Stability Theory PDF
Stability Theory PDF
Stability Theory PDF
Any bulk cargo having angle of repose less than 36* known as grain. After completion of
loading it has to be secured before commencement of voyage. If it is not effectively secured
grain become very dangerous become it liable to shift transversely as v/l rolls. Grain does not
act like a liquid due to friction so simple reduction of GM is not sufficient. If the v/l rolls
heavily to a large angle grain will shift to one side but with the return roll it may not all shift
PRINCIPLES: The IMO grain rules is based on the fact that the void spaces in filled
compartments are bound to occur. This happens because of the difficulty in trimming of cargo
and also because of the cargo settling during the voyage. Therefore during calculation an
allowance is made for grain shift. So the resulting “TOTAL GRAIN HEELING” is used to
determine the reduction in righting levers. The loss of righting arm is called “HEELING
ARM”. The basis of the rules is that after taking into account the grain shift the v/l have
sufficient residual stability she will be allowed to load grain.
The angle of heel due to grain shift shall not exceed 12 or Q de whichever least.
The net or residual area between the heeling arm curve and the righting arm curve upto the
angle of maximum difference between tow curves, or 40 or the angle of flooding (Of)
whichever is least shall not less than 0.075 meter-radius.
The initial GM, after correction for free surface effect, shall not less than 0.30m.
After loading if vessel fails to confirm with the requirement of grain rules. The situation can
be handled by either improving vessel’s stability or reducing grain shift.
Reducing free surface effect by pressing up employing tanks. This results in increase in
fluid GM.
Increase the solid GM by lowering weights or by adding weight low down (e.g. filling a
double bottom tank).
The shift can be eliminated in partially filled compartment by building a dunnage platform on
top level of grain and then:
Over stowing with other cargo.
Over stowing with bagged cargo.
Stropping and lashing using steel strops and bottle screw.
This document is issued to any ship intending to carry grain by ship’s national administration.
It is the evidence that the ship is capable of carrying grain as per grain regulations. This
document should be kept onboard along with ship’s “GRAIN LOADING STABILITY
BOOKLET” as guidance for Master to load grain.
Q. NO. 5 JUNE 94
Describe the various effects on a ship behavior, which can be expected as a result of
entering shallow water.
When there is limited UKC the restriction in the velocity of the water flow which causes a drop
in pressure. This reduces the buoyancy force of the v/l. since the weight of the ship unchanged
the v/l will tend to sink further thereby increasing draught in order to resolve equilibrium.
There is also likely to be a change in trim because the LCB is likely to change thereby creating
a trimming moment.
Q. NO. 6 JUNE 94
(a) Identify the main factors, which effects the rolling period of a vessel.
1. The period of roll varies inversely as the GM, the larger the GM the shorter the rolling
2. The period of rolling varies directly with the radius of gyration. In other words larger the
radius of gyration the larger the period of roll.
3. The period of roll will change when weights are loaded, discharged or shifted, since both
the GM and the moment of inertia will be effected.
4. The amplitude of the roll does not affect the period of roll.
(b) Explain the term synchronous rolling and describe the dangers if any associated with it.
This occurs when the natural period of roll is equal to the apparent period of wave. When this
occurs the wave gives the ship a push each time she rolls (like a swing) causing her to roll
more and more heavily. This effect is known as synchronous rolling.
(C) Describe the action which may be taken by the ship’s officer when it becomes apparent
that the vessel is experiencing synchronous rolling.
1. Alter course this will alter the apparent period of the waves, an alteration of course towards
the is likely to be particularly effective, as it reduces the apparent period of the wave.
2. Alter speed (effective if the area not abeam).
3. Change GM or distribution of weights aboard the vessel by ballasting/deballasting / shifting
Q. NO. 5 NOV 94
Outline the purpose of a shipboard stress finding system including details of the input data
and the output obtained.
1. The distribution of the wt. onboard must be controlled to avoid any stresses & bending
2. Mathematical calculations of these (BM&STRESSES) are lengthy & tedious with the
possibility of clerical errors.
3. For any change of plan the entire range of stresses will have to be recalculated.
4. Any proposal plan can be checked readily for stress.
5. Any modification to previous plan can be done immediately till a satisfactory cond. is
6. All stress finding instruments are made ship specific & all ship’s data is preprogrammed.
Q. NO. 6. MARCH’ 96
This is a term used to define changes in draught and trim which occurs when the depth of water
beneath the vessel is less than one and a half time the draught of the vessel when travelling at a
significant speed.
When there is a limited clearance under the keel the restriction increases the
velocity of water flow which causes a drop in pressure thereby reducing the buoyancy force on
the vessel. This effect is increased still further when vessel is in the confined channel since the
velocity of water flow must increase due to further restriction.
