certain applications like pump around demand

variations in heating / cooling load adequate over
design margin is added to cover the fluctuations in

Superscript 2 : Where pump capacity is increased by 15%, ensure

that adequate head is specified.

Superscript 3 : Head to be 125% more of normal load.

Superscript 4 : Two Fans for reformer with 100% capacity and both
running simultaneously.
Page 25 of 413

2.4 On Stream Factors

On stream Hours per Year 8000

On stream Hours per Day 24

On stream Days for equipment 700

Interval between Plant shut downs 2 Years

Page 26 of 413

2.5 Feed Specifications

2.5.1 Liquid Feed Specification



140ºC3 Gasoline 90ºC3


Density at 15ºC 0.72 0.7 0.665–

Kg/m3 0.678

ASTM Distillation ( D-86)

IBP ºC 43 46 36-40

10 Vol % Over ºC 58 47 44-47

30 Vol % Over ºC 74 50 51-53

50 Vol % Over ºC 88 68 65-70

70 Vol % Over ºC 105 83

90 Vol % Over ºC 137 103 85-91

FBP ºC 170 114 115-120

LOSS Vol %

PONA Analysis Method

n-Paraffins Balance 25- 294 70-89.1


Diolefins - - 24 -

Olefins 0.5 50 484 0.2-0.5

Naphthenes 35 6-15 114 6.5-26.3

Aromatics 10 10 104 2-7

C/H Ratio wt/wt 5.7 6.2 5.5-5.6

Page 27 of 413

Fluorides ppm wt - - -

Chlorides ppm wt 4 ≤ 0.5 6

Sulphur (Reactive) ppm wt 550 ≤ 400-1000 50

Sulphur (Non Reactive) ppm wt 50 2500 350

Sulphur (Total ) ppm wt 600 3000-3500 400

Nitrogen ppm wt - 12 5


Arsenic ppb wt 20

Lead ppb wt 20

Nickel ppb wt 20

Vanadium ppb wt 20

Copper ppb wt 20

Iron ppb wt 20

Total Metals ppb wt 80 ≤1

Min / Nor / Max flow Kg/h

Min/Nor/Max Pressure1 Kg/cm2g 3.5/ 4.5/ 5 2.5/ 3.0/ 4 3.5/ 4.0/ 5

Min/Nor/Max Temperature ºC 35 / 40 / 45 35 / 40 / 45 35/ 40 / 45

Super script 1 : Operating Conditions for mechanical design,

pressure and temperature.
Super script 2 : FCC gasoline used up to 20% (wt) of total feed.
Super script 3 : C5-140ºC Naphtha is used as makeup fuel for the
Super script 4 : Values are used for heat and Material Balance and
Plant Performance Guarantees.

Sweet Naphtha from the tank OSBL to be returned at 4 Kg/cm2g and
40ºC, when required for Hydrogen Unit, in the event of interruption of
supply, supplies C5-90 sweet Naphtha from the PDS unit. The C5-90
Naphtha is only a check case.
Page 28 of 413

2.6 Product Specifications

2.6.1 Gaseous Product Specification




Hydrogen mole % >99.99

Methane +carbon dioxide + Carbon Monoxide <20 ppmv

Nitrogen mole % Balance

Chlorides + chlorine < 1 ppmv

Water -

Dust distribution2

> 10 µm mg / Nm3

< 10 µm mg / Nm3

Min / Nor / Max flow Kg/h 2812/ 9375/ 9375

Min / Nor / Max Pressure1 Kg/cm2g 20 / 20 / 20

Min / Nor / Max Temperature1 º

C / - / 45

Super script 1 : Operating Conditions for mechanical design,

pressure and temperature.

Super script 2 : The applied analytical methods to be specified.

Page 29 of 413

2.7 Effluent Characteristics

2.7.1 Liquid Effluents

PLANT Pre Desulphurization Hydrogen Unit


Type Sour Steam Off spec Boiler Vent steam Process

Water Condensate Naphtha Blowdown condensate condensate

pH 3-4 8-10 4-5 4-5

Conductivity <2500

SiO2 <8

Fe <2





NH3 *


COD mg/l *

BOD5 mg/l


Page 30 of 413

Normal 1607 1626

Maximum 3252 1988 48392**



Normal 7 3 5

Maximum 21



Normal 40 45 50 50



Superscript 1 : Operating Conditions for mechanical design, pressure

and temperature
* : Dependent on chemical dosing.

** : When fresh catalysts are use process condensate

expected duration for draining is about 1 week, which
could contain 2500 ppm Methanol by wt. Other
contaminants are formaldehyde, formic acid, ethanol &
acetic acid. This is to be treated at OSBL.
Page 31 of 413

2.7.2 Gaseous Effluents

Flue Sour Flue Vent
Gas * Gas Gas steam
Hydrogen Vol % 67.2
Nitrogen Vol % 68.4 56.3
Oxygen Vol % 1.7 1.13
Argon Vol % 0.8 0.69
Carbon Dioxide Vol % 8.9 23.59
Water / Steam Vol % 20.3 Balance 18.33
H2S Vol % 17.2
Hydrocarbons Vol %
Sulfur Dioxide mg/Nm3
NOx (dry @ 3% O2)
Chlorides mg/Nm3
Carbon Monoxide
Ammonia mg/Nm3 14.1
Solid Particles mg/Nm3
Avg Molecular Wt 27.6 17.9 30.08
Flow Kg/h
Normal 2443 116 322099
Pressure1 Kg/cm2g
Normal 0 5.5 0
Temperature1 º
PLANT SECTION Pre Desulphurization Hydrogen Unit
Flue Flue Vent
Type Sour Gas
Gas * Gas steam
Normal 540 40 145
Maximum 200

* : At 80% Efficiency in 92-F-01

Super script 1 : Operating Conditions for mechanical
design, pressure and temperature
Page 32 of 413

2.7.3 Solid Effluents

PLANT Pre Desulphurization & Hydrogen Unit

Type CoMox Chlor Pre-
CoMox ZnO Reformer
& NiMox Guard Reformer
Quality wt%
Disposal * * Land fill Land * *
Method /* fill
Normal 8645 3960 4292 3213 9585 31070
Periodicity 2 5 1 1 1 5
Once Every

PLANT Pre Desulphurization & Hydrogen Unit

HT Shift LT Shift Mol
Quality wt%
Disposal * *
Quantity Kg/h
Normal 37500 48700 ****
Periodicity Once 5 5
Every Year

* : Normally returnable to the supplier.

Page 33 of 413

2.8 Utilities Specifications

2.8.1 Utilities – Water

Type Of Water Raw/ Condensate Cooling DM Drinking

Service from B.L ** water
pH at 25ºC 7.4-8.4 8.3-10 7.6-8.7 6.5-
Turbidity 9 14-30
Conductivity 1060-1940 <1 1200- <1
s/cm 2560
Total-dissolved- 780-1420 <5 Up to <5
Solids mg/l 200
Total-silica-as-SiO2 35 <0.03 100 <0.03
SiO2 mg/l
Ca-Hardness-as- 114 150-
CaCO3 mg/l 300
Total-Hardness 216-480 <0.1 350- 0.1
mg/l 800
M-Alkalinity 160-472 130-
mg/l 512
Chloride-Cl- 250-500 Nil 350-
mg/l 1050
Sulfates-as-SO4- Traces 800
Total-Iron-as-Fe <0.03
KMnO4 mg/l
Oil Nil Nil
Page 34 of 413

Type Of Water Raw/ Condensate Cooling DM Drinking

Service from B.L ** water
Chlorine-as-Cl2 mg/l
Min/Max- Quantity- 8/48
Available m3/h
Minimum 3 3 4
Normal 4 5
Maximum 4 4.5 7.5
Minimum 120 Amb
Normal 125 33 45
Maximum 150 35 30
Min Return Pressure 2.5
Max-Return- 45
Temperature ºC
Fouling Coefficient 0.0004
kcal / h m2 ºC

1) Operating Conditions for mechanical design, pressure and

temperature see Section 2.12 Liquid Pressures are at grade.

1**: required quality from OSBL.

2) Boiler feed water must be obtained by treating deaerated

demineralised water, plus any steam condensate, and/or
degasified process condensate, with non-toxic chemical agents for
the following:
a) Deposit inhibitor
b) Corrosion inhibitor
c) Oxygen scavenger
d) pH control
Page 35 of 413

Some proprietary chemicals combine two or more of these agents.

For specific requirements, please indicate below chemicals to be

 Hydrazine, Morpholine, Trisodium phosphate are presently

used at IOCL Haldia refinery

Hardness as CaCO3
ppm mg/l grains/ mva/l French German
wt. U.S. degrees degrees
1 ppm wt. 1.0 1.0 0.058 0.020 0.10 0.056
1 grain/U.S. gal 17.1 17.1 1.000 1.000 1.71 0.958
1 mval/l 50 50 0.342 0.342 5.0 2.8
1 French 10.0 10.0 0.583 0.583 1.00 0.560
1 German 17.8 17.8 1.044 1.044 1.78 1.000

3) In addition to the main supply / return headers to HGU,

dedicated Cooling Water supply and Return headers are
provided for N2 generation plant (Unit 96).
Page 36 of 413

2.8.2 Utilities - Steam Condensate

High Pressure Steam - SH

Medium High Pressure Steam - SMH
Superheated Medium High Pressure Steam - SMH
Medium Pressure Steam - SM
Low Pressure Steam - SL
Low Low Pressure Steam - SLL
Low Pressure Condensate - CL


Pressure Level > 60 30 - 10 - 3- 30 - 60
kg/cm²g 60 30 10
Supply pressure: 1)
Minimum 58 43 12 2 43
Normal 60 44 13 3 44
Maximum 64 46 15 4 46
Supply temperature: 1)
Minimum 400 264 200 130
Normal 450 265 280 150 400
Maximum 450 270 300 180 420
Conductivity at 25ºC2) < 10 < 10 < 25 < 25
Total iron
ppm wt
Total copper
ppm wt
ppm wt
ppm wt

1) Operating conditions. For mechanical design pressure &

temperature see Section 2.12 Liquid pressures are at
2) After strong cation exchanger.
3) The B/L condition of export steam shall be 46 kg/cm2g
and 400ºC. Additionally provision to export to SM level
of steam is also to be provided.
4) The MP steam required in HGU is imported from the
B.L. via the header 6”-SM-92-43-04-A3-3FH-H.
Page 37 of 413

A MOV (Motor Operated Valve) 92-XV-4301 has been

provided on the Import MP Steam header for steam
load shedding. This valve closes within the shortest
possible time. The remote operation is available in the
control room of Thermal power station located ~ 2 km
away. The operation of MOV’s shall be through hard
wired switches installed in local control panel located
at CPP-1 control room.

2.8.3 Utilities – Fuel Gas


Case 1 Case 2
Hydrogen mole % 26.77 44.2
Methane mole % 16.77 14.0
Ethylene mole % 5.65 0
Ethane mole % 14.55 14.7
Propylene mole % 0 0
Propane mole % 12.79 21.5
i-Butane mole % 3.86 5.0
n-Pentane mole % 0.24 0
Oxygen mole % 1.6 0
Carbon dioxide mole % 0.05 0
Nitrogen mole % 11.44 0
Water mole % 3.2 -
Sulfur content (as S) mole % - -
Hydrogen sulphide mole % 0.2 0.2
Propyne mole % 1.22 0
n-Butane mole % 4.33 0
Cis-Butene mole % 0.11 0
i-Pentane mole % 0.06 0.4
Carbon monoxide mole % 0.37 0
Molecular mass kg/kmol 20.1 20.3
LHV @ 15ºC kcal/kg 11200 11950
Wobbe Index (on LHV) kJ/Nm3
Supply pressure: 1) kg/cm²g
Minimum 2.0 2.0
Normal 2.5 2.5
Maximum 4.5 4.5
Supply temperature: 1) ºC
Minimum 30 30
Normal 40 40
Maximum 45 45
Max. quantity available Nm3/h 194 187.6
Page 38 of 413

1) Operating conditions. For mechanical design pressure &
temperature see Section 2.12. Liquid pressures are at
2) Main reformer make-up fuel is vaporized sour naphtha.
However, a line will be provided for use of sweet naphtha
(ex –PDS) as makeup fuel.
3) For the reformer start up, fuel gas is used.
4) Relieving temperature of Fuel gas KOD (92-V-09) is 563ºC
in case of the external fire scenario. The vessel MOC
being CS, it may rupture due to this high relieving
temperature. Hence a water sprinkling system has been
provided on Fuel Gas KOD to ensure cooling of the vessel
wall during external fire.
Page 39 of 413

2.8.4 Utilities - Air

All types of air used in the plant shall be oil free.

TYPE Atmospheric Instrument Plant Air

Air Air
Composition (dry): 2) vol % oil free
Nitrogen 78.07 78.07 78.07
Oxygen 20.95 20.95 20.95
Argon 0.95 0.95 0.95
Carbon dioxide 0.03 0.03 0.03
Dust content mg/Nm3
Max. quantity available Nm3/h 478.55 750
Relative humidity % 922)
Dewpoint at 1013 mbar ºC -40
Supply pressure: 1) bara
Minimum 4.0 2.0
Normal 6.0 3.0
Maximum 5.0
Supply temperature: 1) ºC
Minimum 7 Ambient Ambient
Normal 353) Ambient Ambient
Maximum 44 Ambient Ambient
Temperature for air cooling ºC 43

1) Operating conditions. For mechanical design pressure &

temperature see Section 2.12. Liquid pressures are at
2) Composition and relative humidity @ sea level.
3) Temperature for process design.
4) In addition to the main supply header to HGU, dedicated
headers of Plant air and Instrumentation air are provided
for PSA unit (92-M-12) and N2 generation plant (Unit 96).
Page 40 of 413

2.8.5 Utilities – Nitrogen


Nitrogen purity, minimum 99.5 99.5
Oxygen 0.01 2) 0.01 2)
Carbon dioxide 0.1 0.1
Supply pressure:1)
kg/cm g
Minimum 5 5
Normal 6 6
Supply temperature:1)
Normal ambient ambient

Maximum quantity 5200 for four

available hours

1) Operating conditions. For mechanical design pressure &
temperature see Section 2.12. Liquid pressures are at
2) For pre-reformer start-up, maximum allowable oxygen level
is 200 ppmv (preferably < 5 ppmv).
3) In addition to the main supply header to HGU, a dedicated
nitrogen header is provided for PSA unit (92-M-12)
Page 41 of 413

2.8.6 Utilities – Hydrogen

Existing H2 Existing H2
plant bullets

Hydrogen purity, minimum 99.99 99.99
Carbon monoxide ppm vol
Carbon dioxide ppm vol 15 15
Methane - -
Ethane - -
Propane - -
Isobutane - -
N-butane - -
Isopentane - -
N-Pentane - -
C6 - -
Oxygen - -
HCI ppm vol 1 1
Chloride ppm vol Traces Traces
Nitrogen ppm vol - -
Oil ppm vol - -
H2O ppm vol - -
H2S ppm vol - -
Other impurities 2) ppm.wt. - -
Supply pressure:1)
Minimum 19
Normal 20
Maximum 78
Supply temperature:1)
Minimum 40 40
Normal 45
Maximum 45
Max. quantity available 3300 2000

P.T.O. for related notes.

Page 42 of 413

1) Operating conditions. For mechanical design pressure &
temperature see Section 2.12. Liquid pressures are at
2) e.g. Cl2, NH3, etc.
3) Deleted
4) Deleted
Page 43 of 413

2.8.7 Catalyst and Adborbents

Plant Section PDS Reforming Reforming Reforming Reforming

Type PDS unit- CoMox / Chlor Pre Reforming
hydrodesul HTS guard/ reforming
phurisation ZnO
Operating life
Min. req. life 2 5 1 year for 1 5
(year) each
Pretreatment No No No No No
Regeneration Yes No No No
Activation Yes with - - -
Required DMDS, - - Nitrogen Nitrogen
utilities Steam, Air,
Reduced state no no no yes no
Pyrophoric yes yes yes yes yes
Plant Section Reforming Reforming Reforming Reforming Reforming
Operating life
Min. req. life 5 As per
(year) UOP
Pretreatment No
Regeneration No
Activation Yes to
Required N2, H2,
utilities Steam
Reduced state No
Pyrophoric Yes

1) Refer to “List of Catalyst-Chemicals” Doc no.10144-

PEIN05-92-7-CL-1 in Chapter 15, Section 15.12.
Page 44 of 413

2.8.8 Chemicals

Name CHIMEC - Hydrazine

DMDS Morpholine TSP
Application Catalyst
Corrosion Deposit Oxygen
sulphiding pH control
inhibitor control scavenger
Form liquid liquid liquid solid liquid
Size (solids) - - - - -
Density @
15ºC 1062 900 + 20 1000 -
Bulk density
(solids) - - - 1620
- <100 cP 2.3 - -
mPa.s @ 15ºC
Purity % 99.5 - - 99 -
In solution - - 1.5 3 0.2
% (w/w)
Dosing (ppm) - 10 2 2 1
- 175 5685 1085 1235
Per 6 months
Generic or
generic proprietary generic generic generic
Handling (2) (2) (2) (2) (2)
Safety data
sheet provided yes yes yes yes yes

1) Refer to “List of Catalyst-Chemicals” Doc no.10144-

PEIN05-92-7-CL-1 in Chapter 15, Section 15.12.

2) For detailed guidelines regarding handling of chemicals

refer MSDS provided by the vendors which are
incorporated in chapter 15 (of this manual) DRAWING/
Page 45 of 413

2.8.9 Power

Voltage Phases Frequency

Drives above 160 kW 6600 ± 5% AC 3 50 ± 5%
Drives from 0.18 kW 415 ± 10% AC 3 50 ± 5%
to 160 kW
Motors up to 0.18 kW 415 ± 10% AC 3 50 ± 5%
Lighting 230 ± 10% AC 1 50 ± 5%
Instruments (mass 230 ± 10% AC 1 50 ± 5%
flow meters /
Shutdown AC from 230 ± 10% AC 50 ± 5%
Transmitters 24 V DC 1
UPS 230 AC 1
Page 46 of 413

2.9 Environmental considerations

TECHNIP design & equipment specifications are aimed at minimizing the

emission of components or compounds, which are in general, damaging
to health and the environment. The following items are identified for
special attention :

2.9.1 Aromatics

For steams containing 1% (wt) or more benzene, or 25% (wt) or

more C8 through C9 aromatics, the following requirements will be
met. However, the client should clearly indicate if these are
acceptable or to be revised, and advise on any additional
requirements :

 All sampling system shall be closed-loop.

 No separate aromatic bearing stream circuit with separate
close blow-down system is required. Instead, closed
circuit drain to common HC CBD will suffice.
 Provision of “leak-proof” pumps such as magnetic drive or
“canned”, or pumps equipped with dual seals having
suitable barrier fluid.

2.9.2 Hydrocarbon Liquids

Equipment drains shall be to a closed drain system with provision

to collect and deliver at battery limits, any collected liquid
hydrocarbons. Any special requirements to be specified :

 Connection to both CBD & OWS, details are to be finalised

by detailed engineering contractor.

2.9.3 Hydrocarbon Vapors

Process design, within battery limits, will normally minimize

emission of light hydrocarbons to atmosphere. However, no
provision is made for recovery or minimization of vapors being
emitted by “breathing” tankage. Any special requirements to be
specified :

 N.A

2.9.4 Some Common Gases

Process design, within battery limits, will use adsorption,

adsorption or incineration methods to minimize the emission of
dangerous gases to atmosphere. Particular measures may be
Page 47 of 413

required to be taken to reduce fugitive (flange, seals & valve)

leakages of toxic materials. The following list of dangerous gases
should be examined, components added or deleted, as the case
may be, and appropriate allowable emission (fugitive +
continuous) concentrations assigned :

Gas Concentration ppmv

Carbon monoxide 100
Chlorine 1
Hydrogen chloride 5
Hydrogen sulphide 10
Sulfur dioxide 5
Benzene 25

2.9.5 Flue Gases

Flue gases resulting from combustion of fuels (liquid or gas) are

discharged to atmosphere. TECHNIP will endeavour to minimize
the emissions in the most cost effective way. However, for control
of harmful components, TECHNIP considers total flue gas
discharge from the plant, under steady design conditions, even if
individual heater stacks might exceed the agreed values. The
required maximum values are given below :

NOx……………………. 100 ppmv

SOx …………………… 50 mg/Nm3
CO ……………………. 500 ppmv
Particulate matter …… 150 mg/ Nm3

2.9.6 Solid Wastes

Different types of solid wastes can be handled in different ways.

Indicate below the preferred method of disposal :

Waste Type Return to Supplier Land Fill

Spent Catalysts 1) 

1) It is possible to return spent catalyst to the supplier for

which Owner and Catalyst Supplier to agreed on their
terms & conditions.
Page 48 of 413

2.9.7 Noise Abatement

 Noise nuisance from machinery and burners is normally

specified as “sound pressure level”, which for standard
design shall not exceed, in work areas 85 dB(a) at 1 m
distance from equipment / package unit. Maximum
allowable noise limit shall not exceed 120 dB(a) for
emergency conditions, such as safety / relief valve blow-

2.9.8 Special Requirements

Please indicate below, any special requirements with respect to

odor and/or emissions to atmosphere, such as dispersion of flue
gases resulting from heater stack or flare stack discharge.

 Min. stack height = 14 * (SO2 emission (kg/h) )0.3

60 meter whichever is higher.

2.9.9 Authority Requirements

Please specify any special requirements, by the client, local and /

or national authorities, which will have an impact on design. These
requirements can be for example:

 OISD norms for Plot Plan.

 IBR for steam system.
Page 49 of 413

2.10 Site / Ambient / Design conditions*

 Exact location site : Haldia, West Bengal
 Elevation above sea level : 3.6m
 Plant datum level : …….
 Soil bearing capacity : ……. kPa

 Earthquake : Yes
 Seismic Intensity (Mercalll scale) : IS-1893, Seismic zone IV
& IS-4326

Barometric pressure:
 Highest absolute barometric pressure :101.59 kPa
 Lowest absolute barometric pressure :101.06 kPa
 Annual average barometric pressure :101.19 kPa
(Process design)

 Average maximum temperature (hottest month) : …. ºC
 Extreme highest temperature : 44 ºC
 Average minimum temperature (coldest month) : …. ºC
 Extreme lowest temperature :7 ºC
 Average ambient temperature (process design) : …. ºC
 Design air temperature for Air-coolers : 43 ºC
 Design air temperature for Stacks :…. ºC
 Design wet bulb temperature (cooling towers) : 29 ºC
 Minimum temperature (process design) : …. ºC
 Minimum temperature (metallurgical design) :7 ºC
 Frost line (bellow surface) : …. m

Relative humidity:
 Relative humidity in summer : ….. %
 Relative humidity in water : ….. %
 Design Relative humidity in summer : ….. %
 Design Relative humidity in water : ….. %

 Maximum daily rainfall : 372.1 mm
 Maximum hourly rainfall : 96 mm
 Average yearly rainfall : …. mm
 Monthly maximum rainfall : …. mm
Page 50 of 413

Wind direction:
 Prevailing wind direction whole year : South – East
 Prevailing wind direction Summer : South – East
 Prevailing wind direction Winter : South – East

Wind velocity:
 Average wind velocity (process design) : 2 – 19km /h
 Average maximum wind velocity : 200 km/h
(10 m above ground level)
 Basic wind pressure (based on above) : …… kPa
 Maximum snowfall depth : …… cm
 Design snow load : …… kPa

Thunder and lightning:

 Annual average number of days : …….
 Electrical current from thunder/lighting : ……. kA
 Soil resistance : …….. Ohm/c

Information for Insulation Design:

 Mechanical design minimum ambient temperature

for non-insulated equipment/piping ….. ºC
 Design maximum temperature for personnel
Protection : ….. ºC
 Design minimum ambient temperature for
insulation/ Tracing : ….. ºC
 Maximum allowable furnace skin temperature : ….. ºC
At ambient temperature : ….. ºC
Wind velocity : ….. ºC
 Airborne material (process/mechanical design) : Salt / Sand /

* Details to be furnished by IOCL.
Page 51 of 413

2.11 Units & Measurements

Following units o multiples of these units will be used in all


Process Documents Instrument

Pressure (operating) kg/cm2g
Pressure (design) kg/cm2g
Differential pressure kg/cm2
Temperature ºC
Vapor/gas flow rate Nm3/h Nm3/h
Steam flow rate kg/h t/h / kg/h
Liquid flow rate kg/h kg/h / m3h
Flow ratios kg/kg as above
Heat flow rate kcal/h
Enthalpy kcal/kg
Specific heat kcal/kg.K
Thermal conductivity kcal/h.m. ºC
Heat transfer coefficient kcal/h.m2. ºC
Viscosity cP
Surface tension Dyne/cm
Velocity m/s
Density kg/m3
Length mm / m
Level mm
Area m2
Volume m3
Time h/min/s
Electric Power kW
Page 52 of 413

2.12 Battery Limit Connections & Conditions

Process Lines


Refer attached table Battery Limit Connections and Conditions-

PROCESS LINES for the detailed description. Refer section 15.7.

Utility Lines

Refer attached table Battery Limit Connections and Conditions- UTILITY
LINES for the detailed description. Refer section 15.7.
Page 53 of 413

2.13 Economics

State currency and unit of measurement:

Feed (Liquid) : 164US$ /MT

Fuel gas :
Electric power : 2.4 Rs / kWh
Demineralized water :
Cooling water (Closed system) :
SMH steam (Export) : 280 Rs / MT
SSMH steam (Export) : 280 Rs / MT
SM steam (Import) : 255 Rs / MT
SL steam (Import) : 235 Rs / MT
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3. Theory of Process
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3. Theory of Process


The plant consists of a Naphtha Pre-Desulphurisation unit and a hydrogen

generation unit.

The design feed stock is a mixture of C5-140ºC Naphtha and FCC gasoline in a
weight ratio of 80%: 20%.

Following documents could be referred as further reference.

 Basis of Design
 Process Flow Diagram
 P&I Diagram
 Heat & Material Balance

Operating conditions stated in the process description are related to the above
design feed stock at 100% capacity, unless other wise stated.

3.1 Feed Pre-Desulphurisation

The feed contains unsaturated components as well as high amount of

organic Sulphur. it would act as a poison for the downstream process

In the Pre-Desulphurisation process, the organic Sulphur compounds are

removed from the Naphtha by catalytic conversion (Hydrogenation) to
hydrogen sulphide, which is separated from the naphtha by stripping. In
the side reaction olefins are saturated.
The basic reactions occurring in this section are as follows:

 RSH + H2 ↔ RH + H2S
 RCl + H2 ↔ RH + HCl
 R=R + H2 ↔ R-R

The last reaction is a saturation of olefins, is very exothermic and

increases the temperature in the reactor.

The normal catalysts used for the above reactions are CoMOx / NiMOx,
which needs to be in their sulphided form.

It is very important to maintain adequate partial pressure of Hydrogen at

the outlet of the reactor to ensure sufficient Hydrogen availability for the
net Hydrogen consumption and for the conversion of Sulphur to
Hydrogen sulphide.
Page 56 of 413

This unit serves as a bulk Sulphur removal unit.

It catalyses the following reactions:

 COS + H2 CO + H2S (carbonyl sulphide)

 RSH + H2 RH + H2S (Mercaptans)
 R1SSR2 + 3H2 R1H + R2H +2H2S (organic disulphides)
 R1SR2 + 2H2 R1H +R2H + H2S (organic sulphides)
 (CH)4 S + 4H2 C4H10 + H2S (thiophene)

where Rn is a radical of hydrocarbon. The above is in increasing order of

stability of the sulphur compounds against hydrogenation.

Besides the above-mentioned hydrogenation of sulphur compounds, the

catalyst also hydrogenates olefins to saturated hydrocarbons, organic
oxygen compounds to water and saturated hydrocarbons, and organic
nitrogen compounds are to some extent converted to ammonia and
saturated hydrocarbons.
Page 57 of 413

3.2 Feed Desulphurisation

For the Pre-reformer & Hydrogen generation unit catalyst, Sulphur and
chloride are catalyst poisons even at very low levels (concentrations).
The catalyst employed for the pre-reforming process is extremely
sensitive to Sulphur compounds since these will cause deactivation or
“poisoning”. Thus in the final desulphurization process, a further catalytic
hydrogenation of the residual organic Sulphur compounds takes place
followed by absorption of the hydrogen sulphide on selective adsorbents
(Aluminum Oxide, Zinc Oxide) The consumption of adsorbent is limited
by the incorporation of the upstream pre-desulphurization unit, which
removes the bulk of Sulphur compounds.

Since the HCl will react with the Zinc oxide to ‘mobile’ ZnCl, which will
not be adsorbed on the chlorine guard, the chlorine guard bed is
installed before ZnO bed.

Sulphur and chlorine can be effectively removed to the acceptable level

for catalyst (<0.1 ppmv)

Following Reactions are involved:

CoMOX catalyst
RSH + H2 H2S.

Chlorine Guard
Al2O3 + 6HCl 2 AlCl + 3H2O

Zinc Oxide catalyst

ZnO + H2S. ZnS + H2O

Effective organic sulphur conversion over CoMOX catalyst occurs at

temperature above 320ºC. The normal temperature at the reactor is
around 390ºC.

Undesirable reactions like a reaction of carbon dioxide with hydrogen

and steam to form Methane (Methanation).

The other reaction is hydrogen with olefins to alkanes, both the reactions
are exothermic and will result in to adiabatic temperature rise, so regular
check on the feed stock is recommended.
Page 58 of 413

3.3 Pre-reforming & Reforming

The feed in the presence of steam reacts to give a mixture of Methane,

carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide and hydrogen over Nickel based

This reaction takes place in both the Pre-reformer and reformer.

The pre-reformer is an adiabatic chemical reactor containing the pre

reforming catalyst which has reforming activity at low temperatures

In the adiabatic pre-reformer the following reactions take place:

1) CnHm + nH2O ↔ nCO + (1/2m+n)H2 –Q (n>1)

CO2 + 4H2 ↔ CH4 + 2H2O +Q

2) CO + H2 O ↔ CO2 + H2 +Q

All higher hydrocarbons (above methane) will be completely converted

by the first reaction to CO.

In the adiabatic pre-reformer the conversion of higher hydrocarbons like

Naphthenes and aromatics, results in a temperature rise over the

The reversible conversion of methane with steam to Co and Hydrogen is

strongly favoured by a high temperature, low pressure and high steam

In order to achieve high yield of hydrogen from the feed stock, after pre-
reforming the methane is converted in the reformer, which operates at
high temperature.

The overall reaction in the reformer is strongly endothermic.

In the upper part of the catalyst bed, the decomposition of higher

hydrocarbons is the dominating reaction. Owing to the endothermic
nature of these reactions the temperature will tend to drop. The
endothermic decomposition reaction is followed by the exothermic
Methanation and shift reaction thus leading to a temperature rise in the
lower part of the reactor bed.

The second reaction is referred as water shift reaction; the mixture at the
reformer outlet will be essentially at equilibrium for the shift reaction.

The shift reaction is favoured by a low temperature and a high steam

quantity, but it is independent of pressure.
Page 59 of 413

The steam quantity is controlled at fixed ratio with the feed stock at the
inlet of the pre-reforming section.

Four different steams to carbon ratios are used to define the amount of
steam that has to be added:

 Steam to carbon ratio(mol/mol): ratio at the reformer inlet of the

moles of steam to the moles of carbon (excluding carbon dioxide)
The moles of carbon are accounted in terms of carbon number.
 Overall steam to carbon ratio : ratio of all steam added to the
process gas to the moles of carbon present in the feed.
 Steam to feed ratio: the ratio at the pre reformer inlet of the
weight flow of steam to the weight flow of total hydrocarbon feed
including hydrogen recycle.
 Overall steam to feed ratio: the ratio of the total weight flow of
steam to the weight flow of total hydrocarbon feed including
hydrogen recycle.

Non desirable side reactions are:

CH4 ↔ 2H2 +C

2CO4 ↔ CO2 +C

CO + H2 ↔ H2 O + C

All the above reactions are suppressed by putting excess amount of


A low steam to carbon ratio will result into carbon deposition on the
Page 60 of 413

3.4 Shift Conversion

The process gas leaving the reforming section contains carbon

monoxide which is converted into carbon dioxide and hydrogen by
means of the shift reaction.

CO + H2 O ↔ CO2 + H2

The reactor is operated at lowest possible temperature in order to

recover heat and the hydrogen generation from the feed stock.

There are two temperature levels at which reactors are operating

 High Temperature Shift.

 Low temperature Shift.

The outlet temperature of the shift is a function of both the equilibrium

temperature and the catalyst activity.

The equilibrium reaction from left to right is favoured by lower

temperatures and more steam, while the reaction rate increases with
higher temperatures. Obviously there is an optimum temperature for the
shift reaction which depends on the activity of the catalyst and the
quantity of gas handled.

The optimum temperature at the reactor inlet will change while the
catalyst ages and can be based on CO slip from the reactor.

The start run inlet temperature of the HT shift reactor is 327ºC, over the
life of the catalyst it increases to about 343ºC.

The start of run inlet temperature of the LT shift reactor is 193ºC, over the
life of the catalyst it increases to about 232ºC.
Page 61 of 413

3.5 Pressure Swing Adsorption

PSA technology is used to remove the impurities from the reformed gas.
This is achieved by molecular sieve, which adsorb the contaminants and
allow the hydrogen to pass. To regenerate the molecular sieves the
adsorber is depressurized. This releases the contaminants and after
pressurization the adsorber ready for reuse.

The contaminants released at low pressure are collected in the purge

gas drum and are used to meet part of the heat demand of the reformer.
Page 62 of 413

3.6 Detailed Process Description

3.6.1 Naphtha Pre-Desulphurization

The feeds to the plant consist of a mixture of straight run naphtha

and FCC gasoline. The maximum amount of FCC gasoline in the
feed is 20% by weight of the total mixture. Each of the above feed
is supplied to the plant in separate feed lines from the battery limit.
In addition to these lines a provision has been made to
receive feed from two new lines, one supplying FCC gasoline
(2”-P-92-11-18-A3-1F) and the other supplying C5-140 sour
naphtha (4”-P-92-11-19-A3-1F). The flow rate of straight run
naphtha provides a ratio set point to regulate the flow of FCC

To remove extraneous matter the mixture is passed through filters

92-FS-01 A/B and a magnetic filter 92-FS-02. The feeds are
received in the sour naphtha surge drum 92-V-01. The surge
drum operates at a pressure of 0.5 kg/cm² g under a blanketing by
fuel gas. The sour naphtha mixture is supplied to the plant by
means of sour naphtha feed pumps 92-P-01 A/B at a pressure of
about 36 kg/cm² g and is regulated by flow control. The filtered
feed is mixed with hydrogen rich gas consisting of recycle gas and
fresh make-up hydrogen from the PSA unit of the steam reforming
plant. This hydrogen rich gas is supplied to the mixing point by
means of hydrogen circulation compressor 92-K-01 A/B at a
pressure of about 34 kg/cm² g.

The mixture is vaporized against hydrogenation reactor (92-R-01)

effluent to effect heat recovery and superheated to about 310-
330ºC in the sour naphtha superheater 92-F-01. Fuel gas is used
to supply the heat in this furnace. The superheated sour naphtha
/ H2 mixture is fed to the hydrogenation reactor 92-R-01, which
consists of two layers of catalysts, with the top layer consisting of
Nickel Molybdenum and the bottom layer consisting of Cobalt
Molybdenum catalyst.

In this reactor, the olefinic compounds in the feed naphtha get

saturated and the sulphur in the naphtha gets converted to H2S.
The chlorine present in the feed gets converted to HCl. The
metals in the feed naphtha get absorbed in the catalyst itself. Due
to the saturation of the olefins in the feed, there is an appreciable
temperature rise in the reactor and also there is a significant
consumption of hydrogen. The operating conditions for the design
feed are as follows :

Inlet temperature to the reactor at SOR / EOR-310 / -330ºC

Expected exit temperature at exit of reactor at
Page 63 of 413

SOR / EOR-350 / -370ºC

The amount of hydrogen make-up is calculated to provide about 7

kg/cm² partial pressure of hydrogen at the exit of the reactor. The
effluent from 92-R-01 exchanges heat with the feed in exchangers
92-E-01 A/F and is fed to the air cooler 92-AC-01. Due to the
presence of chlorides in the feed naphtha, HCl is formed in the
reactor and ammonium salt. Therefore upstream the air cooler
wash water is injected to the reactor effluent. The quantity of
wash water at about1.6 m³/hr is supplied under flow control by
means of wash water pumps 92-P-03 A/B with supply of demin
water from the demin water storage tank 92-T-01 A/B.

This mixture is further cooled in trim cooler 92-E-02 against

cooling water and is fed to the naphtha separator 92-V-02,
operating at about 20 kg/cm²g pressure. In this separator the feed
mixture is separated into liquid naphtha, sour water and non-
condensate gases. The non condensable gases consist almost
entirely of hydrogen and is recirculated via the hydrogen
circulation compressor 92-K-01 A/B. The sour water is routed
under interfacial level control to B.L.

The naphtha in the separator contains sulphur (mainly in the form

of H2S) and dissolved hydrogen. This naphtha is preheated in 92-
E-03 A/B to about 125ºC and fed to tray number 4 of the naphtha
stripper 92-C-01. The stripper consists of 24 trays along with a
steam heater reboiler and a cooling water cooled condenser. The
stripper operates at a pressure of 7 kg/cm²g at the top. The top
vapour product contains essentially all the H2S and hydrogen in
the feed naphtha and is sent to B.L under pressure control. The
small quantity of water dissolved in the feed naphtha is drawn
from the boot leg of the reflux drum 92-V-06 under interfacial level
to B.L. The bottom product is essentially free of H2S and is sent to
the sweet naphtha storage drum 92-V-11 after heat exchange with
the feed from the naphtha separator. This product can also be
routed to B.L after cooling to 45ºC in 92-E-06 against cooling
water or from 92-V-11 to B.L. (storage) via the common 92-E-06
outlet line.

3.6.2 Feed Desulphurization

The sweet naphtha, collected in the sweet naphtha surge drum

92-V-11, which is blanketed by nitrogen, is at a temperature of
approximately 80ºC. This naphtha is pumped by the sweet
naphtha feed pumps (92-P-11 A/B) to a pressure approximately
39 kg/cm²g.

The feed stock is mixed with hydrogen under ratio control and
preheated in 92-E-11 to about 120ºC in the recovery section. This
feed is vaporized completely against a portion of HT shift effluent
Page 64 of 413

in the feed naphtha vaporizer 92-E-12. The temperature of the

feed now is approximately 250ºC and is superheated to about
390ºC in the convection coil 92-E-55. This is now fed to the
hydrogenation reactor 92-R-11 to convert any residual organic
sulphur to H2S. This reactor contains 6.6 m3 of Katalco 41-6 or
equivalent CoMOX catalyst.

Hydrogen from the PSA outlet is compressed to the required

pressure at the mixing point by the H2 recycle compressor 92-K-11
A/B. If no hydrogen is available from the PSA unit, hydrogen can
be imported from the existing hydrogen plant or from storage
bullets located at outside B.L.

The recycle hydrogen is mixed to provide a mole ratio of 0.25 with

respect to naphtha to provide the necessary amount of hydrogen
for conversion of organic sulphur in the hydrocracker reactor.

The Hydrogenated feedstock is then passed through the feed

desulphurizers 92-R-12 A/B containing the chlorine guard and zinc
oxide catalyst. The two beds are configured in a lead-lag
configuration. Each reactor consists of a bed of 5.05 m3 of
Chlorine guard (Katalco 59-3 or equivalent) and followed by a bed
of 2.7 m3 of ZnO (Katalco 32-5 or equivalent). The lag bed acts as
a guard bed allowing a higher sulphur loading in the lead bed.
After sulphur slip is detected from the lead reactor, arrangements
can be made to replace the lead bed. Once the lead bed is
depleted, the lag bed can act as a single reactor desulphurizer
while the lead bed is renewed. After renewal of the catalyst, the
fresh catalyst is lined-up as the guard bed.

3.6.3 Pre Reforming

The desulphurized feed is mixed with a controlled quantity of

steam based on the calculated hydrocarbon weight flow and the
required steam to feed ration. There are two prereformers, one in
operation and the second on standby. Each prereformer is
designed for a life of 12 months operation and consists of 7.1 m3
(Hold) of Katalco 65-3R or equivalent catalyst.

After heating to required temperature (460ºC at SOR and 500° C

at EOR) in the pre-reformer preheat coil 92-E-53, the gas is
passed through the prereformer 92-R-13 A/B which is operated
adiabatically and will convert the naphtha to methane, carbon
dioxide, carbon monoxide and hydrogen. This results in a feed,
which can be further preheated to minimize the reformer duty.
The steam to feed ratio varies from SOR to EOR from 3.0 to 2.4 to
enable additional temperature control for inlet to the prereformer.
Page 65 of 413

As the conversion of feedstock, containing higher hydrocarbons is

overall exothermic in nature, this results in a temperature increase
to approximately 500ºC to 525ºC for SOR to EOR respectively.

The two prereformer reactors are installed to enable a continuous

operation. Each reactor is designed to achieve a catalyst life of
one year. If the C2-slip for the operating prereformer increases
(decreased catalyst activity), the stand-by reactor can be brought
into service while the unit remains in operation. The inlet
temperatures for the two feeds are selected such that the effect of
change-over between the feeds on the catalyst life is minimized.

3.6.4 Reforming

Before superheating in the mixed feed preheat coil 92-E-52,

additional steam is added to meet the required steam to carbon
for the steam methane reformer 92-F-11 which consists of 252
tubes, 12.2 m heated length arranged in 6 lanes each of 42 tubes.
Each tube is filled with Katalco 25-4 and Katalco 57-4 or
equivalent in the ratio of 40%: 60% of the tube length. The
reformer is designed to operate at a steam to carbon of 2.75
mol/mol which is achieved by an overall steam to feed of -3.25
kg/kg. The steam to carbon ratio will be increased at lower

The normal reformer inlet temperature is around 650-665ºC. The

gas is distributed over the reformer tubes where the reforming
reactions take place and an outlet temperature of 880 – 885ºC is

3.6.5 High Temperature Shift Conversion

In order to increase the hydrogen content in the syngas from the

reformer, the bulk of the carbon monoxide is converted by steam
to hydrogen and carbon dioxide in the high temperature shift
reactor 92-R-14 filled with 30.5 m3 of Katalco 71-5 catalyst. The
reformer effluent is cooled to the required inlet temperature for the
high temperature shift reactor in the process gas boiler 92-E-16.
An internal bypass, which bypasses hot reformer effluent gas from
the inlet chamber to the exchanger outlet chamber, helps to
regulate the high temperature shift reactor inlet temperature.

The CO content in the syngas will be reduced to approximate 6

mol% (dry basis), with the EOR reactor inlet temperature of
Page 66 of 413

3.6.6 Low Temperature Shift Conversion

The HT shift effluent is at a temperature of about 434ºC and

represents a heat source for the following purposes :

 Vaporizing feed naphtha to above the dew point

(to 248ºC)
 Superheating the steam from convection section
(to 340ºC)
 Preheating boiler feed water to the convection section
steam drum (to 248ºC)
 Preheating boiler feed water to the PGB steam drum
(to 240ºC)

After heat recovery, the gas is fed to the LT shift reactor 92-R-15
under temperature control. This reactor is filled with 35.3 m3 of
Katalco 83-3 or equivalent. The SOR temperature is 193ºC and
EOR temperature is 232ºC. The reaction is adiabatic and the
EOR efflux temperature is about 270ºC. This effluent provides
heat for the following purposes:

 Preheating boiler feed water to the convection section

steam drum (to ~170 – 195ºC)
 Preheating boiler feed water to the PGB steam system
(to ~ 170 – 195ºC)
 Preheating demineralised water to the plant (to ~ 98ºC)
 Preheating the feed naphtha (to ~ 120ºC)

After the above heat recovery train, the condensate (essentially

water) is separated in the hot condensate separator 92-V-17. The
process gas is routed to the process gas air cooler 92-AC-13 to
cool to about 65ºC followed by cooling in process gas trim cooler
92-E-23 A/B against cooling water. The condensate (essentially
water) is separated in the cold condensate separator 92-V-18 and
the syn-gas is routed to the PSA plant 92-M-12.

3.6.7 Hydrogen Purification

In the PSA unit, the hydrogen is separated from the process gas
with a recovery of 89.5%. The hydrogen leaving the PSA has a
purity of more than 99.9 Vol% and the rest of the process gas is
purge gas and serves as primary fuel for the reformer. The PSA
purge gas leaves the PSA unit via the H2 PSA surge drums at a
normal pressure of 0.3 kg/cm2g.

A portion of the pure hydrogen is used to provide he recycle

through the H2 recycle compressor for the hydrogenation in steam
reforming plant. Another portion is used to provide makeup
hydrogen required for the pre desulphurization plant. The rest of
Page 67 of 413

the pure hydrogen product at ~ 20 kg/cm2g is sent to B.L. under

backpressure control.

3.6.8 Reformer Heat Supply & Flue Gas Heat Recovery

The heat required for the reforming reactions in the steam

methane reformer is supplied by purge as fuel supplemented by
vaporized sour naphtha (The FCC gasoline is not used as make-
up fuel). The fuel naphtha is pumped y fuel naphtha pumps 92-P-
14 A/B and supplied under combustion system, control system.
This naphtha is vaporized against saturated steam from the
convection section steam drum 92-V-19. Any liquid carry over is
separated in the fuel naphtha knock-out drum 92-V-20 and the
vapour naphtha is superheated to a minimum of about 220ºC in
fuel naphtha superheater 92-E-25 against saturated steam from
the convection steam drum.

In order to reduce fuel consumption the combustion air is

preheated to around 495ºC.

The combustion air is on flow control in order to ensure the excess

air as per design of 8% at full capacity. The oxygen content of the
flue gas is measured by an oxygen analyser. Combustion air is
supplied by the FD fans 92-FD-11 A/B.

The heat of the flue gasses leaving the radiant section is

recovered in the convection section by a steam generation coil 92-
E-57 mixed feed preheater coil 92-E-53 pre-reformer preheat coil
92-E-52 steam super heater coil 92-E-54, feed super heater coil
92-55, the air preheater coil 92-E-56 A/B a second steam
generation coil 92-E-57 and finally the air preheater coil 92-E-56B.
The flue gas is discharged to the atmosphere at – 145°C by the ID
fan 92-ID-12 via the stack 92-M-11.

3.6.9 Steam System

The plant has a double steam system i.e., Convection steam

system and the Process gas boiler (PGB) steam system.

Process Gas Boiler (PGB) Steam System

The PGB steam system is supplied essentially by demineralised

water after defecation in 92-V-21. The deaerator is operated at
approximately 0.3 kg/cm2g. This water is supplied by means of
boiler feed water pump 92-P-12 A/B/C. It is first heated against a
portion of the LT shift effluent in E-20 and then against a portion of
the HT shift effluent in E-19 and fed to the PGB steam drum 92-V-
16 operating at 48.5 kg/cm2g.
Page 68 of 413

The steam from this drum is superheated in the convection

section by 92-E-54. The blow down from this drum along with the
blow down from the convection section steam drum 92-V-14 is
directed to the continuous blow down drum 92-V-15 where the
flash steam is generated at about 3.0 kg/cm2g pressure. This
stem is used as a part of the stripping steam in 92-V-21.

3.6.10 Change in operating pressure of PGB Steam Drum (92-V-16)

As per the original design the PGB steam drum (92-V-16)

operates at a constant pressure of 48.5 kg/cm2g.The pressure at
the outlet of the steam superheater coil (92-E-54) varies based on
the plant operating load. This is because the steam flow varies
according to the load and therefore the frictional pressure loss
between the drum and the superheater outlet varies with the
steam flow.

However, this normal operating pressure is too close to the set

point of PSV 2406 (52.5 kg/cm2g) at the outlet of the steam
superheater. This can lead to the PSV sometimes lifting during
normal operation leading to steam wastage.

Hence the plant operators can reduce the steam drum operating
pressure upto 48.5 kg/cm2g to avoid spurious opening of the
steam drum PSV- 2406 tag.

Convection Section Steam System

Condensate from the process is re-used within the unit B.L after
degassing in the Process Condensate Degasser (92-V-22)
operating at approximately 0.3 kg/cm2g. The following streams
are directed to the Process Condensate Degasser:

 Hot condensate from hot condensate separator 92-V-17

 Cold condensate from cold condensate separator 92-V-18
 MP steam condensate from the reboiler 92-E-04.
 Condensate from the fuel naphtha heaters 92-E-24 and

SL steam from the battery limit is used as the stripping steam in

this degasser under flow control. The stripped condensate is fed
by pumps 92-P-13 A/B to exchange heat from a portion of the LT
shift effluent first in E-21 and then against a portion of the HT shift
effluent in E-18 and then to the convection section steam drum
92-E-14 operating at 45 kg/cm2g. The steam from this drum is
superheated to 350 ºC against a portion of HT shift effluent in
exchanger 92-E-17. This steam is then desuperheated to the
Page 69 of 413

required temperature (290° C to 350ºC) to enable temperature

control of feed to the performer.

Since the amount of water from 92-V-22 is not sufficient to meet

the requirements of the convection section, the make-up water is
supplied by 92-V-21.

Overall Steam & Water Balance

The steam from the convection section is completely supplied to

the process with a make-up from the steam 92-E-54 after
adjusting its temperature to between 310ºC to 400ºC. The
balance of the steam from 92-E-54 is exported to battery limit
under back pressure control after desuperheating it to the required
temperature of 400ºC. Normally export is done at SSMH level of
46 kg/cm2g maximum. However, it is also possible to export
steam at SM level.

The source of supply of water to the hydrogen plant consists of

the following :

 Demin water from battery limit

 Condensate

The demin water from battery limit is received under level control
in demin water storage tank 92-T-01. From here it is pumped
pumps 92-P-15 A/B to the demin water degasser 92-V-21. The
flow from these pumps is regulated by the level control of 92-V-21.
The condensate is fed directly to the demin water degasser 92-V-
21. From this degasser export of LP BFW is carried out at 29
kg/cm2g by means of dedicated pumps 92-P-16 A/B after heating
this water to 125°C against SM level steam in exchanger 92-E-28.
High pressure supply of BFW at max 54 kg/cm2g is carried out
from pumps 92-P-12 A/B/C. Both the above exports are under
flow control set at maximum 29 t/hr respectively.

Normally, the MP steam required in HGU is imported from the B.L.

via the header 6”-SM-92-43-04-A3-3FH-H. However provision
has been made for MP Steam export 16”-SM-92-43-05-A3-3FH-H
in case the HP Steam demand in the refinery drops down. There
are two separate headers for MP Steam export & MP steam
import. The line 6”-SM-92-43-09-A3-3FH-H connects the two
Page 70 of 413

3.7 Flare system

Independent flare systems for acid gas and normal hydrocarbon are
developed for hydrogen unit. The PSVs or the on-off valves (for
depressurization) outlet lines which may release H2S along with process
gas are connected to acid gas flare piping. Both normal hydrocarbon flare
and acid flare systems are having dedicated flare KO drums to collect the
condensates. Dedicated pumps are provided for each flare KO drums to
pump out the collected condensates to off-site slop tanks.

Acid gas flare:

PSVs and all the relief system outlets, mainly from the PDS section are
connected to the acid flare network. The B/L pressure of the acid flare is
0.3-1.5 kg/cm2g.

Acid flare system comprises of horizontal acid flare KO drum (92-B-27),

Acid flare condensate pumps (92-P-22A/B, 1 working + 1 standby)
receive suction from the KOD & route the condensate collected in the
drum to offsite slop tanks (OSBL).

KOD pumps operate based on KO drum levels. When the KOD drum
levels reaches on high level interlock I-62 will act and one pump will
automatically start running. Similarly when KO drum level reaches low
level I-62 interlock will act and stop the running pump. One independent
level transmitter is also available in the acid flare KO drum for level
indication, KO drums level high-high and level low-low alarms are
available from this independent transmitter for operator to take action in
case of pump not starting or stopping with I-62 interlock. For local
indication a level gauge is also provided. H2S gas detector with DCS
alarm indication is provided near acid flare KOD to ensure safe working
The entire acid flare piping except the KOD is steam traced.

MP steam connection is provided just at the downstream of the second

isolation valve for steam-out the flare header. LP steam connection is
provided at the bottom of the Acid flare KO to steam out KOD. Nitrogen
hose connection is provided in the vicinity for purging KOD during
maintenance. A continuous fuel gas purge is maintained in the header to
avoid air ingress.

The Strainer SPM-02-22 provided in the fuel gas purging line to

acid flare header 1.5”-FG-92-45-09-A3-1F-T should be cleaned
periodically. This requirement arises as operational experience
Page 71 of 413

indicates choking of the strainer due to dirt in fuel gas lines (like
scale, rust, welding slag etc.).
(HAZOP recommendation)

Following table gives the list of PSVs / Depressurization valves which are
connected to the acid flare network.

Sr. Tag Load Relieving Phase Fluid Relieving Cond.
No. kg/hr Case Pressure Temp
kg/cm g °C

24989 Fire Liquid Naphtha 23 259

Naphtha +
1094 Air cooler fail Gas 23 71

2 XV- 1402* Gas 2.5 35

12455 Fire Liquid Naphtha 10 211
3 PSV-1505A/B 4093 Fire Liquid Naphtha 10 211
Gas Break
2670 Gas H2 + H2S 10 120
4 PSV-1512A/B 395 Blocked outlet Gas Sour Gas 11 40
5 PV-1511 Nm3/hr Gas Sour Gas 3 40
2340 Fire Liquid Naphtha 23 259
6 PSV-1608
218 Fire Gas H2 23 153
7 PSV-7108A/B 983.54 Blocked outlet Gas H2 38 90


* 1” Globe valve with CV of 3 is provided.

Hydrocarbon flare:

All the non sour PSV relief streams are connected to the hydrocarbon
(HC) flare header and is fed to the HC flare KOD. The B/L pressure of the
acid flare is 0.3-1.5 kg/cm2g

HC flare KOD system consists of a horizontal vessel 92-B-25, similar to

the acid gas flare KOD. Two pumps (92-P-21A/B, 1 working + 1 standby)
receive suction from the KOD & route the condensate collected in the
drum to offsite slop tanks (OSBL).
Page 72 of 413

KOD pumps operate based on the level of the collected liquid in the drum.
Interlock I-61 starts one pump automatically when the level reaches high.
When the level reaches low, the pump automatically stops. Additional
level indicator is also provided in the system to activate low and high level
alarms indications in DCS. Such situations can arise due to pump
malfunctioning and in such case immediate manual intervention is
required. For local inspection one level gauge is also provided in the
system. A HC gas detector with DCS alarm indication is provided in the
vicinity of the HC flare KOD to ensure safe working environment.

A MP steam connection is provided downstream of the out let isolation

valve for steam outing flare header. LP steam connection is provided at
the bottom of the HC flare KO to steam out KOD. Nitrogen hose
connection is provided in the vicinity for purging KOD during
maintenance. A continuous fuel gas purge is maintained in the header to
avoid air ingress.

The Strainer SPM-02-20 provided in the fuel gas purging line to

HC flare header 1.5”-FG-92-45-04-A3-1F-T should be cleaned
periodically. This requirement arises as operational experience
indicates choking of the strainer due to dirt in fuel gas lines
(like scale, rust, welding slag etc.).
( HAZOP recommendation)

Following table gives the list of PSVs which are connected to the
hydrocarbon flare network.
Sr. Relieving Cond.
Tag Relieving Relief
Case Load
Pressure Temp
kg/hr kg/cm2g °C

1 92-PSV-1105 A/B Fire 11864 4.5 173

2 92-PSV-2104 A/B Fire 23889 7 193

3 92-PSV-2205 Fire 2452.03 42.0 550

4 92-PSV-2206 fire 2452 42 550

5 92-PSV-2212 A/B air cooling loss 13660 7 159

fire 5102 193

fire 227.3 37 691
Page 73 of 413

Sr. Relieving Cond.

Tag Relieving Relief
Case Load
Pressure Temp
kg/hr kg/cm2g °C

92-PSV-2302 fire 227.3 37 691

8 92-PSV-2405 A/B blocked outlet 29500 40.7 390

92-PSV-3003 air cooling loss 98471 24 88

fire 233
10 blocked outlet 94884 5 40
11 92-PSV-3502 A/B 4.5
fire 5760 173
liquid spillage
LV 3501 or 18000 80
bypass open
12 92-PSV-3603 fire 2560 15 234

13 92-PSV-3605 A/B 15
fire 6308 284
blocked out let 7175 220
92-PSV-7208 A/B
14 blocked out let 234.08 42 107.78

15 92-PSV 7231/32 blocked out let 370 42 40

16 92-PSV- 7308/32 blocked outlet 25292.64 15 122.77

17 92-PSV-3807 fire 313 11.5 197

18 92-PSV- 5507 fire 7 /40

19 92-PSV 7408 blocked outlet 143.21 47.57 123.88

20 92-PSV-7413 blocked outlet 143.15 92 115.5

21 92-PSV-2824 blocked outlet 126694.13 28 264.5

Page 74 of 413

3.7.1 Pump Seal flushing Plan

The list of API seal flush plans for the different pumps
is given below .

Sr. Pump Tag Pump Pump type API Seal Flush

No. No. Title Plan

1 92-P-15 DM Water Single 11,61

A/B Supply stage

1 92-P-02 Reflux Single

A/B pumps stage
with double
2 92-P-14 Fuel seal
A/B Naphtha

3 92-P-22 Acid flare

A/B KO drum
4 92-P-20 CBD pump
1 92-P-01 Sour Multi stage
A/B Naphtha with double
feed pumps mechanical
2 92-P-11 Sweet
A/B Naphtha
feed pumps
Page 75 of 413

Sr. Pump Tag Pump Pump type API Seal

No. No. Title Flush
1 92-P-21 Flare KO Single stage
A/B drum with double 23,52
pumps mechanical

1 92-P-12 PGB BFW Multi stage

A/B/C pumps with double 23,61
2 92-P-13 Convection seal
A/B section

3 92-P-16 BFW
A/B export

For details of the assembly refer P&ID No.10144-PEIN05-92-71-

1107 Rev 4 “Pump Seal Cooling & Flushing Plans”.
Page 76 of 413

4. Control Performance
Page 77 of 413

4. Control Performance
4.1 General
This simplified guide has been prepared to aid operating personnel in the
analysis of some operating situations, which may be encountered in the
hydrogen plant.
Page 78 of 413

4.2 Distributed Control System

4.2.1 General

The various operating parameters in the hydrogen plant are

controlled by “control loops”. These consist of one or more input
functions (generally transmitter signals), a set of calculation
algorithms (in fact the actual controllers) and one or more output
signals to the relevant control valve (s).

Control loops may vary in complexity from “single loop controllers”

(one input – one output) to “advanced control”, where multiple
inputs are used to generate multiple outputs. Rather complicated
calculation modules may be used.

The controllers are programmed within the so-called DCS, which

stands or “Distributed Control System”. Apart from performing
calculations the DCS is the interface between the operator and the
plant, since it displays the most relevant plant operating data.

In this chapter, a summary of the basic functioning principles of

some important control loops is presented. For a more detailed
description the reader is referred to document “31964-000-SP-
1513-03 – Process Control Description”.

4.2.2 Plant Capacity Control

The aim of the hydrogen unit is to meet the hydrogen demand

from the downstream users. The operator can set the plant
capacity in terms of feed flow to the reformer (HIC-2508), which
together with operating conditions like the steam to carbon ratio,
reformer outlet temperature and shift reactors operation and PSA
recovery will result in the hydrogen product rate.

For planned increase in hydrogen demand, it must be noted that

the capacity can be increased at the maximum rate of 0.5% per
minute. The same rate applies for decreasing the capacity. Rapid
drop in hydrogen demand outside the hydrogen plant battery limit
will thus result in a pressure increase in the reformer unit and the
excess hydrogen will be send to flare.

4.2.3 Hydrogen Recycle Flow Control

The unit is designed to keep a hydrogen to feed ratio (molar basis)

to the desulphurisation section at 25% of the Naphtha feed stock.
Recycle hydrogen to naphtha ratio is set externally by HIC-2109.
The recycle hydrogen flow is controlled by FIC-2103 which obtains
Page 79 of 413

its set-point from a calculation block which calculates the required

amount of recycle hydrogen using the flow rate of feed naphtha.

If the hydrogen flow-rate is lower than the current set-point, an

alarm will be given. The cause should be determined and the
problem to be attended immediately. If the flow rate drops further
due to, for example a compressor failure or recycle control valve
failure, then the hydrogen from bullets will cater the hydrogen
required flow. The stand-by compressor should be started by the
operator. Still if the situation does not improve, plant can not be
operated without hydrogen for more that 1 minute & trip will be
initiated through FALL-2103.

If the situation is not improved, the low hydrogen concentration in

the feed can lead to insufficient conversion of organic sulfides or
organic chlorides resulting in sulphur or chloride slip from the
desulphurizer and thus poisoning of the prereformer catalyst. If
higher hydrocarbons (aromatics and naphthenes) are present in
the feed, the prereformer catalyst can be damaged by
polymerization and/or cracking of the feedstock.

4.2.4 Front End Pressure Control

The front end pressure at the desulpheriser (92-R-12 A/B) outlet is

controlled by PIC-2207. This ensures a pressure high enough to
control the feed flow to the reformer.

If the pressure in the front-end increases too much, PIC 2207 will
send the excess feed to the spill back air cooler. Condensed
naphtha will be returned to sweet naphtha surge drum, non-
condensable will be send to flare

4.2.5 Spill Back System Control

A special control system is provided in the spill back loop as per

the refinery requirement.

XV-2203, a shut off valve is provided, upstream of the pressure

control valve PV-2207 that is expected to remain closed if the feed
rate to reformer and desulphurisers are accurately matched. Air
cooler AC-11 remains stopped under such conditions.

In the event of a lower feed rate to reformer compared to the

desulphurisers, the pressure as sensed by PIC-2207 increases
beyond its set point. As the manipulated variable output of the
controller exceeds 5% DV-2203 is opened automatically and 92-
AC-11 is started automatically.

The excess feed rate over the reformer requirement is then vented
out through PV-2211. When the manipulated value of the
Page 80 of 413

controller returns to zero and stays there for a period of one

minute, XV-2203 is automatically closed. The air cooler however
needs to be stopped manually.

4.2.6 Feed / Steam Ratio Control

To maintain the required ratio between the feed and the steam,
two controls are operating simultaneously. The overall steam to
carbon ratio, is set by HIC-2504 and the steam to feed ratio to the
pre-reformer is set by HIC-2509. Both ratios can only be adjusted
within a certain operation range. The steam rate to the pre-
reformer is controlled by FIC-2504 which acts on the steam valve
in the process as steam line to the pre-reformer. The overall
steam rate is controlled by FIC-2503, acting on the steam valve in
the steam line to the reformer.

The feed rate is controlled by FIC-2501 which receives its set-

point from the plant capacity controller HIC-2508.

The pressure & temperature of the feed & steam flows can vary
with the capacity and other operation set-points and the flow
signals are also corrected for pressure & temperature within a
certain range.

The steam to carbon ratio controller is designed with a lead-lag

system which ensures that the feed can only be increased first
and then only the feed. While decreasing the feed, the feed is
decreased first and then only the steam.

4.2.7 Reformer Outlet Temperature & Firing Control

The reformer outlet temperature is controlled by adjusting the

firing rate in the reformer. The firing control is the most complex
control of the Hydrogen generation unit. The control includes :

TIC-2401 Reformer outlet temperature (gives set-point to

TIC-2402 Reformer crossover temperature (adjusting firing
rate by FIC-3203 A/B)

FIC-3204A PSA purge gas fuel flow rate

PIC-3207A/B PSA purge gas fuel pressure at the burner (both

acting on FV-3204).

FIC-3203 Make-up Fuel (vaporised naphtha) flow rate

PIC-3206A Make-up Fuel (vaporised naphtha) pressure at the

Page 81 of 413

(Both acting in split range on FV-3203A/B; where A (6”) is used for

the major flow adjustment and B (3”) is used for dynamic control
and start-up)

FIC-3201 Combustion air flow rate

The required airflow is calculated from the combined fuel rates

and the set air to fuel ratio. The actual air available is measured
with 3 transmitters of which the mid point value is used. An
important check on the air to fuel ratio control is the signal from
the oxygen analyser in the reformer crossover (AE-2401).

To ensure that enough air is available at all times, a lead-lag

configuration is included. The oxygen analyser should be
regularly tested and calibrated.

4.2.8 Boiler Water Level in the Steam Drum

This plant has two steam drums, convection section steam drum &
PGB steam drum.

The boiler water level in the PGB steam drum (92-V-16) is

controlled using a three element control. The required boiler feed
water rate is calculated from the level in the steam drum (LIC-
2601), the steam flow from the steam drum (FI-2601) and the
current flow of boiler feed water to the drum (FT-2901). The
controller (FIC-2901) acts on the boiler feed water make-up valve
(FV-2901) in the discharge of boiler feed water pumps.

The boiler water level in the convection section steam drum (92-V-
14) is also controlled using a three element control. Based on the
set point received from level in the steam drum (LIC-2703) &
steam flow from steam drum (FI-2701), FIC-3402 determines the
amount of BFW required to maintain the level in the steam drum
(92-V-14). Convection section BFW pumps, continuously feed to
steam drum based on LIC-3402 (Process condensate degassfier
level control), whereas FV-3402, which is placed on PGB BFW
pumps discharge, feeds rest of BFW based on the signal received
from FIC-3402.

4.2.9 LT Shift Inlet Temperature Control

LT shift inlet temperature is measured by three elements TE-2806

A/B/C & is control by TV-2806B and desuperheater BFW control
valve 92-M-17 by split control. Since the heat exchanger train
preceding to LT shift reactor includes BFW preheaters 92-E-18 &
92-E-19) of both the steam drums, heat load could vary based on
the levels in the steam drums. Normally 92-M-17 and its
upstream shutoff valve (XV-2801) are kept closed.
Page 82 of 413

In the event of an upset leading to increase in LT shift reactor inlet

temperature, the TV-2806B tend to close by modulating action.
Then the 92-M-17 tends to open by modulating action while the
XV-2801, the shut off valve at the upstream of the 92-M-17 will
open by PLC logic from the high-high LT shift inlet temperature

In the event of good performance of the LT shift inlet exchangers,

the LT inlet temperature tend to decrease. The Trip valve XV-
2801 will be closed by the LT inlet temperature low-low initiation.
The modulating split range control valves will tend to increase the
LT inlet temperature to the preset value.

4.2.10 Reformer Box Pressure Control

Reformer box pressure is measured by three pressure

transmitters (PT-2403 A/B/C) & its mid point is used. These
transmitters are to be provided with damping pots with sun & rain
sheds. Pressure signal from these transmitters is given to PIC-
2403, which also receives signal from air fuel ratio control system,
which in turn controls the speed of ID fan.

Reformer box pressure is actually controlled by variable speed

control of ID fan. Thus PIC-2403 controls the speed of the ID fan
& hence ultimately reformer box pressure. Two tier shutdown is
provided for furnace pressure high high and low low trip. When
the reformer pressure is increased more than the preset value, the
ID fan output is increased by certain percentage and a delay timer
is started. In case even after the preset time if the reformer
pressure is not normalized and remain higher than the trip value,
the reformer pressure trip (I-21, reformer shutdown) is triggered.
The same is for the reformer pressure low low trip also.

4.2.11 Acid Dew Point Control

When operating the plant under turn-down capacity and / or when

the air temperature at the inlet of the combustion air preheater is
lower than design, it should be ensured that the bypass on the
combustion air preheater is opened (as applicable) in order to
avoid decrease in the stack temperatures below the normal level
& maintain the related margin between the metal temperature &
the acid dew point at the cold end.
Page 83 of 413

4.2.12 Control of Convection Section Duties, Bypass of Hot Stage Air


Downstream the hot stage air preheater (920E-56A) following

coils are installed:

92-E-55 : Naphtha Superheater

92-E-54 : Steam Superheater
92-E-57 : Steam Generation Coil

It is essential that these coils are operated with sufficient duty for
following reasons :

92-E-55 : Naphtha Superheater

This coil provides the final preheating for the COMOX II reactor.
Inadequate temperature at this reactor can cause incomplete
conversion of organic sulphur and consequently poisoning of
prereformer catalyst. Temperature at the COMOX II reactor shall
be maintained between 380°C and 400°C for optimum

It is recommended to achieve a minimum temperature of 350°C at

the exit of the COMOX II reactor at turndown rates and prior to
feed introduction (start-up). Absolute minimum temperature to be
achieved during start-up prior to feed introduction is 320°C
throughout the catalyst bed.

92-E-54 : Steam Superheater

In this coil the PGB steam is superheated to the required export

steam temperature, or higher. The steam portion to be exported
is desuperheated to the desired export steam temperature. The
steam portion required for the process is desuperheated to
maintain the required prereformer inlet temperature.

92-E-57 : Steam Generation Coil

The stripped process condensate from the process condensate

degasser is re-used within the unit for process steam generation.
The process condensate is vaporized in the shock coil (92-E-51)
and the steam generation coil (92-E-57). The amount of process
condensate that can be converted to process steam is dependent
on the duty of the steam generation coils.
Page 84 of 413

To ensure that sufficient duty can be transferred from the flue gas
to the process side of these coils, a bypass arrangement is
installed for the hot stage air preheater. By opening of the
bypass, the duties of the three downstream coils are all affected in
a similar way. Therefore the automatic control of the bypass is
linked to the steam temperature from the steam superheater 92-E-

Detailed Description

The temperature controller (TC-2419) at the exit of the

superheater is set at 440° C. During normal operation the
temperature at the exit of the steam superheater is expected to be
around 465 C and is not continuously controlled. If the export
steam temperature drops below its set point (440°C); the bypass
around 92-E-56A (TV-2418B) will be opened. This control action
will also ensure that the temperature at the inlet of COMOX II is

In case the temperature at the exit of the naphtha superheat coil

exceeds 400°C; the controller TV-2419B will reduce the setpoint
of the naphtha vaporiser outlet controller (TC-2104). The
minimum set point is 270° C to ensure complete vaporization of
the naphtha. If the outlet temperature of the superheater still
exceeds 400°C, the bypass of the coil (TV-2201) is opened. If
both control actions prove inadequate, the setpoint of TIC-2419
will be reduced.

Though the naphtha super heater coil is designed for a fully, open
bypass valve at full load operation, opening of the bypass should
be reduced to a minimum. It is preferred that the operator
reduces the set point of TIC-2419 when TV-2419B opens TV-

Over temperature Protection TAHH 2409

The three coils downstream the hot stage air preheaters are
protected against excessive temperature by a high temperature
switch on the flue gas side. A too large bypass on the air side of
the hot stage combustion air pre heater will result in a high
temperature of the flue gas in the intermediate flue gas cross-
over, which could result in excessive temperatures in the
downstream coils. The switch ensures that all downstream coils
are protected against overheating. Exceeding of the trip set point
will result in total reformer trip (ESD).
Page 85 of 413

Due care should be taken by the operator to check the maximum

allowable coil temperature of the Naphtha super heater coil (92-E-
55) is not exceeded while operating the bypass control valve to
the naphtha super heater.

4.2.13 Control of Heat Recovery Train

The parallel exchangers like E12 & E17, E18 & E19, E20 & E21,
E11 & E22 at the exit of shift reactors are provided for heat
recovery from the process to improve overall efficiency. It must be
noted that the gas flow splits across these exchangers vary
depending on the feedstock (straight run naphtha / FCC SRN
naphtha) and also the catalyst conditions (SOR / EOR).
Reference is made to the various heat and material balance cases
to serve as a guide line in adjustments.

The actual plant layout and hydraulic balance influence the

effective functioning of the control system. Care must be taken to
adjust the gas flow splits such that the desired heat recovery is
achieved without causing flow split imbalance and consequent
back pressure to reformer.

It must be noted that safety valve that protects the reformer is

located on the cold condensate separator and will be rendered in
effective by excess pressure drop across the heat recovery train.
To limit the maximum pressure that can be caused due to
accidental closure of a valve in the process gas line, restriction
orifices have been provided to avoid significant back pressure.

In such an eventually, it is suggested to lower the battery limit

pressure or reduce the plant throughput to maintain the reformer
exit pressure at its normal value till the problem is rectified.

4.2.14 Turndown Operation – Reboiling of Process Condensate

The unit is designed to generate steam from the process

condensate in the full design range of the unit, if operated at
design conditions. If the unit is operated at low capacity, with
increased steam to carbon ratio, the heat available for
vaporization of process condensate decreases due to the lower
heat load in the furnace (lower cross-over temperature). As the
steam to carbon ration is increased to ensure sufficient cooling of
the radiant tubes, the heat demand is increased due to an
increased condensate rate.
Page 86 of 413

The operator has following parameters available to ensure

complete reboiling of the boiler feed water from the process
condensate degasser (92-V-22):

Excess air ratio : An increased excess air ratio results in an

increased flue gas quantity and consequently and increased heat
duty available.

Air preheat temperature : If the air preheat temperature is

reduced, duty is shifted from the hot stage air preheater to
downstream coils (92-E-54 / 55 / 57). See ‘control of convection
section duties’.

Steam to carbon ratio : A reduced steam to carbon ratio results in

a lower quantity of condensate to be reboiled. The steam to
carbon ratio should however never be reduced below the
prescribed ratio.

If the reboiling duty is still inadequate, cold process condensate

can be drained to sewer, or degassed condensate can be
discharged to sewer via the process condensate cooler (92-E-27).

4.2.15 Naphtha to FCC Gasoline Ratio Control

In normal operation, straight run naphtha to FCC gasoline ratio is

controlled at 80 / 20 kg/kg as the FCC gasoline contains around
50% of unsaturated compounds. The unsaturated compounds in
FCC gasoline can cause temperature exotherm across the
CoMoX reactor-1 (92-R-01). The rise in the temperature of
CoMoX reactor-1, is measured by TKAHH-1201.

During start up precaution is to be taken while admitting the FCC

gasoline after stabilizing the section with SRN feed only. The
normal rate of temperature raise across the catalyst bed is to be
maintained below 1 C/min, while the feed introduction to the
catalyst bed. When the rate of thermal shoot up is high at 2.5 C
per minute the PDS section trip will be initiated.

4.2.16 Steam to Naphtha Stripper Control

Naphtha to naphtha stripper is controlled by FIC-1402 which also

receives signal from separator level controller (LIC-1402). Steam
flow to naphtha stripper is controlled by steam to naphtha ratio
controller. This ratio can be set externally by HIC-1502.
Page 87 of 413

FIC-1402 gives signal to calculation block FY-1501 which also

receives set point for ratio. This calculation block in turn controls
the steam flow to stripper via control valve FV-1501.

When the reboiler is in clean condition, the steam consumption for

the reboiler duty will be less and the performance of the
exchanger will be good. As the exchanger fouls, the steam
requirement for reboiling duty increases and then the operator has
to increase the steam to naphtha ratio set point based on the

4.2.17 Minimum Sulfur Level in Sweet Naphtha

It is essential to maintain the minimum sulphur level of 2 PPM (wt)

in order to continuously sulphide the comox-II (92-R-11) catalyst.
For this purpose, 1” line along with flow element from naphtha
separator to sweet naphtha tank, bypassing the naphtha stripper
is provided. Naphtha from naphtha separator contains
approximately 0.3 mole % of sulphur. Hence from the sulphur
balance required flow of sour naphtha to maintain sulphur at 2
PPM (wt) in sweet naphtha surge drum is calculated and can be
adjusted by controlling the globe valve on P-92-1405 & by
monitoring FI-1401.

In addition to the above, a provision to dose the DMDS directly in

to the inlet line to CoMoX II reactor to avoid de-sulphidation of the
catalyst has also been provided special refinery request to
process naphtha with extremely low sulphur content.

Extreme caution should be used in case of use of the stripper

bypass line to avoid flow rate more than required as excessive
sulphur slip through the feed naphtha would lead to rapid
depletion of ZnO beds. Also while dosing DMDS directly in to
CoMoX II, the DMDS should be diluted sufficiently in sweet
naphtha. It must be understood that normally no addition /
bypassing of sulphur compounds to control sulphur level is

4.2.18 Wash Water Ratio Control

As the naphtha feed to Pre desulphurisation unit (both the FCC

gasoline and straight run naphtha) contains appreciable quantities
of chloride and nitrogenous compounds, the following are the
points for concern,
Page 88 of 413

 The presence of HCl in free water (through the naphtha

and reaction product) can quickly destroy sour service
piping by lowering the pH of the free water.
 The NH4Cl salt can lay down on equipments and piping
walls after the 92-E-91 A/F exchanger train, this plugging
off air cooler and downstream exchanger and affecting the
performance of the heat exchanger.

The wash water is injected at the downstream of the 92-E-01 A/F

final cooler exchanger. The wash water is to be maintained at 5%
of the naphtha feed rate to the section. The DM water from the
demin water storage tank 92-T-01 is pumped through the
reciprocating pumps 92-P-04 A/B into the pre desulphurisation
section at the above mentioned injection point. The pH control
chemicals are injected to the wash water at the inlet of the wash
water pumps.

The pH of the sour water at the sour naphtha separator has to be

continuously monitored and maintained in the range of 6 ± 0.5.
The dosing rate of the pH chemicals and the wash water rates are
to be increased to maintain any reduction in the sour water pH
levels from above mentioned range.
Page 89 of 413

4.3 Control of Major Process Steps

4.3.1 Predesulphurisation Reactor Operation

The pre desulphurisation of the feed Naphtha to the hydrogen

generation unit is critical in order to reduce the sulphur level in the
feed to the final desulphurisation section, saturation of olefinic
compounds in the feed, etc.

Depending on the impurities in the feed naphtha, the reactions

that occur in the pre desulphurisation section reactor are

 Desulphurisation
 Olefin Saturation
 Denitrogenisation
 Deoxygenation
 Demetallization

The Organic sulphur, nitrogen, oxygen and metallic compounds in

the feed are converted to hydrogen sulphide, ammonia, water and
hydrides respectively. The extent of removal of impurities depend
on the chemical constituents that hold the impurities. Eg. : Sulphur
that is held in aromatic rings is more difficult to remove compared
to sulphur in aliphatic chains.

Although all the hydrotreating reactions are exothermic in nature,

no appreciable temperature exotherm is expected for other than
the Olefin saturation reaction. Higher exotherms than design are
an indication of poor feed quality compared to design. The higher
exotherm across the catalyst bed has to be maintained by control
over the FCC gasoline to straight run naphtha mass ratio.

The pre desulphurisation catalyst is irreversibly poisoned by

Nickel, Vanadium, Arsenic and Organo metallic compounds.
Hence it is important to understand and monitor the nature and
quantity of impurities in the feed to PDS section, which acts as a
“guard” to the more sensitive catalysts like pre-reformer/reformer.

The catalyst is supplied in its oxided form and must be sulphided

in situ prior to use. When the catalyst is in use, it activity is
gradually reduced by formation of carbon/polymers as well as
deposition of metals. This is marked by an increase in pressure
drop across the reactor which is slow initially and fast towards the
end of life. While catalyst regeneration (Chapter 8) removes only
the carbon deposits, most of poisoning due to metals causes
deactivation of the catalyst eventually leading to catalyst
Page 90 of 413

The longest cycle length and greatest total catalyst life are
attained by operating at the lowest temperature commensurate
with achieving the desired product quality. The temperature
should be increased only as required due to normal catalyst
ageing and/or change in process conditions. Increasing the
hydrogen partial pressure increases the apparent catalyst activity
and reducing the hydrogen partial pressure reduces the apparent

Care should be taken when the feedstock is changed over from

the Straight run naphtha to FCC / SRN feed stock. The
monitoring of the reactor outlet temperature, rate of thermal
exotherm are to be controlled by the operator by gradual
admission of the FCC gasoline and smooth reduction in heat input
through firing control with fired heater. Continuous monitoring of
the sour water pH and control over the pH chemical addition has
to be taken care with caution.

4.3.2 Desulfurization & Chloride Removal

The desulphurization and dechlorination of the feed is critical in

order to avoid poisoning of the downstream prereformer catalyst.
For the operation of COMOX II reactor, the hydrogen
concentration is critical. The required flow is dependent on the
plant capacity and feed composition and is controlled by means of
a spill back from the hydrogen recycle compressor to the recycle
hydrogen cooler (92-E-26).

Over reduction of the COMOX catalyst can occur if the catalyst is

exposed to hydrogen in absence of sulphur.

It is recommended to keep a record of the amount of sulphur and

chloride being removed, based on feed flow and analysed
sulphur/chloride content of the feedstock. In this way the
remaining lifetime of the ZnO and chloride guard can be rather
easily estimated.

The ZnO bed and chlor guard are split into two beds. The gas
leaving the first beds should be sampled regularly to detect
sulphur and chloride slippage from the bed as early as possible, to
provide 2-3 months time in which a plant shut-down can be
scheduled for catalyst change-out. When the sulphur or chloride
level approaches 0.2 ppm wt, the ZnO or chlor guard in the
leading bed is to be replaced as the exit specification confirms the
life limit for the adsorbent.
Page 91 of 413

4.3.3 Pre-Reformer

In order to obtain the maximum catalyst life the following factors

are important:

 Flow and Pressure

It is important to avoid rapid changes in flow through the

reactor. Any surges in the plant such as those due to a
relief valve blowing or a faulty plant pressure controller are
likely to result in a considerable shortening of catalyst life.

 Temperature

Preheat temperature is defined as the temperature of the

reactants as they reach the catalyst at the top of the bed.
The preheat temperature is continuously controlled by
adjustment of the temperature of the process steam. Also
the outlet temperature from the naphtha vaporizer can be
adjusted to further control the preheat temperature.

Steam from convection section (92-V-14) is superheated

against a portion of the HT shift in 2-E-17. The
temperature of the steam after the desuperheater 92-M-15
is regulated between 290ºC to 350ºC by desuperheater
using water from the BFW pumps 92-P-13 A/B to enable
temperature control of the inlet to the pre-reformer. When
limits of upper / lower temperature are reached, the steam
flow to the pre-reformer is altered to enable temperature

For example, during start of run of the pre-reformer, the

inlet temperature required is 460ºC. At this time,
temperature of the steam exit 92-E-17 is desuperheated to
290ºC. When this limit is reached, the total steam flow to
pre-reformer is increased to the required level to maintain
460ºC. Conversely, during the end run of the pre-reformer
the inlet temperature required is 500ºC. This is achieved
by first allowing the temperature of the convection section
to be at 350ºC and then adjust the steam flow down to 2.4
kg steam/kg of hydrocarbon + hydrogen flow to the pre-
Page 92 of 413

Rapid catalyst damage can occur when naphtha enters the

reactor at temperatures below 440°C due to polymerisation
(incomplete reforming). Therefore naphtha shall only be
admitted to the prereformer if the entire catalyst bed is at
least 450ºC (see also chapters 6 and 8). Bed
temperatures above 530ºC should be avoided since rapid
sintering will occur. Temperatures above 530ºC can be
caused by an off-spec feedstock (high aromatic content) or
low steam to feed ratio.

Steady control of the preheat temperature helps to improve

catalyst life. The difficulty of maintaining a steady
temperature is increased if the feedstock flow is varying
even by small amounts.

 Temperature Profile

Heavy hydrocarbons will be gasified over the top part of

the bed resulting in a temperature drop, whereas towards
the lower-end the gasified feedstock will be methanized
resulting in an increasing temperature. The exact shape
and location of the temperature profile is dependent on the
type of feedstock and the catalyst activity. As the top layer
of the bed is deactivated in time, the temperature profile is
shifted towards the outlet of the reactor. The location of
the temperature profile is a good indication of the
remaining catalyst life.

A sudden change of the temperature profile with constant

feed compositions and temperature can be an indication of
catalyst poisoning.

