DEL5 - Soft Delivery-R13.01

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Welcome to “Soft Delivery” learning unit.

This learning unit will enable you to learn the

concept of Soft Delivery Subsystem and how to configure it

DEL5-Soft Delivery-R12.01 1
After completing this learning unit, you will be able to:

1. Understand the flow of Soft Delivery subsystem

2. Understand the features of Soft Delivery
3. Create records in applications involved in the set up of Soft Delivery
4. State the difference between Hard and Soft Delivery

DEL5-Soft Delivery-R12.01 2
1. Using Soft Delivery, the Delivery subsystem becomes a little customisable, when
compared with what you saw in the previous learning unit , i.e. Hard Delivery

2. It has the following features

2.1 You can preview an advice even before committing a transaction
2.2 You can decide what is the mapping record to be used, rather than hard
coding the value
2.3 You can decide on the Application Format to be used during Formatting

3. Modules using SOFT Delivery are decided by Temenos. Some of the modules are
3.1BL - Bills
3.2MD - Guarantees
3.3 SW - Swap
3.4 AA - Arrangement Architecture
3.5 LC - Letter of Credit

DEL5-Soft Delivery-R12.01 3
1. In a particular application, when fields A,B,C and D are filled, the application logic
assigns an activity code XYZ depending on the values entered into these fields.
Likewise another combination of values, in the same fields, could cause an activity
code of ABC i.e. During the life cycle of a transaction, various activity codes are
produced. The point is that the application logic decides, based on values in fields
what kind of activity should be produced.

2. The same application logic decides what kind of message can the application
produce. Do not confuse this message class with the ones defined in
DE.MESSAGE application. In this case a message class is more in the generic
sense, for a business person to understand. During a particular activity, a
particular message class is referred. For eg: When the Charges field is filled in the
LC record then a Debit Advice containing charges should be produced.

3. Combine activities and Message Classes to

4. Produce Delivery Advices. More than one advice can be produced for the same
activity code as per the users choice. This is where Soft Delivery is customisable.
You can decide that for an activity and a particular message class what kind of
advice should be produced. THIS IS THE CRUX of SOFT DELIVERY

DEL5-Soft Delivery-R12.01 4
Now lets learn how to link the previous concepts to actual applications in T24.

1.All the activities that are produced during the life cycle of a transactions are specified
in an application called EB.ACTIVITY. The records in this application comes

2.All Message Classes are defined in an application called EB.MESSAGE.CLASS. A

record in this application should be linked to the actual message class defined in the
individual parameter tables. You will understand this when you see a record in the
application EB.MESSAGE.CLASS

3.All advices to be produced for a particular activity and message class is defined in
an application called EB.ADVICES.

4.So, what is the link between the 3 applications? The record ID’s in the application
EB.ACITIVTY and EB.ADVICES are the same.

5. A particular message class to be used is specified inside the EB.ADVICES record

DEL5-Soft Delivery-R12.01 5
1. All records in EB.ACTIVITY application comes preconfigured .i.e. they are
hardcoded. In the screen shot, are some o of the listed activities that can occur of
the LC module

2. You are now going to see one of the activity codes LC-2801

3. The record ID in EB.ACTIVITY is of the format: <Application Code> followed by a

hypen followed by a four digit activity code

4. A meaningful Description of the activity is given in the field Description. This is for
a business person to understand when is this particular activity triggered. For eg:
L/C Import Amendment (Int) is an activity that is triggered when the bank has
increased, lets say, the Cash Margin from 25% to 30% for the Importer who has
an account with the Bank.

5. The field Days Prior Event, if setup, cause the activity to occur ‘x’ days before it
actually does. In this case x is the number of days. This can be used in case
advices need to be sent before the activity can actually occur.

DEL5-Soft Delivery-R12.01 6
As described earlier records are setup in EB.MESSAGE.CLASS and linked with the
actual message class defined in the parameter tables of the individual modules.
1. For eg: The LC application will have a parameter table called LC.PARAMETERS,
message classes will be defined inside the parameter record. You will have to link
the message classes defined in the parameters to the records created in
2. Look at a sample LC Class Type called DEBIT.CUST, that is hard coded from the
3. This has been linked to a record in EB.MESSAGE.CLASS in the field Eb Class
No. The record in EB.MESSAGE.CLASS will be DEBITADVICE. Thus records are
created in EB.MESSAGE.CLASS and linked to appropriate parameter tables for
the modules using SOFT DELIVERY. i.e. all T24 applications that supports SOFT
DELIVERY has these messages classes hard coded; which means they differ
from application to application
4. The advantage is that we can create a single record in EB.MESSAGE.CLASS and
link it to various message classes from the individual parameter tables. For eg:
Take a look at the BL.PARAMETER table for the Bills Module. The BL Msg Class
DEBIT.CUST, is linked to the same EB Msg Class DEBITADVICE in the
EB.MESSAGE.CLASS application.