Since the weight of the vessel remains unchanged the ship will have to sink further
thereby increasing her draught in order to restore equilibrium. There is likely to is a change in
trim since the LCB likely to change therefore creating a trimming moment. Where LCF is
greater than LCB there will be a trimming moment at astern, where LCF is less than LCB there
will be a trimming moment by the head and where LCF = LCB there will be no trimming
effect and maximum squat will be of equal value at fwd and aft.
6. Steering is effected because the water displaced by the hull is not so easily replaced by
other water and the propeller and rudder might be working in partially vacuum conditions.
The vessel takes long to answer her helm and response to engine movement become
7. It will be extremely difficult to correct a yaw or sheer with any degree of rapidity.
8. The moving vessels bow wave, stem wave and trough increase in amplitude.
1. Speed decreases.
2. RPM decreases.
3. Vibration may occur.
4. Steering is affected vessel become sluggish to maneuver.
5. Ship made waves increase in amplitude.
6. Ship wake changes color and becomes muddy.
Q.NO: 5 MARCH 95
(a) Describe three types of resistance affecting a vessel forward motion through the water.
This has two element skin friction and viscous friction. Skin friction is due to the friction of
water against the hull; its value increases with ship’s speed, length, wetted surface area and
surface roughness. On the other hand viscous friction is due to seawater density and
temperature (greater in cold weather). Hence fouling and deteriorating hull surface will
increase skin friction and so reduce the vessel speed.
Only occurs at the interface between two mediums, as the vessel moves through the water
pressure changes are generated in the water adjacent to the hull, hence an increase in pressure
ahead produces a bow wave whilst a decrease in pressure along the side of the ship causes a
trough. The energy transmitted by these wave devices from the vessel and hence increases its
resistance to forward motion. Waves making resistance is influenced by the ship’s form and
varies directly proportional to speed and inversely as the vessel length.
Although the flow of water close to the hull is stream lined a little further away the flow is
turbulent. The agitated water whirls round in eddies which are absorbing energy from the ship.
Also certain parts of the ship together with the shape of the astern in a poorly designed vessel
with cause further eddying, the smoother the flow around ship the less the eddy making
resistance. When the depth of water is limited eddy-making resistance will increases as the
small under keel clearance will create greater turbulence around the hull?
(b) Explain how the fitting of a bulbous bow to a vessel may effect each of the types of
The elongated spherical shape service to produce additional wave patterns, which counteracts
and partially cancels out the ships wave pattern thereby saving energy.
Here the bulb service to alter the flow of water around the bulb so reducing turbulence / eddy
in this case the bulb is well below the surface and more appropriate for the large tanker or bulk
careers in loaded condition. These vessels have a bluff body due to their relatively large beams
which results in an increase in frictional and form resistance
As the vessel moves through the water the bulb alters the flow of water around the vessel
reducing turbulence and eddying. This is more appropriate to the loading tankers and to the
bulk careers which have large bluff bodies due to large beams which increases both frictional
and form resistance
Increases frictional resistance particularly relevant when vessel proceeding at reduce speed
where wave making resistance is much less.
Q. NO. 5 NOV’ 97
Describe the stability problems associated with the operations of an oilrig supply vessel.
This will effect the vertical and transverse position of the center of gravity of the vessel; this is
of particular relevance since cargo operations may be taking place as the vessel is rolling in a
seaway. Some v/l use their own crane or derrick, which will significantly raise the vessel’s
center of gravity. There may also be change in free surface effect as the vessel discharges
liquids such as water, oil and mud at platforms. The working deck is also used to carry drill
supplies machinery, pipelines etc. some of which have been found to retain large amounts of
water (up to 30% of volume of pipes and space between pipes). Accordingly an allowance
between 10% - 30% is made in stability calculations. These vessels may be subject to icing;
they are small and vulnerable to added weight.
Many of these vessels are fitted with stabilizer tanks, these can be counter productive in some
sea conditions, for example when working cargo or dealing with cables a –ve heeling arm may
be produced. In addition they represents free surface effects and the weight is often above the
ship’s center of gravity, they may need to be emptied during critical stability stages.
Either through longitudinal distribution of loaded weight or occurring during discharge load or
when working with cables / anchors, considerable astern trim can develop. Reduction of water
plane area can critically reduce stability.
D. Problems with free trim arise due to the constructional design of the vessel which could
cause the working deck to become awash whilst working anchor off the stern. Considerable
stern trim develops.
E. While taking ballast at sea the GM can be effected due to the generation of free surface.
F. Vessel can capsize with Beam Sea, following sea, Quarter Sea, with different stability
Q. NO. 5 MARCH’ 99
These rules cover many aspects of fire detection, restriction and extinguishing in particular
constructional requirements apply to passenger ships tankers and cargo ships over 500 tons.
1. The use of thermal and structural boundaries to divide the ship into main vertical zone.
2. Thermal and structural boundaries are use to separate the accommodation spaces from the
rest of the ship.
3. The use of combustible martial to be restricted. Any fire should be detected, contain and
extinguish where it occurs.