 Feedstock Purity

Feedstock to the pre-reformer should contain as little

sulphur as possible, normally with the installed
desulfurisation system, this will be effectively zero. Sulfur
is almost completely absorbed by the pre-reformer catalyst
and thus deactivates the catalyst. A “slip” of more than 0.1
ppm wt. from the purification system will move the reaction
zone down through the bed till eventually all catalyst is
Page 93 of 413

 Effect of Steam

In presence of feedstock, it is essential to maintain the

steam flow at the correct steam to feed ratio to prevent
carbon being formed during reforming. However, in
absence of feedstock, steam will both oxidize the catalyst
and sinter the alumina support. If this is allowed to happen
for periods over 15 minutes, significant loss of catalyst
activity and life will occur. The addition of 10 vol. %
hydrogen to the steam will maintain a reducing atmosphere
and prevent oxidation but sintering will still occur. It is
recommended that catalyst exposure to steam alone to no
more than 15 minutes and to steam / hydrogen (10 vol. %)
is limited to no more than 12 hours.

 Effect of Liquid Hydrocarbon :

Exposing of the pre reformer catalyst to liquid hydrocarbon

is extremely damaging to the catalyst & should be avoided
at all times. It should be ensured that prior to feed
introduction all hydrocarbon feed lines are warmed to
above the hydrocarbon dew point.

During every start up / restart of the unit, before nitrogen

circulation is started, it should be ensured that all lines,
including drain lines and bypass lines as well as all
equipment is free of hydrocarbon either is gas phase or as
a liquid. All provided low point drains shall be checked for
presence of liquid naphtha.

Checks for presence of liquid naphtha shall also include

piping section between FV-1501 / D-2501 as well as
connected nitrogen purge connections / Nitrogen start-up

 Effect of Water & Condensed Steam :

Exposing CRG catalyst to water is extremely damaging to

CRG catalyst. Very rapid sintering of the alumina support
occurs and the catalyst pellets may agglomerate. When
discharging CRG catalyst, signs of the catalyst being
agglomerated are a sure sign that the bed has been
subjected to water. The effect of water will be a very rapid
failure of the catalyst and can often be recognized by
multiple endotherms on the bed temperature profile
followed by premature slip of higher hydrocarbons. It is
essential that all operations during start up and shutdown
involves pre-warming the inlet pipe-work before opening it
up to the RG reactor.
Page 94 of 413

Therefore, special attention is required to ensure that the

process steam desuperheaters are controlling the steam
temperature at a temperature of atleast 20ºC above the
saturation temperature. Piping layout shall ensure that the
measured temperature downstream the desuperheaters
measures the representative temperature after
desuperheating. Also proper functioning of the
desuperheater spray shall be regularly checked to ensure
complete vaporisation of desuperheater water.

 Effect of Hydrogen to Feed Ratio

Besides incomplete desulfurization resulting in catalyst

poisoning, heavy hydrocarbon feedstock in absence of
hydrogen can result in polymerization in the catalyst bed.

Note that slip of some heavy hydrocarbons from the pre-

reformer can be allowed to enter the reformer without
affecting its performance since a catalyst suitable for low
concentrations of heavier hydrocarbons is added as a top
layer in the reformer tubes. Operation with a more
deactivated pre-reformer catalyst and higher slippage will
lead to carbon deposition on the main reformer catalyst
surface leading to deactivation and local overheating of the
tubes. Operation under these conditions will damage the
reformer catalyst and affect the tube life and should
therefore be avoided. It is recommended to increase the
steam to carbon to the reformer and to lower the reformer
inlet temperature to the maximum extent.

Since the slippage of heavier hydrocarbons from the pre-

reformer increases rapidly after the initial breakthrough,
catalyst replacement or reactor changeover should be
scheduled as early as possible.

4.3.4 Reformer

 Temperature at Reformer Inlet

The reformer inlet temperature is not controlled at any

specific value and is the result of heat transfer in the mixed
feed superheater 92-E-52 and the prereformer outlet
temperature. The normal reformer inlet temperature is
660ºC. Lower temperatures will increase the absorbed
duty in the reformer and consequently, the heat flux and
tube skin temperatures.
Page 95 of 413

 Temperature at Reformer Outlet

The temperature at the reformer outlet is continuously

controlled via the reformer firing control. The reformer
outlet temperature together with the amount of steam
added and the outlet pressure will determine the methane
slip from the reformer.

The temperature measurements at the exit of the reformer

might show some small inaccuracies due to radiation
effects, aging failure of thermocouples at high
temperatures or poor gas distribution. A check on the
actual reformer outlet temperature can be made from the
effluent analysis.

The reformer may be operated at an outlet temperature

lower than the operating temperature (885ºC) as long as
the methane content does not exceed the required level,
for example if :

- The plant is operating at less than full capacity

- Outlet pressure from the reformer is lower than
- The steam to gas ratio is higher than normal for the
amount of gas being processed.

Note :

It is always better to increase steam to carbon ratio and

reduce outlet temperature to improve tube life. However
reboiling of condensate to be ensured while reduction of
outlet temperature.
Page 96 of 413

 Pressure at Reformer Outlet

The reformer outlet pressure is indirectly controlled by the

pressure controllers in the product hydrogen and by the
vent from the cold condensate separator 92-V-18. The
pressure drop between this point and the reformer will
determine the reformer pressure. This pressure drop is
dependent on the plant capacity. At lower capacity, the
pressure drop will decrease and as a consequence the
reformer outlet pressure will also decrease.

 Steam to Carbon Ratio

The process steam flow to the reformer feed is controlled

by a flow controller and is one of the most important
process variables. The steam flow is controlled to give the
required steam to feed ratio to the prereformer, with
additional steam added downstream of the prereformer to
obtain the required overall steam to carbon ratio.

If the total steam flow is too low for the amount of feed gas
being processed, one or more of the following will occur :

- Methane content of the reformer effluent stream will

be higher than normal or an increase in reformer
outlet temperature will be required to hold it at the
required value.
- Carbon laydown on the catalyst.
Page 97 of 413

- Overheating of reformer tubes, thus reducing tube

- The high temperature / low temperature shift
converter will operate less efficiently, permitting
more unconverted carbon monoxide to pass onto
the PSA unit. This is due to several factors as
discussed below in the high temperature / low
temperature shift reactor control.

If the steam flow to the pre-reformer drops below he

minimum required flow, the plant will be automatically

The reformer performance is monitored by recording

compositions and temperatures at the exit in order to
calculate the approach to equilibrium. The calculation of
the catalyst activity is complicated and is not normally done
routinely, but the approach to equilibrium provides a good
indication of performance.

 Reformer Tubes

In operation there is a gradation of temperature

longitudinally from the inlet to the outlet of the tube, as well
as radially across the wall of the tube. Creep occurs with
time of normal operating pressures and temperatures. The
temperature which the tube wall experiences depends on
the distribution of heat input, and the heat absorbed by the
reaction taking place on the catalyst in the tubes.

Uneven heat input and uneven catalyst activity caused by

uneven packing or catalyst poisoning will cause local
overheating, resulting in excessive creep in that locality,
which will hasten tube rupture. It is therefore important
that hot spots, due to catalyst poisoning or carbon
deposition, are removed as soon as possible. The
maximum tube skin temperature at all times should be less
than the mechanical design temperature of 970ºC.

 Reactant Gas Distribution

It is necessary to distribute the inlet gas and collect the

reacted gases in a way, which produces a predetermined
flow through each tube. Even gas distribution cannot be
obtained by flow control to individual tubes, but will depend
on the following :
Page 98 of 413

- All tubes being of the same length and internal


- The gas being evenly distributed to the tube inlets

to give uniform tube inlet pressure.

- The catalyst being uniformly packed into each tube

to give a uniform pressure drop. This means that
the catalyst must have uniform pressure drop
characteristics, and that it must be charged in a
manner which guarantees sufficient uniformity
when first put on-line and also after numerous
shutdown and start-up cycles. (See catalyst
loading instructions).

- The reformed gas being collected from the tubes in

such a manner that there is a uniform pressure
distribution in the collecting header.

The reformer is designed with a sufficient number of

burners, to give an even heat flux in the horizontal plane of
the furnace with the desired vertical heat flux profile.
There should be a minimum ingress of tramp air through
holes in the furnace roof, peepholes or ductwork, as well
as effective insulation to minimize conduction heat losses.

 Tube Expansion

It is necessary to allow for the expansion and contraction

of reformer tubes during start-up and shutdown. Tube
change in length by 150 – 220 mm, between hot and cold

Free movement of the tubes at all times during the lifetime

of the reformer is most important if major damage to the
reformer is to be avoided. Restrictions to this movement
will cause rupture of the tube, pigtail or header.

The catalyst expands and contracts with the tubes, though

not to the same extent, and some settling will occur with
repeated thermal cycles. As a consequence, sufficient
catalyst must be added during catalyst loading to each
tube to ensure that the heated length of the tube always
contains catalyst. The catalyst must not break down when
subjected to the stresses of thermal cycles, which
sometimes might be rapid. If breakdown occurs the
reformer pressure drop will rise, and uneven flow between
tubes will result.
Page 99 of 413

 Catalyst Activity

The life of a catalyst charged can be affected by the

following factors :

- Catalyst breakdown

- Tube blockage

- Overheating of the Catalyst

- Poisoning of the Catalyst

- Thermal Aging

- Carbon Deposition

Catalyst breakage and blockage of the tubes causes an

increased pressure drop across the reformer, and if the
effect is random it shows as an uneven appearance of the
tubes in the furnace. More fundamentally it can lead to
overheating of the catalyst, loss of activity and a reduction
of throughput.

Overheating of the catalyst can be caused by mal-

operation of the reformer and catalyst deactivation due to
poisoning or carbon deposition.

Loss of activity through poisoning by contaminants in the

process gas is important & should be avoided, since this
can cause carbon deposition and overheating, catalyst
breakage and, in extreme cases, even partial blocking of
the tubes.

Gradual loss of activity or thermal aging caused by

progressive loss of nickel surface area through sintering
places a limit on the life of a catalyst charge, and for a
particular catalyst this depends on the actual operating
conditions. In practice the most important effects are
catalyst poisons and carbon formation.

Carbon deposition leads to catalyst deactivation causes of

which are catalyst aging, poisoning, high reformer inlet
temperature and presence of heavy hydrocarbons in the
feedstock due to lost catalyst activity in the pre-reformer.
Page 100 of 413

4.3.5 HT Shift Converter

 Temperature

The reactor inlet temperature is continuously controlled by

means of an internal bypass on the process gas boiler.
The conversion of carbon monoxide is favoured by a low
temperature (equilibrium). However the conversion is a
function of both the equilibrium and the catalyst activity.

When the catalyst is fresh and active (start of run

condition), it may be possible to operate with an inlet
temperature which is around 327ºC, and obtain improved
performance due to a more favourable equilibrium. Also,
lowering the temperature results in an increased life of the
catalyst by limiting its sintering.

Temperature Inlet : 327 start of run & 343 end of run

Outlet : 422 start of run & 434 end of run

The most favourable operating temperature can best be

determined by varying the inlet temperature and taking at
each temperature samples for analysis to arrive at the
operating temperature that gives the lowest carbon
monoxide content. As catalyst activity decreases, the
approach to equilibrium will increase. By raising the inlet
temperature, the equilibrium carbon monoxide content will
increase but the approach to equilibrium temperature will
decrease, resulting in a net reduction in carbon monoxide

During start ups, if the catalyst has been exposed to

nitrogen circulation at temperatures close to, or at normal
operation temperatures, introduction of steam into the
system will result in temperature rise due to reaction of
steam with the catalyst. In order to avoid excessive
temperature rise, steam shall be introduced in small
quantities carefully at a low bed temperature (250-300ºC).
Page 101 of 413

 Catalyst

High temperature shift catalysts are generally robust and

can withstand a good deal of maltreatment. If a gas
containing high concentrations of hydrogen is passed
through the hot reactor in absence of steam, the catalyst
could loose activity due to over reduction of the active
phase. During the final phase of the LT shift catalyst
reduction procedure, over reduction of HT catalyst is
possible in case no steam is added. LT shift catalyst
reduction procedure is explained in Chapter 8.

During normal operation the catalyst may be affected by a

number of factors other than thermal sintering. Because
upstream processes are operating at high temperature
there is usually a gradual deposition of steam-volatile
components on the top of the bed. In severe cases these
deposits can eventually prevent the passage of gas into
the catalyst particles and interfere with the overall gas
distribution through the bed.

4.3.6 LT Shit Converter

 Temperature
As for the HT shift converter, for LT shift converter also,
the outlet composition is dependent both on the equilibrium
of the reaction and the catalyst activity. The typical inlet
temperature operation range for the LT shift is 193ºC to
232ºC. This inlet temperature is controlled by a process
gas bypass around the upstream boiler feed water
preheater. There are 4 thermocouples provided in LT shift
reactor. The exotherm/temperature profile over the bed
shows the catalyst activity.

Temperature Inlet : 193 start of run & 232 end of run

Outlet : 236 start of run & 271 end of run

 Catalyst

Like the high temperature shift catalyst, the low

temperature catalyst is reasonably strong and can deal
with some poisoning. During use, the catalyst may be
affected by a number of factors other than thermal
sintering. Factors like frequent occurrence of trips
increases the risk of premature catalyst failure due to
repeated oxidation (by steam) / reduction (by process gas)
cycles. The most likely cause for catalyst damage during
operation and start-up, is water condensation on the
catalyst. During every shutdown cycle a too long steaming
Page 102 of 413

period could result in steam condensation on the catalyst

resulting in further catalyst activity reduction. Care should
be given that the inlet temperature of the reactor is at least
20ºC-50ºC above the process gas dew point before
admitting the gas to the reactor and kept at this minimum
temperature during operation. Prior to steam introduction
into the reformer the LT shift should be minimum 180 ˚C
bypassed and isolated.

The LT shift reactor should be bypassed & isolated after

reformer trip. To minimize the risk of reduced catalyst life
due to frequent start-up / shutdown cycles (typically
caused by unreliable power supply) a 20” bypass line has
been provided across the LT Shift reactor with an isolation
valve at the upstream and downstream of this reactor and
on the bypass line. The isolation valves at the upstream
and downstream of the reactor are 20” Car Seal Open
(CSO) type while that on the bypass line is 20” Car Seal
Closed (CSC) type to avoid errorneous opening of bypass
during normal operating condition.The bypass line is as
short as possible with both sides draining freely to the main
process line. This line does not contain any loops.

Also to protect against the relief scenario of “misvalving”

PSV -2824 A/B/C have been provided on the inlet line of

The hydrogen injection point is relocated on the main inlet

line to 92-R-15 close to the elbow on the line to facilitate
the easy removal of top manway & to ensure adequate
mixing length between injection point and manhole cover.

LT Shift Reactor bypass arrangement was not originally a

part of Licensor design. Subsequently during detail
engineering based on Licensors design improvement
proposal this scheme was added.

For initial start-up, a special reduction procedure is

required. This procedure is critical in view of obtaining the
optimum catalyst activity & is explained in Chapter 8.

4.3.7 Hydrogen Purification PSA Unit

Hydrogen production is determined by the feed gas rate and

conversion, while the impurities are removed by means of the
PSA Unit.
Page 103 of 413

The interaction of gaseous molecules with substances with high

surface area is a well-known phenomenon. The degree of
interaction depends on both the kinds of molecule and the kind of
surface. Thus on adsorbents like active carbon and molecular
sieves, (both of which possess high surface areas), non-polar
gases like hydrogen, nitrogen, and argon are not bound tightly
when compared to components like carbon monoxide, carbon
dioxide and water. The hydrocarbons like methane, have an
intermediate position.

Since each adsorber is designed to adsorb a fixed quantity of

impurities contained in the feedgas during one adsorption cycle,
the cycle time can be varied with current feed flow rate to obtain
high performance at lower load.

Thus when operating a lower feed rates a longer cycle limit is

calculated by the PSA process computer. A shorter cycle time will
increase the hydrogen product purity and decrease the hydrogen
recovery rate. A longer cycle time will decrease the hydrogen
product purity but will increase the hydrogen recovery.

Another process item that is of importance is the pressure of the

purge gas. Obviously, if this level is too high the equalization also
takes place at higher pressure. Thus, less hydrogen is recovered
in these steps, and loss of purge gas is greater. Also less
contaminant are released during the purge step, which results in a
rapid loading of the molecular sieve during the following
adsorption step. Thus a shorter adsorption times are achieved.

PSA inlet temperature is measured by three element transmitter

TT-3003 A/B/C, it is basically a PSA trip, where the trip value is
60ºC & pre-alarmed at 50ºC. Temperatures higher than this are
detrimental to PSA operation.
Page 104 of 413

4.4 Calculation Procedures

4.4.1 Steam to Carbon Ratio & Steam to Feed Ratio

As discussed in the reformer and pre-reformer performance

control, the steam to carbon ratio is an important factor in the plant
performance. Using the feedstock compositions as described in
the basis of design, the unit automatically calculates the required
steam flow for mixtures of feed and a pre-set alarm to carbon
ratio. An example calculation is given below :

Steam to feed ratio for pre-reformer

Feed to pre-reformer

Total flow = 28896 kg/h

Total carbon = 24562 kg/h (85% Carbon
since C/H ratio is 5.7)
Steam to pre-reformer = 87160 kg/h
Steam to feed ratio for
Prereformer = 87160 / 28896
= 3 kg of steam / kg of feed

Overall Steam to Carbon Ratio (in mole / mole)

Steam to reformer = 6627 kg/hr

Moles of Carbon = 24562 / 12

= 2046.8 kmoles

Overall steam to carbon ratio = 5210.4 / 2046.8

= 2.55
Page 105 of 413

4.4.2 Reaction Equilibrium & Equilibrium Approach

As stated previously the steam reforming reaction is an

equilibrium reaction. At the reformer outlet, due to a limited
reaction rate, the actual composition will deviate from the
equilibrium composition. This means that the actual methane
leakage at the reformer outlet corresponds to thermodynamic
equilibrium condition at a (theoretical) temperature, which is below
the actual temperature. The difference between the calculated
equilibrium temperature and the actual outlet temperature is called
the approach to equilibrium.

Since methane conversion and corresponding hydrogen

production are favoured a higher temperatures, it is clear that a
low approach to equilibrium corresponds to a high catalyst activity.
Therefore, the approach to equilibrium obtained during operation
is a useful indicator as how the catalyst in a particular reformer is
performing as compared to design.

An accurate estimation of the performance of a reformer can be

made by using conventional equilibrium calculations for the
reforming and shift reactions.

The equilibrium constant for the reforming reaction :

CH4 + H2O CO + 3H2

is determined in the following manner

Where :

KeqCH4 = Steam methane equilibrium constant.

PCO = Partial pressure of carbon monoxide in atm.

PH2 = Partial pressure of hydrogen in atm.

PCH 4 = Partial pressure of methane in atm.

P H2O = Partial pressure of water in atm.

Page 106 of 413

Use of table 4.2.1 yields he resulting equilibrium temperature.

The difference between this temperature and the actual outlet
temperature gives the approach to (methane) equilibrium.

Table 4.2.1 : Equilibrium constants for the methane reaction


(ºC) (atm2)
800 169
805 190
810 214
815 240
820 269
825 301
830 336
835 376
840 419
845 468
850 521
855 580
860 645
865 719
870 799
875 886
880 982
885 1088
890 1204
895 1331
900 1470

For the shift reaction the same principle holds. However due to
the nature of the reaction, the calculated equilibrium temperature
is normally higher than the actual temperature. Therefore, in the
design of a reformer, the approach to CO equilibrium is normally
taken as 0ºC.

By applying the same calculation method in the shift reaction :

CO + H2O CO2 + H2
Page 107 of 413

And using Keqco values as per Table 4.2.2, a second check on the
reformer outlet temperature can be made.

KeqCO = ( Pco2 ) ( PH2 )

( Pco ) ( PH2O )

This second method can also be applied to calculate the HT and

LT shift outlet temperature as a check on the performance of the
HT shift and LT shift.

Table 4.2.2 : Equilibrium constants for the CO shift reaction


(ºC) (*)
200 210.82
210 173.04
220 143.01
230 19.00
240 99.64
250 83.96
260 71.17
350 20.30
360 18.06
370 16.12
380 14.45
390 12.99
400 11.72
410 10.61
420 9.63
430 8.77
440 8.01
450 7.34


(°C) (-)
800 1.04
810 1.00
820 0.97
830 0.93
840 0.90
850 0.88
860 0.85
870 0.82
880 0.80
890 0.77
900 0.75
Page 108 of 413

4.4.3 Correction Factors for Orifice Flow Meters

Since the functioning of flow meters is affected by changes in

pressure, temperature, as well as composition of medium passing
through the orifice flow meter (e.g. molecular weight, density)
corrections should be made as per following formulas :

 Meter reads in mass units, (for instance kg/h) for liquids :

W = WD D
 Meter reads in mass units, (for instance kg/h) for gases :


 Meter reads in volume units, (for instance liquid meter, in


Q = QD D

 Meter reads in standard volume units, (for instance gas

meters in NM3/h)


Where :

W = Actual mass flow in kg/h

WD = Mass flow indicated by meter (equal to
meter reading * meter factor), (kg/h)
P = Actual absolute pressure (upstream flow
PD = Design absolute pressure (upstream flow
T = Actual absolute temperature (ºC + 273.15)
TD = Design absolute temperature (ºC + 273.15)
M = Actual molecular weight from analysis
MD = Design molecular weight
Q = Actual volume flow, in m3/h
QD = Volume flow at conditions indicated by
meter (equal to meter reading * meter
factor), in m3/hr
Page 109 of 413

N = Actual volume flow at standard condition, in

ND = Volume flow at standard conditions
indicated by meter, (equal to meter reading
* meter factor), in Nm3/h
D = Actual density in kg/m3
DD = Density for which the meter was designed,
in kg/m3
Page 110 of 413

4.5 Operating conditions of the equipments

Refer attached document from chapter 15 section 15.18 of this
Page 111 of 413

4.6 Control Loops

Control of the recycle gas header pressure routed to the recycle gas

Gas phase from the naphtha separator (92-V-02) is recycled back to the
hydrogen recirculation compressor. Pressure from this line is sensed by
PIC 1601 B and is used to modulate 92-PV-1601B provided on the purge
gas stream from 92-V-02, which is a side branch of the recycle gas
header. Hence recycle gas pressure is controlled indirectly, when purge
gas pressure is modulated.

Control of the sour water level in the boot leg of the naphtha separator

LIC 1405 is provided on the boot leg of 92-V-02 which modulates 92-LV-
1405 on the outlet sour water line from the boot routed to the B/L of the
SWS unit.

Control of the flow of the naphtha from the naphtha separator (92-V-02)

Cascade controlling technique is used to control the flow of the naphtha

from the separator to the feed/product exchanger.

Master controller LIC 1402 senses the level in the vessel and sends
controlling signal to the slave controller FIC 1402, which in turn modulates

Control of the level in the naphtha stripper bottom (92-C-01)

Sweet naphtha from the stripper is cooled in the feed / product

exchangers and then fed to the sweet naphtha emergency cooler (92-E-
06). The flow at the out let of 92-E-06 is controlled using cascade

Master controller LIC 1504 senses the level in the sump of the stripper
92-C-01 and sends controlling signal to the slave controller FIC 1403,
which in turn modulates 92-FV-1403.

Control of the steam flow to the desuperheater (92-M-03)

Steam flow to the desuperheater 92-M-03 can be controlled using two

loops (one at a time) by using selection switch HS 1501A.
Page 112 of 413


Temperature at the outlet vapor from the reboiler 92-E-04 is sensed by

TIC 1501A and 92-FV-1501 is modulated accordingly.


Signal from MP steam feed line (FIC 1501) and the signal from naphtha
separator 92-V-02 outlet line (FIC 1402) are fed to the naphtha /steam
ratio controller FY 1501 which modulates 92-FV-1501 in order to maintain
steam/naphtha ratio as per the set point from HIC 1502.

Control of the BFW supply to the desuperheater (92-M-03)

Temperature of the outgoing steam is measured with TIC 1505 and

modulation of 92-TV-1505 on the BFW feed stream is carried out

Control of the condensate pot (92-V-05) level

LIC 1502 is provided for sensing the level of the condensate in the
condensate pot and 92-LV-1502 provided on the outlet line of the
condensate pot is modulated accordingly.

Control of the reflux stream to the naphtha stripper (92-C-01)

Cascade controlling loop is used to control reflux flow to 92-C-01.

FIC 1502 senses flow from the reflux line at the discharge of the reflux
pump (92-P-02 A/B). Master controller LIC 1507 senses the level of the
liquid in the stripper-overhead separator (92-V-06) and gives controlling
signal to the slave controller FIC 1502, which in turn modulates 92-FV-
1502 provided on the reflux line.

Control of the slip-stream flow from (92-C-01)

Slip stream line from reflux pump (92-P-02 A/B) is diverted to the wild
naphtha surge drum (91-B-37) from OHCU section. FIC 1505 on this line
is modulating 92-FV-1505.

Control of sour water level in the boot of the stripper O/H separator (92-V-

LIC 1509 is provided to sense the level in the boot leg of the stripper O/H
separator (92-V-06) which modulates 92-LV-1509 provided on the sour
water outlet line of the boot routed to the B/L of the SWS unit.
Page 113 of 413

Hydrogen circulation compressor suction pressure control

Control valve 92-PV-1601 is provided on the make up hydrogen feed line

which is modulated by PIC 1601A on the recycle gas feed line.

Control of the pressure in the stripper O/H separator (92-V-06)

PIC 1508 senses the gas pressure in the vessel 92-V-06 and modulates
92-PV-1508 on the outlet sour gas line from 92-V-06 routed to the B/L of
the Amine Treating Unit.

Control of the pressure of the sour gas stream at the B/L of the Amine
Treatment unit

PIC 1511 senses pressure in the sour gas header routed to the B/L of the
Amine Treatment unit and modulates 92-PV-1511 which in turn releases
excess pressure to the acid flare system.

Control of the inert gas blanket (and pressure) in the sweet naphtha surge

The sweet naphtha surge drum 92-V-11 is provided with a nitrogen

supply line and a side branch on this line routed to the flare system. Two
independent loops are maintaining this pressure in a synchronized

92-PV-2102A is provided on the nitrogen feed line. 92-PV-2102B is

located on the lateral branch to the flare system to release excess

PIC 2102A and 2102B sense pressure from vessel and separately
modulate 92-PV-2102A and 92-PV-2102B respectively.

Control of the flow of the sweet naphtha from the sweet naphtha surge
drum 92-V-11

FIC 2102 senses flow from the discharge of the sweet naphtha feed
pump 92-P-11A/B and sends a signal to the recycle H2 / naphtha ratio
controller which controls ratio of feed and recycle gas at the
desulphuriser. The ratio controller modulates 92-FV-2102 to maintain this
ratio at the set point specified by HIC 2109.

Control of the pre reformer pressure

PIC 2307 senses the pressure at the outlet of the pre reformer and then
modulates 92-PV-2307 provided on the vent line connected to the flare.
This valve is closed normally and operates only in case of overpressure.
Page 114 of 413

Control of the preheated combustion air temperature

There are three valves acting in combination to control the preheated air

92-TV-2416A and 92-TV-2416B are provided on the inlet air lines to the
combustion air pre heaters 92-E-56A/B respectively. Where as 92-TV-
2416C is provided on the bypass line of these preheater to control
temperature at the outlet of the preheater where all three streams meet

TDIC 2416 senses difference in the temperatures down stream of the

control valves 92-TV- 2416A and 92-TV- 2416B and accordingly
modulates 92-TV- 2416A and 92-TV-2416B.

92-TV- 2416C too is modulated accordingly based on TDIC 2416 outlet.

Control of the feed- hydrogen mixture temperature at the inlet of the


92-TV-2201 is located on the bypass line of the naphtha super heater 92-
E-55. TIC 2201 senses temperature at the inlet of the desulphuriser 92-R-
12A/B and signal is generated to control 92-TV- 2201 so as to control the
flow through 92-E-55.

Control of the level in the blow down flash drum 92-V-15

LIC 2604 senses level in the flash drum and accordingly modulates 92-
LV-2604 provided on the condensate outlet line

Control of the temperature of the PGB process gas feed stream to the HT

TIC 2815 senses the PGB process gas feed line to HT converter (92-R-
14) and modulates 92-TV-2815 to regulate flow rate of the PGB process
gas to 92-R-14.

Control of the pressure in the convection steam super heater (92-E-17)

PIC 2801 senses pressure of the steam going out from the steam super
heater 92-E-17 and modulate 92-PV-2801 accordingly to maintain
pressure in 92-E-17.
Page 115 of 413

Another control valve is provided on the side branch to divert excess

steam from outlet to inlet in case of over pressurization. PIC 2802 senses
pressure in this recirculation line and modulates 92-PV-2802 accordingly.
This valve is closed normally and opens up only to recirculate steam
when flow downstream of 92-PV-2801 is reduced

Control of the export HP steam pressure to desuperheater (92-M-14)

HP steam from 92-E-54 is fed to the desuperheater 92-M-14 at a

pressure sensed by PIC 2803A from the HP steam header and 92-PV-
2803A is modulated accordingly.

Another tapping is drawn from the same line (outlet of the 92-E-54) which
is venting excess steam to a safe location. PIC 2804 senses pressure of
the steam at the outlet of the desuperheater 92-E-54 and in case of
overpressure scenario modulates 92-PV-2804 to release excess steam to
92-M-14. The valve is in the closed condition normally.

Control of the BFW temperature to 92-V-14

TIC 2808 senses the temperature of BFW at the outlet of the convection
section BFW preheater-I (92-E-18) and modulates inlet process gas
stream flow to 92-E-19 using 92-TV-2808, which is in parallel to 92-E-18.
Hence indirectly it modulates flow of process gas to 92-E-18, thereby
maintaining temperature of BFW fed to 92-V-14.

Control of the temperature of the desuperheated gas at the inlet of the LT

shift converter (92-R-15)

TIC 2806 senses the temperature of the desuperheated process gas at

the outlet of the desuperheater 92-M-17 and modulates 92-TV-2806B
provided on the process gas feed line to 92-M-17, thereby controlling the
process gas temperature at the LT shift converter inlet.

Control of the steam flow to the steam desuperheater 92-M-18

FIC 2504 senses signal from pre reformer S/C control block and
modulates 92-FV-2504 provided on the inlet steam line to 92-M-18
thereby modulating steam generated in 92-M-18.

Control of the discharge pressure of the forced draft fan 92-FD-11A/B

Reformer furnace forced draft fan 92-FD-11A provides combustion air to

the burner and is controlled by the air fuel ratio controller block.
Page 116 of 413

The differential pressure across the fan is sensed by PDIC 3201. Signal
from air fuel ratio controller block is generated depending on the
combustion air pressure sensed by PIC 3204 at burner feed header,
purge gas flow sensed by FIC 3204A and other relevant inputs so as to
maintain air fuel ratio as per the set point. These two signals activate a
relay system to modulate 92-PV-3201, there by achieving air flow control.

Identical loop structure is used for fan 92-FD-11B where differential

pressure across the fan is sensed by PDIC 3202 and controlling valve is

Control of the flow of fuel naphtha to the burner

Signal from the burner feed air / fuel ratio control block is fed to FIC 3203.
PIC 3206A senses pressure at the naphtha feed header and the
combined out put is used to modulate 92-FV-3203A/B. 92-FV-3203B is
designed to work in sliding split range.

Control of the flow of the purge gas from the PSA unit to the burner

FIC 3204 senses flow of the purge gas to the burner and is fed to the
burner air / fuel ratio controller. The signal generated from ratio controller
modulates 92-FV-3204 provided on the purge gas supply line to the

Control of the hydrogen pressure from bullet to pre reformer through 92-
E-53 and LT converter (92-R-15) during start up operations

PIC 5005 senses pressure in the hydrogen line providing hydrogen to the
LT converter (92-R-15) and pre reformer through 92-E-53 from the bullet
and modulate 92-PV-5005 provided on the same line accordingly.

Control of the hydrogen flow from bullet to the inlet of feed/naphtha

preheater (for mixing with naphtha) 92-E-11 during start up operations

Hydrogen from bullet is fed to the injection spot (during start-up only)
under the control of the valve 92-FV-2103C. FIC 2103 senses the flow of
hydrogen in this line and modulates 92-FV-2103C accordingly.

Control of the discharge flow of recycle hydrogen compressor (92-K-


Hydrogen flow from the discharge of the compressors 92-K-11A/B is

controlled by modulating control valves provided on the bypass lines
connecting discharge and suction of the compressors. Both of the
compressors are provided with separate bypass valves, 92-FV-2103A/B
which returns a discharge tapping to recycle hydrogen cooler 92-E-26.
Page 117 of 413

Pressure is sensed by FIC 2103 from the line injecting hydrogen into
naphtha feed and is fed to the compressor control block, which in turn
modulates 92-FV-2103A/B. HIC 2103A/B switches are provided to select
compressor which ever is on line.

Control of the level of DM water storage tank (92-T-01)

LIC 4101 senses level of the tank 92-T-01 and modulates 92-LV-4101
provided on the line supplying DM water to the tank from the B/L.

Control of the DMW flow to the injection nozzle prior to the naphtha cooler

The ratio of naphtha and DM water is maintained as per the set point from
HIC 1109 by using a ratio controller. Signal from this controller is fed to
92-FV-4103 based on the calculated ratio and the valve is modulated
accordingly to maintain the ratio.

Control of the HP steam pressure to the desuperheater 92-M-19

HP steam from 92-E-54 is fed to the desuperheater 92-M-19 at a

pressure sensed by PIC 2803B from the HP steam header and 92-PV-
2803B is modulated accordingly.

Control of the export LP BFW flow

LP BFW from 92-P-16 is fed to the heater 92-E-28 under the control of
the control block HP/LP BFW export and degasifier level control. LIC
3302 senses the level of the degasifier (92-V-21) and accordingly, a
signal is fed to FIC 5805 which in turn modulates 92-FV-5805 provided on
the BFW inlet line to 92-E-28, which supplies LP BFW for export.

Control of the export LP BFW temperature at the battery limit

TIC 5804 senses the temperature of the BFW at the outlet of the heater
92-E-28 and accordingly modulates 92-TV-5804 provided on the MP
steam supply line to 92-E-28, to maintain temperature of the export BFW

Control of the level of condensate in the flash drum associated with 92-E-

LIC 5801 senses the level of condensate in the flash vessel and
modulates 92-LV-5801 provided on the MP condensate out let line from
flash vessel, routed to the degasifier (92-V-21).
Page 118 of 413

5. Pre-commissioning and Initial Operations

Page 119 of 413

5. Pre-Commissioning & Initial Operations

5.1 General

During the final stages of construction and on completion of erection

works, there is a large amount of detailed preparatory work to be done, to
make the plant ready for start-up. Preparatory and pre-commissioning
work should be done by operating personnel in co-operation with
contractor and start-up team at the job site.

The instructions given in this section, describe preliminary operations

necessary to ensure that the plant and utility services are fully prepared
and checked before plant start-up begins, and acquaint the operators with
the equipment.

The pre-commissioning work can basically be divided into the following

items :

 Pressure test of equipment

 Plant inspection, check-out of unit
 Cleaning of piping and equipment
 Commissioning of utility systems
 Commissioning of machinery
 Leak/tightness test
 Nitrogen purging
 Loading of catalyst (see chapter 8)
 Boil-out of steam generating system (see chapter 8)
 Dryout of refractories (see chapter 8)

Although the work will proceed generally in the order given, overlapping
may be permitted. During the pre-commissioning operations, any defect
should be disclosed, thus allowing timely rectifications to be effected. To
obtain complete confidence in the state of the plant and equipment, site
staff must be particularly attentive to systematic checking for possible
defects. At subsequent start-up and partial start-ups, when perhaps only
one item of the plant has been isolated for short maintenance, equal
diligence must be applied to appropriate pre-operational checks.
Page 120 of 413

The following operations must be carried out on all sections before start-
up can take place.

i) All parts of the plant must be mechanically tested and cleaned.

ii) All lines must be steam or air blown with filters, check valves,
control valves and restriction orifice plates removed. This is to
remove welding slag and scale, which can damage valve internals
and affect flow meters.
iii) All instruments must be made available and control loops
checked. Emergency shut-down systems must be functioning and
trip settings checked.
iv) All valves must be positioned according to the direction of flow,
control valves stroked and relief valve settings checked.
v) All fans must be tested and run for at least 24 hours continuously.
vi) All services i.e., cooling water, boiler feed water, steam, fuels and
feed storage must be available.
vii) Furnace man ways, explosion doors must be filled loosely with
viii) The plant area must be cleaned and all non-essential items like
ladders, scaffoldings, etc. removed.
ix) The area should be free from obstruction scaffolding, etc.
Page 121 of 413

5.2 Plant Preparation / Start-Up Inspection

5.2.1 Pressure Test

By pressure test is meant the hydrostatic or pneumatic testing of

equipment and should not be confused with the less severe “leak /
tightness test”. The pressure test is usually carried out by the
construction personnel, while the other test will be conducted
generally by operations personnel. If it should become necessary
for the operators to carry out the test underneath suggestions are
given :

 The pressure test is carried out at the end of the plant

erection or after eventual repairs, in order to verify the
resistance of equipment and piping to the pressure
conditions stated in the design codes.
 The pressure test is usually carried out by filling the
equipment or piping with water and venting air from the
high points; then increasing the pressure by means of a
reciprocating pump, up to the test pressure, which anyhow,
exceeds the average operating values.

Normally, the hydrostatic test pressure for piping systems

should not be less than 1½ times the maximum design
pressure. In pneumatic testing, the test pressure is
normally 110 percent of the design pressure.


 Safety valves, relief valves and rupture disks must be

removed or isolated from the tested system, since their
normal relieving pressure will be exceeded. If the safety
and relief valves are removed, the time during the pressure
test period can be utilized to bench test and set the valves.
 The section of the plant to be pressure tested must be
isolated from the remainder of the unit by blinds inserted
between flanges. Blinds must be rated for the test
 All spring hangers should be in the pinned position. Piping
should be checked if there is sufficient support to withstand
the weight of water.
 Never include compressors and pumps in the hydrostatic
pressure test.
Page 122 of 413

 Vents or other connections shall be opened to eliminate air

from lines, which are to receive a hydrostatic test. Lines
shall be purged of air before hydrostatic test pressure is
applied. Vents shall be open when systems are drained,
so not to create buckling from a vacuum effect.
 Lines containing check valves shall have the source of
pressure located in the piping upstream of the check valve,
so that pressure is applied under the seat. If this is not
possible, the check valve flapper shall be removed or
jacked up.
 Stainless steel lines shall not be hydraulic tested with
water containing more than 40 ppm of chloride. Each test
shall be held for 60 minutes without any loss in pressure.
After completion of hydrostatic testing, all temporary blanks
and blinds shall be removed and all piping completely
drained and dried with air.

Valves, orifice plates, expansion joints and short pieces or piping

which have been removed shall be re-installed with proper and
undamaged gaskets in place. Records shall be made of each
piping installation during the testing, which will include date and
length of time of test, identification of piping and equipment being
tested, test medium used, test pressure applied and approval by
owners inspector.

5.2.2 Plant Inspection – Check Out

Each section of the unit is inspected for conformity with project

documentation, and a punch list is drawn up to record any
deviations requiring further construction work.

Vessels, Exchangers, Towers, Filters

- Check name plate rating

- Check foundation bolts and shims
- Check for conformity with project documentation
- Check for pressure, temperature, rating
- Check for nozzle size and orientation
- Check for internals : types, dimensions, metallurgy,
- Lining insulation; Check for type, thickness and material.
- Check for the level gauges and other field instruments
whether they are readable from grade or platform
- Ladders, platforms, man ways : location, size, accessibility,
fire proofing
- Check for proper grounding connections
- Check vents, drains, relief valves as provided as specified
- Parallelism of flange coupling
Page 123 of 413


- Conformity with P&I Diagrams and process requirement

- Check for piping connected with vessels and other
equipment have correct source and destination
- Check all tie-ins correctly installed.
- Ensure that all piping being hydraulically tested
- Check pipes, flanges, gaskets, fittings, valves in conformity
with specified piping classes.
- Check parallelism of flanges as well as studs and bolts
- All temporary blind and supports have to be removed.
- Check expansion loops provided on long hot lines are free
to expand and contract.
- Check whether the lines are free from unnecessary stress.
- Check whether the lines are obstructing equipment
maintenance area of passageway
- Check for flow direction of check and globe valves
- Check blow-down lines for their correct destination
- Check for thermo wells, sample points, vents, drains, etc.
Provided as required.
- Steam tracing lines have to be installed and properly
connected to respective steam manifolds.
- Check for stuffing boxes of valves are adequately filled.
- Check for pipe support and spring hangers
- Insulation : check for specified type and material


- Conformity with project specification and the design

- Check the instrument type, range and size.
- Check material of construction and rating of instruments,
accessories, connecting piping, flanges and valves
- Accessibility to instruments for routine checks and
maintenance; rigid mounting.
- Installation according to detailed drawing
- Check proper accessories (pulsation dampers,
filters/regulators, diaphragm seals, excess flow checks,
seal pots)
- Local indicators installed for easy reading from grade
platform or controller assembly, as required.
- Process requirement of flow, temperature, pressure,
differential pressure, specific gravity, etc.
- Controller type, number of modes, chart type, range,
Page 124 of 413

- Check power requirements, voltage frequency; emergency

power supply and connections.
- Calibration of controllers, transmitters, analysers, special
- Control valve, block and bypass valve size for control valve
assemblies. Check that control valves are installed in the
correct flow direction and the positioner moves freely.
- Verify the continuity of the circuit from the control panel to
the field and back again.
- Check all the thermo wells and thermocouples are of
specified length
- Check that orifice plates are installed in the right flow


- Check nameplate rating and conformity to project

specification and design requirements.
- Check direction of rotation and make sure that it runs freely
- check shaft alignment
- Check piping to and from fan for the presence of any
foreign materials like bolt, nuts or spanners, which can
damage the impellers, while start up
- Check the piping to and from the fan for supports,
insulation and flanges
- Instrumentation: check conformity with design
specification, location, operability and access
- Check the bearing and inspect lubrication system
- Check for the vibrations, if any, when the fan is at service
- Check drain system and suction filters
- Check foundation bolts and shims
- Check valves of proper type and installed in correct
- All drains from pumps and associated piping and
instrumentation routed to safe location, if required.
- Auxiliary service for mechanical seal, in particular for cold
pump service.


Following checks should be carried out

- Conformity with project specification and design

- grouting and fixing bolts
- Suction and discharge connections for stress free
- Mechanical seal / packing
Page 125 of 413

- Seal harness / mechanical seal flushing

- Non- return valve installed between pump discharge
nozzle and pump discharge valve
- Temporary suction strainer installed
- Suction strainer easily removable for maintenance; good fit
to avoid bypassing
- Coupling guard fitted
- Discharge pressure gauge readable from discharge block
- Suction / discharge valves easily accessible and operable;
situated near the pump
- accessibility of auxiliary piping and controls
- NPSH requirements are fulfilled
- Warm-up lines provided across discharge check valves,
when pumping hot fluids
- Steam tracing and insulation are provided on suction /
discharge lines, pump casing and process seal flush lines,
as required
- Minimum flow bypasses (with restriction orifice), if required
- All seal oil, warm-up, etc. lines fitted with flanged
connections and valves to permit removal of pump
- Correct operation of lubrication and cooling systems
- Adequate means for venting and draining pump casing
- Vacuum service pumps are fitted with discharge vent back
to system to allow filling pump with liquid
- Pumps and drives are aligned correctly

Electrical motors

- Check nameplate rating and conformity to project

specification and design requirements
- Check bearing lubrication
- Check direction of rotation and alignment with driven
- Check foundation bolts and shims
- Check electrical power supply and location of push button
- All the continuity must be checked and acceptable level of
grounding resistance of the structure and vessels must be
Page 126 of 413


- Check for burner alignment and burner tip projection.

Check if burner is correctly installed
- Check burner tip for damages, blocking and size
- Inspect all burner blocks
- Check refractory brick work, note any unevenness,
buckling or cracking
- Check refractory expansion joints
- Check refractory at all penetration of guide tubes through
the floor. Note any area where inadequate clearance
- Inspect refractory around peepholes. Note any cracking,
charring or other deteriorations
- Check walls for excessive buckling by sighting up along
the wall from different directions
- Check if peep holes open and close easily
- Clear off any oil spillage and remove any foreign matter.
- Heating coils and tube supports should be inspected and
cleaned off any foreign matter present.
- All dampers should be checked to ensure that they move
smoothly and that correct indications of their opening
position are given, and also their full open and full closed
positions should be checked visually.
- The inside of snuffing steam nozzles and draft gauge
nozzles should be cleaned of any foreign matter.
- All doors (observation doors, access doors and inspection
doors) should be checked for movement and air tightness
- After the final inspection of the inside is finished all access
doors should be closed properly.

5.2.3 Cleaning of Lines & Equipment

General Precautions Before Cleaning

After completion of the unit erection and hydrostatic tests, all lines
and equipment must be cleaned.

The aim of this operation is to eliminate all foreign materials, such

as metal pieces, welding slag and foreign matter which would
otherwise block pipes, control valves and orifices and cause
damage to moving parts of pumps, turbines and compressors.
Page 127 of 413

The following precautions must be taken before any cleaning


- Program the washing operation by choosing the various

circuits that can be washed simultaneously and those,
which must be done successively.
- P&I drawing should be used to identify loop for cleaning
and for control operation of washing medium.

This activity is carried out during the pre-commissioning

when P&I check-out is made.

Systems preparation made up of one or more circuits will

be defined at that time. This activity is strictly related to :

i) Status of mechanical completion for that system;

ii) Availability of relative area for cleaning operation;
iii) Availability of flushing medium

- Prepare the loop; install blinds wherever necessary,

temporary connections, etc. to ensure a high flow rate and
therefore a good cleaning action.
- Measuring orifices, flow meters and thermo wells should
not be installed before pipes are cleaned.
- Control valves and safety valves must be either removed
or blocked off during cleaning operations.
- All instrument connections should be disconnected or
adequately protected.
- All connections to pumps, compressors and turbine section
and discharge lines should be disconnected and casing
nozzles have to be owned to prevent cleaning medium
from entering.
- Attention is drawn to the fact that some items of
equipment, particularly machinery and HP steam systems,
may require special cleaning operations and reference
should be made to the manufacturer’s operating manual
for details.
- Steam traps should be disconnected or by-passed.
- When necessary check valve flaps can be removed for
- Brick-lined equipment cannot be blown out with steam, as
this would cause condensation on the brickwork. In order
to loosen scales and rust from the pipes these vessels
should be carefully swept out and blocked off and the
surrounding piping blown out.
Page 128 of 413

- All blinds on the equipment or on the lines shall be

removed during or immediately after washing.
- Lines connected with the exchangers have to be flushed
without discharging into the exchangers.
- Block valves and other valves not removed during flushing
have to be subsequently checked with regard to complete
closure, and if necessary removed and cleaned in the
- Lines connected with the vessels provided with demisters
or other internals, which could be fouled, have to be
flushed outside the vessels first and then from the vessel
bottom. Installation of the inner parts of vessels can be
carried out, in most cases, after the cleaning operation.
- Some vents shall always remain open, both during the
filling of equipment and during emptying, in order to avoid
over-pressure and vacuum condition.
- As a general rule, cleaning is to be executed from top to
bottom and following the normal routes of the lines.
- The cleaning fluid shall be fed into the circuit by means of
temporary piping and hose connections.
- Accessible equipment should be manually cleaned before
flushing starts in order to reduce the amount of material to
be removed during this flushing.
- The final cleaning of vessels shall be manually executed
during the final inspections.
- All necessary steps should be taken to ensure personnel’s
safety when handling high speed water or steam
- Instrument pipes and lead lines are cleaned by blowing out
with instrument air.

Cleaning Methods :

The main cleaning activities are :

i) Water flushing
ii) Air blowing
iii) Steam blowing
iv) Mill scale removal
v) Steam spalling

If steam or air is used, personnel have to be protected from the

high-speed discharges containing solid material. The different
methods are described hereafter.
Page 129 of 413

Water Flushing :

Flushing is done by circulating water through each loop at

sufficient velocity. 2-3 m/sec, to carry away all foreign matter.
Clean, fresh water must be used; firewater is generally used for
this purpose.

The chloride content of the water must be restricted when

austenitic stainless steel material is present; if chlorides are
allowed to accumulate and concentrate, stress corrosion cracking
can result.

The water used should therefore have a chloride content not

exceeding 40 ppm wt. If the chloride content in the water exceeds
this value and no other water is available, then 0.5 wt% of sodium
nitrate may be added as passivation agent and in any case the
system must be dried out after washing.

This method is recommended for :

- Cooling water system

- Demin water system
- Condensate system
- Quench water system
- Potable water
- Service water
- Chemical dosing system

Prior to flushing of other systems, it is imperative to check that the

equipment foundations and pipe supports are designed to carry
expected water load.

Air Blowing

Line cleaning by air blowing must be limited to cases where water

or steam cannot be used, such as instrument air, fuel gas and
nitrogen lines. Precautions must be taken to prevent injury to
personnel from debris (solids) flying from exhaust point. The
proper air velocity for a good cleaning is 10 m/sec as a minimum.

This method is recommended for :

- Instrument lines
- Nitrogen lines
- Air lines
- Fuel gas lines
- Process gas lines
Page 130 of 413

Steam Blowing

Steam blowing is used when the water quantity and quality are not
suitable for cleaning purposes, or when it is imperative that all rust
and mill scale be thoroughly removed. Additionally, steam blowing
is easier and faster to carry out.

Steam blowing is normally used to clean the boiler feed water

system, steam lines, and often the blow-down system.

Prior to steam blowing, equipment and piping must be checked for

temperature and pressure compatibility.

Precautions must be taken to vent and drain the system to prevent

condensate hammering and vacuum formation due to steam

This method is recommended for :

- Steam lines
- Liquid hydrocarbons
- Furnace piping (as convection and radiant section)
- Decoke system

Mill Scale Removal

Mill scale must be removed from certain items of equipment such

as rate or vessels, large piping, suction of reciprocating
compressors, lube and seal oil system, steam lines to turbine, to
prepare the surface for further operation (painting) or to reduce
damage to moving parts of machines. Mill scale removal can be
accomplished by mechanical or chemical cleaning.

Mechanical cleaning can be performed by sandblasting and in

some cases by hydro blasting.

Vessels and piping cleaned in such a manner must be protected

with suitable rust preventive and maintained during shipment and
construction. Specific techniques and facilities are used for this
cleaning by specialised firms.

This method is recommended for vessels and for the compressor

suction lines.
Page 131 of 413

Steam Spalling

An alternative to chemical cleaning of systems is steam spalling.

Blow steam at a velocity of 20 m/sec and heating-up the piping
system. Dilation causes spalling of dirt, rust or scale. Thereafter,
flow of steam is stopped and the pipe is allowed to cool down.
The cleaning cycle (blowing cooling) is repeated several times
until the emerging steam from the pipes is consistently clean.

The actual cleaning condition can be ascertained by inserting a

polished aluminium or copper plate at the point of piping
discharge. Metallic particles striking the plate will leave their
imprint thus giving an indication of the state of cleanliness of the


The various lengths of pipe, which together form the permanent

piping system, and are flanged or welded according to a suitable
procedure, should have been cleaned prior to installation by a
suitable method (pickling, sand blasting, grinding, brushing, etc) in
accordance with the quality of the material and its shape.

Safety Precautions

All piping that is to be blown with steam will have to be properly

supported (also temporary piping). Steam discharge has to be
routed to a safe location so that the high velocity emerging steam,
containing metallic particles, cannot damage persons and/or lines
and equipment. Attention must be paid to the following points :

a) Connect the line to be blown with a temporary line leading

the steam away to a safe location. It is necessary to fit the
inlet branches to the turbo-machinery with adequate
protection so that impurities cannot enter the machinery.
b) It is necessary to remove the main steam inlet filter of turbo
machinery, before steam blowing is started.
c) When blowing through a valve it is necessary to suitably
protect the surface of the seat and shutter from metallic
particles, for instance by removal of internals.
d) Carry out all necessary preliminary operations (fasten all
the tubes, fit plate supports, communication systems,
safety precautions, etc)
e) Drain the low points (pockets) of the line to avoid
hammering in the line
f) Increase the steam pressure up to the rated pressure.
Page 132 of 413

g) Open the steam block valve in such a way so as to obtain

nearly the required steam delivery. Keep it open for some
time, then close it.
h) Repeat the blowing cycle until the plates stay repeatedly
without marks (at least three consecutive times) indicating
that the line is clean.
i) Before re-assembly of the permanent piping inspect the
valve seats, the filter bodies, etc and remove whatever
material might have been retained and not blown away.

5.2.4 Auxiliary Service Commissioning


The utility system should be tested and placed into service as

soon as allowed by the construction schedule, in order to have
utilities available for plant pre-commissioning and commissioning.

After pressure testing has been completed :

- The system is inspected for conformity with relevant P&I

drawings. This is also done just prior to pressure testing to
particularly ensure that all welding jobs have been
- Scale and construction debris are removed using most
convenient medium (water, steam, air flushing or blowing);
- Tightness tests are carried out to ensure that leakage due
to damaged gaskets, untightened flanges, and left open
drains or vents are rectified;
- Air is displaced with steam or nitrogen for systems
containing hydrocarbons (fuel gas, fuel oil), holding oxygen
content in the system below 0.5 vol. 5%;
- Steam lines are warmed up gradually to prevent damage
by condensate (or water) hammering before steam traps
and condensate line are placed in service;
- Instrument air system is air-blown as carefully as possible
to remove oil or grease;
- Instrument air system is dried, as much as possible, with
air available in the plant;
- Temperature rise of lines (steam, fuel oil) is gradual in
order to ensure free expansion of supports, padding, etc.
Page 133 of 413

During the preliminary operations, alertness and care is required

from the operators, for example :

- High level points should be vented frequently to eliminate

air from water lines and fuel oil lines;
- Low level points should be frequently drained to eliminate
water or condensate from steam and fuel gas lines;
- Pump operation checked for vibration, high power
absorption and cavitations, due to suction filter blockage
by dirt accumulation;
- Instrumentation carefully observed for manual operation,
which is generally required during start-up and/or final
tuning and setting.

The utility lines should be cleaned, preferably with the fluids,

which will run through them.


Disconnect all steam traps, open all vents and drains to the
atmosphere and slowly let steam into the system. First flush the
main headers, disconnecting the flanges at the end of piping
systems, followed by the branch lines up to the equipment and
inlet of steam traps.

Initially the line will be cold and there will be considerable

condensation of steam in the headers. Should this steam
condensate be pushed through the lines at high velocity by the
incoming steam, water hammering will occur which may distort the
lines and cause serious damage. In the event of water
hammering, reduce inlet steam flow rate and drain the condensate
from the low points of the system.

Shut off the vents when the system is considered free from air and
when it is adequately flushed, start the steam traps and check
their operation.

Service Air

Flush the system with air, execute seal tests with air and eliminate
moisture by blowing.
Page 134 of 413

Instrument Air

Disconnect all pneumatically operated equipment from the

instrument air system, pressurise the system with air, check and
rectify leakages, All moisture should be eliminated by means of
repeated blowing. Finally, install the filters and connect up the

Process & Condensate Water

These systems should be totally washed by first flushing the main

headers followed by the branch lines, up to the equipment inlets.
Thereafter a leak test should be performed and the system

Cooling Water

Disconnect the inlet flanges of water coolers and wash the lines;
when clean water is seen emerging, reconnect and continue with
the washing. When washing is completed, a tightness test should
be performed and the system commissioned. Note any abnormal
pressure losses in the system during the pre-start-up check.

Nitrogen Network

Perform tightness test of the network with air. Once the seal test
has been completed, purge the network with nitrogen, blowing
through intermittently to eliminate all the air. Commission the
nitrogen system.

Raw Water

This system shall be washed completely by flushing, first the main

headers and then the lines branching off to service stations and
equipment inlets. Thereafter a leak test should be performed and
the system should be left in service.

Boiler Feed Water

This system should be thoroughly rinsed to remove loose dirt, first

the main headers and then the lines branching off to each furnace,
desuperheater or other service inlet.

The tightness test of the system shall be performed in increasing

pressure steps. The system should be left in service.
Page 135 of 413

Electrical Equipment

The commissioning is executed by qualified personnel according

to the factory practice.

Fire-Fighting Equipment

Make sure that equipment is in place ready for operation and that
the fire water header has the proper pressure. Try out all water
hydrants and check jet length and cooling capacities. Refer
chapter 14 Auxiliary systems for details.
Page 136 of 413

5.3 Commissioning Of Machinery

Proper installation and operation of machinery is essential for trouble-free


5.3.1 Electrical Motors

Electrical motors shall be run uncoupled for a minimum period of 4

hours. For the duration of the no-load uncoupled run, the
following parameters shall be monitored every 2 minutes for the
first 10 minutes and thereafter every hour:

- Ambient temperature
- Motor current at start
- Motor current running
- Bearing temperature at drive end
- Bearing temperature at non-drive end
- Frame temperature
- Vibration levels in axial, vertical & horizontal planes
- In addition a record shall be made of the following :
- Rotation looking on drive end
- Run-up time
- Run-down time

5.3.2 Fans

The following instructions are only given as a general instruction.

For detail maintenance, start-up and shut-down instruction, the
vendor instructions have to be followed.

Prior to starting up for the first time, clean the internal part of the
fan and clear it from any foreign matter, waste or remains that
may be left. Remove likewise foreign matters from connecting
ducts. Check whether fan rotates freely when moved by hand,
and whether impeller does not rub against static parts. If
necessary, proceed to correction forthwith.

- Check whether motor rotates in proper sense and whether

fan rotates in the direction indicated on casing. This best
done through imparting a slight electric impulsion to motor.
This should be done preferably to mechanical coupling
with the fan.
- Check motor protection against overheating.
Page 137 of 413

- When a fan designed for conveying hot gases is started up

under cold conditions, all gates or valves should be closed.
The current consumption of the motor should be watched
constantly in a manner to keep output within set bounds as
long as temperature of gases remains below admissible
- Check regularly if fan bolts are fastened
- Check the possibility of free movement of expansion joints
and if they are still tight.
- Measure regularly the unbalance, the build up or the wear
of the impeller
- Check with vibration meter, the vibration level on the
bearings (in three directions), but mainly in the horizontal
- Check regularly the bearing temperature, if no permanent
control. A temperature increase may lead to a premature
deterioration of the ball/roller bearings.

5.3.3 Centrifugal Pumps


The operation instructions given below are only general rules

supplementing vendor information and are not intended to
overrule vendor’s instructions. Before commissioning and start-up
of a pump, the vendor instruction should be read. The pump may
have been idle for some time or there may have been a time delay
between running in and actual operation. Under these
circumstances, the pump should be filled with oil or conservation
film agent and rotated once per week.


For the initial start-up of the pump, the pump check and the run
test must be completed. During normal start-up always check that
the pump has free rotation, and a proper cooling water supply. A
daily check of the oil level is required. Open the suction valve
slightly, or the warm-up line, and pressurize the pump. When the
pump is up to pressure, blow off any vapour through the pump
casing or discharge high point vent. Always make sure that any
dangerous gases or highly inflammable liquids are vented /
drained to a safe location. Check that the main breaker for the
pump in the sub-station is in the “on” position.
Page 138 of 413

Open the suction valve to full open position and make sure that
the discharge valve is in fully closed position for centrifugal pumps
and fully open position for positive displacement pump before
starting the pump. Start the electric motor. When the motor is up
to speed and the discharge pressure is established, slowly open
the discharge block valve to fully open position in case of the
centrifugal pump and obtain the desired flow. A close watch
should be kept on the discharge pressure during this time.


If the discharge pressure drops, it will normally be due to one of

the following reasons:

1. Suction filter is blocked

2. Loss of head pressure to pump suction
3. Loss of pressure downstream of the pump, due to faulty
control valve or wrongly opened valve.
4. Vapour lock in pump casing

Running Case

For routine check during operation, the vendor instructions have to

be followed, however, a general routine check on the following
points require attention on a regular basis :

1. Discharge pressure
2. Motor amperage
3. Suction pressure (if present)
4. Bearing oil
5. Bearing temperatures for pump and motor
6. Seal oil (if present)
7. Vibrations

5.3.4 Reciprocating Compressor


In principle, the vendor gives the operation and start-up

instructions for compressors and pumps and the instructions given
below are only intended as a general rule and should never
supersede the vendor instructions.

Before start-up the engineer in charge should be familiar with the

vendor instructions and follow the vendor instructions all through
the start-up.
Page 139 of 413

The compressor may have been idle for some time. A check
should therefore be made to see if the compressor has been run
in. The mechanical supervisor normally does this. If the machine
has been run in, the auxiliary lube oil pump should be started and
the compressor barred over once a day. If the loading valves
have been removed or pipe work disconnected, the open ends
must be covered to prevent entry of foreign material or water into
the compressor.

Initial Check

After completing the compressor check list and a function test to

ensure all alarms and trips are fully operational, all necessary
personnel must be informed about the intention to start. The
auxiliary lube oil pump should be started about 20 minutes prior to
the compressor start, to check its operation and to warm up the
bearings. If the compressor lube oil pump is of the manual type,
the oil pressure should be brought up to operating pressure
several times to be sure that all lubrication points have been
provided with oil, prior to the start-up. During this time, check the
operation of the loaders and ensure that there is no liquid in the
suction, interstage and discharge knock-out drum or pipe work

Double check the cooling water flows. Also ensure that the
compressor is free moving by rotating the shaft 360°C. Purge the
compressor with nitrogen, if there is a possibility of presence of


Pressurise the compressor by opening of the suction block valve.

When the machine is up to pressure, close it again and check for
leaks. Start the cylinder lubrication. If these cylinders are not of
the shaft-driven type, check their operation. The cylinders are
normally set at maximum during running in and initial operation
and then reduced to optimum when the pistons have been worn
in. Open all discharge block valves. The main motor can then be
started. Leave for a moment to allow it to run up to speed. When
the motor is up to speed, put the auxiliary lube oil pump into the
automatic start position and allow the main lube oil to take over.

The suction block valve can then be opened. This must be done
slowly to avoid overloading the machine by a sudden surge of
gas. Allow it to run for a minute unloaded and check the operation
of the cylinder lubricators (that is if they are driven from the main
shaft). Also, note the Amps.
Page 140 of 413


In principle the compressor should not be running unloaded for a

longer period, and should be loaded as soon as possible to avoid

With the motor running correctly and all suction and discharge
valves open, the compressor may then be loaded. The
compressor must always be loaded from the driver end to
outboard end (unloading is the reverse of this) and in the case of
two compressors being run off one motor, both sides should be
equally loaded to prevent imbalance in the machine. Always
check the manufacturer’s starting/operating instructions. Many
machines are fitted with make-up or variable pockets and during
normal operation these are not in use. They are only used when
the seals wear and gas passes back and the machine begins to
lose its efficiency.

Running Check List

Most of the time, there is a vendor recommended checklist. If this

checklist is not available, the following general rules can be
followed :

When the machine is fully loaded, or partially if designed that way,

the following items should be checked regularly.

1. Suction and Discharge temperatures

2. Jacket temperatures (where applicable)
3. Interstage temperatures (where applicable)
4. Lube oil temperatures
5. Suction, interstage and discharge pressures
6. Lube oil pressures
7. Motor Amps
8. Cooling water flows & temperatures
9. Pressure drop over lube oil filters
10. Use of utilities like nitrogen, steam, etc.
Page 141 of 413

5.4 Instrument Commissioning

Before any instrument is activated, it is necessary to :

1) Ensure that all primary elements are installed in accordance with

the drawing and manufacturer’s requirement.
2) Remove shipping restrictions, such as lead plugs, tie-down wires,
protective coverings, etc. that have been applied to protect the
3) Recalibrate the instrument, even if it has been calibrated by the
manufacturer (also, calibrate the entire control loop).
4) Verify the continuity of circuits from the control panel to the filed
and back again.
5) Verify the action of the actuating air signal on valve position
6) Verify movements, such as valves by their controller and
controllers by their sensing elements.
7) Check out the action of interlock and alarm circuits to ensure that
tripping an interlock relay from its sensing point will cause all the
dependent instruments to act appropriately.
8) Calibrate field analyser with standard gas mixtures of certified
Page 142 of 413

5.5 Leak Testing

During equipment cleaning, lines have been disconnected, orifice plates

and blinds removed and re-installed. As a consequence, leak tests are
required to eliminate leakage due to gaskets, which have been damaged,
flanges not perfectly tightened and/or drains that have been left open.

The leak test is to be carried out after final installation by air, nitrogen and
the proper process.

All joints, flanges, packaging glands, etc. must be tested for leaks by
means of soap solution. Flanged connections are tested by sealing with
tape and making a pinhole (for low temperature duty only).

Insulation of flanges shall be done after the final pressure test of the
section, and warming up of the unit.

Air or nitrogen is normally used at supply pressure of about – 4-7

kg/cm2g. At this pressure value the tightness test is considered accepted
if a loss of pressure of 2% per hour occurs, with all connections to
instruments and equipments open, and for a length of time of minimum 2
hours. As a general rule, tightness testing is to be executed according to
P&I diagrams circuit marked up by using proper pressure indicator or
pressure controller installed on the circuit.

All the tests carried out should be properly recorded to ensure

completeness of test for all the elements and nothing is missed out.


It is assumed that all pre-start operations including drying, catalyst and

molecular sieve loadings have been completed, together with the
mechanical check of the unit. It is also assumed that all piping and
equipment have been leak tested and cleaned. Purging operations have
to be done with nitrogen (oil free), introduced by means of temporary
hose connections. The best procedure for purging is by pressure-cycle
purging, in which the equipment is pressurized with an inert gas and then
vented to atmosphere. The cycle is repeated until the desired oxygen
level is achieved, which should be less than 0.5 vol%.

The quantity of nitrogen required for purging can be established by

estimating the volume of the section to be purged and this can be done
with the help of P&I diagrams and isometrics. Assuming that the system
to be purged is initially at 1 Atm, pressurization to “P” atmosphere will
dilute any component to “1/P” of the original concentration.

If the cycle is performed twice, the concentration is reduced to “(1/P)2” of

the original value. The volume of inert gas required for each purge cycle
Page 143 of 413

is “(P-1) equipment volumes. As an example, consider a vessel that is to

be purged of air to an oxygen concentration of 1 vol%. The vessel,
initially at 1 Atm can withstand 21 Atm.

The inert gas volume is 20 vessel volumes. If the vessel is pressurized to

5 Atm, then 2 cycles and 8 vessel volumes, “[2”(5-1)]” of gas are needed.

It is recommended to subdivide the plant into various systems in order to

optimize the nitrogen consumption. After having defined which system is
to be purged first, the same nitrogen can be used in successive systems
(displacement purging), provided the conditions allow it to do so.

In this manner the overall consumption of nitrogen can be reduced. This

procedure can only be done for the first start-up, or after a major
shutdown when the plant is devoid of hydrocarbons. It should be always
born in mind that as a basic guideline for safe and efficient purging :

It is impossible to inert a piece of equipment until the entire stored

hydrocarbon liquid has been removed.

Never assume that a piece of equipment is safe after purging, simply

because the specified volume of purge gas has been used. Always
check the equipment’s atmosphere for oxygen concentration (O2 meter).

Purged equipment containing a solid residue may be unsafe. Disturbing

the solid may release new flammable materials. In this case, continuous
atmosphere monitoring is necessary. Usually, the faster the purge, the
greater the quantity of inert gas needed.

A detailed program of purging operation will be performed by the pre-

commissioning team just prior to start up taking into account the above
mentioned points.
Page 144 of 413

6. Normal Start-Up, Operation & Shutdown

Page 145 of 413

6. Normal Start-up, Operation & Shutdown

6.1 General

When all pre-operational testing has been completed satisfactorily for all
sections of the plant, and the operators are judged to be adequately
trained, the plant can be made ready for start-up. All the critical interlocks
should by now have been checked for proper response, and set at their
correct trip points, with the emergency shutdown system now fully

When everything is ready and everybody has been briefed as to their

functions, the feed can be introduced, usually at a reduced rate, until
reaction conditions have been established or the catalyst has been

As each section is started up, establish as rapidly as possible that

process conditions are as expected (according to the flows sheet and
material balances) and each piece of mechanical equipment is
functioning properly, pressures, temperatures, flow and levels should be
checked frequently, and readings from the control room compared with
those from local indicators.

When potentially serious problems develop, there should be no hesitation

to go into shutdown, rather than risk lives or equipment. The data
obtained and the observations made until time of the shutdown can then
be calmly studied and evaluated to determine how well the plant was
being operated and what caused the difficulty.

If troubles do not develop, or if only minor ones occur and are overcome,
the plant may be brought slowly toward design feed rates and operating
conditions. This is usually done in steps, after evaluations of operating
conditions and product quality.

Once data evaluation has begun, the plant may be considered as

entering into the next phase of initial operation. Basic unknowns have
been uncovered, and actual process information is available. The flow
sheet and material balance figures may be compared with actual
operating data. Plant and laboratory data are now being collected and
must be evaluated promptly and regularly. Deviations from expected
process conditions must be investigated and the reasons for these

The operators must accurately and completely log readings at frequent

Page 146 of 413

The frequency will generally be much greater now than when plant
operation has become routine. After the data have been evaluated, the
log sheets should be carefully filed, so that the data will be available for
comparison with data taken later, if troubles should begin to appear.

If printer data logs are available from microprocessors, both regular and
special printouts should be accumulated, studied and filed.

Soon after the start-up, laboratory data will begin to accumulate. Analysis
of process streams, as well as of the final product, will permit further
evaluation of operations. Laboratory analysis should be reliable and
results promptly available.

The orderly filing of the analysis is as important as of plant log sheets. As

with the log sheets, past laboratory data should be available for
immediate comparison with new figures.

No matter how thoroughly the process has been developed and

engineered, and the start-up carefully planned, problem can erupt for
which prompt solutions must be found. Diagnosing operating troubles,
requires a good deal of design and operating experience. Even when
these prerequisites have been fulfilled, troubleshooting remains an art.

Before the start-up phase can be considered to be completed, it is

necessary to bring the plant close to design conditions, producing product
at the design rate and yield, and using raw materials as per design

The start-up procedure outlined below is written specifically for the initial
plant start-up. It assumes that all necessary preparatory work as
described under the pre-commissioning sections of this manual, has been
Page 147 of 413

6.2 Naphtha Pre-Desulphurisation Section

6.2.1 System Purging With Nitrogen

The section shall be purged with nitrogen to an oxygen content

anywhere in the system below 0.5 vol%. After purging the
complete section, keep the Naphtha stripper (92-C-01) under
nitrogen pressure higher than sour naphtha surge drum pressure
so that naphtha can flow from naphtha stripper to sour naphtha
surge drum. Sour Naphtha Surge Drum pressure can be
maintained at 0.5 kg/cm²g with fuel gas, with the help of PIC-
1103A/B. Purge the system through all low and vent point.

Ensure that all relevant instruments and interlocks/ESD’s are

checked and put in service prior to starting nitrogen purging. All
manholes, vessels, equipment are boxed up. Complete loop is
leak tested. Cooling water is lined up. Start up lines to be lined
up for charging naphtha to the naphtha stripper.

6.2.2 N2 Circulation

Start taking nitrogen through line 11/2″-N-92-4507-A3A from

battery limit & Maintain the pressure in he unit as maximum as
possible. The pressurization rate should not be more than 0.5
kg/cm² per minute. Now establish nitrogen circulation through the
loop by using hydrogen circulation compressor (92-K-01 A/B) and
maintain 5kg/cm² pressure at compressor suction.

11/2”-N-92-4507-A3-1F → 92-V-03 → 2-K-01A/B → 92-E-


92-F-01 → 92-R-01 → 92-E-01A/B/C/D/E/F (TUBE SIDE) →

92-AC-01 →

92-E-02 → 92-V-02 → 92-V-03

Nitrogen circulation must be established before Naphtha

Superheater burner light up
Page 148 of 413

6.2.3 Naphtha Superheater (92-F-01) Burner Lighting

 After establishing nitrogen circulation, ensure cooling water

supply to naphtha condenser (92-E-02), stripper overhead
condenser (92-E-05) and Naphtha Cooler (92-E-06).

 Start Naphtha Air Cooler (92-AC-01).

 Check Naphtha Superheater (92-F-01) furnace for

combustibles, and purge the box with LP steam at least for
15 minutes.

 Light up the burner.

For detailed burner light up procedure, the fired heater vendor’s

burner management system document is to be referred.


 For the initial start-up and for subsequent dry-out of the

refractories, it is recommended that each burner be lit one
at a time for a period of 15 minutes. Burners should be
visually checked for correct operation during this period.

 When burners are lit for dry-out and subsequent start-ups,

always use a soft yellow kind of flame. This is achieved by
adjusting combustion air to the burner in service.

 A hard flame will cause the burner refractory to crack.

 During the dry-out and initial start-up, the most common

cause of ignition failure is dirt in the fuel lines (scale, rust,
welding slag etc.), which caused fuel control valves and
burner tips to plug up. When possible, steam out fuel lines
during pre-commissioning followed by dry-out with

 It is essential that burner flames be checked visually on a

regular basis and that burners suspected of poor
performance be removed, cleaned and replaced.
Page 149 of 413




 Limit the temperature rise of flue gas to 50ºC/h at TI-1311

(to be confirmed with furnace vendor instruction)

6.2.4 Naphtha Stripper (92-C-01) Start-Up

 Charge Sour Naphtha (preferably SRN) form B.L through

flow control valve FV-1101/1102 to Sour Naphtha Surge
Drum (92-V-01).

(In addition to these lines a provision has been made to

receive feed from two new lines, one supplying FCC
gasoline (2”-P-92-11-18-A3-1F) and the other supplying
C5-140 sour naphtha (4”-P-92-11-19-A3-1F).)

 Maintain the normal level in 92-V-01 through LIC-1101.

Drain the water from boot to OWS after some interval of
time and also analyze the sour naphtha through SC-0201
before start-up the sour naphtha pump.

 Pressurize Naphtha Surge drum (92-V-01) with fuel gas to

the normal operating pressure of 0.5 kg/cm²g.

 Pressurize naphtha stripper (92-C-01) with nitrogen.

 Start Sour Naphtha Pump (92-P-01 A or B) & put the

standby pump in auto mode.

 Take Sour Naphtha in Naphtha Stripper (92-C-01) through

start up line. (3”-P-92-11-09-A3S-1F) line up the section as

a) Sour Naphtha Pump (92-P-01 A/B) discharge →

Feed/Product Naphtha Exchanger (92-E-03A/B)
tube side → Naphtha Stripper (92-C-01)

Ensure that sour naphtha does not take normal

route by isolating upstream, downstream and
bypass valves of FV-1103.
Page 150 of 413

b) Naphtha Stripper (92-C-01) bottom → Feed /

Product Naphtha Exchanger (92-E-03A/B) shell
side → Naphtha cooler (92-E-06) → Sour Naphtha
Surge Drum (92-V-01).

Ensure block valves on FV 2105 are closed (92-V-


 After line up, start Sour Naphtha flow to Naphtha Stripper

(92-C-01). Raise the flow to 60% capacity & stabilise the
level in the stripper.

 After establishing the naphtha level in Naphtha Stripper,

slowly introduce steam in Stripper Reboiler (92-E-0) control
valve FV-1501 through flow.

 When the Stripper O/H Separator (92-V-06) level starts

building up, liquid corrosion inhibitor to the Naphtha
Stripper (92-C-01) overhead line can be injected at a
minimum possible rate.

 Start naphtha reflux pump (92-P-02A/B) and open FV-


Do not re-circulate the off spec naphtha back to sour

naphtha surge drum, during operation after H2S is

 Slip Stream from Naphtha Stripper Overhead to

Slip stream from naphtha stripper (92-C-01) overhead
product stream is provided for column stabilization during
start-up. This stream will be routed to wild naphtha surge
drum of hydro cracker unit (91-B-37). Normally the stripper
will run with total reflux i.e. without slip stream. The reflux
flow is controlled by its flow cascaded with stripper
overhead separator level.

During start-up, for stabilizing the column performance and

to achieve the product quality (H2S % in sweet naphtha
from column bottom) the slip stream can be withdrawn.
The flow of slip stream is controlled with the help of flow
controller (FIC-1505). Operator can monitor column top
temperature and provide set point to the controller.
Normally the slip stream flow rate will be in the range of 1.5
Page 151 of 413

The process parameters for slip stream are given in the

table below.

Min Nor Max
1 1.5 2.5
Flow rate (m3/h)

Pressure @
FV-1505 inlet
-- 10.92 --

Temperature (˚C) --
40 --

This slip stream arrangement was originally not a part of

Licensor design. During detail engineering based on
IOCL’s previous experience this scheme was added.

6.2.5 Introduction of Sour Naphtha In The PDS Reactor-I (92-R-01)

(The following procedure is applicable for already pre sulphided
PDS catalyst)

 After establishing the nitrogen circulation as mentioned in

section 6.2.2 and Naphtha Superheater (92-F-01) burner
lighting, start heating R-01 catalyst with nitrogen at a rate
of max. 30ºC/h.

 Once the PDS reactor-1 (92-R-01) inlet and out let

temperature have stabilised with the catalyst bed
temperature around 220ºC, the nitrogen in the loop has to
be replaced with Hydrogen. Start injecting make up
hydrogen into the loop and increase pressure in the loop to
the normal operating pressure. The Make up hydrogen
should be taken from the existing Hydrogen Unit through

 Open PV-1601B in manual mode in the Naphtha Separator

(92-V-02) overhead line, in order to purge out the nitrogen
present in the system.

 After achieving PDS reactor-1 (92-R-01) catalyst bed

temperature at 260ºC, slowly charge Sour Naphtha to the
reactor section through flow control valve FV-1103. See to
it that naphtha stripper level is stabilized.
Page 152 of 413

 In case Comox reactor-1 (92-R-01) inlet temperature, as

required, to produce on spec product, to start of rum (SOR)
temperature 310ºC and end of run (EOR) temperature

 Maintain small bleed by operating PV-1601B in order to

avoid H2S build up in the recycle gas.

 Maintain the hydrogen to hydrocarbon ratio to about 95


For the start up procedure of the Unsulphided PDS catalyst refer

to Chapter 8 (Special Operations).

6.2.6 Introduction of Naphtha From Naphtha Separator (92-V-02) To

Naphtha Stripper (92-C-01)

 After establishing level in Naphtha Separator (92-V-02),

slowly start closing start up sour naphtha to Naphtha
Stripper (92-C-01).

 Start taking naphtha from Naphtha Separator (92-V-02) to

Naphtha Stripper (92-C-01) by opening Naphtha Separator
(92-V-02) flow control valve (FV-1402). FIC-1402 is
cascaded with 92-V-02 level controller LIC-1402. Put the
LIC-1402 in auto and FIC-1402 in cascade mode.

 Isolate start up naphtha line valve from Naphtha cooler to

Sour Naphtha Surge Drum (92-V-01).

 After taking Sour Naphtha from Naphtha Separator (92-V-

02), H2S will start appearing in the Naphtha Stripper off
gas. At this point of time normal dosing of the corrosion
inhibitor chemical to the overhead line has to be

 Maintain Reflux Drum pressure (92-V-06) by putting (PIC-

1508) and (PIC-1511) in auto.

 Till the unit is stabilized and the Naphtha Stripper (92-C-

01) bottoms liquid meets the sweet naphtha specifications,
the off specification naphtha can be routed to B/L
respective lines to be lined up. Line up sweet Naphtha
cooler (92-E-06) to sweet Naphtha storage after confirming
the required sweet naphtha specification.
Page 153 of 413

 Before line up the naphtha to sweet naphtha drum (92-V-

11), first purge the drum with nitrogen up to pump (92-P-11
A/B) suction through nitrogen hose connection.

 There is also provision to bypass some quantity of sour

naphtha from stripper, as per basis of sour naphtha

 After stabilizing the system, line up the naphtha separator

and reflux drum boot drain for sour water unit through level
control LIC-1405 & LIC-1509.

Note: Continuous wash water injection provision has been

provided at the naphtha air cooler (92-AC-01). Another
wash water injection point is also provided at 92-E-01 A/F,
which can be used at lower loads.
Page 154 of 413

6.3 Hydrogen Generation Unit

The initial start-up of Hydrogen generation unit can be divided in the

following stages:

- Plant purging.
- Satisfying shutdown logic.
- Nitrogen circulation.
- Heating-up of nitrogen.
- Process steam introduction.
- Feedstock introduction and hydrogen production.

6.3.1 Plant Purging

The plant (process feed, fuel and feedstock system) is purged free
of oxygen by means of nitrogen. An oxygen concentration less
than 0.5 vol% in the vented nitrogen is acceptable. Care should
be taken that no branch lines are forgotten during purging. An
extensive use of P&I diagrams is required to ensure a good

The plant should also be purged free of hydrocarbons before

circulation is started through the reformer. Especially the front
end requires special attention since hydrocarbons left in this part
of the system can cause damage to the (pre) reformer catalyst. If
the unit was stopped after a period of operation on naphtha, it
should be assumed that the front-end contains liquid naphtha and
all low points should be drained and checked for naphtha. The
maximum allowable concentration of hydrocarbon circulation is
100 ppmv.

Ensure that all relevant instruments and interlocks / ESD’s are

checked and put in service prior to starting nitrogen purging. All
manholes, vessels, equipments are boxed up. Complete loop is
leak tested, cooling water is lined up.

6.3.2 Satisfying Shutdown Logic

In order to be able to operate the unit in a safe way, the start-up of

the unit needs to progress in a step by step procedure in which
each new step can only be made if a previous step has been
completed satisfactorily. These previous completed steps are
continuously monitored through out the process and if one of
these conditions is no longer healthy the system is returned to a
safe condition. These conditions are specified in the logic system.
Page 155 of 413

Satisfying the shutdown logic is required every time a new step is

taken from nitrogen circulation all the way through burner light-up
and feed introduction into the system. To satisfy the main
shutdown circuit for the hydrogen generation plant, the following
conditions must exist before further operations may continue :

- Electrical power supply available

- Make sure that there is no low low instrument air pressure

6.3.3 Steam / Boiler System

The plant has a dual steam system i.e., Convection steam system
and the Process gas boiler (PGB) steam system.

As burners are lit and temperatures are increased, the boiler

system needs to be established. The steam system is heated by
the reformer flue gas and the nitrogen flow through the unit.

From DM water storage tank (92-T-01) start taking DM water by

starting one DM water supply pump (92-P-15 A or B). Put the
stand by pump in auto mode.

Open vent steam from both the degasifiers 92-V-21/22 towards

the vent steam heat recovery exchanger (92-E-58) via 6”-SL-33-
04-A3-1F-H & 6”-SL-34-01-A3-1F-H and condensate outlet via 3”-
CL-2401 towards the Process condensate cooler 92-E-27 outlet,
to B.L. Put cooling water in service for 92-E-27.

Gradually open LV-3302A on manual and admit DM water into 92-

V-21. Also by opening LV-3402B take level in 92-V-22. Raise the
water level in both the degasifiers to the normal level and close
LV-3302A. Also close LV-3402B once, level in 92-V-22 is taken.
Take both the degasifiers into service as per vendor’s instructions.
Start dosing the Boiler feed water chemicals, as per the steam
drum vendor instructions.

Start one of the BFW pumps 92-P-12 A/B/C (Put other two in
stand by mode) and establish the level in the PGB steam drum
(92-V-16). For convection section steam drum (92-V-14), start
one of the BFW pumps 92-P-13 A/B, establish the level. Before
doing so, open both steam drum vent block valves towards the
silencer 92-M-13 via 3”-SMH-27-03-A3-3FH-P & 4”-SMH-26-02-
Page 156 of 413

Due to high pressure difference between the boiler feed water and
steam drum pressure at this stage, fill the PGB steam drum via
the bypass of FV-2901 (SPM-17) and convection section steam
drum via bypass of LV-3402A & FV-3402 (SPM-15/18 resp.) by
seeing steam drum level.

The bypass of the control valves FV-2901, LV-3402A & FV-3402

should be used until there is a reasonable pressure in steam
drums, say > 20 kg/cm2g, otherwise valve seat damage can occur.
Raise the water level in both the steam drums till the normal level
(50-60% as measured on LIC-2601 and LIC-2703). Once the
required level in both the steam drums is reached, close the
bypass valves of the control valves (SPM-15, 17, 18).

