Chemistry Investigatory Project
Chemistry Investigatory Project
Chemistry Investigatory Project
A Study of The Structures of Solids
Around Us
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This project would not have been possible without proper guidance and
support from the chemistry experts, Mr. Sundar and Mrs. Pratima Tiwari,
my chemistry teacher. I am highly indebted to the former for sharing her
indispensable time and knowledge to make this project a success. I am
grateful to Mr. Sundar for letting me use the chemistry lab. I would like
express my gratitude towards the school authorities and Mrs. Lalita Singh,
the principal, for providing me with best of the facilities and environment
and giving such wonderful opportunities to shine. Finally, I want to thank
my classmates who have willingly helped me in every possible manner.
Crystal Lattices
Introduction ......................................................................................... 1
Covalent Solids................................................................................. 2
Cubic ................................................................................................ 5
Tetragonal ........................................................................................ 5
Orthogonal ....................................................................................... 5
Monoclinic ....................................................................................... 6
Hexagonal ........................................................................................ 6
Rhombohedral .................................................................................. 6
Triclinic ............................................................................................ 6
Over 90% of naturally occurring and man-made solids are crystalline. Most
solids form with a regular arrangement of their particles because the overall
attractive interactions between particles are maximized, and the total
intermolecular energy is minimized, when the particles pack in the most
efficient manner. The regular arrangement at an atomic level is often reflected
at a macroscopic level.
Types of Solids
Ionic Solids
The force of attraction between the ions is called an ionic bond. These crystals
are formed between constituents which have very large differences in electron
attracting power so as to allow complete transfer of electrons from one
constituent to another. The force of attraction between the ions is purely
electrostatic. Since these ions are held in fixed positions, they do not conduct
electricity in the solid state. They conduct electricity in the fused state. The
forces of attraction in ionic solids are very strong and therefore they exhibit
high melting points and cleave only if force is applied along certain directions.
All ionic solids are hard and brittle.
Crystal Lattices [2]
Metallic Solids
The constituent units of metallic solids are positive ions. This array of positive
ions is held together by the free moving electron charge cloud which arises due
to the grouping of all the valence electrons. It is because of free moving
electrons that these compounds show malleability, ductility and lustre Also,
since electrons can move freely throughout the lattice, the metals exhibit high
electrical and thermal conductivity. Examples of metallic solids include Cy, Ag,
Au, Na, K etc.
Covalent Solids
Atoms are the structural units of covalent solids. These atoms are bound to
other atoms by shared electron pair bonds. These solids are formed when a large
number of the atoms are held by strong covalent bonds. This bonding extends
throughout the crystal and as a covalent bond is directional, it results in a giant
interlocking structure.
Since every atom is held rigidly in its position by four strong covalent bonds, it
results in a very hard solid. Covalent solid usually have high melting points, are
quite hard and are bad conductors of electricity. They have high latent heat of
fusion and low coefficient of expansion.
Crystal Lattices [3]
Molecular Solids
The constituent units of molecular solids are the molecules, rather than atoms
or ions. Thus, these solids have relatively high coefficients of expansion. They
melt at low temperatures and have low heat of fusion. The bonding within the
molecules is covalent and strong whereas the forces which operate between
different molecules of the crystal lattice are the weak van der Waals forces. As
a result of these weak forces, the molecular solids are soft and vaporize very
readily. These solids do not conduct electricity. The electrons are localized in
the bonds of each molecule. They are, therefore, unable to move from one
molecule to another on the application of electric field. Examples of these solids
are iodine, sulphur, phosphorus, sugar etc.
Crystalline structures have long range order and are anisotropic in nature.
However, every such structure can be represented by a crystal lattice, which is
a regular, three-dimensional arrangement known as a crystal lattice.
Crystal Lattices [6]
Hexagonal Rhombohedral
Crystal Lattices [7]
Unit Cell
The structure of a crystalline solid, whether a metal or not, is best described by
considering its simplest repeating unit, which is referred to as its unit cell. The
unit cell consists of lattice points that represent the locations of atoms or ions.
The entire structure then consists of this unit cell repeating in three
Since each atom is surrounded by 6 other atoms, the simple cubic arrangement
has a coordination number of 6.
this structure touches four atoms in the layer above it and four atoms in the
layer below it. Thus, an atom in a BCC structure has a coordination number of
Crystal Lattices [9]
atoms in the centers of the adjacent faces along the face diagonals of the cube.
Because the atoms are on identical lattice points, they have identical
Face Centered Cubic Unit Cell Body Centered Cubic Unit Cell
Crystal Lattices [10]
Since each Sodium ion is surrounded by 6 Chlorine ions, this structure has a 6:6
Other examples of compounds which show this type of structure are SrF2, BaF2,
SrCl2, CdF2, HgF2, and PbF2.
Crystal Lattices [14]
These defects are broadly divided in two types: point defects, which arise from
deviations around a point, and line defects, which arise from deviations in
entire rows of lattice points.
Stoichiometric Defects
These do not affect the stoichiometry of the solid. They are also called intrinsic,
or thermodynamic defects.