4. Access must be provided to enable fire fighting and a protected means of escape.
5. Where flammable cargo vapor exists the possibility of its ignition must be minimize.
6. Any fire should be detected, contained and extinguished where it occurs.
1. For ship carrying more than 36 passenger, the hull, superstructure and deckhouses shall be
sub-divided into main vertical zones by class “A” division (the main length and breadth not
to exceed 40 mtrs).
2. As far as practicable, the bulkhead forming the boundaries of the main vertical zone above
the bulkhead shall be in line with watertight sub-division. Bulkhead situated immediately
below the bulkhead deck.
3. Such bulkhead shall be extended from deck to deck and to the shell or other boundaries.
4. The use of combustible materials should be kept to an absolute minimum.
5. Passenger vessel carrying not more than 36 person main vertical zone by classes “A”
division. The accommodation and service spaces could be protected by at least class “B”
division where can approved fire detection and alarm system is installed.
1. The hull, superstructure, structural bulkheads, decks and deckhouses shall be constructed of
steel or other equivalent material.
2. However where part of the structure is of aluminum alloy then the temperature of the
structure core does not rise more than 200 Centigrade at any time during a standard fire test
in the case of A-60 and B-30 class division.
For ships carrying more than 36 passengers all bulkheads, which are not required to be class, A
division shall be at least class B or C division.
1. Stairways and lifts are to be steel framed and within enclosures formed by class A division.
2. Self-closing doors with positive means of closure should be fitted at all openings and be as
effective as the bulkhead in which fitted for fire containment.
3. Control stations such as radio room, bridge etc, must be surrounded by class “A” division.
4. Corridors usually “A” standard otherwise at least “B” standard.
5. Skylights in machinery space should have means of closing from outside. The space and
also steel shulters permanently attach.
6. Two means of escape from each compartment or space bounded by vertical zone bulkhead.
1. Opening in “A” class bulkhead must be good for fire resisting purposes.
2. Doors in ““ class bulkheads must also be as fire resistant as the bulkhead and should be
capable of being opened from either side by one person.
3. Fire doors should be self-closing even if inclined 3.5 degrees.
4. Boundary bulkheads and deck separating the accommodation from holds or cargo spaces or
machinery spaces must also be A-60 class fire resisting divisions.
1. Ventilation system other than cargo and machinery spaces must have two independent
control points where all machinery can be stopped in the event of fire.
2. Machinery space ventilation must be capable of being stopped from outside the space.
Preserve the outer integrity requirement of the type of bulkhead in which they are fitted.
All acc. & service spaces are to be protected by a fix fire detection, sprinkler & alarm system.
Q. NO. 5 JUNE 99
A v/l operating in severe winter condition may suffer from non-symmetrical ice accretion on
decks & super structure. Describe the effects on the overall stability of the v/l, making
particular reference to the v/l’s curve of statical stability.
All exposed horizontal surfaces should be assumed to carry an ice weight of 30 kg /m and all
vertical surfaces should be assumed to carry an ice weight of 15 kg/m. therefore the added wt.
on top would rise the “G” and reduces its metacentric height GM. Ships with small initial GM
would become instable.
Formation of ice will be more on the windward side than leeward side. It results in uneven
distribution of weight causes the ship to list one side, the listing arm produces a loss of righting
arm and effects the v/l GZ curve.
7. Dynamical stability – decrease.
A. With reference to merchant shipping (grain) regs. 1985 describe how the heeling arm
curve is derived.
The assumed pattern of grain movement within the void empty space is a shift of a grain
surface of 50 deg. from the horizontal for full compartments and 25 deg. from the horizontal
for partially filled compartment. Shift of grain gives corresponding shift of C.O.G. of the ship
and horizontal component of shift is GGh. The heeling arm curve is drawn as a straight line
between the values of GGh and 0.8xGGh at 40 deg. of heel (^0 and ^40) the value of GGh is
obtain by adding together the individual values of volumetric grain heeling moments. (VHM)
for each compartment loaded with grain the value is then corrected to actual GHM by dividing
by stowage factor of grain. To obtain GGh the actual GHM is divided by the vessel’s
B. State the minimum intact stability criteria required by the above regulations.
The angle of heel due to grain shift shall not exceed 12 deg. Ode (whichever is least).
In the statical stability diagram the net or residual area between the heeling arm curve and the
righting arm curve upto the angle of heel of maximum difference between the two curves, or
40 deg. or the angle of flooding (Of) whichever is the least. Shall in all conditions of loading
be not less than 0.075 m/hr.
The initial metacentric height GM after correction for free surface effect of liquids in tanks,
shall be not less than 0.30 m/hr.
C. Explain how the adverse effects of the transverse shift of Grain surface may be
Longitudinal divisions (e.g. shifting boards) may be used to reduce grain shift, these must be
grain tight and fitted on the centerline. In a tween deck they must be extended from deck to
deck head in a hold extending from deck head to 0.6m below the lowest void formed after an
assumed shift.