When there is no flow to both the steam drums, BFW will be

recycled automatically back to the respective degasifiers by
means of the automatic recirculation valve. Watch the level in the
degasifier closely and supply fresh demin. Water via LIC-3402B
for the degasser (92-V-22) when required.

Regular sampling of BFW is advisable to identify possible slippage

of oxygen which may lead to the corrosion of the boiler tubes.
(HAZOP recommendation)

6.3.4 Nitrogen Circulation General

A sufficient quantity of nitrogen should be circulated

through the plant for :

- Protecting the reformer tubes from overheating

- Transferring heat from the reformer to the process
gas boiler and downstream.

The nitrogen circulation has to be initialized before the first

burner is lit in the reformer.

Before circulation is started, the purity of nitrogen should

be checked (oil free and with a dew point close to – 40°C).
Also oxygen content should not be more than 200 pmv
(preferably less than 5 ppmv).

(For details regarding the quality of the nitrogen stream

refer section 2.8.5).
Page 157 of 413

With respect to the operation of the compressor 92-K-12,

refer nitrogen compressor vendor instruction book / manual
which is a detailed guide for proper installation, operation
and maintenance of the machine. Detailed Procedure

Note : Ensure that all relevant instruments and

interlocks / ESD’s are checked and put in service prior
to starting N2 circulation, and that XV and FV are fully
open (Purge all “condensate water and/or
Hydrocarbons” out always at low points). Ensure that
compressor motor is purged with nitrogen twice a

Prepare the following circulation loop :


(Double block valve in 12”-N-92-38-08-A3G-1F-H towards
92-E-11 opened, block valves in 6”-N-92-38-07-A3-1F-H
towards 92-E-15 closed, block valves in line 12”-N-92-38-
06-A3G-1F-H towards 92-E-53 in closed position, control
valve HV 2302 in 6”-N-92-38-02-A3G-1F-P (spill back line)
open and block valve in H2 line from bullets closed, block
valves in the 3”-N-92-45-15-A3-1F nitrogen line (battery
limit nitrogen to E-11) closed → FV-2102 isolation valves in
4”-P-92-21-04-A2-6F-H in sweet naphtha feed line and 3”-
P-92-21-18-A3-1F-P sweet naphtha to storage and in 3”-H-
92-37-10-A3G-3F-H (from 92-K-11 A/B) closed → 92-E-11
(TUBE SIDE) → 92-E-12 (TUBE SIDE) → 92-E-55 (keep
92-E-55 bypass valve TV-2201 full open) → 92-R-11 →
92-R-12A → 92-R-12 B block valves in 4”-P-92-22-09-
E2G-6F-H (towards 92-AC-11) closed → 8”-P-92-22-06-
E2G-6F-H (XV-2501 and FV-2501 fully open, block valves
in start-up nitrogen line 12”-N-92-38-06-A3G-1F-H (from
92-K-12 to 92-E-53) and 3”-N-92-45-18-A3-1F (B/L line
connecting to 12”-N-92-3806) close, process steam block
valves downstream of XV-2502 closed) → 92-E-53 or 92-
R-13A or 92-R-13B → (close block valves in branch line
with bypass around pre-reformer, close all block valves in
process steam branch line 8”-SSMH-92-25-02-A3-6FH-H
(steam to 92-E-52), also close block valve in N2 line for LT
catalyst reduction 6”-N-92-25-01-A3G-1F-H (line
connecting to 92-R-13 A/B outlet, going to 92-E-52) → 92-
E-52 → 22” feed gas/steam line to reformer → 92-F-11 →
refractory lined outlet header (ID 700 mm) → 92-E-16 →
22”-P-92-26-01-E2G-3F-H → 92-R-14 → 18”-P-92-28-02-
E2G-3F-H and 14”-P-92-28-03-E2G-3F-H → 92-E-17
(Tube Side) / 92-E-12 (Shell Side) → 92-E-19 (Tube
Page 158 of 413

Side) / 92-E-18 (Tube Side) block valve in 2”-H-92-37-19-

A2G-6F-H (H2 for LT catalyst reduction) closed → 92-R-15
(keep heat exchanger train between HT / LT reactor
bypass valve TV-2806B open) → 20”-P-92-28-09-E2G-
3F-H → 92-E-20 / 92-E-21 (Tube side) → 20”-P-92-29-05-
MOG-3F-H → 92-E-22/11 (shell side) → 20”-P-92-29-09-
MOG-3F-H → 92-V-17 → 18”-P-92-29-10-MOG-3F-P →
92-AC-13 → 18”-P-92-30-01-MOG-3F-P → 92-E-23 (Shell
side) → 18”-P-92-30-02-A2-3F → 92-V-18 (block valve
closed in 16”-P-92-30-03-A2-3F, Process gas to PSA) →
16”-P-92-30-03-A2-3F → 12”-N-92-30-01-A3G-1F-E →

Since nitrogen compressor spill back line control valve

(HV-2302) is open, take nitrogen circulation knock out pot
(92-V-13) also on line.

Note : XV-2501 & FV-2501 (desulphurised feed from 92-R-

12 A/B) cannot be opened until the reformer trip system
logic is “satisfied”. Open fully the internal bypass of the
process gas boiler, TV-2815.

- Establish a nitrogen supply to both the suction and

discharge sides of the nitrogen compressor 92-K-
12. From following lines nitrogen can be taken in
the system.

1) 3”-N-92-4515 (From B/L header to 92-E-11)

2) 3”-N-92-4516 (From B/L header to 92-V-13
via spill back)
3) 4”-N-92-4525 (From B/L header to 92-V-18)

Open compressor spill back valve HV-2302 fully on

manual. Check that all manual valves in the
nitrogen circulation route are in open position.
Pressurise the entire nitrogen circulation loop till 5
kg/cm2g (max. possible pressure).

- Open upstream and downstream block valves

around PV-2207 (4”-P-92-22-09-E2G-6F-H) and
also PV-2211 (92-V-12 vent line), desulphurised
feed to flare system. Open upstream and
downstream block valves around PV-3002 (12”-P-
92-30-08-A3-1F), overhead 92-V-18 product gas to
flare. Set PIC-2207 and PIC-3002 in such a way
that, there will not be any venting. Put controllers in
auto mode.
Page 159 of 413

- Open upstream and downstream block valves

around LV-2901 (3”-WP-92-29-01-MO-3F-H), hot
condensate from 92-V-17. Set LIC-2901 on
automatic control at 50% level, automatic valve will
be closed together with XV-2901. At this stage,
there is still no water accumulated in the separator.
Open, upstream and downstream block valve
around LV-3001 (3”-WP-92-30-01-MO-3F), cold
condensate from 92-V-18. Set LIC-3001 on
automatic control at 50% level, automatic valve will
be closed together with XV-3002. At this stage,
there is still no water accumulated in the separator.

- Start the nitrogen circulation. Refer to the

instructions supplied by the manufacturer of the
compressor and driver when preparing for nitrogen
circulation. Carefully follow the manufacturer’s
recommendations. This also applies when placing
in operation such accessory equipment items as
coolers, filters, drivers and similar components.

- Establish a nitrogen circulation flow of 19000 kg/h

equivalent to 1500 Nm3/h, as read by FE-2501 in
nitrogen mode.

- The maximum discharge temperature for both 92-

K-12 compressors is to be confirmed by the
compressor vendor. Higher temperatures can
cause problems with lubricant coking and valve

- Nitrogen make-up if required, can be added via the

3”-N-92-45-16-A3-1F (From B/L header to 92-V-13
via spill back) line into the compressor suction.

6.3.5 Heating of Nitrogen Circulation General

It is assumed that the fuel system has been adequately

cleaned and purged to prevent plugging of the burner
orifices during the operation of the reformer. Operators
should have been instructed on the proper safety
measures for prevention of accidents as a result of the
hazards associated with the handling of purge gas and fuel
Page 160 of 413
DESIGN & OPERATING MANUAL Satisfying Reformer Logic

The first obvious set of conditions that need to be fulfilled is

that no conditions are present that would during normal
operation result in a trip of the firing system. The following
will cause a total reformer shutdown.

a. Manual trip using the push button in the control

room HS-3217, HS-314 in the reformer panel &
three push buttons HS-3216 A/B/C at three
different locations in the field.

b. Recycle hydrogen flow low low. (FSLL 2103, 1 min.

time delay)

c. High-high pre-reformer bed temperature (TSHH


d. Firebox pressure high high (PSHH 2403 A/B/C,

time delay of 15 seconds)

e. Firebox pressure low low. (PSLL 2403 A/B/C, time

delay of 2 seconds)

f. Reformer outlet temperature high high (TSHH

2401, two out of three)

g. ID fan tripped (XC 2403)

h. Low low hydrocarbon flow rate (FSLL 2509)

i. Prereformer steam to feed ratio low low. (FFSLL


j. Overall steam to carbon ratio low low (FFSLL 2510)

k. Low-low steam drum (92-V-16) (LSLL 2601)

l. Low-low steam drum (92-V-14) (LSLL 2703)

m. Make-up fuel header pressure low-low (PSLL 3206,

2 out of 3)

n. Make-up fuel header pressure high high (PSHH

Page 161 of 413

o. Low-low make-up fuel temperature (TSLL 3203, 2

out of 3)

p. Combustion airflow low low (FSLL 3201, 2 out of 3)

q. Both FD fan tripped (XL 3201 A/B)

r. Low low air / fuel ratio (FFSLL 3210)

s. Purge gas header pressure low low (PSLL 3207)

t. Purge gas header pressure high high (PSHH 3207)

If one of these conditions is initiated during the start-up

sequence, all trip actions will automatically be initiated by
the logic system.

As stated earlier it is essential that under all conditions

sufficient flow be circulated through the reformer. If a trip
occurs during normal operation, sufficient cooling is
provided by a mechanical stop in the main stream control
valves (FV-2504, PV-2801). If the reformer trip is
generated during the nitrogen circulation and steam is not
yet introduced, sufficient cooling needs to be ensured by
maintaining the nitrogen flow rate. Hence POS (Process
override switch) over FV-2501, XV-2501 should be
enabled during the nitrogen circulation. Detailed Burner Start-Up Procedure

(For initial start-up fuel gas will be used and to be lined
up from fuel gas header through 6”-FG-4507 at down
stream of PV-3601 in naphtha line 6”-P-3612).

- Activate the S/C ratio and low feed flow overrides

through HS-2502 / HS-2501.

- Start I.D Fan 92-ID-12 on minimum speed

- Start FD fan 92-FD-11A or B on minimum speed

- Allow the fans to start up, then slowly increase the

speed of the ID fan and begin pulling a draft of about -4
mmWC in the reformer 92-F-11 firebox.

- Purge the reformer

- Carry out burner tightness test as per procedure.

Page 162 of 413


- For the initial start-up and for subsequent dry-out of

the refractories, it is recommended that each
burner be lit one at a time for a period of 15
minutes. Burners should be visually checked for
correct operation during this period.

- When burners are lit for dry-out and subsequent

start-ups, always use a soft yellow kind of flame.
This is achieved by adjusting combustion air to the
burner in service.

- A hard flame will cause the burner refractory to


- During the dry-out and initial start-up, the most

common cause of ignition failure is dirt in the fuel
lines (scale, rust, welding, slag, etc.) which causes
fuel control valves and burner tips to plug up.
Whenever possible, steam out fuel lines during pre-
commissioning followed by dry-out with nitrogen.

- It is essential that burner flames be checked

visually on a regular basis and that burners
suspected of poor performance be removed,
cleaned and replaced.

- Burners are to be lighted as per burner light-up

sequence to ensure even distribution of heat in the



Page 163 of 413


42 30 74 24 73 33 43
12 45 19 46 20 47 14
75 1 65 66 67 3 76
26 54 39 7 36 53 28
82 15 55 58 59 17 81
62 83 88 34 89 84 64
9 40 5 91 6 41 10
63 86 87 35 90 85 61
79 18 56 57 60 16 80
29 51 38 8 37 52 27
78 4 70 69 68 2 77
44 32 71 25 72 31 41 Tightness Test (TT) Naphtha Fuel & Box Purge :

The objective of the tightness test is to ensure that there is

no leak in the system, which is more (bigger) than the flow
through one burner. After a reformer shutdown, a
tightness test for the make-up fuel gas system (and
thereafter for the purge system as well) must always be
performed together with a firebox purge.

The tightness test on purge gas header to be carried out

after the PSA shutdown (purge gas failure)

The test takes place in a number of steps

- Purging of firebox
- Pressuring test
- Holding test

Purging of Firebox :

The objective of this is to ensure there is no flammable

(explosive) air / gas mixture present in the firebox. The
criteria are to provide a minimum of 5 full purges of the

The following conditions should be met before the purge is

started and while the purge is in progress.

- ID (92-ID-12) and one of the FD (92-FD-11A or B)

fans should be running
- The combustion air flow should be above the high
flow setting.
Page 164 of 413

- Fuel naphtha shutdown valves (XV-3203 and XV-

3204) should be closed.
- Low low naphtha fuel pressure is present (PAL-
- Purge gas valve (XV-3205, 3206, XSOV-3207 and
XSOV-3208) should be closed
- The firebox pressure (PIC-2403) should be ok.
- Low low purge gas pressure (PAL-3207) present
- Naphtha fuel gas tightness test no stop command
- Naphtha fuel tightness test not failed.
- Purge gas tightness test no stop command present.
- Purge gas tightness test not failed.

When all this conditions are met, the purge timer will start
and the “purge in progress” lamp on the local panel (XL-
3221) and on the DCS screen will light.

If all the conditions remain true and the tightness test does
not fail (see further) for the duration of the timer, then the
“purge in progress” light will go out and the “purge
completed” lamp on the local panel (XL-3219) and on the
DCS screen will light.

The box purge is not performed and considered completed

if the flue gas temperature at cross over is above the auto
ignition temperature.

Pressurisation Test :

The objective of this part of the test is to pressurise the fuel

naphtha header to a predetermined value within a
predetermined time.

In order to pressurise the header, test gas is introduced via

a pressure regulator (PCV-3208), two automatic on/off
valves (XSOV-3207 / 3208) and a restriction orifice (RO-
3201). The orifice plate is calculated to ensure that the
flow into the header is less than the flow through one
burner, if it would have been left open.

A pressure regulator is provided to ensure that the header

is pressurised with constant upstream pressure and this
allows the pressurising time to be calculated.
Page 165 of 413

The conditions required for starting are :-

- All conditions for purge should be present.

- The tightness test make-up fuel gas pressure
should indicate low low trip and not high or not high
high trip pressure.

If the tightness test is busy, successful or failed, the

tightness test can be brought to the initial state by
actuating the stop / reset button.

When all these conditions are true then the “ready for
tightness test naphtha” lamp on the local panel (XL-3215)
and on the DCS screen will light.

The operator may then start the pressurisation by pressing

the “start naphtha fuel tightness test push button on the
local panel (HS-3211). When this push button is pressed
then the following will occur :-

 The test gas on / off valves to naphtha fuel header

will open (XSOV-3209, DSOV-3210).
 The “ready for tightness test naphtha” lamp will go
out and the “naphtha tightness test in service” lamp
on the local panel (XL-3216) and DCS screen will
 The pressurising timer will start.

During this pressurisation phase, the following will cause a

failure of the tightness test :-

 If any of the conditions for purge are not valid

 If the make-up fuel gas pressure transmitter fails
 If the pressurising timer times out before the High
pressure setting is reached
 If the “stop / reset tightness test” push button on the
local panel is activated (HS-3212)
 If there is a reformer ESD.

If the tightness test fails for any reason then the “naphtha
tightness test in service” lamp (XL-3216) will go out and
the “naphtha tightness test failed” lamp (XL-3218) on the
local panel and on the DCS screen will light.
Page 166 of 413

In addition, the following will occur :-

 The tightness test gas valves will close.

One the test is failed, the operator should activate the

“stop / reset tightness test” push button on the local panel
(HS-3212). This will result in :

 The “naphtha tightness test failed” lamp on the

local panel and DCS screen will go out.
 The purge will be restarted. It is assumed that if the
test fails, there has been possibility of fuel gases
entering the firebox. Therefore, to be safe, the
purge is restarted from zero.

Once the high test pressure is reached, the test gas valves
are closed and the holding test will be started.


The objectives of this part of the test are to close the test
gas valves and hold the header under pressure for a
predetermined time. The time is calculated as the time
taken to depressurize the header from the high tightness
test pressure setting to the low tightness test pressure
setting through one burner.

During the holding test, the following will cause the

tightness test to fail :

 If any of the conditions for purge are not valid.

 If the low pressure switch setting is reached
 If the “stop / reset tightness test” push button on the
local panel is activated (HS-3212)
 If there is a reformer ESD.

If the tightness test fails for any reasons, the “naphtha

tightness test in service” lamp will go out and the “naphtha
tightness test failed” lamp on the local panel on the DCS
screen will light.
Page 167 of 413

Once the test is failed, the operator should activate the

“stop /reset tightness test” push button on the local panel.
This will result in :-

 The “tightness test failed” lamp on the local panel

and DCS will go out.
 Thee purge will be restarted. It is assumed that if
the test failed, there has been possibility of fuel
gases entering the firebox. Therefore to be safe,
the purge is restarted from zero.

After a tightness test failure the operator should check for

the cause of failure, the header should be vented (if
necessary) so that the pressure in the header is below the
tightness test low low pressure setting.

 If the pressure in the header remains above the low

pressure setting for the duration of the holding timer
than the tightness test is passed, the following will
take place.
 The “tightness test in service” lamp will go out and
the “fuel gas tightness test passed” lamp will light
on the local panel and on the DCS screen.
 A 60-minute timer is started. This time is the
accept time. A After 60 minutes the tightness test
will be lost if the main fuel as block valves are not
opened within this time. The tightness test will then
be considered to have failed the “tightness test
failed” lamp on the local panel and on the DCS
screen will go on) and a new test will have to be
 The signal is sent to the naphtha fuel reset logic.

The local operator may open the main fuel gas block
valves to the reformer in order to do this the following
conditions should be present.

 The tightness test should be passed.

 The purge should be completed (or box above auto
ignition temperature)
 The DCS fuel gas control should be in manual
mode with 0% output.
 The DCS operator should reset the reformer
shutdown logic.

If so, the indication “ready for reset make up fuel gas

valves” will appear on local panel and on DC screen.
Page 168 of 413

The operator may reset the fuel gas block valves using the
push button on the local panel. This will result in the
following :

 Open the main fuel gas block valves

 Power to the igniter power sockets is enabled

Immediately after opening the make-up gas header,

operator should take control of the header pressure. In
order to avoid tripping on high high or low low pressure.

The operator may now start lighting burners according to

the Design and Operating Manual.


The tightness test for the purge gas system follows a

similar procedure Heating of Nitrogen

- Check nitrogen circulation loop for presence of

oxygen, hydrocarbons, CO, CO2 and hydrogen
before start to rise temperatures. Hydrocarbon
content in circulation loop should be below 0.5% vol
to avoid creating coke deposits in pre-reformer. If
necessary purge circulation loop.

- Start to raise temperatures, at 50ºC/H maximum

(TIC-2401 and TIC-2402), by lighting-up burners
with a minimum fuel gas pressure.

- Good heat distribution in the firebox is achieved by

having a low fuel pressure with a maximum of
burners in service. Maintain a total nitrogen
circulation flow of 19000 kg/hr (15000 Nm3/hr).

- Increase the reformer flue gas crossover and/or

process outlet temperature (whichever comes first),
till 600ºC. By the time, reformer temperature
increases to 600ºC, safety valves on both the
steam drums can be floated & checked for relieving
conditions. From this stage onwards, take special
care not to exceed permissible tube temperatures
coincident conditions.
Page 169 of 413

- At the same time that the reformer catalyst is

heated, desulphurizers, pre-reformer and HT shift
catalysts area also warmed up. During heating-up
of these catalysts, it must be borne in mind that
there could be a certain amount of water to be
driven out of the pellets, because they will absorb
some moisture during normal storage. For this
reason the initial rate of heating must be carried out
with restraint until this moisture has been
evaporated. In particular for the pre-reformer
catalyst, it is important to avoid large temperature
gradients across the catalyst bed, or interruptions,
both of which could cause condensation of water
vapour lower down the bed. The pre-reformer
heating should be controlled in such a way, so that
the maximum rise in the catalyst bed is 50ºC/H and
the maximum differential in temperature between
the circulating nitrogen and the top layer of catalyst
is 100ºC.

- The pre-reformer catalyst inlet temperature during

the warm-up stage should not exceed 470ºC.
During the nitrogen circulation and later when
process steam is introduced, the desulphurizers,
pre-reformers and HT shift converter should be
checked for condensate by cracking open the 2
inch drains at the base of the vessels. This
operation should be done once per shift. Stop
draining, once feedstock is introduced.

6.3.6 Introduction of Vaporised Fuel Naphtha

- Before introducing steam to reformer, change over of

vaporised naphtha to fuel gas as a fuel in burner can be
done, provided header temperature is above 170ºC. Fuel
gas firing in reformer should be used only during start up.

- In the existing condition burners are fired with fuel gas,

where fuel gas is connected with upstream of the fuel
naphtha vaporiser (92-E-24 A/B).

- Naphtha fuel can only be introduced once the fuel headers

are preheated to a sufficiently high temperature to avoid
naphtha condensation in the lines and the tracing is on.
The start p fuel is by preference sweet in view of acid
dewpoint corrosion risk.
Page 170 of 413

- Start introducing steam at moderate rate to fuel naphtha

vaporiser where fuel gas will get heated up initially.

- Take level in fuel naphtha surge drum (92-V-19) with the

help of LV-3501. Start fuel naphtha pumps (92-P-14 A or
B) & put standby pump in auto mode.

- Open slowly PV-3601 manually a bit & start introducing

liquid fuel naphtha along with fuel gas. This liquid naphtha
will get vaporised in vaporiser and will enter burner system
along with fuel gas. Steam flow should be adjusted

- Thus start opening PV-3601 manually to introduce liquid

naphtha. At the same time throttle globe valve on the fuel
gas line to vaporiser, by maintaining the required heat

- Once complete naphtha change over has been taken, PV-

3601 can be taken in auto mode. Also steam control vale
(LV-3601) can be put in auto.

6.3.7 Process Steam to Reformer

When the temperatures at the reformer catalyst tubes inlet (TI-

2505), the HT shift inlet (TIC-2604) and outlet (TI-2801), are 40 –
50°C, above the theoretical dew point and the LT shift inlet (TIC-
2806) and outlet (TI-2807) is minimum 10°C above the dew point
at the prevailing system pressure (to avoid condensation of
process steam on catalysts), process steam can be carefully
introduced to the nitrogen circulating system. Also see to it that
cross over temperature is more than 600°C & sufficient enough
pressures in both the steam drums is achieved.

See the table below for the dew point as a function of the system
pressure. Prior to admitting steam, warm-up all steam lines and
drain dead-legs to ensure no condensed water reaches the
catalyst bed.
Page 171 of 413


Kg/cm2a TEMP ºC Kg/cm2a TEMP ºC
1.0 100 10 180
2.0 120 15 198
3.0 134 20 212
4.0 144 25 224
5.0 152 30 234
6.0 159 40 250
8.0 170 50 264

 Warm up the process steam feed line via line 10”-SSMH-

28-06-A3-6FH-H and 10”-SSMH-28-02-A3-6FH-H towards
FV-2503. Make sure that FV-2503 bypass is closed and
control valve is in the manual closed position. Vent steam
at silencer 92-M-13 by opening valves in the 3”-SSMH-25-
03-A3-3FH-P piping. Block valve downstream of 3”-
SSMH-25-03-A3-3FH-P in open position. Also block valve
downstream FV-2503 is in open position during this
operation. Take FV-2503 isolation valves in line, with the
bypass of this control valve in closed position.
Commission the steam traps in the circuit.

 Close block valve in the warm-up line 3”-SSMH-25-03-A3-

3FH-P to silencer 92-M-13. Slowly, by opening block valve
at downstream of the check valve in the line 8”-SSMH-25-
02-A3-6FH-H, admit process steam along with nitrogen,
into the reformer preheat coil and reformer (respectively
92-E-52 & 92-F-11).

 Limit for the time being, the process steam flow rate (FIC-
2503) at 30000 – 32000 kg/h with FIC-2503 on manually
open. Prior to steam introduction, verify that the steam
pressure is at least 5 kg/cm2, above the reformer inlet
pressure. During this phase, steam is being mixed with
cold nitrogen, so operations should be made slowly to
prevent thermal shocks to equipment.

Double check the closure of the block valve downstream of

check valve inline 14”-SSMH-25-01-A3-6F-H (steam to be
Page 172 of 413

 Once the steam is introduced in the reformer, it is possible

that nitrogen flow will get reduced drastically. That time, if
required, block valves on 12”-N-3806 can also be opened.
Then nitrogen flow can be measured as summation of FE-
2501 (nitrogen mode) & FE-2505.

 When steam is introduced into the reformer the fire duty

will increase at consistent outlet temperature. Light more
burners if required.

 Wait until the outlet temperature of the reformer (TIC-2401)

is stabilised. This will take approx. 15 minutes. When the
outlet temperature (TC-2401) does not increase anymore,
raise gradually (over a one hour period), the process
steam flow (FV-2503), through the reformer till 46000 –
48000 kg/h.

 Once the system is stabilized with 46000 – 48000 kg/h of

process steam flow through the reformer tubes, increase
the process gas outlet temperature (TIC-2401) to 740 –
750°C, at a rate of maximum 50°C/H as read on TIC-2401
and/or TIC-2402.

 Light additional burners as required but with a good heat

distribution around the reformer tubes, avoiding Hot spots.
When process steam is introduced, condensate will be
accumulated in the hot and cold process gas condensate
separators 92-V-17 and 92-V-18. When the level in each
of these vessels approaches the desired value (50%),
place the level controllers LIC-2901 and LIC-3001 on
automatic control. Open XV-2901 and XV-3002
respectively HS-2901A and HS-3004. The condensate
accumulated in the separators should be desired.

- 92-V-17 : Via 3”-WP-92-29-01-MO-3F-H (hot

condensate towards 92-V-22 closed – block valve
downstream of LV-2901 → 4”-WP-92-34-01-A3-1F-
P → 6”-CL-92-34-01-A3-1F-P → 92-E-27 (put
cooling water to process condensate cooler in
service) → open drain system.

- 92-V-18 : Via 3” drain down stream of LV-3001

(cold condensate towards 92-V-22 closed – block
valve downstream of 3” drain tie-in closed) → open
drain system. If required add quench water (Raw
water via temporary hose connection on utility
station) to the open drain system, for cooling
Page 173 of 413

Design Improvement Proposal :

As per the original Licensor design the flow and

temperature measurement instruments FE-2503 & TE-
2504 were located at a point on downstream of the lines
10”-SSMH-92-28-06-A3-6FH-H and 10”-SSMH-92-28-02-
A3-6FH-H where they join 14”-SSMH-92-25-01-A3-6FH-H.

These instruments (FE-2503 & TE-2504) are now shifted

upstream of the lines 10”-SSMH-92-28-06-A3-6FH-H and
10”-SSMH-92-28-02-A3-6FH-H on the same line 14”-
SSMH-92-25-01-A3-6FH-H but towards the Steam –
Naphtha mixing side.

As per the earlier scheme the pre-reformer steam flow was

measured by adding the steam coming from PGB (FE-
2504) and convection steam drum (FE-2502) and
subtracting steam going to reformer. The process control
interlock for steam/carbon ratio was done based on this
calculated steam quantity.

As per Technip’s design improvement proposal now the

pre-reformer steam is measured directly with the help of
FE-2503.This avoided the calculation involved earlier to
estimate the pre-reformer steam.

Note :

 Condensate should be routed only to the open drain

system during initial start-up or when HT shift catalyst has
been changed. Fresh HT shift catalyst contains some
residual sulphate which is reduced in steam and hydrogen
to H2S. All the sulphur is removed usually with 24 hours
after the feed introduction.

 As the steam flow is raised, increase the rate of feed water

chemical dosing accordingly. Adjust the blowdown from
the steam drums 92-V-16 and 92-V-14 to the desired
blowdown rate. Set SPM 11 and SPM 14 blowdown
valves to such an opening, that the water conductivity in
the blowdown water is within specification.
Page 174 of 413

 Under normal operating conditions the only reason for

boiler blowdown is to lower the suspended solids and
dissolved solids content of the boiler water. These solids
can be brought in by the feed water and since the steam
leaving the steam drum is relatively pure, concentration of
solids will develop in the boiler water. Excessive amounts
of suspended solids will cause deposition of sludge and
may after the surface tension of the boiler water. This
effect, in turn, may be severe enough to cause carryover.

 Excessive amounts of dissolved solids have the same

deleterious effects as suspended solids and, in addition,
when the solubility of the salts present in the boiler water is
exceeded, scale will be deposited.

 If not already done, put LIC-2604 on automatic control and

flash steam from the blowdown flash drum (92-V-15),
towards the degasifier (92-V-21). Make sure that the
steam traps in the line are in service. Route vent gas
through 92-E-58 to blowdown.

 The high temperature shift converter (92-R-14) should be

checked for water condensation during the period of steam
introduction. Crack open the 2” drain of the reactor, at
least once per shift from steam introduction until a reformer
outlet temperature (TIC-2401) of 750°C is reached. Once
the high temperature shift converter inlet has reach 300 –
320°C, put TIC-2815 on automatic control (set point

 As soon as the inlet temperature of the process gas trim

cooler (92-E-23), reaches 60 – 70°C (TI-3001).
Commission the process gas air coolers (92-AC-13) in
service, in such a way that the inlet temperature of the
process gas trim cooler stays between 55 and 65°C.

 When reaching a process steam flow of approx. 40000

kg/h (FIC-2503), the steam drum three element control can
be put into service.

 With this control system, the well known swell and shrink
phenomena in the steam drum for steam production
changes is eliminated (a standard single element level
control would act in a direction opposite to the demand
situation). In the three element control, the steam
production flow rate measurement (FI-2601) biases the
level controller output (LIC-2601). The biased signal
represents the amount of BFW make-up, and is used as a
set point to the BFW flow controller (FIC-2901).
Page 175 of 413

 Similarly for convection section steam drum, FI-2701

biases the level controller output (LIC-2703). The biased
signal represents the amount of BFW make-up, and is
used as a set point to the BFW flow controller (FIC-3420).

 A feed forward system is thus employed, wherein the level

control acts in a feed back mode for slow correction. Put
set point of steam drum level (LIC-2601) at 50 – 60%.

6.3.8 Preparations Before Introducing Process Steam to Pre-

reformer Status of the Unit

Before further preparation for introduction of process

steam to the pre-reformer are made, following conditions

- Process steam flow through reformer (FIC-2503),

should be in the order of 46000 – 48000 kg/hr.

- Nitrogen circulation flow should be around 15000

NM3/hr (FI-2501 Nitrogen mode & FE-2503)

- Reformer effluent temperature 740 – 750°C (TIC-


- Desulphuriser should have sufficient temperature

(Preferred above 350°C, but minimum 320°C).

- Prereformer bed temperature above 450°C.

The HT shift inlet temperature should be controlled at

temperature high enough to ensure the purification
reactors above 350°C in order to ensure proper sulphur
removal. Switch-Over Nitrogen Circulation Loop

Instead of passing through the long loop (desulphurizers

included), bypass these as following :

- Open slowly the block valves in the recycle nitrogen

line from 92-K-12 towards the mixing point at the
inlet of 92-E-53 (12”-N-38-06-A3G-1F-H), if not
Page 176 of 413

- Close block valves in the nitrogen line towards 92-

E-11 (12”-N-38-08-A3G-1F-H).

- Close FV-2501 in the desulphurized feed line from

92-R-12 A/B (8”-P-22-06-E2G-6F-H) also shut-off
valves incase FV-2501 leaks. Admit Recycle Hydrogen to Desulphurisers

Establish following circuit for recycle hydrogen introduction

 Start-up hydrogen from B.L (3”-H-92-37-16-A3G-3F

line, recycle hydrogen line from PSA unit closed-off,
- block valve closed in 2”-H-37-18-A3G-3F (Make
up H2 line to 92-V-03) → 92-K-11 A/B → 3”-H-37-
10-A3G-3F-H (block valve in the line open) → 92-
E-11 → 92-E-12 → 8”-P-21-08-A3G-6J-H → 92-E-
55 → 8”-P-24-02-E2G-9J-H → 92-R-11 → 92-R-
12A → 8”-P-22-03-E2G-6F-H → 92-R-12B → 8”-P-
22-06-E2G-6F-H → 4”-P-22-09-E2G-6F-H → 92-
AC-11 → 92-E-13 → 92-V-12 venting to flare via
PV-2211 (6”-FL-22-06-A3-1F).

 Before the compressor 92-K-11A is started, check

that there is no trip action activated on the recycle
hydrogen compressor, if the trip is active, rectify it.
Typical trips with the compressors are as following
which are to be reseted for compressor start-up.

- Low low suction pressure (PSLL-3701 A/B)

- High high discharge temperature

- High high differential pressure over the


- High high bearing temperatures on motor

Exact nature of compressor protection an start-up

is to be specified from the vendor.

 Load the recycle hydrogen compressor from 0 to 50

and 100%.

 Admitting recycle hydrogen into the desulphurisers

and vent at PV-2211. Establish a recycle hydrogen
flow of 50% of the design capacity (FIC-2103).
Page 177 of 413
DESIGN & OPERATING MANUAL Feed Stock into Desulphurisers

The procedure for introducing feedstock into the

desulphurisation section is given below

 Check the upstream and downstream block valves

around the sweet naphtha from B.L feed valve (FV-
2101) are open. Close bypass on FV-2101, FIC-
2101 in manual mode.

 Upstream and downstream block valves around

naphtha feed valve (FV-2105) are open. Close
bypass on FV-2105, FIC-2105 in manual closed

 Reset and open the trip block valve in the recycle

hydrogen line.

Ensure the CoMoX II reactor, purification catalyst

beds and line temperatures are above
condensation temperature and drain at all low
points to be checked for any condensate
thoroughly. Establish following circuit for naphtha
introduction, through desulphurisers only.

Naphtha from B.L → 4”-P-2101 or 4”-P-92-14-07-

A3-1F-P → XV-2101 (reset with HS-2102) → 92-V-
11 → 92-P-11 A or B → FV-2102 → 8”-P-92-21-06-
A3G-3J-H → 92-E-11 → 92-E-12 → 92-E-55 → 8”-
P-92-24-02-E2G-9J-H → 92-R-11 → 8”-P-92-22-
01-E2G-6F-H → 92-R-12A → R-12B → 8”-P-92-22-
06-E2G-6F-H → 92-E-13, 92-V-12 venting to flare
via PV-2211 (6”-FL-92-22-06-A3-1F).

Establish a naphtha flow by opening FV-2102, at a

rate of 7400 – 7600 kg/h. Increase desulphurisers
outlet pressure till 34 kg/cm2g (PIC-2214)
Page 178 of 413

6.3.9 Process Steam into Pre-reformer

Having following main process conditions, process steam can be

fed into the pre-reformer :

 Feedstock through desulphurisers, venting at upstream

pre-reformer, 7400 – 7600 kg/h (FIC-2102).

 Recycle hydrogen flow through desulphurisers, venting at

upstream reformer, 42-45 kg/h (FIC-2103)

 Process steam flow through reformer tubes 46000 – 48000

kg/h (FIC-2503)

 Nitrogen circulation through reformer tubes 19000 kg/h (FI-


 Reformer effluent temperature 740 – 750°C (TIC-2401) for


- When the entire catalyst of the pre-reformer is at

least 50°C above the dew point temperature,
gradually introduce process steam into the pre-
reformer. Open fully, but slowly the block valve
downstream of check valve in the line 14”-SSMH-
92-25-01-A3-6FH-H. Increase the flow of process
steam to the pre-reformer as read on FI-
2502/2504/2503 till 34000 – 36000 kg/h, by
reducing the process steam flow through FV-2503.
Once, 34000 – 36000 kg/h of process steam
passes through the pre-reformer, put FIC-2503 in
automatic control with a set point of 11000 – 13000
Page 179 of 413

6.3.10 Feed Stock into Pre-reformer

- Within 10 minutes after process steam is introduced into

the pre-reformer, feedstock should be fed forward from the
desulphurisers into pre-reformer. In no circumstances
should direct steam alone be passed through the pre-
reformer for more than 10 minutes.

Slowly crack open FV-2501 and introduce feed via → 18”-

P-92-25-01-E2G-6F-H → 92-E-53 → 18”-P-92-25-03-F2G-
6F-H → 92-R-13 A or B → 18”-P-92-23-07-F2G-9J-H →
92-E-52 → Reformer 92-F-11 → 92-E-16 → 92-R-14 →
92-E-17/12 → 92-E-18/19 → 92-R-15 → 92-20/21 → 92-E-
22/11 → 92-V-17 → 92-AC-13 → 92-E-23 → venting the
processed gas to flare via the overhead of 92-V-19.

- Once feedstock is cracked-in, unload the nitrogen

compressor which stops the nitrogen circulation. Close the
block valves in the recycle nitrogen line from 92-K-12 (12”-
N-92-38-06-A3G-1F-H). Isolate the compressor by closing
the suction and discharge block valves.

- Maintain the prereformer inlet temperature above 450°C

and start raising the inlet temperature to the normal
operating temperature of 460°C. As feed is introduced and
reforming has started the exit temperature (TIC-2401) will
start to change due to the chemical reactions occurring.
This should be closely monitored and the temperature
maintained at 740 C – 750°C by adjusting the reformer
firing. At the same time, all fuel gas burners should be lit.

- Closely monitor the temperature profile across the pre-

reformer. With the introduction of naphtha to the pre-
reformer the temperature across the bed will start to rise.
Also if the pre-reformer bed temperature is allowed to go
too high the pre-reformer catalyst can be irreversibly
damaged by sintering

- Slowly continue with feed introduction to pre-reformer /

reformer section. Slowly pressurise the reforming section
pressure to the design figure by the PV-3003 in the cold
condensate separator. This should be carried out very
slowly. A fast pressure increase in the reformer back end
might cause a reduction of flow through the reformer and
consequently overheating of the reformer tubes. Stabilise
the reformer at 30% plant capacity.
Page 180 of 413

- When increasing the plant capacity, the process steam

flow should always be increased before the feedstock flow.
In reverse, when decreasing capacity, decrease the
feedstock flow before decreasing the steam flow. In this
way, the risk of carbon lay down on both pre-reformer and
reformer catalyst is avoided.

If not already done set plant pressure controllers in

automatic control with a set point of :

PIC-2214 (outlet desulphurisers) : 35 kg/cm2g

PIC-2802 & PIC-2804 (steam to silencer) : 44.5/48.8 kg/cm2g
PIC-2803A (export steam) : 48.8 kg/cm2g
PIC-3002 (Process gas from 92-V-18) : 23 kg/cm2g
PIC-2801 Convection section steam : 43 kg/cm2g
PIC-3107 Product hydrogen : 20.2 kg/cm2g

When the unit capacity as per above (30%), adjust the

main process parameters by putting, if applicable, control
valves into automatic operation. Remember, that when
transferring from manual to auto, this should be made
carefully. Unstable conditions such as disturbances and
hunting of process variables might occur. In this case, the
system should be switched back to manual and the cause
is eliminated before any attempt of transfer from manual to
automatic mode is made.

When the controller is transferred, measurement and set

point should be coincided to prevent the dispensable
disturbance due to this operation, even if the controller is
of the balance-bumpless type.

The overall steam to carbon ratio (HIC-2504) and steam to

feed ratio for the prereforming (HIC-2509) should be set as
outlined in Heat & Material balance. Steam to feed ratio
should be 2.4 for all EOR cases. In case temperature of
460°C at SOR cannot be achieved with desuperheating of
process steam, Steam / Feed ratio can be increased. It is
expected that a steam to carbon ratio of 3.0 is required to
bring the inlet temperature down to 460°C. Depending on
the catalyst conditions & reformer temperature, steam flow
is to be adjusted.

- Take the steam to feed ratio process override switch (HS-

2502) out of service together with the low low feed stock
flow (HS-2501).
Page 181 of 413

6.3.11 Start PSA Unit & Hydrogen Production

As soon as the vented process gas at 21.35 kg/cm2g (PIC-3002)

is within specification, the PSA unit can be taken into service,
following PSA vendor instruction manual. Initially, send the
produced hydrogen from the PSA unit towards the flare via PV-
3102, set at 20.1 kg/cm2g. Increase the set point of PIC-3002 to
21.6 kg/cm2g and check that PV-3002 fully closes. Secondly,
when it is proved that the hydrogen product is within specification,
export pure hydrogen to B.L. Set the B.L. pressure controller PIC-
31707 at 20.2 kg/cm2g.

Increase the set point of PIC-3102 to 20.5 kg/cm2g and check that
PV-3102 fully closes. Switch the recycle hydrogen from B.L.
towards the recycle hydrogen produced from the PSA unit by
opening the block valve in the line 3”-H-31-04-A3G-3F.

Once the PSA unit is started, purge gas will become available and
will be used as primary fuel in the reformer. Before purge can be
fed to the reformer, tightness should be made on the purge gas
fuel system. The purge gas fuel tightness test will be started by
HS-3208 in the field. For purge gas test refer to section

Once the tightness test is completed, admit purge gas fuel to the
reformer. Decrease the purge gas pressure set point (PIC-3207)
from 0.3 kg/cm2g for tightness test to 0.15 kg/cm2g. Introduce
purge gas to reformer by opening XV-3205, XV3206 and FV-3204
to purge gas burners. The purge gas has to be introduced slowly
to avoid reformer firing disturbances.
Page 182 of 413

6.4 Normal Shutdown

6.4.1 General

A normal shutdown is an operation planned in advance for

maintenance, repairs or comparable reasons. A normal shutdown
does not initiate an automatic shutdown. As to the emergency
shutdown, section 7 of this manual shall be referred to. The main
objectives for a normal shutdown are:

- Protection of equipment and catalyst against possible


- To maintain the plant in a condition fit for a safe and fast


6.4.2 Naphtha Pre-desulphurisation Section

The outline of the normal shutdown procedure for Naphtha pre-

desulphurisation is as follows:

 Reduce plant capacity by a slow stepwise procedure to

approximately 40% (decrements of 5% maximum). This is
achieved by reducing the set point of sour naphtha feed
control valve (FV-1103).

 Shut off sour naphtha feed to the unit.

 Isolate Naphtha Separator (92-V-02) and Stop Naphtha

pump (92-P-01 A/B).

 Keep steam to Stripper Reboiler (92-E-04) on, in order to

strip out H2S from the naphtha in stripper section.

 Once H2S from Naphtha Stripper (92-C-01) stop coming,

stop steam flow to stripper Reboiler (92-E04).

 When level in the Reflux Drum (92-V-06) reaches minimum

stop Reflux pump (92-P-02 A/B).

 Stop the corrosion inhibitor dosing.

Page 183 of 413

 Start reducing the Naphtha Superheater (92-F-01) firing

such that the Comox Reactor-1 (92-R-01) inlet temperature
is slightly above 260ºC.

 Stop the Hydrogen circulation Gas Compressor (92-K-01


 Depressurise the section and purge with Nitrogen.

- If the shutdown period is for a long duration, then

start cooling the reactor to 120-150ºC with
hydrogen or other suitable media other than air, by
tripping the superheater and then depressurize,
purge with nitrogen. Then cool down to amblent
condition and keep the reactor blanketed with

- If the shutdown period is for short duration, then

after ensuring the naphtha feed cutoff, trip the
superheater and maintain the catalyst bed
temperature with nitrogen blanketing.

- If the catalyst is to be discharged from the reactor,

then cool the reactor bed upto ambient temperature
and follow the catalyst unloading procedure
provided in special operation chapter 8.

- If the reactor catalyst has to be regenerated, then

after cooling the bed to 200ºC (i.e. >50ºC over the
regeneration steam saturation temperature) and so,
follow the catalyst regeneration procedure
described in the special operation chapter 8.

 Isolate block valves of PV-1103A/B, PV-1601A/B and PV-

1508 and PV-1511.

 Drain out liquid naphtha from all the vessels. Also all low
points to be drained of possible liquid naphtha.

 Purge the unit with nitrogen.

 Isolate all the battery limit valves in the section.

Page 184 of 413

6.4.3 Hydrogen Generation Unit

In this section, a method is described by which the hydrogen

generation plant is taken from the state of normal production of
hydrogen, to the state where hydrogen manufacture is ended and
the plant is ready to be purged and cooled.


- Reduce plant capacity by a slow stepwise procedure to

40% capacity using 0.5% capacity change per minute.

- At the same time, reduce the reformer exit temperature

(TIC-2401) to 780 - 800ºC. This is achieved by either
lowering the set point of the capacity controller HIC-2508,
or by lowering the set point on the process steam controller
FIC-2503 when the capacity controller is not in operation

- With the steam/carbon is not in ratio, then always decrease

the hydrocarbon feed before reducing process steam.
Hydrogen recycle flow (FIC-2103) will reduce

- Slowly reduce the purge gas to the reformer burners, first

by reducing pressure (PIC-3207), then by closing off
burners. At this time the vaporized naphtha flow will be
increased to compensate for the los of purge gas, and for
holding the reformer outlet temperature steady. When
purge burners are taken out off service, purge gas
produced will be vented from the purge gas system to flare
via PIC-3105. When only 8-10 purge gas burners are in
service close PIC-3207. When a low purge gas pressure is
detected, XV-3205 and XV-3206 will be closed. When
purge gas is not fed to the reformer anyone, close purge
gas burner cock valves.

- Ensure that PIC-3002 is still in automatic operation and set

just above the prevailing plant pressure.

- Ensure that backup hydrogen at the design pressure is

available from B.L. (open block valves in 3”-H-3716

- Stop PSA unit. Process gas will then automatically vent via
Page 185 of 413

- Recycle hydrogen will still be fed into the unit via the
recycle hydrogen compressor 92-K-11 A/B, which is taking
at this stage backup hydrogen from B.L. Close off PSA
inlet block valve downstream of 92-V-18. If the PSA
system is to be shutdown for a long time, purge, the PSA
system with nitrogen, following procedure is given by “PSA

- Take control loops, process steam and feed out of ratio

control. Put FIC-2501 to manual control, leaving FIC-2503
on automatic.

- Bypass the low low desulphurized feed flow (FSLL-2509)

by means of the process override switch HS-2501.

- Reduce the feed to the reformer till 25% unit capacity by

Closing FIC-2501. Again flow should be reduced in 5%
steps / 5 minutes.

- As feed flow to the furnace is reduced, furnace

temperature tends to rise. It is a good operating practice to
first reduce firing and then reduce the feed flow in order to
maintain the furnace effluent temperature.

- Reduce system pressure slowly to approx. 10Kg/cm2g at


- Close export steam line and vent steam to silencer 92-M-

13. Reduce steam pressure slowly to approx. 20 kg/cm2g
at PIC-2804.

- Check that the vent valve PIC-2214 downstream of the

desulphurisers is ready for service and put point to slightly
above the prevailing system pressure. Close off the
feedstock to the furnace completely by closing FIC-2501
and allow the furnace effluent temperature to drop to 750 -
760°C. At this stage the furnace is running under steam
flow only and the feedstock entering the unit is vental at
PIC-2211 downstream desulphurises 92-R-12 A/B.
Page 186 of 413

- As soon as feedstock is stooped to the reformer (FIC-2501

closed), and within 10 minutes maximum, process steam
should be taken out of the pre-reformer. This is very
important, there feeding the pre-reformer without
feedstock, and with steam alone, will both oxidize the
catalyst and sinter the alumina support. If this is allowed to
happen for periods over 10 minutes, significant loss of
catalyst activity and life may be noted. Process steam to
the pre-reformer cannot be closed (<5 minutes)
immediately on to purge pre-reformer out of hydrocarbon.

Use the following step in taking the pre-reformer out of


- Close the motorized operated XV-2502 valve, process

steam to pre-reformer after ensuring the steam to reformer
is established through FV-2503, valve fully open. Bypass
the process steam over the pre-reformer keeping FV-2503
at the full open condition and by closing the block valve
downstream of the check valve in the line 14”-SSMH-92-
25-01-A3-6FH-H and motor operated trip valve XV-2502.
Under such circumstances, there will be still an adequate
cooling for the reformer tubes.

- Depressurise the unit by reducing gradually the set point of

PIC-3002, till a pressure of approx. 4 kg/cm2g is reached
for PT/PI-2510, upstream of 92-E-53 (over a 30 minutes
period). Pressure should not be reduced in manual mode
to avoid too fast depressurization. Depressurization rate
shall not exceed 2 kg/cm² per minute and levels of the hot
and cold condensate separators should be watched

- Open the make up nitrogen from 3”-N-92-45-18-A3-1F, in

to 12”-N-38-06-A3G-1F-H up to 8”-P-22-06-E2G-6F-H after
verification that the nitrogen supply pressure is above the
process pressure. Verify that the mixing temperature of
nitrogen and steam stays above the dew point (TI-2502).
Check low point drains in the line for accumulation of
liquid, if any, and drain thoroughly.
Page 187 of 413

- The following conditions are now achieved.

 Unit upstream of mixing tee is being purged with

 Unit downstream Pre reformer is being purged by
 Nitrogen flows through Pre-reformer and upstream /
downstream part of plant
 Nitrogen and steam flow through reformer and
further downstream to provide cooling / purging.
 Nitrogen is vented to flare from cold condensate

- Reduce the furnace temperatures by 50ºC/h, maintaining

the steam flow as maximum as possible through FV-2503.

The front end should also be gradually desulphurised

along with the downstream unit to avoid high-pressure
drop across the feed valves and to maintain a comfortable
valve opening. This also reduces the risk of naphtha
leaking into the reformer and prereformer.

Line-up a nitrogen flow route from 92-K-12 → 12”-N-38-06-

A3G-1F-H → 92-E-53 R-13A/B → 92-E-52 → 92-F-11→
92-E-16 → 92-R-14 → 92-E-17/12/18/19 → 92-R-15 → 92-
E-20/21/11/22 → 92-V-17→ 92-AC-13 92-E-23 → 92-V-
18 → Bypassing PSA→ 92-K-12. Establish a nitrogen flow
of 19000 kg/h (FI-3001B).

- Check nitrogen circulation loop for pressure of

hydrocarbons, Hydrogen, CO and CO2. If some of these
components are present, excessive temperature rise over
pre-reformer could be expected, hence purge circulation
loop by means of flaring part of circulating medium via PIC-
3002. Thus the circulated nitrogen loop should be checked
for carbon oxides regularly and refreshed if required.

- When the first of the following occurs, process steam

should be taken-out of the unit. The following conditions
should be established:

 Furnace effluent temperature (TIC-2401) lower than


 HT shift inlet and/or outlet temperature (TIC-2604 /

TI-2801), lower than 240ºC.
Page 188 of 413

 Inlet reformer (TI-2505). Lower than 240ºC.

 LT shift inlet and /or outlet temperature should have

atleast 10ºC margin over the dew point.

- After the process steam is removed from the unit, reduce

the firing on the furnace to compensate for lower flow
through tubes and maintain a decrease in temperature of
maximum 50ºC/h.

Allow steam drum pressure to reduce at this stage. Make-

up steam drum water level if required, by opening the
bypass valve SPM17 over FV-2901

- Once the nitrogen circulation is established, remove

feedback from the desulphuries. Unload the hydrogen
recycle compressor and stop the recycle flow to the unit
(close FIC-2103). Close the relevant feed shut-off valves
(XV-2107, XV-2501) and slowly depressurize the
desulphurisers via PV-2211 to flare. Purge left
hydrocarbons from desulphurisers to flare. Inject nitrogen
via the 12”-N-3808 line. When hydrocarbon free, keep the
desulphuriser section under slight nitrogen pressure (1 – 2

- When the reformer flue gas temperature (TIC-2402) is

lower than 200ºC, all remaining burners can be taken out
of service. Isolate all burners which were in service. At this
time fans 92-FD-11A/B and 92-ID-12 can be left in service
to cool furnace to lower than 100ºC. The BFW to the
steamdrum should be left in service with an increased
blowdown, until the reformer effluent temperature is lower
than 200ºC. Steam drum vent should be opened to
silencer, to ensure no vacuum is pulled on the system as it
cools down. When the system is cold, the blowdown
should be closed and if the shutdown is for a long period,
the steam drum should be put under a positive nitrogen
back pressure.

- The nitrogen circulation to the system can be stopped

when the reformer flue gas temperature (TIC-2402), is
lower than 150ºC. Once stopped, the entire process gas
system can also be blocked-in under a positive nitrogen
Page 189 of 413

6.4.4 PSA Unit Shutdown

The PSA unit can go into a partial failure, this being a 12 beds
mode, or into full failure, where the whole system is stopped. Full
operating instructions for this section are given in the design and
operation manual by “UOP”. In the case of a total PSA unit
shutdown, the plant capacity has to be brought to approx. 40%
using only vaporized naphtha as fuel. On loss of the PSA section
all purge gas production is lost, so the purge gas pressure to the
burners will fall to zero in a matter of seconds. Take more
naphtha burners in line so as to maintain more than 780ºC
reformer effluent temperature and put the reformer on turndown
capacity. Nevertheless it is advisable that the operator has
knowledge on the expected set points for operation at 40%
capacity without PSA unit, so that in case manual adjustment is
still needed in order to cope with the drastically changed plant

6.4.5 Start-Up Hydrogen Requirement

Hydrogen is required during hydrogen plant start-up. The

requirements are in pre-desulfurizer section i.e. in Comox-I reactor
and also in Comox-II reactor. The hydrogen requirement for start-
up is met through two different external sources of hydrogen.

Hydrogen supply is provided from existing hydrogen plant. This

supply of hydrogen is provided at the suction of recycle hydrogen
compressor (92-K-11A/B) and at the suction of hydrogen
circulation compressor (92K-01A/B).

Hydrogen is also provided from the bullets with an operating

pressure of ~80 kg/cm2g. This supply is connected at the
discharge of recycle hydrogen compressor (92-K-11A/B) through
FV-2103A/B/C control loop. The pressure is dropped across valve
FV-2103C to adjust the pressure level at the discharge of recycle
compressor. The same source of hydrogen is also used for LT
shift reactor (92-R-15) reduction and during pre-reformer start-up
after reducing pressure through PV-5005. The same line is also
used to top up hydrogen to bullet as and when required. Since this
line is designed to handle flow in both directions (topping up of
hydrogen and importing hydrogen from bullet) proper isolation and
maintenance of check valve is essential.
Page 190 of 413

6.4.6 Hydrogen Top-up to Bullet

A new hydrogen top-up compressor (92-K-13) is considered in

hydrogen unit for sending a part of HGU product hydrogen to
bullets located OSBL (Outside Battery Limit) as and when needed.
The same line is also used for hydrogen import from bullet to meet
hydrogen requirement during start-up. Since this line is designed
to handle flow in both directions (topping up of hydrogen and
importing hydrogen from bullet) proper isolation and maintenance
of check valve is essential.

The bullet operating pressure is ~80 kg/cm2g. When hydrogen

product needs to be transferred to bullet the hydrogen top-up
compressor is taken on line which increases the product hydrogen
pressure from 20 kg/cm2g (at PSA outlet) to 82kg/cm2g. This
operation is not continuous. When topping–up is required this
compressor is taken on-line manually.

Hydrogen top-up compressor is reciprocating type with a capacity

of 3300 Nm3/hr. This is a two stage compressor along with its
inter-coolers and after-coolers to keep the final discharge
temperature at 45ºC.
Page 191 of 413

7. Emergency Shutdown and Safety System

Page 192 of 413

7. Emergency Shutdown & Safety System

7.1 General

This chapter should be read in conjunction with,

Cause & Effect Diagram (31964-000-DW-1514-001-03)

Spec. ESD & Interlock Description (31964-000-SP-1513-11-01)

For further clarification refer to Logic Diagrams / DCS configuration notes

or consult Technip. In case of any dispute Logic Diagrams are governing.

Emergencies will be caused by various unforeseen accidents such as :

Equipment failure, fire and total or partial failure of utilities.

During normal operations and start-up, malfunctions of equipment may

lead to unsafe situations.

To protect life and property in the event of a process upset or equipment

malfunction, an emergency shutdown and interlock system has been

If an emergency occurs in the plant, the process must be returned to a

safe condition. This means that some valves must be closed, while
others are opened; fuel to the furnace must be cut back, pumps must be
stopped, etc.

The purpose of a shutdown system is to perform above functions

automatically upon command. The command may be the automatic
activation of a relay, or the pushing of a button by an operator. Whatever
triggers the shutdown system is, it is essential that all the functions
assigned to it are properly executed. The reliability of the shutdown
system is therefore, of critical importance.

Emergencies must be recognised and acted upon immediately.

Operators and supervisory personnel should carefully study and must be

thoroughly trained in the functional operation of the shutdown and
interlock systems as they relate to the entire process.

In case of emergency situations, such as fire, tube rupture in heat

exchanger, leaking flanges, pipe rupture, etc., the operators should
proceed according the general procedures, applicable in their company
for these kind of situations. It is not the responsibility of the engineering
company to interfere in these rules.

In all cases when the plant operation becomes un-controllable, a plant

shutdown according chapter 7.2 is required.
Page 193 of 413

7.2 Emergency Shutdown

The hydrogen generation plant can undergo a swift emergency shutdown

which results in a relatively safe, hot, pressurized shutdown condition
within seconds. Once the plant is in this condition, we can either make a
smooth progression towards a total shutdown or alternatively, we can
eliminate the cause of trouble if this is fairly simple and recommence
hydrogen manufacture.

The emergency shutdown is carried out entirely automatically, once

initiated, by the plant shutdown system. Initiation of an emergency
shutdown is made by interlock switches on various process temperatures,
flows and pressures on the plant, or by fault conditions on major
equipment. There are also a number of manual push buttons around the
plant and in the control room, each of which can initiate an automatic


The following will cause a total hydrogen generation plant trip :

Emergency shutdown Hand switch (HS-329) at main panel in the central
control room & (HS-3215) at reformer local panel will initiate I-20.

Hand switch HS-1107 A at main panel in the central control room is for
shutdown of the PDS (I-1).

a. Electric Power Supply Failure

b. Instrument Air Supply Pressure Low-Low

c. DCS Emergency Shutdown

7.2.1 Shutdown of Hydrogen Section

The plant’s automatic shutdown system has been divided into the
following :

I-1 Emergency Shutdown (PDS)

I-2 Sour Naphtha Pump Trip

I-3 Sour Naphtha Drum Level High

I-4 Naphtha Superheater Trip

Page 194 of 413

I-5 Recycle Gas Compressor Trip

I-6 Reflux Pump Trip (92-P-02 A/B)

I-7 Process Naphtha Trip

I-8 Stripper Feed Trip

I-9 Sour Water Low Level Trip

I-10 Stripper Level Low Trip

I-11 Sour Naphtha Pump Changeover

I-12 Naphtha Air Cooler Fan Trip

I-13 FCC/C5-140 Ratio High Trip

I-14 Reflux Pump Changeover

I-20 Total Plant Shutdown

I-21 Reformer Shutdown

I-22 Reformer Start-up Logic

I-23 PSA Trip / Reformer Partial Trip

I-24 BFW Pumps Automatic Changeover (92-P-12 A/B)

I-25 Steam Drum Level High (92-V-16)

I-26 Deaerator Level High Trip (92-V-21)

I-27 Deaerator Level Low Trip (92-V-21)

I-28 Hot Condensate Separator Level Low Trip

I-29 Sweet Naphtha Surge Drum Level Low Trip

I-30 Sweet Naphtha Surge Drum High Level Trip

I-31 Cold Condensate Separator Level Low Trip

I-32 Naphtha Feed Pump Changeover

I-33 Fuel Naphtha Storage Tank Level Low Trip

Page 195 of 413

I-34 Fuel Naphtha Feed to Surge Drum Trip

I-35 Naphtha Fuel Pump Changeover

I-36 Recycle Hydrogen Compressor Trip

I-37 Nitrogen Circulation Compressor Trip

I-38 Nitrogen Circulation Cooler Fan Trip

I-39 Spill-back Cooler Fan Trip

I-40 Process Gas Air Cooler Fan Trip

I-41 Spill-back Accumulator Level Low Trip

I-43 BFW Pump Change Over (92-P-13 A/B)

I-44 Deaerator Level Low Trip (92-V-22)

I-45 Deaerator Level High Trip (92-V-22)

I-46 Fuel Naphtha Knock-out Pot Level High Trip

I-48 Steam Drum Level High Trip (92-V-14)

I-49 Nitrogen Circulation Knock-Out Pot Level High Trip

I-50 DM Water Tank Low Level Trip

I-51 DM Water Pump Changeover

I-52 Nitrogen Electric Heater Trip

I-53 LT Inlet Temperature Trip Logic

I-54 Spill Back Activation Logic

I-55 LP BFW Pump Changeover

I-61 Flare KOD pump Start / Stop with KOD level

I-62 Acid Flare pump Start / Stop with Acid Flare KOD level

I-63 CBD Pump Start / Stop with CBD level high/low

I-64 Bearing Cooling Water Sump Pump Start / Stop with Sump
Page 196 of 413

I-65 Reflux drum boot level low trip

I-66 Sour Naphtha pump trip


7.2.2 I-1, Emergency Shutdown (PDS)

Pushing of push button on the main panel in the central control

room (HS-107A) will cause a PDS trip.

The PDS trip causes the following :

a. Shutdown of Sour Naphtha feed valve 92-XV-1101.

b. Closing of the valve FV-1101 & FV-1102.

c. Shutdown of the valve 92-XV-1103 & FV-1103 Sour

Naphtha feed to Superheater.

d. Tripping of Sour naphtha feed pump 92-P-01 A/B.

e. Shutdown of the valve 92-XV-1301A, 92-XV-1302 fuel gas

to superheater (main burner) & opening of the bleed valve
XV-1301B. Individual burner XVs trip.

f. Shutdown of the valve 92-XV-1303, 92-XV-1304B fuel gas

to superheater (Plot burner) & opening of the valve XV-
1304A (individual burner XVs trip).

g. Closing of fuel gas to burners valve PV-1307.

h. Shutdown of the valve XV-1405 & XV-1406.

i. Shutdown of the valve 92-XV-1404 Sweet naphtha to BL.

j. Tripping of the Reflux pump 92-P-02 A/B.

k. Closing of the valve 92-FV-1502 & 92-LV-1509.

l. Tripping of the H2 circulation compressor 92-K-01 A/B.

m. Tripping of the Corrosion inhibitor dosing pump 92-P-05


n. Tripping of the DMDS dosing pump 92-P-04.

Page 197 of 413

o. Tripping of the naphtha air cooler fan (92-AC-01).

p. Closing of valve FV-1501, FV-1403, FV-1402.

q. FV-4103 will open.

r. Opening of PV-1301.

Once the trip signals are healthy, the operator may reset by the
‘Reset ESD’ push button HS-1107B.

7.2.3 I-2, Low-Low Level Sour Naphtha Surge Drum (92-V-01)

In case of low-low of sour naphtha in 92-V-01 (LALL-1101) the

sour naphtha feed pumps 92-P-01 A/B will stop. Pumps can also
be started or stopped using respective pushbuttons.

7.2.4 I-3, High-High Level in Sour Naphtha (92-V-01)

In case of high-high level of sour naphtha in 92-V-01 (LAHH-1101)

the flow of sour naphtha to 92-V-01 will close through, XV-1101,
FV-1101 & FV-1102. Shut-off valve can also be closed through a
hand switch, HS-1101B.

7.2.5 I-4, Naphtha Superheater Trip (92-F-01)

The following will trip the naphtha superheater (92-F-01)

- Sour naphtha superheater main burner fuel gas pressure

low-low (PALL-1307).

- Sour naphtha superheater pilot fuel gas pressure low-low


- Sour naphtha superheater main fuel gas pressure high-

high (PAHH-1307).

- Sour naphtha superheater flame failure (all burners).

- Naphtha superheater outlet temperature high-high (TAHH-


- Naphtha superheater box pressure high-high (PAHH-

Page 198 of 413

- Low-low flow through sour naphtha superheater (FSLL-


- Low-low recycle gas flow rate (PALL-1201).

- High-high Comox reactor-I temperature (TAHH-1201).

- High-high Comox reactor-I temperature rise (TKAHH-


Any of the above trip causes the following :

a. Shutdown of FV-1103.

b. Shutdown of the valve XV-1103 Sour Naphtha feed to


c. Closing of fuel gas supply valves XV-1301A, XV-1302 &

opening of Fuel gas bleed valve XV-1301B.

d. Closing of pilot fuel gas supply valves XV-1303, XV-1304B

& opening of Fuel gas bleed valve XV-1304A.

e. Closing of he fuel gas pressure valve PV-1307.

f. Closing of the individual main burner fuel block valve XV-

1306 A/B/C.

g. Closing of the individual pilot burner fuel block valve XV-

1305 A/B/C.

h. Ramped opening of the stack damper PV-1301.

7.2.6 I-5, Recycle Gas Compressor Trip (92-K-01 A/B)

Recycle gas compressor will trip due to

- Low-low hydrogen circulation compressor suction pressure

(PSLL-1603 A/B).

- High-high level hydrogen circulation KO Pot (LAHH-1603).

Page 199 of 413

7.2.7 I-6, Reflux Pump Trip (92-P-02 A/B)

Pump will trip as soon as the level becomes low-low (LALL-1508)

in 92-V-06. This will also lead to the closure of the flow control
valve FV-1505 on the slip stream routed from the discharge of 92-
P-02 A/B to OHCU.

7.2.8 I-7, Process Naphtha Trip

I-7 will activate due to the following causes,

- Low-low flow through Sour naphtha superheater (FAAL-


- Low-low recycle gas flow rate (FALL-1201).

- High-high Comox reactor – 1 temperature (TAHH-1201).

- High-high Comox reactor – 1 temperature rise (TKAHH-


The above trip causes the following :

a. Shutdown of the Sour naphtha feed pump 92-P-01 A/B.

b. Shutdown of FV-1103.

c. Shutdown of the valve XV-1103 Sour naphtha feed to


d. Closing of Fuel gas supply valves XV-1301A, XV-1302 &

opening of Fuel gas bleed valve XV-1301B.

e. Closing of Pilot fuel gas supply valves XV-1303, XV-1304B

& opening of fuel gas bleed valve XV-1304A.

f. Closing of the fuel gas pressure valve PV-1307.

g. Closing of the individual main burner fuel block valve XV-


h. Closing of the individual pilot burner fuel block valve XV-


i. Ramped opening of the stack damper PV-1301.

Page 200 of 413

In addition to the above, the operator should close the individual

burner main and pilot block valves manually.

7.2.9 I-8, Low-Low Level Naphtha Separator (LSLL-1402)

It will trip the following

- Shutdown of the valve FV-1402

- Shutdown of the valve XV-1406

7.2.10 I-9, Low-Low Interface Level Naphtha Separator (LSLL-1405)

It will trip.

- Naphtha separator boot level valve LV-1405.

- Naphtha separator boot shut-off valve XV-1405.

7.2.11 I-10, Low-Low Level Naphtha Stripper (LSLL 1504)

Due to low-low level in naphtha stripper the following will trip

- Shutdown of the valve XV-1404, FV-1403.

- Sweet naphtha supply valve FV-2105.

7.2.12 I-11, Sour Naphtha Pump Change Over (92-P-01 A/B)

If pump A/B is running, the following conditions are satisfied.

a. 92-V-01 level is not low low.

b. The naphtha superheater is not trip.

c. Process naphtha is not trip.

d. These interlocks are not activated

- DCS, ESD PDS – unit

- Power failure PDS – unit

- Total PDS section trip (I-1)

Page 201 of 413

Only one sour naphtha pump should be running at any time. The
pump duty selector switch (HS-1102) is on position ‘B duty, A
Standby’. When the pump B discharge pressure goes low low
(PALL-1108B) then pump A will automatically started. Then the
operator should rush to the field to stop the pump B and
investigate the cause. If any of the conditions ‘a’ to ‘d’ are not
present or the pump STOP push button (HS-1102B) has been
activated, then the pump will trip. The same logic is implemented
for auto-starting pump B.

The pump duty selector switch (HS-1102) is a three position

switch, so the operator may select ‘A Standby’, ‘B Standby’, or no

7.2.13 I-12, Naphtha Air Cooler Fan Trip (92-AC-01)

High vibration in Naphtha air cooler (92-AC-01) motor will trip the

7.2.14 I-13, FCC / C5-140°C Ratio High Trip

In case ratio of FCC / C5-140ºC exceeds to a certain value it will

trip the following

- Shutdown of Sour naphtha feed shutoff valve XV-1101.

- FCC naphtha feed valve FV-1101.

- C5-140ºC Naphtha feed valve FV-1102.

7.2.15 I-14, Reflux Pump Change Over (92-P-02 A/B)

If pump B is running, the following conditions are present

A. 92-V-06 level is not low low.

B. These interlocks are not activated

- DCS, ESD H2 – Unit

- Power Failure H2-Unit

- Total PDS Section Trip (I-1).

Page 202 of 413

The pump duty selector switch (HS-1502) is on position ‘B duty, A


Only one pump should be running at any time. When the pump B
discharge pressure goes low low (PALL-1504B) then pump A will
be automatically started. Then the operator should rush to the
field to stop the pump B and investigate the cause. If any of the
conditions ‘a’ to ‘d’ are not present or the pump STOP push button
(HS-1501B) has been activated, then the pump will trip. The
same logic is implemented for auto-starting pump B.

The pump duty selector switch (HS-1502) is a three position

switch, so the operator may select ‘A Standby’, ‘B Standby’, or no


7.2.16 I-20, Total Plant Shutdown

The total plant trip (I-20) causes the following

a. Total shutdown of the reformer

b. Shutdown of the PSA Unit

c. Tripping of the fuel pumps

Once the trip signals are healthy, the operator may reset the total
plant trip, using HS-2113 on the DCS.

7.2.17 I-21, Reformer Shutdown (92-F-11)

In addition to the total plant trip, the following will cause a total
reformer trip.

a. Manual trip using the push button in the control room HS-
3217, HS-3214 in the reformer panel & three push buttons
HS-3216 A/B/C at three different locations in the field.

b. Hydrogen flow low-low (FALL-2103) (1 minute time delay

on initiation).
Page 203 of 413

c. High-High pre-reformer bed temperature TAHH-

2301/2302/2308/ 2309).

d. Firebox pressure high high, (PAHH-2403 A/B/C). There is

a time delay for 15 seconds to avoid spurious trips.

When the furnace pressure goes high at +1mmWC, then

the output to the ID fan shall be increased (say 5%) which
should result in a lower pressure in the penthouse. Exact
increase to be determined based on the fan curves.
Simultaneously a 30 seconds timer is started and the trip
will be initiated if the furnace pressure has not reduced
below +1mmWC. In case the furnace pressure reaches
+5mm WC then a 15 seconds timer is started and the trip
is initiated.

e. Firebox pressure low low (PSLL-2403 A/B/C). There is a

time delay for 2 seconds to avoid spurious trips.

On furnace pressure reaching -30mm WC, the output to

the ID is decreased by (say 5%) which would result in
furnace pressure increase. Simultaneously a 30 seconds
timer is started and the trip will be initiated if the furnace
pressure has not increased above -30mmWC.
In case the furnace pressure reaches -40mmWC then a 2
seconds timer is started and the trip is initiated.

f. Reformer outlet temperature high-high TAHH-2401. It is a

two out of three voting system monitored by TE-2401

g. ID fan tripped monitored by XL-2403.

h. Low-low hydrocarbon flow rate FALL-2509.

i. Low low through reformer monitored by FT-

2501/2502/2503/2504 (FT-2505 in case of nitrogen during

j. Overall steam to carbon ratio low-low FFALL-2510. This is

a two out of three voting system.

k. Pre-reformer steam to feed ratio low-low FFALL-2511.

This is a two out of three voting system.
Page 204 of 413

l. Low-low steam drum (92-V-16) level LASSL-2601. It is a

two out three voting system monitored by LT-2601 A/B/C.

m. Low-low steam drum (92-V-14) level LALL-2703. It is a

two out of three voting system monitored by LT-2703

n. Make-up fuel header pressure low-low PALL-3206. This is

a two out of three voting system.

o. Make-up fuel header pressure high-high PAHH-3206. This

is a two out of three voting system.

p. Low low make-up fuel temperature TALL-3203. This is a

two out of three voting system.

q. Combustion air flow low-low FALL-3201. This is a two out

of three voting system.

r. Both FD fan tripped monitored by XL-3201 A/B.

s. Low-low air /fuel ratio (FFALL-3210).

t. Purge gas header pressure low low (PLL-3207).

u. Purge gas header pressure high high (PAHH-3207).

Any of the above will cause a total reformer trip. This will cause
following actions :

a) Shutdown of the Sweet Naphtha feed pump 92-P-11 A/B.

b) Shutdown of the FV-2102 via controller only. Controller is

forced to manual with valve output of -3.3%.

c) Shutdown of the naphtha shut-off valve XV-2107.

d) Shutdown of the recycle hydrogen shut-off valve XV-2106.

e) Ramped opening of the recycle hydrogen Spill back valves

FV-2103 A/B via the controller only. Controller is forced to
manual with output of 103.3%.

f) Tripping of the recycle hydrogen compressor 92-K-11 A/B

Page 205 of 413

g) Shutdown of the valve FV-2103C hydrogen from bullets via

controller only. Controller is forced to manual with valve
output of -3.3%.

h) Closing of hydrogen from bullets shut-off valves XV-3703.

i) Shutdown of the electric heater (92-E-15) for nitrogen.

j) Shutdown of the process feed control valve FV-2501 via

controller only. Controller is forced to manual with valve
output of -3.3%.

k) Shutdown of the process feed shut-off valve XV-2501.

l) Shutdown of the post mix steam control valve FV-2503 via

controller only. Controller is forced to manual with valve
output of -3.3%.

m) Shutdown of the motor operated valve XV-2502 (After 10


n) Shutdown of the convection section steam drum pressure


o) Shutdown of the overall process steam control valve FV-


p) Shutdown of the export steam valve PV-2803A via

controller only. Controller is forced to manual with valve
output of -3.3%.

q) Shutdown of the PSA purge gas fuel valve FV-3204 via

controller only. Controller is forced to manual with valve
output of -3.3%.

r) Shutdown of the PSA purge gas shut-off valve XV-3205 /


s) Shutdown of the fuel naphtha pumps 92-P-14 A/B.

t) Shutdown of the naphtha fuel shut-off valves XV-3203 /


u) Shutdown of the make-up header tightness test shut-off

valves XSOV-3209 / 3210.
Page 206 of 413

v) Shutdown of the PSA purge gas header tightness test

shut-off valves XSOV-3207 / 3208.

w) Shutdown of the make-up fuel to reformer PV-3601 via

controller only. Controller is forced to manual with valve
output of -3.3%.

x) Shutdown of the make-up fuel valve FV-3203 A/B via

controller only. Controller is forced to manual with valve
output of -3.3%.

y) Shutdown of the PSA unit 92-M-12.

ID & FD fan trips only at low-low / high-high reformer box


Once the trip signals return to the healthy state, the operator may
then reset the reformer trips.

7.2.18 I-23, PSA Trip / Reformer Partial Trip

A “Partial Shutdown” is defined here as shutting of the purge gas

to the reformer but allowing the naphtha fuel to continue.

In addition to the total plant shutdown signals and the reformer

total shutdown signals, following will cause a “Partial Shutdown” of
the reformer.

a. PSA purge gas header pressure low-low (PALL-3207).

b. PSA purge gas header pressure high-high (PAHH-3207).

c. High-high PSA feed temperature (TAHH-3003). It is a 2

out of 3 voting system. This would also result in PSA unit
external trip & would eventually lead to reformer partial

d. PSA tripped monitored by XL-3101.

e. High-high level in cold condensate separator. This results

in external trip of PSA unit and hence and would eventually
lead to reformer partial trip (LAHH-3001).
Page 207 of 413

Any one of the above will cause a partial reformer trip. This will
cause the following actions

- Shutdown of the PSA purge gas fuel valve FV-3204 via

controller only. Controller is forced to manual with valve
output of -3.3%.

- Shutdown of the PSA purge gas shut-off valves DV-


- Shutdown of the PSA purge gas header tightness test

valves XV-3207/3208.

- The process feed to the reformer is ramped down (ramp

down is faster than ramp up) to a value (approx. 40%) that
will maintain the outlet temperature. This ramp down rate
has to be fine tuned at site during commissioning.

- The process steam to the reformer is ramped down with

the feed. This ram down rate has to be fine-tuned at site
during commissioning.

- PSA unit is tripped.

- Electric heater (92-E-15) with trip (during start up only).

- Nitrogen circulation compressor (92-K-12) trip (during start

up only).

Once the trip signals return to the healthy state, the operator may
then reset the PSA unit shutdown logic

7.2.19 I-24, BFW Pumps Automatic Changeover (92-P-12 A/B/C)

If pump B is running and the following conditions are present :

a. Degasifier level is not low low. This is monitored by LALL-


b. The steam drum level is not high high. This is monitored

by LAHH-2601.

c. The Pump Duty Selector Switch (HS-3304) is on position

“B duty, A standby or C standby”.

Only one pump will be running at any time.

Page 208 of 413

When the boiler feed water pump B discharge pressure should go

low low (PALL-3308B), then either pump A or C will be
automatically started. Then the operator should rush to the field to
stop the pump B and investigate the cause.

If any of the conditions a. to c. are not present or the pump STOP

push bottom (HS-3304 A) has been activated, then the pump will

The same logic is implemented for auto starting pump B & C.

The pump duty selector switch (HS-3304) is a three position

switch, so the operator may select “A standby”, “B standby”, “C
standby”, or no standby.

7.2.20 I-25, Steam Drum Level High (92-V-16)

It will trip the following

- PGB feed water shut-off valve XV-2902

- PGB feed water control valve FV-201 via controller only.

Controller is forced to manual with valve output of -3.3%.

7.2.21 I-26, Deaerator Level High Trip (92-V-21)

As the level goes high the valve XV-3302 will open. As the level
comes to normal in the deaerator valve XV-3302 will reset

It will also trip

- XV-2903 DM water shutoff valve.

- XV-3303 import condensate shutoff valve.

7.2.22 I-27, Deaerator Level Low Trip (92-V-21)

As the level goes low the pumps 92-P-12 A/B/C & 92-P-16 A/B will
Page 209 of 413

7.2.23 I-28, Hot Condensate Separator Level Low Trip

It has 2 out of 3 logic systems, monitored by LT-2901 A/B/C. As

the level goes low the valve XV-2901 will shutdown. As the level
comes to normal in the hot condensate separator valve XV-2901
will reset automatically. Hot condensate control valve LV-2901
will be closed via controller only. Controller is forced to manual
with valve output of -3.3%.

7.2.24 I-29, Sweet Naphtha Surge Drum Level Low Trip 92-V-11

In case of low-low level of naphtha in 92-V-11 (LALL-2103) the

sweet naphtha feed pumps 92-P-11 A/B will stop. It can also be
started or stopped using hand switches HS-2106 A/B and HS-
2105 A/B respectively.

7.2.25 I-30, Sweet Naphtha Surge Drum Level High Trip 92-V-11

In case of high-high level of sweet naphtha in 92-V-11 (LAHH-

2103) the flow of sweet naphtha to 92-V-11 will close through, XV-
2101. It can also be closed through a hand switch, HS-2101. It
will also close sweet naphtha / C5-90 C supply valve FV-2105 /
2101 via controller only. Controller is forced to manual with valve
output of -3.3%.

7.2.26 I-31, Cold Condensate Separator Level Low Trip 92-V-18

In case of low-low level in 92-V-18, the cold condensate flow to

degasifier, 92-V-22 will close through XV-3002. There is a 2 out
of 3 voting system and this is monitored by LT-3001 A/B/C. The
valve will automatically reset on normal level. It will also close the
cold condensate separator level valve LV-3001 via controller only.
Controller is forced to manual with valve output of -3.3%.

7.2.27 I-32, Naphtha Feed Pump Changeover 92-P-11 A/B

If pump A is running, the following conditions are present :

a. The total plant trip logic is healthy.

b. The naphtha feed surge drum level is not low-low. This is

monitored by LALL-2103.

c. The pump duty selector switch on the DCS (HS-2104) is

on position ‘A duty, B standby’.
Page 210 of 413

Only one pump will be running at any time. When the naphtha
feed pump discharge pressure should go low-low (PALL-2107A),
then pump B will be automatically started.

If any of the conditions ‘a’ or ‘c’ are not present or the pump STOP
push button (HS-2105A) has been activated, then the pump will
trip. Then the operator should rush to the field to stop the pump B
and investigate the cause.

The same logic is implemented for auto-starting pump A.

The pump duty selector switch (HS-2104) is a three position
switch, so the operator may select “A Standby”, “B Standby”, or no

7.2.28 I-33, Fuel Naphtha Storage Tank Level Low Trip (92-V-19)

In case of low-low level in 92-V-19, Naphtha Fuel Pumps, 92-P-14

A/B will trip. This is a 2 out of 3 voting system and is monitored by
LT-3501 A/B/C. This can also be done by activating hand
switches HS-3502 A/B.

7.2.29 I-34, Fuel Naphtha Feed to Surge Drum Trip (92-V-19)

In case of high-high level in 92-V-19, fuel naphtha flow to 92-V-19

will close through XV-3501. This is a 2 out of 3 voting system and
is monitored by LT-3501 A/B/C. The valve will automatically reset
on normal level. It will also close the fuel naphtha drum level
valve LV-3501 via controller only. Controller is forced to manual
with valve output of -3.3%.

7.2.30 I-35, Naphtha Fuel Pump Changeover 92-P-14 A/B

Only one fuel naphtha pump will be running at any one time.
Should the discharge pressure of the running pump go low and
the pump duty selector switch is in the correct position, then the
standby pump will be automatically started. The operator may
then manually shutdown the critical pump if required.

If pump A is running, the following conditions are present :

a. The total plant trip logic and reformer trip logic is healthy.

b. The fuel naphtha surge drum level is not low low. This is a
2 out of 3 voting system monitored by LT-3501 A/B/C.

c. The pump duty selector switch on the DCS (HS-3503) is

on position ‘A duty, B Standby’.
Page 211 of 413

When the fuel naphtha pump discharge pressure should go low

low (PALL-3506A), then pump B will be automatically started. If
any of the conditions ‘a’ ‘c’, are not present or the pump STOP
push button (HS-3502A) has been activated, then the pump will
trip. The same logic is implemented for auto starting pump A.

The pump duty selector switch (HS-3503) is a three position

switch, so the operator may select ‘A standby’, ‘B standby’ or no

7.2.31 I-36, Recycle Hydrogen Compressor Trip (92-K-11 A/B)

The following will trip the Compressor 92-K-11 A/B

a. Total plant Shutdown (I-20).

b. Reformer Shutdown (I-21).

c. Suction Pressure Low-Low (PALL-3701 A/B).

d. Spill-back accumulator level high-high (LAHH-2204) (when

suction is taken from spill back accumulator).

e. Compressor package interlocks.

f. Pushing the compressor stop push button (HS-3702 A/B).

7.2.32 I-37, N2 Circulation Compressor Trip (92-K-12)

The following will trip the compressor 92-K-12

a. Suction pressure low-low (PALL-3802).

b. KO Pot level high-high (LAHH-3801).

c. Nitrogen recirculation air cooler fan trip.

d. High level in cold condensate separator (when suction is

taken from cold condensate separator).

e. Discharge temperature high trip.

f. Compressor package interlocks.

g. Pushing the compressor stop push button (HS-302A).

Page 212 of 413

7.2.33 I-38, N2 Circulation Cooler Fan Trip 92-AC-12

The following will cause the N2 recirculation cooler fan trip

- Recirculation air cooler vibration high trip

- Stop command

The above trip will cause.

- Electric heater for N2 (92-E-15) trip.

- Nitrogen circulation compressor 92-K-12 trip.

7.2.34 I-39, Spillback Cooler Fan Trip 92-AC-11

Due to the high vibration in the Spill-back cooler monitored by

VAHH-2201, motor trips. It can also be stopped by a hand switch

7.2.35 I-40, Process Gas Air Cooler Fan Trip 92-AC-13

Due to the high vibration in the Spill-back cooler monitored by

VAHH-3001, motor trips. It can also be stopped by a hand switch

7.2.36 I-41, Spillback Accumulator Low Level Trip 92-V-12

As the level is low-low in the Spillback accumulator monitored by

LALL-2202, it will trip the following :

- Spill-back accumulator shut-of valve XV-2201. It will

automatically reset on normal level.

