Template EOs For Barangays
Template EOs For Barangays
Template EOs For Barangays
Province of Tarlac
Municipality of Camiling
Pursuant to the provisions of Republic Act (R.A.) No. 9184 otherwise known as the
Government Procurement Reform Act, I, ADOLFO B. MABLOT JR., Punong Barangay of
Barangay Pindangan First, Camiling, Tarlac, do hereby order and designate the following as
members of the Bids and Awards Committee (BAC), to wit;
Section 2. Term of Office.The BAC and the BAC Secretariat shall have a fixed term
of one (1) year reckoned from the date of their appointment.
Section 3. Functions of BAC. The BAC shall have the following functions:
Functions of the BAC Secretariat –The BAC Secretariat shall have the following
functions and responsibilities:
Done this 1st day of July, 2018 at Barangay Pindangan First, Camiling, Tarlac.
WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 106a of the Local Government Code of 1991, each
local government unit shall have a comprehensive multi-sectoral development plan to be initiated
by its development council and approved by its Sanggunian. For this purpose, the Barangay
Development Council shall assist the corresponding Sanggunian in setting the direction of
economic and social development, and coordinating development efforts within its territorial
Section 2. Functions. The Barangay Development Council shall have the following
functions, duties and responsibilities.
Section 5. Effectivity. This Order shall take effect immediately upon approval.
Done this 1st day of July, 2018 at Barangay Pindangan First, Camiling, Tarlac.
Pursuant to (a) Section 2 of Executive Order 366, s. 1996, Creation of Barangay Peace
and Order Committee, (b) Department of the Interior and Local Government Memorandum
Circular No. 2002-02, Strengthening the Barangay Peace and Order Committee and (c) Peace
and Order Council Memorandum Circular No. 2002-05, The Guidelines on the
Operationalization of Barangay Peace and Order Committee, I ADOLFO B. MABALOT JR,
by virtue of the power vested in me by law as the Chief Executive of Barangay Pindangan First,
Camiling, Tarlac, do hereby order and organize/reorganize the Barangay Peace and Order
Committee, to wit;
Section 1. Composition. The Barangay Peace and Corder Council, which shall serve as
the implementing arm of the Municipal Peace and Order Council in the barangay level,
is composed of the following:
Section 2. Functions. The Barangay Peace and Order Council shall have the following
functions, duties and responsibilities:
a. Monitor and coordinate the implementation of peace and order programs and
projects at the barangay level;
b. Serve as an information-gathering mechanism;
c. Monitor and check the nefarious activities of criminal elements;
d. Identify barangay constituents with strong deviant behavior for referral to
appropriate authorities;
e. Maintain continuing dialogue, close coordination and rapport with the higher
levels of the peace and order councils and law enforcement units;
f. Formulate plans and recommend such measures which will improve or
enhance peace and order and public safety in their area of responsibility;
g. Monitor, coordinate and supervise the operation of all community-based anti-
crime movements within the barangay;
h. Make periodic assessment of the prevailing peace and order situation in their
respective areas of responsibility and submit report with appropriate
recommendations to the higher level Peace and Order Council; and
i. Perform such other functions which may be assigned by higher level peace and
order councils.
Section 3. Frequency of Meetings. The Barangay Peace and Order Committee shall
meet at least once every month or as often as may be necessary.
Section 5. Effectivity. This Order shall take effect immediately upon approval.
Done this 1st day of July, 2018 at Barangay Pindangan First, Camiling, Tarlac.
WHEREAS, pursuant to (a) RA 9003 re: The Ecological Solid Waste Management Act
of 2000, (b) DILG MC 2001-38, DILG MC 2004-151 and(c) DILG MC No. 2001-19 re: Updates
on Organized Solid Waste Management Committees of Barangays, there shall be an
Organization of Solid Waste Management Board in all levels to ensure the implementation of
RA 9003;
Section 2. Functions, Duties and Responsibilities - The BESWMC shall perform the
following functions, duties and responsibilities:
Section 3. Frequency of Meetings. The BESWMC shall meet at least once a month or
as often as may be necessary.
Section 4. Effectivity. This Order shall take effect immediately upon approval.
Done this 1st day of July, 2018 at Barangay Pindangan First, Camiling, Tarlac.
The appointed/ designated Barangay Action Officer has the following functions:
Section 5. Effectivity. This Order shall take effect immediately upon approval.
Done this 1st day of July, 2018 at Barangay Pindangan First, Camiling, Tarlac.
WHEREAS, it is stated in the same MC the incorporation of Republic Act No. 8980
otherwise known as the Early Childhood and Care Development Act (ECCD Act) which
promulgates a comprehensive policy and national system for the promotion of the rights of the
children to survival, development and special protection with full recognition of the nature of
childhood and its special needs, especially children aged 0-6 years old;
Section 3. Frequency of Meetings. The BCPC shall meet at least once every two months
or as often as may be necessary.