May be used in instead of longitudinal divisions. In a way of Hatch Square a saucer shape
hollow is left in a bulk grain surface. A separation cloth is laid over the surface and remaining
space is filled with bagged grain or other suitable cargo. The bags are to be sound, well filled
and securely closed and tightly stowed against the coamings and any portable beams. The
depth of the saucer varies between 1.2 m – 1.8 m dependant upon the breadth of the vessel and
is measured from the deck line downwards.
This is an alternative to filling the saucer with bagged grain. The saucer is covered with a
tarpaulin of specified strength, this is then filled with bulk grain the sides and ends of tarpaulin
are then drawn together over the upper surface and secured together tightly.
This shall extend 1/8 of the maximum breadth of the compartment above and below the grain
The grain surface is covered with a separation cloth or dunnage platform and bagged grain or
other suitable cargo stowed to height of 1/16 of the maximum width of the free grain surface or
1.2 m which ever is greater. A longitudinal division may be used to limit the width of the free
grain surface and thus the height of the over stowing. The division must extend at least 0.6 m
above the surface and 1/8 of the maximum breadth of the compartment above and below the
The grain surface is trimmed with a slight crown and covered with tarpaulins or separation
cloths then a timber platform then lash or steel straps which are secured to the lower frames
below the grain surface before loading. The lashing or steel strap secured tightly by the turn
buckles winch tightness and wrenches.
Q.NO. 6 JUNE 96
a) A vessel carrying timber deck cargo of substantial height has a small negative GM and
has a gale force wind on its beam. Drawn labeled curve of statical stability for this
b) The v/l has an empty D.B.TK. subdivided into four water tight compartments of equal
width. The v/l must be ballast to return to a safe condition. Describe the sequence of
actions to be taken and the possible affects through each stage (assume the v/l is now
head to wind).
G being too high causes Angle of loll, efforts is to be directed towards lowering it.
Firstly towards lowering weight and reducing free surface effect. One tank should be filled at a
time and always fills the tanks on the low side first. This will cause an increase in the list
because of the off-center weight and generated free surface effect, but after that the list will
start to reduce as G is lowered.
The high side should never be filled first because the added weight may cause the v/l to
suddenly and violently roll to the other side with a possibility of the momentum of the roll
carrying the shipover pass the angle of vanishing stability and therefore capsizing the v/l. even
if the v/l` does not capsize such a sudden roll may result in injury to personal or shift of cargo
with its implication on ship’s stability.
Q. NO 4 DEC’ 1992
A v/l assign with timber load line is fully load with timber on deck. And in the holds in a
port in tropical zone for a destination in the winter north Atlantic zone during the winter
a) State the minimum statutory requirements for the ship’s stability through out the voyage.
We have to load in such a way that the v/l is having adequate stability at all times and
complying with minimum load line requirement.
GM 0.15m MAX. GZ 0.20m ANGLE OF MAX. GZ 30DEG.
AREA UNDER GZ CURVE 0 30 0.055 m.r
AREA UNDER GZ CURVE 0 40 0.090 m.r
AREA UNDER GZ CURVE 30 40 0.03 m.r
If it’s a timber ship GM not less than 0.05 m.
b) Describe the various causes of any deterioration in the ship’s stability during the voyage.
Consumption of fuel, stores and fresh water during a voyage causes “G” to rise thereby
reducing the GM and therefore GZ curve .
Free surface effect when the fuel and water are consumed from full tanks, which reduce GM,
and therefore GZ curve.
Absorption of water and moisture by deck cargo, timber cargo absorbs water moisture upto
15% of its own weight which raise “G” and thus reduce GM & GZ curve.
Reduction in displacement, there is a small change in displacement causes small changes in
v/l’s stability.
Cease on deck, this will cause raise in “G” due to added weight and also cause FSE which
reduce GM and GZ curve.
Icing on super structure riggings, a v/l trading in the winter month in the winter North Atlantic
zone she is subjected to ice accretion on the top of the exposed deck, cargo and super structure
which cause added weight which raise “G” thereby reduce GM & GZ curve.
c) Draw specimen of stability curve to show the effect of :.
Q. NO. 5 MARCH 1989
A ship is loading in a port in a tropical zone for one in the winter North Atlantic zone
during winter months. Describe the various precautions and considerations, which must be
borne in mind at the loading port in order that the voyage is, accomplished safely and in
accordance with the statutory requirements for example the load line rules.
1. The prime consideration is to have the v/l complying with load line rules throughout the
voyage for ensuring intact reserve buoyancy. (Cargo hatches, ventilators, sounding pipes,
air pipes, freeing port)
2. Even though the v/l is loading in a tropical zone she cannot immerse her load line more
than a level i.e., winter load line + due allowance for consumables + bunkers.
3. Calculate the bunker consumption and F.W consumption up to a point on the v/l’s intended
route where it enters the winter load line zone.