- Spill-back accumulator level valve LV-2202. Controller is

forced to manual with valve output of -3.3%.

7.2.37 I-43, BFW Pump Changeover 92-P-13 A/B

If pump B is running, the following conditions are present.

a. Degasifier level is not high-high. This is a 2 out of 3 voting

system, monitored by LALL-3402.

b. The steam drum level is not high-high. This is a 2 out of 3

voting system, monitored by LAHH-2703.
Page 213 of 413

Only one pump should be running at any time the pump duty
selector switch (H-3402) is on position ‘B duty, A standby’.

When the BFW pump B discharge pressure should go low (PALL-

3410) then pump A will be automatically started. Then the
operator should rush to the field to stop the pump B and
investigate the cause. If any of the conditions ‘a’ to ‘b’ are not
present or the pump STOP push button (HS-3406B) has been
activated, then the pump will trip. The same logic is implemented
for auto-starting pump B.

The pump duty selector switch (HS-3402) is a three position

switch, so the operator may select ‘A standby’, ‘B standby”, or no

7.2.38 I-44, Deaerator Level Low Trip (92-V-22)

In case of low-low level in degasifier BFW pumps, 92-P-13 AB trip.

This can also be done using hand switches HS-3406 A/B.

7.2.39 I-45, Deaerator Level High Trip (92-V-22)

In case of high-high level in degasifier monitored by LAHH-3402

the shut-off valve XV-3402 opens. This can also be done using
hand switch HS-3403 & will automatically close on normal level.

7.2.40 I-46, Fuel Naphtha KO Pot Level High Trip (92-V-20)

In case of high-high level in 92-V-20, it will close the fuel naphtha

pump 92-P-14 A/B.

7.2.41 I-48, Steam Drum Level High Trip (92-V-14)

In case of high-high level in steam drum monitored by LAHH-2703

the following will close

- Convection section boiler feed water shut-off valve XV-


- Convection section boiler feed water level valve FV-3402

via controller only. Controller is forced to manual with
valve output of -3.3%.

- Process condensate degassifier level valve LV-3402B via

controller only. Controller is forced to manual with valve
output of -3.3%.
Page 214 of 413

7.2.42 I-49, N2 Circulation KO Pot Level High Trip (92-V-13)

In case of high-high level in 92-V-13 monitored by LAHH-3801, it

will close the N2 circulation compressor 92-K-12. It can also be
stopped by the hand switch HS-3802A.

7.2.43 I-50, DM Water Tank Low Level Trip (92-V-23)

In case of low-low level in 92-V-23 monitored by LALL-4102, it will

close the following

- DM water supply pump 92-P-15 A/B. It can also be

stopped by hand switch HS-4106 A/B.

- Wash water pump 92-P-03 A/B. It can be stopped by hand

switch HS-4103 A/B.

7.2.44 I-51, DM Water Pump Changeover (92-P-15 A/B)

If pump A is running, the following conditions are present :

a. The total plant trip logic is healthy.

b. The DM water storage tank is not low low. This is

monitored by LALL-4102.

c. The pump duty selector switch on the DCS (HS-4103) is

on position ‘A duty, B standby’.

Only one pump will be running at any time. When the DM water
pump discharge pressure should go low (PALL-4103A), then
pump B will be automatically started.

If any of the conditions ‘a’ or ‘c’ are not present or the pump STOP
push button (HS-4106A) has been activated, then the pump will
trip. Then the operator should rush to the field to stop the pump B
and investigate the cause.

The same logic is implemented for auto-starting pump A.

The pump duty selector switch HS-4103) is a three position

switch, so the operator may select ‘A standby’, ‘B standby’, or no
Page 215 of 413

7.2.45 I-52, N2 Electric Heater Trip (92-E-15)

It will cause due to the following

a. Low-low N2 flow to heater monitored by FALL-2301.

b. High-high electric heater outlet temperature monitored by


7.2.46 I-53, LT Inlet Temperature Trip Logic

On high-high LT shift inlet temperature (I-53) the following action

will take place,

- XV-2801 will open

- 92-M-17 is taken into automode with TIC-2806 A.

On low-low LT shift inlet temperature the following action will take


- XV-2801 will close and 92-M-17 will close via controller

- TV-2806B will open via controller

7.2.47 I-54, Spill Back Activation Logic

Under this control schemer

a. Shutoff valve XV-2203 is provided upstream of PV-2207

opens & 92-AC-11 will be started if the manipulated
variable output of the controller (PIC-2207) exceeds 5%.

b. When the manipulated value of the controller is 1%, XV-

2203 will be closed.

c. 92-AC-11 to be stopped manually.

Page 216 of 413

7.2.48 I-55, LP BFW Pump Change over

If pump B is running, the following conditions are present.

a. Degasifier is not low low. This is a 2 out of 3 voting

system, monitored by LALL-3302.

b. The pump duty selector (HS-3308) is on position ‘B duty, A


Only one pump will be running at any time. When the BFW pump
B discharge pressure should go low PALL-3315 B) then pump A
will be automatically started. Then the operator should rush to the
field to stop the pump B and investigate the cause. If any of the
conditions ‘a’ to ‘c’ are not present or the pump STOP push button
(HS-3403 B) has been activated, then the pump will trip. The
same logic is implemented for auto-starting pump B.

The pump duty selector switch (HS-3308) is a three position

switch, so the operator may select ‘A standby’, ‘B standby’, or no

7.2.49 I-61, Flare KOD pump Start / Stop with KOD level
In case of high / low level of HC liquid in Flare KOD 92-B-25
(LAH/LAL-5403) the Flare KOD pumps 92-P-21 A/B will start/stop
respectively. Pumps can also be started or stopped using
respective start/stop pushbuttons (HS-5402 A/B & HS-5401 A/B).

Only one pump should be running at any time.

Selector switch (HS- 5401) is available in MCC for operation to

select standby pump.

7.2.50 I-62, Acid Flare KOD pump Start / Stop with KOD level
In case of high / low level of HC liquid in Acid Flare KOD 92-B-27
(LAH/LAL-5203) the Acid Flare KOD pumps 92-P-22 A/B will
start/stop respectively. Pumps can also be started or stopped
using respective start/stop pushbuttons (HS-5202 A/B & HS-5201

Only one pump should be running at any time.

Selector switch (HS- 5201) is available in MCC for operation to

select standby pump.
Page 217 of 413

7.2.51 I-63, CBD pump Start / Stop with CBD level

In case of high / low level of HC liquid in CBD Drum 92-B-26
(LAH/LAL-5602) the CBD pump 92-P-20 will start/stop
respectively. Pump can also be started or stopped using
respective start/stop pushbuttons (HS-5602 A & HS-5602 B,
provision for Central panel mounting in addition to field panel

7.2.52 I-64, bearing Cooling Water Pump Start / Stop with level
In case of high / low level of HC liquid in BCW Pit 92-M-25
(LAH/LAL-5301) the CBD pump 92-P-25 A/B will start / stop

Only one pump should be running at any time. The pump duty
selector switch (HS-5201 central panel mounted) is on position ‘B
duty, A standby’. When the pump B discharge pressure goes low
low, than pump A will automatically started.

Selector switch (HS- 5301) is available in MCC for operation to

select standby pump.

7.2.53 I-65, Reflux Drum boot level low trip

In case of low interface level in Stripper Overhead Separator boot
(92-V-06) it will trip the Overhead Separator boot level control
valve LV-1509.

7.2.54 I-66, Sour Naphtha Pump trip with XV-1104 valve closure
The pump 92-P-01 A/B should trip as soon as the valve XV-1104
leaves the open position as indicated by its open limit switch.
Page 218 of 413

7.3 Bypassing of Interlocks

A written record of every interlock bypassed must be entered in the

control room logbook and the entry carried forward until the interlock
bypass is removed. In general, operation of maintenance override
switches should be restricted to area supervisors only. Process switches
are available for use by panel operator. There are individual warning
lights for each POS, which light up when the switch is in use, i.e., when
the interlock is bypassed. This makes it easy to notice whether interlocks
are being bypassed and acts as a constant reminder that some of the
automatic protection for the plant has been removed.

On all operating electrical equipment with “Manual” or “auto” control

alternatives on the started, “auto” mode must always be selected. “Auto”
should not be selected when the standby equipment is valved for
Page 219 of 413

7.4 Emergency / Fire Case : System Depressurisation

In case of fire in the PDS section, especially when the reactor or fired
heaters are exposed to fire, the chances of metal temperature exceeding
the allowable limits is prevalent. Hence to avoid such material failure, a
depressurisation valve XV-1402 is provided over the naphtha separator.
In case of fire emergency the operator should cautious open the
depressurisation valve is arranged such that the valve will depressurise
the system to 50% of the initial pressure in 15 minutes. Once the
pressure has reached less than 50% of the normal operating value, the
operator can close the depressurisation valve. The vent valve PV-1601B
to be provided in auto to control the pressure in the naphtha separator, till
the emergency condition is reverted back.
Page 220 of 413

7.5 Furnace Total Shutdown – Operational Requirements

Following is a brief discussion of operator actions to be taken directly

after a reformer total shutdown. The detailed engineering contractor or
client should develop detailed procedure. Hot or warm restarts are not
recommended, as they are prone to operator mistakes and can cause
substantial damage to the unit. Therefore after a trip the unit should be
prepared for a normal start up procedure with nitrogen circulation,
controlled rise of the flue gas temperatures and avoidance of liquid
damage to the catalyst (either by naphtha or steam).

When a furnace total shutdown has been initiated, the following action
needs to be taken :

1. Check and ensure that all the trip actions were taken place as per
the cause and effect diagram. In particular check that feed & fuel
to the reformer is located & associated pumps are stopped.

2. Ensure the boiler feed water as emergency quench to LT catalyst

inlet temperature control is tripped.

3. Isolate all the burners in the reformer top (close individual burner
valves on make-up fuel & purge gas fuel line). Depressurise the
fuel naphtha header and purge with nitrogen.

4. The reformer pressure will be reduced in the automatic pressure

reduction control arrangement by the reduction of the set point of
PIC 3002 (Cold condensate separator vent). Monitor the pressure
reduction & ensure pressure reduction does not exceed 2 kg/cm2
per minute. Depressurisation of the system is essential to :

a. Ensure that steam continues to flow through the system

even though steam drum pressure drops due to reduced
heat input.

b. To ensure nitrogen can be admitted to the prereformer

after steam input to the prereformer is stopped.

c. To reduce the steam dew point in LT shift catalyst to avoid

condensation on the catalyst. (Refer Section 4.3.6 for
Page 221 of 413

5. Immediately after reformer trip, all steam will be diverted to the

prereformer to purge the prereformer free of hydrocarbons. Also
the steam is used to ensure cooling of the reformer tubes. As
steaming of the prereformer should be limited to 10 minutes to
avoid sintering of the catalyst, the steam should be re-routed
directly to the reformer by the operator.

a. Ensure that the steam valve FV-2503 (steam to reformer)

is opened to 100%.


0% opening (XV-2502) ensuring the steam to the reformer
is minimum 20% of the normal process steam rate.

6. The pressure of the prereformer should be ensure higher than the

reformer section to ensure no steam through FV-2503 gets
backed up to pre-reformer. This is ensured by depressurising the
prereformer, reformer section through PV-3002 & not through PV-
2307 and maintaining positive nitrogen purge across prereformer.

7. As the nitrogen across the prereformer will also pass through the
reformer, the steam temperature will get reduced. Operator
should ensure that the steam inlet to reformer is atleast 50ºC more
than the steam dew point.

8. If the trip also resulted in trip of ID / FD fans, start the one last of
FD Fan & ID Fan to ensure a reformer box purge & to ensure a
small negative pressure in the radiant box. The air flow also cools
the radiant box & convection section.

9. Once the flue gas cross over temperature reduces to 600ºC &
below, cut of steam to reformer. Reduce the pressure of the
reformer to near atmospheric. Purge entire loop from Naphtha
feed shut off valve till cold condensate separator with once
through nitrogen. Once the impurities in the nitrogen are reduced
to less than 500 ppmv (CO, CO2, CH4, H2) then start pressurising
the loop & start nitrogen circulation via the short loop.

10. The section between the naphtha feed control valve and the
naphtha shutoff valve is locked and not purged. The Operator
should strictly ensure that the loop is depressurised through RO-
2501 and any liquid naphtha collection is drained, even before
stopping the steam admission to reformer.
Page 222 of 413

11. Start to depressurise the front end after the trip and ensure that
pressure reduction does not exceed 2 kg/cm2 per minute.
Depressurising of the system is essential to :

a. Avoid condensation of naphtha in the front end.

b. Avoid naphtha ingress in to the (pre) reformer due to

leaking valves.

12. Once the front end is depressurised establish a nitrogen purge

flow to flare via spill back loop (PV-2207). Ensure that naphtha
feed lines & naphtha vaporiser preheater is drained to CBD
system to remove any liquid naphtha. Check all low points for
liquid naphtha. Also purge process line from PV-2207 to
upstream FV-2501 via 2” drain line.

13. Once the hydrocarbon content is less than 100 ppm wt, in the
nitrogen circulation, long loop circulation could be started, keeping
the low point drains at pre reformer inlet, reformer inlet and other
catalyst inlets open. This is to ensure no liquid is locked up in the
nitrogen loop.

14. Continue normal start up procedure if restart is desired, or

continue normal shutdown procedure to cool the reformer to
ambient temperature.
Page 223 of 413

7.6 Main Precautions in Respect of Emergency Shutdowns

- Reformer tubes and exit headers are made from special alloy,
which is reasonably ductile at normal operating temperatures but
relatively brittle in the region of 600ºC and below. Therefore these
furnace parts are liable to fracture if subjected to thermal shock.
Header failure is a potentially serious hazard as it may result in a
fire. For this reason, care should be taken when increasing or
decreasing temperatures to do so as smoothly as possible. Any
condition which could lead to rapid cooling of tubes and exit
headers must be guarded against most rigorously.

The risk on thermal shocks after a furnace trip is minimized by

tripping the combustion air fan and flue gas as part of the furnace
shutdown system.

- An abrupt increase or decrease of plant pressure should be

avoided. If this is caused by a control instrument malfunction, the
instrument should be brought under manual control and the
pressure corrected smoothly but without delay.

- Immediately following an automatic shutdown of the hydrogen

generation plant, the reformer will be at full operating temperature.
Therefore, a steam flow must be maintained in the reformer tubes,
to protect the tubes and catalyst against overheating. Steam will
be supplied automatically with the steam control valve FV-
2504/PV-2801. The steam also purges process gases out of the
catalyst tubes, thereby facilitating cooling and depressurization
without risking chemical damage to the catalyst.

- Steam is essential, of course at the correct ratio to prevent carbon

being formed during pre-reforming and reforming. However, on its
own without feedstock, it will both oxidise the pre-reformer catalyst
and sinter the alumina support material.

If this is allowed to happen for periods over 10 minutes, significant

loss of catalyst activity and life will be noted. For this reason, FV-
2503 should be opened after the recommended time delay and
once opened the DV-2502 (Steam to prereformer) should be
closed provided sufficient steam is passed through the reformer.

Depressurize the plant downstream the reformer feed control

valve such that the pre-reformer can be purged with nitrogen
before it cools sufficiently to cause condensation on the catalyst.
Page 224 of 413

In addition to all precautions related to the handling included in

this manual, it is however also important to limit the total number
of start-ups & shutdowns, whether planned or un-planned. As
every upset to the operating conditions causes irreversible
deterioration of the catalyst depending upon severity of the upset.
Page 225 of 413

7.7 Utilities Supply Failures

7.7.1 Instrument Air

As instrument air pressure fails, all air operated valves will move
towards the safe condition. It will be noted that certain valves in
these circumstances go to fully closed, others go to fully open and
the remainder become locked in the last controlled position. The
controllers actuating the first two groups of valves should be put to
manual and adjusted to fully closed and fully open to maintain the
valves in the safe position when air pressure is eventually
restored. Control valves, which lock on air failure, need not to be

The actions of all control valves (FC or FO) are shown on the

If a low instrument air pressure occurs as indicated by PT-4904

A/B/C, inform supervision immediately and keep close contact
with utilities to be fully aware of the anticipated duration of the

A low-low instrument air pressure failure initiated by PSLL-4904,

will cause a total plant trip.

7.7.2 Cooling Water

If cooling water supply can be restored within say two minutes, no

further action is required. If it is anticipated that the supply will not
be restored within two minutes, an emergency shutdown can be
expected. The hydrogen generation plant is not automatically
tripped by either a cooling water flow or pressure failure. If a low
cooling water pressure occurs as indicated by PT-4701, inform
supervision immediately and keep close contact with utilities to be
fully aware of the anticipated duration of the problem.

Observe the hydrogen generation plant very carefully, in priority to

the machinery, which uses cooling water, such as compressors
and BFW pumps.

7.7.3 Nitrogen

If the supply of nitrogen fails, there is no immediate likelihood of

an automatic plant shutdown. However, the nitrogen is used on
the hydrogen generation plant to prevent build up of inflammable
materials within the frames of the hydrogen product compressors
and flare header.
Page 226 of 413

If a low nitrogen pressure occurs as indicated by PT-4503, inform

supervision immediately and keep close contact with utilities to be
fully aware of the anticipated duration of the problem.

If the nitrogen supply fails for a short period on the flare header
and/or within the compressor itself, shutdown of the hydrogen
generation plant will not normally be necessary.

7.7.4 Demin. Water

If the demin. Water supply fails, there will be no input of make-up

water for the boiler feed water system. Initially this will cause loss
of degasifier water lever, leading to stopping of the boiler feed
water pumps. This in turn will lead to loss of steam drum water
level, resulting in a total plant shutdown.

If a low DM water pressure occurs inform supervision immediately

and keep close contact with utilities to be fully aware of the
anticipated duration of the problem.

7.7.5 Potable Water

The hydrogen generation plant is entirely unaffected by a lack of

potable water supply. For safety reasons (eye-wash stations),
potable water should be always available.

7.7.6 Plant Air

The hydrogen generation plant is entirely unaffected by a lack of

plant air supply.

7.7.7 Low Pressure Steam

Provided that the ambient temperature is above freezing, loss of

low pressure steam will cause no problems for the steam tracing

7.7.8 Raw Water

Apart from loosing the raw supply towards sample coolers and
utility stations, the hydrogen generation plant is entirely unaffected
by a lack of raw water supply.

7.7.9 Electricity

In the event of an electrical failure all electrical units will stop and
the plant will trip.
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7.8 Summary of Critical Controls & Alarms in Hydrogen Section

Alarm/ Consequence Cause Action


LAH-2103 High Possible loss of Malfunctioning of Control through

Level in 92-V-11 liquid naphtha to FV-2105/2101 bypass and repair

LAHH-2103 1. Possible loss Malfunctioning of Control through

high-high level in of liquid FV-2105/2101 bypass and repair
92-V-11 naphtha to

2. XV-2101

3. Initiation of I-30

LAL-2103 low 1. Possible loss 1. Failure of FV- 1. Control through

level in 92-V-11 of feed to 2105/2101 bypass and
reformer repair
2. Loss of feed
2. Possible 2. Establish feed
cavitation of supply

LALL-2103 low- 1. 92-P-11 A/B 1. Failure of FV- 1. FV-2105/2101

low level in 92- will stop. 2105/2101 : Control
V-11 through bypass
2 Loss of feed to 2. Loss of feed and repair
the reformer
leading to 2. Establish feed
shutdown supply

3. Initiation of I-29

PAH-2102B high 1. Opening of PV- 1. Heating of 92-V- 1. PV-2101B :

Pressure in 92- 2102B. 11 by Control
V-11 environmental through bypass
2 Possible lifting sources and repair
of PSV-2104
A/B 2. Failure of PV- 2. PV-2102A :
2102B Control
through bypass
3. Failure of PV- and repair
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Alarm/ Consequence Cause Action


PAL-2102A Low Possible loss of 1. Loss of nitrogen 1. Establish

Pressure in 92- Suction pressure pressure. nitrogen
V-11 of 92-P-11 A/B pressure.
2. Malfunctioning
of PV-2102A 2. PV-2102A :
through bypass
and repair

PALL-2107 A/B Automatic change 1. Loss of suction 1. Establish

Low pressure in over to either 92- pressure suction
discharge line of P-11A or 92-P- pressure
92-P-11 A/B 11B 2. Failure of either
92-P-11A or 92- 2. Isolate failed
P-11B pump and

LAHH-2202 High 1. Possible loss 1. Malfunctioning 1. PV-2211 :

Level in 92-V-12 of feed of PV-2211. Control
naphtha to through bypass
flare 2. Failure of LV- and repair.
2. Possible lifting 2. LV-2202 :
of PSV-2212 Control
A/B through bypass
and repair

LAL-2204 Low Possible Malfunctioning of Control through

level in 92-V-12 throughput of H2 LV-2202 bypass and repair
to 92-V-12

ALL-2202 low 1. Possible Malfunctioning of Control through

low level in 92- throughput of LV-2202 bypass and repair
V-12 hydrogen to

2. Closure of XV-

3. Initiation of I-41

FALL-2103 low- 1. Loss of Compressor Shutdown in case

low H2 flow performance of failure 92-K-11 low ratio is
Comox-II, A/B expected.
poisoning of
Page 229 of 413

Alarm/ Consequence Cause Action


2. Initiation of I-21
after time delay

TAH-2201 High Cracking Heat pickup in 92- Reduce firing 92-

temperature hydrocarbons E-55 F-11 Close APH
COMOX-II bypass.

PAH-2207 High 1. Activation of I- Malfunctioning of Control

pressure in front 54 (spill back feed to reformer
end activation valve (FV-2501) 1. Manual Action.
2. Identification of
2. Opening of PV- Fault.
2207 & XV-
2203 3. Repair

VSHH-2201 Tripping of air Mechanical failure Stop the fan &

High vibration of cooler fan repair it
air cooler fan

FAL/FALL-2301 Tripping of Nitrogen Check the

Low low of electric heater compressor compressor
nitrogen to 92-E- malfunctioning
15 upstream upset

TAH-2306 High Sintering of the 1. High flue gas Check reformer

temperature of prereformer temperature firing system.
feed to 92-R-13 catalyst
A/B 2. Failure of steam Malfunctioning of
temperature the steam
control desuperheater.
Increase the steam
to feed weight ratio
to control the
temperature of the

TAL-2306 Low Catalyst damage 1. Low flue gas Check steam

temperature of due to temperature desuperheater.
feed to 92-R- polymerisation
13A/B 2. Failure of steam Reduction of
temperature steam to carbon
control weight ratio to
stipulated values
to maintain the
Page 230 of 413

Alarm/ Consequence Cause Action

inlet temperature.

Check reformer
firing system.

TAH / TAHH- Electric heater Malfunctioning of Check the controls

2305 Electric trip electric heater of electric heater
heater outlet
temp high

TAH / TAHH- Sintering of the 1. Low steam of Check the steam

2301/ 2/8/9 R- catalyst feed ratio to feed ratio.
13A/B bed
temperature high Limitation with the 2. Off-spec feed Check the feed.
material of
construction of

VAHH-2301 high Tripping of air Mechanical failure Stop & repair fan
vibration of air cooler fan through
cooler fan initiation of I-38

AAL-2401 low Possible after Maladjustment of Adjustment control

oxygen content burning combustion ratio to increase excess
in the flue gas control oxygen

TAH-2401 High skin 1. Over firing 1. Reduce firing.

reformer outlet temperature of
temperature high reformer tubes 2. Misleading 2. Check tube skin
leading to temperature temperature
reduced life with
3. Tube rupture recommended
procedure and

If ruptured, shut
down and repair.

TAHH-2401 high Reformer trips 1. Over-firing Identify fault &

high reformer repair
outlet 2. Reformer tube
temperature rupture

TAH/TAHH-2409 High skin 1. Over-firing 1. Adjust firing

high cross-over temperature
temperature convection coils 2. Reformer tube 2. Check reformer
Page 231 of 413

Alarm/ Consequence Cause Action

rupture tube. If
(E-51, E-52, E-
shutdown &

PAL-2403 low Possible damage Malfunction PIC- Control fan speed

box pressure to refractory & 2403 manually 92-ID-12

PALL-2403 low Reformer trip Malfunction PIC- Check & repair

low pressure 2403

PAH-2403 High Possible blow 1. Malfunction of 1. Control fan

box pressure back of flue gases PIC-2403 speed
through peep manually. If not
holes 2. High wind effect possible to
on PIC-2403 control or
reformer tube reformer tube
rupture ruptured stop
unit for repair

FAL-2508, 1. Possible high 1. Failure of FV- Locate & solve

FALL-2509 Feed skin 2501 problem
flow to pre- temperature of
reformer low low reformer tubes. 2. Failure of PV-
2. Reformer trips

FFALL-2511 Reformer trip Malfunction of 1. Make plant inert

pre-reformer S/C feed / steam ratio
Ratio low-low controllers / valves 2. Locate & solve

FALL-2505 N2 1. Overheating of Compressor 1. Check the

flow low-low coils malfunctioning compressor

2. Reformer trip
(During start-
up only)

FFALL-2510 Reformer Trip (I- 1. Malfunctioning 1. Check & attend.

Overall S/C ratio 21) of FV-2502 &
low low XV-2502

FAL-2506 steam 1. Carbon lay 1. Malfunctioning 1. Check & attend.

flow low down on of FV-2503, PV-
reformer 2901 & FV-
Page 232 of 413

Alarm/ Consequence Cause Action

catalyst 2504

2. Over heating of 2. Low level in

the tubes steam drum

FFAL-2507 S/F Overheating of 1. Malfunctioning 1. Check & attend

ratio low the tubes & of FV-2501 &
possible plant XV-2502 & FV-
shutdown 2503

LAL-2601 low Possible plant 1. Malfunctioning 1. Control level

level in steam shutdown of LIC-2601 with LIC-2601
drum because of low on manual.
low level 2. Malfunctioning Repair
of FV-2901
2. Control level
3. Failure of BFW over bypass &
supply isolate / repair

3. Restart BFW

LALL-2601 low- Reformer trips 1. Failure LIC- Repair

low in steam 2601
2. Failure of FV-

3. Failure of BFW

LAH-2601 high 1. Possible carry 1. Failure LIC- 1. Control level

level in steam over of water 2601 with LIC-2601
drum with steam on manual.
2. Failure FV-2901
2. Control level
over bypass
and isolate /
repair FV-2901

LAHH-2601 1. Possible carry- 1. Failure LIC- 1. Control level

high-high level in over of water 2601 with LIC-2601
steam drum with steam on manual.
2. Failure FV-2901 Repair
2. Closure of XV-
2902 2. Control level
Page 233 of 413

Alarm/ Consequence Cause Action

over bypass
and isolate /
repair FV-2901

PAH-2604 High Possible lifting of Malfunction PV- 1. Control

steam pressure PSV-2601 / 2602 2804, FV-2504, pressure
PV-2803 manually.

2. Repair

PAL-2803 Low Loss of process Malfunction PV- Control through

export steam steam 2803/2804 bypass & repair

LAL-2703 Low Possible plant 1. Malfunction of 1. Control level

level in steam shut down LIC-2703 with LIC-2703
because of low on manual.
low level 2. Malfunction of Repair
Failure of BFW 2. Control level
supply. over bypass
and isolate /
repair LV-
3402A. Check
BFW pump.

LALL-2703 low- Reformer trips 1. Failure LIC- Repair & check

low level in 2703 supply
2. Failure LV-

3. Failure of BFW

LAH-2703 High Possible carry 1. Failure LIC- 1. Control level

level in steam over of water 2703 with LIC-2703
drum with steam on manual.
2. Failure LV-
3402A 2. Control level
over bypass
and isolate /
repair FV-2901

LAHH-2703 High 1. Possible carry 1. Failure LIC- 1. Control level

High level in over of water 2703 with LIC-2703
steam drum with steam on manual.
Page 234 of 413

Alarm/ Consequence Cause Action

2. Closure of XV- 2. Failure LV-
3403 3402A
2. Control level
over bypass
and isolate /
repair LV-

PAL-2803A Low Loss of process Malfunction PV- Control through

export steam steam 2803/2804 bypass & repair

TAHH-2806 Increased CO in Malfunctioning of Control

High LT Shift PSA feed TV-2806 A/B temperature
inlet temperature through bypass &

TALL-2806 Low Low conversion in Malfunctioning of Control

LT Shift inlet LT shift TV-2806 A/B temperature
temperature through bypass &

LAL-2901 low 1. Possible Malfunction LV- Control through

level in 92-V-17 process gas 2901 bypass & check
leakage to instrument

LALL-2901 low 1. Possible Malfunction LV- Control through

low level in 92- process gas 2901 bypass & check
V-17 leakage to instrument

2. Shut-off XV-

LAH-3001 high Possible liquid Malfunction LV- Control through

level in 92-V-18 carry over to the 3001 bypass & check
PSA unit instrument

LAHH-3001 high 1. Possible liquid Malfunction LV- Control through

high level in 92- carryover to 3001 bypass & repair
V-18 the PSA unit

2. Trip PSA unit

and ramp
down plant
Page 235 of 413

Alarm/ Consequence Cause Action


LAL-3001 low 1. Possible Malfunction LV- Control through

level in 92-V-18 process gas 3001 bypass & check
leakage to instrument

LALL-3001 low 1. Possible Malfunction LV- Control through

low level in 92- process gas 3001 bypass & check
V-18 leakage to instrument

2. Shut-off XV-

TAH-3003 High Possible 1. Malfunction/loss 1. Start air cooler

PSA feed hydrogen product of air cooler fans
temperature purity loss, fans
adsorbent 2. Establish
damage 2. Loss of cooling cooling water to
water to 92-E- 92-E-23
3. Reduce plant

TAHH-3003 Trip PSA unit and 1. Malfunction/loss 1. Start air cooler

High-high PSA ramp down plant of air cooler fans
feed capacity fans
temperature 2. Establish
2. Loss of cooling cooling water to
water to 92-E- 92-E-23

PAH-3002 High Loss of process Malfunction PSA Adjust capacities

Pressure feed to gas to flare capacity control of PSA and
PSA reformer

VAHH-3001 Tripping of Mechanical failure Stop & repair fan

High Vibration process gas
cooler fan

PAH-3107 High Loss of hydrogen 1. Malfunction PV- 1. Control through

Hydrogen to flare 3107 bypass & repair
product pressure
2. Malfunction 2. Take capacity
capacity control control off line
system and reduce
Page 236 of 413

Alarm/ Consequence Cause Action

plant capacity
3. No product
export to B.L

AA-3101 high Low purity Malfunctioning of Check functioning

CO/CO2 in product PSA of PSA unit.

PAH-3105 purge Loss of purge gas Malfunctioning of Check & repair

gas pressure to flare FV-3204 FV-3204

PAH-3207 purge Upset in burner 1. Malfunctioning 1. Check & repair

gas pressure firing system of FV-3204
high 2. Stabilize PSA
2. Malfunctioning
of PSA

PAHH-3207 Reformer partial 1. Fire around 1. Follow the

purge gas trip PSA trip blocked in. shutdown
pressure high procedures
2. Control system

PAL-3207 purge Under firing 1. Malfunctioning 1. Check & repair

gas pressure low furnace of FV-3204
2. Stabilize PSA
2. Malfunctioning
of PSA 3. Reduce plant
3. Insufficient
purge gas

PALL-3207 Reformer partial 1. Control system Check PSA &

purge gas trip PSA trip failure firing control
pressure low systems

PAH-3206 Fuel Upset in firing 1. Fire around 1. Check & repair

naphtha system (Flame blocked in. valves
pressure high blow off)
2. Malfunctioning
Initiation of I-22 of FV-3203 A/B
(During start-up)

PAHH-3206 Fuel Reformer 1. Fire around 1. Check the firing

naphtha shutdown blocked in. system.
pressure high
Initiation of I-22 2. Malfunctioning 2. Check & repair
Page 237 of 413

Alarm/ Consequence Cause Action

(During start-up) of FV-3203 A/B valves

PAL-3206 Fuel Upset in firing 1. Malfunctioning Check & repair

naphtha system (under of FV-3203 A/B valves
pressure low firing)

Initiation of I-22
(During Start-up)

PALL-3206 Fuel Reformer 1. Malfunctioning Check & repair

naphtha shutdown of FV-3203 A/B valves
pressure low-low

FALL-3201 Reformer 1. Malfunctioning Check & repair

Combustion air shutdown of FD fans
flow low

FAHH-3201 Restart of 1. Malfunctioning Check & repair

Combustion air Reformer start-up of FD fans
flow high logic
2. Malfunctioning
of PV-3201/2

TALL-3203 Fuel Reformer 1. Failure of steam 1. Check steam

Naphtha shutdown to 92-E-24 A/B supply.
temperature low
2. Check
functioning of

FFALL-3210 Air Reformer 1. Firing control 1. Check

Fuel ratio low shutdown failure functioning of
FD fans &
burner firing
control system

LAHH-3302 High Initiation of I-26 1. High flow of 1. Reduce or stop

level in steam alarm
degasifier condensate
from B.L 2. Control
through bypass
2. Malfunctioning and repair
LV-3302 A/B
3. Check BFW
Page 238 of 413

Alarm/ Consequence Cause Action

3. Malfunctioning
of BFW pumps

LALL-3302 low- 1. Initiation of I- 1. Malfunctioning 1. Control

low level in 27 LV-3302 A/B through bypass
degasifier and repair
2. BFW pump

PAH-3306 High 1. Loss of MP 1. Malfunction PV- 1. Control

pressure in steam 3306 through bypass
degasifier and repair
2. Loss of 2. DMW preheat
stripping temperature 2. Adjust DMW
efficiency very high preheat
temperature by
operating TV-

PALL-3309 Pump Loss of suction Establish suction

A/B/C low changeover pressure pressure
pressure of 92- Failure of pump Isolate failed pump
P-12 A/B/C & repair

PALL-3315 A/B Pump Loss of suction Establish suction

low discharge changeover pressure pressure
pressure of 92-
P-16 A/B Failure of pump Isolate failed pump
& repair

PAH-3404 High 1. Loss of MP 1. Malfunction PV- 1. Control

pressure in steam 3404 through bypass
degasifier and repair
2. Loss of 2. High
stripping temperature of
efficiency condensate

LAHH-3402 High Opening of XV- Malfunctioning of Check & repair

level in degasser 3402 LV-3402 A/B

Initiation of I-45

LALL-3402 Low Tripping of BFW Malfunctioning of Check & repair

level in degasser pumps (92-P-13 LV-3402 A/B
Page 239 of 413

Alarm/ Consequence Cause Action


Initiation of I-44

PALL-3407 / Pump Loss of suction Establish suction

3410 Low changeover pressure pressure
pressure Malfunctioning of Isolate & repair
pump pump

PAH-3404 high 1. Loss of MP 1. Malfunction PV- 1. Control

pressure in steam 3404 through bypass
degasser & repair
2. Loss of 2. High
stripping temperature of
efficiency condensate

LAH-3501 High Possible loss of Malfunction LV- Control through

level in 92-V-19 liquid naphtha to 3501 bypass & repair

LAHH-3501 High 1. Possible loss Failure of LV-3501 1. Control

High level in 92- of liquid to flare through bypass
V-19 & repair
2. XV-3501

LAL-3501 low 1. Unstable 1. Malfunction LV- 1. Repair

level in 92-V-19 reformer 3501

2. Possible feed

LALL-3501 low 1. Naphtha fuel 1. Failure of LV- 1. Repair

low level in 92- pump stop 3501
V-19 2. Check supply
2. Reformer trips 2. Failure of feed

PAL-3503A Low Possible loss of 1. Malfunction PV- 1. Control

pressure in 92- suction of 3503B through bypass
V-19 naphtha fuel & repair
pump (92-P-14 2. Loss of nitrogen
A/B) pressure 2. Establish
Page 240 of 413

Alarm/ Consequence Cause Action


PALL-3506 A/B Pump 1. Loss of suction Establish suction

Low discharge changeover pressure pressure
2. Malfunctioning Isolate & repair
of pump pump

PAH-3503B high 1. Possible lifting 1. Failure of PV- Control through

pressure in 92- PSV-3502 3503A bypass & repair
2. Opening of PV- 2. Heating of 92-V-
3503B 19 by

LAHH-3603 High 1. Carry over of 1. Malfunctioning 1. Check steam

level fuel liquid to of 92-E-24 A/B supply to 92-E-
naphtha KO pot burners 24 A/B.
2. Malfunctioning
2. Tripping of fuel of instruments 2. Open CBD or
naphtha OWS
3. Check

Compressor trip Unstable PSA Stabilize PSA.

PAL-7201 * 92-K-11 A/B operation
Suction pressure

TAHH-3803 high Compressor trip Make-up nitrogen / Increase recycle

discharge nitrogen circulation gas flow rate
temperature flow low
Adjust the cold
Cold condensate condensate
separator pressure separator pressure
Shift from long
High pressure loop to short loop
drop in the or partial shifting
nitrogen circulation can be carried out
loop to reduce the
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Alarm/ Consequence Cause Action


LAHH-3801 High Compressor trip Open CBD/ OWS

level N2 drain of the KO pot
circulation KO

LALL-4102 DM Tripping of 92-P- Malfunctioning of Isolate & use

water tank low 15 A/B & 03 A/B LV-4101 bypass
Check BL supply

PALL-4103 A/B 1. Pump 1. Loss of suction Establish suction

DM low changeover pressure pressure
pressure 2. Malfunctioning Isolate & use
of pump bypass

PALL-4904 1. Total plant trip 1. In availability of Check supply

Instrument air (I-1, I-20) instrument air
pressure low

LAH-1101 high Possible loss of Malfunctioning of Control through

level in 92-V-01 liquid naphtha to FV-1101/1102 bypass & repair

LAHH-1103 1. Possible loss Malfunctioning of Control through

high-high level in of liquid FV-1101/1102 bypass & repair
92-V-01 naphtha to

2. XV-1101

LAL-1101 low 1. Possible loss 1. Failure of FV- 1. Control

level in 92-V-01 of feed to 1101/1102 through bypass
naphtha & repair
superheater 2. Loss of Feed
2. Establish feed
2. Possible supply
cavitation of
92-P-01 A/B

LALL-1102 low 1. 92-P-11 A/B 1. Failure of FV- 1. Control

low level in 92- will stop 1101/1102 through bypass
V-01 & repair
2. Loss of 2. Loss of Feed
cavitation of 2. Establish feed
Page 242 of 413

Alarm/ Consequence Cause Action

92-P-01 A/B supply

PAH-1103B high 1. Opening of PV- 1. Heating of 92-V- 1. Control

pressure in 92- 1103B 01 by through bypass
V-01 environmental & repair
2. Possible lifting sources
of PSV-1105
A/B 2. Failure of PV-
1103 A/B

PAL-1103A low 1. Possible loss 1. Loss of fuel gas 1. Establish fuel

pressure in 92- of suction pressure gas pressure
V-01 pressure of 92-
P-01 A/B. 2. Malfunctioning 2. PV-1103A :
of PV-1103 A/B Control
2. Opening of PV- through bypass
1103A & repair

PALL-1108A/B Automatic change 1. Loss of suction 1. Establish

low pressure in over to either 92- pressure suction
discharge line of P-01A or 92-P- pressure
92-P-01 A/B 01B 2. Failure of either
92-P-01A or 92- 2. Isolate failed
P-01B pump & repair

LAH-1106A high Possible carry Negligence of Operation

level in boot over of water in operator attention required
naphtha liquid

LAL-1106A low Possible loss of Negligence of Operation

level in boot naphtha to OWS / operator attention required

FAL-1103 low Possible cracking Malfunction of FV- Control through

flow to naphtha of naphtha in 1103 bypass & repair
superheater superheater tubes

FAL-1103 low Possible cracking Malfunction of FV- Control through

flow to naphtha of naphtha in 1103 bypass & repair
superheater superheater tubes

Decrease in Malfunction of FV- Control through

outlet 1103 bypass & repair
which can affect
comox reaction
Page 243 of 413

Alarm/ Consequence Cause Action


FALL-1104 low Possible cracking Malfunction of FV- Control through

low naphtha flow of naphtha in 1103 bypass & repair
to the superheater tubes
superheater trips

PALL-1108 A/B Pump Loss of suction Establish suction

low discharge changeover pressure pressure
Pump failure Isolate failed pump
& repair

FFA-1101 Ratio 1. Shutdown of 1. Malfunctioning 1. Isolate

error XV-1101 of FV-1101 & 2 malfunctioning
FCC gasoline 2. High ratio may 2. Controller
/C5_140 ratio result in failure 2. Control
high damage to through bypass
Comox catalyst
3. Check & repair

FALL-1201 low Possible cracking Malfunctioning of Rectify problem &

recycle gas flow of naphtha in 92-K-01 A/B start standby
to the superheater tubes compressor

TAH-1201 Cracking of 1. High 1. Adjust firing

A/B/C/ D/E high naphtha superheater
temperature outlet 2. Reduce
comox reactor temperature naphtha feed &
rectify the
2. High problem.
hydrocarbons in
the reactor feed

Tahh-1201 High 1. Cracking of 1. High 1. Adjust firing

high temperature naphtha superheater
comox reactor outlet 2. Reduce
2. Naphtha temperature naphtha feed &
superheater & rectify the
naphtha feed 2. High problem
trip unsaturated
hydrocarbons in
the reactor feed
Page 244 of 413

Alarm/ Consequence Cause Action


TKH-1201 Cracking of 1. High 1. Adjust firing

A/B/C/E high naphtha superheater
temperature outlet 2. Reduce
change rate in temperature naphtha feed &
comox reactor rectify the
2. High problem
hydrocarbons in
the reactor feed

TKHH-1201 high 1. Cracking of 1. High 1. Adjust firing

high temperature naphtha superheater
change rate in outlet 2. Reduce
comox reactor 2. Naphtha temperature naphtha feed &
superheater & rectify the
naphtha feed 2. High problem
trip unsaturated
hydrocarbons in
the reactor feed

TAH-1203 High Cracking of High unsaturated Adjust naphtha

comox outlet naphtha hydrocarbons in superheater firing
temperature the reactor feed. by reducing feed.

PDAH-1202 Cracking of 1. High 1. Adjust firing

High pressure naphtha superheater
drop across outlet 2. Reduce
Comox-I temperature naphtha feed &
rectify the
2. High problem
hydrocarbons in
the reactor feed

TAH-1307 high 1. Increased 1. Malfunction Adjust firing

naphtha coking in firing control
superheater superheater
outlet tubes 2. High
temperature unsaturated
2. Possible hydrocarbons in
cracking of the reactor feed
naphtha in the

TAHH-1307 high 1. Increased 1. Malfunction Adjust firing

naphtha coking in firing control
superheater superheater
Page 245 of 413

Alarm/ Consequence Cause Action

outlet tubes
2. High
2. Possible
hydrocarbons in
cracking of
the reactor feed
naphtha in the

3. Superheater

PDAH-1304 high Possible tube Coking in 1. Plan for

pressure drop failure superheater tubes decoking
superheater 2. Shutdown if
tube failure

PDAL-1303 low Possible tube Shutdown

pressure drop failure

TAH-1304/5/6 1. Increased 1. Overfiring 1. Reduce firing

High skin coking in tubes
temperature of 2. Coking in tubes 2. Decoking
superheater 2. Possible tube
radiant tubes rupture 3. Shutdown if
tube failure

PALL-1307 low Superheater trips 1. Failure of PV- Repair

low fuel gas 1307
2. Failure of fuel
gas supply

PAHH-1307 Superheater trips 1. Failure of PV- Repair

High high fuel 1307
gas pressure
2. Failure of fuel
gas supply

PALL-1313 low Superheater trips 1. Failure of PCV- Repair

low pilot gas 1313
2. Failure of fuel
gas supply

PAHH-1303 high Superheater trips 1. Failure of stack Repair

Page 246 of 413

Alarm/ Consequence Cause Action

high box damper
2. Low fuel gas

LAH-1402 High Possible loss of Malfunction of FV- Control through

level in V-02 liquid naphtha to 1402 bypass & repair

LAH-1402 low Possible gas Malfunction of FV- Control through

level in naphtha breakthrough to 1402 bypass & repair
separator stripper

LALL-1402 low Possible gas Malfunction of FV- Control through

low level in breakthrough to 1402 bypass & repair
naphtha stripper
XV-1406 closes

LAL/LALL-1405 Possible loss of Malfunction of LV- Control through

low level in naphtha to 1405 bypass & repair
naphtha OWS/CBD
separator boot system

LAH-1405 high Carry over of Malfunction of LV- Control through

level in naphtha water into the 1405 bypass & repair
separator boot stripper

VAHH-1401 Tripping of air Mechanical failure Stoop & repair the

Vibration high cooler fan fan

AI-1401 pH low Increase wash

alarm water flow

PAL-1404 low Reduced recycle Malfunction of PV- Control through

pressure in 92- gas flow leading 1601B bypass & repair
V-02 to incomplete
conversion in

PAH-1404 high Possible lifting of 1. Malfunction of 1. Control

pressure in 92- PSV-1403 A/B PV-1601B through bypass
V-02 & repair
2. Loss of cooling
in 92-AC-01 & 2. Establish
92-E-02 cooling in 92-
Page 247 of 413

Alarm/ Consequence Cause Action

AC-02 & 92-E-

TAH-1401 More vapour flow Malfunctioning of Repair

naphtha from air to naphtha air coolers
separator & loss
of naphtha
vapour to flare

TAL-1401 Pressure control Low inlet Increase

naphtha from air of naphtha temperature to air temperature
cooler separator is a cooler
temperature problem

TAL-1408 low Off spec product Loss of steam Rectify problem

stripper bottom due to insufficient
temperature stripping

LAL-1502 low More steam flow Malfunctioning of Repair

level in the to condensate LV-1502
condensate pot header

LAH-1502 high Carry over of Malfunctioning of Repair

level in condensate to LV-1502
condensate pot steam reboiler

LAL-1504 low Possible gas Malfunction of LV- Control through

level in stripper breakthrough to 1504 bypass & repair
naphtha storage /
sweet naphtha
surge drum

LAH-1504 high Possible flooding Malfunction of LV- Control through

level in stripper of bottom tray 1504 bypass & repair
leading to off
spec product

LALL-1504 low Possible gas Malfunction of LV- Control through

low level in breakthrough to 1504 bypass & repair
stripper naphtha storage /
sweet naphtha
surge drum

TAH-1504 high Possible loss of Loss of cooling Establish cooling

temperature naphtha vapour water to 92-E-05 water to 92-E-05
stripper top with sour gas
Page 248 of 413

Alarm/ Consequence Cause Action


FAL-1501 low Low column Malfunctioning of Repair

flow of steam to bottom FV-1501
reboiler temperature

FAH-1501 high High column Malfunctioning of Repair

flow of steam to bottom FV-1501
reboiler temperature & no
proper separation

FAL-1502 low Off spec product 1. Malfunction of 1. Repair

reflux flow V-06 FV-1502
2. Establish
2. Loss of cooling cooling water
in 92-E-05

LAH-1507 high 1. Possible loss Malfunction of FV- Control through

level in 92-V-06 of liquid 1502 bypass & repair
naphtha to

2. Off spec
product due to
lower reflux

LAL-1507 low Off spec product Malfunction of FV- Control through

level in 92-V-06 1502 bypass & repair
Possible reflux
pump cavitation

LALL-1508 low 1. Reflux pump Malfunction of FV- Control through

low level in 92- cavitation 1502 bypass & repair
2. Off spec

3. Possible reflux
pump trip

LAL-1509 low Possible loss of Malfunction of LV- Control through

level in 92-V-06 naphtha to 1509 bypass & repair
boot CBD/OWS

LAH-1509 high Water carry over Malfunction of LV- Control through

level in 92-V-06 with reflux 1509 bypass & repair
Page 249 of 413

Alarm/ Consequence Cause Action


PAL-1511 low Possible loss of Malfunction of PV- Control through

pressure in 92- suction of reflux 1509 bypass & repair
V-06 pump

PAH-1511 low Possible lifting of Malfunction of PV- Control through

pressure in 92- PSV-1505 A/B 1509 bypass & repair

PALL-1504 A/B Pump change Loss of suction Establish suction

discharge over pressure pump pressure
pressure low failure
Isolate failed pump
& repair

LAH-1603 high Possible damage Liquid carry over Drain 92-V-03

level in to compressor from naphtha
compressor separator
KOP (92-V-03)

LAHH-1603 High 1. Possible Liquid carry over Drain 92-V-03

high level in damage to from naphtha
compressor compressor separator
KOP (92-V-03)
2. Recycle gas

PALL-1603 A/B* Compressor trips 1. Low pressure of Repair

low low suction
hydrogen from
pressure at
2. Malfunctioning
of PV-1601 A/B

PAL-1606 low Low flow of Malfunctioning of Repair & start

pressure at hydrogen for compressor standby
compressor desulphurisation compressor

FAL-1601* Low Low flow Low flow of Rectify the

hydrogen for hydrogen available problem
make up H2 flow
desulphurisation from PSA unit or
H2 from B.L
Page 250 of 413


* Refer compressor vendor Dresser Rand PID (chapter 15, section 15.4)
for these tags.
Page 251 of 413

7.9 Alarm & Trip List

For tabulated information on alarm & trip list refer following document
from chapter 15 (of the same manual) DRAWINGS / DOCUMENTS

 ALARM & TRIP LIST , Rev. 2

[DOC NO : 10144-PEIN05-7-92-NM-1513-AL&TR]

7.10 List of PSVs

PSVs are provided for protecting equipments and piping from over
pressurising. Depending on the relief properties and type of PSV, the relief
locations are different. The table provided here lists all PSVs in the plant

List of PSV

Sr. Relief
Tag Nos. Pressure Service
Kg /Cm g destination

92-PSV-1105 Sour Naphtha Surge

1 4.5 HC flare
A/B Drum

2 2.3 Naphtha Separator Acid flare

3 92-TSV-1410 4.5 Atmospheric

4 92-TSV-1411 4.5 Atmospheric

5 7.2 Naphtha Stripper Acid flare

6 92-TSV-1506 4.5 Atmospheric

7 92-PSV-1510 20 Condensate Level Pot Atmospheric

8 11 Sourgas Header Acid flare

Hydrogen Circulation
9 92-PSV-1608 2.3 Acid flare
KO Pot

92-PSV-2104 Sweet Naphtha Surge

10 7 HC flare
A/B Drum
Page 252 of 413

Sr. Relief
Tag Nos. Pressure Service
Kg /Cm g destination

92-PSV-2205 /
11 42 Desulphuriser HC flare

12 92-TSV-2209 7 Atmospheric

13 7 Spill Back Accumulator HC flare

14 37 Prereformer HC flare

15 40.7 H2 + Feed Header HC flare

16 92-PSV-2503 37 Superheated Steam Atmospheric

17 92-PSV-2601 56 Steam Drum Atmospheric

18 92-PSV-2602 57.5 Steam Drum Atmospheric

19 92-PSV-2606 7 Desulphuriser Atmospheric

20 92-PSV-2607 5.5 Blowdown Flash Drum Atmospheric

Convection Section
21 92-PSV-2702 50 Atmospheric
Steam Drum

Convection Section
22 92-PSV-2703 51.5 Atmospheric
Steam Drum

23 92-TSV-3001 7 Atmospheric

92-PSV-3003 Cold Condensate

24 24 HC flare
A/ B / C Separator

25 3.5 Demin Water Degasser Atmospheric

92-PSV- Process Condensate

26 3.5 Atmospheric
3401A/B Degasser

27 4.5 Fuel Naphtha Drum HC flare

28 92-PSV-3603 15 Fuel Naphtha KOD HC flare

29 92-PSV-3605 15 Fuel Naphtha HC flare

Page 253 of 413

Sr. Relief
Tag Nos. Pressure Service
Kg /Cm g destination

A/B Vaporiser

30 92-PSV-3607 50 Condensate Level Pot Atmospheric

31 92-TSV-3712 18 Atmospheric

Nitrogen Compressor
32 92-PSV-3807 11.5 HC flare

33 20 Export Mp Steam Atmospheric

34 92-PSV-5507 7 Fuel Gas KOD HC flare

35 92-PSV-2406 52.5 Steam Superheater Atmospheric

36 28 LT Shift Reactor HC flare

Hydrogen Circulation
37 PSV 7108A/B 38 Acid flare

Hydrogen Circulation
38 PSV 7109A/B 14 Atmospheric

Corrosion Inhibitor 92-P-05A/B

39 PSV 1701A/B 10.5
Dosing Pump Suction

40 PSV 1703 A/B 41.5 DMDS Dosing Pump

PSV 3106
41 5 PSA Purge Stream HC flare

Recycle Hydrogen
42 PSV 7208 A/B 42 HC flare

Recycle Hydrogen
43 PSV 7209 A/B 14 Atmospheric

44 PSV 7231 42 Hydrogen Header HC flare

45 PSV 7232 42 Hydrogen Header HC flare

46 PSV 7332 15 Nitrogen Compressor HC flare

47 PSV 7308 15 Nitrogen Compressor HC flare

Page 254 of 413

Sr. Relief
Tag Nos. Pressure Service
Kg /Cm g destination

DM Water Supply 92-P-03A/B

48 PSV 4107 A/B 28.5
Pump Suction

PSV 4201 Oxygen Scavenger 92-P-17A/B/C/D

49 6.5
A/B/C/D Dosing Pump Suction

PSV 4203 Deposite Control 92-P-19A/B/C/D

50 6.3
A/B/C/D Dosing Pump Suction

PSV 4202 pH Control Dosing 92-P-18A/B/C/D

51 6.5
A/B/C/D Pump Suction

pH Control Dosing 92-P-18E/F

52 PSV 4208 A/B 2.5
Pump Suction

Top Up Hydrogen
53 PSV 7408 6.3 HC flare

Top Up Hydrogen
54 PSV 7409 6.5 Atmospheric

Top Up Hydrogen
55 PSV 7413 2.5 HC flare

Top Up Hydrogen
56 PSV 7414 13.9 Atmospheric

1) All the PSVs venting to the flare have been provided with an upstream
rupture disc.
2) The rupture discs are provided with tell-tale pressure gauge assembly.
3) In case of PSV provided with spare, the isolation valves shall be
mechanically interlocked to ensure the availability of one PSV all the time.
4) To restrict the noise level generated by any equipment to less than 85
dB(A) (as in section 2.9.7) at a distance of 1 m from the source the
following PSVs are provided with silencer assembly

92-PSV-1510, 92-PSV-2406, 92-PSV-2503,

92-PSV-2601, 92-PSV-2602, 92-PSV-2607,
92-PSV-2702, 92-PSV-2703, 92-PSV-3301A/B,
92-PSV-3401 A/B, 92-PSV-3607, 92-PSV-4308 A/B.
Page 255 of 413

8. Special Operations
Page 256 of 413

8. Special Operations

8.1 General

This chapter contains information on various special operations that may

be required to be performed from time to time for the satisfactory
operations of the Hydrogen Unit.

8.2 Loading of Catalysts

8.2.1 General

After cleaning of the vessel, and inspection of the reactor internals

(the bottom screen and cover should be checked to ensure that
they are properly installed at the bottom), the thermowells can be
installed and the catalyst can be loaded.

Before loading the catalyst it is very important to check the proper

installation at thermowells and make sure that testing of
thermocouples is carried out.

The catalyst is supplied in easy to handle steel drums of 200 litres

nominal capacity and is packed in polyethylene bag inside the
drums which are fitted with a totally removable lid.

If the drums are stored outdoors, the lower drums should be

placed on logs or pallets and the drums should be covered by a
plastic or canvas sheet. It should be noted that the catalyst
containers are to be handled carefully without bumping and must
never be rolled to avoid any damage of the catalyst.

It is the normal practice that any catalyst/molecular sieve to be

charged, arrives at the job site quite some time before actual

In this case the catalyst/molecular sieve should be stored under

cover, in a cool dry place. If it is necessary to open the catalyst
drums so that an inspection of the catalyst can be made, the
drums shall be tightly closed upon completion of inspection.
Under no circumstances will the drums holding the molecular
sieve absorbent be opened until directly before loading begins.
These drums are sealed under vacuum.
Page 257 of 413

Arrangements for personnel to assist in loading should be made

well in advance to avoid any delays. Equipment such as scales,
rubber mallets, rope, buckets, screening should also be arranged
for well in advance.

8.2.2 Catalyst Storage

Catalyst are generally supplied in mild steel drums with polythene

liners and depending on the catalyst concerned, the full drums
weigh between 50 and 250 kg. The catalyst drums should be
inspected carefully when they arrive at site for damage in transit,
no that any insurance claim can be properly supported. Drums
must not be stacked on their sides or stacked more than four
drums high, even when held on pallets. Taller stacks tend to be
unstable, and the catalyst in lower drums can be crushed. Metal
drums are usually suitable for outside storage for a few months,
but should be protected against rain and standing water. If
prolonged storage is expected or it the drums are not of metal,
they should be kept under cover and away from damp walls and
floors. The lids should be left on the drums until just before the
catalyst is to be changed, and if the lids are accidentally knocked
off or removed for inspection, it is important that they should be
replaced be replaced as soon as possible, so that contamination
of the catalyst is avoided.

If the drum lid cannot be replaced, then the catalyst should be re-
drummed without delay.

If any contamination occurs it is difficult to assess the extent of

damage, and an analysis of a sample may not give an adequate
indication because of the difficulty of getting a typical sample. If
there is any doubt about the state of the catalyst, it is best not to
charge it to the vessel concerned.


Catalyst drums should be handled as gently as possible. Suitable

space is required for storing the drums between delivery and
charging, and double handling can be avoided if this space is
close to the equipment to be loaded.

If mobile crane or fork-lift truck is to be used for drum handling, a

smooth paved area is desirable to facilitate movement. When
drums are to be lifted to the charging manhole it is generally most
satisfactory to use a mobile crane rather than the individual lifting
beam on the vessel, because a crane can lift drums off a wide
area and this avoids multiple handling.
Page 258 of 413

Drums must not be rolled, and if manhandling is unavoidable, the

suitable drum barrows, upending levers and skids should be
provided. Catalyst drums are often supplied on pallets, which
reduces the likelihood of damage in transit but requires suitable
fork-lift trucks and a paved area to handle the pallets. The fork-lift
truck to be used for dismantling the pallets should be fitted with
rim or body clamps to avoid damage to the drums.


Catalysts are sieved by the manufacturer before they are packed

into drums before dispatch, but in some instances attrition can
occur in transit if the drums are roughly handled. Some form of
screening is usual before charging, especially if the catalyst
appears to contain dust on delivery.

A good method of sieving is to pass the catalyst over a simple

inclined screen, and, this is often the most satisfactory method,
since vibrating screens can cause additional unnecessary damage
and loss. The mesh spacing should be about half of the smallest
dimension of the catalyst pellet.
Page 259 of 413

As always, dust masks must of course be provided for those who

are engaged in this kind of operation, and, some provisions should
be made to collect the fines for disposal. Reforming catalyst does
not usually require sieving, but broken rings should be removed
whilst the socks are being charged, since relatively few broken
rings can affect the tube pressure drop significantly.
Page 260 of 413

8.2.3 Catalyst Loading of Reformer Tubes


Each tube in the steam reformer must be packed uniformly with

catalyst so that all of the tubes offer a similar resistance to the flow
of process gas, otherwise it will not be evenly distributed over the
reformer. If the flow is not balanced, catalyst in some tubes will
tend to be over loaded with gas flows, while those tubes with low
gas flows may tend to overheat. The simplest way to check the
packing of a tube is to measure the pressure drop through it,
resulting from a fixed flow of instrument air. The pressure drop
instrument shown provides a convenient, accurate and reliable
method for taking this measurement. The pressure drop across
each tube in a complete furnace can be adjusted to a suitable
valve and the problems of uneven flow distribution avoided.

The instrument provides a fixed flow rate of air or nitrogen by

utilizing the phenomenon of choked flow through an orifice.
Above a certain “critical” ratio of upstream to downstream
pressure; the mass flow rate through the orifice is determined by
the upstream pressure only. The downstream pressure floats
above atmospheric by an amount equal to the back pressure drop,
and is a measure of he pressure drop through the tube.

All that is required is to load the reformer tubes with catalyst such
that the instrument measures the same value across each tube.
As well as establishing that packing in uniform, the inlet and exit
branches of the reformer tube can also be checked to ensure that
they are free from debris. The actual pressure across the catalyst
depends on the tube diameter and the length packed with catalyst,
as well as the size and shape of the catalyst used.


The inside of all reformer tubes should always be visually

inspected before any catalyst loading takes place. It is quite
common to find pieces of cardboard or other debris during this
inspection. The reformer support grid distance from the top flange
of each reformer tube should be measured by means of a
measuring tape and length recorded. The support grid itself
should be inspected (dirt, badly installed etc.). This is done by
securing a pocket torch to the end of a rope or nylon cord and
lowering the torch into the tube. As an aid, the support grid can
be viewed through a 8* 30 magnification monocular. It is
important that the cord should be longer that the catalyst tube and
it is useful to anchor the free end of the cord, so that it cannot drop
into the tube, or to fasten it to a ring that is too large to go down
the tube.
Page 261 of 413


Before catalyst charging begins, catalyst tubes, outlet pigtails

should be tested, to ensure that they are clear from any
obstructions. To check this, a pressure drop test should be
carried out, using the pressure drop device as mentioned before.
The pressure drop test is done by blowing a constant quantity of
air or nitrogen through each tube with the inlet pigtails suitably
plugged and the outlet ends open to atmosphere. Remove
manhole cover on process gas boiler, make sure spare gasket is

The constant quantity of air or nitrogen is obtained by the critical

flow through the orifice of the pressure drop measurement device,
keeping the supply pressure constant (4 till 7 kg/cm²g). All
pressure drops must be recorded and should be equal within the
accuracy of the measuring device. A tube without obstructions
shows a negligible pressure drop. Any tube that shows a high
pressure drop must be investigated for restrictions.


After the pressure drop survey of the empty tubes (check for
blockage in exit branch), has been completed, and, all tubes
appear to be free of foreign matter, catalyst loading can be
started. The normal method of charging reformer tubes is with
pre-filled polythene socks or canvas socks still to be filled at site.
Loading of pre-socked bags is done in a similar way as described
under “charging”. The catalyst to be loaded, should be inspected
prior to charging and any fines which could cause an excessive
pressure drop when charged, should be screened out. The
reforming catalyst should be weighed before charging to provide a
check on the quantity of the catalyst loaded to each tube.


It is recommended that the reformer tubes will be loaded in either

two or three stages (50 and 100 percent, and/or 30 and 60 plus
100 percent). After each load, dP measurement to be taken and
height of catalyst to be adjusted accordingly. When the catalyst is
not dropped more than 500 mm. The catalyst pellets must not be
allowed to form bridges across the tubes, as this leads to empty
regions in the tubes and overheating during operation.
Page 262 of 413

Using the sock method for loading catalyst in the former tubes, it
is important to ensure that the socks are of the correct size so that
they will slide easily up and down the tube when they contain
catalyst. The sock should be about 1500 mm long. The outside
diameter of the charged sock should be about 15 mm less than
the internal diameter of the tube. If it is larger than this, the sock
will not slide easily, and if it is smaller the lower end of the sock
may not unfold correctly as the sock is raised.

The socks should be filled with catalyst at ground level and be

lifted to the top of the furnace in a sling, so as to avoid lifting the
drums themselves to the furnace top. A strong cord is tied around
the top of the sock or hooked onto it through an eyelet. At about
200 mm from the bottom and the sock is folded up to hold the
catalyst in place, whilst it is lowered into the tube. If the sock is a
loose fit in the tube, the folded end may not unfold so easily.
When the sock has reached the bottom of the tube, the cord is
withdrawn with a sharp tug, which allows the bottom end of the
sock to unfold and the catalyst to fall gently into the tube. It is
important that the cord should be longer than the catalyst tube,
and it is useful to anchor the free end of the cord, so that it cannot
drop into the tube.

As reformer tubes are not exactly the same size and the catalyst
is not always exactly the same density, the charged weight will
only show major discrepancies in the tube charging, so it is more
important to charge to the correct level and pressure drop. As the
catalyst is locked, it is necessary to vibrate the tube to give
uniform packing and ensure even gas distribution. A few blows on
the top flange with a wooded, rubber or leather-faced hammer
after each sock is loaded, is an effective way ensuring even
setting. Electric vibrators may also be used at the top of the tubes
or in the furnace itself. It is important to use the same method to
vibrate all the tubes, so that the degree of catalyst setting is
similar throughout (top level of filled catalyst is in the same range
for all tubes and pressure drop across the catalyst bed also).

When the tube is almost charged, the final topping should be

carried out carefully by hand and a dip stick used to determine the
position of the catalyst. The tubes should be located only to a
level, corresponding with the upper surface of the furnace arch.
The final catalyst level is measured, to ensure that all of the
heated length of the tube will contain catalyst when the plant is at
operating temperature.
Page 263 of 413

During charging, each catalyst drum number must be recorded,

together with the number of the tube(s) into which it is charged. In
this way the particular catalyst history can be checked at a later


This test is necessary to make sure that all tubes are evenly
loaded, i.e., that no voids have been formed as a result of bridging
of particles and that the catalyst has not been disintegrated too
much as a result of careless loading or excessive tube vibration.
Pressure drop measurements across each loaded tube carried out
in the same way as described under pressure drop measurements
on empty tubes.


In a correctly packed furnace the pressure drops, across each

tube, as read on the lower pressure gauge should be within +/- 5
percent of the mean. When the charging has been carried out very
carefully it is possible to get results within +/- 3 percent of the

It is extremely important that the tubes are free from voids and not
overfilled i.e. that the catalyst is properly packed. An error in
charging will result in a tube having a low or high dP, with the
following consequences:

Low DP : This is the result of void age and will allow an excessive
flow of lead gas and process steam through the tube when “on
line”, resulting in cools tube conditions, and a breakthrough of
higher hydrocarbons.

High DP : This is nearly always due to catalyst breakage whilst

charging, although a grossly overfilled tube can give a high DP.
This causes a low flow of process steam and feedgas vapor
through the tube, whilst “on line”, thus giving a “hot” tube, greatly
reducing its life.

Pressure drop variations may be reflected in charged weight, but

this is not such a good indication of poor packing as the pressure
drop reading. Some type of extraction gear should be available
before charging is begun; as some tubes will generally need to be
discharged to correct high pressure drops. The extraction gear
can also be useful for removing debris from the tubes before
charging started.
Page 264 of 413


After the entire catalyst is loaded and the manhole closed on the
process gas boiler, the inlet pigtails can be checked for
obstructions. The same device for pressure drop measurements is
used, this time the plug used before for the measurements of
empty and charged tub is omitted. All pressure drops must be
recorded and should be equal within the accuracy of the
measuring device. An inlet pigtail without obstructions shows a
negligible pressure drop. Any inlet pigtail that shows a higher
pressure drop must be investigated for restrictions. After all above
operations are completed satisfactory, reformer tubes flanges can
be re-installed using new gaskets.


It is most important that all personnel concerned in the handling of

alloy reformer tubes, outlet headers and pigtails, realize that these
materials are prone to be brittle at or near ambient temperature
and must be handled with care. On no account should they be
subjected to metal impacts. If hammering is necessary on
charging, rubber or wooden hammers must be used. Particular
care is needed on material which has been in use at normal
working temperatures, since material is usually more brittle after
use than when new.
Page 265 of 413

8.2.4 Loading of Catalyst into Vessels

The hydrogenation, Zinc oxide, Pre-reformer, HT and LT shift

catalyst are all loaded in the same way.


After the manhole cover is removed (hand holes closed), inspect

the interior of each reactor, to ensure that the vessel is clean, dry
and free from loose scale and debris. It is not necessary for the
reactors to be bone dry, but any free water should be removed.

Inspect the catalyst grid supports and screens to ensure that the
screens are properly overlapped and that the edges of the screen
are properly sealed and firmly held down (no gaps, no holes).
Faults at this point are difficult, if not impossible; to rectify once the
catalyst is in place. Particular attention should be given to the
insertion of thermocouples that they are in the correct position
relative to the bed.

It is important to ensure that the charging level is clearly defined,

so as to avoid under-or overfilling.

The reactors should be free from any surface protective grease

which may have been applied for shipping/storage.
Page 266 of 413

All measurements should be made from a fixed reference point at

the point at the top of the vessel although guidance marks may be
made on the vessel internal by means of blackboard chalk. For
charging heights and weights see the corresponding catalyst data

An inventory of catalyst should be made well in advance of the


When the loading procedure is scheduled as a round-the-clock

operation, adequate lighting should be provided for safe night time
activity in the work area.

The location of catalyst drums in the unit and the stacking of

empty drums should be planned in advance to prevent confusion
while reactor loading is underway. The catalyst drums should be
brought to the vicinity of the vessel, as they are needed so that
drums are not left in the open should a hold-up in the loading
procedure occur. The numbers of the drums should be noted and
checked against the list of drum numbers supplied by the
manufacturer. Even if these numbers have been checked on
delivery the process should be repeated immediately before the
catalyst is loaded and record taken of the drum numbers in the
sequence of loading. Any drums with anomalous or ambiguous
numbering should not be loaded but set on one side and checked
with the manufacturer.

The catalyst should be loaded to the specified bed height and the
depth and weight of catalyst loaded must be recorded. The
weight of catalyst material rejected during screening must be
recorded and allowed for.

 The catalyst drums should not be unsealed until just prior

to loading. The lids should be removed at such a rate, say
four at a time, such that no catalyst is exposed to the air for
longer than necessary. This makes it simpler to protect the
catalyst with the onset of bad weather. The catalyst must
be kept dry and unless effective covering can be provided,
loading must be discontinued when there is danger of the
catalyst getting wet.

 The catalyst should be handled as gently as possible.

Multiple handling of drums should be minimized and a
drum should never be rolled; suitable equipment should be
provided to make this possible.
Page 267 of 413

 It is inevitable that from time to time some attrition will

occur during catalyst transportation and it may be
necessary to screen before charging. Great care must be
taken with this operation since it is possible to degrade the
catalyst pellets. During the screening operation the
quantity of dust being collected should be checked. It
should be less than 1% wt. If this is exceeded the entire
operation should be suspended and reviewed.

The weight of the fines should be recorded and deducted from the
weight of catalyst discharged from the drums onto the screen.
Care must be taken not to overload the screen or inefficient
screening will result.

When the drums have been opened the catalyst should be visually
inspected. For what concerns the prereformer and high
temperature shift catalyst, the pellets should be well-formed and
uniform in length. There should be little signs of capping (a clear
shear fracture of one end of the pellet) or other irregularities and
there should be no clearly visible amount of fines. Any doubtful
material should be rejected until further inspection is possible.

Fresh catalyst should be sampled. A convenient way of doing this

to take a sample after the catalyst leaves the screen or drum.
One sample should be taken from each drum in such a manner
that material representative of the central half of the drum is
obtained, not material from the ends. These samples should
subsequently be combined by coning and quartering to provide
one sample of 1 kg weight representing each 500 mm depth of
catalyst in the catalyst bed. The upper and lower represented by
each batch of samples should be recorded after leveling the
catalyst bed and measuring the depth from a known reference
mark. Another method, which may be preferable when a man is
to be inside the vessel during charging, is to take representative
samples from the bed surface after it has been leveled at 300 mm

Five samples should be taken at each level, one from the centre
and 90º apart. These individual samples should subsequently be
combined by coning and quartering to give a 1 kg representative
sample of the catalyst at that level. All samples should be labelled
in such a way that the label cannot become detached nor the
information erased.

The information should include:

Page 268 of 413

Plant, stream and vessel

 Date of sampling
 Numbers of drums represented by the sample
 Position of the contents of the drums in the catalyst bed-
upper and lower limits
 Since entry into the vessel is required to properly load and
level catalyst, the vessel must be prepared for safe entry.

Install blind flanges on all in and outlet piping to prevent accidental

release of hazardous fluids into the vessel. Before each entry,
have safety personnel analyze the atmosphere in the vessel to
make sure it is safe to breathe. Use atmospheric air to vent the
vessel. Never use plant air supply to provide air for ventilation.
The air supplied might be contaminated, or the supply could, by
mistake, be piped to a gas other than air.

Only a properly trained and equipped worker should enter the

vessel. A safety harness and rope should always be attached to
that worker. Two properly trained and equipped co-workers
standing outside the entry port should constantly observe the
worker in the vessel. The co-workers should use the safety rope
to prevent falls from the ladder used to enter or leave the vessel.
Also, if disabled, the worker can be removed using the rope.


There are three general rules to be observed when charging a

vessel with catalyst :

 The catalyst should not fall freely for more than 500 mm.

 The catalyst should be distributed evenly over the whole

surface of the reactor.

 High local pressures should not be put directly onto the

catalyst; such loads should be supported on boards, e.g., a
man’s weight should be evenly distributed over an area of
at least 0.5 square meters.
Page 269 of 413

The reasons for the first and third are self-evident. The reason for
distributing the catalyst evenly over the surface of the bed is to
avoid concentrating fines in one area, with subsequent mal-
distribution of reactants and products. Catalyst must not be
poured into the vessel at one spot. This would result in
classification of the particles. Smaller particles and dust will stay
under the discharge point and restrict the gas flow in this portion
of the vessel, while the larger particles roll towards the edge of the
heap creating a preferential gas flow in this place. The loading
sock should be kept moving in a figure eight pattern. Plus, it is
important to keep the catalyst bed as level as possible during
loading so that the loaded catalyst density is uniform throughout
the bed.

Before any catalyst is loaded, it must be first decided how the

catalyst is to be lifted to the top of the reactor. It could be lifted in
its original drums by a pulley system. But the quickest and
probably the best way to lift the catalyst is by a crane, if one is
available. If a crane is used, the loading time can be greatly
reduced by constructing two large transfer hoppers to move the
catalyst from ground level to the top of the reactors. In this case, a
transfer hopper loading platform must be constructed in a
convenient place close to the reactors. The loading platform can
be constructed of scaffolding and wooden planks or of any other
convenient material. The platform area should be at least large
enough to accommodate enough drums to load one hopper and to
allow working room for the personnel who will do the loading.

Regardless of the way the catalyst will be lifted, a temporary

storage place near the reactor must be found for the catalyst. The
catalyst should be stored on pallets and completely covered by
canvas to give a certain measure of protection against the
elements. A fork-lift or some other means of moving the catalyst
from this site to loading platform (or to any other place), should be
available. The catalyst loading path, both on the ground and
through the air, must be checked so that it is entirely free from
obstruction. One of the quickest ways of filling the reactors evenly
is by means of a canvas sock fitted to a hopper which is supported
outside the manhole.
Page 270 of 413

The length of the sock must be adjustable, either by using a

zipped sock, or by removing sections from the bottom end. The
inside of the sock should be smooth and non-abrasive and the
rate of delivering the catalyst from the mouth should be controlled
by a draw-cord or similar device. The sock must not be of too
large a diameter in order to avoid that the weight of catalyst it
contains makes it too difficult to handle and steer. The sock must
be kept full of catalyst at all times so that the only free fall of
catalyst is into the hopper and from the mouth of the sock to the
catalyst surface.

As the loading proceeds the catalyst should be periodically

levelled. In small vessels of up to about 2 m diameter, it is
possible to achieve the required objectives without having a man
permanently stationed in the vessel. The delivery bad or sock
may be guided form above with a guideline. A man should enter
the vessel when enough catalyst has been loaded to give about
300 mm of catalyst bed depth and at every subsequent 300 mm
depth. Preferably he should not put any weight directly on the
catalyst but should stand on a ladder suspended from the loading
point. Where this is not possible, he and the ladder should be
supported on boards. At this point, the bed should be carefully
raked level, care being taken to ensure that the catalyst is well
packed around the outside walls of the vessels and around the
thermocouple wells. Well packed in this context implies that the
catalyst is evenly distributed with no visible voids. On no account
should the material be tamped into place. The rakes should be
solid and not have discrete prongs. Raking must be carried out
slowly and carefully to avoid damage. In large vessels it may be
necessary to have a man permanently stationed in the vessels. In
this precautions regarding his safety must be observed.

Continue sock loading until the required catalyst level is obtained.

Finally, the recommended depths of ceramic balls of sizes
specified for that particular vessel and application should be
carefully put into place (same as before catalyst loading) and

When the reactor is loaded, remove any debris or catalyst spillage

from the manhole flange and secure the manholes by using new
gaskets. At the conclusion of the catalyst loading activities, the
quantity of catalyst contained in each reactor should be
determined. In addition, the loaded density should be computed
based on measured reactor volume.

After catalyst loading is complete and the reactors are headed up,
the rector systems should be placed under a slight positive
nitrogen pressure (1 till 2 kg/cm2g), to await unit start-up.
Page 271 of 413


The pre reformer catalyst is a high nickel content material. The

catalyst and particularly its dust is toxic, and contact with the skin
and especially the lungs and eyes must be avoided. Everyone
loading catalyst must wear full protective clothing and a suitable
filter-type breathing mask. Barrier cream must be used on all
exposed skin and care taken not to handle the catalyst directly.
Everyone involved in the loading operation must carefully clean-up
afterwards and in particular must wash before eating.

A person should never enter a vessel containing reduced or spent

catalyst. Some of the catalysts are pyrophoric and, in this state,
extremely hazardous in an enclosed vessel. Sometimes catalyst
vendors insist on the installation of a closure plate to be fitted into
the discharge manway, plus the installation of a barrier against
gas bypassing. The barrier normally consists of filling completely
the discharge nozzle with crushed refractory, which will give a
maximum density and provide a barrier to gas bypassing.

See the reactor drawings for details.

When pre-reduced catalyst is loaded into the reactor but it is not

intended for immediate use, the vessel should be kept isolated
and it is absolutely essential that oxygen is rigorously excluded at
all time. A loaded vessel should thus be held under a positive
pressure of dry nitrogen (which must be free from oxygen, less
than 15 ppm vol and must be analyzed before any nitrogen is
supplied to the reduced catalyst vessel on any occasion).
Moreover, catalyst that has been exposed to moisture may be
damaged if frozen.

On nitrogen circulation, the pressure drop over the pre reformer is

to be checked. Above 150ºC the catalyst becomes active and
cannot be discharged. This applies only to fresh pre reduced

8.2.5 Loading of Molecular Sieves in PSA Adsorbers

Loading molecular sieves/active carbon into PSA adsorption

vessels is a simple task that can be accomplished in the same
manner as for loading of reactor vessels. Normally, molecular
sieves are supplied in he activated (dry) state. It is essential that it
is protected against any unnecessary or prolonged contact with
moisture. In practice this means that the drums should not be
uncovered until they are ready to be emptied, that they should be
emptied with all practical speed, and that loading be done on a dry
day or under cover. Activated carbon is normally supplied in big
Page 272 of 413

Molecular sieves are extremely powerful desiccants. Anyone

handling molecular sieves must wear gloves to guard against
topical dehydration. Molecular sieve pellets, beads, and mesh
maintain their physical integrity during transporting and in normal
processing conditions. However, some dust may form. This dust,
and the powder form of molecular sieves, should not be inhaled or
come into contact with the eyes. During handling, dust masks and
appropriate eye protection must be worn. Dusty hands or arms
should not be wiped across the face.

Molecular sieve adsorbent is customarily packed in sealed, open-

head drums. Occasionally, there may be a slight vacuum in the
sealed drum. For easy removal of the lids, break the vacuum by
loosening or removing the vent screw in the drum lid. Under no
circumstances should drum lids be pried off while there is vacuum
in the drums. A sudden rush of air into the drum may cause the
pellets to be sprayed about.

When molecular sieves are exposed to water they can give off
sufficient heat to approach the temperature of boiling water. For
this reason, molecular sieves should not be put in the mouth or
come in contact with the eyes. Also, while molecular sieves will
adsorb water out of the air, experience has shown that water
vapour does not readily penetrate into a packed bed from
atmospheric air. Several minutes of exposure during loading does
not cause significant water pick-up. If the unit is loaded and not
placed into service for several weeks, it is recommended that the
vessels be “blinded” off from the rest of the process until placed in
service. This will prevent trace contaminants and moisture from
being introduced into the system and causing difficulty in the initial

8.2.6 List of Equipment & Tools Needed for Catalyst Loading


 Apparatus for Δp measurement on reformer tubes.

 Canvas socks for loading of reformer tubes.
 Small pocket torch for visual inspection of inside reformer
 Hammers, for vibration on reformer tubes, weighing
approx. 5 kg, material either wood, rubber or leather faced.
 Vacuum cleaner for industrial use. Approx.4 kW.
Together with flexible hoses, length from grade to reformer
Page 273 of 413

 Measuring tapes (0 to 5m length and 0 to 20 m length).

 Rubber gaskets to be used in connection with Δp device.
Same diameter as original gaskets for reformer tubes.
 Air hoses for supplying air to the Δp device with a length of
each 6 to 10m.
 Mobile crane for lifting of socks and drums or hoppers.
 Medium sized funnel for filling of canvas socks for reformer
 Fork-lift for handling of catalyst drums.
 Rope (100 m), for lifting and inspection. Material cord or
nylon with a diameter of approx. 10 mm. To be cut in
required lengths.
 Sieving equipment, wire mesh suitable for catalyst to be
 Weighing scales form 0 to 10 kg and 0 to 100 kg.


 Mobile crane, same as for reformer tube loadings.

 Fork-lift, same as for loading reformer tubes.
 Two large transport hoppers and separate lifting cables for
each hopper.
 One transfer hopper loading platform it transfer hoppers
are used.
 One filling funnel to rest at the top manhole of the reactor.
 Explosion proof light for inside the reactor (24 V), plus flash
 Canvas for covering the catalyst drums and reactor inlets,
for protection against ingress of rain, snow.
 A safe ladder (rope), for inspection of reactor internals,
having sufficient length for all vessels.
 Loading socks of correct diameter and sufficient length.
 Wooden boards to stand on while inside the reactor
leveling the catalyst.
 Eventually a vacuum ejector to remove catalyst dust in
 Protection equipment for loaders, dust masks, gloves,
goggles etc.
 Chalk, crayons or other type of markers, to mark the level
of catalyst to be loaded.
 Miscellaneous hand tools, pliers, screw drivers, spanners
Page 274 of 413

8.3 Chemical Cleaning

8.3.1 Boiler Boil-Out


The Convection Section Steam drum (92-V-14), Process Gas

Boiler Steam Drum (92-V-16), Process Gas Boiler (92-E-16),
Shock Coil (92-E-51) and Steam Generation Coil (92-E-57) should
be degreased and boiled out. The reason for the removal of oil
and grease, by means of an alkaline boil-out from the steam
generation system is to provide clean internal surface and to
permit an undisturbed iron oxide protection layer (Fe3O4,
Heat required for boil-out is obtained from the flue gases and from
the nitrogen circulation through the process lines and equipment.
Normally the boil-out is combined with the refractory dry out.

Blow-down of the Convection Section Steam Drum (92-V-14) and

Process Gas Boiler Steam Drum (92-V-16) is done by the SPM
valve 14 and SPM valve-11 respectively to Continuous Blow
Down Drum (92-V-15)


1. Before the chemicals are added to the steam drums, the

steam drums should be filled with boiler feed water and the
alarms for low low level and high, high level should be
checked for correct operation. Also confirm that the
transmitters are matching with the level gauge on the
steam drum.


When filling the Convection Section Steam Drum (92-V-14),

isolate LV-3402 & FV-3402 and use their bypass valves SPM-15
& SPM-18 respectively. These valves have been designed to
cope with the high differential pressure across the valve without
damaging the valve internals.
Page 275 of 413

1. Drain the water from Steam Drum (92-V-14) until the level
is below the manhole as seen by the level gauge. Open
the manway ready for introduction of the chemicals.

2. The following chemicals should be added per 1 m3 water

content 5 kg trisodium phosphate Na3PO4 (with 20% P2O5
content) dissolved in clear water.

Commercial trisodium phosphate has a max. P2O5 content of

20%-so that to every m3 of water 5 kg Na3PO4 has to be added to
the water in order to obtain a P2O5 content of 1000ppm. During the
boil out the phosphate content is practically reduced to zero. A
boiling out time of 48 hours is necessary during which the first
blowdown is carried out at 4kg/cm2g after approximately 6 hours.
Further blowdown are carried every 4 hours.