Thus, in EB.MESSAGE.CLASS, we give a generic name to the hard coded application

message classes. Henceforth, these user defined names will be used in setting up a
record in EB.ADVICES and NOT the ones that are used specific to each application

DEL5-Soft Delivery-R12.01 7
1. As mentioned earlier, how does the T24 SOFT Delivery system know which
EB.ADVICES record to read? This is because the EB.ACTIVTY id and the
EB.ADVICES id are the same, thus when a particular activity occurs a record in
EB.ADVICES is read to find out the delivery advices to be produced for that
2. A brief description of the activity code is given in the field Description.
3. The record to be read in DE.MESSAGE is given in the field Message Type.
4. The EB.MESSAGE.CLASS record to be read is specified in the field Msg Class.
5. The mapping Key to be used in DE.MAPPING is specified in the field Mapping
6. The field Extra Advice can contain the ID of another EB.ADVICES record. If this
field is populated, then the EB.ADVICES record specified here will also be read by
the SOFT DELIVERY subsystem to decide any extra advice that needs to be
produced when this activity occurs.
7. The value you specify in the field Print Format will determine which record in
DE.FORMAT.PRINT to be used. This field actually maps to the
APPLICATION.FORMAT part of the DE.FORMAT.PRINT ID. If you recall the ID of
a record in DE.FORMAT.PRINT is: DE.MESSAGE ID followed by
by a LANGUAGE code. For eg: 900.1.1.GB. The value you specify in this field is
used in determining the second component of the DE.FORMAT.PRINT record
8. You can also generate a DEAL SLIP along with the advices by specifying a valid
record of DEAL.SLIP.FORMAT in the field Deal Slip
9. The field Use Record can also contain the ID of another EB.ADVICES record. The
ID of record specified in this field will be read by the SOFT DELIVERY subsystem
to produce the necessary advices instead of what is defined in the current record

An example on the next slide will help you understand the fields Extra Advice and Use

DEL5-Soft Delivery-R12.01 8
Record better

DEL5-Soft Delivery-R12.01 8
1. In Example 1, when the activity BL-1111 occurs, the message types 900, 910 and
930 will be produced. This is because in the first record BL-1111, you have told
the SOFT Delivery subsystem to refer to record BL-1112 for more advices to be
produced for the same message class. The important point to remember here is
that a MESSAGE CLASS is always associated with an ACTIVITY CODE

2. In Example 2, when activity BL-1111 occurs, advices 910 “OR” 920 will be
produced based on which Message Class is generated. This is because you have
set the field USE RECORD to BL-1112, which in-turn instructs the SOFT Delivery
subsystem to read the record BL-1112 to produce the necessary advices.

DEL5-Soft Delivery-R12.01 9
You are now going to learn the TECHNICAL WORKFLOW of the SOFT DELIVERY subsystem
1. When you authorise a record in an application that supports SOFT DELIVERY, a corresponding
activity is triggered based on the values entered in the fields
2. Within the application logic, a call is made to a core T24 subroutine called EB.HANDOFF, the
ACTIVITY CODE generated and the MESSAGE CLASS are passed as parameters to this subroutine.
3. Based on the ACTIVITY CODE the corresponding record is read in EB.ADVICES. For every advice in
EB.ADVICES based on the MESSAGE CLASS, one call is made to the CORE T24 delivery
subroutine called APPLICATION.HANDOFF. From here onwards the flow of the Delivery subsystem
is the same as you learnt in Learning UNITS - “Delivery Outward PART I and II”. As a recap this is
what happens
4. The Delivery Reference ID is created for every advice
5. Data is written into DE.O.HANDOFF, with record ID as the delivery reference ID
6. Mapping is performed, using the DE.MAPPING record and DE.MESSAGE record specified in
7. The appropriate DE.PRODUCT record is read to find out the Status, Carrier, Address, Format
Version Number and Language of the Advice
8. The corresponding DE.ADDRESS record is read based on the DE.PRODUCT record to find out
where the delivery advice must be sent to
9. The details of the transaction is updated in the DE.O.HEADER record.
10. If the advice is a PRINT Advice then the ID is placed in the unformatted print queue that is
11. If the advice is a SWIFT Advice then the ID is placed in the unformatted swift queue that is
12. IF the STATUS in DE.PRODUCT is HOLD, then the F.DE.O.HOLD.KEY is updated with the ID of the
13. If there is any error encountered then the ID of the advice is written in the repair queue i.e.
All these steps happen as soon as the contract is authorised and no USER intervention is required,
providing all the records in the corresponding applications have been setup properly