4. Also we have to load in such a way that the v/l is having adequate stability at all times and
complying with minimum load line requirements.
GM < 0.15 m, MAX. GZ < 0.20 m, ANGLE OF MAX GZ < 30 DEG.
AREA UNDER GZ CURVE 0 30 < 0.055 m.r
AREA UNDER GZ CURVE 0 40 < 0.090 m.r
AREA UNDER GZ CURVE 30 40 < 0.03 m.r
If the v/l is a timber ship GM is not less than 0.05 m.
5. Bear in mind if the ship is less than 100 m in length she cannot immerse more than winter
North Atlantic mark when in winter zone (WNA mark is 50mm below the winter load line).
6. Vessel needs to have sufficient bunker reserve to meet bad weather and contingencies.
7. All derricks and cranes must be stowed in position.
8. Eliminate free surface effects by emptying or pressing the tanks if possible.
9. During the voyage FS can be produced due to the consumption of fuel so consume fuel
from a slack tank first before start consuming full tank.
10. Adequate lashing arrangements for deck cargoes particularly for heavy lifts.
11. Stow heavy cargo as low as possible to bring “G” down.
12. Secure both the anchors prior to departure.
13. Take into account banding moments and sheer force.
14. Take into consideration the ice accretion.
15. Fire lines and steams line to be drain.
Q. NO. 6 JUNE’ 1993
A fully cellular type of container ship is particularly subject to tortional stresses explain.
a) Torsion in the effect on the structure when it is subjected to torque (i.e. turning force), if
such a body is not free to rotate then a twisting stress will be induced in the body. All ships
are subjected to a degree of torsion when waves are on the bow or quarter however
container v/l are subjected to torsion even more when the v/l is upright. The causes are
When encountering waves at an oblique angle the standard calculation to asses horizontal
bending and torsional stress is based on the assumptions that the ship is supported on the
standard wave where the angle of encounter is 45 deg and the wave length is approximately the
length of the v/l and the wave height 1/20th of the length, the ship is supported at the bow and
astern. The effect of the uneven wave encounter produces tortional stress or twisting on the
v/l’s structure.
Even when the container v/l is upright but the uneven distribution of the weight about the
center line causes twisting moments.
The above v/l is upright but the torsional stress occurred because of the off-center weights A
and B. The torsion stresses at any station can be regarded as the algebraic sum of the turning
moments either forward or aft of the station.
b) The torsion stresses are resisted by longitudinal members and this is the case in container
ships, the longitudinal strength provided by;
Substantially sized hatch coamings.
Longitudinally hatch girders.
Heavy hatch covers.
Increased scantlings of the weather deck and sheer strake.
Strongbox girder provided in wing tanks.
The box formed by deck stringers / sheer strake (torsion box) is significantly strong and
resist in particular, being furthest away from the axis of rotation.
Strong longitudinally framed D.B. are provided.
Q. NO. 5 JUNE’1995
1. General particulars (e.g., ship’s name, port of registry, GT, NRT, LOA. Breadth, DWT,
Draft to summer load lines.
2. General arrangement plan.
3. Capacities and C.O.G. (cargo spaces, fuel, F.W, Ballast tanks, stores etc.)
4. Estimated weight and disposition of passengers and crew.
5. Estimated weight and disposition of dk cargo (including 15% allowance for timber
6. Dead weight scale (displacement, DWT, TCP, MCTC)
7. Hydrostatic particulars (Displacement, TPC, MCTC, LCB, LCF, KM)
8. Free surface information (including an example)
9. KN tables cross curves (including an example)
10. Pre-worked ship conditions (light ship. Ballast. Arr / Dep, service loaded Arr. / Dep.
Homogenous loaded Arr./Dep. Dry Docking etc.). To include for each condition profile
diagram indicating disposition of weights, statements of light weights plus disposition pf
weight onboard, Metacentric height (GM curve) statical stability (GZ curves). Warning of
usage conditions.
11. Special procedures (cautionary notes)
12. Inclining experiment report.
13. Information for longitudinal stresses (For v/ls over 150 m in length).
14. Loading / Discharging / Ballasting sequence for long vessels.
15. Worked KG example of “icing”.
16. Maximum Draught Forward and Aft.
17. Wind heeling moment for high deck cargoes.
18. Maximum height of deck cargoes.
19. Damage stability conditions.
A. Flooding and damage stability requirements for type A and type B ships.
B. Flooding and damage stability requirements in the flooded conditions.
C. Flooding and damage stability information to be presented from flooding conditions.
D. Flooding and damage stability typical sketches required.
b) Give example of special cautionary notes for the Master, which may be included in this
1. Required minimum bow height always maintained the Forward draught should not exceed.
2. Sequence of Ballasting to enable adequate stability throughout the voyage.
3. Warning against large angle of heel, produced by strong beam wind.
4. Dangers of icing if the vessel is trading in severe winter conditions.
5. Incase of Timber deck cargo absorption of water should be considered up to 15% of its own
6. Special precautions when loading bulk grain.
7. Recommended minimum draught for heavy weather conditions.
8. In case of vehicle ferry, the KG of the compartment for carriage of vehicles shall be based
on the estimated center of gravity of vehicle and not the volumetric KG of the
9. Information’s to enable free surface effect.
10. Any special features regarding the stowage or behavior of cargoes.
Q. NO. 4 JUNE’ 1993
A sea going vessel generally has to be ballsted in the total absence of cargo and possibly at
other times. State the factors which determines the weight and distribution of water ballast
required for any given passage and explain why these consideration are important.