Attention: When working with chemicals wear rubber gloves

and a face shield.

3. Close and bolt up the manway.

4. Confirm that PV-2801, PV-2802 is in the closed position.
Also close the upstream and down stream block valves
and bypass valves. Open the manual vents on the steam
5. Check that all valves on the level gauges and transmitters
and pressure indicators are opened.
6. Raise the level back to 60% in the steam drum.
7. Steam will be seen as a plume out of the manual vent.
Slowly start to close the vent and start raising the steam
drum pressure. Raise the pressure to 15kg/cm2g in the
steam drum. By this time the manual vents will be closed
and the pressure will be controlled by PV-2802, which will
vent any excess steam through the silencer 92-M-13 to
8. When the pressure builds up to 10 kg/cm2g. The P-
number has to be at least 35 mval/1 and not more than 40
9. When the required steam pressure for the boil-out program
is reached, operate the steam drum vent valve to blow off
steam and reduce boiler pressure giving a increased boiler
circulation rate each hour. Before operating the blow-off
valve, ensure that the drum water level is visible at the
normal working level i.e. 50% on LIC-2703.
Page 276 of 413

10. During the boil-out operation, ensure that the boiler water
level is kept visible in the sight glass. Introduce boiler feed
water make-up as required. Initially, the boiler water will
be at boiler feed water temperature but will heat up as the
dry-out progresses.
11. The blow-off valve to vent should be operated at least
once per hour to blow out as much as possible, this will
ensure a good circulation within the system.
12. As more burners are lit in the furnace, the blow-off valve on
the steam drum should be opened slightly to maintain a
constant steam drum pressure.


1. When filling the Process Gas Boiler Steam Drum (92-V-

16), isolate FV-2901 and use the bypass valve SPM-17.
This has been designed to cope with the high differential
pressure across the valve without damaging the valve
2. Drain the water from Steam Drum until the level is below
the manhole as seen by the level gauge. Open the
manway ready for introduction of the chemicals.
3. The following chemicals should be added per 1m3 water
content 5 kg trisodium phosphate Na3PO4 (with 20% P2O5
content) dissolved in clear water.
4. Commercial trisodium phosphate has a max. P2O5 content
of 20%-so that to every m3 of water 5 kg Na3PO4 has to be
added to the water in order to obtain a P2O5 content of
1000ppm. During the boil out the phosphate content is
practically reduced to zero. A boiling out time of 48 hours
is necessary during which the first blowdown is carried out
at 4kg/cm2g after approximately 6 hours. Further
blowdowns are carried every 4 hours.

Attention: When working with chemicals wear rubber gloves

and a face shield.

5. Close and bolt up the manway.

6. Confirm that FV-2504, PV-2804, OK are in the closed
position. Also close the upstream and down stream block
valves and bypass valves. Confirm that at the battery limit
export steam header block valves are closed and the blind
is in the closed position. Open the manual vents on the
steam drum.
7. Check that all valves on the level gauges and transmitters
and Pressure indicators are opened.
Page 277 of 413

8. Raise the level back to 60% in the steam drum. Circulation

of nitrogen can now be started and dry-out can commence
as described in section 8.9. TV-2604 of process gas boiler
should be open during the start of the dry-out in order to
dry-out the refractory lining of the PGB. The TV-2604 can
then be closed for maximizing the heat exchange for
producing steam.
9. Steam will be seen as a plume out of the manual vent.
Slowly start to close the vent and start raising the steam
drum pressure. Raise the pressure to 15kg/cm2g in the
steam drum. By this time the manual vents will be closed
and the pressure will be controlled by PV-2804, which will
vent any excess steam through the silencer 92-M-13 to
10. When the pressure builds up to 10 kg/cm2g, the P-number
has to be at least 35 mval/1 and not more than 40 mval/1
after dosing, the sample being taken at normal sample
point for boiler water after purging.
11. When the required steam pressure for the boil-out is
reached, operate the steam drum vent valve to blow off
steam and reduce boiler pressure giving a increased boiler
circulation rate each hour. Before operating the blow-off
valve, ensure that the drum water level is visible at the
normal working level i.e. 50% on LIC 2601 on PGB steam
drum (92-V-16).
12. During the boil-out operation, ensure that the boiler water
level is kept visible in the sight glass, introduce boiler feed
water make-up as required. Initially, the boiler water will
be at boiler feed water temperature but will heat up as the
dry-out progresses.
13. The blow-off valve to vent should be operated at least
once per hour to blow out as much as possible, this will
ensure a good circulation within the system.
14. As more burners are lit in the furnace, the blow-off valve on
the steam drum should be opened slightly to maintain a
constant steam drum pressure.


1. A boiler water sample should be taken every 2 hours for


2. From the boiler water sample determine the following

a. Alkalinity: - This valve should not be allowed to decrease
by more that 5 mval/1.
b. SiO2 content: - This SiO2 percentage can vary widely and
will rise (when the boiler contents are homogenous through
a proper circulation) until this valve remains constant.
Page 278 of 413

3. All drain and vent valves in the water/steam system should

be regularly blown through for a short period during the
boil-out program. This is to prevent valve blockage by
sludge in the system. This should be done approximately
every 4 hours.

4. When the SiO2 content in boiler water remains constant in

3 consecutive samples taken at 2 hourly intervals, the boil-
out can be considered finished.

5. On completion of the boil-out, stop the intermittent blowing

off and reduce the firing. The flue gas temperature fall
should be kept at a maximum of 50ºC/h. Raise the boiler
water level to the top of the sight glass and allow the
system to cool down. This should also be the completion
of the dry-out procedure.

6. When the drum pressure is approximately down to 2

kg/cm2g open the drum vent and drain the system as

a) Check first that flue gas temperature as seen on TI-

2402 is below 250ºC.
b) Blow through all drain valves in the system for a
period of 2-3 minutes, starting with the drain at the
highest point in the system and finishing with the
drain at the lowest. This is to ensure that no sludge
is setting in these lies.
c) On completion of the above operation, open all the
drain valves and drain the system completely.
d) Fill and drain boiler repeatedly (minimum 3 times)
until boiler water analysis is the same as boiler feed
water quality to ensure that the system is
adequately washed of all remaining chemicals.

7. If the final SiO2 content of the boiler water is above the

permitted maximum or the P valve has decreased by more
than 5 mval/1, the boil-out procedure should be repeated
as before, after draining and refilling with new chemicals
and water.

8. When the boiler is depressurized and drained completely,

the steam drum manhole covers must be opened and any
remaining dirt or debris in the drum removed manually.
Page 279 of 413

9. When cold and clean, the boiler should be put under

nitrogen pressure as a conservation medium. Fit nitrogen
flexible hose to steam side of boiler, blow dry through all
low points, including drains on convection coils, box up
under 3-4 kg/cm2g pressure of nitrogen.


This chemical cleaning procedure shall be read as a general

information procedure, but does not overrule the Vendor
Page 280 of 413

8.4 Dry-Out of Refractories

8.4.1 General Procedure for Refractory Dry-Out

The refractory of new furnace, or furnace which has been idle for
a long period, should be dried out slowly to permit accumulated
water vapour to escape. In this way, entrained water will vaporize
slowly rather than boil violently, causing damage to refractory

In a new furnace, drying-out can be started two days after the

refractory lining has been finished. The dry-out of refractories
immediately follows the initial light-up of burners and shall
comprise a holding period of at least 12 hours at 120ºC. The
procedure described hereafter is then followed. The entire
procedure takes about 4-5 days.

The refractory vendor shall give detailed dry out profile.

Following rules are valid in general for the first heating up of


 There should be continuous flow of air through furnace to

remove moisture
 All temperature fluctuations should be kept minimum.

Do not put the burners on radiant, but maintain a soft yellow

flame up to 600ºC flue gas cross-over temperature.

Dry-out of the reformer refractory is done by hot flue gases with

TIC-2402 as indication and the process gas boiler refractory is
dried with nitrogen with TIC-2401 as indication.

8.4.2 Reformer / Process Gas Boiler Refractory Dry-Out Procedure

Before beginning the dry-out program, the personnel responsible

for the operation should:

♦ Verify that all utilities are available and commissioned. All

instrumentation installed, commissioned and all interlock /
alarm / ESD’s checked and tested.

♦ Verify that flue gas temperature measuring devices are

available and located in the flue gas ducting at the radiant
box to Convection Box Cross-over (TIC-2402), and the
inlet of the Flue Gas Fan (TI-2406).
Page 281 of 413

♦ Verify that the reformer gas outlet temperature

measurement device (TIC-2401) is available.

♦ Flue Gas Fan (92-ID-12) and Combustion Air Fans (92-FD-

11 A/B) to be in operation

♦ The PGB Steam Drum (92-V-16) and convection section

steam drum (92-V-14) are filled up with BFW above low

♦ Open the internal bypass valve TV-2815 in the Process

Gas Boiler (92-E-16) to ensure that the outlet vestibule of
the exchanger is also free of moisture.

♦ Use Fuel Gas for the burner tightness test.

♦ It will be necessary to circulate a cooling fluid through the

convection tubes to avoid overheating. Nitrogen
circulation is used on the process coils and boiler feed
water through the steam generating coils. Nitrogen
circulation flow through the unit is to be established with
maximum flow available for uniform distribution during

♦ Before circulation of nitrogen is started, nitrogen purity

should be checked.

The following circulation loop should be prepared for services.

92-K-12 → 92-E-11 → 92-E-12 → 92-E-55 →

92-R-11 → 92-R-12 A/B → 92-E-53 → 92-R-13 A/B

→ 92-E-52 → 92-F-11 → 92-E-16 →

92-R-14 → 92-E-17 → → 92-E-18 →

92-E-12 92-E-19

92-R-15 → 92-E-20 →
Page 282 of 413

→ 92-E-22 → 92-V-17 → 92-AC-13 →


→ 92-E-23 → 92-V-18 → 12”-N-92-30-01-A3G-1F-E → 92-K-12


Ensure that the relevant instrument and interlocks/ESD’s are

checked and are put in service prior to start the Nitrogen
Circulation Compressor (92-K-12) and line up has been
completed as given above.

 To start Nitrogen Circulation Compressor (92-K-12) for the

first time, the things to be done are listed in the vendor
instruction book. These should be carefully followed.

 Start the nitrogen circulation through the loop.

 After nitrogen has been circulating for 15 minutes, conduct

a test for oxygen at the sample point at the overhead of the
Cold Condensate Separator (92-V-18). If oxygen is in
excess of 0.5 vol %, vent off some nitrogen and replace
the vented gas by fresh nitrogen from the header. Repeat
the test at intervals during plant heat up and nitrogen
circulation. Bleed out and renew nitrogen as necessary.

 Entrained liquid should never be permitted to enter

compressor cylinder.

Before putting the burners into service check should be made for
the burner system.

When putting burners into service maintain a fuel naphtha

pressure as low as possible but above the low-low fuel pressure
PALL-3206. During the dry-out, as more heat is required, do not
increase the fuel gas pressure but light more burners. This
ensures an even heat distribution across the firebox, at the same
time avoiding flame impingement on to the reformer tubes. For
even distribution of heat light up the burners in the same
sequence as mentioned for normal light up of the burners in
Chapter 6.
Page 283 of 413

The dry-out of refractories in both the radiant, convection sections

can be carried out simultaneously. As nitrogen and boiler water
are circulating through the coils of the convection box, the flue gas
will be cooled.

The basic dry-out curve is as follows :

 Raise flue gas temperature at 15ºC/H to 120ºC followed by

a 24 hours hold period.

 Raise flue gas temperature at 15ºC/H to 270ºC followed by

a 24 hours hold period.

 Raise the flue gas temperature at 15ºC/H to 540ºC

followed by a 24 hours hold period.

 Reduce flue gas temperature at maximum 30ºC/H

As each burner is lit, the combustion air must be adjusted to give

a soft yellow kindling flame. This will avoid overheating and
cracking of the burner tile. When four (4) burners are lit, start to
rotate the burners. This will help to identify dirty/faulty burners
early in the dry-out program and will save time later during start-
up. Dirty/faulty burners must be removed for cleaning/repair and
put back into service.
Page 284 of 413

During the dry-out, when an increase in temperature is required,

put more burners into service. Increase the radiant section flue
gas cross-over temperature at 15ºC/H to 120ºC (TIC-2402) and
hold this temperature for 24 hours.

Also during this holding period, the outer wall surface of the
radiant and convection sections outlet header and process gas
boiler (92-E-16) must be checked for hot spots and the holding
period extended if necessary.

Hot spots at the low temperature plateau are indicative of heavy

moisture content in the refractory lining.

The moisture vaporize to steam providing easy heat transfer to the

outer shell. When the moisture has been completely vaporized,
the hot spot will cool down to the same temperature as the rest of
the casing.

During the second step of the dry-out, the flue gas temperature
(TIC-2402) of the radiant section can be raised at 15ºC/H to 270ºC
and then held for 24 hours. If all is satisfactory, the flue gas
temperature (TIC-2402) at radiant cross-over can again be raised
at 15ºC/H to 540ºC. The holding period is 24 hours.

After the holding period at 540ºC, the dry-out is concluded.

Reduce the temperature at a rate of 30ºC/H (TIC-2402) and hold.
Shut down the furnace for inspection.

Note :

Continuously change over and check the burners during the dry-
out cycle, so that any of the common burner problems such as dirt
or coke in the lines are noticed and rectified during the dry-out
cycle. This avoids problems later. A dry-out curve is given in
enclosed figure.

Post Dry-Out Inspection

After the drying out program is complete, a visual inspection of the

lining should be carried out to check that no damage or excessive
shrinkage has occurred. The burners should be turned off and the
heater allowed to cool to facilitate visual inspection of the lining.
The heater should not run on full load for at least 48 hours after
completion of the initial drying out program. Any shrinkage cracks
larger than 1/8” width should be cut out and repaired with
refractory cement or when possible plugged with ceramic fibre.
Page 285 of 413

If the plant is to be shut down for an extended period, precautions

must be taken to prevent rain water and other foreign substances
from entering the furnace.

Subsequent Start-up

Under normal circumstances, it is not necessary that the dry-out

procedures be repeated during subsequent start-ups once the
furnace has been run a design capacity. Flue gas temperature,
increase or decrease, should be limited to 50ºC per hour during
any subsequent start-ups or, if possible, during shut down periods
when refractory cooling occurs. However, when the reformer has
been shut down for a period of 30 days or more, the complete dry-
out cycle must be repeated.

8.5 Catalyst Reduction

8.5.1 General

Catalysts are designed to be in their active form under process

conditions. Generally they are supplied in inactive form which is
stable under atmospheric conditions and sometimes they also
contain small quantities of impurities, such as sulphur, which have
to be removed in the course of activation. The activation
procedure, usually involving reduction of an oxide, requires careful
control if the best results are to be achieved.

The reformer catalyst reduction is to be carried out with pre

reformer effluent hydrogen rich gas as the part of the plant start
up. HT shift catalyst reduction is carried out along with the
reformer catalyst reduction and no separate procedure is required.
For the LT catalyst reduction, the following procedure is to be

8.5.2 LT Shift Catalyst Reduction

The LT shift catalyst has to be reduced first after initial loading in

order to obtain its activity. The procedure converts the stable
copper oxide components of the new catalyst into reactive copper
metal. The zinc oxide and alumina components are unchanged
and act as support to stabilize the copper metal crystallises & as a
reservoir for poisons.
Page 286 of 413

Detailed Description

With the reduction large quantities of heat are generated which

have to be removed by nitrogen circulation to the downstream
coolers. In order to monitor the temperature profile during the
reduction, four thermocouples (TE/TT/TI-2815 A/B/C/D) are
provided in the catalyst bed of the reactor.

The full procedure consists of following steps and requires approx.

24 hours to complete

- Nitrogen circulation is to be established using the short

nitrogen circuit through the reformer section only as the
loop given below :
Page 287 of 413

The block valves of the prereformer should remain closed

during the entire procedure. With a circulation of min
19000 kg/h (15000 Nm3/h) nitrogen, burners can be ignited
as required to heat up the LT shift reactor to 170ºC (if
possible at 180ºC, as at 160ºC hydrogen accumulation
could occur). The temperature rise on any catalyst shall
not exceed more than 50ºC/H. The reduction may be
carried out at any convenient pressure but high pressure is
normally preferred as it allows a higher flow to be achieved
in the system, and a higher partial pressure of hydrogen
helps the reduction.

At a bed temperature of 160ºC, hydrogen can be

introduced to the system via the line 2”-H-92-37-19-A2G-
6F-H (at inlet to LT shift). The hydrogen flow rate shall be
75 Nm3/h, in order not to exceed 0.5% vol. H2 in the
nitrogen to the LT shift reactor.

This temperature will ensure direct onset of the catalyst

reduction and thus avoid accumulation of hydrogen which
might result in an excessive temperature rise once the
accumulated hydrogen starts reacting. A time lag is
expected between any change in the hydrogen flow rate
and the temperature in the reactor since, once the reaction
occurs, initially all heat is taken up by the catalyst bed and
the top bed temperature will only indicate a temperature
rise after the top portion of the bed is heated.

- Once the top two temperature indicators show a steady

temperature (approximately 15ºC above the reactor inlet
temperature), hydrogen addition can be gradually
increased until the reactor reaches a temperature of
around 220ºC. 1 vol% of hydrogen in the inlet nitrogen
corresponds to a temperature rise of around 30ºC. Any
increase in hydrogen flow rate shall be done in small steps
and sufficient waiting time shall be included to observe the
effect on the temperature.

- As the reduction proceeds and the temperature front has

passed through the bed (outlet temperature drops), the
inlet temperature may be raised to 200ºC and the inlet
hydrogen concentration can be increased to about 3 –
5vol% (450 to 750 Nm3/hr of hydrogen), provided the
maximum temperature limit in the bed of 230ºC is not
Page 288 of 413

- At this stage since reduction is now essentially complete,

hydrogen will slip from the LT shift reactor and start to
accumulate. Indications for the essentially complete
reduction are the absence of temperature rise over the
reactor and essentially identical concentrations of
hydrogen in the LT shift reactor inlet and outlet. The inlet
hydrogen concentration in the circulation can be increased
to about 20% vol. (3000 Nm3/hr of hydrogen) and the inlet
reactor temperature should be raised to 220ºC. The final
increase in hydrogen concentration should take not less
than two hours. No temperature rise should occur, the
maximum catalyst temperature should not exceed 230ºC.
The hydrogen concentration at the inlet and the exit should
be almost equal. In some cases a small difference
between inlet and exit hydrogen contents will persists, but
if there is no temperature rise and the exit concentration is
within 0.2% of the inlet for more than four hours, then the
reduction can be considered complete.

- All of above stated hydrogen flow rates are flow rates in

the circulation loop. During the initial stage of the
reduction procedure, the required make-up quantities will
be approximately identical to the circulation quantity. In
the final reduction stage the hydrogen circulation rate of
3000 Nm3/h can be achieved with a much lower make-up
stream. Gas analysis is required to determine the
hydrogen content of the circulation loop.

- To avoid accumulation of impurities as present in the

hydrogen (containing typically 5-7 vol% methane), a
continuous vent from the circulation loop is required.

- In absence of steam, N2 & H2 alone are never circulated

through these catalysts. This will over reduce the HT shift
catalyst to metallic iron. Typically, it is required to maintain
a minimum ratio of steam / hydrogen ratio of 0.18 and to
maintain the temperature at the HTS during the procedure
at 300ºC – 350ºC. If H2O / H2 molar ratio exceeds 0.18 at
400ºC or 1.0 at 550ºC then the desired magnetite is stable

In addition, if reactor is to remain isolated for any length of time

after the reduction is completed but before it is commissioned,
catalyst bed temperature should be monitored frequently. If any
increase in the temperature is detected, the reactor should be
immediately purged with inert gas to avoid any rapid temperature

For further reference check the catalyst supplier’s guidelines.

Page 289 of 413

8.6 Comox Reactor-I (92-R-01) Catalyst Presulphidation


CoMox I Reactor – If catalyst is delivered and loaded in oxidized state, it

must be presulphided to metal sulphides to make them active, selective
and stable. A liquid organic sulphide is used to supply required quantity
of sulphur for this sulphidation of the catalyst.

Dimethyldisulphide (DMDS) is the preferred type of sulphide, because it

contains a very active sulphur and easy to handle. DMDS reacts with
hydrogen to form native H2S on the catalyst active site.

The H2S content (equivalent to the complete reaction of DMDS) in the gas
at the inlet of reactor should be 1 vol%. The hydro-desulphurisation
catalyst theoretically can fix around 8.7 wt% sulphur, which corresponds
to 12.5 wt% of DMDS.

Pre-Sulphidation Procedure

The nitrogen circulation loop must be kept ready as discussed in the

Section 6.2.2, Chapter 6 (Start-up, Shutdown and Normal operation)

Comox Reactor – 1 (Fresh) catalyst has to be pre-sulphided in the

following procedure :

 Start circulating the nitrogen in the loop across the recycle

hydrogen compressor (K-01 A/B). Maintain the suction pressure
of the compressor to the nitrogen header pressure.

 The catalyst bed is to be preheated to 160ºC with nitrogen. Then

start injecting the hydrogen in to the loop through the make-up
hydrogen line at compressor suction. The hydrogen has to be
taken from the existing hydrogen unit across the battery limit.

 Replace the nitrogen in the loop with hydrogen and start

pressurising the loop to about 20 kg/cm2g (15-20 kg/cm2).
Increase the bed inlet temperature to 175ºC.

 Start injecting DMDS at reactor inlet slowly. Inject the liquid into
the hydrogen gas as to maintain upto 5 mole % sulphur in the

 As the exothermic reaction proceeds, the sulphur concentration

may be increased but do not exceed 230ºC in the catalyst bed.
Page 290 of 413

 Maintain the inlet temperature at 175ºC, till the definite sulphur

break through is found in the reactor outlet.

 After significant sulphur break through is confirmed, continue

sulphur addition and increase the inlet temperature at a rate of
55ºC per hour until a maximum bed temperature of 340ºC is
obtained. The sulfiding should be continued for one hour after
reaching a bed temperature of 340ºC during which time it should
be confirmed by effluent analysis that sulfiding is complete.

 Feed is then can be introduced and temperature & pressure can

be adjusted to as required to obtain desired product specifications.
Page 291 of 413

8.7 Comox Reactor – I (92-R-01) Catalyst Regeneration Procedure

Once the catalyst becomes deactivated or develops excessive pressure

drop, it may be regenerated to restore it to approximately to its original
condition. The frequency of regeneration and the degree of activity
recovery will depend on the type of feed stock & the operating conditions.

The Comox Reactor-I (92-R-01) catalyst is regenerated in-situ by means

of an air steam mixture at controlled temperature.

If the catalyst bed is cool and has to be regenerated, then the Hydrogen
circulation compressor (92-K-01 A/B) is to be utilised to heat up the bed.
Circulation loop discussed in Chapter 6, Section 6.2.2 for initial start up
shall be used for he same. The catalyst bed is preheated with nitrogen.
After checking that the reactor temperatures are high enough (>50ºC
above steam dew point) to avoid steam condensation on the catalyst,
stop the heater and cut off nitrogen circulation immediately without
allowing the bed to cool down.

At earliest possible time, the sour naphtha super heater (92-F-01) &
CoMOx reactor – I (92-R-01) to be lined up in the regeneration circuit.
Maintain a slight positive pressure of nitrogen in the heater and reactor by
admitting nitrogen through 3”-N-92-45-04-A3-1F. In regeneration circuit,
CoMoX reactor I (92-R-01) effluent should be lined up to sour naphtha
superheater (92-F-01) stack. As soon as the loop is ready, ensuring the
bed temperatures are still above dew point and introduce steam at rate of
0.5 – 1.0 kg steam per kg of catalyst and furnace is immediately fired.

The catalyst regeneration will be achieved in three steps.

Step-1 : Catalyst Steam Stripping

 Take regeneration circuit in line by changing reverse swing elbow

at Comox Reactor-I (92-R-01) outlet.

 Start admitting steam through the fired heater at flow of 0.5 – 1.0
kg of steam / kg of catalyst. The fired heater should be lighted up.
Raise the bed temperature gradually at a rate of 50ºC until the bed
inlet temperature has been raised up to 370ºC. The back
pressure of the MP steam should be continuously monitored
which indicates the coke potential.

 Continue steaming until a sample of effluent condensate is

essentially free of oily materials.
Page 292 of 413

Step-2 : Coke Burning

After steam stripping, air is slowly and carefully injected into the flow of
steam. The combustion develops from the top to the bottom of the
reactor. As long as combustion takes place, the air flow must be adjusted
to limit the temperature raise through the catalyst bed at 80ºC and also
maintain the maximum temperature of the catalyst bed below 455ºC.
when the wave of combustion is completed, the air flow is increased by
steps to each 3.0 vol% oxygen within the flow of steam. Air should not be
raised more than 5 vol% O2 level, observing carefully any restart of the
combustion. If necessary reduce or stop the air injection to maintain the
maximum temperature below 455ºC.

Analyse the non-combustible gases exit reactor for CO2 and O2. When
O2 content increases, then increase catalyst bed temperature until O2
disappears. When the O2 remain at the same level on raising the bed
temperature, then regeneration can be considered almost near

Step-3 : Catalyst oxidation

When the oxygen content in the flow reaches 3 vol % and there is no
increase in temperature across the reactor, the inlet temperature is
increased up to 450ºC. Then the air injection is carefully increased to
reach 5.0 vol % of oxygen in the flow. Never exceed 450ºC over the
Comox Reactor-I (92-R-01) catalyst bed.

These conditions are kept for about 4 hours.

At the end of the step-3, air injection is stopped and the reactor is cooled
down to 200ºC, steam is stopped to avoid any condensation over the
catalyst bed.

Regeneration will be definitely completed when the exit gas from reactor
shows over O2 15 vol% and less then 2.0 vol % CO2. Regeneration of
catalyst will completed almost in 16 hours.

Regenerated catalyst is to be taken back in to service as per the

procedure discussed for fresh catalyst.
Page 293 of 413


 During coke burning operation, the air flow rate must be adjusted
so that the temperature rise over the Comox Reactor-I (92-R-01)
catalyst bed should not be more than 80ºC per hour.

 Avoid steam condensation over the Comox Reactor-I (92-R-01)

catalyst Bed.

 Temperature over the catalyst bed should not exceed 450ºC, for
NiMoX catalyst protection.
Page 294 of 413

8.8 Reformer (92-F-11) Catalyst Regeneration Procedure

8.8.1 Carbon Formation

Prevention of carbon deposition on the catalyst is a very important

aspect of reformer operation. Great care must be taken during the
catalyst loading procedure and setting up the reformer furnace. In
particular, the reformer tubes must be evenly packed to give
uniform pressure drop and the burners should be correctly aligned
to give good flame patterns that do not impinge on the reformer
tubes. Plant incidents such as power failure, instrument
malfunction, or equipment failure can lead to operating conditions
under which carbon can deposit. Carbon formation will occur
either from unfavourable thermodynamic equilibria leading to the
carbon monoxide disproporationation / reduction reactions, or
hydrocarbon cracking reactions.

8.8.2 Regeneration

When the amount of carbon that has been deposited on the

catalyst in the reforming tubes is such that hot spots have
developed and the pressure drop has increased, catalyst activity
can be restored by steaming the catalyst. For carrying out the
regeneration feedstock should be cut off and steam flow to the
reformer continued for 12-24 hours at a temperature not less than
750ºC. The progress of carbon removal can be monitored during
the regeneration procedure by measuring the concentration of
carbon oxides at the reformer tube exit. The catalyst will re-
oxidize during regeneration and to restore activity, the catalyst
should be reduced before further operation. The normal re-start
procedure should then be followed.


 Steaming of reformer catalyst is not a normal operation

procedure. It is undertaken only as an extreme measure.
There is no guarantee that it will regenerate the catalyst
fully. If carbon is deposited inside the pores of the catalyst,
it will cause complete physical disintegration and then it will
not be possible to regenerate the catalyst.

 It is recommended to contact the catalyst manufacturer

before carrying out this operation.

 The pre-reformer catalyst can not be regenerated, because

steam leads to irreversible over-oxidation.
Page 295 of 413

8.9 Change-Out of Catalyst During Operation

8.9.1 Change-Out of Desulphurizer (92-R-12 A/B) Catalyst

The plant being designed with two beds of ZnO & Chlor guard in
series, enables the lead bed to be rum to saturation before
changing. This approach is particularly attractive to units operating
with high levels of sulphur in the feed, because by using a bypass
each bed of absorber can be changed without having to take the
plant off-line.

The desulphurizer which has to be changed-out, should never be

subjected to conditions which would allow hydrocarbons (naphtha)
to condense in the catalyst. Should this happen, the particles
might be damaged by rapid evaporation of the hydrocarbon
(naphtha) from within them. Also the risk on liquid slugs to the
prereformer and reformer is present.

It is assumed that the ZnO catalyst of the desulphuriser (92-R-

12A) is exhausted & catalyst in this vessel should be renewed
retaining the chlor guard catalyst. The bed can be considered as
exhausted when the sulphur slip from the catalyst bed is > 0.2
ppm wt of sulphur. However, in the true sense of the lead lag
arrangement, the lead bed can be kept online until the outlet
sulphur content equals the inlet sulphur content to ensure
maximum sulphur pick-up by ZnO. The Lag Guard bed will
absorb the sulphur that slips through the lead bed. Catalyst
change out should be scheduled as soon as slip from the lead bed
starts to rise.


a. Open the 8” block valve in the top inlet line towards 92-R-
12B. Now 92-R-12B & 92-R-12A are in parallel operation.

b. Isolate the inlet block and bleed of reactor vessel 92-R-

12A. Isolate both the outlet block & bleed to 92-R-12B.
Now the 92-R-12A vessel is totally isolated.

c. Start the Air cooler (92-AC-11). Depressurise the 92-R-12

A reactor vessel slowly by opening the drain to the spill
back system. The collected naphtha can be reclaimed.

d. Open the 2” isolation valve at the PSV-2205 bypass. Cool

the reactor by establishing the inert gas flow from the
reactor outlet line nitrogen point through the above
described vent, after closing the drain to spill back line.
Page 296 of 413

e. Once the reactor is cooled, which is to be ensured by

physical methods, introduce blind at the inlet of the reactor,
to avoid possible chimney affect.

f. Maintain a slight positive nitrogen pressure inside the

reactor and start removing the ZnO catalyst from 92-R-
12A, through the discharge manhole. Discharge the
catalyst as per the procedure recommended by the
catalyst vendor.

g. Fill 92-R-12A with fresh catalyst as per supplier’s

instructions. Personal protections to be taken as the
vessel is in nitrogen atmosphere.

h. Put 92-R-12A back into service as follows:

i. Remove the blind flange at the reactor inlet.

j. Purge with nitrogen, oxygen free. Close nitrogen & PSV-

2205 bypass valves.

k. Open first the 1” inlet bypass valve of 8” inlet valve of 92-

R12A and open the drain to 92-AC-11. Establish the
positive flow across the reactor through the spill back
system. Heat up the reactor close to atmospheric pressure
to maintain a minimal naphtha vapor pressure. The
temperature should be monitored through TI-2206.

l. Keep the reactor under atmospheric pressure till the bed

temperature has exceeded 280ºC (50ºC more than the
dew point of the naphtha). Care should be taken to avoid
possible condensation of the naphtha in the catalyst beds
by reducing the partial pressure of the naphtha. Drain the
liquid condensate collected at the reactor thoroughly. Once
the bed temperature has picked up more than the FBP of
naphtha, the process gas flow across the reactor bed can
be increased, to raise the rate of catalyst heat up.

m. After heat of the 92-R-12A to more than 300ºC, isolate

drain to 92-AC-11. Pressurize the reactor to the normal
operating pressure and check that the reactor 92-R-12A is
up to full pressure of the stream.

n. Swing the spectacle blinds in the outlet lines to open

position on 92-R-12A.
Page 297 of 413

o. Open both the 8” outlet valves of the 92-R-12A to 8”-P-92-

22-06-E2G-6F-H completely & close “1” bypass of the 8”
inlet valve completely.

p. Open the block and bleed arrangement (on 8”-P-92-22-04-

E2G-6F-H) from 92-R-12B connection to 92-R-12A.
Isolate the outlet of the 92-R-12B outlet connection to 8”-P-
92-22-06-E2G-6F. Now the reactor B is in lead and reactor
A is in lag arrangement. i.e. The fresh catalyst is in lag

q. Analyse sulphur content in outlet of desulphuriser bed.

Page 298 of 413

8.9.2 Change-Out of Pre-Reformer Catalyst During Operation

Since the lifetime of the pre-reformer catalyst is considerably

shorter than the other catalysts applied in the plant, provisions are
foreseen to change out the pre-reformer catalyst while the plant is
in operation.

Two pre-reformer reactors have been installed, of which one is in

service and the other is standby or being recharged.
Summarising major causes with required precautions to avoid
catalyst damage are:

 Condensation of water on the catalyst: Do not admit

steam to the reactor before the entire catalyst bed is at a
minimum 50ºC above the steam dew point.

 Prolonged exposure to steam alone: Never expose the

pre-reformer catalyst to steam alone for a period longer
than 10 minutes. If 10 vol% of hydrogen is added,
exposure shall not exceed 12 hrs.

 Hydrocarbons in absence of steam: Never admit

hydrocarbons to the pre-reformer without steam to prevent
carbon deposition.

 Heavy hydrocarbon feedstock at low temperatures:

Feeding a hydrocarbon/steam mixture to the pre-reformer
at too low temperatures can result in substantial catalyst
damage due to polymerization of the hydrocarbon feed.
Therefore the hydrocarbon feed shall only be admitted if
the temperature of the whole bed is above a certain,
feedstock dependant, minimum temperature.

Taking into account the above-mentioned considerations, the pre-

reformer switch-over procedure can be summarized as follows:

There are two prereformers (92-R-13A/B) installed in the plant.

During normal operations, only one of the two above will be in

The end of life of the on stream reactor is indicated by the

following factors/ indications.

 Temperature at the inlet of the reactor.

 Temperature at the outlet of the reactor.
 Slip of ethane and heavier components at the outlet: > 0.2
vol% C2+ (Wet basis)
Page 299 of 413

Once the on stream reactor has reached the end of its life, it will
be necessary to execute the following activities:

 Bring up the standby to the temperature of 460ºC

 Pressure up the standby reactor to operating conditions.

 Introduce feed through the standby reactor simultaneously

 Isolate the exhausted reactor and change the catalyst

 Stabilise the operating conditions

Description of the system:

Catalyst change-out should be done in accordance with the

procedure as outlined below.

 Prereformer reactors 92-R-13 A/B

 Nitrogen Electric Heater 92-E-15

 Compressors for circulating nitrogen 92-K-12

 Nitrogen recycle cooler 92-AC-12.

The heating up of the standby bed is carried out by means of

nitrogen which is re-circulated in order to minimize nitrogen usage.
The flow path of nitrogen during the heating cycle is as follows:

Compressor 92-K-12 to 92-E-15 to Reactor 92-R-13A or B (as

required i.e. to the standby reactor) to Cooler 92-AC-12 to
Nitrogen circulation KO pot 92-V-13 to Compressor 92-K-12.
Periodic checking for water collection in circulating nitrogen to be
made & close monitoring of suction KOD level 92-V-13 is required.


1) Before starting nitrogen compressor (92-K-12) ensure that

block and bleed isolation over the 92-V-13 to compressor
suction is open and the circulation loop is through.

2) Regular sampling of make up nitrogen to be carried out for

oxygen. The oxygen content in the Nitrogen should be
limited to 100 ppm V while 5 ppm V is preferable.
Page 300 of 413

In the following narrative, the reactor 92-R-13 B is considered to

be brought on line. Also the nitrogen compressor 92-K-12 is
considered as being used for the heating phase. Check that this
reactor is initially under nitrogen pressure. Then line up the circuit
as shown in the flow path. Start the compressor and maintain
circulation via the line 6”-N-92-38-07-A3-1FH. The temperature
difference between the top of the reactor and the nitrogen at the
inlet to the reactor should be limited to about 50ºC. This
temperature can be controlled by TIC-2305 at the downstream of
electric heater 92-E-15 and the temperature gradient should never
exceed 100ºC. This will bring up the temperature in the reactor
gradually through out the reactor, gradually increase the
temperature as per TIC-2305. One important precaution which
should be taken care is, never expose the reactor to full pressure
until temperature is above 250ºC.

Gradually increase the duty of the heater, limiting the nitrogen

temperature to pre-reformer to maximum 50ºC above the bed
temperature. The heating rate of the bed shall not exceed
50ºC/hr. It is recommended that a 6 hours holding time at 250ºC
is included to ensure removal of any moisture present in the

During the initial phase of heating up the nitrogen flow through the
electric heater can be increased more than the heater design of
4500 nm3/hr, as the electric heater duty is not limiting. Once the
temperature exit the electric heater is high at around 500ºC, the
circulation will get restricted to design flow through the electric
heater by the heater duty.

Once the reactor bed is heated up to 460ºC throughout, the

nitrogen circulation across the prereformer bed can be stopped.
Isolate the loop at the appropriate points and depressurize the
nitrogen from the compressor and the related pipings. Start taking
R-13A reactor effluent gas through the 2”-P-92-2304 F2G-9J-H
line with restricted orifice at a slower rate such that the pressure in
the reactor R-13 B is no disturbed. Replace the nitrogen in the
prereformer with the CRG effluent gas through the PV-2307.
Once the nitrogen is replaced completely, raise the pressure of
the reactor R-13 B to normal operating pressure gradually.

Open the reactor R-13B outlet isolations gradually and then the
inlet isolation valve 1” bypasses slowly & then closes the isolation
valves on the 2” line from the R-13A to R-13B. Establish the flow
of process gas across the bed and ensure the temperature profile
of the reactor. Then slowly line up the inlet main isolation valves.
Now both R-13A & B are in parallel operation. Isolate the reactor
R-13A both at its inlet and outlet and ensure positive isolation.
Page 301 of 413

The reactor at end of run will have the operating conditions with
S/C ratio at 2.4 and 500ºC while the reactor at start of run should
be operated with S/C ratio at 3.0 and inlet temperature of 460ºC.
Once the reactor R-13B is taken in line completely, revise the
operating conditions to start of run condition of the catalyst.

The isolated reactor R-13A should be gradually despressurised

taking in line PV-2307 with R-13A and when the pressure is down
to flare header pressure, then purge the reactor by using nitrogen.
When the hydrocarbons are removed, gradually cool the reactor
by using circulating nitrogen as per the circuit described earlier.
Steam the catalyst before discharged.

- After the catalyst is cooled change it as per the procedure

described previously in 8.2.3

- Loading of catalyst to be done as per the procedure

described previously in 8.2.3.

- Purge pre-reformer R-13A with nitrogen after catalyst

replacement and keep under positive nitrogen pressure.
 Note : If the nitrogen heater is tripped during warming
sequence; it is recommended that as the electrical heater
is restarted, nitrogen is routed via the bypass of the PSV
on the inlet of the pre reformer in order to minimize
temperature gradients in the vessel wall (cold nitrogen
cools the nozzle while the shell is still warm).
Page 302 of 413

8.10 Catalyst Unloading

8.10.1 General

Some catalysts, such as, hydrodesulphurisation, prereformer,

steam reforming and high temperature shift, are pyrophoric in the
reduced state, so care is required when they are discharged.

It may be preferable to stabilize the catalyst before it is extracted

from the vessel. Catalyst which is to be re-used must be
stabilized carefully to avoid loss of activity. When the catalyst is to
be discarded, more rapid stabilization is possible, but care is still

Catalysts are usually discharged with either a mobile vacuum unit

or by gravity flow from the bottom handhole of the vessel. The
vacuum unit can be used for discharging catalyst from both
reformer tubes and other vessels.

Within the vessel the catalyst must be kept blanketed with

nitrogen, and upon discharge it must be collected in a metal
container on the ground, and away from inflammable materials.

If the discharged catalyst becomes hot it can be sprayed with

water. Another technique is to discharge the catalyst into drums
or a metal trailer containing a few lumps of solid carbon dioxide.
This provides a blanketing gas as it evaporates.

When a catalyst is to be discharged in a pyrophoric state using

vacuum techniques, sufficient inert gas should be available for
injection into the bottom of the reactor, to compensate for the
amount being withdrawn with the catalyst in the vacuum

If, however the inert gas supply does not match the rate of
extraction, some air will be drawn down into the vessel and into he
top of the catalyst. This will cause local heating, which may affect
the discharge apparatus.

A watch must be kept on the temperature in the bed, and if there

are signs of overheating the extraction should be stopped while
the inert gas blanket is re-established.

If the pyrophoric catalyst is being discharged trough bottom hand

hole, water hoses should be available to quench the catalyst in
case it becomes hot. In addition, a chute will be required to lead
the catalyst away from the vessel into drums, or into a tipper truck.
Page 303 of 413

The catalyst can be discharged with a nitrogen blanket in the

vessel. This can prevent that oxidation is taking place with while
the catalyst is in the reactor which could cause damage to the
vessel. During actual discharge only the discharge port should be
open, to prevent air from being drawn into the vessel by the
“chimney” effect. Some form of hinged cover can be used to
advantage in order to control the flow of catalyst and reduce the
chance of air entering the vessel. Temperature in the catalyst bed
should be monitored for signs of overheating. If excessively high
temperature develop in the bed the discharge should be stopped
and the inert gas atmosphere re-established
Page 304 of 413

8.10.2 Purification Catalysts (ZnO, Chlor Guard & CoMo)

The purification catalyst is usually discharged from the reactor

with a vacuum unit or by gravity flow from the bottom of the
vessel. The spent catalyst (CoMoX, Chlor guard and ZnO) should
be assumed to be potentially combustible because of adsorbed
hydrogen and hydrocarbons or finely-divided carbon that can be
present. Under no circumstances should air be passed through
the catalyst until it has been cooled to below 50ºC.

Cold ZnO and Chlor guard catalyst are not pyrophoric after use
whether or not they contain sulphur. After conventional
desulphurisation duties it is possible that finely divided carbon,
from the pre-heater, may be deposited on the catalyst which could
ignite during the discharge.

The discharged ZnO catalyst comprises mainly zinc sulphide and

should not be stored near acids. Accidental contact of the spent
catalyst and acid would result in the evolution of hydrogen
sulphide (H2S).

Hydrodesulphurisation catalyst (CoMo), in the reduced sulphided

form is potentially pyrophoric, due to finely-divided carbon that can
be present. This adsorbed hydrogen or feedstock can ignite when
the catalyst is discharged hot from the vessel.

When the catalyst is discharged from the vessel the following

procedure should be used :

a) Purge the reactor free of hydrocarbon using an inert gas and

reduce pressure. Purge the reactor thoroughly. The
hydrocarbon content of the effluent gas should be checked
to ensure that all hydrocarbons are been removed from the

b) Cool the reactor to below 50 C in a flow of inert gas.

c) Discharge the catalyst under a positive pressure inert gas.

This may be by vacuum extraction or by gravity flow from the
bottom handhole of the vessel. In the latter case, as the
catalyst falls from the bottom handhole, water hoses should
be available to wet the catalyst in case it overheats.
Page 305 of 413

If the catalyst has to be discharged when it is hot, it should be

assumed that it is pyrophoric and the following procedure used :

a) Purge the desulphuriser vessel with an inert gas and

reduce the pressure. Maintain a positive pressure of the
inert gas in the vessel.

b) Discharge the catalyst into metal bins or metal sided lorries

with only the catalyst discharge manhole open. Air must
NOT be allowed to enter the vessel otherwise local
overheating could take place.

c) Water hoses should be available to quench any ignition

which may occur. The catalyst should not be drenched with
water unless it is absolutely necessary, since this may
cause physical breakdown of the catalyst.
Page 306 of 413

8.10.3 Prereformer


Prereformer catalyst in the reduced state is pyrophoric but it may

be discharged, after cooling to near ambient temperature,
provided that adequate precautions are taken.

The catalyst may be reoxidised in situ to inhibit its pyrophoric

properties before discharge but discharge procedures should still
assume the catalyst is pyrophoric.

There is no practical alternative to using superheated steam to

oxidize used catalyst.

The use of air is not recommended as it is difficult to assure

proper distribution of the air through the bed. The result of
maldistribution can cause very high temperature in local areas
which may go undetected until too late and damage to the
Prereformer vessel may occur.

If the reactor is being discharged for anything other than a normal

change, samples should be taken during the unloading for further


When the decision to discharge the catalyst is taken while the

plant is operating, the normal shutdown procedure should be
followed except that, after isolating the feedstock to the
prereformer reactor, the steam supply should be maintained
without the addition of any recycle gas or hydrogen.

Steaming should continue at about 30 % of normal rate with a

maximum preheat or superheat temperature (minimum 280ºC)
until 5000 kg of steam per tonne of catalyst charge have been
passed through the bed.

If time is available it is advantageous to steam for rather longer,

preferably 24 hours or more, particularly if the flow distribution is
known to be uneven.

Next purge the system with nitrogen to cool the catalyst to

ambient temperature.
Page 307 of 413

The above procedure should reduce the catalyst’s pyrophoric

tendency. However, it should be assumed that the catalyst will still
be highly active and the discharge procedure should be carried
out with the catalyst and vessel fully blanketed with nitrogen.


The recommended procedure is :

a. Cool the catalyst and “blanket” it with nitrogen.

b. Transfer the catalyst quickly from the reactor to drums.

In more detail these steps should be carried out as follows:

Blanketing with inert gas

Nitrogen may be used for this purpose. The catalyst bed must first
be cooled to near ambient temperature by feeding nitrogen
through the 3”-N-92-4516-A3-IF connection at the inlet line to
nitrogen circulation K.O.POT (92-V-13). The nitrogen circulation
can be established through the nitrogen circulation compressor
(92-K-12), keeping nitrogen Electric Heater (92-E-15) off to pre-
reformer (92-R-13 A/B) and venting to flare via the PV-2307 line at
outlet of 92-R-13 A/B until the nitrogen is hydrocarbon free,). The
reactor pressure should then be reduced to near atmospheric.

In order to avoid the chimney effect the top man way of the reactor
should be closed off before the catalyst discharge hand hole at the
bottom of the reactor is removed.
Prior to this step, all necessary drums, chutes, staging, etc.,
should have been assembled ready for the catalyst to be
discharged without delay.

Catalyst discharge

When the hand hole cover is removed there will be a tendency for
inert gas to flow out of the reactor and be replaced by air. To
counter this, nitrogen should be continuously supplied to the
reactor while this cover is off.

In any event once the hand hole cover is removed, the objective
should be to complete the discharging operation as quickly as
possible with the minimum of interruptions. If it proves necessary
to endure a lengthy interruption, overnight for example the cover
must be replaced and a supply of blanketing nitrogen gas
Page 308 of 413

The catalyst should be run off or raked out of the bottom hand
hole directly into catalyst drums, which should be filled to the top
as quickly as possible. Drums with well fitting lids should be
selected and, before filling, a lump of solid CO2 (about 500 g)
should be placed in each.

The lid should then be placed loosely in position until all the
carbon dioxide has sublimed. It should then be clamped and
sealed with tape (“Denso” tape is satisfactory).

The catalyst can then be stored indefinitely, but the drum content
must always be regarded as potentially pyrophoric and suitable
precautions taken.

If the local structures, etc., prevent the direct discharge to drums,

a chute may be used. The chute should be made of non-
combustible material and it should be short and steeply inclined to
promote the rapid flow of catalyst from the handhole to the drum.

Due regard should be paid to local fire hazards since wind borne
particles may become incandescent as the nitrogen or carbon
layer disperses.

Discharged catalyst in drums as prepared above can be safely

oxidized if it is necessary for transportation. The drums should be
placed in a safe area and the lids should be loosened and partially
removed. The catalyst will oxidize in a controlled way limited by
the ingress of air.

A “hand hot” warm front should be observable progressing its way

down the drum.

After a day or so the front should reach the bottom of the rum.
Confirmation of oxidation can be obtained by transferring the
catalyst in an oxidized drum to an empty drum when no
temperature rise should occur. Again this should be done in a safe
area and care taken to avoid wind born dust.

Carbon may be widely distributed through the catalyst bed as a

result of process excursion such as steam failure or excessive bed
temperature. This will be evident by a high pressure drop across
the reactor. Special care is needed in handling since deposited
carbon can be readily ignited by the heat from oxidizing nickel.

Oxidation of the catalyst with steam is not likely to be very

effective due to poor flow through the catalyst bed, so additional
care should be taken with the discharge and handling.
Page 309 of 413

Catalyst discharging can also be done by vacuum extraction. This

method has been successfully employed on commercial plants.
The precautions and procedures previously described should be
observed according to the state of the catalyst.

The catalyst is removed from the reactor by inserting the suction

line of an industrial vacuum cleaner through either the top man
way or bottom handhole. The catalyst is collected in a drum
located in the suction line upstream of the vacuum cleaner.

It is important to avoid air leakage into the suction hose or the

drum. To preserve the inert atmosphere the exhaust gas can be
returned to the reactor, but a continuous supply of fresh inert gas
should be maintained to the reactor, to prevent the ingress of air.

8.10.4 Reformer Catalyst

On the reformer, there are no bottom-discharge facilities provided

on the tubes, and the catalyst must be removed from the top; this
is usually done by vacuum extraction.

There are several possible arrangements for such equipment.

Either an industrial vacuum cleaner or a mobile vacuum unit is
often used. Also compressed air ejectors can be used to provide
the vacuum.

If the catalyst is to be re-used it is useful to collect it in three parts

corresponding to the bottom, middle and top portions of the tube.
The condition of the catalyst can vary with its position in the tube,
and it is often possible to recharge part of the catalyst, even if
some has to be rejected.

Catalyst that has suffered severe breakdown, following a loss of

reaction steam, sometimes has to be loosened with augers before
it can be discharged. It can be sometimes necessary to hammer
the catalyst tubes with a hide-faced hammer to loosen any
bridging in the tube.

When using an industrial vacuum cleaner, the vacuum gear is

usually installed at the reformer platform near the reformer tube
top flanges, (penthouse).

A flexible pipe then connects the reformer tube to the extraction

unit. The extracted catalyst is separated in a drum or cyclone, and
when full, is discharged into drums for retention.
The usual time required to unload a tube is approximately 15
Page 310 of 413

To vacuum the catalyst out of the tube the vacuum cleaner should
generate 25 m/sec velocity at the nozzle of the suction hose. To
prevent pulverization of the catalyst the velocity at the nozzle
should be below 40 m/sec. The inside of the hose should be
smooth and there should be no sharp bends in the hose. A rubber
or canvas baffle should be installed in the collector drum to
minimize damage to the catalyst by cushioning impact.

The outside diameter of the suction hose should be sufficiently

smaller than the inside diameter of the catalyst tube to allow an
air/nitrogen passage through the space between tube and hose.
The length of the hose should be determined by the length of the

The gulper nozzle should be heavy duty with the same inside
diameter as the hose. If it is not heavy duty, then a 500 till 750 mm
length of pipe of the same size can be used on the end of the
suction hose to break-up fused catalyst.

The piping in the collector drum should come directly into the
drum and should not have bends. The cover should be air-tight to
prevent loss of vacuum.
Page 311 of 413

Before discharging, it is recommended to regenerate the

reforming catalyst by process steam alone. The normal procedure
is to take off the hydrocarbon feed and adjust the firing to keep the
temperature at about the normal operating level.

The steaming can be continued for several days if convenient, but

about six to 12 hours is usually sufficient.

8.10.5 High Temperature Shift Catalyst

The catalyst can either be discharged from the reactor by means

of a mobile vacuum extraction unit, or by gravity flow from the
bottom hand hole of the vessel.

If the catalyst is to be discarded, and has been operating in a

sulphur free atmosphere. It does not require any special oxidation
procedures. After cooling in steam the catalyst is not pyrophoric
although water hoses should be available in case the catalyst
overheats for any unexpected reason.

If the catalyst has been operated in the fully sulphided state care
will be needed during discharge because iron sulphide (FeS), is
pyrophoric. The sulphur can be removed by steaming, until the
concentration of H2S in the steam has been reduced to less than
80 – 100 ppm by volume.

This may take 2 – 7 days. Alternatively the catalyst should be

discharged under nitrogen or after drenching with water.

8.10.6 Low Temperature Shift Catalyst

The catalyst can either be discharged from the reactor by means

of a mobile vacuum extraction unit, or by gravity flow from the
bottom handhole of the vessel.

Reduced low temperature catalyst is potentially pyrophonic and

care must be taken when it is to be discharged from the reactor.

Normal procedure is to reduce the pressure of the reactor at a

maximum rate of 1-2 kg/cm2 per minute & purge the vessel with
nitrogen to cool less than 40ºC. Then discharge the catalyst
under positive nitrogen pressure.
Page 312 of 413

In plants where there is insufficient available nitrogen for it to be

used during catalyst discharge air must not be allowed to enter the
converter when it contains reduced catalyst otherwise local
overheating will take place. In these situations, it may be
convenient to fill the converter with water, drain & discharge the
catalyst wet.

8.10.7 PSA Unit

The adsorbent can either be discharged from the vessel by means

of a mobile vacuum extraction unit, or by gravity flow from the
bottom handhole of the vessel.

In service, molecular sieve adsorbent picks up various substances

present in the process system. These components include
molecules that are adsorbed within the molecular sieve zeolite
crystals and materials picked up on the external surfaces of the
adsorbent particles, which on exposure to oxygen may react to
generate considerable heat.

An adsorption unit in hydrocarbon service must be purged

hydrocarbon-free before it is safe to open the adsorption vessel
and expose the molecular sieves to air. Purging the bed with
oxygen-free nitrogen is the most dependable and the prescribed
way to strip off hydrocarbons prior to opening the vessel.
Flooding the spent bed with water is not recommended since it
liberates large amounts of heat.

Effluent gas from purging must be carefully and accurately

analyzed for hydrocarbons. Nitrogen purging must continue until
the hydrocarbon content in the effluent gas is safely below
flammable limits (normally less than 0.5 vol %).

Always, maintain a nitrogen blanket on the vessel during dumping.

Page 313 of 413

8.11 Disposal of Used Catalyst

Catalyst containing nickel, zinc and precious metals may be sold after use
to firms dealing in the recovery of such materials. The economics of the
scale will depend on the location of the plant, the composition of the
catalyst, and the prevailing metal prices.

Catalyst which has been discharged in the reduced state must be allowed
to become stable in air before despatch.

High temperature shift catalyst is generally scrapped after use and, if

discharged in a reduced state, they should be spread out thinly on the
ground, away from any flammable material, in order to avoid the danger
of fires during the oxidation period. If the material is tipped in a heap the
interior can be become very hot, so it is important that discharged catalyst
should not be tipped together with other waste.

PSA adsorbents are also often scrapped after use.

It is recommended to contact the supplier of the catalyst for an advice on

the most economical despatch method for the spent catalyst, taking into
consideration the relevant environmental regulations.
Page 314 of 413

8.12 Safety Precautions

Operators should be aware of the hazards associated with the use of

catalysts and draw up the appropriate safety instructions.

There are few hazards associated with the use of catalysts, but the
following points should borne in mind.

Catalyst containing metallic nickel must not be exposed to gases

containing carbon monoxide at temperatures below 150 C. Observation
of this rule avoids the risks of the formation of nickel carbonyl – NI (CO) 4,
an extremely toxic, odourless gas which is stable at low temperature.

Some catalysts (HT shift), contain chrome. Dust masks should be

provided for people working with such materials. Indeed dust masks can
be worn with advantage by anybody working in a dusty atmosphere, and
particularly by people working inside closed catalyst vessels.

Nevertheless it must be made clear that a dust mask is not a breathing

apparatus, and is useless as a protection against poisonous, or in an
atmosphere lacking oxygen.

Short term exposure to the metals and metal oxides used in catalysts
may give rise to irritation of the skin, eyes and respiratory system. Over
exposure can give rise to more serious effects. Product safety data
sheets should be consulted for information. Catalysts should be handled
as far as possible in well-ventilated areas and in a way which avoids the
excessive formation of dust. Operators who handle catalyst must wear
suitable protective body clothing, gloves and goggles. Inhalation of dust
should be avoided and the appropriate occupational exposure limits
should be strictly observed. If these limits are likely to be exceeded
respiratory protection should be used.

Everyone involved in the handling operation should clean up afterwards

and, in particular must wash before eating. Clothing should be changed
at the end of each shift, and more frequently if contamination is heavy.

Physical hazards arise from handling of drums, materials and lifting

equipment. Personnel should be aware of these and appropriate
precautions taken.
Page 315 of 413

Extreme care is needed during a shutdown when an entry has to be

made into a vessel containing an inert gas. Such atmosphere do not
support life and personnel entering must wear a suitable breathing
apparatus. Failure to do so will result in loss of consciousness within
seconds of breathing the atmosphere followed within minutes by death.
To avoid accidental entry of the vessels, the openings must be kept
closed. When personnel have to work inside the vessel, prominent
warning notices must be displayed. Everyone working within the area
should be made aware of the nature and dangers of asphyxia. They
should know how to effect a rescue and resuscitation of anyone who may
be overcome. An integrated life-support system is essential with
adequate back-up.

Catalyst discharge in the pyrophroic state must kept separate from

flammable materials. Transport of such catalyst should only be in metal
skips or metal sided trucks. Dumps of the catalyst should be within reach
of water hoses so that any overheating that occurs can be controlled.
High temperatures can build up in heaps and it is a prudent precaution to
spread the catalyst thinly over the ground until the oxidation is complete
and under no circumstances should personnel be allowed to walk over
the catalyst until it has been fully stabilized.

When a vacuum truck is used to suck the catalyst out of the equipment,
careful grounding of the equipment is necessary to dissipate static
electricity build-up as the catalyst travels through the hose.

8.13 DMDS unloading system

DMDS is the agent used for sulphiding COMOX catalyst beds (92-R-01
and 92-R-11). This enhances activity of the catalyst. This chemical is
added to the reactors by using a special feed circuit comprising of a
DMDS dosing tank, two dosing pumps and one unloading pump.

The capacity of the DMDS storage drums is 200 liters. DMDS from the
storage drums is unloaded into dosing tank (92-V-07). The capacity of the
DMDS storage tank is 2.61 m3 and the operating volume of the tank is
2.0 m3. It takes around 10 minutes for the pump to unload a drum.
The unloading operation is carried out with air operated drum pumps (92-
P-28 A/B) with capacity 1.4 m3/hr and head 20 m. Air is supplied from the
plant air header and the pressure is reduced to 30 psig by PCV 1709.
Flexible hose connections are used for the pump suction and discharge
connections. The pump rests on a platform and takes its suction from the
drum through a flexible hose. The system must be manually monitored as
there is no automatic control or DCS indication provided for this
intermittent operation
Page 316 of 413

8.14 BFW Dosing

BFW dosing system is designed to meet the boiler feed specified water
quality. The plant has two separate steam systems with its dedicated
Degassers (92-V-21 & 92-V-22) and BFW supply pumps (92-P-12, 92- P-
13 & 92-P-16). DM water Degasser (92-V-21) uses fresh DM water as its
feed whereas Process Condensate Degasser (92-V-22) uses all process
condensates as its feed. Degasification is carried out with the help of LP

A common BFW dosing system is designed for both the steam system
with dedicated dosing pumps.

Three different dosing systems are designed for BFW to meet the boiler
feed water quality specified.

1. Deposit Control

2. pH Control

3. Oxygen Scavenging

Dosing of pH control chemical and Oxygen scavenging chemical is done

in Degassers where as deposit control dosing is done directly in steam

8.14.1 pH Control Dosing System

HAZOP recommendation

Chemical used Morpholine solution

Solution concentration 1.5 wt% in DM water

Dosing rate ~2 ppm in BFW

pH control chemical dosing is done in both the degassers. In

addition to this pH control chemical is also dosed in the wash
water which is dosed at the inlet of naphtha air cooler 92-AC-01
downstream of the Comox-I reactor.
Page 317 of 413

Morpholine solution preparation & frequency:

Dosing tank (92-V-29)

working volume (m3)

Normal dosing rates (Lph):

1) Degasser 92-V-21 30

2) Degasser 92-V-22 10

3) Wash Water to Air Cooler 1

Total (lph) 41

Hold up available 2.5 days

Therefore solution preparation frequency should be after 48 hrs.

or on every third day.

Solution preparation:

1) Check that the tank 92-V-29 is entirely clean & empty.

2) Receive 1.97 m3 DMW in the tank via the line 1”-WDM-92-41-

Start the Agitator 92-M-29. Pump the 0.029 m3 pH control

chemical (Morpholine) from the pump 92-P-28 A in the tank via
the line 3/4”-C-92-42-101-L0-1F. Ensure that the tank liquid
level is below HLL through level gauges.

3) Stop the pump 92-P-28 A.

4) Keep stirring for about 15 minutes. Stop the Agitator 92-M-29.
5) Now collect the sample from sample collection point (SC-
0617) by following the standard sampling procedure. The final
product should be a homogeneous solution with a
concentration of 1.5% (w/w) Morpholine in DMW.

Refer design basis Doc no.10144-PEIN05-92-BFW DOSING-DB

Rev1 for dosing rate calculation, dosing tank, dosing pump details
Page 318 of 413

8.14.2 Deposit Control Dosing System

HAZOP recommendation

Chemical used Tri-SodiumPhosphate


Solution concentration 3 wt% in DM water

SDosing rate ~2 ppm in BFW
is dosed at the inlet of steam drums (92-V-16 & 92-V-14).

TSP solution preparation & frequency:

Dosing tank (92-V-30) working volume (m3) 0.56

Normal dosing rates (lph) :

1) Convection section Steam drum 92-V-14 5

2) PGB Steam drum 92-V-16 10

Total (lph) 15

Hold up available 2.5 days

Therefore solution preparation frequency should be after 48 hrs.

or on every third day.

Solution preparation:

1) Check that the tank 92-V-30 is entirely clean & empty.

2) Receive 0.54 m3 DMW in the tank via the line 1”-WDM-92-42-

03-L0-1F. Start the Agitator 92-M-30. Charge 17kg of Deposit
control chemical (Tri-sodium phosphate) in the tank. Ensure
that the tank liquid level is below HLL through level gauges.

3) Keep stirring on for about 15 minutes. Stop the Agitator 92-M-

Page 319 of 413

4) Now collect the sample from sample collection point (SC-

0616) by following the usual standard sampling procedure.
The final product should be a homogeneous solution with a
concentration of 3% (w/w) TSP in DMW.
Refer design basis Doc no.10144-PEIN05-92-BFW DOSING-DB
Rev.1 for dosing rate calculation, dosing tank, dosing pump etc.

8.14.3 Oxygen Scavenging System

HAZOP recommendation

Chemical used Hydrazine solution

Solution concentration 0.2 wt% in DM water

Dosing rate ~2 ppm in BFW

ydrazine is dosed in degassers (92-V-21 & 92-V-22).

Hydrazine solution preparation & frequency:

Dosing tank (92-V-28) working volume (m3) 6.2

Normal dosing rates (lph) :

1) Degasser 92-V-21 110

2) Degasser 92-V-22 25

Total (lph) 125

Hold up available 2.5 days

Therefore solution preparation frequency should be after 48 hrs.

or on every third day.
Page 320 of 413

Solution preparation:

1) Check that the tank 92-V-28 is entirely clean & empty.

2) Receive 6.18 m3 DMW in the tank via the line 1”-WDM-92-42-
01-L0-1F. Start the Agitator 92-M-28. Pump the 0.012 m3
Oxygen scavenging chemical (Hydrazine) from the pump 92-
P-28 A in the tank via the line 3/4”-C -92-42-100-L0-1F.
Ensure that the tank liquid level is below HLL through level
3) Keep stirring for about 15 minutes. Stop the Agitator 92-M-28.
4) Now collect the sample from sample collection point (SC-
0615) by following the standard sampling procedure. The final
product should be a homogeneous solution with a
concentration of 0.2% (w/w) Hydrazine in DMW.

Refer design basis Doc no.10144-PEIN05-92-BFW DOSING-DB

Rev. 1 for dosing rate calculation, dosing tank, dosing pump
details etc.

8.14.4 Features of Dosing Pumps

 Simplex pumps are used for oxygen scavenging and deposit

control system where as for pH control triplex pumps are used.

 Individual stroke adjustment facility for each pump.

 Dedicated calibration pots and pulsation dampener are


 Each dosing system has one common solution storage drum

and dedicated dosing pumps (1 working + 1 standby) for each
steam system. DM water is used to make solution of desired

8.14.5 General Requirements

 Agitators are provided for all storage tanks.

 Storage tanks and pumps are located in a common area within

a dedicated curb wall with a collection sump.

For details of the above three system refer P&ID No.10144-

PEIN05-92-71-1142 A/B Rev 4 “BFW Dosing”.
Page 321 of 413

9. Safety
Page 322 of 413

9. Safety

9.1 General



Plant handles several different substances, when handled improperly,

become a hazard for the personnel and for the installations. It is
necessary that each operator is familiar with the nature of material in the
process area.

The following rules shall be followed by the personnel who take part in
the operation of the plant.

The personnel shall be familiar with the process flow diagrams, the
piping and instrumentation diagrams and safety regulations.

Personnel should know the physical location of equipment and have a

working knowledge of operating the equipment and machinery.

During initial operations the position of all the valves shall be checked.
Adequate records or loggings of the plant operation shall be kept.

 All the possible physical hazards that may result in injuries to

workers shall be eliminated.

 Every attempt shall be made to reduce the possibility of accident

occurrence and to improve and maintain the environment safe.

 Work environment shall be monitored and safe and healthy

working conditions shall be maintained.

 Operating practices that will safeguard all employees and result

in safe working conditions and efficient operations shall be

 Safety is an operating function and all levels shall have a primary

responsibility for implementation of safety programmes.

 No job will be considered rightly done unless the employee has

followed the safety precautions and rules to protect himself and
his fellow employees.
Page 323 of 413

 All the relevant statutory safety regulations and laws shall be

complied with spirit.

The main factors in carrying on safety work are

 Availability of adequate rules and regulations.

 Familiarity of all personnel with the rules and regulations.

Adequate and continuous education in safety.

 Rigid enforcement of these rules and regulations.

 Safety clothing and other protective equipments shall be

available always for hazardous activities.

 First aid equipment and personnel trained in first aid.

 Adequately equipped fire fighting system.

Safety must be taken under consideration while doing following


 Handling of combustible and toxic products, liquid and vapours.

 Start up, shutdowns and emergency operations.

 Cleaning of equipments which contained toxic vapours.

 Welding cutting and other hot work for maintenance.

Fire and explosion risks and toxicity are major hazards associated with
the storing, handling and processing of the chemicals.

It is essential that all the operating personnel are fully aware of the
potential hazards associated with the each process material, also
precautions to be taken to ensure safety in their handling and use.

Hazard to the Health can result from:

 Inhalation

 Ingestion

 Absorption through skin

Page 324 of 413

Personnel should be fully protected against any hazard likely to be

incurred in carrying out their work.

PERSONAL protective equipments such as gloves, chemical and fire

resistant clothing, goggles, face shields, gas masks, safety boots,
helmets must be available.
Page 325 of 413

9.2 Safety Precautions

9.2.1 Services and Protection and Equipment

Before bringing flammable (gases or liquid) into the unit, the area
should be cleaned of all unnecessary construction materials,
which might offer a fire or accident hazard.

The ground around the unit should be levelled sufficiently to

provide reasonable safety to movement by operating and fire
fighting personnel. Likewise there should be sufficient access
around the equipment and with the structure.

Water, steam and nitrogen services should be commissioned.

Fire roads should be designated and kept clear. If this is not
feasible at the time, at least some means of access should be
provided. Water hydrants should be commissioned and sufficient
fire hose fog nozzles and associated equipment should be made

Steam lances should be in their racks around and in the unit. Fire
blankets, special clothing and hand chemical extinguishers should
be available and ready for use. First aid supplies and telephone
service for medical aid should be readily available.

9.2.2 Hydrocarbons / Aromatics

Hydrocarbons are flammable gases and liquids. They are

generally not considered toxic materials, although the gases will
cause asphyxiation when present in the atmosphere in high
concentrations, and nausea, dizziness and unconsciousness
when present in lower concentrations. Aromatics are carcinogenic
in nature.

Liquefied light hydrocarbons, such as propane, may cause injuries

similar to burns due to rapid vaporization of liquid on the skin. The
major hazard of hydrocarbons lies in their flammability /

The operating personnel should consider the following three

characteristics of hydrocarbons with respect to their flammability
and / or explosivity :
Page 326 of 413

- Explosive Limits : These indicate the minimum and

maximum amounts of vapours in air at which an explosive
mixture is formed.

- Auto-Ignition Temperature (AIT) : This indicates the

temperature at which a hydrocarbon present in the air may
ignite. For example hydrocarbons sprayed on a hot
surface may ignite when the metal is a the AIT or higher.

- Flash Point : This is the temperature at which liquid

hydrocarbon vaporises and vapours thus generated will
ignite in the presence of a flame.

Before introducing hydrocarbons inside equipment items, care

should be taken that oxygen content is below < 0.5% vol. to avoid
formation of an explosive mixture. Adequate purging or steaming
is thus essential. Additionally, ventilation is essential since leaks
from equipment may form potentially hazardous gas pockets.

Explosive limits and AIT of some hydrocarbons are shown in the

following table :


Lower Upper C

Vol. % in air at 20ºC, 1 bar(a)

Hydrogen 4.1 74.2 400

Methane 5.3 15.0 537

Ethane 3.0 12.5 472

Ethylene 2.7 36.0 490

Propane 2.3 9.5 450

Propylene 2.0 11.1 455

n-Butane 1.9 8.5 288

I-Butane (isobutene) 1.9 8.5 460

n-Pentane 1.5 7.8 243

n-Hexane 1.2 7.5 225

n-Heptane 1.0 6.7 204

Page 327 of 413


Lower Upper C

n-Octane 0.8 6.5 206

Cyclo-hexane 1.3 8.4 245

Benzene 1.3 7.1 498

Toluene 1.3 7.0 480

o-Xylene 1.0 6.0 465

CO 12.5 74.2 609

H2 S 4.0 44.0 260

Methanol 6.7 36.0 385

9.2.3 Hydrogen Sulphide

Hydrogen sulphide is a deadly poison, having a very quick action.

Its hazard is compounded by the fact that the sense of smell is
paralyzed once the concentration of H2S becomes dangerous.
Therefore, under no circumstances should appropriate safety
measures be omitted whenever H2S is present. When sampling
or purging operations are being carried out on streams carrying
H2S, appropriate precautions must be taken.

Prevention of Hydrogen Sulphide Poisoning

The best method of preventing H2S poisoning is to stay out of the

plant areas known or suspected to contain it. Sense of smell is
not an infallible guide to its presence; though the compound has
the distinct and unpleasant odour of rotten eggs, it will in higher
concentrations paralyse the olfactory nerves to the victim cannot
smell it.

A good method of prevention is to check systematically the

atmosphere of the suspected areas for the presence of H2S by
testing with moist lead acetate paper, or by Tutweiler H2S
Page 328 of 413

Gas masks suitable for use with hydrogen sulphide must be worn
during work in exposure to it is likely to occur; masks must be
frequently checked to ensure they are functional. When working
under conditions of likely exposure, the presence of a second
operator is compulsory.

Acute Hydrogen Sulphide Poisoning

Breathing air or gas containing as little as 600-1000 ppm of H2S

for one minute can cause acute poisoning.

One full breath of highly concentrated hydrogen sulphide gas will

cause unconsciousness, and death may occur it if the victim falls
and remains in the presence of the gas.

Operations using processing gases containing H2S are safe,

provided precautions are taken. No work should be undertaken
where there is danger of breathing H2S, and no one should enter
or remain in an area without wearing a suitable mask.

The symptoms of acute hydrogen sulphide poisoning are :

muscular spasms, irregular breathing, feeble pulse, odour of the
breath, nausea. Loss of consciousness and suspended
respiration quickly follow.

When acute poisoning has occurred, immediately remove the

victim to fresh air. If breathing has not stopped, keep the victim in
fresh air and keep him clam and warm. Call a physician and keep
the patient quiet and under close observation for about 48 hours
for possible edema of air passages on lungs.

If the victim is unconscious and breathing has stopped, artificial

respiration must be started at once : quick action in starting
respiration is essential.

The procedure is as follows :

- Ensure that the victim’s mouth and nose are clean and dry.

- Place the victim flat on the floor or ground on his stomach

with his right arm extended above his head. Bend his left
arm under his head so that his hand is supported with his
face turned towards his right arm and both his nose and
mouth are free.

- Straddle patient on hands and knees, facing his head with

our knees even with his hips.
Page 329 of 413

- Place both hands on his lower ribs and press down and in
to squeeze his chest. Press hard for three seconds.

- Release pressure and take hands away for three seconds.

- Continue pressing and releasing pressure twelve to fifteen

times a minute until the victim revives.

- Do not give up. Men have regained consciousness after

more than four hours of artificial respiration.

Rub the patient’s arm and legs and apply hot water bottles,
blankets or other means to keep him warm.

In all cases of acute H2S poisoning, the use of oxygen containing

5% carbon dioxide is recommended as an inhalant, whether or not
breathing has stopped. This mixture is a respiratory stimulant.

Sub-Acute Hydrogen Sulphide Poisoning

Breathing air or gas containing 100-600 ppm of H2S for an hour or

more may cause subacute hydrogen sulphide poisoning.

Symptoms of subacute poisoning are : headache, inflammation of

eyes and throat, dizziness, indigestion, excessive saliva, and

Edema of the air passages on lungs may also occur.

When subacute poisoning has occurred keep the patient in the

dark to reduce eye strain and have a physician treat inflamed eyes
and throat. Check for possible edema.

9.2.4 Hydrogen

Hydrogen is a inflammable gas, colourless, odourless, tasteless

and non-toxic, but can cause anoxic when it displaces the normal
21 percent oxygen in a confined area without adequate ventilation.

Safety involves the following general principles :

- Segregation – seeks to contain hydrogen in gas-tight

systems with discharge of hydrogen only through selected
vent points.

- Ventilation – dilutes and sweeps away hydrogen which has

leaked in close buildings.
Page 330 of 413

- Ignition control – prevents ignition by outlawing potential

ignition sources such as naked lights or flames and gives
attention to electrical devices to prevent sparks or
overheating through an overload.

- Hydrogen and air mixtures containing 4 – 74% hydrogen

can be ignited readily.

- The most incendiary composition is 27 – 30% hydrogen in

air at normal temperatures and pressures; so a safety
margin must be allowed if these proportions are

- Mixture containing 17 – 60% hydrogen detonate when

ignited by a sufficient powerful ignition source, powerful
shock waves are produced, and the pressure may increase
by twenty fold.

- Ignition may occur at 400 – 585ºC, depending on the


- At atmospheric pressure the spontaneous ignition

temperature is 400ºC.

- Hydrogen fires are not normally extinguished until the

supply of hydrogen has been shut-off because of the
danger or re-ignition or explosion.

- In the event of fire, large quantities of water must be

sprayed on adjacent equipment to cool the equipment and
prevent involvement in the fire.

- Small hydrogen fires are extinguished by dry chemical

extinguishers, carbon dioxide, nitrogen or steam.

- Re-ignition may occur is a metal surface adjacent to the

flame is not cooled with water or other means.

9.2.5 Carbon Monoxide

Carbon monoxide is a flammable gas, colourless, of about the

same density as air, and it is extremely toxic. An atmosphere
containing as little as 10 parts per million of carbon monoxide is
considered unsafe for breathing. A concentration of 100 parts per
million can be tolerated for only a few minutes, while a
concentration of 1000 parts per million is lethal.

Any atmosphere in which carbon monoxide might be present shall

not be entered without a gas mask.
Page 331 of 413

Carbon monoxide is flammable, the explosive range is almost as

wide as for hydrogen; lower limit 12.5% by volume, upper limit
74.2% by volume in air, which means that in practice any mixture
of carbon monoxide and air must be considered explosive.

9.2.6 Nickel Carbonyl

Nickel carbonyl is a highly toxic gas formed by the reaction of

carbon monoxide with nickel from catalysts or from stainless steel.

Poisoning can occur by inhalation as well as by absorption of

nickel carbonyl liquid through the skin.

Recommended maximum concentration in the atmosphere where

personnel is working is limited to 1ppm for short exposure only
and to 0.001 ppm for continuous daily exposure.

The initial symptoms of nickel carbonyl poisoning which frequently

develop during exposure include headache, giddiness and
nausea. These symptoms could also be, in part, due to carbon

Usually these initial symptoms disappear within an hour, after

exposure of the person to fresh air.

Delayed symptoms usually appear after 24 hours and include

headache, nausea, sleeplessness and pains in the chest. In
severe cases of nickel carbonyl poisoning, respiratory problems
increase and delirium occurs frequently.

Edema and haemorrhages in the lungs and brain have been found
in fatal cases.

Determination of nickel carbonyl

Nickel carbonyl may be detected qualitatively in an inflammable

gas by burning in a glass jet burner. A visible nickel deposit will be
formed at the top of the jet; approx. 0.02 ppm can be detected in
this way.

One proprietary test set for nickel carbonyl is marketed by the

Matheson Company. P.O. Box 85, East Rutherford, New Jersey.
The manufacture of this test instrument claims that it will detect
nickel carbonyl down to 0.001 ppm.
Page 332 of 413

Sources of nickel carbonyl

Nickel carbonyl is formed by the reaction:

Ni + 4 CO - Ni (CO) 4

The maximum rate of formation occurs in the temperature range

of 71 - 150ºC.

Under normal temperature and pressure conditions nickel

carbonyl is a liquid, with a boiling point of 43ºC and a flash point of
-40ºC. The vapour pressure at 15ºC is 260 mm Hg.

The most likely source of nickel carbonyl is found in the reactors

containing nickel catalysts.

A reduced nickel catalyst is very active in the production of nickel

carbonyl if carbon monoxide containing gases are passed over the
catalyst at temperature between 20 – 150ºC.

The nickel catalyst containing reactors should be cooled down

with hydrogen until it is replaced with nitrogen when the reactor
temperature approaches the dew point.

9.2.7 Caustic Solution

Caustic solution, commonly called lye, and technically known as

sodium hydroxide, is widely used in petroleum refining. Certain
general precautions should be observed:

- Goggles or face shields should be worn at all times in the

processing area. Painful injury and possible blindness can
result if caustic reaches the eyes in case accidents occur.

- Boric acid solution should be available for first aid after

washing the injured eye with large amounts of water. All
eye injury cases. Though of little importance, should be
referred to a physician.

- Personnel should be impressed with the fact that caustic

does not give immediate warning of its presence on the
skin by burning or irritation as in the case of many other

- A severe burn can result from caustic before the individual

realizes its presence on the skin. However, presence of
caustic on the skin before burning sensations develop can
be recognized by its slippery, soapy feeling.
Page 333 of 413

- A physician should be consulted in case of severe skin

burn. Some refinery keep a tube of diluted vinegar handy
to neutralize caustic on tools, rubber gloves, etc, after
washing by water.

- In view of the foregoing, personnel should be instructed to

wear, in addition to face shields or goggles, rubber gloves
and rubber aprons when performing and work which
expose them to caustic. Depending upon conditions, it may
be advisable to wear protective rubber footwear, being
caustic destructive to leather. Incidentally, cotton material
is more resistant to caustic than wool, and therefore is
preferable for clothing, although it should not be
considered as a protective material.

- When caustic has come in contact with skin, the area

should be immediately flushed by water for several
minutes, and, depending upon the severity of the
exposure, this can be followed by a 2% acetic acid wash to
neutralize any last trace of caustic.

9.2.8 Hydrazine

Hydrazine is widely used as a oxygen scavenger and corrosion

inhibitor in high and medium pressure boiler system

It is a colourless liquid with characteristic odour, miscible with

water & methanol. It is highly toxic by ingestion, inhalation and
skin absorption. Also it is a strong irritant to eyes & skin.

It should be stored in cool & dark place in order to avoid exposure

to direct sunlight.

As a first aid, against contact, rinse with plenty of water.

Page 334 of 413



CH3SSCH3: M.W.94

Appearance: Flammable yellow liquid with a sulphur odour.

Uses: Based on physical & chemical properties, DMDS

is better than competing sulphur compounds.
Hence it is used as a sulphur donor for the
petrochemical industry.

DMDS has a very low volatility, high boiling point

& high auto ignition temperature, making it safer
to handle. Compared to sulphides, mercaptans &
H2S, DMDS is less odorous. DMDS has a high
density & very high sulphur content. Hence
relatively large quantities of sulphur is transported
or stored for a given DMDS volume.

DMDS is a very good solvent for elemental

sulphur & is used as deplugging agent when
injected into sour gas wells. It is also used as
thiomethylation agent for organic synthesis.

DMDS is added in sweet steam cracker feed

stocks to reduce coke & CO formation in the coils
and to increase the length of the run, and protect
the coils.

Hazards: Highly toxic by ingestion, inhalation, eye contact.

Strong irritation to eyes & skin.

Storage: DMDS is compatible with steel, stainless steel,

copper free alloys, aluminium and titanium.
DMDS is an excellent solvent, so most plastic
material are either dissolved or swelled in its

First aid: In case of intoxication by inhalation, if the patient

is breathing, loosen his clothes. Cover with
blankets & make him breathe oxygen. If the
patient is not breathing start immediate artificial
Page 335 of 413

In case of eye contact, flush the eyes with water

for at least 15-20 minutes & seek medical advice.

Precautions: Wear protective clothing, goggles and mask.

Ventilate the space well.

Concentrations: Sulphur content of DMDS is about 64%

CAS: 624-92-0



Appearance: Colourless liquid with ammonia odour.

Uses: Morpholine is preferred chemical compound for

controlling the pH of boiler feed water system.
Due to its low vapour pressure, it remains in liquid
form & controls the pH.

Hazards: Route of entry can be inhalation, ingestion, or

skin. On inhalation, irritation of respiratory tract.
Sign of over exposure can be severe irritation to

Storage: Store in cool, dry, well ventilated area, away from

heat, open flames, oxidisers, acids.

First aid: If eye contacted, flush with plenty of water & get
medical attention.

Remove contaminated clothing, wash area with

soap. Do not induce vomiting.

Precautions: Wear protective clothing, goggles and mask.

Ventilate the space well.

Concentration: Concentration of morpholine is 40%

UN number: 1760

CAS: 110-91-8
Page 336 of 413

9.3 Identification of Hazards

9.3.1 Classification of Areas

It is desirable to define areas by grading them into divisions

depending on the degree of risk, determined by the probability of a
flammable or toxic atmosphere arising at a given time, together
with the probability of any equipment causing ignition.

It is desirable to promote correlation of safety procedures for such

areas and of equipment recommended for use in these areas

- Restricted Areas :

Restricted areas contain the hazardous areas, wherein any

explosive or flammable atmosphere could be present:

 Continuously,
 Intermittently, or
 Due to an abnormal or transient condition.

Use of classifying into restricted areas helps to facilitate

control entry into hazardous areas of:

 Unauthorized persons and vehicles,

 Non-approved equipment.

- Open Areas :

Open areas are those locations where hot work can be

performed without the required approvals or hot work
permits. Examples are:

 Welding in a welding-yard,
 Laboratory work, etc.

9.3.2 Explosion Hazards


When combustible gases are mixed with oxygen (air), an

explosive mixture may be formed. Whether such a mixture is
explosive depends on the concentration of the gas in the gas-air
Page 337 of 413

The concentrations below and above which the mixture is not

explosive, are called the lower and higher explosion limits

Hydrogen-air mixture appears to be especially explosive in a wide


It is essential to forbid smoking and welding within the battery

limits without a special permit. If welding has to be done, through
checks for the presence of hydrocarbons and hydrogen should be
made prior to giving permission (explosion meter test).

Before introducing hydrocarbons inside equipment items, care

should be taken that oxygen content is below 0.5% vol. to avoid
formation of an explosive mixture. Adequate purging or steaming
out is thus essential.

Additionally, ventilation is essential since leaks from equipment

may form potentially hazardous gas pockets.

