Unit Exam
Unit Exam
Unit Exam
Direction: Read the questions below and encircle the letter of the correct answer.
2. Which of the following pertains to the boundaries of the study with respect to the major variable/s, and is
further clarifies by the sub-variables?
A. Scope C. Indicators
B. Limitation D. Delimitation
5. It discusses the benefits of the study to the society in general, and to its beneficiaries in particular.
A. Scope of the study C. Delimitation of the study
B. Limitation of the study D. Significance of the study
8. What are the two types of research questions according to Creswell and Clark?
A. Central questions and sub-questions
B. Factor-isolating and factor-relating questions
C. Researchable and non-researchable questions
D. Situation-relating and situation-producing questions
9. It is the process of compiling, classifying, and evaluating what other researchers have written on a certain
A. Skimming C. Critical reading
B. Annotating D. Review of Literature
12. Which source should NOT be cited in a formal academic literature review?
A. Newsweek
B. Handbook of Child Psychology
C. Journal of Educational Finance
D. Review of Educational Research
13. Which of the following correctly followed the APA referencing Guide for a Book by two or more authors?
A. The Koran. (1974). New York: Crescent Books.
B. Children’s Express. (1999). Voices from the future: Our Children Tell us about violence in
America. New York: Crown.
C. Chitty, D. (2003). Do lemmings commit suicide? Beautiful hypothesis and ugly facts, New
York: Oxford University Press
D. Rosellini, G., & Worden, M. (2004). Of course you’re angry: A guide to dealing with the
emotions of substance abuse (Rev. ed.). Center City, MN: Hazelden
14. The following are the three common styles followed at present in research writing EXCEPT
A. MLA B. APA C. Chicago D. U.S.
15. Choose which among of the following is the correct steps in conducting a review of literature.
A. Actual reading – Note-taking – Finding relevant materials
B. Actual reading – Finding relevant materials – Note-taking
C. Finding relevant materials – Actual reading – Note-taking
D. Note-taking – Finding relevant materials – Actual reading
17. What is the term used in recording of the reader’s reactions as marginal notes?
A. Skimming C. Annotating
B. Evaluating D. Critical reading
18. Taking down notes of all the ideas that one liked or disagreed is same as ________________.
A. Asking questions C. Reacting to what you read
B. Giving an opinion D. Locating important passages
19. What is the most common kind of reading that consists merely of recognition of letters and basic sounds?
A. Analytic reading C. Comparative reading
B. Elementary reading D. Systematic skimming
20. A researcher should impart knowledge to his/her students. This is an example of ________________.
A. Non-discrimination C. Respect for colleagues
B. Social responsibility D. Responsible publication
21. This refers when a paper is already submitted to a publication, no submission to another should be done.
A. Care C. Objectivity
B. Legality D. Responsible publication
23. Which of the following is being formulated from an existing theory/ies that is serves as the foundation of the
A. Scope C. Theoretical framework
B. Delimitation D. Conceptual framework
24. What do you call the result of a clear understanding of the conceptual or theoretical framework producing a
diagrammatic presentation of the study?
A. Paradigm B. Theoretical framework
C. Conceptual framework D. All of the above
25. When a term is defined using books and dictionaries then it is __________________.
A. Defined basically C. Defined operationally
B. Defined conceptually D. Defined comprehensively
26. When the definition of the term is based on how it is used in the study, it is ____________________.
A. Defined basically C. Defined operationally
B. Defined conceptually D. Defined comprehensively
27. What is the tentative prediction of the relationship b/w two or more variables in a population under study?
A. Research C. Hypothesis
B. Prediction D. Assumption
28. Which of the following are considered as propositions taken to be true based upon the presupposition without
preponderance of the facts?
A. Research C. Hypothesis
B. Prediction D. Assumption
29. What model is being used when the research attempts to isolate the factor or major variable that cause the
problem, subject, or phenomenon under investigation?
30. What model is being used when relating and assessing the influence between two or more variables?
32. Data analysis in quantitative research, as contrasted with qualitative research, is generally
A. theatrical rather than applied. C. deductive rather than inductive.
B. applied rather than theatrical. D. inductive rather than deductive.
34. An overriding principle of research on the use of animals is that the care of the animals by psychologists be
as ________________
A. efficient as possible. C. convenient as possible.
B. humane as possible. D. inexpensive as possible.
35. In the research title “Use of Gardening Tools and Types of Fertilizers: Their Effects on the Amount of
Harvest”, which is the dependent variable?
A. Humidity level C. Types of fertilizers
B. Amount of harvest D. Use of gardening tools
36. Which of the following variables are usually influenced by the predictor variables?
A. Criterion variables C. Extraneous variables
B. Dependent variables D. Independent variables
37. In the research title “Competencies of Teachers and Students’ Behavior in Selected Private School”, students’
behavior is what type of variable?
A. Criterion variable C. Dependent variable
B. Predictor variable D. Independent variable
39. Identify and select the correct order of steps in scientific inquiry (note: these are not ALL of the steps in the
A. Asking the question, identifying important factors, asking new questions, testing the hypothesis
B. Asking new questions, reconsidering the theory, working with the hypothesis, testing the hypothesis
C. Formulating a hypothesis, collecting relevant information, testing hypothesis, working with the
D. Reconsidering the theory, asking new questions, identifying the important factors, collecting relevant
40. Pat A. Kla is interested in studying the relationship between gender differences and verbal ability. This is an
example of what type of research?
A. Descriptive C. Experimental
B. Correlational D. Gender research
43. Which of the following should NOT be considered in writing a research title?
A. It should be self-explanatory.
B. It should summarize the main idea of the paper.
C. It should be a broad statement of the main topic.
D. It should describe or imply the participants of the study.
44. In general, when selecting factors for a study, you want to be sure of which of these?
A. They do not lead to another question
B. They have been investigated before
C. They are available to investigate
D. They are not of interest to you
45. Which of the following is an external criteria in formulating the research problem?
A. Novelty C. Costs and returns
B. Time factor D. Hazards & penalties
47. These are questions of value and are answerable by yes or no.
A. Researchable questions C. Factor-isolating questions
B. Factor-relating questions D. Non-researchable questions
48. In writing a good qualitative general problem or central questions, the following criteria should be considered
A. It should include the purpose of the study.
B. It should include the central phenomenon.
C. It should be written in a compound sentence.
D. It should identify the participants in the study.
49. The general problem can be followed by specific problems or sub-questions which must satisfy the following
criteria EXCEPT:
A. They should define the population and the samples of the study (respondents).
B. They should identify the variables being studied.
C. They must be in a narrative form.
D. They must be in question form.
50. It identifies and defines the significant variables that are the focus of the study. It also determines the relevant
attributes of each variable.
A. Scope of the study C. Delimitation of the study
B. Limitation of the study D. Significance of the study