Considerations, which determine the weight and distribution of the water, ballast as follows.
1. The main factor taking the ballast is to improve the stability of the vessel (GM).
2. To make an adequate trim.
3. To correct the list.
4. To minimize the stress force or bending moments.
5. To reduce tortional stresses.
6. To sub-merged the propeller and ruder adequately.
7. To reduce the windage area.
8. Sea State and weather conditions.
9. To increase the rolling period.
10. To alter draught in a seaway.
11. To make minimum Fwd. Draught.
12. To reduce air draught.
13. Bulbous bow.
14. To reduce / eliminate free surface effect.
15. To maintain +ve. Stability .
16. Trim by the astern for directional stability.
In the total absence of cargo vessel must be ballasted to make her sea worthy in general
minimum quantity of ballast should be about 25% to 30% of her loaded DWT. Weight
distribution must be arrange to keep sheer force and bending moment with in acceptable limit
IMO regulation for Tankers and Bulk carriers in ballast conditions requires a minimum
maidship draught 2m + 0.021 “L” with maximum trim stern of 0.015 L. Where “L” is the
length of the vessel. Weather conditions if expecting bad then the vessel should take sufficient
ballast to minimize the rolling and pitching and excessive stress, stern trim is maintain to sub-
merged the propeller and ruder to increase vessel’s speed and reduce Fwd. ship resistance to
keep maximum bow height which has to be certain limit for the compliance of regulations
which will be given in the ship’s stability book let.
Q. NO. 5 NOV’ 96
Describe with the aid of one or more sketches, the effect on dynamical stability of a vessel
during bad weather of a transverse and vertical shift of solid bulk cargoes originally
trimmed level.
Bulk cargoes are liable to shift, during bad weather even if it is properly trimmed and even the
compartment is full, it is assumed that the grain shifts through an angle of 15’ in full
compartment and through 25’ in partially full compartment (if full compartment is not trimmed
properly a shift of 30’ is assumed). This is because difficulty in trimming the cargo properly to
filled behind the hatch side girders, and hatch end beams and also cargo settling during the
voyage. This results in:
1. Angles of list, which will reduce GZ, lever and also range of positive stability .
Dynamical stability = Displacement x Area under the curve.
As area under the curve is reduced so the dynamical stability will also be reduced (Transverse
shift of Grain)
2. Due to vertical shift of cargo the GM is reduced which reduces the stability.
With reference to above diagram if cargo shifts from g to gi there will be a corresponding shift
of the vessel’s C.O.G from g to G to Gi. This diagonal shift can be resolved into its horizontal
(GGh) and vertical (GGv) component if the ship were heeled by an external force without a
shift of cargo the righting lever develops would be GZ. The shift of cargo causes “G” to move
to “Gi”and the effective righting lever is now Gi and Zi. From diagram it can be seen.
A. Explain clearly why the values of trim and the matecentric height in the freely afloat
condition are important when considering suitability of a vessel for Dry Docking.
1. When a ship enters a Dry Dock she should be in stable equilibrium, upright and trimmed
slightly by the stern.
2. Once inside the dry dock, pumping out commences and the water level in the dock drops
3. As the vessel is trimmed slightly by the astern, the astern will take the blocks first and the
Fwd end can be adjusted in order to align the ship correctly over the keel blocks and
preventing her from capsizing the trim is very important.
4. After the astern has taken the blocks part of the ship’s weight gets transferred to the blocks
say “P” tons.
5. This is equivalent to the discharge of weight from the astern, both the KG and LCG of the
discharged weight is 0 meter.
6. This results in :
a) Decrease in the hydrostatic draught.
b) Decrease in the trim by the astern .
c) Virtual rise of C.O.G. of the ship and virtual loss of GM.
7. The value of “P” at the astern frames increases as the water level drops and the ship suffers
steadily increasing virtual loss of GM.
8. Therefore it is very important that the vessel has +ve. stability until the vessel has taken the
blocks overall.
Then by subtracting the virtual loss of GM from initial GM, we can get the effective
Metacentric height.
Q. NO. 3 JUNE’ 88
If the calculated Metacentric height during Dry Docking is found to be in adequate. Explain
clearly the practical measures that can be taken to remedy this, prior to Dry Docking.