9.3.3 Fire Hazards

Furnace Explosions


Statistics have shown that 90% of the furnace explosions occur

during start-up or low load operation. More than 50% of the
furnace explosions happen during a start-up some years after the
initial start-up. These observations pinpoint the need for additional
care, instructions and training in start-up operations. Most
explosions happen in gas-fired furnaces.

Explosion Theory

Three conditions must be met to get an explosion:

- A combustible gas (vapour) must be present

- The combustible gas (vapour) be mixed with oxygen (air)

in the proportions required to produce an explosive mixture

- A source of ignition must be available to start the explosion

(unless the temperature of the mixture is above the auto-
ignition temperature).
Page 338 of 413

Fundamental Operating Procedures

Heater flame-out

The question if what action should be taken after a flame-out of a

furnace is subject to controversial opinions resulting from different
interpretations of the explosion theory.

However, Technip subscribes to the following:

- shut off fuel and feed supply (this is automatically done in

the case of shut-down)

- close main hand valves

- Close individual burner valves.

Heater light-off

Heater light-off after flame-out

When the cause of the flame-out (shut-down) is such that the

furnace can be re-ignited again before it has been cooled off
entirely, the recommended procedures are as follows:

- check firebox with an explosion meter for hydrocarbons

and hydrogen to make sure that there are no explosive
mixtures in any part of the firebox.

- When negative hydrocarbon tests are obtained, start re-

ignition in the normal way.

Heater light-off during normal start-up

- make sure individual burner fuel valves and registers are


- open air registers

- check furnace firebox for hydrocarbons

- Follow start-up instructions.

Page 339 of 413

Note: During the light-off the burner, check very carefully through
the end-wall peepholes and/or burner peep sights to ascertain that
the pertaining burners are really ignited and are not impinging on
the heater tubes.

Fire in the firebox of the heater

In case of an unintended fire in the firebox, for instance caused by

a tube rupture, the following procedure is recommended :

- shut off fuel and feed

- close all openings (air registers) and keep the peepholes

closed to prevent air introduction

- stop forced draft fan

Page 340 of 413

9.4 Maintenance & Repairs

9.4.1 Safe Working Procedures


Operating and maintenance procedures will be useless if

personnel are not adequately trained in their correct
implementation. Supervisory personnel in charge of such training
should be adequately experienced themselves, preferably in
chemical plants of similar type and handling similar materials.



The standing instruction is that no gases, vapours, liquids or

chemicals are present in the atmosphere or on the ground in plant
area. If a leak develops, it should be stopped or be repaired at

Personal Protective Equipment

Protective equipment is not a substitute for safe working

conditions: adequate ventilation and intelligent conduct of the
operators are fundamental for accident prevention.

When protective equipment is necessary, it must be used

properly, the equipment selected must be suitable for the purpose
and the person using the protective equipment must be familiar
with it.

All protective equipment for safety of personnel must be kept in

good working condition at all times. Frequent inspections and
immediate repairs are essential.

Respiratory protection

All gases other than air are harmful to man when inhaled in
sufficient concentrations. Toxic gases may be classified as either
asphyxiating or irritating.
Page 341 of 413

Asphyxiating gases may cause death by replacing air in the lungs

or by reacting with the oxygen carried in the blood. Examples:
hydrogen sulphide, carbon monoxide, smoke and nitrogen.
Irritating gases may cause injury or death not only by asphyxiating
but also by both internal and external burning. Examples: chlorine,
sulphur dioxide, hydrogen fluoride. To guard against inhalation of
harmful gases, the operator should :

- Secure a gas test certificate showing the gas conditions of

the atmosphere (vessel etc).

- Avoid entering a confined space which has not been

purged and tested.

- Avoid facing an opening where escaping gas will be blown

at him.

- Provide ventilation.

- Wear the correct type of gas mask.

Three types of gas masks are in common use:

- Compressed air cylinder and mask set

This gives 100% protection regardless of the toxic gas.

Their disadvantages are that they can be used for a limited
time only, and require skill in proper use.

- Canister type masks

These are full masks equipped with a cartridge containing

chemicals to remove the toxic component from the air
breathed through the canister. Different cartridges are
supplied for differing groups of toxic gas, so that the
concentration of oxygen in the filtered air is not below 18%
by volume.

A disadvantage of this type is the relatively limited capacity

of the cartridge. When the chemicals are exhausted, the
toxic gas will not be trapped and therefore the wearer must
leave the contaminated area. Canister type masks are not
permitted when vessels, columns, tank, etc., are entered.
Page 342 of 413

- Air line masks

These are full face masks into which fresh air is blown
through a long hose from a manually operated blower,
placed outside the hazardous area. The masks can be
used in any concentration of toxic gases and can be used
for a long time and permit relatively easy breathing.

- Body protection

In order to limit the possibility of hazards, operators should

be compelled to wear suitable protective equipment, as

- Head protection: Use hard hats whenever working

in the plant. These hats provide protection from
falling objects and against head injury in general.

- Eye protection: while cleaning or purging a line with

air, steam or inert gas, all operators and
supervisors must wear goggles or other safety
equipment. Goggles should be fitted to prevent
splashes from entering the eye. Plastic shields with
facial protection should be used in addition to
goggles when full face protection is required.

- Ear protection: in some parts of the plant (i.e.

compressor room) personal comfort or safety may
require ear protection. This can take the form of ear
plugs or ear muffs provided individually or located
in enclosed stations adjacent to high noise areas.
Personnel should be instructed to wear ear
protection before they enter high noise level areas.

- Skin and hand protection: suits and gloves made of

synthetic rubber or other approved material should
be worn when complete body protection is
necessary. In case of severe leaks, only properly
protected personnel should remain in the area.
Page 343 of 413

General Safety Rules during Operation

General safety rules to be followed by the operating personnel :

- Wear protective clothing and gear provided and required

for plant operation

- Wear a safety belt when working at elevated locations if

adequate protection against falling is not available.

- Wear a suitable air mask when working on pipelines or

equipment containing hydrocarbons, toxic gases or

- Use the correct hose for air, water, steam or chemicals;

secure it solidly during use. Tag any hose that needs
repairs and send it to the shop. Clean chemical hoses after

- Be sure that hoses are in good condition and that all

connections are tight so that there is no chance of leakage
that could result in a hazard.

- When using steam hoses, crack the steam valve at first

until all water in the hose is discharged and the hose is
heated up. This will prevent high velocity jets of water
issuing from the hose.

- Report hazards immediately and take all measures to

remove the hazard.

- Wear goggles and gloves when taking samples

- Purge all process equipment with inert gas before use.

- Whenever it is necessary to block in heated items that

operate full of liquid, such as jacketed or traced lines,
exchangers and reboilers, ensure that a thermal expansion
relief valve is provided; otherwise allow for thermal

- Be thoroughly familiar with the location and operation of all

fire fighting equipment, blankets, safety showers, gas
masks, and other safety equipment.
Page 344 of 413

- When giving clearance to maintenance to perform work in

the unit, be sure the equipment is in a safe condition to
work on. Be specific in your instructions and be sure that
they are understood. Check to see if instructions are being



9.4.2 Preparation of Systems for Repairs, etc.

The following is only a general guideline and is not intended to be

a standard operating procedure and should in no way come into
conflict with refinery and authority regulations.

- Unit is out of operation

- Isolate the equipment to be opened for clean-out or

repairs. Leave rest of the equipment inactive with valves
closed. Isolation is to be done by blinding-off

- Purge the equipment with nitrogen, especially those that

have contained H2S and that release of H2S from the
drained-out condensate could occur.

- Beware of any possible sludge

- Check for the presence of hydrocarbon vapours within

certain proportions. If toxic vapours had been present, a
test for these should be made.

- Free the equipment for repairs, etc, when the gas test has

Note: Never make lines gas-free with air, when they have
contained hydrocarbons.

Use water, when neither steam nor nitrogen are available

9.4.3 Vessel Entry

No person should disconnect, open, unhead, or perform any work

on any process equipment, until the operation supervisor has
approved the work by issuing a written permit
Page 345 of 413

Isolating an equipment

Isolation of an equipment item means that all the lines to and from
that equipment must be disconnected or a blind must be inserted.
Therefore, reliance should never be placed on valves to ensure
gas-free conditions.

Before the gas-freeing operation, only steam, air, or nitrogen lines

should be in operation.

After the gas-freeing operation, these lines should be

disconnected and the piece of equipment is then ready for the

Unheading a vessel

Before unheading a vessel, a permit should be secured from the

operation supervisor. This permit defines that the vessel is
hydrocarbon free and isolated, but no gas test is yet obtained.
Open carefully the bottom manhole. Close immediately if
hydrocarbon liquids or gas is coming out. Warn the operation
supervisor, he will check the equipment.

Entering a vessel or tank

Entry permits are mandatory, whenever a person has to enter, or

partially enter, into a vessel or tank.

There are no exceptions to the following safety rules:

1. No person should be allowed to enter a vessel or tank,

which has or may have contained any hazardous
substance giving rise to flammable, poisonous or
asphyxiating vapours or gases, unless a written permit has
been issued authorizing this entry.

2. Whenever work is to be performed in a vessel or tank,

provisions should be made to provide ready entry and exit.

3. No one should enter the vessel or tank without proper

safety equipment and until such a vessel has been made
safe to entry, by:

 Steaming-out, purging, venting;

 Proper isolation, and;

 Gas testing.
Page 346 of 413

 % oxygen testing

4. When the atmospheric conditions are hazardous and the

vessel cannot be purged, certain work can be performed
with the necessary protective equipment (self-contained
breathing apparatus).

5. Any vessel, in which employees are required to wear a

self-contained breathing apparatus, should be considered
as a hazardous vessel.

6. While work is performed in a vessel, at least one person

should stand by on the outside of the vessel, with the
necessary safety equipment ready to render aid and
effective rescue in case of emergency. The person inside
the vessel must wear a safety harness.

7. If a vessel to be entered has or may have contained

flammable or toxic materials, the vessel should be isolated,
emptied, steamed, flushed, and otherwise purged of
hazardous substances

8. Closed valves alone should never be considered as ample

protection against hazardous materials. Equipment should
be disconnected in such a manner that the circuit cannot
be inadvertently energized.

9. If a vessel is provided with a power-driven internal

equipment, such as mixers, the power source should be
disconnected in such a manner that the circuit cannot be
inadvertently energized

Breaking into lines

Drain the lines, following these general rules:

1. Pump whenever possible a liquid line out.

2. Flush with water or steam to remove flammable liquids. If

lines have contained liquid hydrocarbons.

3. Block-off, drain and vent to the atmosphere, before a cold

work permit is issued to break into it. The use of air
pressure for displacing low flash point (under 90ºC)
products is strictly prohibited.

4. Drain as far as possible through fitted drain points.

Page 347 of 413

Pipe work containing gas should be depressurized as far as

possible to the flare system. Gas system should be depressurized
to the atmosphere under strictly controlled conditions only.
When opening lines, the general rule is:

Loosen the bolts in the most inaccessible areas of the flange first.

9.4.4 Mechanical Hazard


Even though, from a process point of view, the insulation of some

hot equipment and piping is not necessary, it is required to
insulate hot surfaces for personnel protection in areas where
persons may come into contact with such equipment and piping.

Rotating Machinery

It is recommended that hazards present in certain rotating

machinery be clearly identified, i.e.:

- Critical speeds of compressors

- Guards around equipment

- Nitrogen purge to crank case.

9.4.5 Electrical Hazards

Procedures for the lock-out of electrical equipment are

recommended. Use of sparking equipment within the battery limits
shall be made subject to approval.

9.4.6 Hazards Due to Pressure & Vacuum

All equipment is designed for pressure higher than normally

expected operating conditions. Relief valves are provided to
protect equipment from abnormal increase of pressure; however,
close operator surveillance is necessary at all times to prevent
equipment from operation at higher than design pressures.


Page 348 of 413

9.4.7 Hazards Due to Thermal Expansion

Serious accidents may be caused by thermal expansion of liquid

trapped in heated items. Thermal expansion relief valves are
generally provided to prevent such hazards.

When the cold side of an exchanger is bypassed and hot fluid is

passing through the other side, the drain or vent on the side must
be open.

Warning signs must be posted on all exchangers carrying hot

fluids whenever the exchanger cold side is bypassed.

Sign example:

Care should also be taken that equipment and lines are not left
filled with light hydrocarbon liquids an then blocked in since there
is the possibility that any external heat (also the heat of the sun)
can cause liquid expansion or vaporization

If there are no vapour pockets which will allow expansion of liquid

in the system without rupturing the equipment, the liquid should be
drained or vented to flare.

9.4.8 Housekeeping

Good housekeeping is the orderly and proper storage and

handling of materials, efficient disposal of wastes, prompt removal
of spillage, and maintenance of equipment free of drippings,
spatters, and overflows.



Following is a general guide to good housekeeping :

- Paper, wood, waste, and other refuse must be deposited in

refuse containers.

- Keep process area, control room and areas clean and

Page 349 of 413

- Oil soaked rags and waste may ignite spontaneously, they

must therefore be discharged into steel containers
specially marked and located for this purpose.

- Access to ladders, stairways, fire escapes, fire

extinguishers, steam hoses, water hoses and hydrates
must be free of obstruction.

- Drum, cans and funnels used to dispense lube oil must be

cleaned after use and returned to their proper place.

- Tools, bolts, nuts, lengths of pipe, flanges, etc. must never

be left lying on platforms or walkways.

- Fire fighting equipment is for fire fighting only. Never use it

for utility purpose nor remove it from proper locations.

- Hang hose on rack when not in use. If hose is to be used

for extended periods, string it above walkways to eliminate
tripping hazards.
Page 350 of 413

9.5 Safe Operation of Furnaces

9.5.1 Introduction

The safe operation of the furnaces requires alert attention and

knowledge of certain precautions on the part of the operating

A furnace operated correctly burns a fuel-air mixture under

controlled conditions.
Unsafe operation may lead to an explosion of the fuel-air mixture
causing injury to operators and damage to the plant.

Where safety is concerned, it is difficult and sometimes dangerous

to set down rules and regulations. This guide covers simple rules
governing safe furnace operations which the experienced operator
always keeps in mind. The aim is to explain why certain safe
practices are essential and to impress on all furnace operators the
need to consider every action when working on furnaces.

An operator who understands the need of safety practices is more

able to handle emergencies, and can instruct and lead others with

9.5.2 Equipment

From a safety aspect the main points are :

- A burner is a device to produce a fuel-air mixture which can be


- A furnace contains a combustion space, where the fuel-air

mixture is burnt.

These two characteristics lead either to safe operation or to an


Burner Lighting Equipment

A torch of suitable type, (electrical), must be provided at the

furnace for use in lighting burners.
Page 351 of 413

9.5.3 Fundamental Precautions


An operating furnace is most safe when working normally. The

circumstances which introduce a hazard include :

Lighting up and shutting down burners. This may include :

i) lighting up from cold after a shut-down

ii) changing burners

iii) Shutting down the furnace.

during an interruption of the fuel supply or the feed to the furnace.

These circumstances will be covered in detail, but in any situation
when operating changes are made to burners or the furnace
several fundamental precautions are to be taken.

Preparation of the job

Whatever the size of the job, make sure you know exactly what is
involved before starting.

Always tell the area supervisor what you are going to do, and if
necessary have another operator for assistance. For example,
when changing a burner for cleaning, no assistance may be
needed, but the supervisor should be informed. When the furnace
is being lit up from cold, some planning will be necessary and
three or four operators will be needed on the job.

Position in Lighting Burners

The operator lighting a burner should stand to one side to avoid a

flashback. Two operators should always be on the job so that one
can watch the flame, while the other handles the torch and the
burner shut-off valves.

Personnel injury due to a flashback or similar mishap must be

avoided by wearing protective clothing such as leather gloves,
goggles and helmets.
Page 352 of 413

General Precautions

- Always make sure that the burner tip and venturi are clean
before lighting to prevent blowback.

- Check fire extinguishers regularly.

- Before lighting check gas lines nearby for leaks; have a

gas test carried out if there is a possibility of burner pipe
work and fittings leaking.

- Before opening a furnace sight door, check with control

room supervisor and operators that no changes are being
made to the firing. When opening, use the door as a shield
until you are satisfied that conditions are steady. This is
particularly important on furnaces operating on automatic
draught control.

- If for any reason the fuel to the furnace fails, the furnace
should be purged and analyzed for the presence of an
explosive fuel-air mixture as described elsewhere, before
an attempt is made to re-light burners.

The fuel supply must be closed off at all burners, and the main
supply valves closed as well, to prevent leakage into the firebox.

If the failure results from the operation of an automatic cut-out

device, then all the affected burners must be blocked off before
the cut-out is manually reset for normal operation; otherwise the
sudden and uncontrolled return of the fuel may lead to an

9.5.4 Safe Methods of Lighting Burners


The distinction between “hot” and “cold” furnaces is important,

because the safety practices used differ in each case. The two
may be defined as follows:

A “hot” furnace is one where all or nearly all burners are alight and
the furnace brickwork and burner tiles are red hot.

A “cold” furnace is one where the brickwork is not red hot; this
may be because the furnace has only just been started up, or only
a few burners are alight, or the plant is on a low through put.
Page 353 of 413

Hot Furnace

Lighting burners in a hot furnace presents little difficulty. If lighting

a burner next to one already alight, it is safe and common practice
to light one flame from the next, particularly when burners are
close together.



Cold Furnace

Lighting burners in a cold furnace requires great care, thought and

attention. Unburnt fuel-air mixture may accumulate in parts of the
furnace and explode in contact with a flame.

The following points should be considered :

a) Purging

For the first lighting the furnace must be purged. Open

stack dampers and burner air registers to allow combustion
air to purge firebox.

It is strongly recommended not to purge by introduction of

snuffing steam as the brickwork will become soaked
causing damages later on.

Before proceeding, the firebox must always be analyzed

for the absence of an explosive atmosphere.

The purging procedure must be used again if the lighting

attempt fails. It is then certain that fuel has entered the

b) Lighting torch

In a cold furnace a lighting torch, as describe previously,

must always be used to light up the burners.


Page 354 of 413

9.5.5 Detailed Procedure for Lighting Burners

Reference is made to the burner supplier’s operating instructions.

9.5.6 Handling Burners in Operations

- The person assigned to the furnace firing job shall

regularly examine the firebox interior to ensure that all
burners are operating correctly.

A burner check and cleaning programme must be in

progress continuously if any burner plugging occurs during
initial phases of operation.

- Adjustments shall be made to the air shutters, as

necessary, to ensure safe and economical operation.

- If one or more burners go out, but the others remain alight,

the fuel shall immediately be shut off to all those that are

9.5.7 Shutting down a Gas Burner

The fuel gas pressure should be decreased slowly to the minimum

allowed value with all burners in operation. The individual burners
are taken out of operation one by one by closure of the fuel gas

Cool-down rate should not exceed 50ºC per hour at the fuel gas

Upon passing under 250ºC flue gas temperature at flue gas cross-
over, close all burners and isolate fuel gas system. Close all air
shutters to prevent forced cooling and reduce draft to a minimum.
Shut down both the induced and the forced draft fan.
Page 355 of 413

9.6 Sampling

- Samples must be taken only by authorized personnel.

- Avoid inhaling vapours during sampling; they may contain toxic


- Sampling connections must be flushed thoroughly but carefully

and slowly, before collecting the sample. Spillage must be avoided
at all times.

- If a large wrench or other means of leverage is required to open a

stuck sample connection, care must be taken not to break off the
connection and create a serious hazard.

- Gloves and goggles or face shields must be used when drawing

samples of chemicals, liquid hydrocarbons, hot water, gases and
all hazardous liquids.
Page 356 of 413

9.7 Fire Prevention and fire fighting

9.7.1 Fire Prevention

The best protection against fires is to prevent the conditions that

may lead to fire.

The 3 components of any fire are: combustible material, air

(oxygen), and a source of ignition. Combustible gases and liquids
normally must not be present in the atmosphere or on the process

All leaks must be stopped immediately. When not possible, all

available means to prevent spreading must be applied. Sources of
ignition must be kept away from process areas. When possible, air
(oxygen) can be excluded by purging or blanketing with

A fire is always a hazard to personnel and always leads to

damage of equipment.



Common sources of ignition are :

- Open flames

- Hot work (welding, cutting, etc)

- Defective electrical equipment

- Automotive vehicles

- Overhead metal surfaces

- Static electricity.

Smoking as well as carrying matches and lighters is prohibited.

Hot works such as welding, cutting, grinding, chipping, etc. may
be carried out inside process areas only after written permit from
the authorizing supervisor has been obtained. Each hot permit will
specify procedure to be taken. Portable lights and lamps of
approved explosion-proof design must be used.
Page 357 of 413

Gasoline and diesel engines are allowed to operate in process

areas only after written permit has been obtained from the
authorizing supervisor. Spills and leakage are a common source
of undesired combustibles in process areas.

Frequent inspections must be made to detect leaks and prevent

spillage. Spills must be flushed immediately with water or covered
with absorbent materials for subsequent removal.

9.7.2 Fire Fighting

In many cases operators can prevent large plant fires by

extinguishing small flame-ups in their incipient stage. For this
purpose fire-fighting equipment consists of :

- Stationary facilities including fire hydrants connected to the

fire water network, and snuffing steam connections ;

- Mobile facilities including fire truck and extinguishers;

- Water to extinguish paper and wood fires;

to cool equipment, tanks, etc;
to protect personnel against radiant heat;
to extinguish small hydrocarbon fires.

- Steam to extinguish hydrocarbon fire in trenches and

confined spaces;
to extinguish small flames (on leaking flanges, for

- Foam to extinguish hydrocarbon fires, large and small.

- Carbon dioxide/ dry powder to extinguish small fires of

hydrocarbons and other combustibles in confined spaces.

To extinguish a fire in electrical equipment (switches,

transformers, motors, etc) only carbon dioxide, BCF and dry
powder extinguishers must be used.

Never use water, steam or foam on electrical fires

Large hydrocarbon fires are extinguished by plant fire-fighting

crews using water and foam. In case of fire it is often necessary to
protect personnel. An adequate supply of protective equipment
and clothing must be available in the process area. Water mist
serves the same purpose when properly applied. Fire blankets are
used to extinguish flaming clothing. Safety hats and gloves are
usually necessary.
Page 358 of 413

All operators must be thoroughly familiar with the location of

portable fire extinguishers, steam hoses, hydrants and water
hoses, and protective equipment.

When a fire occurs, operators must extinguish it immediately,

using fire extinguishers, steam or water and actuate fire alarm.

In case of a large fire caused by mechanical failure, operators

must ;

a) Isolate fire and shut down the unit, if required by activation

of the manual plant shut-down.

b) Fight the fire.

The general procedure is as follows :

- Stop the flow of gas and liquid to equipment on fire, and

depressurize to blow-down system, but keep a slight
positive pressure inside the equipment.

Where possible, inject steam or nitrogen

If flame is extinguished but the leak continues, gas may

spread as an explosive cloud which may re-ignite.

- Follow unit emergency shut-down procedures as closely as


- Cool any endangered adjacent structure or equipment by

water jet or mist.

- Fight with appropriate extinguishing agent, bearing in mind

that oil floating on water easily spread the fire. Use foam in
such cases.

For details of fire fighting system refer Chapter 14
Page 359 of 413

9.8 Safety during Maintenance

9.8.1 General Rules

It is strongly recommended that detailed maintenance procedure

be written down for maintenance work on each piece of major
equipment or processing system. These should take into account
all possible hazards and should include at least the following
general rules :

- Instruments for isolation of process and utility streams

look-out of electrical equipment, venting, draining and
purging requirements, location of blinds, etc.

- A drawing will generally be useful in clarifying these points,

especially where the system is extensive.

- Instructions for sampling the surroundings atmosphere,

types of test, permissible limits for contaminants before
and during the work.

- Specification of types of maintenance equipment to be


- Specification of personnel protection equipment required to

execute the work.

- Specification of emergency equipment required during

execution of work.

- Definition of supervisory staff required and designation of

individual responsibilities.
Page 360 of 413

9.8.2 Preparation for Maintenance

Venting & Draining of Equipment & Systems.

If it is necessary to drain or depressurize a vessel or system

containing flammable material to drums, sewer or to atmosphere,
the following precautions should be taken :

- Remove all personnel not actually performing the

operations from the area.

- Take full measures to ensure that there are no sources of

ignition in the area. These measures should include the

 Prohibit welding and cutting

 Use non-sparking tools

 Cut off all electric power except that required for the

 Prohibit automotive vehicles in immediate area.

Isolation & Purging of Equipment for Removal or Entry

Once a system has been depressurized, it must be purged and

positively isolated from other equipment by means of blinds. In
addition block valves should be closed, where present.

Do not rely on closed block valves only for positive isolation, since
there is always the possibility of leakage or inadvertent operation.
The block valve itself should be tagged “DO NOT OPERATE”

Before braking flange in order to blind equipment or piping, the

system must be purged with nitrogen or steam as specified in
written procedure so that blinded installation itself is not
hazardous. Purging should then be continued until the system is
acceptable for maintenance work to begin. All low points and
potential pockets must be checked and purged of all process
Page 361 of 413

Testing for the Atmosphere

After draining, depressurizing, isolating and purging the vessel,

the atmosphere in the vessel and in the surrounding area should
be tested with an approved combustible gas indicator to make
sure that a hazardous, (flammable or toxic), condition does not

Before allowing any working personnel to enter the area for the
purpose of proceeding with inspection or maintenance, the unit
should be thoroughly ventilated with air.

Frequent testing should be performed whenever welding or

burning work is carried out, and whenever vessel entry is required.

9.8.3 Execution of Maintenance Work


No maintenance work should be started until a work permit has

been signed and issued by an authorized person indicating that
the area to be worked in has been properly prepared and tested in
accordance with standing maintenance instructions.

Special permits are issued for each work category (“hot works,
excavations, electrical works, vessel entry, etc.), with all special
requirements for personnel and plant protection clearly stated.
Such permits should be issued for a special period, (e.g. to cover
one operating shift), and only renewed after full re-inspection of
working area.

Welding and cutting

This is the only occasion where sources of ignition are deliberately

introduced into areas where flammable materials are processed.
Such should only be undertaken after thorough cleaning, purging,
and testing have been completed as described in previous

A special permit should be issued for specific time duration and

continuous checks must be made during the course of the work
with a combustible gas detector to ensure that the work area is
safe for hot work. Wetted canvas or tarpaulin screens should be
erected around the work area to prevent sparks from being carried
out to adjacent areas, and a fire hose and extinguishers must be
on hand as an additional precaution.

Whether the repair work is inside or outside of the vessel, purging

with air should be continued while the work is in progress.
Page 362 of 413

Modifications to the plant or operating procedures

All projected modifications to the plant executed during

maintenance period should be reviewed by the plant engineering
personnel and approved by the plant manager to ensure that they
comply with mandatory codes and good engineering practice.

Any changes in accepted operating procedures should be

carefully reviewed by engineering, operating and safety personnel
to ensure that hazardous conditions will not occur.
Page 363 of 413

9.9 Local Requirements

It should be noted that the preceding chapter on safety is a general

discussion on refinery practice. It by no means supersedes or replaces
any local requirements on laws. Operators of any unit should be aware of,
and trained to their own local and company standard with regard to safety
and general operation of a petrochemical unit before being involved in
any type of operation.

They should also be aware of operational and maintenance requirements

issued by vendors of equipment installed in the complex.
Page 364 of 413

9.10 MSDS

MSDS is an important document from operation point of view. It gives all

the relevant information regarding toxicity, hazards and protecting
measures to be taken for ensuring safe handling. Therefore, before
handling any of the chemicals MSDS must be referred meticulously.

MSDS for the relevant chemicals is provided by corresponding vendors

and are incorporated in chapter 15 (of this manual) DRAWING/
DOCUMENTS. List of vendors against chemicals provided by them is
given below:

Sr. No. Chemical Vendor

Corrosion inhibitor :
pH controller :
2 Bhanwarlal Jhanwar & Sons
Deposite controller: GUIZHOU SINO-PHOS
Oxygen scavenger:
Sulphiding agent:

MSDS for feed streams FCC Gasoline and Straight Run Sour
Naphtha are to be obtained from IOCL and attached.
Page 365 of 413

10. Analytical Methods

Page 366 of 413

10. Analytical Methods

10.1 General

Attached tables are guidelines for planning sound analytical control of

plant operation during normal operation and start up.

Attached Tables are

 Streams to be analysed.

 Analysis to be performed.

 Frequency of analysis during Normal Operation and start up.

In this section all the recommended method which are the most
applicable for control analysis by plant personnel.

These methods are selected for their simplicity, rapid and more accuracy
in results.

Every precautions is to be taken care for making a sample representative

as the results are going to determine whether the material is off-grade or
suitable for next processing.
Page 367 of 413

10.2 Sampling Practices for Water

10.2.1 Sample Containers

Material of sample container shall not contaminate the sample and

before use, shall be cleaned to remove extraneous surface dirt.
Chemically resistant glass or Polyethylene is suitable materials for
the one liter bottles.

The closures of these bottles shall be of either glass or suitable

plastic caps with liners.

Due to the permeability of the plastic to gases like carbon dioxide,

collection will result in enormous pH values.

The closures of these containers shall be tied / fixed to prevent

leakage in transit.

A vapour space of 15 to 25 ml to be kept in the bottle, while taking

sample for the effect of change of temperature.

10.2.2 Significance of the Sampling

Objective of sampling is to analyse water that is truly


Following rules are applicable to all sampling procedures.

 The sample must represent the conditions existing at the

time of sample collection.
 Sample collection shall be of sufficient volume to check its

10.2.3 Sample Collection

 While collecting a sample from the pressurized streams

flush the sample lines at the rate not less than 500 ml /

 Before sample collection rinse the sample container at

least three to four times, shaking and emptying.
Page 368 of 413

10.2.4 Labelling of Samples

 Label the sample container with following information

 Date and time of sampling.
 Point (Exact location) of sampling.
 Sample Number
 Name of samples
 Purpose of the sample.

10.2.5 The Interval between Collection & Analysis of the Sample

Ensure that there is not a big time lapse between sample

collection and sample analysis.
Page 369 of 413

10.3 Sampling Practices for Gases

10.3.1 Sample containers

Sample containers shall be gas tight and easy for handling and

The material of container shall be selected which will not react

with the sample. Sample containers shall be properly sized.

10.3.2 Significance of Sampling

Sample of gas is analyzed for determining the physical and

chemical characterises

The test results are often used for custody transfer and pricing
determination, so it is very essential that the sample must be
representative. Extreme judgement ands skill is necessary to
ensure a sample which represents the general and average
conditions of the sample.

Gas sample shall be collected and sampled by trained persons

with necessary safety precautions.

10.3.3 Sample Collection

 Ensure the dryness of sample container.

 There shall be no leaks in any of the components of the

sample container.

 Blow out the sample line and the sample

10.3.4 Labelling of Sample

To properly describe and identify all the samples they shall be

marked for identification and proper handling by the analyst.

A tag or sticker attached to the container shall include following

 Exact location of Sample taken.
Page 370 of 413

 Sample taken by

 Date of sampling

 Time of sampling

 Kind of Gas
Page 371 of 413

10.4 Analysis Schedule for Gases

10.4.1 Sour Naphtha / FCC Gasoline Feed Stock

Stream Analysis Test Method Frequency

To be
Performed Start up Normal

Sour Boiling ASTM-D86 On Once / Week &

Naphtha range Requirement at the time of
changing a

Aromatics Gas On Once / Week &

Chromatography Requirement at the time of
ASTM-D-2267 changing a

P/I/N/A Modified PONA On request Once / Week &

apparatus at the time of
changing a

Sulphur Potentiometric Every 24 Twice a Week

(Total & method ASTM- Hours
Mercaptans) D-3227.
or X-Ray Twice a Week
fluorescence Every 24 & while
ISO-8754, UOP Hours changing
384.76 feedstock.

Once per week

On request
Page 372 of 413

10.4.2 Process Gas

Stream Analysis To Test Method Frequency

Start up Normal
Desulphurizer Total Sulphur Oxidative Once / day Twice /
Outlet Microcoulometry & on Day
ASTM-D-3246 requirement
Lead acetate
paper or “Drager”
On Request
tube H2S, 1/c Once / shift
Complete Gas On Request On
Composition Chromatography Request
Dechlorination Chloride Gas On request Twice a
bed Content Chromatography day
CRG effluent Complete Gas Once / Shift Once /
Composition Chromatography Shift
Reformer Complete Gas Once / Shift Once /
effluent Composition Chromatography Shift
Steam to gas Twice /
Once / Shift
ration Wet gas Meter Week

HTS out let Complete Gas Once / Shift Once /

Composition Chromatography Shift

PSA-Inlet Complete Gas Once / Shift On request

Composition Chromatography
(Outlet of
Product Complete Gas On request On request
Hydrogen Composition Chromatography
CO / CO2
“Drager” tube 8/a
and 0.01%/a
Page 373 of 413

10.4.3 Fuel and Flue Gases

Stream Analysis To Test Method Frequency

be Performed
Start up Normal

Purge Gas Complete Gas Once / Shift Twice/

From PSA Composition Chromatography Week
unit ASTM-D-1946

Flue Gas Complete Orsat Apparatus Once / Shift Every 24

from Composition Phenol-disulfonic hours
combustion acid
NOX As per
ASTM-D-1608 On request Authority
Page 374 of 413

10.5 Spot Checks

10.5.1 Sulphur at outlet Of Desulphurizer by Means of Lead Acetate Paper

The following apparatus and chemicals are required for this


 Filter paper 50mm in Diameter.

 200 ml bottle with stopper.

 0.2 N Leas Acetate solution.

The feed gas is sampled at the outlet of the ZNO Desulphurizer.

The sample valve is to be opened just to purge the sample line
and then almost closed, so that flow is just barely noticeable. Wet
a single piece of filter paper with few drops of Lead Acetate
solution and hold it about 70mm from the sample point.

The presence of Hydrogen sulphide will cause darkening of the

moist filter paper.

Filter paper will turn to dark brown stain, intensifying with

prolonged exposure indicates the presence of Hydrogen sulphide.
The rapidity and rate of change of colour gives amount of
Hydrogen sulphide present in the sample. If no colour change is
observed in 15 seconds, it can be concluded that there is no
Hydrogen sulphide in the reforming feed stock, with immediate
change in colour within 15 seconds, the operation of the sulphur
removing facilities shall be checked.

10.5.2 Steam to Gas Ratio

A sample is to be collected at the outlet of the process gas boiler.

The apparatus required are:

 Sample cooler. ( Already installed)

 Condenser separator, graduated gas cylinder.

 Wet gas meter, calibrated in liter.

Page 375 of 413


To Atmosphere

Sample Cooler Sample Cooler Wet Gas Meter

The gas outlet of the sample is be connected to the gas meter.

While the process gas is lined up from the sample cooler to the
separator, put on the cooling water to the sample cooler so that 1
– 2 ml of condensate are drained per minute in the separator.

After the sample line is flushed or purged and the separator is

drained, close the drain valve on separator and take reading on
the wet gas meter.

After a time interval during which 20 to 50 ml of condensate is

collected in the separator, open the drain valve and collect the
condensate in empty graduated cylinder.

As soon as the gas blows out at the drain valve, take the second
reading on the wet gas meter and close the drain valve on the
separator and sample cooler.

Measure the amount of water collected and determine from the

two gas meter readings the corresponding gas flow.

The ratio of steam to gas can be calculated as per example given

Page 376 of 413

Dry gas analysis from Laboratory

Gas Vol%

CH4 6.65

CO 13.5

CO2 8.80

H2 70.30

N2 0.75

Steam condensed in the condenser/separator = 33.70ml

Gas flow through wet gas meter = 85.83 liters

At NTP 1gmole = 22.414 liters

Gas flow 83.83 / 22.414 = 3.74 gmole.

Steam 33.70/18.016 = 1.84 gmole

Steam to gas ratio = 1.87/3.74 = 0.50 vol% / vol %

From this ratio and the complete dry gas analysis, a material
balance can be made which will permit an estimation of the steam
to carbon ratio at the inlet of the reformer.

As long as steam to carbon ratio is above minimum, operation

may be continued, however, operation below the design figure
should be corrected as soon as possible since it will either reflect
in higher Methane content in the product gas or by increasing
firing to hold the methane concentration.
Page 377 of 413

10.6 Analysis Schedule for Water and Steam

10.6.1 Demineralised Boiler Feed Water and steam

Stream Analysis to be Rest Method Frequency for

Performed Start up and

BFW Conductivity ASTM-D- Once / shift

s/cm 1125

Total hardness ASTM-D- On request

(mval/l) 1126

SiO2 (mg/l) ASTM-D-859 Once / shift

Fe(mg/l) ASTM-D- Once / shift


O2 (mg/l) ASTM-D-888 Once / shift

Na(mg/l) ASTM-D- On-request


pH at 25ºC ASTM-D- Once / shift


KMnO4 (mg/l) - Once / shift

OIL (mg/l) ASTM-D- On-request


CO2 (mg/l) ASTM-D-513 Once / shift

Chlorides ASTM-D- Once / shift

Page 378 of 413

10.6.2 Boiler Water

Stream Analysis to be Rest Method Frequency for

Performed Start up and
Normal Operation

Boiler Water Conductivity ASTM-D- Once / shift

s/cm 1125

Total Dissolved ASTM-D- Once / shift

Solids (mg/l) 1888

SiO2 (mg/l) ASTM-D-859 Once / shift

Fe + Cu (mg/l) ASTM-D- Once / shift


ASTM-D- On-request

Hydrazine (mg/l) ASTM-D- Once / shift


Phosphate(mg/l) ASTM-D-515 Once / shift

pH at 25ºC ASTM-D- Once / shift


P- Value (meq/l) ASTM-D- Once / shift


OIL (mg/l) ASTM-D- On-request


CO2 (mg/l) ASTM-D-513 Once / shift

Page 379 of 413

10.7 Analysis Schedule for Utilities

10.7.1 Cooling Water

Stream Analysis to be Rest Method Frequency for

Performed Start up and
Normal Operation

Cooling Water Total hardness ASTM-D-1126 Once / two weeks

(ppm CaCO3l) On request

Ca (ppm CaCO3l) ASTM-D-511 On request

Mg (ppm CaCO3l) ASTM-D-511 On request

Alkalinity ASTM-D-1067 On request

(ppm CaCO3l)

Fe (ppm) ASTM-D-1068 On request

Sulphate (SO4 ASTM-D-516 On request


Cl (ppm) ASTM-D-512 On request

Turbidity (ppm) ASTM-D-1888 On-request

TDS(ppm) ASTM-D-1888 On-request

SiO2 (ppm) ASTM-D-859 On-request

Sour Water pH ASTM-D-1293 Once / shift

10.7.2 Plant Air Instrument Air, Nitrogen

Weekly analysis is to be made for this system, analysing for dew

point, by means of the ASTM-D-4230 method.

The oil content can be analysed with standard procedure

according to ASTM-D-3687
Page 380 of 413

10.8 Analysis Schedule for Dosing Chemicals

Sampling of the dosing chemicals is necessary to maintain required

concentration of the dosing chemicals. This helps in maintaining these
parameters steadily.

Sr. Stream
Chemical Vessel Tag concentration
No. components
% (W/W)
Catalyst DMDS
1 sulphiding 92-V-07 + Note 2
agent Naphtha
Corrosion -1044 7.5
2 92-V-08
inhibitor + (in naphtha)
DM water
3 pH control 92-V-29 + 1.5
DM water
4 92-V-30 + 3
control TSP
DM water
5 92-V-28 + 0.2
scavenger Hydrazine

1. For all the dosing chemicals sampling must be done at
the charging of a new batch. A new batch is generally
charged after 48 hrs.
2. Catalyst sulphiding agent is used only during the
charging of the new batch of catalyst. Hence sampling is
done on request.
3. Sample analysis should be as per the standard IOCL
refinery laboratory procedures.
Page 381 of 413

10.9 Significance Of analysis

10.9.1 Feed and Process Gas

Feed Stock

Feed stock should be analysed as a deviation from the specified

design characteristics, can affect flow indications and process
data, plant performance and efficiency. Sulphur is a common
impurity and a catalyst poison, so it is an important factor for

Desulphurizer effluent

The temperature change in the Desulphurizer unit is very small, so

the only way of monitoring unit’s performance is by exit analysis.

Flow rate, inlet sulphur content and temperature have an influence

on the exit sulphur concentration.


The hydrogen content in the pre-reformer effluent is used as a

counter check on the performance of the pre-reformer catalyst.

Reformer Effluent

The methane content in the reformer effluent gives an indication

on the performance of the reformer catalyst. A high methane
leakage can be caused by sulphur in the feed gas, outlet
temperature of reformer low-low or lo-low steam to gas ratio.

The steam to carbon ratio shall be calculated or checked by

calculation of corrected flows as described. Reformer temperature
and steam to carbon ratio will affect the final gas composition at
the exit of reformer. Higher the temperature lowers the methane

HTS converter

The carbon monoxide content in the converter effluent gives an

indication of the performance of the catalyst. Higher the
temperature at the exit will reduce carbon monoxide content, as
does a higher steam to carbon ratio.
Page 382 of 413

Product Hydrogen

The impurities carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide in the

hydrogen product stream give an indication of the performance of
molecular sieves in the PSA unit. Frequency of the cycle time has
a considerable effect on the gas stream qualities.

Purge gas

The furnace flue gas should be analysed for oxygen, carbon

dioxide & carbon monoxide content to determine complete

Excess air quantity gives significant effect on analysis.

10.9.2 Water


Dissolved oxygen is objectionable in water used for industrial

purpose because of its corrosive properties.

Iron & Copper

This analysis gives information about corrosion taking place within

the system.

Natural content of Iron in the water must be considered while

interpreting the results of the test.


Silica content in the water may result in the formation of the

calcium and magnesium silicates, in boiler feed water presence of
silica can result in to formation of hard dense scales which are
resistance to the heat transfer.


The specific conductance of water is a measure of the ability of

water to conduct an electrical current; it indicates the total
ionisable solids, salts in the water.
Page 383 of 413


It’s a measure of cleanness of water; high turbidity is due to

presence of suspended solids, so it should be as low as possible.
In Boiler feed water high turbidity results in accumulation of
suspended solids to settle in to heavy sludge or mud.

This situation can be controlled by increasing Blowdown.


The presence of sulphate ions in water results in the formation of

calcium sulphates which is a scale material to get deposited ion
the walls of the exchanger surfaces, resulting in loss of heat
transfer and corrosion.

If hardness is controlled sulphate scale can not form.


Total dissolved solids are a sum of dissolved & suspended solids,

which can be removed by filtration.

The TDS are composed of sulphates, bicarbonates and chlorides

of calcium, magnesium & sodium.


In boiler feed water conditioning the phosphate test is employed

for control of internal conditioning.

Care to be taken to maintain recommended levels of PO4 in the



pH is the logarithm of the reciprocal of the hydrogen ion


Control of pH is an important factor. Lower pH water results in the

corrosion and high pH water leads to scale & slime formation.


Hydrazine is used as oxygen scavenger it reacts with dissolved

oxygen to produce water and nitrogen.
Page 384 of 413

It is added in the boiler feed water, its concentration in the BFW

shall be traceable to ensure no dissolved oxygen in BFW.

In the event of decomposition of Hydrazine the products are

ammonia and nitrogen, nitrogen is inert and ammonia is alkaline
so there is no attack on ferrous material.


The presence of calcium and magnesium salts causes’ water to

be hard; the degree of hardness is directly proportional to the
quantity of these metals.

High hardness is undesirable as it is a source of scale formation,

in BFW lines.


The presence of chlorides in water results in stress corrosion to

austenitic stainless steel.

Carbon dioxide

Corrosion is a principal difficulty caused by carbon dioxide.

This gas will ionize on solution in water producing carbonic acid,

this result in the lowering down the pH of water.


The determination of calcium in water means determination of



It is determined by titration with a standard acid, which may be

present due to various substances.

The control of alkalinity is on the basis of Phenolphthalein and

Methyl orange test.

Oil compounds may cause foaming in the boiler.

Page 385 of 413

11. Corrosion
Page 386 of 413

11. Corrosion

11.1 General :

In most refineries a considerable effort is expended in corrosion control at

all stages of the system design life. Once a plant or any piece of
equipment is put into service, maintenance is required to keep it operating
safely and efficiently.

Correct and effective corrosion monitoring and reporting strategies should

be used as a proactive tool to assist in operating a plant more effectively,
thereby prolonging its life and gaining optimum throughput. The data
collected enables a continuous monitoring of actual corrosion rates,
allowing for timely preventative action if a variance is observed.
In an existing plant the following is helpful :

 to have previous history (of an existing Hydrogen plant) or even a

rough estimate of the types of corrosion problems to be investigated.

 to use several complementary techniques rather than rely on a single

monitoring method.

 Real time monitoring of pipelines, vessels and other static equipment

enables a near instantaneous appraisal of the corrosivity of produced and
transported fluids. On-line nature monitoring means that corrosion
information is immediately available to the operator.
Page 387 of 413

11.2 Corrosion Aspects:

The various modes of corrosion concerns those are specific to Hydrogen

unit are listed as follows :

1. High Temperature H2 attack

2. High temperature H2/H2S corrosion
3. High temperature Sulphide corrosion in H2 free Environment
4. Naphthenic acid corrosion
5. Wet H2S corrosion
6. Amine stress corrosion
7. Ammonium Bi-Sulphide corrosion
8. Polythionic acid attack

To safe guard the Hydrogen unit from these types of corrosions,

MOC/Corrosion allowance is selected such that it will minimize or prevent
the failure of equipment/piping from the corrosion attack. In addition to this
following measures are taken.

Corrosion inhibitor is injected from corrosion inhibitor tank, 92-V-08 via

corrosion inhibitor pump, 92-P-05-A/B in to Naphtha Stripper 92-C-
01overhead system to protect condensers /drums.

The wash water is injected upstream of the Naphtha air cooler, 92-AC-01
to avoid HCl and ammonium salt deposit and corrosion.

Corrosion is taken care of during two different phases :

1) During design phase :

Based on process know-how from Licensor in terms of design criteria,

operating unit’s feedback and PMC’s recommendations, the
appropriate metallurgy selection and the required corrosion allowance
for pipes and equipments has been provided during detail
engineering. This is done to minimize or prevent the failure of
equipment/piping from the corrosion attack.

2) During operation phase :

The two different systems provided for corrosion protection are :

a. Corrosion inhibitor system :

A solution of corrosion inhibitor (CHIMEC 1044) in naphtha is prepared in

tank 92-V-08.This solution is then injected to the overhead of Naphtha
Stripper 92-C-01 by means of pumps 92-P-05 A/B. This arrangement is
provided mainly to take care of corrosion due to H2S.
Page 388 of 413

b. Wash water system :

Due to the presence of chlorides in the feed naphtha, HCl and ammonium
salt is formed in the reactor (92-R-01).Therefore upstream of the air cooler
(92-AC-01) wash water is injected to the reactor effluent. Provision is also
made to inject wash water in the heat exchanger train (92-E-01
A/B/C/D/E/F) during start-up.
Wash water pumps 92-P-03A/B supply DMW from the DMW storage tank
Page 389 of 413

11.3 Corrosion inspection and detection :

Corrosion can cause serious failures, which lead to large economic loss,
sometimes combined with environmental pollution, or risk of personnel injuries.
The most important steps in order to hinder or reduce the extent of such failures
are sufficiently early detection, proper diagnosis and effective prevention

11.3.1 Corrosion inspection :

To be able to perform the inspection in a systematic way, an inspection
program has to be worked out based on knowledge of the process and
the material performance. The program shall specify the frequency of
inspection, timing, and recording of service and equipment condition and
the type of inspection methods.

The frequency of inspection shall be evaluated, based both on the risk of

failure occurring and on the consequences if failure occurs. It is
recommended that critical equipment operating at high pressure and/or at
severe corrosive conditions shall be inspected at least once a year.
Experiences from similar equipment, or from previous inspection of the
same equipment, will often give valuable information about the most
critical sites for corrosion attacks. These sites must then be inspected
more frequently than sites where the probability for corrosion damage is

Critical sites may, for example, bends, welds, or obstacles in pipe

systems with corrosive medium flowing in the system. It is important that
the inspection department has access to the past history of the equipment
or of similar units, so that a proper inspection may be made.

Selection of the qualified personnel is of utmost importance.The individual

inspector or inspection department and the quality control or assurance
programs shall involve professional licensing . Inspection personnel, who
are educated and trained in inspection techniques, such as radiography,
ultrasonics, magnetic particles, and dye penetrants, should be certificated
by government or institutions.

11.3.2 Corrosion detection :

Visual inspection in the simplest form can be performed without any
accomplishing aids when there is physical access to the object.

The experienced inspector can often determine the following :

 Type of corrosion(such as general corrosion, pitting corrosion, crevice
corrosion, weld and heat affected zone corrosion, and erosion corrosion)
from visual inspection.
 The degree of corrosion can be measured and described and
documented by use of sketches or photographs. For exact measurements
of local corrosion penetration caused, for example, by pitting corrosion,
Page 390 of 413

various types of mechanical or optical measuring instruments can be


Material thinning due to general corrosion may be difficult to determine

exactly, without use of additional non-destructive inspection methods,
such as ultrasonics. Also initial cracks caused by stress corrosion or
corrosion fatigue, are often difficult to detect visually. If such defects are
likely, then methods to make the cracks visible are needed (magnetic
particles, liquid penetrant, eddy current). Mirrors, boroscopes, flexible
fiber-optic instruments, or small video cameras can be used together with
light sources, to look inside small pipes or narrow spaces in the
Page 391 of 413

11.4 Treatment and Analysis of Inspection Results:

When unacceptable corrosion is detected, the first step should be to estimate the
cost of repair or replacement and the consequence of new attack after such
repair. This will affect the decision on extent and content of further investigations.
In many cases, the preliminary examination is sufficient to decide that a relatively
simple action is adequate to solve the problem. In more complex cases, more
extensive examinations have to be carried out.

The company’s corrosion engineer or the external expert has to make a

technological and economic evaluation of the actual case before he/she can
recommend one specific solution and possible alternative(s) to this.

Sometimes, failures may have occurred due to human error. If this is the case,
steps must be taken to avoid repetition. Improvement in routines of supply and
labeling of materials, information on experienced failures, and further education
of technical personnel, may by appropriate.
Page 392 of 413

11.5 Passivation:

Austenitic stainless steel (300 series alloys with nominally 18% Cr-8% Ni
compositions) process equipment and piping are subjected to failure by corrosion
cracking, if not adequately protected to prevent corrosive environments from

Intergranular stress corrosion cracking occurs when sulfidic corrosion products

(scales) react with oxygen from air and water to form polythionic acids at low
temperature. These acids are produced as soon as the equipment is open to
atmosphere, even at ambient temperature.

The acids attack the metal grain boundary and thus deplete the chromium

Thus corrosion cracking may occur in SS which is exposed to sulphur during

operation, unless measures are taken to passivate the metal surfaces prior to
exposure to air. SS which is not exposed to sulphur during operation does not
require passivation.

Note : The licensor (Technip) has not recommended passivation of any of the SS
components in the plant. The above background is based on general
understanding and practice followed elsewhere.

Neutralization procedure :

A portable trolley mounted solution preparation and circulating facility will be

used for passivating SS pipes and equipment. The aqueous neutralization
solution of 2% by wt. soda ash is circulated through temporary circulation facility
through each of the circuits one at a time for at least 2 hrs after which the
solution is drained.

The most simple method of neutralization is to install a temporary mix / storage

tank containing a 2% solution of sodium carbonate (soda ash) in dilution water
containing no more than 10 ppm chlorine, a temporary circulation pump and to
connect the pump discharge to the equipment to be neutralized by the use of
suitably rated armoured hoses to link the equipment to be neutralized in series,
by the same type of hoses finally routing a solution return hose to the
mix/storage tank. In this manner all of the equipment and lines in one circuit can
be treated at the same time.
The details of passivation trolley is developed based on the guidelines given in
Section III B 2.1, Scope of Work for Residual Process Engineering (Rev.01),
clause 4 (ii), sheet 22/24.

For details refer document : “DESIGN BASIS FOR PASSIVATION

Page 393 of 413

12. Instrument Details

Page 394 of 413

12. Instrument Details

Instrument details are required for the reference of the operating and,
maintenance personnel. Details of the instruments are provided in tabulated form


Refer chapter 15 from this operating manual to access above

mentioned tables.
Page 395 of 413

13. Equipment Details

Page 396 of 413

13. Equipment Details

Detailed information about the equipment and its internals is useful for many
applications such as maintenance operations, normal operation, de bottlenecking
and equipment testing.

List of all the equipments in the plant is classified on the basis of the type of
equipment and is presented in a tabular form.


Refer chapter 15 from the same operating manual to access above

mentioned tables.
Page 397 of 413

14. Auxiliary Systems

Page 398 of 413

14. Auxiliary Systems

14.1 Underground Sewer System

Contaminated rain water sewer (CRWS) and Oily water sewer (OWS) are
two underground sewer systems.

14.1.1 Contaminated Rain Water System (CRWS)

CRWS consists of underground carbon steel sewer with corrosion
protection treatment as per relevant piping specifications, RCC
catch basins, RCC manholes, vent pipes, etc.

Process paved areas within battery limits is subdivided into panels

sloping towards a catch pit approximately at centre. Contaminated
rain water sewers will collect these catch pit to sealed manholes.
(Refer attached drawing no. : 1 LIST 33/34) with 4” dia CI vents.
This vent extends minimum 2.0 m above the pipe rack or 1.0 m
above building parapet, or if in open areas extending 3.0 m above
FGL with flame arresters. The sewer will ultimately get connected
to existing contaminated rain water sewer network through a baffle
wall type sealed manhole. (Refer attached drawing no. : 1 LIST
33) which will convey it to the ETP. Sewer shall be designed for
maximum of rain water or fire water discharging into these based
on criteria as for storm water drain.

The catch basins have open top as they are meant to collect the
storm water and fire water from the floor of the plant area. These
basins also have a vent.

Underground services PFD for CRWS refer drawing 10144-

PEIN05-92-6102-C101 is attached for reference .

14.1.2 Oily Water Sewer System (OWS)

Oily water from different equipment in the plant is routed to the
OWS network, through funnels located near different equipment.
The underground OWS network connected with sealed manholes
scattered all over the plant area will carry the oily water discharge
from the different equipment to a double valve chamber located at
unit limit of the plant from where the oily water is conveyed to the
ETP through existing OSBL OWS network.

Area drainage around heaters shall be done by paving sloping

towards open drains.
Page 399 of 413

All sealed manholes shall be provided with vent pipes.

Each catch basin is connected to manhole which shall be provided

with fire seal. Sealed manhole is provided at change of direction of
the line and at entry of branch line to manhole or main line.

Manholes, catch basins, pits, trenches, precast covers, etc is of

RCC M25 grade.

14.1.3 Drawings
Following drawings are attached for reference*:

1) Standard details of baffle walled type sealed CRWS

manhole (1 LIST 33)
2) Unit paving drainage details of OWS bent pipe sealed
manhole (1 LIST 34)
3) PFD for CRWS (10144-PEIN05-92-6102-C101)
4) Standard details of CRWS Catch Pit (1 LIST 31)


* Refer chapter 15 Section 15.19 for these drawings.

Page 400 of 413

14.2 General Description of Electrical System

14.2.1 Point of Supply

Power supply to OHCU Complex shall be made available in the
form of 4 Nos. 11 kV incomers from existing CPP-2 Substation
located at approx. 2200 M (Cable length) from New OHCU

14.2.2 Main Distribution Transformers

Two (2) nos. 16 MVA, 11/6.9 kV Distribution transformers are
installed to feed the 6.6 kV SwitchBoard-2 at OHCU Substation.
Transformers TR-02A & TR- 02B are located adjacent to New
OHCU Substation and are connected to 6.6 kV SwitchBoard-2
through a phase segregated HT bus duct.

14.2.3 6.6 kV Switchboard-2

The 6.6 kV, 40 kA for 3 Seconds Switchboard consists of the

 2 × 3150 Amp incoming breakers to control the power

supply to the switchgear.

 1 × 3150 Amp Bus coupler Circuit Breaker.

 1250 Amp Feeder Breakers for secondary Distribution

Transformers (6.6/0.433 kV) & Outgoing Motor Feeders.

14.2.4 Secondary Distribution Transformers

Four (4) Oil Filled 2 MVA, 6.6 kV/0.433 kV Distribution transformer
feed the Low Voltage Power and Motor Control Centre (PMCC).
Transformers TR-06A/B & TR-07A/B are installed to feed PMCC-4
& PMCC-5 respectively through a 3200 Amp, 50 kA for 1 sec. LT
bus duct. 2 nos. Converter transformers TR-08A/B of 1250KVA,
6.6 kV/2 X 0.713 kV are used to feed FD fans 92-FD-11A/B
(800KW) respectively through 690V Variable Frequency Drive
(VFD). 1 no. Converter transformer TR-09 of 1600KVA, 6.6 kV/2 X
0.713 kV is used to feed ID fan 92-ID-12 (1100KW) through 690V
Variable Frequency Drive (VFD). 1 no. distribution transformer TR-
10 of 1250KVA, 6.6 kV/0.433 kV is used to feed Electrical heater
for Nitrogen (880KW) through thyristor control panel.
Page 401 of 413

14.2.5 0.415 kV Switchgear / PMCC

Each 0.415 kV, 50 kA for 1 sec. Switchgear/PMCC consists of the
 2 ×3200 Amp incoming breakers to control the power
supply to PMCC.
 1 × 3200 Amp Bus coupler Circuit Breaker.
 Outgoing breaker feeders for LT motors (From above 55
kW upto and including 160 kW), Motor Control Centers
(MCCs) and Static Loads (Heaters, Power Distribution
Boards & Lighting Transformers).

14.2.6 0.415 kV MCC – 4, 5, 6 (HGU)

Each 0.415 kV, 50 kA for 1 sec. MCC consists of the following:

 2 × 800 Amp incoming breakers to control the power

supply to MCC.
 1 x 800 Amp Bus coupler circuit breaker.
 Switch fuse + contactor for outgoing motor feeders.

14.2.7 HT (6.6 kV) Motors

There are total 8 nos. HT motors in HGU plant. Highest kW rating

motor is N2 Circulation Compressor, 92-KM-12, 895 kW.

14.2.8 LT (415 V) Motors

There are approximately 80 nos. LT motors (which includes Air
coolers & package item motors) in HGU plant.
Page 402 of 413

14.3 General Description of PA System

14.3.1 PA system is has a common central exchange for HCU and HGU.
This exchange is located in new OHCU control room.

14.3.2 The central control exchange is having provision for integration &
hook up with the following systems

 Existing PA system
 Existing FA system
 Existing EPBAX & radio paging system
 Telephone and walkie talkies within HCU and HGU unit

14.3.3 PA system has one dedicated flameproof junction box which

caters field call stations (FCS) of entire HGU plant.

14.3.4 PA system has having one more flameproof junction box for N2
area which PA caters field call stations (FCS) in N2 area.

14.3.5 There are total 10 nos. flame proof type and 2 nos. industrial type
field call stations (FCS) with loud speakers located at various
locations in HGU plant.

14.3.6 2 nos. field call stations (FCS) located in compressor shed (1 in

HGU plant and 1 in N2 area) are provided with acoustic hood and
flashing beacon.
Page 403 of 413

14.4 Fire Fighting System

14.4.1 Objectives

a) The objectives of the active fire protection systems are:

i) To control fires and limit escalation to the extent practical;

ii) To reduce the effects of a fire to allow personnel to escape and

evacuate in the safest possible way;

iii) To extinguish the fire where it is considered safe to do so;

iv) To limit damage to assets.

b) The firewater system is installed in the plant in order to generally:

i) Limit the material damage by reducing the probability of

escalating the fire within the Fire Area. The objective is to limit
the fire within its location i.e. where it has started and prevent its
escalation to the neighbouring areas

ii) Reduce the heat radiation to enable safe escape and evacuation
to the main entrance

iii) Reduce the total heat flux to enable an effective fire fighting.

14.4.2 Systems considered for Units / Areas / Equipment to be protected

i) The following fire protection systems are provided

a) Fire hydrant system
b) Fixed water spray system
c) First aid fire equipments
ii) Initiation of Active Fire Protection systems is manual except for
a) Fired Heater – 92-F-01
b) Reformer – 92-F-11
c) Vessel 92-V-02
Page 404 of 413

For these equipments automatic activation of deluge system is

achieved with the help of gas detectors located in the

iii) Firewater application rates are as per TAC / OISD / NFPA

guidelines. Firewater mains are normally pressurised.

14.4.3 Hydrant System

i) The existing / modified fire water ring main around east, west
& south side of HGU unit is provided by owner (IOCL).

ii) The hydrant systems are provided as per TAC/ OISD for the
HGU unit considering the risks to be classed as “High
Hazard Class B”. Existing hydrants are marked with prefix
“ExH” for ease of identification and is defined in P&ID Dwg.
no. 10144-PEIN05-92-2899-P010 and Fire water layout
Dwg. no. 10144-PEIN05-92-2899-P001 for clarity.

For tall columns and equipment at heights, long range water

monitors are considered ensuring two streams of water for
the equipment under consideration where practical.

14.4.4 Fixed Water Spray System – Medium Velocity Water Spray (MVWS)

i) Manually operated Fixed Water Spray Systems as per OISD

are considered for :
 cooling of pumps handling “Class A “ product under pipe
 cooling of pumps under pipe racks having operating
temperature above auto-ignition temperature.
 cooling of air fin coolers above pipe rack.
The list of equipment covered by water spray is:
Page 405 of 413

Type of Equipment Equipment Tag

Pump 92-P-01 A/B

Pump 92-P-02 A/B

Pump 92-P-11 A/B

Pump 92-P-14 A/B

Air Fin Cooler 92-AC-01

Air Fin Coolers 92-AC-11, 92-AC-12, 92-AC-13

Vessel 92-V-02

14.4.5 Auto Operated Fixed Water Curtain & Water Spray System

This has been considered for :

i) One side fed Auto water spray system for water curtains for
heater area, based on gas detection around heater (92-F-01)
area to cut off ingress of gas.

ii) One side fed Auto water spray system for water curtains for
reformer, based on gas detection around reformer (92-F-11)
area to cut off ingress of gas.

iii) One side fed Auto water spray system actuated by hydraulic
(water) detection using quartzoid bulb detectors for 92-V-02 as
per process requirement.
Page 406 of 413

14.4.6 Fire Extinguishers

i) Fire Extinguishers have been considered as follows:

 First aid fire fighting equipments (fire extinguishers)

shall be provided all over the plant as per OISD
requirement only.

 6.8 Kg capacity of CO2 extinguishers are required.

Page 407 of 413

14.5 Gas Detection System

Continuous detection and alarming of different flammable gases in
different locations in the HGU plant is provided. Detectors are provided
with integral transmitter with local LCD indicator and SMART with 4-20mA
outputs. All detectors are provided with gas collecting cones. All
detectors are weatherproof & intrinsically safe suitable for locating in the
applicable hazardous area. Type and no of gas detectors are provided as
per guideline laid down below.

14.5.1 Hydrogen Detector

 In hydrogen compressor house detectors to be located near

probable area of leakage and cover each platform

 In each floor of technological platform for reactors

 To cover leakage from / near Reformer

 To cover the critical equipments handling hydrogen like High-

pressure exchangers and PSA unit.

14.5.2 H2S Detectors

 Near equipment (pump, exchanger, vessel, column) and /

platform where sour gas is handled

 To cover leakage from / near DMDS handling facility

 To cover leakage from / near sour liquid blow down facility

14.5.3 Hydrocarbon Detectors

 To cover leakage from / near flare KODs and gas KOD

 To cover leakage from / near pump house and reflux drums

 To cover leakage from / in each floor of technological


 To cover leakage from / near fired heater

 To cover leakage from / near Reformer

 To cover leakage from / near reactors

 To cover leakage from /near blow down facility.

Page 408 of 413

HC detectors have been provided within and outside each

analyzer shelter.

The exact location of H2, H2S & Hydrocarbon detectors are as per
Gas detector layout drawing 10144-PEIN05-92-5811-P002, Rev 2.

All alarms and graphics related to gas detection are configured in

DCS on separate graphic pages with facility for report generation.

All gas detectors are connected directly to DCS for monitoring &
alarm. No dedicated Fire & Gas system is provided. As per the
required set point, the digital output is generated in DCS to
actuate hooters and beacons. Hooters are provided in the control
room and in the field. Four beacon are provided in the field
(Location as decided on site. Generally located at the four corners
of the plant.)

Details of the gas detector are as follows


Gas Detector is Infrared (IR) type.

Accuracy : +/-2% LEL

Response Time : < 5 sec.


Gas Detector is electrochemical type.

Accuracy (Linearity) : +/- 2 ppm or better

Response time : T90 is less than 10 seconds.

Page 409 of 413

15. Drawing / Documents

Page 410 of 413

15. Drawings / Documents*

15.1 PFDs

15.2 P&IDs

15.3 Utility P&IDs

15.4 Vendor P&IDs

15.5 Heat & Material Balance

15.6 Plot Plan

15.7 Battery Limit Summary

15.8 Utility Summary & UFD’s

15.9 Hazardous Area Classification: Specification, Schedule & Drawings

15.10 Cause & Effect Diagram

15.11 Alarm & Trip List

15.12 List of Catalyst-Chemicals

15.13 Relief Load Summary

15.14 MSDS

15.15 Gas Detector Layout

Page 411 of 413

15.16 Equipment Details

15.17 Instruments Operating Conditions

15.18 Equipment Operating Conditions

15.19 CRWS & OWS Details

15.20 Spectacle Blind / Line Spacer List


* All the documents listed above are provided in separate file enclosed with the
manual .Refer “Attachments” VOLUME 2 OF 2.
Page 412 of 413

16. Vendor Packages

Page 413 of 413

16. Vendor Packages

The following are the vendors for the respective equipments / packages :

1) Chromalox : Electric heater for N2 (92-E-15)

2) Dresser Rand : Compressors (92-K-01/11/12/13)
3) Enereff : Fired Heater (92-F-01)
4) UOP : PSA (92-M-12)
5) BOC : Cryogenic Nitrogen generation unit (Unit 96)

16.1 Dresser Rand

For different modes of operation, safety precautions & other related
information on compressors 92-K-01/11/12/13 refer Dresser Rand
Operating manual.

16.2 Enereff
For modes of operation, maintenance methods, safety precautions &
other related information on Fired Heater (92-F-01) refer Enereff -
Operating & Maintenance manual for Naphtha Superheater No. 92-F-01
Doc. No 1120-3-OM-063.

16.3 Chromalox
For different modes of operation, safety precautions & other related
information on 92-E-15 refer Operating manual given by Chromalox.

16.4 UOP
For modes of operation, maintenance methods, safety precautions &
other related information on UOP Polybed PSA Unit (92-M-12) refer UOP-
Operating manual Doc. No E-H6265-720.

16.5 BOC
For modes of operation, maintenance methods, safety precautions &
other related information on Cryogenic Nitrogen generation unit (Unit 96)
refer Operating & Maintenance manual for Cryogenic Nitrogen generator
given by BOC.

Refer Manuals attached ahead.

Operation & Control Philosophy

Operation & Control Philosophy

Operation & Control Philosophy

Operation & Control Philosophy

Operating Manual For Naphtha Superheater

Operating Manual For Electric Heater


Rev. Issue Description By Checked Approved

Supplier : Client status stamp :


PR N° 10118-PEIN02-000-3000-PR14 Rév. 0

P.O N° : PEIN05/160007



Document Number

Document title :


Item Number : Document Number Revision : Sheet Number :

92-E-15 IOM 962107 A 1 / 21




1.1. Transportation

No special instructions as heater is SEI IVC packed

1.2. Handling prior erection

• As far as possible keep the heater in its case

• Once the heater is unpacked, use the lifting lugs on the heater
shell to handle the heater
• Do not use the lifting ring on the heater bundles tubesheets
• Avoid any shocks on electric heater particularly on explosion proof
boxes / cable glands / junction boxes / thermocouples...

1.3. Storage prior erection

Keep the heater in its case

1.4. Storage during erection

Keep the junction boxes closed with dessicant bags inside

1.5. Lifting

• Refer to general arrangement drawings for information such as :

dimensions, weight, fixing…
• Cross bar will be used.
• Use the lifting lugs on heater shell to handle the heater . Never
use the lifting ring on the heating bundle tubesheet ( only
dedicated to bundle pulling and lifting when bundle is also
supported by pliable slings ). Pliable sling to be located under
spacers or baffles .
• Avoid any shock on equipments and handle them with a maximum of

1.6. Installation

Refer to general arrangement drawing :

N° 550874

for informations such as :

- dimensions, weights, loads on supports


Connection flanges between pressure vessel part and heating bundle

and any part above these flanges will not be insulated.

Take the necessary precaution in order to avoid any mechanical efforts

from cables on cable glands (due to the weight of cables or due to any
thermal expansions during operation).

1.7. Opening / closing of the explosion-proof enclosures


• The enclosures must not remain opened when raining or snowing.

• Weather protection to be provided when cover has been removed.

• Do not let any foreign material come into the enclosures.

• Machined parts must always be protected from rain, water and any
aggressive medium.

1.7.1.Opening Unscrew the rotation stop-screw from the cover

(use an hexagonal socket screw key). Unscrew the cover very slowly

• If any difficulty occurs, apply antiseizing product

• Knocking on the external part of the cover and

enclosure with a wooden or plastic protected hammer
during unscrewing / screwing may facilitate these

Take all necessary precautions to prevent any wounds on the
threaded parts of the cover / enclosure and on the cable

1.7.2. Closing Perfectly brush and clean the threaded parts

and then apply an appropriated grease. A special teflon
grease is recommended (ex. : molyflon grease) Fit the cover to the enclosure. Screw the cover slowly and check it is properly

engaged :

• If any difficulty occurs, apply antiseizing product

• Knocking on the external part of the cover and enclosure with a
wooden or plastic protected hammer during unscrewing /
screwing may facilitate these operations. When the cover is completely screwed, adjust the

position of the cover in order to place and screw the
rotation - stop screw.


2.1. Transportation

• Packing is SEI IV C. (respect instructions indicated on the case)

2.2. Storage prior erection

Storage protected from humidity is better and if possible in heated

Keep the crates closed.
Respect instructions for handling marked on the crates.

2.3. Transportation from storage area to field

Keep the crates closed.

Respect instructions for handling marked on the crates.

2.4. Handling prior erection

Keep the crates closed.

Respect instructions for handling marked on the crates.

2.5. Storage during erection

Storage must be in electrical substation (dry and heated ), if

necessary, proceed to anticondensation heater energizing
Inform the personal with adequate label on front control panel.

2.6. Lifting

• Refer to general arrangement drawings for information such as :

dimensions, weight, fixing…
• Cross bar will be used.
• Use the lifting lugs on heater shell to handle the heater . Never
use the lifting ring on the heating bundle tubesheet ( only
dedicated to bundle pulling and lifting when bundle is also
supported by pliable slings ). Pliable sling to be located under
spacers or baffles .
• Use the lifting rings to handle the control panel and the bars when
available (for length equal or over two meters)
• Avoid any shock on equipments and handle them with a maximum of
Note : As soon as possible and if necessary, proceed to energizing of
anti-condensation heater in control panel Keep the crates closed.

2.7. Installation

Thyristor control panel will be installed and anchored to the floor. Refer to
N° 61045

Installation will permit free air space around the filters.

The control panel can be positioned with its back against a wall.

The control panel will be installed in order that doors can be easily opened to
allow easy access to the connection and all the components.

Local control panel , emergency stop push button , audio-alarm ( klaxon ) to

be installed on field protected from sun radiation


See drawing for all details and connection to or from different parts of the
system (control room, field, DCS, Substation, out going volt free contacts,

Drawing number : 61045

2.9. Electrical cabling

2.9.1 Transmitters high skin (temperature)

Connection with the control room must be only made with
appropriated cables (instrumentation cables)

2.9.2 Power

Use cable in accordance with the current regulation

Make sure that the cables do not transmit mechanical effort to the
cable glands.

2.9.3 Earthing

Earthing (in and outside) is at your disposal on each heating bundle

Check the earthing of the heaters and of the vessel (earthing

connection is provided on the vessel).

The wiring of all cables must be made according to the current




1.1. Check that electric heaters , local and thyristor control panel have
been correctly installed.

1.2. Check that power cabling has been made with appropriated cables in
accordance with current regulation.

1.3. Check that thermocouples cabling has been made with appropriated
compensation cables in accordance with current regulation.

1.4. Check that transmitters cabling has been made with appropriated
compensation cables in accordance with current regulation.

1.5. Make sure that cables do not transmit efforts on cable glands and
check tightness of these cable glands.

1.6. Check that earthing of the electric heaters and control panel has been

1.7. Check that all devices such as instruments, temperature controller,

safety devices, etc. which relate to heater and panel are correctly

1.8. Check all the mechanical connections subjected to internal pressure

(stud bolts flanges tightening / threaded connections).

1.9. When electric heaters are under pressure check the efficiency of the
gaskets and tighten if necessary.



1.1. Check all the cabling / wiring works, i.e.:

- cabling/wiring from feeder to control panel

- cabling/wiring from control panel to heaters
- cabling/wiring of all control/safety devices

Refer to GA drawing N° 550874 ,heating bundle drawing N° 550875 ,

550876 and 550877 / control panel drawing N° 61045 (particularly to
terminal boards part).

1.2. Check the following :

- supply voltage
- cleanliness and good state of the electrical connections
- tightening of the electrical connections
- earthing wiring
- good state of the supply cables
- take off the desiccants bags
- insulation under 500 VDC between phase and earth on each
power output. The value must be higher than 1 MOhms for each

1.3.Check the setting points of limitation / safety devices :

- High gas temperature : 510°C (not in the control panel)

- High skin temperature : 670°C (not in the control panel)
- High high skin temperature : 675°C (not in the control panel)
- High high skin temperature : 680°C (not in the control panel)
- Earth leakage safety device (ISO1) : 300 mA (on the control panel)
- Earth leakage safety device (ISO2) : 300 mA (on the control panel)
- Earth leakage safety device (ISO3) : 300 mA (on the control panel)



Check that all piping connections are correctly done (efficiency of the
gasket, tightness…).

Check that heaters have been purged if necessary (use the vent nozzle
at the top of the heaters if available).

Check that the connections of all safety devices (high skin

temperature, high gas temperature, flow switch of the installation,
etc…) and the temperature controller are correctly made and that
these devices are ready to work.

Check that all installation data (fluid nature, inlet and outlet
temperature, flow, etc…) conform to the PROCESS specification / data
sheet for each electric heater.
Ensure that no flammable condition can occur in the heater ( no
explosive gas / gas mixture inside the heater )

Check the following :

• supply voltage (415 V 3 ph)

• cleanliness and good state of the electrical connections
• tightening of the electrical connections
• earthing wiring
• good state of the supply cables
• check the ohmic values between the phases of each output and
check that they are correct and nearly equal
• take off the drying bags
• check insulation under 500 VDC between phase and earth on each
power output. The value must be higher than 1 MOhm.


See control panel instructions

Sometimes, according to the storage conditions, heating bundle may

have suffered from humidity and cause the switching off of the
electrical insulation controller when energizing. This is reversible.

In this case, make sure that dessicant bags have been removed and
that there is no humidity, condensation or water in the enclosure.

Dry up the parts on which humidity, condensation or water appears.

Energize anticondensation heater of the enclosure and put new

dessicant bags.

After 48 h ou 72 h remove the dessicant bags and check electrical


If necessary, increase the setting point of the insulation controller and

energize again according to this note.


3.1. Heating element high skin temperature

Heating element skin thermocouples (type K ) must be connected

through the 4-20 mA transmitters to the control panel. Refer to
heating bundle drawing and control panel drawing for terminals /

Initial setting for these over temperature cut out controllers is

indicated here above in commissioning instructions

However, the following setting method is recommended :

- with the heater normally running at the expected gas outlet

temperature, the over temperature cut out controller should be wound
down until a trip occurs. The temperature should be noted as being
the actual safe running temperature and therefore the controller
should be set at the minimum 15°C and max 20°C above this

- repeat the same procedure for each over temperature cut out

3.2. High gas temperature

High gas thermocouple (type K ) must be connected through the 4-20

mA transmitters to the control panel. Refer to control panel drawing for
terminals / connection. This safety device is not in Etirex Chromalox
scope of supply .

Setting for this over temperature cut out controllers) is : 510°C



Electric heater working is automatic

See control panel instruction for any further information.


Before opening the explosion-proof enclosures, check that all heaters

(control circuits and power circuits) are not energized.

Refer to installations instructions when opening closing the enclosures

After removal of a heating bundle, it is necessary to change the gasket of the

flange and proceed, before energizing, to a complete check-up of the right
position and perfect efficiency of the gasket.




1.1 - Remove the dessicant bags if any and all foreign things.

1.2 - Check supply connections, heaters cable connection and all control
cabling connection.

1.3 - Check the correct setting for the earth leakage controller (i.e : 500 mA).

1.4 - Check the correct electrical insulation of the heating bundle,

particularly if the heater have been stored or unused for a long period.
Instructions will be found, fully described in the installation and operation
instructions for heaters.

1.5 - Check that the ambient temperature thermostat (B1) set point is 45°C
(above this temperature default will be signalled contactor will be opened.

1.6 - Check fuses are closed ( circuit control )

- Close the doors and energize (close CB1 main circuit breaker ).


2.1 : Check that S2 is on “ remote “ position

Functionning is automatic from moment that start order ( DCS ) and 4-

20mA signal from controller ( TIC 2305 )is sent to the control panel.

From this moment, the power will be proportionnal to the value of 4-20 mA
analogic signal given by TIC (DCS).


“ Local position “ corresponds to a manual operation of the heater for S2

thanks to 4-20 Ma generator G1 on front panel .This is not a normal

operation . This must only be used in commissioning / start up phase and

by qualified people.
When this way of heater operation is chosen, process conditions must be
carefully checked to allow qualified people to select the right percentage of
power to be set on the generator.

2.2. Start :

Start order can also be given by operator when selector switch S2 is in

position ( local “ by pushing S3 push button

2.3. To stop the heater

2.3.1 Normal :

- remote stop order from DCS (shutdown due to low flow rate / safety
stop due to high gas temperature, high heating element T° , etc...).
- Stop order can also be given by operator when selector switch S2 is in
position ( local “ by pushing S4 push button

2.3.2 Safety :

- Emergency stop push button on front panel

- Trip contact from main PLC


3.1. Heating element high skin temperature

Heating element skin thermocouples (type K ) must be connected

through the 4-20 mA transmitters to the control panel. Refer to
heating bundle drawing and control panel drawing for terminals /

Initial setting for these over temperature cut out controllers is

indicated here above in commissioning instructions

However, the following setting method is recommended :

- with the heater normally running at the expected gas outlet

temperature, the over temperature cut out controller should be wound
down until a trip occurs. The temperature should be noted as being
the actual safe running temperature and therefore the controller
should be set at the minimum 15°C and max 20°C above this
- repeat the same procedure for each over temperature cut out

3.3. High gas temperature

High gas thermocouple (type K ) must be connected through the 4-20

mA transmitters to the control panel. Refer to control panel drawing for
terminals / connection. This safety device is not in Etirex Chromalox
scope of supply .

Setting for this over temperature cut out controllers) is : 510°C


4.1 - Front thyristor panel

-Voltmeters V1 ( incoming ) and V2 ( outgoing ) with selector switch

-Ammeters A1 ( incoming ) and A2 ( outgoing ) with selector switch

-Wattmeter W1 ( incoming )

- Audio-alarm ( hooter )
This alarm will be activated on any default

- Lamps : Refer to drawing N° 60145 sheet N°05 for more details

4.3 - DCS

- Volt free contacts or 4-20 Ma signals are at your disposals on terminals in

the thyristor control panel (Refer to drawing N° 60145 sheets N°35 & 38 for
more details )


Opening of the main circuit breaker must be done when :

- default detected by the flow switch of the installation (low flow under
normal conditions)
- high gas temperature
- high heating element T°


For all the above described default, manual reset must be provided in order
that no automatic start-up can be done before cause has been investigated
and corrective action has been taken.

Setting point of low flow switch is 1140 kg/h.




First maintenance operation to be done one month after initial start up. After
this first maintenance operation minimum maintenance period is 6 months.


2.1. Before any maintenance operation, make electrical insulation of the

heaters (switch off the main circuit breaker and/or isolator switch on control

2.2. Check good state of electrical connections (cleanliness, tightening) on

the heater, clean up and tight up if necessary.

2.3. Periodically check the state of the heating elements of the heater
(particularly check that there is no sludge or deposit on the heating

Note : any dirt on the heating elements would increase the skin
temperature and would be detected by the thermocouples.

If necessary, clean up with steam, water or appropriated solvent, then

rinse out.

In any case, water or steam may not contain more than 20 chloride

2.4. Check good state of painting

If there is any defect, proceed to repair.

2.5. Check good efficiency of gaskets.

2.6. Refer to local regulation for periodical tests to perform on this heater
(pressure vessel local regulation).


If for any reason a heating bundle should be dismounted, all safety

procedures must be respected.

A heating bundle may only be dismounted if the temperature of heating

elements is near from ambient temperature (less than 50°C).


3.1. Earth leakage trip

Check for faults at any of following areas.

‰ control panel (check tightness of all power and control connections, and
good state of all components)
‰ control panel to supply cabling
‰ heater elements :
- insulation resistance
- cleanliness of connections
- physical damage

Make sure there is no humidity in connecting box, clean the connections.

In case of faulty element(s) then isolate the element(s) or replace heating

bundle, and make a new start up (respect instructions for this operation).

3.2. Heating element over temperature trip

3.2.1. Check the concerned over temperature controller and particularly if it

is correctly set

3.2.2. Check that the gas flow through the heater is correct and unrestricted
(both upstream and downstream).

3.2.3. Check if the demand signal from the remote temperature control
system to the thyristor driver is present when the flow conditions through
the heater does not necessitate the relative degree of power input to the

Investigate the temperature controller in this case.


Preliminary note :

A heating bundle may only be dismounted if the temperature of heating
elements is near from ambient temperature (less than 50°C).

4.1. Isolate electrical supply together with auxilliary supplies to safety

devices and anticondensation heater if fitted.

4.2. Unscrew the nuts on flange fixing stud.

4.3. Check that the lifting ring on the tubesheet is in the right position as
shown on heating bundle drawing.

4.4. Use crossbar and pliable slings.

4.5. Pull the heating bundle out of the vessel taking care not to damage
baffles or spacer, heating elements, thermocouples, junction boxes…


5.1. Heating bundle should be re-fitted in the vessel using a new gasket
unless it is of the reusable type.

5.2. The flange nuts must be tightened in the correct sequence and to
correct torque

5.3. Make sure that the gasket is in the right position and that its
efficiency is perfect.




Inspection and operation maintenance are advised to be done every fortnight

and at minimum once a month.


2-1 Thyristor control panel

- check voltage supply with H0 lamp for 230 VAC presence voltage and
voltmeter V.
- test lamp (S6 push button)
- audio-alarm ( klaxon ) test (S12 push button)
- check of trips (lamps)
- high gas temperature ( TISH )
- PECA measure display ( intensity )

2-2 Local control panel

- Ammeter
- check of trips (lamp )


Very little regular maintenance is required for the control panels .

Check good state of electrical connections (cleanliness, tightening) of the

control panel, clean up and tight up if necessary.

It should be kept clean, both inside and outside. Do not allow any ingress of
water vapour, as this will precipitate corrosion of the electrical components
and promote carbon cracking.


If a trip condition occurs, the cause must be investigated and corrective

action taken, as follows :

4.1. Earth leakage trip

Check for faults at any of the following areas :

a. heater elements : insulation, resistances, physical damage, etc…

b. thyristor control panel to supply cabling
c. heaters supply cabling

4.2. Panel air over temperature trip

Check for possible faults as follows :

a. check the panel air thermostat is correctly set (45°C) and that all
wiring associated with it is complete and secure.

b. check tightness of all power connections within the panel,

particularly busbar joints and connections at the thyristor
assembly. (A loose connection creates heat).

c. ensure that the surounding air is bellow 40°C

4.3. Heater elements over temperature trip

Should the heater elements overheat to cause a trip condition, check

for faults at the following :

a. check that the particular cutout unit is correctly set. (see 3.1. of
control panel operation instructions).
b. the demand signal from the remote temperature control system to
the thyristor driver is present when the flow conditions through the
heater does not necessitate the relative degree of power input to the
heater . Investigate the remote temperature control system in this
c. heater load current is high in relation to the demand from the
remote temperature controller. Check the thyristor driver for
malfunction in this case.

