Hedda Gabler Themes
Hedda Gabler Themes
Hedda Gabler Themes
2. Who has more power over Eilert Løvborg – Thea or Hedda – and why?
3. When the play begins, who is in the power seat in the relationship between
Hedda and the Judge? What about when he tries to blackmail her? What about
when Hedda commits suicide? How do the dynamics of their relationship shift
over the course of the play?
4. Eilert asks Hedda: "Ah, what power was it in you, Hedda, that made me tell
you such things?" Good question.
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Hedda is a more powerful, manipulative character than Judge Brack.
3. If Hedda has so many masculine qualities, why are so many men in love with
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The three women in Hedda Gabler – Mrs. Elvsted, Miss Tesman, and Hedda herself –
all come up with different solutions to the "problem" weighing on women in the
Victorian era. Only Hedda’s solution is successful
2. Hedda claims that she married Tesman because he promised to give her
everything she wanted. Is this really why she tied the knot?
3. Eilert tells George that he won’t compete for the professorship because he
only wants to win in the eyes of the world. Why doesn’t he care about money?
What exactly does he care about instead?
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Hedda cares more about power than she does about money.
2. Why is it that Hedda is so afraid of scandal? She seems to flaunt her disregard
for Victorian values, at least as far as femininity goes – so why does this matter
so much to her?
3. After he tells Mrs. Elvsted off, Eilert claims that he no longer has any interest
for his former renegade lifestyle, as Thea has killed that part of him. Does he
resent her for this, or is he grateful for the reformation?
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George doesn’t really love Hedda; she’s just a trophy wife.
2. Hedda says that Eilert is courageous, both before his death and after she
hears the (false) story of his suicide. What makes him seem courageous to her,
in each instance?
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Mrs. Elvsted is the only truly courageous character in Hedda Gabler.
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George Tesman, Eilert Løvborg, and Judge Brack all find Hedda attractive for different
3. At what point has Hedda decided with certainty to commit suicide? When she
takes the gun from the writing table? Before that? After?
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Dreams are never fulfilled in Hedda Gabler because every character makes his plans
dependent on someone else.
2. Hedda thinks that drinking again is a mark of courage on Eilert’s part. What
does Eilert think? What do YOU think?
3. Why is it that Hedda’s taunts about masculinity aren’t enough to drive Eilert
to drink, yet mistrust on Thea’s part is?