1. Reduces the trim to the minimum so that the critical period reduces significantly.
2. When the vessel takes the blocks, the “G” will rise due to the “P” force, which acts
vertically upwards, from keel blocks.
3. Therefore, calculate the maximum trim taking into account the virtual loss of GM not more
than 0.2 m, so that the vessel can have the adequate GM when she is sitting on the blocks.
4. Any free surface in the tanks should be removed or reduced to as little as possible either by
emptying the tanks or pressing it up to the full conditions.
5. Sound all the tanks before entering the Dock, to be aware of quantities aboard and note all
the soundings in the sounding book.
6. Empty the wing tanks if possible. Stow derricks, cranes and riggings in stowed position re-
arrange the deck cargo, or cargo in between deck if any, to L.H, Ballast the D.B. tks. (press
Q.NO.4 DEC’ 91
A. Describe with the aid of labeled sketch the following initial stability conditions when
applied to a freely floating vessel in upright conditions;
A ship is said to be in stable equilibrium if she inclined and she tend to return to its initial
position, the C.O.G. must be below Metacentric height & ship must have positive GM.
When a ship, which is inclined to a small angle, tends to heel over still further then the ship is
said to be in an unstable equilibrium. The ship must have negative GM.
When a ship is heeled and the initial response is nil. The ship has zero GM.
B. Draw a diagram of this vessel heeled to a small angle by an external force to illustrate
the righting levers associated with the three above conditions:
C. On the set of axis draw representative curves of righting levers for the three conditions;
Q.NO. 5 MARCH’ 92
A. Describe the precautions necessary to be taken before and during the inclining
experiment of the vessel to determine the light KG.
1. There should be little or no wind, if there is any wind the ship should be head or astern to it.
2. The ship should be floating freely, there should be no barges alongside and the mooring
ropes should be slackening right down.
3. There should be plenty of water under the keel so the bottom of the ship does not touch the
seabed on inclination.
4. All loose weights must be removed or secured.
5. The ship must be upright at the commencement of the experiment.
6. All persons not directly concern with the experiment should be sent ashore.
7. In tidal water conduct experiment at slack water.
8. Remove all free surface effect.
B. Describe the inclining experiment and explain the calculations involved in it.
Before the stability of the ship in any particular condition of loading can be determined, the
initial condition must be known, in order to find the KG for the light ship the inclining
experiment is performed. The experiment is carried out by the builders when the ship is as near
to the light condition as possible, weights are shifted transversely across the deck and the
inclination is measured by using the plumb lines and horizontal battens.
Usually two or three plumb lines are used and each is attached at the centerline of the ship at a
height of about 10-m above the batten. A weight is shifted across the deck transversely causing
the ship to list and little time is allowed for the ship to settle down and then deflection of the
plumb line along the batten is noted, if the weight now returned to its original position the ship
will return to upright
In the above figure let the mass of W tons are shifted across the deck through a distance of “d”
meters. This will cause the C.O.G. of the ship to move from G to Gi the ship will then list to
bring Gi vertically under M i.e., Q degrees list, the plumb lines will thus be deflected along the
batten from B to C. since AC is the new vertical so angle BAC must also be Q.
GM = w x D / W x AB / BC AB = Length of plumb line & BC = Deflection
KM will be given by the Naval Architect
So, KG = KM - GM.
Q.NO 5 JULY’ 92
Two vessels of similar size each with a right handed propeller are proceeding in deep water
on parallel course with the faster vessel slightly astern of, and to starboard of the other close
to. Describe with the aid of diagrams the possible interaction effects between the two vessels
and the actions that should be taken onboard each vessel, until the faster vessel is past and
In figure (1) A and B are two vessels of same size on parallel courses and vessel B is
overtaking vessel A.
The effect is that, the water runs at an angle with the bow of overtaking vessel B and the rudder
of the vessel A resulting a bow in moment for both the vessels.
The action in this situation is that, the vessel B will alter her course to stbd. and vessel A will
alter her course to port.
In figure (2) both vessel are going side by side. The effect is that, according to Bernqullis
theorem the increase in velocity drops in pressure in position (2) the water velocity increases
between both vessels from mid part to astern but the pressure will increase at the bow of both
v/l and this cause to drag the v/l each other and both v/l’s bow will tends to away from each
other. The best action is to apply the helm and keep the v/l in steady position.
For v/l A helm to starboard
For v/l B helm to port.
In this situation the astern of the overtaking v/l is near to the bow of v/l A. the effect is that, the
flow of water runs at an angle with the rudder of the overtaking v/l B and the bow of the v/l A
resulting a bow in moment for both v/l which can arise a dangerous situation.
The best action is to use the helm as follow
V/l B put her helm to stbd.
V/l A put her helm to port.
When both v/l are in a confined channel then following action should be taken.