4.4. High gas over temperature trip

Check for faults at the following :

a Check that the particular cutout unit is correctly set. (see 3.2. of
control panel operation instructions).
b The demand signal from the remote temperature control system to
the thyristor driver is present when the flow conditions through the
heater does not necessitate the relative degree of power input to the
heater . Investigate the remote temperature control system in this
c Heater load current is high in relation to the demand from the
remote temperature controller. Check the thyristor driver for
malfunction in this case.

4.5. Fuse trip

If the trip occurs, this means that one of the power fuses is faulty.
Identify the faulty fuse(s) and replace.

4.6. Thyristor heat sink temperature

Check for possible faults as follows :

a. check the panel air thermostat is correctly set (45°C) and that all
wiring associated with it is complete and secure.

b. Check thightness of all power connections within the panel,

particularly busbar joints and connections at the thyristor
assembly. (A loose connection creates heat).

c. Ensure that the surounding air is bellow 40°C

d. Ensure thyristor cooling fan is correctly running and replace if

necessary or replace thyristor stack.


5.1. Check that the over temperature cutout units trip correctly by
simulating a trip condition at the set point potentiometer.
5.2. Check the contactors contact set for wear or pitting and replace
if necessary.
5.3. Clean the control panel paintwork, check for corrosion and
repair if necessary.
5.4. Check lamps (test lamp push button).

Operating Manual For Polybed PSA Unit

UOP N.V., Noorderlaan 147, B-2030 Antwerp, Belgium Number Rev.
E-H6265-720 0
OPERATING MANUAL Sheet : 1 of 80
By : T. Cnop

UOP JOB NO. : H6265

CLIENT REF. NO. : 01-31964





This information is proprietary and shall not be disclosed outside your organisation, nor shall it be duplicated, used, or disclosed for
any purpose other than as permitted under written agreement with UOP.
UOP N.V., Noorderlaan 147, B-2030 Antwerp, Belgium Number Rev.
E-H6265-720 0
OPERATING MANUAL Sheet : 2 of 80
By : T. Cnop

This sheet is a record of all revisions to this specification. For convenience, the
nature of each revision is briefly noted under description, however, the
description is not a part of this specification.



0 08/01 TC 1-80 First issue

This information is proprietary and shall not be disclosed outside your organisation, nor shall it be duplicated, used, or disclosed for
any purpose other than as permitted under written agreement with UOP.
UOP N.V., Noorderlaan 147, B-2030 Antwerp, Belgium Number Rev.
E-H6265-720 0
OPERATING MANUAL Sheet : 3 of 80
By : T. Cnop




UNIT 92-M-12
IOCL, Haldia, India

Document no. E-H6265-720

By: T. Cnop
Rev. 0: August 2001

POLYBED® is a registered UOP Trademark

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By : T. Cnop





2.2 FEED GAS (STREAM 200) 10


2.4 PURGE GAS (STREAM 202) 12





3.1 GENERAL 16










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By : T. Cnop






7. START-UP 48









9.1 GENERAL 64






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By : T. Cnop





12. SAFETY 77


12.2 HAZARDS 77








P & ID B-H6265-002 80



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By : T. Cnop


The design of this POLYBED PSA UNIT is confidential and shall be available only under the
terms of the contracts between UOP N.V. and IOCL. The operating instructions and drawings
appended hereto shall not be duplicated, disclosed or used for any purpose other than for
instruction on the equipment described herein.


Hydrogen is extremely hazardous when proper safety measures are not observed. All
persons involved with this POLYBED PSA UNIT should read and understand this manual.
Improper operation can result in poor performance, damage to equipment and safety
hazards. Special consideration should be given to the chapter “Safety”.

The feed, product and tail gas from the POLYBED PSA Unit contain high concentrations of
highly flammable and toxic components. Failure to apply the necessary safety measures can
result in equipment damage and safety hazards, possibly with fatal consequences.

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OPERATING MANUAL Sheet : 8 of 80
By : T. Cnop


This OPERATING MANUAL covers the operation of the 12-bed UOP POLYBED® PSA Unit
92-M-12. Before any attempt is made to start and operate the POLYBED® PSA Unit, the
operator ought to read the operating manual thoroughly. Improper operation may result in
safety hazards, adsorbent degradation and below design performance.

The POLYBED® PSA Unit purifies reformed hydrogen rich feed gas (via an adsorption
process) producing a product stream of high purity hydrogen (available at 20.3 kg/cm²g) and
a purge stream containing the impurities (available at 0.33 kg/cm²g). The purge gas stream is
sent to the steam reformer burners (under flow control).

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Reference is made to Process Flow Diagram C-H6265-001.


2.1.1 Design performance (Case A)

The unit is designed to produce max. 107266 Nm³/h of product gas from 167620 Nm³/h of
reformed naphtha feed (guarantee hydrogen recovery 89.5%).

The feed must be free of entrained solids and liquids since these will cause permanent
adsorbent deactivation. The effect of non-design components must be confirmed with UOP
prior to their introduction into the PSA unit in order to prevent possible adsorbent activity loss.

2.1.2 Check case B

Alternatively the unit can produce max 107152 Nm³/h of product from 167464 Nm³/h of feed -
expected recovery 89.5%.

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Gas composition, mol % Design case A Check Case B

Hydrogen 71.50 71.49

Carbon monoxide 1.45 1.44

Methane 3.53 3.52

Carbon dioxide 23.19 23.22

Nitrogen - -

Water 0.34 0.33

Molecular weight, kg/kmol 12.68 12.69

Flow Rate, Nm³/h 167620 167464

Pressure, kg/cm²g 21.2 21.2

Temperature 40 40

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Gas composition, mol % Design case A Check Case B

Hydrogen 99.998 99.998

Carbon monoxide 0.002 0.002

Methane - -

Carbon dioxide - -

Nitrogen - -

Water - -

Molecular weight, kg/kmol 2.02 2.02

Flow Rate, Nm³/h (as 100% H2) 107266 107152

Pressure, kg/cm²g 20.3 20.3

Temperature 45 45

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By : T. Cnop



Gas composition, mol % Design case A Check Case B

Hydrogen 20.85 20.84

Carbon monoxide 4.02 4.00

Methane 9.80 9.77

Carbon dioxide 64.39 64.47

Nitrogen - -

Water 0.93 0.92

Molecular weight, kg/kmol 31.63 31.65

Flow Rate, Nm³/h 60354 60312

Pressure, kg/cm²g 0.33 0.33

Temperature 30 30

Note: “purge gas” is also called ”tail gas”

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By : T. Cnop


In case of a valve malfunction, the unit will automatically switch from 12- to 10-bed operation.
In 10-bed mode, the unit will be able to process 100% of the feed flow in 12-bed mode. The
hydrogen recovery will be lower. Expected recovery in 10-bed mode is 86%.


In case of a valve malfunction in 10-bed mode, the unit will switch over to 8-bed operation. In
8-bed mode, the unit will still be able to process 100% of the feed flow in 12-bed mode. The
reformer does not have to be turned down after a switchover to 8-bed operation. Expected
recovery in 8-bed mode is 82%.


2.7.1 Instrument air

Pressure maximum
normal 6 kg/cm²g
minimum 4 kg/cm²g

Dewpoint at line pressure: - 20°C

The air must be filtered and free of oil.

The instrument air system will also be used for air supply to air masks, ventilation of
columns, vessels, etc. The utilisation of this air shall be such that no contamination can

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By : T. Cnop

2.7.2 Nitrogen

Dry nitrogen is required for start-up and purging the unit in the event of a prolonged
3 3
shutdown. Consumption ca. 21000 Nm for start-up with a normal flow of 5200 Nm /h
during 4 hours (minimum flow = 2600 Nm3/h; maximum flow = 10400 Nm3/h)

Pressure: maximum
normal 6 kg/cm²g
minimum 5 kg/cm²g

Purity: 99.8 vol.% minimum

Dewpoint at 5 kg/cm²g: - 100°C
O2 content: 100 ppm max.
CO2 content: 5 ppm max.

2.7.3 Nitrogen at high pressure

The unit will be leak tested with nitrogen at 5kg/cm2g, 10kg/cm2g and full operating pressure of
21.2 kg/cm2g (See section 7.4 in this document and E-H6265-507 Site Erection Specification).

When pressurising the adsorbers, the guidelines as explained in the specific sections in this
operating manual should be followed. Valves should be opened carefully to prevent any
disturbance of the adsorbent. Pressurising should not occur faster than 1 kg/cm2 per minute.

Uitility data: Dry Nitrogen

Pressure: 21.2 kg/cm²g

Purity: 99.8 vol.% minimum

Dewpoint at 5 kg/cm²g: -100°C
O2 content: 100 ppm max.
CO2 content: 5 ppm max.

Consumption: ca. 780 m3 at 21.2 kg/cm2g (ca. 17000 Nm3)

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By : T. Cnop


According to:
- Process Flow Diagram : C-H6265-001
- Piping and Instrument Diagram : B-H6265-002
- Pressure Sequence Chart : B-H6265-003
- Valve Sequence Chart : B-H6265-004


PSA UNIT 92-M-12

Adsorber Vessels V-31…V-42
Tail Gas Drums V-43, V-44
Product Filters FS-11, FS-12
Valves UCV 39311…39421
XV 39312…39422
UCV 39313…39423
UCV 39314…39424
XV 39315…39425
UCV 39316…39426
Pressure Transmitters Adsorbers PT-39311…39421
Pressure Transmitter Feed PT-39301
Pressure Differential Transmitter Product Filter PDT-39303
Pressure Transmitter Instrument Air PT-39305
Feed Transmitter FT-3001 (FY-3001)
Pressure Transmitter on Purge Gas PT-3105
Flow to Burners FT-3204
Flow to Flare FT-3102
Safety Valves on Purge Gas PSV-3106 A/B/C

Note: All vessel and instrument tag numbers are prefixed by 92-

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By : T. Cnop


The PSA process is based on the selective adsorption of impurities on an adsorbent at high
pressure in order to produce high purity hydrogen gas (min. 99.9%), followed by the
regeneration of the adsorbent by desorption of the adsorbed impurities at low pressure.
There is no change in temperature, except for that caused by the heat of adsorption and de-

The performance of the unit is strongly affected by the purge gas pressure. Maximum
regeneration and therefore maximum capacity and efficiency are reached when desorption
occurs at minimum purge gas pressure.

The cyclic pressure variation (“swing”) occurring during the process explains the name by
which it is known (Pressure Swing Adsorption).

Every adsorber operates on a repeated cycle basis consisting of adsorption and regeneration
phases. The cycles are staggered in order to provide a continuous product and purge gas

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By : T. Cnop

The regeneration of the adsorbent takes place in three stages:

1) After the adsorption phase, the adsorber is depressurised to the tail gas drum pressure.

1a) At first, the hydrogen that is still stored in the bed is used to pressurise
(equalisation 1, 2 and 3) or purge (providing purge) other adsorbers in the
process of regeneration. This internal recovery of hydrogen improves the
performance of the PSA unit in terms of total hydrogen recovery.

1b) Subsequently, the adsorber is depressurised to tail gas drum pressure during
which most impurities are desorbed and removed via the bottom (dump).

2) The adsorber is purged at low pressure with hydrogen recovered from a depressurising
adsorber in order to remove the remaining impurities from the adsorbent (purge).

3) The adsorber is repressurised to adsorption pressure with hydrogen recovered from

depressurising adsorbers (equalisation 3, 2 and 1) and with a slip stream from the feed
gas (repressurisation) in order to prepare it for a new adsorption phase.


A subcycle is divided into 3 steps. The control of the PSA unit is based on the subcycles and
steps. When step 1 ends, the unit switches to step 2 etc. With step 3, the subcycle ends and
the process will continue in step 1 of the next subcycle.

- A cycle includes a complete adsorption and regeneration sequence.

- A cycle is divided in:

12 subcycles in 12-bed operation
10 subcycles in 10-bed operation
8 subcycles in 8-bed operation.

- Each subcycle is divided in 3 steps.

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By : T. Cnop


To reduce hydrogen losses during depressurisation and to obtain high performance, the
POLYBED® PSA unit uses twelve adsorbers. The use of twelve adsorbers allows optimum
utilisation of hydrogen stored in each adsorber at the end of adsorption for partial
repressurisation and for purging of other adsorbers.

Each adsorber is cycled through the same adsorption – regeneration sequence. The cycles
are staggered, so that at any one time three adsorbers are on adsorption while the other nine
are in various stages of regeneration, as illustrated by the pressure sequence chart
(B-H6265-003, sheet 1). The sequence by which the adsorbers come on adsorption is V-31,
V-32, V-33, V-34, V-35, V-36, V-37, V-38, V-39, V-40, V-41 and V-42 #. As a result of these
staggered cycles a continuous uninterrupted product flow is obtained.

In this manual, only the last part of the adsorber numbering is used. e.g. V-31 corresponds to 92-V-31 in
unit 92-M-12


This section describes in detail each cycle step in sequence for an adsorber going through
one complete cycle of adsorption and regeneration. For the purpose of this description,
reference is made to adsorber V-31, however, it is applicable to any adsorber and can be
made to apply by substitution of the corresponding tag numbers.

A complete cycle of adsorption - regeneration will take 12 subcycles. A subcycle is defined as

the period between the end of adsorption of two consecutive adsorbers.

The following valve numbering scheme has been applied: UCV 39363

Valve designator XV is a digital (on/off) valve

UCV is an analog (control) valve.

Valve number * the first two digits are unit specific: 39

* the next two digits refer to the adsorber to which the valve belongs
31 for V-31 up to 42 for V-42

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By : T. Cnop

* the fifth digit refers to the valve function.

1 Feed and Repressurisation
2 Product (only one valve per pair of adsorbers)
3 Provide Purge and Purge
4 Dump and Purge
5 Equalisation 1, 2 (only one valve per pair of adsorbers)
6 Product and Equalisations 1, 2 & 3

Example: Valve UCV 39363 is the Provide Purge valve associated with adsorber V-36

Note: In this manual, only the last three digits of the valve numbering will be used (eg. valve
311 corresponds to UCV 39311

Note: As there is only one valve °2 and °5 per pair of adsorbers, the valve is given the lowest
adsorber number of the pair. Eg. valve 332 is the product valve of V-33 and V-39.


PSA SEQUENCING VALVES (numbering for adsorber 31)

Valve Function Type
92 UCV 39311 Feed / Repressurisation Control
92 XV 39312 Product On/Off
92 UCV 39313 Provide Purge / Purge Control
92 UCV 39314 Purge gas (Dump / Purge) Control
92 XV 39315 EQ1 / EQ2 On/Off
92 UCV 39316 Product / EQ1 / EQ2 / EQ3 Control

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By : T. Cnop

3.3.1 Adsorption (subcycle 1-3)

The feed gas at the specified pressure of 21.2 kg/cm²g and temperature of 40°C enters
through valve 311 and flows upward through adsorber V-31 as well as through two other
adsorbers and their corresponding feed valves. All the impurities are selectively adsorbed
and high purity hydrogen flows into the product line through valve 316 and 312. To
maintain guaranteed purity and recovery, the cycle time is made capacity dependent (see
section 3.5). At full capacity the subcycle time is approximately 30 seconds. Each vessel
remains on adsorption during three subcycles (approx. 90 s at full capacity).

3.3.2 Regeneration (subcycle 4-12)

At the end of adsorption, adsorber V-31 has been partially loaded with impurities, the
concentrations of which are the greatest at the bottom and quickly decrease towards the top
of the vessel. In order to recover most of the hydrogen stored in the adsorber, that would
otherwise be lost in the tail gas, several co-current depressurisations are performed from
bottom to top. During these depressurisations, the impurities front migrates towards the top
section of the bed. The depressurisation effluent (hydrogen) is used internally in the
POLYBED® PSA unit to repressurise (EQUALISATION 1, 2 & 3) and purge (PROVIDE
PURGE) other adsorbers.

In order to maximise the hydrogen recovery, one strives to allow the impurities front to
migrate as high as possible into the bed without allowing impurities to break through in the

The co-current depressurisation is allowed to proceed until the impurities reach the top of the
adsorbent. At that moment, the flow in the vessel is reversed and the vessel is depressurised
counter-currently (DUMP) (in the downward direction) to purge gas pressure. The impurities
leave the vessel during this depressurisation for the tail gas drum.

Following the dump step, the adsorber is further regenerated by purging the adsorber with
the high purity stream provided by another adsorber during the provide purge step. The
remaining impurities are removed and sent to tail gas drum. This tail gas drum, which
receives both dump and purge gas, guarantees a steady homogeneous tail gas flow.

Before going back into the adsorption step, the adsorber has to be repressurised with gas
provided by the three equalisations and by a slip stream of the feed gas.

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A detailed description of the regeneration process follows. First pressure equalisation - time approximately 11 seconds

During the first depressurisation, the high pressure hydrogen remaining in adsorber V-31 is
used to partly repressurise adsorber V-35 by equalising these two vessels.
The gas flows out of the top of adsorber V-31 and flows through valves 316, 315, 355 and
356 to adsorber V-35. The rate of equalisation flow is controlled by valves 316 and 356
(valves 315 and 355 fully open). The equalisation is ended by a timer condition, when
adsorber V-31 and V-35 are expected to have reached the same pressure of approximately
15.84 kg/cm²g. Equalisation 1 takes place during step 1 which lasts approx 11 s. Second pressure equalisation - time approximately 16 seconds

During the second depressurisation step, the high pressure hydrogen remaining in adsorber
V-31 is used to partly repressurise adsorber V-36 by equalising these two vessels.
The gas flows out of the top of adsorber V-31 and flows through 316, 315, 365 and 366 to
adsorber V-36.

The rate of equalisation flow is controlled by valves 316 and 366 (valves 315 and 365 fully
open). At the end of the second equalisation (determined by a timer) both adsorbers will have
reached the same pressure of approximately 9.44 kg/cm²g. Equalisation 2 takes place during
step 3. In step 2, between equalisation 1 and 2, the adsorber V-31 is isolated (closing valve
316; valve 315 remains open) as equalisation 2 with V-36 cannot start before V-36 has
terminated equalisation 3. Third pressure equalisation – time approx. 14 seconds

During the third equalisation step, the high-pressure hydrogen remaining in adsorber V-31 is
used to partly repressurise V-37. The gas flows out of top of adsorber V-31 and flows through
valves 316 and 376 to adsorber V-37. The depressurisation of adsorber V-31 is cut-off when
the pressure of V-31 has dropped to 4.86 kg/cm². At design capacity equalisation 3 will be
about 87% finished. The pressure difference between adsorbers V-31 and V-37 at the end of
equalisation 3 is expected to be 1.05 kg/cm² (i.e. end pressure V-31= 4.86 kg/cm²g, end
pressure V-37= 3.81 kg/cm²g). Equalisation 3 takes place in step 1 and 2.

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By : T. Cnop Co-current depressurisation (provide purge) – during one subcycle

During and after the third equalisation the adsorber is further depressurised to provide a high
purity stream to purge other adsorbers. In the first part (PP1 during steps 1 and 2), a slip
stream passes through 313 (which is in throttled position) and enters V-38, V-39, V-40 via
383, 393 and 403 (100% open) to purge these adsorbers. In the second part (PP2 during
step 3), gas flows through the throttled valve 313 to adsorbers V-38, V-39, V-40 and V-41.
The flow and composition of the purge gas varies in time. The provide purge step terminates
when the pressure in adsorber V-31 has reached the set pressure of 2.37 kg/cm²g. Final Depressurisation (dump) - time is approximately 44 seconds at full capacity

The final depressurisation to tail gas drum pressure is carried out counter-currently to the
adsorption flow direction. Final pressure is about 0.55 kg/cm²g. Gas flows out of the
bottom of adsorber V-31 through valve 314, which is in a throttled position during dump.
The opening of valve 314 will be adjusted to control the rate of depressurisation such that
dump is completed in the available dump time as a function of the capacity of the unit. A
more detailed explanation is given in section 3.5. Purge

At 0.55 kg/cm²g, the lowest pressure in the cycle, adsorber V-31 is purged, counter-
currently to adsorption flow direction, with high purity streams from different adsorbers on
providing purge.

Gas for purging adsorber V-31 will be supplied by adsorbers in the following sequence:
first by adsorber V-33, then by V-34 and V-35 and finally by V-36. The purge gas enters
adsorber V-31 through valve 313 (which is 100% open), de-sorbs the impurities from the
adsorbent and leaves for the tail gas drums through valve 314 (100% open). The latter is
also fully open during purge to maintain low pressure in the adsorber. The time is the
same as for approximately three and a half subcycles (approximately 106 seconds at full
capacity). The purge flow and hence time are capacity controlled as the opening of the
valves of the adsorbers providing purge (333, 343, 353 and 363 resp.) is a function of
capacity (see section 3.5.).

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By : T. Cnop Repressurisation

Before an adsorber can be brought back in the adsorption step after it has been
regenerated, it has to be pressurised to the feed pressure.

Adsorber V-31 is initially repressurised using hydrogen gas from pressure equalisations:

First from adsorber V-37 during equalisation 3 via valves 376 and 316;
there from adsorber V-38 during equalisation 2 via valves 386, 325, 315 and 316
finally from adsorber V-39 during equalisation 1 via valves 396, 335, 315 and 316.

During equalisation 1 adsorber V-31 receives also, through valve 311 in throttled position,
a continuous small slip stream of feed gas from the feed line.

At the end of equalisation 1 (both V-39 and V-31 reached 15.84 kg/cm²g) valve 315 closes
and repressurisation to adsorption pressure continues with feed gas taken from the feed
line via valve 311 in throttled position. Repressurisation time varies with the cycle time as
explained in section 3.5. The opening of valve 311 is controlled such that adsorber V-31
reaches the adsorption pressure at the end of the subcycle. As soon as the adsorption
pressure is reached, adsorber V-31 is again switched to adsorption.

The fact that, both during equalisation 1 and during the repressurisation following
equalisation 1, a constant slipstream of feed is taken for repressurisation purposes,
ensures a smooth flow of product to downstream users.

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In order to guarantee the continuity of the hydrogen production during maintenance or in case
of an equipment failure, two switchover levels are provided away from the main mode of
operation, i.e. 10-bed and 8-bed mode. The control system will automatically switch to a lower
level of operation in case of an equipment failure (valve, adsorber pressure transmitter) taking
out the adsorber with which the failing equipment is associated and the adsorber to which it is
paired. The operator can also manually switch to a lower level of operation when (preventive)
equipment maintenance is required.

When the unit is operating in 8-bed mode and a new (third) equipment failure occurs, the unit
will automatically go in shut down (See §6.2).

3.4.1 Ten-bed operation

In case of switchover from 12-bed to 10-bed mode, one pair of adsorbers is taken out of
operation (adsorbers are grouped in 6 pairs of 2 adsorbers i.e. V-31 & V-37, V-32 & V-38, V-
33 & V-39, V-34 & V-40, V-35 & V-41 and V-36 & V-42). In 10-bed mode, the adsorbers are
called A to J, depending on which adsorbers are taken out of operation, as shown on the
table of the Pressure Sequence Chart B-H6265-003, sheet 2 and Valve Sequence Chart B-
H6265-004, sheet 2. In every adsorber pair, one adsorber is always at high pressure while
the other is at low pressure. Taking both adsorbers out whenever a switchover is desired
guarantees minimal fluctuations, both in the product and in the tail gas.

A complete adsorption-regeneration cycle will take ten subcycles.

The cycle is very much similar to the 12-bed cycle, the main difference being that only two
adsorbers are in the adsorption step at the same time.

The approximate final pressures of the various steps are presented in table 3.2.

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By : T. Cnop

3.4.2 Eight-bed operation

In case of switchover from 10-bed to 8-bed mode, another adsorber pair is taken out of the
cycle. In 8-bed operation the adsorbers are called S to Z, depending on which adsorber is
taken out of operation as shown on the table on pressure sequence chart B-H6265-003
sheet 3 and valve sequence chart B-H6265-004 sheet 3.

A complete adsorption – regeneration cycle will take 8 subcycles.

The cycle differs only slightly from the 10-bed cycle. The main difference is that there are only
2 equalisations;

The approximate final pressures of the various steps are presented in table 3.2.


Approx. step duration # (s) 12-BED 10-BED 8-BED

step 1 11 12 10

step 2 3 2 1

step 3 16 16 19
Step duration at 100% capacity (design conditions)

Approx. final pressure of the various

steps (kg/cm²g) 12-BED 10-BED 8-BED

equalisation 1 15.84 (100%) 15.57 (100%) 15.15 (100%)

equalisation 2 9.44 (100%) 8.83 (100%) depr 8.31 (90%)

repr 6.88

equalisation 3 depressurisation 4.86 (87%) 5.59 (65%) —

equalisation 3 repressurisation 3.81 2.89 —

providing purge 2.37 2.74 4.21

Note: approx. % finished of each equalisation is indicated between brackets

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By : T. Cnop


The control of the PSA process is based on automatic capacity control. As such the PSA unit
will automatically operate at different capacities (different feed flows) at optimum recovery
without the need for operator intervention. The subcycle time is automatically adjusted in
function of the capacity signal from FT-3001 in order to maintain the hydrogen recovery over
a wide feed flow range.

An adsorber can adsorb a fixed quantity of impurities and therefore purify a fixed quantity of
feed gas during adsorption. As a consequence the PSA unit will operate at short cycle times
at high capacity, while at low capacity, the unit will operate at long cycle times.

The control of the cycle time is done according to the following procedure: Over one subcycle
(which is the time interval between two consecutive adsorbers coming in adsorption) the
signal from FT-3001 is averaged. At the start of the next subcycle, a new subcycle time is
calculated INVERSELY PROPORTIONAL to the average capacity signal from the previous

There are two modes of operation, i.e. AUTO time mode (see 3.5.1) and MANUAL time mode
(see 3.5.2).

3.5.1 AUTO TIME mode

The cycle time adjustment is based on the capacity signal (FT-3001). This is the time mode
to be selected during normal operation of the unit. To accommodate for deviations from
design conditions, the operator can adjust KF to change the programmed subcycle time while
maintaining the capacity dependence.

In AUTO mode, the programmed subcycle time is adjusted in line with the capacity factor as


1000 * FEED (ACTUAL)

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For Example: Design feed flow = 167620 Nm³/h

Design subcycle time = 30s

Actual feed flow = 114286 Nm³/h

The operator selects KF = 1000 (design value)

The computer sets the subcycle time to:

1000 30 * 167620
TIME = * = 44s
1000 114286

The default design value for KF is 1000. If hydrogen purity specification is not met (eg.
because the feed quality is worse than design) the KF should be lowered (eg. to 950). The
cycle time will be shorter, resulting in a higher product purity but a lower hydrogen recovery.

In case the operator is not aware of deviations of the design, there is only one criterion: the
hydrogen purity. When there is CO breakthrough in the product (whatever the cause is) the
operator should reduce the KF factor accordingly because the adsorber stays too long in
adsorption since there is a breakthrough of impurities. Changes in the KF factor are in fact
only justified by changes in hydrogen purity

The AUTO subcycle time is at all time copied into the MANUAL subcycle time in order to
ensure bumpless transfer from AUTO to MANUAL TIME mode.

3.5.2 MANUAL TIME mode

The operator has the possibility to switch the subcycle time to a constant (hence independent
of capacity) subcycle time. One has to be careful doing this in order to avoid overloading the
adsorbent which will result in impure product. This mode should NOT be used unless FT-
3001 (feed flow transmitter) is not available (defective or maintenance). When selecting this
mode, the unit (and especially the product purity) should be monitored closely.

The logic will switch automatically to MANUAL TIME mode when FT-3001 gives a BADPV
alarm. Whenever the unit switches from AUTO to MANUAL TIME mode, an alarm will be
generated to warn the operator.

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3.5.3 Internal Control Loops

In order to reduce internal and external flow fluctuations, repressurisation, dump and provide
purge times are varied with the subcycle time and thus with the unit capacity. The parameters
to calculate the time available for repressurisation and depressurisation (provide purge 2 and
dump) as well as the parameters fixing the pressure profiles for repressurisation, dump and
providing purge are set by the UOP NV start-up engineer. The loops can only be in CAS
(remote setpoint) or MAN (selection is done by control logic). Operator interventions on these
loops are NOT possible.

The objective of repressurisation control is to minimise product flow fluctuations. The purpose
of dump and purge control is to minimise purge gas flow variations into the tail gas drum in
order to limit purge gas pressure variations. Repressurisation Controls

The repressurisation is controlled by loop 1, acting on valves UCV311…421 of the adsorber

in repressurisation. The repressurisation time is calculated in function of the subcycle time
and is thus capacity dependent.

a) During step 1, loop 1 is in MAN and the valve acted upon receives a manual output in
function of capacity (directing a slipstream of the feed in the repressurising adsorber
during EQ1).

b) During steps 2 and 3, loop 1 is in CAS, controlling the repressurisation.

- The setpoint is calculated in function of the available repressurisation time. The starting
point is the pressure of the repressurising adsorber sampled at the end of equalisation1

- The setpoint is automatically calculated (in function of the running time) and directed to
the adsorption pressure by the end of repressurisation. The adsorption pressure being
the output of the PT of the adsorber in its first adsorption subcycle. The time in which
the setpoint moves to the desired end pressure is capacity dependent (subcycle time
less step 1 time).

- The process variable is the PT-signal of the re-pressurising adsorber.

- The output signal is sent to valve UCV311…421 of the adsorber in repressurisation.

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By : T. Cnop Dump Control

Dump is controlled by loop 2 acting on valves UCV314…424 of the adsorber in dump.

a) During the first few seconds of dump, loop 2 is in MAN in order to make sure that the
correct start opening of dump control is marked.

b) During steps 1, 2, 3 and 1, 2 of the next subcycle loop 2 is in CAS controlling the
depressurisation to tail gas drum pressure.

- The pressure at the start of dump is sampled (start step 1 – end of provide purge) and
serves as starting setpoint.
The setpoint is then directed towards the tail gas drum pressure according to a specific
pressure profile (set by the start-up engineer) within a time which is capacity dependent
(function of subcycle time).

- The process variable is the PT-signal of the dumping adsorber.

- The output signal goes to valve UCV314…424 of the dumping adsorber in dump. Provide Purge / Purge Control

There are two provide purge phases, one of which is controlled by a loop (loop 3).

1. Provide Purge during Equalisation 3

Provide purge is started during equalisation 3 (last equalisation which takes place during
steps 1 and 2). During this phase, the valve of the adsorber providing purge (UCV313
…423) receives a manual output. Valves UCV313…423 of the adsorbers receiving purge
during equalisation 3 are 100% open. Valves UCV314…424 of the adsorbers receiving
purge are 100% open.

2. Provide Purge Phase 2

During step 3, provide purge is continued under control of loop 3 which is in CAS.

- The setpoint is directed from the starting setpoint (pressure of the adsorber sampled at
the start of this phase) to the desired end pressure according to a selected pressure
profile within a time which is capacity-dependent (function of subcycle time). The profile
is set so that purge gas flow to the tail gas drum is steady.
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- Process variable is the PT-signal from the adsorber providing purge.

- The output signal goes to valve UCV313…423 of the adsorber providing purge. The
valves UCV313…423 of adsorbers receiving purge are 100% open. Also valves
UCV314…424 of adsorbers receiving purge are 100% open.

3.5.4 Initial valve opening

The initial valve opening of the control loops to valves UCV311…421 (repressurisation during
equalisation 1), valves UCV313…423 (provide purge) and valves UCV314…424 (dump) are
capacity dependent.

These signals are the average of the output to the respective loops calculated during the first
approx. 7 seconds of each control session. In this way, calibration errors will not influence the
process control (within limits).

3.5.5 Tail gas to burners (FY-3204)

The tail gas to the steam reformer burners is controlled by FY-3204. This controller can be in
MAN, AUTO (local setpoint) or CAS (remote setpoint). Purpose is to keep the flow of tail gas
to the burners as constant as possible in order to keep the heat input to the burners constant.
The flow will be kept constant in function of the capacity and hence in function of the feed
flow to the PSA unit.


- Setpoint = process variable

- Operator can introduce an opening percentage (0-100%) for FV-3204


- The operator can introduce a local setpoint (Nm³/h) for FV-3204

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3) CAS

- A remote setpoint is calculated for FY-3204 by the PSA control logic (PLC) in function of

(i) the difference between PW (sample of tail gas drum pressure taken at the start of
each subcycle) and SPW (operator setpoint for the tail gas drum pressure).

(ii) Subcycle time TSC (and thus capacity)

The transition between the three modes is bumpless.

1) MAN mode: setpoint = process variable

2) When one switches from MAN to AUTO, the last process variable will become the first
local setpoint

3) When switching from AUTO to CAS, the last local setpoint will become the first remote

4) When passing from CAS to AUTO, the last remote setpoint becomes the first local

5) When passing from CAS or AUTO to MAN, the last opening of FV-3204 will be kept as
output to the valve until changed by the operator

The principle behind the calculation of the remote setpoint is the following:

(i) If PW > SPW, the remote setpoint will increase; when PW < SPW, the remote setpoint
will decrease.

(ii) When the subcycle time is long (low capacity), the expected purge gas flow will be low
and the remote setpoint should be lower than when the subcycle time is short (high
capacity) and expected flow will be higher. This desired capacity dependence is
implemented by including TSC (function of capacity) in the formula to calculate the
remote setpoint.

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3.5.6 Purge gas pressure control to flare (PY-3105)

This is a standard pressure control loop with a local setpoint (operator input in AUTO-mode)
controlling valve PV-3105 to flare.

The setpoint is set a little higher than the normal tail gas drum pressure (e.g. 0.6 kg/cm²g) in
order to ensure that the valve to flare will remain closed during normal operation. It will only
open in case of small disturbances (e.g. upon switchover from 12- to 10-bed and from 10- to
8-bed mode).

1) MAN mode

- Setpoint = process variable

- Operator can introduce an opening percentage (0-100%) for PV-3105

2) AUTO mode

- Operator can introduce a local setpoint (kg/cm²g)

Transition between the two modes occurs bumpless. During normal operation, PY-3105
should be in AUTO.

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The automatic sequencing of the PSA unit is controlled. The DCS sends the sequencing
signals to operate the process control valves. The process will automatically run through the
various steps (checking the end of step conditions) without operator interventions.


Reference is made to Valve Sequence Chart B-H6265-004 sheet 1.

Below is a description of the 12-bed sequence. Only open valves are mentioned in the
description. Description is valid for subcycle 1. In other subcycles, description will be similar
(tag numbers will have to be changed).

There are 12 subcycles in 12-bed operation. One subcycle contains 3 steps.

Step 1 covers the first equalisation and takes approximately 11 seconds. Step 3 covers
equalisation 2. Step 3 is capacity-dependent. Steps 1 and 2 combined cover the third
equalisation and take approximately 14 seconds. During step 1, 2 and 3 Provide Purge takes
place which continues until at the end of step 3 the required end pressure is reached. Dump
starts in step 1 and continues until the end of step 2 of the next subcycle.

4.1.1 Step 1.1

Conditions (timer & pressure condition)

The process enters this step from step 12.3 when the two following conditions are fulfilled:

1. The subcycle timer reaches the pre-calculated subcycle time value.

2. The adsorber in repressurisation reaches at least the adsorption pressure less 2 kg/cm²
(reading from PT-311).

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UCV311, XV312, UCV316 Adsorber V-31 comes in adsorption

UCV421, XV362, UCV426 Adsorber V-42 stays in adsorption
UCV411, XV352, UCV416 Adsorber V-41 stays in adsorption
UCV401, XV342 UCV406 Adsorber V-40 delayed end of adsorption

UCV406, 326 Valves ramp open to perform EQ 1 between V-40 (providing) and
V-32 (receiving).

XV345, 325 Valves 100% open to perform EQ 1 between V-40 (providing) and
V-32 (receiving). XV345 delayed open to assure that XV342 is
closed first.

UCV396, 336 Valves ramp open to perform EQ 3 between V-39 (providing) and
V-33 (receiving). UCV336 delayed open to assure that XV335 is
closed first.

UCV393 Adsorber V-39 providing purge to V-34,V-35, V-36; valve receives

manual output from loop 3 (provide purge).

UCV384, 374 Adsorber V-38 and V-37 depressurise to tail gas drum pressure;
both valves receive the output from loop 2 (dump). Valve 384
delayed open to assure UCV334 is closed first (to prevent too
much tail gas).

UCV363, 353, 343 Adsorbers V-36, V-35 and V-34 receiving purge; valves 100%
UCV364, 354, 344 open.

UCV321 Valve receives the manual output from loop 1 to repressurise V-32
with a slip stream from the feed.

Loop 2 (dump) is in CAS;
Loop 1 (repress.) and loop 3 (provide purge) are in MANUAL.

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4.1.2 Step 1.2

Conditions (timer condition)

The process switches to this step from step 1.1 when the subcycle time reaches a pre-set
value (approx. 11 s).


UCV311, XV312, UCV316 Adsorber V-31 stays in adsorption

UCV421, XV362, UCV426 Adsorber V-42 stays in adsorption
UCV411, XV352, UCV416 Adsorber V-41 stays in adsorption

UCV326 Valve goes to 100% opening as to prepare for the adsorption step
in the next subcycle. No flow passes through as UCV406, XV322
and XV325 are closed.

XV345 Valves stays 100% open in the isolation step between EQ1 and
EQ2. No flow passes through as UCV346 and UCV406 are closed.

UCV396, 336 Valves ramp further open to perform EQ 3 between V-39

(providing) and V-33 (receiving).

UCV393 Adsorber V-39 providing purge to V-34,V-35, V-36; valve receives

manual output from loop 3 (provide purge).

UCV384, 374 Adsorber V-38 and V-37 depressurise to tail gas drum pressure;
both valves receive the output from loop 2 (dump).

UCV363, 353, 343 Adsorbers V-36, V-35 and V-34 receiving purge; valves 100%
UCV364, 354, 344 open.

UCV321 Valve receives the auto output from loop 1 to repressurise V-32
with a slip stream from the feed.

Loop 1 (repress.) and loop 2 (dump) are in CAS;
Loop 3 (provide purge) is in MANUAL.

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4.1.3 Step 1.3

Conditions (timer condition)

The process switches to this step from step 1.2 when the subcycle timer reaches a pre-set
value (approx. 14 s).


UCV311, XV312, UCV316 Adsorber V-31 stays in adsorption

UCV421, XV362, UCV426 Adsorber V-42 stays in adsorption
UCV411, XV352, UCV416 Adsorber V-41 stays in adsorption

UCV326 Valves keeps 100% opening as to prepare for the adsorption step
in the next subcycle. No flow passes through.

UCV406, 336 Valves ramp open to perform EQ 2 between V-40 (providing) and
V-33 (receiving).

XV345, 335 Valves 100% open to perform EQ 2 between V-40 (providing) and
V-33 (receiving). XV335 delayed open to assure UCV396 is closed

UCV393 Adsorber V-39 providing purge to V-34,V-35, V-36 and V-37; valve
receives auto output from loop 3 (provide purge).

UCV384 Adsorber V-38 depressurises to tail gas drum pressure; valve

receives the output from loop 2 (dump).

UCV373, 363, 353, 343 Adsorbers V-37, V-36, V-35 and V-34 receiving purge; valves
UCV374, 364, 354, 344 100% open

UCV321 Valve receives the auto output from loop 1 to repressurise V-32
with a slip stream from the feed.

Loop 1 (repress.), loop 2 (dump) and loop 3 (provide purge) are in

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Reference is made to the Valve Sequence Chart B-H6265-004, sheets 2 and 3. From these
drawings the sequencing in 10-bed and 8-bed can easily be deduced.


AUTO MANUAL In AUTO TIME mode, the logic will set the MANUAL time equal to
the AUTO time. By operator intervention, the logic can switch to MANUAL TIME mode. At
that moment, the TIME mode indication will switch from AUTO to MAN. From the start of the
NEXT subcycle, the logic will use the MANUAL time as subcycle time.

MANUAL AUTO An operator intervention is also required to switch from MANUAL

TIME to AUTO TIME. The switch from manual to auto is not bumpless. Before switching from
MANUAL TIME to AUTO TIME, the operator should make sure that the MANUAL TIME is
more or less equal to the AUTO TIME in order to obtain bumpless transfer (adjust Tman
SLOWLY or KF). In AUTO TIME mode the operator can adjust KF in order to adjust the
capacity dependent subcycle time.

We urge very strongly to operate the unit in AUTO TIME mode. As such, the capacity-
dependence of the subcycle time is ensured. One has to be extremely careful using
MANUAL TIME (preferably to be used ONLY when FT-3001 fails or is not available
(calibration)). See § 3.5.2

KF changes are limited to steps of 50. Manual time changes are limited to steps of 10s.


Manual valve operations on control valves can be performed:

1) on all process control valves when the unit is shut down.

(after switchover to 10-bed or 8-bed mode).

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Following safety interlocks has been foreseen:

1) Valves UCV311...421 can only be opened 100% when the pressure of the
relevant adsorber is higher than PT-301 – 2 kg/cm².

2) When the pressure of the relevant adsorber is lower than PT-301 – 2 kg/cm²,
the maximal opening of the valves UCV311...421 is limited to a value pre-set by
the UOP NV start-up engineer.

3) At any time a feed valve (UCV311...421) can only open when the purge
valve (UCV314...424) of the same adsorber is closed. Likewise, a purge
(or dump) valve can only open when the corresponding feed valve is

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The logic controlling the PSA process sequence is programmed on a redundant MODICON
QUANTUM server PLC system. The operator control screens are available on a DCS
system. Data between PLC and DCS are exchanged over a MODBUS PLUS connection.
This section describes a typical PSA control system. In a later stage, this section will be
rewritten to reflect the real situation on site.


This display shows a general overview of the POLYBED® PSA unit. Via this display the
operator is able to perform all interventions.

The following is indicated on this display:

- Mode of operation (12-, 10- or 8-bed operation)
- Current subcycle and step number
- “MANUAL” if MANUAL TIME mode is selected
- “AUTO” if AUTO TIME mode is selected
- “INHIBIT” when SWITCHOVER INHIBIT has been selected
- “OVERRIDE” if OVERRIDE MODE has been selected
- Capacity factor KF
- “ON” or “OFF” to indicate unit running or stopped
- Adsorbers out of operation are clearly marked (also when the unit is shut down)
- Pressure of all adsorbers (output PT-311…421) expressed in kg/cm²g
- Feed pressure (output PT-301) expressed in kg/cm²g
- Feed flow expressed in Nm3/h (output FT-3001)
- Tail gas drum pressure expressed in kg/cm² (output PT-3105)
- Tail gas drum pressure set point (SPW), expressed in kg/cm²g
- Indication of valve position (OPEN=GREEN, CLOSED=RED) based on output sent to
valve; opening percentage for analog valves; failing valves are also indicated (mismatch
output-position detection from limit switch).
- Switchover from 12- to 10-bed and 10- to 8-bed as well as switch-back from 8- to 10-
bed and from 10- to 12-bed operation initiated by the operator.
- Value of AUTO TIME (seconds)
- Value of MAN TIME (seconds)
- Value of SET TIME (seconds)
- Running subcycle time (output of the subcycle timer expressed in seconds).
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The display also shows any alarm messages generated, except when they are standard
messages (such as high pressure, low pressure).


On this display the following internal loops are indicated:

- LOOP 1: repressurisation control

- LOOP 2: dump control
- LOOP 3: control of second depressurisation to purge.

The following parameters are shown:

- Mode of operation (CAS or MAN)

- Process variable (PV)
- Set point (SP)
- Output
- Pre-set time (seconds)
- Elapsed time (seconds)

Operator interventions on the internal loops are not possible.

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This data logging shows the most important computer generated variables of the last
complete cycle (meaning last 12 subcycles in 12-bed, last 10 subcycles in 10-bed and the last
8 subcycles in 8-bed).

The data logging is used for diagnostic purposes by the supervisor or engineer.

The following data are displayed per subcycle:

- Actual subcycle time and pre-set subcycle time expressed in seconds. (The actual
subcycle time is the really required time before switching to the next subcycle.)
- FT-3001 Feed flow averaged over each subcycle, Nm³/hr
- PT-3105 Tail gas drum pressure averaged over each subcycle, kg/cm²g
- Actual and pre-set time of the depressurisation to purge
- End pressures of adsorbers performing equalisation 1, 2 and 3 (both receiving and
providing), kg/cm²g

The updating of the data-logging table takes place at the start of every subcycle.

In 10-bed, resp. 8-bed operation, the rows of subcycle 11 and 12, resp. 9, 10, 11 and 12 are
not updated.

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The operator is able to do the following interventions:

a) START/STOP the PSA unit.

b) Select OVERRIDE mode.


d) Switchover to 10-bed operation, or to 8-bed operation and switchback to 10-bed

operation and to 12-bed operation.

e) Select AUTO TIME or MANUAL TIME mode; adjust the cycle time via the capacity
factor KF (AUTO TIME mode) or via the introduction of a new manual time (MANUAL
TIME mode); maximal step changes on KF of 50 and on manual time of 10s.

f) Changing of subcycle number during shutdown.

This intervention will only be accepted by the computer when the unit is in shutdown.

g) Manual operation of control valves.

Manual valve operation by the operator is only permitted by the logic when the adsorber
to which the valve belongs is out of operation. This means the unit should be in shut
down or in 10-bed operation or in 8-bed mode. Opening 100% of one of the valves
UCV311, 321, …421 is prohibited by the logic if the pressure of the relevant adsorber is
lower than “PT-301 – 2 kg/cm²”. See also § 4.4.

h) Adjust the purge gas pressure setpoint SPW.

i) Switching FY-3204 to CAS (remote setpoint), to AUTO (local set-point) and to MAN.
Adjustment of local setpoint in AUTO and the output signal in MAN.

j) Switching PY-3105 to AUTO (local setpoint) and to MAN; adjusting local setpoint in
AUTO and output signal in MAN.

k) Switch the unit to 10-bed mode and to 8-bed mode and vice versa by taking OUT/IN a
pair of adsorbers.

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The alarm messages listed below have been programmed to warn the operator when
abnormal process conditions are met. The messages will be listed in the ALARM SUMMARY
and printed on the ALARM PRINTER.



When the output of the subcycle timer exceeds the value of 1.2 times the capacity-dependent
AUTO time, the alarm LONG ADSORPTION TIME is generated.



When the pressure change (up or down) of one of the two equalising adsorbers during the
first 7 seconds of Equalisation 1, 2 or 3 deviates from the pressure change during the
equalisation during the previous subcycle, the alarm DEVIATION EQUALISATION 1, 2 or 3 is


When the deviation between setpoint and process variable for one of the internal control
loops (Repressurisation, Dump, Provide purge) exceeds the alarm limit, the alarm


When the pressure change (up or down) of the isolated vessel (between EQ 1 and EQ 2)
exceeds the alarm limit, the ISOLATION DEVIATION alarm is generated.


When the actual repressurisation time exceeds the pre-set repressurisation time, the LONG
REPRESSURISATION TIME alarm is generated.

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This alarm is generated when the adsorption pressure drops below the low alarm limit.


This alarm is generated when the process control is switched from the primary to the
secondary PLC.

6.1.8 Alarm NO STAND-BY PLC

When the redundant PLC is no longer on stand-by, the alarm NO STAND-BY PLC is


When the unit switches from 12-bed to 10-bed mode or from 10-bed to 8-bed mode, the
alarm PSA SWITCHOVER is generated.


This alarm is generated when the tail gas drum pressure increases above the high alarm


This alarm is generated when the tail gas drum pressure drops below the low alarm limit.


When the operator attempts to start the PSA unit and the adsorber pressures are not in
agreement with the start conditions, the alarm VERIFY ADSORBER PRESSURES will be
generated. The same alarm is generated when in case of switchback, the pressure of the
adsorber pair to be brought into operation is not in agreement with the entry point conditions.

6.1.13 Alarm PS1/PS2 FAILURE

When either of the redundant power supplies fails

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6.1.14 Alarm VALVE FAILURE XV… or UCV…

When an open or close command is given to a valve, an individual valve timer starts timing.
When the valve timer reaches its pre-set value and the signal from the proximity switch is not
found to be in agreement with the output signal to the valve, the alarm VALVE FAILURE XV...
or UCV… is generated. The failing valve is identified in the alarm message. For an analogue
valve (UCV…) the valve timer starts only when the analogue output signal to the particular
valve exceeds a certain minimum valve opening (set at 20%).

6.1.15 Alarm FAILURE PT-311…421, PT-301, PDT-303, PT-305, FT-3001

When the output of one of the transmitters drops below 3mA, the alarm FAILURE PT-
311…421, PT-301, PDT-303, PT-305, FT-3001 will be generated.

When one of the adsorber pressure transmitters fails, the vessel with which the failing
transmitter is associated, is taken out of operation together with its associate (switchover to
10-bed or 8-bed). When the unit was already in 8-bed mode, the PSA unit will shut down.

When FT-3001 fails, the logic switches from AUTO TIME mode to MANUAL TIME mode.

6.1.16 Alarm MODICON I/O Failure Drop Slot …

This alarm is generated when a particular I/O card fails.


This alarm is generated when the PSA unit shuts down for whatever reason.


This alarm is generated when the PSA unit shuts down due to a remote shutdown signal.


When the logic or the operator switches the time mode from AUTO to MANUAL, the alarm
MANUAL TIME MODE SELECTED alarm will be generated.

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When the instrument air pressure drops below 4.0 kg/cm²g, the LOW INSTRUMENT AIR
PRESSURE ALARM is generated.


When the output of the subcycle timer exceeds the value of 2.0 times the capacity-dependent
AUTO time, the alarm LONG LONG ADSORPTION TIME is generated. The unit will


When the instrument air pressure drops below 3,5 kg/cm²g, the LOW LOW INSTRUMENT
AIR PRESSURE is generated and the unit will shut down.


When the OVERRIDE mode is selected, the OVERRIDE alarm will come on every 10


When the INHIBIT mode is selected, the INHIBIT alarm will come on every 10 minutes.


This alarm is generated when differential pressure over the product filter(s) increases above
the high alarm limit.

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The unit shuts down and all valves go into closed position and all timers and time related
variables freeze in their last position under one of the following conditions:

- The operator requests a shutdown via the operator control system.

- The alarm Low Low Instrument Air Pressure is ON during more than 5 seconds.

- The alarm Long Long Adsorption Time is ON and the unit is not in OVERRIDE mode.

- When the unit is in 8-bed mode and one of the transmitters of one of the adsorbers still in
operation drops below 3mA.

When the OVERRIDE mode is selected, the LONG LONG ADSORPTION TIME stop is
bypassed; the alarm message however will continue to be generated.

During shutdown the step number and subcycle number are frozen.

A valve failure as described in sections, or will result in a
switchover from 12 to 10-bed or 10 to 8-bed operation. When operating in 8-bed mode, such
a valve failure will however not result in an automatic shutdown immediately. Nevertheless
the malfunction will in time cause the adsorber to create a long long adsorption time after
which the unit will eventually go in shutdown. It is therefor important that the OVERRIDE
mode is not selected during normal operation.

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7.1 Before final connections (before first start-up) are made, it is important to verify that no dirt
remains in or can enter the unit. All lines have to be blown out so that all particles and
liquids are removed. It is important that no dirt enters the unit.

Before start-up of the unit, one has to make sure that the feed flow line has been blown
out so that all particles and liquids are removed. Before the instrument air-lines are
connected, they should be blown out, so that all dirt is removed to atmosphere.

Before hydrogen is allowed to the unit, it shall be purged with pure dry nitrogen. Dry
nitrogen is necessary to prevent an accumulation of water on the adsorbent during purge.
(Dew point MINUS 100 C). The oxygen concentration after purge has to be below 0.5
vol%. Nitrogen purge should always be done from TOP to BOTTOM.

7.2 Normal position of the process valves and control loops for nitrogen purge

- Close all valves through which gas can be vented to the atmosphere (sample connections,
vents, drains).

- All valves to the instruments have to be opened.

- Valves on instrument airlines should be open (one instrument air filter in use, isolation
valves of second instrument air filter closed).

- Air supply valves to the solenoid valves have to be open.

- Feed, product and purge gas isolation valve should be closed.

- All adsorber isolation valves should be open.

- All automatic valves have to be closed.

- PY-3105 MANUAL; PV-3105 closed (flow to flare)

- FY-3204 MANUAL; FV-3204 closed. (flow to burners)

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7.3 Nitrogen purge (at start-up and shut-down)

At Start-up:

Before crude hydrogen feed can be admitted to the POLYBED unit, all oxygen must be
purged from the unit with pure, dry nitrogen. The nitrogen purge pressure should be low;
however, upward-flow through the adsorber should be avoided. Nitrogen has to be tied into
the product line – purge is ALWAYS performed from TOP to BOTTOM.

Starting with adsorber V-31, open the N2 inlet valve. Valve UCV314 and a valve in the purge
gas line have to be opened in order to send the nitrogen-oxygen mixture to the atmosphere.

One has to make sure that all lines and headers are purged with nitrogen. This can be done
by temporarily opening a vent valve in the header lines together with valves XV312, UCV313,
XV315 and UCV316. Check the O2 concentration at these vents (< 0.5 vol%)

When the oxygen concentration is consistently less than 0.5 vol%, the nitrogen purge can be
stopped. A sample has to be taken of the bottom of every adsorber (in this example V-31).

Proceed with the other adsorbers V-32 through V-42 according to the same procedure. The
header lines do not need to be purged anymore.

Make sure that the tail gas drum is also purged with nitrogen before taking the unit in

If the POLYBED® unit is not going on stream with hydrogen feed right after nitrogen purge,
keep a positive nitrogen pressure (about 1 kg/cm²g) on the unit. This ensures that no oxygen
will enter the adsorbers during a cool night. This can be done by pressurising each vessel
after purge with nitrogen and closing UCV314…424.

After purging disconnect the N2 supply and isolate the unit.

Please note that one can only discharge a nitrogen-oxygen purge gas mixture to atmosphere.

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At Shut-down:

After operating the PSA unit, the nitrogen purge has to be performed from TOP to BOTTOM
and DRY nitrogen has to be tied into the product line. This is important to push the front of
impurities downwards and to avoid irreversible deterioration of the adsorbent.

The N2-purge has to be continued till the H2-content of all the adsorber bottoms is below
0.5%vol and the CO-content is below the level of local health regulations.

The N2 purge gas mixture needs to be discharged to flare via the safety valve bypass valves.

7.4 Pressure Test

The POLYBED Unit skid assembly has been leak-tested, prior to shipment. Before start-up,
the unit should be pressure tested as follows:

1) Pressure test with N2 at 5 kg/cm²g.

2) Pressure test with N2 at 10 kg/cm²g and then at operating pressure.

Maximum allowable pressure drop is 0.1 kg/cm²/h.

7.5 Start-up

The unit can be started by requesting start-up via the operator display and by setting the
start flag high. The unit then restarts in the same mode (12-, 10-, or 8-bed) as shown on
the display (last mode before shutdown) and in the subcycle and step number shown on
the display.

The operator can decide to restart in another subcycle by changing the subcycle number
on the display, while the unit is in shutdown. When the subcycle number is changed during
shutdown, the unit will switch to start of STEP 1 of the selected subcycle, the sequence
timer resets to zero and the subcycle time is calculated again.

At a restart, the unit will automatically switch to SWITCHOVER INHIBIT and OVERRIDE

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On no occasion can the PSA-unit restart without operator intervention. This means that
e.g., when the unit is shutdown due to low instrument air pressure and the pressure is
restored later, the unit does not restart automatically, even when the operator had
initialised the restart before the deactivation of the shutdown. The last action required to
restart the PSA-unit is an operator action. For starting, operator should follow procedure

7.6 Cold start

After a computer system reload the program is in subcycle 1 step 1 and all timer outputs are
zero. The mode is MAN TIME and the unit is in 12-bed program and in SWITCHOVER

At a restart, the operator should always restart in the same subcycle as when the unit was

The change of subcycle number is intended for use after a cold start, since the subcycle
number then equals 1.

7.7 First check at restart

As soon as the operator requests START, the logic checks the following pressures:

1. The pressure of the adsorbers, coming in adsorption, should all be higher than "PT-301
- 2 kg/cm²”

2. The pressure of the adsorbers, coming on purge, should all be lower than 2 kg/cm²g.

3. The pressure of the adsorber coming on dump should be lower than Pdmax.

If any of the above conditions is not met, the unit will refuse to start and VERIFY
PRESSURES alarm will be generated.

The operator has then to take the necessary action to correct the pressure and ought to repeat
his attempt.

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7.8 Introduction of feed gas

Crude hydrogen feed can only be allowed to the POLYBED unit, when the unit is free from
oxygen (concentration below 0.5 vol. % oxygen) – see §7.3.

Normal position of process valves should be as per section 7.2.

The first purge gas will contain much nitrogen and will therefore not be suitable to be burned.

7.8.1 Make sure the feed gas header is at the same pressure as the adsorber to come into
adsorption (see §7.1.5.)

At the very first start-up the feed gas header pressure will be zero, since the adsorber
pressures are also zero. The unit has to be isolated on the feed side (hand isolation valve to
be closed).

7.8.2 The main product isolation valve should be closed, in order to arrive quickly at in-
specification product. It means that all the product gas, coming out of the adsorbers, is
used for repressurisation.

7.8.3 Make sure the feed, product and purge gas hand valves are closed. Set PY-3105 (purge
gas to flare) in AUTO with SP = 0.33 kg/cm²g. Select AUTO time mode with a low load
factor (KF = 800).


- Select subcycle 1.

- Open the feed valves UCV311…421 of all adsorbers and the product valve of adsorber V-
31 (XV 312 and UCV316).

- Slowly open the feed hand valve – pressure should not rise faster than 1 kg/cm² /min.

- As soon as a particular adsorber has reached its desired pressure (see Pressure
Sequence Chart), close its feed valve.

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- Unit will start in the same subcycle as before the shutdown.

- Check adsorber pressures:

- adsorber coming on adsorption should be within 2 kg/cm² of PT-301
- adsorbers on purge should be below 2 kg/cm²g


Under no circumstance should feed valves (UCV311…421) of adsorbers, having a

difference in pressure of more than 2 kg/cm², be opened simultaneously, to avoid
disturbance of the beds.

For the same reason, no two purge valves (UCV314-424) of adsorbers, having a
difference in pressure of more than 2 kg/cm², should be opened simultaneously

If adsorbers show difference in pressure, first equalise pressures via the valves UCV313
to UCV423 in throttled position (<50%).

7.8.6 Start the unit

7.8.7 Immediately after start-up open the main feed valve gradually (if there are still pressure
differences between the adsorbers coming into adsorption and the feed system, open
the feed valve slowly).

7.8.8 It is to be noted that at start-up or after nitrogen purge, the equalisation steps will take
longer as a consequence of higher molecular weight and the equalisations will not be
fully finished. The equalisations will be finished properly as the hydrogen purity in the
product increases. As soon as the required adsorption pressure has been reached, take
out OVERRIDE mode.

7.8.9 The CO-content in the product should be checked. If as the CO-content is within
specification, the cycle time should be slowly lengthened (increase KF) and at the same
time product can be taken (open the product block valve).

7.8.10 Control the normal operation of the process valves during the initial sequencing of the
unit. Check the adsorber pressure profiles.

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7.8.11 As soon as there are no more alarm messages, and the unit is in AUTO, the
SWITCHOVER INHIBIT mode can be taken out.

7.8.12 With respect to the purge gas to burners

- Open FV-3204 slowly (FY-3204=MAN) until the valve to flare is completely closed.

- Switch FY-3204 to AUTO.

- Adjust the setpoint of pressure control to flare PY-3105 to approximately 0.6 kg/cm²g.
The valve should remain closed during normal operation.

- Adjust the setpoint of FY-3204 until the minimum value of PT-3105 during a subcycle
equals SPW.

- Wait until the tail gas drum pressure PT-3105 has stabilised during a few subcycles to
be able to prepare a bumpless switch involving the control algorithm of the tail gas drum

- Switch FY-3204 to remote setpoint (CAS).

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To maximise the efficiency of the unit, the following checks and adjustments should be made:

8.1.1 Process Pressures During the adsorption step the normal operating pressure of ca. 21.2 kg/cm²g should be
maintained in order to achieve the product purity. This pressure should be monitored for all
adsorbers. Optimum performance is obtained when the purge gas pressure is at a minimum (design
value should be maintained in order to guarantee good unit performance). Operating at a
higher purge gas pressure will result in reduced capacity, reduced purity and recovery. Optimum performance is obtained when both product filters are used in parallel
(minimal pressure drop). Operating the PSA unit with only one product filter on-line
should be limited to periods of maintenance.

8.1.2 Product Purity

An adsorber can adsorb a fixed amount of impurities and hence a fixed amount of feed flow
can be treated during one adsorption-regeneration cycle. When the subcycle time is
increased (increased KF) and feed flow is maintained, impurities will break through and
appear in the product and the product purity will decrease.

When the subcycle time is decreased (reduced KF), product purity will increase but hydrogen
recovery will suffer. The subcycle time has to be set to maximise product make which is still
conform to product specifications (i.e. H2 min 99.9 vol%). A too long subcycle time leads to
bad product purity, a too short subcycle time reduces the efficiency of the unit.

Every change of the subcycle time should be done with care, because a change in product
purity will only be seen with a certain time lag. If one adsorber has been too long on
adsorption step, the negative effect on product purity will appear several subcycles later when
the adsorber, which has received low quality purge gas, comes on the adsorption step.

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Increasing the subcycle time results in a higher hydrogen recovery and a lower product purity.
Reducing the subcycle time does the opposite. If product purity is not acceptable and the
adsorption time is at its minimum, the only adjustment left is a REDUCTION OF THE FEED
RATE to the PSA unit.

8.1.3 FT-3001, PT-3105 not in operation

When transmitter FT-3001 (feed flow) fails, the unit automatically switches to MAN mode.
During calibration of FT-3001, the operator ought to keep the unit in MAN mode and he ought
to keep the feed flow constant.

During calibration of PT-3105 (flow to burners) the operator needs to keep FY-3204 in AUTO
mode and maintain the feed flow and the subcycle time constant as much as possible.

When FT-3204 fails, FY-3204 switches to MAN while maintaining the last output.

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8.2.1 Reduced capacity

The unit normally operates in automatic mode (AUTO). When the feed flow rate decreases
the capacity signal is reduced and hence the unit will run automatically on a longer subcycle
time. A maximal subcycle time about equal to the subcycle time at 30% capacity is
incorporated in the control.

If the feed flow decreases below 50286 Nm³/h, the subcycle time does no longer increase
and the hydrogen recovery will gradually decrease. Recovery of the unit can be maintained
between 30 and 100% capacity.

8.2.2 Abnormal Process Conditions

The POLYBED unit is designed to purify a feed gas in accordance with feed gas
specifications as given in the process flow diagram. Abnormal process conditions as e.g. high
feed flow temperature, lower hydrogen feed flow concentration, the presence of impurities
with a higher molecular weight and entrained liquids can adversely affect POLYBED unit
performance. Feed composition should be monitored to assure one is aware of possible

Operation at high temperature will reduce the capacity of the adsorbents to adsorb impurities
and can result in impure product. Operation with high impurity concentration in feed can result
in adsorbent overload and result in low product quality. High molecular weight impurities or
entrained liquids will be very strongly adsorbed by the adsorbent and may not be de-sorbed
from the adsorbent during the regeneration step. These heavy impurities will accumulate on
the adsorbent and reduce its capacity.
During periods of abnormal process conditions, the unit should be operated at SHORTER
cycle time as described in the next paragraph or, if necessary, at REDUCED capacity.

8.2.3 Operation with Reduced Cycle Time

If the product purity is low during or after operation at abnormal process conditions, the unit
has to be operated with shorter cycle (increased purge).

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The capacity factor (KF) has to be reduced to achieve an immediate reduction in cycle time.

When the unit reaches product purity again the capacity factor can be reset to its original
value and the subcycle time will readjust. If the product purity decreases again it may be
necessary to run the unit consistently with shorter cycle times. Shortening the cycle time will
result in lower hydrogen recovery.

8.2.4 Failure of a Process Valve

A valve failure will manifest itself by deviations of the adsorber pressure profiles. The process
valve should be repaired.

The position of the process valves is consistently monitored by the logic and in case a valve
does not open or close when required a valve failure alarm will be generated.

At the same time, the pressure profile of the adsorbers is monitored. If simultaneously with
the valve failure a pressure profile error occurs (Loop deviation, Equalisation deviation,
Isolation deviation) the unit will switch automatically from 12-bed to 10-bed operation, or from
10-bed to 8-bed operation, taking out the adsorber where the valve error was detected. The
automatic switchover can be inhibited by switching to SWITCHOVER INHIBIT mode.

8.2.5 Operation at higher temperature

Operation of PSA unit at 50-55°C is allowed. This not to be understood as continuous

operation at 55°C. (a few days, maximum 1 week). The set point for high feed temperature
shut-down can be 60°C. Due to this higher temperature, the recovery of the unit will drop
with about 2-3%.


Whenever the feed conditions are changed (in this case the feed temperature) the CO
content in the product should be intensively monitored. If the CO content in the product is
too high, the KF value has to be lowered. Reference is made to sections 3.5.1 and 8.2.2

Attention should also be paid to the water content. If feed at 55°C is saturated with water,
the corresponding dew point of the purge gas will increase considerably. Water can
accumulate in the tail gas drum which should be drained.

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We strongly recommend operating the unit in AUTO time mode. As such the capacity
dependence of the subcycle time is ensured. One has to be extremely careful when
using MANUAL time (preferably to be used only during start-up and when FT-3001
failed or has to be calibrated). See also § 3.5.2.

The unit should also be operated without selecting SWITCHOVER INHIBIT or

OVERRIDE modes, so that switchovers are not inhibited and the long long adsorption
time stop is not bypassed. SWITCHOVER INHIBIT should only be selected at start-up
or after a switchover/switchback. OVERRIDE mode should only be selected at start-up.


During steady conditions, purity and recovery of hydrogen should be satisfactory. The
pressure and flow indication of feed, product and tail gas can show some slight fluctuations,
but the pattern should be the same during each subcycle. If a deviation from the regular
pattern occurs, one should define exactly when it occurs.

Checking process conditions

Poor recovery or purity might result from e.g.:

- Excessive impurities in feed gas.
- End pressure of equalisations not reached.
- Excessive tail gas pressure.

Checking tightness of valves

When all valves of an adsorber are closed, the adsorber pressure should remain constant. If
the adsorber pressure changes during isolation then this is caused by a leaking valve. From
time to time one should verify adsorber pressure during isolation stages for all adsorbers.

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There are three primary parameters linked to PSA performance. In general, it is possible to
trade off one against the other. Capacity is the quantity of feed the unit can process at mini-
mum adsorption time and produce on-specification product.
H2-recovery is the percentage of hydrogen contained in the feed that is recovered in the pro-
duct. It is a measure of the efficiency of the unit.
Product purity is the concentration of impurities in the product. Measurement of capacity and
product purity is quite straightforward.

Measurement of hydrogen recovery can be done in several ways, but requires great care to
obtain an accurate number. Recovery can be based on flows or compositions. Much more
accurate recovery numbers are obtained by using the composition-based calculations than
the flow-based calculation, but this method requires more analytical effort. The composition-
based method does not require any flow measurements at all to determine hydrogen
recovery, and recovery can be calculated based on several different components, providing
much more confidence in the result.

The flow-based method is basically the definition of recovery:

Fprod * Yprod − H
Ffeed * Yfeed − H

The composition-based method can be calculated based on each different component, “i”, as

Yfeed − i − Yw − i Yprod − H
R= *
Yprod − i − Yw − i Yfeed − H
Note that the last part in the equation always refers to hydrogen.

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By : T. Cnop


R = H2-recovery
F = volumetric flow rate
Y = mol fraction
-H = hydrogen
-i = component i
W= tail gas

Example (see Material Balance PFD)

Feed Product Purge Gas

H2 0.7150 0.99998 0.2085
CO 0.0145 0.000020 0.0402

R (based on CO):

0.0145 − 0.0402 0.99998

( )*( ) = 89.5%
0.000020 − 0.0402 0.7150

R (based on H2):

0.7150 − 0.2085 0.99998

( )*( ) = 89.5%
0.99998 − 0.2085 0.7150

We advise to DAILY sample and analyse (by chromatograph) the gas streams to/from the
PSA unit, i.e. feed, product and purge gas during the first weeks following the start-up
(e.g. first 4 weeks). We advise to continue sampling and analysing on a WEEKLY basis
thereafter. Please note that the sample of the purge gas stream should be taken
DOWNSTREAM the tail gas drum.

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A PSA is made to produce only high purity hydrogen. This means that the H2-product
purity SHOULD ALWAYS BE > 99,5.

When upstream refinery has an upset, this normally means that the feed hydrogen
concentration is worse, the KF factor should immediately be reduced to a low value (KF =

Never operate the unit with the OVERRIDE and (switchover) INHIBIT function
continuously ON. These functions must be deselected after maximum 1 complete cycle
after start-up or switchover.

Purging the vessels is ALWAYS FROM TOP TO BOTTOM. Use the separate N2-purge
connection valves in the overhead piping. The purge gas can leave the vessel through the
bypass of the safety valve or the purge/dump valve (valves No. 4) If purging is done in a
different way, this will lead to IRREVERSIBLE DAMAGE of the adsorbent.

ALWAYS operate the PSA in AUTO mode. This means that TSC (subcycle time) is
automatically calculated based on the feed flow. The MANUAL mode is only to be used
when the feed flow signal is not available. In that case, make sure that this manual time is
short enough, because there is the risk to overload and damage the adsorbent since the
feed flow is not known.

Frequently check the H2-purity in the product (AT LEAST once per shift). If concentration
is below specification: H2 ≤ 99,9% then reduce the KF factor.

PRESSURISATION of a vessel (before start-up) is always done through the feed valves
(valves No. 1). Therefore, the operator has to make sure that the pressure in the feed
header (downstream feed battery limit block valve) is within 2 kg/cm² of the pressure in the
vessel. Otherwise, a risk of lifting the beds exists. For pressurisation open the feed valve

DEPRESSURISATION of a vessel is always done from TOP TO BOTTOM. Therefore,

valves No. 4 (dump & purge valves) can be used, or the bypass over the safety valve.
Depressurisation is to be done before start-up or switchback.

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After a shutdown, the PSA can stay max. 2 or 3 days under process conditions (with
pressure in the vessels). If the shutdown takes longer the unit must be purged efficiently
with nitrogen (from top to bottom) and the vessels must be kept at a slight overpressure
with N2 (1 to 2 kg/cm²g).

When the unit goes in shutdown and will be restarted within 2 or 3 days (so it is still under
process conditions) the PSA must be started in the step and subcycle where it went in
shutdown! So when for example the PSA goes down in step 2.3, the PSA must be
restarted also in step 2.3 (with the correct pressures).

When the PSA was purged and put under a N2 atmosphere after a shutdown, the PSA
can be restarted in any subcycle. The subcycle switch is only accessible in shutdown.
Make sure that the pressures in the vessels correspond to the particular start up step as
indicated on the pressure and valve sequence chart.

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The unit can be stopped at any moment. The cycle freezes in the last step and all process
valves close. When the unit is restarted the sequencing starts where the unit stopped,
provided the operator did not manually change the subcycle.


For the case where the unit is to be shut down for up to one day, no special purging is
necessary. When the pressure is to be maintained in the unit, close product and feed hand


If the unit is shut down for an extended period, the residual impurities in the adsorber
vessel will diffuse toward the top of the vessel. Therefore, at a subsequent restart of the
unit, it will produce hydrogen of considerably lower quality for several cycles.

Therefore, following purging procedures should be respected:

1. Shutdown up to 3 days
Operation before and/or after shutdown with reduced cycle time (reduce KF to 800)
for 4 hours.
After 4 hours, stop the unit and close isolation valves. Note the step during which the
unit was stopped.

2. Prolonged shutdown (> 3 days)

When the unit is stopped for longer periods it should be purged with nitrogen and left
under a positive nitrogen atmosphere. Following procedure should be adopted:

- Run the unit at reduced KF for ± 4 hours (KF = 800).

- After 4 hours, select START-UP mode.

- Close the feed isolation valve and continue to run the unit in AUTO; gradually the
pressure in the unit will decrease.

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By : T. Cnop

- Stop the unit when a pressure of 4 kg/cm²g is reached.

- Depressurise the adsorbers one by one to nearly atmospheric pressure.

- Purge the unit with nitrogen from TOP to BOTTOM (see §7.3). Purge gas should
be evacuated via the safety valve bypasses.

- Pressurise the adsorbers with nitrogen (≈ 1 kg/cm²g) and close isolation valves.

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By : T. Cnop



10.1.1 General

In order to increase the reliability of the unit, it can be operated with a reduced number of

Switchover from 12- to 10-bed and from 10- to 8-bed can be done either automatically or
manually. It is impossible to switch immediately from 12- to 8-bed and vice versa. Automatic
switchovers will take place in case of an equipment malfunction. The with equipment
malfunction associated adsorber, is taken out of operation together with its associate.

At the moment of switchover, the unit switches to the appropriate subcycle in 10 or 8-bed
operation, as shown in Table 10.1, resp. Table 10.2.

All valves of the adsorbers taken out of operation go into closed position and the adsorbers
out of operation will be indicated on the control display where the adsorbers taken out of
operation change colour.

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OPERATING MANUAL Sheet : 67 of 80
By : T. Cnop



SUBCYCLE V-31 V-32 V-33 V-34 V-35 V-36

12-BED & V-37 & V-38 & V-39 & V-40 & V-41 & V-42
1 10 1 1 1 1* 1

2 1 1 2 2 2 2*

3 2* 2 2 3 3 3

4 3 3* 3 3 4 4

5 4 4 4* 4 4 5

6 5 5 5 5* 5 5

7 5 6 6 6 6* 6

8 6 6 7 7 7 7*

9 7* 7 7 8 8 8

10 8 8* 8 8 9 9

11 9 9 9* 9 9 10

12 10 10 10 10* 10 10

The subcycles marked with * are the subcycles from which the logic will switchback from
10-bed to 12-bed operation (these points are also marked on the Pressure Sequence Chart
(B-H6265-003, sheet 1).

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By : T. Cnop


In 10-bed operation, the adsorbers are renumbered from A to J depending on which pair of
adsorbers is taken out of operation. The renumbering table can be found on B-H6265-003,
sheet 2 and B-H6265-004, sheet 2.


10-BED &F &G &H &I &J
# #
1 8 1 1* 1* 1

2 1# 1# 2 2* 2

3 2 2# 2# 3 3*
# #
4 3* 3 3 3 4

5 4 4* 4 4# 4#

6 4# 5 5* 5 5#

7 5# 5# 6 6* 6

8 6 6# 6# 7 7*

9 7* 7 7# 7# 8

10 8 8* 8 8# 8#

The subcycles marked with * are the subcycles from which the logic will switchback from 8- to
10-bed operation (these points are also marked on the Pressure Sequence Chart (B-H6265--
003, sheet 2).

Switchovers marked # can only take place at the start of the subcycle when the pressure of
the adsorber starting providing gas for equalisations is still high enough (adsorption-pressure
– 2 kg/cm²). Else switchover is postponed till start of the next subcycle.

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By : T. Cnop

10.1.2 Manual Switchover

The operator touches the target "IN SERVICE" on the appropriate adsorber to be taken
out of operation and switches to "OUT SERVICE". The switchover occurs immediately.

On the display the adsorber contour turns from one colour into another and the unit
continues to run in the new mode of operation.

If the manual switchover is not urgent, it is best to wait with the execution of the switchover
command until the preferred moment is reached. These preferred moments (exitpoints)
are the same as the actual entrypoints were the switchback occurs (the entrypoints are
indicated on B-H6265-003)

In 12-bed operation it’s best to wait until the pair to be taken out has one adsorber on
adsorption and the other adsorber on purge. Eg. if the pair 33/39 has to be taken out, this
is best done at the beginning of subcycle 5 or subcycle 11.

In 10-bed operation, it’s best to wait until the pair to be taken out comes in the third
equalisation step (receiving/providing). Eg. if the pair B/G has to be taken out, this is best
done at the beginning of subcycle 5 or subcycle 10.

10.1.3 Automatic Switchover

Automatic switchover happens immediately (computer generated without operator

intervention) when one of the following alarm conditions exists: Both alarms “Valve Failure” and “Equalisation 1, 2 or 3 deviation” are present. The faulty
valve determines which adsorber is taken out. Both alarms "Valve Failure" and either “Loop deviation repressurisation”,” Loop deviation
dump” or “Loop deviation purge” are present. The faulty valve determines which adsorber is
taken out. One of the feed valves UCV311…421 or product valves XV312…422 is in alarm status. The
faulty valve determines which adsorber is taken out. The signal of one of the transmitters PT-311…421 of an adsorber in operation drops below
3mA. The adsorber with the faulty transmitter is taken out.

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By : T. Cnop When the alarm “Long repressurisation time” comes in and unit is in step 3, the adsorber,
which is in the re-pressurization step, is taken out.

10.1.4 Switchover inhibit mode.

When the unit is in inhibit mode the switchovers described under to will not
take place.

At every restart and at every switchover to 10-bed or to 8-bed as well as at every switchback
from 8- to 10-bed or from 10- to 12-bed, the logic automatically selects “SWITCHOVER
INHIBIT” mode. The operator can also select this mode manually. Under normal operating
conditions, the “SWITCHOVER INHIBIT” should not be selected.


Switchback from 8- to 10-bed operation or from 10- to 12-bed operation can only be done
manually via the operator display.

The operator can at any time move the cursor to the adsorbers to be taken again into
operation. When touching the “IN” touch target and pushing “ENTER”, the computer checks
the pressure of the adsorbers to come into operation. If the pressures meet the conditions
stated below, the logic will accept the switchover request from the operator. The indication “IN
SERVICE” starts to flash, indicating that the logic has accepted the switchback and that the
adsorber pair is waiting to be put back in operation. At the start of the appropriate subcycle
(entrypoint), the unit switches from 8- to 10- or from 10- to 12-bed operation (see tables 10.1
to 10.2).

10.2.1 At switchback to 12-bed, taking back into operation an adsorber pair (eg V-31 & V-37) the
pressure of one adsorber should be at adsorption pressure while the other adsorber pressure
should be lower than 1 kg/cm²g. Both conditions should be fulfilled.

For switchback to 12-bed mode, there are two possible switchback moments (see table 10.1
or the entry points indicated on B-H6265-003 sheet 1). The control logic will select the correct

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By : T. Cnop

Eg. when executing a switchback request for adsorbers V31 & V37 during subcycle 5 (in
10-bed mode), the control logic will wait until the beginning of subcycle 7 (10-bed mode) to
switch to subcycle 9 of 12-bed operation. Adsorber V31 has to be prepared at purge pressure
and V37 at adsorption pressure.

10.2.2 For switchback to 10-bed taking back into operation an adsorber pair, the pressure of one
adsorber should be higher than 8.8 kg/cm²g while the other should be lower than 1 kg/cm²g.
There are two possible switchback subcycles (see table 10.2 or the entry points indicated on
B-H6265-003 sheet2)

10.2.3 When the unit arrives in the next appropriate subcycle in 8-bed, resp. 10-bed operation
(indicated with * on Table 10.1, resp. Table 10.2), the unit automatically switches to 10-bed
operation, resp. to 12-bed operation at the start of step 1, into the subcycle indicated on
Table 10.1, resp. Table 10.2, provided the pressure of the adsorbers coming into operation
are in agreement with the above pressure conditions.

10.2.4 If not all pressure conditions for switchback are fulfilled, the request will be refused. The
adsorber with the pressure not in agreement with the switchback conditions will be indicated
on screen. At this moment, the operator should check and adjust the pressure(s) of the
adsorber(s) he wants to bring back on line. After adjusting the pressures, he ought to repeat
his request.

10.2.5 After the operator has made a request to take an adsorber back into operation, and before
the actual switchback is executed, he can still cancel the request before the actual
switchback to 10- or 12-bed has taken place. Therefore, he pushes the OUT-sign of the

10.2.6 If after the operator’s request to switchback to 10-bed, or 12-bed, a new switchover takes
place (from 10- to 8-bed) or the unit shuts down for whatever reason, the request for
switchback is cancelled automatically. The indication that the adsorber is waiting to be put
into operation will disappear, and the operator has to repeat his request if he later decides to
bring the adsorber back in.

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By : T. Cnop

As soon as the unit is back in 10-bed operation or in 12-bed operation, it switches

automatically into SWITCHOVER INHIBIT mode. The operator has to take this mode out
manually when deviation alarms have disappeared (these alarms may come in since the
pressure gradient during the equalisation steps are different from 12-, 10- and 8-bed


When switching from 10- to 12-bed, one vessel of the adsorber pair will be put back in
adsorption. One has to make sure that the adsorber coming on adsorption is purged with H2
before it is repressurised to adsorption pressure in order to make sure that the product it
produces will meet the specification. The adsorber coming on purge should be

When switching from 8- to 10-bed, one adsorber will come back in equalisation 3 up
(receiving), as such it should be purged with hydrogen before repressurising it in order to
make sure that product will be within spec). The other adsorber will come on EQ3+PP1 and
should be pressurised to about 8.8 kg/cm²g..

If maintenance is performed on adsorber equipment, the adsorbers should be depressurised

and purged with nitrogen until local safety and health regulations are met! When a manual
depressurisation, purge or repressurisation is performed, idle adsorbers should be isolated
with block valves.

When working on adsorber equipment, the adsorber should be isolated after purge with

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By : T. Cnop

10.3.1 Depressurisation

To depressurise the adsorber:

- Close all isolation valves of the adsorber.

- Open the safety valve bypass valves.

- Monitor the pressure of corresponding vessel until the pressure has dropped to the
required pressure (see pressure conditions for switchover).

- Close the safety valve bypass valve.

10.3.2 Repressurisation

To repressurise the adsorber:

- All block valves of the adsorber are closed.

- Open product block valve of the adsorber one wants to repressurise in throttled position

- Open the product process valve of the adsorber in throttled position. (XV312…362 open
and UCV316…426 throttled)

- Repressurise till the required pressure (see pressure conditions section 10.2.) is reached.

10.3.3 Purge on maintenance

Before exposing the adsorber internals of the idle adsorbers to air when valves need to be
repaired, it is required to purge the adsorbers till local safety and health regulations are met.
Purge procedure as per section 6.1.2. can be followed. Adsorbers have to be purged from top
to bottom to prevent impurities from migrating to the top layers (possibly causing deactivation
of the adsorbent material).

Before taking the adsorbers back in operation, air has to be purged from the adsorbers with
nitrogen, followed by a purge with hydrogen (product).

Purge gas should be evacuated to flare via the safety valve bypass valves.

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By : T. Cnop Purge with nitrogen as per 6.1.2. Purge of the adsorber out of operation with hydrogen can be done by following procedure:

- Make sure the adsorber is totally isolated with its block valves.

- After depressurisation to flare, leave the safety valve bypass valve to flare open.

- Open the product block valve (in throttled position).

- Open the product process valve of the adsorber in throttled position. (XV312…362 open
and UCV316…426 throttled)

- Purge the adsorber as long as necessary.

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Normally the POLYBED PSA unit operates unattended. Regular checks of process
conditions, process performance and mechanical operation are necessary to maintain
satisfactory performance of the unit.

The following points should be checked.

11.1.1 Mechanical Operation

1) Automatic ON/OFF Valves

The valves should be checked at regular intervals for smooth operation and for leakage
(see section 8.4). If leakage is excessive, tighten gland or replace packing or seat in
accordance with the manufacturer’s specifications.

2) Strainer in Feed Line

The screen in the strainer should be cleaned at regular intervals (depending on the feed
gas condition) to prevent high-pressure drops or blockage of the feed line. The strainer
cartridge can be withdrawn through the bottom flange.

3) Instrument Air Filters

The instrument air filters on the air header should be purged regularly, at least once a
week. In case of excessive dirt, the filter cartridges should be cleaned.