DEL5-Soft Delivery-R12.01 10
You are now going to learn the TECHNICAL WORKFLOW of the SOFT DELIVERY
subsystem with respect to Formatting and Carrier Control
1. The user has to start the formatting services BNK/PRINT.OUT and BNK/SWIFT.OUT
2. Internally these services call DE.OUTWARD (Formatting subroutine)
3. The corresponding record is read in DE.CARRIER based on the record in
4. If the advice is a PRINT advice then its formatted according to the record in
5. IF the advice is a SWIFT advice then its formatted according to the record in
6. The formatted PRINT advice is placed in the formatted queue i.e.
F.DE.O.MSG.<DE.FORM.TYPE ID>. The DE.FORM.TYPE ID to be read is specified
in the DE.FORMAT.PRINT record
7. If an interface is to be used, then the formatted SWIFT advice is placed in the
8. Otherwise, if no interface is used, then the formatted SWIFT advice is place in the
default SWIFT queue F.DE.O.MSG.SWIFT
9. The record in DE.O.HEADER is updated with the Disposition of the Advice.
10. Start the PRINT Service XXX/DE.PRINT to send the formatted print advice to the
physical printer
11. Start the SWIFT Service XXX/SWIFT.OUT to send the formatted SWIFT advice to the
SWIFT machine, if no Interface is used
12. No need to start anything, if an INTERFACE is used. The DE.OUTWARD routine will
take care of invoking the INTERFACE routines, which in turn will send the
FORMATTED SWIFT advice to the SWIFT machine

DEL5-Soft Delivery-R12.01 11
1. An important functionality of the SOFT DELIVERY subsystem is that you can
preview a delivery advice
2. This can be done for any application that is configured for SOFT Delivery. In the
previous learning unit you had learnt that a delivery advice can be viewed only
after you start the formatting service. But, now you have a functionality wherein
you can view the formatted delivery advice even before committing the
3. For an application using SOFT delivery to use the preview functionality, in the
PGM.FILE record for that application the field ADDITIONAL.INFO needs to be set
4. Internally, it executes an enquiry called DE.PREVIEW every time the PREVIEW
button is clicked in the browser
5. This enquiry displays the formatted advice that is temporarily stored in the file

DEL5-Soft Delivery-R12.01 12
Now you are going to see a small illustration of how to use the PREVIEW functionality
1. Input a sample LC transaction. Make sure all the necessary fields have been
populated by validating the transaction
2. Click on the Preview Button

DEL5-Soft Delivery-R12.01 13
1. A popup opens with the result of the enquiry DE.PREVIEW. For this example, four
acknowledgement type advices are produced.
2. Click on the “Preview Message” link to view the corresponding delivery Advice.

DEL5-Soft Delivery-R12.01 14
1. The record in F.DE.PREVIEW will be created temporarily with the transaction
reference. i.e. in this example the ID of the LC record. The contents of this record
is the temporary Delivery Reference ID generated during preview
2. The actual formatted message is present in the file F.DE.PREVIEW.MSG. The ID
of a record in this file is Delivery Reference ID followed by the DE.MAPPING ID
3. If you view the LC record, the field ACTIVITY CODE would be populated along
with the Msg Class that was used for this particular transaction.

TASK: Open the EB.ADVICES record LC-1401 to understand which advices were
actually generated from the group of advices defined in it.

DEL5-Soft Delivery-R12.01 15
1. Login to T24, and list the records in PGM.FILE, that have .PREVIEW set in the
ADDITIONAL.INFO field. Note the applications supporting the preview

2. Perform an FT transaction. Validate the record. (DO NOT COMMINT THE

RECORD). Click on the preview button to view the Credit and Debit Advices

DEL5-Soft Delivery-R12.01 16
1.The name of the core T24 subroutine called by the SOFT delivery module is

2.In Soft Delivery you can decide which format PRINT record should be used?

3. What is the name of the application where the activities are defined?

4. The activity code that is generated during the life cycle of a transaction is hard

DEL5-Soft Delivery-R12.01 17
5. What is the name of the application where the advices to be generated for an
activity are defined?

6. For every advice that is to be generated for that message class and activity, a call is
made to the core T24 delivery subroutine APPLICATION.HANDOFF?

7. Using SOFT Delivery you can

•Decide what are the advices to be generated for a particular message type and
•Preview the delivery advice even before committing the record
•Decide which format record should be used for PRINT advices
•All of the above

DEL5-Soft Delivery-R12.01 18
8. A EB.MESSAGE.CLASS record is actually linked to the individual message classes
of a particular application?

9. You cannot preview a delivery advice from the browser


10. If an application should allow the PREVIEW functionality in T24 what should be
• Set .PREVIEW in the EB.ADVICES record for that application
• Set .PREVIEW in FILE.CONTROL record for that application
• Set .PREVIEW in PGM.FILE record for that application
• PREVIEW functionality is not possible

DEL5-Soft Delivery-R12.01 19
In this learning unit, you learnt about Soft Delivery

You will now be able to

1. Explain the flow of Soft Delivery subsystem

2. Understand the features of Soft Delivery
3. Create records in applications involved in the set up of Soft Delivery
4. State the difference between Hard and Soft Delivery

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DEL5-Soft Delivery-R12.01 21

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