Section 5. Effectivity. This order shall take effect immediately upon approval.
Done this 1st day of July, 2018 at Barangay Pindangan First, Camiling, Tarlac.
WHEREAS, the 1967 Philippine Constitution mandates that the state shall promote peace
and order and safeguard the life and properties of every citizen;
WHEREAS, Section 16 of Republic Act 7160 mandates that local government units
shall pursue activities and projects that shall improve the morale of every Filipinos and shall
maintain peace and order in their respective communities;
WHEREAS, the problem on illegal drugs must be addressed to ensure public safety and
for a peaceful and orderly environment;
WHEREAS, DILG MC No. 2003-131 dated June 23, 2003, with reference to DILG MC
Nos. 98-227 dated December 2, 1998, 99-226 dated December 21, 1999 and 2001-90 dated July
26, 2001, all pertaining to the creation of Anti-Drug Abuse Council in all levels of local
government units and to the immediate reactivation and strengthening, or the creation (in case
there is still none) of such;
a. Serve as the focal point through which various organization and individual,
work together cooperatively in the planning, implementing and evaluating the
programs on drug abuse prevention;
b. Provide for an effective mechanism for the coordination of existing services
and programs and those which might be developed in the immediate future;
c. Provide for a mechanism to obtain funds, volunteers, facilities and technical
expertise for other organizations; and
d. Perform other related task as maybe assigned by higher authorities.
Section 3. Frequency of Meetings. The BADAC shall meet monthly or as often as may
be necessary.
Section 5. Effectivity. This Order shall take effect immediately upon approval.
Done this 1st day of July, 2018 at Barangay Pindangan First, Camiling, Tarlac.
Pursuant to Section 12 (under letters a and c) of Republic Act No. 10121 and DILG
Memorandum Circular No. 2010 –143 dated December 9, 2010, I, ADOLFO B. MBALOT JR.,
Punong Barangay of Barangay Pindangan First, Camiling, Tarlac, do hereby order and designate
the following as members of the Barangay Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Committee
(BDRRMC), to wit;
The Punong Barangay may appoint other members of the Committee depending on the
need and circumstances.
The BDRRM shall be a regular Committee of and subject to the existing Barangay
Development Council.
Section 5.Effectivity - This Order shall take effect immediately upon approval.
Done this 1st day of July, 2018 at Barangay Pindangan First, Camiling, Tarlac.
WHEREAS, pursuant to DILG Memorandum Circular No. 2003-95 dated May 7, 2003
directingthe creationof the Barangay Health Emergency Response Team (BHERT) in all
barangays nationwide to address the containment, prevention and control of SARS at the
barangay level.
Section 2. Functions, Duties and Responsibilities. The BHERT shall perform the
following functions:
a. Monitor epidemics or other incidences that may pose a threat to the health of
the residents in the barangay;
b. Immediately report to the Punong barangay any action/s taken on such
concerns and recommend measures for the prevention of the spread of
c. Perform such other functions assigned by the Punong Barangay as may deem
necessary in maintaining the health of the barangay residents.
Section 3. Frequency of Meetings. The BHERT shall meet at least once every six (6)
months or as often as may be necessary.
Section 5. Effectivity. This Order shall take effect immediately upon approval.
Done this 1st day of July, 2018 at Barangay Pindangan First, Camiling, Tarlac.
WHEREAS, pursuant to Executive Order No. 115 series of 2003 re: Amended Manual of
Regulations of the Regional, Provincial, Independent Component City, City/Municipal and
Barangay Agricultural and Fishery Councils, provides for the creation of the BAFC;
Section 2. Functions, Duties and Responsibilities. The BAFC shall perform the
following functions, duties and responsibilities:
a. Identify/assess the diverse needs and resources of the area and participate in
policy assessment and formulation in consultation with government and non-
government organizations in agriculture and fishery development;
b. Assist the DA and its attached agencies and the agriculture office of the LGU
in monitoring and evaluation and set-up an effective feedback mechanism for
its plans and program;
c. Prepare and submit a work and financial plan for incorporation in the DA-
RFUs regular budget, LGU annual appropriations per existing DILG MC
2001-121 dated September 12, 2001 and other entities to sustain AFC
d. Participate in the review of the approved plans and programs with the
corresponding budgetary allocations, including special projects of the DA, its
attached agencies and LGUs;
e. Identify and refer to appropriate legislative bodies issues which will require
legislation after consultation with local and national agencies and
stakeholders; and
f. Promote capability building among BAFC officers and members.
Section 3. Frequency of Meetings. The BAFC shall meet once every six (6) months or
as often as may be necessary.
Section 5. Effectivity. This Order shall take effect immediately upon approval.