4) Transmitters
Good transmitter performance is of prime importance. The end of providing purge
pressure should be regularly (normally once a year) checked by means of one common
calibrated manometer. This check can be done during operation. It is important that this
pressure is equal for all adsorbers (max. allowable deviation approx. 0.2 kg/cm²). Small
deviations are compensated for by the logic.

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By : T. Cnop

11.1.2 Process Conditions and Performance

1) All operating check-points as listed in Section 9 shall be checked and adjusted when

2) The hydrogen feed temperature should not exceed 40°C. Higher temperatures can
adversely affect the unit performance and result in the production of low purity product.

3) The hydrogen feed gas composition should be in accordance with the composition as
indicated in the Process Flow Diagram. High impurities content can adversely affect the
unit performance and result in the production of low purity control.


Refer to manufacturer’s specifications and guidelines supplied in the Maintenance Manual for
instructions on maintenance and repair of all valves and instruments.

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Although the POLYBED PSA unit is designed to avoid any possible known hazards, the
operators must be aware of certain basic facts associated with safe plant operation. The
basic safety requirements outlined in the following paragraphs are intended for this
purpose but should not be regarded as a complete guide. The operators must depend on
their judgement at all times while watching for possible safety hazards and applying
necessary countermeasures.


Hydrogen gas forms an explosive mixture in air when its concentration in air is between 4
and 75% by volume, and it can detonate when concentrations in the air range between 18
and 59%, subject to a source of ignition being available. Explosive or detonating air-
hydrogen mixtures are extremely dangerous when present in confined areas, pipes or
vessels. The speed of burning hydrogen gas in a confined space (especially small
diameter pipes) increases with the heat of reaction and may reach supersonic levels
causing detonation.

Note, however, that no detonation (unless set off by a detonator) will occur to an
unconfined mixture of hydrogen and oxygen in the air. Hydrogen is a colourless,
odourless, tasteless and non-toxic gas. However, it can cause asphyxiation when it
displaces the normal oxygen concentration in a confined area without proper ventilation.


To eliminate the possibility of forming hazardous mixtures within hydrogen production

equipment or confined operating areas, it is imperative that one of the explosive mixtures
forming components (either hydrogen or oxygen) be positively eliminated from such
equipment or area. This is usually accomplished by purging out air or hydrogen, as the
case may be, from the system with nitrogen gas.

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Repairs may become necessary while the plant is in operation or when it is shut down for
brief or extended periods.

If the shutdown is for an extended period of time, or if equipment in the area of the
POLYBED PSA unit requires repairs, the unit should be purged with nitrogen and
maintained under a nitrogen atmosphere.

If the shutdown is for a brief period, the POLYBED PSA unit should be isolated from
other systems and maintained at about 1 kg/cm²g pressure. The isolation valves must be
closed to isolate the unit. Process valves alone will not isolate the unit.

Both the purging of the complete plant and the subsequent repair work must be carried out
with all necessary precautions to exclude the possibility of fire, explosion, or detonation
within the equipment. Normal air composition should prevail in working areas. Gas from
process streams should be vented only to the flare tack. Before starting actual repairs
check the atmosphere within and outside the equipment to be repaired.

A variety of tools will be used to accomplish necessary repairs. In addition to basic

precautions associated with the safe handling of mechanical and electrical tools, the
flammability of hydrogen gas and the explosion potential must be kept in mind at all times.
All repair tools used in the hydrogen production plant must be spark-proof. The exceptions
to these tools are the ordinary electrical repair tools allowable in the plant control room.

Any plant section in which repair work is going to be performed must be positively isolated
from other sections of the plant containing combustible gases.
Closing valves is not sufficient - lines must be blanked.

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In case of fire, determine its extent and origin as quickly as possible, then take steps to
shut off the supply of hydrogen or other fuels. Do not put out a flame unless the flow of
hydrogen has been stopped first because of the danger of re-ignition or explosion. Large
quantities of water should be sprayed on adjacent surfaces to cool the equipment and
prevent involvement in the fire. Combination fog and solid-stream nozzles are preferred to
permit widest adaptability in fire control. Small hydrogen fires have been successfully
extinguished using dry chemical extinguishers or with carbon dioxide, nitrogen and steam.
Re-ignition may occur if a metal surface adjacent to the flame is not cooled with water or
other means.

Water must be available in adequate volume and pressure for fire protection. Personnel
must be cautioned that hydrogen flames are practically invisible and may only be detected
by heat waves.


To further ensure the plant safety, normal safety measures should be applied, e.g. do not
permit the carrying of matches, or smoking, anywhere on the property, except in “safe”
areas that may be designated.


Pressure safety relief valves are installed on the feed side of each adsorber. They are
designed for fire conditions based upon API RP520. Safety valves are also installed on the
tail gas drum. Safety valves should be properly maintained.

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P & ID B-H6265-002



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any purpose other than as permitted under written agreement with UOP.
Operating Manual For Cryogenic Nitrogen

Unit - 96
Operation & Maintenance Manual


Cryogenic Nitrogen Generator


1600 Nm3/hr Gas Nitrogen +

400 Nm3/hr Liquid Nitrogen




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document nor the information therein is to be reproduced, distributed, used or disclosed, either in whole
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Operation & Maintenance Manual for Cryogenic Nitrogen Generator


Designed for..........................................................................................................................................4
Product Specification ............................................................................................................................4
Stream Abbreviations: ..........................................................................................................................4
• 1.0 EQUIPMENT LIST: ......................................................................................................................5
1. INLET AIR FILTER 96-FS-01(10) A/B/C..................................................................5
2. AIR COMPRESSOR 96-K-01(11)A/B/C .....................................................................5
3. REFRIGERATION UNIT 96-M-01(15)..............................................................................5
4. MOISTURE SEPARATOR 96-B-01(69) ..............................................................................5
5.ADSORBER 96-B-02(16) A/B........................................................................5
6.PPU AFTER FILTER 96-FS-02(62) A / B....................................................................5
7.DE PRESSURIZATION SILENCER 96-M-04(64) .............................................................................5
8. PRODUCT NITROGEN SILENCER 96-M-06(16) ..............................................................................5
9. WASTE AIR SILENCER 96-M-05(12) ..............................................................................5
10. AIR EXCESS VENT SILENCER 96-M-07(11)……………………………………………………
11. AIR SEPARATION COLD BOX .........................................................................................................5
MAIN HEAT EXCHANGER 96-E-02(21)................................................................................5
DISTILLATION COLUMN 96-C-01(25) ...............................................................................5
REBOILER - CONDENSER 96-E–03(31) ...............................................................................5
EXPANSION TURBINE 96-M-02(35) ...............................................................................5
12. 100KL LIQUID NITROGEN TANK 96-T-01 A/B ………………………………………………………...
15. WASTE DISPOSAL DRUM 96-B-04(96)...............................................................................5
16. REGENERATION GAS HEATER 96-E-01(63) ...............................................................................5
17. THAWING HEATER 96-E-05(99)...............................................................................5
18. LIN PUMP 96-P-01………………………………………………………….
19.ANALYSERS .....................................................................................................................................5
O2 in N2 Analyzer AIT 1342 ........................................................................................................5
Moisture Analyzer AIT 1232 ........................................................................................................5
CO2 Analyzer AIT 1231 ........................................................................................................5
CONTROLLER LIST .............................................................................................................................6
FUNCTION / DESCRIPTION ................................................................................................................6
LOCATION ............................................................................................................................................6

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Operation & Maintenance Manual for Cryogenic Nitrogen Generator
• 2..0 PLANT CONTROL SYSTEM .....................................................................................7
• 3.0 PLANT OPERATION ..............................................................................................10
3.1 Air compressor start up..............................................................................................................110
3.2 Refrigeration start up .................................................................................................................150
3.3 Pre Purification Unit Start up .....................................................................................................150
3.4 Cold Box Start up……………………………………………………………………………………….13
3.5 Expansion Turbine Start Up……………………………………………………………………………14
3.6 Cooling Down the Cold Box ……………………………………………………………………………16
3.7 To Put the Cold Box on stream ………………………………………………………………………..17
3.8 To Change from Gas Only Production to Gas/Liquid Production…………………………………..18
3.9 To Change from Gas/Liquid production to Gas Only Production………………………………….19
• 4. ROUTINE OPERATIONS ...........................................................................................20
4.1 General…………………………………………………………………………………………………. 20
4.2 Low Gas production…………………………………………………………………………………….20
4.3 Inadequate product Purity …………………………………………………………………………….20
• 5. PLANT SHUTDOWN ..................................................................................................22
5.1 Un Planned Shut down ………………………………………………………………………………….
5.2 Planned Shut down ……………………………………………………………………………………
• 6. PLANT THAWING ......................................................................................................24
• 7. MISCELLANEOUS ACIVITIES ...................................................................................26
7.1 Power Failure.............................................................................................................................26
7.2 Instrument Power Failure...........................................................................................................26
7.3 Air Compressor Failure..............................................................................................................26
7.4 Turbine Failure...........................................................................................................................26
• 8. SET POINTS ..............................................................................................................27
8.1 Alarms and Trips........................................................................................................................27
8.2 Process Control Setpoints .........................................................................................................30
• 9. TROUBLE SHOOTING ..............................................................................................31
• 10. GENERAL SAFETY PROCEDURE ..........................................................................35
11. APPENDIX I.........................................................................................................................................
11.1 PLANT CONTROL STRATEGY DESCRIPTION......................................................................38
11.2 PLANT INTERLOCK DESCRIPTION: ......................................................................................42

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Operation & Maintenance Manual for Cryogenic Nitrogen Generator

1.0 Introduction

This document should to be kept always with the operator for the Nitrogen Generation Unit
Supplied by BOC India Limited, for IOCL Haldia.

The plant is supplied as a package plant concept on turnkey basis.

Designed for

Gas + Liquid Case Units

Contained Gaseous Nitrogen Flow 1600 Nm3/hr

Contained Liquid Nitrogen Flow 400 Nm3/Hr
Product Pressure 8.0 Kg/cm (g)
Product Temperature Min: 15 Deg.C
Max: 40

Product Specification

Purity Units
Nitrogen (N2) 99.99 Vol %
Oxygen <3 ( Normal) PPM (vol)
CO2 <3 (Max.) PPM (vol)
CO Trace
Other carbon compounds <5 PPM
Dew Point -100 C at atm. Pr.

Stream Abbreviations:

The last part of the service code is fluid type. Examples are as follows:

GN/IG - Pure Gaseous Nitrogen

A - Air
LN - Liquid Nitrogen
IA - Instrument Air
CWS - Cooling Water Supply
CWR - Cooling Water Return
RG - Regeneration Gas
WA - Waste Air
WL - Waste liquid
T - Thawing Air
RL - Rich liquid

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Operation & Maintenance Manual for Cryogenic Nitrogen Generator

1. INLET AIR FILTER - 96-FS-01(11)A/B/C

2. AIR COMPRESSOR 96-K-01(11)A/B/C



5. ADSORBER 96-B-02(16)A/B













14 THAWING HEATER 96-E-05(99)





O2 in N2 Analyzer AIT 1501

Moisture Analyzer AIT 1302

CO2 Analyzer AIT 1301

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Operation & Maintenance Manual for Cryogenic Nitrogen Generator








LIC 1501 96-C-01(25) LEVEL CONTROL ( THRO LIQ.NITROGEN DRAWL) 96-C –01(25)

FIC-1501 WASTE AIR FLOW EX COLD BOX 12”-WA-96-15-40-A3-1F-C



TIC 1305 WASTE AIR TEMPERATURE EX 96-E-01(63) 8”-RG-96-13-45-A3-1F-H




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Operation & Maintenance Manual for Cryogenic Nitrogen Generator

The nitrogen plant cold box being automatically controlled from the plant control system, the
operator needs to do the following:

√ Normal Maintenance Work,

√ Supervision is limited to routine data inspection,
√ Plant Inspection and,
√ Changing from gas mode to gas liquid mode as required.

The control system prevents nitrogen being drawn off in excessive quantities, which would cause
the nitrogen to exceed purity limits.

The detail Control Strategy and Interlock description of the plant is attached in Appendix I.
Snapshots of the main cold box control scheme is given below

Gas Mode
∗ Selected by HS-1502
∗ PIC 1401 to go to auto and acts on turbine bypass valve PV-1401 with a predetermined
value says [4.43 barA].
∗ LV-1501 is driven closed by controller action and operator has no access.
∗ This mode is mutually exclusive to gas/liquid mode.

Gas/Liquid Mode
∗ Selected by HS-1503.
∗ Controller PIC 1401 must be in auto and PIC setpoint is changed to predetermined
value[says 5.37 barA]
∗ Controller LIC-1501 must be in Automatic, otherwise plant mode shifts to Gas Only.
∗ Column level is controlled by LIC-1501 acting on LV-1501 (Liquid Nitrogen)
∗ This mode is mutually exclusive to gas only mode.
∗ LAHH-1501 shifts cold box from Gas/Liquid Mode to Gas Only Mode i.e. the Turbine
bypass valve PV1401 opens and PIC 1401 remain in auto [PIC setpoint to be changed
by operator to maintain the flow as per requirement of gas mode and Turbine IGV
opening to be adjust suitably] and the LN product valve LV-1501 closes. The latter must
be taken to manual and shall be opened (if required).
∗ AAHH-1501 trips cold box from Gas / Liquid Mode to Gas Only Mode as explained
earlier and Gaseous Nitrogen Product valve FV-1502A closes and opens the Impure
Nitrogen Vent valve FV-1502B.
∗ There must be a positive pressure difference between the cold box and the liquid
nitrogen storage tank before gas/liquid mode is selected.

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Operation & Maintenance Manual for Cryogenic Nitrogen Generator
Controlling Column Reflux Ratio

∗ The reflux for the column is obtained by condensing part of the gaseous nitrogen overheads
from the column in the Reboiler / condenser 96-E-03 (31) by evaporating Rich Liquid.

∗ The RL flow to 96-E-03 (31) is controlled by FIC1501 acting on FV1501 to maintain the
design waste gas flow rate.

∗ The maximum inlet pressure to the expansion turbine 96-E-03 (31) is controlled by the inlet
pressure controller PIC1401, acting on PV1401.

NOTE: Care should be taken to set up the expansion turbine flows/pressure, nozzle and speed
control valve as indicated in the Expansion Turbine as Cryostar’s Instructions.

Controlling Nitrogen Product Purity

In case of High Oxygen in Product Nitrogen above the permissible limit, then the alarm and trip
circuit is activated by the analyzer, AIT. 1501

The trip circuit causes the following:

∗ Closes Gaseous Nitrogen Product Control Valve, FV 1502A
∗ Opens FV 1502B allowing a continuous bleed of gaseous nitrogen to atmosphere
∗ Closes liquid nitrogen off-take valve, LV 1501,
∗ The plant operating mode is automatically switched to "Gas Only" production.

Note: The alarm circuit will automatically switch the cold box mode from “Gas/Liquid” to “Gas
Only” after a pre-trip warning to operator.

When the oxygen content has fallen below the permissible limit, AIT 1501 will automatically open
FV 1502A and close valve, FV1502B, thereby restoring the gaseous nitrogen supply. To return
to liquid production, it is necessary to manually re-select "Gas/Liquid" production, once the cold
box operating parameters have stabilized.

Control Of Gaseous Nitrogen Product Off-Take

The nitrogen plant is designed to supply gaseous nitrogen on a "demand" basis.

Two controllers control the flow of gaseous nitrogen from the cold box.
∗ PIC Gaseous Nitrogen Pressure ex Cold Box - PIC 1502A maintains the distillation
column pressure at or above its set point. When there is drop in pressure of circuit, the valve
FV 1502A is throttled to maintain the pressure
Pressure controller PIC1502 is set at 7.9 kg/cm2 (g) (slightly lower than operating pressure).

∗ FIC1502A Gaseous Nitrogen flow ex Cold Box: If the demand for gaseous nitrogen is
more than the design rate, FIC 1502A throttles the gaseous nitrogen product valve FV

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Operation & Maintenance Manual for Cryogenic Nitrogen Generator
The following set points are to be maintained as maximum for FIC 1502A:
Mode FIC1502A
Gas/Liquid 1600 Nm3/h
Gas Only 2000 Nm3/h

Plant turn down

Plant can be turned down to 50% of rated mixed mode capacity without product venting. The
product gaseous Nitrogen flow set point FIC 1502A is reduced gradually as per requirement. The
waste airflow set point is reduced gradually while maintaining product purity. Expansion turbine,
parameters are to be maintained as per instructions in Operation & maintenance manual

During Plant Thawing, ensure the Air Compressor and pre purification system is in operation
to provide thawing air to the cold box. In Thawing mode, V-21-1 is to be partially opened and
Nitrogen Product Valves FV-1502A and LV-1501 remain closed. But the Rich Liquid Valve
FV-1501 should be operable and the waste gas vent valve PV-1304 to atmosphere should
be operable and to be kept at 100% open.

On a plant trip all controllers will re-set to manual with control valves being driven to their fail

There is no automatic start-up sequence for the cold box.
All controllers will be in manual. The operator will then adjust each controller to its required
set point individually before selecting automatic mode from the relevant faceplate.

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Operation & Maintenance Manual for Cryogenic Nitrogen Generator

The plant start-up is a logical progressive sequence of starting up the individual units until the
complete plant is on stream.

The normal sequence of cold box start-up with a fully operational pretreatment system is as

∗ Air Compressor Start up

∗ Refrigeration Unit Start up

∗ Pre-Purification Unit Start up

∗ Prepare the cold box for start-up and then pressurize.

∗ Start-up the turbine.

∗ Cool down the cold box.

∗ Put the cold box on stream.

3.1 Air Compressors Start Up

The compressor has been prepared for start-up as per the manufacturer Ingersoll Rand (IR)
instruction as given in the compressor operation and maintenance manual.

Before starting the Pre-start checklist is to be filled.

Compressor Starting:
Compressor is started as per instructions given in the compressor operation and maintenance

3.2 Refrigeration Unit Start Up

The refrigeration unit has been prepared for start-up as per the manufacturer Kirloskar India ltd.
instruction as given in the Unit’s operation and maintenance manual.

3.3 Pre Purification Unit Start Up


Prior to starting the dryer Adsorbers, the Air Compressors and Refrigeration Unit must have
been checked out and placed in service (as described in the preceding sections). The air at
the battery limit shall be at design pressure.


The entire operation of the dryers is accomplished by 'Temperature swing Adsorption' (TSA).

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Operation & Maintenance Manual for Cryogenic Nitrogen Generator

∗ Ensure Both beds are at atmospheric pressure and cold box is isolated

∗ Pressurize 96-B-02(16)A/B by opening the valve V16A-5 or V16B-5 slowly

∗ When the bed A/B is pressurized (after satisfying the PDI1302A interlock 0.2 bar), open
XV1303A or XV1303B

∗ Open XV1302A or XV1302B

∗ Ensure of the clean filter to be in line

∗ Open XV 1306 and ensure XV1305 is closed

∗ Open V163-7 slowly to establish regeneration circuit

∗ Press the reset button.

∗ Ensure the PPU line sequence is in a specific step required. If not, use the Step
Advance pushbutton to move to the correct step.

∗ Select the manual step selection then put the system in auto.

∗ Check the displays to make sure that the auto cycle timer is running and the PPU is
operating correctly. If the timer is off, the auto cycle is frozen and the alarm section
should be reviewed.


The operation of the TSA PPU Cycle is divided into seven (7) steps for each bed. The total
time required to complete all the steps is approximately 8 Hrs. The following description will be
specific for bed A. The same description would be valid for bed B (by replacing A's with B's).



1 Depressurization Bed A 10
2 Regeneration Bed A (Heating ) 82
3 Heater Off 10
4 Regeneration Bed A (cooling ) 123
5 Pressurize Bed A 10
6 Both Beds on line 5
7 Online Bed A 240

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Operation & maintenance manual for Cryogenic Nitrogen Generator

PPU Valve Sequence

Step Description Set XV XV XV XV XV XV XV XV XV 96-E-

Time 1303A 1302A 1301A 1306 1305 1304 1303B 1302B 1301B 01(63)
1 Depressurization A 10 C C (after C C C O C C OFF
2 sec)
2 Heating A 82 C O C O C C O C C (after 2

3 Heater off 10 C O C O C C O C C OFF

4 Cooling A 123 C O C C O C O C C OFF

5 Repressurization A 10 C C C C C O O C C OFF

6 Parallel A & B 5 O C C C C C O C C OFF

7 Depressurization B 10 O C C C C C C C O OFF

Heating B ON
8 82 O C C O C C C O C (after 2
Heater off
9 10 O C C O C C C O C OFF

Cooling B
10 123 O C C C O C C O C OFF

Repressurization B
11 10 O C C C C O C C C OFF

12 Parallel A & B 5 O C C C C C O C C OFF

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Operation & maintenance manual for Cryogenic Nitrogen Generator
3.4 Cold Box Start Up

Air is available from the air compressors, the purification system is up to the operating
pressure, and an adequately regenerated adsorber is on stream.

If the cold box has not been previously started up then it MUST be thoroughly dried out using
thawing air before attempting a start-up. A freeze fracture of equipment could result if water is
present within a cold box. The cold box should be thawed and dried out if it has been
shutdown for a prolonged period, or if repair work has been carried out, or if the process side
has been left open to atmosphere.

∗ Check that all the instrument air supply valves to all instruments and pneumatically
actuated valves are open.
∗ The cold box is isolated, i.e. inlet valve, V-21-1 and its bypass V-21-3 are closed.
∗ The thawing gas inlet valves, T35A/B-1, T31-1 and T25-4 are locked closed.
∗ Thawing gas outlet valves T35A/B-3 are closed.
∗ Nitrogen product start-up vent FV 1502A is closed.
∗ Liquid nitrogen product drain, D25-2, is closed.
∗ The process air regeneration valve may be partially open if the Adsorbers are already
being regenerated.
∗ Nitrogen product isolation valve, V-21-1B is closed.
∗ The turbine valves, XV1401A/B, T35A/B-3, V358A/B-1, and V35-2 are closed.
∗ The turbine is shutdown with no lube oil circulation.
∗ The oxygen analyzer isolation valve shall be closed.
∗ Ensure the rich liquid control valve FV1501 is closed and controllers FIC1501 and
PIC1401 are in manual with zero output signal.
∗ Ensure the gaseous nitrogen product control valve FV1502A is closed and controllers
FIC 1502A and PIC 1502A are in manual with zero output signal.
∗ Ensure liquid nitrogen off-take control valve, LV1501 is closed with the controller
LIC1501 in manual.
∗ Check that the column drain valve, D25-4, is closed.
∗ Turbine bypass control valve PV1401 is open with controller, PIC1401, and open in
∗ The high-pressure system within the cold box is now fully isolated and ready for
∗ Check cold box is in “Gas Only” mode of operation (HS1502).
∗ Activate the cold box control valves.
∗ With the controller in "manual" set the output signal to the waste gas vent valve PV1304
to 100% open.
∗ Open the cold box inlet by-pass valve V-21-3 and slowly pressurize the cold box column
maintaining a minimum pressure of 8.51 kg/cm2 (g) in the Adsorbers.
∗ When the column is fully pressurized, close V-21-3 and fully open the cold box inlet
valve V-21-1.
∗ Open the various control valves in many position and establish the flow through entire
cold box various circuits
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Operation & maintenance manual for Cryogenic Nitrogen Generator

3.5 Expansion Turbine Start Up

Air is available and the adsorber system is pressurized.
The cold box has been prepared for start-up and the distillation column has been pressurized
as per the instructions of Section 3.4.

• Instrument isolation valves are open.

• Open cooling water supply and return isolation valves.

• Instrument air is on to users.

• The lube oil heater 96-E-12 (35) A/B has been switched to start using HS 1407 A/B at least
2 hours prior to start-up.

• The lube oil pump motor has been running for at least 30 minutes.

Review the Cryostar’s manual prior to start-up.
• Open the turbine outlet valve, V-35A/B-2.
• Open brake temperature control valve (V-359-1) fully open and brake flow control (FCV-
1401) half open.
• Check nozzle position is set to 0% opening.
• Open the seal air supply valve V-358-1, if closed. Check the seal air pressure is at the
required pressure on PI 1402A/B. If not, adjust PCV 1402A/B until seal air pressure meets
the figure stated in the Cryostar’s manual.
• Start the oil pump from the local panel (HS1405 A/B). This should be left running for at least
a further 5 minutes in order to circulate warm lube oil. If the expansion turbine shutdown
during operation and was left cold then the warm lube oil should be circulated for a minimum
of 15 minutes or longer to ensure that the "cold end" bearing is not frozen with solid oil.

NOTE: Lube oil should not be circulated if there is:

A. No Seal air and / or
B. No pressures in the expansion turbine.
There must be a flow of air from the labyrinth seals into the bearing chamber.

Once the lube oil pump has been started check the lube oil pressure and lube oil

• Check that PIC1401 is in manual with zero output. Place into automatic and set PIC1401 to
the required set point.

• Slightly open the rich liquid valve FV1501 (approximately 10%), using FIC1501 in manual.
Once a flow of waste gas is established then start the expansion turbine.

• Press turbine start HS1401A/B from DCS/Aux Console or HS 1404A/B from local, the turbine
inlet valve XV1401A/B will open, and the turbine by-pass valve PV1401 will close by the PIC
1401. The pressure increases on the turbine inlet on PT-1401. The turbine starts to rotate at
low speed (by nozzle leakage). Slightly open the nozzles by 2% increments to reach a speed

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Operation & maintenance manual for Cryogenic Nitrogen Generator
above the SALL set point and the turbine speed SI 1401A/B will increase. Allow the expander
to operate with a speed between specified in Cryostar manual for a period of 5 minutes. The
plant requires slow cooldown over hours or days to avoid any pipe stress generated by
thermal deformation of the piping and/or components. It is also important to protect the
turbine about thermal shocks resulting from a fast cooldown. As long as the turbine running
warm, avoid over speeding by throttling the nozzles.
• Once the machine is operating in stable conditions gradually increase the speed by opening
the expander nozzle using HIC1401A/B by 5% increments. Check the turbine and its system
for proper operation and maintain slow cooldown sequence.
• Increase the flow of waste gas until FIC1501 controls the flow of waste gas to the expansion
turbine. Some manual adjustment of the output signal of FIC1501 maybe needed to facilitate
a quick changeover from pressure to flow control.

Set PIC1401 at the desired operating point and put the controller into automatic.
a) It may be necessary to open the inlet nozzles HV1401A/B if the normal operating
pressure is reached before the design flowrate on FIC1501.
b) The design flow rate on FIC1501 may not be achievable even with FV1501 fully open
during start-up when the cold box is in a warm condition.
The flow of waste gas when the expander is warm should be less than design. As the turbine
cools down, more and more waste gas will flow through the turbine until the design flow is
When the expansion turbine is close to its normal operating temperatures, adjust the waste
gas flow using FIC1501, the inlet nozzles using HIC1401A/B to achieve the correct operating
inlet pressure, and the oil brake speed control valve to achieve the correct turbine speed.

Continue to cool down the plant as Section 3.6. As the plant cools down, check that the
turbine inlet pressure is maintained at the desired level. This is necessary since, as the plant
cools down, the turbine can take more gas and there could be a reduction in turbine inlet
pressure. If necessary make adjustments to PIC1401 and/or FIC1501 and/or the expansion
turbine inlet nozzles, (HIC1401A/B).

Once a continuous waste gas stream is available from the cold box the adsorber regeneration
system can be started using waste gas from the cold box by setting up the appropriate
parameters on the waste gas control system including venting excess waste gas to
atmosphere via PV1234.

Turbine Start up Permissive

• HV 1401 Inlet Guide Vanes are totally closed
• PAL 1403A/B Lube Oil Pressure not Low
• Seal gas availability

Turbine Trips

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• Emergency stop at local, HS1402A/B

• SAHH 1401A/B Turbine Speed High High
• SALL 1401A/B Turbine Speed Low Low
• TAHH 1403A/B Lube Oil Temperature from Turbine High High
• PALL 1403A/B Lube Oil Supply Pressure to Turbine Low Low
• HS 1405A/B Lube Oil Pump local stop

If any of the trip/interlock is activated, a red flag will appear against that item.
If all the interlocks and permissive are satisfied, "Ready to start" light will start flashing.

3.6 Cooling Down the Cold Box

The turbine has been started up and has the correct inlet pressure registered on PIC1401.

Initially, when the plant is warm, the turbine throughput is small but as the plant cools down
the turbine will take more air so the rich liquid valve, FV1501, will adjust to maintain a
maximum turbine inlet pressure.

The cooling of the plant can be followed by watching temperature points, TI 1401 and TI 1402
(the turbine inlet and outlet), during this period. It is important that turbine inlet temperature
should not be allowed to fall lower than -172°C at any time, otherwise excessive cryogenic
liquid may form within the wheel and cause erosion. If necessary, reduce the inlet pressure
of the turbine by reducing the set point of PIC1401.

A few hours after start-up of the turbine, TI 1401 will have fallen to about -179°C. Liquid will
start to form in the column sump and pass into the rich liquid line.

The rich liquid valve FV1501 will slowly close to maintain the turbine inlet pressure and then
the maximum waste gas flow. Adjust controllers if necessary.

At this stage of the cool down, it is recommended that the oxygen analyzer AIT 1501 be
switched on.

Liquid air is evaporated in the condenser/evaporator to produce reflux for the distillation
column and to fill the distillation trays with liquid. Once the trays have been filled with liquid, a
level will start to appear in the column sump (LIC1501).

Allow the liquid level to slowly rise to approximately 50% on the scale. The level should not
be controlled any higher than 50% indication in order to leave adequate vapor space below
the column feed inlet branch connection.

Open the turbine bypass valve, PV1401 to approx. 60 per cent using controller, PIC, on

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Operation & maintenance manual for Cryogenic Nitrogen Generator
Part of the waste gas is bypassed around the turbine, which results in the inlet turbine
pressure and refrigeration production falling, thereby preventing the liquid level from rising

The cold box is now in the "Gas Only" production mode.

Check that FIC1501 control the waste gas flow at the desired rate.

3.7 To Put the Cold Box on Stream

The cold box is cooling down.
The turbine has reached its operating temperatures and there is a liquid level in the column
Rich Liquid Valve FV1501 is partially open with the design waste gas flow established and
controllers FIC1501 and PIC1401 should be in automatic maintaining this flow rate.
The waste gas vent control system is operational and PV1304 is automatically venting excess
waste gas to atmosphere.
Gaseous Nitrogen Product valve, FV 1502A is closed and controllers FIC 1502A and PIC
1502A are in manual.
Nitrogen product vent valve, FV1502B, is closed and the blow-down valve, V-21-7B, is
Product off-take isolation valve, V-21-1B, is closed.

It is necessary to put the product analyzer on stream and obtain the correct purity before it is
possible to open the product off-take control valve, FV 1502A.
The oxygen analyzer is put on line as follows:
Open isolation valve for the analyzer AIT 1501.
Establish an adequate sample flow through the oxygen analyzer.
The alarm point of the nitrogen purity is set at 2ppm oxygen and the design point is set at 3
ppm oxygen.

Initially the oxygen content of the gaseous nitrogen is above the design value. When the
impurity falls below the design value, the product off-take valve, FV1502A, is automatically
energized and the Nitrogen Vent valve, FV1502B, closes. Controller, FIC1502A, should
therefore be left fully closed on "manual".

NOTE: If purity is slow to improve - open liquid nitrogen drain, D25-2, on the cold box until
liquid shows, then close D25-2. It may also be necessary to partially allow purging cold box
by impure nitrogen out of the product lines.

When the product impurity is finally below the design value, it is possible to commence
exporting gaseous nitrogen to the distribution line. This is accomplished as follows:

Open nitrogen vent valve, FV1502B.

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Operation & maintenance manual for Cryogenic Nitrogen Generator
Then partially open FV1502A, using controller, FIC1502A, on "manual", and allow product to
blow off via FV1502B for several minutes. This will purge the final delivery pipework free of

NOTE: If controller, PIC 1502A, is in manual with a zero output signal then FV 1502A will not
open as FX 1502A will select the low signal. Adjust the output of PIC 1502A to approximately
Open the final delivery isolation valve, V-21-1B.
Slowly open FV 1502A, using FIC 1502A in the manual mode, to meet the user demand but
do not allow the flow on FIC 1502A to exceed 2500 Nm3/h (gas only mode) otherwise the
product purity may be lost.
Adjust the set point of FIC 1502A to 2000 Nm3/h or the desired product flow rate, and put the
controller into "automatic".
Adjust the set point of PIC 1502A to 7.9 kg/cm2 (g) the required setpoint and switch the
controller to "automatic". Check the action of both controllers PIC 1502A and FIC 1502A to
ensure there is no interaction.

3.8 To Change from Gas Only Production to Gas/Liquid Production

The cold box is on stream producing gaseous nitrogen only.
• The turbine inlet pressure, PIC1401, is reading a lower figure than Gas/Liquid Mode.
• LIC1501 is in manual with a zero output.
• FIC1501 is in automatic and the waste gas flow is at the correct value,
• The liquid Nitrogen storage tank is cold and partially full.
• Check that the liquid nitrogen tank inlet valve is closed.
• Check that the liquid nitrogen drain valve on the inlet line is closed.
• Liquid nitrogen product off-take control valve, LV1501 is closed.
• Pressure controller PIC1401 is set at about 4.6 kg/cm2 (g) and is in automatic.

• Change to gas/liquid production using selector switch HS1503.
• The turbine bypass valve PV1401 will now close and the turbine inlet pressure, PIC1401,
will rise to 4.6 kg/cm2 (g).
• Watch the turbine inlet temperature, TI1401, for some time. If the temperature falls below -
172°C, reduce the waste gas flow slightly on FIC1501.
• In Gas/Liquid Mode change the set points of FIC1501 and FIC 1502A to the desired set
• Partially open LV1501 using LIC1501 in manual. Partially open liquid nitrogen drain valve
D25-2 to purge impure liquid nitrogen from the transfer line.
• Close drain valve D25-2 and open liquid nitrogen tank’s inlet valve depending on the tank
to be filled.
• Slowly open LV1501 to approximately 50%, put LIC1501 into automatic and observe the
action of the control valve output.
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• Controller, LIC1501, is now regulating the liquid off-take valve, LV1501, and liquid nitrogen
is passing to storage.
• A minimum pressure difference should be maintained between the top of the column and
the storage tank to allow liquid nitrogen to flow from the column to the storage tank.

NOTES: 1) When the cold box is on “Gas/Liquid” production, and the purity goes bad close to analyzer
alarm limit, the cold box will automatically change back to gas mode, closing valve, FV1502A.
“Gas/Liquid” production has to be manually re-selected when the cold box is in stable
operation. The nitrogen purity trip switches from “Gas/Liquid” to “Gas only”, closes FV1502A
and opens FV1502B.

2) If all the liquid nitrogen storage tanks fill to the high level alarm point, the cold box should
be switched back to "Gas Only" production manually.

3) Set point changes of controllers FIC1502A, FIC1501 and PIC1502A and PIC1401 must be
small and over a period of 10 - 15 minutes to ensure stability of cold box operation.

4) Controller LIC1501 is to be in automatic at all times in case the cold box trips to ‘Gas Only’

3.9 To Change from Gas/Liquid Production to Gas Only Production

The cold box is on stream producing both gaseous and liquid nitrogen products.
The turbine inlet pressure, PIC1401 is 4.6 kg/cm2 (g) maximum.
The column base level controller, LIC1501, is controlling LV1501, the liquid nitrogen product
off-take valve.
Rich liquid controller FIC1501 is in automatic controlling the waste gas flow via FV1501.
The liquid nitrogen storage tank is operating normally.

Change controller LIC1501 to manual control and reduce the output signal to zero.
Select the "Gas Only" operation mode using selector switch 1502
Liquid nitrogen product off-take valve, LV1501 is now closed.
With LIC1501 in manual, gradually move PV1401 from a zero output to approximately 50%
output in order to decrease the turbine inlet pressure PIC1401 to the gas only mode pressure,
established during commissioning. This will decrease the turbine speed.
Gradually change the setpoints of FIC1501 and FIC1502A to the desired maximum Gaseous
Nitrogen Flowrate.

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4.1 General
The routine operations to be performed on the plant are limited generally to the occasional
checking of plant conditions and the logging of operating parameters.

Occasionally some minor adjustments may be found necessary or advisable if the

performance of the plant is not entirely satisfactory. Typical cases are considered in the
following sub-sections.

4.2 Low Gas Production

If the flow of Gaseous Nitrogen as registered on FIC1502A is too low, whilst the column
pressure is correct and the air feed to the plant is operating at full capacity, then too high a
setting of FIC1501 may be the cause. Too much air is being converted into waste gas and
there is not enough air left to be converted into nitrogen. Reduce the flow set point of
FIC1501 to restore the waste gas flow to design or below.

If, however, the setting is correct, the air supply pressure may be low due to insufficient air
from the air compressor or there might be too low a setting on FIC1502A. If this is the case,
then an adjustment in the settings of the air compressor or an increase in the setting of
FIC1502A should restore the position.

4.3 Inadequate Product Purity

Under normal operating conditions, the impurity of the nitrogen product should be below the
permissible limit. If the oxygen content of the product tends to rise significantly whilst the
plant appears to be operating normally, then it may be due to several causes:

A. The feed air pressure is low.

When operating at full throughput, the feed air pressure controls the column pressure. If this
pressure is too low, then the gaseous nitrogen will not condense in the Reboiler / condenser,
96-E-03 (31), to form the reflux necessary for stable column operation.

This problem would most likely occur in the "Gas/Liquid" mode. In the "Gas Only" mode the
rich liquid evaporation pressure is lower so 96-E-03(31) functions better.

B. The waste gas flowrate FIC1501 is too low.

This results in low reflux formation in the Reboiler / condenser, 96-E-03(31) and reduced
column performance.

Increase the waste gas flowrate using FIC1501 whilst in the "Gas/Liquid" mode, but ensure
that the maximum turbine inlet pressure is not exceeded.

C. The reflux flow is excessive and the column is consequently flooding.

This will generally be apparent from LIC1501 as the level of liquid will tend to drop and the
instrument will not control satisfactorily. In this case the flow on FIC1501 should be reduced.
Some time may elapse before the purity returns to normal.

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D. The set point of FIC1502A is too high

The gaseous nitrogen produced for the operating mode is too high.

E. The set point of PIC 1401 is to high or the inlet nozzles of the expansion turbine
are in a "closed" position.

The operating pressure of waste gas is to too high so that gaseous nitrogen is not
condensed. Check the set point of PIC1501and nozzle settings of the expansion turbine.

F. The trays are fouled

The trays of the column may be fouled with solid deposits. In this case, the cold box requires
thawing out.

In general it should be pointed out that the plant will run satisfactorily providing there are as
few adjustments as possible made to the settings of the instruments.
Also the correct settings must be used for the correct operating mode.

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There are two types of plant shutdowns: unplanned and planned.

5.1 Unplanned Shut down

An unplanned shutdown initiated by an air supply failure or PPU trip, it is convenient to leave
the cold box in a cold condition.
In such cases, the machines will shut down and the control valves will go to the fail-safe
position. Operating personnel should verify that all fail-safe valves have performed their
functions. The product storage tank, customer pipeline must be isolated by closing the
isolating valves.

The cryogenic liquid should not normally be drained from the cold box, however distillation
column level may be maintained 50%.

In order to prevent the ingress of atmospheric moisture it is better to leave the cold box
pressurized whilst shutdown.

If the plant has to be left pressurized for longer than say 24 hours, then the column pressure
will have to be vented to atmosphere to maintain the pressure below the design pressure of
10.5 kg/cm2 g.

Assumed Conditions
The plant is on stream, producing gas only.
Controllers LIC1501, FIC1501,FIC 1502A PIC1401and PIC1502A are on automatic.

Shutdown Procedure
• Put FIC1502A into "manual" and close FV1502A. The Gaseous Nitrogen flow will cease.
• Put PIC1502A into "manual" and reduce the output signal to zero.
• Put PIC1401 into “manual” and open the turbine by-pass valve PV1401, the turbine inlet
pressure and speed will fall.
• Stop the turbine using the stop switch HS1404A/B.
• Put FIC1501 into ‘Manual’ and close the rich liquid valve FV1501.
• Close the cold box inlet valve V-21-1

5.2 Planned Shutdown

• Prior to any planned shutdown, the plant status must be carefully reviewed.
• Manufacturer's operating instructions must be reviewed and understood before shutting
down any equipment.
• It is always desirable to plan a shutdown just before 96-B-02(16) A/B beds are due for a
• Slowly shut off the product nitrogen flow to the pipeline. FV1502B will open to vent all the
nitrogen gas to atmosphere.
• Divert liquid nitrogen product to 96-B-04(96) by opening valve D25-4, and D25-2.

Place the following controls in "manual":

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FV1501 Rich Liquid Expansion Valve

PV1401 Turbine Bypass Valve

XV1401A/B Turbine Inlet Valve

FV1502A PGN Product off Take Valve

LV-1501 LN Product off Take Valve

HV1401A/B Turbine IGV Control

FV-1501 Waste Air Flow Control Valve

BV 1101 A/B/C Compressor Antisurge Control Valve

PV-1304 Waste Air Vent Valve

- Slowly close off the expander nozzles by decreasing the output of HIC1401A/B by 10% at
a time, until the output is 0%.
- Stop 96-M-02 (35) by pressing the stop button HS1401 A/B. Close V-35-2.
- Confirm that HV1401A/B is closed, and seal gas pressure / lube oil pressures are normal.
- Stop airflow to the ASU by slowly reducing the value of the controller FIC1501 and
nitrogen flow by closing FIC1502A.
- V-163-7 must be opened as necessary to meet the regeneration flow requirement.
- Close off the cold box purge valves.
- If the small shutdown, keep PPU and Refrigeration unit running. Continue the
regeneration of the PPU with air.
- If a total plant shutdown, stop nitrogen flow to customer and close V-21-2.
- Check the pressure in 96-C-02 (25) to confirm that there is no pressure build up in


First, the expander must be unloaded by closing the nozzles. This can be done by decreasing
the output of HIC1401A/B. Push the expander stop button. Confirm that XV1401 is shut and
the expander has stopped rotating and the oil pump is on. It is a good practice to run the oil
pump as long as possible.

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The PPU removes carbon dioxide and the final traces of water from the inlet air. However,
under typical operating conditions small amounts of carbon dioxide and perhaps
hydrocarbons will pass through the PPU to the cold box. Eventually sufficient accumulation
will occur to warrant a complete derime.


∗ The cold box has been shutdown but remains pressurized.

∗ The turbine has been shutdown and isolated.
∗ The air compressor is at working pressure.
∗ The cold box inlet valve, V-21-1, and V21-3 are closed.
∗ The oxygen analyzer is switched off and isolated.
∗ All vent and drain valves are closed.


Drain off the column sump liquid using the drain valve, D25-4.

Open the valves, V-21-7B, FV1502B and V-21-6 on the waste gas line.

Unlock thawing air valves T35A/B-1, T31-1 and T25-4.

Thawing air temp should be lower than 50°C free from CO2 or water.

The control loops for FV1501 and LV1501, is in "Manual" position. The PV1304 should be
automatically driven 100% open.

Ensure the PPU should be regenerated by dry air.

Fully open FV1501 using FIC1501adjusts PIC1401 if necessary.

Open the D25-2 on the Liquid Nitrogen product off-take line.

Start a flow of thawing air from the PPU. The cold box equipment should now be warmed up
to near ambient temperature.


(i) As there is no seal air or lube oil circulation on the turbine, the inlet and outlet
isolation valves, XV 1401A/B and V-35A/B-2 must remain fully closed. No attempt
should be made to thaw out the turbine.

The following flow paths should be systematically thawed out:

1) The feed air flow path through the main heat exchanger, 96-E-02(21), from the
column to the thawing gas outlet valve, V-21-7B.

2) The complete waste gas flow path from the column sump via FV1501, LV1501, and
the waste gas line via PV1304 or V-21-6.

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3) The Liquid Nitrogen product off-take line from the column top via the Liquid Nitrogen
product line drain valve, D25-2.

4) The column and gaseous nitrogen product off-take line from the column sump to the
column overhead line to the main heat exchanger and the nitrogen product line via

5) The column sump drain line via the drain valve, D25-4.

Continue passing thawing air through the cold box until the outlet temperatures at the
various vent points are hand warm.

The cold box is now fully thawed, the thaw-out operation should now be stopped as follows:

1) Stop the Thawing heater

2) Close the thawing air outlet valves, FV1502B, V-21-7B, V-21-6 or PV1304.
3) Close the column sump drain valve, D25-4 and nitrogen drain D25-2.
4) Close the thawing air inlet valves, T35A/B-1, T31-1 and T25-4 and lock closed.


• Open vent valves T-35-3 and V-35-12.
• Open seal air supply valve V358-1, PCV1402A/B, enable seal air system and check
pressure at PI1402A/B, if not adjust using PCV1402A/B.
• Start a lube oil pump via the switch 1405A/B.
• Open thawing air valves T35A/B-1 and establishes a flow of air through the expander.
• Once the air leaving the vents is warm. stop thawing airflow by closing T35A/B-1.
• Stop the lube oil pump using HS1405A/B.
• Stop seal air flow by closing V358-1.
• Close Vent valves T35A/B-3 and V35-12.

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7.1 Power Failure

In the event of a power failure the air compressor motor and drives will shutdown including
the expansion turbine. On air compressor shutdown the cold box will shutdown:

The following actions should be taken immediately:

1) Check that the turbine inlet valve, XV1401A/B is fully closed.

2) Check that the cold box inlet valve, V-21-1 is fully closed.

If the power cannot be restored immediately, then the plant should be isolated and left cold.

7.2 Instrument Power Failure

Failure of the instrument power system will cause the Compressor, PPU and Cold Box to
safety trip.

7.3 Air Compressor Failure

On air compressor failure the Cold Box will shutdown in the same way as a power failure.

7.4 Turbine Failure

If the Turbine should seize then it has to be repaired using a spare expansion turbine
mechanical centre section (cartridge).

The following symptoms will indicate that the turbine has seized.

1) No speed indication on SI1401A/B.

2) No temperature drop between the turbine inlet and outlet, ie: TI1401 and TI1402.

3) No temperature rise in the oil circuit.

4) A falling column sump level. Controller LIC1501 will be moving to a fully closed

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8.1 Alarms and Trips

Air Compressor
PDAH 1101A/B/C Suction Filter 55 mmWC
TAH1101 & 1106 A/B/C Air Compressor Motor Bearing DegC
TAHH1101 & 1106 A/B/C Air Compressor Motor Bearing DegC
TAH1102 to 1105 & 1107 Air Compressor Motor Winding DegC
to 1108 A/B/C
TAHH1102 to 1105 & 1107 Air Compressor Motor Winding DegC
to 1108 A/B/C
VAH1101/1102/1103 A/B/C Air Compressor -
VAHH1101/1102/1103 Air Compressor -
TAH1111A/B/C Air Compressor 3 Stage 52 DegC
TAHH1111A/B/C Air Compressor 3 Stage 55 DegC
TAH1110A/B/C Air Compressor 2 Stage 52 DegC
TAHH1110A/B/C Air Compressor 2 Stage 55 DegC
TAH1112A/B/C Air Compressor Discharge 52 DegC-
PAL1104 A/B/C and PAL Air Compressor discharge 8.7 kg/cm G
1105 pressure
PALL1106A/B/C Lube Oil to Air Compressor 1.5 kg/cm G
PAL1106A/B/C Lube Oil to Air Compressor 2.0 kg/cm G
TAH1126A/B/C Lube Oil Ex Air Compressor 45 DegC
TAHH1126A/B/C Lube Oil to Air Compressor 45 DegC
TAL1126A/B/C Lube Oil to Air Compressor 30 DegC
TALL1126 A/B/C Lube Oil to Air Compressor 20 DegC
PAL1106A/B/C Lube Oil to Air Compressor 2.0 Kg/cm2G
LAL1128A/B/C Lube Oil Tank -

Refrigeration Unit
TAH 1282 Air Outlet temp from chiller 15 DegC
TAL 1282 Air Outlet temp from chiller 8 DegC
TALL 1283 Air Outlet temp from chiller 8 DegC
DPAL 1284/1285 Pressure drop across CW flow

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PAL 1282/1284 Refrigeration unit compressor
suction pressure
PALL 1282/1284 Refrigeration unit compressor
suction pressure
PAH 1283/1285 Refrigeration unit compressor
discharge pressure
PAHH 1283/1285 Refrigeration unit compressor -
discharge pressure
DPAL 1282/1283 Oil separator DP
DPALL 1282/1283 Oil separator DP

Pre Purification Unit

LAH1301 Moisture Separator 500 mmWC
PDAH1302A/B Air to Dryer 0.2kg/cm2
PAH1302A/B Air Ex Dryer in 0.2 kg/cm2G
PDAH1305 Air After Filter 50 mbar
AAH1302 Moisture in Air Ex PPU 2 PPM
AAH1301 CO2 in Air Ex PPU 3 PPM
FALL1302 Regeneration Gas to PPU 800 Nm3/h
FAL1302 Regeneration Gas to PPU 850 Nm3/h
TAHH11304 A/B/C Regeneration heater Element 220 DegC
TAH1305 Regeneration Gas to Dryer 175 to 195
TAL1305 Regeneration Gas to Dryer 165 to 185
TAHH 1307 Thawing heater element
TAHH1308 Thawing Air Ex96-E-99 90 DegC
TAH1308 Thawing Air Ex96-E-99 90 DegC
TAL1308 Thawing Air Ex 96-E-99 50 DegC

Cold Box
AAH1501 Oxygen in Nitrogen 4.0 ppm v/v
AAHH1501 Oxygen in Nitrogen 5.0 ppm v/v
LAL1501 Distillation Column 10%
LAH1501 Distillation Column 70%
LAHH1501 Distillation Column 85%
TAL1501 Waste Gas ex Cold Box 5°C
TALL1501 Waste Gas ex Cold Box 0°C

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FAL1501 Waste Gas ex Cold Box 2500 Nm3/hr
TAL1402 Turbine Outlet -185°C
FAL1301 Air to Cold Box 7200 Nm3/hr
TAH1302 Air to Cold Box 40°C
TAL1502 Product GAN 5 C
PAL1502A Product GAN 7.5 Kg/cm2g
FAL1502A Product GAN 1100 Nm /h
SAHH1401A/B Expansion Turbine 37950 RPM
SALL1401 A/B Expansion Turbine 5000 RPM
TAHH1403A/B Expansion Turbine Lube Oil 85 C
TAH1403 A/B Expansion Turbine Lube Oil 80 C
TALL1403 A/B Expansion Turbine Lube Oil 30 C
TAL1403 A/B Expansion Turbine Lube Oil 30 C
PAL1403 A/B Expansion Turbine Lube Oil 7 Kg/cm2g
PALL1403A/B Expansion Turbine Lube Oil 6.5 Kg/cm2g
TAL1507 Waste Disposal Drum -185 C

FAL1701 Cooling Water Supply 350 M3/hr
PAL1701 Cooling Water Supply 3.5 kg/cm2g
PAH1701 Cooling Water Supply 5.0 kg/cm2g
TAH1701 Cooling Water Supply 35
TAL1701 Cooling Water Supply 15
TAH1705 Cooling Water Return 45
TAL1705 Cooling Water Return 20
PAH1702 Instrument air supply 7.0
PAL1702 Instrument air supply 3.8

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8.2 Process Control Setpoints

Air Compressor & warm end

PIC1122A/B/C IGV control 8.8 Kg/cm2 G
PIC1304 Waste Air to Vent 0.20 kg/cm2 G

Cold Box
FIC1502 A/B Gaseous Nitrogen ex Cold Box Gas Only 2000 Nm3/h
Gas/Liq 1600 Nm3/h
FIC1501 Waste Gas ex Cold Box Gas Only 5200 Nm3/h
Gas/Liq 5200 Nm3/h
PIC1401 Expander Inlet Pressure Gas/Liq 4.6 Kg/cm2g
Gas Only to be confirmed
during Commissioning
LIC1501 Column Level - Gas Only 50%
LIC1501 Column Level - Gas/Liq 50%
PIC1502A/B Column Pressure 8.0 kg/cm2 G

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Problem Cause Corrective Action

(I) Air Compressor

A. Fail to start 1. Failure to clear shutdown or interlock devices. 1. Correct shutdown or interlock condition that is indicated by panel light.
2. No primary power to starter 2. Check voltage to starter. Check fuses.
3. No control panel power to compressor control panel or starter 3. Check voltage to panel/ starter. Check control transformer.
4. Loose or corroded connection or defective power cables. 4. Check connections. Clean, tighten and replace s necessary.
5. Defective motor starter or starting circuit. 5. Troubleshoot starter per manufacturer’s recommendation

B Inactive Prelube pump 1. Improper adjustment of prelube pump relief valve. 1. Adjust relief valve for correct pressure.
2. Pump not running 2. Troubleshoot pump starter. Check for proper voltage.
3. Defective motor 3. Repair or replace motor
4. Defective pump 4. Repair or replace motor
5. No seal air 5. Establish seal air

C High Oil temperature 1. Low or no water flow to oil cooler 1. Establish correct water flow
2. Higher water temperature than realized 2. Take necessary step to lower the water supply temperature.
3. Improper temp device setting 3. Calibrate instrument
4. Dirty or plugged oil cooler on water side 4. Clean cooler tubes.

D. Low oil Pressure 1. Improper adjustment of system pressure relief valve 1. Adjust system pressure relief valve for correct oil pressure
2. Leaking or pinched oil line. 2. Repair or replace oil line
3. Dirty oil filter 3. Replace with clean filter
4. Defective main oil pump 4. Repair or replace main oil pump.

E High Air temperature 1. Low or no water flow to oil cooler. 1. Establish correct water flow

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2. Higher water temperature than realized 2. Take necessary steps to lower the water supply temperature
3. Improper temperature device setting 3. Calibrate device
4. Dirty or plugged air cooler on water side 4. Clean water passage in cooler

F Low seal air pressure 1. Low instrument air pressure 1. See “Low instrument air pressure”
2. Improper adjustment of seal air pressure regulator 2. Adjust regulator to obtain correct seal air pressure
3. Worn seals 3. Replace seals

G Low Instrument air 1. No supply pressure, pinched or leaking air lines 1. Establish instrument air supply pressure.
pressure 2. Improper adjustment of air regulator 2. Adjust regulator to obtain correct instrument air pressure

H High Vibration 1. Low oil temperature 1. Allow warm up period for oil
2. Driver to compressor misalignment 2. Check and correct alignment
3. Worm coupling or spacer 3. Lubricate. Replace coupling and/or spacer
4. Rotor assembly unbalance due to foreign matter build up 4. Cleaning & balance check required
5. Damaged aero parts 5. Repair / replacement & balance check required.

I Fail to load 1. Low set point on pressure controller 1. Adjust controller

J Low System Air 1. Compressor not loaded 1. See “ fail to load”.

2. Dirty inlet filter 2. Change filter element
3. Low surge 3. See “continual surging”
4. Greater demand than realized 4. Repair all air leaks and turn off unnecessary demand

K Continuous purge 1. Discharge block valve closed 1. Open block valve

2. Improper calibration of surge sensor 2. Calibrate instrument
3. Dirty inlet filter 3. Change filter elements
4. Improper adjustment of throttle limit 4. Adjust throttle limits.
5. Higher interstage air temperature 5. Establish correct water flow to air coolers.
6. Higher water temperature 6. Reduce cooling water temperature.

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7. Worn or fouled aerodynamics parts 7. Contact manufacturer.

L Excessive Power 1. Lower ambient temperature 1. Reduce compressor load

Consumption 2. Low primary voltage 2. Correct supply power
3. Reduction in motor efficiency 3. Consult motor manufacturer
4. Excessive load 4. Reduce load

M High drive motor 1. Low primary voltage 1. Restore voltage to specification

Amperage 2. High load 2. Reduce load


A. Frost spot on cold box 1. Leaking flange or bonnet on valve 1. Locate and repair leak
2. Loose Insulation 2. Add or replace insulation material
3. Wet Insulation 3. Replace insulation material
4. Cold Box purge rate is too high 4. Reduce purge rate

B. Purity Problems 1. Analyzer out of calibration or defective 1. Calibrate and/or repair analytical equipment
2. Process upset 2. Check all process flows, pressures, temperatures and take corrective actions

C. Unsatisfactory 1. Defective purity test equipment or analyzer 1. Repair, calibrate, or replace

Nitrogen Purity 2. Overproduction of nitrogen 2. Reduce nitrogen production rate

D. 96-C-02(25) pressure 1. Insufficient liquid in the sump of 96-E-03(31) 1. Adjust liquid level to normal level
too high or unsteady 2. Build of non-condensable in 96-E-03(31) 2. Open or increase opening of the non-condensable purge valve.

E. High sump level in 96- 1. LV-1501 is partially closed 1. Check valve stroke signal and valve positioner

F. Excessive Liquid 1. 96-C-02(25 )Level low 1. Cut back on flow to storage

Nitrogen Production

2. Too much nitrogen reflux flow 2. Cut back on reflux nitrogen flow

G. Low Reboiler Level 1. Insufficient refrigeration to build liquid 1. Increase refrigeration

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2. Excessive ∆T across heat exchangers 2. Shutdown the plant and derime
3. Improper balancing of exchangers 3. Readjust flow through exchangers
4. Excessive pressure drop in heat exchangers 4. Shutdown the plant and derime
5. Reboiler level control valve stuck open 5. Check level controller

74-EX-03(35) EXPANDER
A. High oil return 1. Insufficient cooling water 1. Increase water flow
temperature 2. Fouled oil cooler 2. Clean cooler
3. Bearing Problems 3. Replace bearings

B. Low Oil Pressure 1. Filter clogged 1. Replace filter

2. System blockage 2. Make sure all valves are open
3. Defective oil 3. Check out and repair pump as required
4. Low oil level 4. Add oil
5. Bearing Problem 5. Replace bearing
6. Seal failure 6. Check and replace

C. Low Seal Gas 1. Restriction in gas supply 1. Make sure all valves are open
Pressure 2. Clogged filter 2. Replace filter
3. Insufficient supply pressure 3. Check source of supply
4. Worn Seals 4. Replace seals

D. High Vibration 1. Defective vibration monitor 1. Check and repair monitor.

2. Dirty wheels 2. Clean wheels.
3. Worn bearings 3. Replace bearings
4. Impeller failure 4. Replace impeller

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The following is a list of basic safety recommendations, which should be followed. It is in no sense
comprehensive but rather attempts to illustrate hazards considered unique to low temperature air
separation plants. Overall safety regulations established by the organization in charge of plant operations
must always be adhered to, and above all, common sense and good judgment founded on successful
operation must be exercised.

• Sample gas and liquid carefully with good ventilation. Take samples only in the proper container,
which should first be inspected to insure that it is clean and safe for use. Wear gloves and
goggles or face shields while taking samples. Do not allow cryogenic liquid to contact equipment
or the bare skin.

• Extremely low temperatures encountered in the process can cause severe burns. Cryogenic
liquid must not be allowed to come in contact with the skin.

• Cryogenic liquids should not be allowed to gather in pools.

If any liquids do collect on the ground, it should be treated as a safety hazard
If the liquid is nitrogen or argon, the gas released will decrease the amount of oxygen in the area.
The operator must check the oxygen content in the area by analyzing it and taking appropriate
action. The action taken may include stopping all dumping of liquids, marking off the area to prevent
anyone from entering, or shutting down of all operating equipment.
Cryogenic-safe containers must be used if liquids are to be drained from the system. These
containers should be placed in a safe area with adequate ventilation.

• Use particular care to avoid the accumulation of combustible materials. Degrease any surface
that it at all likely to come in contact with low temperature liquid oxygen or rich liquid. Do not
interchange pressure gauges, etc., from other service locations with those on the plant without a
complete degreasing.

• Use required personal safety equipment. Avoid loose clothing, particularly around moving
machinery. Keep guards in place on moving parts.

• No Maintenance should be permitted on cold equipment. The equipment must be warmed to

ambient temperature first.

• Cryogenic liquid must never be admitted to warm equipment. The warm equipment would
generate large volumes of gas, which is undesirable, and the equipment could be seriously
damaged by the sudden change in temperature. Warm equipment should be cooled down with
cold gas before liquid is allowed to contact it.

• Some metals are greatly weakened and embrittled at low temperatures. Carbon steel for
example, must not be subjected to ultra low temperatures. Others should not be subjected to
shock or unusual stresses when cold. Aluminum, stainless steel, copper, and brass are preferred
for cryogenic service.
Rapid changes in temperature will shock metals and must be avoided.

• Water should not be brought in contact with cryogenic liquids, except in specially engineered

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Operation & maintenance manual for Cryogenic Nitrogen Generator
• Cryogenic liquid must not be trapped in idle equipment or between block valves. Extremely high
pressure can develop when these liquids vaporize if no means are provided to vent the resultant

• Vents should be checked periodically to assure free passage.

• Switch and regenerate Adsorbers on schedule. Before regeneration, Adsorbers must be drained
free of liquid and the pressures completely relieved.

• Be mindful of pressure, temperature, and level limitation of all equipment. Operate valves
smoothly and deliberately. Do no jam close. Be familiar with the currently posted operational

• Water must not be trapped in intercoolers or in any place where its temperature and pressure
may be increased without relief valve protection. Liquid discharging from relief valves must be
directed to the ground or other safe area.

• Safety valves must discharge well away from equipment and personnel.

• Admit no unauthorized or unbriefed personnel into the plant. Be aware of the location of all
personnel in the plant to ensure prompt evacuation in case of an emergency.

• Make regular, stringent inspections of all equipment and procedures to check equipment and
safety device service ability and to evaluate potential hazards.

• Be aware of the dangers of inhalation of toxic and inert gases. Use care in the vicinity of gas

• Those performing maintenance work should understand the difference between inert materials
such as nitrogen and the toxic materials such as chlorinated solvents. The former suffocates by
excluding oxygen and the latter are poisons by ingestion, digestion, and/or inhalation.

• Everyone having business in the plant must be aware of the nature of nitrogen. It is called
"stickstuff" in German which, translated literally, means "suffocation gas";.

• When working on the cold box, care should be taken to provide adequate ventilation, as local
pockets of nitrogen can be present in the insulation due to minor leaks in the equipment, and
high concentrations of nitrogen can, therefore, occur. It should always be remembered that the
only "Safe" oxygen concentration is that existing in atmospheric air. It is recommended that
whenever work is being performed inside a cold box, two persons be present, one inside the box
doing the work and one outside the box observing the conditions.

• Tag all lines and equipment for correct identification.

• Examine the cold box for leaks by approved methods. Confirm that it is purged satisfactorily.

• Elementary medical supplies should be available. This includes aspirin, band-aids, germicidal
soap, bandages, eyewash, etc.

• Permit no stumbling hazards to exist within the plant area.

• Instruct maintenance personnel in safety requirements. Allow no mechanical work, welding, etc.,
without proper authorization. Do not permit entry to vessels without proper purging, testing, and

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Operation & maintenance manual for Cryogenic Nitrogen Generator
• Store tools where they are easily accessible, yet not in hazardous positions (such as overhead,
etc.). Use care on platforms to prevent dropping parts which may injure personnel below.
Eliminate stumbling hazards.

• Always check systems before restoring service after repair.

• Area cleanliness rules apply at all times; they are indicative of efficient and safe operation.
Prevent the accumulation of combustible hazards and avoid all sparks and flames. Store oily
rags and water in closed cans.

• Confirm that no oil mist exists in the vicinity of plant process lines and that oil spills during
maintenance are immediately removed! Check insulation for signs of oil contamination after
maintenance. Replace insulation of doubtful conditions.

• Maintain compressors properly. Keep the after coolers free of fouling matter to keep discharge
temperature low. Check cooling water frequently. Check for excessive lubrication and oil

• Ground all lines and equipment to avoid static electricity sparks. Tag all electrical lines and
equipment. Check before restoring service after repair work.

• Do not use metal ladders around electrical equipment.

• Periodic check of safety equipment such as fire extinguisher, fire plugs and hoses should be
All extinguishers should be maintained at full charge. After use, extinguisher should be recharged or
replaced immediately.
Water must be available in adequate volume and pressure for fire protection.

• In event of fire, large quantities of water should be sprayed on adjacent equipment to cool the
equipment and prevent involvement in the fire. Combination fog and solid stream nozzles are
preferable to permit widest adaptability in fire control.

These safety recommendations are in no sense to be construed as superseding overall

safety regulations promulgated by the operating agency. They are presented only to
emphasise good safety practices with particular reference to the operational procedures
for the facility.

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Operation & maintenance manual for Cryogenic Nitrogen Generator

The plant is provided with PLC control, which manifest all start up and trip
logics and is the main center of control system. Repeat signals from PLC to
the Customer’s DCS are provided to facilitate operation, monitoring and
control. However air compressor and refrigeration system are controlled by
the vendor local control panels with parameter monitoring facility in the DCS.
PPU sequence logics are repeated in the DCS and can be operated through

Plant is operated from remote by DCS. Various operating parameters are

monitored, controlled from DCS. Various sub systems of plant i.e., Air
compressor, Refrigeration unit, PPU, Cold Box, Storage and Vaporization
systems are provided with instrumentation for monitoring, control.
Interlocks and shut down are carried out from PLC. Unit trips for safe
shutdown in the event of Utility failure, upset condition.

a) Compressor controls
Compressor controls are performed in compressor control panel supplied by
vendor. Following parameter index indicates the controls available in the local
Seria Parameter Read Alarm Trip Remarks
l No
1 Radial vibration each X X X
2 High discharge Air X X X
temp (inlet to 3
3 High and low oil X X X
4 Low seal air pressure X
5 Surge /unload X X
6 System air discharge- X Controlled by IGV
P through system -P set
7 Motor current X Can be Restricted
8 Control mode X
(modulate .auto
9 Compressor X
10 System pressure set X
11 IGV and Antisurge X
Valve opening
12 Event logging X
13 Compressor X
ready/not ready
14 Start X

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Operation & maintenance manual for Cryogenic Nitrogen Generator

Compressor discharge pressure is maintained by discharge pressure control by

modulating the compressor IGV. Motor current feed back is used to prevent
overloading of compressor. Compressor can be put into AUTO or MANUAL by putting
this controller either in AUTO or MANUAL. Compressor Antisurge control is provided
in compressor package control operating on blow off valve.
Repeat signals are available through RS 485 port to DCS

b) Refrigeration unit
Refrigeration unit is provided with thermostatic expansion valve, to regulate
temperature the air temperature. Further temperature control is achieved by
Loading, unloading of Refrigerant compressor cylinders. Temperature
Indicator (RTD) on Air from Chiller is provided. Based on this temperature
Refrigerant compressors are unloaded, loaded. All trips, start up interlocks,
parameter monitoring are available in the PLC control panel. Only start/stop
push buttons are in local push-button station
All parameters (lube oil DP, discharge-P, suction –P, Air outlet temp ex
chiller) running status of the unit and common alarm are configured in DCS (by

c) PPU

PPU operates on timer sequence. Description is given in Document IOC/CONT-2750/PR-023


d) Cold box Parameters : Following parameters are monitored and controlled

• Product Purity
1. Product Pressure
2. Turbine inlet pressure
3. Mode change over
4. Product flow rate (LIN and GAN)
5. RL level
6. Waste gas flow rate
7. Waste gas pressure
8. Turbine IGV

e) FIC- 1502A PGN Flow

This is a standard PID Flow Controller, which should open the valve FV 1502A
if flow is less than the set point, acting on Fail Close Control Valve FV 1502A,
which maintains the Gaseous Nitrogen Flow from the cold box to header. This
controller output passes through a low selector FX 1502A after comparing
another controller output i.e. PIC 1502A before it modulates the control valves
FV 1502A. The gaseous nitrogen flow FIC1502A is compensated for pressure
and temperature PT 1502 & TI 1502.

f) PIC- 1502A PGN Pressure

This is a standard PID Pressure Controller, which should close FV 1502A if
pressure is less than the set point, acting on Fail Close Control Valve FV
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1502A, which limits the gaseous Nitrogen Pressure of the cold box. This
controller output passes through a low selector FX 1502A after comparing
another controller output i.e., FIC1502A before it modulates the control valves
FV 1502A. On purity loss of PGN, FV 1502A should close.

g) FIC- 1502B PGN Flow

This is a standard PID Flow Controller, which should open the valve FV 1502B
if flow is less than the set point, acting on Fail Close Control Valve FV 1502B.
This maintains the Gaseous Nitrogen Flow from the cold box to vent. This
controller output passes through a low selector FX 1502B after comparing
another controller output i.e., PIC 1502B before it modulates the control valves
FV 1502B. FIC 1502B set point will be formulated as [FIC1502A set point –X].
The gaseous nitrogen flow FIC 1502B is compensated for pressure and
temperature PT 1502 & TI 1502. Value of X to be defined during

h) PIC- 1502B PGN Pressure

This is a standard PID Pressure Controller, which should close FV 1502B if
pressure is less than the set point, acting on Fail Close Control Valve FV
1502B, which limits the Gaseous Nitrogen Pressure of the cold box. This
controller output passes through a low selector FX 1502B after comparing
another controller output i.e., FIC1502B before it modulates the control valves
FV 1502B. PIC 1502B set point will be formulated as [PIC1502A set point + Y
Barg]. Value of Y to be defined during commissioning.

i) PIC- 1401 Waste Gas Pressure

This is a standard forward acting PID controller acting on a fail open valve PV
1401. It modulates the turbine suction pressure in two different modes (Gas &
Liquid) & thus cold production of plant. Operator has to provide different set
points to the controller while switching from one mode to other. On turbine
trips, interlock I – 35, puts the valve in manual & to a pre-determined position
(say 75%).

j) FIC- 1501 Waste Gas flow

This is a standard reverse acting PID controller acting on a fail close valve FV
1501. This controller limits waste air flow from Reboiler.

k) LIC – 1501 Column level

A standard forward acting PID controller, which maintains the level of liquid in
96-C-01 (25) by modulating fail close Control valve LV-1501 and sending the
liquid nitrogen in to storage tank. This controller is active only in Liquid mode.

l) HIC 1401 A/B Turbine IGV

This is a Hand operated controller use to control the IGV of Turbine HV 1401
A/B. Turbine can be loaded or unloaded with help of this controller.


Mode change over switches HS 1502, HS 1503 are provided to change plant
mode to gas mode and mixed mode respectively. When Gas mode switch HS
1502 is pressed, LIC 1501 goes in manual, with output of LIC 1501 to 0%.
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Operation & maintenance manual for Cryogenic Nitrogen Generator
When mixed mode switch HS 1503 is pressed, the liquid nitrogen outlet valves
LIC 1501 goes to AUTO. Operator has to assign a suitable Set point to the

PPU Area

a) TIC - 1305 Heater Outlet Temperature Controller

The Heater is a 100 Kw electric heater. The heater banks are divided in 3
banks of (60+20+20) of which 60 Kw is always ON and balance 20 kw is
under thyristor control and 20 Kw is spare. A single loop standard PID
Controller acting on a Thyristor of the Electric Regeneration Heater. This TIC
shall be active only during the Heater is ON.

b) THAWING HEATER Outlet Temperature Controller

The temperature control is achieved by putting ON the heater when TI 1308 is
LOW and putting OFF when TI 1308 is HIGH. Heater is forcefully tripped by
interlock I – 99 if either TI 1307 (heater skin temperature is High High) or
Outlet gas temperature TI 1308 is High High.

c) PIC 1304 Waste Gas to Vent

A standard forward acting PID Controller acting on a fail close valve PV 1304
on air failure, which controls the pressure of regeneration gas to the PPU
Regeneration by venting excess waste gas to atmosphere via this control
valve PV 1304.

Supply pressure

PIC 1602 PGN pressure

This is a standard reverse acting controller acting on fail close valve PV 1602.
This controller maintains the desired PGN pressure using back up system. On
plant trip/ low PGN pressure from plant, controller gives open signal to PV
1602, vaporising the LIN to GAN from storage tanks.

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Operation & maintenance manual for Cryogenic Nitrogen Generator

This descriptions consists of two sections:

Section – 1: Describing the generation of interlocks

Section – 2: Describing the consequences of interlock generation.

Section- 1:

Unless otherwise specified all the Running interlocks form part of startup interlocks Some
other parameters as required to be checked before startup by system are indicated. Once
started these will be bypassed and system goes by running interlocks.


Interlocks are provided in Vendor’s Local control panel, functioning as per manufacturer’s
practice. Indicative description is furnished below


Auxiliary oil pump running.

Instrument air pressure healthy
All TRIP conditions are healthy
Compressor starts by start switch HS 1103 A/B/C After the compressor starts
the Pre lube oil pump stops running after a set time interval.


The TRIP interlock is generated by any of the following events:

Compressor Motor Bearing TI 1101A/BC & TI 1106 A/B/C High High

Winding temperature TI 1102 to TI- 1105 and TI –1107 & 1108 A/B/C High
First stage vibration VT 1101 A/B/C High High
Second stage vibration VT 1102 A/B/C High High
Third stage vibration VT 1103 A/B/C High High
Second stage inlet temperature TE 1110 A/B/C High High
Third stage inlet temperature TE 1111 A/B/C High High.
Instrument air/seal gas pressure Low Low
Lubricating oil pr Low Low
• Operator pressing local switch HS1102 A/B/C STOP
• Emergency stop can be done by HS1101 A/B/C

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These interlocks are provided in PLC Inputs and hard wired.

Refrigeration unit start:

Local panel Push button HS 1201A/B to start the compressor (96-K-02 (15) A/B)

Refrigeration unit stop:

Local panel push button HS 1202 A/B to stop the compressor (96-K-02 (15) A/B)
Remote compressor A/B STOP/TRIP switch (HS 1203 A/B) available in Aux console

Startup Interlocks
96-M-01(015) Compressor Discharge pressure not high high
96-M-01(015) Compressor suction pressure not low low (start up delay relay)
Oil DP not Low
Cooling water to condenser not low ( DPS contact on )

Trip Interlock
96-M-01(015) Compressor Discharge pressure high high (PI 1283/1285)
96-M-01(015) Compressor suction pressure low low (PI 1282/ 1284)
Oil DP Low Low (PDI 1282)

Cooling water flow Low Low (DP low-low) (PDI 1284/1285)

Air temperature Ex.Chiller is Low Low [Antifreeze] (TI 1283)

In the event of above TRIP alarm is generated in PLC and displayed in DCS
and unit is tripped.

Capacity control by compressor cylinder Load / Unload

Capacity of the compressor is controlled by the temperature controller

provided in the panel. During start up the compressor starts on unloaded
condition, as the oil pressure is not available to load the cylinder. After the oil
pressure is built up, the compressor automatically loads the direct cylinder
(33% load). As the air temperature is higher (sense by TT1282) during
starting, capacity controller will close the contact and the respective solenoid
valve of the compressor will be energised, so the compressor loads to 67%
from 33%. Still if the temperature is higher than the setpoint, compressor loads
to 100%. The capacity control solenoid valves on compressor will be
energised and compressor will run on full load. When the air temperature
(sense by TT 1282) of the chiller reaches the setpoint, capacity controller will
open the contact and the respective solenoid valve of compressor will be de-
energised and capacity of the compressor will reduce first to 67% then to 33%.
When the air temperature increases above set point, again the solenoid valve
on the compressor will be energised and compressor will be loaded.

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3) PPU 96-B-02 (16) A/B interlock: I – 16

This interlock and sequence description is furnished in “PPU Sequence
Description” (Doc: IOC/CONT-2750/PR-023). The after effect of PPU trip
interlock is described in section-2.

4) Regeneration heater 96-E-01(63) Interlock: I - 163

This interlock is located in PLC, its inputs are directly hardwired. It is
generated by any of the following events

Heater start interlock

Regeneration gas flow FALL 1302 not Low Low. During Heating step start It
shall be time delayed by software timer.(time delay ≈ 2min)
PPU running
Dryer is under Heating sequence
Heater trip interlock
Regeneration gas flow FALL 1302 Low Low..
If any two of the three Regen heater skin temperature measuring element TE
1304 A/B/C High High. This is a process critical interlock. Hence two out of
three voting logic provided.
PPU Trip

5) Thawing heater 96-E-05 (99) Interlock: I – 99

This interlock is located in PLC, its inputs are directly hardwired. It is
generated by any of the following events:
Trip interlock

Thawing Air from the outlet of Heater temperature TE 1308 high.high

Thawing heater skin temperature TE 1307 High.High
PPU Trip

6) Plant Mode selection Interlock I – 25

Mixed to Gas Mode Change over

This interlock is located in DCS. It is generated by any of the following events:

This plant shall be operated in two modes i.e. Mixed mode or Gas mode.

This Mode change over shall happen due to the following actions:
By Operator using remote switch HS-1502
LAHH 1501 (96-C-01(25) Level High High
Tank (96-TI-01 A/B) level LI 1601 A/B high high
AAHH 1501 (Oxygen Impurity in Product Nitrogen High High)
PPU trip
Turbine trip/stop YL 1401A/B

Gas to Mixed Mode Change over

This Mode change over shall happen due to the following action
By Operator using remote switch HS-1503.

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Operation & maintenance manual for Cryogenic Nitrogen Generator
7) Nitrogen Purity Interlock: I - 21
It is generated by:
AAHH 1501 (Oxygen Impurity in Product Nitrogen High High)

8) Expansion turbine interlocks:

Turbine start:

Local Control panel push button HS 1404A

By HS 1401 A from Auxiliary console

Turbine stop:

Local control panel push button HS 1404 A

BY HS 1401 A from Auxiliary console

Turbine Emergency stop:

By HS 1402A/B from Local Control panel

Turbine 96-M-02 (35) A Startup Interlock: I – 35 – 1A

This interlock is located in PLC, its inputs are directly hardwired. This
interlock prevents the turbine to start due to following events:
QCV position feedback switch ZSL 1401 A is not Close
Seal gas pressure Low (PAL 1404 A)
IGV position feedback switch ZSL 1402 A not close
Lube oil pressure Low PAL 1403A
Turbine Lube Oil return Temp Low TAL 1403A
Lube oil pump not running YL 1403A
All trip interlocks healthy (except Low speed disabled for 30 sec during start)

Turbine Oil pump (96-P-02 (35) A


• Pump start using Hand switch HS 1405 A from local control panel
• By HS 1403 A/B from Auxiliary console


• Pump stop using HS 1405 A from local control panel

• By HS 1403 A from Auxiliary console

Startup / Trip Interlock: I – 35 – 4A

Lube oil tank level low (LSL 1401 A): Prevents Oil pump motor to start.
Seal Gas Pressure not Low Low PALL 1404A

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Operation & maintenance manual for Cryogenic Nitrogen Generator
Turbine 96-M-02 (35) A TRIP Interlock: I – 35 – 2A

This interlock is located in PLC, its inputs are directly hardwired. It is

generated by any of the following events:
When YL-1401 A is OK (running status) and
TAHH 1403 A (Lube Oil Return Temperature High High )
TALL 1403 A (Lube oil Return Temperature Low Low)
PALL 1403 A (Lube Oil supply Pressure Low Low )
SALL 1401 A (Turbine Speed Low Low)
SAHH 1401A (Turbine Speed High High)
Seal gas pressure PALL 1404 A Low Low
Turbine Lube oil pump-running indication YL 1403 A not OK.
Turbine Shaft vibration VAHH 1401 A High High
Pressure difference across the strainer (G 35-1) PDI1401A High High.
This condition activates stop Interlock I-35-3A

Turbine 96-M-02 (35) A Interlock: I – 35 – 3A

Actuation of I-35-2A
PPU Trip (by interlock I – 16)

Expansion turbine oil Heater 96 – E – 12(35) – A

By HS 1407A/B from Local control panel

By HS 1407A from Local control panel

Trip interlock: I – 35 – 6A
This interlock is located in MCC; its inputs are directly hardwired. It puts OFF
the Oil heater or trips it if the following event exists:
Oil temperature of Lube oil tank High (TSH 1404 A): Heater is OFF
Oil temperature of Lube oil tank is not high (TSH1404A) subject to heater
switch is on condition: Heater is ON
Oil temperature of Lube oil tank High High (TSHH 1404 A): Heater is tripped.

Turbine 96-M-02 (35) B Interlocks

These are same as Turbine A with suffix replaced by B
is process critical interlock. Hence two out of three voting logic provided.

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Operation & maintenance manual for Cryogenic Nitrogen Generator
9) LIN Storage tank Interlock: I-81

This Interlock will be activated if the storage tank level LT 1601 A/B high high.
This Interlock will change the plant mode from mixed mode to gas mode.

SECTION 2: Consequences OF INTERLOCK generation (TRIPconditions)

1) Air compressor:
Air compressor trip signal is generated in LCP of machine and signal sent to
switch gear
In case of compressor trip following equipment’s trips (subject any 2 compressor
trips) and if only compressor trips the plant can run on turn down conditions

PPU trips
Ref unit trips
Regeneration heater trips (if dryer unit is in heating cycle)
Thawing heater Trips (in case of plant is under defrosting)
Turbine trips

2) PPU (I-16)

Sequence of Actions on PPU Trip:

Activates I 35-3A if YL-1401A is ON

Activates I 35-3B if YL-1401B is ON
trip all switches over valves, regeneration and thawing heater.
FIC-1501 goes to Manual and Output to 0%
FIC-1502 A/B goes to Manual and Output to 0%
PIC 1502 A/B goes to Manual and Output to 0%
PIC 1304 goes to Manual and Output to 0%
LIC-1501 go to manual and output to zero
After a PPU Trip, It remains in Tripped State till the all the trip
conditions are healthy and switch HS 1304 (PPU Reset) is pressed by
the Operator.
In case of PPU trip, Antisurge of the compressor opens to maintain the system
-P, in case the system is not maintained, IGV starts closing to sustain the
system pressure


Regeneration Heater Trips


Heater Trips

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Operation & maintenance manual for Cryogenic Nitrogen Generator


Plant Mode Interlock: I - 25

GAS MODE: Mixed to Gas Mode Change over

Action on Change over from Mixed to Gas Mode

LIC-1501 goes to manual and output to zero to close LV-1501 LN
Product valve.
Operator has to unload the turbine by changing the set point of PIC
1401.and also reducing IGV opening by HIC 1401 A/B

MIXED MODE: Gas to Mixed Mode Change over

Action on Change over to Mixed Mode

LIC-1501 to go to auto and acts on LV-1501 LN Product valve.
Operator has to load the turbine by changing the set point of PIC 1401
and also increasing IGV opening by HIC 1401 A/B, if needed

6) Nitrogen Purity Interlock :

Nitrogen Purity Loss: I - 21

De energises FSOV 1502A to close FV 1502A
The product vent valve FV1502 B opens and controls the flow and
discharge -P
Activates I-25 to shift the Plant to Gas Mode


Turbine Interlock:

Actions Following Turbine Interlock: I – 35 – 2A

Activates I-35-3A

Actions Following Turbine Interlock: I – 35 – 3A

Produces TRIP indication in DCS
De-energises Solenoid XSOV 1401 A and Closes the Quick shut off
valve XV 1401 A
Forces output of HIC-1401 A to 0%.
PIC 1401 goes to manual with output forced to a pre determined value
of say 75% to open the by pass valve PV 1401 to 75%
Activates plant mode interlock I-25 to shift the plant to Gas mode.
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Operation & maintenance manual for Cryogenic Nitrogen Generator
Actions following pressing stop button HS 1401A
De-energises Solenoid XSOV 1401 A and Closes the Quick shut off
valve XV 1401 A
Forces output of HIC-1401 A to 0%.
PIC 1401 goes to manual with output forced to a pre determined value
of say 75% to open the by pass valve PV 1401 to 75%
Activates plant mode interlock I-25 to shift the plant to Gas mode.

Actions Following Turbine Interlock: I – 35 – 2B

This is same as turbine A with suffix replaced by B

Actions Following Turbine Interlock: I – 35 – 3B

This is same as turbine A with suffix replaced by B

Actions following pressing stop button HS 1401B

This is same as turbine A with suffix replaced by A


When the plant is shut down & back up system is in line, then LIN from
the tanks is vaporized into GAN. To prevent Low temperature at the
vaporizer outlet, temperature monitoring is done by TE 1601 A/B/C. If
any two of the three elements registered a Low value, then interlock I –
14 takes following action

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