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RHK0238 023809M

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Happy Baby (3rd, 5th, 7th) row, then every 4 (4, 6, 8)th row until there

are 41 (45, 47, 49) sts. Work even until 5 (61/2, 71/2, 9)" from
beg, end P row. Bind off.

LW1362★ RIGHT SLEEVE: Work same as left sleeve EXCEPT

work in Stripe pat same as for left front.
★ Suitable for Beginners.
FINISHING-Neckband: Sew shoulder seams. With
Directions are for newborn to 3 months; changes for 6 right side facing, smaller needles and CA, K6 (7, 8, 9) sts
to 9, 12, and 18 to 24 months are in parentheses. on holder at right front, pick up and K10 sts up right neck
RED HEART® “Soft Baby”, Art. E705 (7 ounce solid/6 edge, K23 (25, 27, 29) sts from back holder, pick up and
ounce multicolor skeins): Set of Cardigan and Pants: K10 sts down left neck edge, K6 (7, 8, 9) sts on holder at
41/2 (5, 51/4, 51/2) Ounces No. 7588 Lilac CA, 31/4 (31/2, 33/4, left front – 55 (59, 63, 67) sts. Work in ribbing same as
4) ounces No. 7624 Lime CB, and 3/4 (1, 11/4, 11/4) ounces back, beg Row 2, for 6 rows. Bind off loosely in ribbing.
No. 7958 Frolic CC. Button Band: With right side facing, smaller needles and
CA, pick up and K49 (55, 61, 69) sts across right front for
Knitting Needles: U.S. Sizes 3 [3.25 mm] and 6 [4mm]. girls or left front for boys. Work in ribbing same as for back,
Cardigan: Three stitch holders; six 1/2" buttons; sewing beg Row 2, for 6 rows. Bind off in ribbing.
needle and thread. Pants: One yard 1/2" elastic; sewing Buttonhole Band: Mark positions for 6 buttonholes on
needle and thread. Both: Yarn needle. rem front, the first and last 1/4" from top and bottom
edges, and 4 more evenly spaced between. Work same as
button band until 2 rows of ribbing are completed.
GAUGE: 22 sts = 4"; 30 rows = 4" in St st on larger nee- Buttonhole Row: [Rib to marker, bind off 2 sts] 6 times,
dles. CHECK YOUR GAUGE. Use any size needles to rib to end. Next Row: [Rib to bind-off, turn, cast on 2 sts,
obtain the gauge. turn] 6 times, rib to end. Work 2 more rows in ribbing.
To Fit Chest: 16 (18, 20, 22)". Bind off as before. Sew buttons to button band to corre-
Finished Chest Measurement: 19 (21, 23, 25)" – spond to buttonholes.
Mark fronts and back 33/4 (4, 41/4, 41/2)" down from shoul-
der seams. Place center of sleeve top at shoulder seam
CARDIGAN and sew in place between markers. Sew side and sleeve
BACK: With smaller needles and CA, cast on 53 (57, 63, seams.
69) sts. Work in ribbing as follows: Row 1 (Right Side):
K1, * P1, K1; rep from * across. Row 2: P1, * K1, P1; rep
from * across. Rep Rows 1 and 2 for 11/4", end Row 2. PANTS
Change to larger needles and CB, and work in St st, beg K LEGS (Make 2): With smaller needles and CB, cast on
row, until 81/2 (91/2, 101/2, 12)" from beg, end P row. 39 (43, 49, 55) sts. Work in ribbing, same as for cardigan
Shape Shoulders: Bind off 15 (16, 18, 20) sts, K23 (25, back for 11/4", inc 5 sts evenly spaced on last row, end
27, 29) including st on needle after bind-off and put these Row 2 – 44 (48, 54, 60) sts. Change to larger needles,
sts on a holder, bind off rem 15 (16, 18, 20) sts. CA, and St st, beg K row, shaping sides by inc 1 st each
end of 5th row, then every 4 (4, 6, 8)th row until there are
RIGHT FRONT: ** With smaller needles and CA, cast 58 (64, 68, 74) sts. Work even until 61/2 (8, 91/2, 101/2)"
on 23 (25, 29, 31) sts. Work in ribbing same as back for from beg, end P row.
11/4", inc 1 (1, 0, 1) st on last row, end Row 2 – 24 (26, Shape Crotch: Bind off 2 sts at beg of next 2 rows. Dec 1
29, 32) sts. ** st at each end of next 2 rows – 50 (56, 60, 66) sts. Work even
Change to larger needles and CB, and work in St st, beg until 131/2 (15, 171/2, 19)" from beg, end P row and dec 1 st
K row, until 7 (8, 9, 101/2)" from beg, end K row. on last row – 49 (55, 59, 65) sts. Waistband: Change to
Shape Neck: Work across first 18 (19, 21, 23) sts, turn smaller needles and CB and work in ribbing as before for
and put rem 6 (7, 8, 9) sts on a holder. Dec 1 st at neck 11/2". Bind off loosely in ribbing.
edge on next 3 rows – 15 (16, 18, 20) sts. Work a few
rows even until front measures same as back to shoulder, FINISHING: Sew center front and back seams; sew leg
end P row. Bind off. seams. Cut elastic to waist measurement plus 1/2"; overlap
ends by 1/2" and sew ends together to form a circle. Fold
LEFT FRONT: Work same as right front from ** to **. ribbing in half to wrong side over the circle of elastic and
Change to larger needles, CC, and St st, beg K row, and sew in position.
work Stripe pat of 4 rows CC, 4 rows CB. Complete to
correspond to right front, reversing neck shaping by end- ABBREVIATIONS: CA, CB, CC = Color A, Color B, Color C; beg =
ing with a P row. beginning; K = knit; mm = millimeters; P = purl; pat = pattern; rep =
repeat; St st = Stockinette stitch (K 1 row; P 1 row); st = stitch; * or **
LEFT SLEEVE: *** With smaller needles and CA, cast = repeat whatever follows the * or ** as indicated.
on 27 (27, 29, 29) sts. Work in ribbing, same as back for
11/4", inc 4 (6, 6, 8) sts evenly spaced on last row, end Row
2 – 31 (33, 35, 37) sts. Change to larger needles, CB, and
St st, beg K row, shaping sides by inc 1 st each end of 3rd

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