Done this 1st day of July, 2018 at Barangay Pindangan First, Camiling, Tarlac.
WHEREAS, DILG-DSWD JMC 2010-02 dated December 09, 2010 mandates for the
establishment of a VAWC Desk in every barangay nationwide;
Section 1. Functions, Duties and Responsibilities. The VAWC Desk Officer shall
perform the following functions, duties and responsibilities:
Section 5. Effectivity. This Order shall take effect immediately upon approval.
Done this 1st day of July, 2018 at Barangay Pindangan First, Camiling, Tarlac.
WHEREAS , Section 3 of the 1991 Local Government Code mandates that “there shall
be a continuing mechanism to enhance local autonomy not only by legislative acts but also by
administrative and organizational reforms”and “the national government shall ensure that the
decentralization contributes to the continuing improvement of the performance of local
government units and the quality of community life”;
WHEREAS, the same provides the legal framework for local governance under Section
16 & 17. It defines the roles and responsibilities of local authorities that require the development
of management tools and approaches to assess the efficiency of the processes and the quality of
public service towards efficient and effective governance;
WHEREAS, Republic Act. No 6975 mandates the DILG as a central agency that assists
the President in the exercise of general supervision over local government units, as such promote
local autonomy and community empowerment.
Section 3. Frequency of Meetings. The BGPMS-BAT shall meet every March to assess
the barangay’s performance in the previous year, as well as to create the SBGR to be
submitted on March 30 of every year.
Section 5. Effectivity. This Order shall take effect immediately upon approval.
Done this 1st day of July, 2018 at Barangay Pindangan First, Camiling, Tarlac.
WHEREAS , pursuant to PCW - DILG - DBM - NEDA Joint Memorandum Circular No.
2013-01 which prescribes the guidelines on the Localization of the Magna Carta of Women
(MCW) through the creation of different enabling mechanisms;
WHEREAS, the same JMC recognises the fundamental equality of men and women
before the law as provided for in the 1987 Philippine Constitution, pursuing women’s
empowerment and gender equality in accordance with RA 7160, the General Appropriations Act,
MCW and other international commitments particularly the CEDAW, BPA and the MDG,
instituting an enabling environment at the local level that will ensure gender responsive
governance and the promotion of general welfare;
Section 2. Functions, Duties and Responsibilities. The Barangay GFPS are tasked
with the following:
a. Facilitate the gender mainstreaming efforts of the barangay through the GAD
planning and budgeting process;
b. Formulate the barangay GAD Plan and Budget in response to the gender gaps
and issues faced by their constituents including their women and men
c. Assist in the capacity and competency development of and provide technical
assistance to the offices or units of the barangay.
d. Coordinate with the various units/offices of the barangay and ensure their
meaningful participation in strategic and annual planning exercises on GAD
including the preparation, consolidation and submission of GPBs;
e. Lead the conduct of advocacy activities and the development of information,
education and communication (IEC) materials to ensure critical support of
local elected and appointed officials, staff and relevant stakeholders to the
GFPS and to gender mainstreaming;
f. Monitor the implementation of GAD-related PPAs and suggest corrective
measures to improve their implementation;
g. Prepare and consolidate barangay GAD Accomplishment Reports and other
GAD-related reports; and
h. Provide regular updates and recommendations to the LCE regarding
GFPS’activities and the progress of the barangay in gender mainstreaming
based on the feedback and reports.
Section 3. Frequency of Meetings. The Barangay GFPS shall meet once every quarter
or as often as may be necessary.
Section 5. Effectivity. This Order shall take effect immediately upon approval.
Done this _____ day of ________, 2015 at Barangay ______________, Camiling, Tarlac.
Punong Barangay
Republic of the Philippines
Province of Tarlac
Municipality of Camiling
WHEREAS, the SK positions shall remain vacant until the new set of officials have been
duly elected and qualified;
WHEREAS, the DILG and the Commission on Elections promulgated the Implementing
Rules and Regulations of RA 10632 which calls for the creation of Task Force on Youth
Development in every barangay nationwide;
Chairperson : ___________________________________
Kagawad, Committee on Women and Family and/
or Youth and Sports Development
Members : ___________________________________
Youth 1
Youth 2
Youth 3
Youth 4
Youth 5
Youth 6
Youth 7
Youth 8
Section 2. Functions, Duties and Responsibilities. The TFYD shall perform the
Section 3. Frequency of Meetings. The TFYD shall meet once every quarter or as often
as may be necessary.
Section 4. Repealing Clause. This Executive Order hereby supersedes previous issuances
contrary to or inconsistent herewith.
Section 5. Effectivity. This Order shall take effect immediately upon approval.
Done this _____ day of ________, 2016 at Barangay ______________, Camiling, Tarlac.
Punong Barangay