1. Established communications.
2. Lead ship slow down.
3. Overtaking ship speed up.
4. Maximum distance apart.
5. Deep water.
6. Wide section of channel.
7. Straight section of channel.
8. Competent helmsman.
9. Both steering motors ON.
10. No other traffic in vicinity .
Q. NO. 6 MARCH’ 93
With reference to the current passenger ship construction and survey regulations.
A. Explain the extent of hull flooding assumed when calculating the ship’s ability to survive
hull damage.
1. Longitudinal extent of the damage is taken 3 m plus 3% 0f the v/l length or 11 m or 10% of
the vessel length whichever is least.
2. The transverse extent of the damage is taken as 20% of the ship’s breadth.
3. The vertical damage of the ship is taken from base line upwards without limit.
B. State the minimum stability requirements in the damaged conditions for v/l other than post
1990 ships.
1. At all stages of flooding there shall be a +ve. residual stability.
2. In general the margin line should not be submerged.
3. When flooding is symmetrical the margin line shall not be submerged, at the final stage and
there should be a residual GM of at least 0.05 m.
4. When flooding is unsymmetrical at the final stage of flooding and after equalization
measures if any, have been taken the angle of heel is not to exceed 7’ and the margin line is
not to be submerged at no time should the maximum angle of heel be such as to endanger
the safety of the ship.
5. Range of stability in the damaged condition shall be to the satisfaction of the
administration. M 1381 refers: In the final condition maximum GZ to be least 0.10 and the
range not less than 7’
6. Residual GM at least 0.05m
C. Out line the additional factor taken into account to determine the permissible length of
compartments in ships built after 1990.
The maximum length of a compartment which can be flooded so as to bring a damage ship to
float at a water line tangential to the margin line in determining this length due account is to be
taken of the permeability of the compartment.
This varies inversely with the ship’s length, the number of passengers and the proportion of the
under water space used for the passengers, crew and machinery space, in effect it is the factor
of safety allowed in determining the maximum spacing of transverse water tight bulk heads
i.e., permissible length.
Permissible length of a compartment having its center at any point in the length of the ship
means the product of the foldable length at that point and the factor of sub-division of the ship.
In other words there is a greater degree of sub-division when the vessel is long, the no. Of
passengers are large, and much of the space below the water line is used for passengers, crew,
accommodation and or machinery space.
Q. NO. 6 DEC’90
A. State the surveys required in order that an international load line certificate remains
1. Annual survey. 2. Renewal survey every 5 years.
B. List the items and state the nature of the exam. Required for each item at these surveys.
Preparation should be commenced three months before the expected date of the surveys.
1. Check all access openings at ends of enclosed structure are in good condition, all daubs,
clamps, and hinges should be free and well greased.
2. Check all cargo hatches and access to holds for water tightness, especially battening device
such as cleats and wedges.
3. Securing of portable beams.
4. Tarpaulins must be in good condition and two for each hold.
5. Check all machinery space openings on exposed decks.
6. Check all ventilator openings are provided with water tight closing.
7. All air pipes must be provided with permanently attached satisfactory means for closing
and openings.
8. Check all manholes and flush scuttles are water tight.
9. Inspect cargo ports below free board deck for water tightness.
10. Non-return valves on over board discharge are operating satisfactorily.
11. Side scuttles must have internal water tightness.
12. All freeing ports to be in good working condition.
13. All guard rails and bulwarks in satisfactory condition.
14. Rigged lifelines required to be filled in certain areas.
15. De-rust and paint the deck line, load line marks and draft marks.
Q.NO 6 JULY 92
A. List the Grain loading information required to be provided to a ship under the current
Grain rules.
1. A document of authorization should be issued for any ship intending to carry bulk Grain by
the vessel’s national administration.
2. Details of required stability criteria as given in the load line rules and IMO Grain rules.
3. General arrangement plan and stability data for the vessel, including hydrostatic data, cross
curves / KN tables, capacities and centroids of compartments and free surface effect /
4. Curves on tables for grain heeling moments for every compartment filled or partly filled.
5. Tables of maximum permissible heeling moments.
6. Securing arrangements by using shifting boards, saucers, bundling in bulk, over stowing
7. Conditions for typical loaded, departure, arrival and intermediate, worst, service conditions
with worked examples for Grain with stowing at 1.25, 1.53 and 1.81 m / ton.
8. Especial instruction for maintaining adequate stability throughout the voyage, including
filling ballast tanks.
9. Other information such as ship’s particulars, light ship displacement and KG.
B. Explain how the information supplied is used to determine weather or not the proposed
Grain stowage satisfies the stability requirements.
1. Enter the table with the vessel displacement and KG and extract the maximum permissible
Grain heeling moment.
2. Heeling the total volumetric heeling moment (m) of all cargo spaces full and partially full.
3. Convert to weight heeling moment by dividing by stowage factor
4. Compare total weight heeling moment with value of maximum heeling moment from table
to determine if within limit the approximate angle of heel due to Grain shift can be
determine by using the following formula: